ordinary time 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 + 1 ......all, even the frailest among us, the...

Last Sunday was the first World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly as declared by Pope Francis. Here are excerpts from his mes- sage establishing the observance. JESUS TELLS THE APOSTLES, “Go therefore and make disciples of all na- tions. ...” These words are also addressed to us today. They help us better under- stand that our vocation is to preserve our roots, to pass on the faith to the young, and to care for the little ones. Think about it: what is our vocation today, at our age? To preserve our roots, to pass on the faith to the young and to care for the little ones. Never forget this. ... You are needed in order to help build, in fraternity and social friendship, the world of tomorrow: the world in which we, together with our children and grandchildren, will live once the storm has subsided. All of us must “take an active part in renewing and supporting our troubled societies.” Among the pillars that support this new edifice, there are three that you, bet- ter than anyone else, can help to set up. Those three pillars are dreams, memory and prayer. The Lord’s closeness will grant to all, even the frailest among us, the strength needed to embark on a new journey along the path of dreams, memory and prayer. The prophet Joel once promised: “Your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men will have visions.” The future of the world depends on this cov- enant between young and old. Who, if not the young, can take the dreams of the elderly and make them come true? Yet for this to happen, it is necessary that we continue to dream. Our dreams of justice, of peace, of solidarity can See GRANDPARENTS on Page 5 St. Anne Parish “In this Place” Trevor Thomson St. Anne Parish ST. ANNE PARISH ORDINARY TIME 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 + 1 AUGUST 2021 GOLF OUTING REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS FRIDAY, AUG. 6. FIND MORE INFORMATION INSIDE THIS BULLETIN AND AT STANNESWAUSAU.ORG.

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Page 1: ORDINARY TIME 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 + 1 ......all, even the frailest among us, the strength needed to embark on a new journey along the path of dreams, memory and prayer

Last Sunday was the first World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly as declared by Pope Francis. Here are excerpts from his mes-sage establishing the observance. JESUS TELLS THE APOSTLES, “Go therefore and make disciples of all na-tions. ...” These words are also addressed to us today. They help us better under-stand that our vocation is to preserve our roots, to pass on the faith to the young, and to care for the little ones. Think about it: what is our vocation today, at our age? To preserve our roots, to pass on the faith to the young and to care for the little ones. Never forget this. ... You are needed in order to help build, in fraternity and social friendship, the world of tomorrow: the world in which we, together with our children and grandchildren, will live once the storm has subsided. All of us must “take an active part in renewing and supporting our troubled societies.” Among the pillars that support this new edifice, there are three that you, bet-ter than anyone else, can help to set up. Those three pillars are dreams, memory and prayer. The Lord’s closeness will grant to all, even the frailest among us, the strength needed to embark on a new journey along the path of dreams, memory and prayer. The prophet Joel once promised: “Your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men will have visions.” The future of the world depends on this cov-enant between young and old. Who, if not the young, can take the dreams of the elderly and make them come true? Yet for this to happen, it is necessary that we continue to dream. Our dreams of justice, of peace, of solidarity can


St. Anne Parish “In this Place” Trevor Thomson

St. Anne Parish ST. ANNE PARISH ORDINARY TIME 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 + 1 AUGUST 2021


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ST. ANNE PARISH Living the Gospel with love and courage.

715.849.3930 | stanneswausau.org 700 W. Bridge St., Wausau WI 54401 Parish Office Hours: 9A-4P Mon-Thurs

Fr. Tom Lindner, Pastor [email protected] | Ext. 309

Deacon Erv Burkhardt [email protected] | Ext. 303

Kristine Lato, Liturgy Coordinator & Administrative Assistant

[email protected] |Ext. 307

John Schmitt, Lee Ann Lella Disciple Formation Co-Directors

[email protected] | Ext. 306 [email protected] | Ext. 308

Paul Hoffer, Finance Director [email protected] | Ext. 310

Newman Catholic Schools Jeff Gulan, President

www.NewmanCatholicSchools.com 715.845.5735

JOINING OUR PARISH: Fr. Tom would be glad to talk with you about parish member-ship. Send him an email at [email protected] or call 849.3930.

CELEBRATING BAPTISM: We gladly wel-come children to faith through the waters of Baptism. If you want to raise your child in the Catholic faith and celebrate your child’s baptism, please call the parish office, 849.3930. Parents celebrating the bap-tism of their first child are asked to com-plete a baptism orientation seminar.

COMMUNICATION: Email is a primary means of communication in the parish. If you are not getting our weekly parish emails, please send an email to [email protected] and we’ll add you to the email list.

CELEBRATING MARRIAGE: We eagerly welcome couples seeking to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage. Contact Fr. Tom to talk about scheduling your wedding and to learn about marriage preparation.

CARING FOR THE SICK: If you or a loved one are seriously ill or anticipating surgery, please call or email Fr. Tom to schedule the celebration of the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.

BECOMING CATHOLIC: If you are interest-ed in becoming a Christian, becoming a Catholic or curious about matters of faith, contact Lee Ann Lella at [email protected].

FACEBOOK: Like us at St. Anne Parish and find photos and news of the parish.

Gospel Acclamation Mass of the Angels and Saints, Steven Janco

Profession of Faith (The Apostles’ Creed)

I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pi-late, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the commun-ion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.

Psalm 34, “Taste and See” John Michael Talbot

Glory to God Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

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Stewardship Mystery of Faith


Holy, Holy Eucharistic Prayer Mass of the Angels and Saints, Steven Janco

“The Hand of the Lord Feeds Us” Steven Janco


4 PM - 139; 8:30 AM - 141 10:30 - 155; Online - 175

Plan now to enjoy a great day of golf capped off by dinner. The event begins with registration at 10 a.m. Aug. 27, with the Shotgun Start at 11. Cost OF $65 includes 18 holes of golf, cart, hole events, meal and door prizes. There will be door prizes, raffle and hole events on every hole! Registration forms can be found at stanneswausau.org and in the main en-trance of church. THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS FRIDAY, AUG. 6. Parishioners are invited to donate any of the following items for door prizes: Golf Balls; Golf Towels; Golf Tees; Restau-rant Gift Certificates; Rounds of Golf at area golf courses; Packer, Badger or Brewer items; Amazon Gift Cards; Gift Cards for food or gas; Grilling Accesso-ries; Flowering Plants. Questions? Contact Sue Hilgemann 715-501-8441.


18-Hole | 4 person | Scramble

Friday, Aug. 27 Greenwood Hills Golf Club Registration forms in church & online

< If you are in a pew with a kneeler, please kneel, if you are able, after the Holy, Holy. < Those at chairs without kneelers are asked, if able, to remain standing. < Please remain standing, if able, until everyone has received communion. When the communion song ends, that’s the cue to sit down. We are united throughout the com-munion procession by our posture and in our singing of the communion song. Once finished, a time of silence offers us time for a personal prayer of thanksgiving.

ST. ANNE PARISH GIVING Total collected (July 25): $11,279 Weekly need: $14,266

Total collected (since July 1, 2021): $51,488 Amount needed: $57,063 Shortfall: $ 5,574

ANNIVERSARY: Last Sunday’s 10:30 Mass included a blessing for Marge and Bob Scheurer as they celebrated their 70th wedding anni-versary. They were married on July 21, 1951, at Gesu Church in Milwaukee.

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“Make Us True Servants” Susan G. Wente

On these first two Sundays of August we gather items for The Neighbor’s Place. Bring donations along to Mass or drop them in the Gathering Space during the week. Learn more about this week’s bene-ficiary at neighborsplace.org. These are the items being requested this month: • Soup • Canned tuna, chick-en, protein

• Canned fruits • Canned vegetables • Convenience meals • Ketchup, mustard, relish, mayo

• Cinnamon • Salad dressings • Tartar sauce • Diapers (unopened)

size 3-7 • Pull-ups • Cloth diaper supplies • Baby wipes • Baby hygiene sup-plies

• Baby formula (unopened)

• Feminine hygiene supplies

• Adult incontinence products

Music reprinted under ONE LICENSE #A-729229.

This Week

NCIS is a local service experience de-signed to bring youth into a fun and meaningful atmosphere while serving the community. Join in the spirit of ser-vice and truly make a difference in the lives of those we serve!

WHEN: Aug. 9-13, 8:30A-4P WHO: Youth entering Gr. 6-8

MORE INFO: stanneswausau.org AND invite a friend!



These are the people who make it possible for us to celebrate Mass three times each Lord’s Day, and to share that worship with those unable to join us

in church! Parishioners are needed in all of these ministries so that we can properly celebrate Mass three times each Lord’s Day, and provide an online experience of Mass for those unable to join us in church. The pre-Covid pool of ministers has diminished, or

folks have yet to return to Mass, and so we are seeking new and more people to join, and re-join, these rewarding and beneficial roles. Orientation is of-fered for all of them so that ministers can perform their roles with confidence. To learn more or to let us know of your willingness to serve in these minis-tries, please send an email to [email protected]. THANK YOU! to those who already participate in these ministries.

MONDAY 2 AUGUST / Nm 11:4b-15/Mt 14:13-21

TUESDAY 3 AUGUST / Nm 12:1-13/Mt 14:22-36 • 7 AM - Mass +George Waldvogel • 6:30 PM - Church Design Committee

WEDNESDAY 4 AUGUST / Nm 13:1-2,25-14:1,26-29,34-35/Mt 15:21-28 • 8:15 AM - Mass +Don Steckbauer

THURSDAY 5 AUGUST /Nm 20:1-3/Mt 16:13-23 • 8:15 AM - Mass +Petra Regis

FRIDAY 6 AUGUST | Transfiguration Dn 7:9-10,13-14/2 Pt 1:16-19/Mk 9:2-10 • 7 AM - Mass +Special Intention

SATURDAY 7 AUGUST / Dt 6:4-13/Mt 17:14-20 • No Reconciliation

NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | 7/8 August 1 Kgs 19:4-8/Eph 4:30-5:2/Jn 6:41-51 • 4 PM Saturday +Marvin Wesenick - LIVESTREAM • 8:30 AM Sunday +Maynard Hollis • 10:30 AM Sunday - People of St. Anne Parish

BECOMING CATHOLIC: if you’re interest-ed in learning more about Jesus, the Church, becoming a Catholic Christian and what it means to be a disciple of Je-sus, we’d love to talk with you. Please contact Lee Ann Lella, disciple formation co-director, [email protected]. Or, if you know someone who might appreciate a bit of encouragement or an invitation in terms of becoming a Catholic Christian, please extend that invitation and encouragement to them.

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GRANDPARENTS / from Page 1

make it possible for our young people to have new visions; in this way, together, we can build the future. You need to show that it is possi-ble to emerge renewed from an experience of hardship. I am sure that you have had more than one such experience; in your life you have faced any number of trou-bles and yet were able to pull through. Use those experiences to learn how to pull through now. Dreams are thus intertwined with memory. I think of the pain-ful memory of war, and its im-portance for helping the young to learn the value of peace. Those among you who experienced the suffering of war must pass on this message. Keeping memory alive is a true mission for every elderly person: keeping memory alive and sharing it with others. Edith Bruck, who survived the horror of the Shoah, has said that “even illuminating a single con-science is worth the effort and pain of keeping alive the memory of what has

been.” She went on to say: “For me, memory is life.” I also think of my own grandparents, and those among you who

had to emigrate and know how hard it is to leave everything behind, as so many people continue to do today, in hope of a future. Some of those people may even now be at our side, caring for us. These kinds of memory can help to build a more humane and welcoming world. Without memory, however, we will never be able to build; without a foundation, we can never build a house. Never. And the foundation of life is memory.

Finally, prayer. As my predecessor, Pope Benedict, himself a saintly elderly person who continues to pray and work for the Church, once said: “the prayer of the elderly can protect the world, helping it perhaps more effectively than the fre-netic activity of many others.” He spoke those words in 2012, towards the end of his pontificate. There is something beau-tiful here. Your prayer is a very precious resource: a deep breath that the Church and the world urgently need. Especially in these difficult times for our human fami-ly, as we continue to sail in the same boat across the stormy sea of the pandemic, your intercession for the world and for the Church has great value: it inspires in everyone the serene trust that we will soon come to shore. I ask the Lord that, also through his example, all of us may open our hearts in sensitivity to the sufferings of the poor and intercede for their needs. May each of us learn to repeat to all, and especially to the young, the words of consolation we have heard spoken to us today: “I am with you always!” Keep moving forward! May the Lord grant you his blessing.

St. Anne and Jesus, St. Anne Church, Mackinac Island, MI.