other itching burning scaly loss of hair speedy ... · tn th without making him a buncombe brawler...

nment review PPcali Ion of- luty on- t S500 undlng- lected Ttobert ed th him as courts of the rted In nt ad parau ad v- ssessed T cent of th at General w a loclsloa term para h ne en- arlcs of Ived In e II f ill as r- lloettla former d killed h other Navajo n effort Anders ored to vnlllng to pr A body ecelved- R both ils hut ay CB woundi The will bit r to tha- etween In deputy uble nt- e depu recover spread oes wan tack on tart d many iller of day to aid for- r Peck to Nov i paid If ecessary- gard to eminent S rdlnarllr- ses and ecessary you are h fees reed the paid by ortnnt In that ent had i serernl 10 CSUSfl ther and dona the the bed hu Hut 0 it re shad a market y thou out Six iph hue lit hurt d with River ty miles out to light a foam and th o ng blow rm wa- ked un rare that fcir par uld auScr- rVdfis1 II Istiut o hy ex meSa lr- attr cllT n l still if n the r a state ef- t that or two nf and whIte tat time Iranwlillr ten when d Is worth e lishop nuitcrn- lUtalnrrs liopdrslr- IWhopof Iliahop cf- IIUIiiip of of SI pot here i liop of the rum hurrh of it advent were rn out of Mill la t those Ta S Fair bJ Ihe d had Wind o and th- e oe he One wtlei nlr- r planter I t t rIY eou 7- tflern bring D Trthg own wi rvat inn hat ettint th fleh- ertryt1 two a 5lat e tern pred ecelSary the red ha torn pc14- Is tepfl hop or- en rite I > < TjdE SUN TUESDAY MAY Id 1001 4 4 T T DISCLOSURES A vrir rir OF noitAXTicisji AX- AxyriiEK OF jirKiti3irXTI- lntnmf Monte CrUto Uxltndrd bj Undo In The Prisoner f Alclrn Itmenfcl- lind Sloan Cttravnianza of The King C rnl l The Uttk on Oar Slat The play brought out at the America Theitni last night The Prisoner of Algiers was an Ingenious and Interesting sequel Uie old staso version of Duma Monte Crlsto Several character wore newly trans terred trAm book to sInge antI portions of the tory not mlmlcd In previous dramatl ron were utilized along with some orle- inal matter Tho not result wa a rnelo- ciramn of a rather peculiar kind Frnnl- Ttndnn the writer of It had conceived that K imund untci came to Ids death nt the hands of n son of Vine lianglan leaving an heir iilikn to wealth and vengeful duty In tin person of Albert The adventure uf this young man In punishing tim destroyei of his fathers life nnd defending his ovi vitro Illustrated vividly A stntltnental do- menl was provided by making rVuprma Mnj r ri loyal sweetheart to Albrrt anti so there were cross purposes to give complexity to tile The representation of this play vras anton Uhinsly good to have been male at a theatre here Iho bill Is chanced every Monday nlcht Oi co in a whllo tho prompter had to jog an oTvur memory of the words nnd then was hsltnncy Honi tlm s In movement but thv faults were not grievous and they were far more than offset by merits Knlph Stuart cave n dashing distinction tn th without making him a buncombe brawler Mr Stuart Is nn actor with an engaging personality hi popu- larity with the audiences tho American- s no wonder Llnthlcmn was a mlnilo sweetheart with sufficient biauty anti charm to warrant the heros fervor The con- tingent of Mr Ilndon- Mr Klrklind Mr Sheldon and Kva Clayton MK litickloy WItS a vlvnndifcro and Mr Keogh was one of thor Irish sergeants who are often turned looe In military scenei- to be at a sacrifice of common A a composition In a vein of olcll l4 melodrama In familiar nncl soliloquies and ins for strongly theatric situations rather than to tell n coherent story Mr Millions piny was Interesting In these scenic mounting was cxcilliiit The exterior of the wall of Algiers u Parisian gambling house the Forest of Iontmnoblcau thn Island of Montu Iristo were well Some things that were nosy anti more that were old hut nearly nil of then unusually entertaining made up nn extravaganza called The Kings Carnival lhat was shown for the llrst time at the Now York Theatre tart night Sydney Uoenfeld had written It In n vein of comic iournnl Jokes only eoiience lies In the fact that they ono another In a column Tho looked ns If they had stepped from the car- toons of urh u sheet as they embodied some funny exaggerations of nature The imMc suggested onefinger wnltyes The whole piece had the merits nnd criiilltles of one of these publications will make Its success with tin people at such much foolery It would bo an useless to count the number of scenes an to enumerate tlio character nnd what relationship they bore to toe another The action started In the Illacn of He King whom some persons of the Crawford play became complicated from the court of Henry VIII Theatre Thereupon the stories ot When Knighthood Wo In Flower and In the Pnhoc of the Klnc were Interwoven occasionally cleverly but frequently pushed together a loud report though of Of course In a of th sort much depended the players employed anti the encased Sires wai unusually good Frank icMtie started the piece with a really fine Imitation nf William N orris a flirt in In the Ialve of Klnir Later lie Played thn hero nf When Knighthood animatedly and laughalily- Adelo Hltchio the lull Murlowi m and sang delightfully Nina rnrrlngtou was heniitlful IIM one of the Mayme lithrue ns another had a i to how that hot tlanc has Improved even over her former ex- ceptional grace anl ugllitj A third hud o little to do that It seemed regrettable thaI clever a conudlin as- Kimiu Cum wasted on the part still fhe innnngcl to eMnut some fun from iioth- ln ne s so lnr employment wis 1101 In vain Ihe honor III knockabout farcn wire carried if br Marie lre er who Is proi thu funniest rough America She was as latighnhle anti go il humored ns ever and It was ti welcome her bark to New York Her vulgar manner was not n offen lvo here IKMIUISO tho whole tone of Hie show wa and Kiiiniriervllle was a dose ootid to Ml s Ure ter Itiactius her baby The sight of tall Mist being rocked to In n cradle vii hardly e s than the words of Miss re s lullaby Iiura Hurt created tniich appearing us Vloh Allen Hates i like Mi rirus In enoutl fional to nu h- a small part The men excepting Mr I oane WOn far exceeded In hy Louis Harrison ei iied more than ninny In hi Hurry wee really Inughat lint lie has been much more In other part Ian MiAvoy ome times am indue iilnii h vulgurf- cw i l f have th Tho scvine that mvle the hipgest success with tact very rrowclvl and li tlc niidleiiii HIH niuliorni In IndT Two Iligs Instead of rand it rained ci and dog ntn mil to ll tliMiuii the air hv is of a moving picture niaclilue Miss iturt- a Illanehe lutes a liirsn u CIIIMII higher thin one at the iardcui Theatre anti more In effort Then Harrison und rhnrlcs trite riding Imitation hor es hung on their und supplied with only two et neii their own piiriii tier Thn need hake I it wa with sreni diill- culty u e uf whip and ipur Iliac their ruler could got then t an up the In- cline turned IIM lior o and Mm llutger reili tnt the top throw i iTed nf m the next man d un th moiiii anti so on to the next it pro the ground Thin sene conic lotm nftfr it wn the end of only til first rci The Inilirled n truvestv on i limber ninth tac st ions of other pieces Hefore the- e trniiunn n n new iiis ehefse nffalr was ulinwn nnd smnn of the iilrl vaudeville spermlties retninecl This Kings Carnlvnl so murh that tiC fncludlng some son us liv- cieorse V with music A Monre that will be wlilMled everywhere An ntv A half will to lie cut out if tine and that will remove the rnnnv tirefcnrne spells thnt rnrue lietwenn this moro freijuetit Two mote proctor comedy compinlen- heean work yesterday They pave The Womin hinter nt the Fifth Avenue nnd- SMohn nt the Twentythird Street while Cinderella nt School the long pler- et the Street nncl Confusion NI the tJMIi Street Thin drainalixntlon of Hie- lYoetnr houwg did not ecliidn vaudeville Sciuareolferecl an ally diverse nnd proemmino of vaudeville including now or freshened ketihen The CrasB acrobnts and a dainty net nf eight mgprs and dincers railed flwiili mid Hellii were features und hero wit n liiippi nlisetice of roarsenuss nnd In allllty Anna hold hogan yeiierdiy a weeks ex- tennlnn other engagement thin Grand tpcru in Th tock com- pany nt tIc Murray 11111 brought out A ii Steer V IViMielly u si niistii The Card n at the Metropolis The were Hlpn moos m the lmpire Toms l Ac Httfet iarri ul hinei I ndcr Two Flags nt the Harden Lover1 Lane lit thin Itipuhlii The at Hie Ilij When Iwilghl- io d WHS In Klimer at the Crltinoli Sil1 loy HI I nlv linl of the Horse- Jlirltie ii i tnrriik Htriss Nell et nn tlii tJuiel ul the inure Thi Iriniii nl till llcriilcl- liniie rind flnrmlciro nt the Casino ui wilt ii a- we iix Irlila nn1 Satinliy for ilircw purforinutices of Tho Mrrlmnt nf L tlwhi Mixlivi the Klaw V company lied for a short lour be TIE 1 THrOAt D to ton art tunn Fen trI ant who flow all lau h will vl lou Il II r the 10 r w a rhn liid WIt I 1111 1 W r lm hIIr Ilill night rlnl1 Ilnl echo ml II rIll TI h 11711 w woe I kl 111 tli II dIII I IIi I t Anti II Ihlr w aur I I 5 Item tit Lot Ia hilatns was inado tip of es a < F the I his IIII riesiuer roll gli con ret hit ie inn rn ni titl Ill s lit orait inierlel I silly gr sr I s it nit hiti i ne p I lirtli itt tine itt mn nI tin I Its I hoti I tier nun tIrt vnV v it roth F milk II gin Mice Ia ri I lion I iii Iii ts hon r I tints in ix I or lift nIgIttii RPhl lii it inn r iijnt Inn ill tim C lie CII least a- iirail mmiii r ret fl I net I i tin II ItI I tin lii linhre s It I h itet rh I lIP fret snLc nrgmi ¬ ¬ > ¬ > ¬ > > > ¬ ¬ < < < > much curiosity wd perhaps an equa amount of wtlsfactlon Goodwin endeavor ihe of Life left Rudolph In broken health as well as rupt In He will bo helped In i monny n nt M letter oTnrlnir this asslitance I Importance theatre the Orpheum hail Homer Und and a singing yesterday In and a o MpeclallstM Tony Iastorn mend Mark Stewart- teWOBratfhs to tho music of an orcietra- hoswr A UlalH back to variety show 1VtS5l HHLH flY They Present the Comrily As Von Like Inder the Trcel on the Csnipui- roiQiiKKKrniE May 13 In a wood pot on ho north aide of tho campus Vassal students presented Shakespeares cornell As ron Llko It this afternoon It was the fIrst time a play line been given In open air and also till fIrst Unit Shakespeare has been given at the college The programme was copied otter till style of an old play- bill nnd printed In the language anti tore of the Elizabethan days It read Tho- ca to of An toil iiB it n comedy by Mailer William Shakespeare lalde III ye forest of Ardennes nnd truly set forth before ye wor of ns ar ollege In y moiitli of Slue M C M I l as follows PMr K C Warner n r A Andcrua Jawi I lleimtil AHiliiii II Whitman Iriilfrlrt llMinsiin Ctiutln Julia IxKkwooil Wr r IdalFa llFariie Orlando Itare air t Calhoun Atom A howe Tovdalmi I UeNalr- Corlti j Ixwkwiod yiru 11 Adair x liunriar- itotitltwl lucte lie Stella tIes 1totn Hobble HF IaltirsiiI- tdrfK n rointry wench lury Hurm loris pares altFndint Jc A feature of tlm plav was thin first appear nnce In of the C ille e tnt under the leadership of Imf low in- structor III till music department The or- chestra was i memberw of the faculty and student nod numbered twenty iilecos The selections were encored Io Ihe illusion there was no chmge of scenery and the different tilniis represented In weieatitiiumvil poslerH hung at sides of the by two SOmali panes dressed In fancy whim gilt costumes There wero no waits lietweeii the acts noel winre change of cosluini wn necessary the orche tra played appr prialn The tnr wits I IK in r ii of Kasi N win line iiuidi quite riimtution u an n tress m the V ir singe The play Mils voted II success mu- iniiie of Sliakiscnres pliys will be given nt tin college in the near future Msrr IEIUDII tritf- I rirnr l nf Irllirs lo AnilVice Acrnts iron iamllrrs llnuLs lirfusrs Cnp NatiiF Mot of the tlne of IiiKtice brogue yes- terday was talten up In explaining the pub- lished statements attributed to him have stirred up the societies the Waiting for the lustlio when h arrived from Lakovlllo tnnti WOe missioner Murphy III which till imiuni- Kloner In an allFtrd IntFtrle the following stilftnrnt Is credited to you Only the ntlicr dill a roundsman applied for iro motion Ills rrrod his pliyi lral riamliijition his f SFtvlrF rmvllllic Indlrttnl IU itch t mntlon at OIIFF tiul hF roulilnl pit II Vhj cause hF hsdnl ol the stur In put up HF cairc to one anti told mF the frt lucre nn FlItlUF IIM In this dcpartmFnt Flthrr fur tiiindimrn MrgranU er Captains Tills tate mrnl dori Out say nhat UIF rnurilMmn aiiillnl for prnniollnn tn but U ns prFMimahly In Mrtranl As no a pllFatlon has been made by any of the unl fnrnird Intro who are arplyliu for motlon F cit the appllratlon tn RVF IhFm A rrralltij on their rrroidi I Inc ohlljFd you would tIre tile surti facts as may be In your rdillnt to thli Justice Jerome I lid nnl say that only the other day a roundsman- appllpd tor promotion I said that a few days auo a roundsman lind Inluimr ire that he lust applirl fur proiuullun and that allhiiieh hli rxaminntia and were SUFI ai in luaiify hit iiioiiinton lit did rot hrrure It brrauv lie wai to t y fur It As I ftivlled hli ilrmFit the wai made prior ti appihiiiiiirnl as ionimis- ionrr ant i f julur allhi iiicii ivthln II n m- laritlvFly shnrl llmF As tile Information tn IIIF a n nnil h an nrtr or whwii I har tiiuih rFi il niul fil Inns ut warm ixrvmal IrVinLihip I ilo not f rl I woulil t luHirlFd In yiiu ln nanF nr brine more uppFinr In to Ills lilFmFiil In tile If I II nut dFillne In any urirlil action ii n n- fiiriuillnn In a an oiul- If It urrr not lMliFrd that iirli Infnrnialinn ivnuld wripiilnu lv RiinrdFil hv 1 Klinultl rutlnil tIll my Miurrr1 ot Infunnnllun I am vitlsfleil Murphy said on re Justice iy that the incident wlileli tie refirs did nut occur III my adininUlratloii but ut bfore I took nfllce Ihe ilmMit concirii III1 al nil Th i oiiimisioinr nt- itnity Commissioner V rk who was nted In the room Its up to you Mr York 8Uggf sti a reporter Mr York has to nay unappe- dlh nf the Police i Hint If II the committal of an offence and hen nys hat he ii till information act ilpiin it then Mr York i of opinion that that judicial hardly a pcrcnn- to dunes Frank Moss ami Anthnny Com loc ns got after Jerome iiccouiit nf Ibu- clmrge that oillcer of tlnlr mcletien had r1elvcd inmiey fruit the Kambltrs llm- Jus io soitliii tlitin l y explaining lull Im did not aswtt that agents of the rarkhur nnd oinstoeu went In pay l tIle lawbreaker iiiat i ul i KIHI he wa that In one nf the books captured In a rorenf nld ere the payment ol n iint- nf iniiiiey enrh month nn n eiit if th- liirliliurt ft iriety and nil gout i th C tlik snclely I did lint nor fmi I iy tint tne men iicfunlly got the money All know abiiilt tin iniM r i what Is fiiteieil ill Hie hook wlilih we have m our e lu- nCiiniulslner Murphy decline ilisiMi s Hie report that wm practicnlly th- iilTiirs nf the Ka t strwt sli- tiiti that beriu e of Mr Nngi inter ferinie In the rapt Val li hail I iloiit know utiylhliiK about It except what I have renl Col Murphy al liive V il li to be hero to- morrow iiHMiinc I tnteiui tn Miako Into the matter Mr NuglK llileil with eniphiii that ho mil over flight iiiiliiil Cnpl Milhs nealtft the gan bler in tlie ha t- llfith reel and ail Im rhiltingei inv tie lo prove the truth of thi report thnt lie hal been III lerunng inn IrnufeF of tIme two Knnl men fir Irving i uppres luililbof l itiii- ksrnrrr rirn el MnrphT 1111 llevrry Tfnpe Anxious Aliiut the Crunks Five doctors from Hi Health linpnrtmcnt- e cenried mi Iolle everybody In night Nobody away nearly us cciuld lie learned ex- ept id Murphy who w s vaccinated last veek and Heputy Commissioner Hnvery who although lie pniTllly ciitetn thnt he i i tnemijer of the uniformed forc didnt rt- il i luiiii yi teiiliy and thiniiy muuH i Mr- lievery was ionfriiiiti I iinclilinii not theory M varilimting of man arms whose tremtli i ed fun liphnliliiitf Hi niijity of Hi law worried many I tic t iMrul IIIHO- leuihs What if the crooks trot onto this oneof- th linked gloomily IheiVll H iho pay If they know that n ry Man on tho fore only trot on good Deputy Chief was one of tim vletinti He was talking in HI nrrtdnr when Hoiiiidsinm iciip i aiiir l hM- IItepiift m Itioini I Will ur IHCM- Irollcil nti far mult oti i licinii- ey Clayton hail tn nil wis flIt lirrrl pin leiilly mult fur iHiiiiolioii to i ii- ild Th last time I rit hc WM wlin I the pei NT Nnlsiirg i solemn high nms will lie celeiimtml In the Church tntmrrow tu com iiHiimratu thou i inonlaiioii si j im l t lie the foiiintiM nf Hie llrothers nf- ho Schools Ihe KV VIIInI- Vnny wilt otllclnte us cliaron ami the v- IVIIIIam if ilbdeueoii The Hev M will pronounce the panegyric fllIluro Aronton mlllln o on The nien and IIIIIerclal list ere 1I lIe Jllilall Ito lint cr Till iriea xhIhite1 gnitmee atini moving fOov HdI1 ttitiosIlnLn shlr 1 It I 0 II A Cat 1IlIr Or Iu II all Ora lilt IllroILlI hid I II a uger wit Ii ii letter rrllm 0111 timid tim pie I If rlllll I to Ui apIOIl oir mitt MlrlIII limit Ir lUll lId 01 I I 1111 milillh xlrillt tin C on i w I J I lImllilnll r I 111 I t- it nlll lnlnl I I I I 111111111111 OnlY grit II II I ii till < I lOll I Iii for It Ilitbi nllllnrlllhCnnlllllllnn or HI I I I to I I Con illne I 1 JJ- I I It lr shneii lIners 1aiir Musr wax Rae ft lit clot rile lad yes bih hiltih ti Iiivabet lit fl t tin i a ii Inns is itt inet a s- well as mlIee P0110 I lIe would possession atie 55 as- COtS C eti 1511 rid iii nc hit t lie iufl tit tIliIl4rl nih i tile 5 flint r I ili rate ni i Its Iii fi in ititi i i- tiif ill unit 54 illcer e premier i III I list ii thou ii y 50 Iit ice I tie eu SIC t tin iiit cries sbi Iii i Ie lit tiC ii jog I I I or v nT nil i I ag e 0 hill s bit ttit ic list rile ii it- t ku roll thi lit at I ia I nfl nil I t hoe o tt tenth i tIers tit rdnty all I irlfifl toll C still tiC duii to e Clii toll I Iii i iilir 5 bill iiI 0 15iI II iii rti ehhh 1111105 tae lii oi Si Hi- t AllhiiIlitinit ton iiihi t A ¬ < < ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ < ¬ > > < < < < ¬ > < < < > SHE HAS FIVE HUSBANDS VO 4 fltnTKXTS AdAWiT KITlDHTlXL- IIKH lifT COUIIT SAYS J41- Ilronklytilur Found Hrr Xot Outlty of lllcairr Will o ft Ulin lied Married Othrn lust Mncltrate Pool holds Leaves He- Tied to No 4llos a Rood Man Says Sfcr Magistrate fool slttlnc In charnbcr ad- joining the Centre street pollco court handed down a thin decision ycntcrdny I the of bmsdalo vs Ix n dale Thl- It nn nctlon In which John II Ixinsilale charged by Nettlo Lonsdalc If that bo atnirlotiiiieit nnd nonsup- port Mr Lonsdiilo U at restnt living Ilayonne MM Lonsdalu gives Court street ISrooklyn us herjiddrvHH For the third time In as ninny Magistrate Pool directs Mr Lonsdalo to pay the IS a weik for her support anti order him to give a humid of KOu that he will do no The defendant says ho will refuse to comply with the on or and lust ho will appeal Mrs Ionsilnl has undertaken several ventures Into matrimony She originally WitS niarrtid to Jcorgu Kchutt and hn obtained n divorce from her III Cleveland Ohio on the statutory ground Klio n xt married James II IU who olitnlncii a divorce from her Judge liarthtt In this Instance Kdwaril uughn was named as core potidjnt subieiUintly married her but disappeared in n shunt time ills was more than tell year ago Ionsdalu says that about title unto he met HID lauy who reprcsentud herself to bo a widow He liimiclf a widower with two children After u brief courtship they nero married They lived togetiitr yeu years and nllimM that h Hien that his wlfti was Intimate with another man und ho abandoned her though he ailinlts that lie was to provo her guilt but says would have lo- lirovn tnerytliiiiL he alleged It It had nut been fur the cluplli Ity of OIl In April itw lJiisiialu begun action against Joii dale for iilinniluntnriit nnd non und MigUualo 1oul allowed lien s II from July So 18U3 A similar action was begun In April liioo arid ll Vi a week was awarded Jiihaiinus Allison who advertised for a pleasant mlddleaipM widnw as a wife now apeari the eni Mrs l a ilal mi Mrs loiiMlale calling lierwif Netiiu Jolai was united tn Mr ton H Is nl l that Mr Mason hud already tmirrlcil several Willow and us Ins v had been asiertallied by wveril of lliiiii In lied II Mr lulo beard of Mrs IOII- Hilalis latest venture ho Instituted bigamy imainst her The cne was heard before ice Asplnnll in llruuklyii but m tiridini the lestlniiny of tlm- Itev Hr J II Sticktlnl who vore that be- nrirried the couple nliil of SIft kdale Who Willieei tlie tins or Mason wai iiimicent- On the strenuth of this Magi tritn Tool declares Hint Ion tale tnusl Mill liny a neel nnd liold that be i rlill SIrs Ixti tale and hue been abandoned Now I dont the neu ieri4 to il m hurt aM Mrs Ix ii ihli esurdiv afternoon Yes ninrry Scbtitt when f was i HI was not lung but a boy und went away lo the r I grit a divorce from him I married Mr IIMei n o when I wa W- He had so Tiitnh he had onflenlni- nf dont you litiow nnil I got n d frnin him I dont lnow nnvtlilng nboiit Vaughn nt rill I married Mr lxni dili ten yeirH- ngn He was a gnnrl nirtli and till right About thl Mi in nlTilr I know nothing At till Him ll I rlnltneil I marri l him I drank a little lirei nit if I tuarrlwl I wn byinoiii i for I ilnnt reitember tills It I inn f ilv inlTuenied especially by hypnotism I am mill Mrs It i ild tlint nil live husbands hre turn tloneil nice alive rivet ucll- IKMMV TllllU IX THE ItlfKl- lnr e Tnrneil Snmrrsaoll lint SIF flas In- hnrl l rr lde Ililie lluiiat nT- A woman with llclit and blue eyes rode it wlilt fnred unrril Imrsn long west bridle Pith In Centrnl Iark yeMerday afternoon Mie nceompanlerl by a riding mauler mind n boy about 11 years old When oppo lt Vlnotyflrst treet when the bridle path skirls the reservoir the womans horse ftimliled went down on Hi knees and tinned n complete somersault The wotrnn went under the borne nnd the potrmM of this ddlo rinashed her ilerbv hit he e from the ground however he declared Hint flio woo not Iniureil rind rode oil without name hue lu r was Kiinewhrit bruised A hnrsn rilileii hv Her Hermann of Fa t Flehtletti tret bulled on HIverHdn nt seviilyniiitli street on Surnliv Although llenntin ilung t till middle In vas iitmble in ll lior e In nnd tlm animal dnlnil nt fll ed to the rni of tlm- drivi nnd then th i ntlre length of V t- Soventy econd Mriit crowded with and iiilunioliile Mr Her- mann guided Hie thr tlgb the with rote hut nt the ciitraniv In the Iark he mn not nvnld down a b y who wn tiding n icvcle The wns- Munslied to Illmlers iml the buy went flying tin rondunv cxiipil with II few lirtl e- Th hrse lire down the West Drive with Mr Hermann till ii miltle and Mounted Iolloninn Jnlm II in In t imrsiilt efitrnne il light nveniie nn- dFlivnllili v ii this man overtook the and In dim bcfnre further tntrngei- vns done nnl lie hail ridden h bore for tlre venrs rind llml he never iM f n Iriwnl riny lis to bull VMsiyiISMis if intiin rim loth Nldrs Claim Ilie lu tintv of Xotnrninn Van rntoniT VIIns Tint llnnl Thor is n ci b of nuHmrlly In Queens etween Magi tr iti Heiilev and fontifir- ii on ore iili nnd I nr ner tiny of Far Ilock away on the olhor over the custody of Mntnr nan rlmrles K who was In charge of Irnllev our hull rollliled with n straw party Iti front nf fiistlors II tel In Jn on Sri unlay nlcht klllina two men Jlid Injuring n spore of the ueeupauts of the wngon When mi wns nrtn tci on sunrlay- Mngistrnte Jleiley refused li reingni e nn Tiler from Cormier fitly who demanded he riiMmly of Iho prlitoner Henley kohl nn without hull and ye terdav moinlni- Tnn arraigned lieforn Mngistrnte con norton of Far nocknvvnv train Coroner lluv objeeterl to this prnceerling and In lteil that ns was Hie Coroner in charge nf tlm case that be tmd the right nf dlspiv- Ing of Van tile objection ere bv Muglstrile Cnntinrlmi who i ea ed prisoner In Hjun- oinner liitv then l iiiw a Coroners war- rant and nn was taken in ciitudy titter Juinniia mi tile way lo lila home II wile nirnlmiod before oroncr who held him without bull to awAIt the ie ull the limusst tin wis tleiifotninittid to jiieciiH oitnty lull It i ihoughl III rippli union will inndp I smju Miipreuie tntirt toilriy l linve an In ball Iuroiipr iuv niy he will light nny lion ceklne to release Hie priMiner befuro Hit lniiies Is held lnn nll Otrr the lid llrfrnlrr William Htrlilifr n ya lit nirenf hn nn which Is n the ralimlar fnr trlil tItle colt In Trlid Tirn Part II of the Supremo Mirt reiivii V i from c Oliver l ein efftctinir Hi ai nlligel ol llm ynihl lill liilnr The ynrht Wus- niiighi bv Kiimiil won lr floixio i nt Cilv Nind lli InIll ih Cup ikrainsi the Vnlkvrle III v h Mr liiu that Iii a oi tiirmiffh Mr Tin i be uu run iniiterlal in In r Voublnl liSp for an And Ambulanrr Matinee driver nf n hoer trunk blocked Wily of n Itonsevell Iluspitil automobile iliibulanco nl llroadWiiy und Heel ysterdiv nitiTnoun ami wouldnt HIM riii rmni M tjioc irrxsted ll li ITfir n iouri the trtHli nan suid thn i th in in bad tein niiti ii tiii iililiii an i lu ilUln- leignlf It when he did ei it was lined Adam II HntlMr trerisiirer of Kmter V Hal whom Joseph N of Hie Angel Ihe Alley emiipanv Hirnslicil Mindii night nltervvanl had u- rid un the limit Hnuir liad rid o force hits wtiy Into Mrs iiir iieni wax In Hie JeiTirnin Market illce ti rdny bcrnw Omit on bo launch to press the ugaliut I sad Ii her nalllc In C lon oman rl lie Jollo lolo dl Ir I III I on hlI II rUI Ir- S IIn I In 110 titaf loft t air o lr I hkh tiers n I tit Ial k Ir nil rill len i ill r I I I list m I for I I III 11111 I rlln till turfs hi Iii jilt II Ilusrr CIt hare I onithil hint case wit Ii tel WiLl tel liii blue his Ii littOnli I I pun I Ill K lIuii t tin ii ehsent i P11 situ As- Cii I till eh lug J lit irs holmilaht lila tii hit ii I us ii t tin hint II I one Ill ii In t hits was I iris him a new mirIiigo tim t I a roes t its J lIst lie r I ftc tit st rn lieu 0 ti t Ill 5 05 hen tine I turnm It fill t t sh I ito t fit on 1 wits hit a t Ins Ii 1 itch hilt tJ a ppi ii a mitt itIn s tie I I frt mvr I tie html roil I hint yseeo iii ilil Ltd fir i Ill r it lrsr lrurruitiir I Inn tiluml Sill ii nil 1 Iris Ii II not > > > < > ¬ > > ¬ > > > url TOPICS ABOUT TOWN The Increasing Interest In ptibllo COaching which U hown thins uprlng by the running of tour coaches has been tnucli slower o growth than the mon who Inaugurated anticipated New York has none of tin traditions which have made nubile conchim in Ixmdon sticcossful The promoters of public coaching have found Ilo tato must lo this sport be- fore their conolio would be patronized for a two the experiment Menmi to be doubtful With the coatI that are running now wot it lentil that they worn llrmly established The routes covered by them offer an at- tractive varmty f scenery On one of tin conches the price title reduced 15 to 4 for trip thus making it lively an inux cntvo amusement When Mr Actors jiroposed road housi near Wtlliamsbrldge has been complete It will provide time most luxurious stopping place for coaching pnrtes within drivinid- lKUinco of Now York Tho old road house which nourished when conches offered quickest means for transportation havi either disappeared or been transformed into malodorous local barrooms llicyelini- llrst aroused restaurant Omen to tIne renewed possibilities of suburban madhouses and was II mushroom growth of small country hotels that disfigured tlm to provide refreshment fur the men wire eiimpijed fnuufort found their iinrei ing rapidly One mich roal bi u o in Veslihesitr pill Its scale of prices up to Shut luubeit notcii ut Ito bekl Now rrMuuriml and Ibis not advertifed It widely hut iiitrKlcd to It a class of who their en- joyment of such II place in thief ratio to the expon o of It road lioue wits opened on the Sound shore a titan who had New York club well as u outward Instead of a new liouso- he nehcled an old ftlnne building tutu bad been a mansion of mean propor- tions nearly half n century ugu and it up In taste Although this touch IIOIIMI Is located nearly two from a railroad Million it has propered The luterost In one of the now hotiN In Nosy York been so great ever nluto It un- optncd that threu or four of llm brightest bellboys have been employed us guides and the infirmntimi which emno uf them hays acquired this work la very stag- gering livery visitor who eoeu through the hotel from nubcellar to nttlu Is II walking advertisement nf the place ever utter HIM proprietor provide icry facility fur such inspection are with flips which tell accurately the nmnbir of tons of Ice manufautiired a day by thin lintel the amount of coal iiuiminicil electricity and u rd mil Hieno ngure In iiriiriilng Several of Hie gillds h evir huve HO accustoiicd tu them lhat they not ion Icier theiii reiuarkilil They have laliil stray nbserallon maile by vnrinii- svlltiir and added thm to the ml f Hundsr with lIlt result of iriiiiiiig HiB- creclulltv of thin culdcl More than half of the Ktnfie In circulation In ill i ntry dis- tricts ilioit this hotel vvundrfiil as II Is may elahorntlns Hie li i is- by guides In their desir in plcne- Pevcrnl owners of large toiirltiB automo- biles who spend summers In i Mio ter county and one forced to come tutu Nine York every day art now making the trips Hieir nvichilies Tho fnvorlte route leads down through IVlham Day park and every s and ii a iirin i of tIp n hilt automobiles gues uhizxintr dnnn Hie roil bniinil for New York inb irrvlng throe four nen At that hour there are few borns- on the rnnil and automobile apparently make nboiit n good tune n Hie average suburban train hen tlnv iimke till return tri Inter In the afternoon their lime Is slower beeause the lust roni nine wellPiled with hnriis It not prnbnhli Hint the niitoinr hilt i going flit Ititn tre riilrond fur truffle fiT nianv vcnrs- to come but Hint it afford nnattrntlve- nnd cool way uf travelling New York buck agnln by tbe tneii who inn nflurd it gives roml e nf an liicrealng number nutotuobllis for suburbnn service The Spanish swindle which tins been ox posed vo frequently In the newspapers during the past two years now hId fair to rival the gold brick Mvlmlle as a popular means of separating credulous eciple from their money IfnnyelTort has moOn millie to detect tine perpetrator of It who operate from Spain no result has come troll It Appar- ently the same man Is rending out the Hunt of loiters I riling how lie Is In n Spanish condemned to death appealing to the reader to accept noverd hundred thousand dollars ns a Might returnoration for ncecptlng the guardianship of his cliiigiter A over JHX lust week to this letter writers fund befciro he dicnvcred Hint lie lunl been liuinneil nnd since then three irei have come to Till Si N nflle eaeli with the eeret of the dig fortune lilrli wns to him from the same source tint tluse men trns so convinced of the conn- nenes of this letter frnin Spilli which he had enlved that lo nt i HIM It thnt Hie hole thins wns II fraud The sel inn enough atic from the Hint over tills country have mridi thOm ekes litiown in llielr efforts to recover money t l liv It otic nun judge of tlm of tIn oiistunt letter writer III spiin Tin form of- is litter is nlwiv IIe lino tlioiuli this nf the fortune fnr wliiih he wants a eceivir arlcs fnvn inumo to lWoiOX Time llnirlUli rhnph ue with their powter- Arl d their inahngnny tables tusk gIM coptier bnr llxiiires rind their bottles if condiments hnvn In the evolution of roe aurants In New York given plane to otnhI- slimenls to less nanow tnste- riother distinctive form of Now York oilS eMaurants is rapidly pn sjug n fact nccen- unteel by the closing lat wrek of of time pioneer Itnllnn restaurants In town ind of the lat to ptenerve the list Ira liliorisof Itnltin cooking of which kidneys rind Milan veal were feitures and of uldch till silver urn for tip of patrons ns tvill u portion of the cheese In time Though dissimilar In nil re pe f lncllsh nnd ietniitntit In New York have been or are IcIng effaced by the of the name cnu e the In illlTeriiii or New irk eu fomer to oneeial- illfhcs a higher Kfiimliinl of coolintr in the htitels and til ucies ff iihl dloie in ilevelopment of nhicli lhi lrenih and Hun irnrlnii te keepers hose 1 Kr oiiinr- intnUre of business if um of culinary skill hen either the hots of lngllsl or the of iKinm- esinlllshmints tin urea I growth of New York H- Iheiiiiniilsin as a form of clilxntitelsm passeel- nuiiy nail time reiiuiteinents of line verv cun oiitwelgh the castro noniie excellenie of old lieil places Italian iiii t a neceiwirv feiituro uf tho Italian restiuiaits lias no permanent in New Vork and sherry port and Mndiiia which were fnriiirrly accepted a nn impor- tant purl of the niiiices f res- tnurniits In New Vork tern less highly es- teemed Hinn French wines hiM crsMinll- yilareland chaninngties Then no mw Immlgrnilon Into of the merihant leis- ure the professional nr tlm literary class from duly either III Atnerliiin Hiirefore siich- i The Snilio nnd Monllis- nithiilt IIMI irii The opening of thin new In Ibis city which eiitres on Fifth uvunun n few blocks abnve- roriyseionil street and has made very vnlunbl property on some of oldn trI a duPii year ago pro ilucecl Income enough to pay tIre tax Tlm credit of foreseeing tile evolution has been to Hi Into Chirle C Ileamaii who prophesied ten years go that Iho wniill gradually iiinvu uptown nnd a dub ienii abovi Forty HI reel Tim Lotus Club wax urin of- tliii pioneers In this movement and II reaped of fnroKgneiuiis nciiring Its pre ent at a prli whlcli today icciii ulnirdly low Th eniury i lubs liioniiiiu s rhe Itae the Acideiiiv nf Medicine the llirvard- ijiib llm Si Nicholas till Itiioli club Ih w Vnrk Vucht lull liiliiionienV and sherry followed llm club move o did Hm I niver ity thus Tliee- Ljriligc liivn roiiie about within the pisi toil yir nnd this lirge iiiiiniinis uf money that I n invslid In tlne new cluh- inili would Miiii tn guaralilee that New 1iirk1 dub rentre wn fixed fur linliv years n coiii llm inlvantigo of hivlmr In dubs in ti one iclgliburbood great In limo man Is t luililber MVirnl clubs Tin on tho lIner of Hie Stock exchange who record the sale nnd prices hind a week of work HO Lard that It It so and r the h I hIlt lo I hIIII ur I Ilnllllll I I t I r I ri I t olin prIson itt lid I faIt all III lorI on It fh II III It ii In rlllll In1 1111 lit r hil allY il olrilion to thin rniItI IIIIlon or I- IItInrrtI phi I Ill II I lit I III I tIm Ill i IIi I II lIed Won It I roll t eulnitla rim lii him I 11111 Iii sv lisa a lit uet tnooti eoii lit JulIus iii lull Iii lit uioil bus cunist I lit ly guIiennu toil lIt tIhenr hum 1110 tim miltIl mill him ttiilit he sun his rood lit 5 plilumirtu ml it Ii nil rt ii nil wrhieii 55 rOllS itg s viol itie trnlit flultoth lit on lag oIl pn glint I- Istot oil seal grip I ust I I i lIeu t ii l1ii 0 I I it iiiflh tutors itt ii hib cli ts msftjh i 3 II i hits Eli ni tisi uii pIll till stim 4 I lhuh agnih- uulrass4 itfi clii hini nil I lie ti Is hutch hun r Ily mitt ni thY nil rt S I 0 I e I opt ott II rel our lers have 5 rr > ¬ < ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ > < ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < would break down a trained athUta was not accustomed to It physical exertion of this work tiM been creat and t this has been added a nervous strain no IntermlMlon during the hours when i Kxchanco was open A reporter and some- I times two are stationed nt each trading post on tho floor arid It U their duty to re cord the sales and transmit theta to operating room of the ticker company will the least possible delay The babel of noises around these posts In such market as thnt of this past nn great that I would neem to distinguish an of then The Stock ears have been trained by Inn experience however and very few arts this work Some transactions lIre mUml- bv them on davs when tin sticks are sold as rapidly as tlmv been this week hilt in with those recorded they limo very tow New York Quotation Company which IH controlled by the Kxchange has tickers In the ofllces Kxchange who are net Ire ns moro In hotels and other place where they aro of Interest Kvcry la taken to prevent bucket from this Never before In tIes of the Street has there been so much night work In brokers ofllces The big oflleii buildings In the neighborhood of Wall nnd Ilroad street which have been deHcrtcd fl oclock are many them brilliantly Illuminated until tbe hours In nine eases they have the clerks might catch up with previous clays buslniss A man who line much of his lime this past month In broker where heaviest business was done says that he has come to the conclusion that thin averng speculator Is more excited and nervous when hn Is winning than when tIm market Is going against tutu I happened tn mention this he to an old broker and he laughed at me because he said thli was so well established that brokers did not think It worth commenting on Kvin- In soino of thin ofllcen which are fitted lib for women I noticed thin Hamo When the market wn going them they were quiet and calm u a limit when It was In their favor they became almost lood fortune Kfeum tn be harder to accept philosophically brid though were willing to accept limo burden uf lawyer who lives on Washington Heights hail nccatlon one night last week to go to Connecticut by thin first train he could catch When he reached the Grand Central Station he found that he hail just misted a midnight train nnd that the next one did not leave until 5 oclock In time morning It was not worth while for him to home to wait HD lie to a nearby hotel After sitting In- Ibe hall tar a few minutes one employee a kecl hillS If he wns registered no said the 1 want a room I wultlns for a train that leaves Ut J A M Im orrv sir the employee but you cnnl wait hints It Is Tlm told the clerk nt tlm desk who he was and explained reason for being there Ho said Hint he did not want to retire to a mum The clerk told him tuft It wax ouiitrnry to the rules of the house for hint to sit In the halls nt that time unless he was n Thereupon the paid fur n room and was permitted lo sit hull Tho limit of persistency In whit Is nppnr- enily nothing limit idle curiosity teems to hnvn been leached by a dueii or more women who live In the tenement house Forty Komnd Mreet between Third and Iark ave- nues A man who rides several times a the branch uf Hie elevated lint thus to thn- Hrand Central Station says Hint no mntnr- at what hour be pnssnl dozen windowsare occupied by ns many women each watching Intently the on time bilnw If it bappeiis to lie raining they throw waterproof rape over their shoulders Several of women who lire very fat place cushions on the window sill lint they may be perfectly mnilortnhle They never Mein in have nal Interi t In the iws cr by time sidewalk several floors be- low them It Is an everchanging crowd in street nnd one would suppose hint n prolonged Inflection of It from n or window would con e to Im amusing limit it evidently has its attract ions A New Yorker with a reasonably while ncouaintnnco who goes to the theatre these day unity form some estimate of the large number of strangers who one In Now York now Not only wilt he tail to find many famillir faces the audience hilt he will detect n something posslMv In the dress or the manners if the theatregoers that will convince that thev one from out of town A Chicago nmn said last week Hint lie did not din nt the hotel where be was staving because h nearly every one in the dining rnotn n from hits home and when be came tn Sew Yiirk he wanted a The hotels art nil overflowing with visitors MIO come from nil parts of the 1nltecl States They till theatres and nnd they little doubted lb usual crowd on Fifth avenue perhaps becnuo that Mrcel more than nor hun Uggels to the outoftown visitor the home nf New Yorks wealth The graduates of Columbia Vnlverslty will be tin rxt to form a college club A meeting of graduates was lately lucid nt which It was decided to appoint a Committee In every class to Biloct the Columbia men avail- able and dc lrabl for membership It Is not Intend to admit member upon thn Mil lecoinimndntion Hint they nn although tlm will IM mule A clubhii e will he rented anti th prpn od urganiatioti will In dlfletent In n iiiiiorlatit from a iily club Tlie ioiuiiiitlio in charge of the scectcu- uf names will begin us work lime The nnnual emigrntion from the crowded tenement districts uf the lower East Sldcj to tjie plensniiter summer qiinrterK in thin llroni hns already begun There it Is possible to got leneiinnts fur thin Mine rents asked downtown hIlt affording much cienter com- fort In Hie summer months The advantage of this arrangement Wile discovered several ago and MIIV that lime there has been every year nnexodus from the Kant Sid hoiiiei in what t be tin Annexed District where the Sound I not far distant and where every feature of life adapted to greater pbasure In summer spring migrnnu- ritirn In the lull to their former Fat Sldn- Hi which ap enr in lemntti to them in uf illlTerent expo fn a iiKluti rich In light and air One tnnrheil of tho prevailing- prusieiity wis found last week In the In- creased expense of luncheon orders at the downtown restaurant1 One of theso establishments last week enjoyed tine sensa- tion uf earning morn than twlcn as much IIH It usually ilucii although there was no cvideni 11 t there bad been tiny nnMhlo Inc nase in Ha number of its patrons Tho greater pmlit fillIP from the Increased niiiv with nil tin patronsurderid up- niiriiitiy stitiiing liiiisclve MnretnB old Italian restaurant which has b i sold declined with the Italian opera So long ns the estulili h- ment wns in street opposite thn Academy of Mu ic its proprietor knew only prosperity He haul his place on Hie second Hour of a building a few floors west uf Third avenue and here his customers were the most famous of tutu artists that sang at the Academy Suitiiii llrigimll Nnnnetti cam pllillil titrakoi and till tlio nperutln uf tlie Itnlian heyday his rtiin the opera moved Stephen Murelti kept in wake Limit as far downtown as TwentyIIrct ttriel Here tlm old never renewed the success uf- fnrniir yearn The and the kulney were Ju t as good and always rrniulntd tint specialty m house dhote wns just ns titanic und vnrje gated Hut the best of tlie l c s nf the former generation were gone and tIn lireiiit wns Indifferent to what the pro could offer ITII hits own country- men went to another Italian restaurant lived tu see Milne of his rivals chic appear scull lie still struggled along Now cithers are having and only the cheiti prices half uf what Morettl u ed to nik l ip any uf them In favor today Yet long ago the Italians lind n prartlcal monopoly of tin bisine in this city The miieess of the Harvard Club In making a proilt out of Its cheap dinner justifies the belief nf many persons thnt n meal of three and courses would meet with favor outside the narroir circle of u- ilclli It would not be courseto- nfler this dinner nt this clubs economlcnl 1 cent but there Would bo cllInniirs- nt twlci that if ice Tn the ctateinetit that micb n menu would h morn prntltabln thou this cutoiiinrv dhote restaurant keepers nlwnys respond Hint the nf- ba inn high to put it within rench It Is nosiihle tn tin runny Ingredients of the ordinary dinner ton of t or mutton would cost who The with the the a tiilt s let in fit timoril III ur an ii I iu ii mit nit t unIt I lie criers t this OfllCOt4 of the t hat tutu a I It- t tel a ill lath ii m Ic t oruil ill has itt hen tit it atm limon ill I tnt vsetsi mlii esr Ii ret tiuiiti ohm ii o tim t tie Cit grad untis diem fl haul lheiiinirs ill ih abort 31 mIne hi I till mnhi lilt I lull ls uslilo tie I Imo ml t nh at all j lIst tilt t t act- or I tilt ehi I hi I s illS a Ire guitts Hurt lmwnruh rostinl II lit giitt I I him t i bin 11111 tons ii elms suihitul lit mu st eli I cut rtts uf I tutu tim rice p S n ss > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ WILD WITH And Other Itching Burning Scaly Eruptions with Loss of Hair Bathe the affected parts with Hot Water and Cutlcura Soap 25c to cleanse the surface of crusts and scales and soften the thickened cuticle Dry without hard rubbing and apply Cutlcura Ointment SOc freely to allay It hlng Irritation and Inflammation and soothe heal and lastly take Cutlcura Resolvent SOc to coot and cleanse the blood A single ttt price l25i is often sufficient to curethe most torturing disfiguring and humiliating skin scalp and blood humors with loss of hair when nil else fails This sweet arid wholesome tnnt merit iHTorils instnnt roller mltn rost and Sit o In seviwst forms of iwtMim and other Itching burning anti Muly humors of the skin scalp antI lilootl and points puriimtioiitt und cnru wlitn other roinodka fall The aRonizliiR burnlnc of tilL skin nn in eecmn tho frightful Mftiliiiif as In tlio lti s of hair rind crusting of tlio ns m wild head facial llsllciiroinciit ON in mill ringworm the awful snlTorltiK of Infants anti tint anxiety of wornout as In milk crust totter and salt rhciiin all ikniund n mIne dv of almost siiHrliiiiiiiui virtues to bum sfully with them lflmt Cutlcurn arc such stands proven beyond till doubt No Htattinunt is ricnrilini them Is not justified by this stron ist Hvlilouce Tint ami swcotniMs power to immediate relief tho certiiinty of ly mid permanent dIre thin ab- solute safety urent economy Iirtvo mailc tnnm Htandard skin ctiri8 and humor remedies of tInt civilized world Millions of Women Use Cuticura Soap Ai WMt by CtrilCrilA nlVTMKMT fir Irnutifrlnif the skin the Moriilnc of filling liilr n I rnl MUI n iuK liiij r iifliinirs In the form of lftllilii ii f ir rsir ti ri In lrr foira lit wtabta tat iilrrfjlivr faknf w fur mnny v aiitiMptli purov s n it fur till lilt purpova of Ihr tiillet liiithnnil uMtv 1flirrilA UAIeMitJlii In ci sol nt UNK ITICK ii IKSTS limo III T chIn iitiJ complexion soap anal tie HliST lolln and baby uup In orlJ ECZEMA Speedy Curelreatmeot 125 and i I i I lie I 4- to us sueuIy 1 ltliitui and bit I i t hut iii iii tilcs I 3 L i t Ito I I mini I t for for wftentn r wit Item in C Itt s i lint tintthm for annoYing till ftei Cmi Otuli5Ir l at flint sir this I inniiY mints HIWIHIU iv 1 twin Flttli nfls and IliitiRh nil Tumble In llnlllmorr- llraM lUnd Scclcty- liAiTlMfHE Md May wttion nf- Ilaltlmore society known ns CliP Irui IJund Set I considerably agitated today mor 11 series of occurrences Involving tlirm well known youtiK men The trouble Binned nt this Elk indite Kennels on Chnrlis Stnct- nvenuc nn Siitiinlny afternoon anti ended station house ul an early hour on Sunday mornltiR Saturday William I Iehr n brother of Hurry lohr lId Lawrence Ierrln had an altercation cm tin cf the kennels clubhouse Thf two withdrew to l woods nearby to Mttle their dlfflciiliir and wore In the midst of pretty lively flKtjrufls when other Members of i lull and them This imlitl Ilie trouble at I At ii lain hour on Saturday nlcht Mr letir who lund hroiiKlit u hlarll 10 town with him nM n memento of hs collision with Mr went to Itowlnnds Turkish biih rooms In the Hulllnis to linv tile hrulncs trealeil friend Idiirml- ncTOtnpanlfil him When they ninrtred In the bith several otlicr vminc men unknown In Mr l lr and Mr Cunrndami who there neiiiuil 1 In Kreiitly- nmiiRed nl I he blnck eve mid lnirin t remarks about It Th lout neneral In whieh the cfmtunirsnlid rH of Men ri mill Conrad were lndlv dam need The four combatant won ntre t d- JinE WIISOf WfW IIIHM 7S italic Sued for Ot romml lnn on Sale of the T m lury IH aerrrd The team of rhe tnut mares My tlo anti Marlitold bought by Actress Mnrie Wilson of the Florodora c impanr from Ihn K- Manntnc ft tlenler In e rr City In vern Involved In n suit on trlil Potent Tiiitlce ODwyer of the fity Court yesterday In which Allen II Dnvl couirlit l reinver 1300 eotnmi ion for the ie MM ll tn who I with niakiir i crcnt mike In- Wiill Street recentl iiald fiii i for thn team Manning thnt hud not inifdI fr liltn I thus alt f the hr Jl Wllfon s ronchman Krnnk Ia lInux l ll Win that Mlsi il on wanted to buy 11 tenni and put the e nl tfi i limit Mitw- nuentlv l he would take J TK nn n nuiek Houx Mid he nxk l vi with liiin when looking for n team and nrereil in irlv- tIavi llllf of preetl IIP reielved Jin- uot M n a present from arid Kiiv- uInvl K di acrei l 311 ini iritu iciH- IMATIltr ALMANAC THIS HAl Sun tiles 7nSSun Jll 460- nuili WArru THIS uv Sandy Hook 344 iof IM 4l fl ArrtvedMosnvv May I- Sr S lluITnln Ilutehln Munlh April 4 Si Mlnnmi lli Ijiylinrt Ijimlnn Mnv S Luri 0 nr Mn Si HoOt lonrj X Yuik 1 UFIMM II lirnoTa MebalRnn N pl April Ss Amnnj c rt ralfinti March v- Ss Antliln Mnnlrtl N HU M y- Si Ylun hrl l n f n Sitiiiagn May 7 Si AllAI Morris Savanllh April so- Si MantM IUIdlf Trl ldi 1 Ma V- Ki iilindn lliHiwii Calluirlrn J- S lfltnoi llnnv Port ill Itlnrf Mir Hi llh k ICtdrn Mitt 2- S r rnrN imrtrlik Ioriocihrllo M- S lirjl htr iiarren Prtnnlj May 1 Murriviii May S AlenniUln Ilitl lirkmnrlllr Slat 0- S romii lLimtl r Irkunn U- SsTilnriirtn A fry I5run irk Vl y I1- 1S niurilrldii ni ilF UalllmiitF May I S Kansas I H I lnr nl VcMf- lutlc F t York cjnrr smyrnii 1ifc l Unit jFimli MuilVrtl rirtrher laiim SprIt S- IYarht Sultana MatSFlllis April J- R MlnnfhahK Irnm r York m Ivindon- S MdininlnrF from Nrvf York al Lmidu- nKsloudmn from New Yori for llmtrdani ol- fAiirn proM ronni ji ronrs- St natbaroMa from SaulliKrapton fir Mrw York OITOOINO MTIMH Sill Today Clotf- ftici A it- 010A It- KISiHt New jFlFt on Norfolk sil TomnrriHp- Soiitlinmk AiUrrp 1C on A it Anirr I 3i I Cnprl Ninth llratll tnniiAJII- tmernnn Inniiun Hum A II- Vuratan llm nun IS W II- Rablne linlvrMn f- Irlnrens Aline Nerlnlk- rtml Tlltinttait Well If- lKatvtln Marln Iliirrsln- Chcrlxiurg n 10 A M- Ijil iiwiii H re 7i AJ DfumrhUnd llambirg in Tilnlcliicl U- rirntiifitii lInMll- addunlinll Argentina II II llrlrr llrrmi- nllilirvli New orlnns r M- S n I M- IM tin AM- Si M 1 It 30 M- Sf M 1 M Vrlit kj rnnlind AnlKfHi nil Prlnre flu Tomonov 1ara- Jafksonvllli nut rnuntiv nay m- Klona Ht Loris ii Itlo rwtirlr n htiituy May I it ititr VlftarW llamliurit- Prnlnsular b ii- iAtUniiui Copnihlgfn tint SofafilJiy Jla Is- lAntilttlne Havre- lmbil IUrrrexil- Ntldinfdi Gibraltar 1l limit t- ithe aft ertinoni corn tidum s t I sota ma t ud his lilt cvi jer tin I Its I hurl ti s0to nhreuil I is ft chit COti Ill Plmtulit I dir huts furl t creel il uil i sit Id 1 Ia s I ulis his sale I a nfl Mit n runt ula tnom rises i I hell ate etude w tin- s > I It pill < a 3 Si Cniltitn alt I h ill are tile hliTl tlrpmsli Staid nfIgtiis S1til t I rr limp AnRivtD I1l- s Ittard 51111 1 t- mAicsnte ohso A Charleston It Orleans I M it t U t Iow Sauthmmptun C O It t 1 3- 1MSletlc Iicentwsml I U U t t t 31 4 t I Ii I St I t4 I 5f I 01 1 St ill I Iii muu 5 all oti Si hIll rt l ii tHI h i i t I itOiti1OSrltSItititl 3 flIt TOdmll ibrahtlr M3 State of 3IutsZOlV May 4 ti hii ittt itiy 7- traii l eel Stsy a- 1h lit N ow itleutna 3imm u raflIC lhCPltlOCl ify NCrStCT linemen SI 4- Nilietnlti 41 lmmituir Si hintliurrfls itui Cornitflclue Mitt I IAhn lInemen Slay P- uIrttorh Mi Iimimmrti iiitit h Stay 0 3him ii lie SIPu A ilitt piit al flIt etnrl ila II itmsi II its it 4 < < > > > < > ° IIIM jrin n rmt KKXXKDY- Anil One nf lhr ll Jcrcl From a Spnlll IaiiFl One of tIn jurors sprurvd week for the triiil of Or Kennedy for the murder of IMIv liyniil1 not mimic to appear yes- terday biTniin of illness One wcnreil In time tnlddlo of ueek failed to return the next iliy bavins ilevelnped boils Th places of thcMi mini stem filled yesterday One jiimr is stilt larlclni to make twelve M I Martin forenian of the Mollnous wa excused yesterday tiy tho de fence Ijinyer Moore of counnel- flleil with tuitife Xewburirern against Juror Jlruv wleitcil friiu the pin ul ivi drawn tiiirsnuMi on the ground the jury wh el from which the second pantl nis ilraun did nni contain a tin pr oiii Ktaie nf the Jlr WlnilnW Sotlitnt Syrup for tUlldrFn- tFithlnir miftFi Hi KUIII Fdurrs Innaminmni- alluvi pain ru cs Kind mc dlarnxra lc a bottle COXXOIIV On May 12 1901 al hIs iF di ur IJi l MI I James v Connolly Minrl liil li l nf AIIIF M Mtrlt- Tmtral Mrvin ut Church nf si IFHD Hie n ptltT- fMh t liFiwrni Lnimton and Sri am on- Wcdneiiiy May IT nt lu A M Funttal- prlvntr ll n r strait IloHiri- DOVIU on Sunday May 12 1001 Mar far ft wife of Panil Ikiyl- FIuurral from her late iisdFiicF 1M7 Mnnrnt aol on Wodiiwlay May n 1901 nt BSO A thence tn fit Jo fph Chtirfli TrFmont nfli lists soil frlFnd rF rrtfully IntlKd interment In St Iliymoni- ROVK on Kvturdiy May 11 rrincl JH- iove njFil 72 year Junfral irrvlccj at his late iFildwcF t v Patlfla- tt 1501at3PilN- FW KutUnd iflpFri plriit p- yirnrrK At uins inii8F x Y entered Into on Monday Mny 11 1901 J uIM mntht- of the Ilrr IFnry Iutnck II I aced M y i- Ilurnl wt Hc iniratc- MflAIUtY At NF Hruniirlflr N J onSMur day May II l nt UvilFl ilFljirry- Kunrtal at the Iir IriMbytFtlan Cbuirh on Turvlay May 14 l ni nt 2 oclock- IAlMKU on Sunday mitnlnr May 12 I Mi- Maty Kiillinrlii dn of David Palmer In tier 611th ynr- Iunfral Frvlwji will he held at hFrlitTFildFnoe KASI nd M on Sdlnrsday mornIng Slay IS1 Hill HI 10oelnclt- HfSSKLI n sitiir ur Hay II not suddenly Adiim lUvM lnlMiffl wife of Salem T RuMelli- IiniTAi erueis at lier Ut fMcldence IM Weil Slii- I TiiScHy May 14 at 10 A M Inlftnienl- BIOAN in Mindly May 11 1901 Marr T be weit tit ot rent lohu stean- runrriil fMtn her tilde rrMeVnre 111 Wf t Kth H- at A M Ihruce In SI MIchirlH Chuich Oil av soul Mel M Interment Oilrary- BTBPUKNIINAt ParIs rr n on Frld r April Z not llmlly WllUrd dsjjhttr ol ln late In in Huhbarcl Stihrn n- Mcmewliil irrtlres at thf residenCe of her brother In law II H HoiiiMcr to Went ih TutMiat Mm 11 IJOI ll 10 A M- WKKKS on Sunday May t IDOl Alelhea- II vilmv el Heurj A WffkJ In h r 75U ytrF- unitnl sell rr tl lifr Ito rr ldfn IOJO UrcMd- t on Viiifdi Jl y is 1001 at S oclock I M- Itoi MATS orirrr honin n MH old Knili- v l riiitiiir i i IMP IllAIT Ill th nv- W VMIMi Hki or tinllin nn KOSir Alien lit nnrl M iln nn ivmiirni Disirihc with n t I iiv IVM i luntliamion N Y- eoUflfi ami SchooW I iir ln Jt tilling ien City Country tiilFnt1 I n 11 iil OPT intti 7e and E EGENTSA- I vntu iii i u roiiv jirito- oiIS W 43d St Iel Illllll 3Mth V 11177 Main Itrnoklt- nSACRFD HEART ACADEMY in ii itn frf tii for older dinls Mit A il CtKSUf V V REGENTS COLLEGE RI SIMIM is Asron PIACB- flA s nl IICI 1 1 instruction REGENTS 1820 East 42d St Ilil 1AUAll iCt SCIliMII fur rlillilmi lly and Conntr TIll iio Mtt s IHIOI SiimmrrSMilnn FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN aiiti ifHi intsn nfiru Irruln- ritlnilllin r I inn Director i or I orl WitihiKinii Ale A llepol lnne 11 AMI V IT IIOIKIt 111 MH 10IIU THE PAINE UPTOWN WlS lii 1011 IIIIOAIIH I lilt lirTH ST TIlL Miller School of Business t IIIIIHM llullctliiu lllll llrnict j- MinrlliiTil I rlllnii llnokkveplnt- M Ill k I ISi 11 SI SI U Kit run No llrttrr shniil ut Anr Irlre- hi i r Ihrslial Culturs Ill I lCu iho Came hart stile hit I tmn3 spu ui I 3000 nit tnsec lui thIltt oltcc PE SlotH mutt lie kitrd tIll moot Husuktin on Tuieattsy May I I lest tilts Ires ned I Oil It et- on 4- ctt ttliCaht0ll 5 4 r i is C Mt t II Ow ilmorolirhistadsaita rum t0fl I s ear terms ill l uttit Itt t tiN Id Ii I rPu1IJlrthi t beth ti 31 I s i no f S iumeliise uhtrgeo tirlilu Fit I I i it fir lan trm ie tit niiluntng sti o Pcs I sits The flrkl far Wom 23 tI 11th SI rUIhhIITihIU sd Chijilges > < ¬ ¬ > < < > > > > < > > < °

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Post on 05-Jul-2020




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Page 1: Other Itching Burning Scaly Loss of Hair Speedy ... · tn th without making him a buncombe brawler Mr Stuart Is nn actor with an engaging personality hi popu-larity with the audiences

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A vrir rir OF noitAXTicisji AX-AxyriiEK OF jirKiti3irXTI-

lntnmf Monte CrUto Uxltndrd bj UndoIn The Prisoner f Alclrn Itmenfcl-lind Sloan Cttravnianza of The KingC rnl l The Uttk on Oar Slat

The play brought out at the AmericaTheitni last night The Prisoner of Algierswas an Ingenious and Interesting sequelUie old staso version of Duma MonteCrlsto Several character wore newly transterred trAm book to sInge antI portionsof the tory not mlmlcd In previous dramatlron were utilized along with some orle-inal matter Tho not result wa a rnelo-

ciramn of a rather peculiar kind Frnnl-Ttndnn the writer of It had conceived thatK imund untci came to Ids death nt the handsof n son of Vine lianglan leaving an heiriilikn to wealth and vengeful duty In tinperson of Albert The adventureuf this young man In punishing tim destroyeiof his fathers life nnd defending his ovivitro Illustrated vividly A stntltnental do-menl was provided by making rVuprma Mnj

r ri loyal sweetheart to Albrrt anti so therewere cross purposes to give complexity to tile

The representation of this play vras antonUhinsly good to have been male at a theatre

here Iho bill Is chanced every Mondaynlcht Oi co in a whllo tho prompter had tojog an oTvur memory of the words nnd thenwas hsltnncy Honi tlm s In movement butthv faults were not grievous and they werefar more than offset by merits

Knlph Stuart cave n dashing distinctiontn th without making him a buncombebrawler Mr Stuart Is nn actorwith an engaging personality hi popu-larity with the audiences tho American-

s no wonder Llnthlcmn was a mlnilosweetheart with sufficient biauty anti charmto warrant the heros fervor The con-

tingent of Mr Ilndon-Mr Klrklind Mr Sheldon and Kva ClaytonMK litickloy WItS a vlvnndifcro and MrKeogh was one of thor Irish sergeants whoare often turned looe In military scenei-to be at a sacrifice of common

A a composition In a vein of olcll l4melodrama In familiar

nncl soliloquies andins for strongly theatric situations ratherthan to tell n coherent story Mr Millionspiny was Interesting In these

scenic mounting was cxcilliiit Theexterior of the wall of Algiers u Parisiangambling house the Forest of Iontmnoblcau

thn Island of Montu Iristo were well

Some things that were nosy anti more thatwere old hut nearly nil of then unusuallyentertaining made up nn extravaganzacalled The Kings Carnival lhat was shownfor the llrst time at the Now York Theatretart night Sydney Uoenfeld had writtenIt In n vein of comic iournnl Jokesonly eoiience lies In the fact that theyono another In a column Tholooked ns If they had stepped from the car-

toons of urh u sheet as they embodied somefunny exaggerations of nature The imMcsuggested onefinger wnltyes The wholepiece had the merits nnd criiilltles of one ofthese publications will make Its successwith tin people at such muchfoolery

It would bo an useless to count the numberof scenes an to enumerate tlio characternnd what relationship they bore to toeanother The action started In the Illacnof He King whom some persons of theCrawford play became complicated

from the court of Henry VIIITheatre Thereupon the stories

ot When Knighthood Wo In Flower andIn the Pnhoc of the Klnc were Interwoven

occasionally cleverly but frequently pushedtogether a loud reportthough of Of course In aof th sort much depended the playersemployed anti the encasedSires wai unusually good

Frank icMtie started the piece with a reallyfine Imitation nf William N orris a flirt

in In the Ialve of Klnir Laterlie Played thn hero nf When Knighthood

animatedly and laughalily-Adelo Hltchio the lull Murlowi

m and sang delightfully Ninarnrrlngtou was heniitlful IIM one ofthe Mayme lithrue nsanother had a i to how that hot tlanc

has Improved even over her former ex-

ceptional grace anl ugllitj A thirdhud o little to do that It seemed

regrettable thaI clever a conudlin as-Kimiu Cum wasted on the part stillfhe innnngcl to eMnut some fun from iioth-ln ne s so lnr employment wis 1101 In vain

Ihe honor III knockabout farcn wirecarried if br Marie lre er who Is proi

thu funniest roughAmerica She was as latighnhle anti go ilhumored ns ever and It was tiwelcome her bark to New York Her vulgarmanner was not n offen lvo here IKMIUISO

tho whole tone of Hie show wa andKiiiniriervllle was a dose

ootid to Ml s Ure ter Itiactius her babyThe sight of tall Mist

being rocked to In n cradle vii hardlye s than the words of Miss re s

lullaby Iiura Hurt created tniichappearing us Vloh Allen

Hates i like Mi rirus Inenoutl fional to nu h-

a small partThe men excepting Mr I oane WOn far

exceeded In hyLouis Harrison ei iied more than ninnyIn hi Hurry weereally Inughat lint lie has been much more

In other part Ian MiAvoy ometimes am indue iilnii h vulgurf-cw i l f have th

Tho scvine that mvle the hipgest successwith tact very rrowclvl andli tlc niidleiiii HIH niuliorni

In IndT Two Iligs Instead ofrand it rained ci and dog ntnmil to ll tliMiuii the air hv isof a moving picture niaclilue Miss iturt-a Illanehe lutes a liirsn u CIIIMII

higher thin one at the iardcuiTheatre anti more In effort Then

Harrison und rhnrlcstrite riding Imitation hor es hung ontheir und supplied with only two

et neii their own piiriii tier Thnneed hake I it wa with sreni diill-

culty u e uf whip and ipur Iliactheir ruler could got then t an up the In-

cline turned IIM lior o andMm llutger reilitnt the top throw i iTed nf

m the next man d un th moiiiianti so on to the next it pro

the groundThin sene conic lotm nftfr it wn

the end of only til first rci TheInilirled n truvestv on i limber ninth

tac st ions of other pieces Hefore the-e trniiunn n n new iiis

ehefse nffalr was ulinwn nnd smnnof the iilrl vaudeville spermlties retninecl

This Kings Carnlvnl so murhthat tiC fncludlng some son us liv-

cieorse V with music A

Monre that will be wlilMled everywhereAn ntv A half will to lie cut outif tine and that will removethe rnnnv tirefcnrne spells thnt rnrue lietwennthis moro freijuetit

Two mote proctor comedy compinlen-heean work yesterday They pave TheWomin hinter nt the Fifth Avenue nnd-

SMohn nt the Twentythird Street whileCinderella nt School the long pler-

et the Street nncl ConfusionNI the tJMIi Street Thin drainalixntlon of Hie-

lYoetnr houwg did not ecliidn vaudevilleSciuareolferecl an

ally diverse nnd proemmino ofvaudeville including now or freshenedketihen The CrasB acrobnts and a daintynet nf eight mgprs and dincers railedflwiili mid Hellii were features und herowit n liiippi nlisetice of roarsenuss nnd Inallllty

Anna hold hogan yeiierdiy a weeks ex-

tennlnn other engagement thin Grand tpcruin Th tock com-

pany nt tIc Murray 11111 brought out Aii Steer V IViMielly u

si niistii The Card nat the Metropolis

The were Hlpnmoos m the lmpire Tomsl Ac Httfet iarri ul

hinei I ndcr Two Flags nt theHarden Lover1 Lane lit thin ItipuhliiThe at Hie Ilij When Iwilghl-io d WHS In Klimer at the Crltinoli Sil1loy HI I nlv linl of the Horse-Jlirltie ii i tnrriik Htriss Nell et

nn tlii tJuiel ul theinure Thi Iriniii nl till llcriilcl-liniie rind flnrmlciro nt the Casino

ui wilt ii a-

we iix Irlila nn1 Satinliy forilircw purforinutices of Tho Mrrlmnt nf

L tlwhi Mixlivithe Klaw V company

lied for a short lour be





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much curiosity wd perhaps an equaamount of wtlsfactlon Goodwin

endeavorihe of Life left Rudolph

In broken health as well asrupt In He will bo helped In imonny n nt

M letter oTnrlnir this asslitance I

Importancetheatre the Orpheum

hail Homer Und and a singingyesterday In and a o

MpeclallstM Tony Iastorn mendMark Stewart-

teWOBratfhs to tho music of an orcietra-hoswr A UlalH back to variety show

1VtS5l HHLH flYThey Present the Comrily As Von Like

Inder the Trcel on the Csnipui-roiQiiKKKrniE May 13 In a wood

pot on ho north aide of tho campus Vassalstudents presented Shakespeares cornell

As ron Llko It this afternoon It wasthe fIrst time a play line been given In openair and also till fIrst Unit Shakespeare hasbeen given at the college The programmewas copied otter till style of an old play-bill nnd printed In the language antitore of the Elizabethan days It read Tho-ca to of An toil iiB it n comedy by MailerWilliam Shakespeare lalde III ye forest ofArdennes nnd truly set forth before ye wor

of ns ar ollege In y moiitliof Slue M C M I l as followsPMr K C Warnern r A AndcruaJawi I lleimtilAHiliiii II WhitmanIriilfrlrt llMinsiinCtiutln Julia IxKkwooilWr r IdalFa llFariieOrlando Itare air t CalhounAtom A howeTovdalmi I UeNalr-Corlti j Ixwkwiodyiru 11 Adair

x liunriar-itotitltwl lucte lie

Stella tIes1totn Hobble HF IaltirsiiI-tdrfK n rointry wench lury Hurmloris pares altFndint JcA feature of tlm plav was thin first appear

nnce In of the C ille etnt under the leadership of Imf low in-

structor III till music department The or-chestra was i memberw of thefaculty and student nod numbered twentyiilecos The selections were encoredIo Ihe illusion therewas no chmge of scenery and the differenttilniis represented In weieatitiiumvil

poslerH hung at sides of the bytwo SOmali panes dressed In fancy whimgilt costumes There wero no waits lietweeiithe acts noel winre change of cosluini wnnecessary the orche tra played appr prialn

The tnr wits I IK in r iiof Kasi N win line iiuidiquite riimtution u an n tress m the V irsinge The play Mils voted II success mu-iniiie of Sliakiscnres pliys will be givennt tin college in the near future

Msrr IEIUDII tritf-I rirnr l nf Irllirs lo AnilVice Acrnts iron

iamllrrs llnuLs lirfusrs Cnp NatiiF

Mot of the tlne of IiiKtice brogue yes-

terday was talten up In explaining the pub-

lished statements attributed to himhave stirred up the societies

the Waiting for the lustliowhen h arrived from Lakovlllo tnnti WOe

missioner Murphy III which till imiuni-Kloner

In an allFtrd IntFtrle the following stilftnrntIs credited to you

Only the ntlicr dill a roundsman applied for iromotion Ills rrrod his pliyi lral riamliijition his

f SFtvlrF rmvllllic Indlrttnl IU itch t

mntlon at OIIFF tiul hF roulilnl pit II Vhj

cause hF hsdnl ol the stur In put up HF caircto one anti told mF the frt

lucre nn FlItlUF IIM In this dcpartmFnt Flthrrfur tiiindimrn MrgranU er Captains Tills tatemrnl dori Out say nhat UIF rnurilMmn aiiillnl forprnniollnn tn but U ns prFMimahly In MrtranlAs no a pllFatlon has been made by any of the unlfnrnird Intro who are arplyliu for motlon F

cit the appllratlon tn RVF IhFm A rrralltij on theirrrroidi I Inc ohlljFd you would tIre tile surtifacts as may be In your rdillnt to thli

Justice JeromeI lid nnl say that only the other day a roundsman-

appllpd tor promotion I said that a few days auoa roundsman lind Inluimr ire that he lust applirlfur proiuullun and that allhiiieh hli rxaminntiaand were SUFI ai in luaiify hit iiioiiintonlit did rot hrrure It brrauv lie wai to t yfur It As I ftivlled hli ilrmFit thewai made prior ti appihiiiiiirnl as ionimis-ionrr ant i f julur allhi iiicii ivthln II n m-

laritlvFly shnrl llmF As tile Informationtn IIIF a n nnil

h an nrtr or whwii I har tiiuih rFi il niul filInns ut warm ixrvmal IrVinLihip I ilo not f rlI woulil t luHirlFd In yiiu ln nanF nr brinemore uppFinr In to Ills lilFmFiil In tile IfI II nut dFillne In any urirlil action ii n n-

fiiriuillnn In a an oiul-If It urrr not lMliFrd that iirli Infnrnialinn ivnuld

wripiilnu lv RiinrdFil hv 1 Klinultlrutlnil tIll my Miurrr1 ot Infunnnllun

I am vitlsfleil Murphy said on reJustice iy that

the incident wlileli tie refirs did nut occurIII my adininUlratloii but ut bfore I tooknfllce Ihe ilmMit concirii III1 al nil

Th i oiiimisioinr nt-itnity Commissioner V rk who was nted

In the roomIts up to you Mr York 8Uggf sti a

reporterMr York has to nay unappe-

dlh nf the Police i

Hint If IIthe committal of an offence and hen nys

hat he ii till information actilpiin it then Mr York i of opinion thatthat judicial hardly a pcrcnn-to dunes

Frank Moss ami Anthnny Com loc nsgot after Jerome iiccouiit nf Ibu-clmrge that oillcer of tlnlr mcletien hadr1elvcd inmiey fruit the Kambltrs llm-Jus io soitliii tlitin l y explaining lull Imdid not aswtt that agents of therarkhur nnd oinstoeu went In

pay l tIle lawbreakeriiiat i ul i KIHI he wa that In one

nf the books captured In a rorenf nldere the payment ol n iint-

nf iniiiiey enrh month nn n eiit if th-

liirliliurt ft iriety and nil gout i th Ctlik snclely I did lint nor fmi I iytint tne men iicfunlly got the money All

know abiiilt tin iniM r i what Is fiiteieilill Hie hook wlilih we have m our e lu-

nCiiniulslner Murphy decline ilisiMi sHie report that

wm practicnlly th-

iilTiirs nf the Ka t strwt sli-tiiti that beriu e of Mr Nngi interferinie In the rapt Val li hail

I iloiit know utiylhliiK about It exceptwhat I have renl Col Murphy al

liive V il li to be hero to-

morrow iiHMiinc I tnteiui tn MiakoInto the matter

Mr NuglK llileil with eniphiii that homil over flight iiiiliiil Cnpl Milhs

nealtft the gan bler in tlie ha t-

llfith reel and ail Im rhiltingeiinv tie lo prove the truth of thi report thntlie hal been III lerunng innIrnufeF of tIme two Knnl men firIrving i uppres luililbof l itiii-

ksrnrrr rirnel MnrphT 1111 llevrry Tfnpe

Anxious Aliiut the Crunks

Five doctors from Hi Health linpnrtmcnt-e cenried mi Iolle

everybody In night Nobodyaway nearly us cciuld lie learned ex-

ept id Murphy who w s vaccinated lastveek and Heputy Commissioner Hnvery whoalthough lie pniTllly ciitetn thnt he i

i tnemijer of the uniformed forc didnt rt-il i luiiii yi teiiliy and thiniiy muuH i Mr-lievery was ionfriiiiti I iinclilinii not

theoryM varilimting of man arms whose

tremtli i ed fun liphnliliiitf Hi niijity ofHi law worried many I tic t iMrul IIIHO-leuihs

What if the crooks trot onto this oneof-th linked gloomily IheiVll H iho

pay If they know that n ry Man on thofore only trot on good

Deputy Chief was one oftim vletinti He was talking in HI nrrtdnrwhen Hoiiiidsinm iciip i aiiir l hM-

IItepiift m Itioini I Will ur IHCM-Irollcil nti far mult oti i licinii-ey Clayton hail tn

nil wis flIt lirrrl pinleiilly mult fur iHiiiiolioii to i ii-ild Th last time I rit hc WM wlin

I the pei NT Nnlsiirg i

solemn high nms will lie celeiimtml In theChurch tntmrrow tu com

iiHiimratu thou i inonlaiioii si j iml t lie the foiiintiM nf Hie llrothers nf-

ho Schools Ihe KV VIIInI-Vnny wilt otllclnte us cliaron ami the v-

IVIIIIam if ilbdeueoii The Hev Mwill pronounce the panegyric


mlllln o onThe

nien and IIIIIerclal


ere 1I lIeJllilall Ito lint cr Till iriea

xhIhite1 gnitmee atini moving

fOov HdI1 ttitiosIlnLnshlr 1


I 0




1IlIr Or



Ora lilt IllroILlI

hid I


a uger wit Ii ii letter rrllm 0111


tim pie



rlllll I to Ui


mitt MlrlIII


Ir lUll





1111 milillh


Con i





lImllilnll rI

111 I


it nlll lnlnl I






grit II



ii till




Iii forIt Ilitbi

nllllnrlllhCnnlllllllnn or HI I I




ICon illne


1 JJ-I I It lr


lIners1aiirMusr wax


ft lit

clot rile

lad yes


hiltihti Iiivabet lit fl

t tin i a ii

Inns is

itt inet a s-

well as

mlIee P0110 I




55 as-COtS C eti 1511 rid iii

nc hitt lie

iufl tit tIliIl4rl nih i



flint r


ili rate ni i Its Iii fi in ititi i i-


ill unit 54

illcer e premieri III I

list ii

thou ii y50 Iit ice

I tie eu


t tiniiit cries sbi Iii i



ii jog I I

I or v nT nil i I a ge

0 hill sbit ttit ic

list rile iiit-

t ku roll thi lit at I ia I nfl

nil I t hoe



i tIers tit rdnty

all I irlfifl tollC



duiito e

Clii toll


Iii iiilir

5 bill iiI0


II iii rtiehhh 1111105

tae lii oi Si Hi-


AllhiiIlitinit ton
















< <










Ilronklytilur Found Hrr Xot Outlty of lllcairrWill o ft Ulin lied Married Othrnlust Mncltrate Pool holds Leaves He-

Tied to No 4llos a Rood Man Says SfcrMagistrate fool slttlnc In charnbcr ad-

joining the Centre street pollco courthanded down a thin decision ycntcrdny I

the of bmsdalo vs Ix n dale Thl-It nn nctlon In which John II Ixinsilalecharged by Nettlo Lonsdalc If that bo

atnirlotiiiieit nnd nonsup-port Mr Lonsdiilo U at restnt livingIlayonne MM Lonsdalu gives Courtstreet ISrooklyn us herjiddrvHH For the thirdtime In as ninny Magistrate Pool directsMr Lonsdalo to pay the IS a weik forher support anti order him to give a humidof KOu that he will do no The defendantsays ho will refuse to comply with the on orand lust ho will appeal

Mrs Ionsilnl has undertaken severalventures Into matrimony She originallyWitS niarrtid to Jcorgu Kchutt and hnobtained n divorce from her III ClevelandOhio on the statutory ground Klio n xtmarried James II IU who olitnlncii adivorce from her Judge liarthtt Inthis Instance Kdwaril uughn was namedas core potidjnt subieiUintly marriedher but disappeared in n shunt time illswas more than tell year ago

Ionsdalu says that about title unto he metHID lauy who reprcsentud herself to bo awidow He liimiclf a widower with twochildren After u brief courtship they neromarried They lived togetiitr yeuyears and nllimM that h Hien

that his wlfti was Intimate withanother man und ho abandoned her thoughhe ailinlts that lie was to provo herguilt but says would have lo-

lirovn tnerytliiiiL he alleged It It had nutbeen fur the cluplli Ity of OIl

In April itw lJiisiialu begun actionagainst Joii dale for iilinniluntnriit nnd non

und MigUualo 1oul allowed liens II from July So 18U3 A

similar action was begun In April liioo aridll Vi a week was awarded

Jiihaiinus Allison who advertised for apleasant mlddleaipM widnw as a wife nowapeari the eni Mrs l a ilal mi

Mrs loiiMlale calling lierwif Netiiu Jolaiwas united tn Mr ton H Is nl l

that Mr Mason hud already tmirrlcil severalWillow and us Ins v had beenasiertallied by wveril of lliiiii In lied

II Mr lulo beard of Mrs IOII-Hilalis latest venture ho Instituted bigamy

imainst her The cne washeard before ice Asplnnll in llruuklyiibut m tiridini the lestlniiny of tlm-Itev Hr J II Sticktlnl who vore that be-nrirried the couple nliil of SIft kdaleWho Willieei tlie tinsor Mason wai iiimicent-

On the strenuth of this Magi tritn Tooldeclares Hint Ion tale tnusl Mill liny

a neel nnd liold that be i rlill SIrsIxti tale and hue been abandoned

Now I dont the neu ieri4 to ilm hurt aM Mrs Ix ii ihli esurdivafternoon Yes ninrry Scbtitt when fwas i HI was not lung but a boy und wentaway lo the r I grit a divorce from himI married Mr IIMei n o when I wa W-

He had so Tiitnh he had onflenlni-nf dont you litiow nnil I got n d

frnin himI dont lnow nnvtlilng nboiit Vaughn

nt rill I married Mr lxni dili ten yeirH-ngn He was a gnnrl nirtli and till right

About thl Mi in nlTilr I know nothingAt till Him ll I rlnltneil I marri l him I

drank a little lirei nit if I tuarrlwl Iwn byinoiii i for I ilnnt reitember tills

It I inn f ilv inlTueniedespecially by hypnotism I am mill Mrs

It i ild tlint nil live husbands hre turntloneil nice alive rivet ucll-


lnr e Tnrneil Snmrrsaoll lint SIF flas In-hnrl l rr lde Ililie lluiiat nT-

A woman with llclit and blue eyesrode it wlilt fnred unrril Imrsn longwest bridle Pith In Centrnl Iark yeMerdayafternoon Mie nceompanlerl by ariding mauler mind n boy about 11 years oldWhen oppo lt Vlnotyflrst treet whenthe bridle path skirls the reservoir thewomans horse ftimliled went down on Hiknees and tinned n complete somersaultThe wotrnn went under the borne nnd thepotrmM of this ddlo rinashed her ilerbv hit

he e from the ground howeverhe declared Hint flio woo not Iniureil rind

rode oil without name huelu r was Kiinewhrit bruised

A hnrsn rilileii hv Her Hermann ofFa t Flehtletti tret bulled on HIverHdn

nt seviilyniiitli street on SurnlivAlthough llenntin ilung t till middleIn vas iitmble in ll lior e In nnd tlmanimal dnlnil nt fll ed to the rni of tlm-drivi nnd then th i ntlre length of V t-

Soventy econd Mriit crowdedwith and iiilunioliile Mr Her-mann guided Hie thr tlgb thewith rote hut nt the ciitraniv In theIark he mn not nvnld down a b ywho wn tiding n icvcle The wns-Munslied to Illmlers iml the buy went flying

tin rondunv cxiipil with II fewlirtl e-

Th hrse lire down the West Drive withMr Hermann till ii miltle and MountedIolloninn Jnlm II in In t imrsiilt

efitrnne il light nveniie nn-dFlivnllili v ii thisman overtook the andIn dim bcfnre further tntrngei-vns done nnl lie hail riddenh bore for tlre venrs rind llml he never

iM f n Iriwnl riny lis to bull

VMsiyiISMis if intiin rimloth Nldrs Claim Ilie lu tintv of Xotnrninn

Van rntoniT VIIns Tint llnnlThor is n ci b of nuHmrlly In Queens

etween Magi tr iti Heiilev and fontifir-ii on ore iili nnd I nr ner tiny of Far Ilock

away on the olhor over the custody of Mntnrnan rlmrles K who was In charge of

Irnllev our hull rollliled with n strawparty Iti front nf fiistlors II tel In Jn

on Sri unlay nlcht klllina two menJlid Injuring n spore of the ueeupauts of thewngon When mi wns nrtn tci on sunrlay-Mngistrnte Jleiley refused li reingni e nnTiler from Cormier fitly who demandedhe riiMmly of Iho prlitoner Henley kohlnn without hull and ye terdav moinlni-

Tnn arraigned lieforn Mngistrnte connorton of Far nocknvvnv train Coronerlluv objeeterl to this prnceerling and In

lteil that ns was Hie Coroner in chargenf tlm case that be tmd the right nf dlspiv-Ing of Van tile objection erebv Muglstrile Cnntinrlmi who i ea edprisoner In Hjun-

oinner liitv then l iiiw a Coroners war-rant and nn was taken in ciitudy titter

Juinniia mi tile way lo lila homeII wile nirnlmiod before oroncr whoheld him without bull to awAIt the ie ull

the limusst tin wis tleiifotninittid tojiieciiH oitnty lull It i ihoughl III rippliunion will inndp I smju Miipreuie tntirt

toilriy l linve an In ballIuroiipr iuv niy he will light nnylion ceklne to release Hie priMiner befuroHit lniiies Is held

lnn nll Otrr the lid llrfrnlrrWilliam Htrlilifr n ya lit nirenf hn nn

which Is n the ralimlar fnr trlil tItlecolt In Trlid Tirn Part II of the Supremo

Mirt reiivii V i from c Oliver l einefftctinir Hi ai nlligel ol llm ynihl

lill liilnr The ynrht Wus-niiighi bv Kiimiil won lr floixioi nt Cilv Nind lli InIll ih Cup

ikrainsi the Vnlkvrle III v h Mrliiu that Iii a oi tiirmiffh Mr

Tin i be uu runiniiterlal in In r

Voublnl liSp for an And AmbulanrrMatinee driver nf n hoer trunk blocked

Wily of n Itonsevell Iluspitil automobileiliibulanco nl llroadWiiy und

Heel ysterdiv nitiTnoun ami wouldntHIM riii rmni M tjioc irrxsted

ll li ITfir n iouri the trtHlinan suid thn i th in in bad tein

niiti ii tiii iililiii an i lu ilUln-leignlf It when he did ei it was


Adam II HntlMr trerisiirer of Kmter V

Hal whom Joseph N of Hie Angel

Ihe Alley emiipanv HirnslicilMindii night nltervvanl had u-

rid un the limit Hnuir liad rido force hits wtiy Into Mrs iiiriieni wax In Hie JeiTirnin Market

illce ti rdny bcrnw Omit onbo launch to press the ugaliut








Jollo lolodl



on hlI II




In 110 titaf






I hkh


I tit

Ial k




i ill

r I









11111 I rlln


turfs hi Iii


Ilusrr CIt




wit Ii




liii bluehis Ii


I I pun I

IllK lIuii t tin ii ehsent i P11


As-Cii I

till eh lugJ lit



tii hit

ii I

us ii

t tin hint II I





t hits


I iris


a new


t I

a roes

t itsJ lIst

lie r I ftctit st rn lieu 0

ti t Ill 5 05 hen

tineI turnm It fill

tt sh I ito



on 1



at Ins


1 itch hilt tJ a ppi ii a

mitt itIn




frt mvrI tie



I hint yseeo iii

ilil Ltdfir

i Illr

it lrsr lrurruitiir

I Inn tiluml

Sill ii nil

1 Iris Ii II


> >

> <









The Increasing Interest In ptibllo COachingwhich U hown thins uprlng by the runningof tour coaches has been tnucli slower ogrowth than the mon who Inauguratedanticipated New York has none of tintraditions which have made nubile conchimin Ixmdon sticcossful The promotersof public coaching have foundIlo tato must lo this sport be-

fore their conolio would be patronizedfor a two the experiment Menmito be doubtful With the coatIthat are running now wot itlentil that they worn llrmly establishedThe routes covered by them offer an at-

tractive varmty f scenery On one of tinconches the price title reduced15 to 4 for trip thus making itlively an inux cntvo amusement

When Mr Actors jiroposed road housinear Wtlliamsbrldge has been completeIt will provide time most luxurious stoppingplace for coaching pnrtes within drivinid-

lKUinco of Now York Tho old road housewhich nourished when conches offeredquickest means for transportation havieither disappeared or been transformedinto malodorous local barrooms llicyelini-

llrst aroused restaurant Omen to tIne renewedpossibilities of suburban madhouses and

was II mushroom growth of smallcountry hotels that disfigured tlm

to provide refreshment fur themen wire eiimpijed fnuufort

found their iinrei ing rapidlyOne mich roal bi u o in Veslihesitrpill Its scale of prices up to Shut luubeit notciiut Ito bekl Now rrMuuriml and Ibisnot advertifed It widely hut iiitrKlcdto It a class of who their en-joyment of such II place in thief ratio tothe expon o of It road lioue witsopened on the Sound shore a titan whohad New York club well as u

outward Instead of a new liouso-he nehcled an old ftlnne building tutu badbeen a mansion of mean propor-tions nearly half n century ugu andit up In taste Although this touchIIOIIMI Is located nearly two from arailroad Million it has propered

The luterost In one of the now hotiN InNosy York been so great ever nluto It un-

optncd that threu or four of llm brightestbellboys have been employed usguides and the infirmntimi which emno ufthem hays acquired this work la very stag-gering livery visitor who eoeu through thehotel from nubcellar to nttlu Is II walkingadvertisement nf the place ever utterHIM proprietor provide icry facility fursuch inspection arewith flips which tell accurately the nmnbirof tons of Ice manufautiired a day by thinlintel the amount of coal iiuiminicilelectricity and u rdmil Hieno ngure In iiriiriilngSeveral of Hie gillds h evir huveHO accustoiicd tu them lhat they not ionIcier theiii reiuarkilil They havelaliil stray nbserallon maile by vnrinii-svlltiir and added thm to the ml f Hundsrwith lIlt result of iriiiiiiig HiB-

creclulltv of thin culdcl More than half ofthe Ktnfie In circulation In ill i ntry dis-tricts ilioit this hotel vvundrfiil as II Is may

elahorntlns Hie li i is-

by guides In their desir in plcne-

Pevcrnl owners of large toiirltiB automo-biles who spend summers In i Mio tercounty and one forced to come tutu NineYork every day art now making the tripsHieir nvichilies Tho fnvorlte route leadsdown through IVlham Day park and every

s and ii a iirin i of tIp nhilt automobiles gues uhizxintr dnnn Hie roilbniinil for New York inb irrvlng throefour nen At that hour there are few borns-on the rnnil and automobile apparentlymake nboiit n good tune n Hie averagesuburban train hen tlnv iimke till returntri Inter In the afternoon their lime Is slowerbeeause the lust roni nine wellPiled withhnriis It not prnbnhli Hint the niitoinrhilt i going flit Ititn tre riilrond

fur truffle fiT nianv vcnrs-to come but Hint it afford nnattrntlve-nnd cool way uf travelling New Yorkbuck agnln by tbe tneii who inn nflurd itgives roml e nf an liicrealng numbernutotuobllis for suburbnn service

The Spanish swindle which tins been oxposed vo frequently In the newspapers duringthe past two years now hId fair to rival thegold brick Mvlmlle as a popular means ofseparating credulous eciple from theirmoney IfnnyelTort has moOn millie to detecttine perpetrator of It who operate fromSpain no result has come troll It Appar-ently the same man Is rending out the Hunt

of loiters I riling how lie Is In n Spanishcondemned to death appealing

to the reader to accept noverd hundredthousand dollars ns a Might returnorationfor ncecptlng the guardianship of hiscliiigiter Aover JHX lust week to this letter writers

fund befciro he dicnvcred Hint lielunl been liuinneil nnd since then three ireihave come to Till Si N nflle eaeliwith the eeret of the dig fortune lilrli wns

to him from the same source tinttluse men trns so convinced of the conn-

nenes of this letter frnin Spilli which he hadenlved that lo nt i HIM It thnt Hie

hole thins wns II fraud The sel innenough atic from the Hintover tills country have mridi thOm

ekes litiown in llielr efforts to recover moneyt l liv It otic nun judge of tlm of tInoiistunt letter writer III spiin Tin form of-is litter is nlwiv IIe lino tlioiuli this

nf the fortune fnr wliiih he wants aeceivir arlcs fnvn inumo to lWoiOX

Time llnirlUli rhnph u e with their powter-Arl d their inahngnny tables tusk gIM

coptier bnr llxiiires rind their bottlesif condiments hnvn In the evolution of roeaurants In New York given plane to otnhI-slimenls to less nanow tnste-riother distinctive form of Now York oilS

eMaurants is rapidly pn sjug n fact nccen-

unteel by the closing lat wrek ofof time pioneer Itnllnn restaurants In town

ind of the lat to ptenerve the list Iraliliorisof Itnltin cooking of which

kidneys rind Milan vealwere feitures and of uldch till silver urnfor tip of patrons ns tvillu portion of the cheeseIn time

Though dissimilar In nil re pe f lncllshnnd ietniitntit In New

York have been or are IcIng effaced bythe of the name cnu e the InilllTeriiii or New irk eu fomer to oneeial-illfhcs a higher Kfiimliinl of coolintr in thehtitels and til ucies ff iihl dloie inilevelopment of nhicli lhi lrenih and Hunirnrlnii te keepers hose 1 Kr oiiinr-intnUre of business if um ofculinary skill hen either the hots of lngllsl

or the of iKinm-esinlllshmints

tin urea I growth of New York H-

Iheiiiiniilsin as a form of clilxntitelsm passeel-nuiiy nail time reiiuiteinents of lineverv cun oiitwelgh the castrononiie excellenie of old lieil placesItalian iiii t a neceiwirv feiituro uf tho

Italian restiuiaits liasno permanent in New Vork and

sherry port and Mndiiiawhich were fnriiirrly accepted a nn impor-tant purl of the niiiices f res-tnurniits In New Vork tern less highly es-

teemed Hinn French wines hiM crsMinll-yilareland chaninngties

Then no m w ImmlgrnilonInto of the merihant leis-ure the professional nr tlm literary classfrom duly either III

Atnerliiin Hiirefore siich-i The Snilio nnd Monllis-

nithiilt IIMI irii

The opening of thin new

In Ibis city whicheiitres on Fifth uvunun n few blocks abnve-

roriyseionil street and has made veryvnlunbl property on some of oldn

trI a duPii year ago proilucecl Income enough to pay tIre tax Tlmcredit of foreseeing tile evolution has been

to Hi Into Chirle C Ileamaiiwho prophesied ten years go thatIho wniill gradually iiinvuuptown nnd a dub ienii abovi Forty

HI reel Tim Lotus Club wax urin of-

tliii pioneers In this movement and II reapedof fnroKgneiuiis nciiring

Its pre ent at a prli whlcli todayicciii ulnirdly low Th eniury i lubs

liioniiiiu s rhe Itaethe Acideiiiv nf Medicine the llirvard-

ijiib llm Si Nicholas till Itiioli clubIh w Vnrk Vucht lull liiliiionienV andsherry followed llm club move

o did Hm I niver ity thus Tliee-Ljriligc liivn roiiie about within the pisitoil yir nnd this lirge iiiiiniinis uf moneythat I n invslid In tlne new cluh-inili would Miiii tn guaralilee that New1iirk1 dub rentre wn fixed fur linliv yearsn coiii llm inlvantigo of hivlmr In

dubs in ti oneiclgliburbood great In limo man Ist luililber MVirnl clubs

Tin on tho lIner of Hie Stockexchange who record the sale nnd prices

hind a week of work HO Lard that It



























It fh II


It ii



1111 lit


hil allY

ilolrilion to thin rniItI IIIIlon or I-

IItInrrtI phi I

Ill II

I lit I




Illi IIi

I II lIed Won It I

rollt eulnitla rim

lii him I

11111 Iii sv lisa

a lit uet tnootieoii lit


iii lull Iiilit



cunist I lit ly

guIiennu toil lIt tIhenrhum 1110


miltIl mill

him ttiilithe



rood lit 5 plilumirtu ml

it Ii nil


ii nil


rOllS itg


viol itie


flultoth lit

on lag


pn glint I-

Istot oil

sealgrip I ust

I I i lIeu

t ii l1ii 0 I

I it iiiflh tutors

itt ii hib

cli ts msftjh i3




Eli ni tisiuii pIll

till stim 4

I lhuh agnih-

uulrass4itfi clii hini nil

I lie

ti Is hutch hun r Ily

mittni thY




0 I e


opt ott I I

rel our lers


5 rr



















would break down a trained athUtawas not accustomed to It physicalexertion of this work tiM been creat and tthis has been added a nervous strainno IntermlMlon during the hours when

i Kxchanco was open A reporter and some-

I times two are stationed nt each tradingpost on tho floor arid It U their duty to record the sales and transmit theta tooperating room of the ticker company willthe least possible delay The babel of noisesaround these posts In such marketas thnt of this past nn great that I

would neem to distinguish anof then The Stockears have been trained by Inn experiencehowever and very few artsthis work Some transactions lIre mUml-bv them on davs when tin sticks are soldas rapidly as tlmv been this week hiltin with those recorded they limovery tow

New York Quotation Company whichIH controlled by the Kxchange has tickersIn the ofllces Kxchange who arenet Ire ns moro In hotelsand other place where they aro of InterestKvcry la taken to prevent bucket

from this Neverbefore In tIes of the Street has therebeen so much night work In brokers ofllcesThe big oflleii buildings In the neighborhoodof Wall nnd Ilroad street whichhave been deHcrtcd fl oclock aremany them brilliantly Illuminated untiltbe hours In nine easesthey have theclerks might catch up with previousclays buslniss

A man who line much of his lime thispast month In broker whereheaviest business was done says that he hascome to the conclusion that thin averngspeculator Is more excited and nervous whenhn Is winning than when tIm market Is goingagainst tutu I happened tn mention this

he to an old broker andhe laughed at me because he said thli

was so well established that brokersdid not think It worth commenting on Kvin-In soino of thin ofllcen which are fitted libfor women I noticed thin Hamo

When the market wn goingthem they were quiet and calm u a limit

when It was In their favor theybecame almost lood fortuneKfeum tn be harder to accept philosophically

brid thoughwere willing to accept limo burden uf

lawyer who lives on Washington Heightshail nccatlon one night last week to go toConnecticut by thin first train he could catchWhen he reached the Grand Central Stationhe found that he hail just misted a midnighttrain nnd that the next one did not leaveuntil 5 oclock In time morning It was notworth while for him to home to wait HD

lie to a nearby hotel After sitting In-

Ibe hall tar a few minutes oneemployee a kecl hillS If he wns registered

no said the 1

want a room I wultlns for a train thatleaves Ut J A M

Im orrv sir the employee butyou cnnl wait hints It Is

Tlm told the clerk nt tlm desk whohe was and explained reason for beingthere Ho said Hint he did not want to retireto a mum The clerk told him tuft It waxouiitrnry to the rules of the house for hintto sit In the halls nt that time unless he wasn Thereupon thepaid fur n room and was permitted lo sit


Tho limit of persistency In whit Is nppnr-enily nothing limit idle curiosity teems to hnvnbeen leached by a dueii or more womenwho live In the tenement house FortyKomnd Mreet between Third and Iark ave-

nues A man who rides several times athe branch uf Hie elevated lint thus to thn-Hrand Central Station says Hint no mntnr-at what hour be pnssnl dozenwindowsare occupied by ns many womeneach watching Intently the on time

bilnw If it bappeiis to lie raining theythrow waterproof rape over their shouldersSeveral of women who lire very fatplace cushions on the window sill lint theymay be perfectly mnilortnhle They neverMein in have nal Interi t In theiws cr by time sidewalk several floors be-

low them It Is an everchanging crowd instreet nnd one would suppose

hint n prolonged Inflection of Itfrom n or window wouldcon e to Im amusing limit it evidently has itsattract ions

A New Yorker with a reasonably while

ncouaintnnco who goes to the theatre theseday unity form some estimate of the largenumber of strangers who one In Now Yorknow Not only wilt he tail to find manyfamillir faces the audience hilt he willdetect n something posslMv In the dress orthe manners if the theatregoers that willconvince that thev one from out of townA Chicago nmn said last week Hint lie did notdin nt the hotel where be was staving becauseh nearly every one in the diningrnotn n from hits home and when be came tnSew Yiirk he wanted a The hotelsart nil overflowing with visitors MIO comefrom nil parts of the 1nltecl States Theytill theatres and nnd they littledoubted lb usual crowd on Fifth avenueperhaps becnuo that Mrcel more than nor

hun Uggels to the outoftown visitorthe home nf New Yorks wealth

The graduates of Columbia Vnlversltywill be tin rxt to form a college club A

meeting of graduates was lately lucid nt whichIt was decided to appoint a Committee Inevery class to Biloct the Columbia men avail-able and dc lrabl for membership It Isnot Intend to admit member upon thnMil lecoinimndntion Hint they nnalthough tlm will IM mule

A clubhii e will he rented antith prpn od urganiatioti will In dlfletentIn n iiiiiorlatit from a iily clubTlie ioiuiiiitlio in charge of the scectcu-uf names will begin us work lime

The nnnual emigrntion from the crowdedtenement districts uf the lower East Sldcj

to tjie plensniiter summer qiinrterK in thinllroni hns already begun There it Is possibleto got leneiinnts fur thin Mine rents askeddowntown hIlt affording much cienter com-

fort In Hie summer months The advantageof this arrangement Wile discovered several

ago and MIIV that lime there has beenevery year nnexodus from the Kant Sid hoiiieiin what t be tin Annexed Districtwhere the Sound I not far distant and whereevery feature of life adapted to greaterpbasure In summer spring migrnnu-ritirn In the lull to their former Fat Sldn-Hi which ap enr in lemntti

to them in uf illlTerent expofn a iiKluti rich In light and air

One tnnrheil of tho prevailing-prusieiity wis found last week In the In-

creased expense of luncheon orders atthe downtown restaurant1 One of thesoestablishments last week enjoyed tine sensa-

tion uf earning morn than twlcn as muchIIH It usually ilucii although there was nocvideni 11 t there bad been tiny nnMhloInc nase in Ha number of its patrons Thogreater pmlit fillIP from the Increasedniiiv with nil tin patronsurderid up-

niiriiitiy stitiiing liiiisclve

MnretnB old Italian restaurant which hasb i sold declined with the

Italian opera So long ns the estulili h-

ment wns in street opposite thnAcademy of Mu ic its proprietor knew onlyprosperity He haul his place on Hie secondHour of a building a few floors west uf Thirdavenue and here his customers were the mostfamous of tutu artists that sang at theAcademy Suitiiii llrigimll Nnnnetti campllillil titrakoi and till tlio nperutln

uf tlie Itnlian heyday his

rtiin the opera moved StephenMurelti kept in wake Limit as fardowntown as TwentyIIrct ttriel Here tlmold never renewed the success uf-

fnrniir yearn The and the kulneywere Ju t as good and always rrniulntd tint

specialty m housedhote wns just ns titanic und vnrje

gated Hut the best of tlie l c snf the former generation were gone and tInlireiiit wns Indifferent to what the pro

could offer ITII hits own country-men went to another Italian restaurant

lived tu see Milne of his rivals chicappear scull lie still struggled along Nowcithers are having and only thecheiti prices half uf what Morettl u ed tonik l ip any uf them In favor today Yet

long ago the Italians lind n prartlcalmonopoly of tin bisine in this city

The miieess of the Harvard Club In makinga proilt out of Its cheap dinner justifies thebelief nf many persons thnt n meal of three

and courses wouldmeet with favor outside the narroir circle of u-

ilclli It would not be courseto-nfler this dinner nt this clubs economlcnl

1 cent but there Would bo cllInniirs-nt twlci that if ice Tn the ctateinetit thatmicb n menu would h morn prntltabln thouthis cutoiiinrv dhote restaurantkeepers nlwnys respond Hint the nf-

b a inn high to put it withinrench It Is nosiihle tn tin runny

Ingredients of the ordinary dinner tonof t or mutton

would cost






slet in

fittimoril III ur an ii

I iu ii mit nit t unItI lie

criers tthis OfllCOt4 of the

t hat

tutu a IIt-



a ill

lathii m Ic

t oruil


has itt

hen tit it




I tnt vsetsi mlii


ret tiuiitiohm ii o

tim t tie


grad untis

diem fl

haul lheiiinirs

ill ih abort

31 mIne


till mnhi liltI lull ls

uslilo tie

I Imo


t nh at all

j lIst tilt t t act-

orI tilt ehi I hi

I s

illS a Ireguitts

Hurt lmwnruh

rostinl II litgiitt I I


t i bin11111 tons



suihitul lit mu st eli I


rtts uf I

tutu tim

ricep S n









And Other Itching BurningScaly Eruptions with

Loss of Hair

Bathe the affected parts with Hot Water and Cutlcura Soap 25c tocleanse the surface of crusts and scales and soften the thickenedcuticle Dry without hard rubbing and apply Cutlcura OintmentSOc freely to allay It hlng Irritation and Inflammation and soothe

heal and lastly take Cutlcura Resolvent SOc to coot andcleanse the blood A single ttt price l25i is often sufficient tocurethe most torturing disfiguring and humiliating skin scalp andblood humors with loss of hair when nil else fails

This sweet arid wholesome tnnt merit iHTorils instnnt rollermltn rost and Sit o In seviwst forms of iwtMim and other Itchingburning anti Muly humors of the skin scalp antI lilootl and points

puriimtioiitt und cnru wlitn other roinodkafall

The aRonizliiR burnlnc of tilL skin nn in eecmn thofrightful Mftiliiiif as In tlio lti s of hair rind crusting of tlio

ns m wild head facial llsllciiroinciit ON in millringworm the awful snlTorltiK of Infants anti tint anxiety of wornout

as In milk crust totter and salt rhciiin all ikniund n mInedv of almost siiHrliiiiiiiui virtues to bum sfully with themlflmt Cutlcurn arc such stands proven beyond till doubtNo Htattinunt is ricnrilini them Is not justified by thisstron ist Hvlilouce Tint ami swcotniMs power toimmediate relief tho certiiinty of ly mid permanent dIre thin ab-solute safety urent economy Iirtvo mailc tnnm Htandard skinctiri8 and humor remedies of tInt civilized world

Millions of Women Use Cuticura SoapAi WMt by CtrilCrilA nlVTMKMT fir Irnutifrlnif the skin the Moriilnc of fillingliilr n I rnl MUI n iuK liiij r iifliinirs In the formof lftllilii ii f ir rsir ti ri In lrr foira lit wtabtatat iilrrfjlivr faknf w fur mnny v aiitiMptli purov s n it fur till lilt purpova ofIhr tiillet liiithnnil uMtv 1flirrilA UAIeMitJlii In ci sol nt UNK ITICK

ii IKSTS limo III T chIn iitiJ complexion soap anal tie HliST lolln and babyuup In orlJ


Speedy Curelreatmeot 125


I i


lie I4-

to us sueuIy1

ltliitui and

bit I i t hut iii iii tilcs I


L i

t Ito II

mini I t


for wftentn r wit Item in C Itt s i lint

tintthm for annoYing till ftei Cmi Otuli5Ir lat flint

sirthis I

inniiY mints HIWIHIU iv 1 twinFlttli nfls and IliitiRh nil Tumble In llnlllmorr-

llraM lUnd Scclcty-

liAiTlMfHE Md May wttion nf-

Ilaltlmore society known ns CliP Irui IJund

Set I considerably agitated today mor 11

series of occurrences Involving tlirm well

known youtiK men The trouble Binned nt

this Elk indite Kennels on Chnrlis Stnct-nvenuc nn Siitiinlny afternoon anti ended

station house ul an early hour on Sunday

mornltiRSaturday William I Iehr n

brother of Hurry lohr lId Lawrence Ierrlnhad an altercation cm tin cf thekennels clubhouse Thf two withdrew to l

woods nearby to Mttle their dlfflciiliir and

wore In the midst of pretty lively flKtjruflswhen other Members of i lulland them This imlitl Ilie troubleat I

At ii lain hour on Saturday nlcht Mr letirwho lund hroiiKlit u hlarll 10 town withhim nM n memento of hs collision with Mr

went to Itowlnnds Turkish biihrooms In the Hulllnis to linv tile

hrulncs trealeil friend Idiirml-ncTOtnpanlfil him When they ninrtred In

the bith several otlicr vminc menunknown In Mr l lr and Mr Cunrndamiwho there neiiiuil 1 In Kreiitly-

nmiiRed nl I he blnck eve mid lnirin tremarks about It Th lout neneral

In whieh the cfmtunirsnlid rH

of Men ri mill Conrad were lndlv damneed The four combatant won ntre t d-


italic Sued for Ot romml lnn on Sale of

the T m lury IH aerrrd

The team of rhe tnut mares My tlo anti

Marlitold bought by Actress Mnrie Wilson

of the Florodora c impanr from Ihn K-

Manntnc ft tlenler In e rr City

In vern Involved In n suit on trlil PotentTiiitlce ODwyer of the fity Court yesterdayIn which Allen II Dnvl couirlit l reinver1300 eotnmi ion for the ie MM ll t nwho I with niakiir i crcnt mike In-

Wiill Street recentl iiald fiii i for thn teamManning thnt hud not inifdI f r

liltn I thus alt f the hr JlWllfon s ronchman Krnnk I a lInux l llWin that Mlsi il on wanted to buy 11 tenniand put the e nl tfi i limit Mitw-nuentlv l he would take J TK nn n nuiek

Houx Mid he nxk l vi with liiinwhen looking for n team and nrereil in irlv-tIavi llllf of preetl IIP reielved Jin-

uot M n a present from arid Kiiv-uInvl K di acrei l

311 ini iritu iciH-

IMATIltr ALMANAC THIS HAlSun tiles 7nSSun Jll 460-

nuili WArru THIS uvSandy Hook 344 iof IM 4l fl

ArrtvedMosnvv May I-Sr S lluITnln Ilutehln Munlh April 4

Si Mlnnmi lli Ijiylinrt Ijimlnn MnvS Luri 0 nr MnSi HoOt lonrj X Yuik 1

UFIMM II lirnoTa MebalRnn N plApril

Ss Amnnj c rt ralfinti March v-

Ss Antliln Mnnlrtl N HU M y-

Si Ylun hrl l n f n Sitiiiagn May 7Si AllAI Morris Savanllh April so-

Si MantM IUIdlf Trl ldi 1 Ma V-

Ki iilindn lliHiwii Calluirlrn J-

S lfltnoi llnnv Port ill Itlnrf MirHi llh k ICtdrn Mitt 2-

S r rnrN imrtrlik Ioriocihrllo M-

S lirjl htr iiarren Prtnnlj May 1

Murriviii MayS AlenniUln Ilitl lirkmnrlllr Slat 0-

S romii lLimtl r Irkunn U-

SsTilnriirtn A fry I5run irk Vl y I1-

1S niurilrldii ni ilF UalllmiitF May I

S Kansas I H I lnr nl VcMf-

lutlc F t York cjnrr smyrnii 1ifc l

Unit jFimli MuilVrtl rirtrher laiim SprIt S-

IYarht Sultana MatSFlllis April J-

R MlnnfhahK Irnm r York m Ivindon-S MdininlnrF from Nrvf York al Lmidu-nKsloudmn from New Yori for llmtrdani ol-

fAiirn proM ronni ji ronrs-St natbaroMa from SaulliKrapton fir Mrw York


Clotf-ftici A it-010A It-

KISiHt NewjFlFt on Norfolk

sil TomnrriHp-

Soiitlinmk AiUrrp 1C on A itAnirr I 3i I

Cnprl Ninth llratll tnniiAJII-tmernnn Inniiun Hum A II-

Vuratan llm nun IS W II-

Rablne linlvrMn f-

Irlnrens Aline Nerlnlk-rtml Tlltinttait Well If-

lKatvtln Marln Iliirrsln-Chcrlxiurg n 10 A M-

Ijil iiwiii H re 7i AJDfumrhUnd llambirg inTilnlcliicl U-

rirntiifitii lInMll-addunlinll ArgentinaII II llrlrr llrrmi-nllilirvli New orlnns

r M-

S n I M-

IMtin AM-Si M1 It3 0 M-

Sf M1 M

Vrlit kjrnnlind AnlKfHi

nil Prlnre

flu Tomonov


nut rnuntiv nay m-

Klona Ht Lorisii Itlo rwtirlr n

htiituy May I

it ititr VlftarW llamliurit-Prnlnsular b ii-iAtUniiui Copnihlgfn

tint SofafilJiy Jla Is-

lAntilttlne Havre-lmbil IUrrrexil-Ntldinfdi Gibraltar

1l limit



aft ertinoni

corn tidum st


sota ma t udhis lilt


jer tin

I Its I hurl ti

s0to nhreuil

I is

ft chit COti Ill Plmtulit

I dir

huts furl

tcreel il uil i

sit Id 1 Ia s Iulis


sale I a

nflMit n runt

ula tnom rises

i I hell ate


w tin-s



It pill <



Si Cniltitn alt I h

ill aretile

hliTl tlrpmsli Staid nfIgtiis S1til t

I rr limp

AnRivtD I1l-




1 t-

mAicsnte ohsoA Charleston It

Orleans I Mit t U

t Iow Sauthmmptun C O It t 1 3-

1MSletlc Iicentwsml I U U t t

t 31

4 t I IiI St

I t4 I 5f

I 01 1 St

ill I Iii muu 5

all oti

Si hIll rt l

ii tHI h

ii t


itOiti1OSrltSItititl 3

flIt TOdmllibrahtlr M3

State of 3IutsZOlV May 4ti

hii ittt itiy 7-

traii l eel Stsy a-

1h lit N ow itleutna 3imm u

raflIC lhCPltlOCl ifyNCrStCT linemen SI 4-

Nilietnlti 41 lmmituir Si

hintliurrfls ituiCornitflclue Mitt I

IAhn lInemen Slay P-

uIrttorh MiIimimmrti iiitit h

Stay 03him ii

lieSIPu A

ilittpiit al

flIt etnrl ila I I

itmsi IIits it










IIIM jrin n rmt KKXXKDY-

Anil One nf lhr ll Jcrcl Froma Spnlll IaiiFl

One of tIn jurors sprurvd week forthe triiil of Or Kennedy for the murder ofIMIv liyniil1 not mimic to appear yes-terday biTniin of illness One wcnreilIn time tnlddlo of ueek failed to returnthe next iliy bavins ilevelnped boils Thplaces of thcMi mini stem filled yesterdayOne jiimr is stilt larlclni to make twelveM I Martin forenian of the Mollnous

wa excused yesterday tiy tho defence

Ijinyer Moore of counnel-flleil with tuitife Xewburirern againstJuror Jlruv wleitcil friiu the pinul ivi drawn tiiirsnuMi on the ground

the jury wh el from which the secondpantl nis ilraun did nni containa tin pr oiii Ktaie nf the

Jlr WlnilnW Sotlitnt Syrup for tUlldrFn-tFithlnir miftFi Hi KUIII Fdurrs Innaminmni-alluvi pain ru cs Kind mc dlarnxra lc a bottle

COXXOIIV On May 12 1901 al hIsiF di ur IJi l MI I James v ConnollyMinrl liil li l nf AIIIF M Mtrlt-

Tmtral Mrvin ut Church nf si IFHD Hie n ptltT-

fMh t liFiwrni Lnimton and Sri am on-

Wcdneiiiy May IT nt lu A M Funttal-prlvntr ll n r strait IloHiri-

DOVIU on Sunday May 12 1001 Mar far ftwife of Panil Ikiyl-

FIuurral from her late iisdFiicF 1M7 Mnnrnt aolon Wodiiwlay May n 1901 nt BSO A

thence tn fit Jo fph Chtirfli TrFmont nflilists soil frlFnd rF rrtfully IntlKd intermentIn St Iliymoni-

ROVK on Kvturdiy May 11 rrincl JH-

iove njFil 72 yearJunfral irrvlccj at his late iFildwcF t v Patlfla-

tt 1501at3PilN-FW KutUnd iflpFri plriit p-

yirnrrK At uins inii8F x Y entered Into

on Monday Mny 11 1901 J uIM mntht-of the Ilrr IFnry Iutnck II I aced M y i-

Ilurnl wt Hc iniratc-

MflAIUtY At NF Hruniirlflr N J onSMurday May II l nt UvilFl ilFljirry-

Kunrtal at the Iir IriMbytFtlan Cbuirhon Turvlay May 14 l ni nt 2 oclock-

IAlMKU on Sunday mitnlnr May 12 I Mi-

Maty Kiillinrlii dn of David Palmer In

tier 611th ynr-Iunfral Frvlwji will he held at hFrlitTFildFnoe

KASI nd M on Sdlnrsday mornIng Slay IS1

Hill HI 10oelnclt-

HfSSKLI n sitiir ur Hay II not suddenlyAdiim lUvM lnlMiffl wife of Salem T RuMelli-

IiniTAi erueis at lier Ut fMcldence IM Weil Slii-

I TiiScHy May 14 at 10 A M Inlftnienl-

BIOAN in Mindly May 11 1901 Marr T be

weit tit ot rent lohu stean-

runrriil fMtn her tilde rrMeVnre 111 Wf t Kth H-

at A M Ihruce In SI MIchirlH ChuichOil av soul Mel M Interment Oilrary-

BTBPUKNIINAt ParIs rr n on Frld rApril Z not llmlly WllUrd dsjjhttr ol ln

late In in Huhbarcl Stihrn n-

Mcmewliil irrtlres at thf residenCe of her brother

In law II H HoiiiMcr to Went ih

TutMiat Mm 11 IJOI ll 10 A M-

WKKKS on Sunday May t IDOl Alelhea-

II vilmv el Heurj A WffkJ In h r 75U ytrF-

unitnl sell rr tl lifr Ito rr ldfn IOJO UrcMd-

t on Viiifdi Jl y is 1001 at S oclockI M-

Itoi MATS orirrr honin n MH old Knili-v l riiitiiir i i IMP IllAIT Ill th nv-

W VMIMi Hki or tinllin nn KOSirAlien lit nnrl M iln nn ivmiirni Disirihc withn t I iiv IVM i luntliamion N Y-

eoUflfi ami SchooW

I iir ln Jt tilling ien City Country

tiilFnt1 I n 11 iil OPT intti 7e and

E EGENTSA-I vntu iii i u roiiv jirito-oiIS W 43d StIel Illllll 3Mth V 11177 Main Itrnoklt-


in ii itn frf tii for olderdinls Mit A il CtKSUf V V


flA s nl IICI 1 1 instruction

REGENTS 1820 East 42d StIlil 1AUAll iCt SCIliMII

fur rlillilmi lly and Conntr


aiiti ifHi intsn nfiru Irruln-ritlnilllin r I inn Director

i or I orl WitihiKinii Ale A llepol lnne11 AMI V IT IIOIKIt 111 MH 10IIU


1011 IIIIOAIIH I lilt lirTH ST

TIlL Miller School of Businesst IIIIIHM llullctliiu lllll llrnict j-

MinrlliiTil I rlllnii llnokkveplnt-M Ill k I ISi 11 SI SI U Kit

run No llrttrr shniil ut Anr Irlre-

hi i r Ihrslial Culturs

Ill I

lCu iho Came






spu ui


3000 nit tnseclui

thIltt oltcc



lie kitrd



Husuktin on Tuieattsy May I I


tilts Ires

ned I






ctt ttliCaht0ll5 4

r i

is C

Mt t II Ow ilmorolirhistadsaitarum t0fl I s ear terms




tiN Id Ii


rPu1IJlrthi t

beth ti31 I s i no


iumeliise uhtrgeo

tirlilu Fit I

Ii it

fir lan trm ie tit niiluntng

stio Pcs



The flrkl far Wom23 tI 11th SI rUIhhIITihIU sd Chijilges















