orientation to kg parents


Upload: harriet-valdez

Post on 31-Dec-2015




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Orientation to KG parents. Orientation to KG parents. Punctuality. Reach the school before the bell. i.e. 7:40 am FN and 12:10 pm AN. baggage. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Reach the school before the bell.

i.e. 7:40 am FN and 12:10 pm AN

It will be better to avoid trolley bags. Only normal bags that can be carried easily. All books will be kept in the school except note books and diary.

Books, bags, water bottles, tiffin boxes etc should be labelled with a marker.

Toilet training is a must.

No pampers at all. Every child should put on under wear.

Kindly send a spare dress, including the panties or under wears.

Teach hygiene to the children. (wash hands before and after food, how to use napkin, tissue, sanitizer, dustbin etc)

Diary should be sent to the school daily, checked regularly and signed by parent.

Teachers will communicate with you through diary. Your prompt attention to their remarks is essential.

Please converse with your child in English.

Send your child in clean, well ironed uniform with hair combed neatly.

If the child is absent, inform the class teacher or the reception between

7 -7:30am for FN &

between 11:45 12:10pm for the AN

If the child is absent for more than 3 days, absent work is required to be completed.

Fill in the ABSENCE LEAVE RECORD in the diary.

If child is absent for more than a week, a written leave letter should be provided in A4 size paper with starting and ending dates.

Leave will not be granted for more than 28 days as per the Ministry rules. If child is sick, attach medical certificate.

We will not send the child with any strangers. If you arrange someone to pick up the child, inform class teacher/ school authorities.

Parents can meet the class teachers between 7- 7:30am for FN, and 4:15 -4:45pm for the AN.

They are requested not to call up class teachers during class hours or late night.

A small towel should be sent with the Tiffin box. Avoid glass bottles & Chips.

Varying breakfast, sufficient for a 3 to 4 year old child.

No messy breakfast. Send a spoon and train to use it.

Don’t send toys or stationery items like pencils, eraser, scale, sharpener etc to the school.

Black shoes with white socks. Avoid laced shoes.

Plain white hair band for girls. Long hair should be plaited and tied on two sides with rubber bands.

Boys should have a normal hair.

Ornaments are not allowed. School is not responsible for any ornaments that are lost.

Pay attention to your child.

Listen to what they have to say.

Ask them what they have learnt each day in school.

Don’t make a scary & negative attitude towards the teachers.

Weekly planner will be given. Lessons will be taught accordingly.

Let the child do home work and parents should only support.

No re-tests will be given.

No terminal exams. Only monthly test/unit tests will be conducted.

Parents are responsible for dropping and picking up child after the school.

Parents should wait at bus stop to pick up child after the school.

For students using own transport, inform the class teacher about the person who is picking the child.

Children should be taken home by 12 noon and 4:30pm respectively.

All acknowledgements should be filled in and returned to the class teacher even if your answer is not favourable.

All stapled circulars must be removed from the diary.

Parents should inform the class teacher about the change of residence and also the change of telephone numbers.

Children should wear the ID card regularly when they come to the school.

School fees must be paid term wise and the fee card in the diary must be duly filled by the parent.

All the parents must come to school along with their child on 4th April, 2013 between 7:15- 10:30am for FN

and between 12:30-3:45pm for AN.

You can handover all the books to class teacher.

There will be no regular classes on that day.

You are requested to bring two passport sized photographs of the child on 4th April, 2013.

Whenever there is a parent-teacher meetings/Open House, kindly make it convenient to attend for the same.


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