otep r. g. - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · ... and r ns itml tlin sutm and il, aia e aiu ao o. lith...

A,,AmWrMWM i - *"-*- *'------ "* "-'-----·· - ------ ^^*^ - ---_______ .I.AF, HARROW, P,- W.. £ T. LAWSlIN. P M. D I. NOR WXOOD. p M. BE IiMIlMD P M Master of Iere mnles A. Y•a.M a'M KAM .1. . M. J. .R WArWS.P N Sior , PJ [V HILW u lS O N P M n g MrdeA Rn oTEP .- -,. r. g. Masonic Luncheon. cal Council, but in which all its appropriate place and use.T E ther Masons n the q.9th Churches, both orthodox and Thus giving us a greater tch ofis br ng a Ila Feliciana Lodge No. 31, Free liberal, agree. These two arti. ing, for application in our ter Masaon. Mayv il. las4. S d Acepted Maon, reliz ces are the Fatherhood of God own lives, that we must learn not Exalted Aug. .7, lt4i," and a S and Accepte d Masons, ri and the Brotherhood of Man. On to des i ond or grow weary in well Judge I ks tlhe same word that two of their fellow-memhors aldtieA-olorlll fI' -Onto d asns reliin chs '.Juiv-Glke ile i or ha ood in unusua lly long ad these two rticlesr l fo unded all doing. Although our motives b aand dales xc.ting his nam Snha th ae anrenr as master ma-n the teachings of iMasonry, it miisinteirpreted, thi workaof ou an the ndle Uhv h. ItiL a Ssons, dl cided tat it as n uw bteing a beautiful system if o- hoands nmsjudgi'd by our erring twh linl hi •dr F:tIetre. litW S intins, de ided t lat it wase alit, its g it tiachlns vtwild t f t how- naut we tiay still have , motimn fr.e st r ai0e, n 1 th reord should have publice in allegory and in llstregoy and ilbiatod by faith tl.t thei, isoveiall t Judge S. pror nhil e xpreli Sreosynf ols who sees not wih th t e man t prise nition and appreciltion. T11e y hwostex l peivt iesylib . s ines wh iti t heod e ot e hl li arranged a lunchlon, which wa "Tlhe ilust anctient socittty ill Iut Illlat'l v, ia itI llla• Tiny hihT ,jr u htsIill l : uatl, s]li given?, yMesterday afternoon, ati ti world,- Truth is the basis of lo e justice itPs f Tthe i n t i'a ule I I iand wtiu it Pythian Hall, and als proded uon which ts supirstleati l i us hya i ets syIliomaI y icht th, I l. ad ba . that in the course of the repast, eiecttd. it is a sro.ilLty wost literrih th if' : u' 1 pu1111I.I o ra i nl la '. Tl. rs handsome silver loving-cull pinciplesl are funed ni en.l1ns tit In aLhothordfo' .ul I 'l id a T olds. should he presented to each of al l lrality, wl'hos t i l tlis ae th a ness, d o itat rat antl I I e.itial. nLd lae O•. , Iu the two honorees of the ocasimu: Le thics of a Irll religioin, whoie a ls fl)l' s int ll iIs iolf all we l rV. p dt I ada . ars i William Town, who on thattdLy, doc iles ar. lIh dontlians of brelyt ur -o s o t lhl ] l ss u al a ii tq Iof Ia * a, f*, r, May 21, completed his 59Lh year brothrliy love, lid whiose senllti- oi li us tIt' ilanid S l, and 1. It ala I s iB master mason, and lidge nlelats ilrl, thI snliW'nt n f 1tn which Aindt iy lth sirtOe tIe t't ti I lilg uli·ra t if wa William W. Leake, whocompicted exanled hsenieoice. It nmi - hich aos M an 1 i, i st lN .,, itl rHAIso, his fifty-fifth year. ages i lln Ian I tdhat is goolr, kindl irable. IM, , f IitIonis otlh t loke l It was in honor of these two and llCaitaile, and r itml ns Tlin sutm and Il, aia e aiu Ao o. lith la kf t sage and reverend men that the hl im all thatis vitioll , cruel anydouhls ta th if I time aan oIrIU s Stp, iuIss o t inse affair was planned and eonsumn- oppressive. uri life 's jnthat if sounIlM e WILLIAM lv)WN. J e f trful senitiont On mated, and in doing honor to "It is inown antd pratircd in veuri any doubts as to thl extLlt irty-nineL ear a M.'on, sin d a o M1 these notable bret hren, Feliciana every country, in eve cline, i t oligations, a recourse, I eto RaLin. tl ' 'i F1lad . trh lJr If an lindiasl Ilig Lodge does honor to itself: In every ace of civiliwd Imen, And the Holy Bible, ltht S ript re of 'lin ro as .Wrthy Matmrn of t recognizing and appreciating l above all it ls associatll d itself Divine Tolutl, will set us right. l strn Star CIIhter was callo true merit, with human sympathies and It will make our duties plain and on to tll Of her chalter's wort The luncheon was served at charities throughout the wld, the discharge thse a pleasure utintprn aSkad Mr. Vilwler three o'clock in Pythian lalil, and while in thelsa modern times rathe dis thar a hturea. It willa s JluGI WILLIAM W. LE.\E. to peak for her. Mr. Villers which had been converted into it has changed its chararter in never mislead or deceive us, but Fhte 'ears a .on in doing t o said lhe ad aaway an inviting bower of feathery oine respects, it has lost nothing strict observa of its holy been made d vutiael nul hbambe, beautified with rae which can claim the respect of a strict observance of its holy been don e sntiael d hholad b. lant and flower, it me n li t of recept will fit an prepare s ly expressing this love. est from tolikhueofyoung man- as a willing guide, explaining noting about the Inside work, Sfor usefulness in this life and assured my brother that this is hooltalkMbi heel which is and exemplifying tile symbolic the ldge. flequotedapprorln in evenu ares sert,and thiscannios Formerly, through the dim glorious inheritance i that life no momentary emftion, but a acrwsudlotOhlmthatdoth emblems employed in masonry ly, adid the W. M. the wor wives, Mrs. A. F. BHrrow, chair lic buildings of the old worhl, up- day in response to a call of love. a man and a mason. In your was fe elred. day we hlave assomblhl here to In closin the latter expati man. The other arrangemnents on tlhe tracery of cathedral win' We assemble to perform a duty, chosen profession as operative Dr. m. then presented exe mplifyI love. o present yo on the imlmrtaace of the wome were in charge or Mr. Jos. dows and the ornamentation of assembled to pay tribute to Love mason you so perfectly wielded Judgel fliA wl the beautiful with this tolin. Avreptt Iroth understanding JJe protectil Aschaffenburg and well did lie palaces. Now it is content to and Truth which is so beautifully the trowel, the important imple. lovlaig-a• .rii , in the fol. or Leake as a gift from loving that freemasonry aforded then perform his duties with uniform devote itself to works of syllmna embodied in the records of the ment of that profession, so as to lowingp p ords: Hrothers, expres(sion of a love The chaplain, Rev. R. R. C• S. MOS wIa ,Y attention to detail. Mrs. Bates, thy and charity, to carve its lives of two of our Brothers, who spread the cement which unites "Norw Bd Win. W. . ake, which is trn of an exact a- borne then delivered the mason Mrs. James Kilbourne, Mrs. record ulmn the hearts of men- by the purity of their lives and the several parts of a building we Ill 10 wtl the love and preciation of your many virtues. benediction, and with its solem Maguire and Dr. Babin furnish, a more noble and glorious work the rectitude of their conduct, into one common mass; thereby estee W I, your just due Let this loving-rull b to you an response from the brethren, ti ed sweet musicduring the lunch- than that of hewing timbers and have made themselves liig erecting the building for the as stre si mason. Por emblem of the love your broth- allecting and beautiful functic eonl. squaring stones-fitting immor- .i.,rks--a noble example of those shelter of man, so have you in fft-AJe Ie hve been a ren hear you." was brought to a cloa•. At the close of the luncheon, tal nature for thatspiritual build- who live according to God's holy your life a a speculative or free mas. .lV. years you Eloquent response shone in Dr. A. F. Barrow, Wolslhipful ing, that house not made with laws as laid down in that Great and accepted mason, wielded the ha"e#pl eemlditfied its Judge i[ake's dark eye. which rFe•ilana Lodge No. 3I. Master of Feliciana Indge, and s, eternalintheheavens. Light in Masonry--the Holy trowel for the far more noble tel~,dilltrPNasureand allof is-seventy-six years have FeliciaO ladge, No. 31. F District Deputy Grand Master, "Out great moral teachings Bible. and glorious purpose of spread- our priinte remarka- not dimiled, but owing to a A. M. has a record of over th aarose and delivered the following are too extended for more than a Now Brother Win. Town in ing the cement of brotherly love ble i rd• Mof have long throat trouble he was unable to quarters of a century, and in a leasing address: mere ention o them at this the name of Feliciana No 1 F. and esteem, that cement which stood liti a ay anuch beyond a few feeling that time has preserved an bou S"Brothers and Sisters: time, We tar taught in our lives & A. M. and by virtue of the unites us into one sacred brand loyal sl.ll ed eitiren in wordsof thanks, and was relieved ored and honorable place amon :'My first duty is to thank you as Masons toseek guidance from high office of Worshipful Master of brothers, among whom no yareSoPS , standing from speaking by his oldest son, the Masonle lodges of Louisian for your presence here today. the Holy Bible, thatgreat light in of that lodge, I am authorized to contention should ever exist, forth I•*•1 Justice, tes- funter C. Leake of New Orleans, •t4 the mseand oklnt lodge To you of tile Iraternity I need Masonry, it being the inestim- give expression to the love which save that noble contention or timoY d IM * ppreciation a Past Master (f eliciana ledge, the state, ther being in Nei not discuss the noble teachings able gift from God to man-astlhe its members, one and all, bear rather emulation, of who best of y0o•m 1 Iotand manly Mr. Leake made a beautiful Orleas, one which talk~ pm of our ancient order, but to you rule and guide fr his faith and for you. Thiis day is the 59th can work, and best can agree. qulitiSll llWn by your speech on the honor done his hbe edenee in point of age. who are here, who love the order practice. anniversary of your becoming a Accept it Brother, and with it we elevaitlanch of Justice loved father, and his own pleaq Feliciana dge was chartere for our sakes and accept our in "Teaching us that no matter mason, and to mark so unusual pledge you ourenduring love." by YlourI tns. So in ure in revisiting the hxre of his Marci 2 .3, ImN under tile G(ran tentions and purposes by faith, how inaigifieant acrea.ture may an event in a man's history, I am Rev. R. R. Clalborne made the yr clsta . M. young manhood. todge of louisiana, but w it might be appropriate for ie ti: appear to our finite minds and authorized to present you with response for Mr.Town, who said ye hab0 lli the great ' The loingcups are of solid originally organi•ed in I•17 a make a few remarks upon what prejudiced eyes, we shouldnever this loving-cup, a symbol and a but a few words, gasing admir- morl a , of masuory, silver nine inches high, with No. 41, in the jurisdiction of th Freemasonry is. despise it, for we may rest as token of the love we bear you Ingly upon the objectthat typi- wflki b1ore God and six-inch 'bony pedestal. The Grand Ldgeof Kentucky. Vo il: T INN. i INIC sMIN. "There are two articles in all sured that if infinite wisdom has and how we, as brethren, drink fled the esteem and love in which mo. h Virtues inscription is: "Preented to thi reason, nome younger lodge religiouscreedswhichhavenever been employed in its creation it in love and unity from the one he is held by the lodge, In whose whih Pect mason. Br. William Town a a tkenof In this state having a numbe beenformulated by any Eumeni- h in the economy ofProvidenc cup. Accept this token as part ministrations hishair has turned YO MU tngst us brotherly love and ,steam by less than 31, seem older, b FelidaM Lodge N4,31 IDf F. & A M. The fir Democrat Are R# Dedicd. IV 1I ImOjtML$Emt nGW. NEWMIAN. NC. LVY. COL. L1..P.IC RN. Us.BAER REV..R T F. w EMAal A' TIN$AN. EID IW - .

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Page 1: oTEP r. g. - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · ... and r ns itml Tlin sutm and Il, aia e aiu Ao o. lith la kf t sage and reverend men that the hl im all thatis vitioll , cruel

A,,AmWrMWM i - *"-*- *'------ "* "-'-----·· - ------^^*^ - ---_______

.I.AF, HARROW, P,- W.. £ T. LAWSlIN. P M. D I. NOR WXOOD. p M. BE IiMIlMD P M Master of Iere mnles A. Y•a.M a'M KAM .1. . M. J. .R WArWS.P N Sior ,

PJ [V HILW u lS O N P M n g

MrdeA Rn oTEP


-,. r. g.

Masonic Luncheon. cal Council, but in which all its appropriate place and use.T E ther Masons n the q.9th

Churches, both orthodox and Thus giving us a greater tch ofis br ng a Ila

Feliciana Lodge No. 31, Free liberal, agree. These two arti. ing, for application in our ter Masaon. Mayv il. las4.S d Acepted Maon, reliz ces are the Fatherhood of God own lives, that we must learn not Exalted Aug. .7, lt4i," and aS and Accepte d Masons, ri and the Brotherhood of Man. On to desi ond or grow weary in well Judge I ks tlhe same wordthat two of their fellow-memhors aldtieA-olorlll fI' -Onto d asns reliin chs '.Juiv-Glke ile i or

ha ood in unusua lly long ad these two rticlesr l fo unded all doing. Although our motives b aand dales xc.ting his namSnha th ae anrenr as master ma-n the teachings of iMasonry, it miisinteirpreted, thi workaof ou an the ndle Uhv h. ItiL a

Ssons, dl cided tat it as n uw bteing a beautiful system if o- hoands nmsjudgi'd by our erring twh linl hi •dr F:tIetre. litWS intins, de ided t lat it wase alit, its g it tiachlns vtwildt ft how- naut we tiay still have , motimn fr.e st r ai0e, n 1 th

reord should have publice in allegory and in llstregoy and ilbiatod by faith tl.t thei, isoveiall t Judge

S. pror nhil e xpreli Sreosynf ols who sees not wih th t e • man t prisenition and appreciltion. T11e y hwostexlpeivt iesylib . s ines wh iti t heod e ot e hl liarranged a lunchlon, which wa "Tlhe ilust anctient socittty ill Iut Illlat'l v, ia itI llla• Tiny hihT ,jr u htsIill l : uatl, s]lit

given?, yMesterday afternoon, ati ti world,- Truth is the basis of lo e justice itPs f Tthe i n t i'a ule I I iand wtiu itPythian Hall, and als proded uon which ts supirstleati l i us hya i ets syIliomaI y icht th, I l. ad ba .that in the course of the repast, eiecttd. it is a sro.ilLty wost literrih th if' : u' 1 pu1111I.I o ra i nl la '. Tl. rs

handsome silver loving-cull pinciplesl are funed ni en.l1ns tit In aLhothordfo' .ul I 'l id a T olds.

should he presented to each of al l lrality, wl'hos t i ltlis ae th a ness, d o itat rat antl I I e.itial. nLd lae O•. , Iuthe two honorees of the ocasimu: Le thics of a Irll religioin, whoie a ls fl)l' s int ll iIs iolf all we l rV. p dt I ada .ars i

William Town, who on thattdLy, doc iles ar. lIh dontlians of brelytur - o so t lhl ] l ssu al a ii tq Iof Ia * a, f*, r,

May 21, completed his 59Lh year brothrliy love, lid whiose senllti- oi li us tIt' ilanid S l, and 1. It ala

I s iB master mason, and lidge nlelats ilrl, thI snliW'nt n f 1tn which Aindt iy lth sirtOe tIe t't ti I lilg uli·ra t if wa

William W. Leake, whocompicted exanled hsenieoice. It nmi - hich aos M an

1 i, i st lN .,, itl rHAIso, his fifty-fifth year. ages i lln Ian I tdhat is goolr, kindl irable. IM, , f IitIonis otlh t loke l

It was in honor of these two and llCaitaile, and r itml ns Tlin sutm and Il, aia e aiu Ao o. lith la kf t

sage and reverend men that the hl im all thatis vitioll , cruel anydouhls ta th if I time aan oIrIU s Stp, iuIss o t inse

affair was planned and eonsumn- oppressive. uri life 's jnthat if sounIlM e WILLIAM lv)WN. J e f trful senitiont Onmated, and in doing honor to "It is inown antd pratircd in veuri any doubts as to thl extLlt irty-nineL ear a M.'on, sin d a o M1

these notable bret hren, Feliciana every country, in eve cline, i t oligations, a recourse, I eto RaLin. tl ' 'i F1lad . trh lJr If an lindiasl Ilig

Lodge does honor to itself: In every ace of civiliwd Imen, And the Holy Bible, ltht S ript re of 'lin ro as .Wrthy Matmrn of trecognizing and appreciating l above all it ls associatll d itself Divine Tolutl, will set us right. l strn Star CIIhter was callotrue merit, with human sympathies and It will make our duties plain and on to tll Of her chalter's wort

The luncheon was served at charities throughout the wld, the discharge thse a pleasure utintprn aSkad Mr. Vilwler

three o'clock in Pythian lalil, and while in thelsa modern times rathe dis thar a hturea. It willa s JluGI WILLIAM W. LE.\E. to peak for her. Mr. Villers

which had been converted into it has changed its chararter in never mislead or deceive us, but Fhte 'ears a .on in doing t o said lhe ad aawayan inviting bower of feathery oine respects, it has lost nothing strict observa of its holy been made d vutiael nulhbambe, beautified with rae which can claim the respect of a strict observance of its holy been don e sntiael d hholad b.lant and flower, it me n li t of recept will fit an prepare s ly expressing this love. est from tolikhueofyoung man- as a willing guide, explaining noting about the Inside work,

Sfor usefulness in this life and assured my brother that this is hooltalkMbi heel which is and exemplifying tile symbolic the ldge. flequotedapprorln

in evenu ares sert,and thiscannios Formerly, through the dim glorious inheritance i that life no momentary emftion, but a acrwsudlotOhlmthatdoth emblems employed in masonry ly, adid the W. M. the wor

wives, Mrs. A. F. BHrrow, chair lic buildings of the old worhl, up- day in response to a call of love. a man and a mason. In your was fe elred. day we hlave assomblhl here to In closin the latter expati

man. The other arrangemnents on tlhe tracery of cathedral win' We assemble to perform a duty, chosen profession as operative Dr. m. then presented exe mplifyI love. o present yo on the imlmrtaace of the wome

were in charge or Mr. Jos. dows and the ornamentation of assembled to pay tribute to Love mason you so perfectly wielded Judgel fliA wl the beautiful with this tolin. Avreptt Iroth understanding JJe protectil

Aschaffenburg and well did lie palaces. Now it is content to and Truth which is so beautifully the trowel, the important imple. lovlaig-a• .rii , in the fol. or Leake as a gift from loving that freemasonry aforded then

perform his duties with uniform devote itself to works of syllmna embodied in the records of the ment of that profession, so as to lowingp p ords: Hrothers, expres(sion of a love The chaplain, Rev. R. R. C•S. MOS wIa ,Y attention to detail. Mrs. Bates, thy and charity, to carve its lives of two of our Brothers, who spread the cement which unites "Norw Bd Win. W. . ake, which is trn of an exact a- borne then delivered the mason

Mrs. James Kilbourne, Mrs. record ulmn the hearts of men- by the purity of their lives and the several parts of a building we Ill 10 wtl the love and preciation of your many virtues. benediction, and with its solemMaguire and Dr. Babin furnish, a more noble and glorious work the rectitude of their conduct, into one common mass; thereby estee W I, your just due Let this loving-rull b to you an response from the brethren, tih

ed sweet musicduring the lunch- than that of hewing timbers and have made themselves liig erecting the building for the as stre si mason. Por emblem of the love your broth- allecting and beautiful functic

eonl. squaring stones-fitting immor- .i.,rks--a noble example of those shelter of man, so have you in fft-AJe Ie hve been a ren hear you." was brought to a cloa•.At the close of the luncheon, tal nature for thatspiritual build- who live according to God's holy your life a a speculative or free mas. .lV. years you Eloquent response shone in

Dr. A. F. Barrow, Wolslhipful ing, that house not made with laws as laid down in that Great and accepted mason, wielded the ha"e#pl eemlditfied its Judge i[ake's dark eye. which rFe•ilana Lodge No. 3I.

Master of Feliciana Indge, and s, eternalintheheavens. Light in Masonry--the Holy trowel for the far more noble tel~,dilltrPNasureand allof is-seventy-six years have FeliciaO ladge, No. 31. F

District Deputy Grand Master, "Out great moral teachings Bible. and glorious purpose of spread- our priinte remarka- not dimiled, but owing to a A. M. has a record of over thaarose and delivered the following are too extended for more than a Now Brother Win. Town in ing the cement of brotherly love ble i rd• Mof have long throat trouble he was unable to quarters of a century, and in a

leasing address: mere ention o them at this the name of Feliciana No 1 F. and esteem, that cement which stood liti a ay anuch beyond a few feeling that time has preserved an bouS"Brothers and Sisters: time, We tar taught in our lives & A. M. and by virtue of the unites us into one sacred brand loyal sl.ll ed eitiren in wordsof thanks, and was relieved ored and honorable place amon

:'My first duty is to thank you as Masons toseek guidance from high office of Worshipful Master of brothers, among whom no yareSoPS , standing from speaking by his oldest son, the Masonle lodges of Louisianfor your presence here today. the Holy Bible, thatgreat light in of that lodge, I am authorized to contention should ever exist, forth I•*•1 Justice, tes- funter C. Leake of New Orleans, •t4 the mseand oklnt lodgeTo you of tile Iraternity I need Masonry, it being the inestim- give expression to the love which save that noble contention or timoY d IM * ppreciation a Past Master (f eliciana ledge, the state, ther being in Neinot discuss the noble teachings able gift from God to man-astlhe its members, one and all, bear rather emulation, of who best of y0o•m 1 Iotand manly Mr. Leake made a beautiful Orleas, one which talk~ pmof our ancient order, but to you rule and guide fr his faith and for you. Thiis day is the 59th can work, and best can agree. qulitiSll llWn by your speech on the honor done his hbe edenee in point of age.who are here, who love the order practice. anniversary of your becoming a Accept it Brother, and with it we elevaitlanch of Justice loved father, and his own pleaq Feliciana dge was charterefor our sakes and accept our in "Teaching us that no matter mason, and to mark so unusual pledge you ourenduring love." by YlourI tns. So in ure in revisiting the hxre of his Marci 2 .3, ImN under tile G(rantentions and purposes by faith, how inaigifieant acrea.ture may an event in a man's history, I am Rev. R. R. Clalborne made the yr clsta . M. young manhood. todge of louisiana, but wit might be appropriate for ie ti: appear to our finite minds and authorized to present you with response for Mr.Town, who said ye hab0 lli the great ' The loingcups are of solid originally organi•ed in I•17 amake a few remarks upon what prejudiced eyes, we shouldnever this loving-cup, a symbol and a but a few words, gasing admir- morl a , of masuory, silver nine inches high, with No. 41, in the jurisdiction of thFreemasonry is. despise it, for we may rest as token of the love we bear you Ingly upon the objectthat typi- wflki b1ore God and six-inch 'bony pedestal. The Grand Ldgeof Kentucky. Vo

il: T INN. i INIC sMIN. "There are two articles in all sured that if infinite wisdom has and how we, as brethren, drink fled the esteem and love in which mo. h Virtues inscription is: "Preented to thi reason, nome younger lodgereligiouscreedswhichhavenever been employed in its creation it in love and unity from the one he is held by the lodge, In whose whih Pect mason. Br. William Town a a tkenof In this state having a numbebeenformulated by any Eumeni- h in the economy ofProvidenc cup. Accept this token as part ministrations hishair has turned YO MU tngst us brotherly love and ,steam by less than 31, seem older, b

FelidaM LodgeN4,31


F. & A M.

The fir Democrat

Are R# Dedicd.IV 1I ImOjtML$Emt nGW. NEWMIAN. NC. LVY. COL. L1..P.IC RN. Us.BAER REV..R T F. w EMAal A' TIN$AN. EID IW

- .