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  • 8/6/2019 OT9 POH Website


    On Top IFR Profciency SimulatorPilots Operating Handbook

    Fith Printing

    2007 ASA, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc.7005 132nd Place SE

    Newcastle, Washington 98059-3153Website: www.asa2y.comEmail: [email protected]

    Printed in the United States o America

    ASA-ON-TOP-BOOKISBN 1-56027-689-4


    Limited Warranty

    Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc. (ASA) warrants the On Top product, (that, i) when properlyinstalled and operated on a computer or which it is designed, (the program) will perormsubstantially in accordance with the accompanying written materials or a period o 45 days rom

    the date o purchase. ASA warrants On Top to be ree rom deects in materials and workmanshipunder normal use. ASA does not warrant that the program will be uninterrupted or error-ree. ThisLimited Warranty is void i ailure o the sotware has resulted rom accident, abuse, ormisapplication. The sole and exclusive remedy available to the purchaser or user o this sotwareand accompanying documentation, should the program be ound unsatisactory, is a reund orreplacement o the product. ASA will replace the sotware with the same version once the entirepackage (CD, manual, packaging) is received by ASA during the warranty period. All returns shall besent to ASA, Sotware Warranty, 7005 132nd Place SE, Newcastle, Washington 98059-3153. ASAcannot accept responsibility or lost or damaged parcels.

    License Agreement

    By installing this program, you indicate your acceptance o the ollowing ASA License Agreement. I

    you do not agree to the terms o this agreement, promptly return the complete product to yourplace o purchase.

    1. You may use this program on two computers, provided that access to the program is limited tothe original purchaser.

    2. The sotware is owned by Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc. (ASA) and is protected by UnitedStates (U.S.) copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Thereore, the sotware may notbe copied except to transer the sotware to a single hard disk provided you keep the original orbackup or archival purposes only.

    3. You may not rent, lend, or lease the sotware, but you may transer the sotware andaccompanying written materials on a permanent basis provided you retain no copies and therecipient agrees to the terms o this Agreement. You may not disassemble, decode or tamperwith the sotware. I the sotware has been updated, any transer must include the most recentupdate. You may not copy the written materials accompanying the sotware.

    4. In no event shall ASA be responsible or any indirect, special, incidental, consequential or similardamages or lost data or profts. The purchaser is entitled to the beneft o the warrantiesprovided by this license and warranty agreement only i the enclosed product registration card iscompleted and returned to ASA within 45 days o purchase. You agree to the Limited Warrantystated in this Operating Handbook.

    5. This license shall remain in eect until terminated as set orth in the Agreement. You agree thatthis Agreement will be governed by the laws o the state o Washington.

    Please contact ASA i you have any questions concerning this Agreement. Write to:Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc.7005 132nd Place SENewcastle, Washington 98059-3153

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    About On Top. 6

    On Top Pilots Operating Handbook Overview. 7

    How.this.Version.is.Dierent.rom.Previous.Versions.o.On.Top. 7

    Installing On Top

    Minimum.Requirements. 9


    On.Top,.PlateView.and.the.GNS430.Trainer 10





    Connecting Your Flight Controls



    PFC.Cirrus.Yoke.(gameport). 14







    Using.a.USB.to.Serial.Port.Adapter. 18

    Calibrating Your Flight Controls




    Buttons. 24



    The On Top Cockpit Functions



    Throttle,.Prop,.and.Mixture. 36



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    Gear.and.Flaps. 38


    NAV/COM.Radios. 39







    Timer. 42



    Brakes. 42


    DME. 43


    Global Positioning Systems

    GNS430.GPS.Reality.XP**.Simulator. 45






    Flying On Top


    Aircrat.Options. 68


    Position.Options. 71



    Creating.and.Saving.Practice.Scenarios.(Setups). 80


    Review Your Flights


    The.Prole.View. 84

    Flight.Highlights. 85

    Playback.Controls. 85

    Map.Controls. 86




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    Flight.Instruction.Using.Saved.Flights. 87

    The On Top Aircrat



    Cessna.182R.Skylane.RG. 91


    Piper.PA-28R-201.Arrow.IV. 93






    Troubleshooting On Top 9








    Special.Note.to.Users.o.CH.Products.Flight.Controls.111On Top Airspace Database Editor






    Technical Support.122


  • 8/6/2019 OT9 POH Website


    About On Top

    The On Top IFR Profciency Simulator was developed in 1993 to giveinstrument-rated pilots a virtual arena. With On Top, pilots could yapproaches, holds, cross-country ights, and even arrivals and departures at the

    airports and airspace they actually ew in their aircrat. They could modiydozens o weather parameters, creating the conditions they expected the nextday or even next winter, including shearing winds and disorienting turbulence.They could set up instruments or entire systems to ail at a given time, orrandomly within a range o time. This realism was built into On Top to create

    the realm o instrument ying, which isnt really airspace above a point on theground as much as a world o vectors, angles, and positions in the pilots head

    that can be dynamically converted into a visual picture o unolding events.

    Like riding a bicycle, undamental ying skills are rarely orgotten or lost. Pilotsmight get rusty on the smooth and simultaneous application o power and

    back-pressure needed to initiate a climb rom cruise, but they rarely orgethow to do it. A ew minutes in the cockpit generally returns their old uidity to


    But instrument ying is a dierent matter. With just a little time o you canlose the edge rom your scan, get behind the airplane, and fnd yoursel notknowing where you are, where youre going or how to get there. On Topkeeps that rom happening by putting a proessional quality IFR trainingsimulator at every pilots disposal, allowing them to regain the sharpness o

    their scan, review approaches beore ying them, and learn again how to thinkahead o the airplane.

    Each new On Top release continues the tradition o refning and improving theprogram that frst appeared in 1993. The ideas or improvements implementedsince thencame rom users like you. We depend on your eedback, input andadvice to help make On Top the most capable and advanced PC-based IFRsimulator on the market. I you like a eature or element o On Top or even iyou dislike one, let us know. ASA needs your input to keep improving andperecting one o aviations best profciency and training tools or instrumentpilotsOn Top.

    Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc.

    7005 132nd Place SENewcastle, Washington 98059-3153Phone: 1-800-ASA-2-FLYInternational phone: 425-235-1500Fax: 425-235-0128Internet: www.asa2y.comEmail: [email protected]

  • 8/6/2019 OT9 POH Website


    On Top Pilots Operating Handbook Overview

    Pilots like you have given thousands o comments and suggestions to ASAabout the On Top IFR Simulator, as a result there have been many excitingimprovements. This handbook details how to get the most satisying and

    realistic training out o your simulator.On Top Version 9 has many new eatures and this handbook explains anddemonstrates their powerul unctions. A signifcant addition is that o theReality XP** Garmin GNS430 GPS Trainer to our o On Tops 10 aircrat. TheGNS430 trainer is available in the Cessna 172P Skyhawk, Mooney MSE, BeechBonanza V35B and Beech Baron 58 aircrat. The standard steam gauges alongwith a GNS430 represent one o the most common cockpit layouts currentlyused in General Aviation.

    Also new or this version is the glass cockpit in a Cessna 182R Skylane. This

    unit has unctionality and appearance consistent with many o todays TechnicallyAdvanced Aircrat designs. The glass cockpit design is based on the Garmin1000** Primary Flight Display (PFD) and incorporates eatures rom the Multi-Function Display (MFD). Many FBOs and ying clubs are beginning to provideaircrat with PFDs and now you can practice using this new technology in thecomort o your home. Study and y the GNS430 and glass cockpit tutorials in

    this handbook to get amiliar with these new eatures.

    There are many other new aspects to the simulator portion o On Top.Navigation within the simulator has been enhanced with a more robust menusystem, and the aircrat panel graphics have been re-mastered. This permits all

    the instruments to ft on one screen without the need to switch betweenradios and ight instruments.

    In addition to the new cockpit displays, On Top now includes the PlateViewprogram rom Flight Prep. With PlateView, pilots will have approach inormationavailable on screen at any time. PlateView includes instrument approach platesor most U.S. airports.

    With explanations about the enhanced Windows unctionality, approach plates,and the new GNS430 and PFD cockpits, this handbook will guide you throughan enjoyable and rewarding experience with your new simulator.

    How this Version is Dierent rom Previous Versions o On Top

    For those amiliar with previous versions o On Top, Version 9 will have a newway o doing some things.


    For the frst time, the Personal Use Edition o On Top has the ability to usethe brakes on your rudder pedals. On Top v9 Personal Use Edition introduces

    **Inclusion o Garmin copyrighted material in this presentation does not imply an endorsement by GarminLtd or its afliates o the ight training material provided by Reality XP and ASA.

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    pedal braking as a program unction. I you have the CH Products USB ProPedals or the PFC Cirrus USB Pedals, the braking unction o the pedals cannow be calibrated and used by On Top. The older style, PFC Cirrus Gameport(15 pin) pedals, are not supported or pedal braking.

    For those without pedals, this version o On Top handles braking dierentlyrom older versions o the program. I you have landed an airplane in olderversions o On Top, you know to push orward on the yoke or joystick aterlanding to engage the brakes. In On Top 9 the brakes are engaged by pullingback on the yoke.

    The technique is to throttle back all the way and allow the airplane to shed alittle speed aerodynamically with a gradual pull back on the yoke to preventan unwanted lito. The brakes will engage as you pull back.

    Engine Start

    How the engines start will vary, depending on the aircrat selected and the

    accompanying cockpit confguration. Click the mouse on the right side o theon-screen ignition key to start the engine(s). Please note that there must beuel in the tanks and the uel pump(s) must be on when you attempt to start

    the engine(s).

    Program Menus

    Access to the standard submenus, like Calibration, Setup and Map, is nowthrough a hidden navigation toolbar. Use the mouse to point to the top o thecockpit window to access the hidden toolbar. To Pause the program, move themouse pointer to the top o the window or select Pause rom the Tools menu

    in the navigation toolbar. To reset the session, go to the Setup page and clickReset Setup.

    Dual Monitor Support

    On Top 9 Personal Use Edition does not include support or a second monitorto be used as an Instructors Station. I you have a dual monitor setup, thePlateView browser can be moved to monitor #2 to display any approach plateyou are using.

    Navigation within the Simulator

    On Top 9 has a new look within the simulator portion o the program. Each

    o the aircrat panels have been redesigned to permit all the instruments toft on one screen, eliminating the need to switch between radios and ightinstruments. The window that displays the simulator can be resized, moved,minimized or maximized as necessary.

    Getting around within the program is also new. Accessing On Tops variousunctions is now through a hidden toolbar. To access the toolbar, use the mouse

    to point to the top o the cockpit window. The menu bar will dropdown as thepointer nears the top o the window. This will also Pause all the action. As longas the mouse pointer is located within the region immediately below the top

    o the window, the program will remain paused.

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    The hidden toolbar navigation menu has our main categories, File, View, Tools,and Help. Clicking File will give an option to Exit the program and return to

    the Windows desktop. Selecting View will show three subcategories, ApproachPlate, Full Screen and Map. Selecting Tools will show our subcategories,Calibrate, Pause, Setup and Sound Toggle. Selecting Help will display twosubcategories, Readme and About.

    Within the View menu, selecting Approach.Plate starts the PlateView programand will display an approach plate in a separate window. Selecting Full.Screenswitches the cockpit view rom a windowed view to a ull screen view. I thecockpit is already being displayed ull screen, the View menu will have theoption to change the view to Windowed. Selecting Map will change the view

    to the Map page. Clicking Resume on the Map page will return the display tothe cockpit view.

    Within the Tools menu, select Calibrate to go to the Calibration page. Thecalibration interace is basically unchanged rom previous versions. Selecting

    Pause will stop all action regardless o the position o the mouse pointer onthe screen. When the simulator is Paused, the Tool menu will have the optionto Resume. Clicking Resume will restart the program rom the point at whichit was paused. Selecting Setup provides access to the Setup menu. The Setupmenu is basically unchanged rom previous versions. Selecting Sound.Toggleprovides a means o turning the aircrat sounds on and o. The ANR switchwithin the cockpit can also be used to turn the sound on and o.

    Within the Help menu, select Readme to open the On Top 9 readme text fle.Select About or details about the On Top version and how to contact ASA.

    Installing On Top

    Minimum System Requirements or On Top 9

    Beore installing On Top, make sure your computer system conorms to thebasic minimum requirements needed or smooth and steady ight simulation atall times.

    1. Windows compatible processor (AMD or Intel), 800 MHz or aster

    2. Windows 2000, XP Home, or XP Proessional (32-bit version only) operatingsystem.

    3. Minimum 256 MB system RAM

    4. 400 MB available hard drive space (minimum install)

    5. CD-ROM drive (4x or aster)

    6. DVD-ROM drive required or adding PlateView regions (up to 2.2 GB or all U.S.regions)*

    7. DirectX 9.0c (included on the OT9 CD)

    *The installation o additional PlateView regions is optional, not required or On Top to work.

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    8. DirectX compatible video card with 32 MB minimum video memory

    9. Monitor and video card driver supporting 1024 x 768 minimum screen resolution

    10. DirectX-compatible sound card and speakers

    11. Mouse or other compatible pointing device

    12. Joystick or yoke

    Veriying DirectXVeriy that the correct version o DirectX is installed on your system beoreinstalling On Top. On Top 9 requires DirectX 9.0c be installed on your

    Windows operating system. DirectX 9.0c is available on the On Top 9installation disk. DirectX 9.0c can also be downloaded directly rom Microsot(http://www.microsot.com/windows/directx/deault.mspx).

    To determine which version o DirectX is on your Windows operating system,select RUN rom the Windows Start menu. In the RUN box, on the OPENline, type in dxdiag and click OK. This will open the DirectX Diagnostic Tool.On the System tab, the last item on the System Inormation list will indicate

    the DirectX version that is installed. For example, DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c(4.09.0000.0904).

    Upgrading From Previous On Top Versions

    I a previous version o On Top is already installed on your computer, installingthis new version o On Top will create a new On Top directory on your harddrive o choice. You can keep the old On Top installation, or uninstall it at any

    time ater the new version is installed.

    On Top, PlateView and the GNS0 Trainer

    You may install On Top and its components in a subdirectory o your choosing.A message will appear in the installation routine suggesting a path andpermitting change. It is highly recommended that the deault install locationbe used so all the program components will work together seamlessly. Thedeault location is C:\Program Files\ASA\On Top 9.

    On Top Installation

    Beore beginning the installation o On Top, veriy that your computer meetsthe minimum system requirements or the program.

    Ater inserting the On Top CD-ROM in your computers CD-ROM drive, theinstallation process will begin automatically. I it does not, click the main

    Windows Start button and select Run rom the menu. In the Run box, on theOpen line, enter your CD-ROM drive letter ollowed by ontop9.exe. Forexample: D:\ontop9.exe. Or, select Browse to locate the fle and yourCD-ROM. Then select ontop9.exe. Click the OK button in the Run box toinitiate the install routine. The installer will prompt you through the rest o theinstallation process.

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    PlateView Installation

    The PlateView program will be installed automatically when On Top 9 isinstalled. No user intervention is required. The deault install location isC:\Program Files\ASA\On Top 9\FlightPrep. This deault install will makeapproach plates or three regions, representing areas in the Midwest and theEast Coast, available rom within On Top. The instrument approach plate booksor all the U.S. regions will be on a separate PlateView DVD in the On Toppackage.

    It is important that the deault install location or PlateView be used. This will

    ensure the link in On Top will activate the PlateView program and properlydisplay the approach plates.

    The On Top program package will contain a PlateView DVD which hasadditional books o approach plates or all the U.S. regions. The installation oall the regions will require approximately 2.2 GB o hard drive space. Theinstallation o additional PlateView regions is optional and not required orOn Top to work. To be able to install additional PlateView regions, aDVD-ROM player is required. A CD-ROM player will not be able to read

    the PlateView DVD disk.

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    Installing Additional PlateView Regions

    To install additional regions, put the PlateView DVD disk into the DVD-ROMplayer on your computer. Open the My Computer icon on the WindowsDesktop and fnd the listing or PlateView DVD. Right click on the listing andselect Explore rom the menu. A split window will open. On the let side o

    this split window PlateView_All US will be highlighted and a Plates older

    will be displayed on the right side window.

    Double let click on the Plates older on the right side window to display all oits contents. It is important to note that each book o approach plates comesin two parts. One part will be a DAT fle. The second, smaller part will be anHDR fle. To see this clearly, the deault fle view should be set to Details. Toveriy your fle view setting, select View rom the toolbar at the top o thiswindow, rom the dropdown menu select Details.

    Browse the right side window to fnd the appropriate region fles, right clickthe chosen fle and select Copy rom the menu. This will place the chosen fle

    on the Windows Clipboard or easy transer to the correct location whereOn Top can use it.

    The next step is to Paste the contents o the clipboard into FlightPreps Platesolder. The deault installation location is C:\Program.Files\ASA\On.Top.9\FlightPrep\Plates . This assumes that On Top 9 and PlateView were installed to

    the deault location. I you installed On Top to a special place, the idea is topaste the copied fles to the Plates older in the correct location on yoursystem.

    On the let side o this open window, locate the Local.Drive.(C:) listing. Click

    the plus (+) to the let o the listing to expand it. Below it will be a Program.Files older, click the (+) to the let o Program fles to expand it. This willmove Program Files to the top o the let side window. Below Program Fileswill be an ASA older, expand the ASA older. Inside ASA will be an On.Top.9older, expand the On Top 9 older. Inside will be a FlightPrep older, expandFlightPrep. Inside will be the Plates older, click on Plates to display its contentsonto the right side window.

    Place the mouse curser in the middle o the right side window, away rom theother listings and right click. Select Paste rom the menu to move the savedcontents rom the Windows Clipboard to this older. Remember to Copy &Paste both the DAT fle and the HDR fle or the region you wish to haveavailable in On Top.

    When you open PlateView rom within On Top, you will now be able to selectthe plates in the newly added region.

    Please note: Unless you subscribe to FlightPreps ChartCase programs, theapproach plates provided by PlateView are NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FLYINGINSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURES. They are only or use withinOn Top.

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    GNS0 Trainer Installation

    The Garmin GNS430 Series Trainer is another support program that isdesigned to work in conjunction with On Top 9. There will be a link to click on

    the main On Top 9 installation screen to install the Garmin trainer. It isrecommended that you install this trainer in the deault location.

    On Top will not unction properly i this program is not installed.

    Important Note: The Garmin trainer must be installed after completingthe On Top 9 installation. Our product testing has shown that On Top willnot initialize properly i the Garmin 430 Trainer is installed prior to theOn Top 9 installation.

    Connecting Your Flight Controls

    On Top supports a variety o commercially available joysticks and yokes. Beoreinstalling On Top, connect the ight controls you will be using or IFR ightsimulation.

    Use the ollowing diagrams to connect your ight controls. Find the headingbelow that best describes the controls you have, and ollow the accompanyinginstructions and diagrams.

    USB Yokes and Joysticks

    Recent Windows operating systems have become very smart about USB-typeight controls. Unlike the older style gameport type (15-pin connection)controls, USB devices require very little user intervention. When you plug yourUSB controls into the port, Windows OS automatically assigns a driver or thedevice.

    Device unctionality in the Windows OS can be verifed in the Game Controllerutility ound in the Windows Control Panel. In Game Controllers you can veriy

    that the controls are properly unctioning and do a Windows calibration byhighlighting the device on the list and selecting the Properties button.

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    I you are using two USB ight controls, the CH Flight Sim USB yoke and theCH USB Pro Pedals or example, it is advisable to veriy that the Windows OSconsiders the yoke or joystick the Preerred Device. To veriy your setup iscorrectly confgured select the Advanced button on the Game Controllerwindow (Windows XP). In Advanced settings, the preerred device must be thedevice that controls pitch and bank. I its not, you will need to change it. This

    step is very important. I you have Windows 2000, the place to adjust will beon the Controller IDs tab and the yoke or joystick should be set to Device ID#1. Once the yoke is the preerred device, click OK. Veriy that the status oboth devices is OK beore closing the Game Controller utility window.

    Most o the USB type joysticks and yokes available today will work correctlywith On Top, right out o the box. A ew, however, may require minoradjustments. See Page 31, Advanced Mode 101 in this handbook i you havedifculties calibrating the USB ight controls.

    Gameport Yokes and Joysticks

    Connect the yoke or joystick to the gameport on your computer using the 15-pincable.

    Follow the instruction rom the manuacturer o the ight controls or setting updrivers or your specifc controls.

    Important Note: A problem created by new computers is that most nolonger are equipped with the older style gameport connection or ightcontrols. Most new computers sold today come only with USB ports oright controls. I the new computer is a desktop type, it is possible to adda Gameport, but laptops do not have this option. The current versions

    o our ight simulator programs require that the yoke be connecteddirectly to the computer through either a gameport (15 pin), i they aregameport type controls, or the USB port i they are USB type controls.Gameport to USB adapters are not supported.

    PFC Cirrus Yoke (gameport)

    Connect the yoke to the gameport on your computer using the 15-pin cable.

    Install the drivers or the yoke as described below.

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    Installing Drivers or PFCs Cirrus Yoke


    From the Start menu go to Settings, then Control Panel.

    Click on Gaming Options or Game Controllers.

    Remove any existing drivers or controllers that are NOT physically attached toyour computer by removing the controller listing shown under the column labeled

    Controller (highlight and click Remove). Ater the controller and its associateddrivers have been removed, click Add.

    Scroll through the listed drivers and click on 6-button ight yoke w/two POVs andthrottle. Click on OK.

    I you do use rudder pedals, make sure Rudders/Pedals is checked i connectingthe yoke through the rudder pedals, and that the rudder pedals are connected toyour computers gameport; then click on OK. I you use PFCs throttle quadrant,and have the rudder pedals connected to the throttle quadrant, leave the rudderpedals option unchecked; On Top will see the pedals through the rudder pedalconnection within the throttle quadrant. When using PFCs throttle quadrant with

    the rudder pedals connected to it, we recommend you connect the yoke directly tothe computers gameport.

    The controller status should show as OK. Click on Properties to veriy its properoperation in Windows, and calibrate the controllers, i desired.

    Gameport Yoke or Joystick with Rudders

    Connect the yoke or joystick to the Y connector on the pedals.

    Connect the cable rom the pedals to the gameport on your computer using the15-pin cable.

    Veriy that the correct driver or the device is installed in the Windows GameController utility.

    Gameport Yoke and Rudder Pedals, Throttle Quadrant andAV- Avionics Panel

    Connect the yoke to your computers gameport using the 15-pin cable.

    Reer to the section labeled PFC Cirrus Yoke or detailed instructions on loadinggameport drivers. (See Page 14)

    Connect the rudder pedals to the throttle quadrant port labeled rudders usingthe 15-pin cable.

    Connect the throttle quadrant to the AV-1 model D or E using the 25-pin cable.Use right-hand port labeled to throttle quadrant on the back o the AV-1.

    Connect the AV-1 (using port labeled to computer) to your computer serial port*

    using the 9-pin cable. Connect the 16mm connector that came with the Avionics Panel into the 16mmjack on the back o the AV-1. Plug the power supply into an available wall outlet.Make sure that the red light on the AV-1s ront panel illuminates.

    *Important Note: The AV-1 models D and E will not work oncomputers that do not have a 9-pin serial port connection. The D and Emodels are not supported or use with USB to serial port adapters.

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    USB PCATD Connections with Analog (non-powered)Throttle Quadrant

    Connect the yoke to one o your computers USB ports.

    Connect the rudders to a second USB port (see ollowing fgure).

    Connect the throttle quadrant to the AV-1 model E using the 25-pin cable. Useright-hand port labeled to throttle quadrant on the back o the AV-1.

    Connect the AV-1 model E (using port labeled to computer) to your computerserial port using the 9-pin cable.

    Connect the 16mm connector that came with the Avionics Panel into the 16mmjack on the back o the AV-1. Plug the power supply into a wall outlet. Make surethat the red light on the AV-1s ront panel illuminates.

    Note: When you are fnished ying and would like to power down the system,unplug the power adapter rom the wall outlet to remove power rom theAV-1. Do not simply unplug the power supply jack rom the AV-1. This is a hotlead, and should not be let disconnected. Power should not be restored in this

    manner either.

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    USB PCATD Connections with Digital (powered)Throttle Quadrant

    Use the connection diagram below to connect your controls together and tothe computer. A port adapter is included with the AV-1Models F, G, and H andattaches to the digital throttle quadrants 25-pin port to connect the 9-pincable rom the AV-1 panel.

    The PFC Digital ThrottleQuadrant is connected toyour computer via the 9-pinserial port. I your computerdoes not have a serial portconnection, a serial port toUSB adapter (not included)can be used. The COMnumber assigned by your

    Windows operating system tothe Serial to USB adaptermust be identifed andmanually inserted intoOn Tops calibration.

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    Basic ATD Connections with Cirrus II Console, SE Rudder Pedalsand AV- Panel

    The On Top Basic ATD ight control components, pedals, and avionics connectto the various ports on the back o the Cirrus II console. Use the diagram toset up the connections or controls.

    A port adapter is included in the AV-1 avionics packaging. The 9-pin to 25-pin

    port adapter attaches directly to the 25-pin port on the back o the Cirrus IIconsole. A 9-pin cable then runs rom the AV-1 model F, G, or H AvionicsPanel to the port adapter.

    The Cirrus II console is connected to your computer via the 9-pin serial port.I your computer does not have a serial port connection, a serial port to USBadapter (not included) can be used. The COM number assigned by your

    Windows operating system to the Serial to USB adapter must be identifedand manually inserted into On Tops calibration.

    Using a USB to Serial Port Adapter

    By deault, COM1 is the port that Windows will make available or use. On Topis set to look at COM1 by deault as well. To determine which COM numberyour Windows operating system has assigned to the Serial to USB adapter, go

    to the Device Manager in the Windows Control Panel. Select the System icon.Then select the Device Manager tab in the System Properties dialog box(Windows 2000) or the Device Manager button on the Hardware tab(Windows XP). In the Device Manager, expand Ports (COM & LPT). I yourserial to USB adapter is set up correctly there will be a listing or

    it here. For Example: Prolifc USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM4). In thisexample On Top would have to be told to use COM4.

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    To change which COM port On Top looks or, go to the Flight Controls list inthe On Top simple calibration page. Remove the asterisk (*) in the let-hand

    box on the DigPCATD line or BasicATD line (see Page 104) by clicking on theasterisk. Now add an asterisk in the right-hand box on the same line by clickingon the box. This will open a new area on the right side o that page. In thatnew box change the COM number to match the number Windows hasassigned to your serial to USB adapter. Put an asterisk back in the let-handbox beore calibrating the controls.

    It is important to note that USB to serial port adapters are supported withthe PFC Digital Throttle Quadrant and the Cirrus II Console. USB to serialport adapters will not work with the older style Analog throttle quadrants with

    AV-1 model D or E avionics panels.

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    Calibrating Your Flight Controls

    Navigating On Tops Calibration Section

    When starting On Top or the frst time, the program will go directly to theCalibration section. This is where On Top will evaluate the input o your ight

    controls, and where you tell the program which control equipment (i.e., yoke,rudder pedals, throttle quadrant, etc.) you intend to use.

    In the main Calibration screen, you will have the opportunity to perorm asimple calibration. Select the FLIGHT CONTROLS button. In the FlightControls menu, you should see your controls on the list. To activate yourcontrols put an asterisk in the letmost box o the two boxes on the end o

    that line next to where your ight controls are listed.

    Once you have selected the ight controls to be used with the program, press the LIMITS button and perorm a simple calibration by ully articulating the

    pitch, bank, throttle,prop, mixture, and rudder axes.

    In On Top the axis assignment or your ight controls should be as ollows.Beore any calibration begins, the dots should be red. The pitch and rollaxes are represented by a red dot in the large black box. Proper calibrationwill be indicated by the dot turning green when it is in the smaller, inner blackbox. Note that it usually requires moving the control to the physical limits oits movement to attain a proper calibration. When the control handle isreleased the dot needs to be green and in the inner box. The proper throttleaxis is the vertical T line to the right o the large black box. Moving the

    throttle to its limits should turn the dot rom red to green. The rudder axiswill be on the horizontal line below the black box.

    I the dots are in other places or the axis assignments seem dierent rom this,you will need to re-channel or re-map the raw data coming rom your joystick.See Page 31 or details on how to re-map axis assignments.

    Important Note: It is possible to get into the simulator portion o theprogram without having completed a proper calibration o your controls. I

    the controls are not behaving correctly when ying the simulator, return tocalibration and recalibrate the controls.

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    When you have fnished setting the limits, select the button marked BUTTONS.Any o the button unctions (trim up, trim down, transmit, etc.) can be assigned

    to any unused button on the yoke or joystick.

    To assign a program unction to a button on your controls, press and hold thebutton you want to use on your control and simultaneously click the letmouse button with the mouse pointer on the on-screen symbol. Whencorrectly assigned, the assigned on-screen symbol will be black and turn greenwhen that control button is depressed. Assign all desired button unctions in

    the same way. When fnished press the DONE button to access the aircratcockpit.

    I you are unable to calibrate the ight controls in the simple calibration page,

    you may have to use the Advanced Mode. Use o the Advanced Modecalibration section requires a more detailed understanding o the calibrationroutine in On Top. Review Pages 25 through 29in this manual. See also theAdvanced Mode 101: Using On Tops Advanced Calibration section on Page 31o this manual.

    Ater using On Top or some time, or i you experience erratic response romyour ight controls, you might want to return to the Calibration menu. Similar

    to readjusting your heading indicator to match your compass reading, returningto the calibration menu ensures that any changes on the physical controls, such

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    as loosening springs, can be compensated or by the program. To return to thecalibration screen rom the On Top cockpit, use the mouse to point to the topo the cockpit window. A menu bar will dropdown as the pointer nears the

    top o the window. Click Tools and select Calibrate rom the menu.

    Flight Controls (required)

    The frst required calibration screen to select is the Flight Controls screen. It isimportant or On Top to know what kinds o ight controls are being used, and

    this list allows you to select them. By selecting the FLIGHT CONTROLSbutton rom the main calibration screen, you will have the opportunity toperorm a Simple calibration. In the Flight Controls menu, a list is displayed o

    the ight controls that your computer recognizes.

    Select the ight controls you wish to activate by clicking on the letmost o thetwo small boxes on the end o the line that names your controls.

    I the screen does not list the controls you have physically connected, check to

    ensure that they are properly connected. I you are using gameport typecontrols (15 pin connection) veriy that the correct drivers are installed in the

    Windows Game Controller utility (see Page 14). Then select Reset Calibrationrom the column o buttons on the right side o the screen and press theScan button in the upper let portion o the screen.

    Multiplexing the Buttons on Gameport Type Yokes

    In the Flight Controls screen, two columns o buttons appear to the right othe listed ight controls. I you noticed in Windows Properties when calibratingthe ight controls that there were only our buttons listed, even though your

    yoke might have six buttons or switches, the buttons are multiplexed. Whenyou press one o the switches, several buttons light up on the screen (this willalso be noticeable in the Buttons section below). The user must tell On Top

    that the switches are multiplexed, so they may be correctly programmed. Toselect the multiplexed option in On Top, press the rightmost o the two buttonboxes on the line listing the yoke you wish to use. A box will appear withradio buttons, labeled Normal, Multiplexed, and CH Pro. Select Multiplexed.(I the button will not change, press Reset Calibration and try the sameprocedure again.) Now select the letmost box and confgure as explainedbelow.


    Ater selecting the ight controls to be used with On Top, click the LIMITSbutton to proceed with the calibration process. On this screen you will need

    to ully cycle all the ight controls you wish to useyoke, rudders, andthrottle quadrant, as applicablethrough their ull range o motion. It isimportant or On Top to know how much travel is available in the physical

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    controls. I the yoke or joystick has manual adjustment control wheels or levers,center them beore continuing. The limits must be set every time you enter theLIMITS menu.

    Cycling the Controls

    Move the selected yoke or joystick ull orward, ull at, ull let and ull right.

    Release it, and veriy that the dot has turned green and is within the inner box.It need not be in the exact center o the box, just within it.

    I attached, apply ull let and ull right rudder pedal deection. Veriy that thedot representing rudder position moves rom side to side in accordance toyour inputs and is near the center o the horizontal rudder scale, the linedirectly below the black box, and is green when the pedals are in the neutralposition.

    To calibrate the pedal brakes, rotate each brake pedal to ensure the redcalibration dot or that brake pedal moves up and down on its B line in

    accordance to your inputs and turns green.I you have an external throttle quadrant or built-in throttle on your yoke or

    joystick (and you wish to use it), cycle the levers ull orward and ull at. Veriythat the levers show ull deection, and the green dot has traveled to the ulltop and ull bottom o the vertical scale. I this is not the case, reset the limitsand cycle your controls again.

    Note: I the controls are not calibrating properly, an Advanced Modecalibration might be required (see Page 25 in this manual).

    Considerations or Confguring the Flight Controls

    While it might seem you would want every physical control option to be used,consider the throttle unction o the mouse or the yoke/joystick. For example, iyou want to attempt engine-out maneuvers in the Beech Baron, but are using

    the joystick or yokes built-in, single-lever throttle, you might not want to usethis eature. Using the joystick or yokes throttle welds the let and rightthrottles together, making it impossible to advance one and decrease the other.An engine-out emergency in this ight control confguration ends up being apoor choice or accurate simulation o the event.

    Note: Should you decide not to use the throttle on your yoke or joystick, do

    not cycle the throttle control, thereby leaving the throttle dot red. You can thenuse the mouse to actuate the throttle lever.

    PCATD and BATD users: always calibrate your system with the 6-leverquadrant attached. You will be able to replace the 6-lever attachment with the3-lever attachment at any time without re-calibrating your controls. But i the3-lever is used or the calibration process, On Top will not allow you to y the

    twin-engine aircrat without undergoing another calibration process.

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    On Top lets you assign unctions to the buttons and knobs that appear on your joystick or yoke, making the simulation easier and more realistic because youcan perorm cockpit unctions without taking your hand o the control. Gearcan be extended or retracted; aps can be lowered or raised; the timer, anall-important tool in precision and non-precision approaches, can be stoppedor started without reaching or the mouse. All this is accomplished through theButtons screen in a simple one-time setup.

    When fnished with the limits, press the box marked BUTTONS.On the buttons screen you will see the labels and symbols o the cockpitunctions that can be assigned to joystick or yoke buttons (trim, gear, aps, look,

    transmit, map, timer, autopilot disconnect).

    To assign one o the buttons a cockpit task or duty, press and hold the desiredight control button; the mouse pointer will change shape. While continuing topress the desired button, let click the mouse over the area on the screen youwant to assign the unction to. When correctly assigned, the triangle, square or

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    circle associated with the unction will turn rom gray to black with green fllingthe symbol when the assigned control button is depressed.

    I you want to change button assignments, depress the button on the controland at the same time let-click the mouse pointer in the Unassign square in

    the lower right area o the screen. Then reassign the button as desired. Youmay also repeat the button assignment process to override the previousassignment.

    I you press a button on the yoke or joystick and multiple unctions light up onthe Buttons screen, the switches on the control are multiplexed. To changethis condition so the buttons may be correctly assigned, return to the FlightControls screen and change the selection rom Normal to Multiplexed.Detailed directions or this procedure are listed on Page 26 o this manual.

    Important Note: In On Top 9 it is possible to get into the simulatorportion o the program without having completed a proper calibration o

    your controls. I the controls are not behaving correctly when ying thesimulator, return to calibration and recalibrate the controls.


    Selecting the DONE button gives access to the On Top cockpit. Atercompleting the calibration o your ight controls and assigning the buttonunctions, press the DONE button to y the simulator.


    The test page appears as a graphic compilation o the Limits and Buttons

    screens. When the ight control axes, throttles or buttons are actuated, therespective green dot or symbol will appear.

    Reset Calibration

    At any time in the calibration routine, you may choose to press the ResetCalibration button to start the calibration routine over. You would start byselecting the Flight Controls and proceed as outlined in the previous steps.

    Advanced Mode

    I you are unable to properly calibrate the ight controls in the Simple

    calibration, and you are an experienced computer user, you might considerusing the Advanced Mode. The Advanced Mode is more powerul, andthereore requires a more detailed understanding o the calibration process.See the Advanced Mode 101 section on Page 31 in this manual or some tipson how the use the unctions ound in the Advanced Mode. Call ASA (800-ASA-2FLY) or check or support updates at www.asa2y.com i you are notconfdent o your abilities to make changes in the Advanced Mode section.

    When you enter the Advanced Mode, you have command o the majority ocalibration settings. Across the top o the Advanced Mode screen, you will fndbuttons labeled Exit, Reset, Calibrate, Scan, Buttons and Simple.

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    The top row buttons unction as ollows:

    The Exit button returns the user to the On Top cockpit and saves the currentsettings.

    The Reset button unctions in the same manner as the Reset Calibration buttonin the Simple calibration mode, which erases the data fle storing the settings andclears the calibration data.

    The Calibrate button perorms a quick calibration on the enabled devicesasterisked on the list (unctions similarly to the Simple calibration mode). When thecalibration is in progress, an asterisk is visible in the Calibrate button box at the topo the screen.

    The Scan button orces a poll o the devices attached to serial port, gameport andUSB ports on the computer.

    The Buttons box permits buttons to be assigned as in the Simple calibration.When the Buttons box is pressed, an asterisk appears to indicate that assignmentsmay be made or changed.

    The Simple button returns the user to the Simple calibration screen.

    The main portion o the screen displays a listing o Gameport or USB ightcontrols reported by Windows, as well as specifc DLLs written or knownight controls that interace with On Top (e.g., DigPCATD.dll and BasicATD.dll).A listed item is either automatically detected, like USB controls, or the programis told (by a DLL) that the device is present. At the lower right portion o

    the screen is a graphic depiction o how the simulator sees the inputs(Controls As Seen by the Simulator or CASS), similar to the Limits and Testscreens in the basic calibration.

    To the right o the list are pairs o box buttons. When asterisked, the letmost

    button on each line indicates that the device listed on the line is enabled (i.e.,the simulator is actively using the device). The rightmost button has twopossible unctions depending upon whether the let box is asterisked. I theright box is selected when the let box is not enabled, a device confgurationwindow appears. I the let box is asterisked, or enabled, and the right box isalso selected, an individual calibration box appears or the ight control listed.

    Device Confguration Window

    The confguration window varies by type o device. Most yokes and joystickswill have a confguration box with our sections shown: Buttons, Deault

    assignments, Filter and Required precision.In the Buttons section, there are three radio-button choices. Normalindicates that it is a USB device using the typical deault settings. Multiplexedapplies to gameport type controls only and indicates that the device has up to15 buttons, which are encoded into a standard our-button sequence. I adevice uses this setting, and is set to Normal, a button pressed on the physicalcontrol, will cause two or more buttons appear to be pressed on the screen.By selecting Multiplexed, On Top will be able to interpret the signal so thateach o the 15 control buttons may be individually assigned. CH Pro is the

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    name given to the older multi-button ight controls that used the standard six-button and two 4-way switch protocols. Examples o such controls are thegameport type CH FlightStick Pro joystick and the CH Virtual Pilot Pro yoke.The.deault.setting.is.Normal

    The Deault Assignments section permits changeable or fxed channelassignments. Fixed assignments are the deault channel assignments predicatedon the intended usage being known. For example, the hardware and sotwarewould read the gear switch on the throttle quadrant as fxed. Reassignment o

    this unction is not allowed in the calibration window. However, i Changeableis selected, the deault assignments would again be used, but reassignment o

    the unction would be permitted. This Changeable setting is useul when re-mapping o axis assignments is required, as they are with most o the Saitekbrand o joysticks. The.deault.setting.is.Fixed

    The Filter reads the signal being transmitted rom the ight control, as theOn Top sotware recognizes it. Since the signal rom USB devices is strong, asetting o None will oten sufce. Min o 2 indicates a minimum o two sotwarereads will occur to sample the signal (many errors are caused by dust on aresistor, causing a momentary open circuit condition, which will produce an

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    artifcially high reading). The Best o 3 selection will poll the device and discardthe poorest reading while averaging the remaining two. The.deault.setting.is.Min o 2

    The Required Precision section allows or controls o lower resolutionquality to unction with the simulator. I ight control is not capable o turning

    the red dot to green, it could be due to inadequate resolution. There are threechoices or gauging the precision, Normal, Low and Very Low; these variablesare sel-explanatory. The.deault.precision.setting.is.Normal

    Individual Device Calibration Windows

    The individual calibration window is potentially dierent or each device. It hasbeen designed so that uture development in ight controls may be adopted.

    With both boxes associated with a single ight control asterisked, the individualcalibration window will appear. At the top o the box is a Calibrate button.

    When pressed, the button will display an asterisk to indicate the listed ight

    control is ready to be calibrated. A series o horizontal lines and boxes willappear within the box. The inormation within this box is indicating raw datacoming to the program rom the controls.

    Beore Calibrate is pressed, the CASS area (the area in the lower right portiono the Advance Mode page) will frst display orange highlights to indicate theanticipated unctions to be calibrated. When Calibrate is actuated, the orangewill disappear and other color combinations will come into play (see below orcolor-coding explanation).

    The raw data rom the controls is depicted by lines with dots that move within

    the limits o the line. A line may represent any control input. For example, on atypical USB joystick, the top line represents bank, the second line is Pitch andthe third line is throttle. The calibration box is active when both the let andright buttons associated with a ight control are asterisked.

    All o the calibration modes are color-coded:

    A black line with a green dot indicates the line is active, assigned, and has gooddata. I the dot remains red, bad data would be indicated and the input would notbe reliable (or yokes and joysticks both the pitch and bank axes must be calibratedbeore either will turn green in the CASS area).

    A white line indicates that the line has not been assigned, and no dot will appear on

    the line. A gray line with a yellow dot indicates the input has a fxed assignment andis presently disabled.

    I the line is red, more than one unction has been assigned. For example, a throttlethat is assigned rom a yoke as well as a throttle quadrant will show a red line intwo calibration windows. For On Top to unction correctly, one o the conictingassignments would have to be unassigned.

    In the lower right corner o the screen is the control box that depicts how thesimulator sees the controls (CASS). When a control is selected or calibration,orange lines depict which unctions the simulator expects to calibrate.

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    Dark gray indicates that the channel has a fxed assignment, but is presently disabled. Cyan indicates that an assignment has not been made, but the unction is

    assignable. Cyan can appear as a dot on a line or fller or a button symbol andmight appear on a white, gray or black background, depending on its status.

    Altering Channel Assignments

    A channel is assigned during a calibration routine. Once calibrated, you mayassign a control unction, or remove the assignment, as you wish. To do so,place the mouse pointer on the line or button and click the let mouse button.For example, i the throttle on the yoke and the throttle on the quadrant areboth assigned, frst bring up the Calibrate window associated with the ightcontrol unction to be removed (in this case, the yoke/joystick). Move themouse pointer to the line that is red, depicting the throttle, and click on it. Theline will turn white with a yellow dot. (It is assumed in this example that youwant to use the throttle quadrant.)

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    Button States

    A button can indicate our states:

    InactiveI a button is inactive, control hardware has not been assigned to thisunction. The button or symbol would indicate a gray outline (circle) or solid gray(square or triangle).

    OThe hardware has been assigned but is not actuated at this time. The buttonor symbol would indicate a black outline (circle) or solid black (square or triangle).

    OnThe hardware has been assigned and the ight control button is actuated. Thebutton or symbol would indicate a black outline, flled with solid green.

    ErrorMore than one button has been assigned to a given program unction. Thebutton or symbol would indicate a red outline and/or red fll.

    Working with the Plugins Files

    On Top uses two fles that determine the ight control settings. The one thatthe user generates is called a pluginstxt fle. In the Advanced Mode, the smallbutton in the upper right portion o the screen with a plus (+) symbol on it

    generates this text fle when it is clicked. This fle can be viewed with a textviewer like Notepad, and will also be used to troubleshoot calibrationproblems. Creating a specialized plugins.txt fle is appropriate when your USBcontrols are not listed in the deault plugins.txt fle. See Page 31, AdvancedMode 101 or more details.

    I you happen to corrupt the plugins.txt fle which can happen i the Plus (+)button in the Advanced Mode calibration gets clicked at the wrong moment, aspare copy o the deault fle can be ound in the drivers subdirectory ound atC:\PROGRAM FILES\ASA\ON TOP 9\PROGRAM\DRIVERS. Simply replace theone ound in the Program older with the spare copy in the Drivers older.

    The pluginsdat fle is a machine-readable-only fle, which automatically savesthe calibration settings. It was developed so that ASA might better supportcomplex confgurations. The user cannot alter or modiy this fle.

    The pluginsdat fle is unique in that it contains a history o previouscalibrations. Deleting this fle has shown to help reduce pitch sensitivity in someight controls. When the plugins.dat fle is deleted rom the On Top programdirectory, it will orce a totally resh calibration o the ight controls. A new,replacement plugins.dat fle will then be created automatically by On Top thenext time a successul calibration is completed.

    The deault installation location or the older that contains both o these flesis C:\PROGRAM.FILES\ASA\ON.TOP.9\PROGRAM .

    To fnd this location, right-click on the main Windows START button and selectExplore rom the menu. This will open a split window. Browse the older treeon the let side o this window. Locate the Program.Files older. Expand theProgram Files older by clicking the (+) to the let o the older. This will move

    that older to the very top o the let-side window. In the Program Filesdirectory will be an ASA older, expand the ASA older. Inside the ASA older

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    will be an On.Top.9 older, expand the On Top 9 older. Inside On Top 9 willbe the PROGRAM older. Click on the PROGRAM older to display itscontents in the right side window.

    In the contents o the PROGRAM older there will be the two fles namedplugins. Select the plugins.dat fle, right-click and select Delete rom the menu.Deleting this fle will orce a totally resh calibration the next time the On Topprogram is started.

    Advanced Mode 0: Using On Tops Advanced Calibration

    Most USB ight controls that are available will work correctly right out o thebox. A ew, however, may require manual adjustments to work correctly. Thissection is dedicated to re-mapping ight controls axes. Care should be takenany time changes are made in the Advanced Mode calibration section.

    In On Top the axis assignment or your ight controls should be as ollows.Beore any calibration begins, the dots should be red. The pitch and bank

    axes are represented by a red dot in the large black box. Proper calibration willbe indicated by the dot turning green when it is in the smaller, inner black box.Note that it usually requires moving the yoke/joystick to the physical limits oits movement to attain this. When the yoke/joystick is released the dot needs

    to be green and in the inner box. The proper throttle axis is the vertical Tline to the right o the large black box. Moving the throttle to its limits should

    turn the dot rom red to green. The rudder axis will be on the horizontal linebelow the black box.

    I the dots are in other places or your axis assignments seem dierent romthis, you will need to re-channel or re-map the raw data coming rom the


    To re-map the raw data to the correct orientation orthe sotware to use it, select Advanced Mode rom themain calibration page. In the Advanced Mode FlightControls list there may be an asterisk (*) in the let hando the two small boxes. Click on the asterisk to removeit. Now click on the right hand o the two boxes to addan asterisk. This will open a new area on the right side o

    this page. In the area marked Deault.Assignments veriy

    that Changeable is selected. Click on the white circle tothe let o the word Changeable to change this setting.On the line where your ight control is listed, put anasterisk back in the let hand o the two boxes.

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    Now add an asterisk to the right handbox so you have one in each box. Thiswill open another new area on theupper right side o this page. Under

    the word calibrate you will seeseveral lines. Each line represents the

    raw data or each axis movement onyour ight control. The top line is or

    the Bank axis, the second line is or thePitch axis, the third line is the Throttleand the ourth line may be or theRudder Pedals (Yaw axis). On somebrands o ight controls the rudder axis(yaw) may be ound on the 5th, 6th oreven the 7th represented line.) Youmay be able to determine which is

    which on your joystick by moving the joystick controls.

    To re-map, begin by clicking on the rollaxis line (click the line, not the dot on

    the line). The line will turn to a lightercolor (usually white or light gray). I theline is white, it is already deactivatedand probably explains why your controlisnt working properly. The idea here is

    to start with white (deactivated) axis


    The next step is to begin the actual re-mapping. Start by clicking on thevertical let edge o the large black box in the lower right section o theAdvanced Mode page. You will notice that the pointer changes shape or acouple o seconds beore returning to the pointer symbol. (The shape that themouse pointer changes to will depend on how your mouse is confgured in

    Windows.) While the pointer is changed to its new shape, point to the bankaxis line above (the top line) and click on it. The bank axis line will turn back

    to black showing that re-mapping has taken place. The pointer must be

    changed when you click on the roll axis line above or the change to beeective. Now click on the pitch axis line (second line) so it turns white/gray.Then move the mouse cursor to the Horizontal bottom edge o the largeblack box and click on it and then click on the pitch axis line above to turn itblack. Your pitch and roll axis should be properly assigned at this point. You canassign throttle and rudder axis at this point i required by using the sameprocess. The throttles proper axis assignment or a single throttle control is the

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    let line o the double vertical lines under the T, to the right side o the largeblack box. The rudders proper assignment is the horizontal line directly below

    the black box.

    Ater re-mapping, you must calibrate the ight controls. Click on the wordcalibrate above the ight controls list. This will put an asterisk (*) next to theC in calibrate. Veriy that you have red dots in all the correct places andmake them turn green by moving each control axis in its ull range o motion.Once fnished, click on EXIT and this will take you to the cockpit o the plane.

    The On Top Cockpit Functions

    When you have completed the calibration o your ight controls, the On Topcockpit is displayed. I you look at the cockpit controls, switches, and knobs and

    think o them as belonging to a real aircrat, you might not even need to readurther. In other words, while every knob, switch or toggle has a unction, theswitch gear acts just as it does in the aircrat.

    Generally speaking, every on-screen switch, lever, and knob can be grabbed bythe mouse (which acts as an extension o your hand), and applied just as in theaircrat. Place the mouse cursor on the gear handle; let-click and hold down

    the button while sliding the mouse down to extend the gear, just as you wouldin a real cockpit. Click the let or right side o a knob to rotate it. Many oOn Tops mouse-activated controls can be replaced with physical controls suchas external throttle quadrants, ight consoles, and an avionics panel.

    The Control Menus

    Access to On Tops various unctions is through a hidden toolbar. Use themouse to point to the top o the cockpit window, the menu bar will dropdown as the pointer nears the top o the window. This will also pause all theaction. As long as the mouse pointer is located within the region immediatelybelow the top o the window the program will remain paused.

    The hidden toolbar navigation menu has our main categories, File, View, Tools,and Help. Clicking File will give an option to Exit the program and return to

    the Windows desktop. Selecting View will show three subcategories, ApproachPlate, Full Screen* and Map. Selecting Tools will show our subcategories,Calibrate, Pause, Setup and Sound Toggle. Selecting Help will display twosubcategories, Readme and About.

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    Within the View menu, selecting Approach.Plate starts the PlateView programand will display an approach plate in a separate window (see Page 44).Selecting Full.Screen* switches the cockpit view rom a windowed view to aull screen view. I the cockpit is already being displayed ull screen, the Viewmenu will have the option to change the view to Windowed. Selecting Map willchange view to the Map page (see Review Your Flights on Page 83). ClickingResume on the Map page will return the display to the cockpit view.

    *As o the printing o this manual, atal issues related to ull screenunctionality have not been resolved. It is recommended that this button

    not be used. For resolving problems created as a result o selecting the FullScreen Mode, see the troubleshooting section on Page 104.

    Within the Tools menu, select Calibrate to go to the Calibration page. Thecalibration interace is basically unchanged rom previous versions. SelectingPause will stop all action regardless o the position o the mouse pointer on

    the screen. When the simulator is paused, the Tool menu will have the optionto Resume. Clicking Resume will restart the program rom the point at whichit was paused. Selecting Setup provides access to the Setup menu. The Setupmenu is basically unchanged rom previous versions (see Page 65). Selecting

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    Sound.Toggle provides a means o turning the aircrat sounds on and o. TheANR switch within the cockpit can also be used to turn the sound on and o.

    Within the Help menu, select Readme to open the On Top 9 readme text fle.Select About or details about the On Top version and how to contact ASA.

    Out-the-Window Views

    Changing the Out-the-Window view is handy or circle-to-land approaches, andwhen you want to look somewhere, other than straight ahead, to fnd therunway or airport lights. There are two ways to adjust the Out-the-Windowview: mouse control or assigning the Look unction to buttons on your joystick.

    Method 1, Using the Mouse

    By clicking the let mouse button on the cockpit windscreen area, holding thebutton down and slowly sliding the mouse rom let to right and back to thelet, you can view the area on three sides o your airplane. I you move themouse slightly up or down at the same time, you can also see slightly below or

    slightly above the horizon. When you release the mouse button, you return toa level, straight-ahead view.

    Method 2, Assigning the Look Function

    The look unction on the button assignments page can be a bit conusing touse. To unction, it requires that one o the joystick buttons be assigned to turn

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    the unction on when ying the simulator. I you have assigned each o theour look directions (up, down, let, right) to the hat switch (also called thePOV switch) in the Buttons section o the calibration interace, you must alsoassign another button (a fth button) to the central square in the Look, as ameans o activating the unction when you are in the cockpit.

    To use the look around unction when you are ying, turn the unctionon by using that button you assigned to the central square. Once the unctionis turned on, you can then look in the various directions by using the hatswitch.

    Throttle, Prop, and Mixture

    There are three ways to adjust power settings in On Top: a built-in throttle onthe yoke or joystick, mouse control, or by using an external throttle quadrant.In the frst two cases, the methods are oten combined to handle all o the 3or 6 levers o high-perormance singles and the twins.

    Using the Yoke or Joystick Built-In ThrottleI you calibrated your joysticks throttle, it will be used to move On Topson-screen throttle. Sliding it orward will increase the throttle, and at willdecrease the throttle. I you are ying a twin-engine aircrat, the two throttlesare welded together, making engine-out work difcult at best, and notrecommended or proper multi-engine profciency. For this type o work, werecommend a ight control that oers two throttles like the Cirrus 6-lever

    throttle quadrant, CHs USB TQ or Saiteks AV8R joystick.

    Using the Mouse to Control Throttle

    On Tops cockpit display shows the throttle and prop mixture levers at alltimes. To use the mouse to control these, simply let click on the desired leverand slide the mouse orward and atthats all there is to it. I you calibrated

    the throttle on your joystick or yoke to control throttle, the mouse will not beable to control this unction.

    There are six levers in the Beech Baron(as well as the Beech 1900) cockpit.Each o these can be movedindependently, as described above, or

    together by clicking between the leverpairs and sliding the mouse orwardand at. Additionally, you can synch theengines or props by clicking between

    the levers and slowly twisting themouse let or right. This separates thelevers enough to synch the throttles or props i necessary, but doesnt provideenough dierence between the two lever positions or engine-out practice. Youcan also grab the let or right controls independently with the mouse byclicking in the center o the control you want to adjust.

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    External 6-Lever Throttle Quadrants

    External throttle quadrants like the PFC Cirrus 6-lever quadrant are thesimplest to use and the most realistic-eeling. The levers move and eel just like

    those in the aircrat you y. See Pages 1617 or details on connecting andcalibrating external throttle quadrants.

    Carburetor Heat and Cowl FlapsEach On Top aircrat has the appropriate carburetor heat, alternate air or cowlap controls, and these show on the cockpit display on-screen. The changes tocontrols will be reected in the engine gauges on-screen, and the on-screenindicator will show the relative position o the control.

    Pitch Trim

    Maintaining constant pitch trim is arguably the most important ight task ininstrument ight. On Top gives you three methods to adjust pitch trim, but wewill frst discuss the one wrong way.

    Some brands o yokes and joysticks include pitch and bank trim controls ontheir bases or sides. These controls may increase or reduce the amount otravel the mechanical controller can use, but they have no aect on theaerodynamics o the simulator. It would be like holding orward pressure asyour real aircrat gradually increases speed, until you are using all your armstrength just to maintain straight-and-level ight. Not only would your arms get

    tired, but the amount o available elevator travel is so limited that your aircratbecomes dynamically unstable in pitch. In the three correct methods oradjusting pitch trim, On Top simulates the orces acting on an elevator trim tab

    to more accurately mimic real ight.

    Yoke or Joystick Buttons or Trim

    I your joystick or yoke has at least two buttons, use these to control nose-upand nose-down trim. Under Buttons on Page 24 youll fnd instructions onhow to assign nose-up and nose-down trim to these buttons or the simplestcontrol o pitch trim. Once this is done, a quick, short click on the appropriatebutton activates nose-down or nose-up trim, which you can veriy by watching

    the on-screen trim indicator on the cockpit display. Use small adjustments totrim, gradually testing or the amount that will allow you to y hands-ree oran extended period with only occasional control inputs.

    On-Screen Trim Wheel

    The On Top cockpit display includes a trim wheel. By let-clicking the wheel andslowly moving the mouse up or down on the desktop, you will not only see

    the wheel move, but eel the immediate changes in aerodynamics. Thismethod is not as precise as using your yoke or joysticks pre-assigned buttons

    to control trim, but it is the astest way to stabilize trim.

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    Near the on-screen trim wheel is a button marked AUTO. This is the auto-trimswitch, and when pressed it immediately trims your control suraces to obtain

    the indicated pitch attitude.

    To eectively use this unction:

    Establish a stabilized airspeed. Since airspeed is a unction o pitch and power, adjustthe pitch/power setting as desired. Wait or desired/expected airspeed to stabilize.

    Mouse-click on the auto-trim switch, and hold down the mouse button.

    Release your joystick or yoke, allowing it to center while the AUTO button is beingheld down.

    Release the AUTO switch by letting go o your mouse button.

    Note:.Trimming a simulator yoke or joystick is counter-intuitive to a pilot. In theaircrat, the yoke is correctly positioned, and the trim is actuated to relieve thepressure. In a simulator, pitch is established, trim is set, and the yoke is releaseduntil a neutral or centered position is achieved. Thus the sequence is pitch, trim,release, and pitch, trim, release until hands-o, level ight can be achieved.

    In general, to minimize the sensitivity issues, small input changes to the ightcontrols are recommended. Always make small adjustments in trim settings,even though you might be seeing large upswings in the Vertical Speed indicator.You will see those oscillation cycles dampen out i you make gradual changes in

    the nose down direction.

    Gear and Flaps

    As with pitch trim, there are a number

    o ways to set gear and aps in On Top.

    Using the Mouse

    One way to control gear and aps is toreach out with the mouse pointer, let-click and hold the gear or ap handle, and drag it to your desired position.Both gear and aps show the appropriate delay in transiting, so wait or a ewseconds ater setting the levers, until you see the indicators reecting thedesired setting, beore moving them again.

    Yoke or Joystick Buttons or Gear and Flaps

    You can also use your yoke or joystick buttons to control gear and aps byassigning these tasks in the Calibration screen. See Page 24 or details.

    External Throttle Quadrants

    I you have a throttle quadrant, you can use the gear and ap levers built intothese devices. See Page 13 Connecting Your Flight Controls or details.

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    Alternate Static Source, Fuel Selector, Fuel Pump and Pitot Heat

    Each o the Alt Static Source control, Fuel Selector, Pitot Heat (PH), and FuelPump (FP) switches can be toggled on or o, or moved into another position,by clicking with your mouse on the appropriate, cockpit knob or switch.

    NAV/COM Radios

    COM radios and NAV radiosoccupy the upper hal o the on-screen radio stack, with the samedual knobs and other eatures youwould expect to see in real aircrat.

    To tune these knobs, let-click thelet or right side o the inner orouter knob, and watch therequencies ascend or descend in

    the display area o the radio. Theouter knob will change digits to thelet o the decimal point and theinner knob will change the digits to

    the right o the decimal. Clicking onthe let side o the inner and outerknobs will decrease the numbers onscreen and clicking the right side o

    the knobs will increase those numbers.

    The requency is tuned in the Standby window, or right hal o the display, andactivated by clicking the ip-op button with the double-headed arrowbetween the requencies.

    To identiy a particular NAVAID, click the Ident knob labeled VOL on the NAVradio ace. The audible Morse identifer or that station can be heard through

    the computer speakers.

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    Suppose you dont know the requency o a particular NAVAID, or the chart isin your airplaneOn Top allows you to Auto-tune VORs, NDBs and localizersrom the map screen.

    From the cockpit screen, click View in the top toolbar and select MAP rom thedropdown menu.

    Your current position is shown, along with NAVAID symbols. I you cant see theNAVAID you are trying to tune, use the IN and OUT buttons below the ourdirectional arrows (not below Profle) to change the map scale.

    Click on the NAVAID you want to tune.

    In the gray ID box that comes up, you will see Nav1 or Nav2 listed with a TUNEbutton next to each, or in the case o an NDB, simply TUNE.

    Click your choice o radio to tune and that requency will be set in the cockpit.

    Click RE-FLY or RESUME to return to the cockpit.

    Note:.While the Map screen gives you this great tool to help you tune radioseortlessly, tuning in this manner does not save the requencies in a saved

    scenario. See Page 70, Cockpit Options, or setting requencies in savedscenarios.

    OBS and CDI Indicators

    As with the requency set knobs on the NAV/COM radios, all omni-bearingselectors, course deviation indicators, and heading bugs in On Top can be setby clicking the let or right side o the appropriate button.

    You can rotate the desired unction continually, with no need or repeatedclicks, by holding these buttons in. Simply hold the mouse button down untilyour heading or course is under the indices. I you go too ar, click the opposite

    side o the button to realign it.

    Aligning Your Heading Indicator (DG)

    Repeatedly check that your Heading Indicator matches that displayed by OnTops wet compass mounted above the radio stack. Prior to starting a ight,and several times in-ight, rotate the DG alignment knob by clicking the let orright side with your mouse, until the heading matches the one displayed by thecompass. As the compass incorporates turning, acceleration and decelerationerrors, make sure you are ying straightand level in un-accelerated ight when

    you adjust the heading.

    Attitude Indicators

    On Tops Attitude Indicator can beadjusted by clicking let or right o theround knob below the AI on the on-screen panel. As on the model itemulates, there is no Attitude Indicatoradjustment or the Flight DirectorAttitude indicator.

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    Activating Runway Lights at Night

    You may want to activate the runway lights on an approach down tominimums at night. On Top does not automatically turn these lights on, butrelies on its own unique type o Pilot Controlled Lighting (PCL).

    To activate runway lights at night, ensure that the NAV1 OBS is tuned to

    within 10 degrees o the runway heading that you are the most closely alignedwith.

    For most precision approaches, the runway lights are always lit on the landingrunway since the localizer or ILS points to the runway approach end, and

    thereore the OBS is set within the requisite 10 degrees. But on an NDBapproach, your OBS may be set to the initial missed approach heading. Or youmay have own a non-precision VOR approach on a fnal course o 70 degrees

    to Runway 5. In either case, prior to landing or on reaching the MAP,remember to rotate your NAV1 OBS to within 10 degrees o the runwayheading.

    RMI and ADF

    On Tops in-cockpit ADF unit controls either the ADF indicator or RMI head, asselected in the Aircrat Setup screen and your Panel options (see Page 68).

    On the ace o the radio are single- and double-barreled pointer buttons.Clicking each button rotates through the choices o what can drive thatpointer: A or ADF, N1 or the NAV1 radio and N2 or the NAV2 radio. In thisway either the single or double pointer can be tuned to VORs or NDBs.

    To tune the NDB on this radio, click the let or right side o the outer knob to

    set the frst NDB digit, and the inner knob to control the second and thirdrequency digit. To tune 388 on the ADF or RMI, you would use the outerknob to set 3, and rotate the inner knob until 88 is shown on the display.Clicking the IDT button audibly identifes the selected signal.


    Transponder squawk codes are set using the ourround knobs under the ace o the transponder.Click let or right o the knobs to rotate them

    through the available digits.

    The our round knobs on the transponder (oundbelow the ADF) represent the our digits availableor tuning a given squawk code. The letmostbutton controls Ident, and the rightmost roundknob controls the O, Standby and Alt unctions o

    the transponder.

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    Clicking the START button starts thetimer. Clicking START a second timestops the timer. Clicking the RESETbutton resets the timer to zero.

    Marker BeaconsThe marker beacon receiver selector isa rocker switch marked MB. Turn theunction on by clicking it with themouse when the marker beacon audioand indicator light is desired.

    The marker beacon indicator is locatedin the upper let-hand corner o theHeading Indicator (DG) or HSI and willshow the appropriate colors or outer,middle, and inner markers in the squareas the airplane crosses each beacon.

    Engine Sound

    The automatic noise reduction (ANR)button is located in the upper rightcorner o the glare shield. ANR simplycuts the background engine noise tohelp the pilot discern the markerbeacon tones.


    For the frst time, the Personal Use Edition o On Top has the ability to utilizethe brakes on your rudder pedals. On Top v9 Personal Use Edition introducespedal braking as a program unction. I you have the CH Products USB ProPedals or the PFC Cirrus USB Pedals, the braking unction o the pedals cannow be calibrated and used by On Top. The older style, gameport type (15pin) pedals, are not supported or pedal braking.

    For those without pedals, this version o On Top handles braking dierently

    rom older versions o the program. I you have landed an airplane in olderversions o On Top, you know to push orward on the yoke or joystick aterlanding to engage the brakes. In On Top 9 the brakes are engaged by pullingback on the yoke.

    The technique is to throttle back all the way and allow the airplane to shed alittle speed aerodynamically with a gradual pull back on the yoke to preventan unwanted lit o. The brakes will engage as you pull back.

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    On Tops cockpit includes a 2-axis autopilot withight director, approach, back course and navigationmodes. It is located below the Heading and AttitudeIndicator cluster in all the aircrat with the exceptiono the Columbia 300 where it is above the Heading

    and Altitude cluster.

    To turn the autopilot on, click the AP button.

    To hold an altitude, establish that altitude, and then click the ALT button.

    To climb or descend rom a set altitude, click and hold the DN orUP button.When the desired altitude is reached, release the UP or DN button. When thedesired altitude is reached, release the UP or DN button.

    To hold a heading, rotate the heading bug on the Heading Indicator (DG) or HSI tothe desired heading by clicking the let or right side o the heading bug knob. Clickthe HDG button. For subsequent heading changes, rotate the heading bug to thedesired heading, up to 180 degrees. In either case, a standard rate turn will start

    towards the set heading. To track direct to the station tuned in on NAV1, clickNAV.

    To track a localizer or ILS approach, navigate to within 30 degrees o the fnalapproach course and click the APP button. The autopilot might hunt or some

    time depending on the intercept angle, but will eventually settle to the localizerheading. I the localizer is intercepted below glideslope, when the glideslopeindication reaches the center o NAV1 (or the HSI) the autopilot will control pitch

    trim to establish a descent angle. Use power, gear, and aps to urther adjust speedand pitch.

    To track a localizer back course, intercept the course within 30 degrees and click

    the BCbutton. I the Flight Director is selected as an option in Aircrat Options panel setup (seePage 68), an FD button will turn the command bars on or o.


    The DME readout location on the instrument panelvaries depending on the aircrat. For most o theaircrat it is below the Heading Indicator (DG) orHSI and above the autopilot. Clicking N1 selects thedistance rom NAV1, N2 selects the distance romNAV2. I the tuned NAV1 or NAV2 requency does not have distancemeasuring equipment built into the station, no readout is available.

    The On Top DME measures slant-range distance, just as DMEs do in real lie.At an altitude o 5,200 eet above the station, your DME readout will showone mile on station passage. Ater passage, the distance will increase. Whenassociated with an ILS, DME distance originates at the localizer transmitterlocation. Thus, the DME will display the distance to the localizer transmitterwhen over the runway threshold; e.g., approximately 1 mile with a 5,000-ootrunway.

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    Moving Map

    In the same fve aircrat that have theOn Top 1000 GPS confguration, a basicMoving Map display is included as apanel setup option in the cockpit. Page68 gives details on selecting panel

    options, under Aircrat in the Panelsection. When the Moving Map isselected, IN and OUT buttons appearbelow it on your cockpit display.Clicking IN zooms the map view in togive more detail, clicking OUT zooms

    the map view out to show a largerarea.


    PlateView is a special approach plate viewer program provided by FlightPrep(www.ightprep.com). PlateView is designed to be used while you are ying theOn Top simulator. The program components o PlateView will be automaticallyinstalled when you install On Top 9. Also installed at that time will be theNorth East regions 2 and 3 (NE-2 & NE-3) and East Coast region 3 (EC-3)books o approach plates.

    The PlateView program includes approach plates or most o the United States.There is a link to the PlateView program within the On Top program that,when clicked, will open PlateView and display an approach plate in its ownseparate window. That window can be displayed ull screen or windowed andcan be minimized or maximized as necessary. The displayed approach plate canbe moved around a bit by let clicking, holding the button down and dragging.This can be useul i you want to view the outer edges o the plate.

    To start Plateview rom within On Top, clickView in the hidden toolbar andselect Approach.Plate rom the menu. On the let side o the PlateViewwindow will be a list o installed regional books o plates. Expand the region byclicking the (+) and select the desired plate.

    The On Top program package will contain a PlateView D