oracle fusion middleware infrastructure best practices

Arun Reddy Technical Director Raastech Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure Best Practices Schoolcraft College Vistatech Center Room Vt460 November 13, 2013 2:05pm 2:50pm

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  • Arun Reddy Technical Director Raastech

    Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure Best Practices

    Schoolcraft College Vistatech Center Room Vt460

    November 13, 2013 2:05pm 2:50pm

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    About Raastech

    Systems integrator founded in 2009

    Headquartered in the Washington DC area

    Specializes in Oracle Fusion Middleware

    Oracle Gold Partner & Reseller

    Oracle SOA Specialized

    Certified staff in multiple disciplines


    Continued contributions to the technology community

    Sponsor and volunteer of numerous users groups

    Ongoing publishing of books, articles, whitepapers, and blogs

    Regular presenters at major conferences

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    About Arun

    14+ years of Infrastructure Administration

    Focus on Oracle Fusion Middleware infrastructure implementation, Security, High Availability, and

    Disaster Recovery

    OCA, ITIL, PMP Certified

    Active WMOUG member/presenter

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    What is this presentation about?

    For Oracle Fusion Middleware administrators

    Covers common infrastructure best practices for:






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    Why do I need it?

    I want to Reduce the OWFM Infrastructure Maintenance because Im tired of opening change requests/change controls

    To know what I can do different for my OWFM Infrastructure to make it more stable and highly available

    Is there anything that Im not doing right with my installations, patching or deployment?

    I dont want my phone to ring when Im watching Lions game or Breaking Bad

    I think the presenter is cool. My n

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    Understanding Oracle Fusion Middleware

    Oracle Fusion Middleware is a misleading term

    Used to describe middleware products such as:

    Business Intelligence (e.g., OBIEE, Discoverer)

    Integration (e.g., SOA Suite, OSB)

    Identity Management (e.g., Oracle Access Manager)

    Monitoring (e.g., OEM Grid Control)

    But usually used to describe a single product:

    WebLogic Server

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    WebLogic Server: Foundation for Fusion Middleware

    WebLogic Server is the core foundation of all Oracle Fusion Middleware products

    OEM Grid

    Control OBIEE


    Manager SOA Suite





    Oracle WebLogic Server

    Clustering JNDI Resource Adapters JDBC Security Self Tuning

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    Oracle WebLogic Server

    At a glance:

    Java application server

    Acquired from BEA

    Replaces Oracle Application Server 9i/10g

    Required for almost all Oracle Fusion Middleware products

    Current releases:

    Oracle WebLogic Server 11g (10.3.6)

    Oracle WebLogic Server 12c (12.1.2)

    Majority of OFM products are not yet

    available for 12c

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    WebLogic Server Architectural Considerations

    Typically fronted by WebTier/OHS/Apache

    Requires JDK (Sun JDK, JRockit, or new JDK7)

    Requires shared filesystem for cluster (in 11g) for tlogs

    WebLogic Server WebLogic Server WebLogic Server

    Shared File System

    WebTier WebTier WebTier

    Single AdminServer to administer entire

    cluster Node Manager runs on every


    Hardware load balancer

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    WebLogic Server 12c New Features

    Certified with JDK7

    Zip distribution is only 164 MB

    Supports Java EE 6

    T-Logs can now be database persisted (no shared file system needed)

    Improved high availability, performance, and disaster recovery

    200+ new features

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    Operating System Tuning Parameters

    Proper OS tuning improves system performance by preventing the occurrence of error conditions.

    Below are some key parameters to consider

    O/S Parameters Default Proposed

    Linux tcp_fin_timeout By reducing the value , TCP/IP releases closed connections faster, providing more resources for new connections.

    60 30

    Linux Backlog connections queue (tcp_max_syn_backlog) When the server is loaded or has many clients with bad connections, it can result in an increase in half-open connections

    1024 4096

    Linux File Descriptors (open files) 1024 4096 (32bit) 8192 (64bit)

    WIN2008 MaxUserPort Under heavy loads it may be necessary to adjust the MaxUserPort. This parameter determines the availability of user ports requested by application

    16383 65532


    Set the power option setting to High performance With High Performance power scheme, processors are always locked at the highest performance state

    Balanced High Performance

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    Separation of Binaries and Config

    Dedicated user and shared group for Installations

    Separate binaries in the Fusion Middleware Home and Configuration directories

    The binaries include the Oracle WebLogic Home, Oracle JDK, Coherence binaries and any required Fusion Middleware binaries (Files/Directories are mostly read)

    The Configuration directories include all Domain homes, application files and nodemanager configuration (Files/Directories are both read and written at runtime)


    Less chances of binary corruption

    Easy Patching

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    Shared File Systems

    Use shared file systems for

    Admin Server

    JMS Persistent Stores

    Application Deployments

    Configuration Plans


    Advantages are

    Easy Recovery of the admin server

    Easy Recovery of the XA and JMS transactions

    Required for Server Migration

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    Deployment Guidelines

    Do not use Autodeploy for production environments

    Always deploy to a cluster even if you have a single MS

    Use deployment/configuration plans

    Simple but works approaches are

    WLST (java.weblogic.Deployer) My preference

    Ant Scripts


    Restrict Admin/EM console for

    Test / Lower environments

    Adhoc support requests

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    Custom Application Deployments

    Deploy Custom Application deployments on a shared storage

    Applications are deployed as EAR files to servers or read as exploded directories. Place the archives in a shared directory such as $ORACLE_BASE/admin/shared/deploy

    In a shared services environment, applications should all be deployed as NOSTAGE

    Admin server default is STAGE

    Managed server default is NOSTAGE

    In NOSTAGE, the application files reside in a location from which all cluster members can initiate a deployment (Good for large or exploded applications)

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    Environment Backup how often do we need it?

    The following lists some of the common scenarios in a typical deployment that require performing a backup

    After WLS is installed and a domain is created

    Before and after making configuration changes to a component or cluster

    Prior to deploying a custom pure Java EE application

    After any major architectural changes to deployment architecture

    Before and after product binary files are patched or upgraded

    Important - Backup Embedded LDAP (Set it up through console)

    Scheduled backups on a nightly basis or as needed, or both

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    Typical Backup Schedule

    Component Backup Schedule Backup Type Comments

    Oracle system files Monthly Online

    JDK Monthly Online

    Middleware Home Monthly Online

    JMS file store Never - Recreate if recovery needed. Data

    loss or inconsistency may occur

    Transaction logs Never - Recreate if recovery needed

    SOA domain Daily Online Online backups are good as long

    as no changes to the domain have

    been made.

    Database Daily Online

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    Configuration File Backup

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    Configuration File Backup (contd)

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    BAU activities

    Starting and stopping a managed server

    Dont use both command line and console for an operation. Use one or the other for the console to reflect accurate server state

    User management

    Prefer Enterprise AD or LDAP


    Dont Install just because it was released and Recommended by Oracle

    Node Manager facts

    Not a must for every environment

    Uses only default values unless server startup properties are defined

    If domain is not SSL enabled, no use having the NM encryption enabled

    Use nmEnroll() to enroll new servers for Node Manager

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    Enterprise Security Requirements

    Secure Servers

    Prevent Direct access to

    o Web Tier

    o App Tier

    o DB Tier

    Limit Services Exposed

    Isolate Tiers

    Secure Services

    Authorized users only

    Achieved by

    Network Port restrictions

    Access Management

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    Security Best Practices

    Control Access to OFMW Resources

    Create a separate OS user for OFMW and limit access to $MW_HOME

    Avoid running the server under a privileged account

    If OHS needs to run on port 80, use sudo privileges to start

    Enable security auditing

    Use connection filters

    Security roles and security policies protects WebLogic resources at the domain, application, and the application-component level. Connection filters let you deny access at the network level.

    Prevent Denial of Service attacks

    Configure Message Timeout less than default 60 seconds

    Restrict the size of the message (default is 10MB)

    Limit the maximum open sockets (if necessary)

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    Security Best Practices

    Use Virtual Server names

    Separate Internal and external traffic

    Ex: vs

    Separate admin and application traffic

    Keep the DNS/VIP names application/function specific

    Use separate Internal/External DNS entries

    Use Firewalls/Load balancers

    SSL Termination

    Expose Virtual Servers/Hosts

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    Console and EM Access through LB (Ex. F5 BIG IP)

    Create a filtering iRule on the BIG IP Load Balancer to disallow access to WL Console and EM. If you are using any other Load balancer devices, create a custom ACL accordingly.

    For example, to create the filtering iRule

    On the Main tab, expand Local Traffic, then click iRules. The iRule screen open

    In the upper right portion of the screen, click the Create button. The new iRule screen opens

    In the Name box, enter a name for your iRule. Ex: we can use oracle-soa-filter.

    In the Definition section, copy and paste the following iRule:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {

    if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/console" } { HTTP::respond 403 content "HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden }

    if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/em" } { HTTP::respond 403 content "HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden }


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    Plan your environment based on the key business factors




    Future Growth / Easy Scaling

    Implement the best practices starting with lower environments

    Automate every task that can be automated

    Secure environments to avoid non-functional and human breaches

    All environments need to have a backup and Recovery plan

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    Contact Information

    Arun Reddy

    Technical Director

    [email protected]