(orig. s|4.) a. giroir - bsee data center · .coring and sidewall cores .well samples .mud log b....

In Heply Refer To: FO-2-1 Hay 18, 1989 Saneden Oil Corporutio:: Attention: Ito*. Viilien E. Bancroft, Jr. 300 ulenborouph, Suite ^40 Houston, Texas 77<)c7-'529S Gentlement Reference li. oade tn yn .r Initial Plan of ratplomtion and aooowpanyinf; infonnation received April 21, 19*9, aoendod April 2? ond May 4, 1989, for Leaae OCS-C 7227, Bloc!: A-3T, Breton Area. Tte* a 1 ian l.toluda* the eotivitlaa proposed for URIla A and 0. In acoordnneo with jO CKR 250.13, thia plnr. is het-eby leeeed aubmitted and in now bein£ considered for approval. Your plan control nunber i«» i^32C6 and ahouid be referenced in your oonmuni- aatfot. nnd eorreapoivit?r.r.o ooncerniiv thia plan. Sinoerely yours, (Orig. S|4.) A. DOMM Giroir D. J. Uour»jeoic Regional Supervisor Field Oporatlons bco: Leaee OCS-C 7227 (OPS-3-2) (FILE KOOM) (OPS-3-4 w/ Public Info. Copy of tho plan (PUBLIC RECvna) ADQobert: 00k: 05/18/69: poecom-bkp, tl'

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Page 1: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well

In Heply Refer To: FO-2-1 Hay 18, 1989

Saneden O i l Corporutio:: Attention: Ito*. V i i l i e n E. Bancroft, J r . 300 ulenborouph, Suite ^40 Houston, Texas 77<)c7-'529S


Reference l i . oade tn yn .r I n i t i a l Plan of ratplomtion and aooowpanyinf; infonnation received Apr i l 21, 19*9, aoendod Apr i l 2? ond May 4, 1989, for Leaae OCS-C 7227, Bloc!: A-3T, Breton Area. Tte* a 1 ian l.toluda* the eo t iv i t l aa proposed for URIla A and 0.

In acoordnneo wi th jO CKR 250.13, thia plnr. is het-eby leeeed aubmitted and in now bein£ considered for approval.

Your plan cont ro l nunber i«» i^32C6 and ahouid be referenced i n your oonmuni-aatfot. nnd eorreapoivit?r.r.o ooncerniiv thia plan.

Sinoerely yours,

(Orig. S|4.) A. DOMM Giroir

D. J . Uour»jeoic Regional Supervisor Field Oporatlons

bco: Leaee OCS-C 7227 (OPS-3-2) (FILE KOOM) (OPS-3-4 w/ Public I n f o . Copy of tho plan (PUBLIC RECvna)

ADQobert: 00k: 05/18/69: poecom-bkp,

t l '

Page 2: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well


(713) 872-5391

May 3, 1989

At tn : Ms. \ngie Gobert


Minerals Management Service 1201 Elmwood Park Blvd. New Orleans, Louisiana 70123-2394



The foiiowing information should be addec to Samedan's I n i t i a l Plan of Exploration for OCS-G 7227 dated A p r i l 14, 1989 and submitted to the Minerals Management Service A p r i l 21, 1989»

wastes and Pollutants

A l l ducharges associated with the d r i l l i n g of the proposed wells sha l l be in accordance with the permit l imita t ions i n the Environmental Protection Agency NPDES General Permit for the Gulf of Mexico*

The d r i l i i n g un i t i s b u i l t to prevent po l lu t ion of tne G- l f of Mexico by u t i ­l i z i n g a system of curbs, gutters and surface drains which d i rec t a l l f l u i d s to a containment systen. This system recovers hydrocarbons before watar is discharged into the Guif of Mexico,

Liquid waste material , including sewage f ron the l i v i n g quarters w i l l be treated i h a Minerals Management Service approved sewage plant on the d r i l l i n g u n i t pr ior co discharge in to the ocean. Solid waste materials are compacted and transported to shore for disposal.

D r i l l i n g operations are monitored by the Sane Jan reoresentativa on board. Mud and d r i l l cuttings w i l l be treated to remove o i l pr ior to discharge in to the Gulf of Mexico. O r i l l i n g nud is sampled and tested for t o x i c i t y according to EPA LC50 standards. Itema that cannot be treated properly Wi.il be transported to shore for disposal .

The followinq table i l l u s t r a t e s projected amounts and rates qf g r i l l i n g f lu ids and c tings dischargedi 1

Page 3: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well


Hole Siza

Caaing Size

30" 30" 14 3/4" 10 3/4' 9 7/3" 7-

Satting Depth

460' 3500' 9301 1


of Cutting

Drive Pipe 3844 CP 3085 CP

Amount D r i i i i n g Fluid

N/A 685 bbls 550 bbls

Days to

D r i l l

N/A 3 12

Discharge Per Day Cutting

0 1089 CF 218 CF

Discharge P«r Day D r i l l i n g Fluid

0 300 B/D 20 B/D

Lease S t i p u l a t i o n s

Lease S t i p u l a t i o n No* 1 appl ies to t h i s lease* The proposed w e l l s under the POE f o r OCS-G 7227 are to be d r i l l e d f rom a p r e v i o u s l y approved, p r e v i o u s l y d r i l l e d sur face l o c a t i o n on the a d j o i n i n g lease OCS-G 6086, Brazos BLock A-53 . Sained -» has complied w i t h S t i p u l a t i o n No. 1 f o r t h i s surface l o c a t i o n and w i l l comply f o r any f u t u r e su r f ace l o c a t i o n .

O i l S p i l l Response

The estimated response time noted i n the I n i t i a l POE f o r OCS-G 7227 i s 14 hours . This time i s s p l i t out as f o l l o w s :

Procure a b e - and deploy i t to Clean Gul f isaociates base i n Port Arans^.T, Texas

2.0 hours

Load out fast response unit and o i l s p i l l containment equipment

2.0 hours

T r a v e l time to lease (100 mi les § 10 MPH)

10.0 hours

Estimated T o t a l Tine 14.0 hours

The distance f rom thie Clean Gulf Associates base a t Port Aransas, Texas to Lease OCS-G 7227 i s a p p r o x i n a t e l y 100 m i l e s .

Please advise i f you should have any quest ions p r i o r to approval of the referenced I n i t i a l POE.

'ery t r u l y yours, S. MEDAN OIL CORPORATION

W i l l i a m E. B a n c r o f t , J r . Landman

WEB/ee.01 55

Page 4: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well


(713) 872-5391

A p r i l 26, 1989


A t t n : Ma* Angle Gobert

Minerals Management Serv ice Gulf of Mexico OCS Region 1201 Elmwood Park B l v d . NewOrleans, Lou i s i ana 70123-2394



Pursuant to 30 CFR 250.67, Samedan O i l Corpora t ion considers t h a t the proposed OCS-G 7227 Wells "A" and "B" under the Plan of E x p l o r a t i o n dated A p r i l 14, 1989 w i l l be d r i l l e d i n t o "zones where the absence of HoS has been c o n f i r m e d " . Samedan has d r i l l e d numerous w e l l s i n Brazos Blocks A-52, A-53 and A-65 which have confirmed t h i s absence o f h^S. The c loses t we l l s to these proposed we l l a are the OCS-G 6086 (Brazos Block A-53) Wells 2 and 2 s i d e t r a c k , n e i t h e r of which had any evidence o f h*2S.

Samedan r e s p e c t f u l l y requests Minera ls Management Servica approval o f the d e t e r ­mina t ion t h a t the proposed OCS-G 7227 Wells "A" and "B" f a l l i n t o t l ie category "zones where the absence of H2S has been con f i rmed" .

Contingent on necessary approva ls , Samedan i s p lann ing to secure a d r i l l i n g r i g t o commence d r i l l i n g on OCS-G 7227, Brazos Block A-37, on approximately May 15, 1989.

Please advise i f you ihou ld r e q u i r e a d d i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n f o r approval of t h i s r e q u e i t and approva l o f the s u b j e c t Plan of E x p l o r a t i o n .

Very t r u l y yours , SAMEDAN OIL CORPORATION

W i l l i a m E. Bancrofj Landman

WEB/ee.0151 cc« B i l l P o i l l i o n

Annalisa Tay lo r

Page 5: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well


OCS-G 7227




Date Of Prepara t ion t A p r i l 14, 1989


Mr. B i l l P o i l l i o n o r

Mr. J . P• Abies Samedan O i l Corpora t ion 350 Gle iborough, Sui te 240 Houston, Texas 77067 T e l . ( 7 1 3 ) 872-5391

Page 6: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well



1 . General 2 . E x p l o r a t i o n A c t i v i t i e s and

Geophysical Equipnent U t i l i z e d



1 . Shallow Hazards Report

2 . Archaeo log ica l Survey

3. S t r u c t u r e Maps (CONFIDENTIAL)

4 . Bathymetry Map, Surface L o c a t i o n , TVD, BHL

5. Discussion of H2S


1 . V i c i n i t y Map (Lease Block R e l a t i v e t o Shore L ine)

2 . D e s c r i p t i o n of Onshore Support Base F a c i l i t y

3 . Surface Loca t ion on Proposed Wel ls


1 . O i l S p i l l Plan

2 . T r a j e c t o r y Analys i s

3. Response Base and Response Time

4 . Clean Gu l f Associates


1. List of Mud Additives

2. Water Depth

3. D e s c r i p t i o n of D r i l l i n g Rig

A. General

B . Environmental Safeguards (1) General (2) Environmental Safeguards i n the Design (3) T r a i n i n g of Personnel and Procedures

C. Safe t} Features

4 . Emissions Report

Page 7: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well

m m ^ m • I . -......... ...^^v;.,.-'^^ .,^*ii*mmWnm


1 . General

Lease OCS-G 7227, Brazos Block A-37 i n the Gulf of Mexico was acquired i n OCS Lease Sale 84, i n J u l y , 1984 by Samedan O i l Corpora t ion (100%) f o r a bonus amount of S i ,82b ,000 .

The search f o r and poss ib le p r o d u c t i o n of hydrocarbon minerals from t h i s area i s p a r t of Samedan's o v e r a l l program i n the search f o r o i l and gas i n the Gulf of Mexico. Manpower requirements w i l l be covered w i t h the e x i s t i n g Samedan o r g a n i z a t i o n . Onshore support r equ i red f o r the o f f s h o r e oper^cions i n the block w i l l be f rom Por t O'Connor, Texas and the s t a f f of 1 eJan's Houston Of f sho re O f f i c e .

Samedan requ •-•jts MMS approval to d r i l l up t o two well ." i n OCS-G 7227 under t h i s p lan from a p r e v i o u s l y approved surface l o c a t i c n i n OCS-G 6086 as f o l l o w s :


Surface Loca t i on : 686' FNL £ 7473' FEL of Brazos Block A-53, OCS-G 6086 Proposed Bottomhole Loca t ion : * Proposed True V e r t i c a l Depth: *


Surface L o c a t i o n : t>«fo' FNL & 7473' FEL of Brazos Block A-53, OCS-G 6086 Proposed Bottomhole Loca t ion : • Proposed True V e r t i c a l Depth: *

(Samedan considers t h i s i n f o r m a t i o n c o n f i d e n t i a l and exempt from p u b l i c d i s c l o s u r e . )

Page 8: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well

Actual e x p l o r a t i o n a c t i v i t i e s c a r r i e d out i n the w e l l bore w i l l be decided dur ing the d r i l l i n g program depending on the f i n d i n g s * A s e l e c t i o n w i l l be made from the f o l l o w i n g a c t i v i t i e s commonly used by Samedan.

.Logging Program . . • • .ISF-Sonic w i t h SP/GR FDC-CNL/GR/Caliper

• • • • .High Resolu t ion Dipmeter • • • • .Wel l V e l o c i t y Survey a t T . D . . . . . .Repeat Formation Tester . . . . .Thermal Decay Log

. D r i l l Stem Test

.Coring and S idewal l Cores

.Well Samples

.Mud Log


Spud OCS-G 7227 Wel l No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Wel l No. B approximately May 31 , 1989


1. Shallow Hazards Report

Samedan's geophysic is ts have reviewed surveys of the area and have concluded t h a t no unusual shallow d r i l l i n g hazards e x i s t f o r the proposed a c t i v i t i e s . The Shallow Hazards Report f o r the proposed surface l o c a t i o n was approved November 17, 1983 under the Plan of Exp lo ra t i on f o r OCS-G 6085, 6086 and 6087. The surface l o c a t i o n i s the OCS-G 6086 Wel l No. 2 sur face l o c a t i o n on Brazos Block A-5 3, approved under said Plan as the OCS-G 6086 Wel l 0 .

2• Archaeo loq i ca l Survey

An A r c h a e o l o g i c a l Survey Report nas been performed. The r e s u l t s of the survey show no evidence of man made a r t i f a c t s i n the area.

Page 9: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well

3. Structure Map

The appropriate structure map is attached indicating well locations. Samedan considers this information CONFIDPiTlAL, and exempt from disclo­sure. This information i s included i n the five (5) Minerals Management Service copies of the Plan of Exploration only.

Page 10: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well

4. Bathymetry Map, Surface Location, TVD ana BHL

A bathymetry map showing we l l surface location for the wells is attached. The we l l bottomhole locations and TVD's are as fol lows:

(Samedan considers th is information confident ial and exempt from public disclosure) •

Page 11: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well

• * R W * » . « a - • • a * * * w « S . U " " K O T f i B s f t S S s i & £ F a m * A . . . . . .


S u r f o c e L o c o t i o n f o r A 8 B LOC S

? ,r> OCS - 7227

z IST I T — : —

• 2 so —t^-Su-

OCS-6086 • 3

' I0.25C

U . T J S "


t i t }




Hoaizo** —

••«»- • ».(

Page 12: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well


' 10,250'

iS • S5'

Sur face l ocst ion f a r i b ' . i JC'» in OCS 7 ; ' 7 »

v .»

*r->t- -

A-53 5







SCALE j . " _ i t ° i c . :

DATE 4 / .4 / ,»9

Page 13: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well

Discussion ( i >>S

No H_s has bead evident in t i e are.i of chis .'ease. Normal precautions ' * i * l be ohcir-'a.' during d r i l l i n g Opet.^tJrns*

Page 14: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well


1 , V i . - t n i t y Hap (Lease '.XOCK )_

A l o c a t i o n raap showing the lease block r e l a t i v e to the s h o r e l i n e ai-d opv.ta-t ior .s base i s a t t ached .

. . . . , . . . 'tj««*<)((|(£i

Page 15: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well









Page 16: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well

2 . D e s c r i p t i o n of_Onshore Support Base F a c i l i t y

Onahore suppor t f o r Samedan's o f f s h o r e d r i l l i n g operat ions w i l l be provided frora Por t O'Connor, Texas where tr*>nsy*>rlotion of suppl ies and person­nel w i l l be coord ina t ed . Technical &.» opera t iona l support f o r the d r i l l i n g operat ions w i l l be provided by Samedan t MousL-m Offshore D i v i s i o n . The suppor t ing s t a f f i n the Houston o f f i c e . - i « i s t s of approximately 45 persons covering a l l d i s c i p l i n e s f o r conducting o i l and gas opera t ions ; e x p l o r a t i o n , d r i l l i n g , p roduc t ion , c o n s t r u c t i o n and a d m i n i s t r a t i o n .

3. Surface Locc*.'on of Proposed Wells

The surface loca t ions of the proposed wel l s are as sruwn on the map referenced i n Sect ion C.4 of t h i s P l an .

E. 01] S p i l l Clean-Up I n f o r m a t i o n

1 . O i l S p i l l Plan

Samedan haa an O i l S p i l l Contingency Plan which ha j been approved by the Regional Supervisor of the Minera ls Management Se rv ice . The p l an describes procedures f o r a c t i o n i n dea l i ng w i t h any major d i s a s t e r s , such as o i l s p i l l s , f i r e s , b lowouts , e t c . I t scr ibes i n d e t a i l :

. . . Duties to be performed wh«- i d i sas t e r occurs, w i t h an i n d i c a t i o n of p r i o r i t y .

• . . Assignment of duty and a des igna t ion of a u t h o r i t y . . • • Communication and r e p o r t i n g requirements (company and outs ide


Attached xS the Mineral? Management Service approval f o r Samedan O i l Corpora t ion ' s O i l Sp : . l l Contingency P lan .

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In Reply Refer TD: F0-1 Avcust 16. 1967

Samedan Oil Corporatior Attentior: Ms. Annalist M. Tajlor 35C Glenborough - Suite 240 Houston. Texas 77067-3299

Gent* emer,:

Your letter dated July 15. 1967, transmitted the results of the annual review Of Samedan Oil Corporation's Oil Spill Contingency Flan (OSCF). The plan is hereto approved in compliance with paragraph 3.2 of OCS Order No. 7. I t has been f i l e d 1n this office and copies have beer sent to our district offices.

In the future your letters and submittals to f u l f i l l the requirements of paragraph 3.2 of OCS Order No. 7 (OSCF and verification of training) could be comtined resulting in a reduction of paperwork. Advance notification of a d r i l l pursuant tc paragraph 4.1 of OCS Order No. 7 should be a separate submittal. Minerals Management Service approvel would be required to slide the date of your annual d r i l l , annual OSCP review, or both, so they would coincide. Also, to comply with paragraph 4.1 of OCS Order No. 7 tore detail relative tc realistic d r i l l s ir, an open water environment. deploymert of equipment, end training of pe-somel identified 1n the OSCF as mer s of the oil spi l l response operating tear wi l l be required.

Fleese sufcrit sever, conies of further revisions or modifications U your CSCF. The next annjal review of your OSCP. as required by paragraph 3.2 of OCS Order Nc. 7. w i l l be due i r Ka* of 198E.

Sincerely yours.

Page 18: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well

i 2. Trajectory Analyses

Samedan O i l Corporation has i d e n t i f i e d the rones that appropriate and available t ra jectory analyses indicate may be impacted by an o i l s p i l l on Brazos Block A-37. As a source document for this analysis, we have used the Final Environmental Impact Study for Sales 118 and 122 (Book #98-0044J. Listed below are the results of the analysis:

\ chance of Impact Land Seqment I Zone

1* 6 Aransa-*, Texas 1C% 7 Calhoun, Texas 63% 8 Matagorda, Texas 3% 9 Brazoria, Texas

Please refer to the Clean Gulf Associates Operations Manual Volume I I for a complete l i s t i n g of the envircrimentally sensitive resources and areas which could be affected by an o i l s p i l l i n this area. Listed are the map numbers in said manual which can be u t i l i z e d i n case of an o i l s p i l l to quickly identify specific biologically sensitive areas and resources:

Zone Clean Gulf Associates Var *

Aransas, Texas Texas Map 2 Calhoun, Texas Texas Map 2 Matagorda, Texas Texas Maps 2 and 3 Brazoria, Texas Texas Maps 3 and 4

I f an o i l s p i l l should occur on Brazos Block A-37, Samedan would do i t s best to respond in accordance with i t s Oil S p i l l Contingency Plan which was approved on August 18, 1987 by the Minerals Manaqement Service. Additionally, Samedan would do i t s best to notify appropriate agencies, identify biologically sensitive areas, and i n i t i a t e the appropriate response modes to quicxly and effectively reduce damage to property and the environ­ment.

3. Response Base and Response Time

The primary response base for an o i l s p i l l in this area i s Port Aransas, Texas. The estimated response time for mobilize.tion, transportation and deployment onsite of the fast response skimmer system is 14 hours.

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4. Clean Gulf Associates

As a member of the Clean Gulf Associates, Samedan has access to the various area of the Gulf of Mexico. An inventory of the available equipment along with response time i s attached.

' VCft

Page 20: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well


Clean Gulf Associates i s a n o n - p r o f i t o r g a n i z a t i o n forrted by companies

operat ing i n the Outer Con t inen ta l Shelf* The i r purpose i s to provide a s tock­

p i l e of o i l s p i l l containment and clean-up equipment f o r use by member (and

non-member) companies. Clean Gulf Associates cont rac ted w i t h H a l l i b u r t o n

Services i n Harvey, Louis iana , to supply equipment, ma te r i a l s and personnel

needed to con ta in and clean-up s p i l l s i n the Gulf of Mexico. At the present

time clean-up systems are maintained a t f i v e bases loca ted a t Grand I s l e ,

Venice, I n t r a - c o a s t a l C i t y , Cameron, and Morgan C i t y . These systems i n c l u d e :

f a s t response open sea/bay, high volume open saa, sha l low water ard a u x i l i a r y

shallow water skimmer systems, beach cleanup equipment, and h e l i c o p t e r spray

systems. Also a v a i l a b l e are w a t e r f o w l r e h a b i l i t a t i o n u n i t s , b i r d scarers , and

communication systems. I n a d d i t i o n , o f f s h o r e opera tors from the upper Texas

Coast to the M i s s i s s i p p i Delta r e g i o n , ma in t a in a la rge i nven to ry of 177 boats ,

64 he l i cop t e r s and 103 f i x e d - w i n g a i r c r a f t t h a t can be put to use on sho r t

n o t i c e .

A more d e t a i l e d inventory of a v a i l a b l e equipment and mate r i a l s

f o l l o w t . .

Page 21: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well


A v a i l a b l e Equipment and Ma te r i a l s

1 , Barge-Mounted, High Volume, Open Sea Skimmer System (HOSS Barge)

2 . Fast Response, Skid-Mounted, Skimmer System

3. 50 b b l . O i l Storage Barge

4 . 36' Bennett or Un i roya l Boom per 100' w i t h Baskets and Anchoring Systems

5. Mini Fast Response, Skid-Mounted Skimmer System ( f o r stand-by on p l a t f o m s and d r i l l i n g vessels) whether skimming or not .

6 . Saucer Type Skimmer

7 . 200 GPM C e n t r i f u g a l , Portable Pump 3"

8. 100 GPM A i r Diaphragm Pump 2"

9 . Hel icopter Spray System

10. B i r d Scarers - Set of 24

1 1 . Waterfowl R e h a b i l i t a t i o n S t a t i o n w/20 kw Generator

12. 20 kw Generator

13. Polyurethane Foam Generation System

14. 175 CFM A i r Compressor

15. 40 CFM A i r Compressor

Grand Is l e

Response Time

3 days

Venice, Intracoastal 12 hours City, Galveston, Cameron, Rockport, Grand Isle

Venice, Grand I s l e , 24 hours Intracoastal City

Venice, Grand I s l e , 24 hours Intracoastal City, Galveston, Rockport

24 hours

Venice, Grand I s l e , 24 hours Intracoastal City

Venice, Grand Isl e , 12 hours Intracoastal City

Venice, Grand I s l e , 12 hours Intracoastal City

Venice, Grand I s l e , 3 hours Intracoastal City

Venice, Grand I s l e , "5 hours Intracoastal City

Grand* Isle applicable only to Shallow Water

Grande Isle 12 hours

Venice, Grand Isle 12 hours Intracoastal City

Grand Isle 12 hours

Venice, Grand I s l e , 12 hours Intracoastal City

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-. . .

16. Foan Pad Forms - Set of 4

17. Hand Skimmers - Set of 5 w/Manifold

18. Sorbent Recovery System, Wringer w i t h Compression SV.idr

19. Boat Sprayer System

20. Sorbent Pads (7-10 bales per l o c a t i o n )

2 1 . Radio System

22. Chemical - CoUec tan t

23. Chemical - Dispersant w i t h two 550 g a l l o n tanks

Venice, Grand I s l e , 12 hours I n t r a c o a s t a l C i t y

Grand I s l e , Venice 12 hours I n t r a c o a s t a l C i t y , Rockport , Galveston

I n t r a c o a s t a l C i t y , 12 hours Venice, Grand I s l e

Grand i s l e , Rockport, 12 hours Galveston

Grand I s l e , Venice, 12 hours I n t r a c o a s t a l C i t y , Rockport , Galveston

New Orleans (Gretna)

Grand I s l e , Venice 12 hours I n t r a c o a s t a l C i t y , Galveston, Rockport

Galveston, Rockport 12 hours

i • • ' - • • I , iMiwifiiTiiiiii • i ifrirnr arir- ' f. . - ^ m ^ j f l t t y 1 " ' " "

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1. Li s t of Mud Additives

A l i s t of commonly used mud additives u t i l i z e d by Samedan is attached. Particular care is exercised by Samedan to minimize disruption of the environment. These d r i l l i n g mud additives are selectei to prevent a lasting impact on the surroundings.

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D r i l l i n g Mud Components Than lay Be Utilized Offshoie

Product Trade Name Common Name

Weight M a t e r i a l s and V i s c o s i f i e r s

KIL-BAR R b a r i t e

MILGELR ben ton i t e

SALT WATER GELR a t t a p u l g i t e

Dispersants (1 Tinners)


f i l t r a t i o n C o n t r o l Add i t i ve s

1* gnosul f onate

Chemical Trade Name

barium s u l f a t e

bentoni te

a t t a p u l g i t e c lay

sodium l i g n o s u l f o n a t e




Caustic Soda

Soda Ash

Bicarb of Soda


Spec ia l ty A d d i t i v e s

LD-8 R

Aluminum Stearate




c a u s t i c i z e d l i g n i t e

p r l y m e r - t r e a t e d l i g n i t e

c a u s t i c

soda ash

b i c a r b

l ime



oxygen scavenger

oxygen scavenger

l u b r i c a n t

NaOH t rea ted l i g n i t e

polymer- t rea ted l i g n i t e

sodium hydroxide

sodium carbonate

sodium bicarbonate

calcium hydroxide

non-hydrocarbon defoamer

aluminum s teara te

ca ta lyzed , sci ium s u l f i t e pwd

catalyzed ammonium b i o s u l f i t e s o l u t i o n

biodegradable,non-p o l l u t i n g vegetable o i l

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Product Trade Name



Comnon Nam«.

S h a l e - T r o l

d r i l l i n g d*tergent

v i . Loss of C i r c u l a t i o n Add i t i ve s



Kwik-Seal LCM

Chemical Trade Name

Alluminun organic a c i d complex

d r i l l i n g f l u i d de te rgent

ground nut shel l":

f l a k e mica

combination of granules, f l a k e s , and f i b e r s

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2. Water Depth:

The water depth in Brazos Mock A-37 ranges from 148 to 160 fee t . The water depth fo r our surface location i s approximately 159 fee t .

3. Description of D r i l l i n g Rig

A. General

D r i l l i n q operations w i l l be conducted by a contractor under supervision of the s t a f f of Samedan's Houston Offshore Divis ion. Tht contractor w i l l supply the personnel required for the operations and a s e l f -contained jack-up d r i l l i n g un i t , complete with l i v i n g quarters. The f . x i ' . ing contract requires the contractor to perform the operations in a._orJance with Sanedan's standards for safety and protection of the environment. A Samedan representative w i l l supervise a l l a c t i v i t i e s .

The oeneral arrangenent of a jack-up d r i l l i n g uni t and complete inven­tory of equipment provided Oy the contractor are attached.'

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CiASS The « * . . » ! w i l l b r r b n e d ABS * A l . n o n » t I m p e l l e d . %t \1*h*hr ,ng dr.lt.no. un i i lor 3Q© foot m ts imurn wster depth by the A m e t i c i n Burcsv p f£h ;pp»>g .


tlMCTM OVflAtl

•LAM OVJtAU {maXimmX.

MUU turn- l-»i<uj F O f f t U U D1*FT

n c v n : JACTMOUWS

r m trcv

tat u o ... KU"-»UI U C i

.909 Fv

. « » K

. » K

. SO PL 91 H b-a

. S» h. high

. Se~*<» T r i m

. zTkarse, Trwo.

— s r e . n . i f

AO ft p». H M

SOOO Cu. F t

• U R o s :




Me*wtu C Z A M t 4 _ .

W » t V Ft

. «ooe Bbb.

-VOO Sfcb.

. 1 » X T M I

- O M MD C*M

„ T « e

JT-e eS T»JO t i r * S.b

MOOFIMC * ' S ' £ X _ 0 « , ( I ) F*»«iW A — ^ W ,

M*or» tert- wllK U-« ' M ^ M i o- «»t>, • " ^ " • • * '» -» n r C p . ' * i r r f l . . l n . Four (4. ? * 0 0 t b . U w j » * -


•*•*•" fCR»*d tea i y>~ M t B»<«.

ru*w-T-« cs o3-r*a )7oc r j i.^w.

Del H O T - O n . f | ) 147 foet ft W foot * JO faet 1,330,000 C#4F t * p * * * j e W « t - f r * - ^ . .

W?5TBUCTU»t-»0*. • 4JT • 2J-fi- (run* « * • ^ . V o ^

ooTArr -OrWi A S7yi.

WtlCKI »S>ICATO*-»WtV. De.Vv- ?>»• - t

Wi t t UMl AMCHOt- N.lkKMJ Tn» • t

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#— «

The platform measure* 208 feet long. K u • beam of 178 feet and b 22 feet deep. The veuel shall be • triangle shape with a 50* * 26" 8loi on fhe stern through which the drifting

op*r«lrom w i l l be conducted. The general dimen.ioru wTT? he at fellows:




2 7 S r 12 f t

1 f v r S t o r t l r y S-61 •

TI. Z7.Z le»Ing»lon Shipbuilding Co."



Square Truss 40E Feet, Plut Footing

... _ Squ*ie 2 7 O o r d Centers —

- .. Th- <r£ ...*B' Diameter




HUU AND JACK HOUSES with Fc jnd*f<on$ (Weighr)

MACHINERY AND EOUIPMENT including Jacks (Weight)



.192 Ton JacVinp 3."? Ton* Holding

.6.900 Tons .1 h . Per Minute . I Ft. Per Minute .Electric ..Control House -Electric Feilvtfe


_25O0 Tons

-2200 Tons ..National Supply Division,

ARMCO Steel Corporation

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GENERAI ARRANGEMENT • - The |ec l ing system t* en electromechanical reck end pinion dr ive comprised

o f six gear bo«*s. t w o fo» each leg. each whh six Individual electric gear motor* and* geer trains terminat ing at t l x pinions, wh ich ride • doub t * toothed rack on thc leg chord . The pinions are arranged in pairs so thst the spreading forces between and red: snd pinions are cancelled out w i th in the rac* and gear box . and are not rrerumlned into the. leg structure.


The rated jading capacity for this System 6900 short tont at epprosimately \JD tijrnin.

The stetic holding capacity fbr this system 12,600 short tons.

GEARING A U gears, pinions snd shafts sre haat treated efloy steel running on ant i -

- - f r ic t ion bearings. A l f gear ing except f ina l reduction and cl imbing pinion 7 r v n In oTLtight cases.

MOTOR BRAKE • . Eech gear motor includes c mo»or mounted fail safe spring set disc b -s le rated for a min imum o l 200% motor torque. Release mechanism can bs operated Independently o f motor operation to permit manual torquing through e shaft exlension.


The CT.r-'ro'» are a push but ton system,'oner s'ed f rom a single remote Cor> t r o ' Co-uole. Each leg cen be operated Indiv'-duatly or e l l Lsgi . ' imuha iv -~ " sou th / . Contrcllers" for aach i r j V » provided in dr lp-p-cvf enclosures — — -wh ich ere mo.inted m motor contr©! centers located at each l e g . - Eech gro.-p o" motors serving a teg wiTI be supplied power through a separate circuit beaker in Ihe v-svc-fs main sw i ichbovd.

Control Console— - • The control CO ri 101» wil? have one fT) indicator t qh t for each j a i l i n g motor w h h the fights arranged the ( t m e as the motor locations on the p lat form. Each tight w i l l burn steady when power fc supplied to hs respective motor o n d the Tight w i l l f lesh when hs motor b cvertoeded.

. The console wf f l heve a eet of Ra ise- S»op4 ower pu-sh-buttofu for aach leg . There wTTI else be one (1) emergency stop pushbutton (panic button) fo r shutt ing down ef! j ac i ing mot o n at once. . . A l e y operated xwirch wiTT be provider* for turning on and o f f the power t o the control console to prevent unauthorized persons f r o m starl ing t h s |»ck motors. Ther* will be three (3) wart maters, one (1) *** each leg. to Indicate

" power supplr-c! to sfl the motors on a leg. . A n tncTinomeler w f l l be Installed in the console te Indies*} level or ou) e f

level ef the pUtfonrn.- -

-ACCESSIBILITY -A n y c l imbing p in ion, f i na l dr ive gear, irtermediete gearbox, or gear* motor mey be removed for Inspeclion or replacement w i thout d isturbing ony pinions er their d r i v i n g elements above or be low.

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R e f r i g e r a n t S y s t e m

Compressed A i r - - -

Lag W i t h d r a w a l J«i Piping

Fire Bi lge & BeTlesf System

Bulk M u d A Cement

P lumbing Drains

Deck D r a W


Eng in* Coating

Engine Exhaust Piping

Fuel Oi l Piping

Hyd route Piping-

t u b * O i l Piping

H igh Pressure Mud Piping

M u d Sudion Piping

M u d Mix ing Piping

Potable Water

DrTtling Water

Sab Water Servic*

Vents ft Sounds

Be mote Tont Gauging


ATI machinery spaces are mechanically ventilated. Oversea »rc central ly heated end air condit ioned.

UGHTING — -Gineral A H Hgntlng equipment shall be des'v »«:' I--; operation at 120 volts, A . C single phase, 60"h* r t r . " The ve*-**" iSe*! be •edequat-ly Tigh»ed-th roughout w i t h marine type fixtures of a style particularly designed f o r the location and services required. v


AUXIUARY MACHINERY £ EQUIPMENT . Two (2) 45 Ton Link Belt Revolving Denes

-DEEPWFU PUMPS 1 - Two Q ) 3200 GPM WATER DISTILLATION UNIT ' : One ( l j Meco 300


WELDING EQUIPMENT Two (2) d00 A m p . Machines

1 v » CC » C r « M W i w i N ^ T w e CTj SSO C * S-fc. Bap*, m-4 S*Snrt

>*• f T W r . R n W S W K > h » 9 n S > « f A

OTHER EQUIPMENT CW f f ] f l M » k S - w r < t W C i

t t vn * Di IS •** *>—f Ae i r tw» S - * CD SB MP ( V H P^raa fr* ru Dvn Qi P—*> \— ce S**>A *w- r « f i

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.4 - - r l S B W W - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i A ^ i U ^ . .


ACCOMMODATIONS A i l eir<ondit'<cv>«d In/ing q u i r r m are prov ided le Hous* 54 p c ton* . The

Irving quarters ante h subd iv ided i n riih rrusrtrtef;

- T w o {JJ t ingle rnan rooms w h h private bath . O r t * 0 ) four man room w h h private bath. T w e l v e (12) four man crew rooms. - L_ . . . . . . T w o (2) Soil*! and shower spaces to accommodate c row. O n * (1) lounge equipped w h h div en, easy chairs, card table and bookcase. Tw© (2) o f f i ce i . d r i l l ing off ice and Oompany Rep/ ete motive's o f f ice . O n * J l ) fwflf«eqwlpped mets room and all electric gal ley, complete w h h

wa lk - in freezer and chi l l boa. O n * (1) four-man hospi ta l" whh complete fVst-ald equipment . O n * f l ) change-room and laundry combination.


Genera !

T w o (2) General Motors ! M D 16-6<5-El Dieiel Engines dr iv ing 1590 KW.6O0 Voh AC Generator*.

One (1) General Motors CMD E-OC5-EI Diesel Engine dr iv ing 700 KW. 4B3 Voh AC Generator.

One f l ) Rescue boat (four men). .Three (3) 25-men cap*crry t f e raf t* .


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Th* levingston Jack-Up it designee* te withstand h v i c a n r cendiliom In the Gulf of Meaico. A breakdown of specific design features b told betow:

Mst lmym lots' water depth including tide . 300 f t

Maaimum wav* height SO ft.

Maaimum crest elevation above bottom 335 fL

Wave per iod—~» B - W A 13 eac •

Maaimum wind _. ~ ", 125 mph

Elevating speed '. * 60 ft. par fv .

Air gep « _ — 35 f t

Maaimum teg penetration • "25 f t - A



PUa OIL . . _ - 4.000 bbL



BULK MUD. '. 1,000 OU. f t

ACTIVE MUD. 707 bbL .


BULK CEMENT . 3.000 ou. f t

SACK STORAGE. . 1,760 esi. f t

DRIU PIPE. " . 1JD00.OOO lbs.

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.Basse. I I •f.a«%-^**#i-:(»'!;M»i«;n.r,'M»5---ti»-3JO.

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TNtn ttooto XKf-v* Mm n*trotw

»laf« Mo. 9 of T


nivco c u n »M MCT-ur* ALT.

. , ! . 1

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M O P M ' * * * « • VAHOM Ikb mmmm mmm* t—r T mmwrnm* M«<Mf M b mrnmmtl mjkm*. C M M ,

••» Mrf kt aw m • M - l Mfem* MM*** Iras UttngMM <>l|*i—n Owvj.,


OUnOAtO NOfkil

• I — tlvOO OMI Ul 1

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OUT VIM*. 0 * ' 6 V . . b * » * VWflV

OUTVlWt O* **» OM.



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«r <rrr4 fc» twf *»»«•"•• « » • • w i r -<

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»•*•**• i r r r«»r * -nertt uooio Mtr. WP ptm rtAtrotM

•tttt Ne. 3 ef 7

ouMTtn noun . - * r iivn t tor o» uuMim ••omi inni 4 imiroti

%'rvco c u u 111 Met**- ALT.

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Qi/*m&Ji<mi -'Of. lank. puKtmUwit. Maw Of tn LtvtL * C C * U M « » I < t M ( • i * w t u

•latt Na. 6 a* 7



r/aaraatatr mvotMAixx Aaj 4*^B4*e ••rafta^ fwpiW*s>y suar t̂n^w CM* « M * M r t r » * i i M , #*«'*•*•«'. n r " * «r MT4 la * * r Wmmm nl**** •»»"•• ^̂mm \mm*mm i 8>i^i»iHf | Cr~»i«r, c - i - v laaati

u r a * • % I V T • i ra -IMNt itooto jAcrjr owi natrrtta


"nTvas CIAU in > w ALT.

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1. Capable of operating during hurricane season to 250 feet of s t i l l water depth and non-hurricane sesson to 326 fect combined s t i l l vstcr depth* plus penetration, not to exceed 300 feet of s t i l l water depth.

2. Two (2) 750 HP esch Bay or thrusters.

3. The vessel i s classed ABS Al .

4. Quarters sre centrally heated f-v l l a r conditioned, designed to sccooDodste 54 persons. Also . '.Alley, hospital and office f a c i l i t i e s .

5. 62 * x 68' helicopter , * : X S-61.

6. Platforn s lot 48' * 49'.

7. Mooring systea:

1 • National doue«e rVua, "nt! 2 - single drua winches, with 50 HP motors each. 4 - 73001 E M - F anchors.


1. Drawworks - Oilwell E-3000, will 1-1/2" wire l ine , and Baylor 7838 e lectr ic brake.

2. Punps - 2 Oilwell 1700 PT Triple?.

3. Derrick - 147* 8 30' s 30*. 1,330,0000 Continental Ensco.

4. Substructure - 30* x 48* x 23* 6". 9 well positions.

5. Rotary - Oilwell A-37-1/2*.

6. Weight Indicator. B/D Type E .

7. Wire Line Anchor. Rational Type " E " .


1. Bulk Mud 3 - 1000 c u . / f t . tanks

2. Bulk Cement 3 - 1000 C u . / f t . tanks

3. Sack Storage 1760 sq . f t .

4. Liquid Mud 1190 bbls.

-1 -

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5. Liquid Mod-Sand Trap 185 bbls.

Oril l ing Water 5532 bbls.

Fuel Oi l 4153 bbls.

Settling/Separator Tsnka (2) 82.6 bbls/each tank

9. Potable Water 904 bbls.

Personnel 54 sien



1. Ventilation - A l l machinery spaces arc nechsnlcslly ventilated.

2. Lighting - A l l lighting 120V AC single phase, 60 Herts. A l l fixtures srs narine type.


1. Cranes - 2-45 ton Link Belt revolving cranes

2. 2 - 3200 CPM Deepwell Punps.

3. Meco 300 Vater Dis t i l la t ion Unit.

4. Red Fox 500C Sewage Treatment Plant.

5. 2 - 400 AMP Velding Machine.

6. 2 - 300 GPM D r i l l Water Punps.

7. 2 - 350 CPM F i r e , Bilge a Bal last Punps.

? . 3 - 75 HP Mud Mixing, Desilting 6 Degassing Punps.

RENTAL ITEMS (Unit Rental Only Psld by Contrsctor)

1. 1 - E l ec t r i c Powered Dual Cementing Onit - Halliburton.

2. 1 - Logging Unit .


1. 2 - EMD 16-645-E11 Diesel Engines, driving 1500 KW 600V AC Genera­tors.

2. 1 - EMD 8-645-EIG Diesel Engines, driving 700 KW 480V AC Cenerstors.


1. Bsylor SCR Systen.

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2. 7 - EHD-79 KB DC Motors

2 - 7 " 2 - 5-1/2" 2 - 5 -2 - 2-7/8" 2 - 2-3/8" 8 - 4-1/2"


1. Erection of derrick.

2. Coring reel v i th sufficient wire l ine and swabbing equipment, except cups.

3. Desander, des i l ter , degasser.

4. Mud pit agitators.

5. Hutchinson-Hayes shale shaker.

6. 12-ststiOD telephone system.

7. Marine radio, FM radio

8. Air Compressors for r ig , a i r , dry cement snd dry mud systems.

9. Upper Kelley cock and 2 - 5 " 10,000 PSI Kelley valves.

10. Overshot and taper tap to catch Contractor's dr i l l ing string.

11. Two pair DB Rotary toogc.

12. Personnel nets snd material trsnsfer baskets.

13. Drift recorder - type that does oot show direction.

14. Tubing swab j a r s , sinker bars, swivel repe socket, lubricator with l ine pack off o i l saver and swabbing unit with 15,000' wire l ine .

15. Recorder, 4-pen (Torque, v t . , RPM, pump pressure).

16. Welding services, equipment snd supplies for normal d r i l l i n g , conpleting, snd abandonment operations.

17. Trucking service snd other transportation, hauling or vinchiog services, ss required, to nove Contractor's property to and fron dock s i t e .

18. Baroid nud lab, complete.

19. All nornal r i g operating supplies.

20. Lubricants.

- 3 -

Page 43: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well


1. 1 - Rescue Boat.

2. 3-25 man capacity life rafts.

3. Crown-o-natlc.

4. L i f t rings snd portsble f i r e extinguishers.

5. 250 gallon "Light Wstsr" systea.

6. 25001 Dry powder systea.

7. Fire hoses, axes, stretchers, snd f i r s t aid supplies.


1. 10,000' 4-1/2" "E" Range XX, inspected, plast ic coated snd fine particle hard-band on tool jo in t s .

2 . 5000' 4-"/2" S-135 Range I I , inspected snd plastic coated.

3. 5 - 8" OD x 2-3/4" - 3" ID D r i l l Col lars .

4. 10 - 6-3/4" OD x 2-3/4 - 3" ID D r i l l Col lars .

5. 35 Joints 4-1/2" XH Hevi-Wate D r i l l Pipe, 42#/ft. with wear part in niddle of j o i n t .

6. Kelly, Kelly spinner, subs, elevators, snd s l ips for sbove d r i l l pipe snd d r i l l c o l l s r s .

7. Dr i l l pipe rubbers for d r i l l pipe while working in surfsee casing only.


1- 1 - 21-1/4" Hydri l , Series 600.

2. 1 - 13-5/8" Hydri l , Series 1500.

3. 3 - 13-5/8" Caaeron Type "U", Series 1500.

4. 1 - 10,0001 Choke Manifold, API.

5. 1 - 160 gallon 3000 PSI Kooney Accunulstor Unit, with renote control.

6. Spools, sdspters, nnd flanges for blowout preventers to connect to Company's API wellheads.

7. Blowout Preventer Rans: 2 - 9-5/8" 4 - 3-1/2" 2 - 7-5/8"

Page 44: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well

B. Environmental Safeguards

(1) General

The goal of this Exploration Plan i s the gathering of more inforination on the geology of the lease area, i n a safe manner, with minimal disrup­t ion of the environment. Various rules, regulations, codes, laws and practices have been developed over the years, which w i l l assist the operator to conduct operations i n th is manner. 30 CFR 250 Subpart C spec i f i ca l ly aeals with the environmental safeguards and safety of the d r i l l i n g and production operations. The regulations are s t r i c t l y adhered to by Samedan*

Environmental safeguards are b u i l t into the the operations i n several ways: i n the or ig ina l design of *.-'uipment and system of operations, i n the t ra in ing of personnel, i n th t preparation of procedures for opera­tions and also in the procedures and ava i l ab i l i t y of equipnent for reme­d i a l actions in cases of emergencies.

Operations w i l l be conducted under the conditions described on the Application for Permit to Discharge on f i l e with the Minerals Management Service. Samedan conducts monthly tests to ensure that l iqu id wastes discharged into the Gulf of Mexico comply with E.P.A. Regulations.

(2) Environmental Safeguards i n the Design

The d r i l l i n g uni t is b u i l t to prevent pol lut ion of the Gulf of Mexico by u t i l i z i n g a system of curbs, gutters and surface drains which d i rec t a l l f l u i d s to a containment system. This system recovers hydrocarbons before water is discharged in to the Gulf of Mexico.

Liquid waste material, including sewage from the l i v i n g quarters w i l l be treated ir. a Minerals Management Service approved sewage plant on the d r i l l i n g un i t prior to discharge into the ocean. Solid waste materials are compacted and transported to shore for disposal.

D r i l l i n g operations are monitored by the Samedan representative on board. Mud and d r i l l cuttings w i l l be treated to remove o i l prior to discharge into the Gulf of Mexico. D r i l l i n g muc i s sampled and tested fo r t o x i c i t y according to EPA ICso standards. Items that cannot be treated properly w i l l be transported to shore fo r disposal.

{3) Training of Personnel and Procedures

Regular t ra in ing of operations personnel i s a necessary complement to the po l lu t ion prevention features i n the design of equipment and opera­t ions . Operator awarer:>*ss i s achieved by regular t ra in ing and enfor­cement of procedures. The d r i l l i n g uni t is inspected d a i l y . A procedure for the reporting of and dealing with o i l s p i l l s has been established by Samedan's i n accordance with the requirements of 30 CFR 250 Subpart C, which i s incorporated i n Samedan's "Oi l S p i l l Contingency Plan".

Page 45: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well

• »JSTtJ Li,',

C. Safe ty Features

As i s the case w i t h the environmental safeguards, s a f e ty aspects must be a combination of des ign, opera to r awareness and the a v a i l a b i l i t y o f s u i t a b l e emergency equipment. Over the /ears, the O i l I ndus t ry and the Federal Government has issued a considerable number of standards, reconmended p rac t i ces and laws g o v ; r a n g minimum requirements . Oesign of equipment f o r Samedan's operat.. rti requi res the a p p l i c a t i o n of a l l a v a i l a b l e standards i n the s t r i c t e s - . manner. The most impor tan t o f these are l i s t e d below:


...OCS Orders of the Minerals Management Service

...API Standards and Recommended Practices

...ASME Codes

...ASTM Standards

...ANSI Standards


...American Welding Society


Safety systems are incorporated in the design of equipment and opera­tional procedures as required by the OCS Orders of the Minerals Management Service. 30 CFR 2b0 Subpart D specifically provides detailed information on the d r i l l i n g operations and Samedan adheres s t r i c t l y to these rules and regulations.

Automatic gas and f i r e detection systems are incorporated in the unit to alarm operations personnel i n case of emergencies. Equipment to deal with emergencies ( l i f e vests, r a f t s , buoys, f i r e extinguishing equipment, l i f e boats, etc.) i s located strategically on the d r i l l i n g u n i t . Frequent training sessions are held to keep operations personnel a l e r t and familiar with procedures and operating instructions for equipment.

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Page 46: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well




A, General

Samedan Oi l has f i l e d an application fo r a "Permit to Discharge" i n accordance with the requirements of the Environrrental Protection Agency.

B. D r i l l i n g Operations

Emissions discharged into the ocean w i l l be primari ly d r i l l i n g f l u i d , washed well cutt ings, cooling water and sewage e f f l u e n t . A l l these wastes w i l l be treated pr ior to discharge in to the sea to ensure a minimal impact or the environment. In cases where sat isfactory treat ing cannot be accomplished, wastes w i l l be collected and brought to shore for disposal. The following f igures show approximate quantit ies for wastes in this category:

. . . D r i l l Cuttings 650 tons per wel l

. . . D r i l l i n g Fluid 7,000 barrels per wel l

...Sanitary/Sewage Eff luent 4,000 gallons per day

. . .Cooling Water 1,000,000 gallons per day

Emissions discharged into the a i r during the d r i l l i n g phase w i l l be primarily associated with power generation. The fol lowing table l i s t s emissions during the d r i l l i n g operations (based upon Table 3.3.3-1 of EPA Publication AP-42):

Emission Factor i n g/hp-hr

N ° x s o x HC CO Particulates

1 4 . 0 0 .93 1 .12 3 .03 1 .0

Total emissions can be found u t i l i z i n g the formula presented i n EPA Publication PB-272-268:

"Emission Rate = Emission Factor X Total Well Footage X 60 hp-hr/ft"

Page 47: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well

Up to two w e l l s are to be d r i l l e d i n 1989 w i t h t o t a l footage of approximately 20 ,300 ' . The f o l l o w i n g emissions es t imate ( t . / y r ) app l i e s f o r the d r i l l i n g o f the w e l l s :

N 0 X

1 8 . 8 2

s o x HC

1.24 1.51


4 07

P a r t i c u l a t e s


c . Exemption Test

The Rules and Regulat ions 1t f ii«:-* i n *.he r •;>- •- I , . ? r v r 2^0.57 of Marcn 7, 1980 r e q u i r e t e s t i . v ; agains t t r * T i s s ^ o i - ;r. v . . . -tnccrt* as f c

E = 3,40 O i / \ f o . CD


E « 33.3D f c r t o t a l • sfon^ea p a r t i c u l a t e s

For t h i s l o c a t i o n , a . i s tance of 38 mi les a p p l i e s . This makes the exemption amount as f o l l o w s :

E • 38,430 Tons /yr . f o r CO


E - 1265 Tons/yr . f o r S 0 „ , NO* . „ " x» x , HC ?.nd P a r t i c u l a t e s

The ca lcu la ted amounts f o r both CO and the t o t a l suspended p a r t i c u l a t e s are below the exemption amount. The re fo re , f u r t h e r a i r q u a l i t y review i s not required f o r the proposed e x p l o r a t i o n a c t i v i t i e s i n the lease area.

Page 48: (Orig. S|4.) A. Giroir - BSEE Data Center · .Coring and Sidewall Cores .Well Samples .Mud Log B. SCHEDULE Spud OCS-G 7227 Well No. A approximately May 15, 1989 Spud OCS-G 7227 Well

D * T ranspo r t a t i on

Sine* t r a n s p o r t a t i o n requirements are combined f o r Samedan's operat ions i n the var ious blocks i n the v i c i n i t y , i t i s d i f f i c u l t t o q u a n t i f y the exact c o n t r i b u ­t i o n to the t o t a l emissions as s r e s u l t uf t h i * e x p l o r a t i o n .

T y p i c a l f i g u r e s f o r emission f rom crew boats and suppl-, t i a t s using approxima­t e l y 1000 ga l lons of f u e l per day are as f o l l o w s (based on EPA Emission Fac to r s ) :

Crew Boats Supply Boats

• • • N 0 x 575 lbs /day 270 lbs /day

• • • s o x 35 lbs /day 27 lbs /day . . .CO 110 lbs /day 110 lbs/day . . .HC 40 lbs /day 50 lbs/day . . . P a r t i c u l a t e s 35 lbs /day unknown

T y p i c a l f u e l consumption f o r h e l i c o p t e r s i s as f o l l o w s :

. . . S m a l l He l i cop te r 30 ga l lons per hour f l y i n g 10 ga l lons per l and ing and

t a k e - o f f cycle

• . .La rge H e l i c o p t e r 100 ga l lons per hour f l y i n g 25 g a l l o n s per landing and

t a k e - o f f cyc le

Assuming one landing and t a k e - o f f cyc le per hour o f f l y i n j , the f o l l o w i n g emissions would r e s u l t per hour:

Small Helicopter Large Helicopt

•..NOy 1 lb/hour 3 lbs/hour

••.SOy 1.5 lbs/hour 5 lbs/hour

...CO 10 lbs/hour 30 lbs/hour

...HC 1 lb/hour 3 lbs/hour

• • . P a r t i c u l a t e s 5 lbs/hour 15 lbs/hour