ord board meeting meetings - oursia.org

1 ORD BOARD MEETING MEETINGS THURS Sept 7 th 8:00-18:00 | FRI- Sept 8 th 07:00-13:00 IN ATTENDANCE Lisa DeAnnuntis, Stacy Holloway, Jenny Nicolay, Marie Welch, Tresa Grange, Larena Beal, Steve Bartels, Sherrie Narvaez, Meghan Rowland NEW BUSINESS President Election Marie Welch submitted her intent to apply for the President seat and was voted in by majority vote effective October 1 st . Tiebreaker discussion Board tabled this discussion to a later date. Rolling Delays-SAPA SAPA is having discussions with the Company about protocol for this. The Executive Council will stay in contact with SAPA to follow this. ERJ Pairings Posted in SLC On Sked+ there were 11 posted ERJ pairings. The company doesn’t allow this to happen in SLC as it is not a 175 base, but trips are still being posted on Sked+. Discussion about why we should/shouldn’t have this ensued. SP2317.13A corresponds with the issues of SIP. Company is restricting gate swaps so why are they SIP’ing pairings in a domicile that doesn’t have that equipment. The EC will talk to Company about this issue. Also noted that definition of SIP contradicts policy. UPCOMING DATES & DEADLINES DATE EVENT LOCATION **Sept 25 th ** Preassignments Due Submit on website OSC Articles Due Submit to Meghan Oct 17 th & 18 th Board Meeting SFO Oct 19 th Hub Visit SFO Lisa/Stacy Nov 15 th & 16 th Board Meeting LAX Nov 17 th Hub Visit LAX Lisa/Sherri/Michele Dec 5 th Hub Visit DEN Lisa/Stacy Dec 12 th & 13 th Board Meeting PSP ONGOING ITEMS

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ORD BOARD MEETING MEETINGS THURS Sept 7th 8:00-18:00 | FRI- Sept 8th 07:00-13:00

IN ATTENDANCE Lisa DeAnnuntis, Stacy Holloway, Jenny Nicolay, Marie Welch, Tresa Grange, Larena Beal, Steve Bartels, Sherrie Narvaez, Meghan Rowland

NEW BUSINESS President Election

Marie Welch submitted her intent to apply for the President seat and was voted in by majority vote effective October 1st.

Tiebreaker discussion

Board tabled this discussion to a later date.

Rolling Delays-SAPA SAPA is having discussions with the Company about protocol for this. The Executive Council will stay in contact with SAPA to follow this.

ERJ Pairings Posted in SLC On Sked+ there were 11 posted ERJ pairings. The company doesn’t allow this to happen in SLC as it is not a 175 base, but trips are still being posted on Sked+. Discussion about why we should/shouldn’t have this ensued. SP2317.13A corresponds with the issues of SIP. Company is restricting gate swaps so why are they SIP’ing pairings in a domicile that doesn’t have that equipment. The EC will talk to Company about this issue. Also noted that definition of SIP contradicts policy.

UPCOMING DATES & DEADLINES DATE EVENT LOCATION **Sept 25th** Preassignments Due Submit on website

OSC Articles Due Submit to Meghan

Oct 17th & 18th Board Meeting SFO

Oct 19th Hub Visit SFO Lisa/Stacy

Nov 15th & 16th Board Meeting LAX

Nov 17th Hub Visit LAX Lisa/Sherri/Michele

Dec 5th Hub Visit DEN Lisa/Stacy

Dec 12th & 13th Board Meeting PSP



Pay Negotiation Update The Committee is looking at what the pilots negotiated especially the 401k match (4%, 6%, 8%, and 10%), Profit sharing, and scale increase and several other items. Final decisions on what to include haven’t been made. The next meeting is scheduled for Sept. 14th.

Lockdown Survey (Steve & Lisa) The Board reviewed the questions that Steve put together and discussed the importance of the questions that we’re asking providing the information the Board is seeking. Steve will take this back and re-adjust the survey questions and provide an explanation of what the Lockdown is.

Action Items

The Project Log and Action Items were updated.

Rep Election The Board discussed bringing on a new Rep but not for a specific committee. This Rep would be utilized to help out where needed and write policy. The Executive Council will put an election together.

SIA Priorities o Pay Negotiation o President Election o Lockdown Survey o New Reps


SP Title Status

SP2305, 2317 Gate Swap 9/7 Board voted to table 8.21 Company rejected – notes in policy 6/26 IFL is reviewing and will let us know 4/12 Sonya not in favor of the SIP Proposal but they will consider the Gate Swap (SIA needs an official rejection from the Company for the SIP Proposal) 3/8 Board approved via email (V1) 2/16 Jenny will rework and send out for an email vote.

SP2305 & 2317 Gate Swap

SIA Approved: 3/8/17 (V1) IF Approved: [date]

Statement of Intent: This policy reworks the definition for gate swap and expands the policy to include


6/26 – Reviewed with Jay and Sonya.

8.21 Company rejected-76% of FA’s are qualified- Only 34% of our a/c is ERJ and 41% of block of hours are ERJ. The Company is going to do an SRA on 8/29 to determine at what point to train all FA’s on the ERJ which would then allow the trades, posts etc. that SIA has been wanting.

VERSION #01 (SIA-IFL) 2.13.17


SP2305 Definitions Gate Swap (pairing) a. A trade of a flight assignment taking place between flight attendants outside a SIP location. a. A flight attendant initiated event that allows Crew Support to remove an assignment from a flight attendant and assign it to another flight attendant outside of a SkedPlus+ transaction.

SP2317 22. 1. – 21. NO CHANGE

22. Crew Flight Attendant Gate Swap

A. Under regular normal operations, regular line holding flight attendants may initiate a change to their flight assignment up to 45 minutes prior to scheduled departure time, provided the following procedures are adhered to:

1) Both flight attendants agree to the ‘Gate Swap” and make verbal confirmation with Crew Support is contacted at least 45 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time of the flight. 2) Both flight attendants agree to the “Gate Swap.” 3) The Aaccepting flight attendant is qualified and legal for the flight assignment. 4) The dropping flight attendant is not relieved of duty until the accepting flight attendant is present at the departure gate. 5) Both flight attendants must make verbal confirmation of the gate swap with Crew Support. 6) When the accepting flight attendant was on a scheduled paid deadhead, the accepting flight attendant will now be paid flight credit pay and the dropping flight attendant forfeits any associated pay with that leg, unless they are using the deadhead. 7) Flight attendants will not be approved for a gate swap for a deadhead only (actual flight leg must be exchanged in the transaction). 8) Both flight attendants are regular line holders.

23. – 24. NO CHANGE

SP2307 1. Absenteeism Trends 9/7 Board discussed concerns with Sonya

SP2307 1. Absenteeism Trends

SIA Approved: [date] IF Approved: [date]

Statement of Intent: To provide clear direction for flight attendants regarding expectations with overall reliability/patterns such as calling in on Holidays regularly as well as prevent hardship to the operation when a flight attendant regularly shows the same pattern with a negative reliability action.

VERSION #01 (IFL-SIA) 8.16.17

1. Flight Attendant Reliability Program A. Probationary flight attendants refer to Company Policy Manual SP 60 Probationary Period.

Commented [JS1]: 6/26 – Discussed whether this is possible with a SIP or not. Jay does not want to include this for SIPs. It was discussed to increase the gate swap time to 1 hour. Jay said the majority of swaps are being done 1 or 2 days in advance.


B. Consistent reliability is expected of all Company flight attendants; therefore, it is the flight attendant's responsibility to be available at the report for duty time. The InFlight Operations Department monitors and records this reliability and each flight attendant's overall performance on an ongoing basis. While this program is designed to increase reliability and consistency with the goal of reducing flight delays and cancellations, it also increases the awareness of the potential impact effect on a flight attendant's personnel records and employment status. Excessive occurrences and schedule assignment deviations (SADs) will result in corrective action being taken as outlined in Flight Attendant Policy Manual SP 2324 Discipline and Discharges. 1) Attendance: Unnecessary and/or excessive occurrences from duty are considered failure

to assume responsibility and are ultimately cause for termination. Should a flight attendant expect to be unavailable for any reason, the flight attendant must notify Crew Support as soon as possible. Failure to provide timely notification to the Crew Support Department will result in corrective action. This notification does not absolve the flight attendant from his/her obligation to report for duty on time. The following policies must be followed: a) Each flight attendant is expected to maintain good health and ensure availability

to perform his/her duties. b) Each absence/occurrence is judged on its own merits before any level of

discipline is imposed (i.e., the Company will consider the existence of extenuating circumstances presented by the flight attendant).

c) Each flight attendant’s reliability will be reviewed on an individual basis to

identify absenteeism trends which have a negative impact on the operation.

The review may result in coaching, corrective action, and/or termination.

d) Absences and late reports are monitored and recorded and will affect the individual flight attendant's reliability record.

de) An unexcused absence constitutes an occurrence as detailed in the chart below:

Occurrence Categories Duration of Absence Required

Documentation Counts as an Occurrence?

Excused Sick Up to six consecutive

calendar days

Doctor’s note submitted [refer to

Paragraph 7.B.2] No

Unexcused Sick Up to six consecutive

calendar days N/A Yes

Excused Personal Emergency

Up to four consecutive calendar days

Documentation submitted [refer to

Paragraph 7.E.] No

Unexcused Personal Emergency

One scheduled assignment or one reserve availability


N/A Yes

ef) When a flight attendant's absence lasts more than three consecutive days, the

absence may be converted to a medical leave of absence as outlined in the Company Policy Manual SP 69 Leave of Absence (LOA). The absence will not be counted as an occurrence for purposes of the reliability program when converted to an approved leave of absence.

2. - 9. NO CHANGE


SP2307 2.A. Electronic Call-Off 9/7 Board discussed with Sonya and approved counter proposal

Title: Electronic Call Off

SP Affected: SP 2307

Regulatory: No Purpose: Adjust policy language to allow for flight attendants to notify the company of sick and/or

emergency calls via an electronic process. Original Policy: SP 2307 Paragraph 2.

2. Sick Calls

A. A flight attendant, when ill, is required to call in sick for each pairing or reserve availability period, regardless of the pairings they may have been assigned. All flight attendants are required to personally call Crew Support.

Proposed Policy: SP 2307 Paragraph 2.

2. Sick Calls

A. A flight attendant, when ill, is required to call in sick for each pairing or reserve availability period, regardless of the pairings they may have been assigned. All flight attendants are required to personally call Crew Support or notify Crew Support via approved electronic methods.

NOTE- Approved electronic methods will not be available less than three (3) prior to report time.

SP2308, 2310 & 2317 Deadhead Clean-up 9/7 Board agreed to removing areas IFL was not in favor of. Jenny will redo this policy 8/21 IFL countered –notes in policy 7/26 7 in favor/2 opposed (V2) 6/26 IFL had a few changes 6/8 Board approved (V1)

SP2308, 2310, & 2317 Deadhead Clean Up

SIA Approved: IF Approved:

Statement of Intent: TR 06_08 included. This TR adds clarification to replacement pairings. TR 06_18 included. This TR adds clarification to Golden Day. TR 06-20 included. Clarification on the current practice of allowing a flight attendant to add a pairing or portion of a pairing to an existing pairing (stack).

**DELETE SP2310 Deadheading. We are moving the contents to 2308 and 2317 below with indicated changes. VERSION #03 (SIA-IFL) SP2308 1-12. NO CHANGE


13. Deadhead Pay

A. When a f Flight attendants who are is required to deadhead as part of a scheduled work

assignment, he/she will:

1) rReceive 100 percent of the fFlight attendant’s hourly rate pay for the scheduled

block time of the deadhead.

2) When required to use surface transportation, receive 50 percent of the applicable

flight attendant’s hourly rate of pay for the actual surface travel time.

14. – 21. NO CHANGE

SP2317 1. – 17. NO CHANGE

18. Deadheading A. Mode of Transportation

1) Flight attendants assigned a deadhead flight will be limited to The Company will require flight attendants to deadhead only on Company aircraft or FAA-approved air carriers/operators, except where means of surface transportation is provided or otherwise authorized. Charter aircraft may be utilized by mutual agreement.

B. When reporting for a deadhead duty, a flight attendant will: 1) Be provided positive space travel to and/or from the flight attendant’s domicile and/or within the flight attendant’s assigned pairing online. 2) Travel with required uniform pieces and be available to change into the full uniform if requested to do so (excluding deadheads for meetings, CQ, when uniform is not required). At the discretion of the Company, be provided positive or space available interline tickets. 3) When the flight attendant’s assignment begins with a deadhead, check-in for the assignment on SkyWest Online no less than 45 minutes before the departure time of the deadhead. with the operating airline for his/her seat assignment. 4) Check in for a deadhead with the operating airline for his/her seat assignment. 5) Be responsible to cancel a seat that has been reserved by Crew Support when he/she does not plan to use the seat. 6) Be provided positive space online on the next flight when the flight attendant is returning to their domicile from a modified pairing that terminates away from their domicile.

4. Deadheading From a Work Assignment A. When returning from duty a flight attendant will:

1) Be provided positive space return to their domicile when a pairing ends in a deadhead as per the awarded bid or reserve adjusted bid award. When the flight attendant cannot make the scheduled deadhead flights due to weather, mechanical, or flow delays, the flight attendant should be returned to their domicile with positive space travel on the next flights that he/she can be present for.

Commented [JN2]: Verbiage moved over from 2310 1.

Commented [JS3]: We moved 2310 over here and renumbered and reworked. 2310 1. Will be moved to 2308 Because this is all NEW to 2317 it is tracked, but I tried to keep the old 2310 verbiage in so we could see what we are cleaning up.

Commented [JS4]: 6/26 Jay thinks this would never be used. If it was used, it would fall under FAA-approved carrier or Company aircraft if it was our charter.

Commented [JN5]: This is current policy.


2) Be provided positive space online on the next flight when the flight attendant is returning to their domicile from a modified pairing that terminates away from their domicile.

3) In all other instances, be provided space available S2/BP7 passes online, as long as it does not result in denied boarding of a revenue passenger. In the event a deadheading flight attendant has unsuccessfully tried to deadhead on two scheduled flights, or when it is the last flight of the day, the deadheading flight attendant will receive a positive space seat to return to his/her domicile or by other arrangements when mutually agreed upon by the flight attendant and the Company.

4) At the discretion of the Company, be provided positive space on interline carriers. 5) Check in with the operating airline for his/her seat assignment. 6) Be responsible to cancel a seat that has been reserved by Crew Support for the purpose

of deadheading when he/she does not plan to use the seat.

198. Donation of a Reserve Availability Period A. Any regular line holder may donate a day off to be assigned a reserve availability period. The reserve availability period is treated like a regular reserve availability period in that the flight attendant needs to be available for flight duty during the hours of reserve availability and is required to answer the phone when called. When the flight attendant is not used during that day, there will be no pay credit. When the flight attendant is called out to fly, minimum daily guarantee or overtime, whichever is greater, will be paid. A flight attendant may request to be on call first status. Flight attendants interested in donating a reserve availability period must call Crew Support at 435.634.3782.

19. – 24. NO CHANGE

SP2313 6.B. Return from LOA 9/8 Not reviewed due to time constraints 7/26 Tabled until next Board Meeting 6/8 Board reviewed and tabled until July Meeting

SP2313.6.B LOAs, OJIs and WC

SIA Approved: [date] IF Approved: [date]

Statement of Intent: To allow FA’s the opportunity to build a line to avoid sitting reserve when returning from a LOA.


1.-5. No Change

6. Return from Leave of Absence

A. A flight attendant's return to duty is coordinated with InFlight Operations. Such return must occur no later than the first available training class to qualify the flight attendant in the status to which he/she is returning. Flight attendants, upon his/her return, are allowed to perform whatever extra work is available at his/her previous domicile, or when that domicile has been closed, any domicile for which he/she is qualified, until the next regular bid. At that time, he/she shall be allowed to exercise full seniority rights subject to qualifications. No special training provision will be made for flight attendants under this section.

Commented [JS6]: Renumber accordingly please.

Commented [JS7]: Tabled on 6/8


B. If a flight attendant returning from any type of leave is not captured in the bid, he/she will have a line constructed in the following manner:

1. If the flight attendant would have been included in the guaranteed lines, he/she will be built a full line up to the average line credit in the PBS from the applicable bid month from Open Time pairings as available by the Company.

a. If no Open Time pairings are available, reserve days will be added. 2. If a flight attendant returns at a point where be assigned a build-up line constructed from Open Time pairingstrips prior to being assigned reserved

days built a reserve line for the applicable bid month upon return to full duty. When two2 or more flight attendants return from leave and arewere ineligible to bid, awards from available Open Time or reserve days will be made on the basis of seniority. If the flight attendantFA would have been a reserve flight attendant for that bid month, they will be built a reserve line. A flight attendant’s preference for days off will be taken into consideration.

C. Crew Support will utilize the proration table in Flight Attendant Policy Manual SP 2317 Scheduling (Paragraph 6.E.) to determine how many duty days the flight attendant will be required to sit reserve.

D. Flight attendants returning from an OJI-related leave of absence may choose one guaranteed day off by making their request to Crew Support when his/her duty days are greater than nine within the applicable bid period. This guarantee excludes the day before, of, and after: 1) Company-recognized holidays 2) Halloween 3) Super Bowl Sunday 4) Mother’s Day

SP2313 9. FA’s Rehired Proposal 9/7 Lisa will re-work 8.22 Company rejected (notes in policy). 6/26 IFL approved 4/11 Presented to IFL-they will review 4/6 Board approved (V1) 2/16 Board revised but this needs more work. Lisa will work on it and send back. 1/17 Discuss with Reps at Feb. Board Meeting

11/14 Rejected- Rehired- concerns with tracking process and cost of training required once an employee exceeds one year. Would like to have additional discussion to understand the objective 8/8 IFL will send over a counter proposal 7/20 Board approved (V1)

SP2313 9. FAs Rehired Within Twelve Months

SIA Approved: IF Approved:

Statement of Intent: SIA would like to clean up this section and add a provision for FAs returning to SkyWest after 12 months.

8.22 The Company is open to possibly something under 2 years where a FA can return and do only requal & CQ.

If FA has missed 2 CQ’s or more no longer applicable to just requal. Cost is the same (Pilots is abbreviated training program). No benefit to the Company. MX has same as IF (1 year). Possibility of pay credit for other airlines (Express Jet)?

NOTE - Crew Support will make every attempt to accommodate any additional requests based on operational need.


VERSION #2 (SIA-IFL) 1. - 8 NO CHANGE 9. Rehired Flight Attendants Rehired Within Twelve Months A. Flight attendants who have been with the Company for at least two years, and who leave in good standing, and are then rehired by the Company in the Inflight department are given a pay rate adjustment.

1) Flight attendants will go through the same hiring process as a new employee, including an open position, interview process, background checks, etc. 2) The employee does not retain any bidding or vacation seniority. Leave of absence time will not count as part of the two years of service. This credit is allowed only once for the employee. Refer to Company Policy Manual SP 54 Hiring.

B. Flight Attendants Rehired Within Twelve Months 1) Flight attendants returning credit when they return to the Company in the InFlight Department within a 12-month time frame return at the same rate of pay for years of employment based on the current scale. The credit they receive is allowing them to return at the same rate of pay previously earned, excluding any overrides. The pay will remain at the return rate until their rehired seniority allows them to proceed with raises on the pay scale.

a) The flight attendant’s rate of pay will remain at the return rate until the flight attendant’s rehired seniority allows them to proceed with pay increases on the current pay scale. Any longevity with the Company that is less that a full year at the time of separation will be rounded down (i.e. 5 years and 7 months will be 5 years).

B. Employees will go through the same hiring process as a new employee, including an open position, interview process, background checks, etc. The employee does not retain any bidding or vacation seniority. Leave of absence time will not count as part of the two years of service. This credit is allowed only once for the employee. Refer to Company Policy Manual SP 54 Hiring.

21) Example of returned pay: A flight attendant who leaves the Company with ten years and eight months of seniority who returns to the Company eleven months after leaving will return at a rate of pay of a ten year flight attendant and will with 2½ years of seniority in 2013 is at $22.49 on the pay scale. If this flight attendant returns to the Company within one year of his/her separation, he/she would not remain at that rate of pay receive another pay raise until their new pay seniority date reaches the eleventhree-year mark.

February 01, 2013 The flight attendant’s two-year anniversary with SkyWest.

January 15, 2016July 01, 2013

After 10 years and 8 months of InFlight seniority, Tthe flight attendant separates employment with SkyWest and is eligible for rehire.

DecemberJanuary 15, 20146

The flight attendant is rehired into the InFlight Department at $22.49 or the current tenwo-year mark on the current pay scale.

December 15,January 20217

The flight attendant will progress to the eleventhree-year mark on the current pay scale and each year thereafter.

C. Flight Attendants Rehired After Twelve Months

1) Flight attendants who have been with the Company for at least two years, who leave in good standing, and are then rehired by the Company in the Inflight department after a 12-month time frame will be given a pay rate adjustment of 50% of his/her years of accrued seniority on the first anniversary of his/her rehire date after completing one year of active service. Any longevity with the Company that

Commented [JS8]: Moved from below.

Commented [JS9]: Moved above.

Commented [JS10]: This was to show the 2 year requirement but isn’t necessary with this example.


is less than a full year at the time of separation will be rounded down (i.e. 10 years and 8 months will be 10 years). 2) The flight attendant’s rate of pay will remain at the adjusted rate until the flight attendant’s rehired date of seniority allows them to proceed with pay increases on the current pay scale.

3) Example of returned pay: A flight attendant who leaves the Company with 7 years and 8 months of seniority who returns to the Company in the InFlight Department will return at a rate of pay of a 3 year flight attendant (50% of 7 years = 3.5 years, rounded down to 3 years) after completing one year of active service.

January 15, 2016 The flight attendant separates employment with SkyWest and is eligible for rehire.

January 15, 2021 The flight attendant is rehired into the InFlight Department at the current new hire rate of pay.

January 15, 2022 The flight attendant will have a pay rate adjustment equal to 50% of his/her years of previous employment (3 years) based on the current pay scale.

January 15, 2026 The flight attendant will progress to the four-year mark on the current pay scale and each year thereafter.

4) When a rehired flight attendant is required to go through initial new hire training, the returning flight attendant’s seniority will be placed at the top of the initial new hire class behind current employees (i.e. transferring from another department or returning from an extended LOA etc.).

SP2314 1. Per Diem 9/7 Board revised and approved 8/21 IFL rejected- possible reword based on notes in policy 5/9 Board approved (V1)

SP2314 1. Per Diem

SIA Approved: 9.7.17 (V2) IF Approved: [date]

Statement of Intent: Updating current per diem rate and clarifying per diem not paid in domicile.


1. Per Diem A. A flight attendant shall receive $1.85 $1.90 per hour beginning May 01, 2015 January 1, 2017.

Per Diem increases to $1.90 per hour on January 01, 2017. In the event the pilot's per diem rate per hour exceeds the flight attendant's, the flight attendant's per diem rate will be adjusted to match the pilot's per diem rate. Per Diem is paid and calculated as follows: 1) Per Diem is calculated from the time the flight attendant reports for duty at his/her

domicile, until he/she is released from duty at his/her domicile and is prorated for portions of an hour.

a) Per Diem is not paid when a flight attendant overnights in his/her assigned domicile. 2) Flight attendants dropping a pairing due to illness at an outstation forfeit all remaining

per diem associated with that pairing when that flight attendant actually returns to his/her home domicile or when he/she was rescheduled to return to his/her domicile by Crew Support, whichever is sooner. Flight attendants voluntarily leaving a pairing due to illness at an outstation will accrue Per Diem until he/she has been released in his/her

Commented [JS11]: WHERE I LEFT OFF


assigned domicile or when he/she was scheduled to return to his/her assigned domicile, whichever is sooner.

3) Flight attendants dropping voluntarily leaving a pairing voluntarily forfeit all remaining

per diem associated with that pairing(s) at the time he/she leavesdrops the pairing(s).

2. – 7. NO CHANGES

SP2317 5. C. Preparation of the Pairing Package

9/7 Board voted to table for the time being 8/21 VP’s rejected (notes in policy) 6/8 Board revised and is countering with (V3) 5/15 Sonya sent over Counter Proposal 4/13 Jay didn’t see any issues 2/16 Board reviewed and approved (V1)

Statement of Intent/Notes: Add to policy current practice when unpredicted routes or additional flying is added by major partners after the pairing package has already been completed/published. 8/22 Rejected by VP’s because no definition for revenue flying and VP’s want supporting documentation to support a change of this type.


SP2317.5.C Preparation of the Pairing Package

1. – 4. NO CHANGE 5. Preparation of the Pairing Package

A. Pairing packages for each status in each domicile are available via

SkyWest Online no later than 0900 Mountain Time on the 10th of

each month.

B. The Company will prepare and distribute post pairing packages

specifically for each status in each domicile. The pairing package

contains the following information:

1) All pairings and replacement pairings, including the following

schedule information:

a) Report time

b) Pairing number

c) Flight number

d) Block and credit time for each segment

e) Block and credit time for each pairing

f) Duty time

g) Ground time

h) Deadhead time

i) Originating, intermediate, and terminating stations

j) Layover station, layover time, hotel name, telephone number

k) Minimum required rest


l) Pairing time (TAFB)

m) Date(s) of operation

2) The number of guaranteed lines

3) The number of targeted lines

4) The number of daily targeted reserves (RE1/RE2).

C. When additional revenue flying becomes available from our partners after the completion of the pairing package the Company will:

5)1) Publish all pairings available as a result of the additional flying in SkedPlus+ Open Time for the current and subsequent bid period.

Advise the flight attendants in the affected domicile via SkyWest Online message.

6. – 24. NO CHANGE

CURRENT FA POLICY PROPOSALS Name/Emp. # SP/Comments/Date Proposal Received Status

Follow-Up From Last Board Meeting Lisa DeAnnuntis 014278 FA UPDATED

2/13 SP2308 Compensation Rehire incentive for previous SkyWest FAs.

09/07/17 Company Rejected - Lisa will


Tara Caton 35087 DEN FA UPDATED 08/18

05/02 SP2318 Reserve Proposing self-assigning pairings within certain parameters for reserves. (Reserve Proffering)

9/7/17 Temporarily Tabled. IT is working on Proffering for Pilots

Kyle McDermott SLC 049322 FA UPDATED 02/09

7/25 SP2318 Reserve Let FA’s working OBR be able to look at their seniority and see the lists. Currently not viewable.

09/07/17 Waiting on IT

Cory Fauhl 24325



09/28/16 – Cory Fauhl would like to see an option in PBS that allows you to click a box on the side of the pairing as you are scrolling through various 1 day pairings, 2 day parings, etc. at the same time. This is for those that are bidding specific pairings.

09/07/17 Larena will update after PBS


Wendy Bailey- 3770 SLC FA UPDATED 05/20

10/21/16 SP 2309 Vacation Would like to see pay value for vacation coincide with the value of a user credit block.

09/07/17 Pending, Waiting on Mike and


Lisa DeAnnuntis 014278 SEA FA UPDATED

11/18/16 SP 2309 Expenses Proposing voucher program or contract with a local transportation to avoid the flight attendant having to pay for this service and be reimbursed on the next pay check.

09/07/17 Moved to Closed. Closed w/partial solution. Using Travelliance for transportation. Company not willing to put in policy.

Lurice (Reesi) Di Muzio 027159 - ORD FA UPDATED 6/12

12/18/16 SP2317 Scheduling Proposing FA’s have option to pick position for upgrade of equipment (i.e. 200 to 700/900/ERJ)

09/07/17 Still waiting on stats. Jay is still in

the process of gathering data. Need to put

pressure on company.

Commented [JS12]: Remove scheduled.

Commented [JN13]: Removed at Mike’s request. He would still like communication to be sent but does not want this in the policy.


Brian Hubrich 27026 SLC FA UPDATED 3/17 Kellie Miraldi 47633 SFO FA UPDATED 5/25

01/03/17 SP 2317 Scheduling Allow posting of pairings in domiciles even if A/C is not assigned to that domicile e.g. posting ERJ pairings in SLC.

09/07/17 Rejected, still waiting for a formal

rejection but Company has now done an SRA

so evaluating that before writing formal


Kiva Frey 025444 – DEN FA UPDATED 05/11

01/23/17 SP2313 Leaves of Absence, Proposing “overhaul” of process for returning to work after LOA.

09/07/17 Marie drafted the policy. The Board still needs to jot down their ideas and bringing them to the next meeting.

Lori Dahl 24866 SLC FA UPDATED 05/15

02/21/17 SP2317 PBS Reserve Bidding Proposing Reserves be able to waive min day off between work blocks to one more often (like Line holders).

09/07/17 Larena will update after September PBS meeting. Will update FA after that

Cammie Morales

039012 SLC


4/10/17 SP2318 Reserve

Proffering, and Reserve blocks being posted for

lineholders and other reserves to pick up when

short staffed.

09/07/17 Proffering is temporarily on hold,

Company will not budge on PCL. Jenny

received reserve block policy.

Melanie Miller 037463 - ORD (303) 995-8970 UPDATE NEEDED

05/11/17 SP2317 Scheduling/SkedPlus+ Proposing adjustments being made for a different reserve min. for ERJ transactions in SkedPlus+

09/07/17 Board discussed if it should go in

FAPM or SPUG. LARENA will write the policy.

Scott Kamerman 032842 - SFO (808) 250-5752 FA UPDATED 08/08

05/12/17 SP2308 Compensation Proposing additional pay for delays. We should be compensated for any time sitting delayed as a result of staffing.

09/07/17 current negotiation item. Keep open until new pay is finalized. This has been moved to tabled for time being

Lisa Olsen 11171 SLC FA UPDATED 06/08

06/06/17 No current SP Lisa is very concerned about the “witch hunting” that goes on from passengers on a daily almost leg for leg basis against FA’s and would like to see some sort of policy in place that gives FA’s some protection from this.

09/07/17 Larena and Tresa will email EC with

info from 2 FA’s that they know.

Lisa DeAnnuntis 014278 SEA FA UPDATED

06/11/17 SP2308 Compensation (SIA)

This is actually a SIA compensation issue. I would

like to propose when a SIA meeting is held in a

members base that the Company provides

accommodations as they do for NH training.

09/07/17 Still waiting on Sonya.

Sharon Paredes 39127 - DEN (720) 949-5007 VOTED NOT TO PURSUE

06/26/17 SP 2318 Reserve Hello I was just wondering how hard it would be to implement a three hour call out for reserves. That extra hour would really help. Denver is growing so rapidly and traffic is horrible. I've been with Skywest for almost 7 years and sometimes choose to be on reserve. I have noticed most of the time I am called is because some flight attendant has her trip posted but calls in "sick" at the exact two hour mark. I find it hard to believe that you are sick two hours you are supposed to report to work. Regardless of that, I was just wondering how hard it would be to implement a three hour call out ? Thank you!

09/07/17 Tresa updated FA in voice message. Stacy will send follow-up email.

Mette Aland 18556 SLC

07/17/17 SP 2317 Scheduling/SkedPlus+ 07/25/17 MARIE updated Mette in voice mail, and will follow-up.


(801) 558-8099 VOTED NOT TO PURSUE.

I read in the recent SIA flyer that SIA is considering restricting opentime pickup of out of domicile FAs for a certain timeframe after skedplus opens on the 23rd. This is not going to make any difference at all, because it is a problem we are having all month and actually mainly with Standup's, maybe locals too. FAs from out of domicile that drop/ post or pay to have others pick up their trips, are not picking up trips on the 23rd since they still have their assigned trips in their own domicile at this point. They are picking them up throughout the month as other FAs post the trips. SLC has lost SO much flying in the past 6 ish years. We used to have over 600 lines and now have half that. As a result, many of us used to fly certain types of trips like Standup's and locals, and can't hold these trips any longer. Many have no other option than to attempt to drop their schedules in order to pick up the same trips they used to hold. while I realize this is how the industry goes, please understand many have had their lives turned upside down as a result. So.... since it has been decided that out of domicile FAs may continue to not fly any of their hours in their assigned domicile, I would like to propose another option. That we hold any trips, whether posted by crewmembers or opentime, for a short timeframe, maybe 30 minutes?? - before making them available to out of domicile FAs to pick up. This gives preference to those based in the domicile while still allowing out of domicile FAs to pick up. Most FAs whether in domicile or not, that are trying to adjust their schedules, have set the notification option to be notified when a trip is available. So 30 minutes or even 15 minutes, would be very helpful. It seems fair that those actually based in the domicile are given preference for picking up these trips?

NEW FA POLICY PROPOSALS-NOT YET PRESENTED TO BOARD Lurice McCalla-Di Muzio 027159 - ORD (646) 201-6333

07/26/17 SP2306 Flight Attendant Reliability

1) Pilots should not be able to exit the aircraft

before the pax!! Period.

2) Pilots should be required to stay on board the

aircraft till the last passenger deplanes, just like

the flight attendants.

If the entire crew is released from duty on the last

day of a trip 15 minutes after the MCD opens, but

issues arise which have a pax onboard longer (such

as aisle chairs, wheel chairs), why should only we

be subject to staying behind.

Yesterday, I stayed behind because a passenger's

stroller wasn't brought up with the green tags, and

the air serve attendant didn't seem to think he was

09/07/17 SIA doesn’t dictate pilot policy. Stacy will email Tracy Gallo and cc Sonya regarding this issue (pilots stay in vicinity) and will update Reesi.


supposed to take the customer to their connecting

flight in a different terminal. Meanwhile, the gate

agent left the podium/gate before all of the pax

left the jet bridge and the Capt and FO are already

on the Ord CTA blue line???

Picture my face right now in place of an emoji!!

Where's the leadership??? Walking 100 feet ahead

of your crew means you're walking by yourself.

Until pilots can fly the planes by themselves, how

about a little togetherness!!!

End of rant.

Thank you SIA, you guys rock!

Daisy Gomez 053076 - LAX (661) 229-7950

08/05/17 SP2318 Reserve I was recently talking to some of our pilots and they mentioned they recently passed Reserve Proffering. Would it be possible to get something like that going for flight attendant reserves?

09/07/17 Proffering temporarily tabled. Stacy will update Daisy.

Krisann Eason 054359 - SEA (205) 529-3538 Rachel Young 053542 - SFO (479) 313-4169 Shawna Peterson 035579 - SEA (541) 510-3759 ALL 3 OF THESE FA’s HAVE SUBMITTED SOME VERION OF THIS

08/10/17 SP2306 Flight Attendant Reliability I was recently made aware of a current policy regarding unexcused absences (both emergency and sick). It was my understanding that an unexcused emergency call would cover 4 days (and an unexcused sick call would cover 6 days), no matter what as long as you had reached your one year anniversary. This apparently is no the case however, and is very specific to reserves, line holders who work short trips, and line holders who work longer trips. The current policy would charge a reserve FA 1 occurrence for every single day that they used the emergency or sick call for, meaning calling out for 4 consecutive days on an emergency would give a reserve 4 occurrences. This is also the case for a lineholder who works all locals. If they called out 4 days in a row, they would be given 4 occurrences. On the other side, a lineholder working a 4 day trip would only be given 1 occurrence. This policy makes no sense when all 3 cases involve the FA calling out for the same 4 days. It doesn't make sense to punish a reserve or someone who happens to prefer locals. Each person is working the same amount of days total, and it would be the same amount of days needing to be covered, regardless of it being 4 locals or a 4 day trip. I think the policy should be the same across the board for everyone who has reached their one year anniversary. The current policy is confusing and doesn't seem to have good reasoning behind it. An unexcused emergency should cover 4 days and an unexcused sick call should cover 6 days for anyone who is not on probation

09/07/17 Stacy will add to IFL agenda and make sure this is addressed at INH. Stacy will update all three FA’s.