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ORACLE DiscovererPlus 10g For EnvironMax/HMMS Users

Prepared by EnvironMax, Inc. 2875 So. Decker Lake Dr. Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 26 October 2006

ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users

Release 4.0954

Disclosure: This training manual was created by EnvironMax, Inc. to train EnvironMax/HMMS users in the use of Oracle Discoverer Plus software.


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Table of Contents Introduction What is Oracle Discoverer? Why HMMS Users need Discoverer Terminology Starting Up Setting Options Chapter 1: Getting Started Creating a Workbook Selecting Items for the Workbook Adding Items to the Workbook Arranging Items in the Workbook Renaming a Worksheet Re-Ordering Worksheets Running the Worksheet Editing the Worksheet After Running Adding Descriptions to Report Titles Opening a Previously Created Workbook Scheduled Workbooks Saving a Workbook Refreshing Data in a Workbook Deleting a Workbook Chapter 2: Customizing the Query Formatting Data, Headings and Totals Sorting Data Simple Table Sorting Group Sorting Sorting Crosstab Worksheets Pivoting Data Pivoting data in a Crosstab Duplicating Tables and Crosstabs Chapter 3: Query Conditions Filtering the Data Adding Conditions to a New Workbook Selecting Predefined Conditions Adding a Condition from the Toolbar Multiple Conditions Conflicting Conditions Prompting for Data Calculations Building Complex Calculations Available Functions Using a Calculation in a Condition 3

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ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Passing a Parameter to a Calculation Percentages Applying Totals Chapter 4: Graphs Using Graphs in Your Reports Graphing Terminology Selecting the Correct Graph Type Create Graphs Using the Graph Toolbar Saving Your Graph Deleting Your Graph Chapter 5: Exporting, Printing and Sharing Exporting Results Exporting to Microsoft Excel and HTML Printing Workbooks Sharing Your Workbooks

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ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users

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IntroductionWhat is Oracle Discoverer? Why EnvironMax/HMMS Users need Discoverer Terminology Starting Up Setting Options 6 7 7 10 12


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users

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Introduction What is Oracle Discoverer?Discoverer is Oracles data query and ad hoc reporting tool for its Internet based database. It is designed to meet the diverse needs and skill sets of business users and to provide access to the data within applications. Discoverer has some powerful features including: Reporting Wizards Generating Sub-queries Data Drilling Graphs and Charts Ability to schedule a report to run at a different time

There are four different editions of Discoverer: The Discoverer Administrator Edition is used to create, maintain, and administer data and the users interaction with that data. The Discoverer Desktop Edition is the client-server tool used to create the queries against the database. The Discoverer Plus gives you tools so you can create your own queries and reports on the web. The Discoverer Viewer allows you to run reports that are created using Discoverer Desktop or Discoverer Plus. To obtain copies of Discoverer, contact Oracle Corp. or your Oracle system administrator for EnvironMax, Inc.

Why EnvironMax/HMMS Users Need DiscovererEnvironMax/HMMS users are often required to run reports. In the past, IQ Objects was used for the reporting tool. IQ Objects is a client server based system that will not work with a web-based, Internet solution like EnvironMax. EnvironMax/HMMS reports are seldom-simple reports that pull data from one database table. Usually the report is pulling data from many tables. For example, one report may require data from the Inventory, MSDS, Issues, and Chemical Information tables. Discoverer allows us to choose items from any table or folder. As long as there is a link in the database, and the business views are linked the fields can be used in the reports. As with any new program, there is certainly a lack of knowledge of Discoverer. This class was designed to start out with the basics and finish with the advanced features of the 6

ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users

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program. When this course is completed, students should be able to return to their site and create their own Discoverer reports.

TerminologyHere are some of the common terms: Menu bar is a standard menu bar, which provides for the common tasks; i.e., printing, opening and saving files, and accessing help.

Tool Bar provides shortcut icons for most of the common menu tasks. The icons can be used to save time.

Workbook Wizard is used to create new workbook or worksheets. There are ten steps involved in the wizard. It is a great way to start writing reports.


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users The steps include: Select a query type Add columns/items Format the table layout Set conditions (filters) Set sorting order and/or groupings Add calculations Define totals Define percentages Select the parameters (prompts) for the report

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Help is accessed through the menu. The Help menu it is divided into several areas: Manuals, and Help Topics. There is also a context sensitive help.

Workbook is used to prepare the layout for the report and to select the data required in the report. The workbook has worksheets in it. Each worksheet contains data related to the workbook but might be arranged differently. The workbook has a standard menu and toolbar. The toolbar allows quick access to commonly used menu options.


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Release 4.0954 Worksheets contain the information to analyze. Each worksheet contained in a workbook is a separate query. When opening an existing worksheet, Discoverer will requery the database for current data. End User Layer is what tells Discoverer which business areas to access. This is updated periodically by EnvironMax, and is maintained by the server administrator for each location.

Business Area Folders

Business Areas are the collection of folders that contain information with a common business purpose and includes the tables and items in the EnvironMax/HMMS database. Examples of business areas are Administration, Organizational, Material, Waste and Air. Folders are the second level of information in Discoverer and are groups of related information. Folders are tied to the database tables that make up the EnvironMax/HMMS database. Examples of folders are Employees, Zones, and Inventory. Items are the third level of information in Discoverer. Each item is tied to a specific type of information or field within a table. Items are grouped within folders. Examples of items would be Employee First Name, Employee Address, and Employee ID. For items that are numeric, they are also called data points; i.e., kgrams_out. There are several aggregate functions available on the data points. They are: Detail - shows one entry for each line of data Sum - adds each line together in a summary line Max Min Average - produces an average over a period of time. The Discoverer administrator sets the default aggregate function; it will show on the list in bold. If this is not the function needed at this time, just select the correct one from the list. Calculations are custom fields that are not included in the database but are commonly used in reports; i.e. Kgrams_used or Pounds_used. The Discoverer administrator can 9

ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Release 4.0954 predefined these and add them to the correct folder. The calculations also can be created at the site by the user. Conditions are filters that control what data is retrived into the report. The user can define these conditions or if available, use a preset condition that the Discoverer administrator created. Page Items are a special item that groups like data into a page format. To change the page, select the different item from the drop down list. The page will change within that worksheet; i.e., inventory shown by Issue Point(IP), the IP is the page item; select the IP from the drop down list to see the data for that IP. Rows are the next level of information and represent all of the information about one item in the database. For example, the rows for the item Employee First Name would include one line of data for every first name of all the employees in the EnvironMax database. Query is the search that retrieves data from the EnvironMax database according to the criteria specified. The query returns the information in a workbook on a tabbed page called a sheet. A workbook can have as many sheets as necessary to obtain the information required. A workbook must contain at least one sheet.

Starting UpWhen first starting Discoverer, there are a few things that might have to set up. Launch the web browser. Access the web address the Discoverer administrator provides. The Connect to Discoverer Plus connection screen appears.

Click on the Create Connection button. The Create Connection: Connection Details screen appears. Give the connection a name; fill in the description. Then fill in the Database Account Details. Click the Apply button at the bottom of the screen.


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users

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Then the Connect to Discoverer Plus screen appears with a connection line showing the connection you just created. Click on the Connection name you created.

The Connect to Oracle Discoverer dialog appears. Type in the password to the log in account you created in the previous steps. Then click on the Connect button.


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users

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Once connected the Workbook Wizard will start.

Setting OptionsSelect the default options for all the workbooks by selecting Tool/Options from the menu. This will open an Options Dialog box. The following tabs are available: General Query Governor Sheet Format Default Format Advanced EUL Select the General Tab: This is where the default settings for opening and executing the query are set. The choices are as follows:

Run query automatically retrieves data specified by the worksheet as soon as the workbook or select the worksheet is opened. Dont run query (leave sheet empty) - retrieves the workbook, but it does not contain any data. Reason for this option is to select different worksheet than the default one without waiting for the report to execute.


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users

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Ask for confirmation This is the default setting. Once the workbook opens, a dialog box appears asking to run the query for the first sheet. Scheduled Workbooks: o Dont show the new results window after initial connection prevents the new data from appearing in a results window. o Dont show expired results on exit, delete results automatically deletes the results upon exiting Discoverer.

Show wizard graphics This selects or deselects the graphics on the wizards.

When all options on all tabs have been set select OK. Select the Query Governor Tab: The Query Governor options reduce the time it takes to execute a query. This tab is divided into two parts, the Summary Data and the Query Governor. The Summary data section allows the default setting for utilizing summary data. The choices are:

Always, when available selecting this option tells Discoverer that the data is not time sensitive. It will always use the Summary Tables. Only when summary data is not out of date (stale) Select this option when the data is time sensitive. The user specifies the number of days from the last update of the summary tables.


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Never Selecting this option retrieves current data every time the report is ran.

Selecting the options for the Query Governor Data Warn me if predicted query time exceeds When retrieving data for a worksheet, Discoverer estimates the query completion time. Select this option to see a warning message if the query will take a long time to execute. This message will only appear if the query will exceed the time specified. Prevent queries from running longer than This option selects the run time for the query. If it exceeds the specified time, the query will cancel. Limit retrieved query data to This option controls the maximum number of rows to return. A message will display if not all rows are retrieved to inform the possibility that incomplete data is displayed. Retrieve data incrementally in groups of This option allows Discoverer to bring back data quicker from very large tables. The default setting is 250 rows. What it does is bring back the data in smaller bits instead of waiting for it to compile all the data. Cancel list-of-values retrieval after The setting controls the maximum time it takes to retrieve the list of values. Some lists could be extremely long; i.e., CAS numbers, there are thousands in the database.

Select OK if there are no more options that require setting. Select the Sheet Format Tab

This tab allows for display format of the crosstab or table. NOTE: Changes made to this tab affects current sheet and future sheets. 14

ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Select the following options:

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Title - Displays a title if created. On this version the Title that is printed is the name of the sheet. Horizontal and vertical gridlines the lines that separate the rows and columns. The example on the right side of the dialog box shows a sample display. Null value as If a cell contains a null value, select a value to show from the drop down list or type it in. o Caution: When using a number 0 (zero) for a null value it might be misleading. For example, if a cell contains a figure for an amount owed but the database has a null in the field and you changed it to zero, it could be misleading because it appears that 0 is owed. Values that cannot be aggregated as Select from a pull down list, which format to use when a number cannot be aggregated. Row numbers (table only) Show sequential numbers on left side of table. Inline/Outline (crosstabs only) Select arrangement of side axis data items from the example icon. Rows per screen page - Select the number of rows to be displayed per page.

Select OK if there are no more options that require setting. Select Aggregation tab

This tab sets the way the aggregated cell value is computed. Select OK if there are no more options that require setting.


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Select Default Format tab

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Select the default setting for the following items: Data Format Heading Format Total Format Highlight the setting that requires formatting. The example box shows a sample. Select the change button to see a list of format options, make required changes, and select OK. Repeat for each default setting that require changing. Select OK if there are no more options that require setting. Select the Advanced Tab This tab is for the Discoverer administrator. Do not make changes here without the Discoverer administrator assistance. Select EUL tab This tab tells Discoverer which End User Layer (EUL) to use. The Discoverer administrator will provide the proper EUL name. To select a different EUL, select the arrow next to the EUL name and choose the correct EUL from the list. Remember once the EUL is changed Discoverer needs to reconnect to the database. To reconnect Discoverer to the database, select from the file menu Connect to Database. Select OK 16

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ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users

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Chapter 1: Getting StartedCreating a Workbook Selecting Items for the Worksheet Adding Items to the Workbook Arranging Items in the Workbook Renaming a Worksheet Re-Ordering Worksheets Running the Worksheet Editing the Worksheet After Running Opening a Previously Created Workbook Scheduled Workbooks Saving a Workbook Refreshing Data in a Workbook Deleting a Workbook 18 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 23 24 24 24


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users

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Getting StartedCreating a WorkbookCreating a new Workbook or Worksheet using the Workbook Wizard is the quickest way to create a query. When Discoverer starts, the first screen shown is the Workbook Wizard, select either create a new workbook or open an existing workbook. Select the Create a new workbook icon. To start a new workbook from the menu, select the File Menu and then select the New option or by selecting the New Workbook toolbar button.

Once a new workbook as been selected, there will be prompts to select the display types for the results.


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Release 4.0954 The four options are: Table displays data in columns with headings. Each column is a column item. Crosstab displays data in a crosstab format with values running across the top and down left side, at the intersection of the row and column is the sum or the average. Page-Detail Table displays data in columns grouped by the items in the page axis. Page-Detail Crosstab displays data in a crosstab grouped by the items in the page axis. By selecting a different value in the page axis, it will display the data for that value on the page. Once the format is selected, select on the Next button.

Selecting Items for the WorkbookThe second step of the Workbook Wizard is used to select the items for the report. Select the items from the available folders list. The wizard utilizes the following symbols: A plus sign shows there is another level in the structure that is not shown but can be. A minus sign indicates that the lower level is displayed. The absence of a sign indicates there is not another level. The items with the plus sign have children of the object. To open that child, select on the plus sign or double select the object name. Drag and drop the selected items, or highlight them then select the right arrow. If there are multiple items needed for the report, hold down the [Ctrl] key, select all the required items release the [Ctrl] key then select the right arrow. After all items are selected for the report, run the query by selecting the Finish button, or continue using the Wizard to refine the query by selecting the Next button.


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users

Release 4.0954

Adding Items to the WorkbookThe Available list shows all of the items in the Business Areas. To include an item in the query: Select the Business Area to work with. Select the folder that contains the item needed. Select the item and press the arrow key to move the item into the selected column. Select multiple items by holding down the Ctrl key.

Arranging Items in the WorkbookThe third step in the Workbook Wizard enables rearrangement the items in a query, suppress the duplicate data, and convert a table or crosstab to a page-detail layout. To change the position of any axis item on the worksheet, drag the item to the correct position on the worksheet. To change the display type to a Page-Detail Table, select on the Show Page Items check box at the top of the query. This displays the Page Items field. Drag an item from the detail axis to the page axis and change the output to a Page Detail Layout. If the display type is a Page Detail Layout and you wish to change it to a single table, drag the items from the page axis to the detail axis.

To move a column to another location just select and drag it to the desired location. The other option in this third step is to hide any duplicate rows. By selecting the Hide Duplicate Rows box in the upper right hand side of the window, only a single row for the items that have duplicates in the database will show.

Renaming a WorksheetOpen the workbook that contains the worksheet to be renamed. Do one of the following: Double-select the tab at the bottom of the worksheet. 21

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Select Sheet/Rename from the menu Either choice will bring up a dialog box to rename the Worksheet. Type in the new name and select OK.

Re-ordering WorksheetsOpen the workbook that requires the sheet to be re-order. Choose Sheet/Move Sheet from the menu. A dialog box appears; highlight the sheet to be moved and select the up or down arrow until the sheet is positioned where it is required. Repeat this process until all sheets are in the required order. Then, select OK.

Running the WorksheetWith the items selected for the query, either run the query by selecting the Finish button, or continue the Workbook Wizard for additional help in customizing the data on the workbook. When complete select the Finish button, the report will run. The results window will appear; this shows the data that was retrieved for the query.

Editing the Worksheet After RunningAfter running the query, to edit, add or remove items from the worksheet do one of the following. Removing items from worksheet select the item to remove, and then select Edit/Delete from the menu. Or select the edit sheet icon, simply select the item to delete from the Selected Items list and select the Left Arrow button. Adding items to the worksheet select the Edit Sheet icon from the toolbar or select Sheet/Edit Sheet from the menu. Either one returns starts the wizard, then select the item or items from the Available List. Select the Right Arrow button or drag the item to the Selected List.


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users

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Edit sheet icon Once the items have been selected the Edit Sheet page, there are eight more tabs on the wizard. They are as follows: Table Layout: selects the layout for the table. Format: choose the format for the data and headings or edit the display names for an item. Conditions: select the conditions that meet the reporting requirement. Sort: select how the report is sorted. Calculations: create or edit the calculations used in the report. Percentages: create or edit the percentages. Totals: summarize the results using the aggregate functions. Parameters: create parameters or edit existing parameters.

Each of these will be covered in later chapters.

Adding a Description to a Report TitleOnce the report has been saved. Select the File/Manage Workbooks/Properties from the menu. Enter the desired description in the description block. Then click the save button.


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users

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Opening a Previously Created WorkbookTo open a workbook that has been saved to the database, choose one of the following: Select Open an existing workbook option, in the Wizard. Select File/Open from the menu. Select the Open Workbook icon from the toolbar. A dialog box will appear with the following two choices: either to open a workbook from the database or open a scheduled workbook. Database Dialog shows the list of workbooks that have been saved to the database and are available to run. Scheduled Dialog show the list of reports that have already run and are now available to view. A scheduled workbook will be covered in more detail later.

Select the workbook from the appropriate list and select Open. The workbook will open. A query execution progress dialog box will appear showing the estimated loading time for the first sheet. 24

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In Discoverer, there are options that can be set, which limit the time allotted to open the worksheet. If the query will take longer than the set limit a dialog box will open to continue select one of the following: Select Yes. The query runs and fills the worksheet with the most recent data. Select No. The worksheet opens but contains no data. Select No to see a different worksheet from the first one. Just select the worksheet tab required from the bottom of the window. Then select Sheet/Refresh Sheet from the menu to retrieve the data for that sheet.

Scheduled WorkbooksWorkbooks can be scheduled to run at a specific time. An example of this might be a weekly inventory report, which is required to run every Thursday evening, so that the current inventory is shown, so the inventory that requires replenishment can be ordered on Friday. The Discoverer Administrator can set the schedule for this report to run. If the Discoverer Administrator has granted the appropriate privileges to schedule the workbook, the report writer could schedule these to run. Other reasons to schedule a workbook to run: The workbook will take a long time to run. The workbook is required to run on a reoccurring basis. Since the scheduled report runs on the server, not on the local personnel computer, the local computer does not need to be on. The results of the report will be saved on the server and be available to upon log in to Discoverer. To open a scheduled workbook: Connect to Discoverer and select open an existing workbook. Select from the menu File/Open. The open Workbook dialog box will appear. Select the Scheduled and then select Open. A dialog box will appear with a list of all scheduled workbooks. Select the workbook to be viewed and select Open. o Note: The worksheets in a scheduled workbook contain data that was derived specifically for that report. Work with the data in a normal manner. A reminder message will appear if there are changes to the data that states the new data is not the same as the old data.

Saving a WorkbookThere are several options to save a workbook but it depends on whether the privileges granted. The owner of the workbook, with the correct privileges, can save the workbook and the changes by selecting the Save icon or by selecting from the menu, File/Save. If it is a shared workbook, use the Save As command to save the workbook using a different name, provided the correct privileges have been granted. 25

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If the privileges to save the workbook have not been granted, the workbook can be viewed and edited but the changes cannot be saved.

To save a workbook, select one of the following: Select File/Save, the workbook is saved and remains open. Select File/Close, the workbook will close if no changes were made. If changes were made a dialog box will appear prompting that the changes be saved. Select File/Save As, a dialog box will appear prompting for a new name for the workbook. Once the new name is entered, select Save. Select Cancel, and the workbook will remain open without saving any changes made.

Refreshing Data in a WorkbookThe data in the worksheet is a result of querying the database at a certain time. To refresh the data, re-query the database. By refreshing the data, it ensures that the data being viewed is up-to-date. To refresh data in a worksheet, select Sheet/Refresh Sheet or the Refresh icon on the toolbar, the data displayed then would be based on current data.

Deleting a WorkbookIf a workbook needs to permanently remove from the database, it can be deleted. Note: The user must have the correct database privileges to delete a workbook. Also, if the workbook is a shared workbook, it cannot be deleted unless the user is the owner of it. To delete a workbook, select File/Manage Workbooks/Delete. A dialog box will appear to show all the workbooks on the database that the user owns. Select the one to delete, and then select the Delete button.


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users

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Chapter 2: Customizing the QueryFormatting Data, Headings and Totals Sorting Data Simple Table Sorting Group Sorting Sorting Crosstab Worksheets Pivoting data Pivoting data in a table Pivoting data in a Crosstab Duplicating Tables and Crosstabs 26 26 26 27 30 30 30 33 33


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Customizing the QueryFormatting Data, Headings and TotalsFormatting the data in the worksheet can be accomplished by applying a format mask that was previously defined by the administrator or the user can define a format. To accomplish this, select Sheet/Edit sheet or select the Edit Sheet toolbar icon. Select the Default Format tab. Select the item or items that require the format changed, and then select the Change button. Then select the text or number tab. The format categories that will be available will depend on the type data that has been selected to format. To reset everything back to the original settings, select Reset.

Sorting DataBy sorting the data, it is arranged either numerically or alphabetically. The sort can be either low to high (ascending) or high to low (descending) order. Sorting helps in the process of analyzing the data. For example, being able to see which issue points are making the most issues or which waste generator is generating the most waste.

Simple Table SortingSelect the Edit Sheet icon from the tool bar or select the menu item Tools and select sort. This will open the Edit Worksheet dialog box to the Sort Tab. If there are no sort options shown, select the Add button; select the column to sort by clicking the black down arrow to all columns available.


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Select the direction drop-down list to select sort order, low to high or high to low. Group Sorting will be covered later in this chapter. The Hidden check box will hide the column that is being sorted; i.e., when sorting issues by the month; by checking the box to hide the month column it will make the column not show on the report. Then select OK. To further sort the report, repeat the above steps until the report is completely sorted.

Group SortingIn the example below, notice the Issue Point ID is repeating itself and it is not in any order:


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users After a single sort by Issue Point ID see the change in the appearance:

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When selecting the group sort, notice how the data changes:

NOTE: Remember a Group Sort can be applied on a table worksheet but not on a crosstab worksheet. The steps involved in applying a group sort is similar to the simple sort, except this time select Group Sort on the sort dialog box.


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If that is the only change required, select OK. If there is a sort that is no longer required, highlight the sort beside the order number and select Delete. This will remove that sort from the current worksheet.

Sorting Crosstab WorksheetsThe sort crosstab dialog has many options for sorting crosstab worksheets.

To sort the data in a crosstab: 1. Open the crosstab that requires sorting. 2. Select from the menu Tools/Sort. The Sort Crosstab dialog box appears. 31

ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Release 4.0954 3. Select the location on the crosstab of the columns to sort. o Above the data shows the data columns on the top axis. o Along left side of data shows the data columns on the left axis. 4. Select the drop-down list of the Item to Sort and select the data item. This list will change according to the choice made above in step 3. 5. Select the Column/row drop-down list and select the column or row to sort. The Column drop-down list identifies columns containing data for sorting based on the left side of the crosstab. The Row drop-down list contains data for sorting based on the top of the crosstab. 6. Select the Direction drop-down list and select a direction to sort. 7. To change the sort order, select the item to move and select Move Up or Move Down. 8. Select OK to sort the data.

Pivoting DataPivoting allows the data to organized by moving selected items from the main body of the table to a page axis. On a crosstab, there is greater control over the elements that can pivot. To pivot items on a table: 1. Open the table. 2. Select either Sheet/Table Layout from the menu or the Table Layout icon on the toolbar. The Edit Sheet dialog box appears with the table layout table tab selected. This tab is showing everything in the current position. 3. Select the column to pivot. The choices are to move the column from the table to the page axis or vice versa. 4. Drag the column to the desired location, represented by the black bar, and then release the mouse button. 5. Select OK The example below shows how pivoting the supervisor to the page axis affects the report.


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Release 4.0954 In the worksheet, notice how the data changed because of the pivoted data. Before:


Notice how only one supervisors information is on the page. To select a new supervisor, select the down arrow beside supervisor, choose the new supervisor, and select OK. This will change the data shown on the page to the data for that supervisor.


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Pivoting data in a CrosstabSince the data relationships in a crosstab depend on the intersection of the axis items, pivoting data creates a new set of data relationships. To Pivot data in a crosstab: 1. Open the Crosstab. 2. From the menu select Sheet/Crosstab Layout. The Edit Sheet dialog box will open to the Crosstab Layout tab. 3. Select the item to move and select and drag, the same as it was above, for a table. 4. Then select OK.

Duplicating Tables and CrosstabsThe process of duplicating a table or a crosstab provides a quick and easy way to present still more perspectives of the data. It might be necessary to show or build upon the existing data, by duplicating the table as a crosstab or vice versa. It will enable the user continue to analyze the data. To duplicate a table as a crosstab or vice versa: 1. Open the worksheet to duplicate. 2. Select one of the following: a. From menu Sheet/Duplicate as Table. b. From menu Sheet/Duplicate as Crosstab. c. Icon from toolbar Duplicate as Table. d. Icon from toolbar Duplicate as Crosstab. Depending on the selection, either the Table Layout or Crosstab Layout dialog box will appear. 3. Select the items required in the new worksheet. 4. Arrange the columns and page items as required. 5. Select OK.


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Chapter 3: Query ConditionsFiltering the Data Adding Conditions to a New Workbook Selecting Predefined Conditions Adding a Condition from the Toolbar Multiple Conditions Conflicting Conditions Prompting for data Calculations Building Complex Calculations Available Functions Using a Calculation in a Condition Passing a Parameter to a Calculation Percentages Applying Totals 36 36 37 38 38 39 39 41 44 45 45 46 48 50


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Query ConditionsFiltering the Data or Setting ConditionsOracle Discoverer uses conditions, which are filters that are placed on an item to limit the number of rows that are retrieve from the database. For example, a user may want to see all the employees assigned to a certain zone. To do this, the user would limit the search to a certain zone. The condition then finds the data that matches it and displays it in the worksheet. The other data is not visible since it did not match the condition. There are two types of conditions that can be applied. The first is the administratordefined condition. This is one that the Discoverer Administrator has set up as a condition that would be used frequently. The second type is user defined, created by the user to apply to the workbook or worksheet.

Adding Conditions to a New WorkbookWhen creating a new report, step five of the wizard is where any conditions are applied to obtain the data required.

If your Discoverer Administrator has any Predefined Conditions, they will show up in a list in the center of the dialog box. To create a new condition, select the New button. A New Condition Dialog box will appear.


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The check box beside Generate name automatically is checked by default; this option will name the condition automatically. The next block in the dialog box is a description block where the new condition is described. Then under the Item column, select the item to apply the condition to. Select the operator for the condition. Then assign it a value. Then select Ok.

Selecting a predefined conditionThe Discoverer Administrator can define two types of conditions: mandatory and optional. A mandatory condition will be automatically applied when that item is selected to be included in the report.


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An optional condition appears in the item selector as an icon. The user selects to use it or not.

To select a condition for a worksheet, select the Condition Tab. A list of predefined conditions will be displayed. Select the condition to apply. Then select the Edit button to see the condition. An Edit Condition dialog box will appear.

If everything is correct, then select OK. If not make the applicable changes, then select OK.

Adding a condition from the ToolbarTo add a condition from the toolbar, select the condition icon. The Edit worksheet dialog box will open to the condition tab. Proceed as described above.

Multiple Conditions

Condition Icon

There can be multiple conditions applied to a single worksheet. The checkmark in front of the condition indicates that the condition is applied to the worksheet. If there is a condition applied that is not required, simply un-check it.


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Uncheck conditions that are not used.

Conflicting ConditionsThere may be times where the condition list will contain conditions that will conflict with each other. For example, the two conditions KGRAMS USED greater than 500 kgrams and KGRAMS USED less than 100 kgrams conflict because the first condition would remove the data that the second condition tries to display. A warning message would appear stating that there is a Condition Conflict.

Prompting for DataIn Discoverer, the user prompts are called Parameters, which can be set in step ten of the wizard. Select the New button to create a new parameter.


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The New Parameter dialog box will open. Answer the questions; select the item on which to set the parameter. Select the operator for the condition. Remember to use wildcards the operator has to be like. Once all the questions are answered, select OK.

The wizard will open again; to create more parameters, repeat the above steps until all of the required parameters are done.


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To change a parameter, select the Edit button, the Parameter dialog box will open and the required changes can be made.. The Delete button will delete the parameter that is highlighted. If there is more than one parameter, then the Move Up or Move Down buttons will be available to set the order of the parameters. Once all required parameters are completed, select the Finish button. Then the Edit Parameter Values Dialog box appears. This is where the parameter questions are answered. Notice that the description of parameter is listed below the parameter. Select OK to run the report once the questions are answered.

To use the menu, select Tools/Parameters; which will open the Edit Sheet dialog box to the Parameter tab. From there the process is the same. 42

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Note: If the report is being scheduled to run at a later time, the user will have to answer the parameters at the time it is being scheduled.

CalculationsDiscoverer has a range of calculations it can perform, common mathematical functions, and it uses a full range of operators to give required results. A calculation can be used within another calculation. Some of the common calculations used, are converting kgrams into pounds, calculating the kgrams used, or pounds used. When creating a new workbook, calculations are applied in step 7 of the wizard.

When adding a condition to an existing worksheet, then from the menu select Tools/Calculations. Or select the Calculator icon on the toolbar.

This will open up the Edit Worksheet dialog to the Calculations tab.


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The Calculation dialog contains a View Calculations for list of value for all the items available in the worksheet.

Select the new button to create a new calculation.


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The New Calculation dialog box will appear. First give the calculation a name. Then select from the list of values to show either Selected items, Functions, etc.

There are two ways to enter the calculation: Type the syntax for the calculation in the calculation field directly or build the calculation by selecting the items from the items list and selecting the functions from the functions list, pasting both into the calculations field. Then select OK to create the calculated item.


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The calculation will appear in the Calculations Dialog box with a checkmark beside it, which indicates that the calculation is applied to the worksheet. Select OK in the Calculation dialog box. Then the calculated item will be added to the report.

Building Complex CalculationsDiscoverer allows complex calculation using a combination of SQL functions and folder items. The steps are similar to those for creating a simple calculation. In the Calculation field type in the SQL code for the function to be performed, add the folder items to the calculation and select OK.

Available FunctionsSome of the available functions are: Analytic: A set of Oracle 8i functions to perform business analyses. 46

ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Release 4.0954 Conversion: Single row functions that will convert one data type to the same or another data type. Date: Calculates arithmetic operations on dates. Group: Calculates the reporting functions; i.e., sum of two items. Numeric: Single row numeric functions that return numeric values. Other: Single row that do not apply to any other grouping. String: Single row character functions that return character values.

Using a Calculation in a ConditionDiscoverer allows a condition to be combined with a calculation. To do this, follow these steps: 1. Open a New Condition dialog box. 2. Select Create Calculation from the Item drop down list, the Edit Calculation dialog box will appear. 3. Create the condition. Select Ok.


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Then to apply the condition created in the New Condition Dialog box, Select OK.

Passing a Parameter to a CalculationDiscoverer allows a custom calculation that uses a user prompt as part of the calculation. Follow these steps: 1. Select Tools/Parameters from the menu

2. Select New in the Parameter Dialog box.

3. Create the parameter in the Edit Parameter dialog box. Select NONE in the For Item Field. Name the Parameter. 48

ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Release 4.0954 4. Create the calculation using the Edit Calculation dialog box. In the calculation string, enter the parameter name, where needed, preceded by a colon(:). Or paste it from the Parameter folder. .

5. Apply the calculation.

6. Answer the prompt. Then the calculation will complete using the answer provided. It will add the new column to the worksheet.


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Calculating percentages of numbers is a data analysis task. When using the Percentages feature, specify the data to use to calculate a percentage. This is done is step 8 of the workbook wizard.

To create a percentage, select the New button.

The New Percentage dialog box opens. The first box in the top left hand corner of the dialog is where the name for this percentage is applied. Then select from the drop down list which data point to use for the calculation of the percentage. Then select whether it will be a grand total percentage or a sum of each change. Select if this percentage is for all sheets or just this one. On the right side of the dialog box select whether the grandtotal number to show along with the percentage. There is drop down list of the label choices, select the desired label. Then select OK.


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Percentages can be added to an existing sheet by using the menu Tools/Percentages. This will open up the Edit sheet dialog box to the percentage tab. From there the steps are exactly the same. To edit an existing Percentage, select the Edit Worksheet icon. Then select the Percentage tab, and select the Edit button

Select here to edit

This opens the Edit Percentage dialog box. Make the changes necessary and select OK.


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Applying TotalsTotals and Sub totals are the result of applying a function, such as an average or a sum to the values in a column. In the tabular report, the sub total or total appears below the value in the column used for the calculation. In a crosstab report, the value can either be displayed below the column or to the right of the column. In a new worksheet, totals are applied in step 9 of the wizard.

Select the New button. The New total Dialog box will open. Select on the data point drop down list and select the data point to use for the total.

Select from the drop down list for the type total to display. The options will change depending on the type data being totaled.

Select location for the total to be displayed.


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Then select OK. To edit the total, select Tools/Totals from the menu. Select the Edit button.

The Edit Total dialog will appear. Make the required changes and select OK.

There are several other ways to add to totals to a report. They are: Toolbar: o Select the Edit Worksheet icon, and then select the Total Tab. o Select the Percentages icon. Menu: Select Tools/Total to bring up the Edit Sheet/Totals Tab dialog box. Then from there it is the same as above. 53

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Chapter 4: GraphsUsing Graphs in the Reports Graphing Terminology Selecting the Correct Graph Type Create Graphs Using the Graph Toolbar Saving the Graph Deleting Your Graph 54 54 54 55 58 58 58


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Using Graphs in the ReportsBy using a graph, there is a pictorial presentation of the data in the report. The graph can also be used as an analysis tool to visually highlight trends. Discoverer includes the following types of graphs: area, bar, line, pie, scatter graphs, and several others. The Graph Wizard helps create and edit the graph used in the report. Discoverer only allows one graph per worksheet. If there is a graph already in a worksheet, to create a totally new graph, doe the following: a. First delete the old graph and create the new. b. Duplicate the worksheet to create a new worksheet, and then create the graph for the new worksheet. Any changes to the data in the worksheet, the graph will automatically update, showing the new data. Graphs are also automatically saved with the worksheet.

Graphing TerminologyThe following are the terms used by the Graph Wizard. Group Marker In a graph, the group is a subset of the displayed data. For example, in a stacked bar graph, each stack of bars is a group. The Marker is a graphical object that represents data values. They are the bars, slices, areas, or data points that show in each of the different types of graph. The label is the text attached to the marker. The text will show things like the total at the top of a bar in a chart. The legend explains the markers in the graph. It will explain what each color means on the chart.

Label Legend

Selecting the Correct Graph TypeWhen using Discoverer to present the data in a graph, there are 12 graph types from which to choose. Each of these will have several sub-type variations within them. An example of this is in the Area Graph; the sub-types are Area, Percent Area, and Stacked Area. Most of the sub-types have a 3-D effect that can be turn on or off by using the 3D-Effect check box.

Creating a Graph56

ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Release 4.0954 Discoverer utilizes a Graph Wizard to create a graph of the worksheet data. Every time the Graph Wizard is used, Discoverer saves the settings for the next graph. To use the previous settings, just select Finish. To create a graph 1. Select Graph from the menu, choose New Graph and the Graph Wizard appears. 2. Select type of graph by selecting on the icon for the Graph type. Then select the sub-type graph to use. In the description box on the bottom of the wizard will be a description of the purpose of each type graph. If the check box for the 3D Effect is active, select it to make the graph appear to have more depth. Then select Next.

3. The Titles, Totals, and Layout Dialog box will appear. To add a title on the graph, put a check in the Show Title box. Then type in the title. Select the Insert button to insert a date, time, or other worksheet information, and then select the item to add. Select the Font button to choose the font and color you want the title.


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Release 4.0954 4. Then answer the question, What would you like to display in your graph? by selecting one of the radio buttons. Data Only to graph all the data point values of the worksheet excluding any totals. Totals Only to graph only the data in the totals row of the worksheet. Both Data and Totals to graph everything in the worksheet. Put a check mark in the box to Show null values as zero to show all null values as a zero marker on the graph. Otherwise the null values will not be shown in the graph. 5. Select the radio button to choose to graph the row or the column of data. A pie chart shows the value as parts of a whole, this only graphs one column or row at a time. Skip the next step if NOT creating a pie chart. 6. Select the Pie Chart Options button to open the Pie Chart Dialog box. Select the item for the chart to show, then select OK to return to the Title, Totals, and Layout dialog box. 7. Select Next. For a pie chart, proceed to step 10. If not creating a pie chart, then the X-Axis dialog box will appear. Answer the questions and make the selections on this dialog box and select Next.

8. Then the Y-Axis dialog box will appear. Answer the questions and make the appropriate selections in this dialog box and select Next.


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9. If creating a Dual-Y graph, the Y2-Axis dialog will appear, repeat step 8. Then select Next. 10. The Plot Area Dialog box will appear. Do any of the following: choose background colors, choose line width and colors, select to show pop-ups, etc. Select Next.

11. The Legend dialog box will appear. Make the necessary selections and select Finish.


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Release 4.0954 12. After a short delay, the graph will appear. To reposition the graph if required by selecting from the menu Graph/Display Graph. There select the position for the graph.

Using the Graph ToolbarWhen working with graphs, there is a Graph Toolbar that will be available to make changes to the appearance of the graph without having to go back into the graph wizard. With the toolbar, changes to the fonts, colors, text alignment, and graph type can be made.

Saving the GraphWhen the worksheet is saved, the graph is automatically saved. If any changes are made to the data in the worksheet, the graph will be updated automatically.

Deleting the GraphTo delete the graph go to the Graph menu and select Delete Graph. A warning message will appear. Select Yes to delete.


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Chapter 5: Exporting, Printing and SharingExporting Results Exporting to Microsoft Excel and HTML Printing Workbooks Sharing the Workbooks 60 62 63 64


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Exporting ResultsDiscoverer utilizes an Export Wizard to assist in sharing the workbooks with others. To export a workbook into popular application formats such as Microsoft Excel or HTML, Discoverer provides the Export Wizard. Discoverer also provides a shortcut to either Excel or HTML on the toolbar and the file menu since both of those formats are so popular in the business world. Using the Export Wizard, the report as seen on the screen appears as close as possible in the other applications. To export to other applications 1. Open the workbook to export. 2. From the menu choose File/Export

3. The Export wizard will open. Answer the questions on this page then select Next.

4. On page two of the wizard, select the export format from the pull down list, then select the location and file name for the export of the file. Then select Next.


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5. On page three of the wizard, if there is a graph, select the size of the graph. Then select Next.

6. If there are any parameters in the report, answer the questions in the Choose Parameter page. Then select Next. 7. On page four of the wizard, choose either to have the export run supervised or unsupervised. Discoverer occasionally will give alert messages on run time or database returns more information than the maximum. Choosing the supervised export, these alert messages will be seen. With the unsupervised export all alert messages are ignored. Select Finish to export the worksheet.


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The worksheets are saved in the format selected and in the directory selected. An Export log will appear, showing the status of the export.

Exporting to Microsoft Excel and HTML formatsThe Excel and HTML icons on the toolbar help to quickly export the workbook from Discoverer to Excel and HTML

Icons To Quickly Export to Excel 1. Open the worksheet to export into Excel, making sure that if it is a paged report the page to export is open. 2. Select the File/Export to Excel menu option or select the Export to Excel icon on the toolbar. Depending on the browser, the download dialog box appears. 3. Select the correct option and select OK. To Quickly save as HTML 1. Open the worksheet 64

ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Release 4.0954 2. Select the File/Export to HTML menu option or select the Export to HTML icon on the toolbar. 3. The exported worksheet is saved to the default file location for the browser and is now displayed on the browser.

Printing Workbooks and GraphsDiscoverer provides a Print Wizard to assist printing worksheets and graphs. Utilizing this wizard what is seen on the screen will be printed out the same way on paper. If the worksheet is a paged table or crosstab, then each page of data will have to be printed individually, since Discoverer prints exactly what is seen on the screen. To print worksheets and their graphs 1. Open the worksheet to print. 2. Select the menu option File/Print. The Print wizard will appear. This is a 3-page wizard.

3. Answer the questions. If printing a sheet that contains a graph or if printing a graph only, the wizard will go to page two. Select Next.

4. Select the options for the graphs being printing. Select Next. 65

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5. If the worksheet contained Parameters, a Print Parameter Page dialog box appears, answer the questions. Select Next. 6. On page four of the wizard, choose either to have the print run supervised or unsupervised. Discoverer occasionally will give alert messages on run time or database returns more information then the maximum. Choosing the supervised print, these messages will be seen. Utilizing the unsupervised print, all alert messages are ignored. Select finish to print the worksheet.

Note: If exporting or printing a paged-worksheet then repeat the above steps until every combination is either exported or printed.

Sharing the WorkbooksBy sharing the workbook, it allows other people who have access to the database to view, analyze, and print the workbook. There are two ways to do this: Share one workbook with multiple people. Share multiple workbooks with one person.

To share one workbook with several people:


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Release 4.0954 1. Select menu File/Manage Workbook/Sharing. The Share Workbooks dialog box appears.

2. Select the Workbook->User tab.

3. Select the name of the workbook and then select the names of the users to share this workbook with.

4. Select OK. To share several workbooks with another person:


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Release 4.0954 1. Select menu File/Manage Workbook/Sharing. The Share workbooks dialog box appears.

2. Select the User->Workbook tab.

3. Select the Users name and workbooks to share. 4. Select OK.


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Exercise 1: User Report File new Create a new workbook from wizard (Step 1 of wizard) Select Table Click Next Select Business Area ADMINISTRATION (Step 2 of wizard) Open COR_USER Select the following: FNAME LAST_LOGON_DT LNAME PHONE PROFILE_CD USER_LOGON Click Next Arrange the columns in the following order: (Step 3 of wizard) LNAME. FNAME, USER_LOGON, PHONE, PROFILE_CD, and LAST_LOGON_DT Click Finish

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ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Exercise 2: Employee Report

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File New Create a new workbook from the wizard Select Table (Step 1 of wizard) Click Next Select Business Area ADMINISTRATION (Step 2 of wizard) Open folder COR_EMPLOYEE Select the following: ACTIVE_IND ALT_EMP_CD FNAME LNAME POSITION_DESC START_DT Open folder COR_EMPLOYEE_ZONE Select ZONE_CD Click Next Arrange the columns in the following order: (Step 3 of wizard) ALT_EMP_CD, LNAME, FNAME, POSITION_DESC, ZONE_CD, START_DT, ACTIVE_IND Click Next three times to skip the next two steps of the wizard Click the Add button on Sort dialog window (Step 6 of the wizard) Select LNAME, ZONE_CD Click Finish


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Exercise 2 (cont.): Click the Edit Worksheet Icon or Menu/Sheet/Edit Sheet Remove POSITION_DESC Click Finish Observe the difference in the two reports

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ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Exercise 3: Quick Inventory Count

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File New Create a new workbook from the wizard Select Page-Detail Table (Step 1 of wizard) Click Next Select Business Area MATERIAL Open folder MAT_INVENTORY Select the following: COUNT of SERIAL_NR NSN ISSUEPOINT_CD ITEM_NAME Arrange the columns in the following order: (Step 3 of wizard) PAGE ITEMS: ISSUEPOINT_CD ORDER FOR THE REST: NSN, ITEM_NAME, SERIAL_NR COUNT Click Next Change the heading SERIAL_NR COUNT to read # ON HAND (Step 4 of wizard) Click Next twice Add a sort order for NSN Click Finish Observe several Issue Point inventories


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Exercise 4: Issues by MSDS by Zone

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File New Create a new workbook from the wizard Select Table (Step 1 of wizard) Click Next Select Business Area MATERIAL Open folder MAT_ISSUE Select the following: COUNT of SERIAL_NR NSN PRODUCT_NR ITEM_NAME ZONE_CD Arrange the columns in the following order: (Step 3 of wizard) ZONE_CD, NSN, PRODUCT_NR, ITEM_NAME, SERIAL_NR COUNT Click Next Change the heading SERIAL_NR COUNT to read # OF ISSUES (Step 4 of wizard) Click Next twice to get to the Sort Dialog box. Sort items in the following order: ZONE_CD, NSN (group sort), PRODUCT_NR Click Finish


ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Exercise 5: Inventory Count per Status Create a new report in a crosstab format. Select the following fields: MAT_INVENTORY.INV_STATUS MAT_INVENTORY.SERIAL_NR COUNT MAT_ISSUEPOINT.ISSUEPOINT_CD Change the crosstab layout to the following order: Left Axis: ISSUEPOINT_CD Top Axis: Data Point: SERIAL_NR COUNT, INV_STATUS Click the Finish button Save this report as Exer_5

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ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Exercise 6: Employee Listing by Zone Create a new report in a table format. Select the following fields: COR_EMPLOYEE.ALT_EMP_CD COR_EMPLOYEE.FNAME COR_EMPLOYEE.LNAME COR_EMPLOYEE_ZONE.ZONE_CD Arrange the table in the following order. ZONE_CD, ALT_EMP_CD, LNAME, FNAME Sort the report as follows: ZONE_CD = Group Sort, ALT_EMP_CD Click the finish button

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ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Exercise 7: Issue Report

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Create a new workbook Select Table Click Next Select Business Area MATERIAL Select the following: MAT_ISSUE.ISSUEPOINT_CD MAT_ISSUE.DATE_OUT MAT_ISSUE.SERIAL_NR-DETAIL MAT_PRODUCT_CONTAINER.MFG_PART_NR MAT_PRODUCT_CONTAINER.NSN Click Next Arrange the columns in the following order: ISSUEPOINT_CD, NSN, MFG_PART_NR, DATE_OUT, SERIAL_NR Click Next skip step 4 Click Next Click the New button, Adding Conditions Leave the checkmark for Generate name automatically checked Type in a description something like ISSUEPOINT_CD = BASE Select ISSUEPOINT_CD from the item column Select operator = in the condition column Type in value of BASE in the value column Click OK button Click the New button to add a second condition Type in a description something like DATE_OUT greater than 01-Jan-2002 Select the DATE_OUT from the item column Select the operator of >= from the condition column Type in value of 01-JAN-2002 in the value column Click the OK button Click the Next button Click the Add button in Sort step of the wizard Select ISSUEPOINT_CD (group sort) & NSN (group sort) Click the Finish button


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ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Exercise 8: Issue Detail by Issuepoint

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Create a new table report. The report should have the following fields in it: MAT_ISSUEPOINT.ISSUEPOINT_CD MAT_ISSUE.KGRAMS_IN_QTY DETAIL MAT_ISSUE.KGRAMS_OUT_QTY DETAIL MAT_ISSUE.SERIAL_NR DETAIL MAT_PRODUCT.ITEM_NAME MAT_PRODUCT_CONTAINER.NSN (Utilize join between PRODUCT CONTAINER & ISSUE_COMPLETE) Arrange the fields in the following order: ISSUEPOINT_CD, SERIAL_NR, NSN, ITEM_NAME, KGRAMS_OUT_QTY, KGRAMS_IN_QTY Ensure the box to Hide Duplicate Rows is checked. Create a calculation called KGRAMS USED Create a total for each change in ISSUEPOINT_CD, totaling on KGRAMS USED Create a new parameter for the ISSUEPOINT_CD, using an operator that will allow for the use of a wildcard. Click the Finish button



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Click Next Arrange Columns:

Click Next three times in-order to reach Wizard Step 6. Sort By: Click Next Create Calculation: INGRED_USED = (KGRAMS_QTY_OUT SUM NVL(KGRAMS_QTY_IN,0))*CALC_PERCENT BLDG_CD (Group Sort), CHEM_CAS_NO, CHEM_NAME, KGRAMS_OUT_QTY (Hidden), KGRAMS_IN_QTY (Hidden)

Select KGRAMS_QTY_OUT SUM & KGRAMS_QTY_IN SUM inserting into proper place of calculation listed above. Show All Available Items, and go to MAT_PRODUCT_INGRED, Select CALC_PERCENT Click Finish Create Total: Click on Tools Menu, Totals. Sum INGRED_USED, sub-total by CHEM_CAS_NO Create Parameter: Click on Tools Menu, Parameters. Select COR_BUILDING.BLDG_CD. Enter a Name. Choose = as the operator. Enter Prompt and description if desired. Ensure the box is checked to Let other users select multiple values.


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ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Exercise 10: Waste Container List by WCS Create a page table report Select the following: WST_CONTAINER.ACC_START_DT WST_CONTAINER.WST_CONT_CD WST_WCS.BLDG_CD WST_WCS.WCS_CD TABLE LAYOUT: Page item: BLDG_CD Table items: WCS_CD, WST_CONT_CD, ACC_START_DT Add the following conditions: CERT FILL DATE IS NULL ACC_START_DT IS NOT NULL Sort: WCS_CD (group), WST_CONT_CD

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ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Exercise 11: Consolidated Container Report

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ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Exercise 12: Hazmat Tracked to a Waste Container Create a table Select the following: WST_CONTAINER_HAZMAT.INV_KGRAMS_QTY DETAIL WST_CONTAINER_HAZMAT.SERIAL_NR DETAIL WST_CONTAINER.WST_CONT_CD Table Layout: WST_CONT_CD, SERIAL_NR, KGRAMS_IN_QTY Sort: WST_CONT_CD (GROUP), SERIAL_NR

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ORACLE Discoverer Plus 10g for EnvironMax/HMMS Users Exercise 13: Profile List with EPA Codes Create a table Select the following: WST PROFILE.PROF_NAME WST PROFILE.PROFILE_NR WST PROFILE EPA.EPA_CD WST PROFILE EPA.EPA_CD_DESC Table layout: PROFILE_NR, PROFILE_NAME, EPA_CD, EPA_CD_DESC Sort: PROFILE_NR (GROUP), PROF_NAME (GROUP), EPA_CD

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Exercise 14: Inventory Status Count Chart Utilizing the report created in exercise five, add a graph to the report. Using the graph wizard. Select the Bar Graph. Select to show title. Type in title Inventory Count on Hand. Select to show data only. Uncheck the Null value as zero box. Check the graph series by columns. Click Next On the X-axis, check the Show labels for all tick marks on axis. Click Next Ensure all checkmarks for the scale of the Y-axis are set to Set automatically Click Next Select background color for you chart, if you wish to change colors for the chart items select each color for them. Click Next Select show legend by clicking the check mark in front of Show Legend Select the placement of the legend. Click Finish.