other people™s money: an experimental study of the … · 2010-03-02 · other people™s money:...

Other Peoples Money : An Experimental Study of the Impact of the Competition for Funds Marina Agranov*, Alberto Bisin* and Andrew Schotter* *Department of Economics and Center for Experimental Social Science at New York University March, 2010 Abstract Managers competing for funds e.g., in hedge fund markets, are often rewarded by option-like incentive schemes: they receive (most of) their compensation only for re- turns in excess of pre-specied strike price. Incentive contracts of this form are expected to induce high risk-taking on the part of the manager. In this paper we experimentally investigate the impact that competing for funds has on the risk taking behavior of laboratory hedge fund managers. We nd that, in fact, option-like incentives lead to ine¢ cient (other-things-equal) risk taking behavior. Most importantly, we nd that laboratory hedge fund managers invest their own money di/erently (taking less risks) than investorsmoney. This Other peoples money e/ect represents a quantitatively signicant behavioral ine¢ ciency induced by competition for funds in our hedge fund laboratory. Acknowledgement: Thanks to Giancarlo Spagnolo for useful comments. This re- search was performed under grant number XXX of the National Science Foundation. We would also like to thank the Center for Experimental Social Science at New York University for its research assistance and ???. 1

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Page 1: Other People™s Money: An Experimental Study of the … · 2010-03-02 · Other People™s Money: An Experimental Study of the Impact of the Competition for Funds Marina Agranov*,

Other People�s Money: An Experimental Study of theImpact of the Competition for Funds

Marina Agranov*, Alberto Bisin* and Andrew Schotter**Department of Economics and Center for Experimental Social

Science at New York University

March, 2010


Managers competing for funds e.g., in hedge fund markets, are often rewarded byoption-like incentive schemes: they receive (most of) their compensation only for re-turns in excess of pre-speci�ed strike price. Incentive contracts of this form are expectedto induce high risk-taking on the part of the manager. In this paper we experimentallyinvestigate the impact that competing for funds has on the risk taking behavior oflaboratory hedge fund managers. We �nd that, in fact, option-like incentives lead toine¢ cient (other-things-equal) risk taking behavior. Most importantly, we �nd thatlaboratory hedge fund managers invest their own money di¤erently (taking less risks)than investors�money. This Other people�s money e¤ect represents a quantitativelysigni�cant behavioral ine¢ ciency induced by competition for funds in our hedge fundlaboratory.

Acknowledgement: Thanks to Giancarlo Spagnolo for useful comments. This re-search was performed under grant number XXX of the National Science Foundation.We would also like to thank the Center for Experimental Social Science at New YorkUniversity for its research assistance and ???.


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1 Introduction

In this paper we experimentally investigate the impact that competing for funds has on therisk taking behavior of laboratory hedge fund managers. We construct a stylized laboratorymarket for capital among hedge funds where each fund o¤ers a contract that shares featuresthat are commonly observed in real-world markets of this type. More precisely, the investoris not well-diversi�ed across funds, the fund investment strategy is opaque, the managerialcontract induces risk taking, etc.. In such markets managers face an option-like compensa-tion scheme according to which they receive (most of) their compensation only for returnsin excess of pre-speci�ed strike price (we will describe the details of this contract shortly).

We �nd that the standard hedge fund contract leads to ine¢ cient risk taking behavior. Inthe face of this ine¢ ciency, we then construct a number of di¤erent contractual environ-ments (treatments) (which can be thought of also as policy interventions) aimed at limitingrisk taking on the part of managers. More speci�cally, in one environment (the Trans-parency environment) we impose transparency on the fund investment strategy by forcingthe manager to announce (and commit to) the risk level of its intended investment beforethe investor invests. In a second environment (Risk Sharing), we modify the managerialincentive compensation scheme to allow complete risk sharing between the manager and theinvestor. Finally in a third (Restricted Competition), we cap the strike price or promisedreturn which managers can o¤er investors to limit how much competition could unravel. Allof these treatments prove to substantially reduce risk taking in the experimental data, aspredicted at equilibrium. Finally we investigate a treatment where fund managers do notcompete for funds but rather are given funds to invest on their own account. We call thisthe "Own Money Treatment".

What is most interesting in our data is what we call the Other peoples�money e¤ect.1 Thise¤ect can be explained as follows. In both the Risk Sharing and Restricted Competitionenvironments the incentives of the hedge fund managers and the investors are completelyaligned. Moreover, given the projects available to the mangers we would expect them toinvest in the safe project under each of the contracts speci�ed in these treatment. This isalso true of the Own Money Treatment. The only di¤erence between the Own Money andthe other two treatments is that while in the Own Money Treatment the manger is investinghis own funds, in the other two he is investing other people�s money that he competed for.Therefore, if there is any di¤erence in the behavior of managers across these two groups oftreatments, it must be due to what we call the Other peoples�money e¤ect, e.g., the tendencyof managers to invest others people�s money in a more risky manner that they would investtheir own.

Our experimental data clearly documents this e¤ect. While managers invested their ownfunds in the risky project only about 10% of the time, they invested other people�s money

1After the title of the 1991 Norman Jewison movie, with Danny De Vito.


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in such projects 36:6% of the time (on average across the Risk Sharing and Restricted Com-petition). The Other peoples�money e¤ect, therefore, represents a quantitatively signi�cantbehavioral ine¢ ciency induced by competition for funds in our hedge fund laboratory.2

1.1 Hedge Funds

To put our experiments in their proper context let us discuss the market for hedge funds.Hedge funds are largely unregulated investment funds which, in the last twenty years havebecome increasing important in the capital markets. At its peak in the summer 2008, thehedge fund industry managed around $2:5 trillion, according to Aima�s Roadmap to HedgeFunds, Inechen-Silberstein (2008).3 Hedge funds typically compete for institutional andwealthy investors, requiring a substantial minimal investment tranche to participate in thefund (thereby imposing substantial diversi�cation costs to investors). Moreover, hedge fundsare characterized by their investment strategies and by the incentive schemes their managersare compensated with.

The investment strategies and styles of hedge funds are generally opaque, and are not re-vealed to investors. In other words, fund managers compete for investors in this market bysignalling skills through past performance and through their incentive compensation scheme.Managers�compensation includes typically a small management fee (proportional to the in-vestment tranche, of the order of 1 � 2%) and a larger performance fee, of the order of15 � 25% of returns exceeding the "high-water mark" (the maximum share value in a pre-speci�ed past horizon). This incentive compensation scheme is equivalent to a call optionwith the "high-water mark" as strike price. Furthermore, the manager is subject only tolimited liability, while it is relatively standard in the industry to require that a substantialfraction of the managers�private capital be heavily invested in their own fund.4

Option-like contracts, like those common in the hedge fund industry, are designed to signalmanagerial skills,5 but also induce managers to take high risks.6 A large empirical literature

2The Other people�s money e¤ect is consistent with the fact that hedge fund performance is linked appearsto be positively only to measures of the overall pay-performance sensitivity of managerial incentive pay (theoverall "delta"), which include private ownership; see Agarwal-Daniel-Naik (2008). While private ownershiprequirements are included in incentive contracts to align the manager�s and the investors�objectives, theymight also limit the Other people�s money e¤ect.

3The �rst hedge fund was apparently founded by A.W. Jones, a sociologist and �nancial journalist, in1949. In the 1990�s, however, the industry was managing about $50 billions; see Malkiel-Saha (2005).

4See Fung-Hsieh (1999) and Goetzmann-Ingersoll-Ross (2001) for rich institutional details on the hedgefund industry.

5See, however, Foster-Young (2008) for a theoretical result suggesting lack of separation along the skilldimension in these contractual environments.

6More precisely, a rational portfolio manager facing a dynamic option-like contract will be lead to takeextreme risk while the fund is below water (its return below the "high-water" mark), while he will investmore safely when just above water. See e.g., Carpenter (2000), Goetzmann-Ingersoll-Ross (2001), and


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has documented that, in fact, i) hedge funds returns contain a signi�cant excess risk-adjustedreturn due to managerial skills (or "alpha"),7 ii) hedge fund returns are signi�cantly riskierthan other investment forms (e.g., mutual funds).8 In particular, even though hedge fundreturns display a low correlation with stock market indices, they are characterized by excep-tionally large cross-sectional range and variation.9 Furthermore, the attrition rate of hedgefunds in the market is very high (over 50% in 5 years from the 90�s).10

Our baseline laboratory hedge fund contract has been designed so that, at equilibrium, ex-treme risk taking is expected on the part of managers. More speci�cally, at equilibrium,competition for funds will unravel: managers will choose the highest (individually rational)strike price and invest in the risky fund strategy, even though the safe strategy dominates itin terms of expected returns. As stated above, we then alter this contract in our Risk Shar-ing, Restricted Competition and Transparency treatments so as to induce safer investmentbehavior.

We proceed in this paper as follows. In Section 2 we will present a simple model of theinvestment world we are interested in and prove some simple results about the equilibria ofsuch markets. This will be followed in Section 3 by our experimental design. In Section 4we present the results of our experiment. Finally in Section 5 we present our conclusions.

2 The market for Other People�s Money

The type of markets we are interested in are the capital markets in which hedge fundscompete for funds. In such markets typically,

i) the size of the investment per investor is �xed, say $1 (million, typically);

ii) the hedge fund manager receives a share, �, of all pro�ts made above a "high-watermark"/strike price, w;11 if the funds are lost, the hedge fund manager is not liable,that is, he/she only shares the upside risk in the contract and not any downside.

iii) the fund manager is under no requirement to o¤er the investor any speci�c informationabout her fund�s investment strategy.

Jackwerth-Hodder (2006) for the supporting portfolio choice theory; but see also Panageas-Wester�eld (2007)for di¤erent results with in�nite horizon.

7See Edwards-Caglayan (2001).8See Brown-Goetzmann-Park (2001).9See Brown-Goetzmann (2001) and, especially, Malkiel-Saha (2005).10Even after accounting for survivor (and other related) bias, hedge funds paid (geometric) average returns

2% in excess of mutual funds in the period 1996�2003; see Malkiel-Saha (2005), Table 3�4. See also Liang(2000) and Amin-Kat (2002).11We abstract from the small �xed fees, which have no e¤ect on risk taking in practice in hedge fund



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More precisely, when �, and w are as described above and R is the return earned by thefund in any given year, the cash �ow accruing, respectively, to the investor (�investor) andthe hedge fund manager (�manager) can be written as follows:

�manager = �max(0; R� w)�investor = min(R;w) + (1� �)max(0; R� w)

2.1 Contractual environments

Consider a world with two hedge fund managers and one investor. The investor possesses a$x-chip to be invested, which the managers compete for. The manager who is successful inattracting the chip can invest it in one of two projects, called safe and risky.

The return on the safe project is a dichotomous random variable paying Rs > 0 with prob-ability 0 < ps < 1; and 0 otherwise. The return on the risky project is also a dichotomousrandom variable paying Rr > Rs > 0 with probability 0 < pr < ps < 1; and 0 otherwise.Note that the risky project, has a higher return when successful with respect to the safeasset; but the probability of success is higher for the safe asset. We assume however thatthe safe payo¤ has a higher expected return,

psRs > prRr:

This assumption is called for, because we want to study the case in which investing in therisky asset is a dominated choice, absent the moral hazard implicit in the hedge fund man-ager�s intermediation of funds.

We consider several contractual environments in which the hedge fund managers compete forthe investor�s funds. Each contract environment will serve as a treatment in our experiment.To avoid considering a multi-dimensional competition problem, we consider the followingextreme cases.

1. Hedge fund contract. In this contract � is �xed = 1 and the managers compete forfunds by choosing the water mark, w.

2. Risk sharing contract. In this contract, in contrast to the hedge fund contract above,w is �xed = 0 and managers compete by o¤ering di¤erent shares � of the proceedsof their investments.

3. Transparency contract. This contract is identical to the hedge fund contract (� = 1 andmanagers compete by setting w), except that when competing for funds, the manageris required to publicly commit to the project the funds will be invested in. (Thisimplicitly assumes the investment is veri�able).

Finally,we also study a contractual environment in which a legally binding condition restrictsthe hedge fund managers�o¤ers,


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4. Restricted contract. This contract is again identical to the hedge fund contract (� = 1and managers compete by setting w) except for the fact that we place an upper bound,�x, on the w0s that can be o¤ered and hence require require w � �x

In any of the contractual environments described, after observing either w or �; dependingon the contractual environment, the investor decides which manager to invest his funds ($x)with. The manager who has obtained the funds decides then which project, safe or risky,to invest them into. After all investment decisions are made, the cash �ow is realized andpayo¤s determined.

We specify these various contracts because we will be interested in how they a¤ect the per-formance of the market for other people�s money. As the propositions below indicate, thesecontracts can have a signi�cant impact on the risk taking of managers and the subsequentwelfare of our agents.

2.2 Equilibria

We now study equilibria in the di¤erent contractual environments.12 We concentrate �rston the hedge fund contract, our baseline.

Result 1: In the hedge fund contract, there exist a cuto¤ w� such that, if w � w� eachmanager has an incentive to invest the funds in the risky project (strictly so, if w > w�).

In fact, w� is such that each manager is indi¤erent with respect to her investment, and itsatis�es

w� =psRs � prRrps � pr

> 0

Result 2: In the hedge fund contract, if two managers o¤er w1 and w2 such that w1 �w� � w2 and w2

w1> ps

prthen the investor will give his chip to the manager who o¤ered w2.

In the transparency contract, if one manager o¤ers (w1,safe) while the other manager o¤ers(w2,risky) and w2

w1> ps

pr, then the investor will give his chip to the manager who chose the

risky project.

If one manager chooses the safe project, the other manager has an incentive to o¤er a highenough w and choose the risky project. That is, there exists a risk premia (ps

pr) such that a

rational investor will be willing to leave the safe project for the risky one. In the transparencycontract an investor is able to observe the contract in which his funds will be invested in.Thus, an investor demands a compensation of at least w2 � w1 � pspr for high risk. In the hedgefund contract, if w1 � w� � w2 then the investor can infer that a manager that o¤ered w1will invest in the safe project and a manager that o¤ered w2 will invest in the risky project

12See Matutes-Vives (2000) for a model of bank competition which resembles, along several dimensions,our laboratory hedge fund market.


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(see result 1). Since psprw� < Rr a deviation on the part of a manager to the risky project is

always feasible. This is the case under a regularity condition bounding the relative returnof the safe project, a condition satis�ed by the parametrization of the game we take to the lab.

It is now straightforward to show, by a Bertrand competition argument, that

Proposition 1: In the hedge fund contract, at equilibrium both hedge fund managers o¤erw = Rr and invest the funds in the risky project.

We can turn on characterizing the equilibria of the other contractual environments.

Proposition 2: In the transparency contract, at equilibrium both hedge fund managers o¤erw = Rs and invest the funds in the safe project.

Proposition 3: In a restricted contract, with �x � w�; at equilibrium both hedge fund man-agers o¤er w = �x and invest the funds in the safe project.

Proposition 4: In a pro�t sharing contract, at equilibrium both hedge fund managers o¤er� = 0 and invest the funds in the safe project.

Note that these contracts lead to di¤erent results in the market. For example, under the basichedge fund contract, competition forces w up to the level of Rr and all funds are investedin the risky project. In all the other contracts, however, at the equilibrium the funds areinvested in the safe project with di¤erent equilibrium w�s. For example, in the risk sharingcontracts where managers compete by o¤ering 1� � and where w = 0, the only equilibriumis one involving both investors investing in the safe project and � = 0. In this contract theincentives of the investors and managers are perfectly aligned so that the managers shouldinvest the investor�s chip as if he was investing his own money. In the restricted treatmentfunds should be invested in the safe project since we restrict �x � w�.

2.3 Parametrization

In our experiments we investigate one particular parameterization of this model. In thisparameterization the safe project has a cash �ow of 7 tokens if successful, with probability:9; (Rs = 7; ps = :9) while the risky project has a cash �ow of 10 tokens if successful, withprobability :5, Rr = 10, pr = :5. Without loss of generality, if we restrict w to be in [0; 10] itis easy to show that, in this parametrization, w� = 3:25 and all our assumptions are satis�ed,i.e., 6:3 = psRs > prRr = 5 and

psprw� = 5:85 < Rr = 10. Given this parameterization we

have the following equilibrium predictions for our di¤erent contracts.


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Table 1: Equilibrium Predictions

Contract Investment � wHedge fund Risky NA 10Risk Sharing Safe 0 NATransparency Safe NA 7Restricted Competition Safe NA 3:25

3 Experimental design

Our experimental design attempts to implement the market for funds outlined above. Theexperiment was run at the experimental lab of the Center for Experimental Social Scienceat New York University. Students were recruited from the general undergraduate popula-tion via E-mail solicitations. The experiment lasted approximately 45 minutes and averageearnings were $20. Each di¤erent contractual environment represents a treatment in theexperiment.

The Baseline treatment is the hedge fund contract environment, which we introduce �rst.When subjects arrived at the lab they were divided into groups of three with two managersand one investor in each group. Each of the 20 rounds in the experiment started by eachmanager simultaneously selecting a promised w 2 [0; 10]. These w�s are announced to theinvestor in the market. The managers also choose which project, safe or risky, they intendto invest in but this decision is private and not announced to either the other manager orthe investor. After both managers choose their w�s, the investor decides who to invest hischip with. The selected manager then has the right to make the investment that she de-cided on. The other manager can make no investment in this round. We ran our marketwith only one investor in order to maximize competition and with only two managers in ane¤ort to minimize the number of subjects needed (and hence the amount of money required).

After the investment decisions were made the chosen project was played out and payo¤sdetermined. A successful investment in the risky project paid 10�w tokens to the managerand w to the investor. A successful investment in the safe project paid max f0; 7� wg tokensto the manager and min f7; wg tokens to the investor (the manager is not liable for any losesimposed on the investor).

After each round, both managers observe the w chosen by the other and which managerreceived the chip. In case the manager received the chip, she was also informed as to whichproject the chip was invested in, the resulting cash �ow, and whether or not she was ableto pay the investor in this round. The investor was told whether or not he received hispayment and his pro�t in this round, but not which project the chip was invested in. Theexperiment then moved into the next round where subjects were randomly matched into


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new groups of 3 while retaining their role in the experiment, so that if a subject was aninvestor (manager) in round 1 she retained that role over the entire 20 rounds. The identityof subjects were anonymous so subjects could not identify their roles. This eliminated thepossibility of managers creating a reputation.

In addition to the Baseline hedge fund contract treatment, we ran several other treatmentseach of which replicated one of the di¤erent contractual environments described above. The�rst such treatment is the restricted contract treatment, for which we pick �x = 3: This treat-ment was run to check our hypothesis that it is competition, and the heightened promisesof returns it encourages, that lead to risky behavior on the part of investors. Obviously,since 3 < 3:25 = w�; in this treatment we would expect all funds to be invested in thesafe project. Otherwise, our hypothesis that risk taking is an artifact of market competitionpushing promised returns above w� = 3:25 would be easily disproved. In this treatment allprocedures were identical to those of the hedge fund contract except for the restriction onw.

Our transparency treatment is identical to the baseline hedge fund contract except for thefact that in the �rst move of the game the managers not only choose w, but also com-mit on a project to invest in. In other words, they choose a pair (w, Project) whereProject2 fsafe,riskyg and each pair chosen by the managers is shown to the investor. Theinvestor then chooses a manager to give his chip to and the rest of the round is played outas in the hedge fund treatment.

Our �nal treatment is the risk-sharing treatment. This treatment is conducted using privateinformation in an e¤ort to isolate the impact of the contract on behavioral and not confoundit with transparency considerations.

Finally, when the experiment was over we surprised the subjects by informing them that wewanted them to engage in one more decision. In this decision we gave each of them a chipand asked them to invest it for themselves in either the risky or the safe project. The chipwas worth 10 times the value of the chip used in the previous 20 rounds so this decision wasa more valuable one and should indicate how subjects would invest when investing their ownmoney rather than that of others. This investment opportunity was given to both subjectswho played the role of investors and managers in the experiment. For the investors theirdecisions in this own money round should indicate how they would have liked their chips tohave been invested in the previous rounds of the experiment. For the managers behavior inthis own money round indicates how the managers would invest a chip if it were theirs andnot other people�s money. If we see more safe-investment behavior by managers in the ownmoney round than in the risk sharing or restricted treatments where the incentives of theinvestor and managers are aligned, then this di¤erence can be explained by the fact that inthe own money treatment managers are investing their own money while in the other twotreatments they are investing "other peoples�money" and for some reason this makes them


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more risk seeking. We call this the Other peoples�money e¤ect.13

Our complete experimental design is summarized in Table 2.

Table 2: Experimental Design

Treatment Competition Information Number of subjectsHedge fund (Baseline) unrestricted only w 33Restricted Competition w � 3 only w 30Risk Sharing unrestricted only 1� � 45Transparency unrestricted (w,Project) 39Own money none NA 147

4 Results

Depending on the contractual environment, competition for funds might lead the market tounravel, inducing investment in a risky project when a safe project dominates in terms ofexpected returns. This is the case at equilibrium in the hedge fund contractual environment.The �rst fundamental question of the paper, therefore is,

1. Does the market unravel in the Hedge Fund Treatment? Does the outcome in the labexperiment �t the equilibrium prediction in the Hedge Fund Treatment where all fundsare invested in the risky project and w = 10?

On the other hand, all the other contractual environments we study experimentally predictthat, at the equilibrium, managers invest in the safe project o¤ering w�s that vary withthe contract used. The competitive mechanism leading to this outcome is however di¤erentin the di¤erent contractual environments. A natural question we ask, therefore, is if thisprediction is borne out in the experimental data?

2. Does the market in the Restricted Competition, Transparency, and Risk Sharing treat-ments lead to investment in the safe project? Does competition in these treatmentsmanifest itself as predicted by equilibrium?

The other fundamental question we address in the paper regards the existence of an Otherpeople�s money e¤ect.

3. Do managers in the OwnMoney Treatment tend to invest their own chip in a safer mannerthan they invested investor�s money in the Risk Sharing and Restricted CompetitionTreatments? Is there an Other people�s money e¤ect?

After establishing the e¤ects of the competition on the risk taking behavior of managers, weshall turn to investors. Our main question in this respect is

13This extra round is very much like the "surprise quiz" round of Merlo and Schotter [1999].


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4. Do investors choose the manager to invest with rationally? Do they anticipate the rela-tionship between the return they are o¤ered and the managers�investment strategy?

Finally, we will address a set of welfare questions where we compare the total surplus capturedin each treatment and how this surplus is allocated between managers and investors.

4.1 Does the market unravel in the hedge fund treatment?

In the hedge fund contract environment, at equilibrium, managers are expected to o¤er thehighest return w = 10 and invest in the risky project. The key element in this result isthat competition for funds will force w above 3:25 at which point investing in the riskyproject becomes rational for the manager. In contrast, in the restricted treatment, wherew � 3, no funds should be invested in the risky project. Hence, our theory implies that it iscompetition that is responsible for risky investment since it succeeds in pushing w above thecritical threshold. If funds were invested in the risky project equally in these two treatments,then the obvious conclusion would be that it is not competition that leads to risky behaviorbut, perhaps, some type of risk seeking that arises especially when managers are investingother peoples�money. The cleanest way to identify such market unraveling in the hedge fundtreatment is to compare the outcome in this treatment and in the restricted treatment.

Figure 1: How often were chips received from investors invested in the risky project.


30% 30%










all periods last 10 periods




Hedge Fund TreatmentRestricted Treatment

As Figure 1 indicates, in the hedge fund treatment managers invested the funds they re-ceived in the risky project 65% of the time. In fact, this percentage increased to 70% overthe last 10 periods of the experiment, indicating that learning increases investments in therisky project. Note that this percentage is only 30% in the restricted treatment (where weactually predict it should be 0%). Using the test of proportions, we reject the hypothesis thatmanagers in hefge fund and restricted treatments are equally likely to choose the risky or the


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safe project in all 20 rounds (z = 4:315 and p < 0:01) as well as in last 10 rounds (z = 4:195and p < 0:01). Despite the lack of total conformity to the quantitative predictions of thetheory, we still see that qualitatively the competition for funds does lead to signi�cantlymore risky behavior on the part of investors, as is predicted.

It is important to point out, as we will later when we discuss the risk-sharing treatment, thatthis risk seeking behavior on the part of subjects in the restricted treatment can be ascribedto the Other peoples�money e¤ect since in the own money treatment, where managers investtheir own chip rather than those of the investors, there is practically no investment in therisky project. As we see, in the restricted treatment this is not the case but such riskybehavior is irrational given that w is forced to be below the threshold level of 3:25 whereinvesting safe is dominant.

A period-by-period analysis of the investment decisions of the managers who received thefund to invest is even more striking. As we see in Figure 2, except for the very early rounds,most managers in the hedge fund treatment choose the risky project.

Figure 2: How often managers that received the chip from the investors

invested it in the risky project, by period







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Hedge Fund TreatmentRestricted Treatment

A second fundamental equilibrium prediction in the hedge fund treatment is that risk takingon the part of managers is associated to high-returns o¤ers (high w�s) to investors. In fact,in this environment the theory predicts that w will rise to Rr = 10. Qualitatively, all thatmatters in order to observe risky behavior is that the observed w in the market rise abovew� = 3:25 since such high promised returns are expected to lead to risky investments. Thisis once again the case in the lab data.

Figure 3 presents the period-by-period o¤ers of returns, w, for those managers intending to


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invest in the risky project and in the safe project.

Figure 3: Period-by-period o¤ers of returns (w) in hedge fund treatment.








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Managers that chose Risky projectManagers that chose Safe project

Note that managers promised consistently, on average, more than 3:25. In the �rst 5 periods,we observe only 6:4% (7 out of 105) of o¤ers w < 3:25. In the remaining 15 rounds thisnumber drops to less than 3%. Moreover, managers intending to invest in the risky projecto¤er on average higher returns than those intending to invest in the safe project: managersthat chose the risky project o¤er on average a return of 5:26 (5:43 in the last 10 rounds) andthose that chose safe project o¤er on average 4:60 (4:84 in the last 10 rounds).

It should be clear from our discussion that while our subjects in the hedge fund treatmentdid not push the promised return up to their limit of 10, as predicted, they did consistentlypush them above the threshold where risky behavior became rational. Of particular interestis the fact that for those managers intending to invest in the risky project, there seemed tobe a great resistance to o¤ering an w much above 7. Over all 20 rounds there are relativelyfew subjects who o¤ered a w higher than 7. Even amongst those managers who attracted thechip we observe rarely a w above 7 (6 out of 220 cases, less than 3%). This may be true for anumber of reasons. For example, in the hedge fund treatment there is a residual 30% to 35%of subjects who invested in the safe project. For those subjects promising more than 7 was alosing proposition and rarely done. Hence, a manager intending to invest in the risky projectmay have believed that it was not necessary to o¤er more than 7 since there was a goodchance that he would be facing a safe investor who he believed would never o¤er more than 7.

In summary, on a qualitative level we �nd that, as predicted, competition in the hedgefund treatment greatly increases the fraction of funds invested in the risky project and leadconsistently to promised returns above w� = 3:25.


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4.2 Do transparency and risk sharing lead to safe investments?

From the predictions of our theory we would expect that the existence of transparency in thecontracts o¤ered or the use of risk sharing would eliminate the existence of risky investment.They do so for di¤erent reasons, however. In the case of risk-sharing, since w = 0; theincentives of the manager and the investor are aligned. Since the safe project has a higherexpected return, it is in the interest of the manager to invest in it so all funds should beinvested in the safe project. In the transparency case it is competition that insures safeinvestment since the only equilibrium is one where both �rms promise to invest safe ando¤er w = 7 and at that return there exists not promised return that can induce the investorto want his chip invested in the risky project. As a result, we would expect far less riskyinvestment in the risk-sharing and transparency treatments than in the hedge fund treatment.

Figure 4: How often the chip received from investors was invested in the risky project.

Figure 4 indicates that these expectations are substantiated by our data. As we can see,while subjects invested in the risky project 65% of the time over the 20 periods of the hedgefund treatment, the did so only 41% and 17% of the time in the risk-sharing and transparencytreatments respectively. The dramatic impact of transparency on the hedge fund contractis noteworthy since it indicates that investors in the experiment prefer to have their fundsinvested in the safe project and that the excessive risk taking in the hedge fund treatmentmight be ascribed to investors inability to regulate how their funds are being invested.

Our Result 2 implies that if one manager proposes to invest in the safe project while the otherproposes to invest in the risky project, as long as the promised return on the risky projectis more than ps

prtimes the promised return on the safe project (1:8 in our parameterization),

the investor should prefer to invest his money in the risky project. Perhaps one of thereasons why we see so much investment in the safe project in the transparency treatment isthat while there is a signi�cant premium for risky investment in this treatment (see Table 3below), it is not su¢ ciently large to induce investors to want to go risky. For example, note


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that in the Transparency treatment the mean w o¤ered for investment in the safe projectover all periods (last 10 periods) was 4:43 (4:73) while the same w o¤ered for investment inthe risky project was 5:54 (5:95). As we see, while this premium is statistically signi�cant14

it is not, on average, as high as needed to be su¢ cient to make risky investment preferredby investors.

Table 3: Average o¤ers of managers, by treatment

average win all rounds

average win last 10 rounds

Hedge fund treatmentinvestors that chose risky project 5:26 5:43investors that chose safe project 4:60 4:84Transparency Treatmentinvestors that chose risky project 5:54 5:95investors that chose safe project 4:43 4:73

average �in all rounds

average �in last 10 rounds

Risk Sharing Treatmentinvestors that chose risky project 64:3% 71:6%investors that chose safe project 63:7% 71:7%

Finally, note that in the risk-sharing treatment, managers that intended to invest in therisky and in the safe projects o¤ered very similar shares of the proceeds to the investor:about 64% in all 20 rounds and about 72% in the last 10 rounds (see Table 3)15. Thus, theinvestors could not infer from the promises made by managers whether their funds will beallocated to the safe or to the risky project.

4.3 Is there an Other people�s money e¤ect?

Our Other peoples� money e¤ect indicates that managers will, for some reason, be morewilling to take more risks when investing other peoples� than their own money. To beprecise, we de�ne the other people�s money e¤ect as the di¤erence in the risk taking behaviorof managers between restricted/risk-sharing and own money treatments, in which managers�risk preferences are completely aligned with those of investors and theoretically we expect

14A Wilcoxon test indicates that the w�s o¤ered for investment in the safe and risky projects are di¤erentat the 1% level for data taken from all 20 rounds (z = 10:88 and p < 0:01) as well as the last 10 rounds(z = 8:99 and p < 0:01).15Wilcoxon ranksum test cannot reject the hypothesis that managers who intended to invest in the risky

project o¤ered the same shares as those who intended to invest in the safe projects (z = 0:683 and p = 0:4948in all 20 rounds and z = 0:069 and p = 0:9448 in the last 10 rounds).


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to see all funds invested in the safe project.

Table 4: How often funds were invested in the risky project, in the restricted,

risk-sharing and own money treatment

Treatment Managers InvestorsRestricted treatment 30:0%Risk Sharing treatment 40:7%Own Money treatment 10:2% 10:2%

Table 4 presents the percentage of times subjects (investors and managers) invested theirchip in the risky project in the own money treatment and in the restricted and risk-sharingtreatments.16 What is of course striking is that when subjects invest their own money theyrarely do so in a risky manner. Only 10:2% of the managers (and investors for that matter)invested their own funds in the risky project while managers did so 30% and 40:7% of thetime in the restricted and risk-sharing treatments. These di¤erences are statistically signif-icant. According to the test of proportions, in the restricted and risk-sharing treatmentsmanagers are more likely to invest other people�s money in the risky project than their ownmoney: z = 5:56, p < 0:01 for the restricted treatment and z = 3:71, p < 0:01 for therisk-sharing treatment. We interpret the larger risk taking behavior in the risk-sharing andrestricted treatment compared with own money treatment as the evidence of Other people�smoney e¤ect.

The results are striking because in all three treatments (risk-sharing, restricted and ownmoney) it is optimal for the manager to invest in the safe project. Therefore, we should ob-serve no di¤erence in risk-taking. Put di¤erently, given the incentives built into the contractsin these treatments, the only di¤erence between restricted/risk-sharing and own money treat-ments is that managers are investing other people�s money in the former treatments whilethey are investing their own money in the latter one. The fact that managers invested theirown funds di¤erently from other people�s money implies that there is something in the natureof competing for funds that leads a manager to want to be take more risks, risks that heobviously would not want to take if he were investing his own money. This purely behavioralresult cannot be explained by the usual economics of contracts.

4.4 How do investors behave?

Before turning to the welfare analysis we discuss here the behavior of investors. Our ob-jective here is to understand if the behavior of investors in our experimental data is also

16Recall that the own money treatment was performed at the end of each session after another treatment.There is, however, no signi�cant di¤erence in the behavior of either managers or investors after varioustreatments (according to the test of proportions); therefore, we pool together all the data from own moneytreatment and report it together.


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qualitatively consistent with equilibrium. This is particularly apparent in the Transparencytreatment, where the rational action of investors is not confounded by their beliefs aboutwhich project the manager will invest in. In this treatment, over all 20 rounds there were 172cases where both managers chose the same project. In 164 of these cases (95%), investors,as expected, gave their chip to the manager o¤ering the highest w. In 88 cases, one managerchose the risky project while the other chose the safe one. In 7 of these cases the riskymanager promised 1:8 more than the safe one and in 5 of these 7 (71:4%), the investors gavetheir chip to the risky manager. On the other hand, in 13 cases the safe manager promisedmore than the risky one and in all 13 cases (100%) the investors gave the chip to the safemanager. Finally, in 68 cases the risky manager promised more than the safe investor butless than 1:8 times more. Here the chip should go to the safe manager and it did so 58 outof 68 cases (85:3%). All of these statistics are supportive of the hypothesis that investorsbehaved as we expected them to in the experiment. In all of these cases above (except forthe 5 out of 7 cases), using a binomial test, we can reject the hypothesis that the chip wasallocated randomly with a prob = 50%.

Over the last 10 periods the results are even stronger, albeit with fewer observations. Moreprecisely, in 91 cases both managers chose the same project. In 89 out of 91 cases (98%),investors gave their chip to that manager making the highest promised w. In 39 cases, onemanager chose the risky project and another chose the safe one. In 2 of these cases the riskymanager promised 1:8 more than the safe one and in both 2 cases (100%), the investor gavethe chip to the risky manager. In 6 cases the safe manager promised more than the riskymanager and in all 6 cases (100%) the investors gave the chip to the safe manager. Finally,in 31 cases, the risky manager promised more than the safe manager but less than 1:8 timesmore, and the chip went to the safe manager in 27 out of 31 cases (87:1%). Again, all ofthese facts are supportive of the hypothesis that investors behaved in a rational manner inour experiment.

4.5 Welfare Analysis

In the previous sections we have established that the competition for funds fosters excess risktaking on the part of managers. Risk taking is instead more limited in the other contractualtreatments we take to the lab. In this last section, we will turn our attention to the surplusand its division between the investors and the managers. We will start by measuring totalsurplus by treatment. This should be compared with

i) the surplus in the least e¢ cient outcome, when all chips are invested in the risky project,which is equal to 5 (= 0:5� 10); and

ii) the surplus in the most e¢ cient outcome, when all funds are invested in the safe project,whichis equal to 6:3 (= 0:9� 7).


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Figure 5: Total surplus average per period.











all rounds last 10 rounds

Baseline TreatmentRestricted TreatmentTransparency TreatmentRisk Sharing Treatment

As Figure 5 shows, the surplus in the restricted, transparency and risk-sharing treatments(respectively, 6:02, 5:92; and 5:66) is signi�cantly higher than the one in the hedge fundtreatment (5:02 in the last 10 rounds, on average).

The next question we address is how this surplus is distributed between the investors andthe managers that received the chip. Table 5 below presents average per period earnings ofthe investors and managers that received the chip in each treatment.

Table 5: Earnings of the investors and managers that received the chip in tokensaverage per period, by treatment

Managers InvestorsTreatment all rounds last 10 rounds all rounds last 10 roundsHedge fund 1:97 1:88 3:15 3:14Restricted 3:62 3:62 2:36 2:40Transparency 2:00 1:74 3:88 4:18Risk-sharing 1:80 1:36 3:87 4:30

Table 5 shows that investors get the highest payo¤s in the transparency and risk-sharingtreatments and the lowest in the restricted treatment. For the managers, the highestpayo¤s are achieved in the restricted treatment and the lowest in the risk-sharing treatment.These results follow from the behavior of the managers described in Section 2 and the factthat in the restricted treatment the amount that managers can pay is capped at 3. This,obviously allows them to attract funds more cheaply. However, they could have earned even


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more if they invested in the safe project more often or at least as often as their cohorts inthe transparency treatment.

4.6 Discussion

Are Other people�s money and endowment e¤ects related?Can we interpret di¤erent treatments as policy interventions?Future work: dynamics/reputation; choice of contract.

5 Conclusions


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