oral argument scheduled for november 4, 2020 - amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · oral argument...


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Page 1: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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Nos 20-5197 amp 20-5201 (consolidated)


















MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 September 23 2020 (617) 963-2436

(additional counsel listed on signature page)

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CERTIFICATE AS TO PARTIES RULINGS AND RELATED CASES Pursuant to Circuit Rule 28(a)(1) undersigned counsel certifies as follows A Parties and Amici

All parties intervenors and amici appearing in this proceeding are listed in

the Appellantsrsquo Opening Briefs and Appelleesrsquo Brief in Response in Case Nos 20-

5197 and 20-5201 except for the amici joining this brief the Commonwealth of

Massachusetts the States of California Connecticut Delaware Illinois Maine

Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode

Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of

Guam and Harris County Texas

B Rulings

The rulings under review in this proceeding appear in the certificate to the

Appellantsrsquo Opening Briefs and Appelleesrsquo Brief in Response

C Related Cases

Amici States are aware of no related cases in this Court or any other court

involving substantially the same parties or issues

Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel

No counsel for a party authored this brief in whole or in part and no person

other than the amici curiae contributed money that was intended to fund the preparation or submission of this brief

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Certificate as to Parties Rulings and Related Cases i

Table of Authorities iv

Glossary ix

Statutes and Regulations x

Interests of State Amici 1

Argument 6

I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance 6

II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here 9

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity 17

Conclusion 26

Certificate of Compliance a

Certificate of Service b

Addendum c Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2

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Table of Contents ndash Continued Page

42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3 Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12

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Allied-Signal Inc v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 988 F2d 146 (DC Cir 1993) 4 10 13 21 25

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 (DC Cir 2019) 11

American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 (DC Cir 2018) 8 9

American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873 F3d 914 (DC Cir 2017) 9

Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 (7th Cir 2010) 20

Baltimore Gas amp Electric v NRDC 462 US 87 (1983) 7

Calvert Cliffsrsquo Coordinating Comm v US Atomic Energy Commrsquon 449 F2d 1109 (DC Cir 1974) 3 7 8 9 26

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 (DC Cir 2008) 19

Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019) 20

Department of Transp v Public Citizen 541 US 752 (2004) 6

EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 (DC Cir 2015) 14

Environmental Def Fund v EPA 898 F2d 183 (DC Cir 1990) 10

Federal Power Commrsquon v Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 (1976) 12

Flint Ridge Dev v Scenic Rivers Assrsquon 426 US 776 (1976) 7

Georgia v Tennessee Copper 206 US 230 (1907) 2

Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d 847 (DC Cir 1987) 21

Kleppe v Sierra Club 427 US 390 (1976) 3

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Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page

Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 (DDC June 5 2020) 20

Massachusetts v EPA 549 US 497 (2007) 2

Massachusetts v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 (DC Cir 1991) 21

McGirt v Oklahoma 140 S Ct 2452 (2020) 1 2 16

McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 (D Mass 2015) 20

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms 561 US 139 (2010) 17 18 25

National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 (DDC 2019) 22

National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 (DC Cir 2019) 8

National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) 8 10 12 22 23

Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 (9th Cir 1993) 14

New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 (SDNY 2019) 20

North Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 (DC Cir 2008) 10

NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 (DC Cir 2007) 11

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 (DC Cir 2018) 8 10 11 22

Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper 827 F3d 1077 (DC Cir 2016) 20 21

Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp 3d 1 (DDC 2016) 9

Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F Supp 1066 (DPR 1992) 15

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- v -

Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page

Robertson v Methow Valley Citizens Council 490 US 332 (1989)3 7

Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 (DC Cir 1985) 19 20

Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 (DC Cir 2017) 9 22 23

Sierra Club v Marsh 872 F2d 497 (1st Cir 1989) 5 7 8 11

Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d 978 (8th Cir 2011) 15

Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d 31 (DC Cir 2015) 12 13

Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 (DDC 2010) 9 21

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp 3d 91 (DDC 2017) 13 16 24

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 (DC Cir 2010) 18

United Haulers Assrsquon v Oneida-Harkimer Solid Waste Mgmt Auth 550 US 330 (2007) 2

United States v Coalition for Buzzards Bay 644 F3d 26 (1st Cir 2011) 4

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 (2001) 11

United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 (2020) 25

United Steel v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 (DC Cir 2019) 10 12

Western Watersheds Project v Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 (D Idaho 2020) 13

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Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page


Administrative Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sectsect 701-706 (2018) 12

5 USC sect 703 19

5 USC sect 705 18

5 USC sect 706 18

5 USC sect 706(2) 18

5 USC sect 706(2)(A) 12 18

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 USC sectsect 4321-47 (2018) 1

42 USC sect 4331 3

42 USC sect 4332 6 7

42 USC sect 4332(C) 3 6

42 USC sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii) 6


40 CFR sect 15001(a) 2 4

40 CFR sect 15001(c) 3

40 CFR sect 15002(e) 4

40 CFR sect 15013 6

40 CFR sect 150214 4

40 CFR sect 150214(f) 4

40 CFR sect 150216(e)-(h) 4

40 CFR sect 15052(c) 4

40 CFR sect 15053 4

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Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page

40 CFR sect 150820 4

40 CFR sect 15084 7

40 CFR sect 15089 6

Federal Register

85 Fed Reg 43304 (Jul 16 2020) 3


Attorney Generalrsquos Manual on the Administrative Procedure Act (1947) 19

Complaint California et al v CEQ No 20-cv-06057 (ND Cal Aug 28 2020) ECF No 1 3

Complaint Environmental Justice Health Alliance et al v CEQ No 20-cv-6143 (SDNY Aug 6 2020) ECF No 1 3

Complaint Wild Virg et al v CEQ No 20-cv-00045 (WD Va July 29 2020) ECF No 1 3

Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) 10

Motion of Corps for Partial Stay Pending Appeal Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 23

Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) 23

Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En Banc Rehrsquog Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6 2017) 23

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GLOSSARY Amici States Commonwealth of Massachusetts the States of California Connecticut Delaware Illinois

Maine Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of Guam and Harris County Texas

APA Administrative Procedure Act

Corps US Army Corps of Engineers

CEQ Council on Environmental Quality Dakota Access Dakota Access LLC NEPA National Environmental Policy Act Tribes Standing Rock Sioux Cheyenne River Sioux Oglala Sioux and Yankton Sioux Tribes

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STATUTES AND REGULATIONS Amici States have included the pertinent statutes and regulations cited in this

brief in the attached addendum

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Amici Massachusetts California Connecticut Delaware Illinois Maine

Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode

Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of

Guam and Harris County Texas submit this brief in support of the Standing Rock

Sioux Cheyenne River Sioux Oglala Sioux and Yankton Sioux Tribes and

affirmance of the district courtrsquos merits and remedy opinions The Tribes

prevailedmdashfor a second timemdashon their claim that the US Army Corps of Engineers

(Corps) violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 USC

sectsect 4321-47 (2018) To remedy that second violation the district court properly

exercised its discretion to vacate the Corpsrsquos action to grant an easement relief that

required suspension of the pipeline operations the vacated easement had authorized

The Tribes sought that relief to compel the United States to fulfill the promise of

environmental protection enshrined in NEPA and the United Statesrsquos promise to

protect the Tribes and the natural resources on which they dependmdasha promise far

too often broken See First Amended Complaint (ECF No 241) at parapara 11-24 The

facts of this case too ldquofollow a sadly familiar patternrdquo McGirt v Oklahoma 140 S

Ct 2452 2482 (2020) This Court should affirm vacatur of the Corpsrsquos NEPA-

violative action and reject the Corps and Dakota Access LLCrsquos attempt ldquoto elevaterdquo

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claims of economic harm ldquoover the lawrdquo See id Doing otherwise would ldquoreward[]

wrong and fail[] those in the rightrdquo See id

Amici States have much at stake in this case More than one hundred years

ago the Supreme Court made clear that states have significant interests ldquoindependent

of and behind the titles of [their] citizens in all the earth and air within [their]

domainrdquo Georgia v Tennessee Copper 206 US 230 237 (1907) States thus hold

a quasi-sovereign interest in preventing harm to the environment and natural

resources within their borders Massachusetts v EPA 549 US 497 518-22 (2007)

States as sovereigns also are ldquovested with the responsibility of protecting the health

safety and welfare of [their] citizensrdquo United Haulers Assrsquon v Oneida-Harkimer

Solid Waste Mgmt Auth 550 US 330 342 (2007) The potential for federal actions

to affect those state interests is immense And todaymdashin the midst of the devastating

effects of a changing climate and increasing awareness that environmental harms are

disproportionately borne by our most vulnerable and historically disenfranchised

communitiesmdashit is more important than ever to fully understand evaluate and

disclose for public dialogue the environmental effects of major federal actions

Amici States thus have an unquestionable interest in the federal governmentrsquos

compliance with laws enacted to protect the environment Of those laws NEPA

ldquoour basic national charter for protection of the environmentrdquo 40 CFR sect 15001(a)

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(2019)1 is ldquoperhaps most importantrdquo Calvert Cliffsrsquo Coordinating Comm v US

Atomic Energy Commrsquon 449 F2d 1109 1111 (DC Cir 1974) NEPA requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions Robertson v Methow Valley

Citizens Council 490 US 332 349-50 (1989) (quoting Kleppe v Sierra Club 427

US 390 410 n21 (1976)) and to inform states and the public about those potential

consequences before they take final agency action see 42 USC sect 4332(C)

NEPArsquos mandate thus seeks to ensure that federal agencies understand the potential

environmental consequences of their proposed actions id sect 4331 and use that

knowledge to ldquotake actions that protect restore and enhance the environmentrdquo 40

CFR sect 15001(c) If a federal agency violates NEPA as the district court twice

found the Corps did here that violation affects the Amici Statesrsquo interests in

protecting their environment and natural resources as well as their own and their

1 On July 16 2020 the Council on Environmental Quality promulgated

substantial revisions to NEPArsquos regulations which took effect on September 14 2020 85 Fed Reg 43304 43372 (Jul 16 2020) and among other major changes deleted the above quoted text id at 43357-58 Because the new regulations mark an unlawful departure from NEPArsquos text and purposes numerous parties including many of the Amici States are challenging them Eg Complaint California et al v CEQ No 20-cv-06057 (ND Cal Aug 28 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Environmental Justice Health Alliance et al v CEQ No 20-cv-6143 (SDNY Aug 6 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Wild Virg et al v CEQ No 20-cv-00045 (WD Va July 29 2020) ECF No 1 Because (i) the amended regulations did not take effect until September 14 2020 (ii) neither the Corps nor Dakota Access rely on them and (iii) the district courtrsquos opinions were based on the prior regulations this brief cites exclusively to the prior regulations

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residentsrsquo rights to be informed about and comment on the potential environmental

impacts of a proposed federal action See eg United States v Coalition for

Buzzards Bay 644 F3d 26 36 (1st Cir 2011) (granting Massachusettsrsquos claim that

agency violated NEPA by failing to consider increased risk of oil spills to

Massachusettsrsquos coastal waters)

The nature of the remedy for a federal agencyrsquos NEPA violation is critical to

protecting the Amici Statesrsquo interests NEPArsquos mandatory procedures are designed

to influence the agencyrsquos final action 40 CFR sect 15001(a) and to avoid or at least

mitigate the actionrsquos potential environmental harm id sectsect 15002(e) 150214

(alternatives) 150214(f) 150216(e)-(h) 15052(c) 15053 150820 (mitigation)

As the district court here aptly stated ldquoif you can build first and consider

environmental consequences later NEPArsquos action-forcing purpose loses its biterdquo I

Record Appendix (vol-RAp) 158 Indeed a ldquobuild-firstrdquo strategy risks entirely

draining NEPA of its purpose by allowing federal agencies and project proponents

alike to build first and then inflate economic consequences of vacatur as a means to

avoid vacatur altogether under Allied-Signal Inc v US Nuclear Regulatory

Commissionrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong 988 F2d 146 150 (DC Cir

1993) Judicial decisions that decline to vacate agency action that violates NEPA

incentivize federal agency decisionmakers to do the bare minimum and encourage

project proponents to advance their projects as quickly as possible so that they may

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later claim that the economic consequences of vacatur counsel against it

Conversely judicial decisions that vacate agency actions encourage NEPA

compliance and discourage project proponents from moving forward in the face of

litigation risk to distort the remedy analysis and render the action a fait accompli

Vacatur here thus protects Amici Statesrsquo interests in protecting the

environment and natural resources within their borders and beyond by encouraging

federal agencies to fully factor the potential environmental consequences of their

actions into their decision-making process before they act and deterring private party

tactics that distort the remedy analysis As now-Justice Breyer made clear ldquothe harm

at stakerdquo in NEPA cases ldquois a harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club v Marsh 872

F2d 497 500 (1st Cir 1989) ldquoNEPArsquos object is to minimize the risk of

uninformed choice a risk that arises in part from the practical fact that bureaucratic

decisionmakers (when the law permits) are less likely to tear down a nearly

completed project than a barely started projectrdquo Id at 500-01 For NEPA to matter

there must be significant consequences for non-compliance Vacatur is the means

to that end since vacating an agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing a

private party that benefitted from the action from proceeding with a project or

operating an already constructed project during remand And the Amici States do

not take that consequence lightly as states too are sometimes proponents of

challenged projects

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ARGUMENT I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance NEPArsquos text purpose and case law make clear that federal agency

compliance with NEPArsquos detailed ldquohard lookrdquo requirement is a prerequisite to the

lawfulness of an agencyrsquos action The Actrsquos command attaches at the outset of the

agencyrsquos decision-making process for taking final agency action requiring

evaluation of environmental effects of ldquoproposedrdquo actions 42 USC sect 4332(C)

(emphasis added) And NEPArsquos mandate with respect to those actions is likewise

clear ldquoto the fullest extent possible all agencies of the Federal Government shall

include in every recommendation or report on proposals for major Federal

actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment a detailed

statement by the responsible officialrdquo Id sect 4332 amp (C) see Department of Transp

v Public Citizen 541 US 752 765 (2004) (Federal agencies ldquobear[] the primary

responsibility to compl[y] with NEPArdquo) By statutory default that ldquodetailed

statementrdquo is an environmental impact statement which must evaluate and discuss

among other things ldquo(i) the environmental impact of the proposed action (ii) any

adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be

implemented [and] (iii) alternatives to the proposed actionrdquo Id sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii)2

2 NEPArsquos regulations also allow federal agencies to begin by performing a more

streamlined environmental assessment to determine whether an environmental impact statement is required 40 CFR sectsect 15013 15089 And the regulations

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NEPArsquos directive that agencies must comply ldquoto the fullest extent possiblerdquo

id sect 4332 ldquois neither accidental nor hyperbolicrdquo instead it is ldquoa deliberate

commandrdquo Flint Ridge Dev v Scenic Rivers Assrsquon 426 US 776 787 (1976) And

that command is two-fold ldquoFirst it lsquoplaces upon an agency the obligation to

consider every significant aspect of the environmental impact of a proposed actionrsquordquo

Baltimore Gas amp Electric v NRDC 462 US 87 97 (1983) (citation omitted)

ldquoSecond it ensures that the agency will inform the public that it has indeed

considered environmental concerns in its decisionmaking processrdquo Id To achieve

those aims NEPA ldquodemands that a decisionmakerrdquo take ldquoa hard lookrdquo at ldquoall

significant environmental impacts before choosing a course of actionrdquo Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 (emphasis added) While the Act does not dictate particular results

its procedures are intended to ldquoaffect the agencyrsquos substantive decisionrdquo Robertson

490 US at 350 Thus as this Court wrote soon after NEPArsquos enactment ldquoCongress

did not intend the Act to be a paper tigerrdquo instead ldquothe requirement of

environmental consideration lsquoto the fullest extent possiblersquo sets a high standard for

the agencies a standard which must be rigorously enforced by the reviewing courtsrdquo

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114

allow agencies to exclude categorically from NEPA review only certain agency actions that have previously been found not normally to have significant environmental impacts See id sect 15084

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Courts have repeatedly confirmed what NEPArsquos text and purpose dictate

federal agencies are required to comply with NEPA before they take final action

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 536 (DC Cir

2018) American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 37 (DC Cir 2018) Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 ldquoThe statute [thus] does not permit an agency to act first and comply

laterrdquo Oglala 896 F3d at 523 That ldquoanalyze first act secondrdquo mandate is based

on the common-sense notion that ldquo[i]t is far easier to influence an initial choice than

to change a mind already made uprdquo Sierra Club 872 F2 at 500 NEPA thus

requires that ldquoa valid [environmental impact statement] be prepared before the

agency grants [a] licenserdquo promulgates a regulation issues a permit or as in this

case grants an easement Oglala 896 F3d at 529 see also National Parks

Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 1079 (DC Cir 2019) (Corps had

to comply with NEPA ldquo[b]efore it could greenlight the projectrdquo by issuing

required permits) rehrsquog pet granted on remedy 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) In

other words the lawfulness of such final agency actions is dependent on the agencyrsquos

compliance with NEPArsquos ldquoaction forcingrdquo requirements See Calvert Cliffs 449

F2d at 1113 And accordingly an agencyrsquos violation of NEPA ldquofatally infect[s]rdquo

the agency action and renders the action unlawful See American Rivers 895 F3d

at 55

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II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here

Timely and faithful agency compliance with NEPA is critical to securing the

Actrsquos mandate and protecting Amici Statesrsquo interests Indeed this Court recognized

that fact more than forty years ago when it informed federal agencies that it would

ldquorigorously enforcerdquo NEPA Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 to ensure that agencies

fulfill the Actrsquos ldquoimportant legislative purposesrdquo id at 1111 see id at 1115 (ldquoIt is

hard to imagine a clearer or stronger mandate[]rdquo) Since then this Court has hewed

closely to those early forceful pronouncements by vacating agency actions that

violate NEPA and undermine its environmental-protection purpose See eg

American Rivers 895 F3d at 55 (vacating license renewal for hydroelectric dam

based on NEPA violation) American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873

F3d 914 932 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating agency decision to eliminate wild horse

territory based on NEPA violation) Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 1374-75

1379 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating without discussion FERC approval of operating

interstate natural-gas pipelines based on NEPA violation) And the United States

District Court for the District of Columbia has assiduously followed this Courtrsquos

lead Eg Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp

3d 1 2 (DDC 2016) (vacatur ldquois the standard remedyrdquo in NEPA cases (citation

omitted)) Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 79-80 (DDC 2010)

(ldquovacatur[] is the presumptively appropriate remedyrdquo)

- 9 -

Although courts ldquomay elect a different remedy based on lsquothe seriousness of

the orderrsquos deficienciesrsquo and lsquothe disruptive consequencesrsquo of vacaturrdquo this Court

has recognized that ldquovacatur is the default remedyrdquo Semonite 925 F3d at 501

(quoting Allied-Signal 988 F2d at 150-51) Thus only in ldquorare casesrdquo United Steel

v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 1287 (DC Cir 2019) has this

Court remanded without vacatur3 for example where a state ldquopermitting

requirement independently bar[red]rdquo the project from advancing until the agency

complied with NEPA eg Oglala 896 F3d at 538 vacatur would ldquodefeat the

enhanced protection of the environmental valuesrdquo afforded by a regulation North

Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 1178 (DC Cir 2008) (citation omitted) or vacatur

itself would ldquotemporarily defeat petitionerrsquos purposerdquo Environmental Def Fund v

EPA 898 F2d 183 190 (DC Cir 1990)4 Here however the district court correctly

rejected Dakota Accessrsquos claim that vacatur of the pipeline easement would cause

3 In the NEPA context as the district court stated ldquoto the Courtrsquos and the partiesrsquo

knowledge only twice has a court not vacated agency action that violated NEPA because of a missing or defective EISrdquo I-RA150

4 Amici States do not contend that remand without vacatur is never appropriate

Indeed Massachusetts along with some of the other State Amici have previously argued successfully for remand without vacatur where vacatur would cause actual harm to public health and the environment Eg Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) Amici States thus do not ask the Court to deviate from those precedents but instead to apply their guiding principles as the district court did correctly here

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environmental harm because the companyrsquos claim was entirely ldquospeculativerdquo and

based on ldquoinconclusive evidencerdquo I-RA161-62 Those factors thus do not exist in

this case

And in all events courts should first and foremost evaluate vacaturrsquos

potential disruptive consequences through the lens of the relevant statutersquos

objectives NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 1374 (DC Cir 2007) (partially vacating

rule because vacatur would not ldquoset backrdquo Clean Air Actrsquos purpose) see also

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 674 (DC Cir

2019) (declining to vacate where ldquoit would lsquoset backrsquo the Actrsquos objective of offering

financial services to people of small meansrdquo) After all ldquoa court sitting in equity

cannot lsquoignore the judgment of Congress deliberately expressed in legislationrsquordquo

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 498 (2001)

(citation omitted) And here in NEPA Congress plainly prioritized environmental

protection over all other considerations See Oglala 896 F3d at 529 (ldquoWe know

that the environmental values protected by NEPA are of high ordermdashbecause

Congress told us sordquo) The ldquoharm at stakerdquo when an agency violates NEPA is ldquoa

harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club 872 F2d at 504mdashan often irreversible

harmmdashnot the economic harm a project proponent may incur when a court finds an

agency violated NEPA when it authorized a project and vacates the agency action

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that unlawfully authorized it Thus the remedy for a NEPA violation must ldquoprotect

the purpose and integrity ofrdquo NEPA Semonite 925 F3d at 502

Indeed vacatur flows directly from NEPArsquos mandate which again requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions before their actions are

finalized Supra p8 see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d

31 43 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquoCongress[] require[d] environmental review and

authorization in advancerdquo) That remedy also flows directly from the Administrative

Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sect 706(2)(A)mdashthe act governing judicial review of

NEPA decisions see infra PtIIImdashsince it has long been held that vacatur is the

standard remedy for unlawful agency action under the APA Eg United Steel 925

F3d at 1287 (ldquoThe ordinary practice is to vacaterdquo) see Federal Power Commrsquon v

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 331 (1976) (agency decision

unsupported by administrative record must be vacated) And as discussed above

supra pp4-5 vacatur is an important tool to disincentivize a rush to complete a

project in the face of legal challenges to a federal agencyrsquos NEPA analysis that could

render the project a practical foregone conclusion or otherwise distort the analysis

for determining whether vacatur is appropriate See Semonite 925 F3d at 502

(describing as ldquotroublingrdquo the Corps and private project proponentrsquos ldquoattempt to

userdquo the projectrsquos completion to argue against vacatur for NEPA violation) That

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

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principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 2: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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CERTIFICATE AS TO PARTIES RULINGS AND RELATED CASES Pursuant to Circuit Rule 28(a)(1) undersigned counsel certifies as follows A Parties and Amici

All parties intervenors and amici appearing in this proceeding are listed in

the Appellantsrsquo Opening Briefs and Appelleesrsquo Brief in Response in Case Nos 20-

5197 and 20-5201 except for the amici joining this brief the Commonwealth of

Massachusetts the States of California Connecticut Delaware Illinois Maine

Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode

Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of

Guam and Harris County Texas

B Rulings

The rulings under review in this proceeding appear in the certificate to the

Appellantsrsquo Opening Briefs and Appelleesrsquo Brief in Response

C Related Cases

Amici States are aware of no related cases in this Court or any other court

involving substantially the same parties or issues

Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel

No counsel for a party authored this brief in whole or in part and no person

other than the amici curiae contributed money that was intended to fund the preparation or submission of this brief

- i -

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Certificate as to Parties Rulings and Related Cases i

Table of Authorities iv

Glossary ix

Statutes and Regulations x

Interests of State Amici 1

Argument 6

I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance 6

II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here 9

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity 17

Conclusion 26

Certificate of Compliance a

Certificate of Service b

Addendum c Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2

- ii -

Table of Contents ndash Continued Page

42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3 Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12

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- iii -

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Allied-Signal Inc v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 988 F2d 146 (DC Cir 1993) 4 10 13 21 25

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 (DC Cir 2019) 11

American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 (DC Cir 2018) 8 9

American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873 F3d 914 (DC Cir 2017) 9

Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 (7th Cir 2010) 20

Baltimore Gas amp Electric v NRDC 462 US 87 (1983) 7

Calvert Cliffsrsquo Coordinating Comm v US Atomic Energy Commrsquon 449 F2d 1109 (DC Cir 1974) 3 7 8 9 26

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 (DC Cir 2008) 19

Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019) 20

Department of Transp v Public Citizen 541 US 752 (2004) 6

EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 (DC Cir 2015) 14

Environmental Def Fund v EPA 898 F2d 183 (DC Cir 1990) 10

Federal Power Commrsquon v Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 (1976) 12

Flint Ridge Dev v Scenic Rivers Assrsquon 426 US 776 (1976) 7

Georgia v Tennessee Copper 206 US 230 (1907) 2

Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d 847 (DC Cir 1987) 21

Kleppe v Sierra Club 427 US 390 (1976) 3

- iv -

Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page

Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 (DDC June 5 2020) 20

Massachusetts v EPA 549 US 497 (2007) 2

Massachusetts v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 (DC Cir 1991) 21

McGirt v Oklahoma 140 S Ct 2452 (2020) 1 2 16

McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 (D Mass 2015) 20

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms 561 US 139 (2010) 17 18 25

National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 (DDC 2019) 22

National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 (DC Cir 2019) 8

National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) 8 10 12 22 23

Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 (9th Cir 1993) 14

New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 (SDNY 2019) 20

North Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 (DC Cir 2008) 10

NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 (DC Cir 2007) 11

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 (DC Cir 2018) 8 10 11 22

Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper 827 F3d 1077 (DC Cir 2016) 20 21

Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp 3d 1 (DDC 2016) 9

Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F Supp 1066 (DPR 1992) 15

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- v -

Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page

Robertson v Methow Valley Citizens Council 490 US 332 (1989)3 7

Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 (DC Cir 1985) 19 20

Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 (DC Cir 2017) 9 22 23

Sierra Club v Marsh 872 F2d 497 (1st Cir 1989) 5 7 8 11

Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d 978 (8th Cir 2011) 15

Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d 31 (DC Cir 2015) 12 13

Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 (DDC 2010) 9 21

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp 3d 91 (DDC 2017) 13 16 24

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 (DC Cir 2010) 18

United Haulers Assrsquon v Oneida-Harkimer Solid Waste Mgmt Auth 550 US 330 (2007) 2

United States v Coalition for Buzzards Bay 644 F3d 26 (1st Cir 2011) 4

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 (2001) 11

United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 (2020) 25

United Steel v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 (DC Cir 2019) 10 12

Western Watersheds Project v Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 (D Idaho 2020) 13

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- vi -

Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page


Administrative Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sectsect 701-706 (2018) 12

5 USC sect 703 19

5 USC sect 705 18

5 USC sect 706 18

5 USC sect 706(2) 18

5 USC sect 706(2)(A) 12 18

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 USC sectsect 4321-47 (2018) 1

42 USC sect 4331 3

42 USC sect 4332 6 7

42 USC sect 4332(C) 3 6

42 USC sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii) 6


40 CFR sect 15001(a) 2 4

40 CFR sect 15001(c) 3

40 CFR sect 15002(e) 4

40 CFR sect 15013 6

40 CFR sect 150214 4

40 CFR sect 150214(f) 4

40 CFR sect 150216(e)-(h) 4

40 CFR sect 15052(c) 4

40 CFR sect 15053 4

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- vii -

Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page

40 CFR sect 150820 4

40 CFR sect 15084 7

40 CFR sect 15089 6

Federal Register

85 Fed Reg 43304 (Jul 16 2020) 3


Attorney Generalrsquos Manual on the Administrative Procedure Act (1947) 19

Complaint California et al v CEQ No 20-cv-06057 (ND Cal Aug 28 2020) ECF No 1 3

Complaint Environmental Justice Health Alliance et al v CEQ No 20-cv-6143 (SDNY Aug 6 2020) ECF No 1 3

Complaint Wild Virg et al v CEQ No 20-cv-00045 (WD Va July 29 2020) ECF No 1 3

Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) 10

Motion of Corps for Partial Stay Pending Appeal Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 23

Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) 23

Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En Banc Rehrsquog Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6 2017) 23

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- viii -

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GLOSSARY Amici States Commonwealth of Massachusetts the States of California Connecticut Delaware Illinois

Maine Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of Guam and Harris County Texas

APA Administrative Procedure Act

Corps US Army Corps of Engineers

CEQ Council on Environmental Quality Dakota Access Dakota Access LLC NEPA National Environmental Policy Act Tribes Standing Rock Sioux Cheyenne River Sioux Oglala Sioux and Yankton Sioux Tribes

- ix -

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STATUTES AND REGULATIONS Amici States have included the pertinent statutes and regulations cited in this

brief in the attached addendum

- x -

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Amici Massachusetts California Connecticut Delaware Illinois Maine

Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode

Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of

Guam and Harris County Texas submit this brief in support of the Standing Rock

Sioux Cheyenne River Sioux Oglala Sioux and Yankton Sioux Tribes and

affirmance of the district courtrsquos merits and remedy opinions The Tribes

prevailedmdashfor a second timemdashon their claim that the US Army Corps of Engineers

(Corps) violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 USC

sectsect 4321-47 (2018) To remedy that second violation the district court properly

exercised its discretion to vacate the Corpsrsquos action to grant an easement relief that

required suspension of the pipeline operations the vacated easement had authorized

The Tribes sought that relief to compel the United States to fulfill the promise of

environmental protection enshrined in NEPA and the United Statesrsquos promise to

protect the Tribes and the natural resources on which they dependmdasha promise far

too often broken See First Amended Complaint (ECF No 241) at parapara 11-24 The

facts of this case too ldquofollow a sadly familiar patternrdquo McGirt v Oklahoma 140 S

Ct 2452 2482 (2020) This Court should affirm vacatur of the Corpsrsquos NEPA-

violative action and reject the Corps and Dakota Access LLCrsquos attempt ldquoto elevaterdquo

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 13 of 56

claims of economic harm ldquoover the lawrdquo See id Doing otherwise would ldquoreward[]

wrong and fail[] those in the rightrdquo See id

Amici States have much at stake in this case More than one hundred years

ago the Supreme Court made clear that states have significant interests ldquoindependent

of and behind the titles of [their] citizens in all the earth and air within [their]

domainrdquo Georgia v Tennessee Copper 206 US 230 237 (1907) States thus hold

a quasi-sovereign interest in preventing harm to the environment and natural

resources within their borders Massachusetts v EPA 549 US 497 518-22 (2007)

States as sovereigns also are ldquovested with the responsibility of protecting the health

safety and welfare of [their] citizensrdquo United Haulers Assrsquon v Oneida-Harkimer

Solid Waste Mgmt Auth 550 US 330 342 (2007) The potential for federal actions

to affect those state interests is immense And todaymdashin the midst of the devastating

effects of a changing climate and increasing awareness that environmental harms are

disproportionately borne by our most vulnerable and historically disenfranchised

communitiesmdashit is more important than ever to fully understand evaluate and

disclose for public dialogue the environmental effects of major federal actions

Amici States thus have an unquestionable interest in the federal governmentrsquos

compliance with laws enacted to protect the environment Of those laws NEPA

ldquoour basic national charter for protection of the environmentrdquo 40 CFR sect 15001(a)

- 2 -

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(2019)1 is ldquoperhaps most importantrdquo Calvert Cliffsrsquo Coordinating Comm v US

Atomic Energy Commrsquon 449 F2d 1109 1111 (DC Cir 1974) NEPA requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions Robertson v Methow Valley

Citizens Council 490 US 332 349-50 (1989) (quoting Kleppe v Sierra Club 427

US 390 410 n21 (1976)) and to inform states and the public about those potential

consequences before they take final agency action see 42 USC sect 4332(C)

NEPArsquos mandate thus seeks to ensure that federal agencies understand the potential

environmental consequences of their proposed actions id sect 4331 and use that

knowledge to ldquotake actions that protect restore and enhance the environmentrdquo 40

CFR sect 15001(c) If a federal agency violates NEPA as the district court twice

found the Corps did here that violation affects the Amici Statesrsquo interests in

protecting their environment and natural resources as well as their own and their

1 On July 16 2020 the Council on Environmental Quality promulgated

substantial revisions to NEPArsquos regulations which took effect on September 14 2020 85 Fed Reg 43304 43372 (Jul 16 2020) and among other major changes deleted the above quoted text id at 43357-58 Because the new regulations mark an unlawful departure from NEPArsquos text and purposes numerous parties including many of the Amici States are challenging them Eg Complaint California et al v CEQ No 20-cv-06057 (ND Cal Aug 28 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Environmental Justice Health Alliance et al v CEQ No 20-cv-6143 (SDNY Aug 6 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Wild Virg et al v CEQ No 20-cv-00045 (WD Va July 29 2020) ECF No 1 Because (i) the amended regulations did not take effect until September 14 2020 (ii) neither the Corps nor Dakota Access rely on them and (iii) the district courtrsquos opinions were based on the prior regulations this brief cites exclusively to the prior regulations

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residentsrsquo rights to be informed about and comment on the potential environmental

impacts of a proposed federal action See eg United States v Coalition for

Buzzards Bay 644 F3d 26 36 (1st Cir 2011) (granting Massachusettsrsquos claim that

agency violated NEPA by failing to consider increased risk of oil spills to

Massachusettsrsquos coastal waters)

The nature of the remedy for a federal agencyrsquos NEPA violation is critical to

protecting the Amici Statesrsquo interests NEPArsquos mandatory procedures are designed

to influence the agencyrsquos final action 40 CFR sect 15001(a) and to avoid or at least

mitigate the actionrsquos potential environmental harm id sectsect 15002(e) 150214

(alternatives) 150214(f) 150216(e)-(h) 15052(c) 15053 150820 (mitigation)

As the district court here aptly stated ldquoif you can build first and consider

environmental consequences later NEPArsquos action-forcing purpose loses its biterdquo I

Record Appendix (vol-RAp) 158 Indeed a ldquobuild-firstrdquo strategy risks entirely

draining NEPA of its purpose by allowing federal agencies and project proponents

alike to build first and then inflate economic consequences of vacatur as a means to

avoid vacatur altogether under Allied-Signal Inc v US Nuclear Regulatory

Commissionrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong 988 F2d 146 150 (DC Cir

1993) Judicial decisions that decline to vacate agency action that violates NEPA

incentivize federal agency decisionmakers to do the bare minimum and encourage

project proponents to advance their projects as quickly as possible so that they may

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later claim that the economic consequences of vacatur counsel against it

Conversely judicial decisions that vacate agency actions encourage NEPA

compliance and discourage project proponents from moving forward in the face of

litigation risk to distort the remedy analysis and render the action a fait accompli

Vacatur here thus protects Amici Statesrsquo interests in protecting the

environment and natural resources within their borders and beyond by encouraging

federal agencies to fully factor the potential environmental consequences of their

actions into their decision-making process before they act and deterring private party

tactics that distort the remedy analysis As now-Justice Breyer made clear ldquothe harm

at stakerdquo in NEPA cases ldquois a harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club v Marsh 872

F2d 497 500 (1st Cir 1989) ldquoNEPArsquos object is to minimize the risk of

uninformed choice a risk that arises in part from the practical fact that bureaucratic

decisionmakers (when the law permits) are less likely to tear down a nearly

completed project than a barely started projectrdquo Id at 500-01 For NEPA to matter

there must be significant consequences for non-compliance Vacatur is the means

to that end since vacating an agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing a

private party that benefitted from the action from proceeding with a project or

operating an already constructed project during remand And the Amici States do

not take that consequence lightly as states too are sometimes proponents of

challenged projects

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ARGUMENT I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance NEPArsquos text purpose and case law make clear that federal agency

compliance with NEPArsquos detailed ldquohard lookrdquo requirement is a prerequisite to the

lawfulness of an agencyrsquos action The Actrsquos command attaches at the outset of the

agencyrsquos decision-making process for taking final agency action requiring

evaluation of environmental effects of ldquoproposedrdquo actions 42 USC sect 4332(C)

(emphasis added) And NEPArsquos mandate with respect to those actions is likewise

clear ldquoto the fullest extent possible all agencies of the Federal Government shall

include in every recommendation or report on proposals for major Federal

actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment a detailed

statement by the responsible officialrdquo Id sect 4332 amp (C) see Department of Transp

v Public Citizen 541 US 752 765 (2004) (Federal agencies ldquobear[] the primary

responsibility to compl[y] with NEPArdquo) By statutory default that ldquodetailed

statementrdquo is an environmental impact statement which must evaluate and discuss

among other things ldquo(i) the environmental impact of the proposed action (ii) any

adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be

implemented [and] (iii) alternatives to the proposed actionrdquo Id sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii)2

2 NEPArsquos regulations also allow federal agencies to begin by performing a more

streamlined environmental assessment to determine whether an environmental impact statement is required 40 CFR sectsect 15013 15089 And the regulations

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NEPArsquos directive that agencies must comply ldquoto the fullest extent possiblerdquo

id sect 4332 ldquois neither accidental nor hyperbolicrdquo instead it is ldquoa deliberate

commandrdquo Flint Ridge Dev v Scenic Rivers Assrsquon 426 US 776 787 (1976) And

that command is two-fold ldquoFirst it lsquoplaces upon an agency the obligation to

consider every significant aspect of the environmental impact of a proposed actionrsquordquo

Baltimore Gas amp Electric v NRDC 462 US 87 97 (1983) (citation omitted)

ldquoSecond it ensures that the agency will inform the public that it has indeed

considered environmental concerns in its decisionmaking processrdquo Id To achieve

those aims NEPA ldquodemands that a decisionmakerrdquo take ldquoa hard lookrdquo at ldquoall

significant environmental impacts before choosing a course of actionrdquo Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 (emphasis added) While the Act does not dictate particular results

its procedures are intended to ldquoaffect the agencyrsquos substantive decisionrdquo Robertson

490 US at 350 Thus as this Court wrote soon after NEPArsquos enactment ldquoCongress

did not intend the Act to be a paper tigerrdquo instead ldquothe requirement of

environmental consideration lsquoto the fullest extent possiblersquo sets a high standard for

the agencies a standard which must be rigorously enforced by the reviewing courtsrdquo

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114

allow agencies to exclude categorically from NEPA review only certain agency actions that have previously been found not normally to have significant environmental impacts See id sect 15084

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Courts have repeatedly confirmed what NEPArsquos text and purpose dictate

federal agencies are required to comply with NEPA before they take final action

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 536 (DC Cir

2018) American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 37 (DC Cir 2018) Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 ldquoThe statute [thus] does not permit an agency to act first and comply

laterrdquo Oglala 896 F3d at 523 That ldquoanalyze first act secondrdquo mandate is based

on the common-sense notion that ldquo[i]t is far easier to influence an initial choice than

to change a mind already made uprdquo Sierra Club 872 F2 at 500 NEPA thus

requires that ldquoa valid [environmental impact statement] be prepared before the

agency grants [a] licenserdquo promulgates a regulation issues a permit or as in this

case grants an easement Oglala 896 F3d at 529 see also National Parks

Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 1079 (DC Cir 2019) (Corps had

to comply with NEPA ldquo[b]efore it could greenlight the projectrdquo by issuing

required permits) rehrsquog pet granted on remedy 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) In

other words the lawfulness of such final agency actions is dependent on the agencyrsquos

compliance with NEPArsquos ldquoaction forcingrdquo requirements See Calvert Cliffs 449

F2d at 1113 And accordingly an agencyrsquos violation of NEPA ldquofatally infect[s]rdquo

the agency action and renders the action unlawful See American Rivers 895 F3d

at 55

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II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here

Timely and faithful agency compliance with NEPA is critical to securing the

Actrsquos mandate and protecting Amici Statesrsquo interests Indeed this Court recognized

that fact more than forty years ago when it informed federal agencies that it would

ldquorigorously enforcerdquo NEPA Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 to ensure that agencies

fulfill the Actrsquos ldquoimportant legislative purposesrdquo id at 1111 see id at 1115 (ldquoIt is

hard to imagine a clearer or stronger mandate[]rdquo) Since then this Court has hewed

closely to those early forceful pronouncements by vacating agency actions that

violate NEPA and undermine its environmental-protection purpose See eg

American Rivers 895 F3d at 55 (vacating license renewal for hydroelectric dam

based on NEPA violation) American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873

F3d 914 932 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating agency decision to eliminate wild horse

territory based on NEPA violation) Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 1374-75

1379 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating without discussion FERC approval of operating

interstate natural-gas pipelines based on NEPA violation) And the United States

District Court for the District of Columbia has assiduously followed this Courtrsquos

lead Eg Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp

3d 1 2 (DDC 2016) (vacatur ldquois the standard remedyrdquo in NEPA cases (citation

omitted)) Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 79-80 (DDC 2010)

(ldquovacatur[] is the presumptively appropriate remedyrdquo)

- 9 -

Although courts ldquomay elect a different remedy based on lsquothe seriousness of

the orderrsquos deficienciesrsquo and lsquothe disruptive consequencesrsquo of vacaturrdquo this Court

has recognized that ldquovacatur is the default remedyrdquo Semonite 925 F3d at 501

(quoting Allied-Signal 988 F2d at 150-51) Thus only in ldquorare casesrdquo United Steel

v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 1287 (DC Cir 2019) has this

Court remanded without vacatur3 for example where a state ldquopermitting

requirement independently bar[red]rdquo the project from advancing until the agency

complied with NEPA eg Oglala 896 F3d at 538 vacatur would ldquodefeat the

enhanced protection of the environmental valuesrdquo afforded by a regulation North

Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 1178 (DC Cir 2008) (citation omitted) or vacatur

itself would ldquotemporarily defeat petitionerrsquos purposerdquo Environmental Def Fund v

EPA 898 F2d 183 190 (DC Cir 1990)4 Here however the district court correctly

rejected Dakota Accessrsquos claim that vacatur of the pipeline easement would cause

3 In the NEPA context as the district court stated ldquoto the Courtrsquos and the partiesrsquo

knowledge only twice has a court not vacated agency action that violated NEPA because of a missing or defective EISrdquo I-RA150

4 Amici States do not contend that remand without vacatur is never appropriate

Indeed Massachusetts along with some of the other State Amici have previously argued successfully for remand without vacatur where vacatur would cause actual harm to public health and the environment Eg Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) Amici States thus do not ask the Court to deviate from those precedents but instead to apply their guiding principles as the district court did correctly here

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environmental harm because the companyrsquos claim was entirely ldquospeculativerdquo and

based on ldquoinconclusive evidencerdquo I-RA161-62 Those factors thus do not exist in

this case

And in all events courts should first and foremost evaluate vacaturrsquos

potential disruptive consequences through the lens of the relevant statutersquos

objectives NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 1374 (DC Cir 2007) (partially vacating

rule because vacatur would not ldquoset backrdquo Clean Air Actrsquos purpose) see also

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 674 (DC Cir

2019) (declining to vacate where ldquoit would lsquoset backrsquo the Actrsquos objective of offering

financial services to people of small meansrdquo) After all ldquoa court sitting in equity

cannot lsquoignore the judgment of Congress deliberately expressed in legislationrsquordquo

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 498 (2001)

(citation omitted) And here in NEPA Congress plainly prioritized environmental

protection over all other considerations See Oglala 896 F3d at 529 (ldquoWe know

that the environmental values protected by NEPA are of high ordermdashbecause

Congress told us sordquo) The ldquoharm at stakerdquo when an agency violates NEPA is ldquoa

harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club 872 F2d at 504mdashan often irreversible

harmmdashnot the economic harm a project proponent may incur when a court finds an

agency violated NEPA when it authorized a project and vacates the agency action

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that unlawfully authorized it Thus the remedy for a NEPA violation must ldquoprotect

the purpose and integrity ofrdquo NEPA Semonite 925 F3d at 502

Indeed vacatur flows directly from NEPArsquos mandate which again requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions before their actions are

finalized Supra p8 see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d

31 43 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquoCongress[] require[d] environmental review and

authorization in advancerdquo) That remedy also flows directly from the Administrative

Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sect 706(2)(A)mdashthe act governing judicial review of

NEPA decisions see infra PtIIImdashsince it has long been held that vacatur is the

standard remedy for unlawful agency action under the APA Eg United Steel 925

F3d at 1287 (ldquoThe ordinary practice is to vacaterdquo) see Federal Power Commrsquon v

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 331 (1976) (agency decision

unsupported by administrative record must be vacated) And as discussed above

supra pp4-5 vacatur is an important tool to disincentivize a rush to complete a

project in the face of legal challenges to a federal agencyrsquos NEPA analysis that could

render the project a practical foregone conclusion or otherwise distort the analysis

for determining whether vacatur is appropriate See Semonite 925 F3d at 502

(describing as ldquotroublingrdquo the Corps and private project proponentrsquos ldquoattempt to

userdquo the projectrsquos completion to argue against vacatur for NEPA violation) That

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

- 22 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 34 of 56

regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

- 23 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 35 of 56

principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

- 24 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 36 of 56

such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

- 25 -

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 38 of 56

FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 42 of 56


I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 3: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Certificate as to Parties Rulings and Related Cases i

Table of Authorities iv

Glossary ix

Statutes and Regulations x

Interests of State Amici 1

Argument 6

I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance 6

II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here 9

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity 17

Conclusion 26

Certificate of Compliance a

Certificate of Service b

Addendum c Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2

- ii -

Table of Contents ndash Continued Page

42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3 Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12

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- iii -

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Allied-Signal Inc v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 988 F2d 146 (DC Cir 1993) 4 10 13 21 25

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 (DC Cir 2019) 11

American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 (DC Cir 2018) 8 9

American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873 F3d 914 (DC Cir 2017) 9

Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 (7th Cir 2010) 20

Baltimore Gas amp Electric v NRDC 462 US 87 (1983) 7

Calvert Cliffsrsquo Coordinating Comm v US Atomic Energy Commrsquon 449 F2d 1109 (DC Cir 1974) 3 7 8 9 26

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 (DC Cir 2008) 19

Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019) 20

Department of Transp v Public Citizen 541 US 752 (2004) 6

EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 (DC Cir 2015) 14

Environmental Def Fund v EPA 898 F2d 183 (DC Cir 1990) 10

Federal Power Commrsquon v Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 (1976) 12

Flint Ridge Dev v Scenic Rivers Assrsquon 426 US 776 (1976) 7

Georgia v Tennessee Copper 206 US 230 (1907) 2

Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d 847 (DC Cir 1987) 21

Kleppe v Sierra Club 427 US 390 (1976) 3

- iv -

Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page

Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 (DDC June 5 2020) 20

Massachusetts v EPA 549 US 497 (2007) 2

Massachusetts v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 (DC Cir 1991) 21

McGirt v Oklahoma 140 S Ct 2452 (2020) 1 2 16

McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 (D Mass 2015) 20

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms 561 US 139 (2010) 17 18 25

National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 (DDC 2019) 22

National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 (DC Cir 2019) 8

National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) 8 10 12 22 23

Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 (9th Cir 1993) 14

New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 (SDNY 2019) 20

North Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 (DC Cir 2008) 10

NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 (DC Cir 2007) 11

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 (DC Cir 2018) 8 10 11 22

Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper 827 F3d 1077 (DC Cir 2016) 20 21

Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp 3d 1 (DDC 2016) 9

Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F Supp 1066 (DPR 1992) 15

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- v -

Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page

Robertson v Methow Valley Citizens Council 490 US 332 (1989)3 7

Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 (DC Cir 1985) 19 20

Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 (DC Cir 2017) 9 22 23

Sierra Club v Marsh 872 F2d 497 (1st Cir 1989) 5 7 8 11

Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d 978 (8th Cir 2011) 15

Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d 31 (DC Cir 2015) 12 13

Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 (DDC 2010) 9 21

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp 3d 91 (DDC 2017) 13 16 24

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 (DC Cir 2010) 18

United Haulers Assrsquon v Oneida-Harkimer Solid Waste Mgmt Auth 550 US 330 (2007) 2

United States v Coalition for Buzzards Bay 644 F3d 26 (1st Cir 2011) 4

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 (2001) 11

United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 (2020) 25

United Steel v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 (DC Cir 2019) 10 12

Western Watersheds Project v Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 (D Idaho 2020) 13

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- vi -

Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page


Administrative Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sectsect 701-706 (2018) 12

5 USC sect 703 19

5 USC sect 705 18

5 USC sect 706 18

5 USC sect 706(2) 18

5 USC sect 706(2)(A) 12 18

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 USC sectsect 4321-47 (2018) 1

42 USC sect 4331 3

42 USC sect 4332 6 7

42 USC sect 4332(C) 3 6

42 USC sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii) 6


40 CFR sect 15001(a) 2 4

40 CFR sect 15001(c) 3

40 CFR sect 15002(e) 4

40 CFR sect 15013 6

40 CFR sect 150214 4

40 CFR sect 150214(f) 4

40 CFR sect 150216(e)-(h) 4

40 CFR sect 15052(c) 4

40 CFR sect 15053 4

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- vii -

Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page

40 CFR sect 150820 4

40 CFR sect 15084 7

40 CFR sect 15089 6

Federal Register

85 Fed Reg 43304 (Jul 16 2020) 3


Attorney Generalrsquos Manual on the Administrative Procedure Act (1947) 19

Complaint California et al v CEQ No 20-cv-06057 (ND Cal Aug 28 2020) ECF No 1 3

Complaint Environmental Justice Health Alliance et al v CEQ No 20-cv-6143 (SDNY Aug 6 2020) ECF No 1 3

Complaint Wild Virg et al v CEQ No 20-cv-00045 (WD Va July 29 2020) ECF No 1 3

Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) 10

Motion of Corps for Partial Stay Pending Appeal Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 23

Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) 23

Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En Banc Rehrsquog Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6 2017) 23

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GLOSSARY Amici States Commonwealth of Massachusetts the States of California Connecticut Delaware Illinois

Maine Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of Guam and Harris County Texas

APA Administrative Procedure Act

Corps US Army Corps of Engineers

CEQ Council on Environmental Quality Dakota Access Dakota Access LLC NEPA National Environmental Policy Act Tribes Standing Rock Sioux Cheyenne River Sioux Oglala Sioux and Yankton Sioux Tribes

- ix -

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STATUTES AND REGULATIONS Amici States have included the pertinent statutes and regulations cited in this

brief in the attached addendum

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Amici Massachusetts California Connecticut Delaware Illinois Maine

Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode

Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of

Guam and Harris County Texas submit this brief in support of the Standing Rock

Sioux Cheyenne River Sioux Oglala Sioux and Yankton Sioux Tribes and

affirmance of the district courtrsquos merits and remedy opinions The Tribes

prevailedmdashfor a second timemdashon their claim that the US Army Corps of Engineers

(Corps) violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 USC

sectsect 4321-47 (2018) To remedy that second violation the district court properly

exercised its discretion to vacate the Corpsrsquos action to grant an easement relief that

required suspension of the pipeline operations the vacated easement had authorized

The Tribes sought that relief to compel the United States to fulfill the promise of

environmental protection enshrined in NEPA and the United Statesrsquos promise to

protect the Tribes and the natural resources on which they dependmdasha promise far

too often broken See First Amended Complaint (ECF No 241) at parapara 11-24 The

facts of this case too ldquofollow a sadly familiar patternrdquo McGirt v Oklahoma 140 S

Ct 2452 2482 (2020) This Court should affirm vacatur of the Corpsrsquos NEPA-

violative action and reject the Corps and Dakota Access LLCrsquos attempt ldquoto elevaterdquo

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claims of economic harm ldquoover the lawrdquo See id Doing otherwise would ldquoreward[]

wrong and fail[] those in the rightrdquo See id

Amici States have much at stake in this case More than one hundred years

ago the Supreme Court made clear that states have significant interests ldquoindependent

of and behind the titles of [their] citizens in all the earth and air within [their]

domainrdquo Georgia v Tennessee Copper 206 US 230 237 (1907) States thus hold

a quasi-sovereign interest in preventing harm to the environment and natural

resources within their borders Massachusetts v EPA 549 US 497 518-22 (2007)

States as sovereigns also are ldquovested with the responsibility of protecting the health

safety and welfare of [their] citizensrdquo United Haulers Assrsquon v Oneida-Harkimer

Solid Waste Mgmt Auth 550 US 330 342 (2007) The potential for federal actions

to affect those state interests is immense And todaymdashin the midst of the devastating

effects of a changing climate and increasing awareness that environmental harms are

disproportionately borne by our most vulnerable and historically disenfranchised

communitiesmdashit is more important than ever to fully understand evaluate and

disclose for public dialogue the environmental effects of major federal actions

Amici States thus have an unquestionable interest in the federal governmentrsquos

compliance with laws enacted to protect the environment Of those laws NEPA

ldquoour basic national charter for protection of the environmentrdquo 40 CFR sect 15001(a)

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(2019)1 is ldquoperhaps most importantrdquo Calvert Cliffsrsquo Coordinating Comm v US

Atomic Energy Commrsquon 449 F2d 1109 1111 (DC Cir 1974) NEPA requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions Robertson v Methow Valley

Citizens Council 490 US 332 349-50 (1989) (quoting Kleppe v Sierra Club 427

US 390 410 n21 (1976)) and to inform states and the public about those potential

consequences before they take final agency action see 42 USC sect 4332(C)

NEPArsquos mandate thus seeks to ensure that federal agencies understand the potential

environmental consequences of their proposed actions id sect 4331 and use that

knowledge to ldquotake actions that protect restore and enhance the environmentrdquo 40

CFR sect 15001(c) If a federal agency violates NEPA as the district court twice

found the Corps did here that violation affects the Amici Statesrsquo interests in

protecting their environment and natural resources as well as their own and their

1 On July 16 2020 the Council on Environmental Quality promulgated

substantial revisions to NEPArsquos regulations which took effect on September 14 2020 85 Fed Reg 43304 43372 (Jul 16 2020) and among other major changes deleted the above quoted text id at 43357-58 Because the new regulations mark an unlawful departure from NEPArsquos text and purposes numerous parties including many of the Amici States are challenging them Eg Complaint California et al v CEQ No 20-cv-06057 (ND Cal Aug 28 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Environmental Justice Health Alliance et al v CEQ No 20-cv-6143 (SDNY Aug 6 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Wild Virg et al v CEQ No 20-cv-00045 (WD Va July 29 2020) ECF No 1 Because (i) the amended regulations did not take effect until September 14 2020 (ii) neither the Corps nor Dakota Access rely on them and (iii) the district courtrsquos opinions were based on the prior regulations this brief cites exclusively to the prior regulations

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residentsrsquo rights to be informed about and comment on the potential environmental

impacts of a proposed federal action See eg United States v Coalition for

Buzzards Bay 644 F3d 26 36 (1st Cir 2011) (granting Massachusettsrsquos claim that

agency violated NEPA by failing to consider increased risk of oil spills to

Massachusettsrsquos coastal waters)

The nature of the remedy for a federal agencyrsquos NEPA violation is critical to

protecting the Amici Statesrsquo interests NEPArsquos mandatory procedures are designed

to influence the agencyrsquos final action 40 CFR sect 15001(a) and to avoid or at least

mitigate the actionrsquos potential environmental harm id sectsect 15002(e) 150214

(alternatives) 150214(f) 150216(e)-(h) 15052(c) 15053 150820 (mitigation)

As the district court here aptly stated ldquoif you can build first and consider

environmental consequences later NEPArsquos action-forcing purpose loses its biterdquo I

Record Appendix (vol-RAp) 158 Indeed a ldquobuild-firstrdquo strategy risks entirely

draining NEPA of its purpose by allowing federal agencies and project proponents

alike to build first and then inflate economic consequences of vacatur as a means to

avoid vacatur altogether under Allied-Signal Inc v US Nuclear Regulatory

Commissionrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong 988 F2d 146 150 (DC Cir

1993) Judicial decisions that decline to vacate agency action that violates NEPA

incentivize federal agency decisionmakers to do the bare minimum and encourage

project proponents to advance their projects as quickly as possible so that they may

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later claim that the economic consequences of vacatur counsel against it

Conversely judicial decisions that vacate agency actions encourage NEPA

compliance and discourage project proponents from moving forward in the face of

litigation risk to distort the remedy analysis and render the action a fait accompli

Vacatur here thus protects Amici Statesrsquo interests in protecting the

environment and natural resources within their borders and beyond by encouraging

federal agencies to fully factor the potential environmental consequences of their

actions into their decision-making process before they act and deterring private party

tactics that distort the remedy analysis As now-Justice Breyer made clear ldquothe harm

at stakerdquo in NEPA cases ldquois a harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club v Marsh 872

F2d 497 500 (1st Cir 1989) ldquoNEPArsquos object is to minimize the risk of

uninformed choice a risk that arises in part from the practical fact that bureaucratic

decisionmakers (when the law permits) are less likely to tear down a nearly

completed project than a barely started projectrdquo Id at 500-01 For NEPA to matter

there must be significant consequences for non-compliance Vacatur is the means

to that end since vacating an agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing a

private party that benefitted from the action from proceeding with a project or

operating an already constructed project during remand And the Amici States do

not take that consequence lightly as states too are sometimes proponents of

challenged projects

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ARGUMENT I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance NEPArsquos text purpose and case law make clear that federal agency

compliance with NEPArsquos detailed ldquohard lookrdquo requirement is a prerequisite to the

lawfulness of an agencyrsquos action The Actrsquos command attaches at the outset of the

agencyrsquos decision-making process for taking final agency action requiring

evaluation of environmental effects of ldquoproposedrdquo actions 42 USC sect 4332(C)

(emphasis added) And NEPArsquos mandate with respect to those actions is likewise

clear ldquoto the fullest extent possible all agencies of the Federal Government shall

include in every recommendation or report on proposals for major Federal

actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment a detailed

statement by the responsible officialrdquo Id sect 4332 amp (C) see Department of Transp

v Public Citizen 541 US 752 765 (2004) (Federal agencies ldquobear[] the primary

responsibility to compl[y] with NEPArdquo) By statutory default that ldquodetailed

statementrdquo is an environmental impact statement which must evaluate and discuss

among other things ldquo(i) the environmental impact of the proposed action (ii) any

adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be

implemented [and] (iii) alternatives to the proposed actionrdquo Id sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii)2

2 NEPArsquos regulations also allow federal agencies to begin by performing a more

streamlined environmental assessment to determine whether an environmental impact statement is required 40 CFR sectsect 15013 15089 And the regulations

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NEPArsquos directive that agencies must comply ldquoto the fullest extent possiblerdquo

id sect 4332 ldquois neither accidental nor hyperbolicrdquo instead it is ldquoa deliberate

commandrdquo Flint Ridge Dev v Scenic Rivers Assrsquon 426 US 776 787 (1976) And

that command is two-fold ldquoFirst it lsquoplaces upon an agency the obligation to

consider every significant aspect of the environmental impact of a proposed actionrsquordquo

Baltimore Gas amp Electric v NRDC 462 US 87 97 (1983) (citation omitted)

ldquoSecond it ensures that the agency will inform the public that it has indeed

considered environmental concerns in its decisionmaking processrdquo Id To achieve

those aims NEPA ldquodemands that a decisionmakerrdquo take ldquoa hard lookrdquo at ldquoall

significant environmental impacts before choosing a course of actionrdquo Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 (emphasis added) While the Act does not dictate particular results

its procedures are intended to ldquoaffect the agencyrsquos substantive decisionrdquo Robertson

490 US at 350 Thus as this Court wrote soon after NEPArsquos enactment ldquoCongress

did not intend the Act to be a paper tigerrdquo instead ldquothe requirement of

environmental consideration lsquoto the fullest extent possiblersquo sets a high standard for

the agencies a standard which must be rigorously enforced by the reviewing courtsrdquo

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114

allow agencies to exclude categorically from NEPA review only certain agency actions that have previously been found not normally to have significant environmental impacts See id sect 15084

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Courts have repeatedly confirmed what NEPArsquos text and purpose dictate

federal agencies are required to comply with NEPA before they take final action

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 536 (DC Cir

2018) American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 37 (DC Cir 2018) Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 ldquoThe statute [thus] does not permit an agency to act first and comply

laterrdquo Oglala 896 F3d at 523 That ldquoanalyze first act secondrdquo mandate is based

on the common-sense notion that ldquo[i]t is far easier to influence an initial choice than

to change a mind already made uprdquo Sierra Club 872 F2 at 500 NEPA thus

requires that ldquoa valid [environmental impact statement] be prepared before the

agency grants [a] licenserdquo promulgates a regulation issues a permit or as in this

case grants an easement Oglala 896 F3d at 529 see also National Parks

Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 1079 (DC Cir 2019) (Corps had

to comply with NEPA ldquo[b]efore it could greenlight the projectrdquo by issuing

required permits) rehrsquog pet granted on remedy 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) In

other words the lawfulness of such final agency actions is dependent on the agencyrsquos

compliance with NEPArsquos ldquoaction forcingrdquo requirements See Calvert Cliffs 449

F2d at 1113 And accordingly an agencyrsquos violation of NEPA ldquofatally infect[s]rdquo

the agency action and renders the action unlawful See American Rivers 895 F3d

at 55

- 8 -

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II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here

Timely and faithful agency compliance with NEPA is critical to securing the

Actrsquos mandate and protecting Amici Statesrsquo interests Indeed this Court recognized

that fact more than forty years ago when it informed federal agencies that it would

ldquorigorously enforcerdquo NEPA Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 to ensure that agencies

fulfill the Actrsquos ldquoimportant legislative purposesrdquo id at 1111 see id at 1115 (ldquoIt is

hard to imagine a clearer or stronger mandate[]rdquo) Since then this Court has hewed

closely to those early forceful pronouncements by vacating agency actions that

violate NEPA and undermine its environmental-protection purpose See eg

American Rivers 895 F3d at 55 (vacating license renewal for hydroelectric dam

based on NEPA violation) American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873

F3d 914 932 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating agency decision to eliminate wild horse

territory based on NEPA violation) Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 1374-75

1379 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating without discussion FERC approval of operating

interstate natural-gas pipelines based on NEPA violation) And the United States

District Court for the District of Columbia has assiduously followed this Courtrsquos

lead Eg Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp

3d 1 2 (DDC 2016) (vacatur ldquois the standard remedyrdquo in NEPA cases (citation

omitted)) Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 79-80 (DDC 2010)

(ldquovacatur[] is the presumptively appropriate remedyrdquo)

- 9 -

Although courts ldquomay elect a different remedy based on lsquothe seriousness of

the orderrsquos deficienciesrsquo and lsquothe disruptive consequencesrsquo of vacaturrdquo this Court

has recognized that ldquovacatur is the default remedyrdquo Semonite 925 F3d at 501

(quoting Allied-Signal 988 F2d at 150-51) Thus only in ldquorare casesrdquo United Steel

v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 1287 (DC Cir 2019) has this

Court remanded without vacatur3 for example where a state ldquopermitting

requirement independently bar[red]rdquo the project from advancing until the agency

complied with NEPA eg Oglala 896 F3d at 538 vacatur would ldquodefeat the

enhanced protection of the environmental valuesrdquo afforded by a regulation North

Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 1178 (DC Cir 2008) (citation omitted) or vacatur

itself would ldquotemporarily defeat petitionerrsquos purposerdquo Environmental Def Fund v

EPA 898 F2d 183 190 (DC Cir 1990)4 Here however the district court correctly

rejected Dakota Accessrsquos claim that vacatur of the pipeline easement would cause

3 In the NEPA context as the district court stated ldquoto the Courtrsquos and the partiesrsquo

knowledge only twice has a court not vacated agency action that violated NEPA because of a missing or defective EISrdquo I-RA150

4 Amici States do not contend that remand without vacatur is never appropriate

Indeed Massachusetts along with some of the other State Amici have previously argued successfully for remand without vacatur where vacatur would cause actual harm to public health and the environment Eg Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) Amici States thus do not ask the Court to deviate from those precedents but instead to apply their guiding principles as the district court did correctly here

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environmental harm because the companyrsquos claim was entirely ldquospeculativerdquo and

based on ldquoinconclusive evidencerdquo I-RA161-62 Those factors thus do not exist in

this case

And in all events courts should first and foremost evaluate vacaturrsquos

potential disruptive consequences through the lens of the relevant statutersquos

objectives NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 1374 (DC Cir 2007) (partially vacating

rule because vacatur would not ldquoset backrdquo Clean Air Actrsquos purpose) see also

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 674 (DC Cir

2019) (declining to vacate where ldquoit would lsquoset backrsquo the Actrsquos objective of offering

financial services to people of small meansrdquo) After all ldquoa court sitting in equity

cannot lsquoignore the judgment of Congress deliberately expressed in legislationrsquordquo

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 498 (2001)

(citation omitted) And here in NEPA Congress plainly prioritized environmental

protection over all other considerations See Oglala 896 F3d at 529 (ldquoWe know

that the environmental values protected by NEPA are of high ordermdashbecause

Congress told us sordquo) The ldquoharm at stakerdquo when an agency violates NEPA is ldquoa

harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club 872 F2d at 504mdashan often irreversible

harmmdashnot the economic harm a project proponent may incur when a court finds an

agency violated NEPA when it authorized a project and vacates the agency action

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that unlawfully authorized it Thus the remedy for a NEPA violation must ldquoprotect

the purpose and integrity ofrdquo NEPA Semonite 925 F3d at 502

Indeed vacatur flows directly from NEPArsquos mandate which again requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions before their actions are

finalized Supra p8 see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d

31 43 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquoCongress[] require[d] environmental review and

authorization in advancerdquo) That remedy also flows directly from the Administrative

Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sect 706(2)(A)mdashthe act governing judicial review of

NEPA decisions see infra PtIIImdashsince it has long been held that vacatur is the

standard remedy for unlawful agency action under the APA Eg United Steel 925

F3d at 1287 (ldquoThe ordinary practice is to vacaterdquo) see Federal Power Commrsquon v

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 331 (1976) (agency decision

unsupported by administrative record must be vacated) And as discussed above

supra pp4-5 vacatur is an important tool to disincentivize a rush to complete a

project in the face of legal challenges to a federal agencyrsquos NEPA analysis that could

render the project a practical foregone conclusion or otherwise distort the analysis

for determining whether vacatur is appropriate See Semonite 925 F3d at 502

(describing as ldquotroublingrdquo the Corps and private project proponentrsquos ldquoattempt to

userdquo the projectrsquos completion to argue against vacatur for NEPA violation) That

- 12 -

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

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principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 4: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

Table of Contents ndash Continued Page

42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3 Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12

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Allied-Signal Inc v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 988 F2d 146 (DC Cir 1993) 4 10 13 21 25

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 (DC Cir 2019) 11

American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 (DC Cir 2018) 8 9

American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873 F3d 914 (DC Cir 2017) 9

Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 (7th Cir 2010) 20

Baltimore Gas amp Electric v NRDC 462 US 87 (1983) 7

Calvert Cliffsrsquo Coordinating Comm v US Atomic Energy Commrsquon 449 F2d 1109 (DC Cir 1974) 3 7 8 9 26

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 (DC Cir 2008) 19

Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019) 20

Department of Transp v Public Citizen 541 US 752 (2004) 6

EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 (DC Cir 2015) 14

Environmental Def Fund v EPA 898 F2d 183 (DC Cir 1990) 10

Federal Power Commrsquon v Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 (1976) 12

Flint Ridge Dev v Scenic Rivers Assrsquon 426 US 776 (1976) 7

Georgia v Tennessee Copper 206 US 230 (1907) 2

Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d 847 (DC Cir 1987) 21

Kleppe v Sierra Club 427 US 390 (1976) 3

- iv -

Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page

Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 (DDC June 5 2020) 20

Massachusetts v EPA 549 US 497 (2007) 2

Massachusetts v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 (DC Cir 1991) 21

McGirt v Oklahoma 140 S Ct 2452 (2020) 1 2 16

McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 (D Mass 2015) 20

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms 561 US 139 (2010) 17 18 25

National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 (DDC 2019) 22

National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 (DC Cir 2019) 8

National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) 8 10 12 22 23

Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 (9th Cir 1993) 14

New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 (SDNY 2019) 20

North Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 (DC Cir 2008) 10

NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 (DC Cir 2007) 11

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 (DC Cir 2018) 8 10 11 22

Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper 827 F3d 1077 (DC Cir 2016) 20 21

Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp 3d 1 (DDC 2016) 9

Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F Supp 1066 (DPR 1992) 15

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- v -

Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page

Robertson v Methow Valley Citizens Council 490 US 332 (1989)3 7

Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 (DC Cir 1985) 19 20

Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 (DC Cir 2017) 9 22 23

Sierra Club v Marsh 872 F2d 497 (1st Cir 1989) 5 7 8 11

Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d 978 (8th Cir 2011) 15

Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d 31 (DC Cir 2015) 12 13

Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 (DDC 2010) 9 21

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp 3d 91 (DDC 2017) 13 16 24

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 (DC Cir 2010) 18

United Haulers Assrsquon v Oneida-Harkimer Solid Waste Mgmt Auth 550 US 330 (2007) 2

United States v Coalition for Buzzards Bay 644 F3d 26 (1st Cir 2011) 4

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 (2001) 11

United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 (2020) 25

United Steel v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 (DC Cir 2019) 10 12

Western Watersheds Project v Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 (D Idaho 2020) 13

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- vi -

Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page


Administrative Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sectsect 701-706 (2018) 12

5 USC sect 703 19

5 USC sect 705 18

5 USC sect 706 18

5 USC sect 706(2) 18

5 USC sect 706(2)(A) 12 18

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 USC sectsect 4321-47 (2018) 1

42 USC sect 4331 3

42 USC sect 4332 6 7

42 USC sect 4332(C) 3 6

42 USC sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii) 6


40 CFR sect 15001(a) 2 4

40 CFR sect 15001(c) 3

40 CFR sect 15002(e) 4

40 CFR sect 15013 6

40 CFR sect 150214 4

40 CFR sect 150214(f) 4

40 CFR sect 150216(e)-(h) 4

40 CFR sect 15052(c) 4

40 CFR sect 15053 4

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- vii -

Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page

40 CFR sect 150820 4

40 CFR sect 15084 7

40 CFR sect 15089 6

Federal Register

85 Fed Reg 43304 (Jul 16 2020) 3


Attorney Generalrsquos Manual on the Administrative Procedure Act (1947) 19

Complaint California et al v CEQ No 20-cv-06057 (ND Cal Aug 28 2020) ECF No 1 3

Complaint Environmental Justice Health Alliance et al v CEQ No 20-cv-6143 (SDNY Aug 6 2020) ECF No 1 3

Complaint Wild Virg et al v CEQ No 20-cv-00045 (WD Va July 29 2020) ECF No 1 3

Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) 10

Motion of Corps for Partial Stay Pending Appeal Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 23

Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) 23

Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En Banc Rehrsquog Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6 2017) 23

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GLOSSARY Amici States Commonwealth of Massachusetts the States of California Connecticut Delaware Illinois

Maine Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of Guam and Harris County Texas

APA Administrative Procedure Act

Corps US Army Corps of Engineers

CEQ Council on Environmental Quality Dakota Access Dakota Access LLC NEPA National Environmental Policy Act Tribes Standing Rock Sioux Cheyenne River Sioux Oglala Sioux and Yankton Sioux Tribes

- ix -

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STATUTES AND REGULATIONS Amici States have included the pertinent statutes and regulations cited in this

brief in the attached addendum

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Amici Massachusetts California Connecticut Delaware Illinois Maine

Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode

Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of

Guam and Harris County Texas submit this brief in support of the Standing Rock

Sioux Cheyenne River Sioux Oglala Sioux and Yankton Sioux Tribes and

affirmance of the district courtrsquos merits and remedy opinions The Tribes

prevailedmdashfor a second timemdashon their claim that the US Army Corps of Engineers

(Corps) violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 USC

sectsect 4321-47 (2018) To remedy that second violation the district court properly

exercised its discretion to vacate the Corpsrsquos action to grant an easement relief that

required suspension of the pipeline operations the vacated easement had authorized

The Tribes sought that relief to compel the United States to fulfill the promise of

environmental protection enshrined in NEPA and the United Statesrsquos promise to

protect the Tribes and the natural resources on which they dependmdasha promise far

too often broken See First Amended Complaint (ECF No 241) at parapara 11-24 The

facts of this case too ldquofollow a sadly familiar patternrdquo McGirt v Oklahoma 140 S

Ct 2452 2482 (2020) This Court should affirm vacatur of the Corpsrsquos NEPA-

violative action and reject the Corps and Dakota Access LLCrsquos attempt ldquoto elevaterdquo

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claims of economic harm ldquoover the lawrdquo See id Doing otherwise would ldquoreward[]

wrong and fail[] those in the rightrdquo See id

Amici States have much at stake in this case More than one hundred years

ago the Supreme Court made clear that states have significant interests ldquoindependent

of and behind the titles of [their] citizens in all the earth and air within [their]

domainrdquo Georgia v Tennessee Copper 206 US 230 237 (1907) States thus hold

a quasi-sovereign interest in preventing harm to the environment and natural

resources within their borders Massachusetts v EPA 549 US 497 518-22 (2007)

States as sovereigns also are ldquovested with the responsibility of protecting the health

safety and welfare of [their] citizensrdquo United Haulers Assrsquon v Oneida-Harkimer

Solid Waste Mgmt Auth 550 US 330 342 (2007) The potential for federal actions

to affect those state interests is immense And todaymdashin the midst of the devastating

effects of a changing climate and increasing awareness that environmental harms are

disproportionately borne by our most vulnerable and historically disenfranchised

communitiesmdashit is more important than ever to fully understand evaluate and

disclose for public dialogue the environmental effects of major federal actions

Amici States thus have an unquestionable interest in the federal governmentrsquos

compliance with laws enacted to protect the environment Of those laws NEPA

ldquoour basic national charter for protection of the environmentrdquo 40 CFR sect 15001(a)

- 2 -

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(2019)1 is ldquoperhaps most importantrdquo Calvert Cliffsrsquo Coordinating Comm v US

Atomic Energy Commrsquon 449 F2d 1109 1111 (DC Cir 1974) NEPA requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions Robertson v Methow Valley

Citizens Council 490 US 332 349-50 (1989) (quoting Kleppe v Sierra Club 427

US 390 410 n21 (1976)) and to inform states and the public about those potential

consequences before they take final agency action see 42 USC sect 4332(C)

NEPArsquos mandate thus seeks to ensure that federal agencies understand the potential

environmental consequences of their proposed actions id sect 4331 and use that

knowledge to ldquotake actions that protect restore and enhance the environmentrdquo 40

CFR sect 15001(c) If a federal agency violates NEPA as the district court twice

found the Corps did here that violation affects the Amici Statesrsquo interests in

protecting their environment and natural resources as well as their own and their

1 On July 16 2020 the Council on Environmental Quality promulgated

substantial revisions to NEPArsquos regulations which took effect on September 14 2020 85 Fed Reg 43304 43372 (Jul 16 2020) and among other major changes deleted the above quoted text id at 43357-58 Because the new regulations mark an unlawful departure from NEPArsquos text and purposes numerous parties including many of the Amici States are challenging them Eg Complaint California et al v CEQ No 20-cv-06057 (ND Cal Aug 28 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Environmental Justice Health Alliance et al v CEQ No 20-cv-6143 (SDNY Aug 6 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Wild Virg et al v CEQ No 20-cv-00045 (WD Va July 29 2020) ECF No 1 Because (i) the amended regulations did not take effect until September 14 2020 (ii) neither the Corps nor Dakota Access rely on them and (iii) the district courtrsquos opinions were based on the prior regulations this brief cites exclusively to the prior regulations

- 3 -

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residentsrsquo rights to be informed about and comment on the potential environmental

impacts of a proposed federal action See eg United States v Coalition for

Buzzards Bay 644 F3d 26 36 (1st Cir 2011) (granting Massachusettsrsquos claim that

agency violated NEPA by failing to consider increased risk of oil spills to

Massachusettsrsquos coastal waters)

The nature of the remedy for a federal agencyrsquos NEPA violation is critical to

protecting the Amici Statesrsquo interests NEPArsquos mandatory procedures are designed

to influence the agencyrsquos final action 40 CFR sect 15001(a) and to avoid or at least

mitigate the actionrsquos potential environmental harm id sectsect 15002(e) 150214

(alternatives) 150214(f) 150216(e)-(h) 15052(c) 15053 150820 (mitigation)

As the district court here aptly stated ldquoif you can build first and consider

environmental consequences later NEPArsquos action-forcing purpose loses its biterdquo I

Record Appendix (vol-RAp) 158 Indeed a ldquobuild-firstrdquo strategy risks entirely

draining NEPA of its purpose by allowing federal agencies and project proponents

alike to build first and then inflate economic consequences of vacatur as a means to

avoid vacatur altogether under Allied-Signal Inc v US Nuclear Regulatory

Commissionrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong 988 F2d 146 150 (DC Cir

1993) Judicial decisions that decline to vacate agency action that violates NEPA

incentivize federal agency decisionmakers to do the bare minimum and encourage

project proponents to advance their projects as quickly as possible so that they may

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later claim that the economic consequences of vacatur counsel against it

Conversely judicial decisions that vacate agency actions encourage NEPA

compliance and discourage project proponents from moving forward in the face of

litigation risk to distort the remedy analysis and render the action a fait accompli

Vacatur here thus protects Amici Statesrsquo interests in protecting the

environment and natural resources within their borders and beyond by encouraging

federal agencies to fully factor the potential environmental consequences of their

actions into their decision-making process before they act and deterring private party

tactics that distort the remedy analysis As now-Justice Breyer made clear ldquothe harm

at stakerdquo in NEPA cases ldquois a harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club v Marsh 872

F2d 497 500 (1st Cir 1989) ldquoNEPArsquos object is to minimize the risk of

uninformed choice a risk that arises in part from the practical fact that bureaucratic

decisionmakers (when the law permits) are less likely to tear down a nearly

completed project than a barely started projectrdquo Id at 500-01 For NEPA to matter

there must be significant consequences for non-compliance Vacatur is the means

to that end since vacating an agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing a

private party that benefitted from the action from proceeding with a project or

operating an already constructed project during remand And the Amici States do

not take that consequence lightly as states too are sometimes proponents of

challenged projects

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ARGUMENT I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance NEPArsquos text purpose and case law make clear that federal agency

compliance with NEPArsquos detailed ldquohard lookrdquo requirement is a prerequisite to the

lawfulness of an agencyrsquos action The Actrsquos command attaches at the outset of the

agencyrsquos decision-making process for taking final agency action requiring

evaluation of environmental effects of ldquoproposedrdquo actions 42 USC sect 4332(C)

(emphasis added) And NEPArsquos mandate with respect to those actions is likewise

clear ldquoto the fullest extent possible all agencies of the Federal Government shall

include in every recommendation or report on proposals for major Federal

actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment a detailed

statement by the responsible officialrdquo Id sect 4332 amp (C) see Department of Transp

v Public Citizen 541 US 752 765 (2004) (Federal agencies ldquobear[] the primary

responsibility to compl[y] with NEPArdquo) By statutory default that ldquodetailed

statementrdquo is an environmental impact statement which must evaluate and discuss

among other things ldquo(i) the environmental impact of the proposed action (ii) any

adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be

implemented [and] (iii) alternatives to the proposed actionrdquo Id sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii)2

2 NEPArsquos regulations also allow federal agencies to begin by performing a more

streamlined environmental assessment to determine whether an environmental impact statement is required 40 CFR sectsect 15013 15089 And the regulations

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NEPArsquos directive that agencies must comply ldquoto the fullest extent possiblerdquo

id sect 4332 ldquois neither accidental nor hyperbolicrdquo instead it is ldquoa deliberate

commandrdquo Flint Ridge Dev v Scenic Rivers Assrsquon 426 US 776 787 (1976) And

that command is two-fold ldquoFirst it lsquoplaces upon an agency the obligation to

consider every significant aspect of the environmental impact of a proposed actionrsquordquo

Baltimore Gas amp Electric v NRDC 462 US 87 97 (1983) (citation omitted)

ldquoSecond it ensures that the agency will inform the public that it has indeed

considered environmental concerns in its decisionmaking processrdquo Id To achieve

those aims NEPA ldquodemands that a decisionmakerrdquo take ldquoa hard lookrdquo at ldquoall

significant environmental impacts before choosing a course of actionrdquo Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 (emphasis added) While the Act does not dictate particular results

its procedures are intended to ldquoaffect the agencyrsquos substantive decisionrdquo Robertson

490 US at 350 Thus as this Court wrote soon after NEPArsquos enactment ldquoCongress

did not intend the Act to be a paper tigerrdquo instead ldquothe requirement of

environmental consideration lsquoto the fullest extent possiblersquo sets a high standard for

the agencies a standard which must be rigorously enforced by the reviewing courtsrdquo

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114

allow agencies to exclude categorically from NEPA review only certain agency actions that have previously been found not normally to have significant environmental impacts See id sect 15084

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Courts have repeatedly confirmed what NEPArsquos text and purpose dictate

federal agencies are required to comply with NEPA before they take final action

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 536 (DC Cir

2018) American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 37 (DC Cir 2018) Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 ldquoThe statute [thus] does not permit an agency to act first and comply

laterrdquo Oglala 896 F3d at 523 That ldquoanalyze first act secondrdquo mandate is based

on the common-sense notion that ldquo[i]t is far easier to influence an initial choice than

to change a mind already made uprdquo Sierra Club 872 F2 at 500 NEPA thus

requires that ldquoa valid [environmental impact statement] be prepared before the

agency grants [a] licenserdquo promulgates a regulation issues a permit or as in this

case grants an easement Oglala 896 F3d at 529 see also National Parks

Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 1079 (DC Cir 2019) (Corps had

to comply with NEPA ldquo[b]efore it could greenlight the projectrdquo by issuing

required permits) rehrsquog pet granted on remedy 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) In

other words the lawfulness of such final agency actions is dependent on the agencyrsquos

compliance with NEPArsquos ldquoaction forcingrdquo requirements See Calvert Cliffs 449

F2d at 1113 And accordingly an agencyrsquos violation of NEPA ldquofatally infect[s]rdquo

the agency action and renders the action unlawful See American Rivers 895 F3d

at 55

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II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here

Timely and faithful agency compliance with NEPA is critical to securing the

Actrsquos mandate and protecting Amici Statesrsquo interests Indeed this Court recognized

that fact more than forty years ago when it informed federal agencies that it would

ldquorigorously enforcerdquo NEPA Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 to ensure that agencies

fulfill the Actrsquos ldquoimportant legislative purposesrdquo id at 1111 see id at 1115 (ldquoIt is

hard to imagine a clearer or stronger mandate[]rdquo) Since then this Court has hewed

closely to those early forceful pronouncements by vacating agency actions that

violate NEPA and undermine its environmental-protection purpose See eg

American Rivers 895 F3d at 55 (vacating license renewal for hydroelectric dam

based on NEPA violation) American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873

F3d 914 932 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating agency decision to eliminate wild horse

territory based on NEPA violation) Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 1374-75

1379 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating without discussion FERC approval of operating

interstate natural-gas pipelines based on NEPA violation) And the United States

District Court for the District of Columbia has assiduously followed this Courtrsquos

lead Eg Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp

3d 1 2 (DDC 2016) (vacatur ldquois the standard remedyrdquo in NEPA cases (citation

omitted)) Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 79-80 (DDC 2010)

(ldquovacatur[] is the presumptively appropriate remedyrdquo)

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Although courts ldquomay elect a different remedy based on lsquothe seriousness of

the orderrsquos deficienciesrsquo and lsquothe disruptive consequencesrsquo of vacaturrdquo this Court

has recognized that ldquovacatur is the default remedyrdquo Semonite 925 F3d at 501

(quoting Allied-Signal 988 F2d at 150-51) Thus only in ldquorare casesrdquo United Steel

v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 1287 (DC Cir 2019) has this

Court remanded without vacatur3 for example where a state ldquopermitting

requirement independently bar[red]rdquo the project from advancing until the agency

complied with NEPA eg Oglala 896 F3d at 538 vacatur would ldquodefeat the

enhanced protection of the environmental valuesrdquo afforded by a regulation North

Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 1178 (DC Cir 2008) (citation omitted) or vacatur

itself would ldquotemporarily defeat petitionerrsquos purposerdquo Environmental Def Fund v

EPA 898 F2d 183 190 (DC Cir 1990)4 Here however the district court correctly

rejected Dakota Accessrsquos claim that vacatur of the pipeline easement would cause

3 In the NEPA context as the district court stated ldquoto the Courtrsquos and the partiesrsquo

knowledge only twice has a court not vacated agency action that violated NEPA because of a missing or defective EISrdquo I-RA150

4 Amici States do not contend that remand without vacatur is never appropriate

Indeed Massachusetts along with some of the other State Amici have previously argued successfully for remand without vacatur where vacatur would cause actual harm to public health and the environment Eg Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) Amici States thus do not ask the Court to deviate from those precedents but instead to apply their guiding principles as the district court did correctly here

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environmental harm because the companyrsquos claim was entirely ldquospeculativerdquo and

based on ldquoinconclusive evidencerdquo I-RA161-62 Those factors thus do not exist in

this case

And in all events courts should first and foremost evaluate vacaturrsquos

potential disruptive consequences through the lens of the relevant statutersquos

objectives NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 1374 (DC Cir 2007) (partially vacating

rule because vacatur would not ldquoset backrdquo Clean Air Actrsquos purpose) see also

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 674 (DC Cir

2019) (declining to vacate where ldquoit would lsquoset backrsquo the Actrsquos objective of offering

financial services to people of small meansrdquo) After all ldquoa court sitting in equity

cannot lsquoignore the judgment of Congress deliberately expressed in legislationrsquordquo

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 498 (2001)

(citation omitted) And here in NEPA Congress plainly prioritized environmental

protection over all other considerations See Oglala 896 F3d at 529 (ldquoWe know

that the environmental values protected by NEPA are of high ordermdashbecause

Congress told us sordquo) The ldquoharm at stakerdquo when an agency violates NEPA is ldquoa

harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club 872 F2d at 504mdashan often irreversible

harmmdashnot the economic harm a project proponent may incur when a court finds an

agency violated NEPA when it authorized a project and vacates the agency action

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that unlawfully authorized it Thus the remedy for a NEPA violation must ldquoprotect

the purpose and integrity ofrdquo NEPA Semonite 925 F3d at 502

Indeed vacatur flows directly from NEPArsquos mandate which again requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions before their actions are

finalized Supra p8 see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d

31 43 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquoCongress[] require[d] environmental review and

authorization in advancerdquo) That remedy also flows directly from the Administrative

Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sect 706(2)(A)mdashthe act governing judicial review of

NEPA decisions see infra PtIIImdashsince it has long been held that vacatur is the

standard remedy for unlawful agency action under the APA Eg United Steel 925

F3d at 1287 (ldquoThe ordinary practice is to vacaterdquo) see Federal Power Commrsquon v

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 331 (1976) (agency decision

unsupported by administrative record must be vacated) And as discussed above

supra pp4-5 vacatur is an important tool to disincentivize a rush to complete a

project in the face of legal challenges to a federal agencyrsquos NEPA analysis that could

render the project a practical foregone conclusion or otherwise distort the analysis

for determining whether vacatur is appropriate See Semonite 925 F3d at 502

(describing as ldquotroublingrdquo the Corps and private project proponentrsquos ldquoattempt to

userdquo the projectrsquos completion to argue against vacatur for NEPA violation) That

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

- 23 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 35 of 56

principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

- 24 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 36 of 56

such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

- 25 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 37 of 56

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

- 26 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 38 of 56

FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 40 of 56

FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 42 of 56


I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 5: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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Allied-Signal Inc v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 988 F2d 146 (DC Cir 1993) 4 10 13 21 25

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 (DC Cir 2019) 11

American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 (DC Cir 2018) 8 9

American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873 F3d 914 (DC Cir 2017) 9

Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 (7th Cir 2010) 20

Baltimore Gas amp Electric v NRDC 462 US 87 (1983) 7

Calvert Cliffsrsquo Coordinating Comm v US Atomic Energy Commrsquon 449 F2d 1109 (DC Cir 1974) 3 7 8 9 26

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 (DC Cir 2008) 19

Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019) 20

Department of Transp v Public Citizen 541 US 752 (2004) 6

EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 (DC Cir 2015) 14

Environmental Def Fund v EPA 898 F2d 183 (DC Cir 1990) 10

Federal Power Commrsquon v Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 (1976) 12

Flint Ridge Dev v Scenic Rivers Assrsquon 426 US 776 (1976) 7

Georgia v Tennessee Copper 206 US 230 (1907) 2

Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d 847 (DC Cir 1987) 21

Kleppe v Sierra Club 427 US 390 (1976) 3

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Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page

Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 (DDC June 5 2020) 20

Massachusetts v EPA 549 US 497 (2007) 2

Massachusetts v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 (DC Cir 1991) 21

McGirt v Oklahoma 140 S Ct 2452 (2020) 1 2 16

McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 (D Mass 2015) 20

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms 561 US 139 (2010) 17 18 25

National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 (DDC 2019) 22

National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 (DC Cir 2019) 8

National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) 8 10 12 22 23

Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 (9th Cir 1993) 14

New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 (SDNY 2019) 20

North Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 (DC Cir 2008) 10

NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 (DC Cir 2007) 11

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 (DC Cir 2018) 8 10 11 22

Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper 827 F3d 1077 (DC Cir 2016) 20 21

Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp 3d 1 (DDC 2016) 9

Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F Supp 1066 (DPR 1992) 15

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- v -

Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page

Robertson v Methow Valley Citizens Council 490 US 332 (1989)3 7

Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 (DC Cir 1985) 19 20

Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 (DC Cir 2017) 9 22 23

Sierra Club v Marsh 872 F2d 497 (1st Cir 1989) 5 7 8 11

Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d 978 (8th Cir 2011) 15

Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d 31 (DC Cir 2015) 12 13

Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 (DDC 2010) 9 21

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp 3d 91 (DDC 2017) 13 16 24

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 (DC Cir 2010) 18

United Haulers Assrsquon v Oneida-Harkimer Solid Waste Mgmt Auth 550 US 330 (2007) 2

United States v Coalition for Buzzards Bay 644 F3d 26 (1st Cir 2011) 4

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 (2001) 11

United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 (2020) 25

United Steel v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 (DC Cir 2019) 10 12

Western Watersheds Project v Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 (D Idaho 2020) 13

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Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page


Administrative Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sectsect 701-706 (2018) 12

5 USC sect 703 19

5 USC sect 705 18

5 USC sect 706 18

5 USC sect 706(2) 18

5 USC sect 706(2)(A) 12 18

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 USC sectsect 4321-47 (2018) 1

42 USC sect 4331 3

42 USC sect 4332 6 7

42 USC sect 4332(C) 3 6

42 USC sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii) 6


40 CFR sect 15001(a) 2 4

40 CFR sect 15001(c) 3

40 CFR sect 15002(e) 4

40 CFR sect 15013 6

40 CFR sect 150214 4

40 CFR sect 150214(f) 4

40 CFR sect 150216(e)-(h) 4

40 CFR sect 15052(c) 4

40 CFR sect 15053 4

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Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page

40 CFR sect 150820 4

40 CFR sect 15084 7

40 CFR sect 15089 6

Federal Register

85 Fed Reg 43304 (Jul 16 2020) 3


Attorney Generalrsquos Manual on the Administrative Procedure Act (1947) 19

Complaint California et al v CEQ No 20-cv-06057 (ND Cal Aug 28 2020) ECF No 1 3

Complaint Environmental Justice Health Alliance et al v CEQ No 20-cv-6143 (SDNY Aug 6 2020) ECF No 1 3

Complaint Wild Virg et al v CEQ No 20-cv-00045 (WD Va July 29 2020) ECF No 1 3

Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) 10

Motion of Corps for Partial Stay Pending Appeal Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 23

Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) 23

Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En Banc Rehrsquog Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6 2017) 23

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GLOSSARY Amici States Commonwealth of Massachusetts the States of California Connecticut Delaware Illinois

Maine Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of Guam and Harris County Texas

APA Administrative Procedure Act

Corps US Army Corps of Engineers

CEQ Council on Environmental Quality Dakota Access Dakota Access LLC NEPA National Environmental Policy Act Tribes Standing Rock Sioux Cheyenne River Sioux Oglala Sioux and Yankton Sioux Tribes

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STATUTES AND REGULATIONS Amici States have included the pertinent statutes and regulations cited in this

brief in the attached addendum

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Amici Massachusetts California Connecticut Delaware Illinois Maine

Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode

Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of

Guam and Harris County Texas submit this brief in support of the Standing Rock

Sioux Cheyenne River Sioux Oglala Sioux and Yankton Sioux Tribes and

affirmance of the district courtrsquos merits and remedy opinions The Tribes

prevailedmdashfor a second timemdashon their claim that the US Army Corps of Engineers

(Corps) violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 USC

sectsect 4321-47 (2018) To remedy that second violation the district court properly

exercised its discretion to vacate the Corpsrsquos action to grant an easement relief that

required suspension of the pipeline operations the vacated easement had authorized

The Tribes sought that relief to compel the United States to fulfill the promise of

environmental protection enshrined in NEPA and the United Statesrsquos promise to

protect the Tribes and the natural resources on which they dependmdasha promise far

too often broken See First Amended Complaint (ECF No 241) at parapara 11-24 The

facts of this case too ldquofollow a sadly familiar patternrdquo McGirt v Oklahoma 140 S

Ct 2452 2482 (2020) This Court should affirm vacatur of the Corpsrsquos NEPA-

violative action and reject the Corps and Dakota Access LLCrsquos attempt ldquoto elevaterdquo

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claims of economic harm ldquoover the lawrdquo See id Doing otherwise would ldquoreward[]

wrong and fail[] those in the rightrdquo See id

Amici States have much at stake in this case More than one hundred years

ago the Supreme Court made clear that states have significant interests ldquoindependent

of and behind the titles of [their] citizens in all the earth and air within [their]

domainrdquo Georgia v Tennessee Copper 206 US 230 237 (1907) States thus hold

a quasi-sovereign interest in preventing harm to the environment and natural

resources within their borders Massachusetts v EPA 549 US 497 518-22 (2007)

States as sovereigns also are ldquovested with the responsibility of protecting the health

safety and welfare of [their] citizensrdquo United Haulers Assrsquon v Oneida-Harkimer

Solid Waste Mgmt Auth 550 US 330 342 (2007) The potential for federal actions

to affect those state interests is immense And todaymdashin the midst of the devastating

effects of a changing climate and increasing awareness that environmental harms are

disproportionately borne by our most vulnerable and historically disenfranchised

communitiesmdashit is more important than ever to fully understand evaluate and

disclose for public dialogue the environmental effects of major federal actions

Amici States thus have an unquestionable interest in the federal governmentrsquos

compliance with laws enacted to protect the environment Of those laws NEPA

ldquoour basic national charter for protection of the environmentrdquo 40 CFR sect 15001(a)

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(2019)1 is ldquoperhaps most importantrdquo Calvert Cliffsrsquo Coordinating Comm v US

Atomic Energy Commrsquon 449 F2d 1109 1111 (DC Cir 1974) NEPA requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions Robertson v Methow Valley

Citizens Council 490 US 332 349-50 (1989) (quoting Kleppe v Sierra Club 427

US 390 410 n21 (1976)) and to inform states and the public about those potential

consequences before they take final agency action see 42 USC sect 4332(C)

NEPArsquos mandate thus seeks to ensure that federal agencies understand the potential

environmental consequences of their proposed actions id sect 4331 and use that

knowledge to ldquotake actions that protect restore and enhance the environmentrdquo 40

CFR sect 15001(c) If a federal agency violates NEPA as the district court twice

found the Corps did here that violation affects the Amici Statesrsquo interests in

protecting their environment and natural resources as well as their own and their

1 On July 16 2020 the Council on Environmental Quality promulgated

substantial revisions to NEPArsquos regulations which took effect on September 14 2020 85 Fed Reg 43304 43372 (Jul 16 2020) and among other major changes deleted the above quoted text id at 43357-58 Because the new regulations mark an unlawful departure from NEPArsquos text and purposes numerous parties including many of the Amici States are challenging them Eg Complaint California et al v CEQ No 20-cv-06057 (ND Cal Aug 28 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Environmental Justice Health Alliance et al v CEQ No 20-cv-6143 (SDNY Aug 6 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Wild Virg et al v CEQ No 20-cv-00045 (WD Va July 29 2020) ECF No 1 Because (i) the amended regulations did not take effect until September 14 2020 (ii) neither the Corps nor Dakota Access rely on them and (iii) the district courtrsquos opinions were based on the prior regulations this brief cites exclusively to the prior regulations

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residentsrsquo rights to be informed about and comment on the potential environmental

impacts of a proposed federal action See eg United States v Coalition for

Buzzards Bay 644 F3d 26 36 (1st Cir 2011) (granting Massachusettsrsquos claim that

agency violated NEPA by failing to consider increased risk of oil spills to

Massachusettsrsquos coastal waters)

The nature of the remedy for a federal agencyrsquos NEPA violation is critical to

protecting the Amici Statesrsquo interests NEPArsquos mandatory procedures are designed

to influence the agencyrsquos final action 40 CFR sect 15001(a) and to avoid or at least

mitigate the actionrsquos potential environmental harm id sectsect 15002(e) 150214

(alternatives) 150214(f) 150216(e)-(h) 15052(c) 15053 150820 (mitigation)

As the district court here aptly stated ldquoif you can build first and consider

environmental consequences later NEPArsquos action-forcing purpose loses its biterdquo I

Record Appendix (vol-RAp) 158 Indeed a ldquobuild-firstrdquo strategy risks entirely

draining NEPA of its purpose by allowing federal agencies and project proponents

alike to build first and then inflate economic consequences of vacatur as a means to

avoid vacatur altogether under Allied-Signal Inc v US Nuclear Regulatory

Commissionrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong 988 F2d 146 150 (DC Cir

1993) Judicial decisions that decline to vacate agency action that violates NEPA

incentivize federal agency decisionmakers to do the bare minimum and encourage

project proponents to advance their projects as quickly as possible so that they may

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later claim that the economic consequences of vacatur counsel against it

Conversely judicial decisions that vacate agency actions encourage NEPA

compliance and discourage project proponents from moving forward in the face of

litigation risk to distort the remedy analysis and render the action a fait accompli

Vacatur here thus protects Amici Statesrsquo interests in protecting the

environment and natural resources within their borders and beyond by encouraging

federal agencies to fully factor the potential environmental consequences of their

actions into their decision-making process before they act and deterring private party

tactics that distort the remedy analysis As now-Justice Breyer made clear ldquothe harm

at stakerdquo in NEPA cases ldquois a harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club v Marsh 872

F2d 497 500 (1st Cir 1989) ldquoNEPArsquos object is to minimize the risk of

uninformed choice a risk that arises in part from the practical fact that bureaucratic

decisionmakers (when the law permits) are less likely to tear down a nearly

completed project than a barely started projectrdquo Id at 500-01 For NEPA to matter

there must be significant consequences for non-compliance Vacatur is the means

to that end since vacating an agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing a

private party that benefitted from the action from proceeding with a project or

operating an already constructed project during remand And the Amici States do

not take that consequence lightly as states too are sometimes proponents of

challenged projects

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ARGUMENT I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance NEPArsquos text purpose and case law make clear that federal agency

compliance with NEPArsquos detailed ldquohard lookrdquo requirement is a prerequisite to the

lawfulness of an agencyrsquos action The Actrsquos command attaches at the outset of the

agencyrsquos decision-making process for taking final agency action requiring

evaluation of environmental effects of ldquoproposedrdquo actions 42 USC sect 4332(C)

(emphasis added) And NEPArsquos mandate with respect to those actions is likewise

clear ldquoto the fullest extent possible all agencies of the Federal Government shall

include in every recommendation or report on proposals for major Federal

actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment a detailed

statement by the responsible officialrdquo Id sect 4332 amp (C) see Department of Transp

v Public Citizen 541 US 752 765 (2004) (Federal agencies ldquobear[] the primary

responsibility to compl[y] with NEPArdquo) By statutory default that ldquodetailed

statementrdquo is an environmental impact statement which must evaluate and discuss

among other things ldquo(i) the environmental impact of the proposed action (ii) any

adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be

implemented [and] (iii) alternatives to the proposed actionrdquo Id sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii)2

2 NEPArsquos regulations also allow federal agencies to begin by performing a more

streamlined environmental assessment to determine whether an environmental impact statement is required 40 CFR sectsect 15013 15089 And the regulations

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NEPArsquos directive that agencies must comply ldquoto the fullest extent possiblerdquo

id sect 4332 ldquois neither accidental nor hyperbolicrdquo instead it is ldquoa deliberate

commandrdquo Flint Ridge Dev v Scenic Rivers Assrsquon 426 US 776 787 (1976) And

that command is two-fold ldquoFirst it lsquoplaces upon an agency the obligation to

consider every significant aspect of the environmental impact of a proposed actionrsquordquo

Baltimore Gas amp Electric v NRDC 462 US 87 97 (1983) (citation omitted)

ldquoSecond it ensures that the agency will inform the public that it has indeed

considered environmental concerns in its decisionmaking processrdquo Id To achieve

those aims NEPA ldquodemands that a decisionmakerrdquo take ldquoa hard lookrdquo at ldquoall

significant environmental impacts before choosing a course of actionrdquo Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 (emphasis added) While the Act does not dictate particular results

its procedures are intended to ldquoaffect the agencyrsquos substantive decisionrdquo Robertson

490 US at 350 Thus as this Court wrote soon after NEPArsquos enactment ldquoCongress

did not intend the Act to be a paper tigerrdquo instead ldquothe requirement of

environmental consideration lsquoto the fullest extent possiblersquo sets a high standard for

the agencies a standard which must be rigorously enforced by the reviewing courtsrdquo

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114

allow agencies to exclude categorically from NEPA review only certain agency actions that have previously been found not normally to have significant environmental impacts See id sect 15084

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Courts have repeatedly confirmed what NEPArsquos text and purpose dictate

federal agencies are required to comply with NEPA before they take final action

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 536 (DC Cir

2018) American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 37 (DC Cir 2018) Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 ldquoThe statute [thus] does not permit an agency to act first and comply

laterrdquo Oglala 896 F3d at 523 That ldquoanalyze first act secondrdquo mandate is based

on the common-sense notion that ldquo[i]t is far easier to influence an initial choice than

to change a mind already made uprdquo Sierra Club 872 F2 at 500 NEPA thus

requires that ldquoa valid [environmental impact statement] be prepared before the

agency grants [a] licenserdquo promulgates a regulation issues a permit or as in this

case grants an easement Oglala 896 F3d at 529 see also National Parks

Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 1079 (DC Cir 2019) (Corps had

to comply with NEPA ldquo[b]efore it could greenlight the projectrdquo by issuing

required permits) rehrsquog pet granted on remedy 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) In

other words the lawfulness of such final agency actions is dependent on the agencyrsquos

compliance with NEPArsquos ldquoaction forcingrdquo requirements See Calvert Cliffs 449

F2d at 1113 And accordingly an agencyrsquos violation of NEPA ldquofatally infect[s]rdquo

the agency action and renders the action unlawful See American Rivers 895 F3d

at 55

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II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here

Timely and faithful agency compliance with NEPA is critical to securing the

Actrsquos mandate and protecting Amici Statesrsquo interests Indeed this Court recognized

that fact more than forty years ago when it informed federal agencies that it would

ldquorigorously enforcerdquo NEPA Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 to ensure that agencies

fulfill the Actrsquos ldquoimportant legislative purposesrdquo id at 1111 see id at 1115 (ldquoIt is

hard to imagine a clearer or stronger mandate[]rdquo) Since then this Court has hewed

closely to those early forceful pronouncements by vacating agency actions that

violate NEPA and undermine its environmental-protection purpose See eg

American Rivers 895 F3d at 55 (vacating license renewal for hydroelectric dam

based on NEPA violation) American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873

F3d 914 932 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating agency decision to eliminate wild horse

territory based on NEPA violation) Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 1374-75

1379 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating without discussion FERC approval of operating

interstate natural-gas pipelines based on NEPA violation) And the United States

District Court for the District of Columbia has assiduously followed this Courtrsquos

lead Eg Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp

3d 1 2 (DDC 2016) (vacatur ldquois the standard remedyrdquo in NEPA cases (citation

omitted)) Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 79-80 (DDC 2010)

(ldquovacatur[] is the presumptively appropriate remedyrdquo)

- 9 -

Although courts ldquomay elect a different remedy based on lsquothe seriousness of

the orderrsquos deficienciesrsquo and lsquothe disruptive consequencesrsquo of vacaturrdquo this Court

has recognized that ldquovacatur is the default remedyrdquo Semonite 925 F3d at 501

(quoting Allied-Signal 988 F2d at 150-51) Thus only in ldquorare casesrdquo United Steel

v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 1287 (DC Cir 2019) has this

Court remanded without vacatur3 for example where a state ldquopermitting

requirement independently bar[red]rdquo the project from advancing until the agency

complied with NEPA eg Oglala 896 F3d at 538 vacatur would ldquodefeat the

enhanced protection of the environmental valuesrdquo afforded by a regulation North

Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 1178 (DC Cir 2008) (citation omitted) or vacatur

itself would ldquotemporarily defeat petitionerrsquos purposerdquo Environmental Def Fund v

EPA 898 F2d 183 190 (DC Cir 1990)4 Here however the district court correctly

rejected Dakota Accessrsquos claim that vacatur of the pipeline easement would cause

3 In the NEPA context as the district court stated ldquoto the Courtrsquos and the partiesrsquo

knowledge only twice has a court not vacated agency action that violated NEPA because of a missing or defective EISrdquo I-RA150

4 Amici States do not contend that remand without vacatur is never appropriate

Indeed Massachusetts along with some of the other State Amici have previously argued successfully for remand without vacatur where vacatur would cause actual harm to public health and the environment Eg Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) Amici States thus do not ask the Court to deviate from those precedents but instead to apply their guiding principles as the district court did correctly here

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environmental harm because the companyrsquos claim was entirely ldquospeculativerdquo and

based on ldquoinconclusive evidencerdquo I-RA161-62 Those factors thus do not exist in

this case

And in all events courts should first and foremost evaluate vacaturrsquos

potential disruptive consequences through the lens of the relevant statutersquos

objectives NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 1374 (DC Cir 2007) (partially vacating

rule because vacatur would not ldquoset backrdquo Clean Air Actrsquos purpose) see also

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 674 (DC Cir

2019) (declining to vacate where ldquoit would lsquoset backrsquo the Actrsquos objective of offering

financial services to people of small meansrdquo) After all ldquoa court sitting in equity

cannot lsquoignore the judgment of Congress deliberately expressed in legislationrsquordquo

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 498 (2001)

(citation omitted) And here in NEPA Congress plainly prioritized environmental

protection over all other considerations See Oglala 896 F3d at 529 (ldquoWe know

that the environmental values protected by NEPA are of high ordermdashbecause

Congress told us sordquo) The ldquoharm at stakerdquo when an agency violates NEPA is ldquoa

harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club 872 F2d at 504mdashan often irreversible

harmmdashnot the economic harm a project proponent may incur when a court finds an

agency violated NEPA when it authorized a project and vacates the agency action

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that unlawfully authorized it Thus the remedy for a NEPA violation must ldquoprotect

the purpose and integrity ofrdquo NEPA Semonite 925 F3d at 502

Indeed vacatur flows directly from NEPArsquos mandate which again requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions before their actions are

finalized Supra p8 see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d

31 43 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquoCongress[] require[d] environmental review and

authorization in advancerdquo) That remedy also flows directly from the Administrative

Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sect 706(2)(A)mdashthe act governing judicial review of

NEPA decisions see infra PtIIImdashsince it has long been held that vacatur is the

standard remedy for unlawful agency action under the APA Eg United Steel 925

F3d at 1287 (ldquoThe ordinary practice is to vacaterdquo) see Federal Power Commrsquon v

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 331 (1976) (agency decision

unsupported by administrative record must be vacated) And as discussed above

supra pp4-5 vacatur is an important tool to disincentivize a rush to complete a

project in the face of legal challenges to a federal agencyrsquos NEPA analysis that could

render the project a practical foregone conclusion or otherwise distort the analysis

for determining whether vacatur is appropriate See Semonite 925 F3d at 502

(describing as ldquotroublingrdquo the Corps and private project proponentrsquos ldquoattempt to

userdquo the projectrsquos completion to argue against vacatur for NEPA violation) That

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

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principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 6: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page

Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 (DDC June 5 2020) 20

Massachusetts v EPA 549 US 497 (2007) 2

Massachusetts v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 (DC Cir 1991) 21

McGirt v Oklahoma 140 S Ct 2452 (2020) 1 2 16

McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 (D Mass 2015) 20

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms 561 US 139 (2010) 17 18 25

National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 (DDC 2019) 22

National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 (DC Cir 2019) 8

National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) 8 10 12 22 23

Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 (9th Cir 1993) 14

New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 (SDNY 2019) 20

North Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 (DC Cir 2008) 10

NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 (DC Cir 2007) 11

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 (DC Cir 2018) 8 10 11 22

Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper 827 F3d 1077 (DC Cir 2016) 20 21

Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp 3d 1 (DDC 2016) 9

Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F Supp 1066 (DPR 1992) 15

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- v -

Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page

Robertson v Methow Valley Citizens Council 490 US 332 (1989)3 7

Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 (DC Cir 1985) 19 20

Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 (DC Cir 2017) 9 22 23

Sierra Club v Marsh 872 F2d 497 (1st Cir 1989) 5 7 8 11

Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d 978 (8th Cir 2011) 15

Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d 31 (DC Cir 2015) 12 13

Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 (DDC 2010) 9 21

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp 3d 91 (DDC 2017) 13 16 24

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 (DC Cir 2010) 18

United Haulers Assrsquon v Oneida-Harkimer Solid Waste Mgmt Auth 550 US 330 (2007) 2

United States v Coalition for Buzzards Bay 644 F3d 26 (1st Cir 2011) 4

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 (2001) 11

United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 (2020) 25

United Steel v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 (DC Cir 2019) 10 12

Western Watersheds Project v Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 (D Idaho 2020) 13

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- vi -

Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page


Administrative Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sectsect 701-706 (2018) 12

5 USC sect 703 19

5 USC sect 705 18

5 USC sect 706 18

5 USC sect 706(2) 18

5 USC sect 706(2)(A) 12 18

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 USC sectsect 4321-47 (2018) 1

42 USC sect 4331 3

42 USC sect 4332 6 7

42 USC sect 4332(C) 3 6

42 USC sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii) 6


40 CFR sect 15001(a) 2 4

40 CFR sect 15001(c) 3

40 CFR sect 15002(e) 4

40 CFR sect 15013 6

40 CFR sect 150214 4

40 CFR sect 150214(f) 4

40 CFR sect 150216(e)-(h) 4

40 CFR sect 15052(c) 4

40 CFR sect 15053 4

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Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page

40 CFR sect 150820 4

40 CFR sect 15084 7

40 CFR sect 15089 6

Federal Register

85 Fed Reg 43304 (Jul 16 2020) 3


Attorney Generalrsquos Manual on the Administrative Procedure Act (1947) 19

Complaint California et al v CEQ No 20-cv-06057 (ND Cal Aug 28 2020) ECF No 1 3

Complaint Environmental Justice Health Alliance et al v CEQ No 20-cv-6143 (SDNY Aug 6 2020) ECF No 1 3

Complaint Wild Virg et al v CEQ No 20-cv-00045 (WD Va July 29 2020) ECF No 1 3

Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) 10

Motion of Corps for Partial Stay Pending Appeal Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 23

Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) 23

Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En Banc Rehrsquog Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6 2017) 23

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GLOSSARY Amici States Commonwealth of Massachusetts the States of California Connecticut Delaware Illinois

Maine Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of Guam and Harris County Texas

APA Administrative Procedure Act

Corps US Army Corps of Engineers

CEQ Council on Environmental Quality Dakota Access Dakota Access LLC NEPA National Environmental Policy Act Tribes Standing Rock Sioux Cheyenne River Sioux Oglala Sioux and Yankton Sioux Tribes

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STATUTES AND REGULATIONS Amici States have included the pertinent statutes and regulations cited in this

brief in the attached addendum

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Amici Massachusetts California Connecticut Delaware Illinois Maine

Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode

Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of

Guam and Harris County Texas submit this brief in support of the Standing Rock

Sioux Cheyenne River Sioux Oglala Sioux and Yankton Sioux Tribes and

affirmance of the district courtrsquos merits and remedy opinions The Tribes

prevailedmdashfor a second timemdashon their claim that the US Army Corps of Engineers

(Corps) violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 USC

sectsect 4321-47 (2018) To remedy that second violation the district court properly

exercised its discretion to vacate the Corpsrsquos action to grant an easement relief that

required suspension of the pipeline operations the vacated easement had authorized

The Tribes sought that relief to compel the United States to fulfill the promise of

environmental protection enshrined in NEPA and the United Statesrsquos promise to

protect the Tribes and the natural resources on which they dependmdasha promise far

too often broken See First Amended Complaint (ECF No 241) at parapara 11-24 The

facts of this case too ldquofollow a sadly familiar patternrdquo McGirt v Oklahoma 140 S

Ct 2452 2482 (2020) This Court should affirm vacatur of the Corpsrsquos NEPA-

violative action and reject the Corps and Dakota Access LLCrsquos attempt ldquoto elevaterdquo

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claims of economic harm ldquoover the lawrdquo See id Doing otherwise would ldquoreward[]

wrong and fail[] those in the rightrdquo See id

Amici States have much at stake in this case More than one hundred years

ago the Supreme Court made clear that states have significant interests ldquoindependent

of and behind the titles of [their] citizens in all the earth and air within [their]

domainrdquo Georgia v Tennessee Copper 206 US 230 237 (1907) States thus hold

a quasi-sovereign interest in preventing harm to the environment and natural

resources within their borders Massachusetts v EPA 549 US 497 518-22 (2007)

States as sovereigns also are ldquovested with the responsibility of protecting the health

safety and welfare of [their] citizensrdquo United Haulers Assrsquon v Oneida-Harkimer

Solid Waste Mgmt Auth 550 US 330 342 (2007) The potential for federal actions

to affect those state interests is immense And todaymdashin the midst of the devastating

effects of a changing climate and increasing awareness that environmental harms are

disproportionately borne by our most vulnerable and historically disenfranchised

communitiesmdashit is more important than ever to fully understand evaluate and

disclose for public dialogue the environmental effects of major federal actions

Amici States thus have an unquestionable interest in the federal governmentrsquos

compliance with laws enacted to protect the environment Of those laws NEPA

ldquoour basic national charter for protection of the environmentrdquo 40 CFR sect 15001(a)

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(2019)1 is ldquoperhaps most importantrdquo Calvert Cliffsrsquo Coordinating Comm v US

Atomic Energy Commrsquon 449 F2d 1109 1111 (DC Cir 1974) NEPA requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions Robertson v Methow Valley

Citizens Council 490 US 332 349-50 (1989) (quoting Kleppe v Sierra Club 427

US 390 410 n21 (1976)) and to inform states and the public about those potential

consequences before they take final agency action see 42 USC sect 4332(C)

NEPArsquos mandate thus seeks to ensure that federal agencies understand the potential

environmental consequences of their proposed actions id sect 4331 and use that

knowledge to ldquotake actions that protect restore and enhance the environmentrdquo 40

CFR sect 15001(c) If a federal agency violates NEPA as the district court twice

found the Corps did here that violation affects the Amici Statesrsquo interests in

protecting their environment and natural resources as well as their own and their

1 On July 16 2020 the Council on Environmental Quality promulgated

substantial revisions to NEPArsquos regulations which took effect on September 14 2020 85 Fed Reg 43304 43372 (Jul 16 2020) and among other major changes deleted the above quoted text id at 43357-58 Because the new regulations mark an unlawful departure from NEPArsquos text and purposes numerous parties including many of the Amici States are challenging them Eg Complaint California et al v CEQ No 20-cv-06057 (ND Cal Aug 28 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Environmental Justice Health Alliance et al v CEQ No 20-cv-6143 (SDNY Aug 6 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Wild Virg et al v CEQ No 20-cv-00045 (WD Va July 29 2020) ECF No 1 Because (i) the amended regulations did not take effect until September 14 2020 (ii) neither the Corps nor Dakota Access rely on them and (iii) the district courtrsquos opinions were based on the prior regulations this brief cites exclusively to the prior regulations

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residentsrsquo rights to be informed about and comment on the potential environmental

impacts of a proposed federal action See eg United States v Coalition for

Buzzards Bay 644 F3d 26 36 (1st Cir 2011) (granting Massachusettsrsquos claim that

agency violated NEPA by failing to consider increased risk of oil spills to

Massachusettsrsquos coastal waters)

The nature of the remedy for a federal agencyrsquos NEPA violation is critical to

protecting the Amici Statesrsquo interests NEPArsquos mandatory procedures are designed

to influence the agencyrsquos final action 40 CFR sect 15001(a) and to avoid or at least

mitigate the actionrsquos potential environmental harm id sectsect 15002(e) 150214

(alternatives) 150214(f) 150216(e)-(h) 15052(c) 15053 150820 (mitigation)

As the district court here aptly stated ldquoif you can build first and consider

environmental consequences later NEPArsquos action-forcing purpose loses its biterdquo I

Record Appendix (vol-RAp) 158 Indeed a ldquobuild-firstrdquo strategy risks entirely

draining NEPA of its purpose by allowing federal agencies and project proponents

alike to build first and then inflate economic consequences of vacatur as a means to

avoid vacatur altogether under Allied-Signal Inc v US Nuclear Regulatory

Commissionrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong 988 F2d 146 150 (DC Cir

1993) Judicial decisions that decline to vacate agency action that violates NEPA

incentivize federal agency decisionmakers to do the bare minimum and encourage

project proponents to advance their projects as quickly as possible so that they may

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later claim that the economic consequences of vacatur counsel against it

Conversely judicial decisions that vacate agency actions encourage NEPA

compliance and discourage project proponents from moving forward in the face of

litigation risk to distort the remedy analysis and render the action a fait accompli

Vacatur here thus protects Amici Statesrsquo interests in protecting the

environment and natural resources within their borders and beyond by encouraging

federal agencies to fully factor the potential environmental consequences of their

actions into their decision-making process before they act and deterring private party

tactics that distort the remedy analysis As now-Justice Breyer made clear ldquothe harm

at stakerdquo in NEPA cases ldquois a harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club v Marsh 872

F2d 497 500 (1st Cir 1989) ldquoNEPArsquos object is to minimize the risk of

uninformed choice a risk that arises in part from the practical fact that bureaucratic

decisionmakers (when the law permits) are less likely to tear down a nearly

completed project than a barely started projectrdquo Id at 500-01 For NEPA to matter

there must be significant consequences for non-compliance Vacatur is the means

to that end since vacating an agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing a

private party that benefitted from the action from proceeding with a project or

operating an already constructed project during remand And the Amici States do

not take that consequence lightly as states too are sometimes proponents of

challenged projects

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ARGUMENT I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance NEPArsquos text purpose and case law make clear that federal agency

compliance with NEPArsquos detailed ldquohard lookrdquo requirement is a prerequisite to the

lawfulness of an agencyrsquos action The Actrsquos command attaches at the outset of the

agencyrsquos decision-making process for taking final agency action requiring

evaluation of environmental effects of ldquoproposedrdquo actions 42 USC sect 4332(C)

(emphasis added) And NEPArsquos mandate with respect to those actions is likewise

clear ldquoto the fullest extent possible all agencies of the Federal Government shall

include in every recommendation or report on proposals for major Federal

actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment a detailed

statement by the responsible officialrdquo Id sect 4332 amp (C) see Department of Transp

v Public Citizen 541 US 752 765 (2004) (Federal agencies ldquobear[] the primary

responsibility to compl[y] with NEPArdquo) By statutory default that ldquodetailed

statementrdquo is an environmental impact statement which must evaluate and discuss

among other things ldquo(i) the environmental impact of the proposed action (ii) any

adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be

implemented [and] (iii) alternatives to the proposed actionrdquo Id sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii)2

2 NEPArsquos regulations also allow federal agencies to begin by performing a more

streamlined environmental assessment to determine whether an environmental impact statement is required 40 CFR sectsect 15013 15089 And the regulations

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NEPArsquos directive that agencies must comply ldquoto the fullest extent possiblerdquo

id sect 4332 ldquois neither accidental nor hyperbolicrdquo instead it is ldquoa deliberate

commandrdquo Flint Ridge Dev v Scenic Rivers Assrsquon 426 US 776 787 (1976) And

that command is two-fold ldquoFirst it lsquoplaces upon an agency the obligation to

consider every significant aspect of the environmental impact of a proposed actionrsquordquo

Baltimore Gas amp Electric v NRDC 462 US 87 97 (1983) (citation omitted)

ldquoSecond it ensures that the agency will inform the public that it has indeed

considered environmental concerns in its decisionmaking processrdquo Id To achieve

those aims NEPA ldquodemands that a decisionmakerrdquo take ldquoa hard lookrdquo at ldquoall

significant environmental impacts before choosing a course of actionrdquo Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 (emphasis added) While the Act does not dictate particular results

its procedures are intended to ldquoaffect the agencyrsquos substantive decisionrdquo Robertson

490 US at 350 Thus as this Court wrote soon after NEPArsquos enactment ldquoCongress

did not intend the Act to be a paper tigerrdquo instead ldquothe requirement of

environmental consideration lsquoto the fullest extent possiblersquo sets a high standard for

the agencies a standard which must be rigorously enforced by the reviewing courtsrdquo

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114

allow agencies to exclude categorically from NEPA review only certain agency actions that have previously been found not normally to have significant environmental impacts See id sect 15084

- 7 -

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Courts have repeatedly confirmed what NEPArsquos text and purpose dictate

federal agencies are required to comply with NEPA before they take final action

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 536 (DC Cir

2018) American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 37 (DC Cir 2018) Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 ldquoThe statute [thus] does not permit an agency to act first and comply

laterrdquo Oglala 896 F3d at 523 That ldquoanalyze first act secondrdquo mandate is based

on the common-sense notion that ldquo[i]t is far easier to influence an initial choice than

to change a mind already made uprdquo Sierra Club 872 F2 at 500 NEPA thus

requires that ldquoa valid [environmental impact statement] be prepared before the

agency grants [a] licenserdquo promulgates a regulation issues a permit or as in this

case grants an easement Oglala 896 F3d at 529 see also National Parks

Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 1079 (DC Cir 2019) (Corps had

to comply with NEPA ldquo[b]efore it could greenlight the projectrdquo by issuing

required permits) rehrsquog pet granted on remedy 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) In

other words the lawfulness of such final agency actions is dependent on the agencyrsquos

compliance with NEPArsquos ldquoaction forcingrdquo requirements See Calvert Cliffs 449

F2d at 1113 And accordingly an agencyrsquos violation of NEPA ldquofatally infect[s]rdquo

the agency action and renders the action unlawful See American Rivers 895 F3d

at 55

- 8 -

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II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here

Timely and faithful agency compliance with NEPA is critical to securing the

Actrsquos mandate and protecting Amici Statesrsquo interests Indeed this Court recognized

that fact more than forty years ago when it informed federal agencies that it would

ldquorigorously enforcerdquo NEPA Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 to ensure that agencies

fulfill the Actrsquos ldquoimportant legislative purposesrdquo id at 1111 see id at 1115 (ldquoIt is

hard to imagine a clearer or stronger mandate[]rdquo) Since then this Court has hewed

closely to those early forceful pronouncements by vacating agency actions that

violate NEPA and undermine its environmental-protection purpose See eg

American Rivers 895 F3d at 55 (vacating license renewal for hydroelectric dam

based on NEPA violation) American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873

F3d 914 932 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating agency decision to eliminate wild horse

territory based on NEPA violation) Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 1374-75

1379 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating without discussion FERC approval of operating

interstate natural-gas pipelines based on NEPA violation) And the United States

District Court for the District of Columbia has assiduously followed this Courtrsquos

lead Eg Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp

3d 1 2 (DDC 2016) (vacatur ldquois the standard remedyrdquo in NEPA cases (citation

omitted)) Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 79-80 (DDC 2010)

(ldquovacatur[] is the presumptively appropriate remedyrdquo)

- 9 -

Although courts ldquomay elect a different remedy based on lsquothe seriousness of

the orderrsquos deficienciesrsquo and lsquothe disruptive consequencesrsquo of vacaturrdquo this Court

has recognized that ldquovacatur is the default remedyrdquo Semonite 925 F3d at 501

(quoting Allied-Signal 988 F2d at 150-51) Thus only in ldquorare casesrdquo United Steel

v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 1287 (DC Cir 2019) has this

Court remanded without vacatur3 for example where a state ldquopermitting

requirement independently bar[red]rdquo the project from advancing until the agency

complied with NEPA eg Oglala 896 F3d at 538 vacatur would ldquodefeat the

enhanced protection of the environmental valuesrdquo afforded by a regulation North

Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 1178 (DC Cir 2008) (citation omitted) or vacatur

itself would ldquotemporarily defeat petitionerrsquos purposerdquo Environmental Def Fund v

EPA 898 F2d 183 190 (DC Cir 1990)4 Here however the district court correctly

rejected Dakota Accessrsquos claim that vacatur of the pipeline easement would cause

3 In the NEPA context as the district court stated ldquoto the Courtrsquos and the partiesrsquo

knowledge only twice has a court not vacated agency action that violated NEPA because of a missing or defective EISrdquo I-RA150

4 Amici States do not contend that remand without vacatur is never appropriate

Indeed Massachusetts along with some of the other State Amici have previously argued successfully for remand without vacatur where vacatur would cause actual harm to public health and the environment Eg Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) Amici States thus do not ask the Court to deviate from those precedents but instead to apply their guiding principles as the district court did correctly here

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environmental harm because the companyrsquos claim was entirely ldquospeculativerdquo and

based on ldquoinconclusive evidencerdquo I-RA161-62 Those factors thus do not exist in

this case

And in all events courts should first and foremost evaluate vacaturrsquos

potential disruptive consequences through the lens of the relevant statutersquos

objectives NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 1374 (DC Cir 2007) (partially vacating

rule because vacatur would not ldquoset backrdquo Clean Air Actrsquos purpose) see also

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 674 (DC Cir

2019) (declining to vacate where ldquoit would lsquoset backrsquo the Actrsquos objective of offering

financial services to people of small meansrdquo) After all ldquoa court sitting in equity

cannot lsquoignore the judgment of Congress deliberately expressed in legislationrsquordquo

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 498 (2001)

(citation omitted) And here in NEPA Congress plainly prioritized environmental

protection over all other considerations See Oglala 896 F3d at 529 (ldquoWe know

that the environmental values protected by NEPA are of high ordermdashbecause

Congress told us sordquo) The ldquoharm at stakerdquo when an agency violates NEPA is ldquoa

harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club 872 F2d at 504mdashan often irreversible

harmmdashnot the economic harm a project proponent may incur when a court finds an

agency violated NEPA when it authorized a project and vacates the agency action

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that unlawfully authorized it Thus the remedy for a NEPA violation must ldquoprotect

the purpose and integrity ofrdquo NEPA Semonite 925 F3d at 502

Indeed vacatur flows directly from NEPArsquos mandate which again requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions before their actions are

finalized Supra p8 see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d

31 43 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquoCongress[] require[d] environmental review and

authorization in advancerdquo) That remedy also flows directly from the Administrative

Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sect 706(2)(A)mdashthe act governing judicial review of

NEPA decisions see infra PtIIImdashsince it has long been held that vacatur is the

standard remedy for unlawful agency action under the APA Eg United Steel 925

F3d at 1287 (ldquoThe ordinary practice is to vacaterdquo) see Federal Power Commrsquon v

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 331 (1976) (agency decision

unsupported by administrative record must be vacated) And as discussed above

supra pp4-5 vacatur is an important tool to disincentivize a rush to complete a

project in the face of legal challenges to a federal agencyrsquos NEPA analysis that could

render the project a practical foregone conclusion or otherwise distort the analysis

for determining whether vacatur is appropriate See Semonite 925 F3d at 502

(describing as ldquotroublingrdquo the Corps and private project proponentrsquos ldquoattempt to

userdquo the projectrsquos completion to argue against vacatur for NEPA violation) That

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

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principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 7: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page

Robertson v Methow Valley Citizens Council 490 US 332 (1989)3 7

Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 (DC Cir 1985) 19 20

Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 (DC Cir 2017) 9 22 23

Sierra Club v Marsh 872 F2d 497 (1st Cir 1989) 5 7 8 11

Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d 978 (8th Cir 2011) 15

Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d 31 (DC Cir 2015) 12 13

Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 (DDC 2010) 9 21

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp 3d 91 (DDC 2017) 13 16 24

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 (DC Cir 2010) 18

United Haulers Assrsquon v Oneida-Harkimer Solid Waste Mgmt Auth 550 US 330 (2007) 2

United States v Coalition for Buzzards Bay 644 F3d 26 (1st Cir 2011) 4

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 (2001) 11

United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 (2020) 25

United Steel v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 (DC Cir 2019) 10 12

Western Watersheds Project v Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 (D Idaho 2020) 13

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- vi -

Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page


Administrative Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sectsect 701-706 (2018) 12

5 USC sect 703 19

5 USC sect 705 18

5 USC sect 706 18

5 USC sect 706(2) 18

5 USC sect 706(2)(A) 12 18

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 USC sectsect 4321-47 (2018) 1

42 USC sect 4331 3

42 USC sect 4332 6 7

42 USC sect 4332(C) 3 6

42 USC sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii) 6


40 CFR sect 15001(a) 2 4

40 CFR sect 15001(c) 3

40 CFR sect 15002(e) 4

40 CFR sect 15013 6

40 CFR sect 150214 4

40 CFR sect 150214(f) 4

40 CFR sect 150216(e)-(h) 4

40 CFR sect 15052(c) 4

40 CFR sect 15053 4

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- vii -

Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page

40 CFR sect 150820 4

40 CFR sect 15084 7

40 CFR sect 15089 6

Federal Register

85 Fed Reg 43304 (Jul 16 2020) 3


Attorney Generalrsquos Manual on the Administrative Procedure Act (1947) 19

Complaint California et al v CEQ No 20-cv-06057 (ND Cal Aug 28 2020) ECF No 1 3

Complaint Environmental Justice Health Alliance et al v CEQ No 20-cv-6143 (SDNY Aug 6 2020) ECF No 1 3

Complaint Wild Virg et al v CEQ No 20-cv-00045 (WD Va July 29 2020) ECF No 1 3

Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) 10

Motion of Corps for Partial Stay Pending Appeal Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 23

Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) 23

Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En Banc Rehrsquog Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6 2017) 23

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- viii -

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GLOSSARY Amici States Commonwealth of Massachusetts the States of California Connecticut Delaware Illinois

Maine Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of Guam and Harris County Texas

APA Administrative Procedure Act

Corps US Army Corps of Engineers

CEQ Council on Environmental Quality Dakota Access Dakota Access LLC NEPA National Environmental Policy Act Tribes Standing Rock Sioux Cheyenne River Sioux Oglala Sioux and Yankton Sioux Tribes

- ix -

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STATUTES AND REGULATIONS Amici States have included the pertinent statutes and regulations cited in this

brief in the attached addendum

- x -

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Amici Massachusetts California Connecticut Delaware Illinois Maine

Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode

Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of

Guam and Harris County Texas submit this brief in support of the Standing Rock

Sioux Cheyenne River Sioux Oglala Sioux and Yankton Sioux Tribes and

affirmance of the district courtrsquos merits and remedy opinions The Tribes

prevailedmdashfor a second timemdashon their claim that the US Army Corps of Engineers

(Corps) violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 USC

sectsect 4321-47 (2018) To remedy that second violation the district court properly

exercised its discretion to vacate the Corpsrsquos action to grant an easement relief that

required suspension of the pipeline operations the vacated easement had authorized

The Tribes sought that relief to compel the United States to fulfill the promise of

environmental protection enshrined in NEPA and the United Statesrsquos promise to

protect the Tribes and the natural resources on which they dependmdasha promise far

too often broken See First Amended Complaint (ECF No 241) at parapara 11-24 The

facts of this case too ldquofollow a sadly familiar patternrdquo McGirt v Oklahoma 140 S

Ct 2452 2482 (2020) This Court should affirm vacatur of the Corpsrsquos NEPA-

violative action and reject the Corps and Dakota Access LLCrsquos attempt ldquoto elevaterdquo

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claims of economic harm ldquoover the lawrdquo See id Doing otherwise would ldquoreward[]

wrong and fail[] those in the rightrdquo See id

Amici States have much at stake in this case More than one hundred years

ago the Supreme Court made clear that states have significant interests ldquoindependent

of and behind the titles of [their] citizens in all the earth and air within [their]

domainrdquo Georgia v Tennessee Copper 206 US 230 237 (1907) States thus hold

a quasi-sovereign interest in preventing harm to the environment and natural

resources within their borders Massachusetts v EPA 549 US 497 518-22 (2007)

States as sovereigns also are ldquovested with the responsibility of protecting the health

safety and welfare of [their] citizensrdquo United Haulers Assrsquon v Oneida-Harkimer

Solid Waste Mgmt Auth 550 US 330 342 (2007) The potential for federal actions

to affect those state interests is immense And todaymdashin the midst of the devastating

effects of a changing climate and increasing awareness that environmental harms are

disproportionately borne by our most vulnerable and historically disenfranchised

communitiesmdashit is more important than ever to fully understand evaluate and

disclose for public dialogue the environmental effects of major federal actions

Amici States thus have an unquestionable interest in the federal governmentrsquos

compliance with laws enacted to protect the environment Of those laws NEPA

ldquoour basic national charter for protection of the environmentrdquo 40 CFR sect 15001(a)

- 2 -

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(2019)1 is ldquoperhaps most importantrdquo Calvert Cliffsrsquo Coordinating Comm v US

Atomic Energy Commrsquon 449 F2d 1109 1111 (DC Cir 1974) NEPA requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions Robertson v Methow Valley

Citizens Council 490 US 332 349-50 (1989) (quoting Kleppe v Sierra Club 427

US 390 410 n21 (1976)) and to inform states and the public about those potential

consequences before they take final agency action see 42 USC sect 4332(C)

NEPArsquos mandate thus seeks to ensure that federal agencies understand the potential

environmental consequences of their proposed actions id sect 4331 and use that

knowledge to ldquotake actions that protect restore and enhance the environmentrdquo 40

CFR sect 15001(c) If a federal agency violates NEPA as the district court twice

found the Corps did here that violation affects the Amici Statesrsquo interests in

protecting their environment and natural resources as well as their own and their

1 On July 16 2020 the Council on Environmental Quality promulgated

substantial revisions to NEPArsquos regulations which took effect on September 14 2020 85 Fed Reg 43304 43372 (Jul 16 2020) and among other major changes deleted the above quoted text id at 43357-58 Because the new regulations mark an unlawful departure from NEPArsquos text and purposes numerous parties including many of the Amici States are challenging them Eg Complaint California et al v CEQ No 20-cv-06057 (ND Cal Aug 28 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Environmental Justice Health Alliance et al v CEQ No 20-cv-6143 (SDNY Aug 6 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Wild Virg et al v CEQ No 20-cv-00045 (WD Va July 29 2020) ECF No 1 Because (i) the amended regulations did not take effect until September 14 2020 (ii) neither the Corps nor Dakota Access rely on them and (iii) the district courtrsquos opinions were based on the prior regulations this brief cites exclusively to the prior regulations

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residentsrsquo rights to be informed about and comment on the potential environmental

impacts of a proposed federal action See eg United States v Coalition for

Buzzards Bay 644 F3d 26 36 (1st Cir 2011) (granting Massachusettsrsquos claim that

agency violated NEPA by failing to consider increased risk of oil spills to

Massachusettsrsquos coastal waters)

The nature of the remedy for a federal agencyrsquos NEPA violation is critical to

protecting the Amici Statesrsquo interests NEPArsquos mandatory procedures are designed

to influence the agencyrsquos final action 40 CFR sect 15001(a) and to avoid or at least

mitigate the actionrsquos potential environmental harm id sectsect 15002(e) 150214

(alternatives) 150214(f) 150216(e)-(h) 15052(c) 15053 150820 (mitigation)

As the district court here aptly stated ldquoif you can build first and consider

environmental consequences later NEPArsquos action-forcing purpose loses its biterdquo I

Record Appendix (vol-RAp) 158 Indeed a ldquobuild-firstrdquo strategy risks entirely

draining NEPA of its purpose by allowing federal agencies and project proponents

alike to build first and then inflate economic consequences of vacatur as a means to

avoid vacatur altogether under Allied-Signal Inc v US Nuclear Regulatory

Commissionrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong 988 F2d 146 150 (DC Cir

1993) Judicial decisions that decline to vacate agency action that violates NEPA

incentivize federal agency decisionmakers to do the bare minimum and encourage

project proponents to advance their projects as quickly as possible so that they may

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later claim that the economic consequences of vacatur counsel against it

Conversely judicial decisions that vacate agency actions encourage NEPA

compliance and discourage project proponents from moving forward in the face of

litigation risk to distort the remedy analysis and render the action a fait accompli

Vacatur here thus protects Amici Statesrsquo interests in protecting the

environment and natural resources within their borders and beyond by encouraging

federal agencies to fully factor the potential environmental consequences of their

actions into their decision-making process before they act and deterring private party

tactics that distort the remedy analysis As now-Justice Breyer made clear ldquothe harm

at stakerdquo in NEPA cases ldquois a harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club v Marsh 872

F2d 497 500 (1st Cir 1989) ldquoNEPArsquos object is to minimize the risk of

uninformed choice a risk that arises in part from the practical fact that bureaucratic

decisionmakers (when the law permits) are less likely to tear down a nearly

completed project than a barely started projectrdquo Id at 500-01 For NEPA to matter

there must be significant consequences for non-compliance Vacatur is the means

to that end since vacating an agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing a

private party that benefitted from the action from proceeding with a project or

operating an already constructed project during remand And the Amici States do

not take that consequence lightly as states too are sometimes proponents of

challenged projects

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ARGUMENT I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance NEPArsquos text purpose and case law make clear that federal agency

compliance with NEPArsquos detailed ldquohard lookrdquo requirement is a prerequisite to the

lawfulness of an agencyrsquos action The Actrsquos command attaches at the outset of the

agencyrsquos decision-making process for taking final agency action requiring

evaluation of environmental effects of ldquoproposedrdquo actions 42 USC sect 4332(C)

(emphasis added) And NEPArsquos mandate with respect to those actions is likewise

clear ldquoto the fullest extent possible all agencies of the Federal Government shall

include in every recommendation or report on proposals for major Federal

actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment a detailed

statement by the responsible officialrdquo Id sect 4332 amp (C) see Department of Transp

v Public Citizen 541 US 752 765 (2004) (Federal agencies ldquobear[] the primary

responsibility to compl[y] with NEPArdquo) By statutory default that ldquodetailed

statementrdquo is an environmental impact statement which must evaluate and discuss

among other things ldquo(i) the environmental impact of the proposed action (ii) any

adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be

implemented [and] (iii) alternatives to the proposed actionrdquo Id sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii)2

2 NEPArsquos regulations also allow federal agencies to begin by performing a more

streamlined environmental assessment to determine whether an environmental impact statement is required 40 CFR sectsect 15013 15089 And the regulations

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NEPArsquos directive that agencies must comply ldquoto the fullest extent possiblerdquo

id sect 4332 ldquois neither accidental nor hyperbolicrdquo instead it is ldquoa deliberate

commandrdquo Flint Ridge Dev v Scenic Rivers Assrsquon 426 US 776 787 (1976) And

that command is two-fold ldquoFirst it lsquoplaces upon an agency the obligation to

consider every significant aspect of the environmental impact of a proposed actionrsquordquo

Baltimore Gas amp Electric v NRDC 462 US 87 97 (1983) (citation omitted)

ldquoSecond it ensures that the agency will inform the public that it has indeed

considered environmental concerns in its decisionmaking processrdquo Id To achieve

those aims NEPA ldquodemands that a decisionmakerrdquo take ldquoa hard lookrdquo at ldquoall

significant environmental impacts before choosing a course of actionrdquo Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 (emphasis added) While the Act does not dictate particular results

its procedures are intended to ldquoaffect the agencyrsquos substantive decisionrdquo Robertson

490 US at 350 Thus as this Court wrote soon after NEPArsquos enactment ldquoCongress

did not intend the Act to be a paper tigerrdquo instead ldquothe requirement of

environmental consideration lsquoto the fullest extent possiblersquo sets a high standard for

the agencies a standard which must be rigorously enforced by the reviewing courtsrdquo

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114

allow agencies to exclude categorically from NEPA review only certain agency actions that have previously been found not normally to have significant environmental impacts See id sect 15084

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Courts have repeatedly confirmed what NEPArsquos text and purpose dictate

federal agencies are required to comply with NEPA before they take final action

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 536 (DC Cir

2018) American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 37 (DC Cir 2018) Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 ldquoThe statute [thus] does not permit an agency to act first and comply

laterrdquo Oglala 896 F3d at 523 That ldquoanalyze first act secondrdquo mandate is based

on the common-sense notion that ldquo[i]t is far easier to influence an initial choice than

to change a mind already made uprdquo Sierra Club 872 F2 at 500 NEPA thus

requires that ldquoa valid [environmental impact statement] be prepared before the

agency grants [a] licenserdquo promulgates a regulation issues a permit or as in this

case grants an easement Oglala 896 F3d at 529 see also National Parks

Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 1079 (DC Cir 2019) (Corps had

to comply with NEPA ldquo[b]efore it could greenlight the projectrdquo by issuing

required permits) rehrsquog pet granted on remedy 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) In

other words the lawfulness of such final agency actions is dependent on the agencyrsquos

compliance with NEPArsquos ldquoaction forcingrdquo requirements See Calvert Cliffs 449

F2d at 1113 And accordingly an agencyrsquos violation of NEPA ldquofatally infect[s]rdquo

the agency action and renders the action unlawful See American Rivers 895 F3d

at 55

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II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here

Timely and faithful agency compliance with NEPA is critical to securing the

Actrsquos mandate and protecting Amici Statesrsquo interests Indeed this Court recognized

that fact more than forty years ago when it informed federal agencies that it would

ldquorigorously enforcerdquo NEPA Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 to ensure that agencies

fulfill the Actrsquos ldquoimportant legislative purposesrdquo id at 1111 see id at 1115 (ldquoIt is

hard to imagine a clearer or stronger mandate[]rdquo) Since then this Court has hewed

closely to those early forceful pronouncements by vacating agency actions that

violate NEPA and undermine its environmental-protection purpose See eg

American Rivers 895 F3d at 55 (vacating license renewal for hydroelectric dam

based on NEPA violation) American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873

F3d 914 932 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating agency decision to eliminate wild horse

territory based on NEPA violation) Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 1374-75

1379 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating without discussion FERC approval of operating

interstate natural-gas pipelines based on NEPA violation) And the United States

District Court for the District of Columbia has assiduously followed this Courtrsquos

lead Eg Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp

3d 1 2 (DDC 2016) (vacatur ldquois the standard remedyrdquo in NEPA cases (citation

omitted)) Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 79-80 (DDC 2010)

(ldquovacatur[] is the presumptively appropriate remedyrdquo)

- 9 -

Although courts ldquomay elect a different remedy based on lsquothe seriousness of

the orderrsquos deficienciesrsquo and lsquothe disruptive consequencesrsquo of vacaturrdquo this Court

has recognized that ldquovacatur is the default remedyrdquo Semonite 925 F3d at 501

(quoting Allied-Signal 988 F2d at 150-51) Thus only in ldquorare casesrdquo United Steel

v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 1287 (DC Cir 2019) has this

Court remanded without vacatur3 for example where a state ldquopermitting

requirement independently bar[red]rdquo the project from advancing until the agency

complied with NEPA eg Oglala 896 F3d at 538 vacatur would ldquodefeat the

enhanced protection of the environmental valuesrdquo afforded by a regulation North

Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 1178 (DC Cir 2008) (citation omitted) or vacatur

itself would ldquotemporarily defeat petitionerrsquos purposerdquo Environmental Def Fund v

EPA 898 F2d 183 190 (DC Cir 1990)4 Here however the district court correctly

rejected Dakota Accessrsquos claim that vacatur of the pipeline easement would cause

3 In the NEPA context as the district court stated ldquoto the Courtrsquos and the partiesrsquo

knowledge only twice has a court not vacated agency action that violated NEPA because of a missing or defective EISrdquo I-RA150

4 Amici States do not contend that remand without vacatur is never appropriate

Indeed Massachusetts along with some of the other State Amici have previously argued successfully for remand without vacatur where vacatur would cause actual harm to public health and the environment Eg Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) Amici States thus do not ask the Court to deviate from those precedents but instead to apply their guiding principles as the district court did correctly here

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environmental harm because the companyrsquos claim was entirely ldquospeculativerdquo and

based on ldquoinconclusive evidencerdquo I-RA161-62 Those factors thus do not exist in

this case

And in all events courts should first and foremost evaluate vacaturrsquos

potential disruptive consequences through the lens of the relevant statutersquos

objectives NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 1374 (DC Cir 2007) (partially vacating

rule because vacatur would not ldquoset backrdquo Clean Air Actrsquos purpose) see also

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 674 (DC Cir

2019) (declining to vacate where ldquoit would lsquoset backrsquo the Actrsquos objective of offering

financial services to people of small meansrdquo) After all ldquoa court sitting in equity

cannot lsquoignore the judgment of Congress deliberately expressed in legislationrsquordquo

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 498 (2001)

(citation omitted) And here in NEPA Congress plainly prioritized environmental

protection over all other considerations See Oglala 896 F3d at 529 (ldquoWe know

that the environmental values protected by NEPA are of high ordermdashbecause

Congress told us sordquo) The ldquoharm at stakerdquo when an agency violates NEPA is ldquoa

harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club 872 F2d at 504mdashan often irreversible

harmmdashnot the economic harm a project proponent may incur when a court finds an

agency violated NEPA when it authorized a project and vacates the agency action

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that unlawfully authorized it Thus the remedy for a NEPA violation must ldquoprotect

the purpose and integrity ofrdquo NEPA Semonite 925 F3d at 502

Indeed vacatur flows directly from NEPArsquos mandate which again requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions before their actions are

finalized Supra p8 see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d

31 43 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquoCongress[] require[d] environmental review and

authorization in advancerdquo) That remedy also flows directly from the Administrative

Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sect 706(2)(A)mdashthe act governing judicial review of

NEPA decisions see infra PtIIImdashsince it has long been held that vacatur is the

standard remedy for unlawful agency action under the APA Eg United Steel 925

F3d at 1287 (ldquoThe ordinary practice is to vacaterdquo) see Federal Power Commrsquon v

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 331 (1976) (agency decision

unsupported by administrative record must be vacated) And as discussed above

supra pp4-5 vacatur is an important tool to disincentivize a rush to complete a

project in the face of legal challenges to a federal agencyrsquos NEPA analysis that could

render the project a practical foregone conclusion or otherwise distort the analysis

for determining whether vacatur is appropriate See Semonite 925 F3d at 502

(describing as ldquotroublingrdquo the Corps and private project proponentrsquos ldquoattempt to

userdquo the projectrsquos completion to argue against vacatur for NEPA violation) That

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 33 of 56

require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 34 of 56

regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

- 23 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 35 of 56

principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

- 24 -

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

- 25 -

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 38 of 56

FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 42 of 56


I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


erDate Seplt11gt2014 1340 Oct 01 2019 Jkt 247187 PO 00000 Frm 00504 Fmt 8010


Sfmt 8010 YSGML247187XXX 247187

  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 8: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page


Administrative Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sectsect 701-706 (2018) 12

5 USC sect 703 19

5 USC sect 705 18

5 USC sect 706 18

5 USC sect 706(2) 18

5 USC sect 706(2)(A) 12 18

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 USC sectsect 4321-47 (2018) 1

42 USC sect 4331 3

42 USC sect 4332 6 7

42 USC sect 4332(C) 3 6

42 USC sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii) 6


40 CFR sect 15001(a) 2 4

40 CFR sect 15001(c) 3

40 CFR sect 15002(e) 4

40 CFR sect 15013 6

40 CFR sect 150214 4

40 CFR sect 150214(f) 4

40 CFR sect 150216(e)-(h) 4

40 CFR sect 15052(c) 4

40 CFR sect 15053 4

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- vii -

Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page

40 CFR sect 150820 4

40 CFR sect 15084 7

40 CFR sect 15089 6

Federal Register

85 Fed Reg 43304 (Jul 16 2020) 3


Attorney Generalrsquos Manual on the Administrative Procedure Act (1947) 19

Complaint California et al v CEQ No 20-cv-06057 (ND Cal Aug 28 2020) ECF No 1 3

Complaint Environmental Justice Health Alliance et al v CEQ No 20-cv-6143 (SDNY Aug 6 2020) ECF No 1 3

Complaint Wild Virg et al v CEQ No 20-cv-00045 (WD Va July 29 2020) ECF No 1 3

Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) 10

Motion of Corps for Partial Stay Pending Appeal Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 23

Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) 23

Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En Banc Rehrsquog Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6 2017) 23

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GLOSSARY Amici States Commonwealth of Massachusetts the States of California Connecticut Delaware Illinois

Maine Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of Guam and Harris County Texas

APA Administrative Procedure Act

Corps US Army Corps of Engineers

CEQ Council on Environmental Quality Dakota Access Dakota Access LLC NEPA National Environmental Policy Act Tribes Standing Rock Sioux Cheyenne River Sioux Oglala Sioux and Yankton Sioux Tribes

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STATUTES AND REGULATIONS Amici States have included the pertinent statutes and regulations cited in this

brief in the attached addendum

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Amici Massachusetts California Connecticut Delaware Illinois Maine

Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode

Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of

Guam and Harris County Texas submit this brief in support of the Standing Rock

Sioux Cheyenne River Sioux Oglala Sioux and Yankton Sioux Tribes and

affirmance of the district courtrsquos merits and remedy opinions The Tribes

prevailedmdashfor a second timemdashon their claim that the US Army Corps of Engineers

(Corps) violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 USC

sectsect 4321-47 (2018) To remedy that second violation the district court properly

exercised its discretion to vacate the Corpsrsquos action to grant an easement relief that

required suspension of the pipeline operations the vacated easement had authorized

The Tribes sought that relief to compel the United States to fulfill the promise of

environmental protection enshrined in NEPA and the United Statesrsquos promise to

protect the Tribes and the natural resources on which they dependmdasha promise far

too often broken See First Amended Complaint (ECF No 241) at parapara 11-24 The

facts of this case too ldquofollow a sadly familiar patternrdquo McGirt v Oklahoma 140 S

Ct 2452 2482 (2020) This Court should affirm vacatur of the Corpsrsquos NEPA-

violative action and reject the Corps and Dakota Access LLCrsquos attempt ldquoto elevaterdquo

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 13 of 56

claims of economic harm ldquoover the lawrdquo See id Doing otherwise would ldquoreward[]

wrong and fail[] those in the rightrdquo See id

Amici States have much at stake in this case More than one hundred years

ago the Supreme Court made clear that states have significant interests ldquoindependent

of and behind the titles of [their] citizens in all the earth and air within [their]

domainrdquo Georgia v Tennessee Copper 206 US 230 237 (1907) States thus hold

a quasi-sovereign interest in preventing harm to the environment and natural

resources within their borders Massachusetts v EPA 549 US 497 518-22 (2007)

States as sovereigns also are ldquovested with the responsibility of protecting the health

safety and welfare of [their] citizensrdquo United Haulers Assrsquon v Oneida-Harkimer

Solid Waste Mgmt Auth 550 US 330 342 (2007) The potential for federal actions

to affect those state interests is immense And todaymdashin the midst of the devastating

effects of a changing climate and increasing awareness that environmental harms are

disproportionately borne by our most vulnerable and historically disenfranchised

communitiesmdashit is more important than ever to fully understand evaluate and

disclose for public dialogue the environmental effects of major federal actions

Amici States thus have an unquestionable interest in the federal governmentrsquos

compliance with laws enacted to protect the environment Of those laws NEPA

ldquoour basic national charter for protection of the environmentrdquo 40 CFR sect 15001(a)

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(2019)1 is ldquoperhaps most importantrdquo Calvert Cliffsrsquo Coordinating Comm v US

Atomic Energy Commrsquon 449 F2d 1109 1111 (DC Cir 1974) NEPA requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions Robertson v Methow Valley

Citizens Council 490 US 332 349-50 (1989) (quoting Kleppe v Sierra Club 427

US 390 410 n21 (1976)) and to inform states and the public about those potential

consequences before they take final agency action see 42 USC sect 4332(C)

NEPArsquos mandate thus seeks to ensure that federal agencies understand the potential

environmental consequences of their proposed actions id sect 4331 and use that

knowledge to ldquotake actions that protect restore and enhance the environmentrdquo 40

CFR sect 15001(c) If a federal agency violates NEPA as the district court twice

found the Corps did here that violation affects the Amici Statesrsquo interests in

protecting their environment and natural resources as well as their own and their

1 On July 16 2020 the Council on Environmental Quality promulgated

substantial revisions to NEPArsquos regulations which took effect on September 14 2020 85 Fed Reg 43304 43372 (Jul 16 2020) and among other major changes deleted the above quoted text id at 43357-58 Because the new regulations mark an unlawful departure from NEPArsquos text and purposes numerous parties including many of the Amici States are challenging them Eg Complaint California et al v CEQ No 20-cv-06057 (ND Cal Aug 28 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Environmental Justice Health Alliance et al v CEQ No 20-cv-6143 (SDNY Aug 6 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Wild Virg et al v CEQ No 20-cv-00045 (WD Va July 29 2020) ECF No 1 Because (i) the amended regulations did not take effect until September 14 2020 (ii) neither the Corps nor Dakota Access rely on them and (iii) the district courtrsquos opinions were based on the prior regulations this brief cites exclusively to the prior regulations

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residentsrsquo rights to be informed about and comment on the potential environmental

impacts of a proposed federal action See eg United States v Coalition for

Buzzards Bay 644 F3d 26 36 (1st Cir 2011) (granting Massachusettsrsquos claim that

agency violated NEPA by failing to consider increased risk of oil spills to

Massachusettsrsquos coastal waters)

The nature of the remedy for a federal agencyrsquos NEPA violation is critical to

protecting the Amici Statesrsquo interests NEPArsquos mandatory procedures are designed

to influence the agencyrsquos final action 40 CFR sect 15001(a) and to avoid or at least

mitigate the actionrsquos potential environmental harm id sectsect 15002(e) 150214

(alternatives) 150214(f) 150216(e)-(h) 15052(c) 15053 150820 (mitigation)

As the district court here aptly stated ldquoif you can build first and consider

environmental consequences later NEPArsquos action-forcing purpose loses its biterdquo I

Record Appendix (vol-RAp) 158 Indeed a ldquobuild-firstrdquo strategy risks entirely

draining NEPA of its purpose by allowing federal agencies and project proponents

alike to build first and then inflate economic consequences of vacatur as a means to

avoid vacatur altogether under Allied-Signal Inc v US Nuclear Regulatory

Commissionrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong 988 F2d 146 150 (DC Cir

1993) Judicial decisions that decline to vacate agency action that violates NEPA

incentivize federal agency decisionmakers to do the bare minimum and encourage

project proponents to advance their projects as quickly as possible so that they may

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later claim that the economic consequences of vacatur counsel against it

Conversely judicial decisions that vacate agency actions encourage NEPA

compliance and discourage project proponents from moving forward in the face of

litigation risk to distort the remedy analysis and render the action a fait accompli

Vacatur here thus protects Amici Statesrsquo interests in protecting the

environment and natural resources within their borders and beyond by encouraging

federal agencies to fully factor the potential environmental consequences of their

actions into their decision-making process before they act and deterring private party

tactics that distort the remedy analysis As now-Justice Breyer made clear ldquothe harm

at stakerdquo in NEPA cases ldquois a harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club v Marsh 872

F2d 497 500 (1st Cir 1989) ldquoNEPArsquos object is to minimize the risk of

uninformed choice a risk that arises in part from the practical fact that bureaucratic

decisionmakers (when the law permits) are less likely to tear down a nearly

completed project than a barely started projectrdquo Id at 500-01 For NEPA to matter

there must be significant consequences for non-compliance Vacatur is the means

to that end since vacating an agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing a

private party that benefitted from the action from proceeding with a project or

operating an already constructed project during remand And the Amici States do

not take that consequence lightly as states too are sometimes proponents of

challenged projects

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ARGUMENT I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance NEPArsquos text purpose and case law make clear that federal agency

compliance with NEPArsquos detailed ldquohard lookrdquo requirement is a prerequisite to the

lawfulness of an agencyrsquos action The Actrsquos command attaches at the outset of the

agencyrsquos decision-making process for taking final agency action requiring

evaluation of environmental effects of ldquoproposedrdquo actions 42 USC sect 4332(C)

(emphasis added) And NEPArsquos mandate with respect to those actions is likewise

clear ldquoto the fullest extent possible all agencies of the Federal Government shall

include in every recommendation or report on proposals for major Federal

actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment a detailed

statement by the responsible officialrdquo Id sect 4332 amp (C) see Department of Transp

v Public Citizen 541 US 752 765 (2004) (Federal agencies ldquobear[] the primary

responsibility to compl[y] with NEPArdquo) By statutory default that ldquodetailed

statementrdquo is an environmental impact statement which must evaluate and discuss

among other things ldquo(i) the environmental impact of the proposed action (ii) any

adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be

implemented [and] (iii) alternatives to the proposed actionrdquo Id sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii)2

2 NEPArsquos regulations also allow federal agencies to begin by performing a more

streamlined environmental assessment to determine whether an environmental impact statement is required 40 CFR sectsect 15013 15089 And the regulations

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NEPArsquos directive that agencies must comply ldquoto the fullest extent possiblerdquo

id sect 4332 ldquois neither accidental nor hyperbolicrdquo instead it is ldquoa deliberate

commandrdquo Flint Ridge Dev v Scenic Rivers Assrsquon 426 US 776 787 (1976) And

that command is two-fold ldquoFirst it lsquoplaces upon an agency the obligation to

consider every significant aspect of the environmental impact of a proposed actionrsquordquo

Baltimore Gas amp Electric v NRDC 462 US 87 97 (1983) (citation omitted)

ldquoSecond it ensures that the agency will inform the public that it has indeed

considered environmental concerns in its decisionmaking processrdquo Id To achieve

those aims NEPA ldquodemands that a decisionmakerrdquo take ldquoa hard lookrdquo at ldquoall

significant environmental impacts before choosing a course of actionrdquo Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 (emphasis added) While the Act does not dictate particular results

its procedures are intended to ldquoaffect the agencyrsquos substantive decisionrdquo Robertson

490 US at 350 Thus as this Court wrote soon after NEPArsquos enactment ldquoCongress

did not intend the Act to be a paper tigerrdquo instead ldquothe requirement of

environmental consideration lsquoto the fullest extent possiblersquo sets a high standard for

the agencies a standard which must be rigorously enforced by the reviewing courtsrdquo

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114

allow agencies to exclude categorically from NEPA review only certain agency actions that have previously been found not normally to have significant environmental impacts See id sect 15084

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Courts have repeatedly confirmed what NEPArsquos text and purpose dictate

federal agencies are required to comply with NEPA before they take final action

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 536 (DC Cir

2018) American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 37 (DC Cir 2018) Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 ldquoThe statute [thus] does not permit an agency to act first and comply

laterrdquo Oglala 896 F3d at 523 That ldquoanalyze first act secondrdquo mandate is based

on the common-sense notion that ldquo[i]t is far easier to influence an initial choice than

to change a mind already made uprdquo Sierra Club 872 F2 at 500 NEPA thus

requires that ldquoa valid [environmental impact statement] be prepared before the

agency grants [a] licenserdquo promulgates a regulation issues a permit or as in this

case grants an easement Oglala 896 F3d at 529 see also National Parks

Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 1079 (DC Cir 2019) (Corps had

to comply with NEPA ldquo[b]efore it could greenlight the projectrdquo by issuing

required permits) rehrsquog pet granted on remedy 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) In

other words the lawfulness of such final agency actions is dependent on the agencyrsquos

compliance with NEPArsquos ldquoaction forcingrdquo requirements See Calvert Cliffs 449

F2d at 1113 And accordingly an agencyrsquos violation of NEPA ldquofatally infect[s]rdquo

the agency action and renders the action unlawful See American Rivers 895 F3d

at 55

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II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here

Timely and faithful agency compliance with NEPA is critical to securing the

Actrsquos mandate and protecting Amici Statesrsquo interests Indeed this Court recognized

that fact more than forty years ago when it informed federal agencies that it would

ldquorigorously enforcerdquo NEPA Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 to ensure that agencies

fulfill the Actrsquos ldquoimportant legislative purposesrdquo id at 1111 see id at 1115 (ldquoIt is

hard to imagine a clearer or stronger mandate[]rdquo) Since then this Court has hewed

closely to those early forceful pronouncements by vacating agency actions that

violate NEPA and undermine its environmental-protection purpose See eg

American Rivers 895 F3d at 55 (vacating license renewal for hydroelectric dam

based on NEPA violation) American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873

F3d 914 932 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating agency decision to eliminate wild horse

territory based on NEPA violation) Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 1374-75

1379 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating without discussion FERC approval of operating

interstate natural-gas pipelines based on NEPA violation) And the United States

District Court for the District of Columbia has assiduously followed this Courtrsquos

lead Eg Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp

3d 1 2 (DDC 2016) (vacatur ldquois the standard remedyrdquo in NEPA cases (citation

omitted)) Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 79-80 (DDC 2010)

(ldquovacatur[] is the presumptively appropriate remedyrdquo)

- 9 -

Although courts ldquomay elect a different remedy based on lsquothe seriousness of

the orderrsquos deficienciesrsquo and lsquothe disruptive consequencesrsquo of vacaturrdquo this Court

has recognized that ldquovacatur is the default remedyrdquo Semonite 925 F3d at 501

(quoting Allied-Signal 988 F2d at 150-51) Thus only in ldquorare casesrdquo United Steel

v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 1287 (DC Cir 2019) has this

Court remanded without vacatur3 for example where a state ldquopermitting

requirement independently bar[red]rdquo the project from advancing until the agency

complied with NEPA eg Oglala 896 F3d at 538 vacatur would ldquodefeat the

enhanced protection of the environmental valuesrdquo afforded by a regulation North

Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 1178 (DC Cir 2008) (citation omitted) or vacatur

itself would ldquotemporarily defeat petitionerrsquos purposerdquo Environmental Def Fund v

EPA 898 F2d 183 190 (DC Cir 1990)4 Here however the district court correctly

rejected Dakota Accessrsquos claim that vacatur of the pipeline easement would cause

3 In the NEPA context as the district court stated ldquoto the Courtrsquos and the partiesrsquo

knowledge only twice has a court not vacated agency action that violated NEPA because of a missing or defective EISrdquo I-RA150

4 Amici States do not contend that remand without vacatur is never appropriate

Indeed Massachusetts along with some of the other State Amici have previously argued successfully for remand without vacatur where vacatur would cause actual harm to public health and the environment Eg Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) Amici States thus do not ask the Court to deviate from those precedents but instead to apply their guiding principles as the district court did correctly here

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environmental harm because the companyrsquos claim was entirely ldquospeculativerdquo and

based on ldquoinconclusive evidencerdquo I-RA161-62 Those factors thus do not exist in

this case

And in all events courts should first and foremost evaluate vacaturrsquos

potential disruptive consequences through the lens of the relevant statutersquos

objectives NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 1374 (DC Cir 2007) (partially vacating

rule because vacatur would not ldquoset backrdquo Clean Air Actrsquos purpose) see also

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 674 (DC Cir

2019) (declining to vacate where ldquoit would lsquoset backrsquo the Actrsquos objective of offering

financial services to people of small meansrdquo) After all ldquoa court sitting in equity

cannot lsquoignore the judgment of Congress deliberately expressed in legislationrsquordquo

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 498 (2001)

(citation omitted) And here in NEPA Congress plainly prioritized environmental

protection over all other considerations See Oglala 896 F3d at 529 (ldquoWe know

that the environmental values protected by NEPA are of high ordermdashbecause

Congress told us sordquo) The ldquoharm at stakerdquo when an agency violates NEPA is ldquoa

harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club 872 F2d at 504mdashan often irreversible

harmmdashnot the economic harm a project proponent may incur when a court finds an

agency violated NEPA when it authorized a project and vacates the agency action

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that unlawfully authorized it Thus the remedy for a NEPA violation must ldquoprotect

the purpose and integrity ofrdquo NEPA Semonite 925 F3d at 502

Indeed vacatur flows directly from NEPArsquos mandate which again requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions before their actions are

finalized Supra p8 see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d

31 43 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquoCongress[] require[d] environmental review and

authorization in advancerdquo) That remedy also flows directly from the Administrative

Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sect 706(2)(A)mdashthe act governing judicial review of

NEPA decisions see infra PtIIImdashsince it has long been held that vacatur is the

standard remedy for unlawful agency action under the APA Eg United Steel 925

F3d at 1287 (ldquoThe ordinary practice is to vacaterdquo) see Federal Power Commrsquon v

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 331 (1976) (agency decision

unsupported by administrative record must be vacated) And as discussed above

supra pp4-5 vacatur is an important tool to disincentivize a rush to complete a

project in the face of legal challenges to a federal agencyrsquos NEPA analysis that could

render the project a practical foregone conclusion or otherwise distort the analysis

for determining whether vacatur is appropriate See Semonite 925 F3d at 502

(describing as ldquotroublingrdquo the Corps and private project proponentrsquos ldquoattempt to

userdquo the projectrsquos completion to argue against vacatur for NEPA violation) That

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

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principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 9: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

Table of Authorities ndash Continued Page

40 CFR sect 150820 4

40 CFR sect 15084 7

40 CFR sect 15089 6

Federal Register

85 Fed Reg 43304 (Jul 16 2020) 3


Attorney Generalrsquos Manual on the Administrative Procedure Act (1947) 19

Complaint California et al v CEQ No 20-cv-06057 (ND Cal Aug 28 2020) ECF No 1 3

Complaint Environmental Justice Health Alliance et al v CEQ No 20-cv-6143 (SDNY Aug 6 2020) ECF No 1 3

Complaint Wild Virg et al v CEQ No 20-cv-00045 (WD Va July 29 2020) ECF No 1 3

Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) 10

Motion of Corps for Partial Stay Pending Appeal Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 23

Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) 23

Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En Banc Rehrsquog Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6 2017) 23

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GLOSSARY Amici States Commonwealth of Massachusetts the States of California Connecticut Delaware Illinois

Maine Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of Guam and Harris County Texas

APA Administrative Procedure Act

Corps US Army Corps of Engineers

CEQ Council on Environmental Quality Dakota Access Dakota Access LLC NEPA National Environmental Policy Act Tribes Standing Rock Sioux Cheyenne River Sioux Oglala Sioux and Yankton Sioux Tribes

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STATUTES AND REGULATIONS Amici States have included the pertinent statutes and regulations cited in this

brief in the attached addendum

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Amici Massachusetts California Connecticut Delaware Illinois Maine

Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode

Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of

Guam and Harris County Texas submit this brief in support of the Standing Rock

Sioux Cheyenne River Sioux Oglala Sioux and Yankton Sioux Tribes and

affirmance of the district courtrsquos merits and remedy opinions The Tribes

prevailedmdashfor a second timemdashon their claim that the US Army Corps of Engineers

(Corps) violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 USC

sectsect 4321-47 (2018) To remedy that second violation the district court properly

exercised its discretion to vacate the Corpsrsquos action to grant an easement relief that

required suspension of the pipeline operations the vacated easement had authorized

The Tribes sought that relief to compel the United States to fulfill the promise of

environmental protection enshrined in NEPA and the United Statesrsquos promise to

protect the Tribes and the natural resources on which they dependmdasha promise far

too often broken See First Amended Complaint (ECF No 241) at parapara 11-24 The

facts of this case too ldquofollow a sadly familiar patternrdquo McGirt v Oklahoma 140 S

Ct 2452 2482 (2020) This Court should affirm vacatur of the Corpsrsquos NEPA-

violative action and reject the Corps and Dakota Access LLCrsquos attempt ldquoto elevaterdquo

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claims of economic harm ldquoover the lawrdquo See id Doing otherwise would ldquoreward[]

wrong and fail[] those in the rightrdquo See id

Amici States have much at stake in this case More than one hundred years

ago the Supreme Court made clear that states have significant interests ldquoindependent

of and behind the titles of [their] citizens in all the earth and air within [their]

domainrdquo Georgia v Tennessee Copper 206 US 230 237 (1907) States thus hold

a quasi-sovereign interest in preventing harm to the environment and natural

resources within their borders Massachusetts v EPA 549 US 497 518-22 (2007)

States as sovereigns also are ldquovested with the responsibility of protecting the health

safety and welfare of [their] citizensrdquo United Haulers Assrsquon v Oneida-Harkimer

Solid Waste Mgmt Auth 550 US 330 342 (2007) The potential for federal actions

to affect those state interests is immense And todaymdashin the midst of the devastating

effects of a changing climate and increasing awareness that environmental harms are

disproportionately borne by our most vulnerable and historically disenfranchised

communitiesmdashit is more important than ever to fully understand evaluate and

disclose for public dialogue the environmental effects of major federal actions

Amici States thus have an unquestionable interest in the federal governmentrsquos

compliance with laws enacted to protect the environment Of those laws NEPA

ldquoour basic national charter for protection of the environmentrdquo 40 CFR sect 15001(a)

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(2019)1 is ldquoperhaps most importantrdquo Calvert Cliffsrsquo Coordinating Comm v US

Atomic Energy Commrsquon 449 F2d 1109 1111 (DC Cir 1974) NEPA requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions Robertson v Methow Valley

Citizens Council 490 US 332 349-50 (1989) (quoting Kleppe v Sierra Club 427

US 390 410 n21 (1976)) and to inform states and the public about those potential

consequences before they take final agency action see 42 USC sect 4332(C)

NEPArsquos mandate thus seeks to ensure that federal agencies understand the potential

environmental consequences of their proposed actions id sect 4331 and use that

knowledge to ldquotake actions that protect restore and enhance the environmentrdquo 40

CFR sect 15001(c) If a federal agency violates NEPA as the district court twice

found the Corps did here that violation affects the Amici Statesrsquo interests in

protecting their environment and natural resources as well as their own and their

1 On July 16 2020 the Council on Environmental Quality promulgated

substantial revisions to NEPArsquos regulations which took effect on September 14 2020 85 Fed Reg 43304 43372 (Jul 16 2020) and among other major changes deleted the above quoted text id at 43357-58 Because the new regulations mark an unlawful departure from NEPArsquos text and purposes numerous parties including many of the Amici States are challenging them Eg Complaint California et al v CEQ No 20-cv-06057 (ND Cal Aug 28 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Environmental Justice Health Alliance et al v CEQ No 20-cv-6143 (SDNY Aug 6 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Wild Virg et al v CEQ No 20-cv-00045 (WD Va July 29 2020) ECF No 1 Because (i) the amended regulations did not take effect until September 14 2020 (ii) neither the Corps nor Dakota Access rely on them and (iii) the district courtrsquos opinions were based on the prior regulations this brief cites exclusively to the prior regulations

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residentsrsquo rights to be informed about and comment on the potential environmental

impacts of a proposed federal action See eg United States v Coalition for

Buzzards Bay 644 F3d 26 36 (1st Cir 2011) (granting Massachusettsrsquos claim that

agency violated NEPA by failing to consider increased risk of oil spills to

Massachusettsrsquos coastal waters)

The nature of the remedy for a federal agencyrsquos NEPA violation is critical to

protecting the Amici Statesrsquo interests NEPArsquos mandatory procedures are designed

to influence the agencyrsquos final action 40 CFR sect 15001(a) and to avoid or at least

mitigate the actionrsquos potential environmental harm id sectsect 15002(e) 150214

(alternatives) 150214(f) 150216(e)-(h) 15052(c) 15053 150820 (mitigation)

As the district court here aptly stated ldquoif you can build first and consider

environmental consequences later NEPArsquos action-forcing purpose loses its biterdquo I

Record Appendix (vol-RAp) 158 Indeed a ldquobuild-firstrdquo strategy risks entirely

draining NEPA of its purpose by allowing federal agencies and project proponents

alike to build first and then inflate economic consequences of vacatur as a means to

avoid vacatur altogether under Allied-Signal Inc v US Nuclear Regulatory

Commissionrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong 988 F2d 146 150 (DC Cir

1993) Judicial decisions that decline to vacate agency action that violates NEPA

incentivize federal agency decisionmakers to do the bare minimum and encourage

project proponents to advance their projects as quickly as possible so that they may

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later claim that the economic consequences of vacatur counsel against it

Conversely judicial decisions that vacate agency actions encourage NEPA

compliance and discourage project proponents from moving forward in the face of

litigation risk to distort the remedy analysis and render the action a fait accompli

Vacatur here thus protects Amici Statesrsquo interests in protecting the

environment and natural resources within their borders and beyond by encouraging

federal agencies to fully factor the potential environmental consequences of their

actions into their decision-making process before they act and deterring private party

tactics that distort the remedy analysis As now-Justice Breyer made clear ldquothe harm

at stakerdquo in NEPA cases ldquois a harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club v Marsh 872

F2d 497 500 (1st Cir 1989) ldquoNEPArsquos object is to minimize the risk of

uninformed choice a risk that arises in part from the practical fact that bureaucratic

decisionmakers (when the law permits) are less likely to tear down a nearly

completed project than a barely started projectrdquo Id at 500-01 For NEPA to matter

there must be significant consequences for non-compliance Vacatur is the means

to that end since vacating an agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing a

private party that benefitted from the action from proceeding with a project or

operating an already constructed project during remand And the Amici States do

not take that consequence lightly as states too are sometimes proponents of

challenged projects

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ARGUMENT I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance NEPArsquos text purpose and case law make clear that federal agency

compliance with NEPArsquos detailed ldquohard lookrdquo requirement is a prerequisite to the

lawfulness of an agencyrsquos action The Actrsquos command attaches at the outset of the

agencyrsquos decision-making process for taking final agency action requiring

evaluation of environmental effects of ldquoproposedrdquo actions 42 USC sect 4332(C)

(emphasis added) And NEPArsquos mandate with respect to those actions is likewise

clear ldquoto the fullest extent possible all agencies of the Federal Government shall

include in every recommendation or report on proposals for major Federal

actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment a detailed

statement by the responsible officialrdquo Id sect 4332 amp (C) see Department of Transp

v Public Citizen 541 US 752 765 (2004) (Federal agencies ldquobear[] the primary

responsibility to compl[y] with NEPArdquo) By statutory default that ldquodetailed

statementrdquo is an environmental impact statement which must evaluate and discuss

among other things ldquo(i) the environmental impact of the proposed action (ii) any

adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be

implemented [and] (iii) alternatives to the proposed actionrdquo Id sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii)2

2 NEPArsquos regulations also allow federal agencies to begin by performing a more

streamlined environmental assessment to determine whether an environmental impact statement is required 40 CFR sectsect 15013 15089 And the regulations

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NEPArsquos directive that agencies must comply ldquoto the fullest extent possiblerdquo

id sect 4332 ldquois neither accidental nor hyperbolicrdquo instead it is ldquoa deliberate

commandrdquo Flint Ridge Dev v Scenic Rivers Assrsquon 426 US 776 787 (1976) And

that command is two-fold ldquoFirst it lsquoplaces upon an agency the obligation to

consider every significant aspect of the environmental impact of a proposed actionrsquordquo

Baltimore Gas amp Electric v NRDC 462 US 87 97 (1983) (citation omitted)

ldquoSecond it ensures that the agency will inform the public that it has indeed

considered environmental concerns in its decisionmaking processrdquo Id To achieve

those aims NEPA ldquodemands that a decisionmakerrdquo take ldquoa hard lookrdquo at ldquoall

significant environmental impacts before choosing a course of actionrdquo Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 (emphasis added) While the Act does not dictate particular results

its procedures are intended to ldquoaffect the agencyrsquos substantive decisionrdquo Robertson

490 US at 350 Thus as this Court wrote soon after NEPArsquos enactment ldquoCongress

did not intend the Act to be a paper tigerrdquo instead ldquothe requirement of

environmental consideration lsquoto the fullest extent possiblersquo sets a high standard for

the agencies a standard which must be rigorously enforced by the reviewing courtsrdquo

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114

allow agencies to exclude categorically from NEPA review only certain agency actions that have previously been found not normally to have significant environmental impacts See id sect 15084

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Courts have repeatedly confirmed what NEPArsquos text and purpose dictate

federal agencies are required to comply with NEPA before they take final action

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 536 (DC Cir

2018) American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 37 (DC Cir 2018) Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 ldquoThe statute [thus] does not permit an agency to act first and comply

laterrdquo Oglala 896 F3d at 523 That ldquoanalyze first act secondrdquo mandate is based

on the common-sense notion that ldquo[i]t is far easier to influence an initial choice than

to change a mind already made uprdquo Sierra Club 872 F2 at 500 NEPA thus

requires that ldquoa valid [environmental impact statement] be prepared before the

agency grants [a] licenserdquo promulgates a regulation issues a permit or as in this

case grants an easement Oglala 896 F3d at 529 see also National Parks

Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 1079 (DC Cir 2019) (Corps had

to comply with NEPA ldquo[b]efore it could greenlight the projectrdquo by issuing

required permits) rehrsquog pet granted on remedy 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) In

other words the lawfulness of such final agency actions is dependent on the agencyrsquos

compliance with NEPArsquos ldquoaction forcingrdquo requirements See Calvert Cliffs 449

F2d at 1113 And accordingly an agencyrsquos violation of NEPA ldquofatally infect[s]rdquo

the agency action and renders the action unlawful See American Rivers 895 F3d

at 55

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II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here

Timely and faithful agency compliance with NEPA is critical to securing the

Actrsquos mandate and protecting Amici Statesrsquo interests Indeed this Court recognized

that fact more than forty years ago when it informed federal agencies that it would

ldquorigorously enforcerdquo NEPA Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 to ensure that agencies

fulfill the Actrsquos ldquoimportant legislative purposesrdquo id at 1111 see id at 1115 (ldquoIt is

hard to imagine a clearer or stronger mandate[]rdquo) Since then this Court has hewed

closely to those early forceful pronouncements by vacating agency actions that

violate NEPA and undermine its environmental-protection purpose See eg

American Rivers 895 F3d at 55 (vacating license renewal for hydroelectric dam

based on NEPA violation) American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873

F3d 914 932 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating agency decision to eliminate wild horse

territory based on NEPA violation) Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 1374-75

1379 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating without discussion FERC approval of operating

interstate natural-gas pipelines based on NEPA violation) And the United States

District Court for the District of Columbia has assiduously followed this Courtrsquos

lead Eg Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp

3d 1 2 (DDC 2016) (vacatur ldquois the standard remedyrdquo in NEPA cases (citation

omitted)) Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 79-80 (DDC 2010)

(ldquovacatur[] is the presumptively appropriate remedyrdquo)

- 9 -

Although courts ldquomay elect a different remedy based on lsquothe seriousness of

the orderrsquos deficienciesrsquo and lsquothe disruptive consequencesrsquo of vacaturrdquo this Court

has recognized that ldquovacatur is the default remedyrdquo Semonite 925 F3d at 501

(quoting Allied-Signal 988 F2d at 150-51) Thus only in ldquorare casesrdquo United Steel

v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 1287 (DC Cir 2019) has this

Court remanded without vacatur3 for example where a state ldquopermitting

requirement independently bar[red]rdquo the project from advancing until the agency

complied with NEPA eg Oglala 896 F3d at 538 vacatur would ldquodefeat the

enhanced protection of the environmental valuesrdquo afforded by a regulation North

Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 1178 (DC Cir 2008) (citation omitted) or vacatur

itself would ldquotemporarily defeat petitionerrsquos purposerdquo Environmental Def Fund v

EPA 898 F2d 183 190 (DC Cir 1990)4 Here however the district court correctly

rejected Dakota Accessrsquos claim that vacatur of the pipeline easement would cause

3 In the NEPA context as the district court stated ldquoto the Courtrsquos and the partiesrsquo

knowledge only twice has a court not vacated agency action that violated NEPA because of a missing or defective EISrdquo I-RA150

4 Amici States do not contend that remand without vacatur is never appropriate

Indeed Massachusetts along with some of the other State Amici have previously argued successfully for remand without vacatur where vacatur would cause actual harm to public health and the environment Eg Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) Amici States thus do not ask the Court to deviate from those precedents but instead to apply their guiding principles as the district court did correctly here

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environmental harm because the companyrsquos claim was entirely ldquospeculativerdquo and

based on ldquoinconclusive evidencerdquo I-RA161-62 Those factors thus do not exist in

this case

And in all events courts should first and foremost evaluate vacaturrsquos

potential disruptive consequences through the lens of the relevant statutersquos

objectives NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 1374 (DC Cir 2007) (partially vacating

rule because vacatur would not ldquoset backrdquo Clean Air Actrsquos purpose) see also

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 674 (DC Cir

2019) (declining to vacate where ldquoit would lsquoset backrsquo the Actrsquos objective of offering

financial services to people of small meansrdquo) After all ldquoa court sitting in equity

cannot lsquoignore the judgment of Congress deliberately expressed in legislationrsquordquo

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 498 (2001)

(citation omitted) And here in NEPA Congress plainly prioritized environmental

protection over all other considerations See Oglala 896 F3d at 529 (ldquoWe know

that the environmental values protected by NEPA are of high ordermdashbecause

Congress told us sordquo) The ldquoharm at stakerdquo when an agency violates NEPA is ldquoa

harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club 872 F2d at 504mdashan often irreversible

harmmdashnot the economic harm a project proponent may incur when a court finds an

agency violated NEPA when it authorized a project and vacates the agency action

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that unlawfully authorized it Thus the remedy for a NEPA violation must ldquoprotect

the purpose and integrity ofrdquo NEPA Semonite 925 F3d at 502

Indeed vacatur flows directly from NEPArsquos mandate which again requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions before their actions are

finalized Supra p8 see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d

31 43 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquoCongress[] require[d] environmental review and

authorization in advancerdquo) That remedy also flows directly from the Administrative

Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sect 706(2)(A)mdashthe act governing judicial review of

NEPA decisions see infra PtIIImdashsince it has long been held that vacatur is the

standard remedy for unlawful agency action under the APA Eg United Steel 925

F3d at 1287 (ldquoThe ordinary practice is to vacaterdquo) see Federal Power Commrsquon v

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 331 (1976) (agency decision

unsupported by administrative record must be vacated) And as discussed above

supra pp4-5 vacatur is an important tool to disincentivize a rush to complete a

project in the face of legal challenges to a federal agencyrsquos NEPA analysis that could

render the project a practical foregone conclusion or otherwise distort the analysis

for determining whether vacatur is appropriate See Semonite 925 F3d at 502

(describing as ldquotroublingrdquo the Corps and private project proponentrsquos ldquoattempt to

userdquo the projectrsquos completion to argue against vacatur for NEPA violation) That

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

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principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 10: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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GLOSSARY Amici States Commonwealth of Massachusetts the States of California Connecticut Delaware Illinois

Maine Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of Guam and Harris County Texas

APA Administrative Procedure Act

Corps US Army Corps of Engineers

CEQ Council on Environmental Quality Dakota Access Dakota Access LLC NEPA National Environmental Policy Act Tribes Standing Rock Sioux Cheyenne River Sioux Oglala Sioux and Yankton Sioux Tribes

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STATUTES AND REGULATIONS Amici States have included the pertinent statutes and regulations cited in this

brief in the attached addendum

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Amici Massachusetts California Connecticut Delaware Illinois Maine

Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode

Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of

Guam and Harris County Texas submit this brief in support of the Standing Rock

Sioux Cheyenne River Sioux Oglala Sioux and Yankton Sioux Tribes and

affirmance of the district courtrsquos merits and remedy opinions The Tribes

prevailedmdashfor a second timemdashon their claim that the US Army Corps of Engineers

(Corps) violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 USC

sectsect 4321-47 (2018) To remedy that second violation the district court properly

exercised its discretion to vacate the Corpsrsquos action to grant an easement relief that

required suspension of the pipeline operations the vacated easement had authorized

The Tribes sought that relief to compel the United States to fulfill the promise of

environmental protection enshrined in NEPA and the United Statesrsquos promise to

protect the Tribes and the natural resources on which they dependmdasha promise far

too often broken See First Amended Complaint (ECF No 241) at parapara 11-24 The

facts of this case too ldquofollow a sadly familiar patternrdquo McGirt v Oklahoma 140 S

Ct 2452 2482 (2020) This Court should affirm vacatur of the Corpsrsquos NEPA-

violative action and reject the Corps and Dakota Access LLCrsquos attempt ldquoto elevaterdquo

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claims of economic harm ldquoover the lawrdquo See id Doing otherwise would ldquoreward[]

wrong and fail[] those in the rightrdquo See id

Amici States have much at stake in this case More than one hundred years

ago the Supreme Court made clear that states have significant interests ldquoindependent

of and behind the titles of [their] citizens in all the earth and air within [their]

domainrdquo Georgia v Tennessee Copper 206 US 230 237 (1907) States thus hold

a quasi-sovereign interest in preventing harm to the environment and natural

resources within their borders Massachusetts v EPA 549 US 497 518-22 (2007)

States as sovereigns also are ldquovested with the responsibility of protecting the health

safety and welfare of [their] citizensrdquo United Haulers Assrsquon v Oneida-Harkimer

Solid Waste Mgmt Auth 550 US 330 342 (2007) The potential for federal actions

to affect those state interests is immense And todaymdashin the midst of the devastating

effects of a changing climate and increasing awareness that environmental harms are

disproportionately borne by our most vulnerable and historically disenfranchised

communitiesmdashit is more important than ever to fully understand evaluate and

disclose for public dialogue the environmental effects of major federal actions

Amici States thus have an unquestionable interest in the federal governmentrsquos

compliance with laws enacted to protect the environment Of those laws NEPA

ldquoour basic national charter for protection of the environmentrdquo 40 CFR sect 15001(a)

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(2019)1 is ldquoperhaps most importantrdquo Calvert Cliffsrsquo Coordinating Comm v US

Atomic Energy Commrsquon 449 F2d 1109 1111 (DC Cir 1974) NEPA requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions Robertson v Methow Valley

Citizens Council 490 US 332 349-50 (1989) (quoting Kleppe v Sierra Club 427

US 390 410 n21 (1976)) and to inform states and the public about those potential

consequences before they take final agency action see 42 USC sect 4332(C)

NEPArsquos mandate thus seeks to ensure that federal agencies understand the potential

environmental consequences of their proposed actions id sect 4331 and use that

knowledge to ldquotake actions that protect restore and enhance the environmentrdquo 40

CFR sect 15001(c) If a federal agency violates NEPA as the district court twice

found the Corps did here that violation affects the Amici Statesrsquo interests in

protecting their environment and natural resources as well as their own and their

1 On July 16 2020 the Council on Environmental Quality promulgated

substantial revisions to NEPArsquos regulations which took effect on September 14 2020 85 Fed Reg 43304 43372 (Jul 16 2020) and among other major changes deleted the above quoted text id at 43357-58 Because the new regulations mark an unlawful departure from NEPArsquos text and purposes numerous parties including many of the Amici States are challenging them Eg Complaint California et al v CEQ No 20-cv-06057 (ND Cal Aug 28 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Environmental Justice Health Alliance et al v CEQ No 20-cv-6143 (SDNY Aug 6 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Wild Virg et al v CEQ No 20-cv-00045 (WD Va July 29 2020) ECF No 1 Because (i) the amended regulations did not take effect until September 14 2020 (ii) neither the Corps nor Dakota Access rely on them and (iii) the district courtrsquos opinions were based on the prior regulations this brief cites exclusively to the prior regulations

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residentsrsquo rights to be informed about and comment on the potential environmental

impacts of a proposed federal action See eg United States v Coalition for

Buzzards Bay 644 F3d 26 36 (1st Cir 2011) (granting Massachusettsrsquos claim that

agency violated NEPA by failing to consider increased risk of oil spills to

Massachusettsrsquos coastal waters)

The nature of the remedy for a federal agencyrsquos NEPA violation is critical to

protecting the Amici Statesrsquo interests NEPArsquos mandatory procedures are designed

to influence the agencyrsquos final action 40 CFR sect 15001(a) and to avoid or at least

mitigate the actionrsquos potential environmental harm id sectsect 15002(e) 150214

(alternatives) 150214(f) 150216(e)-(h) 15052(c) 15053 150820 (mitigation)

As the district court here aptly stated ldquoif you can build first and consider

environmental consequences later NEPArsquos action-forcing purpose loses its biterdquo I

Record Appendix (vol-RAp) 158 Indeed a ldquobuild-firstrdquo strategy risks entirely

draining NEPA of its purpose by allowing federal agencies and project proponents

alike to build first and then inflate economic consequences of vacatur as a means to

avoid vacatur altogether under Allied-Signal Inc v US Nuclear Regulatory

Commissionrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong 988 F2d 146 150 (DC Cir

1993) Judicial decisions that decline to vacate agency action that violates NEPA

incentivize federal agency decisionmakers to do the bare minimum and encourage

project proponents to advance their projects as quickly as possible so that they may

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later claim that the economic consequences of vacatur counsel against it

Conversely judicial decisions that vacate agency actions encourage NEPA

compliance and discourage project proponents from moving forward in the face of

litigation risk to distort the remedy analysis and render the action a fait accompli

Vacatur here thus protects Amici Statesrsquo interests in protecting the

environment and natural resources within their borders and beyond by encouraging

federal agencies to fully factor the potential environmental consequences of their

actions into their decision-making process before they act and deterring private party

tactics that distort the remedy analysis As now-Justice Breyer made clear ldquothe harm

at stakerdquo in NEPA cases ldquois a harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club v Marsh 872

F2d 497 500 (1st Cir 1989) ldquoNEPArsquos object is to minimize the risk of

uninformed choice a risk that arises in part from the practical fact that bureaucratic

decisionmakers (when the law permits) are less likely to tear down a nearly

completed project than a barely started projectrdquo Id at 500-01 For NEPA to matter

there must be significant consequences for non-compliance Vacatur is the means

to that end since vacating an agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing a

private party that benefitted from the action from proceeding with a project or

operating an already constructed project during remand And the Amici States do

not take that consequence lightly as states too are sometimes proponents of

challenged projects

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ARGUMENT I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance NEPArsquos text purpose and case law make clear that federal agency

compliance with NEPArsquos detailed ldquohard lookrdquo requirement is a prerequisite to the

lawfulness of an agencyrsquos action The Actrsquos command attaches at the outset of the

agencyrsquos decision-making process for taking final agency action requiring

evaluation of environmental effects of ldquoproposedrdquo actions 42 USC sect 4332(C)

(emphasis added) And NEPArsquos mandate with respect to those actions is likewise

clear ldquoto the fullest extent possible all agencies of the Federal Government shall

include in every recommendation or report on proposals for major Federal

actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment a detailed

statement by the responsible officialrdquo Id sect 4332 amp (C) see Department of Transp

v Public Citizen 541 US 752 765 (2004) (Federal agencies ldquobear[] the primary

responsibility to compl[y] with NEPArdquo) By statutory default that ldquodetailed

statementrdquo is an environmental impact statement which must evaluate and discuss

among other things ldquo(i) the environmental impact of the proposed action (ii) any

adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be

implemented [and] (iii) alternatives to the proposed actionrdquo Id sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii)2

2 NEPArsquos regulations also allow federal agencies to begin by performing a more

streamlined environmental assessment to determine whether an environmental impact statement is required 40 CFR sectsect 15013 15089 And the regulations

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NEPArsquos directive that agencies must comply ldquoto the fullest extent possiblerdquo

id sect 4332 ldquois neither accidental nor hyperbolicrdquo instead it is ldquoa deliberate

commandrdquo Flint Ridge Dev v Scenic Rivers Assrsquon 426 US 776 787 (1976) And

that command is two-fold ldquoFirst it lsquoplaces upon an agency the obligation to

consider every significant aspect of the environmental impact of a proposed actionrsquordquo

Baltimore Gas amp Electric v NRDC 462 US 87 97 (1983) (citation omitted)

ldquoSecond it ensures that the agency will inform the public that it has indeed

considered environmental concerns in its decisionmaking processrdquo Id To achieve

those aims NEPA ldquodemands that a decisionmakerrdquo take ldquoa hard lookrdquo at ldquoall

significant environmental impacts before choosing a course of actionrdquo Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 (emphasis added) While the Act does not dictate particular results

its procedures are intended to ldquoaffect the agencyrsquos substantive decisionrdquo Robertson

490 US at 350 Thus as this Court wrote soon after NEPArsquos enactment ldquoCongress

did not intend the Act to be a paper tigerrdquo instead ldquothe requirement of

environmental consideration lsquoto the fullest extent possiblersquo sets a high standard for

the agencies a standard which must be rigorously enforced by the reviewing courtsrdquo

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114

allow agencies to exclude categorically from NEPA review only certain agency actions that have previously been found not normally to have significant environmental impacts See id sect 15084

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Courts have repeatedly confirmed what NEPArsquos text and purpose dictate

federal agencies are required to comply with NEPA before they take final action

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 536 (DC Cir

2018) American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 37 (DC Cir 2018) Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 ldquoThe statute [thus] does not permit an agency to act first and comply

laterrdquo Oglala 896 F3d at 523 That ldquoanalyze first act secondrdquo mandate is based

on the common-sense notion that ldquo[i]t is far easier to influence an initial choice than

to change a mind already made uprdquo Sierra Club 872 F2 at 500 NEPA thus

requires that ldquoa valid [environmental impact statement] be prepared before the

agency grants [a] licenserdquo promulgates a regulation issues a permit or as in this

case grants an easement Oglala 896 F3d at 529 see also National Parks

Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 1079 (DC Cir 2019) (Corps had

to comply with NEPA ldquo[b]efore it could greenlight the projectrdquo by issuing

required permits) rehrsquog pet granted on remedy 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) In

other words the lawfulness of such final agency actions is dependent on the agencyrsquos

compliance with NEPArsquos ldquoaction forcingrdquo requirements See Calvert Cliffs 449

F2d at 1113 And accordingly an agencyrsquos violation of NEPA ldquofatally infect[s]rdquo

the agency action and renders the action unlawful See American Rivers 895 F3d

at 55

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II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here

Timely and faithful agency compliance with NEPA is critical to securing the

Actrsquos mandate and protecting Amici Statesrsquo interests Indeed this Court recognized

that fact more than forty years ago when it informed federal agencies that it would

ldquorigorously enforcerdquo NEPA Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 to ensure that agencies

fulfill the Actrsquos ldquoimportant legislative purposesrdquo id at 1111 see id at 1115 (ldquoIt is

hard to imagine a clearer or stronger mandate[]rdquo) Since then this Court has hewed

closely to those early forceful pronouncements by vacating agency actions that

violate NEPA and undermine its environmental-protection purpose See eg

American Rivers 895 F3d at 55 (vacating license renewal for hydroelectric dam

based on NEPA violation) American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873

F3d 914 932 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating agency decision to eliminate wild horse

territory based on NEPA violation) Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 1374-75

1379 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating without discussion FERC approval of operating

interstate natural-gas pipelines based on NEPA violation) And the United States

District Court for the District of Columbia has assiduously followed this Courtrsquos

lead Eg Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp

3d 1 2 (DDC 2016) (vacatur ldquois the standard remedyrdquo in NEPA cases (citation

omitted)) Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 79-80 (DDC 2010)

(ldquovacatur[] is the presumptively appropriate remedyrdquo)

- 9 -

Although courts ldquomay elect a different remedy based on lsquothe seriousness of

the orderrsquos deficienciesrsquo and lsquothe disruptive consequencesrsquo of vacaturrdquo this Court

has recognized that ldquovacatur is the default remedyrdquo Semonite 925 F3d at 501

(quoting Allied-Signal 988 F2d at 150-51) Thus only in ldquorare casesrdquo United Steel

v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 1287 (DC Cir 2019) has this

Court remanded without vacatur3 for example where a state ldquopermitting

requirement independently bar[red]rdquo the project from advancing until the agency

complied with NEPA eg Oglala 896 F3d at 538 vacatur would ldquodefeat the

enhanced protection of the environmental valuesrdquo afforded by a regulation North

Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 1178 (DC Cir 2008) (citation omitted) or vacatur

itself would ldquotemporarily defeat petitionerrsquos purposerdquo Environmental Def Fund v

EPA 898 F2d 183 190 (DC Cir 1990)4 Here however the district court correctly

rejected Dakota Accessrsquos claim that vacatur of the pipeline easement would cause

3 In the NEPA context as the district court stated ldquoto the Courtrsquos and the partiesrsquo

knowledge only twice has a court not vacated agency action that violated NEPA because of a missing or defective EISrdquo I-RA150

4 Amici States do not contend that remand without vacatur is never appropriate

Indeed Massachusetts along with some of the other State Amici have previously argued successfully for remand without vacatur where vacatur would cause actual harm to public health and the environment Eg Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) Amici States thus do not ask the Court to deviate from those precedents but instead to apply their guiding principles as the district court did correctly here

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environmental harm because the companyrsquos claim was entirely ldquospeculativerdquo and

based on ldquoinconclusive evidencerdquo I-RA161-62 Those factors thus do not exist in

this case

And in all events courts should first and foremost evaluate vacaturrsquos

potential disruptive consequences through the lens of the relevant statutersquos

objectives NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 1374 (DC Cir 2007) (partially vacating

rule because vacatur would not ldquoset backrdquo Clean Air Actrsquos purpose) see also

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 674 (DC Cir

2019) (declining to vacate where ldquoit would lsquoset backrsquo the Actrsquos objective of offering

financial services to people of small meansrdquo) After all ldquoa court sitting in equity

cannot lsquoignore the judgment of Congress deliberately expressed in legislationrsquordquo

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 498 (2001)

(citation omitted) And here in NEPA Congress plainly prioritized environmental

protection over all other considerations See Oglala 896 F3d at 529 (ldquoWe know

that the environmental values protected by NEPA are of high ordermdashbecause

Congress told us sordquo) The ldquoharm at stakerdquo when an agency violates NEPA is ldquoa

harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club 872 F2d at 504mdashan often irreversible

harmmdashnot the economic harm a project proponent may incur when a court finds an

agency violated NEPA when it authorized a project and vacates the agency action

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that unlawfully authorized it Thus the remedy for a NEPA violation must ldquoprotect

the purpose and integrity ofrdquo NEPA Semonite 925 F3d at 502

Indeed vacatur flows directly from NEPArsquos mandate which again requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions before their actions are

finalized Supra p8 see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d

31 43 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquoCongress[] require[d] environmental review and

authorization in advancerdquo) That remedy also flows directly from the Administrative

Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sect 706(2)(A)mdashthe act governing judicial review of

NEPA decisions see infra PtIIImdashsince it has long been held that vacatur is the

standard remedy for unlawful agency action under the APA Eg United Steel 925

F3d at 1287 (ldquoThe ordinary practice is to vacaterdquo) see Federal Power Commrsquon v

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 331 (1976) (agency decision

unsupported by administrative record must be vacated) And as discussed above

supra pp4-5 vacatur is an important tool to disincentivize a rush to complete a

project in the face of legal challenges to a federal agencyrsquos NEPA analysis that could

render the project a practical foregone conclusion or otherwise distort the analysis

for determining whether vacatur is appropriate See Semonite 925 F3d at 502

(describing as ldquotroublingrdquo the Corps and private project proponentrsquos ldquoattempt to

userdquo the projectrsquos completion to argue against vacatur for NEPA violation) That

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

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principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 11: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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STATUTES AND REGULATIONS Amici States have included the pertinent statutes and regulations cited in this

brief in the attached addendum

- x -

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Amici Massachusetts California Connecticut Delaware Illinois Maine

Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode

Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of

Guam and Harris County Texas submit this brief in support of the Standing Rock

Sioux Cheyenne River Sioux Oglala Sioux and Yankton Sioux Tribes and

affirmance of the district courtrsquos merits and remedy opinions The Tribes

prevailedmdashfor a second timemdashon their claim that the US Army Corps of Engineers

(Corps) violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 USC

sectsect 4321-47 (2018) To remedy that second violation the district court properly

exercised its discretion to vacate the Corpsrsquos action to grant an easement relief that

required suspension of the pipeline operations the vacated easement had authorized

The Tribes sought that relief to compel the United States to fulfill the promise of

environmental protection enshrined in NEPA and the United Statesrsquos promise to

protect the Tribes and the natural resources on which they dependmdasha promise far

too often broken See First Amended Complaint (ECF No 241) at parapara 11-24 The

facts of this case too ldquofollow a sadly familiar patternrdquo McGirt v Oklahoma 140 S

Ct 2452 2482 (2020) This Court should affirm vacatur of the Corpsrsquos NEPA-

violative action and reject the Corps and Dakota Access LLCrsquos attempt ldquoto elevaterdquo

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 13 of 56

claims of economic harm ldquoover the lawrdquo See id Doing otherwise would ldquoreward[]

wrong and fail[] those in the rightrdquo See id

Amici States have much at stake in this case More than one hundred years

ago the Supreme Court made clear that states have significant interests ldquoindependent

of and behind the titles of [their] citizens in all the earth and air within [their]

domainrdquo Georgia v Tennessee Copper 206 US 230 237 (1907) States thus hold

a quasi-sovereign interest in preventing harm to the environment and natural

resources within their borders Massachusetts v EPA 549 US 497 518-22 (2007)

States as sovereigns also are ldquovested with the responsibility of protecting the health

safety and welfare of [their] citizensrdquo United Haulers Assrsquon v Oneida-Harkimer

Solid Waste Mgmt Auth 550 US 330 342 (2007) The potential for federal actions

to affect those state interests is immense And todaymdashin the midst of the devastating

effects of a changing climate and increasing awareness that environmental harms are

disproportionately borne by our most vulnerable and historically disenfranchised

communitiesmdashit is more important than ever to fully understand evaluate and

disclose for public dialogue the environmental effects of major federal actions

Amici States thus have an unquestionable interest in the federal governmentrsquos

compliance with laws enacted to protect the environment Of those laws NEPA

ldquoour basic national charter for protection of the environmentrdquo 40 CFR sect 15001(a)

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(2019)1 is ldquoperhaps most importantrdquo Calvert Cliffsrsquo Coordinating Comm v US

Atomic Energy Commrsquon 449 F2d 1109 1111 (DC Cir 1974) NEPA requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions Robertson v Methow Valley

Citizens Council 490 US 332 349-50 (1989) (quoting Kleppe v Sierra Club 427

US 390 410 n21 (1976)) and to inform states and the public about those potential

consequences before they take final agency action see 42 USC sect 4332(C)

NEPArsquos mandate thus seeks to ensure that federal agencies understand the potential

environmental consequences of their proposed actions id sect 4331 and use that

knowledge to ldquotake actions that protect restore and enhance the environmentrdquo 40

CFR sect 15001(c) If a federal agency violates NEPA as the district court twice

found the Corps did here that violation affects the Amici Statesrsquo interests in

protecting their environment and natural resources as well as their own and their

1 On July 16 2020 the Council on Environmental Quality promulgated

substantial revisions to NEPArsquos regulations which took effect on September 14 2020 85 Fed Reg 43304 43372 (Jul 16 2020) and among other major changes deleted the above quoted text id at 43357-58 Because the new regulations mark an unlawful departure from NEPArsquos text and purposes numerous parties including many of the Amici States are challenging them Eg Complaint California et al v CEQ No 20-cv-06057 (ND Cal Aug 28 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Environmental Justice Health Alliance et al v CEQ No 20-cv-6143 (SDNY Aug 6 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Wild Virg et al v CEQ No 20-cv-00045 (WD Va July 29 2020) ECF No 1 Because (i) the amended regulations did not take effect until September 14 2020 (ii) neither the Corps nor Dakota Access rely on them and (iii) the district courtrsquos opinions were based on the prior regulations this brief cites exclusively to the prior regulations

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residentsrsquo rights to be informed about and comment on the potential environmental

impacts of a proposed federal action See eg United States v Coalition for

Buzzards Bay 644 F3d 26 36 (1st Cir 2011) (granting Massachusettsrsquos claim that

agency violated NEPA by failing to consider increased risk of oil spills to

Massachusettsrsquos coastal waters)

The nature of the remedy for a federal agencyrsquos NEPA violation is critical to

protecting the Amici Statesrsquo interests NEPArsquos mandatory procedures are designed

to influence the agencyrsquos final action 40 CFR sect 15001(a) and to avoid or at least

mitigate the actionrsquos potential environmental harm id sectsect 15002(e) 150214

(alternatives) 150214(f) 150216(e)-(h) 15052(c) 15053 150820 (mitigation)

As the district court here aptly stated ldquoif you can build first and consider

environmental consequences later NEPArsquos action-forcing purpose loses its biterdquo I

Record Appendix (vol-RAp) 158 Indeed a ldquobuild-firstrdquo strategy risks entirely

draining NEPA of its purpose by allowing federal agencies and project proponents

alike to build first and then inflate economic consequences of vacatur as a means to

avoid vacatur altogether under Allied-Signal Inc v US Nuclear Regulatory

Commissionrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong 988 F2d 146 150 (DC Cir

1993) Judicial decisions that decline to vacate agency action that violates NEPA

incentivize federal agency decisionmakers to do the bare minimum and encourage

project proponents to advance their projects as quickly as possible so that they may

- 4 -

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later claim that the economic consequences of vacatur counsel against it

Conversely judicial decisions that vacate agency actions encourage NEPA

compliance and discourage project proponents from moving forward in the face of

litigation risk to distort the remedy analysis and render the action a fait accompli

Vacatur here thus protects Amici Statesrsquo interests in protecting the

environment and natural resources within their borders and beyond by encouraging

federal agencies to fully factor the potential environmental consequences of their

actions into their decision-making process before they act and deterring private party

tactics that distort the remedy analysis As now-Justice Breyer made clear ldquothe harm

at stakerdquo in NEPA cases ldquois a harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club v Marsh 872

F2d 497 500 (1st Cir 1989) ldquoNEPArsquos object is to minimize the risk of

uninformed choice a risk that arises in part from the practical fact that bureaucratic

decisionmakers (when the law permits) are less likely to tear down a nearly

completed project than a barely started projectrdquo Id at 500-01 For NEPA to matter

there must be significant consequences for non-compliance Vacatur is the means

to that end since vacating an agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing a

private party that benefitted from the action from proceeding with a project or

operating an already constructed project during remand And the Amici States do

not take that consequence lightly as states too are sometimes proponents of

challenged projects

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ARGUMENT I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance NEPArsquos text purpose and case law make clear that federal agency

compliance with NEPArsquos detailed ldquohard lookrdquo requirement is a prerequisite to the

lawfulness of an agencyrsquos action The Actrsquos command attaches at the outset of the

agencyrsquos decision-making process for taking final agency action requiring

evaluation of environmental effects of ldquoproposedrdquo actions 42 USC sect 4332(C)

(emphasis added) And NEPArsquos mandate with respect to those actions is likewise

clear ldquoto the fullest extent possible all agencies of the Federal Government shall

include in every recommendation or report on proposals for major Federal

actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment a detailed

statement by the responsible officialrdquo Id sect 4332 amp (C) see Department of Transp

v Public Citizen 541 US 752 765 (2004) (Federal agencies ldquobear[] the primary

responsibility to compl[y] with NEPArdquo) By statutory default that ldquodetailed

statementrdquo is an environmental impact statement which must evaluate and discuss

among other things ldquo(i) the environmental impact of the proposed action (ii) any

adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be

implemented [and] (iii) alternatives to the proposed actionrdquo Id sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii)2

2 NEPArsquos regulations also allow federal agencies to begin by performing a more

streamlined environmental assessment to determine whether an environmental impact statement is required 40 CFR sectsect 15013 15089 And the regulations

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NEPArsquos directive that agencies must comply ldquoto the fullest extent possiblerdquo

id sect 4332 ldquois neither accidental nor hyperbolicrdquo instead it is ldquoa deliberate

commandrdquo Flint Ridge Dev v Scenic Rivers Assrsquon 426 US 776 787 (1976) And

that command is two-fold ldquoFirst it lsquoplaces upon an agency the obligation to

consider every significant aspect of the environmental impact of a proposed actionrsquordquo

Baltimore Gas amp Electric v NRDC 462 US 87 97 (1983) (citation omitted)

ldquoSecond it ensures that the agency will inform the public that it has indeed

considered environmental concerns in its decisionmaking processrdquo Id To achieve

those aims NEPA ldquodemands that a decisionmakerrdquo take ldquoa hard lookrdquo at ldquoall

significant environmental impacts before choosing a course of actionrdquo Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 (emphasis added) While the Act does not dictate particular results

its procedures are intended to ldquoaffect the agencyrsquos substantive decisionrdquo Robertson

490 US at 350 Thus as this Court wrote soon after NEPArsquos enactment ldquoCongress

did not intend the Act to be a paper tigerrdquo instead ldquothe requirement of

environmental consideration lsquoto the fullest extent possiblersquo sets a high standard for

the agencies a standard which must be rigorously enforced by the reviewing courtsrdquo

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114

allow agencies to exclude categorically from NEPA review only certain agency actions that have previously been found not normally to have significant environmental impacts See id sect 15084

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Courts have repeatedly confirmed what NEPArsquos text and purpose dictate

federal agencies are required to comply with NEPA before they take final action

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 536 (DC Cir

2018) American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 37 (DC Cir 2018) Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 ldquoThe statute [thus] does not permit an agency to act first and comply

laterrdquo Oglala 896 F3d at 523 That ldquoanalyze first act secondrdquo mandate is based

on the common-sense notion that ldquo[i]t is far easier to influence an initial choice than

to change a mind already made uprdquo Sierra Club 872 F2 at 500 NEPA thus

requires that ldquoa valid [environmental impact statement] be prepared before the

agency grants [a] licenserdquo promulgates a regulation issues a permit or as in this

case grants an easement Oglala 896 F3d at 529 see also National Parks

Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 1079 (DC Cir 2019) (Corps had

to comply with NEPA ldquo[b]efore it could greenlight the projectrdquo by issuing

required permits) rehrsquog pet granted on remedy 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) In

other words the lawfulness of such final agency actions is dependent on the agencyrsquos

compliance with NEPArsquos ldquoaction forcingrdquo requirements See Calvert Cliffs 449

F2d at 1113 And accordingly an agencyrsquos violation of NEPA ldquofatally infect[s]rdquo

the agency action and renders the action unlawful See American Rivers 895 F3d

at 55

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II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here

Timely and faithful agency compliance with NEPA is critical to securing the

Actrsquos mandate and protecting Amici Statesrsquo interests Indeed this Court recognized

that fact more than forty years ago when it informed federal agencies that it would

ldquorigorously enforcerdquo NEPA Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 to ensure that agencies

fulfill the Actrsquos ldquoimportant legislative purposesrdquo id at 1111 see id at 1115 (ldquoIt is

hard to imagine a clearer or stronger mandate[]rdquo) Since then this Court has hewed

closely to those early forceful pronouncements by vacating agency actions that

violate NEPA and undermine its environmental-protection purpose See eg

American Rivers 895 F3d at 55 (vacating license renewal for hydroelectric dam

based on NEPA violation) American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873

F3d 914 932 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating agency decision to eliminate wild horse

territory based on NEPA violation) Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 1374-75

1379 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating without discussion FERC approval of operating

interstate natural-gas pipelines based on NEPA violation) And the United States

District Court for the District of Columbia has assiduously followed this Courtrsquos

lead Eg Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp

3d 1 2 (DDC 2016) (vacatur ldquois the standard remedyrdquo in NEPA cases (citation

omitted)) Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 79-80 (DDC 2010)

(ldquovacatur[] is the presumptively appropriate remedyrdquo)

- 9 -

Although courts ldquomay elect a different remedy based on lsquothe seriousness of

the orderrsquos deficienciesrsquo and lsquothe disruptive consequencesrsquo of vacaturrdquo this Court

has recognized that ldquovacatur is the default remedyrdquo Semonite 925 F3d at 501

(quoting Allied-Signal 988 F2d at 150-51) Thus only in ldquorare casesrdquo United Steel

v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 1287 (DC Cir 2019) has this

Court remanded without vacatur3 for example where a state ldquopermitting

requirement independently bar[red]rdquo the project from advancing until the agency

complied with NEPA eg Oglala 896 F3d at 538 vacatur would ldquodefeat the

enhanced protection of the environmental valuesrdquo afforded by a regulation North

Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 1178 (DC Cir 2008) (citation omitted) or vacatur

itself would ldquotemporarily defeat petitionerrsquos purposerdquo Environmental Def Fund v

EPA 898 F2d 183 190 (DC Cir 1990)4 Here however the district court correctly

rejected Dakota Accessrsquos claim that vacatur of the pipeline easement would cause

3 In the NEPA context as the district court stated ldquoto the Courtrsquos and the partiesrsquo

knowledge only twice has a court not vacated agency action that violated NEPA because of a missing or defective EISrdquo I-RA150

4 Amici States do not contend that remand without vacatur is never appropriate

Indeed Massachusetts along with some of the other State Amici have previously argued successfully for remand without vacatur where vacatur would cause actual harm to public health and the environment Eg Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) Amici States thus do not ask the Court to deviate from those precedents but instead to apply their guiding principles as the district court did correctly here

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environmental harm because the companyrsquos claim was entirely ldquospeculativerdquo and

based on ldquoinconclusive evidencerdquo I-RA161-62 Those factors thus do not exist in

this case

And in all events courts should first and foremost evaluate vacaturrsquos

potential disruptive consequences through the lens of the relevant statutersquos

objectives NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 1374 (DC Cir 2007) (partially vacating

rule because vacatur would not ldquoset backrdquo Clean Air Actrsquos purpose) see also

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 674 (DC Cir

2019) (declining to vacate where ldquoit would lsquoset backrsquo the Actrsquos objective of offering

financial services to people of small meansrdquo) After all ldquoa court sitting in equity

cannot lsquoignore the judgment of Congress deliberately expressed in legislationrsquordquo

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 498 (2001)

(citation omitted) And here in NEPA Congress plainly prioritized environmental

protection over all other considerations See Oglala 896 F3d at 529 (ldquoWe know

that the environmental values protected by NEPA are of high ordermdashbecause

Congress told us sordquo) The ldquoharm at stakerdquo when an agency violates NEPA is ldquoa

harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club 872 F2d at 504mdashan often irreversible

harmmdashnot the economic harm a project proponent may incur when a court finds an

agency violated NEPA when it authorized a project and vacates the agency action

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that unlawfully authorized it Thus the remedy for a NEPA violation must ldquoprotect

the purpose and integrity ofrdquo NEPA Semonite 925 F3d at 502

Indeed vacatur flows directly from NEPArsquos mandate which again requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions before their actions are

finalized Supra p8 see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d

31 43 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquoCongress[] require[d] environmental review and

authorization in advancerdquo) That remedy also flows directly from the Administrative

Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sect 706(2)(A)mdashthe act governing judicial review of

NEPA decisions see infra PtIIImdashsince it has long been held that vacatur is the

standard remedy for unlawful agency action under the APA Eg United Steel 925

F3d at 1287 (ldquoThe ordinary practice is to vacaterdquo) see Federal Power Commrsquon v

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 331 (1976) (agency decision

unsupported by administrative record must be vacated) And as discussed above

supra pp4-5 vacatur is an important tool to disincentivize a rush to complete a

project in the face of legal challenges to a federal agencyrsquos NEPA analysis that could

render the project a practical foregone conclusion or otherwise distort the analysis

for determining whether vacatur is appropriate See Semonite 925 F3d at 502

(describing as ldquotroublingrdquo the Corps and private project proponentrsquos ldquoattempt to

userdquo the projectrsquos completion to argue against vacatur for NEPA violation) That

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

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principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

- 24 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 36 of 56

such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

- 25 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 37 of 56

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

- 26 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 38 of 56

FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

- 27 -

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

- 28 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 40 of 56

FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

- 29 -

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 42 of 56


I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




on D









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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 12: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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Amici Massachusetts California Connecticut Delaware Illinois Maine

Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York Oregon Rhode

Island Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia the Territory of

Guam and Harris County Texas submit this brief in support of the Standing Rock

Sioux Cheyenne River Sioux Oglala Sioux and Yankton Sioux Tribes and

affirmance of the district courtrsquos merits and remedy opinions The Tribes

prevailedmdashfor a second timemdashon their claim that the US Army Corps of Engineers

(Corps) violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 USC

sectsect 4321-47 (2018) To remedy that second violation the district court properly

exercised its discretion to vacate the Corpsrsquos action to grant an easement relief that

required suspension of the pipeline operations the vacated easement had authorized

The Tribes sought that relief to compel the United States to fulfill the promise of

environmental protection enshrined in NEPA and the United Statesrsquos promise to

protect the Tribes and the natural resources on which they dependmdasha promise far

too often broken See First Amended Complaint (ECF No 241) at parapara 11-24 The

facts of this case too ldquofollow a sadly familiar patternrdquo McGirt v Oklahoma 140 S

Ct 2452 2482 (2020) This Court should affirm vacatur of the Corpsrsquos NEPA-

violative action and reject the Corps and Dakota Access LLCrsquos attempt ldquoto elevaterdquo

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 13 of 56

claims of economic harm ldquoover the lawrdquo See id Doing otherwise would ldquoreward[]

wrong and fail[] those in the rightrdquo See id

Amici States have much at stake in this case More than one hundred years

ago the Supreme Court made clear that states have significant interests ldquoindependent

of and behind the titles of [their] citizens in all the earth and air within [their]

domainrdquo Georgia v Tennessee Copper 206 US 230 237 (1907) States thus hold

a quasi-sovereign interest in preventing harm to the environment and natural

resources within their borders Massachusetts v EPA 549 US 497 518-22 (2007)

States as sovereigns also are ldquovested with the responsibility of protecting the health

safety and welfare of [their] citizensrdquo United Haulers Assrsquon v Oneida-Harkimer

Solid Waste Mgmt Auth 550 US 330 342 (2007) The potential for federal actions

to affect those state interests is immense And todaymdashin the midst of the devastating

effects of a changing climate and increasing awareness that environmental harms are

disproportionately borne by our most vulnerable and historically disenfranchised

communitiesmdashit is more important than ever to fully understand evaluate and

disclose for public dialogue the environmental effects of major federal actions

Amici States thus have an unquestionable interest in the federal governmentrsquos

compliance with laws enacted to protect the environment Of those laws NEPA

ldquoour basic national charter for protection of the environmentrdquo 40 CFR sect 15001(a)

- 2 -

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(2019)1 is ldquoperhaps most importantrdquo Calvert Cliffsrsquo Coordinating Comm v US

Atomic Energy Commrsquon 449 F2d 1109 1111 (DC Cir 1974) NEPA requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions Robertson v Methow Valley

Citizens Council 490 US 332 349-50 (1989) (quoting Kleppe v Sierra Club 427

US 390 410 n21 (1976)) and to inform states and the public about those potential

consequences before they take final agency action see 42 USC sect 4332(C)

NEPArsquos mandate thus seeks to ensure that federal agencies understand the potential

environmental consequences of their proposed actions id sect 4331 and use that

knowledge to ldquotake actions that protect restore and enhance the environmentrdquo 40

CFR sect 15001(c) If a federal agency violates NEPA as the district court twice

found the Corps did here that violation affects the Amici Statesrsquo interests in

protecting their environment and natural resources as well as their own and their

1 On July 16 2020 the Council on Environmental Quality promulgated

substantial revisions to NEPArsquos regulations which took effect on September 14 2020 85 Fed Reg 43304 43372 (Jul 16 2020) and among other major changes deleted the above quoted text id at 43357-58 Because the new regulations mark an unlawful departure from NEPArsquos text and purposes numerous parties including many of the Amici States are challenging them Eg Complaint California et al v CEQ No 20-cv-06057 (ND Cal Aug 28 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Environmental Justice Health Alliance et al v CEQ No 20-cv-6143 (SDNY Aug 6 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Wild Virg et al v CEQ No 20-cv-00045 (WD Va July 29 2020) ECF No 1 Because (i) the amended regulations did not take effect until September 14 2020 (ii) neither the Corps nor Dakota Access rely on them and (iii) the district courtrsquos opinions were based on the prior regulations this brief cites exclusively to the prior regulations

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residentsrsquo rights to be informed about and comment on the potential environmental

impacts of a proposed federal action See eg United States v Coalition for

Buzzards Bay 644 F3d 26 36 (1st Cir 2011) (granting Massachusettsrsquos claim that

agency violated NEPA by failing to consider increased risk of oil spills to

Massachusettsrsquos coastal waters)

The nature of the remedy for a federal agencyrsquos NEPA violation is critical to

protecting the Amici Statesrsquo interests NEPArsquos mandatory procedures are designed

to influence the agencyrsquos final action 40 CFR sect 15001(a) and to avoid or at least

mitigate the actionrsquos potential environmental harm id sectsect 15002(e) 150214

(alternatives) 150214(f) 150216(e)-(h) 15052(c) 15053 150820 (mitigation)

As the district court here aptly stated ldquoif you can build first and consider

environmental consequences later NEPArsquos action-forcing purpose loses its biterdquo I

Record Appendix (vol-RAp) 158 Indeed a ldquobuild-firstrdquo strategy risks entirely

draining NEPA of its purpose by allowing federal agencies and project proponents

alike to build first and then inflate economic consequences of vacatur as a means to

avoid vacatur altogether under Allied-Signal Inc v US Nuclear Regulatory

Commissionrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong 988 F2d 146 150 (DC Cir

1993) Judicial decisions that decline to vacate agency action that violates NEPA

incentivize federal agency decisionmakers to do the bare minimum and encourage

project proponents to advance their projects as quickly as possible so that they may

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later claim that the economic consequences of vacatur counsel against it

Conversely judicial decisions that vacate agency actions encourage NEPA

compliance and discourage project proponents from moving forward in the face of

litigation risk to distort the remedy analysis and render the action a fait accompli

Vacatur here thus protects Amici Statesrsquo interests in protecting the

environment and natural resources within their borders and beyond by encouraging

federal agencies to fully factor the potential environmental consequences of their

actions into their decision-making process before they act and deterring private party

tactics that distort the remedy analysis As now-Justice Breyer made clear ldquothe harm

at stakerdquo in NEPA cases ldquois a harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club v Marsh 872

F2d 497 500 (1st Cir 1989) ldquoNEPArsquos object is to minimize the risk of

uninformed choice a risk that arises in part from the practical fact that bureaucratic

decisionmakers (when the law permits) are less likely to tear down a nearly

completed project than a barely started projectrdquo Id at 500-01 For NEPA to matter

there must be significant consequences for non-compliance Vacatur is the means

to that end since vacating an agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing a

private party that benefitted from the action from proceeding with a project or

operating an already constructed project during remand And the Amici States do

not take that consequence lightly as states too are sometimes proponents of

challenged projects

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ARGUMENT I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance NEPArsquos text purpose and case law make clear that federal agency

compliance with NEPArsquos detailed ldquohard lookrdquo requirement is a prerequisite to the

lawfulness of an agencyrsquos action The Actrsquos command attaches at the outset of the

agencyrsquos decision-making process for taking final agency action requiring

evaluation of environmental effects of ldquoproposedrdquo actions 42 USC sect 4332(C)

(emphasis added) And NEPArsquos mandate with respect to those actions is likewise

clear ldquoto the fullest extent possible all agencies of the Federal Government shall

include in every recommendation or report on proposals for major Federal

actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment a detailed

statement by the responsible officialrdquo Id sect 4332 amp (C) see Department of Transp

v Public Citizen 541 US 752 765 (2004) (Federal agencies ldquobear[] the primary

responsibility to compl[y] with NEPArdquo) By statutory default that ldquodetailed

statementrdquo is an environmental impact statement which must evaluate and discuss

among other things ldquo(i) the environmental impact of the proposed action (ii) any

adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be

implemented [and] (iii) alternatives to the proposed actionrdquo Id sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii)2

2 NEPArsquos regulations also allow federal agencies to begin by performing a more

streamlined environmental assessment to determine whether an environmental impact statement is required 40 CFR sectsect 15013 15089 And the regulations

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NEPArsquos directive that agencies must comply ldquoto the fullest extent possiblerdquo

id sect 4332 ldquois neither accidental nor hyperbolicrdquo instead it is ldquoa deliberate

commandrdquo Flint Ridge Dev v Scenic Rivers Assrsquon 426 US 776 787 (1976) And

that command is two-fold ldquoFirst it lsquoplaces upon an agency the obligation to

consider every significant aspect of the environmental impact of a proposed actionrsquordquo

Baltimore Gas amp Electric v NRDC 462 US 87 97 (1983) (citation omitted)

ldquoSecond it ensures that the agency will inform the public that it has indeed

considered environmental concerns in its decisionmaking processrdquo Id To achieve

those aims NEPA ldquodemands that a decisionmakerrdquo take ldquoa hard lookrdquo at ldquoall

significant environmental impacts before choosing a course of actionrdquo Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 (emphasis added) While the Act does not dictate particular results

its procedures are intended to ldquoaffect the agencyrsquos substantive decisionrdquo Robertson

490 US at 350 Thus as this Court wrote soon after NEPArsquos enactment ldquoCongress

did not intend the Act to be a paper tigerrdquo instead ldquothe requirement of

environmental consideration lsquoto the fullest extent possiblersquo sets a high standard for

the agencies a standard which must be rigorously enforced by the reviewing courtsrdquo

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114

allow agencies to exclude categorically from NEPA review only certain agency actions that have previously been found not normally to have significant environmental impacts See id sect 15084

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Courts have repeatedly confirmed what NEPArsquos text and purpose dictate

federal agencies are required to comply with NEPA before they take final action

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 536 (DC Cir

2018) American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 37 (DC Cir 2018) Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 ldquoThe statute [thus] does not permit an agency to act first and comply

laterrdquo Oglala 896 F3d at 523 That ldquoanalyze first act secondrdquo mandate is based

on the common-sense notion that ldquo[i]t is far easier to influence an initial choice than

to change a mind already made uprdquo Sierra Club 872 F2 at 500 NEPA thus

requires that ldquoa valid [environmental impact statement] be prepared before the

agency grants [a] licenserdquo promulgates a regulation issues a permit or as in this

case grants an easement Oglala 896 F3d at 529 see also National Parks

Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 1079 (DC Cir 2019) (Corps had

to comply with NEPA ldquo[b]efore it could greenlight the projectrdquo by issuing

required permits) rehrsquog pet granted on remedy 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) In

other words the lawfulness of such final agency actions is dependent on the agencyrsquos

compliance with NEPArsquos ldquoaction forcingrdquo requirements See Calvert Cliffs 449

F2d at 1113 And accordingly an agencyrsquos violation of NEPA ldquofatally infect[s]rdquo

the agency action and renders the action unlawful See American Rivers 895 F3d

at 55

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II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here

Timely and faithful agency compliance with NEPA is critical to securing the

Actrsquos mandate and protecting Amici Statesrsquo interests Indeed this Court recognized

that fact more than forty years ago when it informed federal agencies that it would

ldquorigorously enforcerdquo NEPA Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 to ensure that agencies

fulfill the Actrsquos ldquoimportant legislative purposesrdquo id at 1111 see id at 1115 (ldquoIt is

hard to imagine a clearer or stronger mandate[]rdquo) Since then this Court has hewed

closely to those early forceful pronouncements by vacating agency actions that

violate NEPA and undermine its environmental-protection purpose See eg

American Rivers 895 F3d at 55 (vacating license renewal for hydroelectric dam

based on NEPA violation) American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873

F3d 914 932 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating agency decision to eliminate wild horse

territory based on NEPA violation) Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 1374-75

1379 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating without discussion FERC approval of operating

interstate natural-gas pipelines based on NEPA violation) And the United States

District Court for the District of Columbia has assiduously followed this Courtrsquos

lead Eg Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp

3d 1 2 (DDC 2016) (vacatur ldquois the standard remedyrdquo in NEPA cases (citation

omitted)) Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 79-80 (DDC 2010)

(ldquovacatur[] is the presumptively appropriate remedyrdquo)

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Although courts ldquomay elect a different remedy based on lsquothe seriousness of

the orderrsquos deficienciesrsquo and lsquothe disruptive consequencesrsquo of vacaturrdquo this Court

has recognized that ldquovacatur is the default remedyrdquo Semonite 925 F3d at 501

(quoting Allied-Signal 988 F2d at 150-51) Thus only in ldquorare casesrdquo United Steel

v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 1287 (DC Cir 2019) has this

Court remanded without vacatur3 for example where a state ldquopermitting

requirement independently bar[red]rdquo the project from advancing until the agency

complied with NEPA eg Oglala 896 F3d at 538 vacatur would ldquodefeat the

enhanced protection of the environmental valuesrdquo afforded by a regulation North

Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 1178 (DC Cir 2008) (citation omitted) or vacatur

itself would ldquotemporarily defeat petitionerrsquos purposerdquo Environmental Def Fund v

EPA 898 F2d 183 190 (DC Cir 1990)4 Here however the district court correctly

rejected Dakota Accessrsquos claim that vacatur of the pipeline easement would cause

3 In the NEPA context as the district court stated ldquoto the Courtrsquos and the partiesrsquo

knowledge only twice has a court not vacated agency action that violated NEPA because of a missing or defective EISrdquo I-RA150

4 Amici States do not contend that remand without vacatur is never appropriate

Indeed Massachusetts along with some of the other State Amici have previously argued successfully for remand without vacatur where vacatur would cause actual harm to public health and the environment Eg Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) Amici States thus do not ask the Court to deviate from those precedents but instead to apply their guiding principles as the district court did correctly here

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environmental harm because the companyrsquos claim was entirely ldquospeculativerdquo and

based on ldquoinconclusive evidencerdquo I-RA161-62 Those factors thus do not exist in

this case

And in all events courts should first and foremost evaluate vacaturrsquos

potential disruptive consequences through the lens of the relevant statutersquos

objectives NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 1374 (DC Cir 2007) (partially vacating

rule because vacatur would not ldquoset backrdquo Clean Air Actrsquos purpose) see also

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 674 (DC Cir

2019) (declining to vacate where ldquoit would lsquoset backrsquo the Actrsquos objective of offering

financial services to people of small meansrdquo) After all ldquoa court sitting in equity

cannot lsquoignore the judgment of Congress deliberately expressed in legislationrsquordquo

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 498 (2001)

(citation omitted) And here in NEPA Congress plainly prioritized environmental

protection over all other considerations See Oglala 896 F3d at 529 (ldquoWe know

that the environmental values protected by NEPA are of high ordermdashbecause

Congress told us sordquo) The ldquoharm at stakerdquo when an agency violates NEPA is ldquoa

harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club 872 F2d at 504mdashan often irreversible

harmmdashnot the economic harm a project proponent may incur when a court finds an

agency violated NEPA when it authorized a project and vacates the agency action

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that unlawfully authorized it Thus the remedy for a NEPA violation must ldquoprotect

the purpose and integrity ofrdquo NEPA Semonite 925 F3d at 502

Indeed vacatur flows directly from NEPArsquos mandate which again requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions before their actions are

finalized Supra p8 see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d

31 43 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquoCongress[] require[d] environmental review and

authorization in advancerdquo) That remedy also flows directly from the Administrative

Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sect 706(2)(A)mdashthe act governing judicial review of

NEPA decisions see infra PtIIImdashsince it has long been held that vacatur is the

standard remedy for unlawful agency action under the APA Eg United Steel 925

F3d at 1287 (ldquoThe ordinary practice is to vacaterdquo) see Federal Power Commrsquon v

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 331 (1976) (agency decision

unsupported by administrative record must be vacated) And as discussed above

supra pp4-5 vacatur is an important tool to disincentivize a rush to complete a

project in the face of legal challenges to a federal agencyrsquos NEPA analysis that could

render the project a practical foregone conclusion or otherwise distort the analysis

for determining whether vacatur is appropriate See Semonite 925 F3d at 502

(describing as ldquotroublingrdquo the Corps and private project proponentrsquos ldquoattempt to

userdquo the projectrsquos completion to argue against vacatur for NEPA violation) That

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 33 of 56

require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

- 23 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 35 of 56

principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

- 25 -

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


erDate Seplt11gt2014 1340 Oct 01 2019 Jkt 247187 PO 00000 Frm 00504 Fmt 8010


Sfmt 8010 YSGML247187XXX 247187

  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 13: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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claims of economic harm ldquoover the lawrdquo See id Doing otherwise would ldquoreward[]

wrong and fail[] those in the rightrdquo See id

Amici States have much at stake in this case More than one hundred years

ago the Supreme Court made clear that states have significant interests ldquoindependent

of and behind the titles of [their] citizens in all the earth and air within [their]

domainrdquo Georgia v Tennessee Copper 206 US 230 237 (1907) States thus hold

a quasi-sovereign interest in preventing harm to the environment and natural

resources within their borders Massachusetts v EPA 549 US 497 518-22 (2007)

States as sovereigns also are ldquovested with the responsibility of protecting the health

safety and welfare of [their] citizensrdquo United Haulers Assrsquon v Oneida-Harkimer

Solid Waste Mgmt Auth 550 US 330 342 (2007) The potential for federal actions

to affect those state interests is immense And todaymdashin the midst of the devastating

effects of a changing climate and increasing awareness that environmental harms are

disproportionately borne by our most vulnerable and historically disenfranchised

communitiesmdashit is more important than ever to fully understand evaluate and

disclose for public dialogue the environmental effects of major federal actions

Amici States thus have an unquestionable interest in the federal governmentrsquos

compliance with laws enacted to protect the environment Of those laws NEPA

ldquoour basic national charter for protection of the environmentrdquo 40 CFR sect 15001(a)

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(2019)1 is ldquoperhaps most importantrdquo Calvert Cliffsrsquo Coordinating Comm v US

Atomic Energy Commrsquon 449 F2d 1109 1111 (DC Cir 1974) NEPA requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions Robertson v Methow Valley

Citizens Council 490 US 332 349-50 (1989) (quoting Kleppe v Sierra Club 427

US 390 410 n21 (1976)) and to inform states and the public about those potential

consequences before they take final agency action see 42 USC sect 4332(C)

NEPArsquos mandate thus seeks to ensure that federal agencies understand the potential

environmental consequences of their proposed actions id sect 4331 and use that

knowledge to ldquotake actions that protect restore and enhance the environmentrdquo 40

CFR sect 15001(c) If a federal agency violates NEPA as the district court twice

found the Corps did here that violation affects the Amici Statesrsquo interests in

protecting their environment and natural resources as well as their own and their

1 On July 16 2020 the Council on Environmental Quality promulgated

substantial revisions to NEPArsquos regulations which took effect on September 14 2020 85 Fed Reg 43304 43372 (Jul 16 2020) and among other major changes deleted the above quoted text id at 43357-58 Because the new regulations mark an unlawful departure from NEPArsquos text and purposes numerous parties including many of the Amici States are challenging them Eg Complaint California et al v CEQ No 20-cv-06057 (ND Cal Aug 28 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Environmental Justice Health Alliance et al v CEQ No 20-cv-6143 (SDNY Aug 6 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Wild Virg et al v CEQ No 20-cv-00045 (WD Va July 29 2020) ECF No 1 Because (i) the amended regulations did not take effect until September 14 2020 (ii) neither the Corps nor Dakota Access rely on them and (iii) the district courtrsquos opinions were based on the prior regulations this brief cites exclusively to the prior regulations

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residentsrsquo rights to be informed about and comment on the potential environmental

impacts of a proposed federal action See eg United States v Coalition for

Buzzards Bay 644 F3d 26 36 (1st Cir 2011) (granting Massachusettsrsquos claim that

agency violated NEPA by failing to consider increased risk of oil spills to

Massachusettsrsquos coastal waters)

The nature of the remedy for a federal agencyrsquos NEPA violation is critical to

protecting the Amici Statesrsquo interests NEPArsquos mandatory procedures are designed

to influence the agencyrsquos final action 40 CFR sect 15001(a) and to avoid or at least

mitigate the actionrsquos potential environmental harm id sectsect 15002(e) 150214

(alternatives) 150214(f) 150216(e)-(h) 15052(c) 15053 150820 (mitigation)

As the district court here aptly stated ldquoif you can build first and consider

environmental consequences later NEPArsquos action-forcing purpose loses its biterdquo I

Record Appendix (vol-RAp) 158 Indeed a ldquobuild-firstrdquo strategy risks entirely

draining NEPA of its purpose by allowing federal agencies and project proponents

alike to build first and then inflate economic consequences of vacatur as a means to

avoid vacatur altogether under Allied-Signal Inc v US Nuclear Regulatory

Commissionrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong 988 F2d 146 150 (DC Cir

1993) Judicial decisions that decline to vacate agency action that violates NEPA

incentivize federal agency decisionmakers to do the bare minimum and encourage

project proponents to advance their projects as quickly as possible so that they may

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later claim that the economic consequences of vacatur counsel against it

Conversely judicial decisions that vacate agency actions encourage NEPA

compliance and discourage project proponents from moving forward in the face of

litigation risk to distort the remedy analysis and render the action a fait accompli

Vacatur here thus protects Amici Statesrsquo interests in protecting the

environment and natural resources within their borders and beyond by encouraging

federal agencies to fully factor the potential environmental consequences of their

actions into their decision-making process before they act and deterring private party

tactics that distort the remedy analysis As now-Justice Breyer made clear ldquothe harm

at stakerdquo in NEPA cases ldquois a harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club v Marsh 872

F2d 497 500 (1st Cir 1989) ldquoNEPArsquos object is to minimize the risk of

uninformed choice a risk that arises in part from the practical fact that bureaucratic

decisionmakers (when the law permits) are less likely to tear down a nearly

completed project than a barely started projectrdquo Id at 500-01 For NEPA to matter

there must be significant consequences for non-compliance Vacatur is the means

to that end since vacating an agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing a

private party that benefitted from the action from proceeding with a project or

operating an already constructed project during remand And the Amici States do

not take that consequence lightly as states too are sometimes proponents of

challenged projects

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ARGUMENT I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance NEPArsquos text purpose and case law make clear that federal agency

compliance with NEPArsquos detailed ldquohard lookrdquo requirement is a prerequisite to the

lawfulness of an agencyrsquos action The Actrsquos command attaches at the outset of the

agencyrsquos decision-making process for taking final agency action requiring

evaluation of environmental effects of ldquoproposedrdquo actions 42 USC sect 4332(C)

(emphasis added) And NEPArsquos mandate with respect to those actions is likewise

clear ldquoto the fullest extent possible all agencies of the Federal Government shall

include in every recommendation or report on proposals for major Federal

actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment a detailed

statement by the responsible officialrdquo Id sect 4332 amp (C) see Department of Transp

v Public Citizen 541 US 752 765 (2004) (Federal agencies ldquobear[] the primary

responsibility to compl[y] with NEPArdquo) By statutory default that ldquodetailed

statementrdquo is an environmental impact statement which must evaluate and discuss

among other things ldquo(i) the environmental impact of the proposed action (ii) any

adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be

implemented [and] (iii) alternatives to the proposed actionrdquo Id sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii)2

2 NEPArsquos regulations also allow federal agencies to begin by performing a more

streamlined environmental assessment to determine whether an environmental impact statement is required 40 CFR sectsect 15013 15089 And the regulations

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NEPArsquos directive that agencies must comply ldquoto the fullest extent possiblerdquo

id sect 4332 ldquois neither accidental nor hyperbolicrdquo instead it is ldquoa deliberate

commandrdquo Flint Ridge Dev v Scenic Rivers Assrsquon 426 US 776 787 (1976) And

that command is two-fold ldquoFirst it lsquoplaces upon an agency the obligation to

consider every significant aspect of the environmental impact of a proposed actionrsquordquo

Baltimore Gas amp Electric v NRDC 462 US 87 97 (1983) (citation omitted)

ldquoSecond it ensures that the agency will inform the public that it has indeed

considered environmental concerns in its decisionmaking processrdquo Id To achieve

those aims NEPA ldquodemands that a decisionmakerrdquo take ldquoa hard lookrdquo at ldquoall

significant environmental impacts before choosing a course of actionrdquo Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 (emphasis added) While the Act does not dictate particular results

its procedures are intended to ldquoaffect the agencyrsquos substantive decisionrdquo Robertson

490 US at 350 Thus as this Court wrote soon after NEPArsquos enactment ldquoCongress

did not intend the Act to be a paper tigerrdquo instead ldquothe requirement of

environmental consideration lsquoto the fullest extent possiblersquo sets a high standard for

the agencies a standard which must be rigorously enforced by the reviewing courtsrdquo

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114

allow agencies to exclude categorically from NEPA review only certain agency actions that have previously been found not normally to have significant environmental impacts See id sect 15084

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Courts have repeatedly confirmed what NEPArsquos text and purpose dictate

federal agencies are required to comply with NEPA before they take final action

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 536 (DC Cir

2018) American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 37 (DC Cir 2018) Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 ldquoThe statute [thus] does not permit an agency to act first and comply

laterrdquo Oglala 896 F3d at 523 That ldquoanalyze first act secondrdquo mandate is based

on the common-sense notion that ldquo[i]t is far easier to influence an initial choice than

to change a mind already made uprdquo Sierra Club 872 F2 at 500 NEPA thus

requires that ldquoa valid [environmental impact statement] be prepared before the

agency grants [a] licenserdquo promulgates a regulation issues a permit or as in this

case grants an easement Oglala 896 F3d at 529 see also National Parks

Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 1079 (DC Cir 2019) (Corps had

to comply with NEPA ldquo[b]efore it could greenlight the projectrdquo by issuing

required permits) rehrsquog pet granted on remedy 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) In

other words the lawfulness of such final agency actions is dependent on the agencyrsquos

compliance with NEPArsquos ldquoaction forcingrdquo requirements See Calvert Cliffs 449

F2d at 1113 And accordingly an agencyrsquos violation of NEPA ldquofatally infect[s]rdquo

the agency action and renders the action unlawful See American Rivers 895 F3d

at 55

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II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here

Timely and faithful agency compliance with NEPA is critical to securing the

Actrsquos mandate and protecting Amici Statesrsquo interests Indeed this Court recognized

that fact more than forty years ago when it informed federal agencies that it would

ldquorigorously enforcerdquo NEPA Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 to ensure that agencies

fulfill the Actrsquos ldquoimportant legislative purposesrdquo id at 1111 see id at 1115 (ldquoIt is

hard to imagine a clearer or stronger mandate[]rdquo) Since then this Court has hewed

closely to those early forceful pronouncements by vacating agency actions that

violate NEPA and undermine its environmental-protection purpose See eg

American Rivers 895 F3d at 55 (vacating license renewal for hydroelectric dam

based on NEPA violation) American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873

F3d 914 932 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating agency decision to eliminate wild horse

territory based on NEPA violation) Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 1374-75

1379 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating without discussion FERC approval of operating

interstate natural-gas pipelines based on NEPA violation) And the United States

District Court for the District of Columbia has assiduously followed this Courtrsquos

lead Eg Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp

3d 1 2 (DDC 2016) (vacatur ldquois the standard remedyrdquo in NEPA cases (citation

omitted)) Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 79-80 (DDC 2010)

(ldquovacatur[] is the presumptively appropriate remedyrdquo)

- 9 -

Although courts ldquomay elect a different remedy based on lsquothe seriousness of

the orderrsquos deficienciesrsquo and lsquothe disruptive consequencesrsquo of vacaturrdquo this Court

has recognized that ldquovacatur is the default remedyrdquo Semonite 925 F3d at 501

(quoting Allied-Signal 988 F2d at 150-51) Thus only in ldquorare casesrdquo United Steel

v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 1287 (DC Cir 2019) has this

Court remanded without vacatur3 for example where a state ldquopermitting

requirement independently bar[red]rdquo the project from advancing until the agency

complied with NEPA eg Oglala 896 F3d at 538 vacatur would ldquodefeat the

enhanced protection of the environmental valuesrdquo afforded by a regulation North

Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 1178 (DC Cir 2008) (citation omitted) or vacatur

itself would ldquotemporarily defeat petitionerrsquos purposerdquo Environmental Def Fund v

EPA 898 F2d 183 190 (DC Cir 1990)4 Here however the district court correctly

rejected Dakota Accessrsquos claim that vacatur of the pipeline easement would cause

3 In the NEPA context as the district court stated ldquoto the Courtrsquos and the partiesrsquo

knowledge only twice has a court not vacated agency action that violated NEPA because of a missing or defective EISrdquo I-RA150

4 Amici States do not contend that remand without vacatur is never appropriate

Indeed Massachusetts along with some of the other State Amici have previously argued successfully for remand without vacatur where vacatur would cause actual harm to public health and the environment Eg Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) Amici States thus do not ask the Court to deviate from those precedents but instead to apply their guiding principles as the district court did correctly here

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environmental harm because the companyrsquos claim was entirely ldquospeculativerdquo and

based on ldquoinconclusive evidencerdquo I-RA161-62 Those factors thus do not exist in

this case

And in all events courts should first and foremost evaluate vacaturrsquos

potential disruptive consequences through the lens of the relevant statutersquos

objectives NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 1374 (DC Cir 2007) (partially vacating

rule because vacatur would not ldquoset backrdquo Clean Air Actrsquos purpose) see also

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 674 (DC Cir

2019) (declining to vacate where ldquoit would lsquoset backrsquo the Actrsquos objective of offering

financial services to people of small meansrdquo) After all ldquoa court sitting in equity

cannot lsquoignore the judgment of Congress deliberately expressed in legislationrsquordquo

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 498 (2001)

(citation omitted) And here in NEPA Congress plainly prioritized environmental

protection over all other considerations See Oglala 896 F3d at 529 (ldquoWe know

that the environmental values protected by NEPA are of high ordermdashbecause

Congress told us sordquo) The ldquoharm at stakerdquo when an agency violates NEPA is ldquoa

harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club 872 F2d at 504mdashan often irreversible

harmmdashnot the economic harm a project proponent may incur when a court finds an

agency violated NEPA when it authorized a project and vacates the agency action

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that unlawfully authorized it Thus the remedy for a NEPA violation must ldquoprotect

the purpose and integrity ofrdquo NEPA Semonite 925 F3d at 502

Indeed vacatur flows directly from NEPArsquos mandate which again requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions before their actions are

finalized Supra p8 see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d

31 43 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquoCongress[] require[d] environmental review and

authorization in advancerdquo) That remedy also flows directly from the Administrative

Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sect 706(2)(A)mdashthe act governing judicial review of

NEPA decisions see infra PtIIImdashsince it has long been held that vacatur is the

standard remedy for unlawful agency action under the APA Eg United Steel 925

F3d at 1287 (ldquoThe ordinary practice is to vacaterdquo) see Federal Power Commrsquon v

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 331 (1976) (agency decision

unsupported by administrative record must be vacated) And as discussed above

supra pp4-5 vacatur is an important tool to disincentivize a rush to complete a

project in the face of legal challenges to a federal agencyrsquos NEPA analysis that could

render the project a practical foregone conclusion or otherwise distort the analysis

for determining whether vacatur is appropriate See Semonite 925 F3d at 502

(describing as ldquotroublingrdquo the Corps and private project proponentrsquos ldquoattempt to

userdquo the projectrsquos completion to argue against vacatur for NEPA violation) That

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

- 18 -

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

- 19 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 31 of 56

(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

- 23 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 35 of 56

principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

- 24 -

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 14: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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(2019)1 is ldquoperhaps most importantrdquo Calvert Cliffsrsquo Coordinating Comm v US

Atomic Energy Commrsquon 449 F2d 1109 1111 (DC Cir 1974) NEPA requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions Robertson v Methow Valley

Citizens Council 490 US 332 349-50 (1989) (quoting Kleppe v Sierra Club 427

US 390 410 n21 (1976)) and to inform states and the public about those potential

consequences before they take final agency action see 42 USC sect 4332(C)

NEPArsquos mandate thus seeks to ensure that federal agencies understand the potential

environmental consequences of their proposed actions id sect 4331 and use that

knowledge to ldquotake actions that protect restore and enhance the environmentrdquo 40

CFR sect 15001(c) If a federal agency violates NEPA as the district court twice

found the Corps did here that violation affects the Amici Statesrsquo interests in

protecting their environment and natural resources as well as their own and their

1 On July 16 2020 the Council on Environmental Quality promulgated

substantial revisions to NEPArsquos regulations which took effect on September 14 2020 85 Fed Reg 43304 43372 (Jul 16 2020) and among other major changes deleted the above quoted text id at 43357-58 Because the new regulations mark an unlawful departure from NEPArsquos text and purposes numerous parties including many of the Amici States are challenging them Eg Complaint California et al v CEQ No 20-cv-06057 (ND Cal Aug 28 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Environmental Justice Health Alliance et al v CEQ No 20-cv-6143 (SDNY Aug 6 2020) ECF No 1 Complaint Wild Virg et al v CEQ No 20-cv-00045 (WD Va July 29 2020) ECF No 1 Because (i) the amended regulations did not take effect until September 14 2020 (ii) neither the Corps nor Dakota Access rely on them and (iii) the district courtrsquos opinions were based on the prior regulations this brief cites exclusively to the prior regulations

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residentsrsquo rights to be informed about and comment on the potential environmental

impacts of a proposed federal action See eg United States v Coalition for

Buzzards Bay 644 F3d 26 36 (1st Cir 2011) (granting Massachusettsrsquos claim that

agency violated NEPA by failing to consider increased risk of oil spills to

Massachusettsrsquos coastal waters)

The nature of the remedy for a federal agencyrsquos NEPA violation is critical to

protecting the Amici Statesrsquo interests NEPArsquos mandatory procedures are designed

to influence the agencyrsquos final action 40 CFR sect 15001(a) and to avoid or at least

mitigate the actionrsquos potential environmental harm id sectsect 15002(e) 150214

(alternatives) 150214(f) 150216(e)-(h) 15052(c) 15053 150820 (mitigation)

As the district court here aptly stated ldquoif you can build first and consider

environmental consequences later NEPArsquos action-forcing purpose loses its biterdquo I

Record Appendix (vol-RAp) 158 Indeed a ldquobuild-firstrdquo strategy risks entirely

draining NEPA of its purpose by allowing federal agencies and project proponents

alike to build first and then inflate economic consequences of vacatur as a means to

avoid vacatur altogether under Allied-Signal Inc v US Nuclear Regulatory

Commissionrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong 988 F2d 146 150 (DC Cir

1993) Judicial decisions that decline to vacate agency action that violates NEPA

incentivize federal agency decisionmakers to do the bare minimum and encourage

project proponents to advance their projects as quickly as possible so that they may

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later claim that the economic consequences of vacatur counsel against it

Conversely judicial decisions that vacate agency actions encourage NEPA

compliance and discourage project proponents from moving forward in the face of

litigation risk to distort the remedy analysis and render the action a fait accompli

Vacatur here thus protects Amici Statesrsquo interests in protecting the

environment and natural resources within their borders and beyond by encouraging

federal agencies to fully factor the potential environmental consequences of their

actions into their decision-making process before they act and deterring private party

tactics that distort the remedy analysis As now-Justice Breyer made clear ldquothe harm

at stakerdquo in NEPA cases ldquois a harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club v Marsh 872

F2d 497 500 (1st Cir 1989) ldquoNEPArsquos object is to minimize the risk of

uninformed choice a risk that arises in part from the practical fact that bureaucratic

decisionmakers (when the law permits) are less likely to tear down a nearly

completed project than a barely started projectrdquo Id at 500-01 For NEPA to matter

there must be significant consequences for non-compliance Vacatur is the means

to that end since vacating an agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing a

private party that benefitted from the action from proceeding with a project or

operating an already constructed project during remand And the Amici States do

not take that consequence lightly as states too are sometimes proponents of

challenged projects

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ARGUMENT I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance NEPArsquos text purpose and case law make clear that federal agency

compliance with NEPArsquos detailed ldquohard lookrdquo requirement is a prerequisite to the

lawfulness of an agencyrsquos action The Actrsquos command attaches at the outset of the

agencyrsquos decision-making process for taking final agency action requiring

evaluation of environmental effects of ldquoproposedrdquo actions 42 USC sect 4332(C)

(emphasis added) And NEPArsquos mandate with respect to those actions is likewise

clear ldquoto the fullest extent possible all agencies of the Federal Government shall

include in every recommendation or report on proposals for major Federal

actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment a detailed

statement by the responsible officialrdquo Id sect 4332 amp (C) see Department of Transp

v Public Citizen 541 US 752 765 (2004) (Federal agencies ldquobear[] the primary

responsibility to compl[y] with NEPArdquo) By statutory default that ldquodetailed

statementrdquo is an environmental impact statement which must evaluate and discuss

among other things ldquo(i) the environmental impact of the proposed action (ii) any

adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be

implemented [and] (iii) alternatives to the proposed actionrdquo Id sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii)2

2 NEPArsquos regulations also allow federal agencies to begin by performing a more

streamlined environmental assessment to determine whether an environmental impact statement is required 40 CFR sectsect 15013 15089 And the regulations

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NEPArsquos directive that agencies must comply ldquoto the fullest extent possiblerdquo

id sect 4332 ldquois neither accidental nor hyperbolicrdquo instead it is ldquoa deliberate

commandrdquo Flint Ridge Dev v Scenic Rivers Assrsquon 426 US 776 787 (1976) And

that command is two-fold ldquoFirst it lsquoplaces upon an agency the obligation to

consider every significant aspect of the environmental impact of a proposed actionrsquordquo

Baltimore Gas amp Electric v NRDC 462 US 87 97 (1983) (citation omitted)

ldquoSecond it ensures that the agency will inform the public that it has indeed

considered environmental concerns in its decisionmaking processrdquo Id To achieve

those aims NEPA ldquodemands that a decisionmakerrdquo take ldquoa hard lookrdquo at ldquoall

significant environmental impacts before choosing a course of actionrdquo Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 (emphasis added) While the Act does not dictate particular results

its procedures are intended to ldquoaffect the agencyrsquos substantive decisionrdquo Robertson

490 US at 350 Thus as this Court wrote soon after NEPArsquos enactment ldquoCongress

did not intend the Act to be a paper tigerrdquo instead ldquothe requirement of

environmental consideration lsquoto the fullest extent possiblersquo sets a high standard for

the agencies a standard which must be rigorously enforced by the reviewing courtsrdquo

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114

allow agencies to exclude categorically from NEPA review only certain agency actions that have previously been found not normally to have significant environmental impacts See id sect 15084

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Courts have repeatedly confirmed what NEPArsquos text and purpose dictate

federal agencies are required to comply with NEPA before they take final action

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 536 (DC Cir

2018) American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 37 (DC Cir 2018) Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 ldquoThe statute [thus] does not permit an agency to act first and comply

laterrdquo Oglala 896 F3d at 523 That ldquoanalyze first act secondrdquo mandate is based

on the common-sense notion that ldquo[i]t is far easier to influence an initial choice than

to change a mind already made uprdquo Sierra Club 872 F2 at 500 NEPA thus

requires that ldquoa valid [environmental impact statement] be prepared before the

agency grants [a] licenserdquo promulgates a regulation issues a permit or as in this

case grants an easement Oglala 896 F3d at 529 see also National Parks

Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 1079 (DC Cir 2019) (Corps had

to comply with NEPA ldquo[b]efore it could greenlight the projectrdquo by issuing

required permits) rehrsquog pet granted on remedy 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) In

other words the lawfulness of such final agency actions is dependent on the agencyrsquos

compliance with NEPArsquos ldquoaction forcingrdquo requirements See Calvert Cliffs 449

F2d at 1113 And accordingly an agencyrsquos violation of NEPA ldquofatally infect[s]rdquo

the agency action and renders the action unlawful See American Rivers 895 F3d

at 55

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II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here

Timely and faithful agency compliance with NEPA is critical to securing the

Actrsquos mandate and protecting Amici Statesrsquo interests Indeed this Court recognized

that fact more than forty years ago when it informed federal agencies that it would

ldquorigorously enforcerdquo NEPA Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 to ensure that agencies

fulfill the Actrsquos ldquoimportant legislative purposesrdquo id at 1111 see id at 1115 (ldquoIt is

hard to imagine a clearer or stronger mandate[]rdquo) Since then this Court has hewed

closely to those early forceful pronouncements by vacating agency actions that

violate NEPA and undermine its environmental-protection purpose See eg

American Rivers 895 F3d at 55 (vacating license renewal for hydroelectric dam

based on NEPA violation) American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873

F3d 914 932 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating agency decision to eliminate wild horse

territory based on NEPA violation) Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 1374-75

1379 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating without discussion FERC approval of operating

interstate natural-gas pipelines based on NEPA violation) And the United States

District Court for the District of Columbia has assiduously followed this Courtrsquos

lead Eg Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp

3d 1 2 (DDC 2016) (vacatur ldquois the standard remedyrdquo in NEPA cases (citation

omitted)) Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 79-80 (DDC 2010)

(ldquovacatur[] is the presumptively appropriate remedyrdquo)

- 9 -

Although courts ldquomay elect a different remedy based on lsquothe seriousness of

the orderrsquos deficienciesrsquo and lsquothe disruptive consequencesrsquo of vacaturrdquo this Court

has recognized that ldquovacatur is the default remedyrdquo Semonite 925 F3d at 501

(quoting Allied-Signal 988 F2d at 150-51) Thus only in ldquorare casesrdquo United Steel

v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 1287 (DC Cir 2019) has this

Court remanded without vacatur3 for example where a state ldquopermitting

requirement independently bar[red]rdquo the project from advancing until the agency

complied with NEPA eg Oglala 896 F3d at 538 vacatur would ldquodefeat the

enhanced protection of the environmental valuesrdquo afforded by a regulation North

Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 1178 (DC Cir 2008) (citation omitted) or vacatur

itself would ldquotemporarily defeat petitionerrsquos purposerdquo Environmental Def Fund v

EPA 898 F2d 183 190 (DC Cir 1990)4 Here however the district court correctly

rejected Dakota Accessrsquos claim that vacatur of the pipeline easement would cause

3 In the NEPA context as the district court stated ldquoto the Courtrsquos and the partiesrsquo

knowledge only twice has a court not vacated agency action that violated NEPA because of a missing or defective EISrdquo I-RA150

4 Amici States do not contend that remand without vacatur is never appropriate

Indeed Massachusetts along with some of the other State Amici have previously argued successfully for remand without vacatur where vacatur would cause actual harm to public health and the environment Eg Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) Amici States thus do not ask the Court to deviate from those precedents but instead to apply their guiding principles as the district court did correctly here

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environmental harm because the companyrsquos claim was entirely ldquospeculativerdquo and

based on ldquoinconclusive evidencerdquo I-RA161-62 Those factors thus do not exist in

this case

And in all events courts should first and foremost evaluate vacaturrsquos

potential disruptive consequences through the lens of the relevant statutersquos

objectives NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 1374 (DC Cir 2007) (partially vacating

rule because vacatur would not ldquoset backrdquo Clean Air Actrsquos purpose) see also

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 674 (DC Cir

2019) (declining to vacate where ldquoit would lsquoset backrsquo the Actrsquos objective of offering

financial services to people of small meansrdquo) After all ldquoa court sitting in equity

cannot lsquoignore the judgment of Congress deliberately expressed in legislationrsquordquo

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 498 (2001)

(citation omitted) And here in NEPA Congress plainly prioritized environmental

protection over all other considerations See Oglala 896 F3d at 529 (ldquoWe know

that the environmental values protected by NEPA are of high ordermdashbecause

Congress told us sordquo) The ldquoharm at stakerdquo when an agency violates NEPA is ldquoa

harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club 872 F2d at 504mdashan often irreversible

harmmdashnot the economic harm a project proponent may incur when a court finds an

agency violated NEPA when it authorized a project and vacates the agency action

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that unlawfully authorized it Thus the remedy for a NEPA violation must ldquoprotect

the purpose and integrity ofrdquo NEPA Semonite 925 F3d at 502

Indeed vacatur flows directly from NEPArsquos mandate which again requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions before their actions are

finalized Supra p8 see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d

31 43 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquoCongress[] require[d] environmental review and

authorization in advancerdquo) That remedy also flows directly from the Administrative

Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sect 706(2)(A)mdashthe act governing judicial review of

NEPA decisions see infra PtIIImdashsince it has long been held that vacatur is the

standard remedy for unlawful agency action under the APA Eg United Steel 925

F3d at 1287 (ldquoThe ordinary practice is to vacaterdquo) see Federal Power Commrsquon v

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 331 (1976) (agency decision

unsupported by administrative record must be vacated) And as discussed above

supra pp4-5 vacatur is an important tool to disincentivize a rush to complete a

project in the face of legal challenges to a federal agencyrsquos NEPA analysis that could

render the project a practical foregone conclusion or otherwise distort the analysis

for determining whether vacatur is appropriate See Semonite 925 F3d at 502

(describing as ldquotroublingrdquo the Corps and private project proponentrsquos ldquoattempt to

userdquo the projectrsquos completion to argue against vacatur for NEPA violation) That

- 12 -

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

- 13 -

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

- 14 -

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

- 15 -

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

- 16 -

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

- 18 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 30 of 56

US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 31 of 56

(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

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USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 35 of 56

principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

- 24 -

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 15: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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residentsrsquo rights to be informed about and comment on the potential environmental

impacts of a proposed federal action See eg United States v Coalition for

Buzzards Bay 644 F3d 26 36 (1st Cir 2011) (granting Massachusettsrsquos claim that

agency violated NEPA by failing to consider increased risk of oil spills to

Massachusettsrsquos coastal waters)

The nature of the remedy for a federal agencyrsquos NEPA violation is critical to

protecting the Amici Statesrsquo interests NEPArsquos mandatory procedures are designed

to influence the agencyrsquos final action 40 CFR sect 15001(a) and to avoid or at least

mitigate the actionrsquos potential environmental harm id sectsect 15002(e) 150214

(alternatives) 150214(f) 150216(e)-(h) 15052(c) 15053 150820 (mitigation)

As the district court here aptly stated ldquoif you can build first and consider

environmental consequences later NEPArsquos action-forcing purpose loses its biterdquo I

Record Appendix (vol-RAp) 158 Indeed a ldquobuild-firstrdquo strategy risks entirely

draining NEPA of its purpose by allowing federal agencies and project proponents

alike to build first and then inflate economic consequences of vacatur as a means to

avoid vacatur altogether under Allied-Signal Inc v US Nuclear Regulatory

Commissionrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong 988 F2d 146 150 (DC Cir

1993) Judicial decisions that decline to vacate agency action that violates NEPA

incentivize federal agency decisionmakers to do the bare minimum and encourage

project proponents to advance their projects as quickly as possible so that they may

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later claim that the economic consequences of vacatur counsel against it

Conversely judicial decisions that vacate agency actions encourage NEPA

compliance and discourage project proponents from moving forward in the face of

litigation risk to distort the remedy analysis and render the action a fait accompli

Vacatur here thus protects Amici Statesrsquo interests in protecting the

environment and natural resources within their borders and beyond by encouraging

federal agencies to fully factor the potential environmental consequences of their

actions into their decision-making process before they act and deterring private party

tactics that distort the remedy analysis As now-Justice Breyer made clear ldquothe harm

at stakerdquo in NEPA cases ldquois a harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club v Marsh 872

F2d 497 500 (1st Cir 1989) ldquoNEPArsquos object is to minimize the risk of

uninformed choice a risk that arises in part from the practical fact that bureaucratic

decisionmakers (when the law permits) are less likely to tear down a nearly

completed project than a barely started projectrdquo Id at 500-01 For NEPA to matter

there must be significant consequences for non-compliance Vacatur is the means

to that end since vacating an agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing a

private party that benefitted from the action from proceeding with a project or

operating an already constructed project during remand And the Amici States do

not take that consequence lightly as states too are sometimes proponents of

challenged projects

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ARGUMENT I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance NEPArsquos text purpose and case law make clear that federal agency

compliance with NEPArsquos detailed ldquohard lookrdquo requirement is a prerequisite to the

lawfulness of an agencyrsquos action The Actrsquos command attaches at the outset of the

agencyrsquos decision-making process for taking final agency action requiring

evaluation of environmental effects of ldquoproposedrdquo actions 42 USC sect 4332(C)

(emphasis added) And NEPArsquos mandate with respect to those actions is likewise

clear ldquoto the fullest extent possible all agencies of the Federal Government shall

include in every recommendation or report on proposals for major Federal

actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment a detailed

statement by the responsible officialrdquo Id sect 4332 amp (C) see Department of Transp

v Public Citizen 541 US 752 765 (2004) (Federal agencies ldquobear[] the primary

responsibility to compl[y] with NEPArdquo) By statutory default that ldquodetailed

statementrdquo is an environmental impact statement which must evaluate and discuss

among other things ldquo(i) the environmental impact of the proposed action (ii) any

adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be

implemented [and] (iii) alternatives to the proposed actionrdquo Id sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii)2

2 NEPArsquos regulations also allow federal agencies to begin by performing a more

streamlined environmental assessment to determine whether an environmental impact statement is required 40 CFR sectsect 15013 15089 And the regulations

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NEPArsquos directive that agencies must comply ldquoto the fullest extent possiblerdquo

id sect 4332 ldquois neither accidental nor hyperbolicrdquo instead it is ldquoa deliberate

commandrdquo Flint Ridge Dev v Scenic Rivers Assrsquon 426 US 776 787 (1976) And

that command is two-fold ldquoFirst it lsquoplaces upon an agency the obligation to

consider every significant aspect of the environmental impact of a proposed actionrsquordquo

Baltimore Gas amp Electric v NRDC 462 US 87 97 (1983) (citation omitted)

ldquoSecond it ensures that the agency will inform the public that it has indeed

considered environmental concerns in its decisionmaking processrdquo Id To achieve

those aims NEPA ldquodemands that a decisionmakerrdquo take ldquoa hard lookrdquo at ldquoall

significant environmental impacts before choosing a course of actionrdquo Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 (emphasis added) While the Act does not dictate particular results

its procedures are intended to ldquoaffect the agencyrsquos substantive decisionrdquo Robertson

490 US at 350 Thus as this Court wrote soon after NEPArsquos enactment ldquoCongress

did not intend the Act to be a paper tigerrdquo instead ldquothe requirement of

environmental consideration lsquoto the fullest extent possiblersquo sets a high standard for

the agencies a standard which must be rigorously enforced by the reviewing courtsrdquo

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114

allow agencies to exclude categorically from NEPA review only certain agency actions that have previously been found not normally to have significant environmental impacts See id sect 15084

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Courts have repeatedly confirmed what NEPArsquos text and purpose dictate

federal agencies are required to comply with NEPA before they take final action

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 536 (DC Cir

2018) American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 37 (DC Cir 2018) Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 ldquoThe statute [thus] does not permit an agency to act first and comply

laterrdquo Oglala 896 F3d at 523 That ldquoanalyze first act secondrdquo mandate is based

on the common-sense notion that ldquo[i]t is far easier to influence an initial choice than

to change a mind already made uprdquo Sierra Club 872 F2 at 500 NEPA thus

requires that ldquoa valid [environmental impact statement] be prepared before the

agency grants [a] licenserdquo promulgates a regulation issues a permit or as in this

case grants an easement Oglala 896 F3d at 529 see also National Parks

Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 1079 (DC Cir 2019) (Corps had

to comply with NEPA ldquo[b]efore it could greenlight the projectrdquo by issuing

required permits) rehrsquog pet granted on remedy 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) In

other words the lawfulness of such final agency actions is dependent on the agencyrsquos

compliance with NEPArsquos ldquoaction forcingrdquo requirements See Calvert Cliffs 449

F2d at 1113 And accordingly an agencyrsquos violation of NEPA ldquofatally infect[s]rdquo

the agency action and renders the action unlawful See American Rivers 895 F3d

at 55

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II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here

Timely and faithful agency compliance with NEPA is critical to securing the

Actrsquos mandate and protecting Amici Statesrsquo interests Indeed this Court recognized

that fact more than forty years ago when it informed federal agencies that it would

ldquorigorously enforcerdquo NEPA Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 to ensure that agencies

fulfill the Actrsquos ldquoimportant legislative purposesrdquo id at 1111 see id at 1115 (ldquoIt is

hard to imagine a clearer or stronger mandate[]rdquo) Since then this Court has hewed

closely to those early forceful pronouncements by vacating agency actions that

violate NEPA and undermine its environmental-protection purpose See eg

American Rivers 895 F3d at 55 (vacating license renewal for hydroelectric dam

based on NEPA violation) American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873

F3d 914 932 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating agency decision to eliminate wild horse

territory based on NEPA violation) Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 1374-75

1379 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating without discussion FERC approval of operating

interstate natural-gas pipelines based on NEPA violation) And the United States

District Court for the District of Columbia has assiduously followed this Courtrsquos

lead Eg Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp

3d 1 2 (DDC 2016) (vacatur ldquois the standard remedyrdquo in NEPA cases (citation

omitted)) Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 79-80 (DDC 2010)

(ldquovacatur[] is the presumptively appropriate remedyrdquo)

- 9 -

Although courts ldquomay elect a different remedy based on lsquothe seriousness of

the orderrsquos deficienciesrsquo and lsquothe disruptive consequencesrsquo of vacaturrdquo this Court

has recognized that ldquovacatur is the default remedyrdquo Semonite 925 F3d at 501

(quoting Allied-Signal 988 F2d at 150-51) Thus only in ldquorare casesrdquo United Steel

v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 1287 (DC Cir 2019) has this

Court remanded without vacatur3 for example where a state ldquopermitting

requirement independently bar[red]rdquo the project from advancing until the agency

complied with NEPA eg Oglala 896 F3d at 538 vacatur would ldquodefeat the

enhanced protection of the environmental valuesrdquo afforded by a regulation North

Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 1178 (DC Cir 2008) (citation omitted) or vacatur

itself would ldquotemporarily defeat petitionerrsquos purposerdquo Environmental Def Fund v

EPA 898 F2d 183 190 (DC Cir 1990)4 Here however the district court correctly

rejected Dakota Accessrsquos claim that vacatur of the pipeline easement would cause

3 In the NEPA context as the district court stated ldquoto the Courtrsquos and the partiesrsquo

knowledge only twice has a court not vacated agency action that violated NEPA because of a missing or defective EISrdquo I-RA150

4 Amici States do not contend that remand without vacatur is never appropriate

Indeed Massachusetts along with some of the other State Amici have previously argued successfully for remand without vacatur where vacatur would cause actual harm to public health and the environment Eg Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) Amici States thus do not ask the Court to deviate from those precedents but instead to apply their guiding principles as the district court did correctly here

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environmental harm because the companyrsquos claim was entirely ldquospeculativerdquo and

based on ldquoinconclusive evidencerdquo I-RA161-62 Those factors thus do not exist in

this case

And in all events courts should first and foremost evaluate vacaturrsquos

potential disruptive consequences through the lens of the relevant statutersquos

objectives NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 1374 (DC Cir 2007) (partially vacating

rule because vacatur would not ldquoset backrdquo Clean Air Actrsquos purpose) see also

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 674 (DC Cir

2019) (declining to vacate where ldquoit would lsquoset backrsquo the Actrsquos objective of offering

financial services to people of small meansrdquo) After all ldquoa court sitting in equity

cannot lsquoignore the judgment of Congress deliberately expressed in legislationrsquordquo

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 498 (2001)

(citation omitted) And here in NEPA Congress plainly prioritized environmental

protection over all other considerations See Oglala 896 F3d at 529 (ldquoWe know

that the environmental values protected by NEPA are of high ordermdashbecause

Congress told us sordquo) The ldquoharm at stakerdquo when an agency violates NEPA is ldquoa

harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club 872 F2d at 504mdashan often irreversible

harmmdashnot the economic harm a project proponent may incur when a court finds an

agency violated NEPA when it authorized a project and vacates the agency action

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that unlawfully authorized it Thus the remedy for a NEPA violation must ldquoprotect

the purpose and integrity ofrdquo NEPA Semonite 925 F3d at 502

Indeed vacatur flows directly from NEPArsquos mandate which again requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions before their actions are

finalized Supra p8 see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d

31 43 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquoCongress[] require[d] environmental review and

authorization in advancerdquo) That remedy also flows directly from the Administrative

Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sect 706(2)(A)mdashthe act governing judicial review of

NEPA decisions see infra PtIIImdashsince it has long been held that vacatur is the

standard remedy for unlawful agency action under the APA Eg United Steel 925

F3d at 1287 (ldquoThe ordinary practice is to vacaterdquo) see Federal Power Commrsquon v

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 331 (1976) (agency decision

unsupported by administrative record must be vacated) And as discussed above

supra pp4-5 vacatur is an important tool to disincentivize a rush to complete a

project in the face of legal challenges to a federal agencyrsquos NEPA analysis that could

render the project a practical foregone conclusion or otherwise distort the analysis

for determining whether vacatur is appropriate See Semonite 925 F3d at 502

(describing as ldquotroublingrdquo the Corps and private project proponentrsquos ldquoattempt to

userdquo the projectrsquos completion to argue against vacatur for NEPA violation) That

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

- 18 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 30 of 56

US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

- 19 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 31 of 56

(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

- 23 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 35 of 56

principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

- 24 -

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 16: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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later claim that the economic consequences of vacatur counsel against it

Conversely judicial decisions that vacate agency actions encourage NEPA

compliance and discourage project proponents from moving forward in the face of

litigation risk to distort the remedy analysis and render the action a fait accompli

Vacatur here thus protects Amici Statesrsquo interests in protecting the

environment and natural resources within their borders and beyond by encouraging

federal agencies to fully factor the potential environmental consequences of their

actions into their decision-making process before they act and deterring private party

tactics that distort the remedy analysis As now-Justice Breyer made clear ldquothe harm

at stakerdquo in NEPA cases ldquois a harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club v Marsh 872

F2d 497 500 (1st Cir 1989) ldquoNEPArsquos object is to minimize the risk of

uninformed choice a risk that arises in part from the practical fact that bureaucratic

decisionmakers (when the law permits) are less likely to tear down a nearly

completed project than a barely started projectrdquo Id at 500-01 For NEPA to matter

there must be significant consequences for non-compliance Vacatur is the means

to that end since vacating an agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing a

private party that benefitted from the action from proceeding with a project or

operating an already constructed project during remand And the Amici States do

not take that consequence lightly as states too are sometimes proponents of

challenged projects

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ARGUMENT I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance NEPArsquos text purpose and case law make clear that federal agency

compliance with NEPArsquos detailed ldquohard lookrdquo requirement is a prerequisite to the

lawfulness of an agencyrsquos action The Actrsquos command attaches at the outset of the

agencyrsquos decision-making process for taking final agency action requiring

evaluation of environmental effects of ldquoproposedrdquo actions 42 USC sect 4332(C)

(emphasis added) And NEPArsquos mandate with respect to those actions is likewise

clear ldquoto the fullest extent possible all agencies of the Federal Government shall

include in every recommendation or report on proposals for major Federal

actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment a detailed

statement by the responsible officialrdquo Id sect 4332 amp (C) see Department of Transp

v Public Citizen 541 US 752 765 (2004) (Federal agencies ldquobear[] the primary

responsibility to compl[y] with NEPArdquo) By statutory default that ldquodetailed

statementrdquo is an environmental impact statement which must evaluate and discuss

among other things ldquo(i) the environmental impact of the proposed action (ii) any

adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be

implemented [and] (iii) alternatives to the proposed actionrdquo Id sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii)2

2 NEPArsquos regulations also allow federal agencies to begin by performing a more

streamlined environmental assessment to determine whether an environmental impact statement is required 40 CFR sectsect 15013 15089 And the regulations

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NEPArsquos directive that agencies must comply ldquoto the fullest extent possiblerdquo

id sect 4332 ldquois neither accidental nor hyperbolicrdquo instead it is ldquoa deliberate

commandrdquo Flint Ridge Dev v Scenic Rivers Assrsquon 426 US 776 787 (1976) And

that command is two-fold ldquoFirst it lsquoplaces upon an agency the obligation to

consider every significant aspect of the environmental impact of a proposed actionrsquordquo

Baltimore Gas amp Electric v NRDC 462 US 87 97 (1983) (citation omitted)

ldquoSecond it ensures that the agency will inform the public that it has indeed

considered environmental concerns in its decisionmaking processrdquo Id To achieve

those aims NEPA ldquodemands that a decisionmakerrdquo take ldquoa hard lookrdquo at ldquoall

significant environmental impacts before choosing a course of actionrdquo Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 (emphasis added) While the Act does not dictate particular results

its procedures are intended to ldquoaffect the agencyrsquos substantive decisionrdquo Robertson

490 US at 350 Thus as this Court wrote soon after NEPArsquos enactment ldquoCongress

did not intend the Act to be a paper tigerrdquo instead ldquothe requirement of

environmental consideration lsquoto the fullest extent possiblersquo sets a high standard for

the agencies a standard which must be rigorously enforced by the reviewing courtsrdquo

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114

allow agencies to exclude categorically from NEPA review only certain agency actions that have previously been found not normally to have significant environmental impacts See id sect 15084

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Courts have repeatedly confirmed what NEPArsquos text and purpose dictate

federal agencies are required to comply with NEPA before they take final action

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 536 (DC Cir

2018) American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 37 (DC Cir 2018) Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 ldquoThe statute [thus] does not permit an agency to act first and comply

laterrdquo Oglala 896 F3d at 523 That ldquoanalyze first act secondrdquo mandate is based

on the common-sense notion that ldquo[i]t is far easier to influence an initial choice than

to change a mind already made uprdquo Sierra Club 872 F2 at 500 NEPA thus

requires that ldquoa valid [environmental impact statement] be prepared before the

agency grants [a] licenserdquo promulgates a regulation issues a permit or as in this

case grants an easement Oglala 896 F3d at 529 see also National Parks

Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 1079 (DC Cir 2019) (Corps had

to comply with NEPA ldquo[b]efore it could greenlight the projectrdquo by issuing

required permits) rehrsquog pet granted on remedy 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) In

other words the lawfulness of such final agency actions is dependent on the agencyrsquos

compliance with NEPArsquos ldquoaction forcingrdquo requirements See Calvert Cliffs 449

F2d at 1113 And accordingly an agencyrsquos violation of NEPA ldquofatally infect[s]rdquo

the agency action and renders the action unlawful See American Rivers 895 F3d

at 55

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II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here

Timely and faithful agency compliance with NEPA is critical to securing the

Actrsquos mandate and protecting Amici Statesrsquo interests Indeed this Court recognized

that fact more than forty years ago when it informed federal agencies that it would

ldquorigorously enforcerdquo NEPA Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 to ensure that agencies

fulfill the Actrsquos ldquoimportant legislative purposesrdquo id at 1111 see id at 1115 (ldquoIt is

hard to imagine a clearer or stronger mandate[]rdquo) Since then this Court has hewed

closely to those early forceful pronouncements by vacating agency actions that

violate NEPA and undermine its environmental-protection purpose See eg

American Rivers 895 F3d at 55 (vacating license renewal for hydroelectric dam

based on NEPA violation) American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873

F3d 914 932 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating agency decision to eliminate wild horse

territory based on NEPA violation) Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 1374-75

1379 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating without discussion FERC approval of operating

interstate natural-gas pipelines based on NEPA violation) And the United States

District Court for the District of Columbia has assiduously followed this Courtrsquos

lead Eg Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp

3d 1 2 (DDC 2016) (vacatur ldquois the standard remedyrdquo in NEPA cases (citation

omitted)) Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 79-80 (DDC 2010)

(ldquovacatur[] is the presumptively appropriate remedyrdquo)

- 9 -

Although courts ldquomay elect a different remedy based on lsquothe seriousness of

the orderrsquos deficienciesrsquo and lsquothe disruptive consequencesrsquo of vacaturrdquo this Court

has recognized that ldquovacatur is the default remedyrdquo Semonite 925 F3d at 501

(quoting Allied-Signal 988 F2d at 150-51) Thus only in ldquorare casesrdquo United Steel

v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 1287 (DC Cir 2019) has this

Court remanded without vacatur3 for example where a state ldquopermitting

requirement independently bar[red]rdquo the project from advancing until the agency

complied with NEPA eg Oglala 896 F3d at 538 vacatur would ldquodefeat the

enhanced protection of the environmental valuesrdquo afforded by a regulation North

Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 1178 (DC Cir 2008) (citation omitted) or vacatur

itself would ldquotemporarily defeat petitionerrsquos purposerdquo Environmental Def Fund v

EPA 898 F2d 183 190 (DC Cir 1990)4 Here however the district court correctly

rejected Dakota Accessrsquos claim that vacatur of the pipeline easement would cause

3 In the NEPA context as the district court stated ldquoto the Courtrsquos and the partiesrsquo

knowledge only twice has a court not vacated agency action that violated NEPA because of a missing or defective EISrdquo I-RA150

4 Amici States do not contend that remand without vacatur is never appropriate

Indeed Massachusetts along with some of the other State Amici have previously argued successfully for remand without vacatur where vacatur would cause actual harm to public health and the environment Eg Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) Amici States thus do not ask the Court to deviate from those precedents but instead to apply their guiding principles as the district court did correctly here

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environmental harm because the companyrsquos claim was entirely ldquospeculativerdquo and

based on ldquoinconclusive evidencerdquo I-RA161-62 Those factors thus do not exist in

this case

And in all events courts should first and foremost evaluate vacaturrsquos

potential disruptive consequences through the lens of the relevant statutersquos

objectives NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 1374 (DC Cir 2007) (partially vacating

rule because vacatur would not ldquoset backrdquo Clean Air Actrsquos purpose) see also

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 674 (DC Cir

2019) (declining to vacate where ldquoit would lsquoset backrsquo the Actrsquos objective of offering

financial services to people of small meansrdquo) After all ldquoa court sitting in equity

cannot lsquoignore the judgment of Congress deliberately expressed in legislationrsquordquo

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 498 (2001)

(citation omitted) And here in NEPA Congress plainly prioritized environmental

protection over all other considerations See Oglala 896 F3d at 529 (ldquoWe know

that the environmental values protected by NEPA are of high ordermdashbecause

Congress told us sordquo) The ldquoharm at stakerdquo when an agency violates NEPA is ldquoa

harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club 872 F2d at 504mdashan often irreversible

harmmdashnot the economic harm a project proponent may incur when a court finds an

agency violated NEPA when it authorized a project and vacates the agency action

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that unlawfully authorized it Thus the remedy for a NEPA violation must ldquoprotect

the purpose and integrity ofrdquo NEPA Semonite 925 F3d at 502

Indeed vacatur flows directly from NEPArsquos mandate which again requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions before their actions are

finalized Supra p8 see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d

31 43 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquoCongress[] require[d] environmental review and

authorization in advancerdquo) That remedy also flows directly from the Administrative

Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sect 706(2)(A)mdashthe act governing judicial review of

NEPA decisions see infra PtIIImdashsince it has long been held that vacatur is the

standard remedy for unlawful agency action under the APA Eg United Steel 925

F3d at 1287 (ldquoThe ordinary practice is to vacaterdquo) see Federal Power Commrsquon v

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 331 (1976) (agency decision

unsupported by administrative record must be vacated) And as discussed above

supra pp4-5 vacatur is an important tool to disincentivize a rush to complete a

project in the face of legal challenges to a federal agencyrsquos NEPA analysis that could

render the project a practical foregone conclusion or otherwise distort the analysis

for determining whether vacatur is appropriate See Semonite 925 F3d at 502

(describing as ldquotroublingrdquo the Corps and private project proponentrsquos ldquoattempt to

userdquo the projectrsquos completion to argue against vacatur for NEPA violation) That

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

- 18 -

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 31 of 56

(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

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USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 35 of 56

principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

- 24 -

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 17: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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ARGUMENT I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance NEPArsquos text purpose and case law make clear that federal agency

compliance with NEPArsquos detailed ldquohard lookrdquo requirement is a prerequisite to the

lawfulness of an agencyrsquos action The Actrsquos command attaches at the outset of the

agencyrsquos decision-making process for taking final agency action requiring

evaluation of environmental effects of ldquoproposedrdquo actions 42 USC sect 4332(C)

(emphasis added) And NEPArsquos mandate with respect to those actions is likewise

clear ldquoto the fullest extent possible all agencies of the Federal Government shall

include in every recommendation or report on proposals for major Federal

actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment a detailed

statement by the responsible officialrdquo Id sect 4332 amp (C) see Department of Transp

v Public Citizen 541 US 752 765 (2004) (Federal agencies ldquobear[] the primary

responsibility to compl[y] with NEPArdquo) By statutory default that ldquodetailed

statementrdquo is an environmental impact statement which must evaluate and discuss

among other things ldquo(i) the environmental impact of the proposed action (ii) any

adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be

implemented [and] (iii) alternatives to the proposed actionrdquo Id sect 4332(C)(i)-(iii)2

2 NEPArsquos regulations also allow federal agencies to begin by performing a more

streamlined environmental assessment to determine whether an environmental impact statement is required 40 CFR sectsect 15013 15089 And the regulations

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NEPArsquos directive that agencies must comply ldquoto the fullest extent possiblerdquo

id sect 4332 ldquois neither accidental nor hyperbolicrdquo instead it is ldquoa deliberate

commandrdquo Flint Ridge Dev v Scenic Rivers Assrsquon 426 US 776 787 (1976) And

that command is two-fold ldquoFirst it lsquoplaces upon an agency the obligation to

consider every significant aspect of the environmental impact of a proposed actionrsquordquo

Baltimore Gas amp Electric v NRDC 462 US 87 97 (1983) (citation omitted)

ldquoSecond it ensures that the agency will inform the public that it has indeed

considered environmental concerns in its decisionmaking processrdquo Id To achieve

those aims NEPA ldquodemands that a decisionmakerrdquo take ldquoa hard lookrdquo at ldquoall

significant environmental impacts before choosing a course of actionrdquo Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 (emphasis added) While the Act does not dictate particular results

its procedures are intended to ldquoaffect the agencyrsquos substantive decisionrdquo Robertson

490 US at 350 Thus as this Court wrote soon after NEPArsquos enactment ldquoCongress

did not intend the Act to be a paper tigerrdquo instead ldquothe requirement of

environmental consideration lsquoto the fullest extent possiblersquo sets a high standard for

the agencies a standard which must be rigorously enforced by the reviewing courtsrdquo

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114

allow agencies to exclude categorically from NEPA review only certain agency actions that have previously been found not normally to have significant environmental impacts See id sect 15084

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Courts have repeatedly confirmed what NEPArsquos text and purpose dictate

federal agencies are required to comply with NEPA before they take final action

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 536 (DC Cir

2018) American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 37 (DC Cir 2018) Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 ldquoThe statute [thus] does not permit an agency to act first and comply

laterrdquo Oglala 896 F3d at 523 That ldquoanalyze first act secondrdquo mandate is based

on the common-sense notion that ldquo[i]t is far easier to influence an initial choice than

to change a mind already made uprdquo Sierra Club 872 F2 at 500 NEPA thus

requires that ldquoa valid [environmental impact statement] be prepared before the

agency grants [a] licenserdquo promulgates a regulation issues a permit or as in this

case grants an easement Oglala 896 F3d at 529 see also National Parks

Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 1079 (DC Cir 2019) (Corps had

to comply with NEPA ldquo[b]efore it could greenlight the projectrdquo by issuing

required permits) rehrsquog pet granted on remedy 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) In

other words the lawfulness of such final agency actions is dependent on the agencyrsquos

compliance with NEPArsquos ldquoaction forcingrdquo requirements See Calvert Cliffs 449

F2d at 1113 And accordingly an agencyrsquos violation of NEPA ldquofatally infect[s]rdquo

the agency action and renders the action unlawful See American Rivers 895 F3d

at 55

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II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here

Timely and faithful agency compliance with NEPA is critical to securing the

Actrsquos mandate and protecting Amici Statesrsquo interests Indeed this Court recognized

that fact more than forty years ago when it informed federal agencies that it would

ldquorigorously enforcerdquo NEPA Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 to ensure that agencies

fulfill the Actrsquos ldquoimportant legislative purposesrdquo id at 1111 see id at 1115 (ldquoIt is

hard to imagine a clearer or stronger mandate[]rdquo) Since then this Court has hewed

closely to those early forceful pronouncements by vacating agency actions that

violate NEPA and undermine its environmental-protection purpose See eg

American Rivers 895 F3d at 55 (vacating license renewal for hydroelectric dam

based on NEPA violation) American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873

F3d 914 932 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating agency decision to eliminate wild horse

territory based on NEPA violation) Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 1374-75

1379 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating without discussion FERC approval of operating

interstate natural-gas pipelines based on NEPA violation) And the United States

District Court for the District of Columbia has assiduously followed this Courtrsquos

lead Eg Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp

3d 1 2 (DDC 2016) (vacatur ldquois the standard remedyrdquo in NEPA cases (citation

omitted)) Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 79-80 (DDC 2010)

(ldquovacatur[] is the presumptively appropriate remedyrdquo)

- 9 -

Although courts ldquomay elect a different remedy based on lsquothe seriousness of

the orderrsquos deficienciesrsquo and lsquothe disruptive consequencesrsquo of vacaturrdquo this Court

has recognized that ldquovacatur is the default remedyrdquo Semonite 925 F3d at 501

(quoting Allied-Signal 988 F2d at 150-51) Thus only in ldquorare casesrdquo United Steel

v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 1287 (DC Cir 2019) has this

Court remanded without vacatur3 for example where a state ldquopermitting

requirement independently bar[red]rdquo the project from advancing until the agency

complied with NEPA eg Oglala 896 F3d at 538 vacatur would ldquodefeat the

enhanced protection of the environmental valuesrdquo afforded by a regulation North

Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 1178 (DC Cir 2008) (citation omitted) or vacatur

itself would ldquotemporarily defeat petitionerrsquos purposerdquo Environmental Def Fund v

EPA 898 F2d 183 190 (DC Cir 1990)4 Here however the district court correctly

rejected Dakota Accessrsquos claim that vacatur of the pipeline easement would cause

3 In the NEPA context as the district court stated ldquoto the Courtrsquos and the partiesrsquo

knowledge only twice has a court not vacated agency action that violated NEPA because of a missing or defective EISrdquo I-RA150

4 Amici States do not contend that remand without vacatur is never appropriate

Indeed Massachusetts along with some of the other State Amici have previously argued successfully for remand without vacatur where vacatur would cause actual harm to public health and the environment Eg Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) Amici States thus do not ask the Court to deviate from those precedents but instead to apply their guiding principles as the district court did correctly here

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environmental harm because the companyrsquos claim was entirely ldquospeculativerdquo and

based on ldquoinconclusive evidencerdquo I-RA161-62 Those factors thus do not exist in

this case

And in all events courts should first and foremost evaluate vacaturrsquos

potential disruptive consequences through the lens of the relevant statutersquos

objectives NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 1374 (DC Cir 2007) (partially vacating

rule because vacatur would not ldquoset backrdquo Clean Air Actrsquos purpose) see also

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 674 (DC Cir

2019) (declining to vacate where ldquoit would lsquoset backrsquo the Actrsquos objective of offering

financial services to people of small meansrdquo) After all ldquoa court sitting in equity

cannot lsquoignore the judgment of Congress deliberately expressed in legislationrsquordquo

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 498 (2001)

(citation omitted) And here in NEPA Congress plainly prioritized environmental

protection over all other considerations See Oglala 896 F3d at 529 (ldquoWe know

that the environmental values protected by NEPA are of high ordermdashbecause

Congress told us sordquo) The ldquoharm at stakerdquo when an agency violates NEPA is ldquoa

harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club 872 F2d at 504mdashan often irreversible

harmmdashnot the economic harm a project proponent may incur when a court finds an

agency violated NEPA when it authorized a project and vacates the agency action

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that unlawfully authorized it Thus the remedy for a NEPA violation must ldquoprotect

the purpose and integrity ofrdquo NEPA Semonite 925 F3d at 502

Indeed vacatur flows directly from NEPArsquos mandate which again requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions before their actions are

finalized Supra p8 see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d

31 43 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquoCongress[] require[d] environmental review and

authorization in advancerdquo) That remedy also flows directly from the Administrative

Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sect 706(2)(A)mdashthe act governing judicial review of

NEPA decisions see infra PtIIImdashsince it has long been held that vacatur is the

standard remedy for unlawful agency action under the APA Eg United Steel 925

F3d at 1287 (ldquoThe ordinary practice is to vacaterdquo) see Federal Power Commrsquon v

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 331 (1976) (agency decision

unsupported by administrative record must be vacated) And as discussed above

supra pp4-5 vacatur is an important tool to disincentivize a rush to complete a

project in the face of legal challenges to a federal agencyrsquos NEPA analysis that could

render the project a practical foregone conclusion or otherwise distort the analysis

for determining whether vacatur is appropriate See Semonite 925 F3d at 502

(describing as ldquotroublingrdquo the Corps and private project proponentrsquos ldquoattempt to

userdquo the projectrsquos completion to argue against vacatur for NEPA violation) That

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

- 14 -

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

- 18 -

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

- 19 -

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

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principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


erDate Seplt11gt2014 1340 Oct 01 2019 Jkt 247187 PO 00000 Frm 00504 Fmt 8010


Sfmt 8010 YSGML247187XXX 247187

  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 18: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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NEPArsquos directive that agencies must comply ldquoto the fullest extent possiblerdquo

id sect 4332 ldquois neither accidental nor hyperbolicrdquo instead it is ldquoa deliberate

commandrdquo Flint Ridge Dev v Scenic Rivers Assrsquon 426 US 776 787 (1976) And

that command is two-fold ldquoFirst it lsquoplaces upon an agency the obligation to

consider every significant aspect of the environmental impact of a proposed actionrsquordquo

Baltimore Gas amp Electric v NRDC 462 US 87 97 (1983) (citation omitted)

ldquoSecond it ensures that the agency will inform the public that it has indeed

considered environmental concerns in its decisionmaking processrdquo Id To achieve

those aims NEPA ldquodemands that a decisionmakerrdquo take ldquoa hard lookrdquo at ldquoall

significant environmental impacts before choosing a course of actionrdquo Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 (emphasis added) While the Act does not dictate particular results

its procedures are intended to ldquoaffect the agencyrsquos substantive decisionrdquo Robertson

490 US at 350 Thus as this Court wrote soon after NEPArsquos enactment ldquoCongress

did not intend the Act to be a paper tigerrdquo instead ldquothe requirement of

environmental consideration lsquoto the fullest extent possiblersquo sets a high standard for

the agencies a standard which must be rigorously enforced by the reviewing courtsrdquo

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114

allow agencies to exclude categorically from NEPA review only certain agency actions that have previously been found not normally to have significant environmental impacts See id sect 15084

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Courts have repeatedly confirmed what NEPArsquos text and purpose dictate

federal agencies are required to comply with NEPA before they take final action

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 536 (DC Cir

2018) American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 37 (DC Cir 2018) Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 ldquoThe statute [thus] does not permit an agency to act first and comply

laterrdquo Oglala 896 F3d at 523 That ldquoanalyze first act secondrdquo mandate is based

on the common-sense notion that ldquo[i]t is far easier to influence an initial choice than

to change a mind already made uprdquo Sierra Club 872 F2 at 500 NEPA thus

requires that ldquoa valid [environmental impact statement] be prepared before the

agency grants [a] licenserdquo promulgates a regulation issues a permit or as in this

case grants an easement Oglala 896 F3d at 529 see also National Parks

Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 1079 (DC Cir 2019) (Corps had

to comply with NEPA ldquo[b]efore it could greenlight the projectrdquo by issuing

required permits) rehrsquog pet granted on remedy 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) In

other words the lawfulness of such final agency actions is dependent on the agencyrsquos

compliance with NEPArsquos ldquoaction forcingrdquo requirements See Calvert Cliffs 449

F2d at 1113 And accordingly an agencyrsquos violation of NEPA ldquofatally infect[s]rdquo

the agency action and renders the action unlawful See American Rivers 895 F3d

at 55

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II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here

Timely and faithful agency compliance with NEPA is critical to securing the

Actrsquos mandate and protecting Amici Statesrsquo interests Indeed this Court recognized

that fact more than forty years ago when it informed federal agencies that it would

ldquorigorously enforcerdquo NEPA Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 to ensure that agencies

fulfill the Actrsquos ldquoimportant legislative purposesrdquo id at 1111 see id at 1115 (ldquoIt is

hard to imagine a clearer or stronger mandate[]rdquo) Since then this Court has hewed

closely to those early forceful pronouncements by vacating agency actions that

violate NEPA and undermine its environmental-protection purpose See eg

American Rivers 895 F3d at 55 (vacating license renewal for hydroelectric dam

based on NEPA violation) American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873

F3d 914 932 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating agency decision to eliminate wild horse

territory based on NEPA violation) Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 1374-75

1379 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating without discussion FERC approval of operating

interstate natural-gas pipelines based on NEPA violation) And the United States

District Court for the District of Columbia has assiduously followed this Courtrsquos

lead Eg Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp

3d 1 2 (DDC 2016) (vacatur ldquois the standard remedyrdquo in NEPA cases (citation

omitted)) Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 79-80 (DDC 2010)

(ldquovacatur[] is the presumptively appropriate remedyrdquo)

- 9 -

Although courts ldquomay elect a different remedy based on lsquothe seriousness of

the orderrsquos deficienciesrsquo and lsquothe disruptive consequencesrsquo of vacaturrdquo this Court

has recognized that ldquovacatur is the default remedyrdquo Semonite 925 F3d at 501

(quoting Allied-Signal 988 F2d at 150-51) Thus only in ldquorare casesrdquo United Steel

v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 1287 (DC Cir 2019) has this

Court remanded without vacatur3 for example where a state ldquopermitting

requirement independently bar[red]rdquo the project from advancing until the agency

complied with NEPA eg Oglala 896 F3d at 538 vacatur would ldquodefeat the

enhanced protection of the environmental valuesrdquo afforded by a regulation North

Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 1178 (DC Cir 2008) (citation omitted) or vacatur

itself would ldquotemporarily defeat petitionerrsquos purposerdquo Environmental Def Fund v

EPA 898 F2d 183 190 (DC Cir 1990)4 Here however the district court correctly

rejected Dakota Accessrsquos claim that vacatur of the pipeline easement would cause

3 In the NEPA context as the district court stated ldquoto the Courtrsquos and the partiesrsquo

knowledge only twice has a court not vacated agency action that violated NEPA because of a missing or defective EISrdquo I-RA150

4 Amici States do not contend that remand without vacatur is never appropriate

Indeed Massachusetts along with some of the other State Amici have previously argued successfully for remand without vacatur where vacatur would cause actual harm to public health and the environment Eg Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) Amici States thus do not ask the Court to deviate from those precedents but instead to apply their guiding principles as the district court did correctly here

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environmental harm because the companyrsquos claim was entirely ldquospeculativerdquo and

based on ldquoinconclusive evidencerdquo I-RA161-62 Those factors thus do not exist in

this case

And in all events courts should first and foremost evaluate vacaturrsquos

potential disruptive consequences through the lens of the relevant statutersquos

objectives NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 1374 (DC Cir 2007) (partially vacating

rule because vacatur would not ldquoset backrdquo Clean Air Actrsquos purpose) see also

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 674 (DC Cir

2019) (declining to vacate where ldquoit would lsquoset backrsquo the Actrsquos objective of offering

financial services to people of small meansrdquo) After all ldquoa court sitting in equity

cannot lsquoignore the judgment of Congress deliberately expressed in legislationrsquordquo

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 498 (2001)

(citation omitted) And here in NEPA Congress plainly prioritized environmental

protection over all other considerations See Oglala 896 F3d at 529 (ldquoWe know

that the environmental values protected by NEPA are of high ordermdashbecause

Congress told us sordquo) The ldquoharm at stakerdquo when an agency violates NEPA is ldquoa

harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club 872 F2d at 504mdashan often irreversible

harmmdashnot the economic harm a project proponent may incur when a court finds an

agency violated NEPA when it authorized a project and vacates the agency action

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that unlawfully authorized it Thus the remedy for a NEPA violation must ldquoprotect

the purpose and integrity ofrdquo NEPA Semonite 925 F3d at 502

Indeed vacatur flows directly from NEPArsquos mandate which again requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions before their actions are

finalized Supra p8 see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d

31 43 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquoCongress[] require[d] environmental review and

authorization in advancerdquo) That remedy also flows directly from the Administrative

Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sect 706(2)(A)mdashthe act governing judicial review of

NEPA decisions see infra PtIIImdashsince it has long been held that vacatur is the

standard remedy for unlawful agency action under the APA Eg United Steel 925

F3d at 1287 (ldquoThe ordinary practice is to vacaterdquo) see Federal Power Commrsquon v

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 331 (1976) (agency decision

unsupported by administrative record must be vacated) And as discussed above

supra pp4-5 vacatur is an important tool to disincentivize a rush to complete a

project in the face of legal challenges to a federal agencyrsquos NEPA analysis that could

render the project a practical foregone conclusion or otherwise distort the analysis

for determining whether vacatur is appropriate See Semonite 925 F3d at 502

(describing as ldquotroublingrdquo the Corps and private project proponentrsquos ldquoattempt to

userdquo the projectrsquos completion to argue against vacatur for NEPA violation) That

- 12 -

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

- 23 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 35 of 56

principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

- 24 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 36 of 56

such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

- 25 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 37 of 56

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

- 26 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 38 of 56

FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 40 of 56

FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 42 of 56


I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 19: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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Courts have repeatedly confirmed what NEPArsquos text and purpose dictate

federal agencies are required to comply with NEPA before they take final action

Oglala Sioux Tribe v US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 896 F3d 520 536 (DC Cir

2018) American Rivers v FERC 895 F3d 32 37 (DC Cir 2018) Sierra Club

872 F2d at 502 ldquoThe statute [thus] does not permit an agency to act first and comply

laterrdquo Oglala 896 F3d at 523 That ldquoanalyze first act secondrdquo mandate is based

on the common-sense notion that ldquo[i]t is far easier to influence an initial choice than

to change a mind already made uprdquo Sierra Club 872 F2 at 500 NEPA thus

requires that ldquoa valid [environmental impact statement] be prepared before the

agency grants [a] licenserdquo promulgates a regulation issues a permit or as in this

case grants an easement Oglala 896 F3d at 529 see also National Parks

Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 916 F3d 1075 1079 (DC Cir 2019) (Corps had

to comply with NEPA ldquo[b]efore it could greenlight the projectrdquo by issuing

required permits) rehrsquog pet granted on remedy 925 F3d 500 (DC Cir 2019) In

other words the lawfulness of such final agency actions is dependent on the agencyrsquos

compliance with NEPArsquos ldquoaction forcingrdquo requirements See Calvert Cliffs 449

F2d at 1113 And accordingly an agencyrsquos violation of NEPA ldquofatally infect[s]rdquo

the agency action and renders the action unlawful See American Rivers 895 F3d

at 55

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II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here

Timely and faithful agency compliance with NEPA is critical to securing the

Actrsquos mandate and protecting Amici Statesrsquo interests Indeed this Court recognized

that fact more than forty years ago when it informed federal agencies that it would

ldquorigorously enforcerdquo NEPA Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 to ensure that agencies

fulfill the Actrsquos ldquoimportant legislative purposesrdquo id at 1111 see id at 1115 (ldquoIt is

hard to imagine a clearer or stronger mandate[]rdquo) Since then this Court has hewed

closely to those early forceful pronouncements by vacating agency actions that

violate NEPA and undermine its environmental-protection purpose See eg

American Rivers 895 F3d at 55 (vacating license renewal for hydroelectric dam

based on NEPA violation) American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873

F3d 914 932 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating agency decision to eliminate wild horse

territory based on NEPA violation) Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 1374-75

1379 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating without discussion FERC approval of operating

interstate natural-gas pipelines based on NEPA violation) And the United States

District Court for the District of Columbia has assiduously followed this Courtrsquos

lead Eg Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp

3d 1 2 (DDC 2016) (vacatur ldquois the standard remedyrdquo in NEPA cases (citation

omitted)) Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 79-80 (DDC 2010)

(ldquovacatur[] is the presumptively appropriate remedyrdquo)

- 9 -

Although courts ldquomay elect a different remedy based on lsquothe seriousness of

the orderrsquos deficienciesrsquo and lsquothe disruptive consequencesrsquo of vacaturrdquo this Court

has recognized that ldquovacatur is the default remedyrdquo Semonite 925 F3d at 501

(quoting Allied-Signal 988 F2d at 150-51) Thus only in ldquorare casesrdquo United Steel

v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 1287 (DC Cir 2019) has this

Court remanded without vacatur3 for example where a state ldquopermitting

requirement independently bar[red]rdquo the project from advancing until the agency

complied with NEPA eg Oglala 896 F3d at 538 vacatur would ldquodefeat the

enhanced protection of the environmental valuesrdquo afforded by a regulation North

Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 1178 (DC Cir 2008) (citation omitted) or vacatur

itself would ldquotemporarily defeat petitionerrsquos purposerdquo Environmental Def Fund v

EPA 898 F2d 183 190 (DC Cir 1990)4 Here however the district court correctly

rejected Dakota Accessrsquos claim that vacatur of the pipeline easement would cause

3 In the NEPA context as the district court stated ldquoto the Courtrsquos and the partiesrsquo

knowledge only twice has a court not vacated agency action that violated NEPA because of a missing or defective EISrdquo I-RA150

4 Amici States do not contend that remand without vacatur is never appropriate

Indeed Massachusetts along with some of the other State Amici have previously argued successfully for remand without vacatur where vacatur would cause actual harm to public health and the environment Eg Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) Amici States thus do not ask the Court to deviate from those precedents but instead to apply their guiding principles as the district court did correctly here

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environmental harm because the companyrsquos claim was entirely ldquospeculativerdquo and

based on ldquoinconclusive evidencerdquo I-RA161-62 Those factors thus do not exist in

this case

And in all events courts should first and foremost evaluate vacaturrsquos

potential disruptive consequences through the lens of the relevant statutersquos

objectives NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 1374 (DC Cir 2007) (partially vacating

rule because vacatur would not ldquoset backrdquo Clean Air Actrsquos purpose) see also

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 674 (DC Cir

2019) (declining to vacate where ldquoit would lsquoset backrsquo the Actrsquos objective of offering

financial services to people of small meansrdquo) After all ldquoa court sitting in equity

cannot lsquoignore the judgment of Congress deliberately expressed in legislationrsquordquo

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 498 (2001)

(citation omitted) And here in NEPA Congress plainly prioritized environmental

protection over all other considerations See Oglala 896 F3d at 529 (ldquoWe know

that the environmental values protected by NEPA are of high ordermdashbecause

Congress told us sordquo) The ldquoharm at stakerdquo when an agency violates NEPA is ldquoa

harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club 872 F2d at 504mdashan often irreversible

harmmdashnot the economic harm a project proponent may incur when a court finds an

agency violated NEPA when it authorized a project and vacates the agency action

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that unlawfully authorized it Thus the remedy for a NEPA violation must ldquoprotect

the purpose and integrity ofrdquo NEPA Semonite 925 F3d at 502

Indeed vacatur flows directly from NEPArsquos mandate which again requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions before their actions are

finalized Supra p8 see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d

31 43 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquoCongress[] require[d] environmental review and

authorization in advancerdquo) That remedy also flows directly from the Administrative

Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sect 706(2)(A)mdashthe act governing judicial review of

NEPA decisions see infra PtIIImdashsince it has long been held that vacatur is the

standard remedy for unlawful agency action under the APA Eg United Steel 925

F3d at 1287 (ldquoThe ordinary practice is to vacaterdquo) see Federal Power Commrsquon v

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 331 (1976) (agency decision

unsupported by administrative record must be vacated) And as discussed above

supra pp4-5 vacatur is an important tool to disincentivize a rush to complete a

project in the face of legal challenges to a federal agencyrsquos NEPA analysis that could

render the project a practical foregone conclusion or otherwise distort the analysis

for determining whether vacatur is appropriate See Semonite 925 F3d at 502

(describing as ldquotroublingrdquo the Corps and private project proponentrsquos ldquoattempt to

userdquo the projectrsquos completion to argue against vacatur for NEPA violation) That

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

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principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 20: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here

Timely and faithful agency compliance with NEPA is critical to securing the

Actrsquos mandate and protecting Amici Statesrsquo interests Indeed this Court recognized

that fact more than forty years ago when it informed federal agencies that it would

ldquorigorously enforcerdquo NEPA Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 to ensure that agencies

fulfill the Actrsquos ldquoimportant legislative purposesrdquo id at 1111 see id at 1115 (ldquoIt is

hard to imagine a clearer or stronger mandate[]rdquo) Since then this Court has hewed

closely to those early forceful pronouncements by vacating agency actions that

violate NEPA and undermine its environmental-protection purpose See eg

American Rivers 895 F3d at 55 (vacating license renewal for hydroelectric dam

based on NEPA violation) American Wild Horse Pres Campaign v Purdue 873

F3d 914 932 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating agency decision to eliminate wild horse

territory based on NEPA violation) Sierra Club v FERC 867 F3d 1357 1374-75

1379 (DC Cir 2017) (vacating without discussion FERC approval of operating

interstate natural-gas pipelines based on NEPA violation) And the United States

District Court for the District of Columbia has assiduously followed this Courtrsquos

lead Eg Public Emps for Envtl Resp v US Fish amp Wildlife Serv 189 F Supp

3d 1 2 (DDC 2016) (vacatur ldquois the standard remedyrdquo in NEPA cases (citation

omitted)) Sierra Club v Van Antwerp 719 F Supp 2d 77 79-80 (DDC 2010)

(ldquovacatur[] is the presumptively appropriate remedyrdquo)

- 9 -

Although courts ldquomay elect a different remedy based on lsquothe seriousness of

the orderrsquos deficienciesrsquo and lsquothe disruptive consequencesrsquo of vacaturrdquo this Court

has recognized that ldquovacatur is the default remedyrdquo Semonite 925 F3d at 501

(quoting Allied-Signal 988 F2d at 150-51) Thus only in ldquorare casesrdquo United Steel

v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 1287 (DC Cir 2019) has this

Court remanded without vacatur3 for example where a state ldquopermitting

requirement independently bar[red]rdquo the project from advancing until the agency

complied with NEPA eg Oglala 896 F3d at 538 vacatur would ldquodefeat the

enhanced protection of the environmental valuesrdquo afforded by a regulation North

Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 1178 (DC Cir 2008) (citation omitted) or vacatur

itself would ldquotemporarily defeat petitionerrsquos purposerdquo Environmental Def Fund v

EPA 898 F2d 183 190 (DC Cir 1990)4 Here however the district court correctly

rejected Dakota Accessrsquos claim that vacatur of the pipeline easement would cause

3 In the NEPA context as the district court stated ldquoto the Courtrsquos and the partiesrsquo

knowledge only twice has a court not vacated agency action that violated NEPA because of a missing or defective EISrdquo I-RA150

4 Amici States do not contend that remand without vacatur is never appropriate

Indeed Massachusetts along with some of the other State Amici have previously argued successfully for remand without vacatur where vacatur would cause actual harm to public health and the environment Eg Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) Amici States thus do not ask the Court to deviate from those precedents but instead to apply their guiding principles as the district court did correctly here

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- 10 -

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environmental harm because the companyrsquos claim was entirely ldquospeculativerdquo and

based on ldquoinconclusive evidencerdquo I-RA161-62 Those factors thus do not exist in

this case

And in all events courts should first and foremost evaluate vacaturrsquos

potential disruptive consequences through the lens of the relevant statutersquos

objectives NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 1374 (DC Cir 2007) (partially vacating

rule because vacatur would not ldquoset backrdquo Clean Air Actrsquos purpose) see also

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 674 (DC Cir

2019) (declining to vacate where ldquoit would lsquoset backrsquo the Actrsquos objective of offering

financial services to people of small meansrdquo) After all ldquoa court sitting in equity

cannot lsquoignore the judgment of Congress deliberately expressed in legislationrsquordquo

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 498 (2001)

(citation omitted) And here in NEPA Congress plainly prioritized environmental

protection over all other considerations See Oglala 896 F3d at 529 (ldquoWe know

that the environmental values protected by NEPA are of high ordermdashbecause

Congress told us sordquo) The ldquoharm at stakerdquo when an agency violates NEPA is ldquoa

harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club 872 F2d at 504mdashan often irreversible

harmmdashnot the economic harm a project proponent may incur when a court finds an

agency violated NEPA when it authorized a project and vacates the agency action

- 11 -

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that unlawfully authorized it Thus the remedy for a NEPA violation must ldquoprotect

the purpose and integrity ofrdquo NEPA Semonite 925 F3d at 502

Indeed vacatur flows directly from NEPArsquos mandate which again requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions before their actions are

finalized Supra p8 see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d

31 43 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquoCongress[] require[d] environmental review and

authorization in advancerdquo) That remedy also flows directly from the Administrative

Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sect 706(2)(A)mdashthe act governing judicial review of

NEPA decisions see infra PtIIImdashsince it has long been held that vacatur is the

standard remedy for unlawful agency action under the APA Eg United Steel 925

F3d at 1287 (ldquoThe ordinary practice is to vacaterdquo) see Federal Power Commrsquon v

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 331 (1976) (agency decision

unsupported by administrative record must be vacated) And as discussed above

supra pp4-5 vacatur is an important tool to disincentivize a rush to complete a

project in the face of legal challenges to a federal agencyrsquos NEPA analysis that could

render the project a practical foregone conclusion or otherwise distort the analysis

for determining whether vacatur is appropriate See Semonite 925 F3d at 502

(describing as ldquotroublingrdquo the Corps and private project proponentrsquos ldquoattempt to

userdquo the projectrsquos completion to argue against vacatur for NEPA violation) That

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

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principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 21: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

Although courts ldquomay elect a different remedy based on lsquothe seriousness of

the orderrsquos deficienciesrsquo and lsquothe disruptive consequencesrsquo of vacaturrdquo this Court

has recognized that ldquovacatur is the default remedyrdquo Semonite 925 F3d at 501

(quoting Allied-Signal 988 F2d at 150-51) Thus only in ldquorare casesrdquo United Steel

v Mine Safety amp Health Admin 925 F3d 1279 1287 (DC Cir 2019) has this

Court remanded without vacatur3 for example where a state ldquopermitting

requirement independently bar[red]rdquo the project from advancing until the agency

complied with NEPA eg Oglala 896 F3d at 538 vacatur would ldquodefeat the

enhanced protection of the environmental valuesrdquo afforded by a regulation North

Carolina v EPA 550 F3d 1176 1178 (DC Cir 2008) (citation omitted) or vacatur

itself would ldquotemporarily defeat petitionerrsquos purposerdquo Environmental Def Fund v

EPA 898 F2d 183 190 (DC Cir 1990)4 Here however the district court correctly

rejected Dakota Accessrsquos claim that vacatur of the pipeline easement would cause

3 In the NEPA context as the district court stated ldquoto the Courtrsquos and the partiesrsquo

knowledge only twice has a court not vacated agency action that violated NEPA because of a missing or defective EISrdquo I-RA150

4 Amici States do not contend that remand without vacatur is never appropriate

Indeed Massachusetts along with some of the other State Amici have previously argued successfully for remand without vacatur where vacatur would cause actual harm to public health and the environment Eg Joint Mot of State Local Govrsquot and Public Health Respondent-Intervenors for Remand Without Vacatur at 10-20 White Stallion Energy Ctr LLC v EPA No 12-1100 (DC Cir Sept 24 2015) Amici States thus do not ask the Court to deviate from those precedents but instead to apply their guiding principles as the district court did correctly here

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environmental harm because the companyrsquos claim was entirely ldquospeculativerdquo and

based on ldquoinconclusive evidencerdquo I-RA161-62 Those factors thus do not exist in

this case

And in all events courts should first and foremost evaluate vacaturrsquos

potential disruptive consequences through the lens of the relevant statutersquos

objectives NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 1374 (DC Cir 2007) (partially vacating

rule because vacatur would not ldquoset backrdquo Clean Air Actrsquos purpose) see also

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 674 (DC Cir

2019) (declining to vacate where ldquoit would lsquoset backrsquo the Actrsquos objective of offering

financial services to people of small meansrdquo) After all ldquoa court sitting in equity

cannot lsquoignore the judgment of Congress deliberately expressed in legislationrsquordquo

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 498 (2001)

(citation omitted) And here in NEPA Congress plainly prioritized environmental

protection over all other considerations See Oglala 896 F3d at 529 (ldquoWe know

that the environmental values protected by NEPA are of high ordermdashbecause

Congress told us sordquo) The ldquoharm at stakerdquo when an agency violates NEPA is ldquoa

harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club 872 F2d at 504mdashan often irreversible

harmmdashnot the economic harm a project proponent may incur when a court finds an

agency violated NEPA when it authorized a project and vacates the agency action

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that unlawfully authorized it Thus the remedy for a NEPA violation must ldquoprotect

the purpose and integrity ofrdquo NEPA Semonite 925 F3d at 502

Indeed vacatur flows directly from NEPArsquos mandate which again requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions before their actions are

finalized Supra p8 see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d

31 43 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquoCongress[] require[d] environmental review and

authorization in advancerdquo) That remedy also flows directly from the Administrative

Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sect 706(2)(A)mdashthe act governing judicial review of

NEPA decisions see infra PtIIImdashsince it has long been held that vacatur is the

standard remedy for unlawful agency action under the APA Eg United Steel 925

F3d at 1287 (ldquoThe ordinary practice is to vacaterdquo) see Federal Power Commrsquon v

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 331 (1976) (agency decision

unsupported by administrative record must be vacated) And as discussed above

supra pp4-5 vacatur is an important tool to disincentivize a rush to complete a

project in the face of legal challenges to a federal agencyrsquos NEPA analysis that could

render the project a practical foregone conclusion or otherwise distort the analysis

for determining whether vacatur is appropriate See Semonite 925 F3d at 502

(describing as ldquotroublingrdquo the Corps and private project proponentrsquos ldquoattempt to

userdquo the projectrsquos completion to argue against vacatur for NEPA violation) That

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

- 13 -

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

- 14 -

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

- 15 -

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

- 16 -

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

- 18 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 30 of 56

US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 31 of 56

(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

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USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 35 of 56

principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

- 24 -

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 22: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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environmental harm because the companyrsquos claim was entirely ldquospeculativerdquo and

based on ldquoinconclusive evidencerdquo I-RA161-62 Those factors thus do not exist in

this case

And in all events courts should first and foremost evaluate vacaturrsquos

potential disruptive consequences through the lens of the relevant statutersquos

objectives NRDC v EPA 489 F3d 1364 1374 (DC Cir 2007) (partially vacating

rule because vacatur would not ldquoset backrdquo Clean Air Actrsquos purpose) see also

American Bankers Assrsquon v Natrsquol Credit Union Admin 934 F3d 649 674 (DC Cir

2019) (declining to vacate where ldquoit would lsquoset backrsquo the Actrsquos objective of offering

financial services to people of small meansrdquo) After all ldquoa court sitting in equity

cannot lsquoignore the judgment of Congress deliberately expressed in legislationrsquordquo

United States v Oakland Cannabis Buyersrsquo Coop 532 US 483 498 (2001)

(citation omitted) And here in NEPA Congress plainly prioritized environmental

protection over all other considerations See Oglala 896 F3d at 529 (ldquoWe know

that the environmental values protected by NEPA are of high ordermdashbecause

Congress told us sordquo) The ldquoharm at stakerdquo when an agency violates NEPA is ldquoa

harm to the environmentrdquo Sierra Club 872 F2d at 504mdashan often irreversible

harmmdashnot the economic harm a project proponent may incur when a court finds an

agency violated NEPA when it authorized a project and vacates the agency action

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that unlawfully authorized it Thus the remedy for a NEPA violation must ldquoprotect

the purpose and integrity ofrdquo NEPA Semonite 925 F3d at 502

Indeed vacatur flows directly from NEPArsquos mandate which again requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions before their actions are

finalized Supra p8 see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d

31 43 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquoCongress[] require[d] environmental review and

authorization in advancerdquo) That remedy also flows directly from the Administrative

Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sect 706(2)(A)mdashthe act governing judicial review of

NEPA decisions see infra PtIIImdashsince it has long been held that vacatur is the

standard remedy for unlawful agency action under the APA Eg United Steel 925

F3d at 1287 (ldquoThe ordinary practice is to vacaterdquo) see Federal Power Commrsquon v

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 331 (1976) (agency decision

unsupported by administrative record must be vacated) And as discussed above

supra pp4-5 vacatur is an important tool to disincentivize a rush to complete a

project in the face of legal challenges to a federal agencyrsquos NEPA analysis that could

render the project a practical foregone conclusion or otherwise distort the analysis

for determining whether vacatur is appropriate See Semonite 925 F3d at 502

(describing as ldquotroublingrdquo the Corps and private project proponentrsquos ldquoattempt to

userdquo the projectrsquos completion to argue against vacatur for NEPA violation) That

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

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principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

- 25 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 37 of 56

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

- 26 -

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 42 of 56


I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




on D









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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 23: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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that unlawfully authorized it Thus the remedy for a NEPA violation must ldquoprotect

the purpose and integrity ofrdquo NEPA Semonite 925 F3d at 502

Indeed vacatur flows directly from NEPArsquos mandate which again requires

federal agencies to take a ldquohard lookrdquo at the potential direct and indirect

environmental consequences of their proposed actions before their actions are

finalized Supra p8 see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 803 F3d

31 43 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquoCongress[] require[d] environmental review and

authorization in advancerdquo) That remedy also flows directly from the Administrative

Procedure Act (APA) 5 USC sect 706(2)(A)mdashthe act governing judicial review of

NEPA decisions see infra PtIIImdashsince it has long been held that vacatur is the

standard remedy for unlawful agency action under the APA Eg United Steel 925

F3d at 1287 (ldquoThe ordinary practice is to vacaterdquo) see Federal Power Commrsquon v

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp 423 US 326 331 (1976) (agency decision

unsupported by administrative record must be vacated) And as discussed above

supra pp4-5 vacatur is an important tool to disincentivize a rush to complete a

project in the face of legal challenges to a federal agencyrsquos NEPA analysis that could

render the project a practical foregone conclusion or otherwise distort the analysis

for determining whether vacatur is appropriate See Semonite 925 F3d at 502

(describing as ldquotroublingrdquo the Corps and private project proponentrsquos ldquoattempt to

userdquo the projectrsquos completion to argue against vacatur for NEPA violation) That

- 12 -

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

- 13 -

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

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principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 24: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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however is exactly what the Corps Dakota Access and their amici attempt to do

here Corps Br 33-34 Dakota Access Br 35-36 see also eg Indiana et al Amici

Curiae Br 1 3-20 North Dakota Amicus Br 1-5 10-16

The district court did not abuse its discretion when it employed the default

remedy Indeed the district court was acutely aware of the negative incentives that

remand without vacatur can create for agencies and project proponents alike in

NEPA cases While the district court remanded without vacatur the first time it held

the Corps violated NEPA under Allied-Signalrsquos first ldquoseriousness of deficienciesrdquo

prong Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [IV] v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 282 F Supp

3d 91 97-103 (DDC 2017) the court also warned of the ldquoundesirable incentivesrdquo

that remand without vacatur based on ldquoalleged economic harmrdquo under Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences prong can create in NEPA cases like this one id

at 106 ldquoIfrdquo the court elaborated ldquoprojections of financial distress are sufficient to

prevent vacatur agencies and third parties may choose to devote as many resources

as early as possible to a challenged projectmdashand then claim disruption in light of

such investmentsrdquo Id see also I-RA158 (same) Western Watersheds Project v

Zinke 441 F Supp 3d 1042 1088 (D Idaho 2020) (same) cf Sierra Club 803 F3d

at 44 (rejecting argument that construction of project rendered NEPA claim moot

because holding otherwise would allow agencies and private parties to ldquomerely

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

- 21 -

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 34 of 56

regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

- 23 -

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principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 25: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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ignore the requirements of NEPArdquo) That the district court rightly stated would

ldquosubvert NEPArdquo I-RA1575

Yet back before the district court a second time and now before this Court

the Corps Dakota Access and their amici seek to subvert NEPA in exactly that way

by advancing as their ldquocentralrdquo argument the economic harm that Dakota Access and

industries that rely on the pipeline would allegedly suffer from vacatur and the

resulting shut down of the pipeline See I-RA153 see eg Corps Br 34 (ldquoprofound

economic harmrdquo) Dakota Access Br 36 (ldquovacatur would cause widespread and

immense economic harmrdquo) But again ldquo[t]he purpose of NEPA is to protect the

environment not economic interests[]rdquo See Nevada Land Action Assrsquon v US

Forest Serv 8 F3d 713 716 (9th Cir 1993) And because preventing a project

proponentrsquos economic injury is not one of NEPArsquos objectives I-RA157-58 and

Dakota Access ldquoassume[d]rdquo the ldquoeconomic risk knowinglyrdquo I-RA162 the district

court rightly discounted that argument after the Corps failed to cure its NEPA

violations during the first remand see I-RA153-61 see also I-RA148-53 (rejecting

5 The district court also noted correctly that ldquo[w]ithout vacatur the Corps and

Dakota Access would have little incentive to finish the [environmental impact statement] in a timely matterrdquo I-RA157 something that is especially important here because (i) NEPA requires agencies to comply with NEPA before they authorize the underlying action supra p8 and (ii) the pipeline in this case has already been constructed based on a seriously deficient NEPA review I-RA141 148 153 see also EME Homer City Generation LP v EPA 795 F3d 118 132 (DC Cir 2015) (ldquo[R]emand without vacatur creates a risk that an agency may drag its feet and keep in place an unlawful agency rulerdquo)

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

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principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 26: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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remand without vacatur under Allied-Signalrsquos first prong) This Court should do the


Indeed the economic harm that Dakota Access and its amici claim they will

suffer was entirely self-inflicted Dakota Access chose to proceed despite the district

courtrsquos prior finding that the Corps violated NEPA its knowledge that the Tribes

continued to oppose the easement and the Corpsrsquos unlawful NEPA analysis and the

fact that the Tribes had sought to halt the project before construction began See I-

RA160 (Dakota Access ldquorelied on the continued operation of the pipeline in the face

of ongoing litigationrdquo) see also Sierra Club v US Army Corps of Engrsquors 645 F3d

978 996 998 (8th Cir 2011) (preliminarily enjoining construction of power plant

for inter alia likely NEPA violation where proponent ldquorepeatedly ignor[ed]

administrative and legal challenges and a warning by the Corps that construction

would proceed at its own riskrdquo) Puerto Rico Conservation Found v Larson 797 F

Supp 1066 1072 (DPR 1992) (defendantsrsquo ldquoassumed any monetary risks resulting

from their decisionrdquo to continue after NEPA lawsuit was filed) Those cries of

economic harm thus do not warrant deviating from the default environmentally

protective remedy of vacatur here

Vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easementmdashand resulting pipeline shutdownmdashis

necessary to restore as closely as possible the status quo before the Corpsrsquos illegal

action took effect and to prevent the catastrophic irreversible environmental harm

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

- 23 -

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principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

- 24 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 36 of 56

such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

- 25 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 37 of 56

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

- 26 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 38 of 56

FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

- 27 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 39 of 56

FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

- 28 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 40 of 56

FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

- 29 -

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 42 of 56


I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 27: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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of an oil spill pending NEPA compliance Indeed vacatur is particularly justified in

this case where the Corpsrsquos violation was serious and so much is at stake for the

Tribesmdashsovereign entities in our federal system as the district court recognized I-

RA111 that have far too often been marginalized see McGirt 140 S Ct at 24826

The district court already gave the Corps one opportunity to remedy its NEPA

violations without vacatur Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 108 But following

that remand the court held that Corps revised analysis violated NEPA too and that

there was ldquono lsquopossibility that the [Corps] may find an adequate explanation for itsrsquordquo

failure to prepare an environmental impact statement if given a second chance I-

RA153 After finding that the Corps failed to use that lifeline to comply with NEPA

with full knowledge that its attempt to do so would almost certainly be challenged

again the district court however still did not immediately employ the default

remedy and vacate the Corpsrsquos easement Instead the district court requested

additional briefing on vacatur ie ldquothe status of the easement mdash and ultimately

the oil mdash in the meantimerdquo I-RA146 see also I-RA137 The facts that the Corps

was already given one opportunity to comply with NEPA and that it failed to do so

6 The lake at the center of this case was created on land Congress took from the

Tribes to construct a dam I-RA100 The Tribes now use the lake ldquoin myriad ways including for drinking agriculture industry and sacred religious and medicinal practicesrdquo id but those new uses of the Tribesrsquo former lands are now themselves threatened by the risk of an oil spill from the pipeline at the heart of this casemdasha risk the district court correctly held had not been fully evaluated in accord with NEPArsquos mandate I-RA113-30

- 16 -

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

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principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 28: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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amplify the need for a significant consequence for the Corpsrsquos continued NEPA

noncompliance in this case

III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity

This Court should reaffirm that the effect of a courtrsquos decision to vacate an

agency action for violating NEPA or the APA is to annul the agency actionmdashhere

an easement granted by the Corps to Dakota Access which is required for the legal

operation of the companyrsquos pipelinemdashwithout the need for the district court to also

issue an injunction ordering the Corps to abide by the law and enjoining the

pipelinersquos operation during the remand That well-established principle was the

foundation for the partiesrsquo positions before the district court and the district courtrsquos

decision to vacate the Corpsrsquos easement For that reason and contrary to the

newfound injunction-based theory the Corps and Dakota Access attempt to introduce

for the before this Court see Corps Br 34 Dakota Access Br 42 the district court

need not have taken the further step of issuing an injunction to effectuate the

practical effect of what the courtrsquos vacatur order already securedmdashshutting down

the pipeline during the remand Indeed the Supreme Court made that point clear in

Monsanto Co v Geertson Seed Farms where it held that courts should not take that

further step unless an injunction is necessary to secure relief beyond the practical

effect of vacatur itself 561 US 139 165 (2010)

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

- 23 -

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principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

- 24 -

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 29: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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A claim that a federal agency violated NEPA is reviewed under the APA

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Prsquoship v Salazar 616 F3d 497 507 (DC Cir

2010) And the APA and longstanding precedent make clear that vacatur of a federal

agencyrsquos action has the practical effect of preventing the private beneficiary of a

vacated federal agency action from undertaking the unlawfully authorized activities

during remand Just as the APA ldquosupplies the applicable vehicle for review of [an

agencyrsquos] actionsrdquo under NEPA id it also supplies all the authority necessary for a

court to award both preliminary and merits-based relief to redress a plaintiffrsquos Article

III injuries 5 USC sectsect 705 (interim relief) 706 (merits-based relief) With regard

to relief on the merits the APA provides that ldquo[t]he reviewing court shall hold

unlawful and set aside agency action findings and conclusions found to berdquo among

other things ldquoarbitrary capricious an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in

accordance with lawrdquo Id sectsect 706(2) amp (2)(A) (emphasis added) Congressrsquos

command in sect 706mdashthat the reviewing court ldquoshall hold unlawful and set aside

[the] agency actionrdquomdashand a courtrsquos execution of that command through vacatur

voids the offending agency action and thereby renders unlawful the private activity

the agency action had authorized without the need for an injunction mandating the

partiesrsquo compliance For that reason the Supreme Court has instructed that courts

should not issue injunctions in APA cases ldquo[i]f a less drastic remedy (such as partial

or complete vacatur ) [i]s sufficient to redressrdquo a plaintiffrsquos injury Monsanto 561

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

- 23 -

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principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

- 24 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 36 of 56

such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

- 25 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 37 of 56

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

- 26 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 38 of 56

FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

- 27 -

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

- 28 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 40 of 56

FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

- 29 -

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 42 of 56


I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




on D









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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 30: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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US at 165-66 see id at 165 (noting respondentsrsquo representation that injunction

would not have had ldquoany meaningful practical effect independent of vacaturrdquo)

Thus while Congress did not preclude plaintiffs from relying on other forms of

relief like preliminary and permanent injunctions see Attorney Generalrsquos Manual

on the Administrative Procedure Act 107 (1947) plaintiffs like the Tribes here need

not avail themselves of those alternative modes of relief to secure effective and

complete relief for an agencyrsquos NEPA violation

That principle applies equally to any action arising under the APA including

as was the case here an action for declaratory judgment First Amended Complaint

(ECF No 241) Prayer for Relief para 9 at 69-70 (ldquo[d]eclare easementrdquo violated

NEPA) para 10 at 70 (ldquo[v]acate easementrdquo) As the APA makes clear absent a

special review statute ldquo[t]he form of proceeding for judicial review is any

applicable form of legal action including actions for declaratory judgments rdquo 5

USC sect 703 While the APA also refers to ldquowrits of prohibitory or mandatory

injunctionrdquo id a ldquodeclaratory judgment is in a context where federal officers are

defendants the practical equivalent of specific relief such as [an] injunction since

it must be presumed that federal officers will adhere to the law as declared by the

courtrdquo Sanchez-Espinoza v Reagan 770 F2d 202 208 n8 (DC Cir 1985) see

Committee on the Judiciary v Miers 542 F3d 909 911 (DC Cir 2008)

- 19 -

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

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USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 35 of 56

principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


erDate Seplt11gt2014 1340 Oct 01 2019 Jkt 247187 PO 00000 Frm 00504 Fmt 8010


Sfmt 8010 YSGML247187XXX 247187

  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 31: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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(ldquodeclaratory judgment is the functional equivalent of an injunctionrdquo)7 The only

relevant distinction between the two remedies is that ldquo[a] declaratory judgment

cannot be enforced by contemptrdquo but in all other respects ldquoit has the same effect

as an injunctionrdquo Badger Catholic Inc v Walsh 620 F3d 775 782 (7th Cir 2010)

There are certainly cases where special circumstances may necessitate an

injunction as well8 but in cases like this one a courtrsquos decision that the agency

violated the law and the resulting vacatur of the agency action affords all of the relief

necessary to vindicate the prevailing partyrsquos successful claim because again courts

may assume that ldquofederal officers will adhere to the lawrdquo and conform to the law

both their conduct and the conduct of any third-party their action authorized See

Sanchez-Espinoza 770 F2d at 208 n8 see Public Emps for Envtl Resp v Hopper

827 F3d 1077 1084 (DC Cir 2016) (vacating environmental impact statement to

ensure private construction would not begin before agency complied with NEPA)

7 See also McLaughlin v City of Lowell 140 F Supp 3d 177 197 n16 (D Mass

2015) (courts ldquoassume[] that [government] will lsquodo [its] duty when disputed questions have been finally adjudicatedrsquo and can lsquorightly be expected to set an example of obedience to lawrsquordquo (citation omitted))

8 Such cases however are rare Eg Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe v Bernhardt

No 18-2242-PLF 2020 WL 3034854 at 3 (DDC June 5 2020) (vacating agency decision and enjoining agency where vacatur would not independently bar agency action that would cause irreparable harm to plaintiff during remand) New York v US Deprsquot of Com 351 F Supp 3d 502 675-77 (SDNY 2019) (similar) affrsquod in part revrsquod in part sub nom Department of Com v New York 139 S Ct 2551 (2019)

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

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principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 32: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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Indeed that conclusion is supported by Allied-Signal itself 988 F2d at 151

(vacating regulation would require agency to refund fees without injunction ordering

agency to take that action)

Allied-Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong would in fact make little

sense if vacatur did not have the practical effect of halting the activity authorized by

the agency action Courts have thus repeatedly recognized that vacatur under the

APA has the natural effect of stopping both federal agency and private party

activities authorized by an agencyrsquos unlawful action See eg Public Emps 827

F3d at 1084 (vacating environmental impact statement to ldquohalt[]rdquo the private partyrsquos

construction of project) Independent US Tanker Owners Comm v Dole 809 F2d

847 854-55 (DC Cir 1987) (ldquothe present rule will be vacated and conditions

returned to the status quo ante before the rule took effectrdquo) Sierra Club 719 F

Supp 2d at 79-80 (issuing ldquopartial vacaturrdquo of water permit to block third-party

construction of multi-use real estate project during remand but allowing party to

manage stormwater system to prevent environmental harm) cf Massachusetts v

US Nuclear Reg Commrsquon 924 F2d 311 336 (DC Cir 1991) (declining to vacate

nuclear power plantrsquos operating license where the violation was likely to soon

become ldquomootrdquo and vacatur would have ldquoimmensely disruptiverdquo consequences

because it would shut down the private electricity generating plant) Indeed in

Oglalamdasha NEPA casemdashthis Court forcefully rejected a federal agencyrsquos attempt to

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

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principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 33: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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require parties to demonstrate irreparable harm at the agency level before the agency

would stay its own action and thus halt the project where the agency itself had

already identified a NEPA violation 896 F3d at 529-30 ldquo[O]ncerdquo a ldquosignificantrdquo

NEPA violation is identified this Court confirmed agencies may not normally

ldquoleave in placerdquo the underlying permit or other agency authorization and ldquopermit a

project to continuerdquo Id at 538 Doing so this Court emphasized ldquoviolatesrdquo NEPA

and ldquovitiatesrdquo its ldquorequirementsrdquo Id at 523

This Courtrsquos recent rehearing grant regarding remedy in Semonite 925 F3d

500 turned on that principle too While ultimately leaving the remedy to the district

court on remand this Court made clear that it like the parties understood that

vacating the federal permit that authorized a private party to construct electric

transmission line towers would likely necessitate the towersrsquo removal See id at

501-02 And on remand the district court understood this Courtrsquos opinion in exactly

that way National Parks Conservation Assrsquon v Semonite 422 F Supp 3d 92 96

(DDC 2019) (equating vacatur with removal of towers) see also id at 100 (ldquo[I]f

vacatur were ordered that decision would have serious impacts beyond the mere

procedural step of saying that the permit is revokedrdquo) The same was true in this

Courtrsquos 2017 opinion in Sierra Club where it vacated without discussion FERCrsquos

orders authorizing the construction of a pipeline because the agency violated NEPA

867 F3d at 1379 There the pipeline company argued in its petition for rehearing

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

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principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

- 24 -

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such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 34: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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regarding remedy that the Courtrsquos decision to vacate the FERC-issued approval

would ldquo[h]alt[] pipeline servicerdquo while FERC completed a court-ordered

environmental impact statement Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC for Panel or En

Banc Rehrsquog at 14 Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Oct 6

2017)9 And the federal government prior to this case has itself consistently

espoused a similar view See eg Semonite 925 F3d at 501 (reciting Corpsrsquos

position that ldquothe permit could be vacated and the towers correspondingly removedrdquo

if respondentsrsquo prevailed on their NEPA claim) Motion of Corps for Partial Stay

Pending Appeal at 17 Northern Plains Res Council v US Army Corps of Engrsquors

No 19-cv-44-BMM (D Mont Apr 27 2020) ECF No 131 (Corps stating that

ldquovacatur of Nationwide [Clean Water Act permit] prevents private parties from

relying on the [p]ermitrdquo)

In fact until the stay proceedings in this Court both the Corps Dakota

Access and their amici heremdashjust like the parties in the cases cited abovemdashlitigated

the remedy for the Corpsrsquos ldquoseriousrdquo NEPA violation based on those bedrock

9 Dakota Access claims wrongly that vacatur of an agency action that shuts down

an ldquolsquooperational pipelinersquo is literally unprecedentedrdquo Br 35-36 but that was the outcome in Sierra Club 867 F3d at 1379 see also Order Sierra Club v FERC Nos 16-1329 amp 16-1387 (DC Cir Jan 31 2018) (denying rehearing petitions) a point that the pipeline company in that case emphasized Pet of Duke Energy Fla LLC at 3-5 14-15

- 23 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 35 of 56

principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

- 24 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 36 of 56

such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 35: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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principles10 They thus acknowledged in the district court that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos

easement to Dakota Access would shut down the pipeline and they relied on that

fact to argue that the district court should not vacate the easement under Allied-

Signalrsquos ldquodisruptive consequencesrdquo prong Corps Remedy Br (ECF No 507) at 1-

2 (arguing that vacating easement ldquocould impose extremely disruptive

consequencesrdquo including the possible need to remove the pipeline) 14-15 (same)

Dakota Access Remedy Br (ECF No 510) at 3 (focusing on ldquothe disruptive

consequences of shutting down DAPLrdquo) 8 (ldquohalting operation of the pipeline would

impose severe hardshiprdquo) 31 (ldquoRemand without vacatur is warranted by the

lsquodisruptive consequencesrsquo of shutting down DAPLrdquo) And they took those positions

on the question of vacatur not the issuance of an injunction I-RA137 (ordering

parties to brief ldquothe issue of vacaturrdquo) see Standing Rock IV 282 F Supp 3d at 103-

04 (recounting in first remand opinion Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos positions that

vacatur would result in shutdown of pipeline during remand) see id at 94 (ldquoWithout

10 In fact while the Corps now hedges Br 33-34 and Dakota Access takes

seemingly inconsistent positions on the issue Br 35-36 (acknowledging that vacatur would ldquoshutter[]rdquo the pipeline and arguing that the economic consequences of vacatur justify remand without vacatur) 42 (arguing that court was required to issue injunction to ldquoshut down the pipelinerdquo) amici supporting them readily concede that vacatur of the Corpsrsquos easement would result in the pipelinersquos shutdown eg American Fuel amp Petrochem Mfrs et al Br 18-19 (vacatur would result in ldquo[t]ermination of [pipeline] operationsrdquo) Indiana et al Br 3 (urging Court to ldquopermit the [p]ipeline to remain operational in the interim ie to order remand without vacaturrdquo) North Dakota Br 3 (same) North Dakota Farm Bureau Br 7 (same)

- 24 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 36 of 56

such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 36: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 36 of 56

such an easement the oil cannot flow through the pipelinerdquo)11 Their positions

before the district court thus correctly recognized that (i) the United States and its

agencies commit to abide by court orders without requiring (and to avoid) additional

coercive injunctive relief supra pp19-20 and (ii) precedent from this Court and

others confirms that vacating an unlawful agency action prevents the private-party

conduct that the agency action authorized supra pp20-22

This Court should confirm once again that where a court vacates a federal

agencyrsquos action because the agency violated NEPA the consequence is that any

private-party activity authorized by that agency action cannot proceed A contrary

result would upend this Courtrsquos precedents on the effect of vacatur render Allied-

Signalrsquos disruptive consequences test largely meaningless and leave successful

plaintiffsrsquo injuries unaddressed despite a clear violation of law unless they can then

separately secure the ldquoextraordinary remedyrdquo of an injunction Monsanto 561 US

at 165 That result certainly cannot have been what this Court had in mind when it

rejected the notion that ldquoCongress intend[ed]rdquo NEPA to be ldquoa paper tigerrdquo and

recognized that ldquoNEPA was meant to do more than regulate the flow of papersrdquo

11 This Court should reject the Corps and Dakota Accessrsquos attempts to re-write

the record As the Supreme Court recently emphasized ldquoour adversarial system of adjudication follow[s] the principle of party presentation[] lsquopremise[d]rsquordquo on the fact ldquothat parties represented by competent counsel know what is best for them and are responsible for advancing the facts and argument entitling them to reliefrdquo United States v Sineneng-Smith 140 S Ct 1575 1579 (2020) (brackets amp citation omitted)

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Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 37: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 37 of 56

Calvert Cliffs 449 F2d at 1114 1117 Amici States like the Tribes rely on NEPA

to protect the environment and the Nationrsquos natural resources But for NEPArsquos

promise to be fulfilled NEPA violations must have consequencesmdashincluding

except in rare cases vacatur halting the activity the agency authorized in violation

of the statute


This Court should affirm the district courtrsquos opinions

Dated September 23 2020 Respectfully submitted COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS

By its attorneys MAURA HEALEY Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts S Seth Schofield SETH SCHOFIELD Senior Appellate Counsel Energy and Environment Bureau OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MASSACHUSETTS One Ashburton Place 18th Floor Boston Massachusetts 02108 (617) 963-2436 sethschofieldmassgov additional counsel listed on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


erDate Seplt11gt2014 1340 Oct 01 2019 Jkt 247187 PO 00000 Frm 00504 Fmt 8010


Sfmt 8010 YSGML247187XXX 247187

  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 38: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT XAVIER BECERRA WILLIAM TONG Attorney General of California Attorney General of Connecticut DAVID A ZONONA CLARE KINDALL Supervising Deputy Attorney General Solicitor General JAMIE B JEFFERSON 165 Capitol Avenue JOSHUA R PURTLE Hartford Connecticut 06106 Deputy Attorneys General 1515 Clay Street 20th Floor PO Box 70550 Oakland California 94612-0550 FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE FOR THE STATE OF ILLINOIS KATHLEEN JENNINGS KWAME RAOUL Attorney General of Delaware Attorney General of Illinois CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS WRIGHT JASON E JAMES Director of Impact Litigation Assistant Attorney General RALPH K DURSTEN III MATTHEW J DUNN Deputy Attorney General Chief Environmental JAMESON AL TWEEDIE EnforcementAsbestos Litigation Special Assistant Deputy Attorney Division General Environmental Bureau 820 N French Street 69 West Washington Street 18th Floor Wilmington Delaware 19801 Chicago Illinois 60602 FOR THE STATE OF MAINE FOR THE STATE OF MARYLAND AARON M FREY BRIAN E FROSH Attorney General of Maine Attorney General of Maryland MARGARET A BENSINGER 200 Saint Paul Place Assistant Attorney General Baltimore Maryland 21202 6 State House Station Augusta Maine 04333-0006 continued on next page

- 27 -

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

- 28 -

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 40 of 56

FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

- 29 -

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 42 of 56


I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




on D









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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 39: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA OF MICHIGAN AARON D FORD DANA NESSEL Attorney General of Nevada Attorney General of Michigan 100 North Carson Street ELIZABETH MORRISSEAU Carson City Nevada 89701 Assistant Attorney General Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Division 6th Floor G Mennen Williams Building 525 W Ottawa Street PO Box 30755 Lansing Michigan 48909 FOR THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FOR THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO GURBIR S GREWAL HECTOR BALDERAS Attorney General of New Jersey Attorney General of New Mexico KRISTINA MILES P CHOLLA KHOURY Deputy Attorney General Assistant Attorney General Environmental Permitting and Director Consumer and Environmental Counseling Protection RJ Hughes Justice Complex Post Office Drawer 1508 PO Box 093 Santa Fe New Mexico 87504-1508 Trenton New Jersey 08625 FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR THE STATE OF OREGON LETITIA JAMES ELLEN F ROSENBLUM Attorney General of New York Attorney General of Oregon The Capitol PAUL GARRAHAN Albany New York 12224 Attorney-in-Charge STEVE NOVICK

Special Assistant Attorney General Natural Resources Section 1162 Court Street NE Salem Oregon 97301 continued on next page

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 40: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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FOR THE STATE OF RHODE FOR THE STATE OF VERMONT ISLAND THOMAS J DONOVAN JR PETER F NERONHA Attorney General of Vermont Attorney General of Rhode Island NICHOLAS F PERSAMPIERI TRICIA K JEDELE Assistant Attorney General Special Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street 150 South Main Street Montpelier Vermont 05609 Providence Rhode Island 02903 FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROBERT W FERGUSON KARL A RACINE Attorney General of Washington Attorney General of the District of NOAH GUZZO PURCELL Columbia Solicitor General LOREN ALIKHAN 1125 Washington Street SE Solicitor General PO Box 40100 JACQUELINE R BECHARA Olympia Washington 98504-0100 Appellate Litigation Fellow 400 6th Street NW Suite 8100

Washington DC 20001

FOR THE TERRITORY OF GUAM FOR HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS LEEVIN T CAMACHO VINCE RYAN Attorney General of Guam Harris County Attorney 590 South Marine Corps Drive SARAH JANE UTLEY Suite 901 Managing Attorney Tamuning Guam 96913 Environmental Group 1019 Congress Street 15th Floor

Houston Texas 77002

- 29 -

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 41: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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I hereby certify that 1 This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Fed R App P 32(a) and Fed R App P 29(a)(5) because this brief contains 6488 words excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed R App P 32(f) and Circuit Rule 32(e)(1) and 2 This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(5) and the type-style requirements of Fed R App P 32(a)(6) because this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface in 14-point Times New Roman-style font Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


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the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 42: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing document with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by using the appellate CMECF system on September 23 2020 and that parties or their counsel of record are registered as ECF Filers and that they will be served by the CMECF system Dated September 23 2020 s Seth Schofield

Seth Schofield Counsel of Record for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

20-0923 [5] - States Amicus Br - DAPL fnldocx


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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 43: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 44: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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ADDENDUM TABLE OF CONTENTS Administrative Procedure Act 5 USC sect 703 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 705 (2018) Add-1

5 USC sect 706 (2018) Add-1

National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC sect 4331 (2018) Add-2 42 USC sect 4332 (2018) Add-3

Council on Environmental Quality Regulations 40 CFR sect 15001 (2019) Add-5

40 CFR sect 15002 (2019) Add-5 40 CFR sect 15013 (2019) Add-6

40 CFR sect 150214 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 150216 (2019) Add-7

40 CFR sect 15052 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15053 (2019) Add-9

40 CFR sect 15084 (2019) Add-10

40 CFR sect 15089 (2019) Add-11

40 CFR sect 150820 (2019) Add-12


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 45: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 45 of 56 Page 137 TITLE 5mdashGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES sect 706

sect 703 Form and venue of proceeding conditions as may be required and to the extent

necessary to prevent irreparable injury the reshyThe form of proceeding for judicial review is

viewing court including the court to which a the special statutory review proceeding relevant

case may be taken on appeal from or on applicashyto the subject matter in a court specified by

tion for certiorari or other writ to a reviewing statute or in the absence or inadequacy thereof

court may issue all necessary and appropriate any applicable form of legal action including

process to postpone the effective date of an actions for declaratory judgments or writs of

agency action or to preserve status or rights prohibitory or mandatory injunction or habeas

pending conclusion of the review proceedings corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction If

no special statutory review proceeding is applishy (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393)

cable the action for judicial review may be HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES

brought against the United States the agency

by its official title or the appropriate officer Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Except to the extent that prior adequate and Statutes at Large

exclusive opportunity for judicial review is proshy 5 USC 1009(d) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(d)

vided by law agency action is subject to judicial 60 Stat 243

review in civil or criminal proceedings for judishy

cial enforcement Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392 Pub L in the preface of this report

94ndash574 sect 1 Oct 21 1976 90 Stat 2721) sect 706 Scope of review

HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES To the extent necessary to decision and when

Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code presented the reviewing court shall decide all

Statutes at Large relevant questions of law interpret constitushy

5 USC 1009(b) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(b) tional and statutory provisions and determine 60 Stat 243 the meaning or applicability of the terms of an

agency action The reviewing court shallmdash Standard changes are made to conform with the defishy

(1) compel agency action unlawfully withshynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined

held or unreasonably delayed and in the preface to the report (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency acshy

AMENDMENTS tion findings and conclusions found to bemdash

1976mdashPub L 94ndash574 provided that if no special statushy (A) arbitrary capricious an abuse of disshytory review proceeding is applicable the action for jushy cretion or otherwise not in accordance with dicial review may be brought against the United law States the agency by its official title or the approshy (B) contrary to constitutional right priate officer as defendant

power privilege or immunity

sect 704 Actions reviewable (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction aushy

thority or limitations or short of statutory Agency action made reviewable by statute and right

final agency action for which there is no other (D) without observance of procedure reshyadequate remedy in a court are subject to judishy quired by law cial review A preliminary procedural or intershy (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in mediate agency action or ruling not directly re- a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this viewable is subject to review on the review of title or otherwise reviewed on the record of the final agency action Except as otherwise exshy an agency hearing provided by statute or pressly required by statute agency action (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent otherwise final is final for the purposes of this that the facts are subject to trial de novo by section whether or not there has been presented the reviewing court or determined an application for a declaratory

In making the foregoing determinations the order for any form of reconsideration or unless court shall review the whole record or those the agency otherwise requires by rule and proshyparts of it cited by a party and due account vides that the action meanwhile is inoperative shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error for an appeal to superior agency authority

(Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 393) (Pub L 89ndash554 Sept 6 1966 80 Stat 392)


Revised Statutes and Revised Statutes and Derivation US Code

Derivation US Code Statutes at Large Statutes at Large

5 USC 1009(e) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(e) 5 USC 1009(c) June 11 1946 ch 324 sect 10(c)

60 Stat 243 60 Stat 243

Standard changes are made to conform with the defishyStandard changes are made to conform with the defishynitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined nitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface of this report in the preface of this report

sect 705 Relief pending review ABBREVIATION OF RECORD

Pub L 85ndash791 Aug 28 1958 72 Stat 941 which aushyWhen an agency finds that justice so requires thorized abbreviation of record on review or enforceshy

it may postpone the effective date of action ment of orders of administrative agencies and review

taken by it pending judicial review On such on the original papers provided in section 35 thereof


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 46: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 46 of 56 sect 4331 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5542

(a) monitor progress and advise the Chairman of CEQ (i) the authority granted by law to an executive deshy

on agency performance and implementation of this partment or agency or the head thereof or

order (ii) the functions of the Director of OMB relating to

(b) lead the development of programs and policies to budgetary administrative or legislative proposals

assist agencies in implementing the goals of this order (b) This order shall be implemented in a manner conshy

and sistent with applicable law and subject to the availabilshy(c) chair convene and preside at meetings and direct ity of appropriations

the work of the Steering Committee (c) This order is not intended to and does not create SEC 7 Duties of Heads of Agencies In implementing any right or benefit substantive or procedural enforceshy

the policy set forth in section 1 of this order the head able at law or in equity by any party against the of each agency shall United States its departments agencies or entities

(a) within 45 days of the date of this order designate its officers employees or agents or any other person an agency Chief Sustainability Officermdashwho shall be a DONALD J TRUMP senior civilian official compensated annually in an

amount at or above the amount payable at level IV of SUBCHAPTER ImdashPOLICIES AND GOALS the Executive Schedulemdashand assign the designated offishy

cial the authority to perform duties relating to the imshy sect 4331 Congressional declaration of national enshyplementation of this order within the agency and vironmental policy

(b) report to the Chairman of CEQ and the Director

of OMB regarding agency implementation and progress (a) The Congress recognizing the profound imshy

toward the goals of this order and relevant statutory pact of manrsquos activity on the interrelations of requirements all components of the natural environment parshy

SEC 8 Revocations Executive Order 13693 of March 19 ticularly the profound influences of population 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next growth high-density urbanization industrial Decade) [formerly set out above] is revoked

expansion resource exploitation and new and SEC 9 Limitations (a) This order shall apply only to

expanding technological advances and recognizshyagency activities personnel resources and facilities

that are located within the United States The head of ing further the critical importance of restoring

an agency may provide that this order shall apply in and maintaining environmental quality to the whole or in part with respect to agency activities pershy overall welfare and development of man deshysonnel resources and facilities that are not located clares that it is the continuing policy of the within the United States if the head of the agency deshy Federal Government in cooperation with State termines that such application is in the interest of the and local governments and other concerned United States

public and private organizations to use all pracshy(b) The head of an agency shall manage agency acshy

ticable means and measures including financial tivities personnel resources and facilities that are not

located within the United States and with respect to and technical assistance in a manner calculated

which the head of the agency has not made a detershy to foster and promote the general welfare to mination under subsection (a) of this section in a manshy create and maintain conditions under which ner consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of man and nature can exist in productive harshythis order and to the extent the head of the agency deshy mony and fulfill the social economic and other termines practicable requirements of present and future generations

SEC 10 Exemption Authority (a) The Director of Nashyof Americans

tional Intelligence may exempt an intelligence activity (b) In order to carry out the policy set forth in of the United Statesmdashand related personnel resources

and facilitiesmdashfrom the provisions of this order other this chapter it is the continuing responsibility

than this subsection to the extent the Director detershy of the Federal Government to use all practicable mines necessary to protect intelligence sources and means consistent with other essential considershymethods from unauthorized disclosure ations of national policy to improve and coordishy

(b) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy nate Federal plans functions programs and reshyment activities of that agency and related personnel

sources to the end that the Nation maymdash resources and facilities from the provisions of this

(1) fulfill the responsibilities of each generashyorder other than this subsection to the extent the

tion as trustee of the environment for succeedshyhead of an agency determines necessary to protect unshy

dercover operations from unauthorized disclosure ing generations

(c) The head of an agency may exempt law enforceshy (2) assure for all Americans safe healthful ment protective emergency response or military tacshy productive and esthetically and culturally tical vehicle fleets of that agency from the provisions pleasing surroundings of this order other than this subsection Heads of agenshy (3) attain the widest range of beneficial uses cies shall manage fleets to which this paragraph refers of the environment without degradation risk in a manner consistent with the policy set forth in secshy

to health or safety or other undesirable and tion 1 of this order to the extent they determine pracshy

unintended consequences ticable (d) The head of an agency may exempt particular (4) preserve important historic cultural and

agency activities and facilities from the provisions of natural aspects of our national heritage and this order other than this subsection if it is in the inshy maintain wherever possible an environment terest of national security If the head of an agency isshy which supports diversity and variety of indishysues an exemption under this subsection the agency vidual choice must notify the Chairman of CEQ in writing within 30 (5) achieve a balance between population and days of issuance of that exemption To the maximum

resource use which will permit high standards extent practicable and without compromising national

of living and a wide sharing of lifersquos amenities security each agency shall strive to comply with the

and purposes goals and implementation steps in this

order (6) enhance the quality of renewable reshy

(e) The head of an agency may submit to the Presishy sources and approach the maximum attainable dent through the Chairman of CEQ a request for an recycling of depletable resources exemption of an agency activity and related personnel

(c) The Congress recognizes that each person resources and facilities from this order SEC 11 General Provisions (a) Nothing in this order should enjoy a healthful environment and that

shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect each person has a responsibility to contribute to


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 47: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 47 of 56 Page 5543 TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE sect 4332

the preservation and enhancement of the envishy (B) identify and develop methods and proceshyronment dures in consultation with the Council on Enshy

vironmental Quality established by sub-(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 101 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat chapter II of this chapter which will insure 852) that presently unquantified environmental

COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH AND THE amenities and values may be given approshyAMERICAN FUTURE priate consideration in decisionmaking along

Pub L 91ndash213 sectsect 1ndash9 Mar 16 1970 84 Stat 67ndash69 esshy with economic and technical considerations tablished the Commission on Population Growth and (C) include in every recommendation or reshythe American Future to conduct and sponsor such studshy port on proposals for legislation and other ies and research and make such recommendations as major Federal actions significantly affecting might be necessary to provide information and edushy

the quality of the human environment a deshycation to all levels of government in the United States

tailed statement by the responsible official and to our people regarding a broad range of problems

associated with population growth and their implicashy onmdash

tions for Americarsquos future prescribed the composition (i) the environmental impact of the proshy

of the Commission provided for the appointment of its posed action members and the designation of a Chairman and Vice (ii) any adverse environmental effects Chairman required a majority of the members of the which cannot be avoided should the proposal Commission to constitute a quorum but allowed a lessshy be implemented er number to conduct hearings prescribed the comshy (iii) alternatives to the proposed action pensation of members of the Commission required the (iv) the relationship between local short-Commission to conduct an inquiry into certain preshy term uses of manrsquos environment and the scribed aspects of population growth in the United

maintenance and enhancement of long-term States and its foreseeable social consequences provided

productivity and for the appointment of an Executive Director and other (v) any irreversible and irretrievable comshypersonnel and prescribed their compensation authorshy

ized the Commission to enter into contracts with pubshy mitments of resources which would be inshy

lic agencies private firms institutions and individuals volved in the proposed action should it be for the conduct of research and surveys the preparashy implemented tion of reports and other activities necessary to the

Prior to making any detailed statement the discharge of its duties and to request from any Federal

department or agency any information and assistance responsible Federal official shall consult with

it deems necessary to carry out its functions required and obtain the comments of any Federal agenshythe General Services Administration to provide adminshy cy which has jurisdiction by law or special exshyistrative services for the Commission on a reimbursshy pertise with respect to any environmental imshyable basis required the Commission to submit an inshy pact involved Copies of such statement and terim report to the President and the Congress one

the comments and views of the appropriate year after it was established and to submit its final reshy

Federal State and local agencies which are port two years after Mar 16 1970 terminated the Comshy

mission sixty days after the date of the submission of authorized to develop and enforce environshy

its final report and authorized to be appropriated out mental standards shall be made available to of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approshy the President the Council on Environmental priated such amounts as might be necessary to carry Quality and to the public as provided by secshyout the provisions of Pub L 91ndash213 tion 552 of title 5 and shall accompany the

EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11507 proposal through the existing agency review

processes Ex Ord No 11507 eff Feb 4 1970 35 FR 2573 which (D) Any detailed statement required under related to prevention control and abatement of air

and water pollution at federal facilities was superseded subparagraph (C) after January 1 1970 for any

by Ex Ord No 11752 eff Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 forshy major Federal action funded under a program merly set out below of grants to States shall not be deemed to be

legally insufficient solely by reason of having EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11752 been prepared by a State agency or official if

Ex Ord No 11752 Dec 17 1973 38 FR 34793 which (i) the State agency or official has stateshyrelated to the prevention control and abatement of

wide jurisdiction and has the responsibility environmental pollution at Federal facilities was reshy

for such action voked by Ex Ord No 12088 Oct 13 1978 43 FR 47707

set out as a note under section 4321 of this title (ii) the responsible Federal official furshy

nishes guidance and participates in such sect 4332 Cooperation of agencies reports availshy preparation

ability of information recommendations (iii) the responsible Federal official indeshyinternational and national coordination of pendently evaluates such statement prior to efforts its approval and adoption and

(iv) after January 1 1976 the responsible The Congress authorizes and directs that to

Federal official provides early notification the fullest extent possible (1) the policies regushy

to and solicits the views of any other State lations and public laws of the United States

or any Federal land management entity of shall be interpreted and administered in accordshy

any action or any alternative thereto which ance with the policies set forth in this chapter

may have significant impacts upon such and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government

State or affected Federal land management shallmdash

entity and if there is any disagreement on (A) utilize a systematic interdisciplinary such impacts prepares a written assessment approach which will insure the integrated use of such impacts and views for incorporation of the natural and social sciences and the enshyinto such detailed statement vironmental design arts in planning and in deshy

cisionmaking which may have an impact on The procedures in this subparagraph shall not

manrsquos environment relieve the Federal official of his responsibilshy


USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 48: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 48 of 56 sect 4332a TITLE 42mdashTHE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE Page 5544

ities for the scope objectivity and content of use enhancement and enjoyment of natural resources

the entire statement or of any other responshy protection of the environment or both and that inshy

volve collaborative activity among Federal State sibility under this chapter and further this local and tribal governments private for-profit and

subparagraph does not affect the legal suffishynonprofit institutions other nongovernmental entities

ciency of statements prepared by State agenshy and individuals cies with less than statewide jurisdiction1 SEC 3 Federal Activities To carry out the purpose of

(E) study develop and describe appropriate this order the Secretaries of the Interior Agriculture

alternatives to recommended courses of action Commerce and Defense and the Administrator of the

in any proposal which involves unresolved Environmental Protection Agency shall to the extent

conflicts concerning alternative uses of availshy permitted by law and subject to the availability of apshy

propriations and in coordination with each other as apshyable resources propriate

(F) recognize the worldwide and long-range (a) carry out the programs projects and activities of

character of environmental problems and the agency that they respectively head that implement where consistent with the foreign policy of the laws relating to the environment and natural resources United States lend appropriate support to inishy in a manner that

tiatives resolutions and programs designed to (i) facilitates cooperative conservation

maximize international cooperation in anticishy (ii) takes appropriate account of and respects the

pating and preventing a decline in the quality interests of persons with ownership or other legally

recognized interests in land and other natural reshyof mankindrsquos world environment sources

(G) make available to States counties mushy(iii) properly accommodates local participation in

nicipalities institutions and individuals adshy Federal decisionmaking and vice and information useful in restoring (iv) provides that the programs projects and acshymaintaining and enhancing the quality of the tivities are consistent with protecting public health

environment and safety

(H) initiate and utilize ecological informashy (b) report annually to the Chairman of the Council on

tion in the planning and development of reshy Environmental Quality on actions taken to implement

this order and source-oriented projects and (c) provide funding to the Office of Environmental

(I) assist the Council on Environmental Quality Management Fund (42 USC 4375) for the Conshy

Quality established by subchapter II of this ference for which section 4 of this order provides chapter SEC 4 White House Conference on Cooperative Conshy

servation The Chairman of the Council on Environshy(Pub L 91ndash190 title I sect 102 Jan 1 1970 83 Stat mental Quality shall to the extent permitted by law

853 Pub L 94ndash83 Aug 9 1975 89 Stat 424) and subject to the availability of appropriations

AMENDMENTS (a) convene not later than 1 year after the date of

this order and thereafter at such times as the Chairshy1975mdashSubpars (D) to (I) Pub L 94ndash83 added subpar man deems appropriate a White House Conference on

(D) and redesignated former subpars (D) to (H) as (E) Cooperative Conservation (Conference) to facilitate the to (I) respectively exchange of information and advice relating to (i) coopshy

erative conservation and (ii) means for achievement of CERTAIN COMMERCIAL SPACE LAUNCH ACTIVITIES the purpose of this order and

Pub L 104ndash88 title IV sect 401 Dec 29 1995 109 Stat (b) ensure that the Conference obtains information in 955 provided that lsquolsquoThe licensing of a launch vehicle or a manner that seeks from Conference participants their launch site operator (including any amendment extenshy individual advice and does not involve collective judgshysion or renewal of the license) under [former] chapter ment or consensus advice or deliberation 701 of title 49 United States Code [now chapter 509 SEC 5 General Provision This order is not intended (sect 50901 et seq) of Title 51 National and Commercial to and does not create any right or benefit subshySpace Programs] shall not be considered a major Fedshy stantive or procedural enforceable at law or in equity eral action for purposes of section 102(C) of the Nashy by any party against the United States its departshytional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC ments agencies instrumentalities or entities its offishy4332(C)) ifmdash cers employees or agents or any other person

lsquolsquo(1) the Department of the Army has issued a pershyGEORGE W BUSH

mit for the activity and

lsquolsquo(2) the Army Corps of Engineers has found that sect 4332a Repealed Pub L 114ndash94 div A title I the activity has no significant impactrsquorsquo sect 1304(j)(2) Dec 4 2015 129 Stat 1386

EX ORD NO 13352 FACILITATION OF COOPERATIVE Section Pub L 112ndash141 div A title I sect 1319 July 6

CONSERVATION 2012 126 Stat 551 related to accelerated decision-

Ex Ord No 13352 Aug 26 2004 69 FR 52989 proshy making in environmental reviews


By the authority vested in me as President by the

Constitution and the laws of the United States of Repeal effective Oct 1 2015 see section 1003 of Pub

America it is hereby ordered as follows L 114ndash94 set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendshy

SECTION 1 Purpose The purpose of this order is to enshy ment note under section 5313 of Title 5 Government Orshy

sure that the Departments of the Interior Agriculture ganization and Employees

Commerce and Defense and the Environmental Protecshy

tion Agency implement laws relating to the environshy sect 4333 Conformity of administrative procedures ment and natural resources in a manner that promotes to national environmental policy cooperative conservation with an emphasis on approshy

All agencies of the Federal Government shall priate inclusion of local participation in Federal decishy

sionmaking in accordance with their respective agency review their present statutory authority adminshy

missions policies and regulations istrative regulations and current policies and SEC 2 Definition As used in this order the term lsquolsquocoshy procedures for the purpose of determining

operative conservationrsquorsquo means actions that relate to whether there are any deficiencies or inconsistshy

encies therein which prohibit full compliance 1 So in original The period probably should be a semicolon with the purposes and provisions of this chapter




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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 49: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT



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PART 1500mdashPURPOSE POLICY vironmental consequences and take

AND MANDATE actions that protect restore and enshy

hance the environment These regulashy

tions provide the direction to achieve Sec 15001 Purpose this purpose

15002 Policy 15003 Mandate sect 15002 Policy 15004 Reducing paperwork

Federal agencies shall to the fullest 15005 Reducing delay 15006 Agency authority extent possible

(a) Interpret and administer the polishyAUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental

cies regulations and public laws of the Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean United States in accordance with the

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO policies set forth in the Act and in

11514 Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 these regulations May 24 1977) (b) Implement procedures to make

SOURCE 43 FR 55990 Nov 28 1978 unless the NEPA process more useful to decishyotherwise noted sionmakers and the public to reduce

paperwork and the accumulation of exshysect 15001 Purpose traneous background data and to emshy

(a) The National Environmental Polshy phasize real environmental issues and

icy Act (NEPA) is our basic national alternatives Environmental impact

charter for protection of the environshy statements shall be concise clear and

ment It establishes policy sets goals to the point and shall be supported by

(section 101) and provides means (secshy evidence that agencies have made the

tion 102) for carrying out the policy necessary environmental analyses Section 102(2) contains lsquolsquoaction-forcshy (c) Integrate the requirements of ingrsquorsquo provisions to make sure that fedshy NEPA with other planning and envishyeral agencies act according to the letshy ronmental review procedures required ter and spirit of the Act The regulashy by law or by agency practice so that all tions that follow implement section such procedures run concurrently rathshy102(2) Their purpose is to tell federal er than consecutively agencies what they must do to comply (d) Encourage and facilitate public with the procedures and achieve the involvement in decisions which affect goals of the Act The President the the quality of the human environment federal agencies and the courts share (e) Use the NEPA process to identify responsibility for enforcing the Act so and assess the reasonable alternatives as to achieve the substantive requireshy to proposed actions that will avoid or ments of section 101 minimize adverse effects of these acshy

(b) NEPA procedures must insure tions upon the quality of the human

that environmental information is environment

available to public officials and citishy(f) Use all practicable means conshy

zens before decisions are made and beshysistent with the requirements of the

fore actions are taken The informashyAct and other essential considerations

tion must be of high quality Accurate of national policy to restore and enshy

scientific analysis expert agency comshyhance the quality of the human envishy

ments and public scrutiny are essenshyronment and avoid or minimize any

tial to implementing NEPA Most imshypossible adverse effects of their actions

portant NEPA documents must conshyupon the quality of the human environshycentrate on the issues that are truly ment significant to the action in question

rather than amassing needless detail sect 15003 Mandate (c) Ultimately of course it is not

better documents but better decisions Parts 1500 through 1508 of this title

that count NEPArsquos purpose is not to provide regulations applicable to and

generate paperworkmdasheven excellent binding on all Federal agencies for imshy

paperworkmdashbut to foster excellent acshy plementing the procedural provisions

tion The NEPA process is intended to of the National Environmental Policy

help public officials make decisions Act of 1969 as amended (Pub L 91ndash190

that are based on understanding of enshy 42 USC 4321 et seq) (NEPA or the Act)


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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 50: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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sect 15012 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15012 Apply NEPA early in the procshy if the agency has decided to prepare an

ess environmental impact statement

Agencies shall integrate the NEPA (b) Agencies may prepare an environshy

process with other planning at the earshy mental assessment on any action at

liest possible time to insure that planshy any time in order to assist agency

ning and decisions reflect environshy planning and decisionmaking

mental values to avoid delays later in the process and to head off potential sect 15014 Whether to prepare an envishyconflicts Each agency shall ronmental impact statement

(a) Comply with the mandate of secshy In determining whether to prepare an tion 102(2)(A) to lsquolsquoutilize a systematic environmental impact statement the interdisciplinary approach which will Federal agency shall insure the integrated use of the natural (a) Determine under its procedures and social sciences and the environshy supplementing these regulations (deshymental design arts in planning and in scribed in sect 15073) whether the proposal decisionmaking which may have an imshy

is one which pact on manrsquos environmentrsquorsquo as specishy

(1) Normally requires an environshyfied by sect 15072

mental impact statement or (b) Identify environmental effects

(2) Normally does not require either and values in adequate detail so they an environmental impact statement or can be compared to economic and techshyan environmental assessment (categorshynical analyses Environmental docushyical exclusion) ments and appropriate analyses shall

be circulated and reviewed at the same (b) If the proposed action is not covshy

time as other planning documents ered by paragraph (a) of this section

(c) Study develop and describe apshy prepare an environmental assessment

propriate alternatives to recommended (sect 15089) The agency shall involve envishy

courses of action in any proposal which ronmental agencies applicants and

involves unresolved conflicts conshy the public to the extent practicable in

cerning alternative uses of available preparing assessments required by

resources as provided by section sect 15089(a)(1)

102(2)(E) of the Act (c) Based on the environmental asshy(d) Provide for cases where actions sessment make its determination

are planned by private applicants or whether to prepare an environmental other non-Federal entities before Fedshy impact statement eral involvement so that (d) Commence the scoping process

(1) Policies or designated staff are (sect 15017) if the agency will prepare an available to advise potential applicants environmental impact statement of studies or other information (e) Prepare a finding of no significant foreseeably required for later Federal

impact (sect 150813) if the agency detershyaction

mines on the basis of the environshy(2) The Federal agency consults early

mental assessment not to prepare a with appropriate State and local agenshy

statement cies and Indian tribes and with intershy

(1) The agency shall make the finding ested private persons and organizations

of no significant impact available to when its own involvement is reasonshy

the affected public as specified in ably foreseeable sect 15066 (3) The Federal agency commences

its NEPA process at the earliest posshy (2) In certain limited circumstances

sible time which the agency may cover in its proshy

cedures under sect 15073 the agency shall sect 15013 When to prepare an environshy make the finding of no significant imshy

mental assessment pact available for public review (inshy

(a) Agencies shall prepare an environshy cluding State and areawide clearingshy

mental assessment (sect 15089) when necshy houses) for 30 days before the agency

essary under the procedures adopted by makes its final determination whether

individual agencies to supplement to prepare an environmental impact

these regulations as described in statement and before the action may

sect 15073 An assessment is not necessary begin The circumstances are


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 51: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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Council on Environmental Quality sect 150216

among alternatives) The summary will and analyses in a statement shall be

normally not exceed 15 pages commensurate with the importance of

the impact with less important mateshysect 150213 Purpose and need rial summarized consolidated or simshy

The statement shall briefly specify ply referenced Agencies shall avoid

the underlying purpose and need to useless bulk in statements and shall

which the agency is responding in proshy concentrate effort and attention on imshy

posing the alternatives including the portant issues Verbose descriptions of

proposed action the affected environment are themshy

selves no measure of the adequacy of sect 150214 Alternatives including the an environmental impact statement

proposed action This section is the heart of the envishy sect 150216 Environmental consequences

ronmental impact statement Based on This section forms the scientific and the information and analysis presented analytic basis for the comparisons in the sections on the Affected Envishy under sect 150214 It shall consolidate the ronment (sect 150215) and the Environshy discussions of those elements required mental Consequences (sect 150216) it by sections 102(2)(C)(i) (ii) (iv) and (v) should present the environmental imshy of NEPA which are within the scope of pacts of the proposal and the altershy the statement and as much of section natives in comparative form thus 102(2)(C)(iii) as is necessary to support sharply defining the issues and proshy the comparisons The discussion will viding a clear basis for choice among include the environmental impacts of options by the decisionmaker and the the alternatives including the proposed public In this section agencies shall action any adverse environmental efshy

(a) Rigorously explore and objecshy fects which cannot be avoided should tively evaluate all reasonable altershy the proposal be implemented the relashynatives and for alternatives which tionship between short-term uses of were eliminated from detailed study manrsquos environment and the mainteshybriefly discuss the reasons for their nance and enhancement of long-term having been eliminated productivity and any irreversible or irshy

(b) Devote substantial treatment to retrievable commitments of resources each alternative considered in detail which would be involved in the proshyincluding the proposed action so that posal should it be implemented This reviewers may evaluate their comparashy section should not duplicate discusshytive merits sions in sect 150214 It shall include disshy

(c) Include reasonable alternatives cussions of not within the jurisdiction of the lead (a) Direct effects and their signifishyagency cance (sect 15088)

(d) Include the alternative of no acshy (b) Indirect effects and their signifishytion cance (sect 15088)

(e) Identify the agencyrsquos preferred alshy (c) Possible conflicts between the ternative or alternatives if one or proposed action and the objectives of more exists in the draft statement and Federal regional State and local (and identify such alternative in the final in the case of a reservation Indian statement unless another law prohibits tribe) land use plans policies and conshythe expression of such a preference trols for the area concerned (See

(f) Include appropriate mitigation sect 15062(d)) measures not already included in the (d) The environmental effects of alshyproposed action or alternatives ternatives including the proposed acshy

tion The comparisons under sect 150214 sect 150215 Affected environment will be based on this discussion

The environmental impact statement (e) Energy requirements and conshyshall succinctly describe the environshy servation potential of various altershyment of the area(s) to be affected or natives and mitigation measures created by the alternatives under conshy (f) Natural or depletable resource reshy

sideration The descriptions shall be no quirements and conservation potential

longer than is necessary to understand of various alternatives and mitigation

the effects of the alternatives Data measures


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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 52: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT



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sect 150217 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(g) Urban quality historic and culshy with respect to any environmental imshy

tural resources and the design of the pact involved and any appropriate Fedshybuilt environment including the reuse eral State or local agency authorized and conservation potential of various to develop and enforce environmental alternatives and mitigation measures standards

(h) Means to mitigate adverse envishy (b) The applicant if any ronmental impacts (if not fully covered (c) Any person organization or agenshyunder sect 150214(f)) cy requesting the entire environmental

[43 FR 55994 Nov 29 1978 44 FR 873 Jan 3 impact statement

1979] (d) In the case of a final environshy

mental impact statement any person sect 150217 List of preparers organization or agency which subshy

The environmental impact statement mitted substantive comments on the

shall list the names together with draft

their qualifications (expertise experishy If the agency circulates the summary ence professional disciplines) of the and thereafter receives a timely reshypersons who were primarily responsible quest for the entire statement and for for preparing the environmental imshy additional time to comment the time pact statement or significant backshy for that requestor only shall be exshyground papers including basic composhy tended by at least 15 days beyond the nents of the statement (sectsect 15026 and minimum period 15028) Where possible the persons who are responsible for a particular analshy sect 150220 Tiering ysis including analyses in background

Agencies are encouraged to tier their papers shall be identified Normally environmental impact statements to the list will not exceed two pages eliminate repetitive discussions of the

sect 150218 Appendix same issues and to focus on the actual

issues ripe for decision at each level of If an agency prepares an appendix to

environmental review (sect 150828) Whenshyan environmental impact statement

ever a broad environmental impact the appendix shall

statement has been prepared (such as a (a) Consist of material prepared in

program or policy statement) and a connection with an environmental imshysubsequent statement or environshypact statement (as distinct from mateshymental assessment is then prepared on rial which is not so prepared and which an action included within the entire is incorporated by reference (sect 150221)) program or policy (such as a site speshy(b) Normally consist of material cific action) the subsequent statement which substantiates any analysis funshyor environmental assessment need only damental to the impact statement summarize the issues discussed in the (c) Normally be analytic and relevant broader statement and incorporate disshyto the decision to be made cussions from the broader statement (d) Be circulated with the environshyby reference and shall concentrate on mental impact statement or be readily the issues specific to the subsequent available on request action The subsequent document shall

sect 150219 Circulation of the environshy state where the earlier document is mental impact statement available Tiering may also be approshy

priate for different stages of actions Agencies shall circulate the entire (Section 150828) draft and final environmental impact

statements except for certain appenshysect 150221 Incorporation by reference

dices as provided in sect 150218(d) and unshy

changed statements as provided in Agencies shall incorporate material

sect 15034(c) However if the statement is into an environmental impact stateshy

unusually long the agency may cirshy ment by reference when the effect will

culate the summary instead except be to cut down on bulk without impedshy

that the entire statement shall be furshy ing agency and public review of the acshy

nished to tion The incorporated material shall

(a) Any Federal agency which has jushy be cited in the statement and its conshy

risdiction by law or special expertise tent briefly described No material


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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 53: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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sect 15052 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15052 Record of decision in cases reshy were adopted by the agency making

quiring environmental impact the decision statements (d) Upon request make available to

At the time of its decision (sect 150610) the public the results of relevant monishy

or if appropriate its recommendation toring

to Congress each agency shall prepare

a concise public record of decision The PART 1506mdashOTHER REQUIREMENTS record which may be integrated into OF NEPA any other record prepared by the agenshy

cy including that required by OMB Sec Circular Andash95 (Revised) part I sections 15061 Limitations on actions during NEPA 6(c) and (d) and part II section 5(b)(4) process

shall 15062 Elimination of duplication with State

(a) State what the decision was and local procedures

(b) Identify all alternatives considshy 15063 Adoption

15064 Combining documents ered by the agency in reaching its decishy

15065 Agency responsibility sion specifying the alternative or alshy

15066 Public involvement ternatives which were considered to be

15067 Further guidance environmentally preferable An agency

15068 Proposals for legislation may discuss preferences among altershy 15069 Filing requirements natives based on relevant factors inshy 150610 Timing of agency action cluding economic and technical considshy 150611 Emergencies erations and agency statutory misshy 150612 Effective date sions An agency shall identify and disshy

A NEPA the Environmental cuss all such factors including any esshy


Quality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshysential considerations of national polshy ed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean icy which were balanced by the agency Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO in making its decision and state how 11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991

those considerations entered into its May 24 1977)

decision SOURCE 43 FR 56000 Nov 29 1978 unless

(c) State whether all practicable otherwise noted means to avoid or minimize environshy

mental harm from the alternative seshy sect 15061 Limitations on actions during lected have been adopted and if not NEPA process why they were not A monitoring and (a) Until an agency issues a record of enforcement program shall be adopted decision as provided in sect 15052 (except and summarized where applicable for as provided in paragraph (c) of this secshyany mitigation tion) no action concerning the proshy

posal shall be taken which would sect 15053 Implementing the decision

(1) Have an adverse environmental Agencies may provide for monitoring impact or

to assure that their decisions are carshy (2) Limit the choice of reasonable alshyried out and should do so in important ternatives cases Mitigation (sect 15052(c)) and other (b) If any agency is considering an conditions established in the environshy application from a non-Federal entity mental impact statement or during its and is aware that the applicant is review and committed as part of the about to take an action within the decision shall be implemented by the agencyrsquos jurisdiction that would meet lead agency or other appropriate conshy either of the criteria in paragraph (a) senting agency The lead agency shall of this section then the agency shall

(a) Include appropriate conditions in promptly notify the applicant that the grants permits or other approvals agency will take appropriate action to

(b) Condition funding of actions on insure that the objectives and proceshymitigation dures of NEPA are achieved

(c) Upon request inform cooperating (c) While work on a required program

or commenting agencies on progress in environmental impact statement is in

carrying out mitigation measures progress and the action is not covered

which they have proposed and which by an existing program statement


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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 54: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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Council on Environmental Quality sect 15085

which address classified proposals may SOURCE 43 FR 56003 Nov 29 1978 unless

be safeguarded and restricted from pubshy otherwise noted

lic dissemination in accordance with agenciesrsquo own regulations applicable to sect 15081 Terminology classified information These docushy The terminology of this part shall be ments may be organized so that classishy uniform throughout the Federal Govshyfied portions can be included as anshy ernment nexes in order that the unclassified portions can be made available to the sect 15082 Act public

Act means the National Environshy(d) Agency procedures may provide

mental Policy Act as amended (42 for periods of time other than those

USC 4321 et seq) which is also reshypresented in sect 150610 when necessary to ferred to as lsquolsquoNEPArsquorsquo comply with other specific statutory

requirements sect 15083 Affecting (e) Agency procedures may provide

that where there is a lengthy period beshy Affecting means will or may have an

tween the agencyrsquos decision to prepare effect on an environmental impact statement and the time of actual preparation the sect 15084 Categorical exclusion notice of intent required by sect 15017 Categorical exclusion means a catshymay be published at a reasonable time egory of actions which do not individshyin advance of preparation of the draft

ually or cumulatively have a signifishystatement

cant effect on the human environment

and which have been found to have no PART 1508mdashTERMINOLOGY AND such effect in procedures adopted by a

INDEX Federal agency in implementation of

these regulations (sect 15073) and for Sec which therefore neither an environshy15081 Terminology

mental assessment nor an environshy15082 Act

mental impact statement is required 15083 Affecting 15084 Categorical exclusion An agency may decide in its procedures

15085 Cooperating agency or otherwise to prepare environmental 15086 Council assessments for the reasons stated in 15087 Cumulative impact sect 15089 even though it is not required to 15088 Effects

do so Any procedures under this secshy15089 Environmental assessment 150810 Environmental document tion shall provide for extraordinary

150811 Environmental impact statement circumstances in which a normally exshy150812 Federal agency cluded action may have a significant 150813 Finding of no significant impact environmental effect 150814 Human environment 150815 Jurisdiction by law sect 15085 Cooperating agency 150816 Lead agency 150817 Legislation Cooperating agency means any Fedshy150818 Major Federal action eral agency other than a lead agency 150819 Matter which has jurisdiction by law or special 150820 Mitigation

expertise with respect to any environshy150821 NEPA process 150822 Notice of intent mental impact involved in a proposal

150823 Proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legisshy150824 Referring agency lation or other major Federal action 150825 Scope significantly affecting the quality of 150826 Special expertise the human environment The selection 150827 Significantly

and responsibilities of a cooperating 150828 Tiering agency are described in sect 15016 A State

AUTHORITY NEPA the Environmental or local agency of similar qualificashyQuality Improvement Act of 1970 as amendshy

tions or when the effects are on a resshyed (42 USC 4371 et seq) sec 309 of the Clean

Air Act as amended (42 USC 7609) and EO ervation an Indian Tribe may by

11514 (Mar 5 1970 as amended by EO 11991 agreement with the lead agency beshy

May 24 1977) come a cooperating agency


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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 55: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT

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sect 15086 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

sect 15086 Council statement or a finding of no significant

impact Council means the Council on Envishy

(2) Aid an agencyrsquos compliance with ronmental Quality established by title

the Act when no environmental impact II of the Act

statement is necessary

sect 15087 Cumulative impact (3) Facilitate preparation of a stateshy

ment when one is necessary Cumulative impact is the impact on

(b) Shall include brief discussions of the environment which results from

the need for the proposal of altershythe incremental impact of the action

natives as required by section 102(2)(E) when added to other past present and

of the environmental impacts of the reasonably foreseeable future actions

proposed action and alternatives and a regardless of what agency (Federal or

listing of agencies and persons conshynon-Federal) or person undertakes such

sulted other actions Cumulative impacts can

result from individually minor but colshy sect 150810 Environmental document lectively significant actions taking

Environmental document includes the place over a period of time documents specified in sect 15089 (environshy

sect 15088 Effects mental assessment) sect 150811 (environshy

mental impact statement) sect 150813 Effects include (finding of no significant impact) and (a) Direct effects which are caused sect 150822 (notice of intent)

by the action and occur at the same

time and place sect 150811 Environmental impact stateshy(b) Indirect effects which are caused ment

by the action and are later in time or Environmental impact statement means farther removed in distance but are a detailed written statement as reshystill reasonably foreseeable Indirect quired by section 102(2)(C) of the Act effects may include growth inducing efshy

fects and other effects related to inshy sect 150812 Federal agency duced changes in the pattern of land

Federal agency means all agencies of use population density or growth rate

the Federal Government It does not and related effects on air and water

mean the Congress the Judiciary or and other natural systems including

the President including the performshyecosystems

ance of staff functions for the PresishyEffects and impacts as used in these dent in his Executive Office It also inshyregulations are synonymous Effects cludes for purposes of these regulations includes ecological (such as the effects States and units of general local govshyon natural resources and on the composhy ernment and Indian tribes assuming nents structures and functioning of NEPA responsibilities under section affected ecosystems) aesthetic hisshy 104(h) of the Housing and Community toric cultural economic social or Development Act of 1974 health whether direct indirect or cushy

mulative Effects may also include sect 150813 Finding of no significant imshythose resulting from actions which pact may have both beneficial and detrishy

Finding of no significant impact means mental effects even if on balance the

a document by a Federal agency briefly agency believes that the effect will be

presenting the reasons why an action beneficial

not otherwise excluded (sect 15084) will

not have a significant effect on the sect 15089 Environmental assessment human environment and for which an

Environmental assessment environmental impact statement (a) Means a concise public document therefore will not be prepared It shall

for which a Federal agency is responshy include the environmental assessment sible that serves to or a summary of it and shall note any

(1) Briefly provide sufficient evidence other environmental documents reshy

and analysis for determining whether lated to it (sect 15017(a)(5)) If the assessshy

to prepare an environmental impact ment is included the finding need not


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sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
Page 56: ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 - Amicus... · 2020. 9. 23. · ORAL ARGUMENT SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2020 Nos. 20-5197 & 20-5201 (consolidated) UNITED STATES COURT



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USCA Case 20-5197 Document 1863059 Filed 09232020 Page 56 of 56

sect 150820 40 CFR Ch V (7ndash1ndash19 Edition)

(a) With respect to the Environshy means of accomplishing that goal and mental Protection Agency any proshy the effects can be meaningfully evalushyposed legislation project action or ated Preparation of an environmental regulation as those terms are used in impact statement on a proposal should section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 be timed (sect 15025) so that the final USC 7609) statement may be completed in time

(b) With respect to all other agencies for the statement to be included in any any proposed major federal action to recommendation or report on the proshywhich section 102(2)(C) of NEPA apshy posal A proposal may exist in fact as plies well as by agency declaration that one

exists sect 150820 Mitigation

Mitigation includes sect 150824 Referring agency (a) Avoiding the impact altogether Referring agency means the federal

by not taking a certain action or parts agency which has referred any matter of an action to the Council after a determination

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting that the matter is unsatisfactory from the degree or magnitude of the action the standpoint of public health or welshyand its implementation fare or environmental quality

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairshy

ing rehabilitating or restoring the afshy sect 150825 Scope fected environment

Scope consists of the range of actions (d) Reducing or eliminating the imshyalternatives and impacts to be considshypact over time by preservation and ered in an environmental impact stateshymaintenance operations during the life ment The scope of an individual stateshyof the action ment may depend on its relationships (e) Compensating for the impact by to other statements (sectsect 150220 and replacing or providing substitute reshy150828) To determine the scope of enshysources or environments vironmental impact statements agenshy

sect 150821 NEPA process cies shall consider 3 types of actions 3

types of alternatives and 3 types of imshyNEPA process means all measures pacts They include

necessary for compliance with the reshy(a) Actions (other than unconnected quirements of section 2 and title I of

single actions) which may be NEPA (1) Connected actions which means

sect 150822 Notice of intent that they are closely related and thereshy

fore should be discussed in the same Notice of intent means a notice that impact statement Actions are conshyan environmental impact statement nected if they will be prepared and considered The

(i) Automatically trigger other acshynotice shall briefly (a) Describe the proposed action and tions which may require environmental

possible alternatives impact statements

(b) Describe the agencyrsquos proposed (ii) Cannot or will not proceed unless

scoping process including whether other actions are taken previously or

when and where any scoping meeting simultaneously

will be held (iii) Are interdependent parts of a

(c) State the name and address of a larger action and depend on the larger

person within the agency who can anshy action for their justification

swer questions about the proposed acshy (2) Cumulative actions which when

tion and the environmental impact viewed with other proposed actions

statement have cumulatively significant impacts

and should therefore be discussed in sect 150823 Proposal the same impact statement

Proposal exists at that stage in the (3) Similar actions which when

development of an action when an viewed with other reasonably foreseeshy

agency subject to the Act has a goal able or proposed agency actions have

and is actively preparing to make a deshy similarities that provide a basis for

cision on one or more alternative evaluating their environmental


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  • I Agency Action Is Unlawful Without NEPA Compliance
  • II Vacatur of an Agencyrsquos Action Is the Default Remedy for a NEPA Violation and the District Court Correctly Employed It Here
  • III An Injunction Is Unnecessary in Most APA Cases Because Vacatur Like a Declaratory Judgment Has the Effect of Halting the Unlawfully Authorized Activity
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Council on Environmental Quality Regulations