organization structure final

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  • 8/8/2019 Organization Structure Final


    hat is anhat is anrganizationrganizationStructuretructure= The framework of ActivitiesA sales organization defines duties, roles, rights,and responsibilities of sales people engaged insellingactivities meant for the effective execution of thesales function.

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    What is the purpose of

    O.S.Define the Role and ResponsibilityDefine the Line of Authority

    Establish lines of communicationProvide for coordination and balance

    Proper work distribution and removesambiguity

  • 8/8/2019 Organization Structure Final



    How OrganizationalDesign Increases


    nhances aom pa ny s

  • 8/8/2019 Organization Structure Final


    Building Blocks of

    Organization StructureFormalization


    DepartmentalisationChain of Command

    Span of control

  • 8/8/2019 Organization Structure Final


    Four basic type of

    organisation Structure areFormal and informal

    Tall and Flat

    Line and staffCentralized and Decentralized

    Horizontal and Vertical

  • 8/8/2019 Organization Structure Final


    L e w i s S t o n e r P r e s i d e n t - O w

    J a k e P r e s t o n

    V i c e P r e s i d e n t

    T w o S a l e s p e o


  • 8/8/2019 Organization Structure Final


    S t a f f

    C h a r l e s T h o m p s o n

    S a l e s M a n a g e r

    J o h n F r i e d m a n

    A d v e r t i s i n g / P r o m o t i o n

    M a n a g e r

    P e t e L i k

    M a r k e t R

    M a n a g e r


    L i n e J o h n A b b o t t

    V i c e P r e s i d e n t o f M a

    T e n S a l e s p e o p l e

  • 8/8/2019 Organization Structure Final


    C e n tra liza tio n o r

    D e ce n tra liza tio n :Authority patterns in organizationsCentralized Decision making retained in the

    - .hands of upper level managersDecentralized

    Decisions delegated to lower.levels in the organization

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    9/40Copyright 2001 Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. 9

    C e n tra liza tio n

    ( )Structural Choice?A d v a n ta g e s o f d e ce n tra liza tio n R e d u c e d

    in fo rm a tio n

    o v e rlo a d o n .u p p e r m a n a g e rs In cre a se d

    m o tiva tio n a n da cco u n ta b ility

    th ro u g h ou t.o rg a n iza tio n

    ;Few e r m an ag erslo w e r

    b u re a u cra tic

    A d v a n ta g e s o fce n tra liza tio n

    E a sie rco o rd in a tio n o f

    o rg a n iza tio n a l.a ctiv itie s D e cisio n s fitte d to

    broado rg a n iza tio n a l

    .o b je ctiv e s E xe rcise o f stro n g

    le a d e rsh ip in.crisis

    Fa ste r d e cisio n

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    10/40Copyright 2001 Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. 10

    H o rizo n ta l

    D iffe re n tia tio nFo cu s is o n d ivisio n a n d g ro u p in g o f ta sks to

    .m e e t b u sin e ss o b je ctiv e s

    :S im p le stru ctu re C h a ra cte ristic o f sm a ll e n tre p re n e u ria l

    .com p a n ie s E n tre p re n e u r ta kes o n m o st m a n a g e ria l

    .ro le s .N o fo rm a l o rg a n iza tio n a rra n g e m e n ts

    .H o rizo n ta l d iffe re n tia tio n is lo w

  • 8/8/2019 Organization Structure Final

    11/40Copyright 2001 Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. 11

    V e rtica l D iffe re n tia tio n

    ( )S p a n o f co n tro l d ivisio n o f a u th o rity T h e n u m b e r o f su b o rd in a te s th a t a sin g le

    .m a n a g e r d ire ctly m a n a g e sO rg a n iza tio n a l h ie ra rch y ch o ice s

    Fla t stru ctu re s Fe w o rg a n iza tio n a l le v e ls W id e spa n s of con tro l

    Ta ll stru ctu re s M a n y o rg a n iza tio n a l le v e ls N a rro w sp a n s of con tro l

  • 8/8/2019 Organization Structure Final


    Types of DepartmentalizationFunctional






    M a n a g e r i a l

    L e v e l

    O p e r a t i n g

    L e v e l

    V i c e P r e s i d e n t

    o f M a r k e t i n g

    N a t i o n a l S a l e s

    M a n a g e r

    C e n t r a l D i v i s i o n a l

    S a l e s M a n a g e r

    6 R e g i o n a l S a l e s

    3 0 D i s t r i c t S a l e s

    2 4 0 S a l e s p e o p l e

    E a s t e r n D i v i s i o n a l

    S a l e s M a n a g e r

    7 R e g i o n a l S a l e s

    M a n a g e r s

    3 5 D i s t r i c t S a l e s

    2 4 0 S a l e s p e o p l e

    W e s t e r n D i v i s i o

    S a l e s M a n a g e r

    5 R e g i o n a l S a l e s

    2 5 D i s t r i c t S a l e

    2 0 0 S a l e s p e o p l e

    AM a n a g e r sA M a n a g e r s


    M a n a g e r sB M a n a g e r sB M a n a g e r sB

    C CC

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    F u n c t i o n a l

    G e o g r a p h i c

    C u s t o m e r

    P r o d u c t

    P r e s i d e n t

    V i c e P r e s i d e n tM a r k e t i n gV i c e P r e s i d e n tP r o d u c t i o n

    U . S .M a r k e t i n gM a n a g e r

    I n t e r n a t i o n a lM a r k e t i n gM a n a g e r

    C o n s u m e rG o o d sM a n a g e r s

    I n d u s t r i a lG o o d sM a n a g e r s

    I n t e r n a t i o n a lS a l e sM a n a g e r

    E u r o p e a nD i v i s i o n

    L a t i nA m e r i c a nD i v i s i o n

    A s i a n aA f r i c a nD i v i s i o

    S o a p P r o d u c t sD i v i s i o n a lM a n a g e r

    P a p e r P r o d u c t sD i v i s i o n a lM a n a g e r

    F o o d P r o d u c t sD i v i s i o n a lM a n a g e r

    E a s t e r nS a l e sD i v i s i o n

    C e n t r a lS a l e sD i v i s i o n

    W e s t e r nS a l e sD i v i s i o n

    V i c e P r e s i d e n tE n g i n e e r i n g


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  • 8/8/2019 Organization Structure Final


    C u s t o m e r

    S a l e s M a r k e t i n g M a n u f a c tT e c h n i c a l

    S u p p o r t

    S u p p l i e r S e l l i n g T e a m


  • 8/8/2019 Organization Structure Final


    D e sig n D e sig n








  • 8/8/2019 Organization Structure Final


    Determinants of Structure

    The environment: The quicker the

    environment changes, the more problemsface managers.

    Structure must be more flexible whenenvironmental change is rapid.

    Usually need to decentralize authority.

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    Determinants of Structure

    Strategy: Different strategies requirethe use of different structures.

    A differentiation strategyneeds a flexible structure, low

    cost may need a more formalstructure.

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    Determinants of Structure

    Technology:The combination of skills, knowledge, tools,

    equipment, computers and machines used in theorganization.

    More complex technology makes it harder formanagers to regulate the organization. Technologycan be measured by:

    Task Variety: new problems a managerencounters.

    Task Analyzability: programmed solutionsavailable to a manager to solve problems.

    High taskvariety and low analyzability presentmany unique problems to managers.

    Flexible structure works best in these conditions.

    Low taskvariety and high analyzability allowmanagers to rely on established procedures.

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    Technology & Peoples Small Batch Technology:produces small

    quantities of one-of-a-kind products.Based on the skills of the workers who need

    a flexible structure.s Mass Production Technology:automated

    machines make high volumes of standardproducts.Workers perform repetitive tasks so a

    formal structure works well.s Continuous Process Technology:totally

    mechanized systems of automatic machines.Workers must watch for unexpected

    problems and react quickly. A flexiblestructure is needed here.

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    Determinants of Structure

    s Human Resources:the final factor affecting

    organizational structure.Higher skilled workers who need to work

    in teams usually need a more flexiblestructure.

    Higher skilled workers often haveprofessional norms (CPAs, physicians).

    Managers must take into account all four

    factors (environment, strategic plan,technology and culture) when designing thestructure of the organization.

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    DepartmentalizationTraditional view:

    Jobs have to begrouped back


    organizationswill use a

    combination oftypes

    Contemporary view:


    tion is highlypopular

    Cross-functionalteams are being

    used in additionto rigidfunctionaldepartmentaliza


  • 8/8/2019 Organization Structure Final



    V . P . T V . P . C

    V . P . M D i r e c t

    C o r p . P

    E x e c . V

    F i n a n c e

    S e n i o r

    S t o r e s

    D i r e c

    T r a n s p

    V . P .

    D i s t r i b

    S e n i o r

    L o g i s t i

    C l a r k J o

    C E O

  • 8/8/2019 Organization Structure Final


    Product Structure

    W a s h i n g

    D i v i s i o

    L i g h t i n

    D i v i s i o

    T e l e v i s

    D i v i s i o

    C o r p o r M a n a g

    C E O

    C o r p o r

  • 8/8/2019 Organization Structure Final


    Geographic Structure

    N o r t

    R e g

    W e s

    R e g

    S o u t

    R e g

    E a s t

    R e g

    C o r pM a n a

    C E O

    C o r p o

  • 8/8/2019 Organization Structure Final


    Market Structure

    L a r g e B

    C u s t o m

    S m a l l B

    C u s t o m

    E d u c a t

    I n s t i t u

    I n d i v i d

    C u s t o m

    C o r p o

    M a n a g

    C E O

    C o r p o r

  • 8/8/2019 Organization Structure Final


    Matrix & Product Teams

    Matrix structure:managers group people by

    function and product teams simultaneously. Results in a complex network of reporting

    relationships. Very flexible and can respond rapidly to

    change. Each employee has two bosses which can

    cause problems.Functional manager gives different

    directions than product manager and

    employee cannot satisfy both.Product Team Structure:no 2-way reporting

    and the members are permanently assignedto the team and empowered to bring aproduct to market.

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    Matrix Structure


    Salesales Designesign Productiroductionnroductroduct

    eam Aeam Aroductroduct

    eam Beam Broductroduct

    eam Ceam C

    roduct Team

    = wo boss employee

  • 8/8/2019 Organization Structure Final


    Hybrid Structures

    Many large organizations have divisionalstructureswhere each manager can selectthe best structure for that particular division.One division may use a functional structure,

    one geographic, and so on.

    This ability to break a large organization intomany smaller ones makes it much easier tomanage.

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    21st Century Organizational



    Increasingly globalized sales, manufacturing,research, management

    Movement from direct exports to having sales officesin different countries to having manufacturing to

    all functions spread across the globeIncreasingly globalized labor market

    Due to:

    reduced cost and improved quality of

    international transportation andcommunication

    search for unsaturated markets

    exploit regional cost and expertise differences

  • 8/8/2019 Organization Structure Final


    21st Century Organizational


    DiversityWorkforce getting more heterogeneous sexually,

    racially, culturally, individually, etc.

    Source of both innovation andconflict/communication problems

    Need to cope with different styles of interaction,dress, presentation, physical appearance

    Due to:

    changing demographicsglobalization of the labor market

  • 8/8/2019 Organization Structure Final


    21st Century Organizational


    FlexibleOrganizational systems and processes and people

    that can respond differently to different situations

    Fewer detailed rules and proceduresGreater autonomy, encouragement for initiative

    Customizable employment relationships:telecommuting, job sharing, mommy tracks, payfor skills

    Lifetime employability, not lifetime employmentDue to:

    differentiated customer needs -- filling themexactly is source of competitive advantage

    increasing diversity in workplaceincreased pace of change in technology and


  • 8/8/2019 Organization Structure Final


    21st Century Organizational


    FlatFewer levels of management,Workers empowered to make decisionsFewer differences in responsibility (not in pay)

    across levels

    Due to:need for speed, which makes it helpful to

    empower employees to make decisions, whichmeans fewer managers are needed

    changes in information technology mean lessneed for the communication and controlfunctions of middle managers

    globalization means intensified competition,which increases the need to cut costs

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    21st Century Organizational


    NetworkedDirect communication across unit & firm

    boundaries, ignoring chain of command

    Cross-unit team structures

    Outsourcing & downsizingStrategic alliances with competitors and othersNow have firms that are your competitors,

    customers and collaborators all at the same


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    21st Century Organizational


    NetworkedClose coordination among firms (e.g., JIT systems)

    and information sharing (open computer systems)

    Across the board contact with customers, not justofficial boundary spanners

    CustomizationDecentralizationDue to:

    new information technologies, especiallygroupware, client-server, distributed

    computingfast changing customer needs and competitor

    offeringsmore complicated products require better

    integration of manufacturing, design, andmarketing functions

    Coordinating Functions

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    Coordinating Functions

    To ensure sufficient coordination between

    functions, managers delegate authority.Authority:the power vested in the

    manager to make decisions and useresources.

    Hierarchy of authority:describes the

    relative authority each manager has from topto bottom.

    Span of Control:refers to the number ofworkers a manager manages.

    Line authority:managers in the directchain of command for production of goodsor services. Example: Sales

    Staff authority:managers in positionsthat give advice to line managers.

    Example: Legal

    T ll & Fl t O i ti

  • 8/8/2019 Organization Structure Final


    Tall & Flat Organizations

    Tall structureshave many levels of

    authority relative to the organizations size.As levels in the hierarchy increase,

    communication gets difficult.The extra levels result in more time being

    taken to implement decisions.Communications can also become garbled

    as it is repeated through the firm.Flat structureshave few levels but wide

    spans of control.

    Results in quick communications but canlead to overworked managers.

    Minimum Chain of Command

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    Minimum Chain of Command

    Managers should carefully evaluate:

    Do they have the right number of middlemanagers?

    Can the structure be altered to reducelevels?

    Centralized v. DecentralizedDecentralized operations puts more authority

    at lower levels and leads to flatorganizations.

    Workers must be able to reach decisions. Divisions and functions can begin to lose

    sight of organizational goals and focusonly on their small area.

    I t ti M h i

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    Integrating Mechanisms

    Direct contact:get managers from different

    divisions or functions together to solve mutualproblems.

    Liaison Roles:one manager in each area isresponsible for communication with other areas.

    Task Forces:temporary committees formed acrossdivisions to solve a specific problem.

    Cross-functional teams:works much like apermanent task force that deals with recurring

    problems.Matrix structure:already contains many integrating


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    Strategic Alliances

    Strategic alliance:a formal agreement

    committing two or more firms to exchangeresources to produce a good.

    Network Structure:a whole series of strategicalliances.

    Created between suppliers, manufacturers, anddistributors.Toyota and Honda use many such alliances.

    Network structures allow firms to bringresources together in a boundary-lessorganization.