oracle revenue management and billing quick installation guide

Oracle® Revenue Management and Billing Version Quick Installation Guide Revision 6.1 E65333-01 July, 2015

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Oracle® Revenue Management and Billing


Quick Installation Guide

Revision 6.1


July, 2015

Page 2: Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

ii Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide


Copyright Notice

Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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If this software or related documentation is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable:


Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware and/or documentation delivered to U.S. Government end users are “commercial computer software” pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware and/or documentation shall be subject to license terms and restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.

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Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. iii

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This software and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third party content, products, or services.

Page 4: Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

iv Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


About This Document This document will provide high-level information on how to install Oracle Revenue Management and Billing (ORMB) and selected additional software.

Intended Audience This document is intended for the following audience:


System Administrators

Consulting Team

Implementation Team

Organization of the Document The information in this document is organized into the following sections:

Section No. Section Name Description

Section 1 Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Installation Overview

Provides high-level information on how to install Oracle Revenue Management and Billing and selected additional software.

Related Documents You can refer to the following documents for more information:

Document Description

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Version Release Notes

Provides a brief description about the new features and enhancements made in this release. It also highlights the bug fixes and known issues in this release.

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Installation Guide

Lists the pre-requisites, supported platforms, and hardware and software requirements for installing the Oracle Revenue Management and Billing application. It also explains how to install the Oracle Revenue Management and Billing application.

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Database Administrator’s Guide

Provides detailed information on how to install the database for the Oracle Revenue Management and Billing application.

Page 5: Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. v

Change Log

Revision Last Update Updated Section Comments

6.1 13-Aug-2015 Section 1.4: Installing Oracle Revenue Management and Billing

Updated Steps

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Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

vi Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


1. Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Installation Overview .................................................... 1

1.1 Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Patches ................................................................ 1

1.2 Network Environment Overview ........................................................................................... 3

1.3 Supported Platforms .............................................................................................................. 3

1.3.1 Operating Systems and Application Servers ............................................................. 3

1.3.2 Oracle Database Servers ........................................................................................... 5

1.3.3 SDK - Supported Combinations ................................................................................ 5

1.3.4 Oracle WebLogic Server Information ....................................................................... 5

1.3.5 COBOL Download Requirements for each Platform ................................................. 5

1.4 Installing Oracle Revenue Management and Billing .............................................................. 6

1.4.1 Installation and Configuration Overview .................................................................. 6

1.5 Installing Additional Software ................................................................................................ 8

1.5.1 Oracle WebLogic ....................................................................................................... 8

1.5.2 Micro Focus .............................................................................................................. 8

1.6 Contacting Oracle Support ................................................................................................... 16

Page 7: Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 1

1. Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Installation Overview

This section provides high-level information on how to install Oracle Revenue Management and Billing (ORMB) Version and selected additional software. For more information, see Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Installation Guide.

This section includes the following topics:

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Patches

Network Environment Overview

Supported Platforms

Installing Oracle Revenue Management and Billing

Installing Additional Software

Contacting Oracle Support

1.1 Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Patches Oracle Financial Services Revenue Management and Billing Version and Oracle Insurance Revenue Management and Billing Version patches are available for the following platforms:

Windows (Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit))

AIX (IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit))

Linux (Linux x86-64)

Each patch includes multiple zip files. You can download the following patches from My Oracle Support:

RMB V2. – FINANCIAL SERVICES – LINUX – This patch contains the following zip files:

o FW-V4.

o RMB-V2.

o RMB-V2.

o RMB-V2.

RMB V2. – FINANCIAL SERVICES – AIX - This patch contains the following zip files:

o FW-V4.

o RMB-V2.

o RMB-V2.

o RMB-V2.

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Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

2 Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

RMB V2. – FINANCIAL SERVICES – WINDOWS - This patch contains the following zip files:

o FW-V4.

o RMB-V2.

o RMB-V2.

o RMB-V2.

RMB V2. - INSURANCE – LINUX - This patch contains the following zip files:

o FW-V4.

o RMB-V2.

o RMB-V2.

o RMB-V2.

RMB V2. - INSURANCE – AIX - This patch contains the following zip files:

o FW-V4.

o RMB-V2.

o RMB-V2.

o RMB-V2.

RMB V2. - INSURANCE – WINDOWS- - This patch contains the following zip files:

o FW-V4.

o RMB-V2.

o RMB-V2.

o RMB-V2.

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Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 3

1.2 Network Environment Overview The application is split into multiple tiers:

Tier 1: Browser-Based Client

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing supports the following operating systems:

Windows 7

The following operating system and web browser combinations are supported:

Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit) with Internet Explorer 9.x, 10.x or 11.x

Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit) with Google Chrome 43.x


You must enable the Compatibility View option for Internet Explorer 9.x, 10.x and 11.x.

You must select the Always allow pop-ups for <IP Address> option while accessing the application URL. This activity is a onetime activity for each application URL.

Tier 2: Web Application Server

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing supports the following Web application servers:

Oracle WebLogic

IBM WebSphere Application Server

Tier 3: Database Server

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing supports the Oracle Database server.

1.3 Supported Platforms This section includes the following topics:

Operating Systems and Application Servers

Oracle Database Servers

SDK – Supported Combinations

Oracle Weblogic Server Information

COBOL Download Requirements for each Platform

1.3.1 Operating Systems and Application Servers

The installation has been certified to operate on many operating system, application server, and database server combinations. For the software requirements for each of these combinations, see the Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Installation Guide.

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Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

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The following table lists the operating system and application server combinations on which Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Version is supported:

Operating System and Web Browser (Client)

Operating System


Chipset Application Server Database Server

Windows 71

(IE 9.x, 10.x or 11.x

Google Chrome 43.x)

AIX 6.1 TL5 (64-bit), AIX 7.1 TL1 (64-bit)



WebSphere 8.5 (64-bit)



Oracle Linux 5.8, 6.2, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6 and 7.0 (64-bit)

x86_64 WebLogic (64-bit)

WebLogic 12.1.2 (64-bit)



Red Hat Enterprise Linux2 5.8, 6.2, 6.4 and 6.5 (64-bit)

x86_64 WebLogic (64-bit)

WebLogic 12.1.2 (64-bit)



Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)

x86_64 WebLogic (64-bit)

WebLogic 12.1.2 (64-bit)




You must enable the Compatibility View option for Internet Explorer 9.x, 10.x, and 11.x.

You must select the Always allow pop-ups for <IP Address> option while accessing the application URL. This activity is a onetime activity for each application URL.

Oracle Corporation distributes Oracle Linux with the following two kernels:

Red Hat Compatible Kernel – This kernel is identical to the kernel shipped in Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel – This kernel is based on a later Linux 2.6-series kernel, with Oracle's own enhancements for OLTP, InfiniBand, SSD disk access, NUMA-optimizations, Reliable Datagram Sockets (RDS), async I/O, OCFS2, and networking.

Oracle claims that the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel is compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux; and Oracle middleware and third-party Red Hat Enterprise Linux-certified applications can be installed and run unchanged on Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel. However, for users requiring strict compatibility with Red Hat or for users running kernel modules dependent on specific kernel versions, the Red Hat Compatible Kernel offers 100% compatibility with Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

1 Oracle will not provide any support for Windows XP from 2014. 2 Oracle Revenue Management and Billing is tested and certified on Oracle Linux 5.8, 6.2, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, and 7.0. Oracle Linux is 100% userspace-compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and therefore Oracle Revenue Management and Billing is supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

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Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 5

1.3.2 Oracle Database Servers

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Version is supported with Oracle Database Server and on all operating systems listed above. The following Oracle Database Server Editions are supported:

Oracle Database Enterprise Edition

Oracle Database Client is required for Oracle Database Server and Oracle Database Client is required for Oracle Database Server

1.3.3 SDK - Supported Combinations

Refer to the SDK documentation for supported platforms and installation instructions.

1.3.4 Oracle WebLogic Server Information

The following Oracle WebLogic Server Editions are supported:

Oracle WebLogic Server Standard Edition

Oracle WebLogic Server Enterprise Edition

1.3.5 COBOL Download Requirements for each Platform

The following downloads are required for AIX and Linux platforms:

Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 7 Install

Micro Focus Server Express 5.1 WrapPack 7 Install

Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 8 Install

Micro Focus Server Express 5.1 WrapPack 8 Install

The following downloads are required for Windows platform:

Micro Focus Net Express 5.1 WrapPack 6 Install

Micro Focus Net Express 5.1 WrapPack 7 Update

Micro Focus Net Express 5.1 WrapPack 8 Update

Micro Focus Server 5.1 Install

Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 7 Update

Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 8 Update

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Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

6 Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

1.4 Installing Oracle Revenue Management and Billing

To install Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Version

1. Install all required third-party software.

2. Create a database on the database server.

3. Install the following on the database in the specified order:

a. Oracle Utilities Application Framework Version

b. Rollup Pack for Oracle Utilities Application Framework Version

c. Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Version

d. Rollup Pack for Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Version

Note: For more information, refer to Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Database Administrator's Guide.

4. Install the following on the application environment in the specified order:

a. Oracle Utilities Application Framework Version

b. Oracle Utilities Application Framework Version

c. Rollup Pack for Oracle Utilities Application Framework Version

d. Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Version

e. Rollup Pack for Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Version

5. Update the files where the application environment is installed.

6. Generate the Application Viewer (this includes the Data Dictionary).

Note: For more information, refer to Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Installation Guide.

1.4.1 Installation and Configuration Overview

The following diagram provides an overview of the steps that need to be taken to install and configure Oracle Revenue Management and Billing:

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Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

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Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

8 Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

1.5 Installing Additional Software Please read this section and follow directions if you purchased a license from Oracle for either of the following products:

Oracle WebLogic

Micro Focus

1.5.1 Oracle WebLogic

Customers must download Oracle WebLogic Server from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. The supported versions of Oracle WebLogic Server are mentioned in the Operating Systems and Application Servers section.

1.5.2 Micro Focus

This section includes the following topics:

Supported Micro Focus Products

Micro Focus Server for UNIX

Micro Focus Server for Windows

Micro Focus Server Express for UNIX

Micro Focus Net Express for Windows Supported Micro Focus Products

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing supports the following Micro Focus products:

Micro Focus Server for UNIX or Windows (Required) - This is the runtime and licensing engine

that allows the product's COBOL programs to run in a production environment. A license is

included with your Oracle Revenue Management and Billing license fee. The media pack

includes a 30-day temporary license code that can be used while you request the permanent

license code from Oracle.

Micro Focus Server Express for UNIX (Optional) - This software is used to compile COBOL

programs for deployment in a UNIX environment. This license is required if you will be

developing your own COBOL programs.

Micro Focus Net Express for Windows (Optional) - This software is used to compile COBOL

programs for deployment in the Windows environment. This license is required if you will be

developing your own COBOL programs.

Both Net Express and Server Express include a COBOL compiler and a COBOL run-time.


If you are developing using Java only, Micro Focus Server Express and Micro Focus Net Express are not required.

This product installation does not automatically install permanent licenses. Permanent licenses for Micro Focus Application Server should be acquired through Oracle.

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Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 9

If you are installing both Micro Focus Server and Micro Focus Server Express on the same UNIX machine, you must install Micro Focus Server first.

Refer to the COBOL Download Requirements for each Platform section. Micro Focus Server for UNIX

Micro Focus Server is the runtime and licensing engine that allows the COBOL programs to run in a production environment. Micro Focus Server is a required prerequisite to installing any Oracle Revenue Management and Billing application.

Note: Install Micro Focus Server before you install Server Express. Server Express is an optional additional component used for the development and deployment of COBOL applications only.

Installing Micro Focus Server 5.1 on UNIX


This software must be installed at the following location on the UNIX machine:


You must perform the installation as a root user.

The steps to install Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 7 and Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 8 are the same. We have explained below how to install Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 8.

To install Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 8:

1. Download the Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 8 Install package from the Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Version media pack which is available on Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. A zip file is downloaded.

2. Unzip the downloaded file on your local machine. The contents of the zip file are extracted, which includes a tar file named:

Platform Contains

AIX sx51_ws8_aix_systemp_server.tar

Linux sx51_ws8_redhat_x86_64_server.tar


If you want to install Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 7 on AIX, download and unzip the respective package. The contents of the zip file include the sx51_ws7_aix_systemp_server.tar file.

If you want to install Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 7 on Linux, download and unzip the respective

package. The contents of the zip file include the sx51_ws7_redhat_x86_64_server.tar file.

3. Create a directory on your local folder to store the COBOL executables using the following command:

mkdir ../opt/SPLcobAS51

4. Change to the ../opt/SPLcobAS51directory using the following command:

cd /opt/SPLcobAS51

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5. Copy the tar file in the ../opt/SPLcobAS51directory using the following command:

cp <PATH>/<filename>.tar ../opt/SPLcobAS51

6. Decompress the tar file using the following command:

tar -xvf <File_Name>.tar

For example,

tar -xvf sx51_ws8_redhat_x86_64_server.tar

7. Install Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 8 using the following commands:


export COBDIR



The information about the readme file appears along with the following message in the command line:

Do you wish to continue (y/n):

8. Type y, and then press Enter. The following message appears in the command line:

Do you agree to the terms of the License Agreement? (y/n):

9. Type y, and then press Enter. The following message appears in the command line:

Please confirm that you want to continue with this installation


10. Type y, and then press Enter. The following message appears in the command line:

Please press return when you are ready:

11. Press Enter. The following message appears in the command line:

Please confirm your understanding of the above reference

environment Details (y/n)

12. Verify the environment details. If no changes are required, type y, and then press Enter. The following message appears in the command line:

Do you want to make use of COBOL and Java working together? (y/n):

13. Type y, and then press Enter. The following message appears in the command line:

Which of these versions of Java do you want to be the default?

14. Type 6 to select 1.6.0 64-bit Java version, and then press Enter. The following message appears in the command line.

Please enter either 32 or 64 to set the system default mode:

15. Type 64, and then press Enter. The following message appears in the command line:

Do you wish to configure Enterprise Server now?:

16. Type n, and then press Enter. A message appears indicating that the installation has completed successfully.

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Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 11

Installing UNIX Micro Focus Server Temporary Licenses

Temporary license codes provided in the media pack will expire in 30 days. During this time you have to request a full license. If the temporary license is not converted within the 30-day temporary license period the system will stop functioning.

To install these license keys:

1. Log onto the target host server as 'root' user.

2. At the command prompt, execute the command:

export COBDIR=/opt/SPLcobAS51;/opt/SPLcobAS51/aslmf/apptrack

3. When prompted for a password, create one of your own.

4. Select the License Install option to install the temporary license keys.

Serial Number: ORACLE_UTS30DAY32 License Code: 04038 10780 64AAF 5F705 7CD9 ILA FOR AIX PLATFORMS, an additional license is required. Install the following license key: Serial Number: ORACLE_UTS30DAY64 License Code: 04038 A0780 64AAF F2601 3788 ILA

Acquiring Permanent Micro Focus Licenses

To request a permanent license, contact [email protected] with the following information:

Your Company Name

Your Customer Number

CSI Number (if available) or a copy of your contract including attachment 1.

The OS Platform and Version that you will be running on

Full name of Product to be licensed: Micro Focus Server - UNIX

The turnaround time for getting license codes is 48 hours.

Installing UNIX Micro Focus Server Permanent Licenses

Oracle licensing ([email protected]) will provide you a tar file named MFServerPermLicense.tar. Place this tar file on your UNIX server and extract the contents to a new directory. This directory will contain a readme.txt file with instructions on how to complete the license code installation. Micro Focus Server for Windows

Micro Focus Server is the runtime and licensing engine that allows the COBOL programs to run in a production environment. Micro Focus Server is a required prerequisite to installing any Oracle Revenue Management and Billing application.

Note: Windows Micro Focus Server cannot be installed on the same machine as Micro Focus Net Express. You must have either one or the other per machine, but not both.

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Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

12 Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Installing Micro Focus Server 5.1 on Windows

To install Micro Focus Server 5.1 on Windows:

1. Download the Micro Focus Server 5.1 Install package from the Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Version media pack which is available on Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. A zip file is downloaded.

2. Unzip the downloaded file on your local machine. The contents of the zip file include the SRP3251000157.exe file.

3. Execute the SRP3251000157.exe file. The installation process is initiated and the Micro Focus Server 5.1 – Installation Wizard dialog box appears.

Note: On clicking the Readme button, you can view the details of the new features, enhancements, or any restrictions that you need to be aware of while using Micro Focus Server 5.1.

4. Click Next. The License Agreement page appears.

5. Select the I accept the terms in the license agreement option, and then click Next. The Customer Information page appears.

6. Enter ORACLE_UTS30DAYNX in the Serial Number field.

7. Click Next. The License Information page appears.

8. Enter 01280 10780 64AA2 1710A 0A83 ILA in the License Number field.

9. Click Next. The Custom Setup page appears.

10. Select the Windows Unmanaged Run-time System Support node in the tree, and then click Next. The Ready to Install the Program page appears.

11. Click Install. The Installing Micro Focus Server 5.1 page appears which indicates the installation status. Once the installation is complete, the Installation Wizard Completed page appears.

12. Click Finish. The Micro Focus Server 5.1 is installed on the Windows machine.

Note: This is a temporary license which is only valid for 30 days. For details on how to acquire and install a permanent license, refer the following sections:

Acquiring Permanent Licenses

Install Windows Micro Focus Server Permanent Licenses

13. Apply the Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 7 Update or Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 8 Update. For more information, refer to the Applying Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 7 or WrapPack 8 Update section.

Applying Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 7 or WrapPack 8 Update

Once the Micro Focus Server 5.1 is installed, you need to either apply Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 7 Update or Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 8 Update.

Note: The steps to apply Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 7 Update and Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 8 Update are the same. We have explained below how to apply Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 8 Update.

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Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 13

To apply Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 8 Update:

1. Download the Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 8 Update package from the Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Version media pack which is available on Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. A zip file is downloaded.

2. Unzip the downloaded file on your local machine. The contents of the zip file include the srp325108030.msp file.

Note: If you want to apply Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 7 Update, download and unzip the respective package. The contents of the zip file include the srp3251070047.msp file.

3. Execute the srp325108030.msp file. The installation process is initiated and the Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack #08 – Installation Wizard dialog box appears.

4. Click Update. The Installing Micro Focus Server 5.1 page appears which indicates the installation status. Once the installation is complete, the Installation Wizard Completed page appears.

5. Click Finish. The Micro Focus Server 5.1 WrapPack 8 Update is applied on the Micro Focus Server.

Temporary License Codes

Temporary license codes provided are active for up to 30 days while you request a full license. If the temporary license is not converted within the 30-day temporary license period, you cannot run COBOL programs.

The temporary license codes would have been installed in the Micro Focus Server for Windows section.

Acquiring Permanent Licenses

To request a permanent license, contact [email protected] with the following information:

Company Name

Customer Number

CSI Number (if available) or a copy of your contract including attachment 1.

OS Platform and Version

Full name of Product to be licensed: Micro Focus Server - Windows

The turnaround time for getting license codes is 48 hours.

Install Windows Micro Focus Server Permanent Licenses

Oracle licensing will email you a license key. This license key will be a plain text key that contains a Serial Number and a License Number component.

To install the license key:

1. Run the apptrack program to install this key. If you accepted the default installation locations for Micro Focus Server, then the executable will be in the following location:

C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\Server 5.1\Bin\apptrack.exe

2. Select License Install and follow the prompts.

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Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

14 Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Micro Focus Server Express for UNIX

Micro Focus Server Express is the COBOL development component for UNIX that allows you to compile COBOL programs. If COBOL development is not required, there is no need to purchase this product. But, if COBOL development is required, you have to purchase and acquire Micro Focus Server Express license for each developer separately. To complete the installation of Micro Focus Server Express, you must obtain a COBOL Serial Number and a License Key for the number of users licensed to use your system.

Installing the Server Express Software

This software can be installed into any location (but should not be installed to the Micro Focus Server directory/opt/SPLcobAS51). For demonstration purposes we have chosen "/opt/ cobol5.1".

Note: Perform the installation steps as a root user.

1. Download the Micro Focus Server Express 5.1 WrapPack 7 Install or Micro Focus Server Express 5.1 WrapPack 8 Install package from

2. If the file you downloaded is compressed, uncompress it into a temporary directory so that you are left with a .tar file. In this example, we are using the file /tmp/SX51_WP7_redhat_x86_64_dev.tar.Z:

uncompress /tmp/SX51_WP7_redhat_x86_64_dev.tar.Z

3. Create a directory to contain the COBOL executables:

mkdir /opt/cobol5.1

4. Extract the tar file into /opt/cobol5.1:

cd /opt/cobol5.1

tar -xvf /tmp/SX51_WP7_redhat_x86_64_dev.tar.tar

5. Start the installation program:


export COBDIR



6. Enter the following responses to the installation questions:

Enter the name of the directory where you want to install this product: /opt/cobol5.1 Do you want to make use of COBOL and Java working together?: y Versions of Java do you want to be the default?: 1.6.0 64-bit Would you like to install LMF now?: y Do you want license manager to be automatically started at boot time?: y Please enter either 32 or 64 to set the system default mode: 64 Do you wish to configure Enterprise Server now?: n Do you want to install XDB?: n

Note: Contact the Micro Focus Technical Support team for trial or permanent license and instructions on how to install the license.

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Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 15 Micro Focus Net Express for Windows

Licenses for Micro Focus Net Express are purchased separately for each developer.

Micro Focus Net Express is the COBOL development component for Windows that allows you to compile COBOL programs. If COBOL development is not required, there is no need to purchase this product. The Net Express COBOL Compiler product contains the Application Server Run-Time System. When you install and license the COBOL Compiler on a machine, you can compile and run COBOL programs on that machine. It is not necessary to install or license the Application Server Run-Time System on machines where the Net Express COBOL Compiler is already installed and licensed.

Windows Micro Focus Server cannot be installed on the same machine as Micro Focus Net Express. You must have either one or the other per machine, but not both.

Installing Micro Focus Net Express

If you need to compile, or compile and run, COBOL programs on a Windows machine you can install and license the Micro Focus Net Express 5.1 COBOL Compiler. You must install this software as an administrator.

1. Download the Micro Focus Net Express 5.1 WrapPack 6 Install package from

2. Execute the setup.exe from the base directory of the install.

3. Go straight to the option Install Net Express.

4. On the Customer Information dialog box you do not need to enter a Serial Number or WO number.

5. On the Custom Setup dialog box install the following components:

Install Net Express support for Windows & Cross Platform. Do not install anything else.

6. Download the Micro Focus Net Express 5.1 WrapPack 7 Update or Micro Focus Net Express 5.1 WrapPack 8 Update package from

7. Execute the file contained within the package.

Note: Contact the Micro Focus Technical Support team for trial or permanent license and instructions on how to install the license.

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Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Quick Installation Guide

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