oregon city enterprise. (oregon city, or.). (oregon city

THE ENTERPRIS OREGON CITY, OREGON, MARCH 1. 1S76. NOTICE. No Certificates of publica-H- u will le given until oir fer are paid. Ifr iaM ji't.te jw deviation, from this 'rule t future. Heal llstate Transfers. The following transfers arc reported in this eounty during the past week : Isaac M.Foster and wife to.Jno.Fern-lev- . il'J.O afTcs in T. 2, S. It. 3 K. Con-Mderatio- n, SiI.TjO. Harlow A Fuller to Tho. Ifcirtlett, 12..jJ aw in T. 2, S. Ii. 2 K. Consider- ation, S12.UK). Webster Jenkins to Ti. V. Starr, 100 acres in See. 12, T. 2, S. 11, 2 E. Consid-eratio- n 62K). Josiah Mvrick to N. V. Kandall, lots 3 and 4 in block 1 10. Consideration $15. J. YV. OUieM and wife to O. A. Torte, Pi.) acres in IiOvcr Molalla precinct. Consideration, 17,X0. Win. ll.Smathers to J. 1. Ward, LSI acres in See. T. 2, S. II. a R. $1 ,(KJ(). 1). K. Tavlor, bv administrator, to CJ. Woi.ster, I'M acre's in T. 4, S. 11. 2 K. Consideration, S. Jj. Campbell and wife to A. Kndoy, lot (i in block 50. Consideration, Sitt. C.v. Kndev and wife to W. C. Johnson, lot d in block 50. Consideration, Win. Phillips and wife to Jay Phil-l- i, St acres in Sec. T. 1, S. R. 2 K. Consideration, 5250. o A. F. Jones and wife to T. O. Jones, in See. 10, T. 2. S. 11. 2 K., 227 acres. Consideration, $). Mrs. K. Ilarvev to W. C. Johnson, lots 2, 4, and 3, in block 50. Consid- eration. $50. J. 1 Ward to Anna K. Smalhers, 1S-- acres in See. 30, T. 2, .S. 11. 3 K. Consid- eration i?l,liH. Tualatin River Mfg. Co., by Sheriff, to K. 15. Currey, lot 1 in block 2, and lot 7 in block 4, in the town of Oswego. Consideration, SS27 37. A CAKI). Kkitou TjNtkuim isk 1'lcase allow mo space in your columns to thank my friends in Oregon City and vicinity for their presence at the donation party vriven in my behalf on the evening of Feb. 2l:h. We saw many smiling faces, heard many pleasant words; and to- ward the close of the evening heard sweet mush; (no dancing) . afterward, fervent praj-er- ; then followed the grasping of hands, the kind "good night" and we were left in the pres- ence of Rev. P. M. Starr, P. F. of Port- land District, M. 11. Church; Father Kclley, master of the ceremonies for the evening; Mothers Kclley and Pope, pioneers of Methodism; and Mr. anil Mrs. J. W. Meld rum, who had kindly granted the freedom of their commodi- ous residence for the entertainment of the numerous guests. We were enrich- ed by the happy Associations of the evening, and. by the reception of S0 solid cash. I would also acknowledge the receipt of 5, at a previous date, which was donated by friends, and presented bv Mr John Myers. CLx"" Thanks an 1 kind regards to all the donors. ii. W. D.v v. .'i'.am.m vnScirooi.. The present term of Prof. Pope's grammar school closes next Friday. There will be no vaca- tion, however, and on Monday,! he 13th, school will open nirain with its usual full attendance. Mr. Pope will have classes in the higher mat hematics as well as in thecouimoii Knglisii branch- es. He is sdso prepared to give a thorough commercial course, equal to that to be attained at the hading busi- ness colleges. There will be a large class of young ladies in the commer- cial department, to avail themselves' of this excel h'lit opportunity for obtain- ing a thorough businesscdii'-atioii- . The tuition for the entire course is only S3 per month. Mr. Pope is too well known as a thorough ntaclical teacher to need any particular comment of urs. We consider it a real treat to drop into his school room for an hour and note the rapid progress and 1 inda-bl- e ambition so le;n ly manifested by the pupils. Visitors are always wel- come; M r. Pope says they do not dis- turb, but rather encourage the school. Miss Km ma Miu.ek, of this city sang at Portland on Fridav night for the benefit of the public librarv. flio manner in which she rendered the vo- cal solo "CarinV is spoken of in terms of the highest prai-- e by the press of Portland. Miss Miller snug also on Tuesday night for the benefit of the Y. M.C A., and at the close of the exer- cises was tendered a vote of thanks by the society for the favor she had so kiudlv conferred. liEr i Kit List. letters remaining in the Postoflice, at Oregon City, March :M, 1:7: Ilallanee, HarvyS. : Brantigucr, H. ; Corby, Miss Nettie: Oarrison, Jos. .; Jore .Miss Drnsilla : Johnson. John; Ijoonev. Miss Parelino (2); Matlock, K. C. ;'McCrow, Prof. O. J.; Ogle. Miss Kva; Ogle, Robt. : Pavene, Mrs. Sarah F. ; Smith, John H.; Tucker, Miss Kliz-alK-- th ; Turner, Thomas. n If called for please sav when "adver- tised." J. M. ll vcox, P. M. Y.M.C. A. This socie ty has rented the hall under the (!ood Templars', and are fitting it up in good shape. The hall is large enough for all requirements ofthesociety.whiloa partition across the east end separates the hall from what can lie made a pleasant and cozy read- ing room. The young men who are engaged in this work show commenda- ble zeal in its prosecution, and a deter- mination which augurs the ultimate success of the organization. Tin WKnnrxu. A largo ami merry company ' assembled at the house of Mr. and Mrs. A. Xoltner on Tuesday night, the occasion of the tenth anni- versary of theirs wedding day. There was lots of fun, plenty of delicious cake and ice-crea- m, tinware enough to last a life time and many kind wishes for the future prosperity of the estimable couple. Nomination. At a special meeting of the "Columbia Hooks," on Saturday, Hon. Hiram Cochran was noininated for Assistant chief Engineer of the Fire Department, in place of Mr. Stevens who resigned. The contest will now Iks between Mr. Jeo. A. Harding for Chief and Mr. Cochran for Assistant on one ticket, and Mr. Jno. Myors for Chief and Mr. .Ins. M. Welch for As- sistant on the other. Censvs of School District No. G2. O, Total number of voters, 24S; females over 20, 214 ; females between 4 and 20, 201; females under four, 2. Numler of males between 4 and 20, lsyt; under 4. GO. Total females. 47s ; males, 492. Population. 073, with 10o Chinese and 10 Indian, making a grand total of 1.0S3. Partnership. Dr. II. W. Ross, of this city, has taken into partnership DrWarren N. Davis, late of Pennsyl- vania. Dr. Davis is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, and brings with him" testimonials of the highest order. The Board of Delegates of the fire department met and wa duly or- ganized on Wednesday night. Col.W.I . White, was elected President, Mr. A. C. 1 .ailey Secretary and Mr. J as. Harding Treasurer. Goino to PoivriAXi. On Monday next Mr. Thos. A. Sutherland, of this city, goes to Portland, where ho will be en eased with. Mr. Noltncr on the Standard. In Town. Mr. K. C. Hadaway of Yamhill county was in town on busi- ness vt week and favored us with a call. Teach e it's Institute. The Fourth Judicial District Teacher's Institute will be. held at Forest Grove on Tues-d- aj March 21, and continue in session for three days. The citizens of that village will entertain all teachers at- tending the session, free of charge.. It is desired those intending to be present at the session will on their part accom- modate the local committee of arrange- ments by riotifs'ing Ahio S. Watt, For- est Grove, of their intentions. The 4th Judicial District includes the coun- ties of Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Multnomah and Washington. The donation party for Rev. Mr. Hull" at the Baptist Church, on Wednes- day night, was a success, fiancally and socially. A jrreat number of friends were hi attendance and with songs and lively conversation the evening passed pleasantly. Cnwkix. We aro very sorry to learu that Hon. Owen Wade, Register in the land office, is quite unwell. It is feared he has typhoid fever. We hope this will not prove true, however, and thut he will soon be up and about again. Mr. Allisox, who caino to this city in 113, is reported as dangerously ill at his home on the bluff. We hope that our old residents of his acquaintance will not forget him in this extremity. On Sunday evening, the union ser- vices will le held at Pope's Hall, in order that all may be accommodated with seats. Fverybody is expected to attend. The West Shore for February we find as interesting as any of its prede- cessors. A tine cut of "the Three Sis- ters," peaks in the Cascade range, adorns its first page. Pkhsoxal. Miss Hal brook, of Al- bany, Miss Carrie Hunsaker, of this place, and Mr. Fisher, of Can von City, paid us a Hying visit on Monday. A DEicn got entangled in the weeds in the pond at Can field's saw mill last week and was dispatched with a pike pole. Mr. Owen Wade is having his lami- - ly moved into town. He has taken the house he used to occupy on north Main street. The "Young Men's Pleasure Club will give a ball at Idb:ary Hall on this (Friday) evening. A pleasant time is anticipated. Mn. 1j. Ackkkmax left on the last steamer for San Franci sco, to la- - in his sprinsr stock. Iiook out for nice things when he returns. Mim.ek, MAUsitAr.r, A Co. received 4.0tM bushels of wheat at their flouring mills on Saturday. Skvki:i, persons are to unite with the Congregational Church on Sunday next. Last Tuesday was leap year day, and as far as we are concerned, the girls failed to take advantage of it. Hay is scarce in Yamhill county, and some of the farmers are coming to this county to buy. We have just received public doeu- - ments front Senator Mitchell, for which In; has our thanks. Thanks. Hon. L. F. Lane has our thanks for public documents. Ont City Council meets" next Mon- day night. IjAst Wednesday was the first day of Ijcnt. Fireman's election on Monday. SUMMAUY OF STATU NCWS. Dayton wants butter. Jackson county is troubled with paupers. A weekly "paper is talked of at the Cascades. There is an abundance of ice stored np for the summer. A ninety foot liberty pole lias been erected at Pendleton. Five men, last week, fell overboard at Astoria in four nights. Lewisville, Polk county, lias no shoe-stor- e, saloon or hoodlums. Every available team is being used for plowing, in Yamhill county. Political aspirants are advertising liberally in the Bedrock Democrat. Leo Lianglilin lias sold his farm in North Yamhill to Frank Ilouseworth. Mr. S. A. Watters has started an oakum factory u mile from Portland. A man named Miser has discovered rich diggings on the North Unipqua. The McGibueys left on Wednesday for Puget Sound. lfc was a man named Steel, in Portland this time. Circular saw fingers off. Old story. Governor Ferry of Washington Teritory was in Portland on Tues- day. The population of Oregon, exclu- sive of Indians and Chinese, is 104,-92- 0. 300 boats will be employed this season, in fishing on the Columbia river. The cars ran over and killed Mr. Marshal's mare last week near Hose-bur- g. A mining stock company has been organized at lloseburg, with a cap ital Ot 12U,UtlO. The Vivian family will perform in Portland some time during the pres- ent month. One of Oregon's pioneers, Jeremiah Spanlding, died last week in Skamo-kaw- a valley. 15,000 bushels of apples were ship- ped, last week, from Salem to San Francisco. 34 conversions have thus far been made at the Hopewell "protracted meeting." The Mormons who lectured in tin's place week before last are doing "rood work" at Salem. Oregon's productions for the Cen- tennial were shipped last week, on the steamer Ajax. Maj. Oornoyer will not take charge of the Umatilla reservation until the middle of this month or the first of April. Ilev. Mr Ellis of Forest Grove has been teaching the Y. M. C. A. of Portland how to catch a Tartar. "We would prefer being taught how-t- let him go. The Mercury says there are 57 acres of cultivated land in Oregon to every inhabitant. . A company has been formed to work the Browning ledge, on Grave creek, Douglas countv Johnny Ruble killed an eagle np in LUendale; seven feet from tip to "i-- , .oA hull ironi oeaK to tail. Lafayette will have a company of "boomaladdies" to be known as the ! lamhill county Guards. ! Mrs. M. A. Hanna has been elected I President of the Yamhill County: Woman SnfTVn The Democratic county convention for Baker county will convene at Baker city some time in April next. A young Astorian timnses himself by sending anonymous communica- tions to married people of his village with a view to create domestic squab- bles. It is the opinion of those compe- tent to judge, that the expense of opening the Eldorado ditch, Baker county, aud getting the water throngh this spring, will be very light as compared with the expense incurred heretofore. A bale of Oregon flax will be ship- ped on the next steamer bound for Dundee, Scotland. This flax is to be spun and woven into linen cloth for the purpose of comparing it with similar fabrics made from llax raised in foreign countries. The Bee man is insanely raving about a lady caller, who "surprised, stormed and captured" that dignitary, despite the length of his auricular appendages. We conclude this must i be the lirst lady who ever honored the office of that evanescent sheet with her presence, and if it affects him in this way, she will probably be the last. According to the census of last year, there are 12,858 more males than females in this State, and 27,10'J legal voters. The nnmber of acres of land in cultivation is 505.(520, on which wero raised 5,257,102 bushels wheat, 2JS3.08G bushels oats, 2SD,70S bushels barley, 17,33 bushels rye, 1(51.433 tons hay,0(5,72S bnshels corn, 28,187 pounds tobacco, 527.820 bnsh- els potatoes, and 1,175,254 bushels apples. Terrific Explosion. Ilxplosi.ni on hoard a Scow used at limatiMa linphls in improving the Channel ol the Columbia. On the morning of the 1st, the scow belonging to Grant tfc Stone engaged in removing obstructions aud widening the channel at Uma- - j tilla llapids, was blown up at 11 o'clock. Pieces of the hulk were thrown upwards of a half mile. Twelve men are missing supposed to be lost. As yet McCabe's body is the only one recovered. The names of the missing are Connely, Hanson, Mangon, Sullivan, Fogg, Krnss, Hathaway, Bruder, McMalley", Wat- ty, Tenbroolc, Newell. The cause of the explosion is supposed to have been either a defec boiler or on account of the sudden ignition of some giant powder which was care- lessly stored near the furnace. In cither case carelessness is manifest and the terrible aster should be probed to the bottom and the guilty ones b u :,; to justice. Steamboat explosions are becoming entirely too frequent on this coast almost justi- fying the superstition that all the boil ersin use hereabouts have been pre- viously condemned in the East. liriag out 'lie Vilal S"i ergy. There is generally, even in the mot delicate constitution, a latent reserve of vital energy. The medical stimulant of all others best calculated to rouse this 'vis inertia is Hostetter's Stomach Hitters. The impulse which that ines timahle lends to the action of the various organs insures a more vigorous and consequently healthy discharge of their various functions than they would be capable of without its aid, and tho "fillip to nature" thus communicated is nover cxessive, but always equable ami regular. Just so much stimulation is imparted as is re- quired, and no more. In respect of the healthful gentleness of their action, the Bitters are immeasurably superior to the unmcdicatcd stimulants of com- merce, which, though they produce a powerfully resuscitating ellect for a few minutes, are invariably followed by a reaction, corresponding in depres- sion to their primal effect. They ex- cite so much at first that nature is wearied by the effort, and is apt to sink under the exhaustion. Physicians who have made tho stimulative action of the Hitters the subject of experiment, declare their decided preference of them over any othr similar article. An equally high opinion is entertained of their regulating qualities by medi- cal men who are acquainted with their tonic effects. They speedily rectify an irregular habit of body, digestive dis- orders, and delinquencies of the urin- ary organs, which added to their strengthening inlluenee, renders inval- uable aid in dyspepsia, constipation, biliary derangements and weakness or irritation of tho bladder kidneys. Rheumatic affections are also greatly alleviated bv their blood depurating and ry action. Important. Endorsed by the Medical profession. PR. WM. HAIJS RU-SA- .p ti rur T.IT V IS cures 'otirhs. Colds and Oonsmi-tion- . and all "p Throat, an.l Chot. IU. TOWbEVS TOOTHACHE ANODYNE cures in nnc MINUTE. leblii r7-T- he National fJold Medal was award-p- d to nradloy & Hulofson for the b-- st Photosranhs in tho United .States, and the Vienna Medal for the best in the world. 429 Montgomery Street, .San 1 rancisco. HEADACHE. As a remedy for -- head-ttche Toad's Extract is used with much benefit, by bathing the forehead with it and taking ten or fifteen drops internally. It is most useful fn headaches of a coit7cs-tiv- e character, attended with a fulness, heaviness and tension in the. head, and especially where headaches are attended result In nose bleed, with or are liable to the forehead may bo bathed or a cloth, wet in tho Extract, and taken inwardly. in an nour. n dose as above, repeated. necessary. Too Yowo to PiK.-Thous- ands of between the ages of 1 and voung persons of whom 2 die of consumption, every one might have been saved by using IIAi-l- . S Honey of Horeuocsd and Tar when t he couch first Ret in. Pike's toothache Props cur? In one minute. A Fine Tiling for the Teeth. Fragrant SOZODONT is a composi- tion of tho purest and choicest ingre- dients of the Oriental vegetable king- dom, livery ingredient is well known to have a beneficial ellect' on the teeth and gums. Its embalming or antisep- tic property and aromatic fragrance make it a toilet luxury. SOZODONT removes all disagreeable orders from the breath caused by catarrh, bad teeth, Ac. It is entirely free from the in- jurious and acrid properties of pastes and powders which destroy the enamel. One bottle will last six mouths. rii:r. Feb. oth, at McFee's mill, Washington co John Mcl-Ve- , aged i0 years. He was the eldest son of Henry McFee, of Washington County. lie was a young man of quiet and industrious habits, and well liked by all who knew him. Ho de- parted this life after an Illness of 30 inin. utes. He was born in Ohio, March 27th, 1S17. He leaves a wife and 3 children to mourn his loss. F. BORX. Nar Clackamas, Feb. 2(th, to tho wife of Geo. W. Capps, a daughter. NEW TO-DA- Y. Summons. In the Circuit Court of t ho State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Mathias Kandle, Plaintiff, vs. Helen A. Kandle, Defendant. Tc Ifel.;n A. Kandle, defendant : THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you aro hereby required to ap- pear and answer the complaint filed ncainst. you in tho above entitled suit, bv the first day of the term of said Court fol- lowing the expiration of six weeks from the lirst publication of this summons, said first publication being on the 3d day of March, 1S70 ; and if you fail to answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the Court, for the relief demanded "therein, which is for a dissolution of the nmrriage contract existing I km. ween plaintiff and defendant herein, and for the custody of the minor children. by ordrof Hon. E. 1 Sliatf uek, Judge of said Court, daled March 1st, 1S7(. I- -. T. JJAKIW Attorney for Pl'ff. Citali n. In the County Court of Clackamas Countv, Oregon. Tn the, mattr-- r of thi Kstate of Henrv .Sprague, deceased. To Mary M. Jackson, an h ir of deceased : rilHK ADMINISTIllTOR OF SAID A Estate having filed in said Court her petition praying for tur.-ns- to sell land to said Estate, s.tuate in Clacka- mas County, Oregon, bounded as follows, f it : beginning at t !" corner between Sees. 1 1 and 2a East m T. 2 S., J. 3 K., run- ning thence North s) rods; thenc West l.i) r.d? ; tli'Mio-- South lii) rods: thenc: East 111 roils ; thence Nort 120 rods to the plae of b '.inniiig ; containing X,V.) acres more or less. Therefore in the nam" of the State of Oregon you are hereby cited to appear in said Court at a t rin thereof to be held on Monday, the 3d day of April, A. I. Is7(i, to show cans'1, if any exist, why an order of sale should not bj made as in said petition prayed for. ( 1 Witness, th Hon, N. W. Iian- - l r..s ' dall, Judjre of said Court, and ( ) th" s al thereof allixed the 1st day of Maroh, A. I . 1S7. mh3-4t- . J. M. FUAZK1J, Clerk. adiiiiiiisfrafoi-'- Siile. "P X IC3tSTI AXt'K OF AN ORDER- AND h licens issued aud made tha 7th dav of February A. I . lS7ti, by the County Court ot Clackamas'ountv, Oregon, the under- signed Administrators of the Kstate ,f W. W. Cook, deceased, will on Wednesday, the 2ith day of April, A. i . lS7t!, .f 1 o'clock I. M., Sit the Court House lo-- in Oregon City, Oregon, sell nt public auction the fol- lowing described tract of land belomrin to said estato, in Clac kamas Count v, Oregon, to-w- it : The W. ?i of t he S. W. ?.i of See. 7, in T. 2 S., It. 3 E., in one pared. The K. v. of the s. W. V, of Sec 7 in T. 3 S., It. St. H., in one parcel. Terms of Sale i h cash, in gold coin, on day of sale; rem,-- , ind r si.t v daws time, bearing interest id the rate'ol oiie per cent, per inont h. r:!o;. v. foster, IV. II. C OOiv, March 3d. lS7(i-l- t. Admrs. Johnson & Met'owx, Aft'vs. Fin Settlement. IIIKKKI'.Y GIVi: XOTICK THAT I in th" Count v Court of Clack- amas County, Oregon, mv final account ns Administrator of t lie Estate of A. M. Hard- ing, deceased, and the Court has appointed Monday, the 3d day of April A. 1. KS7(, for the "hearing of objections to and settle-inc- ut of the same. A'. O, HARDING, March 2, ls7G-l- t. Adm'r. Johnson & McOov.'n, Affys. Final Settlement. TRKREKV GIV1-- NOTICE THAT I in the County Court of Clack- amas County, Oregon, my final account as Administrator of the F.statk ok J. . ItonniNS, deceased, and the Court has Monday, the 3d d.i.v of April A. J). lS7ii, for the hearing of objections to, and settlement of the same. X. N. UOBUINS, March 2, lS7f.-f- . Admr. Johnson & McCowx, Attys. ii. w. noss, ar. d. wakkkn . da vis, jr. r. ROSS & 11 A VIS, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Oregon City, - - Oregon. at the City Dispensary, corner of Main and Fourth sts. Ir. Davis is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, and has lately arrived Irom the East. Particular attention riven to surgery. Office hours from 8 o'clock a. m. to or. Ml Firemen's Election. V"OTICE IS HEREIJV GIVEN THAT y the Annual Election of the Oregon City Fire Department will be held on Mon- day, the (th day of March, lS7t',for the pur-IKJs-e of electing 1 Clilef Engineer, 1 A"s';n t Eiiiiircr, Polls to be openetl at House of Cataract Hose Company, No. 2. F. O. MeCOWX, Mayor of Oregon City. W0R8HAM a BAMSBY, Dealers in BEEF, PORK AND MUTTON. Ortrt Fellows Rntlaliiir, Main St. Reorders delivered to any part ofOrcgon City or Canemah. Oregon City, Feb. IS :tf. Laltocquc, Savior & Co. Oregon City. Keep constantly on hand for sale Flour, Middlings, Jiran and Chicken Feed. Parties purchasing feed must furnish the sack. HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, OAK, ASH A XI) HICKORY FLAXK. XORTUKUP & THOMPSON, Dee. 31,lS7.j:m3 Portland, Oregon. " " " N. 'N. .'" NEW STORE AMD NE7G0CD3, Af NEW ERA. Dry Goods, Groceries, Toots and Shoes. Wooden Ware, Drus and Medicines,chcap for cash or produce! J. CASTO. DUVOL, MILLER & CO., AT MOORE'S MACHINE SHOP, OREGON CITY, OREGOX. MAXCPACTUREUS OP DITOL'S Vehicles of all kinds Also all kinds of Blacksin i t III ag Done to order, Wagons oii:l Carriages Made and Kepaired, and all kinds of armors' Rlaeksmithing done with dis- patch and neatness. Orders solicited. vv agon and Carriage makers are invited to examine our Patent Wlieels, And us them instead of Wooden Wheels. tT.Cltc?ur Wheels to either Iron or I nimble Skein Axles. dec2Hf. CLIFF HOUSE, OREGON CITY, OREGON, T. V. RHODES, 3?i-opi-ic-to- i. Transient Board, SI to ri per Day. Single Menla SO cents. Hoard per Week $5 OO Hoard mid lodging, er veelt.....S0 OO The Table will ba supplied with the best tho market affords. P.all Hupiers furnished on short notice, and at reasonable terms. Nov. 10, 1873 s fK HAVE THE FOLLOWING HEAD Estate lor sale. No. 1. Desirable building block in Oregon City. No. 2. ICO Acres, good house, and barn full of hay ; S" acres in cultivation, orchard, good water: miles-fro- Oregon City. Price SoOO, half down. No. 3. Acres, 75 In cultivat ion ; houses, barns, wells, Ac: good orchard; 0 miles from Oregon City. Price 1,500 ; halt down. Hell half placa at same rates. No. 4. 2tD Acres, 25 acres under cultiva- tion, 5 acres orchard, good running water; 125 acres open brush land; ?; mile from school house ; 8 miles from Oregon City. Jl.a Mj; half down, bal- ance in one and two years. No. 5. Part of all the Barber farm, on the river at Rock Island above Oregon City ; S5 per acre?. No. G. .Land on the river above Oregon City, cheap; p:irt of the Barber claim; good wood yard. No. 7. !1"20 acres; 75 Improved, a large, new, well finished frame dwelling, plum and apple, orchards, living wa- ter, IS acivs of fall wheat, ti miles lrom Oregon City, on Molalla road, church and school house adjoining ; can be had for t,25'J, one-thir- d down, balance on time. No. S. 4'J acres at Milwnukie; part beaver dam. Price, $1,000. No. 9. .S. I,. Campbell's homestead for sale. No. 10. A Hargnin. A farm in good run- ning order, of Ji'iO acres ; 125 acres in cultivation, tS acres of wheat, will produce 1200 bushels of wheat (will insure Si'l bushels), good orchard, good new barn, farming implement s, 4 head of cattle, 20 hogs, some of them fine stock, ten miles from Oregon City, school house, church, postoflice, and store near by ; all for S 1,25a, $1,-5)- 0, do.vn, balance in three years. Other desirable bargains in Clackamas, the best county In the State. Any sue having money to lend can have our services, free of charge. In managing the same and selecting securities. Persons wanting to borrow money can get favorable terms by calling on us. JOHNSON A McCOWN. and JOHXSOX, McCOWN cSfM.VC'KlTM. Offices tn Oregon City and Portland. Nov. 12. 1S7.3 :tf SELLSSJG OF AT COST! FOR Thirty DaysOnly! AT B. A. HUGHES', MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. Dealer In DRY GOODS,-GROCERIE- S, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. MAKING 3QQM FOilSPRINQ STOCK-13- . A. HUGHES. Oregon City, Jan. 3d, 1S7G. County Scrip Taken as Cash. Ja7rff. Miniiiistrator's Xoficr. -- JVT OTICE 1H HEREBY GIVEN TH AT I j have been appointed Administratrix of t he Estate of Wm. Broughton, deceased, by the Hon. County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, therefore all persons hav- ing claims against said estate aro requir- ed to present t hem fo me at Pease's Mill, at the falls of the Willamette River, in Clackamas Countv, Oregon, on or before the expiration of six months from date of this notice, with proper vouchers. SAHAH BIlOlfcHTO.V. JOHNSON fc McCOWN. Att'ys for Admt'x. Oregon City, Feb. 25 :4t. A tl in i ii i st r at o r s Notire. rpiIF, UNDKR-SIGNE- HAVING BEEN L appointed by the Hoiu- - County Court of Clackamas County, in the State of Ore- gon, administrator of tho estate of J. A. Burnett, deceased, late of said county, all personse havlns claims against said estate are rcrui red to present them to me, with their proper vouchers, within six months froir the date of this not ice, at the office of the County Clerk, in Oregon Citv, in said County. O.G. FOSTER, Administrator. -- Oregon City, Feb. 5, 1876. fcbll lit. OENTEMMI AL. 1776. 1876. CHICAGO k MJRTIMYESTERX RAILWAY. THE POPULAR ROUTE OVERLAND. FOH CHICAGO, PASSENGERS Pittsburg. Philadelphia, Montreal, Quebec, New York, Boston, or any point Fast, should buy t heir Tit A XSCONTIX MXTA I. TI C K. UTS Via the Pioneer lioute, THE CHICAGO it XOUTII-WKSTI2R- K RAILWAY. THIS IS TI1K BEST KOUTE EAST. Its track is of STEEL RAILS and on it haf Iwen made the fastest time that has evci been MADE in this country. By this route passengers for points east of Chicago have choice of the following lines from Chicago : Hj- - Hie Iittslitrr, Fort Wayne nncl I'hiciioaiid Peiumylriiiiiii Kail ways t 3 THROUGH TRAINS DAIDY.with Pull- man Palace Cars through to Philadel- phia and New York on each train. THROUGH TRAIN, with Pullman .1 Palacu Cars to Baltimore and Wash- ington. By tlie I.alce Slore and Miclilrait Southern Itnilivuy anl Connections (New York Central antl Krie Kail-ral- s) : O THROTTUH TRAINS DAIf.Y, with J 1'alace Drawing Room and Silver Pal- ace Sleeping Cars through to New York. By tlie 3iitlHrnia Central, Grant! TriinW, (Jrcat Western antl Krie antl New York Central Railway i Q TlfROUUII TRAINS, with Pullman T. f I alace Drawing Room and Sleeping ars through to New York, to Niagara Falls, Binfalo, Rochester or New York city. By Bsiltiitiore niul Ohio Unilroad: 6 TlIIiOUGir TRAINS DAILY, with Pullman Palace Cars for Newark Zanesville, Wheeling, Washington and Baltimore without change. This is the SHORTEST, BEST and onlv line runningl'ullnirtti celebrated PALACE SLEEPING CARS AND COACHES, con- necting with Union Pacific Railroad at OMAHA and from the WEST, via Grand Junction, Marshall, Cedar Rapids, Clinton, Sterling and Dixon, for CHICAGO AND THIS EAST. This popular route is unsurpassed tor Speed, Comfort and Safety. The smooth, well-ballaste- d and perfee-- t track of steel rails, the celebrated Pullman Palace Sleep- ing Cars, t he perfect Telegraph System of moving trains, t he regularity with which they run, the admirable arrangement of running through cars to Chicago from all !oints West, secure to passengers all tho comforts in modern Railway Traveling. No change of Cars and no tedious delays at Ferries. Passengers will find Tickets via. this Fa- vorite Route at the General Ticket Office of the Central Pacific Railroad, Sacramen- to. Tickets for sale in all the Ticket Offices of the Central Pacific Railroad. W. H. STENNETT, Gen. Pas. Agent. MARTIN HUGIIITT, Gen. Sup. H. P. STAN WOOD, General Agency, 121 Montgomery street, an Francisco. Aug. 13 :ly GOM STEAMSHIP CO.'S STEAFiEOAT NOTICE I Sti-- . 3i:. jN". COOKE, Will lea ve OREGON CITY for PORTLAND every day Except Sunday, at 7 o'clock, A. M. Returning, will leave Portland for Oregon City at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sti ALICE, Will leave OREGON CITY forf'ORVALLIS every .Mondayand Thursday of each week. Str. Fniinio I-atto- Will leave OREGON CITY for DAYTON and intermediate points on .Monday and Thursday of each week. J. I). BILES, January 1st. 1S71 :tf. Agent. 200U EDITION. MAN II O OD, REVISKD AND CORRKCTED BY TIIK AUTHOR, K. de F. cniTIS, M. D.. &c, Sic. A Medical Essay on the causes and cure of premature decline of man, showing how health Is lost, and how regained. It gives a clear synopsis of the impediments to marriage, the treatment of nervous and physical debility, exhausted vitality, and all other diseases apix-rtainin- thereto; the results of twenty years successful prac- tice. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. CURTIS ON "MANHOOD." There is no member of society by whom this book will not he found usefy, whether he be parent preceptor or clergyman. I,ondon Time. CURTIS ON ".MANHOOD." This book should he read by th9 young for instruc- tion, and by the atllicted for relief; it will injure no one. Mctiical Timet and Gazette. Price One Dollar, by mail or express. Address the author, DR. CURTIS, 520 Sut- ter street, or P. O. Box; 337, San Francisco, Cat. aug. 'J7 dyisd3m J. H. SHEPARD, T ioot and Slioo Store, One door north of Ackerman Bros. Boots and shoes made and repaired as cheap as the cheapest. Nov. 1, 1875 i LOUIS JAGCERS, (Successor to Jacob Wort man) OKEGOX CITY, OREGOX. CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AT KEEPS stand, the largest and most complete stock of family GROCERIES AND fROVISIONS Of every description, including Canned Goods, Spices, Green Groceries Tobacco and Cigars, in fact, everything to be found in a first class Groce ry store. B;oods delivered to all parts of the Citv Free of Charge. Cash price paid for Potatoes, Oats and other Produce. LOUIS JAGGERS. Nov. 23, 1S75. tf. Administrator's Sale. In the County Court, of the St ate of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. In the matter of the Kstate of Currin T. Kimbley, deceased. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY" GIVEN THAT J3i in pursuance of an order and license m ado and given by the Hon. County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, nt tho special term held February 5th, ls7tt, thereof, I will proceed fo sell at public auc- tion, to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in Oregon City, on Saturday, the 11th day of March, A. D. 1X70, at the hoorof 1 o'clock J. St., the following de- scribed parcel of land, situated in Clacka- mas County, Oregon, and belonging lo the estate of said deceased : the W. M of X. E H of Sec. 10, T. 2, ., K. 3 E. of the Willamette Meridian, cor taining 80 acres more, or less. Terms of sale gold coin down at the time of sale. Deed at the expense of pur- chaser. CASWELL KIMBLEY, Administrator. Oregon City, Feb. 10, 1S76. CI-IAS- . TClSriGrllT, CANIJY, OREGON, I HVSICI A N AND DRUGGIST, Prescriptions carefully tilled at short notice, ja7Jf. FALL 1875 O o Is your time to buy goods at low priccsO AGKERIAR BEOTHEES are now receiving a large stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, all of the latest Styles, which will sell- - AT LESS THAN FCRTLANO PRICES Our stock hns lvn'lin,iri,t 1-- we will sell it at a small advance -- kbove. 0 SAN FRANCISCO. COST. "t7"E WILL SAY TO EVERYBODY BE- - y fore you purchase or go to Portland,- - O come and jiricoeour goods and convince yourself that we do what we say. Our stork consists in part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing, . Hats, Boots and Shoes, O Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Notions, Grotj ice, Hard ware" and a great many other articles too numer' ours to mention A LS O o DOORS, WINDOWS, PAINTS AND OILS, I ETC., ET(? We will also pay the Highest' Marked Price for Q Country Produce.- - ACKERM?N BROS. Oregon City. Sept. 23, lti75- tf O ALLEi MATTOOftVo (LEAR CREEK, CLACKAMAS COU.XTT.o DESIRE TO INFORM MY OLD CtTS--tomer- s, I and the public at large, that I have Jnst received a new supply of FAMILY GROCERIES, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, CUTLERY, HARDWARE", And Other 3IiscelIaneous Goods. All of which I now offer for sale at the LOWEST MARKET RATES. o My object Is to tell all myoldfriends and customers that I am still alive, and desir- ous to sell goods Cheap, FOK CASH, o upon such terms as agreed upon, q I shall also have in my employ a thorough: BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, and constantly keep stock on hand fer thv o plan ii fart lire & Krpair of Boots & Shoesr and all orders in that line will be promptly attended to. ALLEN MATTOON, Near the Viola JIHIs octl t o FIPJE POULTRY. IBS mm. o Jfeil Bred by EVS- - EYRE, Jr. jSTAIPA, California, Bronz Turkej-s- . weighing 40 lbs, each Em-d- en Geese, weighing from 40 to 50 fcsv ' P('r pair. Bra h mas,- - Leghorns, Games, etc. Pekin Ducks, aver- aging IS to 20 ttis., and best of all Ducks as layers.0 Also A fine assortment of Pigeons, Rabbits, Guinea Fowls and Ferrets. Any variety of fowls desired imiorted. Eoos, true to name, fresh and well packed, for sale at moderate prices. Send for Illustrated Circular, and Prioe List , to M. EYRE, Napa, CI- - On receipt of 10 cents In stamps, I win furnish specimen copy of the Pocltet 0 Eclletis. an illustrated 32 page monthly, the recognized authority in poultry matter in tho U. S. ; and decidedly the best Poul- try Journal published. Subscription only 51 25 a year. Please state where you saw this adver- tisement. Orders may also be left at this Q oftice. JOIKIV II. MOORE'S MACHINE SHOPS, OREGON CITV, OK EG OX. TEAJI ENGINES, SAW-M1LL- S, FLOtRIXG MILLS, SHAFTING, Pulleys, Haiiffer' Hydraulic Pumps GEARING, IJOXES, made to order. Reapers, Threshing Machines, and all kinds of Farming Machinery repaired in thft best manner. Farmers' Blackseiitn-in- g done with neatness and dispatch.' Wheat Cleaners, Jackets, Iron and 211 ne Shaker Screens and Perforated Plates, made to order. Agent forth e HOUSTON PATENT WATER WHEEL, The Best Wheel in Use. Orders Solicited Dec. 31, 1875 If AifniinistraiOr s Sale. V"OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, pursuant to an order of tho County Court of Marion County, Oregon, I will otter for sale at public auction on Saturday. March 2oth, 1.S76, at 11 o'clock. A. a Court House door in Oregon City. J-- 7 mas County, Oregon, for gold coin mhand, the following described real( "tnte, belong- ing to the estate of Joseph to-w- it : Lot 3 of 6. IP, and the S. W. of the S E. 14, and Ixts 1. 2. 3 and 4 of S. 0 all in T. 4 S. R. 2 E. of the Willamette Meridian, containing OWXf febl8i3t Administrator. O a O e O O o o

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Page 1: Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.). (Oregon City


NOTICE. No Certificates of publica-H- u

will le given until oir fer arepaid. Ifr iaM ji't.te jw deviation, from this

'rule t future.

Heal llstate Transfers.

The following transfers arc reportedin this eounty during the past week :

Isaac M.Foster and wife to.Jno.Fern-lev- .il'J.O afTcs in T. 2, S. It. 3 K. Con-Mderatio- n,

SiI.TjO.Harlow A Fuller to Tho. Ifcirtlett,

12..jJ aw in T. 2, S. Ii. 2 K. Consider-ation, S12.UK).

Webster Jenkins to Ti. V. Starr, 100acres in See. 12, T. 2, S. 11, 2 E. Consid-eratio- n

62K).Josiah Mvrick to N. V. Kandall, lots

3 and 4 in block 1 10. Consideration $15.J. YV. OUieM and wife to O. A. Torte,

Pi.) acres in IiOvcr Molalla precinct.Consideration, 17,X0.

Win. ll.Smathers to J. 1. Ward, LSIacres in See. T. 2, S. II. a R. $1 ,(KJ().

1). K. Tavlor, bv administrator, to CJ.Woi.ster, I'M acre's in T. 4, S. 11. 2 K.Consideration,

S. Jj. Campbell and wife to A. Kndoy,lot (i in block 50. Consideration, Sitt.C.v. Kndev and wife to W. C. Johnson,

lot d in block 50. Consideration,Win. Phillips and wife to Jay Phil-l- i,

St acres in Sec. T. 1, S. R. 2 K.Consideration, 5250.

o A. F. Jones and wife to T. O. Jones,in See. 10, T. 2. S. 11. 2 K., 227 acres.Consideration, $).

Mrs. K. Ilarvev to W. C. Johnson,lots 2, 4, and 3, in block 50. Consid-eration. $50.

J. 1 Ward to Anna K. Smalhers, 1S--

acres in See. 30, T. 2, .S. 11. 3 K. Consid-eration i?l,liH.

Tualatin River Mfg. Co., by Sheriff,to K. 15. Currey, lot 1 in block 2, and lot7 in block 4, in the town of Oswego.Consideration, SS27 37.


Kkitou TjNtkuim isk 1'lcase allowmo space in your columns to thank myfriends in Oregon City and vicinity fortheir presence at the donation partyvriven in my behalf on the evening ofFeb. 2l:h. We saw many smiling faces,heard many pleasant words; and to-ward the close of the evening heardsweet mush; (no dancing) . afterward,fervent praj-er- ; then followed thegrasping of hands, the kind "goodnight" and we were left in the pres-ence of Rev. P. M. Starr, P. F. of Port-land District, M. 11. Church; FatherKclley, master of the ceremonies forthe evening; Mothers Kclley and Pope,pioneers of Methodism; and Mr. anilMrs. J. W. Meld rum, who had kindlygranted the freedom of their commodi-ous residence for the entertainment ofthe numerous guests. We were enrich-ed by the happy Associations of theevening, and. by the reception of S0solid cash. I would also acknowledgethe receipt of 5, at a previous date,which was donated by friends, andpresented bv Mr John Myers.

CLx"" Thanks an 1 kind regards to allthe donors. ii. W. D.v v.

.'i'.am.m vnScirooi.. The present termof Prof. Pope's grammar school closesnext Friday. There will be no vaca-tion, however, and on Monday,! he 13th,school will open nirain with its usualfull attendance. Mr. Pope will haveclasses in the higher mat hematics aswell as in thecouimoii Knglisii branch-es. He is sdso prepared to give athorough commercial course, equal tothat to be attained at the hading busi-ness colleges. There will be a largeclass of young ladies in the commer-cial department, to avail themselves'of this excel h'lit opportunity for obtain-ing a thorough businesscdii'-atioii- . Thetuition for the entire course is only S3per month. Mr. Pope is too wellknown as a thorough ntaclical teacherto need any particular comment ofurs. We consider it a real treat to

drop into his school room for an hourand note the rapid progress and 1 inda-bl- e

ambition so le;n ly manifested bythe pupils. Visitors are always wel-come; M r. Pope says they do not dis-turb, but rather encourage the school.

Miss Km ma Miu.ek, of this citysang at Portland on Fridav night forthe benefit of the public librarv. fliomanner in which she rendered the vo-cal solo "CarinV is spoken of in termsof the highest prai-- e by the press ofPortland. Miss Miller snug also onTuesday night for the benefit of the Y.M.C A., and at the close of the exer-cises was tendered a vote of thanks bythe society for the favor she had sokiudlv conferred.

liEr i Kit List. letters remaining inthe Postoflice, at Oregon City, March:M, 1:7:

Ilallanee, HarvyS. : Brantigucr, H. ;Corby, Miss Nettie: Oarrison, Jos. .;Jore .Miss Drnsilla : Johnson. John;

Ijoonev. Miss Parelino (2); Matlock,K. C. ;'McCrow, Prof. O. J.; Ogle. MissKva; Ogle, Robt. : Pavene, Mrs. SarahF. ; Smith, John H.; Tucker, Miss Kliz-alK-- th

; Turner, Thomas.n If called for please sav when "adver-tised." J. M. ll vcox, P. M.

Y.M.C. A. This socie ty has rentedthe hall under the (!ood Templars',and are fitting it up in good shape. Thehall is large enough for all requirementsofthesociety.whiloa partition across theeast end separates the hall from whatcan lie made a pleasant and cozy read-ing room. The young men who areengaged in this work show commenda-ble zeal in its prosecution, and a deter-mination which augurs the ultimatesuccess of the organization.

Tin WKnnrxu. A largo ami merrycompany ' assembled at the house ofMr. and Mrs. A. Xoltner on Tuesdaynight, the occasion of the tenth anni-versary of theirs wedding day. Therewas lots of fun, plenty of delicious cakeand ice-crea- m, tinware enough to lasta life time and many kind wishes forthe future prosperity of the estimablecouple.

Nomination. At a special meetingof the "Columbia Hooks," on Saturday,Hon. Hiram Cochran was noininatedfor Assistant chief Engineer of the FireDepartment, in place of Mr. Stevenswho resigned. The contest will nowIks between Mr. Jeo. A. Harding forChief and Mr. Cochran for Assistant onone ticket, and Mr. Jno. Myors forChief and Mr. .Ins. M. Welch for As-sistant on the other.

Censvs of School District No. G2.O,Total number of voters, 24S; females

over 20, 214 ; females between 4 and 20,201; females under four, 2. Numlerof males between 4 and 20, lsyt; under4. GO. Total females. 47s ; males, 492.Population. 073, with 10o Chinese and 10Indian, making a grand total of 1.0S3.

Partnership. Dr. II. W. Ross, ofthis city, has taken into partnershipDrWarren N. Davis, late of Pennsyl-vania. Dr. Davis is a graduate of theUniversity of Pennsylvania, and bringswith him" testimonials of the highestorder.

The Board of Delegates of the firedepartment met and wa duly or-

ganized on Wednesday night. Col.W.I .White, was elected President, Mr. A. C.1 .ailey Secretary and Mr. Jas. HardingTreasurer.

Goino to PoivriAXi. On Mondaynext Mr. Thos. A. Sutherland, of thiscity, goes to Portland, where ho willbe en eased with. Mr. Noltncr on theStandard.

In Town. Mr. K. C. Hadaway ofYamhill county was in town on busi-ness vt week and favored us with acall.

Teach e it's Institute. The FourthJudicial District Teacher's Institutewill be. held at Forest Grove on Tues-d- aj

March 21, and continue in sessionfor three days. The citizens of thatvillage will entertain all teachers at-tending the session, free of charge.. Itis desired those intending to be presentat the session will on their part accom-modate the local committee of arrange-ments by riotifs'ing Ahio S. Watt, For-est Grove, of their intentions. The4th Judicial District includes the coun-ties of Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia,Multnomah and Washington.

The donation party for Rev. Mr.Hull" at the Baptist Church, on Wednes-day night, was a success, fiancally andsocially. A jrreat number of friendswere hi attendance and with songs andlively conversation the evening passedpleasantly.

Cnwkix. We aro very sorry tolearu that Hon. Owen Wade, Registerin the land office, is quite unwell. Itis feared he has typhoid fever. Wehope this will not prove true, however,and thut he will soon be up and aboutagain.

Mr. Allisox, who caino to this cityin 113, is reported as dangerously ill athis home on the bluff. We hope thatour old residents of his acquaintancewill not forget him in this extremity.

On Sunday evening, the union ser-vices will le held at Pope's Hall, inorder that all may be accommodatedwith seats. Fverybody is expected toattend.

The West Shore for February wefind as interesting as any of its prede-cessors. A tine cut of "the Three Sis-ters," peaks in the Cascade range,adorns its first page.

Pkhsoxal. Miss Hal brook, of Al-

bany, Miss Carrie Hunsaker, of thisplace, and Mr. Fisher, of Can von City,paid us a Hying visit on Monday.

A DEicn got entangled in the weeds inthe pond at Can field's saw mill lastweek and was dispatched with a pikepole.

Mr. Owen Wade is having his lami- -

ly moved into town. He has takenthe house he used to occupy on northMain street.

The "Young Men's Pleasure Clubwill give a ball at Idb:ary Hall on this(Friday) evening. A pleasant time isanticipated.

Mn. 1j. Ackkkmax left on the laststeamer for San Franci sco, to la- - in hissprinsr stock. Iiook out for nice thingswhen he returns.

Mim.ek, MAUsitAr.r, A Co. received4.0tM bushels of wheat at their flouringmills on Saturday.

Skvki:i, persons are to unite withthe Congregational Church on Sundaynext.

Last Tuesday was leap year day, andas far as we are concerned, the girlsfailed to take advantage of it.

Hay is scarce in Yamhill county, andsome of the farmers are coming to thiscounty to buy.

We have just received public doeu- -

ments front Senator Mitchell, for whichIn; has our thanks.

Thanks. Hon. L. F. Lane has ourthanks for public documents.

Ont City Council meets" next Mon-day night.

IjAst Wednesday was the first day ofIjcnt.

Fireman's election on Monday.


Dayton wants butter.Jackson county is troubled with

paupers.A weekly "paper is talked of at the

Cascades.There is an abundance of ice stored

np for the summer.A ninety foot liberty pole lias been

erected at Pendleton.Five men, last week, fell overboard

at Astoria in four nights.Lewisville, Polk county, lias no

shoe-stor- e, saloon or hoodlums.Every available team is being used

for plowing, in Yamhill county.Political aspirants are advertising

liberally in the Bedrock Democrat.Leo Lianglilin lias sold his farm in

North Yamhill to Frank Ilouseworth.Mr. S. A. Watters has started an

oakum factory u mile from Portland.A man named Miser has discovered

rich diggings on the North Unipqua.The McGibueys left on Wednesday

for Puget Sound.lfc was a man named Steel, in

Portland this time. Circular sawfingers off. Old story.

Governor Ferry of WashingtonTeritory was in Portland on Tues-day.

The population of Oregon, exclu-sive of Indians and Chinese, is 104,-92- 0.

300 boats will be employed thisseason, in fishing on the Columbiariver.

The cars ran over and killed Mr.Marshal's mare last week near Hose-bur- g.

A mining stock company has beenorganized at lloseburg, with a capital Ot 12U,UtlO.

The Vivian family will perform inPortland some time during the pres-ent month.

One of Oregon's pioneers, JeremiahSpanlding, died last week in Skamo-kaw- a

valley.15,000 bushels of apples were ship-

ped, last week, from Salem to SanFrancisco.

34 conversions have thus far beenmade at the Hopewell "protractedmeeting."

The Mormons who lectured in tin'splace week before last are doing"rood work" at Salem.

Oregon's productions for the Cen-tennial were shipped last week, onthe steamer Ajax.

Maj. Oornoyer will not take chargeof the Umatilla reservation until themiddle of this month or the first ofApril.

Ilev. Mr Ellis of Forest Grovehas been teaching the Y. M. C. A. ofPortland how to catch a Tartar."We would prefer being taught how-t-

let him go.

The Mercury says there are 57 acresof cultivated land in Oregon to everyinhabitant. .

A company has been formed towork the Browning ledge, on Gravecreek, Douglas countvJohnny Ruble killed an eagle np

in LUendale; seven feet from tip to"i--, .oA hull ironi oeaK to tail.

Lafayette will have a company of"boomaladdies" to be known as the !

lamhill county Guards. !

Mrs. M. A. Hanna has been elected I

President of the Yamhill County:Woman SnfTVn

The Democratic county conventionfor Baker county will convene atBaker city some time in April next.A young Astorian timnses himself

by sending anonymous communica-tions to married people of his villagewith a view to create domestic squab-bles.

It is the opinion of those compe-tent to judge, that the expense ofopening the Eldorado ditch, Bakercounty, aud getting the water thronghthis spring, will be very light ascompared with the expense incurredheretofore.

A bale of Oregon flax will be ship-ped on the next steamer bound forDundee, Scotland. This flax is to bespun and woven into linen cloth forthe purpose of comparing it withsimilar fabrics made from llax raisedin foreign countries.

The Bee man is insanely ravingabout a lady caller, who "surprised,stormed and captured" that dignitary,despite the length of his auricularappendages. We conclude this must i

be the lirst lady who ever honoredthe office of that evanescent sheetwith her presence, and if it affectshim in this way, she will probablybe the last.

According to the census of lastyear, there are 12,858 more malesthan females in this State, and 27,10'Jlegal voters. The nnmber of acresof land in cultivation is 505.(520, onwhich wero raised 5,257,102 bushelswheat, 2JS3.08G bushels oats, 2SD,70Sbushels barley, 17,33 bushels rye,1(51.433 tons hay,0(5,72S bnshels corn,28,187 pounds tobacco, 527.820 bnsh-els potatoes, and 1,175,254 bushelsapples.

Terrific Explosion.Ilxplosi.ni on hoard a Scow used at

limatiMa linphls in improving theChannel ol the Columbia.On the morning of the 1st, the

scow belonging to Grant tfc Stoneengaged in removing obstructionsaud widening the channel at Uma- - j

tilla llapids, was blown up at 11o'clock. Pieces of the hulk werethrown upwards of a half mile.Twelve men are missing supposed tobe lost. As yet McCabe's body is theonly one recovered. The names ofthe missing are Connely, Hanson,Mangon, Sullivan, Fogg, Krnss,Hathaway, Bruder, McMalley", Wat-

ty, Tenbroolc, Newell. The causeof the explosion is supposed to havebeen either a defec boiler or onaccount of the sudden ignition ofsome giant powder which was care-lessly stored near the furnace. Incither case carelessness is manifestand the terrible aster should beprobed to the bottom and the guiltyones b u :,; to justice. Steamboatexplosions are becoming entirely toofrequent on this coast almost justi-fying the superstition that all the boilersin use hereabouts have been pre-viously condemned in the East.

liriag out 'lie Vilal S"i ergy.There is generally, even in the mot

delicate constitution, a latent reserve ofvital energy. The medical stimulantof all others best calculated to rousethis 'vis inertia is Hostetter's StomachHitters. The impulse which that inestimahle lends to the actionof the various organs insures a morevigorous and consequently healthydischarge of their various functionsthan they would be capable of withoutits aid, and tho "fillip to nature" thuscommunicated is nover cxessive, butalways equable ami regular. Just somuch stimulation is imparted as is re-

quired, and no more. In respect of thehealthful gentleness of their action,the Bitters are immeasurably superiorto the unmcdicatcd stimulants of com-merce, which, though they produce apowerfully resuscitating ellect for afew minutes, are invariably followedby a reaction, corresponding in depres-sion to their primal effect. They ex-cite so much at first that nature iswearied by the effort, and is apt to sinkunder the exhaustion. Physicians whohave made tho stimulative action ofthe Hitters the subject of experiment,declare their decided preference ofthem over any othr similar article.An equally high opinion is entertainedof their regulating qualities by medi-cal men who are acquainted with theirtonic effects. They speedily rectify anirregular habit of body, digestive dis-orders, and delinquencies of the urin-ary organs, which added to theirstrengthening inlluenee, renders inval-uable aid in dyspepsia, constipation,biliary derangements and weaknessor irritation of tho bladder kidneys.Rheumatic affections are also greatlyalleviated bv their blood depuratingand ry action.

Important. Endorsed by the Medicalprofession. PR. WM. HAIJS RU-SA-.p ti rur T.IT V IS cures 'otirhs. Colds andOonsmi-tion- . and all "pThroat, an.l Chot. IU. TOWbEVSTOOTHACHE ANODYNE cures in nncMINUTE. leblii

r7-T-he National fJold Medal was award-p- d

to nradloy & Hulofson for the b--st

Photosranhs in tho United .States, and theVienna Medal for the best in the world.

429 Montgomery Street, .San 1 rancisco.

HEADACHE. As a remedy for -- head-ttche

Toad's Extract is used with muchbenefit, by bathing the forehead with itand taking ten or fifteen drops internally.It is most useful fn headaches of a coit7cs-tiv- e

character, attended with a fulness,heaviness and tension in the. head, andespecially where headaches are attended

result In nose bleed,with or are liable tothe forehead may bo bathed or a cloth,wet in tho Extract, and taken inwardly.

in an nour. ndose as above, repeated.necessary.

Too Yowo to PiK.-Thous- ands ofbetween the ages of 1 andvoung persons of whom2 die of consumption, every one

might have been saved by using IIAi-l- . SHoney of Horeuocsd and Tar whent he couch first Ret in.Pike's toothache Props cur? In one minute.

A Fine Tiling for the Teeth.Fragrant SOZODONT is a composi-

tion of tho purest and choicest ingre-dients of the Oriental vegetable king-dom, livery ingredient is well knownto have a beneficial ellect' on the teethand gums. Its embalming or antisep-tic property and aromatic fragrancemake it a toilet luxury. SOZODONTremoves all disagreeable orders fromthe breath caused by catarrh, bad teeth,Ac. It is entirely free from the in-

jurious and acrid properties of pastesand powders which destroy the enamel.One bottle will last six mouths.

rii:r.Feb. oth, at McFee's mill, Washington co

John Mcl-Ve- , aged i0 years.He was the eldest son of Henry McFee,

of Washington County. lie was a youngman of quiet and industrious habits, andwell liked by all who knew him. Ho de-

parted this life after an Illness of 30 inin.utes. He was born in Ohio, March 27th,1S17. He leaves a wife and 3 children tomourn his loss. F.


Nar Clackamas, Feb. 2(th, to tho wife ofGeo. W. Capps, a daughter.


Summons.In the Circuit Court of t ho State of Oregon

for the County of Clackamas.Mathias Kandle, Plaintiff,

vs.Helen A. Kandle, Defendant.Tc Ifel.;n A. Kandle, defendant :

THE NAME OF THE STATE OFOregon, you aro hereby required to ap-

pear and answer the complaint filedncainst. you in tho above entitled suit, bvthe first day of the term of said Court fol-lowing the expiration of six weeks fromthe lirst publication of this summons, saidfirst publication being on the 3d day ofMarch, 1S70 ; and if you fail to answer saidcomplaint, the plaintiff will apply to theCourt, for the relief demanded "therein,which is for a dissolution of the nmrriagecontract existing I km. ween plaintiff anddefendant herein, and for the custody ofthe minor children.

by ordrof Hon. E. 1 Sliatf uek, Judge ofsaid Court, daled March 1st, 1S7(.

I- -. T. JJAKIWAttorney for Pl'ff.

Citali n.In the County Court of Clackamas Countv,Oregon.Tn the, mattr-- r of thi Kstate of Henrv.Sprague, deceased.To Mary M. Jackson, an h ir of deceased :

rilHK ADMINISTIllTOR OF SAIDA Estate having filed in said Court herpetition praying for tur.-ns- to sell land

to said Estate, s.tuate in Clacka-mas County, Oregon, bounded as follows,f it : beginning at t !" corner betweenSees. 1 1 and 2a East m T. 2 S., J. 3 K., run-ning thence North s) rods; thenc Westl.i) r.d? ; tli'Mio-- South lii) rods: thenc:East 111 roils ; thence Nort 120 rods tothe plae of b '.inniiig ; containing X,V.)

acres more or less.Therefore in the nam" of the State of

Oregon you are hereby cited to appear insaid Court at a t rin thereof to be held onMonday, the 3d day of April, A. I. Is7(i, toshow cans'1, if any exist, why an order ofsale should not bj made as in said petitionprayed for.

( 1 Witness, th Hon, N. W. Iian- -l r..s ' dall, Judjre of said Court, and( ) th" s al thereof allixed the 1st

day of Maroh, A. I . 1S7.mh3-4t- . J. M. FUAZK1J, Clerk.

adiiiiiiisfrafoi-'- Siile.

"P X IC3tSTI AXt'K OF AN ORDER- ANDh licens issued aud made tha 7th dav ofFebruary A. I . lS7ti, by the County Courtot Clackamas'ountv, Oregon, the under-signed Administrators of the Kstate ,f W.W. Cook, deceased, will on Wednesday, the2ith day of April, A. i . lS7t!, .f 1 o'clock I.M., Sit the Court House lo-- in OregonCity, Oregon, sell nt public auction the fol-lowing described tract of land belomrin tosaid estato, in Clac kamas Count v, Oregon,to-w- it :

The W. ?i of t he S. W. ?.i of See. 7, in T. 2S., It. 3 E., in one pared.

The K. v. of the s. W. V, of Sec 7 in T. 3S., It. St. H., in one parcel.

Terms of Sale i h cash, in goldcoin, on day of sale; rem,--, ind r si.t v dawstime, bearing interest id the rate'ol oiieper cent, per inont h.r:!o;. v. foster,IV. II. C OOiv,

March 3d. lS7(i-l- t. Admrs.Johnson & Met'owx, Aft'vs.


in th" Count v Court of Clack-amas County, Oregon, mv final account nsAdministrator of t lie Estate of A. M. Hard-ing, deceased, and the Court has appointedMonday, the 3d day ofApril A. 1. KS7(, forthe "hearing of objections to and settle-inc- ut

of the same.A'. O, HARDING,

March 2, ls7G-l- t. Adm'r.Johnson & McOov.'n, Affys.


in the County Court of Clack-amas County, Oregon, my final account asAdministrator of the F.statk ok J. .ItonniNS, deceased, and the Court has

Monday, the 3d d.i.v of April A. J).lS7ii, for the hearing of objections to, andsettlement of the same.

X. N. UOBUINS,March 2, lS7f.-f- . Admr.Johnson & McCowx, Attys.

ii. w. noss, ar. d. wakkkn . da vis, jr. r.ROSS & 11 A VIS,

PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS,Oregon City, - - Oregon.

at the City Dispensary, cornerof Main and Fourth sts.Ir. Davis is a graduate of the Universityof Pennsylvania, and has lately arrivedIrom the East.

Particular attention riven to surgery.Office hours from 8 o'clock a. m. to or. Ml

Firemen's Election.V"OTICE IS HEREIJV GIVEN THATy the Annual Election of the Oregon

City Fire Department will be held on Mon-day, the (th day of March, lS7t',for the pur-IKJs-e

of electing1 Clilef Engineer,1 A"s';n t Eiiiiircr,

Polls to be openetl at House of CataractHose Company, No. 2.

F. O. MeCOWX,Mayor of Oregon City.


Dealers in

BEEF, PORK AND MUTTON.Ortrt Fellows Rntlaliiir, Main St.Reorders delivered to any part ofOrcgon

City or Canemah.Oregon City, Feb. IS :tf.

Laltocquc, Savior & Co.

Oregon City.Keep constantly on hand for sale Flour,

Middlings, Jiran and Chicken Feed. Partiespurchasing feed must furnish the sack.


Hubs, Spokes, Rims,OAK, ASH A XI) HICKORY FLAXK.

XORTUKUP & THOMPSON,Dee. 31,lS7.j:m3 Portland, Oregon.

" " "

N. 'N. .'"



Dry Goods, Groceries, Toots and Shoes.Wooden Ware, Drus and Medicines,chcapfor cash or produce!




MAXCPACTUREUS OP DITOL'SVehicles of allkinds Also all kinds of

Blacksin i t III agDone to order,

Wagons oii:l CarriagesMade and Kepaired, and all kinds of

armors' Rlaeksmithing done with dis-patch and neatness. Orders solicited.vv agon and Carriage makers are invitedto examine ourPatent Wlieels,

And us them instead of Wooden Wheels.tT.Cltc?ur Wheels to either Iron orI nimble Skein Axles. dec2Hf.


T. V. RHODES,3?i-opi-ic-to- i.

Transient Board, SI to ri per Day.Single Menla SO cents.Hoard per Week $5 OOHoard mid lodging, er veelt.....S0 OO

The Table will ba supplied with the besttho market affords.P.all Hupiers furnished on short notice,

and at reasonable terms.Nov. 10, 1873

s fK HAVE THE FOLLOWING HEADEstate lor sale.

No. 1. Desirable building block in OregonCity.

No. 2. ICO Acres, good house, and barnfull of hay ; S" acres in cultivation,orchard, good water: miles-fro-

Oregon City. Price SoOO, half down.

No. 3. Acres, 75 In cultivat ion ; houses,barns, wells, Ac: good orchard; 0miles from Oregon City. Price 1,500 ;

halt down. Hell half placa at samerates.

No. 4. 2tD Acres, 25 acres under cultiva-tion, 5 acres orchard, good runningwater; 125 acres open brush land; ?;mile from school house ; 8 miles fromOregon City. Jl.a Mj; half down, bal-ance in one and two years.

No. 5. Part of all the Barber farm, on theriver at Rock Island above OregonCity ; S5 per acre?.

No. G. .Land on the river above OregonCity, cheap; p:irt of the Barber claim;good wood yard.

No. 7. !1"20 acres; 75 Improved, a large,new, well finished frame dwelling,plum and apple, orchards, living wa-ter, IS acivs of fall wheat, ti mileslrom Oregon City, on Molalla road,church and school house adjoining ;can be had for t,25'J, one-thir- d down,balance on time.

No. S. 4'J acres at Milwnukie; partbeaver dam. Price, $1,000.

No. 9. .S. I,. Campbell's homestead forsale.

No. 10. A Hargnin. A farm in good run-ning order, of Ji'iO acres ; 125 acres incultivation, tS acres of wheat, willproduce 1200 bushels of wheat (willinsure Si'l bushels), good orchard,good new barn, farming implement s,4 head of cattle, 20 hogs, some of themfine stock, ten miles from OregonCity, school house, church, postoflice,and store near by ; all for S 1,25a, $1,-5)- 0,

do.vn, balance in three years.

Other desirable bargains in Clackamas,the best county In the State.

Any sue having money to lend can haveour services, free of charge. In managingthe same and selecting securities.

Persons wanting to borrow money canget favorable terms by calling on us.


Offices tn Oregon City and Portland.Nov. 12. 1S7.3 :tf



Thirty DaysOnly!




Dealer In








Oregon City, Jan. 3d, 1S7G.

County Scrip Taken as Cash.Ja7rff.

Miniiiistrator's Xoficr.--JVT OTICE 1H HEREBY GIVEN TH AT I

j have been appointed Administratrixof t he Estate of Wm. Broughton, deceased,by the Hon. County Court of ClackamasCounty, Oregon, therefore all persons hav-ing claims against said estate aro requir-ed to present t hem fo me at Pease's Mill,at the falls of the Willamette River, inClackamas Countv, Oregon, on or beforethe expiration of six months from date ofthis notice, with proper vouchers.


Att'ys for Admt'x.Oregon City, Feb. 25 :4t.

A tl in i ii i st rat o r s Notire.

rpiIF, UNDKR-SIGNE- HAVING BEENL appointed by the Hoiu- - County Court

of Clackamas County, in the State of Ore-gon, administrator of tho estate of J. A.Burnett, deceased, late of said county, allpersonse havlns claims against said estateare rcrui red to present them to me, withtheir proper vouchers, within six monthsfroir the date of this not ice, at the office ofthe County Clerk, in Oregon Citv, in saidCounty. O.G. FOSTER,

Administrator.--Oregon City, Feb. 5, 1876. fcbll lit.

OENTEMMI AL.1776. 1876.



FOH CHICAGO,PASSENGERS Pittsburg. Philadelphia,Montreal, Quebec, New York, Boston, orany point Fast, should buy t heirTit A XSCONTIX MXTA I. TI C K. UTS

Via the Pioneer lioute,THE



Its track is of STEEL RAILS and on it hafIwen made the fastest time that has evcibeen MADE in this country. By this routepassengers for points east of Chicago havechoice of the following lines from Chicago :

Hj- - Hie Iittslitrr, Fort Wayne nnclI'hiciioaiid Peiumylriiiiiii Kail ways t

3 THROUGH TRAINS DAIDY.with Pull-man Palace Cars through to Philadel-

phia and New York on each train.THROUGH TRAIN, with Pullman

.1 Palacu Cars to Baltimore and Wash-ington.By tlie I.alce Slore and MiclilraitSouthern Itnilivuy anl Connections(New York Central antl Krie Kail-ral- s)


O THROTTUH TRAINS DAIf.Y, withJ 1'alace Drawing Room and Silver Pal-ace Sleeping Cars through to New York.By tlie 3iitlHrnia Central, Grant!TriinW, (Jrcat Western antl Krie antlNew York Central Railway iQ TlfROUUII TRAINS, with PullmanT. f I alace Drawing Room and Sleepingars through to New York, to NiagaraFalls, Binfalo, Rochester or New York city.

By Bsiltiitiore niul Ohio Unilroad:6 TlIIiOUGir TRAINS DAILY, withPullman Palace Cars for NewarkZanesville, Wheeling, Washington andBaltimore without change.

This is the SHORTEST, BEST and onlvline runningl'ullnirtti celebrated PALACESLEEPING CARS AND COACHES, con-necting with Union Pacific Railroad atOMAHA and from the WEST, via GrandJunction, Marshall, Cedar Rapids, Clinton,Sterling and Dixon, for CHICAGO ANDTHIS EAST.

This popular route is unsurpassed torSpeed, Comfort and Safety. The smooth,well-ballaste- d and perfee-- t track of steelrails, the celebrated Pullman Palace Sleep-ing Cars, t he perfect Telegraph System ofmoving trains, t he regularity with whichthey run, the admirable arrangement ofrunning through cars to Chicago from all!oints West, secure to passengers all thocomforts in modern Railway Traveling.No change of Cars and no tedious delaysat Ferries.

Passengers will find Tickets via. this Fa-vorite Route at the General Ticket Officeof the Central Pacific Railroad, Sacramen-to.

Tickets for sale in all the Ticket Officesof the Central Pacific Railroad.

W. H. STENNETT,Gen. Pas. Agent.

MARTIN HUGIIITT, Gen. Sup.H. P. STAN WOOD, General Agency, 121

Montgomery street, an Francisco.Aug. 13 :ly


Sti-- . 3i:. jN". COOKE,Will lea ve OREGON CITY for PORTLANDevery day Except Sunday, at 7 o'clock,A. M. Returning, will leave Portland forOregon City at 2 o'clock, P. M.

Sti ALICE,Will leave OREGON CITY forf'ORVALLISevery .Mondayand Thursday of each week.

Str. Fniinio I-atto-

Will leave OREGON CITY for DAYTONand intermediate points on .Monday andThursday of each week.

J. I). BILES,January 1st. 1S71 :tf. Agent.



K. de F. cniTIS, M. D.. &c, Sic.

A Medical Essay on the causes and cureof premature decline of man, showing howhealth Is lost, and how regained. It givesa clear synopsis of the impediments tomarriage, the treatment of nervous andphysical debility, exhausted vitality, andall other diseases apix-rtainin- thereto;the results of twenty years successful prac-tice.


member of society by whom this book willnot he found usefy, whether he be parentpreceptor or clergyman. I,ondon Time.

CURTIS ON ".MANHOOD." This bookshould he read by th9 young for instruc-tion, and by the atllicted for relief; it willinjure no one. Mctiical Timet and Gazette.

Price One Dollar, by mail or express.Address the author, DR. CURTIS, 520 Sut-ter street, or P. O. Box; 337, San Francisco,Cat. aug. 'J7 dyisd3m

J. H. SHEPARD,T ioot and Slioo Store,

One door north of Ackerman Bros.

Boots and shoes made and repaired ascheap as the cheapest.

Nov. 1, 1875 i

LOUIS JAGCERS,(Successor to Jacob Wort man)


complete stock of familyGROCERIES AND fROVISIONS

Of every description, including CannedGoods, Spices, Green Groceries Tobaccoand Cigars, in fact, everything to be foundin a first class Groce ry store.

B;oods delivered to all parts of theCitv Free of Charge.

Cash price paid for Potatoes,Oats and other Produce.

LOUIS JAGGERS.Nov. 23, 1S75. tf.

Administrator's Sale.In the County Court, of the St ate of Oregon,

for the County of Clackamas.In the matter of the Kstate of Currin T.

Kimbley, deceased."VTOTICE IS HEREBY" GIVEN THATJ3i in pursuance of an order and licensem ado and given by the Hon. CountyCourt of Clackamas County, Oregon, nttho special term held February 5th, ls7tt,thereof, I will proceed fo sell at public auc-tion, to the highest bidder, at the CourtHouse door in Oregon City, on Saturday,the 11th day of March, A. D. 1X70, at thehoorof 1 o'clock J. St., the following de-scribed parcel of land, situated in Clacka-mas County, Oregon, and belonging lo theestate of said deceased : the W. M of X. EH of Sec. 10, T. 2, ., K. 3 E. of the WillametteMeridian, cor taining 80 acres more, or less.

Terms of sale gold coin down at thetime of sale. Deed at the expense of pur-chaser.

CASWELL KIMBLEY,Administrator.

Oregon City, Feb. 10, 1S76.


I HVSICI A N AND DRUGGIST,Prescriptions carefully tilled at short

notice, ja7Jf.

FALL 1875

O o

Is your time to buy goods at low priccsO


are now receiving a large stock of


all of the latest Styles, which will sell- -


Our stock hns lvn'lin,iri,t 1--we will sell it at a small advance --kbove.



y fore you purchase or go to Portland,-- Ocome and jiricoeour goods and convinceyourself that we do what we say. Our storkconsists in part of

Fancy and StapleDry Goods, Clothing,

. Hats, Boots and Shoes, O

Ladies and Gents'Furnishing Goods.

Notions, Grotj

ice, Hardware"

and a great many other articles too numer'ours to mention




ETC., ET(?

We will also pay the Highest' MarkedPrice for


Country Produce.- -

ACKERM?N BROS.Oregon City. Sept. 23, lti75- tf



DESIRE TO INFORM MY OLD CtTS--tomer- s,I and the public at large, that Ihave Jnst received a new supply of





And Other 3IiscelIaneous Goods.All of which I now offer for sale at the


My object Is to tell all myoldfriends andcustomers that I am still alive, and desir-ous to sell goods Cheap, FOK CASH, oupon such terms as agreed upon, qI shall also have in my employ a thorough:

BOOT AND SHOE MAKER,and constantly keep stock on hand fer thvo

plan ii fart lire & Krpair of Boots & Shoesr

and all orders in that line will be promptlyattended to.


octl to


IBSmm. oJfeil

Bred by EVS- - EYRE, Jr.jSTAIPA, California,

Bronz Turkej-s- . weighing 40 lbs, each Em-d- en

Geese, weighing from 40 to 50 fcsv' P('r pair. Bra h mas,- - Leghorns,

Games, etc. Pekin Ducks, aver-aging IS to 20 ttis., and best of

all Ducks as layers.0Also A fine assortment of Pigeons,

Rabbits, Guinea Fowls and Ferrets.Any variety of fowls desired imiorted.Eoos, true to name, fresh and well

packed, for sale at moderate prices.Send for Illustrated Circular, and Prioe

List , toM. EYRE, Napa, CI--

On receipt of 10 cents In stamps, I winfurnish specimen copy of the Pocltet 0Eclletis. an illustrated 32 page monthly,the recognized authority in poultry matterin tho U. S. ; and decidedly the best Poul-try Journal published. Subscription only51 25 a year.

Please state where you saw this adver-tisement. Orders may also be left at this Qoftice.





Pulleys, Haiiffer' Hydraulic PumpsGEARING, IJOXES, made to order.Reapers, Threshing Machines, and all

kinds of Farming Machinery repaired inthft best manner. Farmers' Blackseiitn-in- g

done with neatness and dispatch.'Wheat Cleaners, Jackets, Iron and 211 ne

Shaker Screens and Perforated Plates,made to order.

Agent forth e


Orders SolicitedDec. 31, 1875 If

AifniinistraiOr s Sale.

V"OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT,pursuant to an order of tho County

Court of Marion County, Oregon, I willotter for sale at public auction on Saturday.March 2oth, 1.S76, at 11 o'clock. A. aCourt House door in Oregon City. J--7

mas County, Oregon, for gold coin mhand,the following described real("tnte, belong-ing to the estate of Joseph

to-w- it : Lot 3 of 6. IP, and the S. W.of the S E. 14, and Ixts 1. 2. 3 and 4 of S.

0 all in T. 4 S. R. 2 E. of the WillametteMeridian, containing

OWXffebl8i3t Administrator.

O a





