organizational well-being the synergy of the personal, the relational and the organizational

Organizational Well-being The synergy of the personal, the relational and the organizational

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Page 1: Organizational Well-being The synergy of the personal, the relational and the organizational

Organizational Well-being

The synergy of the personal, the relational and the organizational

Page 2: Organizational Well-being The synergy of the personal, the relational and the organizational

Quandaries and Questions? While many companies invest millions of

dollars in top executive training, effectiveness declines soon after the course?


Page 3: Organizational Well-being The synergy of the personal, the relational and the organizational

Quandaries and Questions? Despite worries that a crack in the tiles of

the Columbia shuttle may cause problems, engineer emails crew there is “absolutely” nothing to worry about (Tennesseean, 7/1/2003)


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Quandaries and Questions Despite warnings by engineers at Morton

Thiokol to delay the launch of the shuttle Challenger on January 28, 1986, NASA and executives at the company decide to go ahead. A minute after lift off the Challenger blew apart killing all astronauts.


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Quandaries and Questions Those who have a bit more control over

their jobs are healthier and live longer, up to four times longer!


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Personal and organizational well-being (Harter, Schmidt & Keyes, 2003)

The average adult spends much of his or her life working

Satisfaction with work accounts for as much as a quarter of the variation in adult life satisfaction

The well-being of employees is in the best interest of communities and organizations

Multiple studies demonstrate a positive relationship between job satisfaction and individual performance

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More satisfied employees are: More cooperative More helpful to their colleagues More punctual More efficient in their use of time Show up for more days of work Stay with the company longer

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The Gallup Workplace Audit (GWA) of employee engagement (Harter, Schmidt & Keyes, 2003, p. 208)1. I know what is expected of me at work

2. I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right

3. At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day

4. In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work

5. My supervisor or someone at work seems to care about me as a person

6. There is someone at work who encourages my development

7. At work, my opinions seem to count

8. The mission/purpose of my company makes me feel my job is important

9. My associates (fellow employees) are committed to doing quality work

10. I have a best friend at work

11. In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress

12. This last year, I have had opportunities at work to learn and grow

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Clicker question This is the word that best characterizes my

workplace A. boring B. interesting C. supportive D. engaging E. horrible

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The importance of employee engagement Positive emotions relating to business

outcomes Joy Interest Contentment Love

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Signs of Organizational Well-Being Efficient structures Clear roles Monitoring mechanisms Planning and accountability Growth opportunities Fulfillment of needs Identity and meaning Collaboration Democratic participation

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Effective Environment

Affective Environment

Reflective Environment

Signs of Organizational Well-Being:ERA Environments

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Signs of Organizational Well-Being:Effective Environments Efficient Task-oriented Well-organized Accountable Responsible Communicate well Anticipate challenges Enabling structures Program evaluation

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Signs of Organizational Well-Being:Reflective Environments Learning opportunities Organizational learning Challenge old notions Take risks Ask big questions Promote innovation Stimulating

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Signs of Organizational Well-Being:Affective Environments Climate of acceptance Appreciation Affirmation Respect Safe place Sense of control Conviviality Voice and choice

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Clicker question from reading by Harter et al Proponents of the stress perspective argue

that worker performance and quality of life A. are hindered by strain B. are hindered by too much challenge C. are hindered by boredom D. are not affected by too little stimulation E. a. b, and c

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Clicker question from reading by Harter et al Proponents of the well-being perspective at work argue

that A. positive emotions in the workplace improve worker

performance B. emotions are more important than relationships in the

workplace C. relationships count only when they are negative D. only better salaries will improve worker satisfaction

and productivity

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Organizational well-being: Signs and sources Most individuals have an inherent need to

contribute to a larger entity In most cases the needs of individuals and

the needs of organizations can be fulfilled simultaneously

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Basic needs in the workplace Clarity of expectations and the provision of basic materials and

equipment A feeling that one is contributing to the organization

Having opportunities to do what they do best The right people in the right positions Frequent and immediate recognition

A sense of belonging to something beyond oneself Connecting one’s work to a larger purpose Having one’s opinions heard and involvement in decision making Ownership for organizational outcomes Big-picture impact of what the work relates to Social support and social resources

Opportunities to grow and discuss one’s progress

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Four basic human needs (Griffith, 2004) Physical well-being Personal competence Relational closeness Self-transcendence

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Clicker question Which of the following is closest to self

esteem A. personal competence B. sense of control C. self transcendence D. cortisol

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Clicker question Which of the following is closest to self

transcendence A. self esteem B. meaning C. wealth D. transcendental meditation

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Relationship between level of engagement and basic outcomes Turnover Customer Productivity Profit The importance of meeting all four

outcomes simultaneously

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Employee engagement and outcome

Employee engagement percentile

99 95 75 50 25 5 1

Success rate

73% 67% 57% 50% 43% 33% 27%

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“We conclude from this study that the well-being perspective is quite applicable to business…the data indicate that workplaces with engaged employees, on average, do a better job of keeping employees, satisfying customers, and being financially productive and profitable. Workplace well-being and performance are not independent. Rather, they are complimentary and dependent components of a financially and psychologically healthy workplace” ((Harter, Schmidt & Keyes, 2003, p. 221)

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Sources of Organizational Well-Being: Values, interests, power (VIP) Competing tendencies within people and

groups Values


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VIPs Values

What are values? What are some sources of values? What are some examples of values? How can they guide organizational practices? Why do they need to be considered along

with interests and power?

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Exercise List three of your values Share them with your peer next to you Compare the three values Are there similarities? What do you have in common?

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Exercise: do by yourself List three of your interests Do your interests align well with the

interests of your employer? Are your interests some times in conflict

with your values? If so, how?

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Clicker question Values

A. are principles to guide ethical behavior B. are principles to guide religious practice C. are principles to promote personal interests D. all of the above

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In every act, in every interaction, in every social action,we hold each other accountable to promote

 People’s dignity, safety, hope and growth

Relationships based on caring, compassion and respectSocieties based on justice, communion and equality

 We are all better when these values are in balance

 To put these values into action, we will:

 Share our power

Be proactive and not just reactiveTransform the conditions that create problems for youth

Encourage youth and families to promote a caring communityNurture visions that make the impossible, possible

 We commit to uphold these values with

 Youth and their Families

Our EmployeesOur OrganizationOur Community

 This is a living document. We invite you to discuss it, to critique it, to live it

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The Saturn Story Technologically advanced – robotics Cooperation between engineers and line

workers Cooperation among UAW and

management Team work Employee ownership

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“Saturn was created as a different kind of company, one based on thoroughly modern ideas about many different kinds of people working together toward a common goal, yet also grounded solidly on some old values having to do with being friendly, honest, innovative, dependable and down-to-earth” (From Saturn website).

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Ben & Jerry’s is founded on and dedicated to a sustainable corporate concept of linked prosperity. Our mission consists of 3 interrelated parts:

Ben and Jerry’s mission

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Product Mission

To make, distribute & sell the finest quality all natural ice cream & euphoric concoctions with a continued commitment to incorporating wholesome, natural ingredients and promoting business practices that respect the Earth and the Environment.

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Economic Mission

To operate the Company on a sustainable financial basis of profitable growth, increasing value for our stakeholders & expanding opportunities for development and career growth for our employees.

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Social Mission

To operate the company in a way that actively recognizes the central role that business plays in society by initiating innovative ways to improve the quality of life locally, nationally & internationally.

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Central To The Mission Of Ben & Jerry’s is the belief that all three parts must thrive equally in a manner that commands deep respect for individuals in and outside the company and supports the communities of which they are a part.

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Ben and Jerry’s social investment Coffee for a change Bought at La Trinidad in Oaxaca for fair

price Democratically run farm Reinvestment in health and

education and environment

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Grayston Bakery’s social investment Hiring policies Investing in

community Economic growth Watch clip

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Clicker question Grayston bakery provides A. social support to employees B. job training C. child care to some of its employees D. all of the above

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Promoting OW in Isolation Benefits

Workers benefit Stakeholders benefit Product improvement Economic vitality

Limitations Bottom line sometimes damages social

wellness Flint, Michigan “worst pace to live – ranked

300 Short term vision of wellness, as in Tiger
