orientation on business plan development

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  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development


  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development



    ThisThis isis anan excitingexciting timetime inin PakistanPakistan toto becomebecome ananentrepreneur,entrepreneur, GovtGovt.. andand industryindustry nownow recognizerecognize thetheimportantimportant rolerole ofof youngyoung firmsfirms inin providingproviding fuelfuel toto thethenationalnational economyeconomy..

    ToTo facilitatefacilitate thisthis growinggrowing trendtrend ofof entrepreneurshipentrepreneurshipIDOIDO withwith thethe helphelp ofof BritishBritish HighHigh CommissionCommission hashaslaunchedlaunched aa projectproject onon EconomicEconomic EmpowermentEmpowerment forforPeacePeace andand Development,Development, andand EconomicEconomic

    EmpowermentEmpowerment CenterCenter hashas beenbeen EstablishedEstablished inin QuettaQuetta..

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development


    Objective of EECObjective of EEC

    TheThe mainmain ObjectivesObjectives ofof EECEEC areare asas underunder::

    ToTo facilitatefacilitate jobjob seekersseekers toto getget employmentemployment..

    ToTo provideprovide guidanceguidance toto EntrepreneursEntrepreneurs andand developdeveloplinkageslinkages withwith MicroMicro--FinancingFinancing InstitutionsInstitutions forforavailingavailing loansloans..

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development


    What is Entrepreneur?What is Entrepreneur?

    A person who organizes, operates, and assumes theA person who organizes, operates, and assumes therisk for a business venture.risk for a business venture.

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development


    What is Entrepreneurship?What is Entrepreneurship?

    EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship is the practice of startingis the practice of starting

    new organizations or revitalizing maturenew organizations or revitalizing mature

    organizations, particularly new businessesorganizations, particularly new businessesgenerally in response to identified opportunities.generally in response to identified opportunities.

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development


    Why to be an Entrepreneur?Why to be an Entrepreneur?

    Self EmploymentSelf Employment

    Job UncertaintyJob Uncertainty

    High UnemploymentHigh Unemployment CompetitionCompetition

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development


    Business PlanBusiness Plan

    BusinessBusiness PlanPlan isis aa formalformal statementstatement ofof aa setset ofof

    businessbusiness goals,goals, thethe reasonsreasons whywhy theythey areare believedbelieved

    attainable,attainable, andand th


    e planplan forfor reach


    ing th


    ese goalsgoals..ItIt maymay alsoalso containcontain backgroundbackground informationinformationaboutabout thethe organizationorganization oror teamteam attemptingattempting toto

    reachreach thosethose goalsgoals..

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development


    Why to write a Business PlanWhy to write a Business Plan

    Writing a business plan will help you inWriting a business plan will help you in

    answering the following questions:answering the following questions:

    Who are you?Who are you?What are you going to do?What are you going to do?

    Where are you going?Where are you going?

    How are you going to get there?How are you going to get there?

    A personal resume outlining theeducation and experience allowingyou to manage and start a particularbusiness.

    A Description of your businessconcept, Product or Service youwould be providing, market you willserve and investment needed.

    The Short and Long Term Goals youhave set for your Business.The strategies that will allow you tomeet your Financial, Competition,Management, CommunicationResponsibilities Etc.

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development


    How to Write a Business PlanHow to Write a Business Plan

    A Business Plan should Include the following:A Business Plan should Include the following: Title PageTitle Page

    Table ofContentsTable ofContents

    Mission StatementMission Statement

    ExecutiveSummaryExecutive Summary IndustryStatusIndustryStatus

    Target market/Customer BaseTarget market/Customer Base

    Marketing PlanMarketing Plan

    Production and Operation PlanProduction and Operation Plan

    Management and Human Resource PlanManagement and Human Resource Plan Financial PlanFinancial Plan


  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development


    Title PageTitle Page

    This page should include a brief introductionThis page should include a brief introduction


    Business Name,Address, telephone, email etcBusiness Name,Address, telephone, email etc Name of Owner (S)Name of Owner (S)

    Type of BusinessType of Business

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development


    Table of ContentsTable of Contents

    IncludesIncludes listlist ofof allall sectionssections inin aa businessbusiness planplan

    withwith appropriateappropriate pagepage numbers,numbers, Graphs,Graphs,Diagrams,Diagrams, andand otherother visual visual representationrepresentation

    shouldshould alsoalso bebe clearlyclearly identified,identified, exhibitsexhibits shouldshouldalsoalso bebe mentionedmentioned clearlyclearly soso referringreferring themthem cancan

    bebe easyeasy forfor thethe readerreader..

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development


    Mission StatementMission Statement

    TheThe missionmission statementstatement shouldshould describedescribe whywhy youryour

    companycompany existsexists inin marketmarket placeplace andand wouldwouldmostlymostly includeinclude::

    DescriptionDescription ofofCompanyCompany PurposePurpose

    IdentificationIdentification ofof thosethose ServedServed

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development


    Executive SummaryExecutive Summary

    ExecutiveExecutive summarysummary isis thethe contentcontent ofof youryour

    businessbusiness planplan whichwhich allowsallows youryour strategicstrategicpartners,partners, investorsinvestors oror lendinglending agenciesagencies toto quicklyquickly

    graspgrasp youryour conceptconcept andand businessbusiness direction,direction, sosowhilewhile readingreading thethe pagespages theytheyhavehave thethe clearclear ideaidea

    ofof youryour intentionsintentions..

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development



    Executive Summary should include the following:Executive Summary should include the following: Brief Description of the IndustryBrief Description of the Industry

    Purpose of the planPurpose of the plan

    Goals of the businessGoals of the business Description of the Product and serviceDescription of the Product and service


    ManagementTeam ExperienceManagementTeam Experience

    Amount RequiredAmount Required Other Sources of FundsOther Sources of Funds

    Method of RepaymentMethod of Repayment

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development


    Industry StatusIndustry Status

    ThisThis partpart ofof thethe businessbusiness planplan discussesdiscusses thethe businessbusinessenvironmentenvironment inin whichwhich youryour companycompany willwill bebe operating,operating,entrepreneursentrepreneurs mustmust glossgloss overover thisthis sectionsection asas theythey areareexternalexternal andand uncontrollable,uncontrollable, andand bothboth positivepositive andand

    negativenegative factorsfactors shouldshould bebe consideredconsidered includingincluding thethefollowingfollowing:: National/RegionalNational/Regional EconomicEconomic growthgrowth oror declinedecline

    IndustryIndustry outlookoutlook ProjectedProjected OpportunitiesOpportunities RegulatoryRegulatory environmentenvironment TechnologicalTechnological InfluencesInfluences

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development


    Target Market/ Consumer BaseTarget Market/ Consumer Base

    ThisThis sectionsection ofof thethe businessbusiness planplan willwill describedescribe

    thethe mostmost likelylikely customerscustomers forfor youryour businessbusiness:: whowhoareare they?they? WhereWhere areare they?they? whywhy andand whenwhen willwill

    theythey buybuy youryour productproduct oror service?service?

    AnAn errorerror inin determinationdetermination ofof youryour targettarget marketmarket

    will will notnot onlyonly adverselyadversely effecteffect butbut will will alsoalso

    increaseincrease advertisingadvertising andand promotionpromotion expenseexpense..

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development



    WhileWhile doingdoing aa researchresearch onon marketmarket needsneeds

    followingfollowing questionsquestions needneed toto bebe answeredanswered::

    CharacteristicsCharacteristics ofof thethe targettarget marketmarketSizeSize ofof thethe market/Expectedmarket/Expected marketmarket shareshare

    MarketMarket segmentationsegmentation

    CustomersCustomers buyingbuying habitshabits (seasonality,(seasonality, quantityquantity andand

    averageaverage expenditure)expenditure)

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development


    Marketing PlanMarketing Plan

    TheThe marketingmarketing planplan describesdescribes allall thethe sellingselling activities,activities,thisthis planplan describesdescribes thethe annualannual salessales goals,goals, competitorscompetitorsproduct,product, servicesservices andand priceprice..

    TheThe planplan shouldshould includeinclude completecomplete descriptiondescription ofof thetheproductproduct whichwhich areare ofof customercustomer choicechoice ..ii..ee.. name,name, colorcoloretcetc..

    TheThe marketingmarketing planplan shouldshould includeinclude thethe followingsfollowings::

    SalesSales GoalsGoals

    DescriptionDescription ofof allall productsproducts andand servicesservices

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development



    Direct and indirect competitionDirect and indirect competition

    Pricing ObjectivesPricing Objectives




    Customer service policyCustomer service policy

    Sales training, management and methodsSales training, management and methods

    Growth strategiesGrowth strategies

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development


    Production and Operation PlanProduction and Operation Plan

    PP && OO planplan shouldshould bebe assessedassessed veryvery carefully,carefully,failingfailing itit maymay causecause toto underestimateunderestimate startstart ups,ups,maintenancemaintenance andand growthgrowth expensesexpenses..

    InIn thisthis sectionsection entrepreneurentrepreneur shouldshould givegive aa briefbriefofof income,income, numbernumber ofof employeesemployees oror productproductexpansionexpansion..

    PP && OO PlanPlan shouldshould includeinclude thethe followingfollowing:: facilityfacility


  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development



    Production process and costProduction process and cost


    Credit termsCredit terms

    Transportation and shippingTransportation and shipping

    Research and DevelopmentResearch and Development

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development


    Management and HRPlanManagement and HRPlan

    PeoplePeople forfor anyany businessbusiness areare asas importantimportant asasexpensiveexpensive resources,resources, beforebefore goinggoing inin toto anyanybusinessbusiness entrepreneurentrepreneur shouldshould assesasses thethe needsneeds forfor

    growinggrowing andand whatwhat expertiseexpertise wouldwould bebe requirerequire.. TheThe salariessalaries ofof staffstaff andand expenseexpense ofof recruitment,recruitment,

    selection,selection, trainingstrainings andand etcetc

    ManagementManagement andand HRHR planplan shouldshould includeinclude:: KeyKeyManagersManagers


  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development



    Organizational ChartOrganizational Chart

    List of Board MembersList of Board Members


  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development


    Financial PlanFinancial Plan

    FinancialFinancial PlanPlan isis importantimportant ifif entrepreneurentrepreneur wantswantstoto attractattract investors,investors, lenderslenders oror financialfinancialinstitutioninstitution toto helphelp inin startingstarting andand growinggrowing ofof anyany

    project,project, financialfinancial plansplans helphelp youyou backback youryour factsfactsinin figuresfigures andand youryour venturesventures successsuccess..

    FinancialFinancial planplan shouldshould includeinclude thethe followingfollowing::

    StartStart UpUp costcostMonthlyMonthly ExpensesExpenses

    SourcesSources ofof youryour fundsfunds

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    Three Years Projected Balance SheetsThree Years Projected Balance Sheets

    Projected Cash FlowsProjected Cash Flows

    Profit And Loss Forecast Or StatementProfit And Loss Forecast Or Statement Break Even AnalysisBreak Even Analysis

    Net Present ValueNet Present Value

    Internal Rate of ReturnInternal Rate of Return

    Assumptions Used In Preparation Of FinancialAssumptions Used In Preparation Of FinancialProjectionsProjections

  • 8/9/2019 Orientation on Business Plan Development



    Following should be attached in this section:Following should be attached in this section:

    Managers ResumeManagers Resume



    Letters of supportLetters of support

    Pictures of Product or ServicePictures of Product or Service

    Marketing ResearchMarketing Research


    Quotations or estimates for facility or equipment purchasedQuotations or estimates for facility or equipment purchased