osun defender - january 4th, 2014 edition

VOL. 9. NO.002 N50 SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 2014 www.osundefender.org THE 6TH MOST-VISITED NEWSPAPER WEBSITE IN NIGERIA - See Story On Page 3 •Wife of the Governor, State of Osun, Mrs Sherifat Aregbesola (in white headgear), presenting gifts to parents of the first baby of the Year 2014, Mr and Mrs Abdul-Rasheed Sakiru. Accompanying the governor’s wife is the State Commissioner for Health, Dr (Mrs) Temitope Ilori (3rd right) and other dignitaries at Feesu Primary Healthcare Centre, Iwo, State of Osun, last Wednesday. Photo: GBENGA ADENIYI. Front Page Comment The West’s Slow Road Map To lntegration - See Story On Page 2 Who Killed Chief Bola Ige, formerAttorney- General and Minister of Justice? IGE Osun Welcomes 2014 With Fireworks •Our Journey To Greatness Has Just Started - Aregbesola PDP Chieftains Defect To APC In Ikirun For Western Nigeria it has been a long and slow road to regional integration. The journey must however go on. For with the state of things in today’s dysfunc- tional republic there is no alternative. The balkanization of the erst- while Western region was part of the process of the destruction of the nation’s federalist co-exist- ence. Unfortunately balkanization has clearly failed to deliver the goods. “Deliver the goods” here translates into enhancing living standards, pulling millions out of the poverty strata, good governance and the construction of a bet- ter society. All the road maps proffered point in one direction. The convergence here is that economies of scale are needed to co-ordi- nate the reconstruction of the region’s economy. If for example you want to build a regional rail system only a consortium of the states working in tan- dem with perhaps the pri- vate sector can deliver on this. None of the states standing alone has the strength to do it alone. It is certainly not possible to go it alone in today’s quasi-federalism. Continue on page 5.

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Osun Welcomes 2014 With Fireworks *Our Journey To Greatness Has Just Begun - Aregbesola


Page 1: Osun Defender - January 4th, 2014 Edition

VOL. 9. NO.002 N50SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 2014


- See StoryOn Page 3

•Wife of the Governor, State of Osun, Mrs Sherifat Aregbesola (in white headgear), presenting gifts to parents of the first baby of the Year 2014, Mr and Mrs Abdul-RasheedSakiru. Accompanying the governor’s wife is the State Commissioner for Health, Dr (Mrs) Temitope Ilori (3rd right) and other dignitaries at Feesu Primary Healthcare Centre,Iwo, State of Osun, last Wednesday. Photo: GBENGA ADENIYI.

Front Page Comment

The West’s Slow Road Map To lntegration

- See StoryOn Page 2

Who KilledChief Bola Ige,former Attorney-

General andMinister of

Justice? IGE

Osun Welcomes2014 With Fireworks•Our Journey To Greatness Has Just Started - Aregbesola

PDP Chieftains Defect To APC In Ikirun

For Western Nigeria ithas been a long and slowroad to regional integration.The journey must howevergo on. For with the state ofthings in today’s dysfunc-tional republic there is noalternative. Thebalkanization of the erst-while Western region waspart of the process of the

destruction of thenation’s federalist co-exist-ence. Unfortunatelybalkanization has clearlyfailed to deliver the goods.

“Deliver the goods” heretranslates into enhancingliving standards, pullingmillions out of the povertystrata, good governance and

the construction of a bet-ter society. All the roadmaps proffered point in onedirection. The convergencehere is that economies ofscale are needed to co-ordi-nate the reconstruction ofthe region’s economy.

If for example you want tobuild a regional rail system

only a consortium ofthe states working in tan-dem with perhaps the pri-vate sector can deliver onthis. None of the statesstanding alone has thestrength to do it alone. Itis certainly not possibleto go it alone in today’squasi-federalism.

Continue on page 5.

Page 2: Osun Defender - January 4th, 2014 Edition

2 OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, January 4, 2014News

If you have a story or advert for us, contact 08033927286, 08033880205, 08061197897, 08023191891.

•The governor, State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola (arrowed), acknowledging cheers from his admirers during fireworks display to welcomeNew Year 2014 organised by the governor at Nelson Mandela Freedom Park, Osogbo, last Wednesday, Photo: GBENGA ADENIYI.

Osun Welcomes 2014 With Fireworks•Our Journey To Greatness Has Just Started - Aregbesola


THE first 30 minutes in 2014 was a moment ofjoy, excitement and jubilation for the

p e o p l eof the State of Osun, as the state

government celebrated the new year in a grandstyle with fireworks in the nine federalconstituencies acrossthe state.

Governor of the state,Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola,led other members of theState Executive Council,All ProgressivesCongress (APC)chieftains and supportersto usher in the new yearin a grand style at theMandela Freedom Park,Osogbo, the statecapital.

The park was filled tocapacity with politicalfunctionaries, religiousleaders, market women,among other groupsstruggling for space.

It was a moment of joyfor the people, as thepopular Fuji musician,Adewale Ayuba,entertained the crowd.

For minutes, the skybeamed in variouscolours with fireworksamidst the mammothcrowd, who trooped tothe park to celebrate withthe governor.

At exactly 12.00midnight, after a briefremark by the governor,heavy sounds of thefireworks rolled out andpeople were thrown intojubilation with thegovernor, as the devicelightened differentcolours, marking thebeginning of the newyear.

Aregbesola, whocould not hide his joywhile addressing the largecrowd, said there wereseveral reasons to thankGod and celebrate thedevelopment recordedso far in the state.

He said: “Thedifference is clear. Wehave moved very fast ina right direction withsteady progress anddevelopment, but we stillhave a long way to go.This is just the beginningof our journey togreatness.

“It is obvious and notin anyway contentiousthat we are far ahead ofthem with the help ofGod. Whenever there islight, darkness mustdefinitely disappear. Weshall continue on the pathof honour and greatness,”the governor said.

A r e g b e s o l aappreciated the peopleof the state for theirsupport and cooperationin the last three years,which has assisted hisadministration toreposition the state in aright direction and urgedthem to continue thesupport in the years tocome.

The governor assuredthat the ongoingbeautification project in

the state capital willcontinue.

“What we areenjoying at this FreedomPark today will beextended to SalvationArmy School and by

God’s grace, we aregoing to do it.”

Speaking earlier withjournalists during the newyear party, the StateCommissioner ForRegional Integration andSpecial Duties, BarristerAjibola Bashir, said thecelebration was part ofgovernment’s efforts tobring happiness to thepeople of the state.

He said: “It is a pactour governor signed with

the people of the state toensure harmony, peace,happiness anddevelopment. We havestarted this since theinception of ouradministration and otherstates are now emulatingit. It is a civilised globalway of celebratingfestivals.”

He therefore, urged thepeople of the state tocontinue their support forthe governor in the new

year.Also, the State

Commissioner forInformation and Strategy,Mr Sunday Akere, urgedthe people of the state toremain peaceful anddouble their commitmentto the development of thestate.

He said the stategovernment isencouraged by thesupport of the people inthe state and urged them

Osun Governor’s Wife Promises More Support To Less-privileged •Presents Gifts To 2014 First Babies


WIFE of the governor of the State of Osun, MrsSherifat Aregbesola has resolved tostregthen her efforts in assisting the less-

privileged, aged people, physically-challenged andencourage children in their educational pursuit inthe new year.

She made theresolution, just as shecharged mothers toensure proper care of theirchildren, by giving themproper education andhome training that wouldmake them to besuccessful individuals inlife.

Mrs Aregbesola spokeon Wednesday, January 1,2014, while presentingcash and material gifts tomothers of the first set ofnew born babies in thenew year in the state.

A baby girl, born intothe family of Mr and MrsRasheed Abdul-Ganiyaround 12.01am of thenew year at the PrimaryHealth Center, Feesu, Iwoemerged the first baby ofthe year, while anotherbaby girl, born into thefamily of Mr and MrsModupe Ayilara, around12.02am of the new year

at the State HospitalAsubiaro, Osogbo emergedthe second baby of the year.

At 12:05am of the newyear, the third baby of theyear, born into the familyof Mr and Mrs Daud Sabituwas also delivered at thePrimary Health Centre,Feesu, Iwo.

Presenting cash andmaterial gifts to the mothersof the babies, Mrs.Aregbesola said that thesignificance of the exercisewas part of her resolve toencourage mothers andshow them love, with theobjective of transferingsame to their children.

Congratulating thefamilies of the new babies,the wife of the governoradvised the mothers toensure proper care of theirchildren and secure betterfuture for them.

Mrs Aregbesola, whodescribed children as

special blessings fromGod, expressed hope thattheir parents would treatthem as such, by takinggood care of them inrecognition andappreciation of the goodwork of God.

While wishing thepeople of the state a happynew year, she called on allparents to considereducation of their childrenas paramount andgermane to theirdevelopment.

In her message as theCommunity-led Total

Sanitation Ambassador,the wife of the governoremphasised on cleanlinessand neatness, as the key tohealthy living.

She however enjoined allto continue to supportprogrammes and policiesof the government,stressing that nogovernment can functionwell without thecooperation of its people.

While appreciating Mrs.Aregbesola’s gesturetowards them, mothers ofall the babies of the year,Mrs. Sakirat Abdul-Ganiyu, Modupe Ayilara

and Adepeju Sabitu prayedfor the continued successof the wife of the governorand the government of thestate.

Highlight of theprogramme was thepresentation of gifts to thetwo sets of new babies inIwo and six sets of newbabies in Osogbo,including a set of twins.

In the entourage of thewife of the governor wasthe State Commissionerfor Health, Dr (Mrs)Temitope Ilori and wivesof top politicalfunctionaries in the state.

New Year: Osun Speaker Calls ForHarmonious Relationship

THE Speaker, State of Osun House of Assembly,Honourable Najeem Salaam has urgedthe people of the state to live in peace and harmony

with their fellow human beings for the continued progressand development of the state in Year 2014.

He made the call in his new year message to the peopleof the state, through astatement issued by hisPress Secretary, GokeButika.

Salaam advised thepeople to pray for stabilityand peaceful co-existenceamong people of differentreligions, ethnic groups and

political affiliations.While calling on

traditional rulers andpeople in areas havingland disputes to settleamicably, the Speakerstressed thatdevelopment can onlybe witnessed in an

atmosphere of peaceand harmony.

He assured that thestate parliament underhis watch wouldintensify efforts in itsoversight functions onall projects institutedby the executive.

This, according tohim, is with a view toachieving desiredresult that wouldmake all the citizensof the state happy inthe new year.

to support the governorfor a second term tocontinue the developmentalprojects currently going onin the state.

He also assured thepeople that the new year willbring development andprogress desired by thepeople of the state, whileenjoining the people toalways pray for the successof the administration.

Dignitaries at the newyear celebration includedNational and StateAssembly members, APCleaders, Osun indigenes inSokoto State among others

Page 3: Osun Defender - January 4th, 2014 Edition

3 News OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, January 4, 2014

•A cross section of Osogbo indigenes during the 2013 Oroki Day celebration at Osogbo City Hall, Osogbo, recently. Photo: SHOLA ADERINTO

Security Tip In OsunThe government of the State of Osun has

procured special security numbers for use bypeople in distress.

The numbers are:08100000481, 08100000482, 08100000483,08100000484, 08100000485, 08100000486.

All the numbers became operational sinceAugust 17, 2012.

Please, note and call to assist Ogbeni RaufAregbesola, the elected governor of the StateOf Osun, in sustaining a peaceful and crime-freeenvironment.

- Management

PDP Chieftains Defect To APC In IkirunBy ISMAEEL UTHMAN

THE just-concluded 2013 did not end wellwith the embattled Peoples DemocraticParty (PDP) in the State of Osun, as some

of its bigwigs were lost to the party crisis rockingthe party on the selection of candidate for the2014 governorship election in the state, and thesecond term ambition of President Goodluck

Jonathan.On the last day of Year

2013, no fewer than 300members of the PDP

dumped the party for theAll ProgressivesCongress (APC) inIkirun, headquarters ofIfelodun Local

Government CouncilArea of the state.

Though, the number ofthe defectors may notcarry much weight, butthe personalities involvedhave dealt a huge blowon the PDP.

Chairman of theNational Union of RoadTransport Workers(NURTW), IfelodunLocal GovernmentCouncil Area (Branch

1), Alhaji Abdul-rasheedAjiboye, Secretary of theunion, Mr GaniyuAwotunde and formerWard 4 PDP Chairman,Alhaji RahmanBabatunde, were part ofthe defectors.

Awotunde is the elderbrother of formerchairman of the localgovernment council, MrSarafadeen Awotunde,popularly called ‘Spain’.

Speaking at thedefection ceremony,which took place inIkirun on Tuesday,Ajiboye said theirdecision to decamp to theAPC was informed bythe developmentalstrides of Ogbeni RaufA r e g b e s o l a - l e dadministration.

Ajiboye said: “Wedecided to dump thePDP and join the APC,because we have seenthe difference betweenthe two parties. We haveseen the difference thatgood governance by theAPC is bringing to bearin the state.

“We have seen thedifference between theseven and a half years ofthe PDP rule and thethree and a half years ofthe APC-ledadministration underOgbeni Aregbesola.

“We are convincedthat if Aregbesola couldbe performingwonderfully with themeagre resources at thestate disposal, there isnothing wrong in joininghands with andsupporting him todevelop the state.

“We are ready to workfor his re-election in the2014 gubernatorialelection. We want hisdevelopmental projects

to continue.”In his own speech,

Awotunde stated that nogovernor in the history ofthe state has ever takenthe plights of the massesso seriously likeAregbesola, adding thatthe governor won hisheart with his people-friendly programmes andpolicies.

Awotunde stressedfurther that Aregbesola’spassion for thedevelopment of the state,coupled with the massivedevelopmental projectsacross the state,prompted them to join theAPC and to work for thecontinuity of Aregbesolain office.

He commended thegovernor for thedistribution of 70 buses tothe NURTW and theRoad TransportEmployer Association ofNigeria (RTEAN), sayingthat all the transportworkers appreciated thegesture.

Giving his reasons forjoining the APC,Babatunde, the formerPDP ward 4 Chairmansaid: “Nobody forced orfrustrated us out of thePDP. We deliberately leftthe party for the APC.

“We decided to join theAPC because of the goodgovernance being put inplace by the Aregbesola-led administration. Wewant to be part of thegood history.”

The trio, according tosome politicians in Ikirun,were the major backersof the PDP in the councilareas.

Welcoming thedefectors into the party,the Chairman, House ofAssembly ServiceCommission Board,Alhaji Olawuwo Hassan,commended the formerPDP members for takingthe courage to leave the‘retrogressive fold’ for theprogressive party.

Hassan enjoined thenew members of the APCto be dedicated andcommitted to the party,stating that the APC, as aparty, does notdiscriminate between theold and new members.

Aregbesola Pays N62m Compensation On Airport,Worship Centre By KEHINDE AYANTUNJI

THE governor of the State of Osun, Ogbeni RaufAregbesola, has paid the total sum of N11million as palliative to the 243 subsistent

farmers within the acquired land for the MKO

Abiola Airport projectlocated at Ido-Osun.

The state governmentacquired the land toexpand the airportdesigned as cargo airportand aircraft service centre.

Most of thebeneficiaries of thecompensation werefarmers, who ownedcrops such as cassava,cocoa, kolanuts and othercash crops.

The State Commissionerfor Lands, PhysicalPlanning and UrbanDevelopment, ArchitectMuyiwa Ige made thisdisclosure whiledistributing cheques to thebeneficiaries at the multi-purpose hall of the StateLocal Government ServiceCommission, located withthe State GovernmentSecretariat Complex,Abere.

The commissionerexplained that thecompensation wasapproved oncompassionate grounds bythe governor as a palliativeto assist the farmers, who

had planted crops on theacquired land.

He added that it hasalways been the

determination of thegovernor not to developthe state at the expense ofthe poor, stressing that thecurrent administration inthe state will continue tobring succour to thoseaffected by the statedevelopmental projects.

The commissionerfurther disclosed that thestate government has alsopaid a total sum ofN51,407,905 to 119 cashcrops farmers of OdoIju\Ibodi and its environsin Atakunmosa West LocalGovernment Council Area

of the state ascompensation for the landacquired to build the OpenHeaven Multi-denominational WorshipCentre Project.

One of the leaders of thebenefiting communities,Loja of Odo Iju, EngineerAdelakun Adedoyin, whowas represented by Risaof Odo Iju, Dr Jide Ayeniapplauded the stategovernment for the spateof rapid development inthe State of Osun, whichhe described asunprecedented since thecreation of the state.

He also commendedthe government for thetimely payment ofcompensations to thefarmers in the affectedareas.

Man, 48, In Court Over 419By ISMAEEL UTHMAN

THE State of Osun Police Command hasdragged a 48-year-old man, ObideyiOmosunyi, before an Osogbo Magistrate’s

court, for allegedly presenting a fake land

document to anunsuspecting buyer.

Omosunyi wasaccused of presenting thefake land document toone Kemisola Ojetokunas original with the intentof selling a plot of land toher at Ofatedo inEgbedore LocalGovernment CouncilArea of the state.

According to thecharge sheet madeavailable to OSUNDEFENDER onThursday, the accusedperson collected a sum ofN245,000 fromOjetokun on the pretenceof securing a parcel of

land for her.Omusunyi however

absconded aftercollecting the money andfailed to provide the landas agreed, the chargesheet stated further.

The accused personwas said to havecommitted the offence onFebruary 18, 2013,at about 10:00am, alongAduragbemi area ofOfatedo.

Police prosecutor,Inspector FagboyinboAbiodun, said the allegedoffence committed bythe suspect contravenedSection 249, 419 and390 of the Criminal Code

Cap 34, Vol.11, Laws ofOsun, 2003.

Omosunyi however,pleaded not guilty to thecharges.

Counsel to the accusedperson, Barrister OkobieNajite, prayed the courtto grant bail to theaccused person in themost liberal term.

Najite assured thecourt that the accusedperson would not jumpbail, while promising thatreliable sureties wouldstand for him.

M a g i s t r a t eMuhammad Lasisi latergranted bail to theaccused in the sum ofN50,000 with twosureties, who must beresiding within the court’sjurisdiction.

The magistrate thenadjourned the casetill March 3, 2014 formention.

Page 4: Osun Defender - January 4th, 2014 Edition

OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, January 4, 20144 News


2014: APC Calls For More Prayers, Peaceful CoexistenceAmong Osun People By ISMAEEL UTHMAN

THE All Progressives Congress (APC) in the Stateof Osun has called for peaceful coexistenceamong the people of the state in the Year 2014, just

as it called on all religious leaders in the country and thestate in particular to pray for peace to reign supreme in

the state. The APC in a press

statement by its Director ofPublicity, Research andStrategy in the state,Barrister Kunle Oyatomi tofelicitate with the people ofthe state, as they enter theNew Year 2014, enjoined alland sundry to prayseriously in the new year.

Oyatomi stressed that theYear 2014 would beaccompanied by multipleblessings and it would befull of more goodies for thepeople of the state.

He also lauded GovernorRauf Aregbesola for thenumerous achievementsrecorded in the Year 2013,which included massiveroad construction,transformation in theeducation sector with thereclassification of schools,health care delivery, urbanrenewal, agriculturaldevelopment and welfareprogramme for the aged.

The APC spokesmannoted that the Year 2013 wasa fulfilled year for the state,as major achievements were

recorded in the state,especially in the educationsector and the urbanrenewal programme of theA r e g b e s o l a - l e dadministration.

He said: “Only this year(2013), the state broke therecord to become the firststate in the whole of Africato introduce Tablets ofKnowledge (Opon Imo), aswell as massive roadconstruction andrehabilitations in all parts ofthe state.

“Also in the Year 2013,education sector of thestate was transformedsignificantly with greatinnovations. Osogbo, thecapital of the State of Osunis fast developing, likewiseother cities in the state;courtesy of Aregbesola’sdevelopmental projects.2013 was a fulfilled years forus.”

While calling on thepeople of the state to prayfor God’s abundant peace inthe state, as the peoplewould choose their leader inthe 2014 governorship poll,

Oyatomi said: “2014 is a yearof decision-making in thestate and it is important forthe people of Osun to votefor continuity of thelaudable programmes ofAregbesola.”

He therefore enjoined thepeople of the state not toallow selfish politicians in

deceive them, saying thatthe same set of failedpoliticians had failed thepeople of the state, whenthey were given theopportunity to serve forseven and a half years.

According to him; “In thehistory of Osun, Aregbesolais the only governor, who

administration. No otherfellow has recorded the loftyheight Ogbeni has recordedin so short a period of time.

“There is no one in Osuntoday, including members ofthe opposition parties,whose family members havenot benefited from the good

Osun Police Advocate Stronger Ties With Vigilance GroupsBy KEHINDE AYANTUNJI

THE State of Osun Police Command hasreiterated that it will continue to explore

t h eservice of vigilante groups for crime

prevention andmanagement in thestate.

The StateCommissioner of Police,Mrs Dorothy Gimbastated this in Osogbo at aone-day workshoporganized for members ofthe Osun State PoliceVigilante Group.

Gimba, who noted thatthe state vigilante grouphas been assisting thepolice in its operations,said the workshop wouldgo a long way instreamlining the activitiesof the group in the state.

Saluting the groupmembers for theiringenuity anddetermination in crimecontrol and management,the police bossemphasised the need forthe group to intensify itsintelligence machinery to

enhance its operation andproductivity.

Gimba, who called onmembers of the vigilantegroup to always abide bythe rules and regulationsof the group, urged themto desist from acts thatthat are capable of soilingthe image of the group.

The commissioner alsoused the occasion tospecially commend theleader of the group, AlhajiRidwan HussainYah’Salam for hisfaithfulness, agility andcommitment.

She enjoined theparticipants not to takethe workshop with levity,while tasking them on theneed to return to theirvarious stations anddemonstrate all what theyhave been taught by theresource persons at theworkshop.

Gimba however calledon other vigilante groupsin the state to emulateAlhaji Ridwan Yah’Salamin their effort to ensuresafety of lives andproperty in the state,adding that security is thebusiness of everyindividual.

Also speaking on theoccasion, the Chairman,Osun State HarmonizedVigilante Group, AlhajiRidwan HussainYah’Salam lauded thestate police command fororganizing the workshopfor his group, noting thatthe workshop would go along way in preparingmembers for futurechallenges.

Yah’Salam stressed

that the group wouldcontinue to collaborateand support the police inall ramifications, with aview to ensuring safety oflives and property in thestate.

He lauded the StatePolice Command for itssupport for andcooperation with thegroup, promising that thegroup would not rest onits laurels in policing the

state effectively.Some participants at

the workshop includedMr. Sola Adeleke and Mr.Ahmed Taiwo, whoexpressed optimism thatthe training would aid theirperformance.

They however laudedthe state police commandfor its initiative, sayingcontinuous training issacrosanct for effectivepolicing.

ASV Charges ParentsOn Students’ Discipline


A students group, Aregbesola Students’Vanguard, has called on parents to deal withthe attitudes of their wards before it totally

degenerates into a social menace in public schools.The group stated this in

a statement signed by itsPresident, Miss SakaKikelomo and madeavailable to OSUNDEFENDER at theweekend.

According to thestatement, parents mustassist government to realiseits vision of revolutionisingthe education sector in thestate by dealing with thelevel of indiscipline amongtheir wards at home.

The statement lamentedthe level of indisciplineamong students of publicschools, saying the newgovernment policy is reallyexposing the cankerworm,hence, the need for parentsto have a rethink.

“It is unfortunate that thelevel of neglect of publicschools by pastadministrations in the statehas degenerated to thislevel currently beingexposed by the policy of

government.“It is high time

parents worked on theattitude of theirchildren to makeg o v e r n m e n t ’ sinvestment in thesector profitable.

It is a good thingthat the consolidationof public schools hasreally exposed theconundrum amongstudents and thesolution must not beleft to the governmentalone, the solutionmust begin from theindividual homes,” thestatement added.

It also commendedgovernment forsetting up acommittee to dealwith the issue ofindiscipline amongstudents in its schools,calling onstakeholders tocooperate in the bid tocorrect the menace.

2014: Akere Sues For Cooperation

THE State of Osun Commissioner for Informationand Strategy, Mr Sunday Akere, has urged thepeople of the state to cooperate more with the state

government in its drive to create an economically-vibrant

state.He made the charge while

speaking with journalists inhis office during the weekon governmentexpectations from thepeople of the state.

Akere lauded residents ofthe state for the way theyhave shown understandingfor government since itsassumption of office, sayingthe people have shown faithin Ogbeni RaufAregbesola’s plan toreinvigorate the statepositively.

According to him, in thelast three years, the APC-ledadministration in the state

has been able to turnaround the moribund socio-economic activities in thestate to affect their livespositively.

He made reference toinfrastructural developmentin the state since theinauguration of the presentadministration, assuringthat if residents extend morecooperation, moredividends of democracywould be delivered to theirdoor-steps by thegovernment.

The commissioner furtherstressed the need forresidents of the state toensure regular payment oftaxes as means of assistinggovernment to meet itsfinancial obligations,especially as the 2014budget focuses more oninternal revenue generation.

He added that the state iscommitted to making thewelfare of its people apriority, particularly youthemployment and creating anenvironment that couldenhance investment, with aview to engaging theyouths positively.

Speaking further, Akerecharged all residents,irrespective of their politicalassociations or beliefs tokeep working towardsmaking the State of Osun apositive reference pointamong comity of states in

the country.He also charged all

stakeholders in the state tomaintain positive attitudeseconomically and socially ina bid to make Osunviolence-free and investors-friendly.

Akere also frowned at theattitude of some people inthe state, which he saidencourage violence, sayingthe present administrationdoes not reject criticism, butinsisted on constructivecriticism capable ofenhancing development ofthe state.

•AKERETHE Interim Chairman of the All Progressives

Congress (APC) in the State of Osun, ElderAdelowo Adebiyi, has on behalf of the leaders

and entire members of the party in the state,congratulated the state governor, Ogbeni RaufAregbesola, on his emergence as the ‘Man of the

Year of the IndependentNewspapers.

Adebiyi in a statementissued by the party’sDirector of Publicity,Research and Strategy,Barrister Kunle Oyatomi,said the award bestowedon Aregbesola was not asurprise to the party, as heis a pride of all membersof the APC in the state.

He stated that the

governor deserves theaward, having done somuch within the shortperiod of his administrationin the state, stressing thatthe achievements ofGovernor Aregbesolaspoke volume of hischoice for the honour.

The IndependentNewspaper, had namedGovernor Aregbesola as itsman of the year for 2013

based on the significantachievements of hisadministration and hiscontributions to the socio-economic development ofthe state.

The APC boss, whohighlighted the numerousachievements of OgbeniA r e g b e s o l a - l e dadministration in 2013 toinclude rapid roadconstruction, educationtransformation, welfare ofcitizenry, urban renewal,health care delivery,provision of jobs andagricultural developmentamong many others said“considering thesenumerous achievements,

no one else could havebeen fit for the honourexcept Aregbesola.”

He also lauded themanagement and staff ofthe IndependentNewspaper foracknowledging the goodworks of Aregbesola andfor identifying with theprogressive government inthe State of Osun.

Adebiyi, who urged thegovernor to continue withhis service above self styleof life, also stressed thatposterity would not forgetAregbesola for the goodworks he has done for thestate, adding that thegovernor has successfullywritten his name withmarble in the minds of themasses of the state.

Osun APC Cogratulates AregbesolaOn Man Of The Year Award

and the people of the stateare now better than the waythey were three years ago.”

Oyatomi, however,acknowledged the support ofall traditional rulers, religiousleaders, political leaders, civilservants, artisans,professionals, teachers andstudents for the support givento the APC-led government ofAregbesola in Year 2013 andsolicited for more in 2014.the opposition parties to

has done so much in justthree years of his

policies of OgbeniAregbesola. His policiesand programmes haveattracted world attention

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5OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, January 4, 2014

Continued from Page 1.

For many discerning ob-servers as well as well-wishers the pace has beenexcruciatingly slow. Thisis understandable.Fiefdoms have been cre-ated as a result ofbalkanization. And it isonly human for people toprotect their turf. Thismeans that there will haveto be mental re-adjust-ment. This is not as easyas it sounds. The reasonbeing that most of thepresent actors werebrought up under the cen-tralizing ethos of the mili-tary.

Frankly whether theybelieve in federalism oreven know much about it,is debatable. Nevertheless,the slow march to freedommust continue. It wasnever going to be an easywalk anyway. Maybe the

most practical objectivenow should be to start at alow base. A very good ex-ample to use as a startingpoint will be Osun state’sOpon Imo (the knowledgetablet).

The Opon Imo is an ex-cellent innovative tool. Itsintroduction marks the be-ginning of a new era. It rep-resents a fantastic opportu-nity for an advance thrust.However, economies ofscale will be needed tobring down unit costs. Thiswill be best achieved by thestate governments joininghands to place orders forthe device in order to bringdown unit costs. This willreally demonstrate the stra-tegic imperative of joininghands together.

Practical demonstrationof efficacy of regional inte-gration such as this will


help to cement the objectivestarting from here - there area loads of other projects andprocesses which can be usedto facilitate regional integra-tion. Across the board, prac-tical joint production oppor-tunities exist in agriculture(very much so), education,health, infrastructural devel-opment and so forth.

Joint coordination of foodproduction for example willgive the region food security.In addition an integrated re-gional agriculture commod-ity exchange will lead tominimum guaranteed farmgate price which in turn willlead to an increase in produc-tion. An increase in produc-tion will lead to surplus pro-duce which in turn will inducethe emergence of scores nayhundreds of agro-processingfacilities of all shapes andsizes. This will create a lotof employment opportunities.

OSUN DEFENDERPublisher – Moremi Publishing

House Ltd.

Managing Editor – Kola Olabisi(0803-392-7286)

Editor – Kayode Agbaje (0803-388-0205)

Lagos Editor – Kola Odepeju(08023191891)

Production Editor – Pet-Kola Taiwo Ibitowa

Senior Reporter – Sola JacobsSenior Reporter – Kazeem Mohammed

Reporter – Shina AbubakarReporter – Ismaeel UthmanReporter – Niyi OlasindeReporter – Kehinde AyantunjiReporter – Francis Chukwuma

Photographer – Oluwagbemiga AdeniyiPhotographer – Olushola Aderinto

Admin. Manager – Murtala Agboola

Computer Operator – Saheed AfolabiComputer Operator – Mary AkintolaAssistant Computer Operator – Lukman Oseni

OSUN DEFENDER is published by Moremi Publishing HouseLimited, Promise Point Building, Opposite Guaranty Trust BankGTB, Gbongan Road, Osogbo, State of Osun.All correspondence to the above mail address.ISSN: 0794-8050Telephone: 0803-392-7286, 08033880205Website: www.osundefender.com/index.phpe-mail: [email protected]

The West’s Slow Road Map To lntegration

Again this is a practicaldemonstration of what re-gional integration willachieve. We can see herethat the possibilities are im-mense. And frankly it is thebest way to go.

In today’s dysfunctionalquasi-federalism unless thecountry is sensibly restruc-tured there is really no alter-native to the states of thewestern region gradually in-tegrating their economies. Itis the only way to protect andthen enhance the living stan-dards of their citizens. Theyhave to do so for prosperity.

Page 6: Osun Defender - January 4th, 2014 Edition

OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, January 4, 20146 FEATURE

Aregbesola: Symbol Of An Alternative PerspectiveTHE Man-of-the-Year is a

difficult proposition. And fora reason. In our dysfunctional

polity, the parameters set have to beexacting. As is known, the Republic isill at ease with itself.

Dashed hopes, disappointedexpectations as well as promisesunfulfilled make the task of picking anindividual who has made anoutstanding contribution daunting.From time to time, a nuggetrepresenting a beacon of hope comesup. When for example a few yearsago we picked the venerated ChinuaAchebe, it was an inspired choice.

This is because by refusing tosubordinate his principles toimmediate expediency, Achebe caughtthe imagination and made picking theMan-of-the-Year easy. This year’sdiscourse was typically ferocious. Thecentral theme being, who hasattempted to break the mould? Whois today’s contrarian who has at leastattempted in a positive direction toalter the terrain of discourse andoperations? Who has been makingresolute attempt to clear the fog ofwidespread cynicism anddisenchantment with the polity andmost of those who navigate the shopof state?

The choice of the State of Osunhelmsman is in response to the needto roll back the tide of cynicism. Weknow of course that there is anintellectual-in-residence in the StateHouse in Ado-Ekiti. Concomitantlythere is also an activist in residence inOsogbo, the capital of the State ofOsun.

Often times in history the activisthas disappointed in office. EngineerRauf Adesoji Aregbesola has herebucked the trend. He has shown aknack to turn deep philosophicalconviction into result-yielding goodgovernance. It has helped in that heactually prepared himself for officeboth intellectually and practically. Hehas in this way merged ideologicalfervor with the practical act ofgovernance.

The practical act of governancewas horned on an exhilarating eightyears of being the infrastructure czarof Lagos State, good oldrambunctious, perennially demandingLagos state. A seminal performance inLagos State has been horned intoadministrative sagacity in the state ofOsun.

The intellectual preparation has alsostood him well. He came into officearmed with a seminal six point agendaspanning the key socio-economicissues affecting the State of Osun.This has proved to be a very sensiblething to do. For taking over the stateafter a ludicrously long judicial battlecame with a hefty debilitating princetag.

The lacuna was that the state hadbarely seen even perfunctorilysensible governance for a long-time.The state’s public finance was not justopaque, it was in shambles. Waste,bizarre duplication of effort leading tocost inefficiencies had led tobureaucratic elephantiasis. Hugerecurrent expenditure, insecurity and ageneral feeling of desperation was fastturning Osun State into a by-word asthe generic term for maladministration.

The distinguishingly factor about

Aregbesola which facilitated ourchoosing him as our Man-of-the-Year, is that he redefined the territoryof discourse and operations. Thestate’s public finances had to be re-directed away from consumptiontowards the arena of production.Recurrent expenditure has beenslimed down thereby increasing thecapital votes. Emphasis on productionhas led to an increase in the capitalvotes in geometric proportion.

The difference is clear. The State ofOsun today has a spring (pardon thepun) in its step. The emphasis is nowon production and jobs led economictrajectory. This new thrust hasimplications for the nation far beyondthe narrow confines of partisanpolitics. This is because if theunfulfilled promises that have resultedin widespread cynicism are to berolled back, the nation must become aproper democracy.

A proper democracy is based onsocial solidarity, community cohesionand a convergence of ideals centredon a social contract linking the

political establishment with those theygovern. Aregbesola has become asymbol of this new thrust. Imperfectyes, sometimes imperious.Nevertheless his policy thrust like hisengagingly humane heart is in the rightplace.

Nowhere has this shown more thanin his policy on education. A sweepingrepositioning of the education sectoris clearly leading to a situation wheregenerations will now be technicallyprepared and empowered to face thereality of a brutally competitive world.

Some of it is contentious, certainly.Fine tuning has had to be done inimplementation of course. However,this is nothing like the flak that UnitedStates President Barak Obama istoday receiving over theimplementation of Obamacare. Ininstances such as this we must becareful not to throw out the baby withthe bathwater.

This sort of issue raises the bugbearof plas ce chang. Nothing ever reallychanges that much. In the process ofthe sweeping transformativerepositioning of the Western Region inthe nineteen-fifties, Chief ObafemiAwolowo, faced the same dilemma.

This being how to negotiate ademocratic agreement on key policyissue. No democracy has everfunctioned effectively without this.

What Engineer Rauf Aregbesolahas done in the State of Osun is toredefine the terrain of thinking andpractice. He has set a mark that mustbe a pointer to the future. If thiscountry is to prosper, it must move inthe direction of the new thinkingdetermined by people likeAregbesola.

The emphasis must be onproduction rather than consumption.Social contract must be the trajectoryof policy developing both humancapital and the physical infrastructure.Government must be located as theengine room for real sustainabledevelopment, the BIG D.

This is why warts and all, in afiercely competitive field, we havechosen the State of Osun helmsmanas our Man-of-the-Year. Herepresents a new wave ofgovernance. A symbol of theaspirations of generation next that weneed not be enmeshed in cynicismand defeatism. He also embodies thenew federalist ethos to be used as abattering ram against the militaryinduced overtly centralist state. As thesymbol of the new thinking, hedeserves to be our Man-of-the-Year.He has earned our appreciation.

Aregbesola emerged from a list ofother distinguished Nigerians includingthe former Governor of Lagos Stateand leader of the All ProgressivesCongress (APC), Senator BolaAhmed Tinubu as well as the HeadCoach of the Super Eagles of Nigeria,Stephen Okechukwu Keshi.

Tinubu made a significant showingplacing second on the ballot.

In a political space full of divisivecharacters, Bola Ahmed Tinubudivides opinion like few others. As theman leading the resurgence of theSouth West economically andpolitically, comparisons with the lateObafemi Awolowo are inevitable, andit is perhaps in this area where hedivides opinion the most. Hissupporters view him as a masterpolitical strategist who is a worthy heirto Awolowo’s legacy, while to othershe is merely a political hustler whocannot be mentioned in the samebreath with a man Ojukwu called ‘thebest President Nigeria never had’.

The story of Keshi is not lost onanybody who has been followingsoccer events in this country. WhenKeshi was appointed, the team was atits lowest ebb, having failed to qualifyfor the 2012 edition of the Africa Cupof Nations. The failure was notbecause the team lacked what itneeded to sail through, but due toindiscipline that has taken root in theteam.

It was during this sorry state, andagainst all expectations, that Keshiturned around the team’s fortunes tobecome champions of Africa bywinning the Africa Cup of Nations, 19years after. By this feat, he becamethe second man in history to havewon the Africa Cup of Nations bothas a coach and player.

•Culled from Daily IndependentNewspaper


Page 7: Osun Defender - January 4th, 2014 Edition

OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, January 4, 2014 7PHOTOTALK

•Mrs Sherifat Aregbesola (right) presenting gifts to second baby of the year at State Hospital, Asubiaro, Osogbo.

•Mrs Aregbesola (right) presenting gifts to parents of the third baby of the year, Mrand Mrs Sabitu Adepeju, while State Commissioner for Health, Dr (Mrs) TemitopeIlori (2nd right) watches at Feesu Primary Healthcare Centre, Iwo.

•Mrs Aregbesola (left) answering questions from newsmen after the event.

•Mrs Sherifat, carrying a new-born baby at State Hospital, Asubiaro, Osogbo.

Wife Of The Governor, State Of Osun, Mrs Sherifat Aregbesola, Presenting Gifts ToFirst Baby Of The Year 2014 And Other Babies In The State Of Osun Last Wednesday. Photo:GBENGA ADENIYI.

Page 8: Osun Defender - January 4th, 2014 Edition

8 OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, January 4, 2014PHOTOTALKFireworks Display To Welcome New Year 2014, Organised By The Governor, StateOf Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, At Nelson Mandela Freedom Park In Osogbo LastTuesday Through Wednesday. Photo: GBENGA ADENIYI.

•Governor Aregbesola (right) acknowledging cheers from the crowd.

•A cross section of dignitaries at the programme.

•A sea of heads on the occasion.

•A cross section of market women at the event.

Page 9: Osun Defender - January 4th, 2014 Edition

9OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, January 4, 2014

Fireworks Display To Welcome New Year 2014, Organised By The Governor, StateOf Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, At Nelson Mandela Freedom Park In Osogbo LastTuesday Through Wednesday. Photo: GBENGA ADENIYI.

•(L-R) State of Osun Commissioner for Finance, Dr Wale Bolorunduro; Governor Aregbesola and his wife, Sherifat.

•Ecstatic crowd at the programme.

•Barrister Ajibola Bashiru (left) answering questions from journalists on the occasion.


Page 10: Osun Defender - January 4th, 2014 Edition

10 OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, January 4, 2014PHOTOTALK

Fireworks Display To Welcome New Year 2014, Organised By The Governor, StateOf Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, At Nelson Mandela Freedom Park In OsogboLast Tuesday Through Wednesday. Photo: GBENGA ADENIYI.

•Governor Rauf Aregbesola addressing the crowd.

•Another fireworks display.

•A popular Fuji musician, Adewale Ayuba (with mic),performing during the programme.

•Fireworks display during the programme.

•(L-R) Governor Aregbesola; his wife, Sherifat; All Progressives Congress (APC) State Secretary, PrinceGboyega Famodun and State Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Honourable Sunday Akere.

Page 11: Osun Defender - January 4th, 2014 Edition

11 OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, January 4, 2014HEALTH

Understanding Healthful DietNOT many subjects are

consuming interest tovirtually all of us – but

food is certainly one of them. Itis a principal source of pleasurein life and also a life-givingessential.

Without the continual replacementof nutrients in our bodies, we woulddie. Food is so important that fromtime immemorial, it has formed thebasis for rituals in every society.Much of the way we evaluate oneanother is based on the way we lookand this is linked, albeit indirectly, tofood. The success of a society itselfhas traditionally been measured bythe abundance and quality [or lackthereof] of its food.

Is There An Ideal Diet?In this day of intense interest in diet

and health, many people yearn andoften search for the perfect diet; onethat will produce super health,above normal vigour, strength, andresistance to disease; one that willdelay ageing, and one that willkeep one slim. So pervasive is thisinterest that thousands of peoplespend vast quantities of time andmoney searching for perfectanswer.

Does or can such a dietexist? In all likelihood, the answeris no. our nutritional needs aredifferent at each stage of our lives,from infancy through childhood,maternity, pregnancy, and old ageand in states of disease. We alsovary in our genetic tendenciestoward disease, includinghypertension, some cancers andheart and other vascular diseases;so food elements such as salts orfats pose different risks to differentpeople.

All the foods we eat providesome level of nutrition. There maybe no one perfect diet for all of usor even for one of us at all times,but a sound knowledge of nutritionis the best way to attain the bestdiet possible.

The Basic Components ofFood:

Our food is made up of manycomponents that, when combinedin appropriate proportions, providea complete or balanced diet. Themajor groupings are carbohydrate,protein and fats. Other groups aretrace nutrients, known as vitamins andminerals needed in smaller amounts.Each category has a different functionin the regulation, growth, and repairof the body.

Carbohydrates:Carbohydrates are starches or

sugars and are found primarily inbreads and cereals and in fruits andvegetables, including leafy greenssuch as broccoli and lettuce. Thestarches are referred to as complexcarbohydrates, and the sugars [foundin fruits, as well as in refined sugar]are called simple carbohydrates.Cane or beet sugar, knowntechnically as sucrose, and cornsyrup, which contains the sugarknown as fructose, makes up aconsiderable portion of the a diet.

Proteins:Proteins are composed of building

blocks called amino acids. Some ofthese amino acids can be produced

by our bodies; others we cannot.Those that must be obtained from thediet are called essential amino acidslike meats, eggs, milk, and cheese arevery essentially used. Proteins foundin vegetable cereals [such as wheat,rice, or corn], peas, and beans do notprovide an optimal ratio of essentialamino acids. Thus, a greater amountof protein of plant origin is needed tomeet your body‘s requirements thanof protein of animal origin. Proteins ofplant origin have low biologicalquality.

Fats:Fats are found in various foods and

in various forms. Fats are found infoods of animal origin, such as meat,poultry meat, and fish, and in foods ofvegetable origin. Various fatty acidshave different effects on bloodcholesterol levels, which have beenshown to have a relationship to heartdiseases.

Vitamins:Vitamins are substances that are

essential in certain chemicaltransformation in your body and needto be present in your diet only in verysmall amounts. They help the bodyprocess proteins, carbohydrates, andfats. Certain vitamins also contributeto the production of blood cells,hormones, genetic materials, andchemicals of your nervous system.Our bodies are unable to synthesizeadequate amounts of most vitamins,so we must get them from the foodswe eat.

Minerals:Minerals such as calcium,

magnesium, phosphorus, potassium,sodium, and sulfur are also essentialparts of the diet. Known as macrominerals, they are needed in relativelylarge amounts in the diet. Calcium,phosphorus, and magnesium are allimportant in the development andhealth of bones and teeth. Potassiumis a major component of our muscles.

Sodium helps regulate the fluids of thebody, and sulfur is a constituent ofprotein tissues. The macro minerals[trace minerals] are found in muchsmaller amounts in our food. Essentialtrace elements are minerals that, likevitamins, are needed in only smallamounts. They include iron, iodine,zinc, copper, fluoride, selenium, andmanganese, among others. They areall necessary for normal growth andhealth.

Calorie:A calorie is a measure of energy

rather than a discrete part of food.When carbohydrates, proteins, andfats metabolized [burned] in the body,they produce energy, energy that ismeasured in kilocalorie which consistof 100 calories is defined as theamount of energy or heat require toraise 1 kilogram [2.2 pounds] ofwater to 10 centigrade [1.80


Body CompositionUnderstanding the principles of

nutrition involves more than a basicunderstanding of the various kinds offood we eat. The next step requiressome comprehension of the makeupof our bodies. The fact is that protein,fat, and carbohydrate are the largest‘ingredients’ of the human body.Protein structures make up about 50to 60 percent of body weight. Thesetissues [muscle and vital organs suchas the liver] function as the machinerybody.

Your body does not store extraprotein. If you eat more protein thanyour body needs, your muscle masswill neither increase, nor will you haveprotein on reserve should you need it.Rather extra protein is converted tofat.

Carbohydrates exist in the liver andmuscles of the body as glycogenstores. Carbohydrate In the form ofglycogen makes up about 1-5% ofyour body weight.

If your diet is high in carbohydratesand you are eating your fullcomplement of needed calories eachday, your glycogen stores, foundlargely in the liver, will be maximized.This store of fuel can quickly calledupon. For example, marathon runnersmay eat a diet rich in carbohydratesbefore a race.

Another ‘ingredient’ of your bodyis fat. Fat is unlike protein andcarbohydrate in that it is an extremelyconcentrated form of reserve energyand is associated with a very littlewater. Body fat represents nearly10times as much energy for itsweight as protein or carbohydratetissues, about 3,500 calories perpound. In a normal person, 15 to 20percent of body weight is fat,although extremely obese people mayhave as much as 50 percent of theirbody weight in the form of fat.

The sensible dietExcept for people who are in need

of a therapeutic to deal with a specifichealth problem, the best overalldietary plan can be stated simply: eata wide variety of foods includingplenty of carbohydrates from fruitsvegetables, and grains and foodsincluding protein such as meat, fish,eggs and dairy products. Vitaminsand minerals exist in almost all of thefoods we eat.

Dietary guideline· Reduce the amount of fat of

all kinds in your diet. For manypeople, a diet high in fats leads toobesity, which in itself has varioushealth implications.

· Achieve and maintain adesirable body weight through dietand exercise.

· Increase the amount ofcomplex carbohydrates and fiber inyour diet.

· Dietary fiber plays animportant role in the digestion andabsorption of nutrients.

· Select foods relatively low insodium, and limit the amount of saltyou add to your food in cooking andat the table.

· Make some your diet andchildren’s diets contain fluoride tohelp prevent tooth decay; fluoridatedwater can reduce significantly thedevelopment of tooth decay inchildren and adults.

· Do not take daily vitamin andmineral supplements in excess of therecommended dietary allowance[RDA] unless your physician tells youto do so.

WaterWater often goes unmentioned in

discussions of diet because it hasalmost no food value. Our bodies canexist for weeks without food, but ifwe stop replacing water we die withindays.

Your body is able to store only alimited amount of water becausewater is continuously used in theworkings of every cell. Water is alsonecessary part of the digestiveprocess, it helps regulate your bodytemperature, and it carries awaywaste.

Water is in everything you drinkand to some degree, in the food youeat. Thirst is a reasonable guide to theamount of water you need. Keepyour thirst satisfied and you can’t bewrong.


Page 12: Osun Defender - January 4th, 2014 Edition

OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, January 4, 201412

A Memorable Quote From A PDPAspirant In The State Of Osun

“Recently, Chief Bola Ige cameon radio here (Osogbo the state

capital), to insult me and myfamily. THAT IS THE LAST


beaten yesterday. The people ofIle-Ife beat him up and he wascrying like a baby, as they re-

moved his cap and glasses. If ithad been at a political gathering,he will be dead by now..... In fact,

what the people wanted to dowas more than removing hisglasses and cap....” -IYIOLA

OMISORE. •Culled from Vanguard Newspaper.


Page 13: Osun Defender - January 4th, 2014 Edition

13 OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, January 4, 2014FOREIGN NEWS

Obama: 2014 Can Be ‘Breakthrough Year For America’CITING strong progress on the economy, President

Barack Obama said at his annual year-end newsconference Friday that 2014 “can be a breakthrough

year for America” after a long season of recession and slowrecovery.

Yet he suggested thatgiven widespreadcriticism, he may alter thepower of the NationalSecurity Agency to collectinformation on Americans.

And when it came to theuniversally panned roll outof his health care law,Obama conceded that “wescrewed it up,” and said,“I’m going to be makingappropriate adjustmentsonce we get through thisyear.” It was unclear if hemeant to signal high-levelpersonnel changes.

The president praisedCongress for a recent,relatively modest budgetcompromise. “It’sprobably too early todeclare an outbreak ofbipartisanship. But it’s alsofair to say we’re notcondemned to endlessgridlock,” he said.

He also renewed hislong-standing refusal tonegotiate concessionswith Republicans inexchange for legislationthat will be needed in latewinter or early spring toraise the nation’s debt limit.“It is not something thatis a negotiating tool. It’snot leverage. It’s aresponsibility ofCongress,” he said,although he added that hewas willing to discussother issues separately.

Obama spoke from the

White House briefingroom podium as heconcluded his fifth year aspresident, his hair fargrayer than the day he wasfirst sworn in. He and hisfamily were departing laterin the day for their holidayvacation in Hawaii.

The president opened hisremarks with an upbeatassessment of the state ofthe economy, and seemeddetermined not to strayfrom it.

Asked if this year hadbeen the worst of hispresidency so far, helaughed and said, “That’snot how I think about it.”

Obama’s polls are at ornear the low point of histenure in the White House.The rollout of his healthcare website bombed, andhigh-visibility parts of hisagenda have yet to makeit through Congress,including a call for gunsafety legislation in thewake of the shooting at aNewtown, Conn.,elementary school a yearago and a sweepingoverhaul of immigrationlaws.

“If you’re measuringthis by polls, my polls havegone up and down a lotover the course of mycareer,” he said, and thenrepeated that the economywas finally showingsignificant progress.

The president fieldedquestions a few hoursafter the governmentannounced the economygrew at a solid 4.1 percentannual rate from Julythrough September, thefastest pace since late 2011and significantly higherthan previously believed.

Much of the upwardrevision came fromstronger consumerspending at a time when

unemployment is at a five-year low of 7 percent.Obama did not mention it,but the stock market is alsoat or near record levels.

In his review of theyear, Obama also notedthat U.S. combat troopswill finally be withdrawnfrom Afghanistan duringthe coming year.

As he has before, hepromised to speak in morecomprehensive terms in

the near future about thefuture of NSA surveillanceprograms.

“I have confidence thatthe NSA is not engaged indomestic surveillance orsnooping around,” he said.Yet he added, “we mayhave to refine this furtherto give people moreconfidence.”

A presidential advisorypanel this weekrecommended sweepingchanges to governmentsurveillance, includinglimiting the bulk collectionof Americans’ phonerecords by stripping theNSA of its ability to storethe data in its ownfacilities.

Separately, a federaljudge ruled earlier in theweek that some of theNSA’s activities were likelyunconstitutional. JudgeRichard Leon called theNSA’s operation“Orwellian” in scope andsaid there was littleevidence that its vast troveof data from Americanusers had prevented aterrorist attack.

Obama was challengedon his 6-month-oldstatement that he and hisadministration had gottenthe balance about right, interms of the NSA’sactivities, betweenconcern for terrorism andprotection of civil liberties.

He replied that the sameassessments are made ona daily basis and notedpointedly that if an attackwere to occur, “the

question that’s comingfrom you is, ‘Mr.President, why did youslip?’”

On a key foreign policyconcern, Obama said itwould be wrong to imposenew sanctions on Iran ata time the United Statesand other nations aretesting an interim accorddesigned to rein inTehran’s nuclear program.If necessary, “we canpass new sanctions in aday,” he said, referring tolawmakers.

As for health care,Obama said that despitethe problems, including therollout of the website,“more than 2 millionpeople have signed up ormore” since enrollmentbegan.

“What that means is ...the demand is there and theproduct is good,” he said.

He turned aside asuggestion that theadministration has made somany exemptions that itshould have simply delayedthe requirement forindividuals to purchasecoverage or face a penalty.Several lawmakers havecalled on him to do that,even some Democrats whovoted for the legislation.

Obama faced the type ofchallenging questions thatpresidents have longencountered, and he drewlaughter with his answer toone of them.

“My New Year ’sresolution is to be nicer tothe White House presscorps,” he said.



I Want Osun To Adopt ICT To Boost FishProduction - Young Inventor

Oduyemi Kolawole Michael is an indigene of the Stateof Osun, who happens to spend his time doing what wouldhelp humanity, especially in the area of InformationCommunication Technology (ICT).

Recently, he was in the state to demonstrate his latestinvention: ‘GSM-driven Fish Feeder’ at the InnovationFair and launch of South-West Competitiveness Forumand Innovation Cluster at the Centre for Black Cultureand International Understanding, where even thegovernor had some kind words to say to him.

OSUN DEFENDER FRANCIS EZEDIUNO caughtup with this young inventor and he bared his mind.

OSDF: Can we meet youplease?

ODUYEMI: My name isOduyemi Kolawole Michael.

OSDF: Can we have apreview into yourbackground?

ODUYEMI: I was born inAkure and schooled in Osogboat Saint Charles SecondarySchool, Oke- Ayepe. I am alsoa product of Ladoke AkintolaUniversity of Science andTechnology, Ogbomoso. Istudied Agronomy.

OSDF: Where are youbased and what do you docurrently?

ODUYEMI: I am currentlystaying in Niger State and I amalso searching for a good anddesirable job.

OSDF: What is it aboutyour invention that you wantpeople to know?

ODUYEMI: I had theintention of building a fuel-lessgenerator to counter the power

challenges in the country. Alongthe line, I thought of producingsomething that I could use myGSM handset to control. Idecided to fix my handset to thegenerator, so that I could alwaysswitch it off from afar.

At the end of the day, Idiscovered that I madesomething that I could controlwith my handset. I alsodiscovered that I couldintroduce ICT innovation intofarming.

I don’t have to be there tofeed my fishes, making me towork somewhere else andattend to my fishes’requirements anytime.

OSDF: What is the ideabehind it?

ODUYEMI: The ideabehind it is to create a bucket-like device that would containfish feeds. It makes it easy tofeed the fishes from anywherewhen they are ready to feed,while you are busy at some

other engagements.All it requires is to dial the

number of the GSM phoneattached to the bucket-likedevice and it takes about 40-45seconds to feed the fishes.

OSDF: Define the aim ofthe project?

ODUYEMI: Simple! I wouldlove to make my state; Osunthe centre for fish farminginnovation in Nigeria. I wouldwant Osun to adopt ICT inboosting fish production.

I also want people to go intofish farming without givingunnecessary excuses.

OSDF: Why develop sucha device for fish farming?

ODUYEMI: I love to makethings happen. I have alwaysthought human beings arealways busy and I wanted toeradicate the fear that peoplealways have about fish farming,being a time-consumingventure.

I came for holiday and Ithought I could sell my idea tothe state government becauseI thought they might beinterested in my work.

OSDF: Have youapproached any investor?

ODUYEMI: None at themoment. I have not approachedany. I don’t really know thesystem of administrationbecause it has been a long timeI came home last. There havebeen changes now in the stateand a lot of developments havebeen encouraged.

OSDF: Any physicaldemonstration of the device?

ODUYEMI: Yes. At the just-concluded Innovation Fair andlaunch of South-West

Competitiveness Forum andInnovation Cluster at the Centrefor Black Culture andInternational Understanding,Abere.

The governor was there andhe stopped at my stand andmade a very beautifulobservation.

He was in a hurry, so I didn’thave time to really demonstratethe use of the device to him.

OSDF: Do you think it is apositive sign?

ODUYEMI: To me it is asign that he recognised myeffort.

OSDF: Do you intend tomass-produce or you want tosell the idea?

ODUYEMI: My intention isto mass-produce if I havefinancial assistance, so that a lot

of people can be able to enjoyit. My only shortcoming isfinancial constraint.

I will be very happy if thestate government can adopt it.It will fit into the banish hunger,poverty and unemploymentobjectives of the stategovernment.

They can also sell to otherstates. It can also be adoptedto fit other forms of animalhusbandry.

I want financial assistancefrom the state government.What I demonstrated is just acameo of my innovativecapabilities. I can do somethingbetter than this. I would love tobe invested in and I would loveto invest the investment in mefor other better innovations tochange the face of farming inthe state.


Page 14: Osun Defender - January 4th, 2014 Edition

14 OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, January 4, 2014

Job Vacancies In Nigeria

You can subscribe to Job Vacancies in Nigeria, Jobs in Nigeria via your e-mail: www.recentnigerianjobs.com

Employers in NigeriaCustomer Service/Examinations Assistant Vacancy at British Council, December 31st2013The British Council is currently looking for a suitably qualified and experiencedindividual to join us in Abuja as Customer Service/Examinations Assistant.Job Title: Customer Service/Examinations Assistant

Location: AbujaReports To: Exams Services Manager, Abuja

Purpose of job:To support the achievement of country plan objectives in Nigeria by deliveringexaminations administration support and customer services. To maintain them at thehighest professional standards as set out in the British Council’s EQS (ExaminationQuality Standards) and by the Examination Board Partners.

Context and environment:Customers and enquirers engage with the British Council Nigeria for a number ofpurposes with the majority being for examinations.

The post holder will be part of a team of 6 in Abuja who administer the growing examsbusiness ensuring quality and compliance as well as control of income and expenditureto deliver on target. This role will support the delivery of exams in Abuja in addition toassisting with customer services.

Main Duties and Responsibilities

Examinations Administration: Providing administrative support in the delivery ofexaminations. This involves supporting colleagues in pre and post test/examinationadministration duties. This includes exams data entry, post despatch, assisting withsession planning/implementation and examination invigilation.

Customer Service: Complaints, comments and feedback are dealt with in accordancewith corporate policy and the Exams Quality Standards. All service registrationprocedures (e.g. Exams, Certification and other programme registration) are fullyunderstood and implemented to agreed standards.

Information Knowledge Management: Manage information created and received incompliance with the Council’s information management standards, policies, the UKData Protection Principles and local legislation.

Other Duties: Assist with market testing of venues and other suppliers. Assist withdata collection for marketing purposes. Regularly attend staff meetings to both gainand impart knowledge about our customers, products and services. Assist with anyother duty examinations management deem necessary.

Skills and KnowledgeAbility to use Microsoft Office Word and Excel.Ability to read and write in English at C1/IELTS 7.0/CAE level. Knowledge of theeducation and qualification systems in the UK and Nigeria.ExperienceDealing with customers and enquiries in a service environment and providing servicewithin quality standards.Working quickly and accurately to tight deadlines.Experience of administering examinations.Experience of managing/supervising a group of people to achieve a specific purpose.QualificationsCompleted secondary education to ‘A’ level standard or equivalent.University degree in any subject.BTEC Examinations Administration Level 1.How to ApplyPlease read through the Customer Service/Examinations Assistant role profile.Download and complete the British Council external application form. To help youunderstand and complete the application form, read through the ‘How to complete theapplication’ document on the jobs page. Listed within the role profile document, youwill find a number of listed ‘behaviours’ and ‘skills and knowledge’. Evidence againstthose criteria will need to be provided in your role application form. To help youunderstand those criteria, we have provided a ‘behaviours’ and ‘generic skills’dictionary at the top of the jobs page.Completed application forms should be sent [email protected] no laterthan Sunday 5 January, 2014. Please ensure the subject of your mail is, ‘CustomerService/Examinations Assistant”.Only applications received on the British Council application form will be consideredand only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

The British Council is committed to a policy of Equal Opportunity and Diversity andwelcomes applicants from all sections of the community. We guarantee an interview todisabled candidates who meet the essential criteria.Application Deadline Sunday 5 January, 2014——————————————————Latest Job Vacancies in a Mortgage BankA Mortgage Banking Institution with balance sheet size in excess of 11 billion Nairaand eyes on the future, is seeking top notch professionals as it widens its scope of

operations to fill the following position:

Job Title: Mortgage OfficersLocation: AbujaResponsibilitiesResponsible for Mortgage origination, processing, investment appraisals andconclusionDirectly reports to Head, MarketingRequirementsGood presentation and communication skillsMarket research and Data gatheringStrong analytical skillsComputer literacyAbility to leadMinimum of 5 years experience in relevant fields; 2 of which should be in mortgageRegular University Degree preferably in Social/Management sciencesProfessional qualification in relevant field will be an added advantageJob Title: Head, Financial ControlLocation: AbujaResponsibilitiesResponsible for preparing and reporting on the monthly financial activities of thebusinessWill prepare and interpret Management AccountsTo liaise with all components to ensure timely and accurate management and financialaccount reporting.Directly reports to the MD/CEOSupervises All Accounting PersonnelRequirementsKnowledgeable in Accounting Standards, Policies, Practices and ProceduresConversant with-relevant regulatory frameworks a Numerical and analytical skillsSkilled in usage of Microsoft Office packages, especially ExcelMinimum of 5 years hands-on experience in Accounting PracticeICAN/ACCA certifiedBSc in Accounting/Management SciencesJob Title: General Manager, Operations and Information TechnologyLocation: AbujaResponsibilitiesProvides effective leadership, coordinates, guides and controls current to long-termdevelopment of an efficient, responsive, automated and dynamic Institution-wideoperations and Information Technology management systems to support theadministrative, retail, mortgage and commercial banking services to deliver superiorcustomer service and achieve corporate objectivesReports directly to MD/CEOSupervises Banking Operations, Information Technology and all servicesRequirementsThorough understanding of branch banking, and strong operations background.Marketing OrientationVery good managerial skillsCreative and innovativeExperience in Regional banking operationsGood understanding of the credit process.Good understanding of IT processes.Minimum of 10 years exposure in financial services (at least Mgr/SM level)Good first degree in Science or Social Science. MBA or any post graduate degree is anadded advantageJob Title: Executive Director, MarketingLocation: AbujaResponsibilitiesWill collaborate with the Board to provide continuous strategic direction for the businessResponsible for providing effective leadership and guidance in business development,strategic management of resources as well as design of modalities for effectiveimplementation of market expansion and growth.Reports directly to MD/CEOSupervises all Business Development initiatives, Personnel and ResourcesRequirementsStrong business acumenVery good knowledge of banking, marketing and business developmentComprehensive knowledge of banking services and regulationsStrong analytical skillsStrong oral and written communication skillsStrong general management and people skillsMinimum of 12 years hands-on banking experience in credit and marketingGood first degree. An MBA or Masters degree is desirableRemunerationAbove industry standard

Interested and qualified candidates should send their applications and CVs to:[email protected] orP.O.Box 5079Surulere, Lagos

Application Deadline 9th January, 2014——————————————————

Page 15: Osun Defender - January 4th, 2014 Edition

15 OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, January 4, 2014

Page 16: Osun Defender - January 4th, 2014 Edition


LAST year witnessed a flurry ofactivities, especially towards theend. At the international level, the

death of the world icon, Dr NelsonMandela shook the world. At thenational level, the merger of parties toform the All Progressives Congress(APC) came into being. The parties thatcame together were the ActionCongress of Nigeria (ACN) theCongress for Progressive Change(CPC), the All Nigeria Peoples Party(ANPP) and a faction of the AllProgressives Grand Alliance (APGA).

The significance of the merger is that,it is the first of its kind in Nigeria’spolitical history. Critics and pessimists hadalready gone to town that it would neverwork, because there was no precedence.However, so far so good. Again, for thefirst time, governors from the ruling-Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)defected to the opposition, APC. Also,thirty seven members of the PDP on thefloor the House of Representatives shiftedallegiance to the APC.

If the feelers and body movements ofsome of the remaining PDP members areto be correctly interpreted, then thedefection could have a bandwagon effect.The initial crisis within the PDP could notbe properly managed, which hassnowballed into the major crisis it hasbecome now. The crisis within the self-styled largest party in Africa hassignificantly affected governance, suchthat there is no quality time for it.

Crisis in the education sector, whichtook the Academic Staff Union ofUniversities (ASUU) to stay away fromwork since July 1st, ended in November.The sad episode came with its victim,the death of Dr Festus Iyayi of theUniversity of Benin, Benin City. The lateIyayi was on his way to Abuja for ameeting of the top hierarchy of ASUU toresolve the impasse, when he met hisuntimely death in Kogi State. His vehiclewas hit by a vehicle in the convoy of theKogi State governor, Captain Idris Wada.Iyayi was a one-time President of ASUU.It would be recalled that the AcademicStaff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) hasbeen on strike for some time now. TheNigeria Medical Association (NMA) alsoembarked on a 5-day warning strike, witha threat of full-blown strike in the newyear, if certain things were not resolved.

Nigeria was able to avoid the perennialscarcity of fuel associated with the endof year and new year festivities, whenreason prevailed over the attempt by thetwo major labour unions in the petroleumsector, the National Union of Petroleumand Natural Gas workers (NUPENG) andthe Petroleum and Natural Gas SeniorStaff Association of Nigeria(PENGASSAN) refrained from going onstrike.

The privatization of the electricitybehemoth, the Power Holding Companyof Nigeria (PHCN) also came on stream.The energy sector is now divided intothree, the Generating Companies(GENCOs) transmission Company underthe aegis of the Transmission Companyof Nigeria (TCN) and the DistributionCompanies, the (DISCOS).

So far, not so good! This is becausethe impact is yet to be felt by the masses.The private companies that bought the

A Reflection Of Last Year



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PHCN are yet to impress because fromthe people’s point of view, they were notfully prepared for the arduous task ahead.A basic necessity in the sector, such asprepaid meter, should not be a problem.Nigerians have made it clear that withoutit, they are not prepared for outrageousor crazy bills attendant with the PHCNera.

Then came the season of letters. Aletter by the Central Bank Governor(CBN), Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi toPresident Goodluck Jonathan inSeptember, asking the Nigeria NationalPetroleum Corporation (NNPC) toexplain an unremitted fund to the CBNto the tune of $49.8 billion dollars wassurreptitiously leaked to the press inNovember.

Though Sanusi recanted letter, sayingthat he goofed and that the actual amountoutstanding was $11billion dollars, whenthe Co-ordinating minister, who doublesas the Finance Minister, Dr NgoziOkonjo–Iweala, her Petroleum Resourcescounterpart, Mrs Diezani Allison-Madueke and Sanusi addressed the press.

The leaked correspondence betweenSanusi and Jonathan coincided with theone written by the erstwhile President,Chief Olusegun Obasanjo to Jonathan.The 18-page letter, which was an openone, according to Obasanjo, was


OSUN DEFENDER is published by Moremi Publishing House Limited, Promise Point Building, Opposite Guaranty Trust Bank GTB, Gbongan Road, Osogbo, State of Osun. All correspondenceto the Managing Editor, KOLA OLABISI, Telephone: 08033927286 ([email protected]); Editor, KAYODE AGBAJE, Telephone: 0803-388-0205, E-mail: [email protected],[email protected]. ISSN: 0794-8050.Website: www.osundefender.org.

because the President had not only failedto respond to his previous letters, buteven refused to acknowledge the receiptof them. Obasanjo’s letter catalogue alot of sins committed by the Presidencyand especially his failure or inability towage a serious war against corruption.He also alleged that the President has alist of 1000 politicians on his watch-listand above all that the President is allegedto be training snipers. The lettergenerated a lot of controversy with someNigerians arguing that the ex-Nigerianleader has no justification in accusing hissuccessor, who he forced on Nigerians.Even though issues raised by Obasanjowere already in the public domain, exceptthe issue of snipers, some Nigerians saidthe message should be divorced from themessenger. This simply means thatObasanjo may not be the messiah thatNigerians know, but he has a fundamentalhuman right to raise issues with thegovernment. The President’s response toBaba Iyabo’s letter was to a large extenta rationalization or justification for all thepresident had done. In concrete term,the president could not tell Nigerians thebold measures he had taken to curb graft,except to tell us that corruption did notstart during his tenure.

In the State of Osun, Governor RaufAregbesola has done what the opposition

party thought was impossible. In only lastyear, the Oba Adesoji Aderemi East bye-pass was commenced, Hassan OlajokuEvent Centre at Gbongan junction, andChief Bisi Akande Trumpet Bridge,Gbongan were commissioned andcommenced respectively.

The Salvation Army Middle School,Alekuwodo, Osogbo was commissioned.The e-tablet popular called computertablet of knowledge (Opon Imo), whichcontains secondary school subjects,scheme, text, standard past and practicequestions were distributed free-of-chargeto students in Senior School II & III. Apair of free uniforms were also given outto students. The reclassification ofschools started in earnest and has gone along way.

Igi–Iye, tree plantation was carried outby the government with individuals,corporate bodies, as well as schools weregiven trees to plant to check desertencroachment.

Jigi-Aregbe, was eye glasses given topeople with eye defects free-of-charge.The empowerment of drivers, where thestate government stood as guarantor forloans for drivers under the aegis of theNational Union of Road TransportWorkers (NURTW) and the RoadTransport Employee Association ofNigerian (RTEAN) was also carried outlast year.

The audience participation-programmeto highlight the achievements of thegovernment tagged Gbangba Dekun is alaudable achievement.

The government through thisprogramme assembles the electedrepresentatives of the people in the areaand those in government to tell theirpeople directly what they have achievedand what they intend to do. It is also anopportunity for the electorate to take onthe governor.

The massive work on the Old-Garage/Kwara State boundary with street lightsis a spectacle to behold at night.

As we enter the election year in theState of Osun, it behoves on all indigenesof the area to critically assess thegovernment and award it the mark itdeserves. Even the greatest critic of thisgovernment accedes to the fact that thisunusual government of Aregbesola hasperformed exceedingly well.

The governor, as usual, has promisedto do more than he has done before. Thestate is now peaceful. The environmentis conducive for both local andinternational investments. Theinfrastructural renewal is unprecedented.What else can the citizens ask for? If thegovernment is fulfilling its part of thebargain, it only behoves on the citizensto do theirs.

Residents of the State of Osun shouldbe law-abiding, pay their taxes as andwhen due, then report unscrupulouscitizens to the appropriate authorities.

Some political desperadoes may wantto catch-in on the fast-approachinggubernatorial election in the state to causechaos, we should resist them.

This column is making a clarion call toall members of the electorate to be fully-prepared for voters’ verification exercisewhen it starts to ensure that they ensurethat their names are on the authenticregister, which will enable them to vote.