oral presentations

Oral Presentation

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Post on 12-May-2015




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oral presentations


Page 4: Oral Presentations


• 3-5 minutes

• Before the whole class

• It is a “speech”

• Submit your presentation outline and all the materials you use

• 3 speeches plus final presentation

• Class presentations over 5

• Final presentation over 40

Page 5: Oral Presentations


• Knowledge of – content– materials – presentation

• Prompt Cards – indicate when to do what– help you find your place easily– help you focus on your points

Page 7: Oral Presentations

Content• Introduction & Thesis

– talk about your topic & aim– state your thesis– give the flow-chart of your speech– inviting

• Adequate Support for ideas – examples– definitions– quotations, etc

• Definite Conclusion– sense of an ending– summarize– recommendation

Page 8: Oral Presentations


• Question Answer Session-Adequate Knowledge of topic– invite questions before the end– at least 1 minute for questions– better to say “don’t know” than to lie– respect all questions

• Vocabulary – apporiate– rich

• Grammar– appropriate– simple– clear

Page 11: Oral Presentations

Presentation• Order

– logical – smooth

• Use of allotted time• Effective Delivery

– Clear & comprehensible (not fast, not ambiguous)

– appropriate to the purpose – everybody feels “learned something”– interesting&eye-catching

• Confidence • Freedom from “uh”s & “like”s, etc.• Pronounciation, Enunciation, Audibility

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• Take a few deep breaths before you start - Less oxygen adds to the feeling of stress.

• Emphasise key points • Try to maintain eye contact with the

group • Gesture & Posture• Movement- Vicious circle• Vocal variation & Enthusiasm

Page 13: Oral Presentations

Presentation- Please• Behave yourself

• Help your friends in presentation

• Listen to the speakers

• Ask questions & help your friend show his knowledge

• don’t distract other people

• don’t assume the role of a clown

Page 16: Oral Presentations

Assesment Criteria• 5 points

– Introduction&thesis– Adequate support – Conclusion– Visual aids– Use of alloted time– Posture, gesture, movement– Ey contact– Enthusiasm and vocal variation– Preparation& knowledge of materials– Freedom from distraction– Pronunciation, enunciation, audibility– Grammar

• 10 points – Presentation organization– Q&A session-knowledge of topic– Effectiveness – Vocabulary