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PC22 Doc. 7.2 (Rev. 2) – p. 1 Original language: English PC22 Doc. 7.2 (Rev. 2) CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN ENDANGERED SPECIES OF WILD FAUNA AND FLORA ___________________ Twenty-second meeting of the Plants Committee Tbilisi (Georgia), 19-23 October 2015 Strategic matters Cooperation with other biodiversity-related multilateral environmental agreements COOPERATION WITH THE GLOBAL STRATEGY FOR PLANT CONSERVATION OF THE CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY (RESOLUTION CONF. 16.5) 1. This document has been submitted by the Representative of North America (Mr. Hesiquio Benitez) as Chair of the intersessional working group on ‘Cooperation with the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation [GSPC] of the Convention on Biological Diversity [CBD] (Resolution Conf. 16.5)’, in collaboration with the Mexican Scientific Authority (CONABIO). * Background 2. At the 21st meeting of the Plants Committee (PC21, Veracruz, May 2014), Mr. Benitez introduced document PC21 Doc. 8.2 con “Cooperation with the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (Res. Conf. 16.5)”. 3. Following consideration of document PC21 Doc. 8.2, and on the basis of the recommendations included in it, the Plants Committee: 3.1. Noted Resolution Conf. 16.5 and the “List of potential CITES activities and products and their contribution of the objectives and targets of the updated Global Strategy for Plant Conservation 2011- 2020” in its Annex. 3.2 Encouraged Parties to report on progress with their implementation of Res. Conf. 16.5 to the regional representatives of the Committee. 3.3. Agreed that the chair of the intersessional working group on GSPC (the representative of North America, Mr. Hesiquio Benitez), in consultation with the Secretariat, present a report at the present meeting of the Plants Committee on progress with implementation of Res. Conf. 16.5. And, 3.4. Established an intersessional working group on GSPC, with the following mandate and membership: 3.4.1 Mandate: a) Monitor compliance with the recommendations formulated by the PC at its 21 st meeting regarding the implementation of Res. Conf. 16.5; and * The geographical designations employed in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the CITES Secretariat (or the United Nations Environment Programme) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The responsibility for the contents of the document rests exclusively with its author.

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Twenty-second meeting of the Plants Committee Tbilisi (Georgia), 19-23 October 2015

Strategic matters

Cooperation with other biodiversity-related multilateral environmental agreements


1. This document has been submitted by the Representative of North America (Mr. Hesiquio Benitez) as Chair of the intersessional working group on ‘Cooperation with the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation [GSPC] of the Convention on Biological Diversity [CBD] (Resolution Conf. 16.5)’, in collaboration with the Mexican Scientific Authority (CONABIO).



2. At the 21st meeting of the Plants Committee (PC21, Veracruz, May 2014), Mr. Benitez introduced document PC21 Doc. 8.2 con “Cooperation with the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (Res. Conf. 16.5)”.

3. Following consideration of document PC21 Doc. 8.2, and on the basis of the recommendations included in it, the Plants Committee:

3.1. Noted Resolution Conf. 16.5 and the “List of potential CITES activities and products and their contribution of the objectives and targets of the updated Global Strategy for Plant Conservation 2011-2020” in its Annex.

3.2 Encouraged Parties to report on progress with their implementation of Res. Conf. 16.5 to the regional representatives of the Committee.

3.3. Agreed that the chair of the intersessional working group on GSPC (the representative of North America, Mr. Hesiquio Benitez), in consultation with the Secretariat, present a report at the present meeting of the Plants Committee on progress with implementation of Res. Conf. 16.5. And,

3.4. Established an intersessional working group on GSPC, with the following mandate and membership:

3.4.1 Mandate:

a) Monitor compliance with the recommendations formulated by the PC at its 21st meeting

regarding the implementation of Res. Conf. 16.5; and

* The geographical designations employed in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the

CITES Secretariat (or the United Nations Environment Programme) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The responsibility for the contents of the document rests exclusively with its author.

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b) Prepare a progress report for review at PC22.

3.4.2. Membership:

a) Chair: Representative of North America (Mr. Benitez)

b) Members: Representatives of Africa (Ms. Khayota), Asia (Mr. Fernando), Central and South America and the Caribbean (Ms. Rivera) and Oceania (Mr. Leach), and Alternate representative of Europe (Mr. Carmo);

c) Parties: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and United States of America; and

d) IGOs and NGOs: UNEP-WCMC, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Botanical Gardens Conservation International and TRAFFIC International.

Progress achieved by the working group

4. The working group focused on reporting the contribution to all CITES-relevant targets of the GSPC, in this sense and based on Annex of Res. Conf. 16.5, the following targets were not addressed:

GSPC Target CITES potential contribution

(according to Annex to Res. Conf. 16.5)

4. At least 15% of each ecological region or vegetation type secured through effective management and/or restoration.

Not directly applicable, as CITES works at species level.

5. At least 75% of the most important areas for plant diversity of each ecological region protected with effective management in place for conserving plants and their genetic diversity.

6. At least 75% of production lands in each sector managed sustainably, consistent with the conservation of plant diversity.

9. 70% of the genetic diversity of crops including their wild relatives and other socio-economically valuable plant species conserved, while respecting, preserving and maintaining associated indigenous and local knowledge.

Not directly applicable.

10. Effective management plans in place to prevent new biological invasions and to manage important areas for plant diversity that are invaded

Not directly applicable. Nevertheless, CITES Parties have recognized the link between trade and alien invasive species in Resolution Conf. 13.10 (Rev. CoP14) on Trade in alien invasive species.

5. For all the remaining Targets (i.e. CITES-relevant GSPC targets), and in order to prepare the progress report of its mandate, on July 15

th 2015 the working group consulted the Management and Scientific

Authorities to all CITES Parties through the communication DGCII-322/2015, requesting them to fill in a questionnaire by August 10

th 2015.

6. At the time of preparing the present document, the following 34 Parties had responded to the questionnaire:

1) Argentina 2) Austria 3) Brasil 4) Bulgaria 5) Chile 6) Colombia 7) Costa Rica 8) Cuba 9) Czech Republic 10) Denmark 11) Ecuador 12) Finland 13) Greece 14) Honduras

15) Italy 16) Jamaica 17) Mexico 18) Monaco 19) Montenegro 20) Montserrat 21) Netherlands 22) New Zealand 23) Norway 24) Panama 25) Peru 26) Portugal 27) Republic of


28) Seychelles 29) Slovakia 30) Spain 31) Switzerland 32) Turkey 33) United Kingdom of

Great Britain and Northern Ireland (including Overseas Territories, UKOTs)

34) United States of America

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7. Furthermore, by request of the Chair of the working group the Secretariat has prepared a report on its contribution to the implementation of Targets 1-3 and 14-16 of GSPC (Annex 4).

8. Based on the inputs derived from the consultation to Parties, as well as the report prepared by the Secretariat (Annex 4), the Chair of the working group has prepared a “Draft report of CITES contribution on the implementation of GSPC 2011-2020 (Res. Conf. 16.5)” available in Annex 3 to the present document, which also includes a preliminary assessment of CITES performance for on the implementation of each of GSPC’s Objectives.

9. It is important to note that the Chair of the GPSC Working Group found that Target 13 (Indigenous and local knowledge innovations and practices associated with plant resources, maintained or increased, as appropriate, to support customary use, sustainable livelihoods, local food security and health care) was challenging to keep track of from a CITES perspective, and for now has not been considered by the draft report (Annex 3); yet this can be reconsidered in the process of updating said report.

Recommendation to the Plants Committee

10. Take note of the draft report in Annex 3 of the present document, and make recommendations to the working group aimed to improve it, and agree to present its final version for consideration of CoP17.

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PC22 Doc. 7.2 (Rev. 2) Annex 1

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PC22 Doc. 7.2 (Rev. 2) Annex 2

Questionnaire on the implementation of Res. Conf. 16.5:

“Cooperation with the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation [GSPC] of the Convention on Biological





[Specify if Management Authority,

Scientific Authority, or other]

Contact information of the person

who fills the questionnaire





Please provide the following information:

1. Related to GSPC’s Target 1

1.1. Which of the CITES listed plants native to your country are described online*:

Species Appendix Hyperlink(s) Observations

*Add rows as needed

1.2. Of the species listed above, what percentage do they represent in comparison to the estimated total of the

known CITES listed plants native to your country?


2. Related to GPSC’s Targets 7 and 8

Of the total number of plant species listed under CITES’ Appendix I (approx. 360), which are currently

under in situ and/or ex situ conservation schemes in your country, as follows*:

Appendix I species Conservation schemes Observations

In situ

[yes/no] Ex situ [yes/no]

*Add rows as needed

1 The present questionnaire is focused on the Targets of the GSPC 2011-2020 (https://www.cbd.int/gspc/strategy.shtml) most relevant to

CITES Parties, as recognized in the Annex to Res. Conf. 16.5 (http://www.cites.org/eng/res/16/16-05.php).

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3. Related to GSPC’s Target 12 Indicate which CITES plant species native to your country (and subject to international trade) are managed through

sustainable use practices:*

Species Appendix Non-detriment

finding (NDF)



[yes/no] Other

*Add rows as needed.

4. Additional remarks on the contributions of your country to the implementation of Res. Conf. 16.5:

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PC22 Doc. 7.2 (Rev. 2) Annex 3

“Draft report on CITES contribution to the implementation of GSPC 2011-2020 (Res. Conf. 16.5)”


The present draft is based on the information provided by the 34 Parties that responded to the questionnaire in Annex 2, and the report of the Secretariat in Annex 4.

Objective I: Plant diversity is well understood, documented and recognized

1. Target 1: An online flora of all known plants

1.1. Of the 34 responding Parties: a) 15 Parties reported that around 80-100% of their

native CITES-listed plants have online descriptions, namely: Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia (according to the information provided by its Scientific Authority), Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Montserrat, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland, UK, and USA. In most of these cases, the majority of the hyperlinks provided represented national-managed online platforms.

b) 2 Parties reported that around 50-70% of their native CITES-listed plants have online descriptions, these were: Finland and Peru.

c) 10 Parties reported that around 0.10-25% of their native CITES listed plants have online descriptions, these were: Argentina, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Honduras, Panamá, Republic of Moldova, Seychelles, Spain, and Montenegro.

The links on the species with online descriptions (according to Parties responses) can be consulted in the spreadsheet in Annex 5 of the present document.

1.2. Furthermore (as provided by the Secretariat), CITES has the following publications or checklists available: a) Checklist of CITES Species– 2013:

http://checklist.cites.org/#/en b) CITES Wiki Identification Manual:

https://www.cites.org/eng/resources/wiki_id.php c) Kew Garden CITES references for plants:

http://www.kew.org/data/cites.html d) Piante Grasse - (publication of the “Associazione

Italiana Amatori delle piante Succulente”) – Volume 9

e) Piante Grasse - Volume 12 f) Species+ Database: http://www.speciesplus.net/

2. Target 2: An assessment of the conservation status of all known plant species, as far as possible, to guide conservation action

According to the Secretariat’s report, since CoP13 to the date: a) 36 Appendix I species have been selected under the

Periodic Review of the Appendices process (PR), of which: 5 have completed reviews (with a PC document to support with the supporting statement); and 31 have ongoing reviews (which include 7 species of Sclerocactus spp., with the results of the PR to be presented for consideration of the present meeting of the Plants Committee [PC22, Georgia 2015]).

2 As mentioned in the present document, Targets 4-6 and 9-10 are not reported here since CITES has no direct contribution to them, as

recognized by Res. Conf. 16.5.

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3. Target 3: Information, research and associated outputs, and methods necessary to implement the Strategy developed and shared

b) 69 Appendix II species have been selected under the PR, of which: 8 have completed reviews (whether a decision to retain, amend their listings) with a PC document or amendment proposal with the supporting statement; 1 review was suspended; and the remaining 60 are ongoing (including 7 species of Sclerocactus spp. with the results of the PR to be presented for consideration of PC22).

c) During the reported period, 118 plant species have been under review by the Significant Trade process (ST), all of them with results recorded in PC working documents.

d) A total of 95 plant taxa have been the target of a successfully adopted amendment proposal, as follows: 16 correspond to amendment proposals related solely to annotations (amendment of existing annotations, or merging thereof, inclusion of certain populations in App. II); 1 resulted in the deletion from App. I; 34 resulted in the deletion from Ap. II; 1 resulted in the transfer from Appendix II to I; 3 resulted in the transfer from Appendix I to II; 40 resulted in the inclusion under Appendix II.

Furthermore, the UNEP-WCMC trade database represents one of the main sources of information, that serves as the basis of the analysis that guide the decision making processes for CITES plant listed species, mainly: Significant Trade (Res. Conf. 12.8 [Rev. CoP13]), Periodic Review (Res. Conf. 14.8 [Rev. CoP16]), Amendments to the Appendices (Res. Conf. 9.24 [Rev. CoP16)].

Preliminary assessment of CITES performance in contributing to

Objective I: Good

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Objective II: Plant diversity is urgently and effectively conserved

7. Target 7: At least 75 per cent of known threatened plant species conserved in situ.

Regarding the approximately 300 plant species currently listed in Appendix I (an based solely on the 34 responding Parties): a) Around 34 plant taxa are currently protected under in situ

conservation schemes in any of the following 13 countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Finland, Italy, Mexico, Panamá, Peru, UK, and USA.

b) Furthermore, 5 Parties mentioned having no native Appendix I species in their countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Montserrat, and Norway.

8. Target 8: At least 75 per cent of threatened plant species in ex situ collections, preferably in the country of origin, and at least 20 per cent available for recovery and restoration programmes.

Similarly, regarding the approximately 300 plant species currently listed in Appendix I, around 33 taxa are currently known to be protected under ex situ conservation schemes in any of the following 13 countries: Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Finland, Greece, Italy, México, Monaco, Panamá, Peru, and the UK.

Preliminary assessment of CITES performance in contributing to

Objective II: Perfectible

Objective III: Plant diversity is used in a sustainable and equitable manner

11. Target 11: No species of wild flora endangered by international trade

11.1. Listings under CITES Appendices (https://cites.org/eng/app/appendices.php), applicable to the 180 Parties to the Convention:

a) Approximately 300 plant species are currently listed under Appendix I of CITES. Their trade is regulated by the applicable provisions of the Convention, in particular: Art. III (and other related Resolutions and Decisions; particularly Res. Conf. 16.7 on non-detriment findings, or NDFs).

b) Approximately 29,600 plant species are listed under Appendix II of CITES. Their trade is regulated by the applicable provisions of the Convention, in particular: Art. IV (and other related Resolutions and Decisions; particularly Res. Conf. 16.7 on non-detriment findings, or NDFs).

c) Approximately 12 plant species are listed under Appendix III of CITES. Their trade is regulated by the applicable provisions of the Convention, in particular: Art. V (and other related Resolutions and Decisions).

11.2. Furthermore, all the information reported under this Annex contributes to the implementation of Target 11.

12 Target 12: All wild harvested plant-based

products sourced sustainably.

a) Of the 34 responding Parties, 11 specifically mentioned that under their domestic legislation, all Appendix I and II CITES listed species are subject to the Conventions provisions related to the formulation of non-detriment findings (NDFs) in compliance with the provisions of Arts. II and IV of the Convention, as well as Res. Conf. 16.7; most of them specified that the formulation of NDFs is made on a case by case basis. This, in addition to the domestic measures set in place which might include the implementation of stricter measures. These Parties were: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, UK, and USA.

b) Similarly, 6 countries explicitly mentioned the establishment of quotas for a total of around 400 Appendix I and II taxa. These countries were: Bulgaria, Colombia, Ecuador, Jamaica, Peru, and Republic of Moldova. However this might represent a strong underestimation of CITES plant species with established quotas at a national level.

c) Furthermore, CITES website hosts sections to aid

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compliance to its provisions, such as:

NDF Section, where Parties can find the most updated information and guidance on the formulation of NDFs for species listed under Appendices I and II: https://cites.org/eng/prog/ndf/index.php

The 2015 national export quotas available at: https://cites.org/sites/default/files/common/quotas/2015/ExportQuotas2015.pdf

d) Regarding the regulation of main specimens in trade, there are around 15 annotations in the Appendices relevant to plant species, which are focused on regulating the main specimens in trade.

Preliminary assessment of CITES performance in contributing to

Objective III: Good

Objective IV: Education and awareness about plant diversity, its role in sustainable livelihoods and importance to all life on earth is promoted

14. Target 14: The importance of plant diversity and

the need for its conservation incorporated into communication, education and public awareness programmes.

On the CITES Virtual College Parties can find courses, reference materials and training slides that, although no specific to flora, can provide a strong platform to train Parties on how CITES works.

15. Target 15: The number of trained people working

with appropriate facilities sufficient according to national needs, to achieve the targets of this Strategy.

Preliminary assessment of CITES performance in contributing to Objective

IV: Perfectible

Objective V: The capacities and public engagement necessary to implement the Strategy have been developed

16. Target 16: Institutions, networks and

partnerships for plant conservation established or strengthened at national, regional and international levels to achieve the targets of this Strategy.

Although the CITES Secretariat has formalized the cooperation with numerous institutions, international organizations and multilateral environmental agreements, the existing MoUs do not focus on flora matters only. They address general cooperation for all CITES species (animals and plants) or for animal species and, none of them is specific for plant species.

Preliminary assessment of CITES performance in contributing to

Objective V: Perfectible

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PC22 Doc. 7.2 (Rev. 2) Annex 4

Overview of the Secretariat’s capacity building materials with emphasis on the activities related to the GSPC and Resolution Conf. 16.5 on Cooperation with the Global Strategy for

Plant Conservation of the Convention on Biological Diversity

1- This Annex has been prepared by the Secretariat under request of the Chair of the intersessional working group on the GSPC. It provides examples of capacity building materials and tools available on the CITES website. The Secretariat is aware that many other capacity building materials and tools have been developed by, and are available from, Parties.

GSPC’s Targets

2- GSPC’s Target 1: An online flora of all known plants. Resume of CITES publications or checklists available on the CITES website:

a- Checklist of CITES Species – 2013

b- Identification Manual – Fauna and Flora

c- Piante Grasse - (publication of the “Associazione Italiana Amatori delle piante Succulente”) – Volume 9

d- Piante Grasse - Volume 12

e- CITES Identification Guides

f- Kew Garden CITES references for plants

3- GSPC’s Target 2 and 3: Conservation status of all known plant species…and…Information to implement the Strategy: Resume of amendment proposals and periodic review as well as the Review of Significant Trade since CoP13 (2004) to date is shown in Table below.

4- GSPC’s Target 14 and 15: List of CITES tools that are available on the CITES website on flora:

On the CITES Virtual College Parties can find courses, reference materials and training slides that, although no specific to flora, can provide a strong platform to train Parties on how CITES works.

5- GSPC’s Target 16: List of MoUs on partnerships that the CITES Secretariat has formalized for plant conservation on flora matters, including a brief description of each:

Although the CITES Secretariat has formalized the cooperation with numerous institutions, international organizations and multilateral environmental agreements, the existing MoUs do not focus on flora matters only. They address general cooperation for all CITES species (animals and plants) or for animal species and, none of them is specific for plant species.

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Table Summary of Periodic Review proposals submitted to CoPs for amendments to Appendices I and II (Article XV of the Convention), taxa selected for Periodic Review of species included in Appendices I and II [Resolution Conf. 14.8 (Rev. CoP16)] and Review of Significant Trade in specimens of Appendix-II species [Resolution Conf. 12 (Rev. CoP13)] since CoP13 to date

Higher taxa Genus / Species App3

Amendment proposal submitted

to CoP

Amendment Proposal

Periodic Review status and

recommendation [para j /Res. (Conf.14.8

Rev. CoP16)]

Per. Review record


Sig. Trade Review and PC

mtg selecting


ANACARDIACEAE Operculicarya decaryi II Inclusion in App. II CoP15 Prop. 22 no no

Operculicarya decaryi II Inclusion in App. II CoP16 Prop. 51 no no

Operculicarya hyphaenoides II Inclusion in App. II CoP15 Prop. 23 no no

Operculicarya pachypus II Inclusion in App. II CoP15 Prop. 24 no no

APOCYNACEAE Hoodia spp. II Inclusion in App. II CoP 13 Prop 37 no no

Hoodia spp. II Amendment of annotation

CoP16 Prop. 52 no no

Hoodia gordonii4 II no PC21

Pachypodium bispinosum II no PC15

Pachypodium brevicaule II Selected between CoP 15 & CoP17. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Pachypodium namaquanum II no PC19

Pachypodium succulentum II no PC15

Rauvolfia serpentina II

no PC15


Agave arizonica not listed Deletion from App. I CoP14 Prop. 22

Selected between CoP13 & 15. Review stopped.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

3 CITES listing in July 2015

4 Hyperlinks attached to the species names are linked to the Review of Significant Trade Management System

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Higher taxa Genus / Species App3

Amendment proposal submitted

to CoP

Amendment Proposal

Periodic Review status and

recommendation [para j /Res. (Conf.14.8

Rev. CoP16)]

Per. Review record


Sig. Trade Review and PC

mtg selecting


Agave parviflora I Selected between CoP13 & 15, Retain in Appendix I

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Agave victoriae-reginae II Selected between CoP13 & 15, Retain in Appendix II

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Nolina interrata II Transfer from App. I to App. II

CoP14 Prop. 23

Selected between CoP13&CoP15. Proposal at CoP14

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Yucca queretaroensis II Inclusion in App. II CoP16 Prop. 50 no no

AMARYLLIDACEAE Galanthus elwesii no PC21

ARALIACEAE Panax ginseng and Panax quinquefolius

II Amendment of the annotation

CoP16 Prop. 53 no no


Tillandsia harrisii II

Selected between CoP13 & CoP16. Present listing in II appropriate.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Tillandsia kautskyi not listed Deletion from App. II CoP16 Prop. 54

Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Tillandsia kammii II yes

Selected between CoP13& CoP15 and reselected between CoP15 & CoP17

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Tillandsia mauryana II yes

Selected between CoP13& CoP15 and reselected between CoP15 & CoP17

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

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Higher taxa Genus / Species App3

Amendment proposal submitted

to CoP

Amendment Proposal

Periodic Review status and

recommendation [para j /Res. (Conf.14.8

Rev. CoP16)]

Per. Review record


Sig. Trade Review and PC

mtg selecting


Tillandsia sprengeliana not listed Deletion from App. II CoP16 Prop. 55

Selected between CoP13&CoP15. Proposal at CoP16

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Tillandsia sucrei not listed Deletion from App. II CoP16 Prop. 56

Selected between CoP13&CoP15. Proposal at CoP16

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

CACTACEAE CACTACEAE spp. and all taxa with annotation #1

II Delete annotations #1 and #4

CoP15 Prop. 25 no no

Carnegiea gigantea II no PC21

Pereskia spp. and Quiabentia spp.

not listed Deletion from App. II CoP14 Prop. 24 no no

Pereskia aculeate not listed Deletion from App. II CoP14 Prop.24 Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Pereskia aureiflora not listed Deletion from App. II CoP14 Prop.24 Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Pereskia bahiensis not listed Deletion from App. II CoP14 Prop.24 Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Pereskia bleo not listed Deletion from App. II CoP14 Prop.24 Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Pereskia diaz-romeroana not listed Deletion from App. II CoP14 Prop.24 Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Pereskia grandifolia not listed Deletion from App. II CoP14 Prop.24 Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Pereskia guamacho not listed Deletion from App. II CoP14 Prop.24 Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Pereskia horrida not listed Deletion from App. II CoP14 Prop.24 Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Pereskia lychnidiflora not listed Deletion from App. II CoP14 Prop.24 Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

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Higher taxa Genus / Species App3

Amendment proposal submitted

to CoP

Amendment Proposal

Periodic Review status and

recommendation [para j /Res. (Conf.14.8

Rev. CoP16)]

Per. Review record


Sig. Trade Review and PC

mtg selecting


Pereskia marcanoi not listed Deletion from App. II CoP14 Prop.24 Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Pereskia nemorosa not listed Deletion from App. II CoP14 Prop.24 Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Pereskia portulacifolia not listed Deletion from App. II CoP14 Prop.24 Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Pereskia quisqueyana not listed Deletion from App. II CoP14 Prop.24 Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Pereskia sacarosa not listed Deletion from App. II CoP14 Prop.24 Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Pereskia stenantha not listed Deletion from App. II CoP14 Prop.24 Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Pereskia weberiana not listed Deletion from App. II CoP14 Prop.24 Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Pereskia zinniiflora not listed Deletion from App. II CoP14 Prop.24 Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Pereskiopsis spp. not listed Deletion from App.II CoP14 Prop. 25 no no

Pereskiopsis aquosa not listed Deletion from App.II CoP14 Prop. 25

Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Pereskiopsis blakeana not listed Deletion from App.II CoP14 Prop. 25

Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Pereskiopsis diguetii not listed Deletion from App.II CoP14 Prop. 25

Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Pereskiopsis kellermanii not listed Deletion from App.II CoP14 Prop. 25

Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Pereskiopsis porteri not listed Deletion from App.II CoP14 Prop. 25

Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Pereskiopsis rotundifolia not listed Deletion from App.II CoP14 Prop. 25

Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

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. 17

Higher taxa Genus / Species App3

Amendment proposal submitted

to CoP

Amendment Proposal

Periodic Review status and

recommendation [para j /Res. (Conf.14.8

Rev. CoP16)]

Per. Review record


Sig. Trade Review and PC

mtg selecting


Pereskiopsis spathulata not listed Deletion from App.II CoP14 Prop. 25

Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Sclerocactus brevihamatus II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Sclerocactus erectocentrus I Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Sclerocactus glaucus I Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Sclerocactus intertextus II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Sclerocactus johnsonii II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Sclerocactus mariposensis I Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Sclerocactus mesae-verdae I Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Sclerocactus nyensis I Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Sclerocactus papyracan-thus I Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

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Higher taxa Genus / Species App3

Amendment proposal submitted

to CoP

Amendment Proposal

Periodic Review status and

recommendation [para j /Res. (Conf.14.8

Rev. CoP16)]

Per. Review record


Sig. Trade Review and PC

mtg selecting


Sclerocactus parviflorus II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Sclerocactus polyancistrus II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Sclerocactus pubispinus I Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Sclerocactus scheeri II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Sclerocactus sileri II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Sclerocactus spinosior II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no


Cactaceae spp. (#4) and Orchidaceae spp. (#8) in Appendix II, and all taxa annotated with annotation #1

II Merging and amendment of annotations

CoP14 Prop. 26 no no

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Higher taxa Genus / Species App3

Amendment proposal submitted

to CoP

Amendment Proposal

Periodic Review status and

recommendation [para j /Res. (Conf.14.8

Rev. CoP16)]

Per. Review record


Sig. Trade Review and PC

mtg selecting


Adonis vernalis, Guaiacum spp., Hydrastis canadensis, Nardostachys grandiflora, Panax ginseng, Panax quinquefolius, Picrorhiza kurrooa, Podophyllum hexandrum, Pterocarpus santalinus, Rauvolfia serpentina, Taxus chinensis, T. fuana, T. cuspidata, T. sumatrana, T. wallichiana,Orchidaceae spp. in Appendix II, and all Appendix-II and -III taxa annotated with annotation #1

II Amendments of the annotations

CoP14 Prop. 27 no no


Saussurea costus I Selected between CoP13 & CoP15. Retain in App. I

PC19 SumRec . no

CRASSULACEAE Dudleya stolonifera and Dudleya traskiae

not listed Deletion from App. II CoP16 Prop. 57

Selected between CoP15 & CoP16

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

CUCURBITACEAE Zygosicyos pubescens II Inclusion in App. II CoP15 Prop. 26 no no

Zygosicyos tripartitus II Inclusion in App. II CoP15 Prop. 27 no no


Cycas beddomei I

Selected between CoP 15 and COP17. Retain in Appendix I

PC20-SumRec no


Shortia galacifolia not listed Deletion from App. II CoP14 Prop. 28

Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

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. 20

Higher taxa Genus / Species App3

Amendment proposal submitted

to CoP

Amendment Proposal

Periodic Review status and

recommendation [para j /Res. (Conf.14.8

Rev. CoP16)]

Per. Review record


Sig. Trade Review and PC

mtg selecting



Alluaudia ascendens II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 PC19

Alluaudia comosa II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Alluaudia dumosa II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Alluaudia geayi II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Alluaudia humbertii II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Alluaudia montagnacii II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Alluaudia procera II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Alluaudiopsis fiherenensis II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 PC19

Alluaudiopsis marnieriana II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Decarya madagascariensis II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

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Higher taxa Genus / Species App3

Amendment proposal submitted

to CoP

Amendment Proposal

Periodic Review status and

recommendation [para j /Res. (Conf.14.8

Rev. CoP16)]

Per. Review record


Sig. Trade Review and PC

mtg selecting


Didierea ascendens II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Didierea comosa II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Didierea dumosa II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Didierea madagascariensis II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Didierea mirabilis II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Didierea procera II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Didierea trollii II Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no


Dioscorea deltoidea II

Selected between CoP13 & CoP15. To be reconsidered between CoP15 & CoP17

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no


Diospyros spp. II Inclusion of the populations of Madagascar in App. II

CoP16 Prop. 58 no no

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Higher taxa Genus / Species App3

Amendment proposal submitted

to CoP

Amendment Proposal

Periodic Review status and

recommendation [para j /Res. (Conf.14.8

Rev. CoP16)]

Per. Review record


Sig. Trade Review and PC

mtg selecting


EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbiaceae II II, Annotation CoP13 Prop.38 no no

Euphorbiaceae II II, Annotation CoP13 Prop.39 no no

Euphorbia spp. included in Appendix II

II Amendments of the annotations

CoP14 Prop. 29 no no

Euphorbia abdelkuri II no PC21

Euphorbia alfredii II no PC17

Euphorbia ankarensis II no PC17

Euphorbia antso II no PC17

Euphorbia antisiphilitica II

Selected between CoP13&CoP15. Present listing in II is appropriate.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Euphorbia aureoviridiflora II no PC17

Euphorbia banae II no PC17

Euphorbia beharensis II no PC17

Euphorbia berorohae II no PC17

Euphorbia biaculeata II no PC17

Euphorbia bongolavensis II no PC17

Euphorbia bulbispina II no PC17

Euphorbia candelabrum II no PC15

Euphorbia capsaintemariensis I Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Euphorbia capuronii II no PC17

Euphorbia capmanambatoensis II no PC17

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Higher taxa Genus / Species App3

Amendment proposal submitted

to CoP

Amendment Proposal

Periodic Review status and

recommendation [para j /Res. (Conf.14.8

Rev. CoP16)]

Per. Review record


Sig. Trade Review and PC

mtg selecting


Euphorbia croizatii II no PC17

Euphorbia cremersi I Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Euphorbia cylindrifolia I Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Euphorbia decaryi I Selected between CoP13& CoP15

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Euphorbia denisiana II no PC17

Euphorbia didiereoides II no PC17

Euphorbia duranii II no PC17

Euphorbia elliotii II no PC17

Euphorbia francoisii I Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Euphorbia famatamboay II no PC17

Euphorbia fianarantsoae II no PC17

Euphorbia genoudiana II no PC17

Euphorbia geroldii II no PC17

Euphorbia globosa II no PC21

Euphorbia gottlebei II no PC17

Euphorbia guillauminiana II no PC17

Euphorbia hedyotoides II no PC17

Euphorbia herman-schwartzii II no PC17

Euphorbia hofstaetteri II no PC17

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Higher taxa Genus / Species App3

Amendment proposal submitted

to CoP

Amendment Proposal

Periodic Review status and

recommendation [para j /Res. (Conf.14.8

Rev. CoP16)]

Per. Review record


Sig. Trade Review and PC

mtg selecting


Euphorbia horombensis II no PC17

Euphorbia iharanae II no PC17

Euphorbia itremensis II no PC17, PC19

Euphorbia kondoi II no PC17

Euphorbia labatii II no PC17, PC21

Euphorbia leucodendron II no PC17

Euphorbia leuconeura II no PC17

Euphorbia lophogona II no PC17

Euphorbia mahabobokensis II no PC17

Euphorbia mangokyensis II no PC17

Euphorbia misera not listed Deletion from App. II CoP15 Prop. 28 no no

Euphorbia moratii I Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Euphorbia neobosseri II no PC17

Euphorbia neohumbertii II no PC17

Euphorbia pachypodioides II no PC17

Euphorbia parvicyathophora I Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Euphorbia paulianii II no PC17

Euphorbia pedilanthoides II no PC17

Euphorbia perrieri II no PC17

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Higher taxa Genus / Species App3

Amendment proposal submitted

to CoP

Amendment Proposal

Periodic Review status and

recommendation [para j /Res. (Conf.14.8

Rev. CoP16)]

Per. Review record


Sig. Trade Review and PC

mtg selecting


Euphorbia primulifolia II no PC17

Euphorbia primulifolia var. begardii

II no PC17

Euphorbia quartziticola I Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Euphorbia razafindratsirae II no PC17

Euphorbia robivelonae II no PC17

Euphorbia rossii II no PC17

Euphorbia sakarahaensis II no PC17

Euphorbia stellata II no PC15

Euphorbia stenoclada II no PC17

Euphorbia suzannae-marnierae II no PC17

Euphorbia tulearensis I Selected between CoP13& CoP15. Review ongoing.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Euphorbia viguieri II no PC17

Euphorbia waringiae II no PC17

LAURACEAE Aniba rosaeodora II

Inclusion in App. II with annotation

CoP15 Prop. 29 no no

Aniba rosaeodora II Amend the annotation CoP16 Prop. 59 no no

LEGUMINOSAE Caesalpinia echinata II Inclusion in App. II CoP14 Prop. 30 no no

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. 26

Higher taxa Genus / Species App3

Amendment proposal submitted

to CoP

Amendment Proposal

Periodic Review status and

recommendation [para j /Res. (Conf.14.8

Rev. CoP16)]

Per. Review record


Sig. Trade Review and PC

mtg selecting



Dalbergia spp. II Inclusion of the populations of Madagascar in App. II

CoP16 Prop. 63 no no

Dalbergia cochinchinensis II Inclusion in App. II with annotation

CoP16 Prop. 60 no no

Dalbergia granadillo and Dalbergia retusa

II Inclusion in App. II CoP14 Prop. 31 no no

Dalbergia granadillo and Dalbergia retusa

II Inclusion in App. II CoP16 Prop. 61 no no

Dalbergia stevensonii II Inclusion in App. II CoP14 Prop. 32 no no

Dalbergia stevensonii II Inclusion in App. II CoP16 Prop. 62 no no

Platymiscium pleiostachyum II

Selected betwen CoP13 & CoP15. Review completed. Delete from App.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Pterocarpus santalinus II no PC15, PC21

Senna meridionalis II Inclusion in App. II CoP15 Prop. 30 no no

Senna meridionalis II Inclusion in App. II CoP16 Prop. 64 no no

LILIACEAE Aloe acutissima II no PC17

Aloe albiflora I Selected between CoP13 & CoP15. Review ongoing

PC21 Doc. 19.1

Aloe antandroi II no PC17

Aloe betsileensis II no PC17

Aloe bosseri II no PC17

Aloe bulbillifera II no PC17

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. 27

Higher taxa Genus / Species App3

Amendment proposal submitted

to CoP

Amendment Proposal

Periodic Review status and

recommendation [para j /Res. (Conf.14.8

Rev. CoP16)]

Per. Review record


Sig. Trade Review and PC

mtg selecting


Aloe calcairophila I Selected between CoP13 & CoP15. Review ongoing

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Aloe capitata II no PC17

Aloe capitata var. capitata II no PC17

Aloe capitata var. cipolinicola II no PC17

Aloe capitata var. gneissicola II no PC17

Aloe capitata var. quartziticola II no PC17

Aloe compressa I Selected between CoP13 & CoP15. Review ongoing

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Aloe conifera II no PC17

Aloe delphinensis I Selected between CoP13 & CoP15. Review ongoing

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Aloe deltoideodonta II no PC17

Aloe descoingsii I Selected between CoP13 & CoP15. Review ongoing

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Aloe divaricata II no PC17

Aloe erythrophylla II no PC17

Aloe ferox II no PC15

Aloe fragilis I Selected between CoP13 & CoP15. Review ongoing

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Aloe guillaumetii II no PC17

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22 D

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. 28

Higher taxa Genus / Species App3

Amendment proposal submitted

to CoP

Amendment Proposal

Periodic Review status and

recommendation [para j /Res. (Conf.14.8

Rev. CoP16)]

Per. Review record


Sig. Trade Review and PC

mtg selecting


Aloe haworthioides I Selected between CoP13 & CoP15. Review ongoing

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Aloe helenae I Selected between CoP13 & CoP15. Review ongoing

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Aloe humbertii II no PC17

Aloe ibitiensis II no PC17

Aloe imalotensis II no PC17

Aloe isaloensis II no PC17

Aloe itremensis II no PC17

Aloe laeta I Selected between CoP13 & CoP15. Review ongoing

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Aloe macroclada II no PC17

Aloe parallelifolia I Selected between CoP13 & CoP15. Review ongoing

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Aloe parvula I Selected between CoP13 & CoP15. Review ongoing

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Aloe poliphylla II no PC17

Aloe pratensis II no PC17

Aloe prostrata II no PC17

Aloe rauhii I Selected between CoP13 & CoP15. Review ongoing

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

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. 29

Higher taxa Genus / Species App3

Amendment proposal submitted

to CoP

Amendment Proposal

Periodic Review status and

recommendation [para j /Res. (Conf.14.8

Rev. CoP16)]

Per. Review record


Sig. Trade Review and PC

mtg selecting


Aloe suarezensis II no PC17

Aloe suzannae I Selected between CoP13 & CoP15. Review ongoing

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

Aloe trachyticola II no PC17

Aloe vaombe II no PC17

Aloe vaotsanda II no PC17

Aloe versicolor I Selected between CoP13 & CoP15. Review ongoing

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

MELIACEAE Cedrela spp. not listed Inclusion in App. II CoP14 Prop. 33 no no

Swietenia macrophylla II no PC17

ORCHIDACEAE Orchidaceae, included in Appendix II

II in II, Annotation CoP13 Prop.40 no no

Orchidaceae, included in Appendix II

II in II, Annotation CoP13 Prop.41 no no

Orchidaceae, included in Appendix II

II II, Amend annotation CoP13 Prop.42 no no

ORCHIDACEAE spp. included in Appendix I

I Amend the annotation CoP15 Prop. 31 no no

Orchidaceae spp. included in Appendix II


Amendment of the annotation to Orchidaceae spp. included in App. II

CoP14 Prop. 34 no no

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. 30

Higher taxa Genus / Species App3

Amendment proposal submitted

to CoP

Amendment Proposal

Periodic Review status and

recommendation [para j /Res. (Conf.14.8

Rev. CoP16)]

Per. Review record


Sig. Trade Review and PC

mtg selecting


Orchidaceae spp. included in Appendix II


Amendment of the annotation to Orchidaceae spp. included in Appendix II

CoP14 Prop. 35 no no

Cattleya trianaei II Transfer from App. I to App. II

CoP13 Prop.43 no no

Calanthe alleizettei II no PC17

Christensonia vietnamica II no PC15

Cymbidium erythrostylum II no PC17

Dendrobium chrysotoxum II no PC21

Dendrobium eriiflorum II no PC19

Dendrobium moschatum II no PC21

Myrmecophila tibicinis II no PC15

Peristeria elata I

Selected between CoP13 & CoP15. Review completed. Delete from Appendix I

PC21 Doc. 19.1 PC17

Renanthera annamensis II no PC17

Vanda coerulea II Transfer from App. I to App. II

CoP13 Prop.44 no no

OROBANCHACEAE Cistanche deserticola II I & II, Annotation CoP13 Prop.45 no PC17

PALMAE Beccariophoenix madagascariensis

II Inclusion of the seeds of the species in App. II

CoP15 Prop. 32 no PC17

Chrysalidocarpus decipiens I Transfer from II to I CoP13 Prop.46 no no

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. 31

Higher taxa Genus / Species App3

Amendment proposal submitted

to CoP

Amendment Proposal

Periodic Review status and

recommendation [para j /Res. (Conf.14.8

Rev. CoP16)]

Per. Review record


Sig. Trade Review and PC

mtg selecting


Dypsis decaryi (Neodypsis decaryi)

II Inclusion of the seeds of the species in App. II

CoP15 Prop. 33 no no

Lemurophoenix halleuxii II no PC17

Marojejya darianii II no PC17

Ravenea rivularis II no PC17

Satranala decussilvae II no PC17

Voanioala gerardii II no PC17

PASSIFLORACEAE Adenia firingalavensis II Inclusion in App. II CoP15 Prop. 34 no no

Adenia firingalavensis II Inclusion in App. II CoP16 Prop. 65 no no

Adenia olaboensis II Inclusion in App. II CoP15 Prop. 35 no no

Adenia subsessifolia II Inclusion in App. II CoP15 Prop. 36 no no

Adenia subsessifolia II Inclusion in App. II CoP16 Prop. 66 no no

PEDALIACEAE Uncarina grandidieri II Inclusion in App. II CoP16 Prop. 67 no no

Uncarina stellulifera II Inclusion in App. II CoP16 Prop. 68 no no


Podocarpus parlatorei I yes

Selected between CoP13 & CoP15. Present listing is appropriate.

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no


Lewisia serrata II yes Selected between CoP15 & CoP17, Review ongoing

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

PROTEACEAE Orothamnus zeyheri not listed Deletion from App. II CoP15 Prop. 37

Selected between CoP13&CoP15


Protea odorata not listed Deletion from Appendix II

CoP15 Prop. 38

Selected between CoP13&CoP15


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. 32

Higher taxa Genus / Species App3

Amendment proposal submitted

to CoP

Amendment Proposal

Periodic Review status and

recommendation [para j /Res. (Conf.14.8

Rev. CoP16)]

Per. Review record


Sig. Trade Review and PC

mtg selecting


ROSACEAE Prunus africana II no PC21


Balmea stormiae I Selected between CoP13 & CoP15. Review ongoing

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

SANTALACEAE Osyris lanceolata II Inclusion in App. II CoP16 Prop. 69 no no

TAXACEAE Taxus chinensis, T. cuspidata, T. fuana, T. sumatrana and all infraspecific taxa of these species

II Inclusion in App. II CoP13 Prop. 48 no no

Taxus chinensis, T. cuspidata, T. fuanaand T. sumatrana

II Amendment of the listing in App. II

CoP14 Prop. 36 no no

Taxus cuspidata II Amendment of the listing in App. II

CoP14 Prop. 36 no PC21

Taxus wallichiana II Inclusion in App. II CoP13 Prop.47 no PC15

THYMELAEACEAE Aquilaria spp. and Gyrinops spp. II Inclusion in II CoP13 Prop. 49 no no

Aquilaria spp. and Gyrinops spp. II Deletion of the annotation

CoP16 Prop. 70 no no

Gonystylus spp. II Inclusion in App. II CoP13 Prop. 50 no no

VALERIANACEAE Nardostachys grandiflora II no PC15, PC21

VITACEAE Cyphostemma elephantopus II Inclusion in App. II CoP15 Prop. 39 no no

Cyphostemma laza II Inclusion in App. II CoP15 Prop. 40 no no

Cyphostemma laza II Inclusion in App. II CoP16 Prop. 71 no no

Cyphostemma montagnacii II Inclusion in App. II CoP15 Prop. 41 no no


Welwitschia mirabilis II

Selected between CoP 13 & CoP15, Retain in Appendix II

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

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. 33

Higher taxa Genus / Species App3

Amendment proposal submitted

to CoP

Amendment Proposal

Periodic Review status and

recommendation [para j /Res. (Conf.14.8

Rev. CoP16)]

Per. Review record


Sig. Trade Review and PC

mtg selecting



Hedychium philippinense II

Selected between CoP 13 and CoP15. To be reconsidered between CoP15 & CoP17

PC21 Doc. 19.1 no

ZYGOPHYLLACEAE Bulnesia sarmientoi II

Inclusion in App. II with annotation

CoP15 Prop. 42 no PC21