optimization of urea -formaldehyde resins for the manufacture of...

Optimization of U for the manufacture João Mig Dis Doc Eng by Uni Su Fer Ma Luís LEPAE Laboratory of Eng E Chemical E Faculty of Engin Urea-Formaldehyde resins e of wood-based panels guel Macias Ferra ssertation presented for the degree of ctor of Philosophy in Chemical and Biological gineering iversity of Porto upervisors rnão Domingos de Montenegro Baptista alheiro de Magalhães sa Maria Hora de Carvalho ário Rui Pinto Ferreira Nunes da Costa gineering Processes, Environment and Engineering Engineering Department neering – University of Porto Porto, 2010

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Page 1: Optimization of Urea -Formaldehyde resins for the manufacture of …repositorio-aberto.up.pt/bitstream/10216/60161/1/... · 2017. 8. 25. · Professor Jorge Martins, for the stimulating

Optimization of Urea

for the manufacture of wood

João Miguel Macias Ferra

Dissertation presented for the degree ofDoctor Engineering


University of Porto SupervisorsFernão Domingos de Montenegro BaptistaMalheiro de Magalhães

Luísa Maria Hora de Carvalho

Mário Rui Pinto Ferreira Nunes da Costa

LEPAE ‐‐‐‐ Laboratory of Engineering Processes, Environment and Engineering

Chemical Engineering DepartmentFaculty of Engineering

imization of Urea-Formaldehyde resins

the manufacture of wood-based panels

João Miguel Macias Ferra

Dissertation presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical and Biological Engineering

University of Porto

Supervisors Fernão Domingos de Montenegro Baptista Malheiro de Magalhães

Luísa Maria Hora de Carvalho

Mário Rui Pinto Ferreira Nunes da Costa

Laboratory of Engineering Processes, Environment and Engineering

Chemical Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering – University of Porto

Porto, 2010

Page 2: Optimization of Urea -Formaldehyde resins for the manufacture of …repositorio-aberto.up.pt/bitstream/10216/60161/1/... · 2017. 8. 25. · Professor Jorge Martins, for the stimulating

(Panta Rei)

Everything flows

Everything is changing

Page 3: Optimization of Urea -Formaldehyde resins for the manufacture of …repositorio-aberto.up.pt/bitstream/10216/60161/1/... · 2017. 8. 25. · Professor Jorge Martins, for the stimulating



First of all, I am grateful to Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia for my Ph.D.

grant (SFRH/BD/23978/2005).

My sincere appreciation and thanks to my supervisors, Professor Fernão

Magalhães, Professor Luísa Carvalho and Professor Mário Rui Costa, for showing

me how to be thorough and independent and for offering their knowledge,

experience and support for this thesis.

I would also like to express my gratitude to Professor Adélio Mendes, for his

encouragement, insightful comments and hard questions. My sincere thanks also

Professor Jorge Martins, for the stimulating discussions about wood-based panels

industry and everything.

I am indebted to EuroResinas – Indústrias Químicas S.A., in particular to Eng.

Miguel Nogueira, Dr. João Paulo Liberal, Dr. Pedro Mena, and Margarida Nogueira

for the information and knowledge about UF resins and for providing the resins,

indispensable to my work.

A special thank Dr. Martin Ohlmeyer for having received me at Johann Heinrich von

Thuenen Institute (vTI), Institute of Wood Technology and Wood Biology (HTB),

Hamburg, Germany and for the supervision during my 3 months internship. To

Daniel Karspinsky which never hesitate to help me.

I thank my colleagues in the laboratory João Ranita, João Pereira, Brígida and Filipe

Silva for help during parts of my work.

I am grateful to the Chemical Engineering Department at FEUP, LEPAE-Laboratory

for Process, Environmental and Energy Engineering, and ARCP-Association

Competence Network in Polymers for the resources availability that leads this work

to a good end.

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Thanks very much to the colleagues from E319 (Joana, Sofia, Klara, Daniela, Filipa,

Herney, Vânia, Pedro, Filipe, Marta) for the fantastic working environment and for

friendship during the 4 years. Also, I would like to thank my friends from FEUP,

Diogo, Águia, Miguel, Bin, Pópulo, Pedro Silva, and all people of the FEUPSal team

for the nice moments in coffee breaks, lunches, football and parties.

My deepest gratitude goes to my lovely family: my precious parents Agostinho and

Julia and my brothers Cláudia and Oscar for all their love and encouragement.

Finally, always above all and above everything, thanks to my dear wife, Mayra for

supporting, for believing… for all! You have made my life more beautiful.

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The present thesis is focused on the study of urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins, which

are widely used in the wood-based panels industry, an important sector of the

Portuguese industrial scene. In 2009, the annual production was approximately 1.3

million m3, about 70 % of which were exported. Fundamental studies on UF resins

are therefore important in order to support innovation and international

competitiveness. There is still a limited amount of information available in this area

and new studies have to deal with chemical and physical characterization of the

resins and optimization of synthesis processes. In addition, the relation between

the operating conditions of the polymerization reactors and the performance of

the resins in the bonding process is still unclear.

A new challenge has risen after the reclassification of formaldehyde as a carcinogen

agent by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), in 2006. This

forced the manufacturers of UF resins to reduce substantially the F/U molar ratio,

originating a significantly decrease in UF resin performance and therefore

evidencing the need for the study and optimization of the synthesis strategies.

The first part of this work is dedicated to the morphological study of the UF resins.

In a first approach, the resin was studied using different microscopic techniques,

which allowed the visualization of colloidal structures in the UF resins and the

formation of large aggregates during ageing. The disperse phase and the

continuous phase were separated by centrifugation in order to be studied

independently. Two mechanisms for colloidal stabilization were suggested, based

on the results obtained with flocculation test and particle size distribution. After a

fundamental study, methods for the characterization of UF resins by HPLC and

GPC/SEC were developed. These methods were validated by the analysis of several

tens of commercial resins from EuroResinas-Indústrias Químicas S.A. and other

European producers. The effects of ageing on the molecular weight distribution, as

well on the monomeric fraction of UF resins were evaluated using the developed

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methods in GPC/SEC and HPLC, respectively.

An experimental design methodology was applied to optimize the internal bonding

and formaldehyde emission of particleboards produced from several resin

formulations. The number of urea additions, the time between urea additions, and

the pH of the condensation step were the three factors studied. The results

obtained showed that the sequential addition of the urea in the condensation step

affects the properties of UF resins, as well as the pH of condensation, which is the

factor that most affects the rate of the condensation reaction. Then the best

results concerning the global performance of the resins were obtained conjugating

the three factors studied.

Finally, new processes for UF resins synthesis were studied and implemented. The

best resins were produced according to the so-called strongly acid process. The

curing behaviour of laboratory and commercial resins was studied using two recent

techniques: Integrated Pressing and Testing System (IPATES) and Automated

Bonding Evaluation System (ABES). The information provided by each test system is

discussed. The optimized resin obtained using the design of experiments

methodology always presented the best performances.

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A presente tese é focada no estudo das resinas ureia-formaldeído (UF), que são

amplamente usadas na indústria dos painéis derivados de madeira, um importante

sector do tecido industrial português. Em 2009, a produção anual foi de

aproximadamente 1.3 milhões de m3, sendo que cerca de 70 % foi exportada.

Estudos fundamentais sobre as resinas UF são portanto importantes, para suportar

inovação e competitividade internacional. Há ainda uma limitada quantidade de

informação disponível nesta área e novos estudos tem de estar relacionados com a

caracterização química e física destas resinas, e optimização o processo de síntese.

Além disso, a relação entre as condições operatórias dos reactores de

polimerização e o desempenho das resinas no processo ainda não é clara.

Um novo desafio surgiu após a reclassificação do formaldeído como agente

carcinogénio por parte da International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) em

2006. Isto forçou as empresas produtoras de resinas UF a reduzir substancialmente

a razão molar F/U, originando uma significativa redução do desempenho das

resinas UF, evidenciando a necessidade de estudar a optimização das estratégias

de síntese.

A primeira parte deste trabalho é dedicada ao estudo morfológico das resinas UF.

Numa primeira abordagem, as resinas foram estudadas através de técnicas

microscópicas, que permitiu a visualização de estruturas coloidais nas resinas UF e

a formação de grandes agregados durante o envelhecimento. A fase dispersa e a

fase contínua foram separadas por centrifugação de forma a serem estudadas

independentemente. Dois mecanismos para a estabilização coloidal foram

sugeridos, fundamentados nos resultados obtidos com testes de floculação e

distribuição de tamanho de partículas. Após um estudo mais fundamental, foram

desenvolvidos métodos de caracterização de resinas UF por HPLC e GPC/SEC. Os

métodos foram validados pela análise de várias dezenas de resinas industriais

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provenientes da EuroResinas-Indústrias Químicas S.A. e outros produtores

Europeus. O efeito do envelhecimento na distribuição das massas moleculares bem

como na fracção monomérica das resinas UF foi avaliado com recurso aos métodos

desenvolvidos em GPC/SEC e HPLC, respectivamente.

Aplicou-se uma metodologia de planeamento de experiências para optimizar a

resistência interna e emissão de formaldeído dos painéis de aglomerado de

partículas produzidos pelas várias formulações de resinas. O número de adições de

ureia, o tempo entre adições de ureia e o pH da etapa condensação foram os três

factores estudados. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a adição faseada da

ureia na etapa de condensação afecta muito as propriedades das resinas UF, assim

como o pH de condensação, que é o factor que mais afecta a velocidade da reacção

de condensação. Assim, os melhores resultados considerando o desempenho

global das resinas UF foram obtidos conjugando os três factores estudados.

Finalmente, novos processos de síntese de resinas UF foram estudados e

implementados. As melhores resinas foram produzidas de acordo com o

denominado processo fortemente ácido. O comportamento de cura das resinas do

laboratório e as resinas comerciais foi estudado com recurso a duas recentes

técnicas: Integrated Pressing and Testing System (IPATES) e o Automated Bonding

Evaluation System (ABES). A informação obtida por cada sistema teste é discutida.

A resina optimizada obtida através da metodologia de planeamento de

experiências apresenta sempre o melhor desempenho.

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La présente thèse porte sur l´étude des résines urée-formaldéhyde qui sont très

utilisées dans l’industrie des panneaux à base de bois, une filière très important de

l’industrie portugaise. En 2009, la production annuel a été de approximativement

1.3 million de m3, et environ 70 % de la production a été exportée. Donc, des

études fondamentales concernant les résines UF sont important pour soutenir

l’innovation et la compétitivité internationale. L’information existante dans ce

domaine est encore limitée et des nouvelles études devront porter sur la

caractérisation chimique et physique des résines UF et optimisation du procédé de

synthèse. En outre, la relation entre les conditions opératoires des réacteurs de

polymérisation et les propriétés des résines lors des procédés de collage est encore

peu claire.

Un nouveau défi a émergé après la reclassification du formaldéhyde comme

substance cancérigène par l’IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer), en

2006. Par conséquence, les producteurs des résines UF ont été forcé à réduire

substantiellement le rapport molaire F/U, ce qui a provoqué une diminution

significative de la performance de la résine et donc attestant la nécessité d’un

étude et optimisation des stratégies de la synthèse.

La première partie de ce travail est dédiée à l´étude morphologique des résines UF.

Dans une première approche, la résine a été étudiée par différentes techniques

microscopiques, ce qui a permet de visualiser des structures colloïdales dans la

résine UF et la formation de grands agrégats pendant le vieillissement. La phase

disperse et la phase continue ont été séparées par centrifugation pour permettre

que les deux phases d’une forme isolé. Deux mécanismes de stabilisation colloïdal

ont été suggérés, basés sur des résultats des essais de floculation et mesure des

distribution de poids moléculaires. Après l’étude fondamentale, des méthodes

pour la caractérisation des résines UF par HPLC et GPC/SEC ont été développées.

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Ces méthodes ont été validées para l’analyse de dizaine de résines de l’entreprise

EuroResinas- Indústrias Químicas S.A. et d’autres producteurs européens. Les effets

du vieillissement sur la distribution des poids moléculaires, ainsi que sur la fraction

monomérique des résines UF ont été évalués avec les méthodes développées en

GPC/SEC et HPLC, respectivement.

Une méthodologie originale des plans d’expériences a été appliquée pour optimiser

la cohésion interne et l’émission de formaldéhyde des panneaux de particules

produits par différentes formulations. Les trois facteurs étudiés ont été: le nombre

d’additions d’urée, le temps entre additions d’urée et le pH de l’étape de

condensation. Les résultats obtenus ont montrés que l’addition séquentiel d’urée

affecte les propriétés des résines UF, ainsi que le pH de condensation, qui est le

facteur qui influence le plus la vitesse de la réaction de condensation. Alors, les

meilleurs résultats concernant la performance globale de la résine ont été obtenus

en combinant les trois facteurs étudiés.

Finalement, des nouveaux procédés pour la synthèse des résines UF ont été

étudiés et mis en œuvre. Les meilleures résines ont été produites selon le procédé

fortement acide. Le comportement lors du durcissement des résines produites au

laboratoire et des résines commerciales a été étudié par deux techniques

récentes : Integrated Pressing and Testing System (IPATES) et Automated Bonding

Evaluation System (ABES). L’information fournie par chaque système de test est

discutée. La résine optimisée obtenue moyennant l’utilisation d’une méthode de

plans d’expériences a présenté toujours la meilleure performance.

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1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Urea-Formaldehyde resins ..................................................................................... 3

1.1.1 Raw materials .................................................................................................................. 7

1.1.2 Chemical reactions ........................................................................................................ 13

1.1.3 Cure ............................................................................................................................... 15

1.1.4 Characterization ............................................................................................................ 16

1.1.5 Storage stability - Ageing ............................................................................................... 18

1.1.6 Formaldehyde emissions ............................................................................................... 19

1.2 Wood-based panels industry ................................................................................ 21

1.2.1 Manufacture of Particleboard ....................................................................................... 22

1.2.2 Market ........................................................................................................................... 23

1.2.3 Environmental Impact ................................................................................................... 25

1.3 Motivation and Outline ........................................................................................ 27

1.4 References ............................................................................................................ 29



2.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 36

2.2 Materials and Methods ........................................................................................ 38

2.2.1 Materials ....................................................................................................................... 38

2.2.2 Methods ........................................................................................................................ 39

2.3 Results and discussion .......................................................................................... 42

2.3.1 Disperse phase morphology .......................................................................................... 42

2.3.2 Particle size distribution ................................................................................................ 49

2.3.3 Molecular weight distribution ....................................................................................... 54

2.3.4 Curing behaviour and bonding strength........................................................................ 60

2.4 Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 63

2.5 References ............................................................................................................ 64


3 EFFECT OF AGEING ON UF RESINS .......................................................................................... 69

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3.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 69

3.2 Materials and Methods ........................................................................................ 72

3.2.1 Resins preparation ........................................................................................................ 72

3.2.2 GPC/SEC analysis ........................................................................................................... 73

3.2.3 HPLC analysis ................................................................................................................. 74

3.3 Results and discussion .......................................................................................... 75

3.3.1 Characterization of UF resins ........................................................................................ 75

3.3.2 Monitoring the ageing of UF resins ............................................................................... 81

3.3.3 Determination of water tolerance ................................................................................ 87

3.4 Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 88

3.5 References ............................................................................................................ 89



4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 94

4.2 Materials and Methods ........................................................................................ 98

4.2.1 Experimental design ...................................................................................................... 98

4.2.2 Synthesis of UF resins .................................................................................................. 100

4.2.3 GPC/SEC analysis ......................................................................................................... 101

4.2.4 Preparation of laboratory-made particleboards ......................................................... 102

4.2.5 Particleboard Testing .................................................................................................. 102

4.3 Results and Discussion ........................................................................................ 103

4.3.1 Characteristics and performance of the UF resins produced ...................................... 103

4.3.2 Model fitting ................................................................................................................ 108

4.3.3 Effect of all three factors on the measured responses................................................ 110

4.3.4 Optimization of Operating Conditions ........................................................................ 112

4.4 Conclusions ......................................................................................................... 114

4.5 References .......................................................................................................... 115



5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 120

5.2 Materials and Methods ...................................................................................... 122

5.2.1 Resin preparation ........................................................................................................ 122

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5.2.2 GPC/SEC analysis ......................................................................................................... 125

5.2.3 HPLC analysis ............................................................................................................... 125

5.3 Results and discussion ........................................................................................ 126

5.3.1 Characteristics of the produced resins ........................................................................ 126

5.3.2 Monitoring of UF synthesis ......................................................................................... 126

5.3.3 Comparison of the two resins ..................................................................................... 133

5.4 Conclusions ......................................................................................................... 136

5.5 References .......................................................................................................... 137



6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 142

6.2 Materials and Methods ...................................................................................... 143

6.2.1 Raw materials .............................................................................................................. 143

6.2.2 Methods ...................................................................................................................... 145

6.3 Results and discussion ........................................................................................ 148

6.3.1 Integrated Pressing and Testing System (IPATES) ....................................................... 148

6.3.2 Automated Bonding Evaluation System (ABES)........................................................... 152

6.4 Conclusions ......................................................................................................... 158

6.5 References .......................................................................................................... 159


7 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK ........................................................................ 163

7.1 General Conclusions ........................................................................................... 163

7.2 Future Work ....................................................................................................... 165

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Figure 1.1. Most important events in UF resin history (source [14]). ...................................... 6

Figure 1.2. Raw materials for the UF resin. ............................................................................. 7

Figure 1.3. Scheme of UF resin reactor. ................................................................................... 8

Figure 1.4. Model of chemical structure of urea. .................................................................... 8

Figure 1.5. Main countries producing urea in 2007 (adapted from [23]). ............................. 10

Figure 1.6. Model of chemical structure of formaldehyde. ................................................... 10

Figure 1.7. Product Tree for Formaldehyde (source [25]). .................................................... 11

Figure 1.8. Current formaldehyde indoor exposure limits for various countries (source [26]). ............................................................................................................................................... 12

Figure 1.9. UF resin synthesis: (a) formation of monomethylolurea; and (b) condensation reactions of methylolureas to form methylene ether bridges and methylene bridges (adapted from [32])................................................................................................................ 14

Figure 1.10. Example of structure of crosslinked UF resin. ................................................... 15

Figure 1.11. Effect of storage temperature on storage time (viscosity) of UF resin(adapted from [12]). .............................................................................................................................. 18

Figure 1.12. History of wood-based panel industry (source [73]). ........................................ 22

Figure 1.13. Particleboard process diagram (source [75]). .................................................... 23

Figure 1.14. Evolution of the production of wood-based panels in world. ........................... 24

Figure 1.15. Evolution of the production of wood-based panels in Portugal. ....................... 25

Figure 1.16. Cycle of Wood based panels (source [78])......................................................... 27

Figure 1.17. A schematic diagram of linkage between various Chapters present in this thesis. ..................................................................................................................................... 29

Figure 2.1. Optical microscopy image of resin B: a) diluted in water (1.6 wt % resin in water) and b) diluted in 10 wt % urea solution (1.3 wt % resin in urea solution). ............................ 43

Figure 2.2. Simplified representation of a UF resin heterogeneous nature: a) original resin, and b) resin after flocculation by water dilution. .................................................................. 44

Figure 2.3. TEM images of resin B diluted in water. a) fresh resin, and b) aged resin. .......... 45

Figure 2.4. Cryo-SEM image aged resin B. ............................................................................. 46

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Figure 2.5. SEM image of UF resin B sprayed and cured on a metal plate. ........................... 47

Figure 2.6. Elementary analysis for UF resin B cured on a metal plate. a) particle surface, and b) in continuous phase. ................................................................................................... 48

Figure 2.7. Particle size distribution for three UF resins stored at 5 °C. a) PSD in volume for 30 days, b) PSD in number for 30 days – note that the curves for samples B and C are nearly superimposed, c) PSD in volume for 170 days, and d) PSD in number for 170 days. ............ 51

Figure 2.8. Particle size distribution in volume for UF resin A-2 and supernatant. a) resin stored for 20 days at 25 °C, and b) resin stored for 50 days at 25 °C. ................................... 53

Figure 2.9. Particle size distribution in volume for UF resin D and supernatant stored for 20 days. ....................................................................................................................................... 53

Figure 2.10. Chromatogram for UF resin A-2 with 20 and 50 days, sediment and supernatant diluted 3 % in DMSO. a) normalized response of RI sensor for 20 days, b) response of RALLS sensor for 20 days, c) normalized response of RI sensor for 50 days, and d) response of RALLS sensor for 50 days. ...................................................................................................... 55

Figure 2.11. Chromatogram for UF resin D with 20 days, sediment and supernatant diluted 3 % in DMSO. a) normalized response of RI sensor, and b) response of RALLS sensor. ........ 56

Figure 2.12. DSC curves for UF resin A-2, supernatant and sediment. Resin had been stored for 50 days.............................................................................................................................. 61

Figure 3.1. Chromatograms for UF-R5 and UF-R2 diluted 3 % in DMSO and stored for 5 days at 25 °C). a) normalized weight fraction (Wt Fr), and b) RALLS response. ............................. 77

Figure 3.2. Chromatogram obtained for resin UF-R5. ........................................................... 78

Figure 3.3. Peak areas normalized by total chromatogram area for UF-R5 and UF-R2 stored at 25 °C. .................................................................................................................................. 79

Figure 3.4. Chromatograms for five UF resins from different manufactures in Europe. a) normalized weight fraction, and b) RALLS response. ............................................................. 80

Figure 3.5. Ratios of peak areas / total area of urea (U), monomethylolurea (MMU) and dimethylolurea (DMU) for five UF resins from different producers. ..................................... 81

Figure 3.6. Change of viscosity of UF-R5 and UF-R2 with storage time at 25 °C. .................. 82

Figure 3.7. Chromatograms for UF-R2 diluted 3 % in DMSO, for different storage periods at 25 °C. a) normalized weight fraction, and b) RALLS response. .............................................. 83

Figure 3.8. Chromatograms for UF-R5 diluted 3 % in DMSO, for different storage periods at 25 °C. a) normalized weight fraction, and b) RALLS response. .............................................. 84

Figure 3.9. Evolution of the ratios of peak areas / total area of the urea (U), monomethylolurea (MMU), dimethylolurea (DMU) and three other oligomeric species for

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UF-R2 stored for various periods at 25 °C. ............................................................................. 86

Figure 3.10. Evolution of the ratios of peak areas / total area of the urea (U), monomethylolurea (MMU), dimethylolurea (DMU) and three other oligomeric species for UF-R5 stored for various periods at 25 °C. ............................................................................. 86

Figure 3.11. Chromatograms for UF-R5 aged for 5 days, diluted in DMSO and very diluted (flocculated) in water. ............................................................................................................ 88

Figure 4.1. Condensation reaction time versus pH of the condensation step for the resins produced. ............................................................................................................................. 103

Figure 4.2. Normalized response of RI sensor for UF resin run 5 diluted 3 % in DMSO. ..... 105

Figure 4.3. Relation between insoluble aggregates and internal bond strength. The dashed lines represent the 90 % confidence intervals. .................................................................... 107

Figure 4.4. Relation between insoluble molecular aggregates and F content. The dashed lines represent the 90 % confidence intervals. .................................................................... 108

Figure 4.5. Experimental and calculated results of the responses considered. Y1 – internal bond strength and Y2 – formaldehyde emission. ................................................................ 109

Figure 4.6. Response surface for internal bond strength as a function of: a) time span between urea additions and number of urea additions (for different pH values of condensation step), b) pH of condensation step and time span between urea additions (for different numbers of urea additions) and c) pH of condensation step and number of urea additions (for different time spans between urea additions). ............................................. 111

Figure 4.7. Response surface for formaldehyde emission as a function of: a) time span between urea additions and number of urea additions (for different pH values of condensation step), b) pH of condensation step and time span between urea additions (for different numbers of urea additions) and c) pH of condensation step and number of urea additions (for different time spans between urea additions). ............................................. 112

Figure 5.1. Reaction temperature (—) and pH (---) histories for resin UF-Exp7. These simplified history curves are based on the experimentally measured values. The urea addition (Ui) and sample collection (Si) times are also indicated in the graph. ................... 123

Figure 5.2. Reaction temperature (—) and pH (---) histories for resin UF-W6. These simplified history curves are based on the experimentally measured values. The urea addition (Ui) and sample collection (Si) times are also indicated in the graph. ................... 125

Figure 5.3. Monitoring of UF-Exp 7 synthesis by GPC/SEC: a) samples collected during methylolation step, including the chromatogram of the final resin, and b) samples during condensation step, including the chromatogram of the final resin. .................................... 127

Figure 5.4. Formation of methylolureas (mono-, di- and trimethylolurea) by the addition of formaldehyde to urea. ......................................................................................................... 128

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Figure 5.5. Condensation of the methylolureas and urea to form methylene-ether bridges and methylene bridges. ....................................................................................................... 129

Figure 5.6. Monitoring of UF-W6 synthesis by GPC/SEC: a) 1ª condensation step and 1ª methylolation step, b) 2ª condensation step, and c) 2ª methylolation step and final resin. ............................................................................................................................................. 131

Figure 5.7. Condensation reactions of urea and formaldehyde to form methylolureas that form methyleneureas and urons. ........................................................................................ 132

Figure 5.8. Chromatogram for four resins (UF-W6 and UF-Exp7) with 5 days (stored at 25 °C). ........................................................................................................................................ 134

Figure 5.9. Ratios of peak areas / total area of the urea (U), monomethylolurea (MMU) and dimethylolurea (DMU) for UF-W6 and UF-Exp7 resins, with 5 days (stored at 25 °C). ........ 136

Figure 6.1. Overview and schematic of the IPATES machine. .............................................. 145

Figure 6.2. Particleboard mat during the pressing and subsequent testing. ....................... 146

Figure 6.3. Core layer temperature of the board at different pressing temperatures. ....... 147

Figure 6.4. Schematic of the ABES test procedure. ............................................................. 148

Figure 6.5. Bond strength curves for particle mats pressed at 130 °C and 160 °C for UF-W6 and UF-Exp7 (8 % resin and 3 % hardener). a) 130 °C, and b) 160 °C. ................................. 150

Figure 6.6. Bond strength curves for particle mats pressed at 130 °C and 160 °C for UF-R8 and UF-R2 (8 % resin and 3 % hardener). a) 130 °C; b) 160 °C. ............................................ 151

Figure 6.7. Bond strength curves for particle mats at 130 ºC with 8 % (•) and 10 % (○) of adhesive (3 % hardener). a) UF-W6 resin, b) UF-Exp7 resin, c) UF-R8 resin, and d) UF-R2 resin. .................................................................................................................................... 152

Figure 6.8. Shear strength evolution with time for UF-W6 resin at pressing temperature of the 80 °C (•) 90 °C (○), 100 °C (▼), 110 °C (∆) and 130 °C (■). ............................................ 153

Figure 6.9. Shear strength evolution with time of four resins at pressing temperature 80 °C (•) 90 °C (○), 100 °C (▼), 110 °C (∆) and 130 °C (■). a) UF-W6 resin; b) UF-Exp7 resin; c) UF-R8 resin and d) UF-R2 resin. ................................................................................................. 154

Figure 6.10. ABES-derived Arrhenius plots for four adhesive systems. ............................... 155

Figure 6.11. Shear strength evolution with time UF-W6 resin with two hardener ratios, 1.5 % (•) and 3.0 % (○), at 110 °C............................................................................................... 156

Figure 6.12. Breaking load in shear mode for four resins by the ABES method at 100 ºC and 80 s (ten tests were performed for each resin to evaluate the error). ................................ 158

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Table 1.1. Advantages and disadvantages of the main adhesives used in the production of wood based panels (adapted from [2]) .................................................................................... 4

Table 1.2. Limits of formaldehyde emissions for particleboard (adapted from [71]) ........... 21

Table 2.1. Technical data for UF-resins analysed in this work ............................................... 39

Table 2.2. Solids content of original resins, sediment and supernatant phases for UF resins A-2 and D ................................................................................................................................ 52

Table 2.3. Values of Mn, Mw, polydispersity, and parameters f1 and f2, obtained by SEC for resin, sediment and supernatant of the UF resin A-2 with 20 and 50 days and UF resin D with 20 days storage at 25 °C ................................................................................................. 57

Table 2.4. Cure temperatures and enthalpies for UF resin A-2, supernatant and sediment 61

Table 2.5. Values of tensile shear strength and % of cohesive failure within wood for UF resin A-2, supernatant and sediment .................................................................................... 62

Table 3.1. Technical data of UF-resins ................................................................................... 73

Table 3.2. Technical data on UF-resins used from different producers................................. 73

Table 3.3. Values of Mn, Mw, polydispersity (Mw/Mn), and parameters f1 and f2, obtained by SEC for UF-R5 and UF-R2 stored for 5 days at 25 °C ......................................................... 77

Table 3.4. Values of Mn, Mw, polydispersity (Mw/Mn), and parameters f1 and f2, obtained by GPC/SEC for UF-R2 and UF-R5 stored for different days at 25 °C ..................................... 85

Table 4.1. Current classification of formaldehyde by some organizations ............................ 94

Table 4.2. Experimental levels of the three factors ............................................................... 98

Table 4.3. Central composite design matrix of experiments generated by the DoE tool ...... 99

Table 4.4. Characteristics of UF resins produced ................................................................. 104

Table 4.5. Experimental results for the three measured responses .................................... 106

Table 4.6. Operating conditions that produce the minimum formaldehyde emission ....... 113

Table 4.7. Characteristics of the UF resin optimized for minimizing the formaldehyde emission ............................................................................................................................... 113

Table 4.8. Predicted and experimental values for the three responses .............................. 114

Table 5.1. Technical data of UF-resins ................................................................................. 126

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Table 5.2. Identification of different stages during the synthesis (UF-Exp 7) ...................... 127

Table 5.3. Values of Mn, Mw, polydispersity (Mw/Mn) obtained by GPC/SEC for samples collected during the synthesis of UF-Exp7 ........................................................................... 129

Table 5.4. Identification of different stages during the synthesis ....................................... 130

Table 5.5. Values of Mn, Mw, polydispersity (Mw/Mn) obtained by GPC/SEC for samples collected during the synthesis of UF-W6 ............................................................................. 133

Table 5.6. Values of Mn, Mw and parameters f1 and f2, obtained by GPC/SEC for resins (UF-W6 and UF-Exp7) ................................................................................................................. 135

Table 6.1. Technical data of UF-resins ................................................................................. 144

Table 6.2. Parameters evaluated by IPATES ........................................................................ 146

Table 6.3. Parameters evaluated on ABES ........................................................................... 148

Table 6.4. Values of the activation energy (Ea) for each adhesive system .......................... 156

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1 Introduction

1.1 Urea-Formaldehyde resins

Urea-formaldehyde (UF) polymers have been for decades the most widely used

adhesives in the manufacture of wood-based panels, such as particleboard and

medium density fiberboard (MDF) (both consuming 68 % of the world’s UF resins

production) and plywood (consuming 23 %) [1]. Melamine-urea-formaldehyde

(MUF), phenol-formaldehyde (PF) and polymeric 4, 4’-diphenylmethane

diisocyanate (pMDI) polymers are also used in production of wood-based panels,

but their use in particleboard and MDF is relatively small when compared with UF

resins. pMDI is used mostly in the manufacture of moisture resistant panels. Table

1.1 summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the four main wood

adhesives concerning a few significant parameters [2].

The properties of wood-based panels depend on three factors: the wood species

and origins, particularly the interface between the wood surface and the adhesive;

the adhesive; and operating conditions and process of the production of boards

[3].The adhesive is the most expensive component in the panel cost structure.

According with SRI Consulting [1] the global production of UF resins in 2008 was

approximately 14 million ton. Their consumption increased 2.8 % in 2008, and is

expected to grow an average 3.2 % per year from 2008 to 2013, and just under 2 %

per year from 2013 to 2018.

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Table 1.1. Advantages and disadvantages of the main adhesives used in the production of wood based panels (adapted from [2])

Proprieties Adhesive


Price Low Medium to

high Medium High

Cure temperature Low Medium High Low

Press time Short Medium Medium to

long Medium

Susceptibility against wood species

High Medium Low Low

Efficiency Low Medium to

high Medium to

high High

Manipulation Easy Easy Easy Difficult

Resistant against hydrolyzed

No Medium to

high High High

Use in wet conditions No Partly yes Yes Yes

Formaldehyde emission

E1, Carb I possible

E1, Carb II possible

Very low emission


The main reasons for the wide utilization of UF resin in wood based panels are their

high reactivity, low cost and excellent adhesion to wood [4-5]. One the other hand,

the most important drawbacks are the low moisture resistance and the

formaldehyde emission during panel manufacture and service life [4-5]. Although

the free formaldehyde content on these resins has been decreased during the last

decades, the recent reclassification of formaldehyde by International Agency for

Research on Cancer (IARC) as “carcinogenic to humans”, is forcing resin producers

to develop systems that lead to a decrease in its emissions to levels as low as the

present in natural wood [6-7]. This imposition has been a driving force for a

considerable research effort, not only in the engineering of UF resins, but also in

the development of all sort of alternative resins. In 2007, Dynea AS Company

started the commercialization of AsWood™ resin (formaldehyde based resin)

reaching a formaldehyde emission level in wood based panel products at the same

level as found in solid wood. However, the price of this resin is too high for

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producing standard particleboard and MDF [8].

Until now, the decrease on free formaldehyde emissions has been obtained by

decreasing the molar ratio F/U and/or by the addition of formaldehyde scavengers

(UF resin with an ultra-low molar ratio F/U well below 1.0, MUF scavenger resin,

solid urea, urea solution, starch, lignin, tannin, rice husk, etc.). Both lead to a

decrease on reactivity and degree of curing, harming the formation of adhesive

bonds. Moreover, currently used hardeners are adapted to high F/U molar ratios

and high levels of free formaldehyde in solution. Therefore, the decrease in F/U

molar ratio can result in panels with low internal bond strength. The experience of

wood-based panel producers is that resins with lower molar ratio F/U have lower

flexibility in the control of the process variables. This is a very important factor,

since producers are nowadays using mixtures made of recycled wood and wood

from different origins.

Dynea AS Company, one of the most important wood adhesives producers in the

world, claims that, currently, the key topics in the development and production of

adhesives are: cost reduction with effective bonding solutions; broadening the

operating window in terms of production processes; reduction of the formaldehyde

emissions; improvement of adhesive behavior in humid conditions; and finding

alternative raw materials, namely bio-based adhesives [3].


The first published studies about the reaction between urea and formaldehyde

were the works by Tollens [9] in 1884. However, Goldschmidt authored the

currently most cited work in the open literature, in 1896 [5, 10]. This researcher

described the formation of precipitates from solution due to the reaction of urea

and formaldehyde under acidic conditions. Later, Carlson [11] related the primary

precipitate referred by Goldschmidt [10] with cyclic structures (now called urons)

and empirically identified it as C5H10O3N4.

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In 1931 IG-Farbenindustrie (now BASF)

production of UF resins for wood based industry

development of wood based panels industry, namely particleboard and MDF

forced the growth of UF resins industries

Still later, formaldehyde was designated in 1978

giving rise to a major change in the synthesis process. The reduction of

formaldehyde emissions in the wood based panel was achieved with a large

decrease on molar ratio F/U. This change had a great impact on

process (higher press times and higher press temperatures) and

properties (lower bonding strength and lower moisture resistance

based panels. The decreasing of

formaldehyde emission, but increases

absorption (WA), as well as leads to a decrease

(internal bond strength (IB) and modulus

led to an 80 % decrease in formaldehyde

methods to measure the formalde

developed and the first rules and regulation were established.

Figure 1.1. Most important events in UF resin history

Farbenindustrie (now BASF) Company in Germany started the industrial

production of UF resins for wood based industry [5]. After Second World War, the

development of wood based panels industry, namely particleboard and MDF,

growth of UF resins industries [5, 12].

formaldehyde was designated in 1978 as a possible carcinogenic agent,

change in the synthesis process. The reduction of

the wood based panel was achieved with a large

io F/U. This change had a great impact on the manufacturing

and higher press temperatures) and on the physical

gth and lower moisture resistance) of the wood-

of F/U molar ratio leads to a decrease in

aldehyde emission, but increases the thickness swelling (TS) and water

as well as leads to a decrease in mechanical performance

(internal bond strength (IB) and modulus of rupture (MOR)) [2, 13]. This strategy

ormaldehyde emissions. In addition, new testing

methods to measure the formaldehyde emissions from wood-panels were

developed and the first rules and regulation were established.

Most important events in UF resin history (source [14]).

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In the 1980s, novel synthesis processes were developed by several com

15-17] and the number of patents on UF resins has grown rapidly.

1.1.1 Raw materials

As the name indicates, the two monomers used in manufacture of UF resins are

urea and formaldehyde. The two compounds are derived from natural gas (

Figure 1.2)[18-19].

Figure 1.2. Raw materials for the UF resi

Typically the production is carried out with a batch reactor. These reactors have

normally volumes about 20 to 40 m

and heating and cooling systems to control the temperature. The reactors have

also a continuous addition of raw materials, namely urea, formaldehyde, acid, base,

and others additives. Figure 1.3 presents

manufacture of UF resins.



In the 1980s, novel synthesis processes were developed by several companies [11,

and the number of patents on UF resins has grown rapidly.

s the name indicates, the two monomers used in manufacture of UF resins are

urea and formaldehyde. The two compounds are derived from natural gas (see

the UF resin.

Typically the production is carried out with a batch reactor. These reactors have

normally volumes about 20 to 40 m3 and are equipped with a mechanical stirrer

and heating and cooling systems to control the temperature. The reactors have

ous addition of raw materials, namely urea, formaldehyde, acid, base,

presents a scheme of a typical reactor for the

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Figure 1.3. Scheme of UF resin reactor.


Urea is an organic compound with the chemical

The synthesis of this organic compound by heat

discovered by Friedrich Wöhler in

obtained from inorganic chemicals.

soluble in water.

The main applications of urea are in agriculture (used in

source of nitrogen) and chemical industry (used in the production of amino resins)

[19, 21].

Figure 1.4. Model of chemical structure of urea.

Scheme of UF resin reactor.

Urea is an organic compound with the chemical formula (NH2)2CO (see Figure 1.4).

The synthesis of this organic compound by heating ammonium cyanate was

in 1828 [20-21]. It is the first organic compound

obtained from inorganic chemicals. Urea is a solid, colorless, odorless, and highly

are in agriculture (used in fertilizers as a convenient

source of nitrogen) and chemical industry (used in the production of amino resins)

Model of chemical structure of urea.

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Production and manufacturing process of urea

Urea was first produced industrially by the hydration of calcium cyanamide but the

easy availability of ammonia led to the development of ammonia/carbon dioxide

technology. This is a two step process where the ammonia and carbon dioxide

react to form ammonium carbamate, which is then dehydrated to urea [19, 21-22].

4223COONHNHCO2NH −→+ (1.1)

OHCO)(NHCOONHNH 22242 +→− (1.2)

In the process, ammonia and carbon dioxide are fed to the synthesis reactor which

operates around 180-210 °C and 150 bar. The reaction mixture containing

ammonia, ammonium carbamate and urea is first stripped of the ammonia and the

resultant solution passes through a number of decomposers operating at

progressively reduced pressures. Here, the unconverted carbamate is decomposed

back to ammonia and carbon dioxide and recycled to the reactor. The urea solution

is concentrated by evaporation or crystallization, and the crystals can be melted to

yield pure urea in the form of pills or granules. Pills are made by spraying molten

urea from the top of a high tower through a counter current air stream. Granular

urea is formed by spraying molten urea into a mixture of dried urea particles and

fines in a rotating drum [19, 22].

Urea is produced worldwide at large scale. The world production in 2007 was

approximately 144 million ton [23]. Figure 1.5 shows the production of the main

countries producers of urea. China and Russia produce more than 50 % of urea.

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Figure 1.5. Main countries producing urea in 2007 (adapted from


Formaldehyde is one of the most abundant organ

with the chemical formula HCHO (see

Hofmann, with Alexander Butlerov in 1867

isolated and purified until 1892. This was achieved by Friedrich Von Stradonitz, who

also introduced the concept of chemical bonds. Formaldehyde is also called

methanal and is formed by oxidizing methanol.

original state because it has a short half

easily dissolves, hydrates and oligomerizes

transported commercially.

Figure 1.6. Model of chemical structure of formaldehyde.








China Russia




urea in 2007 (adapted from [23]).

Formaldehyde is one of the most abundant organic compounds in the Universe,

HCHO (see Figure 1.6). It was discovered by Wilhelm Von

with Alexander Butlerov in 1867 [18, 22, 24]. Despite this, it was not

isolated and purified until 1892. This was achieved by Friedrich Von Stradonitz, who

also introduced the concept of chemical bonds. Formaldehyde is also called

ing methanol. Formaldehyde is rarely found in its

original state because it has a short half-life in air. In water, it is very unstable and it

, hydrates and oligomerizes in water, which is the form in which is

Model of chemical structure of formaldehyde.

India USA Indonesia Trinidad

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Formaldehyde is an important chemical for the global economy, widely used in t

production of thermosetting resin

material in the synthesis of the

methylenebis (4-phenyl isocyanate) or MDI, and pentaerythritol), and

preservation and disinfection [25-26]

million ton. Figure 1.7 shows the consumption of formaldehyde and the

for several end uses. The substitution

would suffer large losses in performance

capital investments would be required to produce or utilize the substitutes. Data of

Formaldehyde Council Inc. show the great impact of formaldehyde industry to the

U.S. and Canadian economies [25]. In 2003 the value of sales of formaldehyde and

derivative products achieved approximately $145 billion

workers is 4.2 million, which represents nearly 3.4 % of employment in private,

nonfarm establishments in North America

Figure 1.7. Product Tree for Formaldehyde



Formaldehyde is an important chemical for the global economy, widely used in the

resins (UF, MUF, MF, PF), as an intermediate raw

s of the chemicals (polyacetal resins, 1,4-butanediol,

phenyl isocyanate) or MDI, and pentaerythritol), and for

26]. The annual world production is about 21

the consumption of formaldehyde and the percentage

ubstitution of these products is very difficult; consumers

performance using alternative materials, and new

investments would be required to produce or utilize the substitutes. Data of

Formaldehyde Council Inc. show the great impact of formaldehyde industry to the

. In 2003 the value of sales of formaldehyde and

derivative products achieved approximately $145 billion [25]. The number of

workers is 4.2 million, which represents nearly 3.4 % of employment in private,

in North America [25].

Product Tree for Formaldehyde (source [25]).

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It is highly toxic, and its exposure affects eye

Organization (WHO) fixed 0.1 mg/m

concentration. However, some countries adopted national regulations with higher

limits (see Figure 1.8). In 2006 the

carcinogen that causes nasopharyngeal cancer and probably leukemia

Figure 1.8. Current formaldehyde indoor exposure limits for various countries

Production and Manufacturing Process of the Formaldehyde

Industrially, formaldehyde is produced by the catalytic oxidation of methanol. The

most commonly used catalysts are silver metal or a mixture of an iron oxide with

molybdenum and vanadium [18, 24]

used in the world. The methanol and oxygen react at 250

formaldehyde according to the chemical

2H2HCHOOOH2CH 23 +→+

xposure affects eyes, nose and throat. The World Health

WHO) fixed 0.1 mg/m3 as a limit for formaldehyde indoor-air

. However, some countries adopted national regulations with higher

In 2006 the IARC classified formaldehyde as a human

carcinogen that causes nasopharyngeal cancer and probably leukemia [27].

Current formaldehyde indoor exposure limits for various countries (source [26]).

Production and Manufacturing Process of the Formaldehyde

duced by the catalytic oxidation of methanol. The

most commonly used catalysts are silver metal or a mixture of an iron oxide with

[18, 24]. Formox process, using iron oxide is the more

anol and oxygen react at 250 °C – 400 °C to produce

formaldehyde according to the chemical equation [24]:

O2H2 (1.3)

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The silver-based catalyst is usually operated at a higher temperature, about 650 °C.

On it, two chemical reactions simultaneously produce formaldehyde: the one

shown above, and the dehydrogenation reaction [24]:

23 HHCHOOHCH +→ (1.4)

Further oxidation of formaldehyde during its production usually yields formic acid,

which is found in formaldehyde commercial solutions.

1.1.2 Chemical reactions

In conventional production, UF resin synthesis has been established as a two step

process, involving methylolation and condensation reactions, respectively [4, 28-

29]. The methylolation reaction is an addition reaction and it is performed in

neutral or slightly alkaline medium. Urea reacts with formaldehyde to form

methylolureas (monomethylolurea, dimethylolurea, trimethylolurea and

tetramethylolurea) (see Figure 1.9). Tetramethylolurea could not be observed

experimentally [30]. In the condensation reaction, the system is acidified to achieve

the condensation of methylolureas by the reactions between methylol groups and

their primary and secondary amides. The growth of polymer is obtained by the

formation of methylene ether bridges (CH2-O-CH2) and/or methylene bridges (-CH2-

). In Figure 1.9, a simplified scheme of the reactions that occurred in the UF resin

synthesis is presented [31].

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Figure 1.9. UF resin synthesis: (a) formation of monomethylolurea; and (b) condensation reactions of methylolureas to form methylene ether bridges and methylene bridges (adapted from [32]).

During manufacture, progress of synthesis reaction is followed by viscosity

measurement; the reactions proceed until the desired viscosity is reached. At this

point, the reactions are blocked by neutralization and cooling, resulting in a

complex mixture of molecules with different sizes and different condensation

degrees [4].

The most important parameters in the synthesis of UF resins are: purity of raw

materials (formaldehyde and urea); F/U molar ratio; and production process (i.e.,

pH program, temperature program, kind and quantities of alkaline and acid

catalysts, sequential addition of raw materials and duration of the each step).

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1.1.3 Cure

During UF resin synthesis, the polymer condensation is stopped by neutralization

and cooling. In order to reactivate it and complete the crosslinking process, it is

needed to add an acid catalyst and increase the temperature (up to 80

After curing, UF resins become an insoluble, thermoset, three

(see Figure 1.10).

Figure 1.10. Example of structure of crosslinked UF resin.

In general, the acid conditions are adjusted by the addition of latent hardeners

(ammonium chloride, ammonium sul

ammonium nitrate, the latent hardener

in the resin to generate nitric acid (Eq. 1.5), which


The production of low formaldehyde UF resins, with low levels of free

formaldehyde originated a decrease

latent hardeners were originally selected and optimized

high levels of free formaldehyde. So, latent hardeners are insufficient to promote

the acid medium favorable to the complete cure of UF resins

The curing of UF resins can also be



synthesis, the polymer condensation is stopped by neutralization

and cooling. In order to reactivate it and complete the crosslinking process, it is

needed to add an acid catalyst and increase the temperature (up to 80 °C – 120 ºC).

an insoluble, thermoset, three-dimensional network

Example of structure of crosslinked UF resin.

In general, the acid conditions are adjusted by the addition of latent hardeners

ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate). In the case of

ammonium nitrate, the latent hardener reacts with the free formaldehyde present

acid (Eq. 1.5), which decreases the pH [4]:

O6HN)(CH4NHO 24623 ++ (1.5)

The production of low formaldehyde UF resins, with low levels of free

formaldehyde originated a decrease in the performance of latent hardeners. The

selected and optimized to be used with resins with

maldehyde. So, latent hardeners are insufficient to promote

complete cure of UF resins [33].

be catalyzed by the direct addition of acids (maleic,

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acetic, oxalic, formic, hydrochloric, nitric, and phosphoric, and others) [12, 29, 33-

34]. However, these hardeners originate corrosion problems in the equipments,

wood degradation, and reduce considerably the pot life of the resin (stability time

of the catalyzed resin) [35].

Several works [36-38] reported that the thermal curing reactivity of UF resins is

significantly affected by the molar ratio F/U. The decrease of molar ratio F/U

increases the gel time and cure temperature. Siimer et al. [36] reported also that

UF resins with higher amount of reactive methylolureas groups present a higher


1.1.4 Characterization

The main problem of the analysis of UF resin is related to the fact that these resins

are a very complex mixture with: 1) reversible reactions, namely the methylolation

reaction (release of formaldehyde), 2) structural rearrangements, 3) different types

of linkages (methylene-methylene ether), and 4) different monomers

(methylolation degree: monomethylolurea, dimethylolurea and trimethylolurea)


To characterize the liquid UF resin, several techniques have been used, including

13C-NMR (Carbon Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) [44-45] and FTIR (Fourier

Transform Infrared) [46-47] to investigate the structure of the resin, and GPC/SEC

(Gel permeation Chromatography/Size Exclusion Chromatography) [48-49] to

determine the molecular weight (MW) and molecular weight distribution (MWD).

More recently, the capabilities of FT-NIR spectroscopy (Fourier Transform Near-

Infrared) have been exploited. This technique has demonstrated to be useful for

on-line monitoring the consumption of NH2 groups during the early stages of resin

synthesis [50-51].

The study of resin curing is more difficult. The insolubility of the cured product is a

restriction to the use of some techniques. Recently, several techniques such as

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solid-state C13-NMR [52-53] FTIR [46] allowed a better understanding of the acid

cure at high temperature of UF resin. The chemical cure reaction can be monitored

by DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) [37, 54] allowed to estimate the degree

of chemical cure as well as the heat of cure reaction. The healing mechanics can be

monitored by TMA (Thermal Mechanical Analysis) [55-56], DMA (Dynamic

Mechanical Analysis) [57] or ABES (Automatic bonding Evaluation System) [29, 58].

Raman spectroscopy was used by Hill et al. [59] to assess the structure of cured UF

resin and by Carvalho et al. [60-61] to study the cure reaction. This technique

allows the analysis of the liquid resin, cured resin or the cured resin in wood based

panels. The Raman spectra of several model compounds have permitted to clarify

the presence of certain characteristic groups and their quantitative determination.

It was possible to observe the relative growth of the concentration of methylol and

methylene groups. Raman spectroscopy was found to be very interesting for the

study of the resin cure and permitted to obtain kinetic data as the basis for a

simple empirical model, considering a homogeneous irreversible reaction of a

single kind of methylol group and ureas with rate constants depending on their

degree of substitution [61]. However, the existing fluorescence on the spectra of

cured resin may affect the band relative intensities and therefore the quantitative

results. An internal standard, if provided, could enable more precise results.

Another technique, very recent, which has not been used for the analysis of UF

resin, is MALDI-TOF (Matrix Assisted Laser-desorption Ionization Time of Flight)

mass spectroscopy, which can be used to investigate the distribution of molecular

weights. In this technique the polymer is dispersed in a matrix - consisting of an UV

absorber - and then bombarded by a laser. The absorbed energy is able to vaporize

some of the molecules between two high voltage electrodes. The electric field

between the electrodes accelerates the molecules, which will hit the detector with

an acceleration inversely proportional to molecular weight. MALDI-TOF was used to

analyze melamine-urea-formaldehyde (MUF) resins by Zanetti et al. [62].

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Chapter 1


1.1.5 Storage stability - Ageing

During storage, uncured urea/formaldehyde resins undergo reactions that result in

structural changes. Methylene groups adjacent to secondary amino groups are

formed by condensation. This reaction proceeds during storage between the free

terminal hydroxymethyl and amino groups.

Physical processes also take place during ageing, with the formation of colloidal

particles followed by clustering, especially in the UF, melamine-formaldehyde (MF)

and MUF [62-64].

During the storage time, that is about 30 days the UF resins must be maintained

constant the viscosity [12, 65]. Figure 1.11 shows the evolution of viscosity of UF

resin during the storage time for two temperatures [12]. It is evident that for higher

temperature the storage time is lower. The problem of storage stability is very

important in Iberian Peninsula due to the high temperature prevailing in summer.

Figure 1.11. Effect of storage temperature on storage time (viscosity) of UF resin(adapted from [12]).






0 5 10 15 20 25 30



ty /



Time / days

24 ℃

32 ℃

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1.1.6 Formaldehyde emissions

The issue of formaldehyde emission from wood based panels is related to the use

of UF resins as adhesives. The emission is originated from: unreacted free

formaldehyde, formaldehyde in the form of methyIenegIycoI, retained in the

panels moisture, and formaldehyde released from the slow hydrolysis of methylol

groups and methylene ether linkages present in UF resins [29, 66]. The emission

level depends of different factors, namely the resin, the species and origins of the

wood, the pressing time, the press temperature and the moisture content of wood

before and after pressing [66].

In 1979, the Chemical Industry Institute of Toxicology reported that formaldehyde

caused nasal cancer in rats exposed at high levels during longs time. IARC in 2006

concluded from several case-studies that there is sufficient evidence for the

carcinogenicity of formaldehyde in humans, namely nasal cancer and leukemia

[27]. FormaCare, which represents key European producers of formaldehyde,

aminoplast glues and polyols, disagrees with this conclusion and stated that the

“weight of scientific evidence does not support such a determination” [67]. In

2005, it started an independent research in order to provide a solid database about

the effect of formaldehyde in humans [6, 67]. In 2007, FormaCare organized in

Barcelona, Spain the International Formaldehyde Science Conference in order to

discuss the new reclassification of formaldehyde by IARC, as well as gather all

newly available scientific research and study results about formaldehyde [6, 67].

The bottom line of this conference was that the common use of formaldehyde in

consumer products and other applications does not pose a risk to human health


The determination of formaldehyde emission can be done according to several

methods. In Europe, four test methods have been approved as European

standards: EN 120 (perforator method), EN 717-1 (chamber method), EN 717-2 (gas

analysis method), and EN 717-3 (flask method) [6].

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The perforator method is the most common and is used in particleboard and MDF

industrial plants [6, 28-29, 66, 68-69]. In this process the formaldehyde is extracted

from test pieces by means of boiling toluene and then is absorbed by water. The

formaldehyde content of this aqueous solution is determined by photometrical

detection or fluorescence spectroscopy and expressed in weight (mg) per 100 g of

oven dried board. The perforator values apply to boards with moisture contents of

6.5 %. In the case of boards with different moisture content (in the range of 3 % ≤ H

≤ 10 %) the perforator value shall be multiplied by a factor F = − 0,133 H + 1,86. The

value of formaldehyde content obtained can be used to estimate the actual

formaldehyde emission using correlations available in open literature. The mostly

used nowadays was developed by Risholm-Sundman et al. [70] to convert the EN

120 test values (mg HCHO / 100 g) to EN 717-1 values (mg HCHO / m3). The

disadvantages of the perforator method are the use of toluene and the low

efficiency/reproducibility for very low formaldehyde emissions. In the future, the

perforator method should be replaced by the gas analysis method due to the

shorter analysis times and simpler procedures. Since 2009, gas analysis method is

an approved alternative, small-scale, quality control test accepted by California Air

Resources Board (CARB).

In recent years, national regulations for formaldehyde were established and/or

reformulated in some countries limiting the formaldehyde emission from wood-

based panels. Table 1.2 presents the limits of formaldehyde emissions for

particleboard applied in Japan, Europe and EUA according to different regulations

and the equivalent values for different test methods [71-72]. The test methods

used as reference in each national regulation are different and require the use of

correlations for establishing relationships between the existents regulations. The

major customers of wood based panels, such as IKEA, have required the “E0.5”

regulation in 2009, which is significantly below European requirement [71].

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Table 1.2. Limits of formaldehyde emissions for particleboard (adapted from [71])

Method Japan Europe IKEA EUA

F*** F**** E1 E0.5 CARB P1 CARB P2

EN 120 (mg / 100 g o.d board)

≤ 4.51

≤ 2.71

≤ 8.0 4.0

max 11.3


max 5.6



EN 717-1 (mg / m

3 air)

≤ 0.0541

≤ 0.0541

≤ 0.124 ≤ 0.050

max 0.176


max 0.088



ASTM E1333 (ppm)

≤ 0.0551

≤ 0.0351

≤ 0.1271 0.051


max 0.180 max

0.090 max

JIS A 1460 (mg / L)

≤ 0.5 ≤ 0.3

≤ 0.91 0.4


max 1.3


max 0.6


max 1The values are estimating using correlations

1.2 Wood-based panels industry

Wood based panels are manufactured from wood materials having various

geometries (e.g., fibers, particles, strands, flakes, veneers, and lumber) combined

with an adhesive and bonded in a press. The press applies heat (if needed) and

pressure to activate (cross-link) the adhesive resin and bond the wood material into

a solid panel, lumber, or beam having good mechanical and physical properties

(strength, stiffness, form, dimensional stability, etc.

The most used wood-based panels are plywood, particleboard, MDF and oriented

strand board (OSB). Plywood, made by gluing together several hardwood veneers

or plies, was the first type of wood-based panel produced in the world. Only 60

years later particleboard panels were produced. Figure 1.12 shows the main

milestones in the development of the wood-based panels industry.

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Chapter 1


Figure 1.12. History of wood-based panel industry

1.2.1 Manufacture of Particleboard

Particleboard is manufactured from

recycled woodchips [74]. Typically, it is made in three laye

layers consist of finer particles and sawdust, while the core layer is made of coarser


The manufacture of particleboard has five main steps: (1) furnish preparation, (2)

resin application, (3) mat formation, (4) hot pressing,

is prepared by refining the raw materials into small particles and drying them to

achieve a desired moisture content, about 2 to 7 %

particleboard depends of the characteristics desired, but normally UF resin is used.

The resin/wood ratio, based on resin

usually 6 to 9 % [4, 74]. Additives to enhance characteristics

moisture resistance can be applied at this stage.

particles and the adhesive system, the

forming system and is then hot-pressed under pressures between two and thr

MPa and temperatures between 140 °C and 220 °C

complete, the panel is transported

sawing into finished panel sizes and sanding.

particleboard is represented in Figure

based panel industry (source [73]).

Manufacture of Particleboard

om wood chips, sawdust, waste materials and

. Typically, it is made in three layers. The two external

layers consist of finer particles and sawdust, while the core layer is made of coarser

The manufacture of particleboard has five main steps: (1) furnish preparation, (2)

resin application, (3) mat formation, (4) hot pressing, and (5) finishing. The furnish

prepared by refining the raw materials into small particles and drying them to

achieve a desired moisture content, about 2 to 7 % [74]. The type of resin used in

particleboard depends of the characteristics desired, but normally UF resin is used.

based on resin dry solids content, and particle dry weight , is

Additives to enhance characteristics like fire retardancy or

moisture resistance can be applied at this stage. After mechanically mixing the

, the material goes through a continuous mat-

pressed under pressures between two and three

MPa and temperatures between 140 °C and 220 °C [4, 74]. After the press cycle is

complete, the panel is transported to a board cooler, and then hot-stacked to wait

sawing into finished panel sizes and sanding. The typical production process of

Figure 1.13.

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Figure 1.13. Particleboard process diagram (

1.2.2 Market

The increase of the world demand for wood

of the tree role in the global ecosystem are driving the use of recycled wood and

wood from different sources/species in the formulation of wood composites

The variability of available wood

compatibility/adequacy of the resin (bi

resin can be appropriate to glue a certain wood species, but not appropriated for

others [3].

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reported that in

2007, approximately 106 million m

China manufacture 20 %, 10 %, 9 % and 8 % respectively), 56 million m

(China, Germany and EUA manufa



Particleboard process diagram (source [75]).

The increase of the world demand for wood-based composites and the awareness

global ecosystem are driving the use of recycled wood and

wood from different sources/species in the formulation of wood composites [60].

available wood creates difficulties concerning the

compatibility/adequacy of the resin (binding agent) with the wood [3]. One UF

a certain wood species, but not appropriated for

Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reported that in

approximately 106 million m3 of particleboard (EUA, Germany, Canada and

hina manufacture 20 %, 10 %, 9 % and 8 % respectively), 56 million m3 of MDF

(China, Germany and EUA manufacture 45 %, 8 % and 6 % respectively) and 76

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Chapter 1


million m3 of plywood (EUA, Germany, Canada and china manufacture 20 %, 10 %,

9 % and 8 % respectively) were manufactured in the world (see Figure 1.14) [76]).

Figure 1.14. Evolution of the production of wood-based panels in world.

European Panel Federation (EPF) reported that the wood-based panels industry

was affected by the economic crisis in 2008 [77], in particular the production of

particleboard and MDF, that decreased in 2008 by, 8.7 % and 8 % respectively [77].

Production of wood-based panels in Portugal has been approximately stable in the

last decade. In 2007, the production volume was 850 000 m3 for particleboard, 330

000 m3 for MDF and 21 000 m3 for plywood (see Figure 1.15) [76]. The production

of plywood in Portugal is small due to the lack of raw material (veneers must be

produced from large diameter logs).








1961 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005







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Figure 1.15. Evolution of the production of wood-based panels in Portugal.

1.2.3 Environmental Impact

The European woodworking industry stands for about 100 000 companies, two

million employees and an annual turnover of 150 billion € [78]. Furthermore,

forests and forest-based industries provide direct employment to three million

people throughout the EU, especially in remote areas [78]. They represent 10 % of

the total production value of the EU manufacturing industry [78]. According to

European woodworking industry, these businesses invest continuously in

sustainable forest management, deflorestation and reforestation activities to

ensure reliable wood availability.

Wood plays a major role in fighting climate changes. This was the conclusion of a

multi-disciplinary working group of the European Commission. The better use of

wood sources stimulates forest expansion and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

The recycling process has a great paper in future of wood-based panels industry. In

2004 the proportion of recycled wood used in manufacturing of particleboard was















Particle Board



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Chapter 1


23 % [79]. Roffael et al. in 2009 [80] studied the use of recycled fiberboards with

raw material to making MDF. They concluded that the use of waste fiberboards up

to 33 % does not have effect on the mechanical properties of the panels.

Wood is formed by photosynthesis of CO2 and water, thereby blocking carbon in a

durable way. During growth a tree absorbs, through photosynthesis, approximately

the equivalent of 1 ton of CO2 for every m3 growth, while producing the equivalent

of 0.7 ton of oxygen [81].

Wood products require less energy for manufacturing (up to 6000 MJ/m³) than

alternative raw materials, hence contributing even more to the reduction of fossil

fuel consumption. By using the full potential of wood (sink and substitution effects)

in buildings, Europe could reduce emissions of CO2 with 300 million ton or 15 to

20% [78].

In 2003 the European Woodworking Industries, Pulp and Paper Industries and the

European Commission created a work group for discuss the use of the wood

sources with energy and wood products [81]. The main recommendation was to

consider “wood-based products as carbon sinks under the Kyoto Protocol, thereby

acknowledging the contribution of wood-based products to climate change

mitigation and the carbon cycle (see Figure 1.16), and recognize their superior eco-

efficiency versus other materials, as well as their outstanding properties in

recycling with minimal energy use” [81].

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Figure 1.16. Cycle of Wood based panels

1.3 Motivation and Outline

This work started within the scope of the

Optimização de Resinas de Ureia

Compósitos de Madeira de Diferentes Espécie

Inovação. The goals of this project

characterization of UF resin and optimize the synthesis process, focusing in three

key variables, temperature, pH, and sequential addition of raw materia

project has an academic partner LEPAE (Porto, Portugal) and an industrial partner

Euroresinas - Indústrias Químicas, S.A. (Sines, Portugal).

The present thesis is divided into seven chapters, including this introduction.

Chapter II, “A study on the colloidal nature of

of UF resins was exhaustively studied

implications of the colloidal phase. Industrial resins with different molar ration F/U

were studied during long time spans in order to



Cycle of Wood based panels (source [78]).

the scope of the project entitled “UFMadeira -

Optimização de Resinas de Ureia-Formaldeído para a Produção de Materiais

Compósitos de Madeira de Diferentes Espécies/Origens” funded by Agência de

The goals of this project were to develop competences in the

characterization of UF resin and optimize the synthesis process, focusing in three

variables, temperature, pH, and sequential addition of raw materials. This

project has an academic partner LEPAE (Porto, Portugal) and an industrial partner

Indústrias Químicas, S.A. (Sines, Portugal).

The present thesis is divided into seven chapters, including this introduction. In

the colloidal nature of UF resins”, the two- phase character

of UF resins was exhaustively studied in order to understand the formation and

colloidal phase. Industrial resins with different molar ration F/U

spans in order to assess the changes of the colloidal

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Chapter 1



Chapter III, “Characterization of UF resins”, discusses the use of two techniques

(GPC/SEC and HPLC) as mutually complementary methods for characterizing

industrially produced resins. The differences between the resins and the effects of

ageing are analyzed.

Chapter IV, “Optimization of UF resins”, explores the use of a design of experiments

(DoE) methodology to optimize the synthesis process of UF resins. Focusing on the

conditions of the condensation step on an alkaline-acid process, response surface

methodology (RSM) was employed to optimize the 3 selected factors (number of

urea additions, time span between urea additions, and pH of condensation

reaction), targeting maximum internal bond strength and minimum formaldehyde

release of the final particleboards.

Chapter V, “Monitoring of UF resin synthesis by GPC/SEC”, investigates a recently

developed process for producing UF resins. The potential of the GPC/SEC technique

in monitoring the resin synthesis is demonstrated in this chapter.

Chapter VI, “Evaluation of UF resins performance”, describes the experimental

evaluation of the curing behaviour of four resins produced within this work, by two

different processes, using the Integrated Pressing and Testing System (IPATES) and

the Automated Bonding Evaluation System (ABES).

Concluding remarks and future work can be found in chapter VII.

Figure 1.17 shows a schematic diagram of the structure of this thesis.

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Figure 1.17. A schematic diagram of linkage between various Chapters present in this thesis.

1.4 References

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d’adhésifs aminoplastes et du durcissement de composites modèles bois-adhésif, Ph.D. Thesis, Université de Nancy I, Nantes, France.

[57] K. Umemura, S. Kawai, Y. Mizuno and H. Sasaki, Mokuzai Gakkaishi 42, 489 (1996).

[58] P. E. Humphrey, US Patent 5176028 (1993). [59] C. G. Hill, A. M. Hedren, G. E. Myers and J. A. Koutsky, Journal of Applied

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Polymer Science 29, 2749 (1984). [60] L. M. H. Carvalho, 1999. Estudo da Operação de Prensagem do Aglomerado de

Fibras de Média Densidade (MDF): Prensa Descontínua de Pratos Quentes, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Porto, Porto.

[61] L. M. H. Carvalho, M. R. P. F. N. Costa and C. A. V. Costa, Journal of Applied

Polymer Science 102, 5977 (2006). [62] M. Zanetti, A. Pizzi, M. Beaujean, H. Pasch, K. Rode and P. Dalet, Journal of

Applied Polymer Science 86, 1855 (2002). [63] A. Despres and A. Pizzi, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 100, 1406 (2006). [64] M. Zanetti and A. Pizzi, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 91, 2690 (2004). [65] P. Christjanson, K. Siimer, T. Pehk and I. Lasn, Holz Als Roh-Und Werkstoff 60,

379 (2002). [66] B. Meyer and K. Hermanns, Formaldehyde Release from Wood Products: An

Overview. In Formaldehyde Release from Wood Products, B. Meyer, B. A. K. Andrews and R. M. Reinhardt, Eds. American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1986.

[67] FormaCare, http://www.formaldehyde-europe.org/ [68] F. Bulian, R. Battaglia and S. Ciroi, European Journal of Wood and Wood

Products 61, 213 (2003). [69] CARB, Airborne Toxic Control Measure to Reduce Formaldehyde Emissions

from Composite Wood Products, California Environmental Protection Agency, 2007.

[70] M. Risholm-Sundman, A. Larsen, E. Vestin and A. Weibull, Atmospheric

Environment 41, 3193 (2007). [71] D. M. Harmon, CHANGE – Its Challenges and Opportunities. In Technical

Formaldehyde Conference, Hannover, Germany, 2008. [72] H. Schwab, R. Marutzky and B. Meyer, European Regulations for

Formaldehyde. In Technical Formaldehyde Conference, Hannover, Germany, 2008.

[73] APA, http://www.apawood.org/ [74] J. A. Youngquist, Wood-based Composites and Panel Products. In Wood

Handbook: wood as an engineering material, F. P. Laboratory, Ed. 1999. [75] Sonae, http://www.sonae-industria-tafisa.com/ [76] FAO, http://www.fao.org/ [77] K. Wijnendaele, Panel Industry Struggles Through Economic Crises towards

Bright Future for Carbon-Storing Panels. In International Panel Products

Symposium, M. Spear, Ed. Nantes, France, 2009. [78] EPF, http://www.europanels.org [79] EPF, Annual Report 2004-2005, 2005. [80] E. Roffael, C. Behn, B. Dix and G. Bar, Recycling UF-Bonded Fibreboards. In

International Panel Products Symposium, M. Spear, Ed. Nantes, France, 2009.

[81] CEI-Bois, Tackle Climate Change: Use Wood, 2007.

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The colloidal nature of UF resins and its relation with adhesive performance


2 The colloidal nature of UF resins and its relation with

adhesive performance1


UF resins present a swollen colloidal phase dispersed within a continuous water

phase containing soluble oligomers. The main goal of the present investigation is to

clarify the physical and chemical nature of those two phases and elucidate their

impact on the bonding process.

Optical and electronic microscopy has provided information on the morphology of

the colloidal phase, showing primary particles and particle agglomerates.

Mechanisms are suggested for the colloidal stabilization and dilution-induced


Three commercial UF resins with different F/U molar ratios were studied using

particle size distribution (PSD) analysis. The results showed the influence of the

resin degree of condensation and the ageing status on the size of the colloidal


Gel permeation chromatography analysis was performed on samples of different

resins and of the respective continuous and dispersed phases, separated by

centrifugation. The quantified fraction of insoluble molecular aggregates present in

the chromatograms was related to the resins synthesis conditions and age.

Differential scanning calorimetry and tensile shear strength tests were carried out

to evaluate the reactivity and adhesive performance of each phase. It is suggested

that the colloidal phase acts as a reactive filler at the wood joint interfaces,

1 J. M. M. Ferra, A. M. Mendes, M. R. N. Costa, L. H. Carvalho and F. D. Magalhães, Journal of Applied Polymer

Science 118, 1956 (2010).

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contributing for the resins bonding performance.

2.1 Introduction

Urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins are still the most widely used adhesives in the

manufacture of wood-based panels, mostly due to their high reactivity, low cost

and excellent adhesion to wood. Moreover, the impact of the resin limitations

(potential formaldehyde emissions and low resistance to moisture due to the

reversibility of aminomethylene link) has been considerably alleviated by

improvements in the resin production technology [1].

The multiplicity of chemical and physical structures present in UF resins has made

their study a complex task. In addition, these highly reactive chemical systems are

prone to change during sample preparation for analysis or during the analysis itself.

The difficulty to find suitable solvents is another serious problem [2].

This paper is mainly concerned with the physical structure of these resins and its

influence on the resins performance. Amino resins have been perceived for a long

time to possess a colloidal structure [3]. Pratt et al. [4] were the first to admit the

formation of an intermediate lyophobic colloidal sol which subsequently coalesces

to cause gelation during resin cure, concurrently with the conventional chemical

gelation mechanism caused by step-growth polymerization. Dunker and co-workers

[5] suggested that the formation of insoluble aggregates is originated by the loss of

hydrogen bonding potential between oligomers and water. This is caused by the

decrease in the number of possible hydrogen bonding locations as the

condensation reaction proceeds, together with the formation of intra- and inter-

molecular bonds.

Motter [6] studied the mechanism of nucleation and growth of the colloidal phase

in UF resins. The continuous and disperse phases were separated by centrifugation

and the relative molecular weight distribution (MWD) determined by Gel

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The colloidal nature of UF resins and its relation with adhesive performance


Permeation Chromatography/Size Exclusion Chromatography (GPC/SEC). The

results obtained indicate that the primary mechanism of disperse phase formation

in this type of resins has to do with precipitation of linear, urea-terminated


Grunwald [7] observed a clear supernatant after centrifugation of UF samples at

high velocities for long times (16 h at 40000 rpm). The characterization of the

continuous and disperse phases by GPC/SEC and 1H-NMR indicated that the main

difference between the phases is the fraction of urea and methylolureas.

Colloidal particle formation, followed by clustering, has been shown to be the

normal way of ageing of aminoplastic resins. Melamine-urea-formaldehyde (MUF)

resins, in particular, have been the object of an extensive study done by Pizzi and

co-workers [3, 8-10]. Despres and Pizzi [10] used optical microscopy to identify the

colloidal structures, reporting considerable differences in shape for UF, MF and

MUF resins. Agglomerates were detected in SEC chromatograms of the UF resins.

They have also observed that, at early stages, colloidal aggregate formation

showed a star-like light interference pattern as in MF resins [11].

The main objective of the present work is to obtain some additional insights on the

nature of the colloidal particles present in UF resins and the role that these may

play on the wood-bonding process. The structural analysis of the colloids was

carried out by optical microscopy, transmission electronic microscopy (TEM) and

scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Particle Size Distribution (PSD) analysis give

information on the effects of condensation degree and ageing on the formation of

colloidal structures. Molecular weight distribution analysis based on GPC/SEC

measurements is influenced by the heterogeneous structure of the resins, since the

disperse phase cannot be completely solubilized. Still, the chromatograms provide

information on the fraction of insoluble material present and this can be related to

the resins synthesis conditions. Reactivity and cure enthalpies are evaluated by DSC

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for a resin and the individual phases separated by centrifugation. Finally, the shear

strength of glued joints is evaluated, allowing for some insights on the role of each

phase on the wood bonding process.

2.2 Materials and Methods

2.2.1 Materials

Several commercial UF resins were characterized. They were produced by

EuroResinas – Indústrias Químicas S.A., Portugal, with different synthesis

formulations under different operating conditions.

Error! Reference source not found. shows the technical data of four UF resins,

which were analysed in this work. All of them are UF resins in water solution. The

main differences in the synthesis of these resins are the duration of the

condensation step and the final amount of urea added. For example, resin D has

the longer duration of the condensation step and a larger amount of final urea,

while resin A has the shortest duration of the condensation step and the lowest

amount of final urea. These resins were available for analysis at different times

along the work, within the context of an ongoing project. For this reason, the

analysis techniques discussed below comprise different sets of samples.

Nevertheless, when relevant, the results obtained are related to the nature of the

resins under study.

To limit the ageing of the resins for posterior analysis, they were stored at 5 ºC

unless otherwise specified.

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The colloidal nature of UF resins and its relation with adhesive performance


Table 2.1. Technical data for UF-resins analysed in this work

Resin Molar

ratio F/U Solids

content1 (%)

Gel time2

(s) pH range

(25 °C) Viscosity



A 1.30 63±1 45±10 7.5-8.5 150-350 B 1.20 64±1 80±30 8.0-9.5 150-350 C 1.08 64±1 80±30 7.0-9.0 150-300 D 1.00 64±1 70±30 8.0-9.5 150-300

1105 °C, 3 h

2Gel time at 100 °C with 3 % wt of NH4Cl (20 % wt solution)

3Brookfield viscometer at 25 °C

2.2.2 Methods

Morphology analysis

Direct visualization of UF resins was carried out with a Leica DM LB2 microscope

(Leica Microsystems) with 1000× magnification and equipped with a filter cube

with the following characteristics: excitation filter 340–380 nm, dichromatic mirror

400 nm and suppression filter LP 425, without oil immersion. The sample was

prepared diluting approximately 1-2 % of UF resin in water.

For visualization by TEM (50 kV; Zeiss), samples were adsorbed to glow-discharged

carbon-coated collodion film on 400-mesh copper grids during 1 minute. The

sample was prepared diluting approximately 1-2 % of UF resin in water.

SEM/EDS images were taken with a SEM-JEOL-JSM6301-F equipped with an Oxford

INCA/ENERGY-350 microanalysis system. The deposition of resin droplets on the

surface of a metallic sheet and on wood was also investigated. A water solution

with 20 wt % of ammonium chloride was used as hardener and mixed with the

resin before spraying on a metallic sheet. The hardener concentration was 3 wt %

(based on resin solids content) in the final mixture. The boards were then cured in

an oven at 110 °C for 8 min [12]. The samples were coated with gold by

vaporization before the analysis.

For structural analysis by CryoSEM, the sample was placed on a copper CryoSEM

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sample holder in a circular hole. The set was dipped into liquid nitrogen (slush

nitrogen) at -170 °C; the freezing occurred under vacuum. After freezing, the

sample was transferred to a Gatan Alto 2500 cryo-chamber of the microscope

(JEOL, JSM-6700F). The sample was fractured in the cryo-stage with a knife at -130

°C, after the aqueous phase sublimation was performed at -98 °C under vacuum

during 1 min. Finally, the sample was gold coated by vaporization before the

analysis. The sample was observed at a temperature of -130 °C and a voltage of 10


Particle size analysis

A Beckman Coulter LS230 (LS230) with a wet module was used in this study. The

dynamic range of the LS230 goes from 0.04 µm to 2000 µm. The LS230 instrument

uses Polarization Intensity Differential Scattering (PIDS) method. The PIDS system

uses three light wavelengths (450 nm, 600 nm and 900 nm, obtained by filtering

light from an incandescent bulb) at two polarizations. Measurements were carried

out at several scattering angles of the polarized vertical light to the scattering plane

and the polarized horizontal light to the scattering plane. The samples were

prepared diluting 5 drops of UF resin in 10 mL of distilled water, these were

ultrasonicated for 1 min and analysed in the Coulter-Counter.


Phase separation of UF resin was carried out by centrifugation. The samples were

fractionated at 18000 rpm during 3 h using a JA25.50 rotor in Beckmann Coulter

Avanti J25 centrifuge at 12 °C in 50 mL polyallomer bottles. The supernatant was

withdrawn with a micropipette, while the sediment was withdrawn after removing

the intermediate phase. The supernatant, sediment and a sample of resin were

stored in closed vials at 5 °C for future analysis.

Molecular weight distribution

A Gilson HPLC system equipped with a Gilson Differential RI detector and Viscotek's

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The colloidal nature of UF resins and its relation with adhesive performance


Dual Detector (differential viscometer and a light scattering detector RALLS). A

Rheodyne 7125 injector with a 20 µL loop was used for sample introduction. The

column used was a Waters Styragel HR1 5 µm. Dimethylformamide (DMF) was used

as the mobile phase. The column was conditioned at 60 °C using an external oven

and the flow rate was 1 mL/min. The Universal Calibration was done using

polyethylene glycol standards from PL with molecular weight between 12140 –

106. The RALLS detector was not used for the tri-SEC molecular weight calculations

because of the low response for lower molecular weights. However, the RALLS

signals were qualitatively taken into account.

The samples for SEC analysis were prepared dissolving 100 mg sample of resin in 3

mL of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), then stirring vigorously and filtering through a

0.45 µm Nylon syringe filter.

Curing and bonding strength characterization

About 15 mg of each sample was mixed with 3 wt % (based on resin solids content)

of hardener (20 wt % solution of ammonium chloride). A Setaram DSC 131 was

used with a temperature ramp of 5 °C/min, from 25 to 300 °C. The samples were

held in stainless steel crucibles with a crimpable seal and able to withstand 80 bars

up to 550 °C. The use of this crucible enables prevention of water evaporation in

the scanning temperature range. The analysis was performed under nitrogen


The same mixtures used in the DSC were subjected to a tensile shear test in a

Servosis universal testing machine. Approximately 150 g/m2 adhesive were applied

to the bonding surfaces of lap joints test pieces.

The test was carried out according to the procedure described by EN 205. The

loading speed was 10 mm/min. The loading was continued until a break or

separation occurred on the surface of the test samples. The tensile shear strength

was then calculated in N·mm-2.

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2.3 Results and discussion

2.3.1 Disperse phase morphology

The resins are white opaque liquids, indicating the presence of an insoluble

disperse phase in the aqueous medium. The colloidal nature of UF resins has been

reported previously [4, 10, 13-14] and is associated to the presence of insoluble

molecular aggregates2. Furthermore, above about 100 % dilution with water,

flocculation takes place, originating a white precipitate and a translucent

supernatant liquid. The mechanism that originates this flocculation is not clearly

identified and is certainly dependent on the particular nature of the resins


Results from different microscopy techniques are presented below, providing a

consolidated view of the structure of the disperse phase and serving as a basis for

the formulation of some hypothesis.

Optical microscopy is the easiest method to observe the morphology of the resins.

Due to the high solids concentration, significant dilution is necessary for the

microscopic visualization to be possible. Therefore, flocculation is inevitable and

particle agglomerates are formed, which were not present in the original resin. As

an example, Figure 2.1a displays a sample of resin B diluted in water (1.6 % resin in

water, resin had been stored at 5 °C for about 90 days). A large agglomerate of

smaller particles (primary particles) is visible.

Interestingly, when dilution is performed with a urea solution, instead of pure

water, distinctly smaller floccules are formed. This difference is visible to the naked

eye and is confirmed in Figure 2.1b (1.3 % resin in urea solution at 10 %

concentration). The presence of excess urea may cause the solvation of the primary

2 In this paper we adopt the terminology suggested by Nichols et al. [15], using the term aggregate to describe “an

association of molecules into supramolecular structures, which in turn may develop into agglomerates.” Along this

paper, the terms aggregate and primary particle are used indistinctly.

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The colloidal nature of UF resins and its relation with adhesive performance


particles and minimizes inter-particle interaction, namely hydrogen bonding,

therefore decreasing the tendency towards agglomeration. This behaviour is similar

to the one observed in the well known chemical denaturation of proteins by urea

solutions (e.g. Caballero-Herrera et al. [16]). The effect of urea on minimizing

colloidal aggregation on MUF resins has previously been discussed by Zanetti and

Pizzi [3].

Figure 2.1. Optical microscopy image of resin B: a) diluted in water (1.6 wt % resin in water) and b) diluted in 10 wt % urea solution (1.3 wt % resin in urea solution).

At this point, it is useful to formulate a descriptive model of the heterogeneous

nature of these resins, which will be helpful in the interpretation of the results

discussed throughout de rest of the paper. Figure 2.2 presents a schematic view of

the resins heterophasic structure.

Figure 2.2a shows particles formed by insoluble molecular aggregates, swollen by

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water and soluble oligomers. These particles are not necessarily individualized,

some agglomeration being possible. In addition to this dispersed phase, the

continuous phase contains unreacted urea and soluble polymer, ranging from small

oligomers to medium range molecular weight polymer.

Figure 2.2. Simplified representation of a UF resin heterogeneous nature: a) original resin, and b) resin after flocculation by water dilution.

Unreacted urea may form a solvation layer surrounding the particles, contributing

to its stabilization towards agglomeration. Upon dilution-induced flocculation,

particle agglomeration occurs, originating optically visible large floccules. This

instability towards dilution can be associated to the depletion of the solvation layer

due to diminishing urea concentration in the continuous phase. This explains why

flocculation with urea solution is more difficult and originates much smaller


An additional colloidal stabilization mechanism may be taken into account, based

on electrostatic repulsion associated to ionic species retained at the particle

surface. A fraction of the polymeric species may have an intermediate hydrophilic

character which causes it to be distributed between the dispersed and continuous

phases. These species should have higher contents of very hydrophilic terminal

hydroxymethylene and primary urea groups than the insoluble fraction. This makes

possible the capture of ionic species, i.e. sodium cations, at the particle surface,

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The colloidal nature of UF resins and its relation with adhesive performance


thus originating electrostatic stabilization. Upon dilution, the polymer at the

surface is partially displaced towards the aqueous medium, depleting the surface

from ionic species. This leads to agglomeration and flocculation.

TEM images for resin B fresh and aged (stored for approximately 2 months at 5 °C)

are shown in Figure 2.3. Since TEM analysis implies significant dilution, we are

again looking at the flocculated samples. These agglomerated structures are

evident in both samples. The primary particles have dimensions of tenths of

micron. Interestingly, the aged sample showed larger agglomerates, while in the

fresh sample these were smaller and less numerous. This relation between

floccules dimensions and ageing will be further discussed below.

Figure 2.3. TEM images of resin B diluted in water. a) fresh resin, and b) aged resin.

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In the case of CryoSEM analysis, resin dilution is not necessary. Additionally, no

particle coalescence occurs since the sample is kept frozen. Figure 2.4 shows an

agglomerate with approximately 3 µm. The relatively large size is probably

associated with the ageing process. The primary particles have dimensions in the

tenths of micron, in agreement with the TEM observations. Interestingly, the

particle geometry does not seem to be only spherical, but also lamellar. These two

types of geometries seem to be also present in the results reported by Despres and

Pizzi [10].

Figure 2.4. Cryo-SEM image aged resin B.

An example of the SEM images collected for the resin sprayed and cured on a metal

plate is shown in Figure 2.5. Two different phases are visible, as expected: a

continuous phase, corresponding to cured soluble polymer, and a dispersed phase

made of individualized primary particles and small agglomerates. The particles have

sizes in the range of a few tenths of micron. In the agglomerates, some particle

coalescence due to heating is visible. This image somehow illustrates how the resin

is deposited on the wood particle surface during the glue blending process. The

continuous phase should penetrate to some degree within the wood structure, but

the particles are likely to remain at the surface.

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The colloidal nature of UF resins and its relation with adhesive performance


Figure 2.5. SEM image of UF resin B sprayed and cured on a metal plate.

Figure 2.6 presents the elementary analysis carried out at different points in the

cured resin surface. The particle surface shows a significantly higher content in

sodium, chlorine and potassium, due to the adsorption of ions present in water.

The ability for the surface to capture sodium cations may play an important role on

the colloidal stabilization process, as discussed previously. The surface also shows

higher nitrogen content relatively to carbon and oxygen. This could be related with

the presence of urea in the disperse phase, as also suggested before.

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Figure 2.6. Elementary analysis for UF resin B cured on a metal plate. a) particle surface, and b) in continuous phase.

Summarizing some of the conclusions derived from the previous observations:

- The colloidal structures are agglomerates of elementary particles. These

are a few tenths of micron in diameter and exhibit spherical and lamellar


- Urea can play an important role on the stabilization of the colloidal

particles, through the formation of a solvation layer. Adsorption of ionic

species at the particles surface may also contribute to electrostatic


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The colloidal nature of UF resins and its relation with adhesive performance


- Water dilution causes the weakening of both types of stabilization

mechanisms, due to surface depletion, and originates


- When a resin is sprayed over a porous substrate, such as wood, the

particles will remain at the surface while the soluble fractions should be

absorbed together with water. This will have an effect on the bonding

mechanism, as discussed later.

2.3.2 Particle size distribution

The purpose of these PSD measurements was to analyze the effect of the degree of

condensation and ageing. It must be noted that the Coulter-Counter system implies

dilution of the samples above the flocculation limit. Therefore, one is looking at

flocculated samples and not at the original PSD. Figure 2.7a and Figure 2.7c shows

the volume PSD obtained for resins A, B and C, relatively fresh (stored for 30 days

at 5 °C) and aged (stored for 170 days at 5 °C). For the fresh samples, it is clear that

resin A originates a different type of flocculate than resins B and C. The volume

distribution for resin A lies mostly between 0.2 to 12 μm, while the others are

displaced towards the right, in the region of hundreds of micron, but still showing

a small peak below 10 μm. On the other hand, after ageing all resins show similar


The much larger dimensions of the flocculates in the less aged resins B and C, in

relation to resin A, evidenced in the volume distributions, may be related to the

lower degree of condensation of resin A. The colloidal phase present in fresh resin

A will be composed of less numerous and not very agglomerated particles that do

not yield such large floccules. With ageing, more molecular aggregates are formed

and more agglomeration takes place, therefore approaching the morphology of

resins B and C and originating floccules with a similar PSD.

A subtle additional difference exists between the fresh resins and is more visible

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when looking at the number PSDs, shown in Figure 2.7b and Figure 2.1d. The PSD

for fresh resin A does not show particles below 0.1 μm, in contrast to resins B and

C. After ageing, however, the three resins again show similar number PSDs, all

starting below that size. The number distributions put into evidence the lower

particle sizes present, certainly displaying primary particles that have remained

unagglomerated. Resins B and C display a large number of particles with sizes

around 0.1 μm, which is consistent with the dimensions of the individual particles

identified in the previous microscopy sections. Resin A, on the other hand, being a

less condensed resin, contains a lower concentration of agglomerates, which is

confirmed by the lower amount of sediment observed after flocculation. Therefore,

a lower amount of the original primary particles remain after flocculation.

The reproducibility of these results, both for fresh and aged conditions, has been

confirmed with other batches of the same resins, not shown here.

In summary, even though these PSD analysis combines information on the original

primary molecular aggregates and on the agglomerates formed upon dilution,

some qualitative conclusions can be withdrawn. More condensed resins display

larger, more agglomerated, colloidal structures. Upon dilution, also larger floccules

are formed. A less condensed resin will approach this morphology along time, as

more particles (molecular aggregates) and particle agglomerates are formed.

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Figure 2.7. Particle size distribution for three UF resins stored at 5 °C. a) PSD in volume for 30 days, b) PSD in number for 30 days – note that the curves for samples B and C are nearly superimposed, c) PSD in volume for 170 days, and d) PSD in number for 170 days.

In order to clarify the nature of the two phases present in these UF resins, some

samples were centrifuged and the sediment and supernatant phases separated.

Coulter Counter analysis was performed on the supernatant and compared to the

results from the original resins. The sediment consisted of a gel-like mass which

could not be redispersed for this analysis. These samples were also analysed in the

chromatographic and calorimetric studies described later in the paper.

A completely clear supernatant has never been obtained, indicating that a residual

colloidal phase was still dispersed in the continuous medium. On the other hand,

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the sediment is expected to still contain, in addition to water, soluble polymer and

oligomers, entrapped in inter and intraparticular voids, or retained due to surface

adsorption on the dispersed phase [6].

Resin A was studied for two different ages: 20 and 50 days at 25 °C, while resin D

was analysed only for 20 days, since it was gelified after 50 days at 25 °C. Table 2.2

displays the results obtained for the solids content (after evaporation at 105 °C for

3 hours) in the original resins and in the separated phases.

Table 2.2. Solids content of original resins, sediment and supernatant phases for UF resins A-2 and D

Resin Resin Age

(days at 25 °C) Resin solids

(wt %) Sediment

solids (wt %) Supernatant solids (wt %)

A-2 20 62.2 66.2 61.0

50 63.0 67.8 60.2

D 20 65.0 72.2 63.7

The PSD results obtained are shown in Figure 2.8 and Figure 2.9. The results for the

resins before centrifugation are qualitatively similar to the ones described before,

even though the ageing times are not comparable due to the different storage

temperatures. Resin A with 20 days shows a narrower PSD than the more

condensed resin D. As before, resin A with this lower age (Figure 2.8a) does not

exhibit particles in the neighbourhood of 0.1 µm, contrary to resin D (Figure 2.9).

As resin A ages (Figure 2.8b), however, the PSD of the flocculated material widens

and the mean value is significantly displaced towards the right. Particles in the

neighbourhood of 0.1 µm are now displayed in the analysis.

The PSD of the flocculated supernatant, on the other hand, is similar for all resins.

Interestingly, as can be seen in Figure 2.8a, this distribution is almost the same as

for the fresh uncentrifuged resin A. This was somehow expected, considering that

the supernatant should contain only small unagglomerated molecular aggregates,

similar to the ones present in the fresh low-condensed resin. Agglomeration caused

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The colloidal nature of UF resins and its relation with adhesive performance


by ageing leads to a broader PSD of the flocculate, as seen in Figure 2.8b and Figure


Figure 2.8. Particle size distribution in volume for UF resin A-2 and supernatant. a) resin stored for 20 days at 25 °C, and b) resin stored for 50 days at 25 °C.

Figure 2.9. Particle size distribution in volume for UF resin D and supernatant stored for 20 days.

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2.3.3 Molecular weight distribution

The work below attempts to relate the information obtained from conventional

GPC/SEC analysis with the known heterogeneous character of these resins. This

may provide additional information for the characterization of the resins molecular

and colloidal structures. Chromatograms for resins A-1 and D and the

corresponding supernatant and sediment phases, obtained after centrifugation, are

shown in Figure 2.10 and Figure 2.11. In all cases, at least two samples were

prepared and analysed in order to verify the reproducibility of the results. Figure

2.10a shows the normalized refraction index (RI) chromatogram for resin A-1. The

general features of the chromatogram are similar to those found in the literature

for UF resins [1, 7, 10, 17-19]. Three zones, based on the apparent limits of

detectable peaks, can be defined in the chromatograms:

Zone I - elution volume between 8 and 9 ml. Corresponds to the lower

molecular weight species, i.e. unreacted urea, methylolureas and

oligomeric species, such as methylenediurea,

monomethylolmethylenediurea, dimethylolmethylenediurea and others.

The methylenediurea was synthesized with Kadowaki’s method [20] in

laboratory and analysed in SEC. Molecular weight should be below about


Zone II - elution volume between 5.8 and 8 ml. Corresponds to

intermediate molecular weight species, with molecular weights ranging

from a few tens of thousand to about 600.

Zone III - elution volume below 5.8 ml. This would correspond to polymer

with quite high molecular weights, eluting before the exclusion limit of the

SEC column. It has been suggested by some authors that this portion of the

chromatograms actually refers to molecular aggregates and not

individualized polymer molecules [10, 18]. These aggregates would be

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The colloidal nature of UF resins and its relation with adhesive performance


insoluble in the original aqueous medium, probably forming larger colloidal

structures that partially disaggregated in the DMSO solvent. In this paper

we present some evidence in favour of this hypothesis.

Figure 2.10. Chromatogram for UF resin A-2 with 20 and 50 days, sediment and supernatant diluted 3 % in DMSO. a) normalized response of RI sensor for 20 days, b) response of RALLS sensor for 20 days, c) normalized response of RI sensor for 50 days, and d) response of RALLS sensor for 50 days.

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Figure 2.11. Chromatogram for UF resin D with 20 days, sediment and supernatant diluted 3 % in DMSO. a) normalized response of RI sensor, and b) response of RALLS sensor.

Since the chromatograms may reflect the presence of insoluble molecular

aggregates, a straightforward computation of average molecular weights would be

misleading. Two different approaches were therefore taken in order to

quantitatively represent the chromatographic data. On one hand, assuming that

zone III corresponds essentially to insoluble material, molecular weights were

computed neglecting this portion of the chromatograms. On the other hand the

two following parameters were introduced in order to complement the description

of the particular features of these chromatograms:

amchromatogr of areatotal

I Zone of areaf

1= (2.1)

III Zone II Zone of areas

III Zone of areaf2 += (2.2)

f1 should reflect the amount of low molecular weight species in the sample, while f2

is expected to be related to the relative importance of what would be high

molecular weight species in the polymerized material. Table 2.3 show the

numerical values obtained for these parameters in all the chromatograms.

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Qualitatively, the RI chromatograms (Figure 2.11 and Figure 2.11) display similar

features for the original resins and the supernatant and sediment phases. Two

discrete peaks in the lower molecular weight region are common to all samples,

with retention volumes of 8.5 and 8.2 mL. The first peak represents urea and

methylolureas, as was confirmed by direct injection of urea and dimethylolurea.

The fraction which eluted at 8.2 mL is probability a polymer formed by reaction of

urea and methylolureas. The chromatogram of the sediment phase displays a peak

for a retention volume of 7.5-8.0 mL (Mw ~ 600-1000), which does not seem to be

present in the supernatant. A similar behaviour was observed by Motter [6] for the

SEC analysis of the sediment and supernatant phases. This author associates this

peak to insoluble linear urea-terminated oligomers, 4 to 8 urea units in length.

These oligomers would correspond to a critical molecular size for solubility in

water, above which the formation of primary colloidal particles takes place.

Table 2.3. Values of Mn, Mw, polydispersity, and parameters f1 and f2, obtained by SEC for resin, sediment and supernatant of the UF resin A-2 with 20 and 50 days and UF resin D with 20 days storage at 25 °C

Sample Mn Mw Mw/Mn f1 f2

Resin A-2 with 20 days storage

Resin A-2 4.69×102 3.40×10

3 7.2 0.296 0.168

Supernatant 4.17×102 2.84×10

3 6.8 0.313 0.167

Sediment 5.63×102 3.50×10

3 6.2 0.248 0.180

Resin A-2 with 50 days storage

Resin A-2 5.10×102 2.74×10

3 5.4 0.225 0.185

Supernatant 4.91×102 2.53×10

3 5.2 0.246 0.185

Sediment 6.39×102 3.64×10

3 5.7 0.190 0.192

Resin D with 20 days storage

Resin D 3.91×102

2.87×103 7.3 0.342 0.182

Supernatant 3.62×102 2.53×10

3 7.0 0.355 0.184

Sediment 5.19×102 3.06×10

3 5.9 0.269 0.200

Considering the data in Table 2.3, for resin A-2 with 20 days at 25 °C, the sediment

shows the highest molecular weights and the supernatant the lowest. The original

resin shows intermediate values. On the other hand, the fraction of low molecular

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weight species, f1, is highest for the supernatant and lowest for the sediment. Once

again, the original resin shows an intermediate value. Similar results are seen in

Table 2.3 for the other samples. It was expected that the supernatant would exhibit

the highest fraction of low molecular weight material, which was dissolved in the

aqueous medium of the original resin. The sediment also contains some of this

material, at a lower proportion, because it was sorbed within the solid phase or

was retained in the inter-particular space. Therefore, one concludes that

centrifugation does not lead to complete separation of the disperse and continuous


It is somewhat surprising that, in all samples, a not very substantial difference is

obtained for the computed molecular weights of sediment and supernatant.

Significantly higher molecular weights would, in principle, be expected for the

sedimented phase. Since this is not the case, we are led to believe that the colloidal

phase is actually composed by aggregated polymer with molecular weights not too

different from the polymer in solution. The more relevant difference between the

soluble and insoluble fractions may lie on chemical composition, namely hydroxyl

group content.

Even though the purpose of this paper is not to study the effect of ageing, when

looking at resin A-2 with 20 and 50 days (Table 2.3), it is noticeable that the

molecular weights increase and f1 decreases with ageing. This indicates that

condensation progresses with time, consuming urea and oligomers. Furthermore, f2

has increased, indicating the presence of more insoluble aggregates.

Resin D (Table 2.3) is the most condensed of the resins studied. This fact is not

evident from the computed molecular weights, since it is masked by the larger

amount of final urea added, as confirmed by the higher value of f1. However, this

resin shows the highest values for parameter f2, which may indeed be related to

the higher degree of condensation.

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It is also interesting to look at the RALLS responses obtained in the different cases.

For resin A-2 after 20 days, Figure 2.10b shows several peaks roughly in the region

corresponding to zone III, attributable to the molecular aggregates present in the

samples. The peak magnitude is higher for the sediment, as this sample is expected

to be more concentrated in insoluble material. This difference becomes much more

significant when the resin is aged to 50 days, as seen in Figure 2.10d, where the

RALLS signal is actually saturated for the sediment, while it maintains

approximately the same magnitude for the supernatant. As expected, the original

resin displays an intermediate chromatogram. This indicates that the ageing

process has originated a significantly higher concentration of insoluble molecular

aggregates, in agreement with the PSD results discussed previously. These

aggregates would actually be agglomerated into larger structures in the original

resin, sedimenting during centrifugation. Contact with DMSO solvent caused

desagglomeration into particles visible to the RALLS detector.

On the other hand, for resin D, Figure 2.11b, the RALLS chromatogram for the

sediment is less intense than for the supernatant. This more condensed resin may

form insoluble particles that cannot be easily disaggregated in DMSO and are

therefore retained in the pre-column 0.45 µm filter.

Some key conclusions can be extracted from these SEC results:

- The lower retention volume portion of the RI chromatograms reflects the

presence of insoluble molecular aggregates. This fraction of the

chromatogram can be quantified and related to the resins degree of

condensation and ageing condition.

- Based on the analysis of centrifuged samples, the polymer aggregates

present in the colloidal phase do not seem to have higher molecular weight

than the water-soluble polymer. The cause for insolubility may have to do

with differences in chemical composition.

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- A larger degree of condensation may not translate into a significantly

higher molecular weight, but into a higher fraction of insoluble aggregates


- Resin ageing leads to the formation of a higher fraction of insoluble

molecular aggregates.

- The RALLS chromatograms confirm the presence of insoluble particles in

the samples and its relation with ageing.

2.3.4 Curing behaviour and bonding strength

DSC is an often used tool to evaluate the reactivity of UF resins. However, the

analysis conditions are different from those observed in the bonding process, so it

cannot be directly related to the process of mechanical strength development.

The same separate analysis for resin, supernatant and sediment was performed for

resin A. Figure 2.12 shows the DSC curves obtained and Table 2.4 summarizes the

results. The supernatant is more reactive, having a slightly lower cure temperature

than the resin and sediment, which show similar results. The cure enthalpies based

on the samples solids content (from Table 2.2), are significantly different. The

values increase in the following order: sediment < resin < supernatant. This may be

attributed to the higher molecular mobility and lower condensation (more reactive

groups) of the soluble material present in the supernatant.

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The colloidal nature of UF resins and its relation with adhesive performance


Figure 2.12. DSC curves for UF resin A-2, supernatant and sediment. Resin had been stored for 50 days.

The endothermic peaks that appear between 160 °C and 190 °C can be attributed

to the release of entrapped water from the cured polymer [21]. It is also possible to

observe, above 200 °C, endothermic peaks associated to thermal degradation of

the methylene-ether [22-23].

Table 2.4. Cure temperatures and enthalpies for UF resin A-2, supernatant and sediment

Sample Peak

Temperature (°C) Enthalpy


Resin A-2 83.25 77.57 Supernatant 81.58 85.38 Sediment 83.04 72.18

For evaluating the bonding behaviour of resin A-2, supernatant and sediment, a

tensile shear test of lap joints was performed. The tensile shear strengths

measured are shown in Table 2.5, together with the percentages of cohesive failure

in substrate, obtained by visual inspection of the joint after fracture. Qualitatively

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similar results were obtained for resin D.

Table 2.5. Values of tensile shear strength and % of cohesive failure within wood for UF resin A-2, supernatant and sediment

Sample Tensile shear strength


) % cohesive failure

in wood

Resin A-2 13.4 90 Supernatant 11.3 60 Sediment 14.6 90

More relevant than looking at the actual tensile strengths measured, may be

comparing the percentages of cohesive failure within wood. These are much higher

for the original resin and the sediment (about 90%). This indicates that in these

samples the failure started within the wood material and not at the adhesive joint.

The measured strength values may therefore be limited by the tensile strength of

the wood substrate. On the other hand, the joint glued with supernatant appears

more fragile, showing a lower percentage of cohesive failure in wood and lower

tensile shear strength, which indicated that the failure was initiated at the adhesive

joint. The poorer performance of the supernatant may be associated to its ability to

penetrate to some degree into the substrate, depleting the interface from glue.

Recalling Figure 2.5, the colloidal structures, which are significantly present in the

sediment, are expected to remain in the wood surface. The presence of these

structures in the joint interface may play an important role in the bonding process,

acting as a reactive reinforcing filler.

There is a generalized concept that a well performing UF resin should incorporate

low molecular weight species, which are important for substrate wetting and

penetration, and higher molecular weight species, which have an important

contribution to cohesive strength [1, 17]. Our results emphasize that the “high

molecular weight” component of the resin may actually take the form of insoluble

molecular aggregates.

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The colloidal nature of UF resins and its relation with adhesive performance


2.4 Conclusions

Different microscopy techniques allowed for the visualization of colloidal structures

in the UF resins analysed. Primary particles have dimensions in the order of tenths

of micron, showing spherical or lamellar shapes. These particles are found to be

agglomerated to some degree in the original resin. Upon water dilution,

flocculation occurs, originating much larger agglomerates. Two colloidal

stabilization mechanisms were suggested, based upon solvation by unreacted urea,

hindering inter-particle hydrogen bonding, and electrostatic repulsion due to

cations adsorbed at the particle surface. Both mechanisms explain the dilution-

flocculation process in terms of depletion of the stabilizing entities from the

particle surface.

PSD analyses of different resins showed distinct PSDs, which can be related to the

way how the degree of condensation affects the formation of the dispersed solid

phase. These differences tend to vanish as the resins age, indicating that molecular

aggregation and particle agglomeration proceed along time on a less condensed


The size exclusion chromatography analysis encompasses information on the

molecular weight distribution of the soluble polymer and on molecular aggregates

from the original dispersed phase that have not been completely solubilised in the

solvent. The quantification of the fraction of the RI chromatogram corresponding

to molecular aggregates is relatable to the resins degree of condensation and the

ageing status. The information from the RALLS sensor confirms qualitatively the

presence of insoluble material. Analysis of partially separated phases, obtained by

centrifugation, show that the insoluble portion of the resins does not seem to have

a significantly different molecular weight, in relation to the soluble material. The

formation of colloidal structures may have to do with aggregation caused by inter-

molecular interactions and not with precipitation above a critical molecular weight.

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Tensile shear strength experiments performed with the original resin and the

centrifugation products (sediment and supernatant) indicated that the presence of

the dispersed phase may be relevant for the strengthening of the adhesive bond,

acting as a reactive reinforcing filler.

Future work will be focused on the analysis of the resin ageing processes on the

resins characteristics, particularly on its heterogeneous morphology. In addition, it

will be important to study in more detail the bonding mechanism of this bi-phase

structure in the wood composite production.

2.5 References

[1] M. Dunky, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 18, 95 (1998). [2] M. Dunky, Analysis of Formaldehyde Condensation Resins for the Wood Based

Panels Industry: Status and new challenges. In 1st European Panels Products

Symposium, Hague, Loxton, Bolton and Mott, Eds. Llandudno, North Wales, UK, 1997; p 217.

[3] M. Zanetti, A. Pizzi and P. Faucher, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 92, 672 (2004).

[4] T. J. Pratt, W. E. Johns, R. M. Rammon and W. L. Plagemann, Journal of Adhesion 17, 275 (1985).

[5] A. K. Dunker, W. E. John, R. Rammon, B. Farmer and S. J. Johns, Journal of

Adhesion 19, 153 (1986). [6] W. K. Motter, 1990. The formation of the colloidal phase in low mole ratio urea-

formaldehyde resins, Ph.D. Thesis, Washington State University, Washington, USA.

[7] D. Grunwald, Kombinierte analytische Untersuchungen von Klebstoffen für Holzwerkstoffe, Mensch & Buch Verlag, Berlin, Germany (2002).

[8] M. Zanetti, A. Pizzi, M. Beaujean, H. Pasch, K. Rode and P. Dalet, Journal of

Applied Polymer Science 86, 1855 (2002). [9] A. Pizzi, B. George, M. Zanetti and P. J. Meausoone, Journal of Applied Polymer

Science 96, 655 (2005). [10] A. Despres and A. Pizzi, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 100, 1406 (2006). [11] J. Mijatovic, W. H. Binder, F. Kubel and W. Kantner, Macromolecular Symposia

181, 373 (2002). [12] L. M. H. Carvalho, 1999. Estudo da Operação de Prensagem do Aglomerado de

Fibras de Média Densidade (MDF): Prensa Descontínua de Pratos Quentes, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Porto, Porto.

[13] J. Stuligross and J. A. Koutsky, Journal of Adhesion 18, 281 (1985).

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[14] M. G. Kim, B. Y. No, S. M. Lee and W. L. Nieh, Journal of Applied Polymer

Science 89, 1896 (2003). [15] G. Nichols, S. Byard, M. J. Bloxham, J. Botterill, N. J. Dawson, A. Dennis, V.

Diart, N. C. North and J. D. Sherwood, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 91, 2103 (2002).

[16] A. Caballero-Herrera, K. Nordstrand, K. D. Berndt and L. Nilsson, Biophysical

Journal 89, 842 (2005). [17] R. N. Kumar, T. L. Han, H. D. Rozman, W. R. W. Daud and M. S. Ibrahim, Journal

of Applied Polymer Science 103, 2709 (2007). [18] T. Hlaing, A. Gilbert and C. Booth, British Polymer Journal 18, 345 (1986). [19] G. Zeppenfeld and D. Grunwald, Klebstoffe in der Holz- und Möbelindustrie,

Drw Verlag Weinbrenner (2005). [20] H. Kadowaki, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 11, 248 (1936). [21] C. Xing, J. Deng, S. Y. Zhang, B. Riedl and A. Cloutier, Journal of Applied Polymer

Science 98, 2027 (2005). [22] M. Szesztay, Z. Laszlohedvig, E. Kovacsovics and F. Tudos, Holz als Roh- und

Werkstoff 51, 297 (1993). [23] T. Zorba, E. Papadopoulou, A. Hatjiissaak, K. M. Paraskevopoulos and K.

Chrissafis, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 92, 29 (2008).

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Effect of ageing on UF resins


3 Effect of ageing on UF resins1


During the last 40 years, several analytical techniques have been

developed/adapted to characterize urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins. However, a

great part of the research about this kind of wood adhesives has been performed

by industrial producers and thus the main part of the existing knowledge is

retained within those companies.

This work describes a methodology for determining the molecular weight

distribution (MWD) of UF resins using Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC)/Size

Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) with 2 detectors (differential refractive index (RI)

and differential viscometer). This method permitted to characterize/distinguish

commercial UF resins produced with different F/U molar ratios and to monitor the

molecular weight and molecular weight distribution with ageing.

An HPLC method was additionally used to evaluate the fraction of unreacted urea,

monomethylolurea and dimethylolurea present in commercial UF resins and

measure the evolution of these three compounds with ageing.

3.1 Introduction

The complex physics and chemistry of UF resins has been the subject of several

studies. These works have yielded further knowledge regarding these systems, but

still many issues remain concerning their structure as well as the kinetics and

mechanisms of their formation. The variety of randomly linked structural elements

1 J. M. Ferra, J. Martins, A. M. Mendes, M. R. N. Costa, F. D. Magalhães and L. H. Carvalho, Journal of Adhesion

Science and technology 24, 1535 (2010).

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such as methylene bridges, ether bridges, methylol and amide groups, and possible

cyclic derivatives makes their analysis a tough challenge. Moreover, these highly

reactive chemical systems have tendency to change during the preparation for the

analysis, or during analysis itself. The difficulty to find suitable solvents for these

resins is an additional problem [1]. Fortunately, the availability of modern

spectroscopic and chromatographic methods has led to considerable

improvements in the characterization of these resins: more specifically, 13C NMR

[2] and FTIR [3] for the structure and GPC/SEC [4-13] and even more recently

MALDI-TOF-MS [14] for the determination of the detailed chemical constitution,

although the true molecular weight distribution (MWD) remains elusive. More

recently, Minopoulou et al. [15] explored the capabilities of FT-NIR spectroscopy

[15-16] for on-line monitoring of the amino resin synthesis. The cured system has

been investigated by solid state 13C CP MAS NMR [17], FTIR [18] and Raman

spectroscopy [19]. The reaction kinetics has been studied experimentally [20] and

theoretically [19, 21-22].

In this work, the characterization of UF resins is focused on the determination of

the molecular weight distribution (MWD). The mechanical and bonding properties

of an adhesive are strongly dependent on its MWD [23-24]. This can be done by

GPC/SEC, but the low solubility of the colloidal fraction of these resins introduces

unique features in the chromatograms that must be taken into account [25].

GPC/SEC is a controlled separation technique in which molecules are separated on

the basis of their hydrodynamic molecular volume or size [26]. With proper column

calibration or using molecular weight-sensitive detectors, such as light scattering,

viscosimetry, or mass spectrometry, the MWD and the statistical molecular weight

averages can be readily obtained. In their review, Barth et al. [26] mentioned that

the GPC/SEC is the premier technique to evaluate these properties for both

synthetic polymers and biopolymers.

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Effect of ageing on UF resins


The main problem using GPC/SEC is the choice of the proper solvent and mobile

phase to ensure complete resin solubility. It is necessary to use dimethylformamide

(DMF) or even dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) to dissolve the higher molecular mass

fractions. Salts such as lithium chloride (LiCl) or lithium bromide (LiBr) are often

used to increase the solvent polarity and consequent polymer solubility, thus

minimizing the formation of aggregates. Another problem is related to the complex

nature of the polymer present in UF resins, where linear and branched fractions

coexist. The calibration standards can not represent this accurately, leading to

inaccuracies in the measured distribution of molecular masses. In contrast to

methods such as the nowadays seldom used analytical ultracentrifugation, no exact

molecular mass distribution can be extracted from chromatographic traces without

several assumptions. But even for linear fractions of UF polymers, as there are no

commercial standards for molecular mass calibration (UF compounds with a single

molar mass and molecular structure), oligomers would have to be synthesized in

the laboratory. GPC/SEC together with light scattering detection, which should

avoid the need for external calibration, is not a viable solution, as only the high

molar masses are detected by the light scattering sensor [1] and for this reason, the

calculation of averages such as weight and number molar masses is still much

affected by the absence of a reliable calibration.

Some partial success has been claimed for the use of GPC/SEC in the analysis of UF

polymers in previous research works. For instance, Dankelman et al. [5] have

reported that GPC/SEC can estimate the ratio of low to high molecular mass

components as well as the amounts of some oligomers. Billiani et al. [4] used this

technique to characterize UF resins synthesized with different degrees of

condensation. They found that measured average molecular mass increased with

the duration of the condensation steps, from a few thousand up to more than 100


In the present work, preliminary studies have pointed out that the Right Angle

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Laser Light Scattering (RALLS) signal is too weak in the low to moderate molecular

weight fractions of the chromatograms obtained with UF resins. Additionally,

preliminary tests with polystyrene standards indicated that this RALLS system was

not able to detect molecular weights below about 7000 g/mol. This implies the

need for using a traditional, universal calibration technique, with two detectors:

differential refractive index and differential viscometer. The information provided

by the RALLS detector was used only in a qualitative way.

The GPC/SEC technique is useful for the characterization of MWD, but does not

give complete information about the composition of the low molecular weight

species present. For this purpose, HPLC can be effectively used for identifying low

molecular weight components in UF resins [27-28], and may contribute to a deeper

understanding of UF chemistry.

Grunwald [29] mentioned the combination of HPLC with GPC techniques as a

relevant area for future R&D on UF resins. In our present work HPLC was used

successfully for determining urea, monomethylolurea and dimethylolurea in

different resins.

3.2 Materials and Methods

3.2.1 Resins preparation

All resins characterized in this work were produced according to the alkaline-acid

process, which consists basically of three steps: methylolation under alkaline

conditions, condensation under acidic conditions, and neutralization and addition

of the so-called final urea or last urea.

Samples of UF-R5 and UF-R2 were supplied by EuroResinas-Indústrias Químicas

S.A., Portugal, while sample of UF-Exp17 was prepared in our laboratory according

to procedure described elsewhere [30]. Table 3.1 shows the technical data

collected for these three resins. All of them are UF resins in water solution with low

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Effect of ageing on UF resins


amounts of melamine and hexamine. The main differences in the synthesis are the

duration of the condensation step – leading to different kinds of polymers formed -

and the final amount of urea added - leading to different final F/U ratios. Resin UF-

R2 has the longest condensation step and the largest amount of final urea, while

resin UF-R5 has the shortest condensation step and the lowest amount of final

urea. Resin UF-Exp17 has a sequential addition of urea during the condensation

step and the preparation procedure is completely described by Ferra et al. [30].

Table 3.1. Technical data of UF-resins

Resin Molar

ratio F/U Solids

content1 (%)

Gel time2

(s) pH range

(25 °C) Viscosity



UF-R5 1.30 63±1 35-55 7.5-8.5 150-350 UF-R2 1.00 64±1 40-100 8.0-9.5 150-300 UF-Exp17 1.12 64±1 40-100 8.0-9.5 150-300

1105 °C, 3 h

2Gel time at 100 °C with 3 wt % of NH4Cl (20 wt % solution)

3Brookfield viscometer at 25 °C

Some commercial resins from several major European producers were also studied.

The principal characteristics are presented in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2. Technical data on UF-resins used from different producers

Resin Molar

ratio F/U Solids

content1 (%)

Gel time2

(s) pH value (25 °C)



UF-A 1.03 67.4 56 8.25 220 UF-B 1.12 63.6 64 8.78 210 UF-C 1.11 69.0 54 8.33 310 UF-D 1.15 68.1 43 8.40 400 UF-E n.a. 64.0 57 8.30 258

1105 °C, 3 h

2Gel time at 100 °C with 3 wt % of NH4Cl (20 wt % solution)

3Brookfield viscometer at 25 °C

3.2.2 GPC/SEC analysis

The main instrument used was a Gilson HPLC system equipped with a Gilson

Differential RI detector and Viscotek Dual Detector (differential viscometer and a

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light scattering detector RALLS). A Rheodyne 7125 injector with a 20 µL loop was

used for injection. The column used was a Waters Styragel HR1 5µm column. DMF

was used as the mobile phase. The column was conditioned at 60 °C using an

external oven and the flow rate was 1 mL·min-1. The universal calibration was done

using poly (ethylene glycol) standards from Polymer Laboratories Ldd, UK, with

molecular weight between 106 – 12140. The RALLS detector was not used for the

determination of molecular weight, because of the absence of response of the

detector to lower molecular weights. However, the RALLS signals were analysed


The samples for GPC/SEC analysis were prepared by dissolving the resin in DMSO,

then vigorously stirring and filtering through a 0.45 µm Nylon syringe filter. The

addition of LiCl and the use of an ultrasonic bath in the preparation of the samples

were also tested, but the differences found in chromatograms were slight or


3.2.3 HPLC analysis

A JASCO HPLC system equipped with a JASCO Differential RI detector and a

Rheodyne 7725i injector with a 100 µL loop was used. The column used was a

Waters Spherisorb silica column. A mixture of acetonitrile and water (90/10) was

used as the mobile phase. The column was conditioned at 30 ºC using an external

oven and the flow rate was 1.5 mL·min-1.

The samples for HPLC analysis were prepared by dissolving the resin in 1 mL of

DMF. After vigorous agitation for 1 min, it was diluted in 2 mL of mobile phase.

When the mobile phase was added, flocculation occurred and the sample was

allowed to rest for 10 min. The supernatant was finally withdrawn with a


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Effect of ageing on UF resins


3.3 Results and discussion

3.3.1 Characterization of UF resins

Determination of molecular weight distribution

In Figure 3.1 one can see the GPC/SEC chromatograms of resins UF-R5 and UF-R2.

In both cases, at least two samples were prepared and analysed in order to verify

the reproducibility of the results.

Figure 3.1a shows the normalized weight fraction (Wt Fr) for resins UF-R5 and UF-

R2 after 5 days. The general features of the chromatograms are similar to those

found in the literature on UF resins. Three zones can be identified in the

chromatograms, as discusses in a previous work [25]. Zone I (elution volume

between 8 and 9 ml) corresponds to the low molecular weight species. Zone II

(elution volume between 5.8 and 8 ml) corresponds to intermediate molecular

weight species, with molecular weights ranging from about tens of thousands Da to

about 600 Da. Zone III (elution volume below 5.8 ml) would correspond to species

with quite high molecular weights, eluting before the exclusion limit of the

GPC/SEC column. It has been suggested that these are molecular aggregates and

not individual polymer molecules [9, 31]. These aggregates would be insoluble in

the original aqueous medium, probably forming larger colloidal structures which

become partially disaggregated in the DMSO solvent.

Since the chromatograms may reflect the presence of molecular aggregates, a

straightforward computation of the average molecular weights would be

misleading. Two different approaches were therefore followed to quantitatively

represent the chromatographic data. On the one hand, assuming that zone III

corresponds essentially to insoluble material, molecular weights were computed by

neglecting this portion of the chromatograms. On the other hand, the two

following parameters were introduced in order to complement the description of

the particular features of these chromatograms:

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amchromatogr of areatotal

I Zone of areaf1 = (3.1)

III Zone II Zone of areas

III Zone of areaf2 += (3.2)

f1 reflects the amount of low molecular weight species in the sample, while f2

indicates the fraction of high molecular weight species, probably in the form of

molecular aggregates in the polymerized material.

The main difference between the chromatograms for resins UF-R5 and UF-R2

(Figure 3.1a) is observed in the zone of low molecular weights, which probably

originated from the larger amount of the urea added in the last step of the reaction

for resin UF-R2. In addition, resin UF-R2 shows a more pronounced tail for low

elution volumes, corresponding to zone III. This probably reflects the higher

condensation state of this resin, which induces higher molecular aggregation [32].

Other than this, the two chromatograms are generically very similar. However, as

will be discussed below, ageing will introduce more pronounced differences.

The RALLS response (Figure 3.1b) gives qualitative information on the insoluble

particles present in solution [32]. One can see that the RALLS chromatograms are

similar for the two resins, but the trace for resin UF-R2 is more intense at lower

elution volumes, once again indicating a more significant aggregation.

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3 4 5 6 7 8 9


alized W

t Fr








log Mw












3 4 5 6 7 8 9

RALLS response/mV









Figure 3.1. Chromatograms for UF-R5 and UF-R2 diluted 3 % in DMSO and stored for 5 days at 25 °C). a) normalized weight fraction (Wt Fr), and b) RALLS response.

The quantitative data shown in Table 3.3 confirm the previous analysis: resin UF-R2

presents a higher fraction of lower molecular weight species (f1) as well a higher

fraction of insoluble aggregates (f2). Resin UF-R2 is the most condensed of the

resins studied in this work, but this feature is not evidenced from the molecular

weight results, because of the larger addition of urea in the last step of the

reaction. Nevertheless, this resin shows the highest value of parameter f2, which is

indeed relatable to the highest degree of condensation.

Table 3.3. Values of Mn, Mw, polydispersity (Mw/Mn), and parameters f1 and f2, obtained by SEC for UF-R5 and UF-R2 stored for 5 days at 25 °C

Resin Mn Mw Mw/Mn f1 f2

UF-R5 3.77×102 3.59×10

3 9.5 0.356 0.171

UF-R2 2.90×102 3.44×10

3 11.9 0.410 0.193

Determination of the fractions of urea and methylolureas

Figure 3.2 presents a typical chromatogram obtained for a UF resin in HPLC. The

three first peaks correspond to urea, monomethylolurea and dimethylolurea,

respectively. This was confirmed by injection of the isolated compounds. The other

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peaks in the chromatogram correspond to oligomeric species.


4 6 8 10 12 14

RI response/mV









Figure 3.2. Chromatogram obtained for resin UF-R5.

Figure 3.3 shows the distribution of the urea, monomethylolurea and

dimethylolurea present in solution for the two resins stored at 25 °C for 5 days

after synthesis. UF-R2 has a much larger fraction of unreacted urea than resin UF-

R5. The last urea was added in order to react with the free formaldehyde present,

but as the added amount was large, most of the urea remained unreacted in the

final resin. However, this unreacted urea may play another role, since it may form a

solvation layer surrounding the colloidal aggregates surface, contributing to its

stabilization against agglomeration [25].

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Effect of ageing on UF resins




Peak area/total area










Figure 3.3. Peak areas normalized by total chromatogram area for UF-R5 and UF-R2 stored at 25 °C.

Analysis of commercial UF resins

Five commercial UF resins from different European producers were analysed.

Figure 3.4a shows the normalized Wt Fr obtained by GPC/SEC. One can see that UF-

D presents a distinctly larger fraction of insoluble aggregates (Zone III) and a higher

fraction of oligomers in the elution volume range 7.8-8.2 mL. On the other hand,

resin UF-B has the lowest fraction of insoluble aggregates and a larger fraction of

polymer with moderate molecular weight. Resins UF-A, UF-C and UF-E present

similar chromatograms, but some differences in the three zones of the

chromatograms were found, namely the large amount of polymer with low

molecular weight present in UF-A and a large amount of insoluble aggregates

existing in UF-E.

The chromatographic trace from the RALLS detector shown in Figure 3.4b agrees

qualitatively with the previous analysis concerning the presence of insoluble

aggregates in the different resins.

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3 4 5 6 7 8 9


alize W

t Fr














3 4 5 6 7 8 9

RALLS response/mV












Figure 3.4. Chromatograms for five UF resins from different manufactures in Europe. a) normalized weight fraction, and b) RALLS response.

The distributions of urea and methylolureas present in the five commercial resins

are shown in Figure 3.5. The main difference among the resins is the fraction of

unreacted urea. In particular, the fraction of urea in resin UF-D is approximately

half of the value for the other resins. The final percentages of urea and

methylolureas as shown above are related to the amount of last urea added and

the free formaldehyde present in the final condensation step.

The results obtained by GPC/SEC and HPLC indicate that each producer had likely

used different processes for the production of UF resins.

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Effect of ageing on UF resins




Peak area/total area












Figure 3.5. Ratios of peak areas / total area of urea (U), monomethylolurea (MMU) and dimethylolurea (DMU) for five UF resins from different producers.

3.3.2 Monitoring the ageing of UF resins

Two UF resins were analysed after ageing, using GPC/SEC and HPLC techniques. The

pH and viscosity of resins were also monitored.

Figure 3.6 depicts the evolution of viscosity for resins UF-R2 and UF-R5 during

storage at 25 °C. The initial slight decrease in viscosity is related to the migration of

hydroxymethyl groups (methylolureas) from the polymeric UF resin components to

the last urea as reported by Kim [33]. Resin UF-R2 gels faster than UF-R5, but both

are stable up to 30 days, which is the normal specification for UF resins. The

storage time limit for UF-R2 is about 40 days, while for UF-R5 it is about 60 days.

The higher degree of condensation of the resin UF-R2 can explain this behaviour.

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storage time/days

0 20 40 60 80







1000 UF-R5


Figure 3.6. Change of viscosity of UF-R5 and UF-R2 with storage time at 25 °C.

UF-R5 and UF-R2 resins were monitored at six different ageing periods (5, 12, 19,

32, 50 and 53 days). Figure 3.7 and Figure 3.8 show the chromatograms for some

selected storage times. Note that no significant changes in the molecular weight

distributions were observed for the first two storage times (5 and 12 days). This is

consistent with the stable viscosity measurements for the first 20 days. Kim et al.

[34] reported similar results by monitoring the storage of UF resins using 13C NMR.

They showed that the degree of polymerization remained stable for about 15 days

but then increased rapidly until 30 days and remained constant afterwards until


On analysing the chromatograms for 4 selected storage times, we find that urea

and methylolureas (peak at 8.5 mL) decrease with ageing whereas the peaks at 8.2

mL and 7.8 mL increase. This suggests that urea and methylolureas react during

storage to produce a polymer with a narrow range of molecular mass / size (peak at

8.2 mL), which, in turn, reacts to produce polymer eluting in the vicinity of 7.8 mL,

visible as a broad peak. Globally, there is a decrease in Zone I of the chromatogram,

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Effect of ageing on UF resins


yielding an increase in moderate to high molecular weight polymer (Zone II) and in

molecular aggregates (Zone III). Interestingly, a well-defined separation between

Zones II and III becomes apparent (at an elution volume of about 6 mL), which was

also visible in the commercial resins (Figure 3.4a). This might be associated with the

process of agglomeration of smaller aggregates into larger particles, shifting

towards the left portion of the chromatogram.

RALLS responses show a sharp increase in insoluble aggregates between 19 and 32

days for resin UF-R2 and between 32 and 53 days for resin UF-R5. This is related to

the viscosity evolution previously measured for both resins (Figure 3.1): the pre-

gelling increase in viscosity for each resin is associated with a significant formation

of insoluble molecular aggregates or, as mentioned above, to agglomeration of

existent aggregates into larger particles. Zanetti and Pizzi [35] and Despres and Pizzi

[31] reported that the continuing formation of colloidal structures followed by the

formation of “superaggregates” (globular masses) were the normal steps for

physical gelation of MUF and UF resins.


3 4 5 6 7 8 9


alized W

t Fr








5 days

19 days

32 days

53 days


3 4 5 6 7 8 9

RALLS response/m







5 days

19 days

32 days

53 days


Figure 3.7. Chromatograms for UF-R2 diluted 3 % in DMSO, for different storage periods at 25 °C. a) normalized weight fraction, and b) RALLS response.

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3 4 5 6 7 8 9


alized W

t Fr







5 days

19 days

32 days

53 days


3 4 5 6 7 8 9

RALLS response/m







5 days

19 days

32 days

53 days


Figure 3.8. Chromatograms for UF-R5 diluted 3 % in DMSO, for different storage periods at 25 °C. a) normalized weight fraction, and b) RALLS response.

From the data in Table 3.4 for resins UF-R2 and UF-R5 at different ages, one can see

that the value of polydispersity decreases with time, due to the condensation of

the low molecular weight species to form polymers with moderate and high

molecular weights. This solubilized polymer might then form insoluble molecular

aggregates but the portion of the chromatogram corresponding to the insoluble

molecular aggregates is not included in the molecular weight calculation, as

mentioned above. The decrease of the low molecular weight fraction (f1) and the

increase of insoluble aggregates fraction (f2) with ageing corroborates the idea that

condensation progresses with storage time, consuming urea and oligomers. The

decrease in f2 observed for resin UF-R5 after 50 days is related to the large increase

in fraction of the polymer with moderate molecular weight (zone II).

It is also interesting to look at the RALLS responses obtained for resins UF-R2 and

UF-R5 with ageing. Figure 3.7b and Figure 3.8b show a peak located roughly in the

region corresponding to zone III, assigned to molecular aggregates present in the

samples. When resins were “fresh” the peak magnitude was very low, but with

ageing it increased sharply for both resins. This seems to indicate that the ageing

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Effect of ageing on UF resins


process produces a significantly higher concentration of aggregated material. These

aggregates might actually be agglomerated into larger particles in the resin.

Table 3.4. Values of Mn, Mw, polydispersity (Mw/Mn), and parameters f1 and f2, obtained by GPC/SEC for UF-R2 and UF-R5 stored for different days at 25 °C

Storage period Mn Mw Mw/Mn f1 f2


5 2.90×102 3.44×10

3 11.9 0.410 0.193

32 3.79×102 2.50×10

3 6.6 0.315 0.201

50 4.14×102 2.03×10

3 4.9 0.303 0.217


5 3.77×102 3.59×10

3 9.5 0.356 0.171

32 4.55×102 2.30×10

3 6.6 0.268 0.190

50 5.10×102 2.75×10

3 5.4 0.225 0.185

Figure 3.9 and Figure 3.10 show the evolution with ageing of the fractions of urea,

monomethylolurea, dimethylolurea and three more oligomeric species present in

the HPLC chromatograms, for resins UF-R2 and UF-R5, respectively. According to

the results described by Ludlam et al. [28], who used the same analysis conditions

(silica columns with NH2 groups, mobile phase and sample preparation) for the

identification of oligomeric species present in UF resins, the three unknown peaks

can be identified as monomethylolmethylenediurea,

monomethyloloxymethylenediurea, and dimethylolmethylenediurea, respectively.

In both cases, the fraction of urea in the solution decreases significantly up to 30

days. It ends up becoming stable as the formaldehyde present in the solution is

consumed. It is interesting to note that the evolution of dimethylolurea is different

for the two resins. It remains almost constant for resin UF-R2 but it goes through a

maximum at about 30 days for resin UF-R5. This behaviour is related to the

existence of free formaldehyde in the solution for resin UF-R5, which reacts with

urea and mostly with monomethylolurea (present in excess at the solution)

forming dimethylolurea. These results indicate that the polymerization reactions

between free formaldehyde, urea and methylolureas continue during the storage

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of the resin. Similar observations were reported by Kim et al. [33], which reported

that the amount of monomethylolurea during storage could increase or decrease

depending on the amount of free formaldehyde present in the solution.


U MMU DMU Peak 4 Peak 5 Peak 6

Peak area/total area








5 days

12 days

32 days

49 days

Figure 3.9. Evolution of the ratios of peak areas / total area of the urea (U), monomethylolurea (MMU), dimethylolurea (DMU) and three other oligomeric species for UF-R2 stored for various periods at 25 °C.


U MMU DMU Peak 4 Peak 5 Peak 6

Peak area/total area







5 days

12 days

32 days

49 days

73 days

Figure 3.10. Evolution of the ratios of peak areas / total area of the urea (U), monomethylolurea (MMU), dimethylolurea (DMU) and three other oligomeric species for UF-R5 stored for various periods at 25 °C.

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Effect of ageing on UF resins


3.3.3 Determination of water tolerance

UF resins are colloidal suspensions that tend to flocculate as they are diluted in

water [25]. Figure 3.11 shows the GPC/SEC chromatograms obtained for the

original resin UF-R5 after 5 days storage at 25 °C and for the resin flocculated with

a large excess of water. In this case the supernatant was collected after

sedimentation of the precipitate and analysed. The corresponding chromatogram

shows similar concentrations of moderate and low weight molecules (elution

volumes between 7.0 to 9.0 mL), but a higher concentration of the zone that

corresponds to high/moderate molecular weight (elution volumes between 5.8 to

7.0 mL) and a lower concentration of insoluble molecular aggregates (Zone III).

Apparently, the transfer of molecules from the high to the intermediate molecular

weight zone is related to disaggregation of the larger particles due to the dilution.

It can also be seen from Figure 3.11 that insoluble aggregates originally

corresponding to zone III form aggregates of larger dimensions after flocculation,

thus eluting earlier. These aggregates only are detected by the RALLS sensor due to

their low concentration. However, it is necessary to use some caution in analysing

the results from RALLS detector because it saturates in the zone between 3.5 to 4.5

mL of the chromatogram. A similar behaviour was observed for other UF resin,

namely UF-R2.

These results demonstrate that the GPC/SEC is an interesting technique to evaluate

the water tolerance. The evaluation of water tolerance using the common method,

which consists in the addition of small amounts of water until the resin flocculation

occurs, is very difficult and inaccurate. A high value of water tolerance confers good

wash down properties to the product and allows easy cleaning of the apparatus

used for production and storage of UF resins.

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Vretention/mL3 4 5 6 7 8 9


alized W

t Fr







RALLS response/mV







flocculated in water

Figure 3.11. Chromatograms for UF-R5 aged for 5 days, diluted in DMSO and very diluted (flocculated) in water.

3.4 Conclusions

Different UF resins were characterized by GPC/SEC and HPLC techniques.

The GPC/SEC analysis encompasses information on the MWD of the soluble

polymer as well as on insoluble molecular aggregates that constituted the original

dispersed phase and have not been completely dissolved in the DMSO solvent. The

information obtained by GPC/SEC is useful for characterization of the resins and

allows to distinguish resins obtained from different production processes. The

information from the RALLS detector complements qualitatively the information on

the insoluble material.

GPC/SEC and HPLC methods permitted to verify that UF resins produced by the

European companies had distinct characteristics (MWD and relative amounts of U,

MMU and DMU). These results suggest that each producer uses a particular

process for the production of UF resin.

The GPS/SEC analyses of the resins at different ageing periods indicated that both

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Effect of ageing on UF resins


polymer condensation and aggregation/agglomeration proceed during storage.

This technique permits to monitor accurately the ageing of UF resins.

3.5 References

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[3] S. S. Jada, Journal of Macromolecular Science-Chemistry A27, 361 (1990). [4] J. Billiani, K. Lederer and M. Dunky, Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie 180,

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[7] M. Dunky, K. Lederer and E. Zimmer, Holzforschung Und Holzverwertung 33, 61 (1981).

[8] D. Grunwald, Kombinierte analytische Untersuchungen von Klebstoffen für Holzwerkstoffe, Mensch & Buch Verlag, Berlin, Germany (2002).

[9] T. Hlaing, A. Gilbert and C. Booth, British Polymer Journal 18, 345 (1986). [10] C. Y. Hse, Z. H. Xia and B. Tomita, Holzforschung 48, 527 (1994). [11] S. Katuscak, M. Tomas and O. Schiessl, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 26,

381 (1981). [12] P. R. Ludlam and J. G. King, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 29, 3863 (1984). [13] G. Zeppenfeld and D. Grunwald, Klebstoffe in der Holz- und Möbelindustrie,

Drw Verlag Weinbrenner (2005). [14] H. Mandal and A. S. Hay, Polymer 38, 6267 (1997). [15] E. Minopoulou, E. Dessipri, G. D. Chryssikos, V. Gionis, A. Paipetis and C.

Panayiotou, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 23, 473 (2003).

[16] E. Dessipri, E. Minopoulou, G. D. Chryssikos, V. Gionis, A. Paipetis and C. Panayiotou, European Polymer Journal 39, 1533 (2003).

[17] S. Tohmura, C. Y. Hse and M. Higuchi, Journal of Wood Science 46, 303 (2000). [18] G. E. Myers, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 26, 747 (1981). [19] L. M. H. Carvalho, M. R. P. F. N. Costa and C. A. V. Costa, Journal of Applied

Polymer Science 102, 5977 (2006). [20] A. F. Price, A. R. Cooper and A. S. Meskin, Journal of Applied Polymer Science

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25, 2597 (1980). [21] M. R. P. F. N. Costa and R. Bachmann, Polycondensation. In Handbook of

Polymer Reaction Engineering, T. Meyer and J. Keurentjes, Eds. Wiley-VCH: 2005; Vol. 1.

[22] A. Kumar and A. Sood, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 40, 1473 (1990). [23] M. Dunky, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 18, 95 (1998). [24] A. Pizzi and K. L. Mittal, Handbook of Adhesive Technology, Marcel Dekker,

New York (2003). [25] J. M. M. Ferra, A. M. Mendes, M. R. N. Costa, L. H. Carvalho and F. D.

Magalhães, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 118, 1956 (2010). [26] H. G. Barth, B. E. Boyes and C. Jackson, Analytical Chemistry 70, 251 (1998). [27] K. Kumlin and R. Simonson, Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie 68, 175

(1978). [28] P. R. Ludlam, J. G. King and R. M. Anderson, Analyst 111, 1265 (1986). [29] D. Grunwald, Wood Adhesives. In COST Action E13: Wood Adhesion and Glued

Products, State of the art Report, M. Dunky, Ed. 2001. [30] J. M. Ferra, J. Pereira, B. Pinto, F. Silva, J. Martins, A. Mendes, M. R. Costa, L.

Carvalho and F. D. Magalhães, Optimization of the Synthesis of Urea-Formaldehyde resins by Response Surface Methodology. In International

Panel Products Symposium, M. Spear, Ed. Espoo, Finland, 2008; pp 97. [31] A. Despres and A. Pizzi, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 100, 1406 (2006). [32] J. M. Ferra, J. Martins, A. Mendes, M. R. Costa, L. Carvalho and F. D.

Magalhães, Characterization of the Two Different Phases in Urea-Formaldehyde Resins. In ECOWOOD, J. Caldeira, Ed. Porto, Portugal, 2008; pp 17.

[33] M. G. Kim, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 80, 2800 (2001). [34] M. G. Kim, H. Wan, B. Y. No and W. L. Nieh, Journal of Applied Polymer Science

82, 1155 (2001). [35] M. Zanetti and A. Pizzi, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 91, 2690 (2004).

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Optimization of the synthesis of UF resins using response surface methodology


4 Optimization of the synthesis of UF resins using response

surface methodology1


In the near future, companies will face the need to produce low formaldehyde

emission resins, i.e., not above the emission level of natural wood. However, for

producing this new generation of urea-formaldehyde resins, it is necessary to

optimize the synthesis process.

This work describes an optimization procedure for UF resin synthesis, following an

alkaline-acid process, focusing on the conditions of the condensation step. A design

of experiments methodology was employed to optimize the 3 selected factors

(number of urea additions, time span between urea additions, and pH of

condensation reaction), in order to produce particleboards with maximum internal

bond strength and minimum formaldehyde release.

The condensation pH played a significant role in increasing the Internal Bond (IB)

strength and reducing the Formaldehyde Emission (FE). The sequential addition of

urea also has a noticeable influence on resin performance. Optimum conditions for

production of urea-formaldehyde resins have been proposed and tested by the

response surface methodology using the desirability function.

1 J. M. Ferra, P. C. Mena, J. Martins, A. M. Mendes, M. R. N. Costa, F. D. Magalhães and L. H. Carvalho, Journal of

Adhesion Science and Technology 24, 1455 (2010).

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4.1 Introduction

Nowadays, the main goal of urea-formaldehyde (UF) resin industry is to comply

with the standards requiring even lower formaldehyde release after curing. This

chemical has now been reclassified as carcinogen by different organizations [1] (see

Table 4.1). In California, the state Health and Safety Code mandates the California

Air Resources Board (CARB) to develop Airborne Toxic Control Measures (ATCM) to

protect public health from airborne carcinogens such as formaldehyde. The ATCM

proposed the reduction of formaldehyde emission from particleboard specifically,

in a first phase, until September 2009, from 0.30 ppm (specified in ASTM E 1333-

96) to 0.18 ppm, and in a second phase, until 2011-2012, to 0.09 ppm [2].

Table 4.1. Current classification of formaldehyde by some organizations

Organization Current classification

European Chemicals Bureau Category 3-R40 “limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect”

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Probable human carcinogen

International Agency for Research on Cancer

Group 1 - “there is sufficient evidence in humans & animals for the carcinogeneticity of formaldehyde”

Free formaldehyde is present in UF resins and hydrolytic degradation of UF resins

(reversibility of aminomethylene links) under moist and acidic conditions is known

to be responsible for formaldehyde emission from wood-based panels. So,

formaldehyde emission not only depends on synthesis conditions, but also on the

type of bonds in the cured resin [3].

Several strategies have been explored for reducing formaldehyde release. These

include the addition of formaldehyde scavengers directly to the resin or wood

particles, the treatment of final wood panels with scavengers or impermeable

coatings, and the development of improved resin formulations [4].

The main change in the synthesis processes has been the decrease of F/U molar

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ratio. However, this worsens the mechanical properties of the particleboards

formed and, moreover, increases the hardening time using the traditional


Different synthesis procedures for UF resins have been found in the literature [5-

11] which can be divided into two distinct processes:

i) The alkaline-acid process [3, 5-6, 8] is the most common. It involves

three steps, usually an initial alkaline methylolation followed by an acid

condensation and finally neutralization and addition of the last urea


ii) The strongly-acid process was first described in the patents by

Williams[4, 11]. It consists of: (1) carrying out the condensation of urea

and formaldehyde under a highly acid environment and large excess of

formaldehyde; (2) continuing the reaction in alkaline medium after

additional urea is added to attain a predetermined U/F molar ratio; (3)

carrying out the reaction under a low pH of about 5 to allow further

condensation until a desired viscosity is reached; and (4) neutralization of

the product and addition of the final urea amount.

Rammon [12] studied the effect of several variables on the synthesis of UF resins

by the alkaline-acid process. The results obtained indicated that increasing the pH

of the alkaline phase or using a longer acid condensation step leads to a decrease

in the amount of ether linkages formed. These linkages can undergo

rearrangement and lead to formaldehyde release.

The Williams process [4, 11] entails minimal energy consumption and involves

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relatively short (3-4 hours) reaction times. The reduced formaldehyde emission and

increased hydrolytic stability have been attributed to the predominance of the

more stable methylene linkages in the cured resin, unlike the alkaline-acid process,

leading to a large amount of methylene ether linkages in the cured resin. The main

problem of this process lies in the control of the highly acid condensation step, due

to its exothermic character. According to Hatjiissaak and Papadopoulou [7], this

process needs careful control, which is difficult to achieve at an industrial scale, to

prevent resin gelling in the reactor.

Williams [11] demonstrated that the modification of the resins with the addition of

cross-linking agents (e.g., trimethoxymethylmelamine) improves the values of

internal bond (IB) strength by 28 % for the uncatalyzed resin and 47 % for the

catalyzed formulation.

Pizzi and coworkers [13-15] reported that multiple additions of urea during resin

preparation increases the bond quality, especially for resins with low F/U molar

ratios. This helps the build-up of the fraction of polymeric material in the final

resin, at the expense of low oligomeric species, thus increasing the condensation

degree of the UF resin [14].

Kim and coworkers [16-20] reported on the migration of methylol groups to the

last urea added in alkaline medium, leading to the reaction with the free amide

groups which were formed in the final stage, producing monomeric methylolureas.

This decreases the final viscosity and increases the formaldehyde emission from

particleboards. Kim and coworkers [16-20] reported also that this migration

continued over a period of 1 month or longer at room temperature and became

relatively fast above 50 °C.

Recently, Kumar et al. [21] have optimized the second step of the strongly-acid

process (alkaline methylolation) for producing UF resins. The effect of the “number

of additions” and “time span between additions” of the second urea on IB strength

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and formaldehyde emission (FE) was analysed. The results showed that the

sequential addition of urea in the methylolation step plays a significant role in

reducing the formaldehyde emission and increasing the internal bond strength. It

was also reported that these observations were due to the conversion of urea and

the migration of the hydroxymethyl groups.

Pizzi and coworkers [14-15] and Kumar et al. [21] state that the best strategy for

obtaining low formaldehyde emission UF resins, with suitable bond strength to

wood, is to produce resins with excess monomeric non-methylolated and

methylolated urea species (which lowers formaldehyde emission and, up to a

certain extent, improves resin adhesion to the wood substrate). On the other hand,

the presence of a certain fraction of non-methylolated and particularly

methylolated polymeric species, ensures that cross-linking density and cohesion,

and hence yield an acceptable mechanical strength will be obtained.

The present work describes the optimization of an alkaline-acid process, mainly

focusing on the condensation step, considering 3 factors: the number of urea

additions, the time span between additions, and the pH. A response surface

methodology (RSM) with a central composite design (CCD) was used in order to

evaluate the effect of independent variables on the process performance and to

optimize the operating conditions (maximize the IB strength and minimize the FE).

Second-order models were fitted using the CCD results, which describe the effect

of the operating conditions on the process responses. These models were used for

interpolating predicted values for the experimental conditions and, therefore,

comparing them with the experimental ones. On the other hand, the models were

used to evaluate the effect of the critical operating conditions on the responses

and to obtain the operating conditions that maximized the objective function.

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4.2 Materials and Methods

4.2.1 Experimental design

Response surface methodology (RSM) is a combination of mathematical and

statistical tools which is effective for studying and modelling processes where

responses are dependent on several operating variables [22]. The model

parameters are estimated using the least squares method. In this work a CCD was

selected, which is the most used method for fitting second-order models.

Pizzi [15] reports that the most important synthesis parameters with an influence

on the properties of UF resins are: temperature, intermediate U/F molar ratios, and

pH of the condensation step.

In the present work, focussing on an alkaline-acid synthesis process, three factors

were analyzed while maintaining the global F/U molar ratio constant: a) total

number of urea additions during the condensation step, b) time span between

consecutive additions of urea during the condensation step, and c) pH of the

condensation step. The pH of the methylolation step was also initially considered,

but preliminary experiments, performed with a pH range between 8.6 and 9.4,

indicated only small modifications in the final product characteristics.

The levels of the three selected factors are given in Table 4.2. The pH values

selected were based on the range used in industrial production.

Table 4.2. Experimental levels of the three factors

Factors levels

−1 0 1

No. of U additions in the condensation step (A) 2 3 4 Time span between additions of U in the condensation step (B) 10 15 20 pH of the condensation step (C) 5.6 5.9 6.2

The properties selected for evaluating the resins produced were: internal bond

strength, formaldehyde content measured by the perforator method, and the

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Optimization of the synthesis of UF resins using response surface methodology


fraction of insoluble aggregates (FIA) measured by Gel Permeation

Chromatography (GPC) / Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC). However, for all the

resins produced, several other properties were measured, namely, gel time, final

pH, viscosity, solids content, and stability at 25 °C.

For generating the matrix of experiments a CCD was employed [22] with 2 central

points, which resulted in 16 experiments (Table 4.3). Even though the number of U

additions is a discrete variable, it was assumed as a continuous variable so that the

RSM approach could be used directly. JMP 5 software (SAS, Cary, NC, USA) was

used for generating the matrix of experiments and for analysing the results.

Table 4.3. Central composite design matrix of experiments generated by the DoE tool

Run Experimental values

A – No. add. U B – Time Span C – pH

1 4 10 5.6

2 2 10 6.2 3 3 15 5.9 4 4 20 5.6 5 3 10 5.9 6 4 15 5.9 7 3 15 6.2 8 3 15 5.9 9 2 20 6.2 10 2 15 5.9 11 4 20 6.2 12 3 15 5.6 13 2 10 5.6 14 4 10 6.2 15 3 20 5.9 16 2 20 5.6

Statistical analysis

The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the adequacy of the

model to describe the observed data. The R2 statistic indicates the degree of

variability of the optimization parameters that are explained by the model.

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Three-dimensional response surface plots were generated for each quality

parameter. Calculation of optimal synthesis conditions for optimum IB strength and

FE was performed using a multiple response method designated as desirability [22-

24]. This optimization method incorporates desired values and priorities for each


The natural variables (A, B and C) are associated with coded variables (X1, X2 and X3)

which are dimensionless, according to [22]:










−= (4.1)

The quadratic equation for the variables is defined as follows:

∑∑++=≥i ij

jiijii0XXβXΣββY (4.2)

Y is the predicted response; β0 is a constant; βi are the linear coefficients; βii are the

squared coefficients; and βij with i≠j are the cross-product coefficients. The above

quadratic equation was used to build response surfaces for the dependent


4.2.2 Synthesis of UF resins

In the preparation of UF resins, industrial-grade raw materials were used, provided

by EuroResinas – Indústrias Químicas S.A., Portugal, namely, urea, 50 % formalin,

sodium hydroxide solution, and acetic acid solution. The synthesis was carried out

in a laboratory-scale 5 L glass reactor.

The reaction of urea and formaldehyde consists basically of a three-step process

(alkaline-acid process):

i) methylolation under alkaline conditions;

ii) condensation under acidic conditions;

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iii) neutralization and addition of the so-called final urea.

Methylolation step: after the required amount of urea was added to produce an

initial F/U molar ratio of 2.15, the reaction mixture was held at the final

temperature (T = 95 °C) for about 30 min under alkaline conditions (pH = 9.0). The

pH was afterwards adjusted to the pH of the condensation step using acetic acid.

Condensation step: the second urea was added sequentially to the previous

reaction mixture, varying the number of intermediate additions and the time

interval between additions. The F/U molar ratio after this step was 1.8. After the

desired viscosity was reached, the reaction was stopped by alkalinisation with

sodium hydroxide solution and cooling. The third (final) urea was then added at 60

°C, yielding a final F/U ratio of 1.12.

The UF resins were stored at 25 °C for three days and then were analysed and

incorporated into wood panels.

4.2.3 GPC/SEC analysis

A Gilson HPLC system equipped with a Gilson Differential RI detector and Viscotek's

Dual Detector (differential viscometer and a light scattering detector RALLS). A

Rheodyne 7125 injector with a 20 µL loop was used for sample introduction. The

column used was a Waters Styragel HR1 5 µm. Dimethylformamide (DMF) was used

as the mobile phase. The column was conditioned at 60 °C using an external oven

and the flow rate was 1 mL/min. The Universal Calibration was based on

poly(ethylene glycol) standards from Polymer Laboratories, Germany with

molecular weight between 106 - 12140. The RALLS detector was not used for the

tri-SEC molecular weight calculations owing to the very weak response at lower

molecular weights. However, the RALLS signals were qualitatively taken into


The samples for GPC/SEC analysis were prepared by dissolving approximately 100

mg sample of resin in 3 mL of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), then stirring vigorously

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and filtering through a 0.45 µm Nylon syringe filter.

4.2.4 Preparation of laboratory-made particleboards

Wood particles were provided by a particleboard producer (Sonae Industria,

Oliveira do Hospital plant, Portugal), a standard mix of wood particles was used for

the face layer and core layer. The standard mix included about 30 % maritime pine

(Pinus Pinaster), 15 % eucalypt Eucalyptus Globulus, 25 % pine sawdust and 30 %

recycled wood. Wood particles with 4 % of moisture content were blended with

the resins and paraffin in a laboratory glue blender. The UF resins were applied at 8

% resin solids in both the face and core layers, based on the oven-dry weight of the

respective particles. The resin formation was more catalysed in the core layer (3 %

solids based on oven-dry weight of resin) than in the face layer (1 % solids based on

oven-dry weight of resin).

A three-layer particleboard was hand-formed in a metallic container with

dimensions 220 mm x 220 mm x 80 mm. The total percentages of board mass

were: 20 % for the upper face layer, 62 % for the core layer and 18 % for the

bottom face layer. Boards were then pressed in a laboratory scale hot-press,

controlled by a computer and equipped with a displacement sensor (LVDT), a load

cell, thermocouples and pressure transducers. The mat was pressed at 195 °C for

2.8 min to produce a board with a target density of 650 kg/m3 and with 17 mm


After pressing, boards were conditioned for 3 days at normal conditions (20 °C, 65

% RH).

4.2.5 Particleboard Testing

Samples were then tested accordingly to the European standards and the following

physico-mechanical properties were evaluated: density (EN 323), moisture content

(EN 322) and IB strength (EN 319).

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Optimization of the synthesis of UF resins using response surface methodology


The formaldehyde content of all samples was determined according to EN 120

(perforator method) and the formaldehyde emission was determined for some

samples, according to EN 717-2 (gas analysis method).

4.3 Results and Discussion

4.3.1 Characteristics and performance of the UF resins produced

In the resin synthesis, the condensation reaction step is stopped when the desired

viscosity is attained for the reaction mixture. Figure 4.1 shows the time necessary

for the condensation reaction step as a function of the pH in this step. There is a

strong influence of pH on the reaction rate. Interestingly, it was observed that the

other two factors, time span between urea additions and number of urea

additions, had negligence influence on the reaction time.

pH of condensation step

5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3

time /min










Figure 4.1. Condensation reaction time versus pH of the condensation step for the resins produced.

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Table 4.4 reports the characteristics measured for all the UF resins produced in this

work, namely, gel time, viscosity, solids content and final pH.

Table 4.4. Characteristics of UF resins produced

Run Gel time


(s) Viscosity


(mPa·s) Solids content


(%) pH

(25 °C)

1 67 190 63.92 9.05

2 77 170 63.86 8.66

3 94 170 64.36 8.73

4 115 200 64.04 8.69

5 66 240 63.59 9.10

6 69 260 64.22 8.18

7 60 130 64.73 9.40

8 93 160 64.99 8.63

9 74 130 64.30 8.02

10 80 150 63.86 9.26 11 80 170 65.35 9.54

12 68 130 63.37 9.18

13 71 130 63.32 8.87

14 58 130 65.02 9.16

15 62 190 64.69 8.90

16 80 210 63.52 9.30 1Gel time at 100 °C with 3 wt % of NH4Cl (20 wt % solution)

2Brookfield viscometer at 25 °

3120 °C, 3 h

All resins were analysed by GPC/SEC three days after synthesis, to evaluate the

fraction of insoluble molecular aggregates. Table 4.5 presents the resins properties

considered for the experimental design. Figure 4.2 shows a typical chromatogram

for a UF resin synthesised in this work. The peak with larger retention volume

corresponds to free urea, methylolureas and oligomers (MW < 400), the

intermediate zone of the chromatogram (5.8 – 8.2 mL) corresponds to polymer

with moderate molecular weight (400 < MW < 12140). The leftmost portion of the

chromatogram would correspond to polymer with unrealistic high molecular

weight (MW > 12140). This fraction may actually represent insoluble molecular

aggregates (colloids) smaller than 0.45 μm and not actually individualized

molecules, as suggested by Hlaing et al [25] and Despres and Pizzi [26]. The

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presence of these colloidal particles will influence the resin performance during the

bonding process [27]. The fraction of insoluble aggregates is computed here as the

ratio of the area of the chromatogram corresponding to elution volumes below 5.8

mL to the total area. This segmentation of UF resin chromatogram into three zones

has been previously suggested by different authors [25, 27-28].


3 4 5 6 7 8 9


alized RI response /mV






Figure 4.2. Normalized response of RI sensor for UF resin run 5 diluted 3 % in DMSO.

In Table 4.5, it is possible to observe quite distinct values of IB strength and FE,

indicating that the produced resins effectively have different properties, caused by

the changes in the operating conditions.

Note that for the particleboards produced with all resins, other physical-

mechanical properties were also measured, namely, density, moisture content, and

thickness swelling. All the results obtained comply with standard specifications for

particleboard (EN312).

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According to the standards specifications, the minimum acceptable value for IB

strength is 0.35 N·mm-2 (type P2 board, EN 312). Although for formaldehyde

content, the limit for class E1 is 8 mg/100 g oven-dry board, perforator value (EN

312; EN 13986), particleboard producers are compelled by customers to lower the

limits to 4 mg/100 g oven-dry board (EN 120). Some of the resins (runs 3, 7, 8 and

9) lead to excellent values of IB strength, while others lead to very low FE (runs 2

and 14), maintaining acceptable values of IB strength. In particular, one of the

resins (run 6) produced panels with very good properties, i.e., a high value of IB

strength (0.80 N·mm-2) and a low value of FE (4.5 mg/100 g oven-dry board).

Table 4.5. Experimental results for the three measured responses

Run IB strength






Perforator method (mg/100 g dry board)

Gas analysis method


1 0.56 6.5 - 0.079 2 0.59 4.1 3.61 0.093 3 0.72 6.7 - 0.051 4 0.37 5.7 - 0.054 5 0.39 5.7 - 0.057 6 0.80 4.5 4.24 0.098 7 0.62 5.8 - 0.062 8 0.63 6.2 - 0.065 9 0.72 7.4 - 0.054 10 0.59 6.2 - 0.052 11 0.58 5.3 - 0.069 12 0.38 6.6 - 0.036 13 0.50 6.5 - 0.049 14 0.41 4.3 3.62 0.076 15 0.57 5.8 - 0.074 16 0.44 6.1 - 0.061

1IB strength – internal bond strength

2FE – formaldehyde emission

3FIA – fraction of insoluble aggregates

It is known that the release of formaldehyde from wood panels is caused by three

factors: a) residual formaldehyde trapped as gas in the board structure, b)

formaldehyde dissolved in the retained water, and c) hydrolysis of weakly bound

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formaldehyde, in the form of methylols, acetals and hemiacetals and, in more

severe cases, hydrolysis of methylene ether bridges (at high relative humidity) [3].

Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4 show how the fraction of insoluble aggregates may be

related to IB strength and FE. Despite the scatter in the data, it seems acceptable to

establish a trend such that as FIA increases, IB strength increases and FE decreases.

The contribution of the dispersed insoluble phase to the strengthening of the

adhesive bond, by acting as a reactive reinforcing filler, has been previously

suggested [27, 29]. On the other hand, the association of this disperse phase to a

lower formaldehyde release, as suggested by Figure 4.4, can be interpreted in

terms of the presence of polymer with higher content in methylene linkages.

These results point a way to produce UF resins with improved performance, by

obtaining high fractions of insoluble aggregates combined with low molecular

weight polymer. Dunky [3] reports that higher molecular weight species improve

the cohesive strength, while the low molecular weight species contribute to the

wetting and penetration of the resin in the substrate.

IB strength (N.mm-2)

0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Fraction of insoluble aggregates







Figure 4.3. Relation between insoluble aggregates and internal bond strength. The dashed lines represent the 90 % confidence intervals.

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F content (mg/ 100 g dry board)

4 5 6 7

Fraction of insoluble aggregates







Figure 4.4. Relation between insoluble molecular aggregates and F content. The dashed lines represent the 90 % confidence intervals.

4.3.2 Model fitting

The application of RSM gave the regression equations shown below (Eqs. 4.3-4.5),

which are empirical relations between the three responses and the three test

variables. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated that the second-order

polynomial model (Eq. 4.2) was adequate to represent the FE (p-value = 0.05 and R2

= 0.86). For IB strength (p-value = 0.25 and R2 = 0.73) the analytical method

employed for quantifying IB strength did not have enough resolution, within the

range considered for each factor, resulting in a smaller confidence level of the

fitted model. The parameters of the ANOVA indicated that the model was not

adequate to represent the FIA.

It must be remarked that in the cases where the error in Eqs. 4.3-4.5 was equal or

higher than the corresponding coefficient, the associated variable was not included

in the models, as usual [22].

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Optimization of the synthesis of UF resins using response surface methodology


As can be seen in Figure 4.5, the values predicted by the second-order models for

response IB strength and FE agree reasonably well with the experimental data.

Figure 4.5. Experimental and calculated results of the responses considered. Y1 – internal bond strength and Y2 – formaldehyde emission.

After removing the negligible parameters from the original fitting polynomial

equations, one obtains:









X0.038393)X0.06875(0.03434)X0.067(0.051411)0.6208621( strengthIB


±+±+±= (4.3)




















where Xi are the coded variables (Eq. 4.1) for each factor: X1 is the number of urea

additions in the condensation step, X2 is the time span between successive urea

additions in the condensation step, and X3 is the pH of condensation step.

Considering just the first-order effects of each variable in Eq. 4.3, it is clear that the

main factor that affects IB strength is the pH of the condensation step. For the

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formaldehyde emission property (Eq. 4.4), the number of additions of urea and the

pH of condensation steps are the main factors, but the time span between urea

additions also plays a noticeable role.

4.3.3 Effect of all three factors on the measured responses

Figure 4.6 and Figure 4.7 depict the response surfaces, showing the effect of the

number of urea additions, the time span between consecutive urea additions, and

the pH of the condensation step on the IB strength and FE of the panels produced.

The polynomial expression in Eq. 4.4 was used to calculate the response surface

illustrated in Figure 4.6. It can be seen from Figure 4.6a that depending on the pH

of condensation, the time span between urea additions may have different effects

on the IB strength. For the lower condensation pH (5.6), increasing the time span

affects negatively the IB strength, whereas for the higher pH (6.2) the effect is

reversed. As the time span between urea additions increases, if the reaction rate is

sufficiently high, the urea might be depleted before the next addition takes place.

As we can see from Figure 4.6, for pH 5.6 the reaction is about 5 times faster than

for pH 6.2. Hence, there is a high probability that urea added too late during the

condensation step will not be totally consumed and will be carried on to the last

step. At pH = 5.9 there is a mixed effect on the IB strength value. By allowing a

higher conversion of urea in this reaction step, a higher fraction of polymer is

obtained in the final resin, in contrast to oligomeric species. This leads to an

improved bond quality, as previously discussed by Pizzi [15].

Figure 4.6b shows that the number of urea additions does not change the effect of

the other two factors on IB strength. Once again, it can be seen that each of the

two factors has a positive or negative effect on IB strength, depending on the value

of the other factor (cross-effects).

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Optimization of the synthesis of

Figure 4.6. Response surface for internal bond strength as a function of: a) time span between urea additions and number of urea additions (for different pH values of condensation step), b) pH of condensation step and time span between urea additions (for different numbers of urea additions) and c) pH of condensation step and number of urea additions (for different time spans between urea additions).

The response surfaces illustrated in

on the formaldehyde emission (FE). It is particularly evident from

FE tends to decrease as pH is increased and the time span between additions is


The lower emission at the higher pH might be

stable methylene linkages instead

condensation process. The former can rearrange to methylene bridges by splitting

Optimization of the synthesis of UF resins using response surface methodology


Response surface for internal bond strength as a function of: a) time span between urea additions and number of urea additions (for different pH values of

step), b) pH of condensation step and time span between urea additions (for numbers of urea additions) and c) pH of condensation step and number of urea

additions (for different time spans between urea additions).

ed in Figure 4.7 show the effects of the three factors

on the formaldehyde emission (FE). It is particularly evident from Figure 4.4b that

FE tends to decrease as pH is increased and the time span between additions is

The lower emission at the higher pH might be related to the formation of the more

stead of methylene ether linkages during the

condensation process. The former can rearrange to methylene bridges by splitting

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off formaldehyde [3].

The cross-effects discussed above justify

optimization of the synthesis of UF resin.

Figure 4.7. Response surface for formaldehyde emission as a function of: a) time span between urea additions and number of urea additions (for different pH values of condensation step), b) pH of condensation step andifferent numbers of urea additions) and c) pH of condensation step and number of urea additions (for different time spans between urea additions).

4.3.4 Optimization of Operating Conditions

The optimization consisted in the simultaneous maximization of the IB

value and minimization of the FE value. This was done based on the

justify the use of design of experiments tools for

optimization of the synthesis of UF resin.

Response surface for formaldehyde emission as a function of: a) time span between urea additions and number of urea additions (for different pH values of condensation step), b) pH of condensation step and time span between urea additions (for different numbers of urea additions) and c) pH of condensation step and number of urea additions (for different time spans between urea additions).

Optimization of Operating Conditions

the simultaneous maximization of the IB strength

value and minimization of the FE value. This was done based on the desirability

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Optimization of the synthesis of UF resins using response surface methodology


function methodology [23], assigning preponderance factors of 0.5 and 1 to the IB

strength and FE responses, respectively, on a 0-1 scale. The optimum formulation

found is presented in Table 4.6.

Table 4.6. Operating conditions that produce the minimum formaldehyde emission

Factor Optimum


No. of U additions in the condensation step (A) 4

Time span (min) between U additions in the condensation step (B) 13

pH of the condensation step (B) 6.1

These synthesis conditions were reproduced in order to validate the predictions.

Table 4.7 shows the characteristics obtained for this resin.

Table 4.7. Characteristics of the UF resin optimized for minimizing the formaldehyde emission

Run Gel time1

(s) Viscosity


(mPa·s) Solids content


(%) pH

(25 °C)

Optimum 1 74 150 64.22 9.27 1Gel time at 100 °C with 3 wt % of NH4Cl (20 wt % solution)

2Brookfield viscometer at 25 °C

3120 °C, 3 h

The experimental values of the three responses for this optimized resin are

presented in Table 4.8, together with the values predicted by the empirical models

(Eqs. 4.3 to 4.5). The particleboard properties (IB strength and FE) are sufficiently

close to the predicted values, considering the inevitable variability induced by the

use of industrial grade reagents, complex control of synthesis conditions (namely

the pH history and monitoring of the viscosity in the condensation step) and the

natural heterogeneity of the wood mix used for particleboards.

The measured value of insoluble molecular aggregates is slightly lower than the

predicted value (the fitted model has a small p-value). Also, this result can be

explained by some variation in the final viscosity at condensation reaction. The

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value of insoluble molecular aggregates is significantly affected by the duration of

the condensation step.

The optimized UF resin has a good quality for a class E1 resin (the value measured

by the perforator method should be below 8 mg/100 g oven-dry board). The IB

strength is well above the minimum acceptable value of 0.35 N·mm-2 for a P2 type

board (EN312). However, resin reactivity (gel time) has to be improved.

Table 4.8. Predicted and experimental values for the three responses

Response Optimum 1

predicted experimental

IB strength1 (N·mm

-2) 0.65 ± 0.11 0.51

FE2 (mg/100 g dry board) 4.5 ± 0.5 4.2


0.84 ± 0.018 0.076 1IB strength – internal bond strength

2FE – formaldehyde emission

3FIA – fraction of insoluble aggregates

4.4 Conclusions

An alkaline-acid synthesis process was studied using a design of experiments

methodology, in order to optimize both the adhesion performance as well as

formaldehyde emission of UF resins. It was concluded that the pH and the time

span between consecutive urea additions in the condensation step have a strong

influence on the analysed properties.

The fraction of insoluble molecular aggregates in the produced resin, detectable by

GPC/SEC analysis, is related to the particleboard performance. A larger amount of

dispersed phase seems to lead to higher internal bond strength and lower

formaldehyde emission.

In order to optimize the resins performance, in terms of internal bond strength and

formaldehyde emission, the desirability method was used. An optimized resin was

identified and produced. The properties obtained were within or close to the

values predicted by the empirical models employed.

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Optimization of the synthesis of UF resins using response surface methodology


4.5 References

[1] E. Athanassiadou, S. Tsiantzi and C. Markessini, Towards composites with formaldehyde emission at natural wood levels. In COST Action E49

"Measurement and Control of VOC Emissions from Wood-Based Panels", Braunschweig, Germany, 2007.

[2] CARB, Airborne Toxic Control Measure to Reduce Formaldehyde Emissions from Composite Wood Products, California Environmental Protection Agency, 2007.

[3] M. Dunky, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 18, 95 (1998). [4] J. H. Williams, US Patent 4482699 (1984). [5] P. Christjanson, T. Pehk and K. Siimer, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 100,

1673 (2006). [6] L. Graves and J. Mueller, US Patent 5362842 (1994). [7] A. Hatjiissaak and E. Papadopoulou, WO Patent 138364 (2007). [8] H. Kong, US Patent 4603191 (1986). [9] H. Spurlock, US Patent 4381368 (1983). [10] S. Vargiu, S. Giovanni, G. Mazzolen and U. Nistri, US Patent 3842039 (1974). [11] J. H. Williams, US Patent 4410685 (1983). [12] R. M. Rammon, 1984. The influence of synthesis parameters on the structure

of urea-formaldehyde resins, Ph.D. Thesis, Washington State University, Washington, USA.

[13] A. Pizzi, Wood adhesives : Chemistry and Technology, Marcel Dekker, New York (1983).

[14] A. Pizzi, L. Lipschitz and J. Valenzuela, Holzforschung 48, 254 (1994). [15] A. Pizzi and K. L. Mittal, Handbook of Adhesive Technology, Marcel Dekker,

New York (2003). [16] M. G. Kim, Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry 37, 995 (1999). [17] M. G. Kim, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 75, 1243 (2000). [18] M. G. Kim, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 80, 2800 (2001). [19] M. G. Kim, B. Y. No, S. M. Lee and W. L. Nieh, Journal of Applied Polymer

Science 89, 1896 (2003). [20] M. G. Kim, H. Wan, B. Y. No and W. L. Nieh, Journal of Applied Polymer Science

82, 1155 (2001). [21] R. N. Kumar, T. L. Han, H. D. Rozman, W. R. W. Daud and M. S. Ibrahim, Journal

of Applied Polymer Science 103, 2709 (2007). [22] D. C. Montgomery, G. C. Runger and N. F. Hubele, Engineering statistics, John

Wiley and Sons Inc., Hoboken, NJ (2001). [23] G. C. Derringer, Quality Progress 27, 51 (1994). [24] G. E. P. Box and K. B. Wilson, Journal Royal Statistical Society Series B 13, 1

(1951). [25] T. Hlaing, A. Gilbert and C. Booth, British Polymer Journal 18, 345 (1986). [26] A. Despres and A. Pizzi, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 100, 1406 (2006).

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[27] J. M. M. Ferra, A. M. Mendes, M. R. N. Costa, L. H. Carvalho and F. D. Magalhães, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 118, 1956 (2010).

[28] G. Zeppenfeld and D. Grunwald, Klebstoffe in der Holz- und Möbelindustrie, Drw Verlag Weinbrenner (2005).

[29] J. M. Ferra, J. Martins, A. Mendes, M. R. Costa, L. Carvalho and F. D. Magalhães, Characterization of the Two Different Phases in Urea-Formaldehyde Resins. In ECOWOOD, J. Caldeira, Ed. Porto, Portugal, 2008; pp 17.

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Comparison of UF synthesis by alkaline-acid and strongly acid processes


5 Comparison of UF synthesis by alkaline-acid and strongly

acid processes1


This work discusses two processes for producing urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins.

One is the alkaline-acid process, which has three steps: usually an alkaline

methylolation followed by an acid condensation and finally the addition of a final

amount of urea. The other process, the strongly acid process, consists of four steps,

in which the first step involves a strongly acid condensation followed by an alkaline

methylolation, a second condensation under a moderately acid pH and finally,

methylolation and neutralization under a slight alkaline pH.

Two resins were produced using the two above described processes. The molecular

weight distribution (MWD) of the resins was monitored off-line by GPC/SEC and the

final resins were characterized by GPC/SEC and HPLC. These studies showed that

the two resins differ greatly in chemical structure, composition, viscosity and

reactivity. The monitoring of MWD indicated that the first condensation under a

strongly acid environment leads to the production of a polymer with a distinctly

different chemical structure, therefore increasing the flexibility of polymer

synthesis and opening the way to the improvement of end-use properties.

1J. M. Ferra, A. M. Mendes, M. R. N. Costa, F. D. Magalhães and L. H. Carvalho, Journal of Applied Polymer Science


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5.1 Introduction

Owing to environmental concerns stemming from the formaldehyde emission in

wood-based panels, the formulation of urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins has evolved

towards a significant decrease in the mole ratio of formaldehyde to urea.

Unfortunately, when the aim is to achieve particularly low formaldehyde contents,

experience shows that compliance to this goal also brings about a drop in reactivity

and in resin stability as well as the degradation in the mechanical properties of the

finished boards. It is necessary to further optimize the synthesis of UF resins,

studying how the production process can be adjusted to obtain the desired


Several possibilities for the production of UF resins can be found in the literature

[1-8]. The most common is the alkaline-acid process [6-9], which has three steps -

usually an alkaline methylolation followed by an acid condensation and finally the

neutralization and addition of the last urea.

Maslosh et al. [10]reported that the alkaline-acid process produces resins with

lower content of free formaldehyde as compared with the acid-alkaline process.

According to Christjanson et al. [8] the main advantage of this process consists in

the first methylolation step, which allows a higher methylolurea content. The acid

condensation step before the methylolation stage promotes the tri-substitution in

urea through the formation of branched chains. These species decrease the

compatibility with water and the adhesion performance, namely the reactivity.

Graves et al. [6] have found that the addition of triethanolamine in the first

methylolation reaction improves not only the resistance to hydrolysis, but also the

rate of cure and decrease the formaldehyde rate of release.

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Comparison of UF synthesis by alkaline-acid and strongly acid processes


The strongly acid process was described for the first time by Williams [2, 4], who

has developed a method for producing low emission UF resins, consisting of:

(1) Carrying out the condensation of urea and formaldehyde under a highly acid

environment and large excess of formaldehyde;

(2) Pursuing the reaction in alkaline medium after urea addition, in order to

achieve a predetermined F/U molar ratio;

(3) Further carrying out the reaction under a pH of about 5 to allow a

supplementary condensation until the desired viscosity is reached;

(4) Neutralization and addition of a final amount of urea to obtain the intended

low F/U molar ratio.

The Williams process [2, 4] entails minimal energy consumption and involves

relatively short (3-4 hours) reaction times. The reduced formaldehyde emission and

increased hydrolytic stability have been attributed to the predominance of the

more stable methylene linkages in the cured resin, unlike the alkaline-acid process

which leads to a larger amount of methylene ether linkages in the cured resin.

The main problem of this process lies in the control of the strongly acid

condensation step, due to its exothermic character. According to Hatjiissaak and

Papadopoulou [5], this implies careful control, which may be difficult to achieve on

an industrial scale, to prevent resin gelling in the reactor.

In this work, two resins were produced using the alkaline-acid and strongly acid

processes. The synthesis of the resins was off-line monitored by GPC/SEC. The

monitoring shows that the polymerization path is very different for each process.

The strongly acid process forms, initially, polymer with high molecular weight,

which is insoluble due to the long size of chains with methylene bridges. The

determination of MWD (in fact, it could be better described as the molecular size

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distribution in terms of the molecular weight of the poly(ethylene glycol) with the

same hydrodynamic radius, we refer MWD for simplicity) of the final resins

indicated that the resin produced by the strongly acid process has a large fraction

of insoluble molecular aggregates in contrast with the alkaline-acid process.

5.2 Materials and Methods

5.2.1 Resin preparation

In the preparation of UF resins, industrial-grade raw materials were used, namely:

urea, 50 % formalin, melamine, hexamine, sodium hydroxide solution, acetic acid

and sulfuric acid. The synthesis of resins was carried out with a bench scale 5 L glass

reactor. They were produced according to two synthesis methods.

Resin UF-Exp7 was produced according to the alkaline-acid process and resin UF-

W6 according to the strongly acid process. The two procedures are described


The two resins are water dispersions with a low amount of melamine (0.3 %) and

hexamine (0.1 %) which are typically added for improving hydrolysis resistance and

increase the buffering capacity, respectively.

Alkaline-acid process (synthesis of UF-Exp7)

The reaction of urea and formaldehyde consists basically in a three step process:

i. methylolation step at alkaline conditions;

ii. condensation step at acidic conditions (pH about 5.6) up to 350-450 mPa·s;

iii. neutralization (pH > 7.5) of the product and addition of a final amount of

urea to obtain a desired low formaldehyde/urea ratio.

The formulation of resin UF-Exp7 was based on a previously reported [11]

optimization study of the traditional alkaline-acid process. From the design of

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Comparison of UF synthesis by alkaline-acid and strongly acid processes


experiments procedure employed, UF-Exp7 yielded the highest value of internal

bonding while maintaining an acceptably low formaldehyde emission value.

After the required amount of 55.5 % formaldehyde solution and urea were loaded

into a reactor (F/U molar ratio of 2.00 - 2.15), the reaction mixture was held at the

final temperature (95 °C) for about 30 min under alkaline conditions (pH = 8.5 -


The pH was then adjusted to about 5.6 - 6.1 with acetic acid solution and the

second urea was added sequentially to the previous reaction mixture (four

additions of urea and thirteen minutes between additions). The F/U molar ratio

after this step is approximately 1.8.

After the desired viscosity being reached, the reaction was stopped by

alkalinisation with sodium hydroxide solution and cooled down. The third (final)

urea was then added at 60 °C, yielding a final F/U ratio of 1.12. Figure 5.1 shows a

diagram describing the temperature and pH histories during resin preparation.

Time / min

0 50 100 150 200

Temperature / º C













add. U2

add. U1 add. U3

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5

Figure 5.1. Reaction temperature (—) and pH (---) histories for resin UF-Exp7. These simplified history curves are based on the experimentally measured values. The urea addition (Ui) and sample collection (Si) times are also indicated in the graph.

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Strongly acid process (synthesis of UF-W6)

The reaction consists basically in a four step process:

i. condensation of urea and formaldehyde under a strongly acid environment

and a large excess of formaldehyde;

ii. methylolation step at alkaline medium;

iii. condensation at a low pH ( about 5) as soon as the desired viscosity was


iv. neutralization (pH > 7.5) and fast cooling; final addition of urea to obtain

the specified low F/U molar ratio.

Formaldehyde 55.5 % solution was charged into the reactor and the pH value was

adjusted to 1-2 using sulfuric acid. Urea (F/U ~3.00 - 3.25) was added in 15 equal

parts over a time span of 15 min. The reaction is very exothermic and the

temperature increased to 80 °C without external heat supply. The temperature was

kept at 80 °C for 10 min. After 10 min of reaction the pH was adjusted to 7.3-7.5

with a 50 % sodium hydroxide solution. A second amount of urea and melamine

were charged into the reactor and the temperature was increased to 95 °C and the

reaction followed during 15 min. The pH was again adjusted to 5.2 - 6.0 with 25 %

acetic acid solution and the polymer was condensed until the desired viscosity (450

- 550 mPa·s) was reached. The pH was then adjusted to 7.5 with 50 % sodium

hydroxide solution and the reacting media was cooled down. At 60 °C, the last

amount of urea and hexamine were added to the reactor to obtain the specified

F/U molar ratio (1.10), and again the pH was adjusted to obtain a pH 7.5 - 8.5. After

the whole amount of urea was dissolved the solution was cooled to room

temperature. The temperature and pH histories along resin preparation are shown

in Figure 5.2.

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Comparison of UF synthesis by alkaline-acid and strongly acid processes


Time / min

0 40 80 120 160 200 240

Temperature / º C















seq. add. U1

add. U2

add. U3

S1 S2S3

S4 S5S6

Figure 5.2. Reaction temperature (—) and pH (---) histories for resin UF-W6. These simplified history curves are based on the experimentally measured values. The urea addition (Ui) and sample collection (Si) times are also indicated in the graph.

5.2.2 GPC/SEC analysis

A Gilson HPLC system equipped with a Gilson Differential RI detector and Viscotek

Dual Detector (differential viscometer and a light scattering detector RALLS).and a

Rheodyne 7125 injector with a 20 µL loop have been used. The selected column

was a Waters Styragel HR1 with 5 µm particle size. The RALLS detector was not

used for the GPC/SEC molecular weight calculations because of the weak response

for lower molecular weights. The analysis conditions and samples preparation have

been described in detail elsewhere [12].

5.2.3 HPLC analysis

A JASCO HPLC system equipped with a JASCO Differential RI detector, and a

Rheodyne 7725i injector with a 100 µL loop was used. The chosen separating

column was a Waters Spherisorb NH2 with 5 µm nominal particle size.

Acetonitrile/water (90/10) was used as the mobile phase. The column was

conditioned at 30 °C using an external oven and the flow rate was 1.5 mL·min-1.The

samples were prepared according to the procedure described in Ferra et al. [12].

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5.3 Results and discussion

5.3.1 Characteristics of the produced resins

Table 5.1 shows the technical data of the two UF resins characterized in this work.

The UF resins were stored at 25 °C for the chemical analysis in GPC/SEC and HPLC.

It should be noticed that resin UF-W6 had a high gel time (low reactivity), while

viscosity was comparable to the UF-Exp7.

Table 5.1. Technical data of UF-resins

1120 °C, 3 h

2Gel time at 100 °C with 3 wt % NH4Cl (20 wt % solution)

3Brookfield viscometer at 25 °C

5.3.2 Monitoring of UF synthesis

In order to improve the knowledge on the polymerization reactions occurring in

alkaline-acid and strongly acid processes, each synthesis was monitored off-line by


Alkaline process

Samples were collected at some critical moments of the synthesis: start and end of

methylolation stage, start and end of condensation stage and before the addition

of the last urea. The complete description of the sampling procedure is presented

in Table 5.2. The instants when the samples were collected are also shown on

Figure 5.1.

Resin Molar ratio

F/U Solids

content1 (%)


(s) pH value

(25 °C) Viscosity



UF-Exp7 1.12 64.1 71 8.64 150 UF-W6 1.10 63.3 112 8.16 270

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Comparison of UF synthesis by alkaline-acid and strongly acid processes


Table 5.2. Identification of different stages during the synthesis (UF-Exp 7)

Stage Reaction

time (min) Reaction step T (°C) pH

Sample 1 27 At the middle of methylolation step

90-100 9.0-9.4

Sample 2 55 At the end of methylolation step

90-100 9.0-9.4

Sample 3 106 During condensation step, when visc. ~80 mPa·s at 25 °C

90-100 5.6-6.2

Sample 4 141 During condensation step, when visc. ~400 mPa·s at 25 °C

90-100 5.6-6.2

Sample 5 159 Before addition of last urea <60 >8.5

Figure 5.3 shows the GPC/SEC chromatograms obtained for the different samples.

It is interesting to follow the evolution of the low molecular weight species during

the reaction, taking into account the assignment of the peaks, discussed in a

previous work [12]: Peak 1 - urea and methylolureas; Peak 2 - methylolureas and

some oligomeric species; Peak 3 - other oligomeric species. In Figure 5.3a it is

possible to observe the formation of methylolureas and oligomeric species in the

methylolation stage (see Figure 5.4).


3 4 5 6 7 8 9


alize W

t Fr







sample 1

sample 2



3 4 5 6 7 8 9


alize W

t Fr







sample 3

sample 4

sample 5


(a) (b)

Peak 3

Peak 2Peak 1

Figure 5.3. Monitoring of UF-Exp 7 synthesis by GPC/SEC: a) samples collected during methylolation step, including the chromatogram of the final resin, and b) samples during condensation step, including the chromatogram of the final resin.

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Figure 5.4. Formation of methylolureas (mono-, di- and trimethylolurea) by the addition of formaldehyde to urea.

The chromatograms obtained for the samples collected during the condensation

reaction are presented in Figure 5.3b. During this process, the methylolureas are

condensated to form linear and/or branched polymers linked by methylene-ether

and methylene bridges (see Figure 5.5). The almost complete disappearance of the

peaks of urea and methylolureas indicates the progress of the condensation

reaction. At the same time, moderate molecular weight polymer is formed. The

chromatogram of sample 4 shows the presence of a small amount of insoluble

molecular aggregates in solution (elution volume below 5.8 mL) [12]. Samples 4

and 5 do not differ significantly indicating that the reaction was blocked by the

neutralization and cooling of the solution. Comparing the chromatograms for

sample 5 and the final resin, we can see that methylolureas were formed by

reaction of the last urea added with free formaldehyde in solution. Note that Peak

1 has been identified as a combination of urea and methylolureas and not urea

alone [12]. In addition, some condensation of higher polymer has occurred.

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Comparison of UF synthesis by alkaline-acid and strongly acid processes


Figure 5.5. Condensation of the methylolureas and urea to form methylene-ether bridges and methylene bridges.

The values of the molecular weight averages (based on polystyrene standards)

have been computed for all samples collected during the synthesis and are

presented in Table 5.3. According to Ferra et al. [12] the chromatogram fraction

corresponding to elution volumes below 5.8 mL corresponds essentially to

insoluble material, so the molecular weights were computed neglecting this portion

of the chromatograms. The obtained results show the increase of polydispersity of

the polymer with the progress of reaction. It is evident the growth of the

polydispersity from sample 2 (methylolation reaction) to sample 3 (condensation

reaction) and the stabilization of polydispersity along the condensation step. The

final increase, from sample 5 to the end product, is related to the last urea


Table 5.3. Values of Mn, Mw, polydispersity (Mw/Mn) obtained by GPC/SEC for samples collected during the synthesis of UF-Exp7

Sample Mn Mw Mw/Mn

Sample 1 5.70×103 6.18×10

3 1.1

Sample 2 2.98×103 4.66×10

3 1.6

Sample 3 3.51×103 1.20×10

4 3.4

Sample 4 8.70×103 3.18×10

4 3.7

Sample 5 7.39×103 3.04×10

4 4.1

UF-Exp7 5.50×102 2.78×10

3 5.1

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Strongly acid process

Table 5.4 summarizes the information about the samples collected during the

monitoring of the synthesis of UF-W6, at key points of the synthesis path: first

strongly acid condensation reaction, methylolation reaction, second condensation

reaction and after the addition of the last urea (final methylolation).

Table 5.4. Identification of different stages during the synthesis

Stage Reaction

time (min) Reaction step T (°C) pH

Sample 1 40 At the end of the 1st

condensation step

76 2.0

Sample 2 80 At the end of the 1st

methylolation step

74 7.4

Sample 3 112 At the 2nd

condensation step, viscosity ~200 mPa·s

89 5.5

Sample 4 130 At the 2nd

condensation step, viscosity ~300 mPa·s

90 5.5

Sample 5 161 At the 2nd

condensation step, viscosity ~500 mPa·s

88 5.5

Sample 6 220 After addition of the last urea 35 >7.5

As it can be seen from the GPC/SEC analysis in Figure 5.3 and Figure 5.6, the

polymerization reactions carried out by this process are very different from the

ones found with the alkaline-acid process.

Figure 5.6 shows the MWD of the products obtained. High molecular weight

material can be seen, which should be constituted by extensive methylene or

methylene-ether bridges chains and urons.

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Comparison of UF synthesis by alkaline-acid and strongly acid processes



3 4 5 6 7 8 9


alize W

t Fr






sample 1

sample 2


4 5 6 7 8 9


alize W

t Fr






sample 6


(a) (b) Vretention/ml

3 4 5 6 7 8 9


alize W

t Fr






sample 3

sample 4

sample 5


Figure 5.6. Monitoring of UF-W6 synthesis by GPC/SEC: a) 1ª condensation step and 1ª methylolation step, b) 2ª condensation step, and c) 2ª methylolation step and final resin.

In the first condensation reaction under strongly acid conditions the methylolureas

were formed, but condensate rapidly to form methyleneureas (e.g.

methylenediurea, dimethylenetriurea, trimethylenetetraurea, etc.) [13]. Kadowaki

[14] has reported the synthesis of methylenediurea by the reaction of

formaldehyde and urea at acid conditions. The progress of the reaction produces

linear products with methylene bridges. Motter [15] has suggested that this

polymer is insoluble above 4 to 8 urea units in the chain. Probably, uron groups are

also formed in this step. The formation of uron groups in strongly acid

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condensation of urea and formaldehyde was reported by Beachem et al. [16]. The

main reactions taking place in this first stage are presented in Figure 5.7.

Figure 5.7. Condensation reactions of urea and formaldehyde to form methylolureas that form methyleneureas and urons.

After the condensation reaction, the synthesis proceeds by the methylolation of

unreacted formaldehyde and urea (second amount of urea was added in these

stage) to form methylolureas (see Figure 5.4). This is shown in Figure 5.3a by

development of the rightmost peak in the chromatogram of sample 2.

Then, the new condensation reaction takes place, forming chains of methylene and

methylene-ether bridges, the product of the reaction containing preferentially

methylene bridges according to Williams [2, 4]. Chromatograms in Figure 5.6b

show the condensation of methylolureas forming polymer with larger molecular

weight. The polymerization reaction proceeds until the desired viscosity is reached

forming a large amount of polymer with high molecular weight, which might be in

the form of insoluble molecular aggregates (see chromatograms of samples 3, 4

and 5 in Figure 5.6b).

Finally, Figure 5.6c shows the last reaction that takes place. The appearance of the

peak corresponding to urea and methylolureas (sample 6) indicates the presence of

unreacted urea and its reaction with the remaining formaldehyde.

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Comparison of UF synthesis by alkaline-acid and strongly acid processes


The values of the apparent molecular weight averages (see Table 5.5) show the

broad distributions of the polymer present in the resin UF-W6. This resin has a

large fraction of higher polymer, which is particularly important for the cohesive

strength of the resins [9].

Table 5.5. Values of Mn, Mw, polydispersity (Mw/Mn) obtained by GPC/SEC for samples collected during the synthesis of UF-W6

Sample Mn Mw Mw/Mn

Sample 1 7.13×102

1.64×104 22.9

Sample 2 3.25×102 3.34×10

3 10.3

Sample 3 7.30×102 5.96×10

3 8.2

Sample 4 6.48×102 4.75×10

3 7.3

Sample 5 7.49×102 6.66×10

3 8.9

Sample 6 2.06×102 1.69×10

3 8.2

UF-W6 2.75×102 7.23×10

3 26.3

5.3.3 Comparison of the two resins

Determination of molecular size distribution

In Figure 5.8 we can see the GPC/SEC chromatograms for two resins (UF-Exp7 and

UF-W6), in terms of the normalized weight fraction (Wt Fr), measured 5 days after

synthesis. In both cases, at least two samples were prepared and analysed in order

to verify the reproducibility of the results. Three zones, based on the apparent

limits of detectable peaks in the chromatograms, can be defined in the

chromatograms [12]. The Zone I (elution volume between 8 and 9 mL) corresponds

to the lower molecular weight species. Zone II (elution volume between 5.8 and 8

mL) corresponds to intermediate molecular weight species, with apparent

molecular weights between about a few tens of thousand Da and about 600 Da.

Zone III (elution volume below 5.8 mL) would correspond to polymer with quite

high molecular weights, eluting before the exclusion limit of the GPC/SEC column.

Ferra et al. [12] and, other authors [17-18] suggested that this portion of the

chromatograms actually consists of molecular aggregates and not of solubilized

polymer chains. These aggregates are insoluble in the original aqueous medium,

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forming larger colloidal structures that partially disaggregated in the DMSO solvent

used in GPC/SEC sample preparation [12].

Observing the two chromatograms it can be readily noticed that the UF-W6 resin

presents a large fraction of insoluble aggregates as compared with UF-Exp7 and

other resins produced according with this method and reported in Ferra et al. [12].

It is clear that resin UF-W6 has a smaller fraction of polymer with moderate

molecular weights, which reacted previously forming large linear chains of

methylene bridges and urons. The fraction of low molecular weight species is

superior for UF-Exp7 resin, therefore explaining the higher reactivity of this resin.


3 4 5 6 7 8 9


alize W

t Fr








Figure 5.8. Chromatogram for four resins (UF-W6 and UF-Exp7) with 5 days (stored at 25 °C).

As it has been above stated, the molecular weights were computed neglecting the

insoluble aggregates.

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Comparison of UF synthesis by alkaline-acid and strongly acid processes


Ferra et al. [12] have defined two empirical parameters as an aid for quantifying

the features of the MWD in UF resins;

• f1 reflecting the amount of low molecular weight species in the sample;

amchromatogr of areatotal

I Zone of area=f

1 (5.1)

• f2 related to the relative importance of what would be the high molecular

weight species in the polymerized material;

III Zone +II Zone of area

III Zone of area=f

2 (5.2)

Table 5.6 shows the numerical values obtained of these parameters for the two

resins studied in this work. These results support the previous statements derived

from the direct inspection of the chromatograms.

Table 5.6. Values of Mn, Mw and parameters f1 and f2, obtained by GPC/SEC for resins (UF-W6 and UF-Exp7)

Sample Mn Mw f1 f2

UF-Exp7 5.50×102 2.78×10

3 0.40 0.045

UF-W6 2.75×102 7.23×10

3 0.35 0.13

Determination of the fraction of urea and methylolureas

Following the procedure described by Ferra et al. [19] the fraction of free urea and

methylolureas present in final resins was measured by HPLC, as seen in Figure 5.9.

The distribution of the unreacted urea, monomethylolurea and dimethylolurea

present in solution 5 days after the synthesis shows that the UF-W6 resin has a

much larger fraction of unreacted urea than resin UF-Exp7. As the amount of last

urea incorporated was similar for the two resins, other characteristics had an

impact on the distribution of unreacted urea in the final resin. The main difference

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in the last step of the process is a rapid cooling that takes place after addition of

the last urea for the strongly acid process. This action delays the consumption of

urea, which remains unreacted in the final resin. However, this unreacted urea may

play another role, since it may form a solvatation layer surrounding the colloidal

aggregates surface, contributing to its stabilization towards agglomeration [12].

Recently, Park et al. [20] reported that the unreacted urea can also be a good

scavenger of formaldehyde during the hot-pressing of the particleboards.


Peak area/total area










Figure 5.9. Ratios of peak areas / total area of the urea (U), monomethylolurea (MMU) and dimethylolurea (DMU) for UF-W6 and UF-Exp7 resins, with 5 days (stored at 25 °C).

Resin UF-Exp7 has a large fraction of monomethylolurea as compared with the

other resin, but the fraction of dimethylolurea is similar.

5.4 Conclusions

This work describes two pathways for producing UF resins, the alkaline-acid and

the strongly acid processes; the synthesised resins were followed by GPC/SEC. It

was found that the structures of the UF polymer formed by the two processes are

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Comparison of UF synthesis by alkaline-acid and strongly acid processes


quite different. At the first stage of the strongly acid process, polymer with high

molar mass (containing essentially links of methylene groups) is formed, in contrast

with the alkaline-acid process, where this has to be avoided because of possible

resin gelling inside the reactor.

This study shows the capabilities of the GPC/SEC technique for monitoring and

controlling the synthesis of UF resins. This is more evident when comparing resins

produced by different processes. The technique permits to quickly identify the kind

of polymer obtained in different steps of reaction, with a high reproducibility.

The measured molecular weight distribution of UF resins shows that the resin

produced by the strongly acid process has a great fraction of insoluble molecular

aggregates, which is believed to contribute to a higher resin cohesive strength.

However, it has also a smaller fraction of low molecular weight species as

compared with the alkaline-acid process, which might contribute to improve resin

wettability on the wood substrate.

The results obtained by HPLC showed that the resins produced by the strongly acid

process have a large fraction of unreacted urea and a small fraction of

monomethylolurea in contrast with the alkaline-acid process.

5.5 References

[1] S. Vargiu, S. Giovanni, G. Mazzolen and U. Nistri, US Patent 3842039 (1974). [2] J. H. Williams, US Patent 4410685 (1983). [3] H. Spurlock, US Patent 4381368 (1983). [4] J. H. Williams, US Patent 4482699 (1984). [5] A. Hatjiissaak and E. Papadopoulou, WO Patent 138364 (2007). [6] L. Graves and J. Mueller, US Patent 5362842 (1994). [7] H. Kong, US Patent 4603191 (1986). [8] P. Christjanson, T. Pehk and K. Siimer, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 100,

1673 (2006). [9] M. Dunky, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 18, 95 (1998). [10] V. Z. Maslosh, V. V. Kotova and O. V. Maslosh, Russian Journal of Applied

Chemistry 78, 685 (2005).

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[11] J. M. Ferra, P. C. Mena, J. Martins, A. M. Mendes, M. R. N. Costa, F. D. Magalhães and L. H. Carvalho, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 24, 1455 (2010).

[12] J. M. M. Ferra, A. M. Mendes, M. R. N. Costa, L. H. Carvalho and F. D. Magalhães, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 118, 1956 (2010).

[13] A. Pizzi and K. L. Mittal, Handbook of Adhesive Technology, Marcel Dekker, New York (2003).

[14] H. Kadowaki, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 11, 248 (1936). [15] W. K. Motter, 1990. The formation of the colloidal phase in low mole ratio

urea-formaldehyde resins, Ph.D. Thesis, Washington State University, Washington, USA.

[16] M. T. Beachem, Schicked.Pd, J. C. Oppelt, D. V. Maier and F. M. Cowen, Journal

of Organic Chemistry 28, 1876 (1963). [17] D. Grunwald, Kombinierte analytische Untersuchungen von Klebstoffen für

Holzwerkstoffe, Mensch & Buch Verlag, Berlin, Germany (2002). [18] T. Hlaing, A. Gilbert and C. Booth, British Polymer Journal 18, 345 (1986). [19] J. M. Ferra, J. Martins, A. M. Mendes, M. R. N. Costa, F. D. Magalhães and L. H.

Carvalho, Journal of Adhesion Science and technology 24, 1535 (2010). [20] B. D. Park, E. C. Kang and J. Y. Park, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 110,

1573 (2008).

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Evaluation of UF adhesives performance by IPATES and ABES mechanical tests


6 Evaluation of UF adhesives performance by IPATES and

ABES mechanical tests1


In the open literature, two main strategies can be found for synthesizing urea-

formaldehyde (UF) resins. One is the alkaline-acid process, which takes place in

three steps, usually an alkaline methylolation followed by an acid condensation and

then the addition of a final amount of urea. The other process consists of four

steps, the main difference being an initial condensation in strongly acid


In this work, we evaluate the curing behaviour of four resins produced using the

aforementioned processes by the Integrated Pressing and Testing System (IPATES)

and the Automated Bonding Evaluation System (ABES).

The characterisation of the bond strength development during hot pressing by

ABES and IPATES shows that the four resins will have different performances in the

bonding process of wood-based composites. For each resin, the effect of pressing

parameters such as temperature, adhesive and hardener ratios on shear strength

(ABES) and internal bond (IPATES) during hot pressing is put into evidence.

1 J. M. Ferra, M. Ohlmeyer, A. Mendes, M. R. Costa, L. Carvalho and F. D. Magalhães, International Journal of

Adhesion and Adhesives (2010).Accepted

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6.1 Introduction

Despite the serious issue of formaldehyde emissions, urea-formaldehyde (UF)

resins are still the most used binders in the wood based industry. The main strategy

to reduce the formaldehyde emission of UF resins has been the change on its

formulation by decreasing the molar ratio of formaldehyde to urea. However, the

reduction weakens the mechanical properties of particleboard and moreover it

increases the time required for hardening under the action of current hardeners

(latent acids) [1]. Hence, it is necessary to optimize the synthesis of UF resins,

therefore changing the production process.

In literature, several possibilities for producing UF resins [2-11] have been

described by various researches. However, these can be summarized into two main

classes: the strongly-acid and the alkaline-acid processes. The details on the

reaction pathways occurring in each process have been described elsewhere by

Ferra et al. [12].

The understanding of adhesive cure behaviour and its dependence on temperature

and chemical conversion is an important starting point for the establishment of

processing windows for board production and prediction of the properties of cured


According to Schultz and Nardin [13], the main adhesion theories are: mechanical

interlocking, electrostatic, weak boundary layer, adsorption, diffusion and chemical

bonding. The adsorption hypothesis, which explains adhesion by intermolecular

and interatomic forces, such as van der Waals bonds, hydrogen bonds and

electrostatic interactions, is considered by many authors as the most applicable to

wood-polymer adhesion [14].

Marra [15] described adhesive bond formation in wood based panels as a dynamic

process, which depends on five actions: flow, transference, penetration, wetting

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Evaluation of UF adhesives performance by IPATES and ABES mechanical tests


and solidification (cure).

Chemical curing (build-up of the three-dimensional network) can be monitored by

differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) [16-18], which allows the measurement of

the degree of chemical curing, as well as the heat of polymerization. Adhesive bond

strength development (sometimes called mechanical curing) can be monitored by

thermo-mechanical analysis (TMA) [19-21] and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA)

[22]. Šernek and Kamke [23] reported that the dielectrical analysis (DEA) can be

used for in situ monitoring of the cure of thermosetting adhesives. The results thus

obtained suggest that the dielectric changes were related to the extent of cure of

the adhesive. The Automated Bonding Evaluation System (ABES) [24] technique

allows exploring the strength development of a diversity of wood adhesives [25].

Dunky [26] suggested that ABES jointly with DMA are the best methods for

monitoring bond strength development during the resin cure. More recently,

Integrated Pressing and Testing System (IPATES) has demonstrated to be a

powerful technique to characterize curing and bonding processes in resinated

fibres [25].

In this work, the evaluation of the adhesive bond strength development during the

hot-pressing by ABES showed that the shear strength of the four resins tested was

mainly affected by press temperature. IPATES results suggested that the effect of

press temperature and adhesive ratio on internal bond values was different for

each resin. The results also indicated a logarithmic correlation between IB and

press time.

6.2 Materials and Methods

6.2.1 Raw materials

Table 6.1 shows the technical data of four UF resins produced either with the

strongly-acid (UF-W6) or alkaline-acid (UF-Exp7, UF-R8 and UF-R2) processes. The

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formulation of resin UF-Exp7 is described on a previously reported optimization

study [27] for the traditional alkaline-acid process. Resins UF-R8 and UF-R2 were

produced using the same procedure of UF-exp7, but with a different

formaldehyde/urea (F/U) molar ratio. This allows evaluating the effect of molar

ratio F/U on the performance of the adhesives. In the preparation of UF-W6 resin, a

formaldehyde 55.5 % solution was charged into the reactor and the pH value was

adjusted to 1-2 using sulfuric acid. Urea (F/U ~3.00 - 3.25) was added in 15 equal

parts over a time span of 15 min. The reaction is very exothermic and the

temperature increased to 80 °C without external heat supply. The temperature was

kept at 80 °C for 10 min. After 10 min of reaction the pH was adjusted to 7.3 - 7.5

with a 50 % sodium hydroxide solution. A second amount of urea and melamine

were charged into the reactor and the temperature was increased to 95 °C and the

reaction followed during 15 min. The pH was again adjusted to 5.2 - 6.0 with 25 %

acetic acid solution and the polymer was condensed until the desired viscosity (450

- 550 mPa·s) was reached. The pH was then adjusted to 7.5 with 50 % sodium

hydroxide solution and the reacting media was cooled down. At 60 °C, the last

amount of urea and hexamine were added to the reactor to obtain the specified

F/U molar ratio (1.10), and again the pH was adjusted to obtain a pH 7.5 - 8.5.

Table 6.1. Technical data of UF-resins

Resin Molar

ratio F/U Solids

content1 (%)


(s) pH value (25 °C)



Alkaline-acid process

UF-Exp7 1.12 64.1 71 8.64 150 UF-R8 1.12 64.4 86 8.22 210 UF-R2 1.00 64.8 90 8.49 216

Strongly-acid process

UF-W6 1.10 63.3 112 8.16 270 1105 °C, 3 h

2Gel time at 100 °C with 3 % wt of NH4Cl (20 wt.% solution)

3Brookfield viscometer at 25 °C

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Evaluation of UF adhesives performance by IPATES and ABES mechanical tests

6.2.2 Methods

Integrated Pressing and Testing System (IPATES)

IPATES (see Figure 6.1) is a recent

Heinemann [25] at the University of Hamburg (Germany) to characterize the cure

of adhesives by the evaluation of the internal bond in wood

during hot pressing. In this work, resinated wood particle mats are pressed under

strictly controlled conditions regarding

mats are then destructively tested in tension mode, without

the system (see Figure 6.2). A commercial polyurethane

bond the particle mat to the pressing platens.

In this test, wood particles usually chosen

particleboards were used. Wood particles with approximately 3 % o

content were blended with the resins and hardener (ammonium sulphate) in a

laboratory-scale glue blender. All boards

density of 650 kg/m3 and 6 mm thickness.

Figure 6.1. Overview and schematic of the IPATES machine.

Evaluation of UF adhesives performance by IPATES and ABES mechanical tests


Integrated Pressing and Testing System (IPATES)

) is a recent characterization method developed by

at the University of Hamburg (Germany) to characterize the cure

of adhesives by the evaluation of the internal bond in wood-based composites

during hot pressing. In this work, resinated wood particle mats are pressed under

egarding temperature, thickness and pressure. The

destructively tested in tension mode, without being removal from

commercial polyurethane-adhesive was applied to

the pressing platens.

chosen for the surface layer in the production of

particleboards were used. Wood particles with approximately 3 % of moisture

content were blended with the resins and hardener (ammonium sulphate) in a

glue blender. All boards have been produced with a nominal


Overview and schematic of the IPATES machine.

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Chapter 6


Figure 6.2. Particleboard mat during the pressing and subsequent testing.

This equipment allows testing the parameters that

development of wood particles boards

adhesive and adhesive ratio. The summary of the parameters tested in this work

present on Table 6.2.

Table 6.2. Parameters evaluated by IPATES

Test parameters

Press temperature

Pressing time

Adhesive ratio

Figure 6.3 shows the board core temperature

temperatures of 130 °C and 160 °C, measured with a thermocouple inserted at the

beginning of the pressing time. In the first

cure temperature of UF adhesives) in the core is reached only for pressing times

above 90 s at 130 °C, whereas, for a pressing temperature of 160

attains 90 °C after about 60 s. The change in slope

temperature is associated to a change in the heat transfer mechanism. The initial

heating rate is determined by the inward displacement of steam generated in the

outer layers of the mat. When the pressing temperature is hig

and displacement is faster, but the water available in the wood particles ends up

Particleboard mat during the pressing and subsequent testing.

testing the parameters that influence the bond strength

boards, namely: press temperature, press time,

adhesive and adhesive ratio. The summary of the parameters tested in this work is

s evaluated by IPATES

Press temperature 130 °C and 160 °C

30 s – 360 s

8 % and 10 %

core temperature history of the board for pressing

, measured with a thermocouple inserted at the

beginning of the pressing time. In the first case, a temperature of 90 °C (typical

temperature of UF adhesives) in the core is reached only for pressing times

C, whereas, for a pressing temperature of 160 °C, the board core

The change in slope observed for the latter pressing

temperature is associated to a change in the heat transfer mechanism. The initial

heating rate is determined by the inward displacement of steam generated in the

outer layers of the mat. When the pressing temperature is high, steam production

and displacement is faster, but the water available in the wood particles ends up

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Evaluation of UF adhesives performance by IPATES and ABES mechanical tests


being completely vaporized. When this happens, heat conduction slows down and

the core heats up at a lower rate.

Pressing time / s

0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Temperature / ºC








130 ºC

160 ºC

Figure 6.3. Core layer temperature of the board at different pressing temperatures.

Automated Bonding Evaluation System (ABES)

The increase of mechanical bond strength with time was followed using ABES (see

Figure 6.4). Two beech veneer strips measuring 0.5 mm tick, 20 mm wide and 117

mm in length, stored at 25 °C and 65 % RH were glued together with an overlap of

5 mm. The veneers were prepared using a die cutter supplied by Adhesive

Evaluation Systems (Corvallis, Oregon). Adherent pairs were mounted in the system

with an overlapping area of 100 mm2 and pressed together at 1.2 N·mm-2. The

amount of adhesive system used for each test was 15 µL. The bond strength was

tested almost instantaneously in shear mode (the system is digitally controlled and

pneumatically driven). The parameters evaluated on ABES are summarized in Table

6.3. The higher temperature tested for resin UF-W6 was 130 °C. However, for the

other resins we observed that strength development was too fast at this

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temperature. Therefore, the higher temperatu

Exp7, UF-R8 and UF-R2 was 120 °C.

Figure 6.4. Schematic of the ABES test procedure.

Table 6.3. Parameters evaluated on ABES

Test parameters

Press temperature 90

Press time

Hardener ratio

6.3 Results and discussion

6.3.1 Integrated Pressing and Testing

Comparison of UF resins

The bond strength values of the resinated wood particle discs, pressed at 130

and 160 °C, were tested in tension mode after hot

resins are shown in Figure 6.5 and

pressing times, the values of the bond strength also increase. However, after a

certain press time, the values decrease, probably due to thermal degradation of

wood and cured resin.

higher temperature tested for the other resins UF-

Schematic of the ABES test procedure.

Parameters evaluated on ABES

90 °C, 100 °C, 110 °C and 120 °C or 130 °C

10 s – 360 s

1.5 % and 3.0 %

Integrated Pressing and Testing System (IPATES)

The bond strength values of the resinated wood particle discs, pressed at 130 °C

C, were tested in tension mode after hot-pressing. The results for four

and Figure 6.6. We can observe that increasing the

the values of the bond strength also increase. However, after a

certain press time, the values decrease, probably due to thermal degradation of

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Effect of the production process

The results in Figure 6.5 show that the resin produced with alkaline-acid process

(UF-Exp7) present a higher performance and faster IB strength development

compared with the resin produced with strongly-acid process (UF-W6). The highest

IB strength (0.72 N·mm-2) was obtained for resin UF-Exp7 for 150 s of pressing time

at the highest temperature tested, 160 °C.

Analysis of the molecular weight distribution of the two resins showed that the one

produced by the strongly acid process (UF-W6) presents a higher fraction of

material in the high molecular weight region, and a smaller fraction of low

molecular weight species, as compared with the alkaline-acid process [12]. An UF

resin is an aqueous dispersion of low molecular weight (soluble) and high molecular

weight (insoluble) species. It is known that a well performing resin should show a

balance between the two fractions, in order to combine good flowability,

wettability and penetration with good cohesive strength and bondline coverage

[28-29]. We believe that after the optimization of the strongly-acid process, the

performance of the resin should increase. Another important issue related to this

process is the formation of uron structures, which are important for lowering

formaldehyde emission, due to their high stability [11, 20]. However, the reactivity

of the methylol group in these structures is much lower than for the methylol

group in methylolureas [1], obtained in the traditional alkaline-acid formulations.

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Pressing time / s

30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

IB / N·mm-2








Pressing time / s

0 30 60 90 120 150

IB / N·mm-2








a) b)

Figure 6.5. Bond strength curves for particle mats pressed at 130 °C and 160 °C for UF-W6 and UF-Exp7 (8 % resin and 3 % hardener). a) 130 °C, and b) 160 °C.

Effect of F/U molar ration

Observing the results of resins UF-R8 and UF-R2 (see Figure 6.6), it is evident that

the resin with a higher formaldehyde/urea molar ratio (UF-R8) yields a higher

performance at 130 °C. However, for higher press temperatures, this difference

becomes very slight. These two resins effectively differ only in terms of free

formaldehyde present and monomeric species that have been formed in the

reaction with the last added urea with the high free formaldehyde content. As may

be expected, differences concerning essentially the low molecular weight species

present in the resins only affect the reactivity and, mainly, the formaldehyde

emission levels, which was not measured in this work.

Effect of temperature

Figure 6.5 and Figure 6.6 also depict the effect of press temperature on the boards’

bond strength of the boards as a function of pressing time, for the four resins

studied. It is evident that the IB development is significantly accelerated at high

temperatures. The resinated particle mats cured at 130 °C reach approximately the

same bond strength level as the mats cured at 160 °C, but with a significant delay.

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Evaluation of UF adhesives performance by IPATES and ABES mechanical tests


This behaviour is related with the cure temperature of the adhesive system and is

caused by a lower mobility of the reactive groups at lower temperatures. As

mentioned before, a temperature of 90 °C of the UF adhesive systems) in the core

layer of the board is reached after 90 s at 130 °C and after 60 s at 160 °C. If we

draw a straight horizontal line at the reference value of 0.4 N/mm2, we can

determine the decrease of the press time for each resin with the increase of the

press temperature. UF-W6 reaches 0.4 N·mm-2 for 225 s, at 130 °C and for 125 s, at

160 °C. Resins UF-Exp7, UF-R8 and UF-R2 show a decrease of 60 s, 50 s and 75 s in

press time, respectively.

Pressing time / s

0 30 60 90 120 150

IB / N·m









Pressing time / s

30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

IB / N·m









a) b)

Figure 6.6. Bond strength curves for particle mats pressed at 130 °C and 160 °C for UF-R8 and UF-R2 (8 % resin and 3 % hardener). a) 130 °C; b) 160 °C.

Effect of adhesive ratio

Figure 6.7 shows the effect of adhesive ratio on internal bond strength

development of resinated particle mats at 130 °C. Two adhesive contents were

analyzed for each resin (8 % and 10 %) at 130 °C and 160 °C.

For resin UF-W6, as expected, higher adhesive ratios result in an increase of bond

strength levels. However, this is not evident for the other resins. Similar results

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were obtained at 160 °C (not shown here). This behaviour can be associated with

the low wettability and penetration of the resin produced by strongly-acid process,

due to the lower fraction of low molecular weight species in solution, as previously


Pressing time / s

50 100 150 200 250 300

IB / N·m







Pressing time / s

40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180IB / N·m







Pressing time / s

50 100 150 200 250 300

IB / N·m







Pressing time / s

50 100 150 200 250 300

IB / N·m







a) b)


Figure 6.7. Bond strength curves for particle mats at 130 ºC with 8 % (•) and 10 % (○) of adhesive (3 % hardener). a) UF-W6 resin, b) UF-Exp7 resin, c) UF-R8 resin, and d) UF-R2 resin.

6.3.2 Automated Bonding Evaluation System (ABES)

Effect of the temperature

The effects of pressing time and testing temperature on the strength of several

cured joints evaluated using ABES for UF-W6 resin are shown in Figure 6.8. For all

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Evaluation of UF adhesives performance by IPATES and ABES mechanical tests


temperatures, the bond strength was tested immediately after each pre-selected

pressing time in shear mode.

As reported by Heinemann [25], it is appropriate to sub-divide the curves into 3

zones. The initial delay in the onset of the bond strength development may be

caused by the loss of energy due to evaporation of water. The adhesive may still be

in the fully liquid state. The second and near-linear stage is likely a direct

consequence of the polymerization reaction in the adhesive systems by chain-

extension and cross-linking processes. In the third and final stage, the curves level

off until they reach maximum values. This behaviour is more evident at 90 °C, 100

°C and 110 °C.

Figure 6.9 shows the values of shear strength for the near-linear stage as a function

of the pressing times for two UF resins at different temperatures.

Pressing time / s

0 100 200 300 400

Shear Strength / N·m










80 ºC

90 ºC

100 ºC

110 ºC

130 ºC

Figure 6.8. Shear strength evolution with time for UF-W6 resin at pressing temperature of the 80 °C (•) 90 °C (○), 100 °C (▼), 110 °C (∆) and 130 °C (■).

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Pressing time / s

0 50 100 150 200 250

Shear Strength / N·m

m- 2






c) d)

a) b)

Pressing time / s

0 50 100 150 200 250

Shear Strength / N·m

m- 2







Pressing time / s

0 50 100 150 200 250

Shear Strength / N·m

m- 2







Pressing time / s

0 50 100 150 200 250

Shear Strength / N·m

m- 2






Figure 6.9. Shear strength evolution with time of four resins at pressing temperature 80 °C (•) 90 °C (○), 100 °C (▼), 110 °C (∆) and 130 °C (■). a) UF-W6 resin; b) UF-Exp7 resin; c) UF-R8 resin and d) UF-R2 resin.

From Figure 6.9, we can calculate the slopes of the linear regions for the four resins

and for all tested press temperatures. Plotting the natural logarithm of the

regressed isothermal bond strength development rate as a function of the

reciprocal of absolute temperature (see Figure 6.10), this relationship can be

represented by a straight line. The correlation coefficient (R2) for resins UF-W6, UF-

Exp7, UF-R8 and UF-R2 was 0.95, 0.91, 0.87 and 0.85 respectively.

Using the Arrhenius equation (Eq. 6.1) relating the rate coefficient and

temperature, we can determine a reactivity index, similar to an activation energy

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Evaluation of UF adhesives performance by IPATES and ABES mechanical tests


(Ea). Eq. 6.2 shows the logarithmic form of Arrhenius equation;




a (6.1)


ElnAlnk a−= (6.2)

Where k is the rate constant, A is the pre-exponential factor, Ea (kJ.mol-1) is the

activation energy, T (K) is the absolute temperature and R (kJ.mol-1·K-1) is the

universal gas constant.

1 / Temperature / K x 10-3

2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8

ln k / N·m






6 UF-W6




Figure 6.10. ABES-derived Arrhenius plots for four adhesive systems.

As Heinemann [25] has reported, the parameter Ea of the adhesive systems can be

obtained from the slope of each regressed line plot in Figure 6.10. The values of Ea

for all resins tested in this work are presented in Table 6.4. These are very similar

and, due to the associated error, it is not possible to distinguish the resins. This

seems to be a limitation of this analysis strategy. A more expedite test, based on

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the ABES setup, was implemented to obtain a more effective comparison between

the resins, as described further below.

Table 6.4. Values of the activation energy (Ea) for each adhesive system

Adhesive Ea (kJ·mol-1


UF- Exp7 76.7 UF-R8 76.6 UF-R2 71.6 UF-W6 74.8

Effect of hardener ratio

In order to analyse the effect of hardener ratio on bond strength curves, a lower

content of ammonium sulphate, 1.5 %, was tested and compared to the previous

results, with 3.0 %. However, equivalent results were obtained in all resins,

showing that an excess amount of hardener was being used. Figure 6.11 illustrates

the results obtained for resin UF-W6. One may note the good reproducibility shown

by the two data sets.

Pressing time / s

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Shear Srength / N·m









1.5 % of hardener

3.0 % of hardener

Figure 6.11. Shear strength evolution with time UF-W6 resin with two hardener ratios, 1.5 % (•) and 3.0 % (○), at 110 °C.

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Evaluation of UF adhesives performance by IPATES and ABES mechanical tests


A simplified comparison method for different resins

Using pressing conditions relatively close to those generally observed in industrial

hot-presses (100 °C in core layer and 80 s of pressing time), ten samples of each

resin were tested on the ABES setup. In Figure 6.12 the average shear strength

obtained for each resin is presented. It can be observed that UF-Exp7 presents the

best performance of all evaluated resins. UF-R2 shows the lowest value. In contrast

to the results obtained by IPATES, the performance of the resins UF-W6 and UF-R8

is very similar for the operation conditions tested and the error intervals are

overlapping. These results suggest that the reactivity of UF resins, as measured by

the gel time method, is not linked with the “ABES-performance” of UF resins. The

gel time value of the resins may be an unreliable predictor of bonding


As mentioned above, the main limitations of the resin produced by the strongly-

acid process is the lower fraction of monomeric species. However, in the case of

ABES tests, the impact of lower wettability of the adhesive system is smaller than

with the IPATES tests. Indeed, in the latter the wetting and penetration of the resin

on the wood particles takes place in a rotary mixer, where the resin is sprayed onto

the wood particles prior to forming and pressing the test specimen. On the other

hand, in the ABES test a measured amount of resin is placed on one veneer strip

and the second strip is rubbed over it in order to force a uniform distribution of the

resin throughout the entire contact area of the joint.

This expedite test method may be used to evaluate the performance of an adhesive

system, but further data must be collected in order to validate its results.

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Shear strength / N·mm

- 2





Figure 6.12. Breaking load in shear mode for four resins by the ABES method at 100 ºC and 80 s (ten tests were performed for each resin to evaluate the error).

6.4 Conclusions

Four UF resins were produced using two different processes (alkaline-acid and

strongly-acid process). For evaluating the cure of these adhesive systems, two

recent characterization methods were used (IPATES and ABES). These allowed

describing the behaviour of each adhesive system under different conditions,

namely pressing temperature, pressing time, adhesive ratio (only for IPATES) and

hardener ratio (only for ABES).

Generally, the results obtained by IPATES showed that the UF-Exp7 resin produced

by alkaline-acid process always presents a better performance as compared with

the resin produced by strongly acid process.

F/U molar ratio of the resins produced by alkaline-acid process has an effect on

performance of the adhesive systems. The resin UF-R8 (F/U = 1.12) always presents

a better performance with UF-R2 (F/U = 1.00) in IPATES tests.

A quick test methodology implemented on ABES equipment, showed that the resin

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Evaluation of UF adhesives performance by IPATES and ABES mechanical tests


produced by alkaline-acid process yields the best values of shear strength at 100 °C

and 80 s of press temperature and press time, respectively. Again, the results show

that the resin produced by alkaline-acid process give the best results, compared

with resin produced by the strongly-acid process.

6.5 References

[1] A. Pizzi and K. L. Mittal, Handbook of Adhesive Technology, Marcel Dekker, New York (2003).

[2] P. Christjanson, T. Pehk and K. Siimer, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 100, 1673 (2006).

[3] L. Graves and J. Mueller, US Patent 5362842 (1994). [4] A. Hatjiissaak and E. Papadopoulou, WO Patent 138364 (2007). [5] H. Kong, US Patent 4603191 (1986). [6] W. K. Motter and D. M. Harmon, WO Patent 2006-015331 (2006). [7] H. Spurlock, US Patent 4381368 (1983). [8] S. Vargiu, S. Giovanni, G. Mazzolen and U. Nistri, US Patent 3842039 (1974). [9] R. Whiteside, US Patent 4968773 (1990). [10] J. H. Williams, US Patent 4410685 (1983). [11] J. H. Williams, US Patent 4482699 (1984). [12] J. M. Ferra, A. M. Mendes, M. R. N. Costa, F. D. Magalhães and L. H. Carvalho,

Polymer International (2010). [13] J. Schultz and M. Nardin, Theories and Mechanisms of Adhesion. In Handbook

of Adhesive Technology, A. Pizzi and K. L. Mittal, Eds. Marcel Dekker: 2003. [14] A. Pizzi, Advanced wood adhesives technology, Marcel Dekker, New York

(1994). [15] G. G. Marra, Technology of wood bonding: principles in practice, Van

Nostrand, New York (1992). [16] S. Chow and P. R. Steiner, Holzforschung 29, 4 (1975). [17] G. E. Myers and J. A. Koutsky, Holzforschung 44, 117 (1990). [18] M. Szesztay, Z. Laszlohedvig, E. Kovacsovics and F. Tudos, Holz als Roh- und

Werkstoff 51, 297 (1993). [19] R. O. Ebewele, B. H. River and G. E. Myers, Journal of Applied Polymer Science

52, 689 (1994). [20] C. Soulard, C. Kamoun and A. Pizzi, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 72, 277

(1999). [21] S. Yin, 1994. Charactérisation par analyses thermiques de la polycondensation

d’adhésifs aminoplastes et du durcissement de composites modèles bois-adhésif, Ph.D. Thesis, Université de Nancy I, Nantes, France.

[22] K. Umemura, S. Kawai, Y. Mizuno and H. Sasaki, Mokuzai Gakkaishi 42, 489

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(1996). [23] M. Sernek and F. A. Kamke, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives

27, 562 (2007). [24] P. E. Humphrey, US Patent 5176028 (1993). [25] C. Heinemann, 2004. Characterization of the curing process of adhesives in

wood-particle matrices by evaluation of mechanical and chemical kinetics, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Hamburg, Hamburg.

[26] M. Dunky, Analysis of Formaldehyde Condensation Resins for the Wood Based Panels Industry: Status and new challenges. In 1st

European Panels Products

Symposium, Hague, Loxton, Bolton and Mott, Eds. Llandudno, North Wales, UK, 1997; p 217.

[27] J. M. Ferra, P. C. Mena, J. Martins, A. M. Mendes, M. R. N. Costa, F. D. Magalhães and L. H. Carvalho, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 24, 1455 (2010).

[28] G. He and N. Yan, Holzforschung 59, 635 (2005). [29] M. Dunky, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 18, 95 (1998).

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General Conclusions and Future Work


7 General Conclusions and Future Work

7.1 General Conclusions

The objective of this doctoral work was to study and optimize the properties of

urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins used in the production of wood-based composites.

This work evolved in close cooperation with Portuguese company EuroResinas, a

producer of UF resins.

The first studies were focused on the analysis of the colloidal character of UF

resins, complementing the somehow unconsolidated information existing in the

open literature. Based on the results obtained, two hypothesis were formulated

about the stabilization of the colloidal suspension of UF resins: the first states that

unreacted urea may form a solvation layer surrounding the particles, retarding

agglomeration; the second one is based on stabilization by electrostatic repulsion

associated to ionic species retained at the particle surface. Additionally, tensile

strength tests performed on wood samples glued with the insoluble and soluble

phases indicated that the dispersed phase may be relevant for strengthening the

adhesive bond, acting as a reactive reinforcing filler.

In order to characterise the UF resins, two methods were implemented, using GPC/

SEC and HPLC, which permitted to obtain insight on the molecular weight

distribution of the polymer formed, and on the fractions of unreacted urea,

monomethylolurea and dimethylolurea. These techniques were applied on the

characterization of industrial resins, produced with different formulations.

A design of experiments tool was used to optimize the alkaline-acid synthesis

process, acting on the conditions of the condensation reaction. A response surface

methodology permitted to evaluate the effect of three selected factors (number of

urea additions, the time span between additions, and the pH) on resin performance

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and also to maximize the internal bond strength and minimize the formaldehyde

release on particleboard. It was concluded that the pH and the time span between

consecutive urea additions in the condensation step have a strong influence on the

analysed properties. An optimized resin was produced in laboratory and the

properties obtained were within or close to the values predicted by the empirical

model. This resin presented a high performance when compared to a standard


In the last part of the thesis, a new synthesis process was studied and tested. The

strongly acid process is a complex process due to the simultaneous formation of

methylolureas and condensation products. The determination of molecular weight

distributions by GPC/SEC indicated that the resin produced by this process has a

significant fraction of high molecular weight (or molecularly aggregated) polymer,

in direct contrast to the alkaline-acid process.

The mechanical performance of laboratory and commercial resins was evaluated at

vTi (Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut) institute in Hamburg, Germany, using

two recent methods (IPATES and ABES). The results allowed to assess the

mechanical behavior of each adhesive system under different conditions, namely in

terms of pressing temperature, pressing time, adhesive ratio (only for IPATES) and

hardener ratio (only for ABES). The resin selected in the synthesis optimization

work mentioned before presented the best results.

A major difficulty encountered during the work was the still reduced amount of

information available in the open literature on UF resins. This is a complex system,

both in terms of reaction mechanisms and performance evaluation. This doctoral

work has brought relevant practical knowledge regarding these issues, specially in

terms of UF resin characterization methodologies and on the influence of operation

conditions on the product properties. This may provide a solid support for new

projects on formaldehyde derived wood adhesives within the research group.

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General Conclusions and Future Work


7.2 Future Work

Although the use of UF resins in wood-based panels industry has been questioned

in the last years, mostly due to environmental concerns related to formaldehyde

emission, these materials are not expected to be replaced by another kind of

adhesive in the immediate future. Their advantages (in terms of raw materials and

production costs, and performance) are still very relevant. Thus, it is necessary to

develop solutions for reducing formaldehyde emissions while maintaining the

mechanical performance of the wood composites. One strategy may be the

incorporation of other substances in the polymeric structure, in order to improve

moisture resistance and decrease formaldehyde emissions. Existing examples are

the use of soy protein, sugars and melamine.

Regarding the synthesis procedures, a deeper study of the strongly-acid process

should be performed. The advantages described in the literature for this approach

have not been confirmed by the results obtained in the preliminary tests carried

out in this thesis. The impact of the strongly-acid process in the polymeric

structures formed during synthesis and in the quality of the final produced resins

should be accessed.

Finally, it is important to implement a more advanced strategy for on-line control

of the polymerization reaction, in industrial context, allowing for a higher

reproducibility of the synthesis process. In particular, the application of near-

infrared (NIR) techniques can be used to monitor/control the addition and

condensation reactions in the synthesis of UF resins. One practical example of

industrial use of this technique has been reported by Chimar Hellas, a Greek

company, in 2007.