organizational power & politics and job outcomes

Dr. Nelly Abulata Lecturer of Clinical Pathology (MD, MBA,DTQMH) October 29 th , 2011

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Page 1: Organizational Power & Politics and Job Outcomes

Dr. Nelly Abulata Lecturer of Clinical Pathology


October 29th, 2011

Page 2: Organizational Power & Politics and Job Outcomes

I. Objectives

II. Facts about Kasr Al-Ainy

III. Definitions

IV. Concepts & Relationships

V. Conclusion

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1. To compare between different bases of power. 2. To determine the positive & negative aspects of Organizational politics. 3. To determine tools for handling workplace politics and minimizing its negative effects on members, teams, and the organization as a whole.

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•More than 9 University Hospitals.

•More than 5,200 beds.

•More than 10,000. employees.

•More than 3,000 staff members.

•More than 1.5 million patients/yr.

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Page 6: Organizational Power & Politics and Job Outcomes

Derived from the Greek word organon, which is derived from the word ergon – which means a compartment for a particular job.

It is a group where tasks are distributed for a collective goal.

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The ability of the organization structure to utilize all the mandatory resources in favor of organization development such as man , machine and other resources.

It is a reservoir of potential


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Is the a process of influence

The management of influence

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Is the non-rational influence on decision making

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The degree to which respondents

view their work environment as: • political, • unjust •and unfair

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A personality trait which represents the degree to which individuals place work at or near the center of their lives.

It includes hard work, autonomy, fairness, wise and efficient use of time, delay of gratification, and the intrinsic value of work.

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Sense of inner fulfillment and pride achieved when performing a particular job.

It occurs when an employee

feels he has accomplished something having importance and value worthy of recognition; sense of joy.

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The existence of tensions and pressures growing out of job requirements.

Includes the possible outcomes

in terms of feelings or physical symptoms.

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Burnout is a psychological response to chronic stressors.

It is characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a reduction in personal accomplishment.

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The process of working

collaboratively with a group of people.

In order to achieve a common


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It is the level at which an employee is engaged in his or her daily work.

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Is the relative

importance at work to one’s self.

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The desire to retain membership in the organization

Belief in and acceptance of the

values and goals of the organization

Willingness to exert effort on behalf of the organization.

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Reward Power

Legitimate Power

Coercive Power

Expert Power

Referent Power



Sources of Power

Consequences of Power

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Types of



Managing impressions

Attacking and blaming

Creating obligations

Cultivating networks

Controlling information

Forming coalitions

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Production and blue collar

Clerical and white collar

Technical and professional

Lower management

Middle management

Upper management














Organizational Level


(.50) (.54)



(1.22) Political activity is perceived to

increase at higher organizational levels

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Negative aspects

Decreased job satisfaction

Increased anxiety and stress

Increased turnover

Reduced performance

Positive aspects

Overcoming personnel inadequacies

Coping with change

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1. Organizational politics is an elusive type of power relationship in the workplace

2. The negative side of organizational politics flares up

1. At times of organizational change

2. When there are difficult decisions to be made

3. A scarcity of resources that breeds competition among organizational groups.

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1. Provide sufficient resources

2. Autonomy, feedback, interaction, Cooperation

3. Providing career development Opportunities (training, coaching, etc…)

4. Trust & support

5. Participation in the decision making

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6. Introduce clear rules

7. Free flowing information

8. Remove political norms

9. Peer pressure against politics

10. Lead by example

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“It is possible to harness power in the service of higher goals”

“Politics can be a healthy way to get things done within organizations”

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Nelly Abulata

Website: www.