ostracism kendals' welcomb. taking picturbs nigi1t.€¦ · throiuluiit atis'rin and...

OSTRACISM of a pkixcess. STEHIASIF/S T80DBLES-A SAD ANXIVEK- BABY. rwov. A**«l'CASio.v*t. coiiRrsroMUNToi* -iiikirip.i nk. Vienna, Fchr.nry i. The ni-niversary of the Austiian Crown l'nnee's iieath, oa Thnraday tost, brangbt the twelve months' BBenralng lor the Ar-li'luke to n eloee. The daj was eelchrated with much solemnity throiuluiit Atis'rin and Hungaiy by tln* people. pjnl ihl clerL-.y in qnitfl a nnmber of pUoflfl createda paintnl Bflaflatloa by lefllfling to pcilmni ti,.- "Seelca Meaee," ur "Bout «ie I'nn" inaaa, ln BO-fleejaenoa ot tie oifeamatancei eonnfcted with ihe rnuee s death. Tiie most glaitng Inataaofl ,t this abflrnoa ot ehaiity waa at Botsen, in ti..* I'yrol, Wheit the wjdowfld Crown Prince s 1 is been Btaylng fur sevcral wceks paat. Having imt tu renuest the dean of the catbedral to eele- hiate the ciistuniary timss fur the lepOBfl «>f ber liushanirs aonl, l.e eurtly deelined elther to per- form it hitiisell ur to peru.it it to taJce plaee iu ihe oatbedraL The eemnoay tbereiore took plaee m the paiteh ehurch ol '.r.-s, a Uttle V-lhtge in ba aelghborhood oi Botxea, and to whieh the Mnowa drovfl out, nttended by her oulte. Much llflBgreeablfl eoament wna eanaed by ii.e fallura tt Btephanle tu return here for the aad anni- ren iry, in or.ler tu aceompany the Emperor, the r.'-pres.s and Arehdncheaa Valerla to Meycrling (er th.- purpoae uf belng present with them at the eeremony <>f tbe eonaeeration oi the cnapel .rected oa the apot wlierfl ber buaband met lii*_ leatb. 1'- waa positively expeotcd tliat buc would iave ni.,'!.* a po nt ot apending the day with l.er Ittle daughter, ;;"¦¦' thal she would liave followed hcir M ..'estie*,' cxarnpl.* la pflflfllng a few lliotlii'lils n prayer ut the ill-fatci Arehduke'a tomb ui thfl .. ni the < iiii/in ehurch in this city. The .a t is, however, thal the relationa between tho widowed Princeaa und her parenta-ln-law are ex- -ardiagly fltrained. Tbe Empreaa, wboac mlnd lag never ci.tireiy reeovered from tbe t-hoi-k uiii*e.i hy the traglea] death ol kcr aon, holdg M.-;iii. i: <. (iiu'i-tly responiibk for tln* circun .- .es whleh l.'il there to, aml 1ms not only rc*- ti;sed to uicct the Princeaa Bintje tlu* day of the funcrul, but even dflclinefl to permil her name Ib i*e meationed in bei prenenoe. in u leaaei .egree. thfl aflntinaenta al the t!tuprc-.s .ue ahared by mo.vt of the me nben ol tiie ImperlaJ family. for they ure all ot tne oplnlon tbat if Steplianla |_d sliovvu more good-tenaper, patlenee aad nf- Icetion ti.wanl her hnaband, the latter would 1h> uill ln the bnd of tlu* living. The un!;.- peraon pho etainploned her eanae nntll ircently, "'i'l io whom ahe cnul'i took for kimino** nnd i"r Iriendslsp, la the Mioeics ot oatraciam to which ihe wascuiKieuiTie-i l>y her hnflhnnd'a relativea, v. s t e Emperor. Unfortunately, however, ¦ new qtjtrreled with him on the aubjeet of her ]..- _!iter Elizabeth. The child, now aboul |fc *.,-.- oi .«¦, waa conalgned by Rudolpb to the gua*di**nahip ol the Emperor, ;.s chiel of ii.e family. His Majeaty wbb content to leave his griin.l.iiiii'htor to tbe can* ol Btephanlfl i*s long ds the Lt:er ntnaalnfld ln Vienna or in the e borheed thereof. Bul when the Crown Princeaa, wi., bunpopular here, -.t.-i who in conaequenoe dlalikee tho dty, expiegfled a wlah to take the rluM t.. Abbaxla, i-n tl.e Adrlatic, nnd tu Botr 7,n, in ti.,- Tyioi. the Emperor refuaed to canaent tbereto CU eourae, Stephank bitterly reaenta ti.i.s. al the nn.l" as it baa glven riae to all kimls ot runoii. as t«. ii.e leaaona whleh have led thfl kin.il.v and eonrteoaa Franala Joaeph to adopt bo nawflBBBieanlflBng un attltude t- ward his daughter. in-h.w it is openlj atated iu offieial circlea bew Ihat ter bebavior during the Hral year o'l h.*r widWhood lias been marked by IndiBcretiona whtel hnvfl been a aouree ol great (nsue-s to the EmixTor. Not only has ahe neglected l.er child in tlio tiioa.1 ],ninted manner, leaving l.er Blonfl ut Laxenburs foi wholfl monti:s togetbei while she hersolt was iravellinsr abuut in Fianoa nrui Auetria, imt. BBureover, hei name has i<?- flflgBfl connc'te.l. hrst nith thal of nn Austrian r.ohiemnn, and BUbeequently with thal "f a llun- (-nr)Hn- BBagnate, in BUCh a manner thal i' WM cvenly publlcl. a:ie.ci that si.-- w .s morganatleall) mnrrieil io the one or tbe other oi the.u. 'ii.e vlall ui th-* Emperoi aml Empreaa, with Aiehdnebeaa Vakiie, tu Meyerhng, on tin* 30th ol January, was marked i.y aeveral exceedingly patbetle Inddenla. Tlu* accne nt the railway leiminua, when aUrtlng on their pUgtimage to |] laieful sput, wus pitlfnl la the extreme. The ; .peror bad ..rierci lus rlght arm t. blfl a- iort, who is n.s ereel and graeeful as ever: and with his left hand he was gently atrokl Mnnll, bkek-gloved hand that rest.'.l upon hia ilee* f*, ns bc alightly __n1 t iward ber, murmurlng v- is ol eoneoktion. ArclMlueheaa Valerifl followed ekflely behind; and the two tadttfl were mtire.1 in .lcpest moUIO h_g, and wore w,-epin- bitterly. On reach- i:._- tlie cliapel whlch >.as been ereeted on the seene of the tragedy at Meycrling a maaa waa p-r- fvrmeil hy the Abbel BaroB von GrimmenBteln, as-isted by Court Chaplain lfomdgnor Meyer; tbe priest> knf-'lin-* nt an altnr of exqoialtely Isfri-.n marble, placcl nt the veiy apol where the hed bad gtood on whieh tie Arehduke had ahol himaell. The ehapel i^ bulll iti antiquc Gothlc ggyle, and is entered hy n jmrtal Bupported by four pillar-, of Swedlah .T-iriT,*. Siat-.es of St. jn-rph aml uf St. Thereaa guard th'* portleo, above which there la a magnlfleently palnted v\in- ,,w. 'ihe only peraona preaenl hesidea the Im* pei .irnei-s nml their Immedlatc attendantfl were the Carinciit.* nuna, who have t ken poe- Beaaion uf tin* former ihootlng lodge. Their s-.jeiiur, tu whom the Emperor addrei ed a few graciuiis worda .-'t t..<* eoncluBlon ol im- Bervlce, is a Freneh noblewomaa, the young Pi Jeaane Mbuco. whoflfl mother was u Princeaa d'Ekhlngea, an.l a member of the family oi the lemeufl Marahal Ney. At the verj aame timt- thal the eeremony waa taUng plaee " rllng the i ImJIar aervlee n in pregrem m the neighborlng monaatery ot lieiii-'enfuith in honoi of ihe Baroncfla M*iry Vet/ira, and whleh waaattended by tho two un- -;.-s ut the latter, Heci »r 11 d Ari tlde D lt ni. Tl.e gBiention of their gamefl reealla a silly and irlekM nunoi whieh, orlginatlng at Parla, haa been eireulated throughout Europe, t<> the .¦.Ti": that the Crown Prlnee had ahol hlmaelf becauae he lmd luddenly dise, vered th .t 1 ,- Baroi Ifarifl otbb > i lei ui his father. '1 h<* el**eumataneefl of ihe tragedy are bi tii' ientl ful without addlng t',i* honor thereto, and tla; rnmoi h:^» been treated wltb the deiiaii n Indlgnation whieh it deaervea, Fai from evei having been n famona conrt beautgr ln her y< Saya, the Bnrooeafl Maile'a mother waa totally uiiknown in Vienna, iiidil Ihe day wben bei ih, ightei ln* :"v-",,*',i the Crown Prlnee'a not e _t . uiuniiipul bail al Irleate. The BoeialBtatua both of thfl V'etzeras and of the BaJtaxxla waa oi too bourgeois B natme tO pemdl ol theii ever iM'in,- reoeived al "urt, aud ll is well known tbat tbe Emperoi never ari hlaeyc on tbe llaron- .s. Mane's uioiher until a v.-r. few yean vv. ,-i he hnppened to i*-* fortunate enough io stop tbe runaway boraea o< her earriage ln Uie 1 'i u Uii oniv other IntervleW With her was on ii,e iav ati.-r the funeial ul tne Crown Prince, when ihe demanded «nd obtained an audience tor the purpoae of scekin;.' redreaa fdi he; danghter*a death. - AS 1XUU1RI>G BUT FASTWIOUS UUSIC1AS. From The BfletOfl llomo Jourr.al. a well*hnown mnslclan wai tne other dav walklne Btone tho iOpeet bi one ol Ihe luburbi m an frauic of m:nd wlun iho sound of a ba-.*-p;t>e barst on hj, ei_r iic Uitfjnrti u moment, aud theo taid to hlmielf: "Tfiut docs not aound hiie a real bag-plp*.il lour.ds llke"-tli. re hc wa* .tueli. He did not know what i'. did tO'iid liKf. Jt mnie irom a honse ihe mndows of whicb were ppea, aad h< walked uu tiie ateias witii a ptoui Intenl ol learalng wmethlng, and. Amerioan though he .-.*. with a perfed nncoi iie>* of i.n*. iiripro,.: - m h.- a II" rani ***S ia .:i., .,n,v."i<*.l by a Btout-looklng boolcli vvon.au. BB "hom bfl Itatfli Ihe tMOB lhal lie had )i,-.ird tha muale, aml waa anxlaua, belng a mualclan, t" re rhe liialrurociit, and a*B the perfonner aome aae«rtona, II,, wa- Mked ln promptly. He -avv tlie la. plpe, .'.".. id :! In.Vcd, B.! hi* ¦ueatlon aud a< la i ..id riiai .- nol lh« p \r- wp ott [he abepherds u Saw, a .. thal Itueaiit. i a* the reriK and tho iimn hurrie.i ou. oi ih" room. and r,n retnrhlng. he hrought a llttlo reed Bkfl plpe. ench^aa Pbji iniglit be iuppoaed to play. Bfl Dnt lt in Uie mu«lcian's hand, and he blew a f«*w BnsneeeMfnJ notei on ri Then Ihfl ina'i B-ahfld to tuUo it and BBOW li.m how to do it. The maaJclan. belng a bli faatldlons. wa^ for wlplng lha mouthpKoe, imt before be coaM get hi*. handkerchlef oul the fiootchman. \. uii a heart** deep bragh of protest, had Bfllaed the ini"; and >...-. blowlug on it. li" explalned it. and then paaaed II baek 1«. tin* muatelaa. Mklng him to try tt arra'.n. The mnalelan ti>ok the plpe baek. The muMelun was ln a bOX. Ih* >va!itr.t tu bfl Bfl elvil Bfl hl* boat, )nit he iil-u wanted lo wiM tliat pipfl beforfl kfl pnt |i lo hl* Up*. lt laemed thai it woaM be an ImpoUu neai t.> hi- lioat. who had "i aeea Hl to de fastldioai, ao willy nilir, Into his m >utb wenl the plpe, and rheerlly, but wltb a falni itomach, !:.. plajed a few notea, A- he f.iiM be pnt it down, remarking a he did bo, .. wiiv du thej maka ihes,* plpes from rlnnamon "' Tba Scolehmnn looked puzsled r moment, and thw with a ro;,:- of Ianxhter, bb wlle. bnrsl out with, - Ita. na, he n bean eatln' Mflnamon.** The muslelaa beat a retreal after Ihanklng them, bal he may be le>s un- ,onscious n"\t tim". SPRING FASHIONS FOR MEN. THEY HAVE COME WITH M&RCH, OiiAMilK OF BOME K'Nl) is BVEBTTH1XO- WBAT YOU SHOin.D WT.AIl. The ehangaa In the tt hlona of men'B attiro a*-e numerous, but t«. the novire Bbno*l Impercei'tlble. Theae changea, aggM as they are, mark the fa hlon* a'ly .I-" ed man from hlfl lesfl dlseernlng brother. In trousen tbe ityle wUl be ¦ Wlle wlder, with a illght tendeney to a ipring over tne Instep. Both meilinm aml wtde itrlpea will be the prevalllng rtyk in fabrles, although aome plaln materlal* wlll be ni d Tie* l.ewe.'t walatcoat openi a Uttle lower than that worn dnring the wlnter, and has a notched .>!. aliawi collar, ihowlng more of tho Bhlrl front. *ometlmcfl admlttlng dlsplav of ituda. Xhe shawl collar wlll prcdominatc with tbe loweal walatcoat. Tl Prince Alberl or double breaited fro. i. coat wlll be popular thla ipring and .dmw aome eMght changea. ih. v wlll l.e cul nhorter, In both walsl and iklrt, than in former seasons, the entlre length belng much ihorter than uiual fur thla stylo of garment. Llghl ,-. in gray, peari and drab rolors will i"-; rm I ,!'v n ed and will bo What men teim "the rur- rocl thlng." With the k-wertng of waiatcoata, tb-. favoritc cut away coat, ifl one, three or four buttone, wiu follow mll and be mt a iiiih* low, r than formerly. They promlse to be as popular aa ever. The Inree and 'iit m cutaway for jroung and middle-aged men, _nd the one-bntton cutaway are ipeclally ud.,: st.'iit and eMerly men. 1:." eovcrt coat leemi doomed. lt- dav of useful* nesfl is paal and thdr deatb-knell is sounded, a* tbey mv* thii ipring cut bo much longer than .-vr before, and they come ao cloae to the regular ipring over- eoal thal thelr eharacier i- l"-t. Overcoala are madfl with the tralght backa, wllh out team and ln ¦ rariety ol materials, the favortte belng the >nft Angoraa, For ilngie und donbto-breaated -th *"¦'-. f-*'" ".' and itripea wlll l"* mn, b u ¦¦ l ai i. i market ihowi a large variety of the* materiah., thfl choiio is Wldfl and Ihdivid l t.i may bo '"'¦>¦ .'.'¦ _le, ii i ln all t at will be cul wlder from »h a, i:, t-i eufl Ui m heretofore. In d v :i .1 ii agonala have "i'r- -,.,! ,i ,,n other clol clthi r are flnlabed with a ;: it hrald, or are rlea have changed bul Bllghtly the fai ey flt. in itripefl, platdi and miatore* proml e lo he largely worn, whlle plaln A R ra ai d Thlbeta, i'. bl m b and blae, wlll be much uaed. The plaid* bi al I ln vislble ln lome materiala and combine ra ade prindpally to brown*, gray. and bl 1.1-0*- u, In moal ra-' nat oga ** i itlnctly piaided or "lood" Ifl ibown in tha best '"m iwelrwear there are few ehangei aa to * bul many new and beautlful materiaH wll. be u ed tor thelr itaanoiacture. One oi tho m l_ tbe A *. Thla icarf i-. ln two de the fali Bowlng Aaeot and the amallor Ascpt, thlng after the ityla ol tha Poor-ln-hand. but h broaderand rather longer. Th.fa are < i crcp du ii ii", and also ln le Chl The full Bowlng Aacol wlll be worn iM ,.,. dar_ and neavler illk*. Tl red with plaMed elfc I* and are not at dl bkely to be conimon, ai they a:*- nol only expen -i,.n!.-* The more moderate Aacot will, bo be. me popular, n * onll beeanae ol M n -. Ity, bu i,", ause it la hand ln Four In hai d* and the ffed irl In club Ibe m-.v, it i d di igi Ican n tban dark effecta. Eleob a favortte color and la brocaded In many bca itlfnl dealgn of the prcttle i- the i ati ¦¦ - '" whlte. the crepe du ebene .' arfs ai ombroidered lariety ol roneelta, one b Ing .. dragon ln 11 ¦..'.; repe-d '.ene: Bl rth r ln oi l. .- and i > on throagk tbe gaawt ol dellcate oolora. A »p ay ol bum b ol Mue belli are fa*. ¦¦'. ¦.-'.¦ wlll be m i'i p ipnlar on aee«mnt ol o i.' *...'¦-- ii .'. 'i " .,,,,' -i .- ;. lu cli e ln e .«iul ¦¦ m ir ,i n ,.i oi iv ii. whlte or th uci tlo wlil li pa bow will be aumnier. 5 I.nly n< a I uy ¦ I ¦' be tbe oM Btralgbt eads. Nothing nea wlll be bi *oglit out lor full dr. * tl,-. batlste or latbn band or bia. k, WU i oldi II own. Ai the inmi u ,t t:," totniat and ai. * -rn t ... \\Ti <i or icarf wlll bc u*cd ther, Xiicre are fe« hange in Ulrl . For fnlli ( ,ugh a lew delh atelj eml rold, n tt wlll 011 '¦.en. An ell -rl will be ni gel rid of tlie Btarehed heavy materlal* and to ln troduce In thelr plaee Ughter and aofte* Wrth ml itan h. This, however, wlll be an ment and Ume Qply wUl tell wlietlieT it li iuccer>»fu] or not Flnely woven batl.tes wlll bc the .. | clio aud wlll be made up ta whito aml color*. Widu itripea wlll bfl with theae fancy shlrw whlte collara wlll be agaln.whlte »11 u*b and uv I rufl f\ nurobi. ol '¦¦' ''"" >',i11 ,,,; " "' ''¦ *'"' whii h pronil e lu be worn iu,, ever i Ihe sea on advaiu theso fabnea ia a Ilne cotton woven Madraa, comea in beaattfal eoloi m Un ly nea matcrUI ,,i matte, a u.i cottou eheviot. rhe li ol lhe*e BiyhM wlll be tlm One Daanel aud ilk whlch are already ibown ln tbe ihopa In uew aud ol 'rtiijj ,\n lu re i ¦¦ uemand fur Japan, ... i". iii^i I,,.- .; comtoitable garmcuu aie ntcoiuniei dieinv and more to uieu. Uicj aw ;iii.,..-t Indi pcu*able lor aicaiuer wear and liavelling. loi ¦,, .i pari "l <.'..¦ > man'* \ irdi ¦.- u :..- jn po igee ilk ,..-:". red lu .,;,,i, and n. whlle . hina .:;. embroid. r )., whlte. Uut the nea rottoii cbcvlota and Mudi.i clol .lore dui >l en Ible, and i iem nt.. -ij for n.. lu w, ar, theae 11 i Mai'. ni-. arc most likod. ju men ¦. ai" few chi ugi». »ne but ton is now -< rieel Insleud ol .". und the i.-w ure pcrfi lli plaln, u<> euibroi'h rj I*. li fn eol ir Ui.:"- ¦¦¦ ui vi li may n t o ¦,l-'1 ." b«n luil I] er nnd gold headed bik anii iimbh Ua ire oul ol ¦. ;,:;,,.¦ od to Uie ulira f¦< i bul a iiaiuiJ wood i,.iiidi- ur ;t atlt# n.... aiih OJITcrei "!-. ,., !.,, chuii xi* iii haU, they ui*o u u al ,i ui, but matcilal. Yeaterday all Iht nea aprli.g mmcr atyl were pul upon th, market, and Ua ,,..,, ,,i them upoii llie iitcl Alnm ,.,,. i i, ...i ... ihe j...!, und full ui (h |lHl Thej u x: .. i."i'.' ntlj ..... ,, k, i;,,- ii. wii- babituull) ,, .. _. nea u i oi two lx tb,) any on **¦ -1"1 ¦' '*''"" '':,:;- '' ''. I'"""* .,' ,,.,- ... « i"- worn iviili crown . ,,,,, .,; ii r,i,i from oiu and tlir ¦¦ el^btl; u, ..., oii4J-eighUi i"' I**** wido. I.erby* or lUtl ,. it, 11..--. llod bj liifl ti.i-.i-. il.i'..- ifl crowiiN l. rhtli '-1- r«d. 1"1, ", '!l :' *.« v ,.-,.,-. .' ie. nml with tii" bum nurrowei t.;it' ,.t, 11,, *. rangi ln deplh from ihe aud on- ., u i 1,, -,i\ lm n .. '."I. th one iu i iin-. :-:.*ii to two aud .. elghlh Incbes, or ¦¦,.;.'Hv ihe sauie a Ui II i,.|., _nd h-hi" roll d. ih- color ln thes-j W1ii i.. thi ¦.. b black iniii darb brown and muple m unlvei ly worn on I new color I* i*all«*d ninlta. new ih tdo ol mixed eray nnd pr. ml ' b< om p putar. I,, the lofl haia, «i.ir.i an agaln oimii to tno Iront, .- A « hl h wlll be 1 irgeb worn d rl o aAIplne ihapc ls th. i li i* Bnade thii ¦'-' crown larters Inehas d - p an \»t:h Lrimi fronl ona a-d thw*-fourih* io ,-,.- r. d . -¦'¦.. Ighthi Inche* In width, and wm i>« won ln th« saro« eolora a. tl.e ttlfl hai-. with the rew favoritc for Bi cholca. In fact. th« ne**" ¦.>.- the fe iture ol the -e^son, both In sofl and itiT nat*. Tbe b:*t hou*..-* ure alread) exhlbltin .tn.'-v hats. to he worn a* anring merge* Inro siiinu.cr. rhe Ull udlor win agaln ba the leadlng ihape, with crown perfectly itralght, ranglni trom 'ini* to tliree -' ,,- ,. i;:,!? Inc .- ln d"I'Hi. id v .'h I., .i .. f. -ni u,ic and three-.|uarten lo iwo Inel in wldth. Tlte Ona and I " id '.. in ie ii- -i io. o .i .i ii' wear, and ti") Hi" t-pii' and Milan biaids wlll !.* worn fm dreas, nandi are onchangod, and, a* nsual, largel*, itepend on lh« la*te "f the wearer, Tlie onlr ehance di piiy in thii quarter la mt the atraw hala. and ll,er.. may mi e Idm "ii .. n ai.-i.i-. All other i.i'd- are narrow and modi U i.ur.eii, Dailey a Oo.*b lrae "Batraet <d vioi't and -Violet TAltoi Water"' *..«. perfr I repredaetloiui of the natnrnl flower. aold by uii Diwawaa, , *. THE KENDALS' WELCOMB. ASTISTIG AND SOCIAL TBIU3IPHS IX AMERICA, THEY AV.V-. AS MCCI1 p_2A8ED WITH THB PEO¬ PLE AS THE i'i'. 1 ;.:: ARE P_E* i Will! THEM. The tin- of a t.k v.iin-n bv an BngHih travelter, "How l Btraek Ameriea, and Iiow AmerieaStraeh He," i.a* bacome PeHllar and erea tamona. Many Eag- Uahmen have "atrueM Ameriea" ln many waya, and Ameriea baa ..:.;: ir tbcm vartoa ly ln retora, aai it ni.a- well be doubled whether tbe Btrokea oa lha on,- aide and on the other ever proved more eor.lal. ni"]-- harmonloua and more mutually Jojful than thoae ei-nii in..i i.Ived by Mr. and Mrs. Kendal alnee they lm ded in New-York one Sunday evenlng laal r-<*p lembar. Tbe iii Engllshmen wbo eame t" theae ihorea were '..i 11] reeelved, bul tbelr welcoaie booo woic oui. nml a waa pretty Largely their oarn fanlt. A r-iiip onee came t.. Plymouth wlth ;i eompany of people iv bo wera wonderfuliy glad to aee the land, bm thoae who awa ted them eared little, at. the .'""'. whether they ran,.- or not. Later, anotlter ahlp eaaae tn the aame porl, after ii had i"*i. eagerlj aratebed ami ;i ;-ii and )'. iyed for, bul lt waa the eargo tb.it. araa wanted more than tbe p. cnge -. La'a iitui'- ii Ameriea, and wai reeelved a'ltb honor and gratitode aad love, int h wa. nol an Bngll bmnn far fi"iii ii. Other playi ona away rteber und perhapa bapjier. bm none hnvo met reeeptlona iii.it were in all re ;>-¦¦;. qul aecorded t.i the Kcndala. They eame a. -t . tb ngb ¦'¦ whoUy unknown; they bave ri ll .1 many citl everywliere they havo made II.-uai-. nf frienda, who wiii alwayi rcjolce .it - proapccl a tlieli rctarn. If Ihey bava ned . n ibodj yi I knoa . of it bnt tb- "ii tha other hand. io aay that Mr. nnd Mi Kendal have been .!¦ beyond .li t- r bopea wlth tb- luntry and tb- p >ple woald b.- ln? ;i noiii ¦. ... menl ".' ti: truth, own oftcn-i ,- rllona are lo be beHcved. <>t - u ,n ula ,i\ ¦, be .i: ;.. - » lio nnol ba i' iu icd f:-"tii irpli:.-. uid t; er have a-1 iii Kendal were a fad, bul the gen .. n t.. be th .t if tbe Kcndahi are j f d, th. n *. England ran st-nd b re "i- anywhero e. tho bctlcr. A GREA1 .'Ki- VU IT. *-U*. I.V REMOVED- Whatever Mr. nml Mr*. Kendal may i- i- »nally ... r -f their tbelr art, lhe Bppn ...iirn i:., i- I.m ¦!. " i> ilUng tl - i ellnga with .¦¦ hb li little party of ni r i thal mel b it 1 hotol e. aoon lt from llw -I, i.iiH-i that br n hl h. r t., * Rhe had lieard ,. v .... ,.. men n ho lay travell ind tl b id r\ Idi akln to tho Uie* I are wonl to 1 her nervoti .... .... than .'*, that I wai tjiilt. '' So i that tlme t»-.t Mi Kend -l lu . ¦. al lhe Vvei ue Tl eatro « t 1 Imdy I di I ' have d ... ruld be i ple&aant one. Tlio tud I ii' of the pn exa t ntu*t havo ealled foi - little i to fare th. red i. flre of rrill m ind 'i.-tiii. tion thal re i- .! tn ,i. ¦ -,,.;,. ,¦.,..- .Ji-v fell aa miri, : Kendal no. .. un- . ipapera .. .I p ib li- b'-.l an Intei ,. ii;..n whom Mr. K idal bo wns t*'tr.-- '*'.!....-' WHAT int il \ V t. T'l'v-.- OP HER ItmiKXCE*! Bul t t-'i.i-i lo the I pnblle hai I,.,,., ... ... I. and theii at the noi Um..! ..im. on pi . itli : witli tl.e i ple llla i. 11 1 d ... tn!'.. und rt |.M'lli. If I I and nf ihe :' tt.ro liaiid :i'l I n;>l' -. lll oui ...ni f :. * ¦' -.11 iraln A t-ivanl*. Her ' , ,., ,... .., ol mvoiiletirea und al .. lu ,,| ,. I.v lhe li.'l Of < ,.,... IlilVo b. -ii 11 le*. 1 ' ..I '.. ll 11 API'lt " IMKII *.'.''. \, -,, who glve soven i '.' " !t :i::,i make ¦ ." "'' ere their ] bul Mi* i* ¦! Ml Kendal have li * "I lo '' . .,, ,,. Uian ib" e of tbelr ow rompan] an -,,,.:,,., mual bavo i- ii ml n [n ited a ;.,.¦ i.i.-. I,... ...... I Ameriea ii ¦' ". lo er. ..-- ii, -. Itom Mi .. .., ¦ .- li'.iiM li e ,., i, om ii omp .,, :.. .im re lii .... ln iln-..- b lu iv,.. oi whli li Ur. I ¦. .* .... v .1 .... Mi Kanri ,1 ,. ii 'i.M lie .. I 1,1 v ll'ivt .¦¦ *. *..... ,ii a.. ,.,..,., V. .'. ..'. .1 Mi .i i more ot tlu M..i'.. i . n ,i .Vi.. ... ior -,. lor. ,!' l I' ¦¦. ,,.- illl', II¦-. 'I'1" I' ,i i, w,ii ilj r«i -. ,ed, Mi. h "i i'i- ii iimu '- ii ¦' '. "P ir. t ni the - ii wlth ili- nn1 Ile at the ii, -.'ii- tli liave lieen ll.,,. itu-il ,-'' -. lu nmiij li il, Kendal n ,. :, ,,, i.i n tell ib ii li ¦-¦ v nrh l. ,,..,,i ,,! in Lon om tli i-:-i'in in ide ,., m to I"' il ¦ THE ¦. v: I.inai. '. IUWT I" BTBIIfl SS. ii,,- |, ,.bni--. tb. .. eapeel illy aaioag tho Amerlean ] ri :""1 ,.-,,'1,1, .'. ¦] igtl knoa *ii .i If thej wera ii Ami rti ... for theii eppreclation la jely ou aueta _ader- .- Of » Ol 'I ¦! Ii¬ i.i i.ii. i.i. hei ". a part, ... .,] I\ and, il ! ¦¦ ., 1 ,, li ', -....¦..* i.i-n Mi ,. Kn dal bv th< Ireniel I aboul :..-, ttiditment. ol plava and ¦ often u ii.-i, lic ..n.-tn'i.-'i "ill hei upli im a-era kinioh Hi. ...'. '*'' *' '". K'''"'"' woild anrclj aiav fell Iiii ell rompllmi ui d if he i,,,i i,, ui tha i- upon hlm the 0._,.r <tai '.. lOine one who -..i«l: - II- i- loo mueh of a g-Mitl I,'. mi ull .l.i* il lll ' ¦' '¦'¦.' ,i.. di I' b il the ab ,,f ,1... u,.-M Ui ,i one iu too mu< -. geutte i,,,u, for ai'^ good punw ueeda no oomment. The Kendal*' American tour «lll end lu May, Mbcn they \rlll £0 barl; to T.ni'land. but tli-jr M111 not uct i;,. away tlnnLiiii* tint we aiiouia never -.¦'¦ im-ni ../¦iii.- it I* pernapi --.af.- then t" take it for grunted thal the KendaH wiu -come baeii, and the only ancstlon .. V. Ik-ii I" TIIE POLICEaUAX'S CHAIiGE. A PfilSONEB WHO GAVK LOTS OF IBOUBLE. INTEHEST BXCIJBQ BV A POUbTO-IVO WHIOH W.\_ 88180 XkXXa TO VOIACo, BEAD: QUARTK.RS-TIli; QfKiTlONS A8EEO AM) THB AL_EOBD JOKEi CEACKEO. A pollceman. eerrylag la hi* left arm a bnndle. Trn.ppe.1 np in a tlu. U blnnbet, eatared tbe front rar of a ibiwnuard liound traln on tho NXth-uve. clevnf-1 n nl at tlie ilurt.v liiin! -i. *Ution, 0B0 80*1 evenlng recently. He wouM baeo attreeted ntten- .'.ni even in a pbtii.i'i of Kew-Yorh polleemea, oa aceonal of h,. kelght, and breadth of i:; -'. :,:-'- thera araa an ezpreaalon "f unea Ineea aboul bl« faee tbni eaaaeal the paaaengera to look al hlm a leeond Uae. a* lio walkad lhe leagth "' ""' '*"' ¦__ tOOk a .nl in tbe roi-n.-r tnanv .'iirlnti* lOOkl were ni at the b.niriie, witi.il ho bandled wlth' glngarty care, Ereryoae waa woodertng wbat the bnndle oon- lum-ii, when an idi;« atraek tbe man who *at aast to the poUcernan, aad ke raldi --'"'i a prlf**ar#ar.t" - Y<- ,-' replled the poUremaa ebortly, looklng for- v .,1,1 oat oi tbe wlndow. II- eridently dtd nol rallak bia taak, aad dldnM wanl t.. iy anythlng aboul lt The iii.ii. waa pei Jetent, hewerer, and aaked to aee ib- c.u.iiiv-, ia ibe pollc miin yi'-M-'i. and -rarafully pulled b Ide iho lo-.! of tha btonket, reveallng the leataraa al a black-halred little beby, which v.... hut aaleep. i.v tb.* tlme aaverad other pa.teagera bad gatbered around, ull anxloua to ...; a peep at the pollceman'i charge. When ii | I. ei een lhe little creature th. y pegan to over- wht'lra *. » I', qn "*.ul lt, -i.'ie (biir thlngI i- it yourer aaked a yourg aoman, who bad evidently been i<> tbe tbeatre wtt* tha youog liii.ii who ai ompaaled ber. Tbo poUcamaa bhuhed and iald "rfo*m." Ra 1 a ,i < ;. ..¦ ,,-.il Lried to avi.nl bet-g ijui iloned, bul be ma-. "cornered." "Where did you get it:" aaked the young woman'a CMI'l-t. it wm feand on .. rtoop In Madlaon-ave.,** waa the ,' ¦¦¦-er. .Ai.l \. ,i .rn- p'.iiic to take It li'.nio anrt b.ko r.ire ,.* it; ii..-. very klnd of yoal*' aaclauaed oneaym- *.. l\"IIIHI. -Noiii, l*i.i gOlBg to take it to Mi.iioa UV-bli at i-..;.- Iteadquartera,* replled tha poUcamaa, tui-iinikj KJ ill '1 pi li-e. - iiow ..:.! i- Iti .'¦ ii ted to l. v ool i* ¦. moi ted guardlaa. .. \v ii.ii', 1.1 . oon. - ,, ;.i im ]u t had it iiii tt *i" b' ur. Thi !!l "¦'' tr- with the \- ing womau iugg, iled tbat it ooght *'.'.¦ Ai tii - .i lo hlm b- 'i *1 - ii iw cau rou |oke al oal the ; v i. || not her and letl io (;./.. t., n...-,ri: v ifa'ic i--,l heartlca*!" m*i '"* *-' «ver mht, tlifi eooed -ll..-'.* eould oo tr.-i/./-¦:. be ao ridently didn't arant to air iu- Imuly .-ii..! iiept <| ilj on. rim vi...it.iv b.ii- atrurk u imail measenger boy a near the cl Id extrcmelr funuy, and be ,ud leugli tirred um Ilj In |.. saii.l the j". vtiv Whal <i-» ymi wanl to be aoVr waklng tbo ehlM f'»r.' lh) Otf ..ii." .vn the women ai*o iald "You .rrretch," aml tbo l".\ alunk t>. the other end "f the lt aai a little after 11 o'rlock, aml the people who t ¦! al the ttieatrc entered the ar al ,\.-.\ ,i m, -.i there waa a ronatanl i-rowd about lUng I the I'.'ii'-i-iHn \ ;u> kepl bn ry ea hlbitlng il.i':-.e iiii'i and tellina anew the atory ..( ,',.-i it b.iU beea abandonrd and found. .f .- i i young man ui,,, , . Komeboily tn Ital in rl 1, a bll i i,iii* tloi .!¦!, ii*.! <..'i-i-iiiii feeturea. Wall ii'l a learm i" talk nml roe ean "ind oat," raid lhe ni.ii who bad taked tne qneal m. H * ¦ra* io evhlent, and hi* ]"ke *n<-'i an 11 one, thai he wm nol rewarded wlth a alngla laiigh, ed to a d Uni ical ln i.lon, left I the ll- re to I i: irtera, '. ¦. .,'i r t.. the ?.f.ti in, I; itteeed: .Will. rd rathei have four murderlng Itallaaa on i;,)- li u. :^ i.'i.n. one A GAJ.L i v:- i... v; CBTX.L8 LY. rmm T)i<* \v i gtoa Po f. A «'"¦. .rv f .. !' i. a* Wai ',.0-*. i -.. v.iio among oilv i qn ona *. mo i ... prlae in \«.ii women 1" .- ply. ur v.i'ii.i- lo ntovo ln !l*l. .. Not ..t ull. . i H'l-" foi ed if ¦. be rein from tbi w-rid." 08TBICUES f.V TROL'SEBS, .* me. V lady pi ' ' two beart) ¦* i v:;ii lt. fe ... i.. Inforni -,, but ir I the) a-ere n txl lo lt. '¦' live on love II ral nn ppiv .! thal tl mii ot oi ater ..'.ii-l ,. .1 .i.i*. ln tlu ln-.-. It I* -ii.-.-.--'e,l lhal rn rliap* thi nf fivilliu; i.,,-.v .ii- tlie ,i|i|"-.* li .. v in. iii- degem ra. "f the m un i thul lhe it pla >, (hem eai whal Uie) ran Bnd and whcnever they lt. XAMIXQ KTTTBXB. '. rom I i" lu ITalo ~ rrial. , hlldren a m.tter of n-i Utiia and up >n mee v little glrl i.f ; tl in i.i- inu ol '..I- .* i-onily been inudn tho l,;i|,... j,,, i- n| ii, a e kilU n- 1I11..11-I1 111- in -* thl f her p* ul. Whut i,,i! wi .. iiiumra'. au i* il und due .1.1 rutl m Ihe lltile oaiier ftll 11 ,.., ',.i;-, ie aldi "LH their namea 00 'li_ia«, Uurder uud suUdeu Ucath." 1 MIXIBTEK'8 HI'l BALABt. From The 1 armington le.) I'hronl. le, |,.. niatcnial arandfather of Jonath.n .>eott P.III1 wt 11- llev. .i". ..:.*i 11 *»' iv n rieoteh lll.hlauder who 1. i."i ii VI .im.-: th< 1.1*1 ..' 11 ' M: i. IU I'il- " IW Wa. ' I'lllI lai J by lil dfathcr afi'tr Klll ullcd ou i'i .! n, wa Ini Ited lu to 1 t aiul m.i !.* 1, i-i-raiid. - ll".'* mui b anbir) 'lm y«ur ,,..., e v ¦. .' .!'* ht) on. -\>' II,' -.mi .1, [ '.. >.-. I.. pa) Mii. v 1*0, bul 11 11 nl oul lu- only gei .;:.u-" 1; ., |,|,.,, .1 Mr. i-.iv >u Uial, uiiii- eiitertalm ig ., an, he I. *'¦ hlm bai lt the moin1) ho .1 .. :i ." '-ni ii ver) Ig Ihi. 1,,,!. |.i mi "'ii tther.' lli Klll. a.ler 11 11- .i.",i "f the VI1I110 ., 1, it for the Kllil Mi. :,¦ ¦.: vliti rti li ii.-i.- im- il iiu-.-i- < llie ,' I, ... mui '1 about tha :;.'.. |.i 1:. in b. .11 uy. _ fEATt Ri: OF SOUTBERX ETIQUETTB, I rom 'lii- AU uila 011 Itutlon, Hen *. \. i- ni.- hol hun lie 1. Prl' lileken 'n' 1,1 i.,i ire h an' liot," erlinl the well-hnown darkey 1 ,:i, h ., ,! :. Un ilu ito iped nl -i 11 Sprli n the rhlrki 11 loi dei ¦, irled .1 »n lt neutle ,.. j,..;,, .| hla li. i.i onl ol tli" V IndOW. ¦. ,.1 j,. Voung 'ii' t-ini.T, im- il>*. iweet an' '¦¦ when dn vmi gel your <*.'ib kei >, here, ln--. wha v.»n himl" aaked tbo ol<t itariiig 1.i.1.1 ni tb.- atranger. " i'ni Irom M.tau r'onghl you was trunge iu deaa .1l^.vlllB.,, - \\b. did rou think ao r .: ur'lte nen leman a 11 b'en h .-.! dowi.¦¦ iinvor a,-. .1 i-ullttd pcraon wej dey all dej rileken ," 1:,,, ii.ii,.. 11 fMoektoa'a -'-rv ^-ri he vouehea 1 ir 11 iiutb. 1*1.1 nn tbe llrn-.-a if yon Biiil r«'i Bia galeg <1o->n klll ln pelr.t of h^aith. r.lllng *tr**n?th, impa!re<l dlgaatlM and astlmilatlon are tbo m-irlta of ilf.llne. Check the*< and other IndlcaHona of piimatnri deeay «*ith tiie grun.1 rtiallaai aad niiralBtag to.ali-, ¦eaamar'B btcin-ich Rteura. n's-tunlnu at tlu lo-intaln h»ad. tho BtBajUMh, 188 l'.Ht*r* r*n,. rl..a il. Inef*. rlaaey, fiiiaa it-* arrara, and aata it ligaMnaly .11 work. Ti..- dlgaatlta iirui'ii 1* thu» iiiabird ui theroughly Bapaiaai ,,. ii,,- f,,o.i ii* aalrltlva prlaelplea, \>lu.-ti tin- i.!.hki BMlmllaUag, i* aartalmd Thaa 1- 11,1 -ayataaa aaartohed, ,, ,1 !,,,,¦: 1., :i-i,.*i atrangtheard, aad abearaaal «.¦ '. nf l_ ii...... -t.u.'i. appealte, tbe powet l.t well, 1 r, lai 1.11i.it are al*.. ra*. rtaMbtwd, and lhe varloaa tum Htna 11.»..- .ni. - 11 :..:.- ln thi 11 Ban ral .md i.-uliiiiul grwivo. 'il... llllter*. imir.-ov.r, 1* a OpottX* for and pMvanttVe A malailal rutnjiUInU, rhnitnatl*m, blllotianofts and Lldin-T tr'.nbl'.-i. . TAKING PICTURBS AT NIGI1T. VTONDSBS OF FLASII-LIGHT PHOTOGBAPin,', GR_*\T PBOCBESS MADE I.v JtCOEXI TIAES- SOME OF TIIE T.MlN'f.S AC-COMrr.ISHr*D. Photography has made wonderfnl progreaa within the burl few yeara. With tba Intradactlon nf gelatine dry-platee, ahont t.-.i yeara ago, tie proeeaaea neceaaary to t;-.k<* a dnlabed photograph were greotly Blmplifled and ebeapeaed. Aa a r- sult, u great Impetua was glven pbotogtapLy, it being widely adopted by people oi leianre, both men and women, «s a pa.iiiue. Suuii, however, it becamc a more aerioug oooupalion with aniat.-urs. tllghly edueated people, eapeclally thoaa s. ien- tifloaliy iaelined, took ll up s an an.l to otlier studio, and, later, for titt aalca of developing the fHsciniitiiiK an Itaelf. Every onfl know*, liuw ti.e oharming rccreation has grown in popukrity. There ar« tboui inda oi amateur phot igntpherg in this oountry, and over a hnndred photogiapliic socielies. Before the mtr-tduetion of the modera leaatfaae (Ir.v-plaie th >re were lew, if any, amateur photog- rapbera. lt reqnlred a compileated and ledioua proceflfl to make ¦ photograpli ln thoae days. TLe eollodion emnbion or "wet" proceaa whieh was unciI made i.eaaary cumberaome and coatly np- paratua; and it requlred at leaat ten aee-onda, under the moal fkvorable elreumatancea «>r light aml atmospbere, to make a picture ln the Beld. Now good photograplia ean 1** made in the bundredth and even ti<«* tbouaandth part of a gecond. It is not even neceaaary to have day- Ught t. make good pliotograpba ln tha fraotion oi ¦ -eeomi: for burning magneaiura metal, whieh waa Introdueed aa a new aouree of aetinio .-r photo r phlo ligbl by liaedik ¦ and Meltlie, Ger- man cliemista, ln H J", Iwa made it poasibk for photograpbera to diapenac with tbe raya ol Old <,,;. neous pbotograpbfl by magecaium - ,,.,.,!,-. Ught can now be made al bome ln the evenlng; tn the theatre or leeture-room, and out ol di ora in the open ni bt, ox ln oavefl, uune*. mui ol ,,-i dark plaoea. KI-.. KN'T A(. lft.VI-.MKXT.-5. Ilie lateal achievementa ln the Ime of photo. napblng by meaiui of burning n tie m mel .1 ar,*, perhapa, thoae i.le by S. R. Stoddard, of Glen'a fc'alla, who h incceaa Uy photographed nt n] bjeeta like the Waablngton Memoriai Areh and the StetUfl of Liberty Lu- llghtenlng the World Ti,- Waahlngton Memoriai Areh waa hia firei aa- tempt,andinphotographingli hei in-enearloalng hia Ufe, i.r tie unuBuaUy large a.unl ol mag- nealum metal whlch Le employed to lllumlnate thfl aubjeet -inatead of Imlllng up out of th.. aa -.nywell-mannercdcl to have done. and nd gunpowder chargea beretofore had alwaya been ln the babll of doing with mcr ,,. wrltea, "ti." rorce of thla o e aeemed. to be do** dyramite. exploding with a loud detonatlon, te rlng tl.ip Into '- nnd bolUm down over my bead and ahouldera ln » ahcet of flame thai slnged balrand beard.and ,-,,-.. l my bandaand tlie slde of my face aa with ., |,., iron; ao thal after I had gol my allde ln and Bavcd my plate, l lield bh Impromptu reeep- tion .,- policemen and a BympatUiilag crowd "cti.*r.llv followed by a fn*e nd.* ln an ambulance to St. Vincent," Bul the phol igraph waa entirely aucccsaful. . . u / l, will be remembered how th,* photograph of Li,,.,.,.. Knliahtenlng the World waa *»**f«*.*haJ «*****. >,r- Stoddard employed Bve Instrumenta on thia .aston. .,.¦. them on the eteamboat pier ol I so thal if be falled ln one lie would have other chancea. A wlre wua Btretehed from the torch of the blg aUtue to the maal oi a veaael Irterable distatice away. Mcanwhik. on 1 la w,r, a.d controlled by a pulley, waa I ¦. magncelum metal ready for flaehlng. Anlnaulated ,,,,1|..r wi,-,* extended from the magmeflium eom- pound to ti.lectric plant on the Island, bo thal it a glven lignal the electrician who had .,, tlie torch could turn on ll ourre il and produec -, ip rk ln the ,un** that *ouW aaddrnly '. '" :l ,»'lili:*!" **!'i'- ,,>,'r ,.,¦;; a| ihe maKiicBium was uaed; ,-... i. ., .:.* *. . ever employed in niakii P - P ¦¦ .-". ***** -ial. | xx Till MOUNTAISfft M- Rtoddanl haa made aome remarkable photo- l,y ti,,* ma -¦¦'-'' Haah" light, , -**fe ln ,i.. v.., tne picture, which shows a .i bunter* aboi a ean ttre. with a up tn b un ipiououa pla ,. iniiy interestin Another Bbowa a number ,,, |.,.. phed hy magnesiu u llg il as they ,,,i Uowe'il a-ve. " rbe batfl of , Cave inary bata," aaya Mr. n nol nat igh to tell Irom other bata, bui ,1,..- ,: |j rtaln, I r tlicy bave been ihe ,,,1., .:.-,-. ,1 si idy by ii*ar;ie B, who in vermin * '' .* ,;i* , tu see b iw tliey re ,, j to thi.'"* ,"'"1 -' s* ***** **'***- u-1'' bosida ilowiiwar.1 i.i n way i-omniun to all liato, and no amoi il nl bm iiucnl cun make them ,. ideratondf tlie ">' h" doing. I bad pl m r. imera lu positi in .1,.! i'.i.i a beld ti.' ¦<*. brlnglng ,.,,. s to Itout aame distanc from the mck ua ihe ground - the lens, ll, it i niight uu '-.¦ tlie bate appear life ai v,, ,,..,., uited aboul a i| ,,i ;,:i ounce "i "il li I-" '.'.t'1' " ¦¦"' '" "'' >*'"'- 0| tbe camera, and i" m e m re certain >'i lueceea ed a ae *ond plate in like manner." v, iii another pici ire al iwa the " Ea>{.e's Wing," a M _|,, tite i,n llowe'a Cave whioh exaotly re- -,.. li would I-.u.i" .. uitifl t.'Bcrlbe the cave,'' writea Mr. Stoddard, Uui hia pieturea bring it vividly before the ilder. lor Kda ini la- Wilaon, tlie Orlenl -1 iraveUcr and w iter, photographed the Interior u( the Great I pl n l'J ramid by mugu light, though w ia meaits of a magm ribbou, aeveral yeam ago, before im* nowdered iced, i.f.ut HedouiiiB were p ded e p*< ramid, with ;,u uplitl ;¦¦¦ oi .ni.iir- magneaium iu each md, 1.¦:.. i'i .-.... 'ii. were ,l to iucreaac the cliauues ol *.. c-a. "A wlldei und more wi rd si '.'., » iu*a iit. Wilaa-i, " l never wilue sed. Ihe dark akitia ol tiu* Arabs, with i,.ei,- u lutc iu the brillianl light, their e .cited yells, tlieir .. uen a bil ol hoi oxhl.ui ed t ill u tbeir bare ahouldera or fect, uud tiie iutc lare o tiie burning um tal 11 i ive tbe si me au iufernai ., whlcb nee.leii no faucitul Sulvator I.om to pen m- Dui te !.> ii-';-'- '. ,!'* bi rrible. Al laat, bowever, be saja: "Tbe magneaium metal and the \ inkec c nwra w.*i»* victorioua,and three piotun-. "i tbe m. iterlo . collei lu the Interior .i u.e Great i'yrumld were H ligbl Uu i all iiii.ni fancj whal lt reallj waa." i p u raplted the Interior of Cheopa Pyrauiid I...- iiffl oi ma tnesiuu metal; Marial oii.de pictures Iti ll A«h-rapn Ko« .-. and Nadar '. tp .. n .ua rouB subterrancnii pau J pieturea wr 11 la.ic before t ie ni 11 siuni .. luced. 1 Re ineuU w..*, ,. i-..i ul ribhon or «n,' c .. 1 po ., reel ind unwoi nd, fre iuentl. \ mcant ofj eloclc-work. na faat aa ll waa consumed. in thia w.\ ii..- light could be maintalned ste illj w [ong i tbe ri lasted, and photographa Ln .very way equal to thoae niadfl by daj-llght wen eaally Becure PBOTOOltAPRt TAKEN AT A DIXXER. One of thfl -.ral at^pmpta to photograph a large inbiecl by meana ol ma ne luro "flaflh" light w.-is, the writer thlaka, hia iwn, ln the winter ,>f i-ss, wben he jrhotographed the Preaa <'lui> h.m- quel iu honor ol its newly eleeted prealdent. Colonel ('ockerlll, Ip tlm large diulnt-hall af Deltuonleo'fl. Two camei ia ive * used*and b Inrge quantity ol tbe powrlered mairneaium. Tha bail wm llghted during tbe time l»y rleatrieltj', a.m there were probably over 100 aewflpaper aaen present, Wben the Bral expoaura waa made. nu.1 liefuie tlie sinoke Iwd reaohad ihe nettlne of tha NOT A Pl*f PLE ON BABY IJatir one ycnr ol.l. Had willi te/emii. llulr nil aonfl *»<n!-i aenrid with arapttaa-a tured by Culcara llnli . plen.liil aiul nat n laiatple aa blm. .ll'ED UV tl.Tiri.KA I iiimii.t aay im,.--'li la i-i uiv or Ihfl CUTICCBA REIt* i:i»ij..-,. My boy, «rl ¦ mc rear <-r aaa, waa m i>_<i »ita HflBM lhal bfl Uai all ut hta halr. m* Bcalp »»* aaverel arlth eruptlooa, whleh Um iaeOflra »ni<l w_« wall-iieid, aad that iii. hall iraaM i,.'v.r «r,..v axain. Paaaa_NBf af ¦ trom phjralelaas, i bflsaa Bm aa« or the CUT*C»*BA r.l.M|-.IUl-.S, i-iil, I am happv t-> ..i-. arHh the n.or.1 p-r. r<* I mcccflfl His iialr l. now BplBBihl, 4a<t Bherfl *M ni/5 a pbnplfl ..'1 him. i reaa-UDead n>«* CUTICUBA EEMB* DIE8 io BMflhflra aa Uie nao,.t .¦X'<iy, ei*oi.oinK-*l aud Mire ime for all *.kln fllflflBflflfl «f lnf.n-t aud hlldr- n, and feel that avorjr bnMhb ala hu* un afflirt a <-hii<l **i!i thanh ma tor ao dolng. Alra. M. E. WOOliSfM, Xorvray, Ko. FEVr.ll fSORE EK.IIT VEAKS I muat extend to you the th.r,_. of one of roy enitcmers, who haa _.***.* eurt-by aflBBg tlie COTIOVBA REMEUII_i of un old »oie, cauta-d by a IflBfl ammt of »ic_n**»* 01 fever c.jjht, ye«:. a«o. He wa.. to bad h'. wat, alraid Ut woulij havfl to li.ve hl» lig aixpuuttd. Uut 1* baffV Ut ooy hfl l* BOW entirely w. 1),.aound as a dollar. He ri-queflta l"_e 14 um.' his nui,;.-, BrhtflB* ls H. H. OA80W, iiti'-tian*.. JOHN' V. M1NOK, Dii.-j.I*-*., ..aliiMtMiro. T.nn. V.*e have tK-^a Mlllag your CV-ICOTU KEMEDIE-I for yomtm, and have the dr»t compl il.; v.-t to rflflBUN from ¦j. parehaaar. ono of tl.e a-wat <:»*>'.. of *.-ufuU l cv«r .¦a., aii* cund by them. XAlXOft 4 TAYLoR. I'ranlifort, Kan. ClTICl UA KfcSOLVFNT The new Blood and Mtii, l-nrliler aml jmr^.t and beit of llumor RflBiedle*, lotcrnaUjr, and CUTICCBA, th-* jieafl t-Kin .'ii', ;.'.u n iin'iM BOAP, im <\f|iil*.lt* sala li...'.uu.i, rileniBllj. *.¦,<-'"ttily. piinuu.eiitiy *"d BBB* iioiuically "-un- everj -laaaaa aad Biuaot ¦.( lha BkhB, *e*ip and Wood, wiLii loa* of halr, whether Itehlaa. burnlne, -.aU ptm I'ly, flerflflltflM or l.i-u-d.Ury, wL.n all oliier i-.". tle» i-.i. l-u,*i BWIjabiBB. Prlce. (TTlCUKA, 60c; SOAP, tt, B__BOIaV__VT, gl. rmianfl bv _hn WW-141 DIlt'Q AXD CHKMICaJ. CO&POBAT10X, liobtou. ty S- i,,l for ..li"» to Curu Skin J>;.-..._v_," lii p.«>'«. 50 :.!'. :. il "ii- snrl l<0 IflfltlBWnlsl*, ISU'.Y'S M,iii a.d .*.¦¦:,! p |.ie- r.i'd *nd beautlflLd by CUtlCtrfU bOAF. Abaatalclr paie._ t'YCKY .11 IM I.L At HEM. Bharp Aehea, fmli Pain*, Btralaa sad w'<**).. ..-, n lir.eal iu in.e luinule bj H*fl 4 flti- ¦ra lati'l'ala Pwairr. I ¦..i "¦"/ .- ii ..,,.. o«a pala-kiUlii | itr. iiethajotas paaWw. HU*. hall and waa dcflflendina to envelope tl,e scene, a seuond piate waa expo-ed. aad two begntivna were i.r.* see ured ol tlie feoeting JounuvUete. George <>. Bockwood, kmmi after thia, made gne» ij pkotogi iphB oi large a idleneea ln lccture- r.ii.ii.-, and ..iu*.' then many _ictures have been ii.. by me ma al the macnesium " ilu.ir' liL-iit, at night, in theatrcfl nnd large balia, A. reeblee bmith'a photograplis ol Btage scenea nre interest- in-', -j;,,! tl.e Photo-Gravure Company of Nevv- Vork bave Iflflued M*ver;il Bonvenira ,,f Mr. Daly'a playa from negativee whleh their iihut,>,'r_|iher* made at niaiit of the scenea depieted, by uieana uf tl.e magnesinm "flaab" li-i.t. **..-, ii C. Jonea lia« Baade soue remarkable majr- neaium "flash" pietuiefl with a Kodak eanen* Ui tbe iine." quarter ol Son Praacieco. The cx.l- lection Ineludes pieturea of tbe Chineae ln varioon , haraeteriali«*. eecupattona *gambltng, eaiin., anrl Miiokin-' tiieir omub. pipea. (itlier Bue*BBBBfal Bniateura with "naah" ligbl are .Mrs. N. tiruy l: rtlett, >.f Chlcago, who photoarapha boi-iuJ, - ¦. s. .rou|is of her friendfl and ramlly ln vav, rioua atiif.ie*.: John li-Mt :***.. who makeabeaata. ml .. genre'1 pieturea nnd pnrtraita by mcans ef the .irtili.ial ln.'at. aml B. 1 llnton i'ulier, of Provi- denee, B. 1., who recently photographed a ni_ht- bloomlng eerena ii a moat perfeet manner. A reoent apnUeation el ¦* tla-h'' lu-ht photomaM ol eonsi lemole aoientiflo in'erest was made by I>r. Bomhouta, ol Amaterdam, in connection witn hia ilescription of rhe Zoologieal Gardena of Amster- dam. By ita aid Pr. Bombouta haa made a ntim- ber of Interrattng tnatantanee ia negaUvea af flsl* Bwimming al eaae ln the vaiioua exnibitiofl tankl ,.f the a'lnariuii). The picturei ihow varieog peeuliaritiea of pi*-e;itorial motion. Tlie eamera was foeiiaaed <>n the paae at .lnss whieh eompinved thfl fr.mt of tiie tank. A black eloth over tho baek i.f the tank prevented refleetiona fmm tiie claaa furriiiii'.' on Ihat aide. The fla&blng ooui- pound WaB burned In :. boa plaeed on u trfpod, an.l so arranged that i*efleetlona from the front erlaaa of t'.e tank Would not enter tbe lens. Tiie luil'l releaaing the exposing shutter waa eontrolled by one 1 ni '1 of the nperator, who Ignited al the sime time aith the other .!.- magneainm "flaflb," eom- pound, by meaaa of a ligbted toper. One of the pietures ihow;. the exart positlon of the flns io Bwimming, au.l all are kighly IntereatLng. ITQDIEg OF BtTX.EM kBV P.rSC0F.. Tiiou'h tbe naa«neaiam **uanh* Ught has been' u-e.l only a, lew yeara for niakin? il si.intaneoui photograpba at alghl and in dark plaecfl, burning magneaium aa a aonree of aetive photogmpUfl b ia been known to phetogimpbera for ¦ leag time. The reaeareaea of Bnneen nn.l Beaeoe first called attentiea to ita (rreat illuuiinuting power. riioui-metric examinationfl thowed a ma.nesium, w re oi ten mililaaei-ta long and -0. iiilUlinfltini ia diametec to be onpaUfl af Hahhag a ligbteqnal to I it supplied l>y seventv-foiir Hteurinc camlles onlj ¦', " times leaa tban thal ol tbe aun at iit ide of thirty-aeven degreea above tbe Itof- ,,n. But magne*ium waa far too expenaive in days to be used generally by praetlcal pho- phera. Tt waa aol nntil the aixtlei of the tury that magneaium 1 i-i-1 i.eian to i.e prnetically applied Mr photographio puxpaaae, la IS6.', .¦:.,im ..'..;* slmilar t.> thoae now uae were proposed. nnd when the prepuratlon "f tlie metal waa sin "; tled bo ti Bt it could be bo! al a naora ilile priee photographers adopted it more dly. lt is now very cheap indeed, a pottnd i.f the metal cMting only f5. Flfteen gralna, i eent'a worth, are anfflcient tor iUnrnnaflttng .i irdinar*,* seene. The magneainm menl is now oeed fot the rnoea "i ;l piire condition. To Inereaae its explo- Blvene«s, eblornte ol potnah. gun-cotton o.- .un- ¦. jer ia ¦ imetlmea uie'l wltb ir. Several deatlia having oeeurred from tbe uae of this daagereng .¦".nt)"Uti,|, however, ir :> BOW rately leaortfld tO. ",i is obtalned ln a Bnely powdered condl*. tion, nnd is Ignited by a t txt ln front af a re- .!,"t"r on nn aahestoa Btipport. The eombustton produeea an Intenaa Mue Bame of great aetima power. When the pure magneaium mel .! nowdef tliere i> no danger wbatever. and littie . .,' c || produeed at the time of eombuBtlon. There nave been many Ingentoua lamna and nppliancea eontrlved f..r igniting and bni-rung 'lie lt ia lometimea blown aeross an alcohol a me, and ln other contrlvnncea the name ia blown upon the powder. A aimple wmp, whlcb, worn HntiBfaetorily, eonalata merely of an ..hl elay nlne n4| B bli of rubher tuHng. and wns it:veni.-d f dian, Jamea A. <'n::; *r. He ¦Jejerlbed his .n in a re ein numster "f " Hu- VxxaXo. ,:,,,!,.,. Timea." "Take nn ordinary elay plp?. he snvfl "a wad of ahaorhent eotton nnd n afeen ol -tin.. Wrap Ihe eotton around the outaldo .f the bowl nml tie H with a string. Iwa .,-,.,,¦ .f i.n") rnbber tublna and draw it ever tiie> Ltem. bo thal yon ean plaee tbe tuhe ln your niotith and blow through the plpe. Sext wei-h .... .. ..,,,, 0f magn «inm you i-equlrefor your pl .. ll ln the bowl o ttepipe. Take Bome methylnteil aplrlta and Baturate the ab- ¦,..... When vou have foeased yoni Bnd deelded where ro have your UgM .te the spirite. The aame wll stand up T" nehea above the bowl ol the plpe. m vv through the plpeatem, Bnd your fxp^uraj ,. .* This lamp. a . perfeet and aimple, really costi Boiuething teaa tban k n eenta to gwke. THB >"N' WOt aTBBOBO. ir., rneaiiim ligbl baa nndoubtedly found ita ;1.ef;.l aa well as Intereatlng appHeatiaa in tbe maklng "t portralta, both ln atudloa by pro- is nml at home In th,* .»¦ rnlngH by amateur photograpbera. To a bwge number ef tboea who nre employed in b cad-wlnning dnring tbe honra of ilayliM. the Intnxluetion <>f auucnealum li^ht ns ., tuiiatltute for tbe aun is i!.«* greateel fleoa s..',,i Mtlierin s and ramlly grotipa: the enarae- .' ...,,, .ies an.l exprew u ib ol frl >nda whom i. I- ';..,,. s-it.lt* lor n pnifeaaional, on alight aj. ,, ,,,.,',. t., phot" traph Mtisfaetoril.v: invnlfda innb|e t- leave the rnraae: I lyorite doaa, ean and other honaehold peta nre a few ol the aabjeett - rhemaeh -a aa thoae moat aaitaWfl for this braneh of photnsraphy, an,l arhleh eannot i,. ohotograplted, in manv enaea. i'i any other wwr. For maklng portr Ita ln tlte home a few .simplo .,, e.ofie* ."* iu.Baary. \ background andaide mllRi ie arrange bb ihown in the dlagnm, and the magneainm moal be Saahed In frout of # unall reflector. I. / 0 I 0 0 .**- y. \ BBMflpflai d. B. Suijeet. C S«* seteaa. D fkootB to. caa»Nfl> Tiiere need y-c no uneert inty ns to the length ,,( e\-,.'-.u..» reeulred, fo.- the *!.sh is of limited ihuration, and wiU be aufneienl properly to ini- tlie extremeiy Bensitive dry piate. Aftei IocubIbi ilmply remove the cap or tiu* lens. with- ,.ri |..,. |(de from >h,» plate-holder aad, with all Uie uirhta ln the room turned down. iruite thi H.i-h cotnpuiind, and your rxporire is instantl.i ";e Developlng t'uc plntea whieh have Uvii eximsed to the laagnesiitm ligbl .lifler** in no evntfal way from tiie proeeaa with an ordinary instantaneoualf expoaed plate; and. of oourae. the priptlag aaal _,>h*a>ni»*_t, onoratious axu tba sa.u.4-

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Page 1: OSTRACISM KENDALS' WELCOMB. TAKING PICTURBS NIGI1T.€¦ · throiuluiit Atis'rin and Hungaiy by tln* people. pjnl ihl clerL-.y in qnitfl a nnmber of pUoflfl createda paintnl Bflaflatloa

OSTRACISM of a pkixcess.


BABY.rwov. A**«l'CASio.v*t. coiiRrsroMUNToi* -iiikirip.i nk.

Vienna, Fchr.nry i.The ni-niversary of the Austiian Crown l'nnee's

iieath, oa Thnraday tost, brangbt the twelvemonths' BBenralng lor the Ar-li'luke to n eloee.The daj was eelchrated with much solemnitythroiuluiit Atis'rin and Hungaiy by tln* people.pjnl ihl clerL-.y in qnitfl a nnmber of pUoflflcreateda paintnl Bflaflatloa by lefllfling to pcilmniti,.- "Seelca Meaee," ur "Bout «ie I'nn" inaaa, lnBO-fleejaenoa ot tie oifeamatancei eonnfcted withihe rnuee s death. Tiie most glaitng Inataaofl,t this abflrnoa ot ehaiity waa at Botsen, in ti..*

I'yrol, Wheit the wjdowfld Crown Prince s 1 is

been Btaylng fur sevcral wceks paat. Havingimt tu renuest the dean of the catbedral to eele-hiate the ciistuniary timss fur the lepOBfl «>f berliushanirs aonl, l.e eurtly deelined elther to per-form it hitiisell ur to peru.it it to taJce plaee iu

ihe oatbedraL The eemnoay tbereiore took plaeem the paiteh ehurch ol '.r.-s, a Uttle V-lhtge inba aelghborhood oi Botxea, and to whieh the

Mnowa drovfl out, nttended by her oulte. MuchllflBgreeablfl eoament wna eanaed by ii.e falluratt Btephanle tu return here for the aad anni-ren iry, in or.ler tu aceompany the Emperor, ther.'-pres.s and Arehdncheaa Valerla to Meycrling(er th.- purpoae uf belng present with them at

the eeremony <>f tbe eonaeeration oi the cnapel.rected oa the apot wlierfl ber buaband met lii*_leatb. 1'- waa positively expeotcd tliat buc wouldiave ni.,'!.* a po nt ot apending the day with l.erIttle daughter, ;;"¦¦' thal she would liave followedhcir M ..'estie*,' cxarnpl.* la pflflfllng a few lliotlii'lils

n prayer ut the ill-fatci Arehduke'a tomb ui thfl.. ni the < iiii/in ehurch in this city. The

.a t is, however, thal the relationa between thowidowed Princeaa und her parenta-ln-law are ex-

-ardiagly fltrained. Tbe Empreaa, wboac mlndlag never ci.tireiy reeovered from tbe t-hoi-kuiii*e.i hy the traglea] death ol kcr aon, holdgM.-;iii. i: <. (iiu'i-tly responiibk for tln* circun.- .es whleh l.'il thereto, aml 1ms not only rc*-ti;sed to uicct the Princeaa Bintje tlu* day of thefuncrul, but even dflclinefl to permil her nameIb i*e meationed in bei prenenoe. in u leaaei.egree. thfl aflntinaenta al the t!tuprc-.s .ue aharedby mo.vt of the me nben ol tiie ImperlaJ family.for they ure all ot tne oplnlon tbat if Steplianla|_d sliovvu more good-tenaper, patlenee aad nf-

Icetion ti.wanl her hnaband, the latter would 1h>

uill ln the bnd of tlu* living. The un!;.- peraonpho etainploned her eanae nntll ircently, "'i'lio whom ahe cnul'i took for kimino** nnd i"r

Iriendslsp, la the Mioeics ot oatraciam to whichihe wascuiKieuiTie-i l>y her hnflhnnd'a relativea, v. s

t e Emperor. Unfortunately, however, ¦

new qtjtrreled with him on the aubjeet of her

]..- _!iter Elizabeth. The child, now aboul|fc *.,-.- oi .«¦, waa conalgned by Rudolpb to

the gua*di**nahip ol the Emperor, ;.s chiel of ii.e

family. His Majeaty wbb content to leave his

griin.l.iiiii'htor to tbe can* ol Btephanlfl i*s longds the Lt:er ntnaalnfld ln Vienna or in the e

borheed thereof. Bul when the Crown Princeaa,wi., bunpopular here, -.t.-i who in conaequenoedlalikee tho dty, expiegfled a wlah to take the

rluM t.. Abbaxla, i-n tl.e Adrlatic, nnd tu Botr7,n, in ti.,- Tyioi. the Emperor refuaed to canaenttbereto CU eourae, Stephank bitterly reaentati.i.s. al the nn.l" as it baa glven riae to all kimlsot runoii. as t«. ii.e leaaona whleh have led thflkin.il.v and eonrteoaa Franala Joaeph to adopt bo

nawflBBBieanlflBng un attltude t- ward his daughter.in-h.w it is openlj atated iu offieial circlea bewIhat ter bebavior during the Hral year o'l h.*r

widWhood lias been marked by IndiBcretionawhtel hnvfl been a aouree ol great (nsue-s to

the EmixTor. Not only has ahe neglected l.erchild in tlio tiioa.1 ],ninted manner, leaving l.erBlonfl ut Laxenburs foi wholfl monti:s togetbeiwhile she hersolt was iravellinsr abuut in Fianoanrui Auetria, imt. BBureover, hei name has i<?-

flflgBfl connc'te.l. hrst nith thal of nn Austrianr.ohiemnn, and BUbeequently with thal "f a llun-

(-nr)Hn- BBagnate, in BUCh a manner thal i' WM

cvenly publlcl. a:ie.ci that si.-- w .s morganatleall)mnrrieil io the one or tbe other oi the.u.

'ii.e vlall ui th-* Emperoi aml Empreaa, with

Aiehdnebeaa Vakiie, tu Meyerhng, on tin* 30th ol

January, was marked i.y aeveral exceedinglypatbetle Inddenla. Tlu* accne nt the railwayleiminua, when aUrtlng on their pUgtimage to

|] laieful sput, wus pitlfnl la the extreme. The; .peror bad ..rierci lus rlght arm t. blfl a-

iort, who is n.s ereel and graeeful as ever: andwith his left hand he was gently atroklMnnll, bkek-gloved hand that rest.'.l upon hiailee* f*, ns bc alightly __n1 t iward ber, murmurlngv- is ol eoneoktion. ArclMlueheaa Valeriflfollowed ekflely behind; and the two

tadttfl were mtire.1 in .lcpest moUIO

h_g, and wore w,-epin- bitterly. On reach-i:._- tlie cliapel whlch >.as been ereeted on the

seene of the tragedy at Meycrling a maaa waa p-r-

fvrmeil hy the Abbel BaroB von GrimmenBteln,as-isted by Court Chaplain lfomdgnor Meyer; tbe

priest> knf-'lin-* nt an altnr of exqoialtelyIsfri-.n marble, placcl nt the veiy apol where thehed bad gtood on whieh tie Arehduke had aholhimaell. The ehapel i^ bulll iti antiquc Gothlcggyle, and is entered hy n jmrtal Bupported byfour pillar-, of Swedlah .T-iriT,*. Siat-.es of St.

jn-rph aml uf St. Thereaa guard th'* portleo,above which there la a magnlfleently palnted v\in-

,,w. 'ihe only peraona preaenl hesidea the Im*pei .irnei-s nml their Immedlatc attendantflwere the Carinciit.* nuna, who have t ken poe-Beaaion uf tin* former ihootlng lodge. Their

s-.jeiiur, tu whom the Emperor addrei ed a fewgraciuiis worda .-'t t..<* eoncluBlon ol im- Bervlce,is a Freneh noblewomaa, the young PiJeaane Mbuco. whoflfl mother was u Princeaad'Ekhlngea, an.l a member of the family oi thelemeufl Marahal Ney.At the verj aame timt- thal the eeremony waa

taUng plaee " rllng the i ImJIar aervlee n

in pregrem m the neighborlng monaatery ot

lieiii-'enfuith in honoi of ihe Baroncfla M*iryVet/ira, and whleh waaattended by tho two un-

-;.-s ut the latter, Heci »r 11 d Ari tlde D lt ni.Tl.e gBiention of their gamefl reealla a silly andirlekM nunoi whieh, orlginatlng at Parla, haabeen eireulated throughout Europe, t<> the .¦.Ti":that the Crown Prlnee had ahol hlmaelf becauaehe lmd luddenly dise, vered th .t 1 ,- BaroiIfarifl otbb > i lei ui his father. '1 h<*el**eumataneefl of ihe tragedy are bi tii' ientlful without addlng t',i* honor thereto, and tla;rnmoi h:^» been treated wltb the deiiaii n

Indlgnation whieh it deaervea, Fai from evei

having been n famona conrt beautgr ln her y<Saya, the Bnrooeafl Maile'a mother waa totallyuiiknown in Vienna, iiidil Ihe day wben beiih, ightei ln* :"v-",,*',i the Crown Prlnee'a not e

_t . uiuniiipul bail al Irleate. The BoeialBtatuaboth of thfl V'etzeras and of the BaJtaxxla waa oitoo bourgeois B natme tO pemdl ol theii ever

iM'in,- reoeived al "urt, aud ll is well knowntbat tbe Emperoi never ari hlaeyc on tbe llaron-.s. Mane's uioiher until a v.-r. few yeanvv. ,-i he hnppened to i*-* fortunate enough io stoptbe runaway boraea o< her earriage ln Uie 1 'i uUii oniv other IntervleW With her was on ii,eiav ati.-r the funeial ul tne Crown Prince, whenihe demanded «nd obtained an audience tor thepurpoae of scekin;.' redreaa fdi he; danghter*adeath. -

AS 1XUU1RI>G BUT FASTWIOUS UUSIC1AS.From The BfletOfl llomo Jourr.al.

a well*hnown mnslclan wai tne other dav walklneBtone tho iOpeet bi one ol Ihe luburbi m anfrauic of m:nd wlun iho sound of a ba-.*-p;t>e barst on

hj, ei_r iic Uitfjnrti u moment, aud theo taid tohlmielf: "Tfiut docs not aound hiie a real bag-plp*.illour.ds llke"-tli. re hc wa* .tueli. He did not knowwhat i'. did tO'iid liKf. Jt mnie irom a honse ihemndows of whicb were ppea, aad h< walked uu tiieateias witii a ptoui Intenl ol learalng wmethlng, and.Amerioan though he .-.*. with a perfed nncoiiie>* of i.n*. iiripro,.: - m h.- a II" rani***S ia .:i., .,n,v."i<*.l by a Btout-looklng boolclivvon.au. BB "hom bfl Itatfli Ihe tMOB lhal lie had )i,-.irdtha muale, aml waa anxlaua, belng a mualclan, t" re

rhe liialrurociit, and a*B the perfonner aome aae«rtona,II,, wa- Mked ln promptly.

He -avv tlie la. plpe, .'.".. id :! In.Vcd, B.! hi*¦ueatlon aud a< la i ..id riiai .- nol lh« p \r- wp ott[he abepherds u '¦ Saw, a .. thal Itueaiit. i a*

the reriK and tho iimn hurrie.i ou. oi ih" room. andr,n retnrhlng. he hrought a llttlo reed Bkfl plpe. ench^aaPbji iniglit be iuppoaed to play. Bfl Dnt lt in Uie

mu«lcian's hand, and he blew a f«*w BnsneeeMfnJ noteion ri Then Ihfl ina'i B-ahfld to tuUo it and BBOW li.mhow to do it. The maaJclan. belng a bli faatldlons. wa^for wlplng lha mouthpKoe, imt before be coaM gethi*. handkerchlef oul the fiootchman. \. uii a heart**deep bragh of protest, had Bfllaed the ini"; and >...-.

blowlug on it. li" explalned it. and then paaaed IIbaek 1«. tin* muatelaa. Mklng him to try tt arra'.n. Themnalelan ti>ok the plpe baek. The muMelun was ln abOX. Ih* >va!itr.t tu bfl Bfl elvil Bfl hl* boat, )nit heiil-u wanted lo wiM tliat pipfl beforfl kfl pnt |i lo hl*Up*. lt laemed thai it woaM be an ImpoUu neai t.>hi- lioat. who had "i aeea Hl to de fastldioai, aowilly nilir, Into his m >utb wenl the plpe, and rheerlly,but wltb a falni itomach, !:.. plajed a few notea, A-

he f.iiM be pnt it down, remarking a he didbo, .. wiiv du thej maka ihes,* plpes from rlnnamon "'

Tba Scolehmnn looked puzsled r moment, and thwwith a ro;,:- of Ianxhter, bb wlle. bnrsl out with, - Ita.na, he n bean eatln' Mflnamon.** The muslelaa beata retreal after Ihanklng them, bal he may be le>s un-,onscious n"\t tim".





The ehangaa In the tt hlona of men'B attiro a*-e

numerous, but t«. the novire Bbno*l Impercei'tlble.Theae changea, aggM as they are, mark the fa hlon*a'ly .I-" ed man from hlfl lesfl dlseernlng brother.In trousen tbe ityle wUl be ¦ Wlle wlder, with a

illght tendeney to a ipring over tne Instep. Bothmeilinm aml wtde itrlpea will be the prevalllng rtykin fabrles, although aome plaln materlal* wlll be ni dTie* l.ewe.'t walatcoat openi a Uttle lower than thatworn dnring the wlnter, and has a notched .>!. aliawicollar, ihowlng more of tho Bhlrl front. *ometlmcfladmlttlng ;» dlsplav of ituda. Xhe shawl collar wlllprcdominatc with tbe loweal walatcoat.

Tl Prince Alberl or double breaited fro. i. coat wlllbe popular thla ipring and .dmw aome eMght changea.ih. v wlll l.e cul nhorter, In both walsl and iklrt, thanin former seasons, the entlre length belng muchihorter than uiual fur thla stylo of garment. Llghl

,-. in gray, peari and drab rolors will i"-; rm I,!'v n ed and will bo What men teim "the rur-

rocl thlng."With the k-wertng of waiatcoata, tb-. favoritc cut

away coat, ifl one, three or four buttone, wiu followmll and be mt a iiiih* low, r than formerly. Theypromlse to be as popular aa ever. The Inree and

'iit m cutaway for jroung and middle-aged men,_nd the one-bntton cutaway are ipeclally ud.,:st.'iit and eMerly men.

1:." eovcrt coat leemi doomed. lt- dav of useful*nesfl is paal and thdr deatb-knell is sounded, a* tbeymv* thii ipring cut bo much longer than .-vr before,and they come ao cloae to the regular ipring over-

eoal thal thelr eharacier i- l"-t.

Overcoala are madfl with the tralght backa, wllhout team and ln ¦ rariety ol materials, the favorttebelng the >nft Angoraa,

For ilngie und donbto-breaated -th *"¦'-. f-*'" ".'

and itripea wlll l"* mn, b u ¦¦ l ai i. i

market ihowi a large variety of the* materiah., thflchoiio is Wldfl and Ihdivid l t.i .¦ may bo '"'¦>¦ .'.'¦ .¦

_le, ii i ln all t at will be cul wlder from »ha, i:, t-i eufl Ui m heretofore. In dv :i .1 ii agonala have "i'r-

-,.,! ,i ,,n other clol clthi r are flnlabed with a

;: it hrald, or arerlea have changed bul Bllghtly the fai ey flt.

in itripefl, platdi and miatore* proml e lo he largelyworn, whlle plaln A R ra ai d Thlbeta, i'. bl m b and

blae, wlll be much uaed. The plaid* bi al I ln

vislble ln lome materiala and combine ra

ade prindpally to brown*, gray. and bl1.1-0*- u, In moal ra-' nat oga**

i itlnctly piaided or "lood" Ifl ibown in tha best

'"m iwelrwear there are few ehangei aa to *

bul many new and beautlful materiaH wll. be u ed

tor thelr itaanoiacture. One oi tho m

l_ tbe A *. Thla icarf i-. ln two dethe fali Bowlng Aaeot and the amallor Ascpt,thlng after the ityla ol tha Poor-ln-hand. but h

broaderand rather longer. Th.fa are <

i crcp du ii ii", and also ln le Chl

The full Bowlng Aacol wlll be worn

iM ,.,. dar_ and neavler illk*. Tlred with plaMed elfc I* and are not at dl bkely to be

conimon, ai they a:*- nol only expen-i,.n!.-* The more moderate Aacot will, bobe. me popular, n * onll beeanae ol M n -. Ity, bui,", ause it la hand

ln Four In hai d* and the ffed irl In club

Ibe m-.v, it i d di igi Ican n

tban dark effecta. Eleob a favorttecolor and la brocaded In many bca itlfnl dealgnof the prcttle i- the i ati ¦¦ - '" whlte.

the crepe du ebene .' arfs ai ombroideredlariety ol roneelta, one b Ing .. dragon ln 11

¦..'.; repe-d '.ene: Bl rth r ln oil. .- and i > on throagk tbe gaawt oldellcate oolora. A »p ay ol

bum b ol Mue belli are fa*. ¦¦'.


wlll be m i'i p ipnlar on aee«mnt olo i.' *...'¦-- ii .'. 'i "

.,,,,' -i .- ;. lu cli e ln e .«iul ¦¦ m

ir ,i n ,.i oi iv ii. whlte or thuci tlo wlil li pa

bow will beaumnier. 5 I.nly n< a I uy ¦ I ¦' be tbe

oM Btralgbt eads. Nothing nea wlll be bi *oglit outlor full dr. * tl,-. batlste or latbn bandor bia. k, WU i oldi II own. Ai the inmiu ,t t:," totniat and ai. * -rn t ...

\\Ti <i or icarf wlll bc u*cd ther,Xiicre are fe« hange in Ulrl . For fnlli (

,ugh a lew delh atelj eml rold, n tt

wlll 011 '¦.en. An ell -rl will be ni

gel rid of tlie Btarehed heavy materlal* and to lntroduce In thelr plaee Ughter and aofte*

Wrth ml itan h. This, however, wlll be an

ment and Ume Qply wUl tell wlietlieT it li

iuccer>»fu] or not Flnely woven batl.tes wlll bc the.. | clio aud wlll be made up ta whito

aml color*. Widu itripea wlll bflwith theae fancy shlrw whlte collara wlll beagaln.whlte »11 u*b and uv I rufl

f\ nurobi. ol '¦ '¦¦' ''"" >',i11 ,,,; " "' ''¦ *'"'whii h pronil e lu be worn

iu,, ever i Ihe sea on advaiutheso fabnea ia a Ilne cotton woven Madraa,comea in beaattfal eoloi m Un ly nea matcrUI

,,i matte, a u.i cottou eheviot. rhe liol lhe*e BiyhM wlll be tlm One Daanel aud ilkwhlch are already ibown ln tbe ihopa In uew aud

ol 'rtiijj,\n lu re i ¦¦ uemand fur Japan, ... i".

iii^i I,,.- .; comtoitable garmcuu aie ntcoiunieidieinv .¦ and more to uieu. Uicj aw;iii.,..-t Indi pcu*able lor aicaiuer wear and liavelling.

loi ¦,, .i pari "l <.'..¦ > man'* \ irdi ¦.- u:..- jn po igee ilk ,..-:". red lu

.,;,,i, and n. whlle . hina .:;. embroid. r)., whlte. Uut the nea rottoii cbcvlota and

Mudi.i clol .lore dui >l en Ible, and iiem nt.. -ij for n.. lu w, ar, theae

11 i Mai'. ni-. arc most likod.ju men ¦. ai" few chi ugi». »ne but

ton is now -< rieel Insleud ol .". und the i.-w

ure pcrfi lli plaln, u<> euibroi'h rj I*. lifn eol ir Ui.:"- ¦¦¦ ui vi

li may n t o ¦,l-'1 ." b«n luil I] er nndgold headed bik anii iimbh Ua ire oul ol

¦. ;,:;,,.¦ od to Uie ulira f¦< i bul aiiaiuiJ wood i,.iiidi- ur ;t atlt# n.... aiih

OJITcrei "!-.,., !.,, chuii xi* iii haU, they ui*o u u al

,i ui, but matcilal. Yeaterday all Iht nea aprli.gmmcr atyl were pul upon th, market, and Ua

,,..,, ,,i them upoii llie iitcl Alnm,.,,. i i, ...i ... ihe j...!, und full ui

(h |lHl Thej u x: .. i."i'.' ntlj .....

,, k, i;,,- ii. wii- babituull),, .. _. nea u i oi two lx

tb,) any on **¦ -1"1 ¦' '¦ '*''"" '':,:;- '' ''. I'"""*.,' ,,.,- ... « i"- worn iviili crown .

,,,,, .,; ii r,i,i from oiu and tlir ¦¦ el^btl; u,..., oii4J-eighUi i"' I**** wido. I.erby* or lUtl

,. it, 11..--. llod bj liifl ti.i-.i-. il.i'..- iflcrowiiN l. rhtli '-1- r«d. 1"1, ", '!l :' '¦ *.«v ,.-,.,-. .' ie. nml with tii" bum nurroweit.;it' ,.t, 11,, *. rangi ln deplh from ihe aud on-., u i 1,, -,i\ lm n .. '."I. th

one iu i iin-. :-:.*ii to two aud.. elghlh Incbes, or ¦¦,.;.'Hv ihe sauie a Ui IIi,.|., _nd h-hi" roll d. ih- color ln thes-jW1ii i.. thi ¦.. b black iniii darb brown andmuple m unlvei ly worn on Inew color I* i*all«*d ninlta. new ih tdo olmixed eray nnd pr. ml ' b< om p putar.

I,, the lofl haia, «i.ir.i an agaln oimii to tnoIront, .- A « hl h wlll be 1 irgeb worn d rl

o aAIplne ihapc ls th. ili i* Bnade thii ¦'-' crown

larters Inehas d - p an\»t:h Lrimi fronl ona a-d thw*-fourih* io,-,.- r. d . -¦'¦.. Ighthi Inche* In width, and wm i>«

won ln th« saro« eolora a. tl.e ttlfl hai-. with therew favoritc for Bi cholca. In fact. th« ne**" ¦.>.-

the fe iture ol the -e^son, both In sofl and itiT nat*.Tbe b:*t hou*..-* ure alread) exhlbltin .tn.'-v hats. to

he worn a* anring merge* Inro siiinu.cr. rhe Ulludlor win agaln ba the leadlng ihape, with crownperfectly itralght, ranglni trom 'ini* to tliree -',,- ,. i;:,!? Inc .- ln d"I'Hi. id v .'h I., .i .. f. -ni u,ic andthree-.|uarten lo iwo Inel in wldth. Tlte Ona and

I " id '.. in ie ii- -i io. o .i .i ii' wear,and ti") Hi" t-pii' and Milan biaids wlll !.* worn fmdreas, nandi are onchangod, and, a* nsual, largel*,itepend on lh« la*te "f the wearer, Tlie onlr ehance

di piiy in thii quarter la mt the atraw hala. andll,er.. may mi e Idm "ii .. n ai.-i.i-.All other i.i'd- are narrow and modi U

i.ur.eii, Dailey a Oo.*b lrae "Batraet <d vioi'tand -Violet TAltoi Water"' *..«. perfr I repredaetloiuiof the natnrnl flower. aold by uii Diwawaa, , *.





PLE AS THE i'i'. 1 ;.:: ARE P_E* i

Will! THEM.The tin- of a t.k v.iin-n bv an BngHih travelter,

"How l Btraek Ameriea, and Iiow AmerieaStraeh He,"i.a* bacome PeHllar and erea tamona. Many Eag-Uahmen have "atrueM Ameriea" ln many waya, andAmeriea baa ..:.;: ir tbcm vartoa ly ln retora, aaiit ni.a- well be doubled whether tbe Btrokea oa lhaon,- aide and on the other ever proved more eor.lal.ni"]-- harmonloua and more mutually Jojful than thoaeei-nii in..i i.Ived by Mr. and Mrs. Kendal alnee theylm ded in New-York one Sunday evenlng laal r-<*plembar. Tbe iii Engllshmen wbo eame t" theaeihorea were '..i 11] reeelved, bul tbelr welcoaie booo

woic oui. nml a waa pretty Largely their oarn fanlt.A r-iiip onee came t.. Plymouth wlth ;i eompany ofpeople iv bo wera wonderfuliy glad to aee the land,bm thoae who awa ted them eared little, at. the .'""'.

whether they ran,.- or not. Later, anotlter ahlp eaaaetn the aame porl, after ii had i"*i. eagerlj aratebedami ;i ;-ii and )'. iyed for, bul lt waa the eargo tb.it.araa wanted more than tbe p. cnge -. La'aiitui'- ii Ameriea, and wai reeelved a'ltb honor andgratitode aad love, int h wa. nol an Bngll bmnnfar fi"iii ii. Other playi '¦ ona away rteberund perhapa bapjier. bm none hnvo met reeeptlonaiii.it were in all re ;>-¦¦;. qul aecorded t.ithe Kcndala. They eame a. -t . tb ngb ¦'¦

whoUy unknown; they bave ri ll .1 many citleverywliere they havo made II.-uai-. nf frienda, whowiii alwayi rcjolce .it - proapccl a tlieli rctarn.If Ihey bava ned . n ibodj yi I knoa .

of it bnttb- "ii tha other hand.io aay that Mr. nnd Mi Kendal have been .!¦

beyond .li t- r bopea wlth tb- luntry and tb- p >plewoald b.- ln? ;i noiii ¦. ... menl ".' ti: truth,own oftcn-i ,- rllona are lo be beHcved. <>t

- u ,n ula ,i\ ¦, be .i: ;.. - » lio nnol bai' iu icd f:-"tii irpli:.-. uid t; er have a-1

iii Kendal were a fad, bulthe gen .. n t.. be th .t if tbe Kcndahiare j f d, th. n *. England ranst-nd b re "i- anywhero e. tho bctlcr.

A GREA1 .'Ki- VU IT. *-U*. I.V REMOVED-Whatever Mr. nml Mr*. Kendal may i- i- »nally

... r

-f their tbelr art,lhe Bppn ...iirn i:., i- I.m ¦!. " i>

ilUng tl - i ellnga with .¦¦ hb lilittle party of ni r i thal mel b it 1hotol e. aoon lt from llw-I, i.iiH-i that br n hl h. r t., * Rhehad lieard

,. v .... ,..

men n ho laytravell ind tl b id r\ Idiakln to tho Uie* I

are wonl to 1her nervoti .... ....

than.'*, that

I wai tjiilt. ''

So i that tlme t»-.tMi Kend -l lu

. ¦. al lheVvei ue Tl eatro « t 1 Imdy

I di I '

have d ...

ruld bei ple&aant one. Tlio tudIii' of the pnexa t ntu*t havo ealled foi - little

i to fare th. red i. flre of rrill m ind'i.-tiii. tion thal re i- .! tn

,i. ¦ -,,.;,. ,¦.,..-

.Ji-v fell aa miri, : Kendal no... un-

. ipapera


.I p ibli- b'-.l an Intei,. ii;..n whom Mr. K idalbo wns t*'tr.-- '*'.!....-'

WHAT int il \ V t. T'l'v-.- OP HER ItmiKXCE*!Bul t t-'i.i-i lo the I pnblle haiI,.,,., ... ...

I. and theii

at thenoi -¦ Um..!

..im. on pi

. itli :

witli tl.e i plellla *¦ i.

11 1 d

... tn!'..

und rt |.M'lli.

If I I and

nf ihe :'

tt.ro liaiid :i'l I

n;>l' -. lll oui


f :. *


-.11 iraln A t-ivanl*. Her '

, ,., ,... .., ol mvoiiletirea und al .. lu,,| ,. I.v lhe li.'l Of < ,.,...

IlilVo b. -ii 11 le*. 1 '

..I '.. ll 11

API'lt '¦ " IMKII *.'.''.

\, -,, who glve soven i '.' " !t

:i::,i make ¦ ." "''ere their ]

bul Mi* i* ¦! Ml

Kendal have li * "I lo '' .

.,, ,,. Uian ib" e of tbelr ow rompan] an

-,,,.:,,., mual bavo i- ii ml n [n ited a

;.,.¦ i.i.-. I,... ...... I Ameriea ii ¦' ".

lo er...-- ii, -. Itom Mi

.. .., ¦ .- li'.iiM li e

,., i, om ii omp.,, :.. .im re lii


ln iln-..- blu iv,.. oi whli li Ur. I ¦.

.*.... v .1 ....Mi

Kanri ,1 ,. ii 'i.M lie .. I

1,1 v ll'ivt .¦¦ *. *..... ,ii a..

,.,..,., V. .'.

..'. .1 Mi .i i more ot tluM..i'.. i . n ,i .Vi.. ...

ior -,. lor. ,!' l I' ¦¦. .¦

,,.- illl', II¦-. 'I'1" I',i i, w,ii ilj r«i -. ,ed, Mi. h "i i'i- ii

iimu '- ii ¦' '. "Pir. t ni the - ii wlth

ili- nn1 Ile at the ii, -.'ii- tli liave lieenll.,,. itu-il ,-'' -. lu nmiij li

il, Kendal n

,. ,¦ :, ,,, i.i n tell ib ii li ¦-¦ v nrhl. ,,..,,i ,,! in Lon om tli i-:-i'in in ide

,., m to I"' il ¦

THE ¦. v: I.inai. '. IUWT I" BTBIIfl SS.ii,,- |, ,.bni--. tb. .. eapeel illy aaioag

tho Amerlean ] '¦ ri :""1,.-,,'1,1, .'. ¦] igtl

knoa *ii

.i If thej weraii Ami rti ...

for theii eppreclation la jely ou aueta _ader-.-

Of » Ol 'I ¦! Ii¬i.i i.ii. i.i. hei ". a part,


.,] I\ and, il ! ¦¦

., 1 ,, li ', -....¦..* i.i-n Mi ,.

Kn dal bv th< Ireniel I aboul :..-,

ttiditment. ol plava and ¦ oftenu ii.-i, lic i« ..n.-tn'i.-'i "ill hei upliim a-erakinioh Hi. ...'. '*'' *' '". K'''"'"'woild anrclj aiav fell Iiii ell rompllmi ui d if hei,,,i i,, ui tha i- upon hlm the0._,.r <tai '.. lOine one who -..i«l: - II- i- loo muehof a g-MitlI,'. mi ull .l.i* il lll ' '¦ ¦' '¦'¦.' "¦

,i..di I' b il the ab,,f ,1... u,.-M Ui ,i one iu too mu< -. geuttei,,,u, for ai'^ good punw ueeda no oomment.

The Kendal*' American tour «lll end lu May, Mbcnthey \rlll £0 barl; to T.ni'land. but tli-jr M111 not uct

i;,. away tlnnLiiii* tint we aiiouia never -.¦'¦ im-ni

../¦iii.- it I* pernapi --.af.- then t" take it for gruntedthal the KendaH wiu -come baeii, and the only ancstlon

.. V. Ik-ii I"




W.\_ 88180 XkXXa TO VOIACo, BEAD:




A pollceman. eerrylag la hi* left arm a bnndle.

Trn.ppe.1 np in a tlu. U blnnbet, eatared tbe front rar

of a ibiwnuard liound traln on tho NXth-uve. clevnf-1n nl at tlie ilurt.v liiin! -i. *Ution, 0B0 80*1evenlng recently. He wouM baeo attreeted ntten-.'.ni even in a pbtii.i'i of Kew-Yorh polleemea, oa

aceonal of h,. kelght, and breadth of i:; -'. :,:-'-

thera araa an ezpreaalon "f unea Ineea aboul bl« faeetbni eaaaeal the paaaengera to look al hlm a leeondUae. a* lio walkad lhe leagth "' ""' '*"' ¦__tOOk a .nl in tbe roi-n.-r tnanv .'iirlnti* lOOkl were

ni at the b.niriie, witi.il ho bandled wlth' glngartycare, Ereryoae waa woodertng wbat the bnndle oon-

lum-ii, when an idi;« atraek tbe man who *at aastto the poUcernan, aad ke raldi --'"'i a prlf**ar#ar.t"

- Y<- ,-' replled the poUremaa ebortly, looklng for-v .,1,1 oat oi tbe wlndow. II- eridently dtd nol rallakbia taak, aad dldnM wanl t.. iy anythlng aboul ltThe iii.ii. waa pei Jetent, hewerer, and aaked to aeeib- c.u.iiiv-, ia ibe pollc miin yi'-M-'i. and -rarafullypulled b Ide iho lo-.! of tha btonket, reveallng theleataraa al a black-halred little beby, whichv.... hut aaleep. i.v tb.* tlme aaveradother pa.teagera bad gatbered around, ull anxlouato ...; a peep at the pollceman'i charge. Whenii | I. ei een lhe little creature th. y pegan to over-

wht'lra *. » I', qn "*.ul lt,-i.'ie (biir thlngI i- it yourer aaked a yourg

aoman, who bad evidently been i<> tbe tbeatre wtt*tha youog liii.ii who ai ompaaled ber.

Tbo poUcamaa bhuhed and iald "rfo*m." Ra1 a ,i < ;. ..¦ ,,-.il Lried to avi.nl bet-g

ijui iloned, bul be ma-. "cornered.""Where did you get it:" aaked the young woman'a

CMI'l-t.it wm feand on .. rtoop In Madlaon-ave.,** waa

the ,' ¦¦¦-er.

.Ai.l \. ,i .rn- p'.iiic to take It li'.nio anrt b.ko r.ire

,.* it; ii..-. very klnd of yoal*' aaclauaed oneaym-*.. l\"IIIHI.

-Noiii, l*i.i gOlBg to take it to Mi.iioa UV-bli ati-..;.- Iteadquartera,* replled tha poUcamaa, tui-iinikjKJ ill '1 pi li-e.

- iiow ..:.! i- Iti .'¦ ii ted to l.v ool i* ¦. moi ted guardlaa.

.. \v ii.ii', i¦ 1.1 . oon.- ,, ;.i im ]u t had it iiii tt *i" b' ur.

Thi !!l "¦''

tr- with the \- ing womau iugg, iled tbat it ooght*'.'.¦

Ai tii - .i lo hlm b- 'i *1- ii iw cau rou |oke al oal the ;

v i. || not her and letl io (;./..t., n...-,ri: v ifa'ic i--,l heartlca*!" m*i '"* *-' «ver

mht, tlifi eooed -ll..-'.* eould oo tr.-i/./-¦:. be aoridently didn't arant to air iu- Imuly

.-ii..! iiept <| ilj on.rim vi...it.iv b.ii- atrurk u imail measenger boy

a near the cl Id extrcmelr funuy, and be,ud leugli tirred um Ilj In

|.. saii.l the j". vtiv Whal <i-»

ymi wanl to be aoVr waklng tbo ehlM f'»r.' lh) Otf..ii."

.vn the women ai*o iald "You .rrretch," aml tbol".\ alunk t>. the other end "f the

lt aai a little after 11 o'rlock, aml the people whot ¦! al the ttieatrc entered the ar al,\.-.\ ,i m, -.i there waa a ronatanl i-rowd about

lUng I the I'.'ii'-i-iHn \ ;u> kepl bn ry eahlbitlng il.i':-.e iiii'i and tellina anew the atory..( ,',.-i it b.iU beea abandonrd and found.

.f .- i i young manui,,, , . Komeboily

tn Ital in rl 1, a bll ii,iii* tloi .!¦!, ii*.! <..'i-i-iiiii feeturea.

Wall ii'l a learm i" talk nml roe ean "ind oat,"raid lhe ni.ii who bad taked tne qneal m. H *

¦ra* io evhlent, and hi* ]"ke *n<-'i an 11one, thai he wm nol rewarded wlth a alngla laiigh,

ed to a d Uni ical ln i.lon,left I the ll-

re to I i: irtera,'. ¦. .,'i r t.. the ?.f.ti in, I; itteeed:

.Will. rd rathei have four murderlng Itallaaa oni;,)- li u. :^ i.'i.n. one

A GAJ.L i v:- i... v; CBTX.L8 LY.rmm T)i<* \v i gtoa Po f.

A «'"¦. .rv f .. !' i. a* Wai ',.0-*.i -.. v.iio among oilv i qn ona

*. mo i ... prlaein \«.ii women 1"

.- :¦ ply.ur v.i'ii.i- lo ntovo ln

!l*l... Not ..t ull. . i H'l-" foi

ed if


be rein from tbi w-rid."


V lady pi' '

two beart) ¦* i

v:;ii lt. fe ... i.. Inforni-,, but

irI the)

a-ere n txl lo lt. '¦' live onlove II ral nn ppiv .! thal tl mii

ot oi ater ..'.ii-l,. .1 .i.i*. ln tlu ln-.-.

It I* -ii.-.-.--'e,l lhal rn rliap* thi nf fivilliu;i.,,-.v .ii- tlie ,i|i|"-.* li .. v

in. iii- degem ra. "f the m un i thul lheit pla

>, (hem eai whal Uie) ran Bnd and whcnever theylt.

XAMIXQ KTTTBXB.'. rom I i" lu ITalo ~ rrial.

, hlldren a m.tter of n-iUtiia and up >n mee v little glrl i.f

.¦ ; tl in i.i-

inu :¦ ol '..I- .* i-onily been inudn thol,;i|,... j,,, i- n| ii, a e kilU n- 1I11..11-I1 111-

in -* thl f her p* ul. Whuti,,i! wi .. iiiumra'. au i*

il und due .1.1 rutl m Ihe lltile oaiierftll 11 ,.., ',.i;-, ie aldi "LH their namea 00 'li_ia«,Uurder uud suUdeu Ucath."

1 MIXIBTEK'8 HI'l BALABt.From The 1 armington le.) I'hronl. le,

|,.. niatcnial arandfather of Jonath.n .>eott P.III1wt 11- llev. .i". ..:.*i 11 *»' iv n rieoteh lll.hlauder who

1. i."i ii VI .im.-: th< 1.1*1 ..' 11 '

M: i. IU I'il- " IW Wa. ' I'lllIlai J by lil dfathcr afi'tr

Klll ullcd ou i'i.! n, wa Ini Ited lu to 1 t aiul m.i !.*

1, i-i-raiid. - ll".'* mui b anbir) 'lm y«ur,,..., e v ¦. .' .!'* ht) on. -\>' II,' -.mi

.1, [ '.. >.-. I.. pa) Mii. v 1*0, bul11 11 nl oul lu- only gei .;:.u-" 1;

., |,|,.,, .1 Mr. i-.iv >u Uial, uiiii- eiitertalm ig., an, he I. *'¦ hlm bai lt the moin1) ho

.1 .. :i ." '-ni ii ver) IgIhi. 1,,,!. |.i mi "'ii tther.' lliKlll. a.ler 11 11- .i.",i "f the VI1I110

., 1, it for the Kllil Mi. :,¦ ¦.:

vliti rti li ii.-i.- im- il iiu-.-i- < llie,' I, ... mui '1 about tha

:;.'.. |.i 1:. in b. .11 uy.

_ fEATt Ri: OF SOUTBERX ETIQUETTB,I rom 'lii- AU uila 011 Itutlon,

Hen *. \. i- ni.- hol hun lie 1. Prl' lileken 'n'1,1 i.,i ire h an' liot," erlinl the well-hnown darkey1 ,:i, h ., ,! :. Un :¦ ilu ito iped nl -i 11 Sprli

n the rhlrki 11 loi dei ¦, irled .1 »n lt neutle,.. j,..;,, .| hla li. i.i onl ol tli" V IndOW.

¦. ,.1 j,. Voung 'ii' t-ini.T, im- il>*. iweet an'

'¦¦ when dn vmi gel your <*.'ib kei.¦ >, here, ln--. wha v.»n himl" aaked tbo ol<t

itariiig 1.i.1.1 ni tb.- atranger." i'ni Irom M.tau

r'onghl you was trunge iu deaa .1l^.vlllB.,,- \\b. did rou think ao r

.: ur'lte nen leman a 11 b'en h .¦ .-.!dowi.¦¦ iinvor a,-. .1 i-ullttd pcraon wej deyall dej rileken ,"

1:,,, ii.ii,.. 11 fMoektoa'a -'-rv ^-ri he vouehea1 ir 11 iiutb.

1*1.1 nn tbe llrn-.-a

if yon Biiil r«'i Bia galeg <1o->n klll ln pelr.t of h^aith.

r.lllng *tr**n?th, impa!re<l dlgaatlM and astlmilatlon are

tbo m-irlta of ilf.llne. Check the*< and other IndlcaHona of

piimatnri deeay «*ith tiie grun.1 rtiallaai aad niiralBtagto.ali-, ¦eaamar'B btcin-ich Rteura. n's-tunlnu at tlu

lo-intaln h»ad. tho BtBajUMh, 188 l'.Ht*r* r*n,. rl..a il. Inef*.

rlaaey, fiiiaa it-* arrara, and aata it ligaMnaly .11 work.Ti..- dlgaatlta iirui'ii 1* thu» iiiabird ui theroughly Bapaiaai,,. ii,,- f,,o.i ii* aalrltlva prlaelplea, \>lu.-ti tin- i.!.hki

BMlmllaUag, i* aartalmd Thaa 1- 11,1 -ayataaa aaartohed,,, ,1 !,,,,¦: 1., :i-i,.*i atrangtheard, aad abearaaal «.¦ '. nfl_ ii...... -t.u.'i. appealte, tbe powet l.t well, 1

r, lai 1.11i.it are al*.. ra*. rtaMbtwd, and lhe varloaa tumHtna 11.»..- .ni. - 11 :..:.- ln thi 11 Ban ral .md i.-uliiiiul grwivo.'il... llllter*. imir.-ov.r, 1* a OpottX* for and pMvanttVe Amalailal rutnjiUInU, rhnitnatl*m, blllotianofts and Lldin-Ttr'.nbl'.-i. .





Photography has made wonderfnl progreaawithin the burl few yeara. With tba Intradactlonnf gelatine dry-platee, ahont t.-.i yeara ago, tie

proeeaaea neceaaary to t;-.k<* a dnlabed photographwere greotly Blmplifled and ebeapeaed. Aa a r-

sult, u great Impetua was glven pbotogtapLy, it

being widely adopted by people oi leianre, bothmen and women, «s a pa.iiiue. Suuii, however, itbecamc a more aerioug oooupalion with aniat.-urs.

tllghly edueated people, eapeclally thoaa s. ien-

tifloaliy iaelined, took ll up s an an.l to otlier

studio, and, later, for titt aalca of developing the

fHsciniitiiiK an Itaelf. Every onfl know*, liuw ti.e

oharming rccreation has grown in popukrity.There ar« tboui inda oi amateur phot igntpherg inthis oountry, and over a hnndred photogiapliicsocielies.

Before the mtr-tduetion of the modera leaatfaae(Ir.v-plaie th >re were lew, if any, amateur photog-rapbera. lt reqnlred a compileated and lediouaproceflfl to make ¦ photograpli ln thoae days. TLeeollodion emnbion or "wet" proceaa whieh was

unciI made i.eaaary cumberaome and coatly np-paratua; and it requlred at leaat ten aee-onda,under the moal fkvorable elreumatancea «>r lightaml atmospbere, to make a picture ln the Beld.Now good photograplia ean 1** made in the

bundredth and even ti<«* tbouaandth part of a

gecond. It is not even neceaaary to have day-Ught t. make good pliotograpba ln tha fraotionoi ¦ -eeomi: for burning magneaiura metal, whiehwaa Introdueed aa a new aouree of aetinio .-r

photo r phlo ligbl by liaedik ¦ and Meltlie, Ger-man cliemista, ln H J", Iwa made it poasibk forphotograpbera to diapenac with tbe raya ol Old<,,;. neous pbotograpbfl by magecaium- ,,.,.,!,-. Ught can now be made al bome ln the

evenlng; tn the theatre or leeture-room, and out

ol di ora in the open ni bt, ox ln oavefl, uune*. mui

ol ,,-i dark plaoea.KI-.. KN'T A(. lft.VI-.MKXT.-5.

Ilie lateal achievementa ln the Ime of photo.napblng by meaiui of burning n tie m mel .1

ar,*, perhapa, thoae i.le by S. R. Stoddard, ofGlen'a fc'alla, who h incceaa Uy photographednt n] bjeeta like the WaablngtonMemoriai Areh and the StetUfl of Liberty Lu-

llghtenlng the WorldTi,- Waahlngton Memoriai Areh waa hia firei aa-

tempt,andinphotographingli hei in-enearloalnghia Ufe, i.r tie unuBuaUy large a.unl ol mag-nealum metal whlch Le employed to lllumlnate thfl

aubjeet -inatead of Imlllng up out of th.. aa

-.nywell-mannercdcl to have done. andnd gunpowder chargea beretofore

had alwaya been ln the babll of doing with

mcr ,,. wrltea, "ti." rorce of thla o e aeemed.to be do** dyramite. exploding with a

loud detonatlon, te rlng tl.ip Into '-

nnd bolUm down over my bead and ahoulderaln » ahcet of flame thai slnged balrand beard.and,-,,-.. l my bandaand tlie slde of my face aa with., |,., iron; ao thal after I had gol my allde ln

and Bavcd my plate, l lield bh Impromptu reeep-

tion .,- policemen and a BympatUiilag crowd"cti.*r.llv followed by a fn*e nd.* ln an ambulanceto St. Vincent," Bul the phol igraph waa entirelyaucccsaful. . . u /

l, will be remembered how th,* photograph of

Li,,.,.,.. Knliahtenlng the World waa *»**f«*.*haJ«*****. >,r- Stoddardemployed Bve Instrumenta on thia .aston.

.,.¦. them on the eteamboat pier ol I

so thal if be falled ln one lie would have

other chancea. A wlre wua Btretehed from

the torch of the blg aUtue to the maal oi a veaaelIrterable distatice away. Mcanwhik. on 1 la

w,r, a.d controlled by a pulley, waa I ¦.

magncelum metal ready for flaehlng. Anlnaulated,,,,1|..r wi,-,* extended from the magmeflium eom-

pound to ti.lectric plant on the Island, bo thal

it a glven lignal the electrician who had

.,, tlie torch could turn on ll .¦ ourre il and produec-, ip rk ln the ,un** that *ouW

aaddrnly '. '" :l ,»'lili:*!" **!'i'- ,,>,'r

,.,¦;; a| ihe maKiicBium was uaed;,-... i. ., .:.* *. . ever employed

in niakii P - P ¦¦ .-". *****-ial.

| xx Till MOUNTAISfftM- Rtoddanl haa made aome remarkable photo-

l,y ti,,* ma -¦¦'-'' Haah" light,,

-**feln ,i.. v.., tne picture, which shows a

.i bunter* aboi a ean ttre. with a

up tn b un ipiououa pla,. iniiy interestin Another Bbowa a number,,, |.,.. phed hy magnesiu u llg il as they

,,,i Uowe'il a-ve. " rbe batfl of, Cave inary bata," aaya Mr.

n nol nat igh to tellIrom other bata, bui

,1,..- ,: |j rtaln, I r tlicy bave been ihe

,,,1., .:.-,-. ,1 si idy by ii*ar;ie B, whoin vermin * '' .* ,;i*

, tu see b iw tliey re .¦

,, j to thi.'"* ,"'"1 -' s* ***** **'***- u-1''

bosida ilowiiwar.1 i.i n way i-omniun to allliato, and no amoi il nl bm iiucnl cun make them,. ideratondf tlie ">' h"

doing. I bad pl m r. imera lu positi in

.1,.! i'.i.i a beld ti.' ¦<*. brlnglng,.,,. s to Itout aame distanc from themck ua ihe ground - the lens,ll, it i niight uu '-.¦ tlie bate appear life aiv,, ,,..,., uited aboul a i|,,i ;,:i ounce "i "il li I-" '.'.t'1' " ¦¦"' '" "'' >*'"'-

0| tbe camera, and i" m e m re certain >'i

lueceea ed a ae *ond plate in like manner."v, iii another pici ire al iwa the " Ea>{.e's Wing,"

a M _|,, tite i,n llowe'a Cave whioh exaotly re--,.. li would I-.u.i" ..

uitifl t.'Bcrlbe the cave,'' writea Mr.Stoddard, Uui hia pieturea bring it vividly beforethe ilder.

lor Kda ini la- Wilaon, tlie Orlenl -1

iraveUcr and w iter, photographed the Interioru( the Great I pl n l'J ramid by mugulight, though w ia meaits of a magmribbou, aeveral yeam ago, before im* nowdered

iced, i.f.ut HedouiiiBwere p ded e p*< ramid, with;,u uplitl ;¦¦¦ oi .ni.iir- magneaium iu each

md, 1.¦:.. i'i .-.... 'ii. were,l to iucreaac the cliauues ol *.. c-a. "A

wlldei und more wi rd si '.'., » iu*a iit. Wilaa-i, " lnever wilue sed. Ihe dark akitia ol tiu* Arabs, withi,.ei,- u lutc iu the brillianl light,their e .cited yells, tlieir .. uen a bilol hoi oxhl.ui ed t ill u tbeir bareahouldera or fect, uud tiie iutc lare o tiieburning um tal 11 i ive tbe si me au iufernai

., whlcb nee.leii no faucitul Sulvator I.omto pen m- Dui te !.> ii-';-'- '. ,!'* bi rrible. Allaat, bowever, be saja: "Tbe magneaium metaland the \ inkec c nwra w.*i»* victorioua,and threepiotun-. "i tbe m. iterlo . collei lu the Interior.i u.e Great i'yrumld were H U» ligblUu i all iiii.ni fancj whal lt reallj waa."

i p u raplted the Interior of CheopaPyrauiid I...- iiffl oi ma tnesiuu metal; Marialoii.de pictures Iti ll A«h-rapn Ko« .-. and Nadar

'. tp .. n .ua rouB subterrancnii pauJ pieturea wr 11 la.ic before t ie ni 11 siuni

.. luced. 1 Re ineuU w..*,,. i-..i ul ribhon or «n,' c .. 1

po ., reel ind unwoi nd, fre iuentl. \ mcantofj eloclc-work. na faat aa ll waa consumed. inthia w.\ ii..- light could be maintalned ste illjw [ong i tbe ri lasted, and photographa Ln.very way equal to thoae niadfl by daj-llght weneaally Becure

PBOTOOltAPRt TAKEN AT A DIXXER.One of thfl -.ral at^pmpta to photograph a large

inbiecl by meana ol ma ne luro "flaflh" light w.-is,

the writer thlaka, hia iwn, ln the winter ,>fi-ss, wben he jrhotographed the Preaa <'lui> h.m-

quel iu honor ol its newly eleeted prealdent.Colonel ('ockerlll, Ip tlm large diulnt-hall afDeltuonleo'fl. Two camei ia ive * used*and b Inrgequantity ol tbe powrlered mairneaium. Tha bailwm llghted during tbe time l»y rleatrieltj', a.m

there were probably over 100 aewflpaper aaenpresent, Wben the Bral expoaura waa made. nu.1liefuie tlie sinoke Iwd reaohad ihe nettlne of tha


IJatir one ycnr ol.l. Had willi te/emii. llulr nil aonfl*»<n!-i aenrid with arapttaa-a tured by Culcarallnli . plen.liil aiul nat n laiatple aa blm.

.ll'ED UV tl.Tiri.KAI iiimii.t aay im,.--'li la i-i uiv or Ihfl CUTICCBA REIt*

i:i»ij..-,. My boy, «rl ¦ mc rear <-r aaa, waa m i>_<i »ita

HflBM lhal bfl Uai all ut hta halr. m* Bcalp »»* aaverelarlth eruptlooa, whleh Um iaeOflra »ni<l w_« wall-iieid,aad that iii. hall iraaM i,.'v.r «r,..v axain. Paaaa_NBf af

¦ trom phjralelaas, i bflsaa Bm aa« or the CUT*C»*BAr.l.M|-.IUl-.S, i-iil, I am happv t-> ..i-. arHh the n.or.1 p-r.r<* I mcccflfl His iialr l. now BplBBihl, 4a<t Bherfl *M ni/5a pbnplfl ..'1 him. i reaa-UDead n>«* CUTICUBA EEMB*DIE8 io BMflhflra aa Uie nao,.t .¦X'<iy, ei*oi.oinK-*l aud Mire

ime for all *.kln fllflflBflflfl «f lnf.n-t aud hlldr- n, and feelthat avorjr bnMhb ala hu* un afflirt a <-hii<l **i!i thanh mator ao dolng. Alra. M. E. WOOliSfM, Xorvray, Ko.

FEVr.ll fSORE EK.IIT VEAKSI muat extend to you the th.r,_. of one of roy enitcmers,

who haa _.***.* eurt-by aflBBg tlie COTIOVBA REMEUII_iof un old »oie, cauta-d by a IflBfl ammt of »ic_n**»* 01 feverc.jjht, ye«:. a«o. He wa.. to bad h'. wat, alraid Ut woulijhavfl to li.ve hl» lig aixpuuttd. Uut 1* baffV Ut ooy hfl l*BOW entirely w. 1),.aound as a dollar. He ri-queflta l"_e 14um.' his nui,;.-, BrhtflB* ls H. H. OA80W, iiti'-tian*..

JOHN' V. M1NOK, Dii.-j.I*-*., ..aliiMtMiro. T.nn.

V.*e have tK-^a Mlllag your CV-ICOTU KEMEDIE-Ifor yomtm, and have the dr»t compl il.; v.-t to rflflBUN from¦j. parehaaar. ono of tl.e a-wat <:»*>'.. of *.-ufuU l cv«r.¦a., aii* cund by them.

XAlXOft 4 TAYLoR. I'ranlifort, Kan.

ClTICl UA KfcSOLVFNTThe new Blood and Mtii, l-nrliler aml jmr^.t and beit ofllumor RflBiedle*, lotcrnaUjr, and CUTICCBA, th-* jieaflt-Kin .'ii', ;.'.u n iin'iM BOAP, im <\f|iil*.lt* salali...'.uu.i, rileniBllj. *.¦,<-'"ttily. piinuu.eiitiy *"d BBB*iioiuically "-un- everj -laaaaa aad Biuaot ¦.( lha BkhB, *e*ipand Wood, wiLii loa* of halr, whether Itehlaa. burnlne,-.aU ptm I'ly, flerflflltflM or l.i-u-d.Ury, wL.n all oliieri-.". tle» i-.i.

l-u,*i BWIjabiBB. Prlce. (TTlCUKA, 60c; SOAP,tt, B__BOIaV__VT, gl. rmianfl bv _hn WW-141DIlt'Q AXD CHKMICaJ. CO&POBAT10X, liobtou.ty S- i,,l for ..li"» to Curu Skin J>;.-..._v_," lii p.«>'«. 50

:.!'. :. il "ii- snrl l<0 IflfltlBWnlsl*,ISU'.Y'S M,iii a.d .*.¦¦:,! p |.ie- r.i'd *nd beautlflLd by

CUtlCtrfU bOAF. Abaatalclr paie._t'YCKY .11IM I.L At HEM.

Bharp Aehea, fmli Pain*, Btralaa sad w'<**)....-, n lir.eal iu in.e luinule bj H*fl 4 flti-

¦ra lati'l'ala Pwairr. I '¦¦..i "¦"/.- ii ..,,.. o«a pala-kiUlii | itr. iiethajotas paaWw.HU*.

hall and waa dcflflendina to envelope tl,e scene, aseuond piate waa expo-ed. aad two begntivna werei.r.* seeured ol tlie feoeting JounuvUete.George <>. Bockwood, kmmi after thia, made gne»

ij pkotogi iphB oi large a idleneea ln lccture-r.ii.ii.-, and ..iu*.' then many _ictures have beenii.. '¦ by me ma al the macnesium " ilu.ir' liL-iit, atnight, in theatrcfl nnd large balia, A. reebleebmith'a photograplis ol Btage scenea nre interest-in-', -j;,,! tl.e Photo-Gravure Company of Nevv-Vork bave Iflflued M*ver;il Bonvenira ,,f Mr. Daly'aplaya from negativee whleh their iihut,>,'r_|iher*made at niaiit of the scenea depieted, by uieanauf tl.e magnesinm "flaab" li-i.t.

**..-, ii C. Jonea lia« Baade soue remarkable majr-neaium "flash" pietuiefl with a Kodak eanen* Uitbe iine." quarter ol Son Praacieco. The cx.l-lection Ineludes pieturea of tbe Chineae ln varioon, haraeteriali«*. eecupattona *gambltng, eaiin., anrlMiiokin-' tiieir omub. pipea. (itlier Bue*BBBBfalBniateura with "naah" ligbl are .Mrs. N. tiruyl: rtlett, >.f Chlcago, who photoarapha boi-iuJ,- ¦. s. .rou|is of her friendfl and ramlly ln vav,rioua atiif.ie*.: John li-Mt :***.. who makeabeaata.ml .. genre'1 pieturea nnd pnrtraita by mcans ef the.irtili.ial ln.'at. aml B. 1 llnton i'ulier, of Provi-denee, B. 1., who recently photographed a ni_ht-bloomlng eerena ii a moat perfeet manner.A reoent apnUeation el ¦* tla-h'' lu-ht photomaM

ol eonsi lemole aoientiflo in'erest was made by I>r.Bomhouta, ol Amaterdam, in connection witn hiailescription of rhe Zoologieal Gardena of Amster-dam. By ita aid Pr. Bombouta haa made a ntim-ber of Interrattng tnatantanee ia negaUvea af flsl*Bwimming al eaae ln the vaiioua exnibitiofl tankl,.f the a'lnariuii). The picturei ihow varieogpeeuliaritiea of pi*-e;itorial motion. Tlie eamerawas foeiiaaed <>n the paae at .lnss whieh eompinvedthfl fr.mt of tiie tank. A black eloth over thobaek i.f the tank prevented refleetiona fmm tiieclaaa furriiiii'.' on Ihat aide. The fla&blng ooui-

pound WaB burned In :. boa plaeed on u trfpod, an.lso arranged that i*efleetlona from the front erlaaaof t'.e tank Would not enter tbe lens. Tiie luil'lreleaaing the exposing shutter waa eontrolled byone 1 ni '1 of the nperator, who Ignited al the simetime aith the other .!.- magneainm "flaflb," eom-

pound, by meaaa of a ligbted toper. One of thepietures ihow;. the exart positlon of the flns ioBwimming, au.l all are kighly IntereatLng.


Tiiou'h tbe naa«neaiam **uanh* Ught has been'u-e.l only a, lew yeara for niakin? il si.intaneoui

photograpba at alghl and in dark plaecfl, burningmagneaium aa a aonree of aetive photogmpUfl

b ia been known to phetogimpbera for ¦ leagtime. The reaeareaea of Bnneen nn.l Beaeoe firstcalled attentiea to ita (rreat illuuiinuting power.riioui-metric examinationfl thowed a ma.nesium,w re oi ten mililaaei-ta long and -0. iiilUlinfltiniia diametec to be onpaUfl af Hahhag a ligbteqnalto I it supplied l>y seventv-foiir Hteurinc camlles

onlj ¦', " times leaa tban thal ol tbe aun atiit ide of thirty-aeven degreea above tbe Itof-

,,n. But magne*ium waa far too expenaive indays to be used generally by praetlcal pho-phera. Tt waa aol nntil the aixtlei of the

tury that magneaium 1 i-i-1 i.eian toi.e prnetically applied Mr photographio puxpaaae,la IS6.', .¦:.,im ..'..;* slmilar t.> thoae now uae were

proposed. nnd when the prepuratlon "f tlie metalwaa sin "; tled bo ti Bt it could be bo! al a naora

ilile priee photographers adopted it more

dly. lt is now very cheap indeed, a pottndi.f the metal cMting only f5. Flfteen gralna,

i eent'a worth, are anfflcient tor iUnrnnaflttng.i irdinar*,* seene.The magneainm menl is now oeed fot the rnoea

"i ;l piire condition. To Inereaae its explo-Blvene«s, eblornte ol potnah. gun-cotton o.- .un-

¦. jer ia ¦ imetlmea uie'l wltb ir. Several deatliahaving oeeurred from tbe uae of this daagereng.¦".nt)"Uti,|, however, ir :> BOW rately leaortfld tO.

",i is obtalned ln a Bnely powdered condl*.tion, nnd is Ignited by a t txt ln front af a re-

.!,"t"r on nn aahestoa Btipport. The eombusttonprodueea an Intenaa Mue Bame of great aetima

power. When the pure magneaium mel .! nowdeftliere i> no danger wbatever. and littie

. .,' c || produeed at the time of eombuBtlon.There nave been many Ingentoua lamna and

nppliancea eontrlved f..r igniting and bni-rung 'lielt ia lometimea blown aeross an alcohol

a me, and ln other contrlvnncea the name ia blownupon the powder. A aimple wmp, whlcb, wornHntiBfaetorily, eonalata merely of an ..hl elay nlnen4| B bli of rubher tuHng. and wns it:veni.-d f

dian, Jamea A. <'n::; *r. He ¦Jejerlbed his.n in a re ein numster "f " Hu- VxxaXo.

,:,,,!,.,. Timea." "Take nn ordinary elay plp?.he snvfl "a wad of ahaorhent eotton nnd n afeenol -tin.. Wrap Ihe eotton around the outaldo.f the bowl nml tie H with a string. Iwa.,-,.,,¦ .f i.n") rnbber tublna and draw it ever tiie>

Ltem. bo thal yon ean plaee tbe tuhe ln yourniotith and blow through the plpe. Sext wei-h

.... .. ..,,,, 0f magn «inm you i-equlrefor yourpl .. ll ln the bowl o ttepipe.

Take Bome methylnteil aplrlta and Baturate the ab-¦,..... When vou have foeased yoni

Bnd deelded where ro have your UgM.te the spirite. The aame wll stand up

T" nehea above the bowl ol the plpe.m vv through the plpeatem, Bnd your fxp^uraj

,..* This lamp. a . perfeet and aimple, really

costi Boiuething teaa tban k n eenta to gwke.THB >"N' WOt aTBBOBO.

ir., rneaiiim ligbl baa nndoubtedly found ita;1.ef;.l aa well as Intereatlng appHeatiaa in

tbe maklng "t portralta, both ln atudloa by pro-is nml at home In th,* .»¦ rnlngH by amateur

photograpbera. To a bwge number ef tboea who

nre employed in b cad-wlnning dnring tbe honraof ilayliM. the Intnxluetion <>f auucnealum li^htns ., tuiiatltute for tbe aun is i!.«* greateel fleoas..',,i Mtlierin s and ramlly grotipa: the enarae-

.' ...,,, .ies an.l exprew u ib ol frl >nda whomi. I- ';..,,. s-it.lt* lor n pnifeaaional, on alight aj.

,, ,,,.,',. t., phot" traph Mtisfaetoril.v: invnlfdainnb|e t- leave the rnraae: I lyorite doaa, ean andother honaehold peta nre a few ol the aabjeett

- rhemaeh -a aa thoae moat aaitaWflfor this braneh of photnsraphy, an,l arhleh eannoti,. ohotograplted, in manv enaea. i'i any other wwr.

For maklng portr Ita ln tlte home a few .simplo.,, e.ofie* ."* iu.Baary. \ background andaide

mllRi ie arrange bb ihown in the dlagnm,and the magneainm moal be Saahed In frout of #

unall reflector.I.

/ 0I 0 0

.**- y.\ BBMflpflai d. B. Suijeet. C S«* seteaa. D fkootB

to. caa»Nfl>

Tiiere need y-c no uneert inty ns to the length,,( e\-,.'-.u..» reeulred, fo.- the *!.sh is of limitedihuration, and wiU be aufneienl properly to ini-

tlie extremeiy Bensitive dry piate. AfteiIocubIbi ilmply remove the cap or tiu* lens. with-,.ri |..,. |(de from >h,» plate-holder aad, with allUie uirhta ln the room turned down. iruite thiH.i-h cotnpuiind, and your rxporire is instantl.i

";eDeveloplng t'uc plntea whieh have Uvii eximsed

to the laagnesiitm ligbl .lifler** in no evntfal wayfrom tiie proeeaa with an ordinary instantaneoualfexpoaed plate; and. of oourae. the priptlag aaal_,>h*a>ni»*_t, onoratious axu tba sa.u.4-