oracle retail putting customer first

Oracle Retail: Putting the Customer First Deliver on Your Brand Promise and Drive Proftable Growth Through a Differentiated Cross-Channel Experience

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Oracle Retail: Putting the Customer First Deliver on Your Brand Promise and Drive Profitable Growth Through a Differentiated Cross-Channel Experience

Oracle Retail—Customer-Driven and Engineered for Success

Today’s consumers demand not just a superior shopping experience but a seamless one. Oracle Retail helps you deliver it with an experience platform tuned to your business objectives and attuned to your customers’ needs.

Nobody needs to tell you that your industry is changing. As a retailer, you see it everyday—in customers’ behavior, in the proliferation of channels and devices, and in a retail landscape that’s more crowded and competitive than ever before. What you need is a way to capitalize on the changes while also rising to meet the challenges.

First among these challenges is a new breed of customer, created by social media and the internet. Informed and budget-conscious, these consumers are willing to use every tool at their disposal to make choices based on quality, price, convenience, and differentiation. In addition, changing customer demo­graphics and an onslaught of competition from previously nonexistent sources (for example, manufacturers selling directly to consumers, pure-play internet retailers, and social retail channels) make it clear that significant challenges lie ahead for retailers.

To meet these challenges, retailers need to align operations and transcend channel orientations so they can deliver thoroughly connected experiences. This means providing a consistent and differentiated customer experience as well as enabling business experiences in which the planning process, merchan­dising execution, supply chain management, store operations, and customer touch points are all perfectly aligned and synchronous.

Oracle has a decades-long track record of serving the world’s top retailers and has dedicated an entire global business unit to the retail industry. As a result, Oracle’s best-in-class applications are designed to work together to power every customer touch point and each core retail business process. Oracle Retail applica­tions comprise a solution set that’s the most complete, broad, and deep of any in the industry. From merchandise planning and execution to marketing, inventory, supply chain management, store operations, and cross-channel commerce, Oracle solutions enable a smarter, more profitable retail enterprise.


fact: 52 percent of retail sales will be influenced by Web channels by 2015. forrester research, inc., “Forrester Research Web-Influenced Retail Sales Forecast, 2010 to 2015 (U.S.),”January 31, 2011.

across-the-board differentiation

When you partner with Oracle Retail to help deliver your experi­ence platform, you can expect to

• connect customer interac­tions across all channels and touch points—and across every phase of the customer lifecycle—to provide differen­tiated customer experiences that meet consumer require­ments and expectations

• Gain actionable insights for smarter decision-making organizationwide—from planning and forecasting to merchandising, supply chain management, marketing, and more

• optimize operations to align every aspect of your business— so you can gain efficiencies and economies, align KPIs to eliminate strategic conflicts, and work in support of customer priorities

It takes all of the above working in concert to transform the customer experience and better align the business experience.

Your Experience Platform: Our Applications, Technology, and Infrastructure; Your Strategy, Assets, and People Today, the customer holds the reins. Yet despite huge technological advances, an explosion of data, and exponentially increased processing power, customers remain largely anonymous to most retailers. What’s more, most retail operations today rely on siloed functional areas and redundant channel operations. As a result, knowledge and data are not being shared or used effectively, and the customer ends up an afterthought. To remedy this situation, retailers need to

• Transcend individual channels to provide well-choreographed interactions across all channels

• Create the experience with the customer based on each individual’s desires and needs

• Architect their infrastructures to cope with the reality of insufficient talent pools

To deliver a differentiated experience, retailers need an experience platform that can provide connected, targeted, and relevant interactions for the shopper. That platform must also include an infrastructure that can deliver the actionable insights the retailer needs to plan and act according to customer preferences across all channels, and that enables streamlined and optimized operations.

By wedding your business strategy and corporate and customer data with Oracle’s retail and horizontal business solutions, technology, industry expertise, and partner ecosystem, you can provide that infrastructure—aligning processes and allowing employees to share, analyze, and act on information in real time.

Powered by Oracle applications, technology, and expertise and informed by your business objectives and customer data, your experience platform goes with shoppers from home to office to store and more, engaging them in a conversation that adapts to their devices, desires, and locales. It provides the processes and tools you need to plan and optimize your retail business and drive operational success. Providing a seamless, personalized journey across every touch point, your experience platform allows you to deliver the key ingredients a of a truly differentiated customer experience.


Only Oracle can provide the end-to-end business processes that enable you make the optimal, actionable decisions that allow you to deliver a truly differentiated customer experience. These end-to-end processes are powered by a complete, broad, and deep solution set created through years of retail experience—so you get an experience plat­form that places the customer front and center. No more redundant silos or misaligned operations, just a personalized experience delivered via modular solutions on a single technology stack.

That’s your experience platform. That’s Oracle Retail.

Connect Interactions at Every Touch Point Thanks to the rise of mobile devices and social media, single-channel shopping (or even one-channel-at-a-time shopping) has become a thing of the past. Customers want to be able to check product reviews via their smart phones while shopping in brick-and-mortar outlets, order items online to pick up later at local stores, and receive targeted offers while moving through the world. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

With more than 50 percent of consumers now researching products online before making purchases in retail outlets and mobile devices serving as the bridge between the physical and virtual worlds, retail channels are converging. Oracle recognized this trend early and acted fast, acquiring leading e-commerce software maker Art Technology Group (ATG) as well as Endeca and Fatwire to complement its point-of-service solution and customer relationship management (CRM) suite. This allows Oracle Retail solutions to deliver connected, targeted interactions online, on the go, and in the store, across any device.

But it’s not enough to focus on providing a pleasurable customer experience. Retailers also need to make sure that the experience can be extended and connected across every touch point. Oracle Retail solutions help you make better-informed planning and pricing decisions across every channel. Throughout the process, Oracle solutions ensure that customer needs and preferences remain at the center of your planning, decision-making, execution, and ongoing results measurement.

Oracle offers a differentiated customer experience that weds online, on-the-go, and in-store solutions with customer relationship management, planning and price optimization, merchandise operations supply chain, and retail operations.

“We are enabling next-generation best practices that will center on optimizing the customer experi­ence at both the store and e-commerce level. Oracle Retail shares this vision, which is why we selected them as a partner in this journey.”

Mike Laurenti cio, executive Vice President belk


fact: 5,000 retailers across all industry segments in 68 countries use Oracle.

the capabilities that oracle retail Powers • the complete retail business

process. A fully integrated set of merchandising, planning, in-store, supply chain, and cross-channel commerce solu­tions that can be deployed together or independently.

• customer relationship management. Solutions for managing and delivering value from customer loyalty and marketing programs.

• business intelligence and enterprise performance management. Solutions that facilitate better decision-making through advanced science and powerful insights.

• corporate infrastructure. Solutions for corporate retail operations, including finance, talent management, and real estate.

• technology, servers, and storage. Oracle Exadata Database Machine offers a complete stack of middleware, technology infrastructure, and hardware to deliver breakthrough performance at minimal cost.

adapt Your conversations to Your customers

Cross-channel retailing can quickly become a cross-purpose endeavor if you’re unable to adapt your message to the medium or understand where the customer is in the buying cycle. With Oracle Retail solutions, you can do both. From the internet to the mobile and social Web, and from the contact center to your brick-and-mortar outlets, Oracle Retail solutions enable you to determine context and act accordingly.

With Oracle Retail, you can quickly launch microsites, mobile sites, social sites, affiliate sites, international stores, and in-store applications, as well as provide personalized customer experiences. By providing consistent information across all touch points, Oracle Retail solutions empower customers to shop the way they want. The result: more loyal customers, more browsers converted to buyers, and better use of your resources and personnel.

target Your offers with Precision

Today’s customers expect to be treated as individuals. With the vast amount of data available to retailers, anything less amounts to a failure to capitalize on an enormous opportunity. To be effective, personalization must extend beyond your Website and into your in-store, contact center, mobile, social, and e-mail marketing efforts as well.

With Oracle Retail solutions, you can ensure that it does. By matching customers’ needs with your own merchandising strategy, you can deliver just the right recommendations, offers, and messages at just right the moments. And by combining transactional insight with online behavior across all channels, you can drive personalized content and build promotional programs—for example, offering loyalty points for buying certain items or reaching out to shoppers who may have abandoned their carts.

Provide a Window into Your operations

Just as you require a 360-degree view of your customer, that customer is looking for transparency into your organization’s pricing, promotions, inventory, and orders. By facilitating an experience platform that aligns your operations and links every customer touch point, Oracle Retail helps you provide that view.

Synchronizing your brick-and-mortar outlets with your e-commerce and mobile Web shopping experience, and tying all of it to your merchandising, supply chain, and back-office operations, Oracle Retail solutions empower customers by allowing them to access all the information they need to make smart shopping choices. Whether an associate is helping a shopper determine if (and where) she can get a dress in a specific color, or a shopper is accessing your mobile Website to determine order status, Oracle technology and applications let you provide the real-time view into inventory and interactions that your customers demand.


Make Smart Decisions Based on Actionable Insights Sound business decisions require good information. But today’s retailers are finding that despite a wealth of customer, social, and operational data, little of it can be acted upon. This is because much of that data remains inaccessible (and thus invisible) to the people who are making the key decisions that keep retail enterprises humming along profitably and productively.

Segmented channel operations and growth through mergers and acquisitions have led to information being dispersed across a mix of disconnected systems. In addition, the volumes of data have grown so large that employees are no longer able to comprehend and synthesize it. Oracle Retail helps you put it all back together—unlocking data and making siloed information accessible, and applying retail science to provide fact-based recommendations in the context of your overall plan.

Deliver a Single View of Customer and Corporate Data

By identifying customer needs and getting to the root of customer issues—and then making that information available to decision-makers—Oracle Retail solutions empower you to make smarter decisions in planning, pricing, forecasting, merchandising, supply chain management, and marketing. Providing actionable insight across the enterprise, Oracle Retail solutions allow retailers to

• Embed retail science, business intelligence, and analytics into planning and execution processes

• Align and execute planning decisions across channels

• Leverage operational, customer, and social data as well as customer intent to drive marketing, merchandising, and inventory strategies

Without actionable insight, it’s difficult (if not impossible) to gain the organizationwide visibility you need to coordinate programs, address exception situations easily, and understand which customers and business factors are driving your performance. With actionable insight, you can manage your customer experience with consistency and ease. The end result: fewer issues, happier shoppers, and more repeat customers.

Incorporating data from every corner of the enterprise—from core retail applications to HR, workforce management, CRM, operational systems, and more—into a single online actionable dashboard, Oracle Retail solutions let you parse data and then take action on it. Want to compare labor costs with sales per employee? Need to predict how changing your product mix will affect sales? Not a problem.

“Shop Direct Group required a world-class core retail platform to achieve our business requirements for strategic growth. We identified Oracle’s solutions as key to helping us create a more efficient and standard retail operating platform of business processes and systems to strengthen the company’s foundation for future growth.”

carl dawson Chief Information Officer Shop Direct Group


fact: More than half of the retail technology professionals in Oracle Retail have worked as retailers, most of them for nearly a decade.

“Our investment in Oracle Retail will optimize our technology, people, and processes around a robust retail foundation that will support and drive our strategic corporate vision. We expect Oracle to enable smarter deci­sions on performance that will promote a faster response to business and market opportunities.”

Michael hu Chief Operating Officer Daphne Holdings

synchronize Planning and Pricing decisions with inventory Management

Whether your employees are accessing their dashboards from desktop computers or mobile devices, Oracle Retail solutions ensure that they not only get the information but also have the ability to act on it—including triggering workflows to order additional stock, kicking off promotions based on events, lowering prices to meet sales goals, and more.

Built on open standards, Oracle Retail solutions integrate easily with any IT environment. However, to see them really shine, try running them on an Oracle engineered system. Consisting of purpose-built Oracle hardware and software optimized to work as a single entity, these systems’ data warehousing and transaction processing capabilities take performance to new levels. Reports that used to take hours to generate now appear in minutes, and the vast amount of unstructured data generated through social media, text messages, e-mail, and more (“big data”) can now be collected and analyzed along with the rest of your business intelligence. The result: better, more up-to-date information to facilitate the split-second decision-making required of today’s retailers.

Maximize Profits with Optimized Operations As if the commercial landscape weren’t already complicated enough, traditional retailers are suddenly seeing competition spring up from new sources. With manufacturers increasingly selling directly to customers, retailers manufacturing their own goods, pure-play internet retailers grabbing a bigger piece of the pie, and downward pricing pressures eroding margins, you need to wrest every bit of profit you can from your current operations while remaining agile enough to respond to new opportunities.

Creating a differentiated customer experience is not enough. You also need to optimize operations—aligning KPIs at every link in the retail chain and orchestrating processes to ensure clean handoffs at each stage. And through it all, you must ensure that customer preferences remain at the center of your process. You need to

• Create organizationwide and channelwide alignment and efficiencies

• Maximize operational agility

• Provide forward-looking visibility into demand, inventory, and supply chain constraints

• Deliver real-time order, inventory, and sales visibility across channels

Only in this way can you respond quickly to changing customer, market, and business dynamics; address issues before they arise; and support new fulfillment strategies with a proactive and highly responsive supply chain.


Predict What customers Want, and When…

Oracle Retail solutions combine advanced retail science with technological innovation to address the thorniest of retail issues—planning, assorting, pricing, promotions, and supply chain management. They do this by providing cross-channel planning processes across all sectors via a common configurable platform. This ensures that business processes are adapted to retailers’ individual requirements through a combination of

• retail science—to provide the insight required to add value to the decision-making process

• automation—to facilitate planning at lower levels of granularity while shortening planning cycles and allowing planning and management by exception

• clustering—to enable customer-centric decisions on assortments, prices, space, and sizes

With the forward visibility that Oracle Retail solutions provide, retailers can anticipate and prevent supply shortages; align inventory, space, and labor through operational forecasts and demand insights; and manage supply chain constraints from supplier to store to meet consumer demands. Best of all, retailers get a real-time view into the impact of fluctuations in supply and demand, and the effectiveness of their responses to these variations. As a result, inventory analysts can prioritize actions based on projected busi­ness impacts as well as simulate the impact of their decisions before acting on them.

…then align operations and inventory to Provide it

With Oracle Retail, managing large product assortments across multiple stores (both physical and virtual), warehouse locations, and distribution networks has never been easier. You can synchronize your in-store and online activities with your contact centers, warehouses, and transportation operations to improve performance across all areas. And you can arm in-store employees with mobile devices to manage inventories, provide real-time shopping suggestions, and more. You can also link point-of-service functions with back-office activities to automate processes. As a result, employees are free to focus on what matters most: growing revenues, increasing margins, and driving customer loyalty.

onLY oracLe

no other technology vendor can match oracle’s

• Breadth and depth of hard­ware and software solutions

• Domain expertise

• Delivery partnership

• Dedication to retail success

“The implementation of Oracle Retail applications has been a game changer for us. It’s transformed the way we do business at our VA facilities. We now have visibility into our inventory, which frees our store staff to improve customer service. We are an organization striving to be more efficient, innovative, and customer-driven. The Oracle products allow us to implement industry best practices to accomplish these goals.”

Joseph tober Chief Operating Officer Veterans Canteen Service


fact: 54 percent of consumers regularly employ two or more channels before making a purchase. oracle consumer research study, Cross-Channel Commerce 2011: The Consumer View.

sUPerior sUPPort and UnMatched exPertise

• oracle consulting. Results-oriented strategic planning and rapid, low-risk implementations are the order of the day when you turn to Oracle Consulting. Unmatched industry and product expertise enable Oracle Consulting to provide the flexible engagements you need to deliver quality, speed, and global reach in your retail operations.

• oracle support. Wherever you are, whatever you need, Oracle Support is there to provide it. Across 145 coun­tries, Oracle delivers the technical and operational expertise that ensures you get the most out of your Oracle technology. Only Oracle can provide a single point of accountability for the complete Oracle stack.

Built by Retailers for Retailers: The Oracle Advantage All the technology in the world is useless if it’s not infused with a deep understanding of the industry it serves. Luckily for retailers, Oracle can draw on more than 30 years of experience in developing and implementing software for the world’s top retail organizations.

What’s more, the knowledge gained from this experience comes not just from retail customers but also from Oracle’s own employees—many of who have deep roots in retailing. The bottom line: No other technology company can match Oracle’s commitment to or experience in the retail industry.

Unmatched Global reach

Today’s retailers need to follow their markets. Increasingly this means pursuing them into emerging nations around the globe and accommodating the shift in world population toward cities. With Oracle Retail, this is not a problem. With 20 of the top 20 global retailers and grocers, and 10 of the top 10 global fashion and hard-line retailers running Oracle solutions, plus customers in more than 60 nations across the globe, only Oracle offers the international retail expertise required to ramp up quickly in new markets and serve them with the correct mix of products and services.

a comprehensive hardware and software solution set

Thanks to the acquisition of Sun and ongoing technological innovation, Oracle is the only vendor in the world that can offer products addressing every layer in the technology stack—from applications to middleware and databases, as well as servers and storage. For retailers, this means integrated solutions engineered to work together and deploy­ment times that are reduced by weeks or even months. The result: record-breaking performance, simplified management, and cost-saving efficiencies for a nimbler, more profitable retail enterprise.

Mobile-ready and ready to Grow with Your business

Mobile has become the connector for all customer touch points. Indeed, 28 percent of respondents to Oracle’s 2011 survey (“Mobile Trends: Consumer Views of Mobile Shopping and Mobile Service Providers”) reported using mobile devices to conduct shopping activities while in brick-and-mortar outlets. Only Oracle can provide the solutions you need to connect all these interactions—from Web to point-of-sale to mobile—with information from across the enterprise. Role-based and ready for exposure to a variety of consumer- and business-facing devices, Oracle Retail solutions provide the power, flexibility, and mobility you need to deliver your experience platform.


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