ouachita telegraph (monroe, la. : 1865) (monroe)...

Cnachita Iseacaph. MtnllOUe. LAa. 1. Thrlee appelur to be a lai resperting thl election of city omeinla-. Mr,. ;rrett'a uaue should have be mniong thoe present In tlle CityConlc l proretdinis published last week. Tlto wolther aiue Monday, wihen I her ws a slig1t aill o hall here, all Ibrn domlty, rainy atl chilly enough lar rtto. Tlh poastl onie will be removed to- day or o-mo rrowI tohe offirefor•irly irruplti by Col. John Ray an a law oileo, ear this In mimd; It nmy ave yVa ~nttee *y .tp.. ,Mij.O J. (< 1 RILhard•n ha t een arp- pointed by (ior. MeElnry Reglster of the Slate Land Onalce, a posiiont for ws.lrlm t.e Major is wel quallied from loi ig xperience in land matters in this Slate. EI.sler h.uf p dwnhhout a frost, nn frult and all kinds or vegeltatlo nre veasiably .sie. O frult theme will he an abundance of all kinds-or peoahea, especally, Ini tct, tIle trees are aver- lomled .nl should he relieved. Most ofthe river lasd in en.tlvatioM In Ihii pariah, except the bthr Ihnd, I, rec or water, and plantir are busy plowing early corornnd plaatingeotton Reports from the hills art favorable, and indclce a s large roItg. planted Ia corn and small grate. The total fll in the river at thi point ince tho 141h lilt., date of thl highest uater, Islfvefeet eleven Inhes. At Logtown, soumo 1: mil sbelow, Ith ftil wi- learn, s cant three feet. The overflow neit Il falllng, biat ralthel lowly. Ti 0 break -bone fever Is arouni .,aIn; or somea alment, at Jest, so nearly nkin to it that tile lstlinctlon i1 one without a differene. We heur of overal erg, oih men and women, il have a painfial experieuce f neo lasting reverl days and aye_ l not tar- minmlted. Achilng bones and joinia, mre ,nIscls, Lsoa or appetite,bad tate, rleploeumesand an feeling .s If one wmsod like to be partially crushed and then well learned or baked, ia- syip- toIn. rmormon Illlke to the .denue and the prent Li.humnn torture. Illtrirl Court cntinue In taloan, amil will pirolbaly notnlJoirn before Ilu itlor parl of nest month. The .1or Hamlton vs. Imle \, 8. & P. nirintl mItlpany was takei up Th Trs- lay, atd n Jnry lawarn. ThiL in n suit ,,,Ir flmnages, plhces at l12,lS,, brought by 1 laihtil', owner or tie team-bot Era No 10, anti flo•l ujin the fnllurW orIdefndanta In o mpleto ie repairs nil miufriver bridge I.B IlO in time fir Oi"viPlion o tIlamt strenl. iudige laisdlimii pcIprconts thr plaintiff, in• thin. iftl c rse mny lie onluied Tolb1rl Mra. ritiurtne, the aEcominplsilho I1n.i who presided over thle moIsic ela. at lle ihmealit. Hiigh Ihool, left the .lty on Weul"Ieday last for Vienna in mnarll o, hithin and strength. Her manIy friendls r .get exceedinig i giv hter up,,lm fortunately PraofSmith has irrnliged to have the vacancy caused \rs. 1i. ). 0n7di. naisateId byt Mim nI (rtler. , will, we nrilefltadn, take large od f lie music clss, and as both narc adle of recognized acquirementa onmmeits nni smearcely necessaary. Mrs. (airdla Is conmplratively a stranger in Mnrne, yet sho lieas an enviable repi- idionii as Atrsclaelss educator in soame f llie est slchouls in the State. The friends io both ladiea wisth them sae. IIs iln tlre now field of labor., Calling It tile office or the V. S. & P. ttiroin(Id we found auperintendent rab- Iney out west Inspeting tie construe- (InL of the, road. Mr. cluIre, ecre- Flry, w!IB iound in the office, bult ro1 ily e ere 1 fm uevernl diays' illnss. Mr. Mcruir0 thought irains nimdl o. run through to Delta so soont aIs mie water leaves timo track-moat of ilin wtier woiould suibside li could form no Ida. The water is fIdlTin slowlyr, amid there I, yet a qinlantlty of wOe overI tle road equal to Ian nrdion anrrflnw. Wrrk on this end of tII eitensinoi wiT, oer ar gid to lean, ii ,remi mn aorst ulisrac ortly ; butlIt Sirmnpoiblelt I eiv alny dekllite Id ot lit I ,,lrir* Ia'ITIigodao, or lo ... ltls wvhe any ri veon -etaion or see SliLons ivlll conmpln..l. dli»v itKriflstry'. eloator Ed E. Kidd,oufJatkson, wals in lown the parL werk, lcoklom In me. allet. health. oms fiour weeLa ag C'ptain Kil was in Texas on a viit, and in C•olersca met our old fCor . GeO. Henr ly, and ld Lhe pl* - Ure or hearing the Generl make n lehal alrument which was chaieter- ized by all the ire, cerness and elo- quence ifo which the distllguished advcstoe and stalesman some yeats *o was so highly esteemed atla hon. ored ia this atate. These ae thou.ad of people in louisIanu who will nljolc It tlie restoration of lth gallan t old warrior'a health and mentall ieor. A Shreveport speelCaloflthe Ohlb to the Timesa•-Iecrat, tfrniea the s(l- lowin diallirel nioielIIenc r=at- lng a iig man*, who, a the disp•tcI tates, . swell known la this anl Jack-. n partibsea, nstd is well connected,: Thuarlay last, at the county seat of t murde. In the hibtory ofthe conal ty wa committed It t ems that Jadge . J. Lyo. UWas Ierestod In a prt*. l~ oace, and h Il hia emplymen I yOut· msian ormery from O.UatiI. parish by the name of Arthur W. Atlb ley, whom he dIlcharTed iccount or some disagrenent. Ahlyb*y .ets Lo kill T~ionu, ilad Tbfa f eu him dead In his trackl. bAshle i well known ID Ouechlla aIn Jack an par, bshes. nd le well conected. He passed throgh bhere Thursday night, ad wa amt by your repodeat Slurday mrnings, twodsysaalid oftbeottce [arrlcIAwj CITY COUNCIL PROVEEDINTIG ir'o-'s Osc. Cr,'Irr onr Mousnae, State oft iLrpliio.,a. rlt|I . ISI1 L Tho Councll met pirmiiant to al of0 he mayor. lreset-F, Endom, mayor; F. Oar, ett, S. ~IM er, Jno. i. handfer, C. C. LCwi, F. W. Baningtonw Absent-. . M. folar, W. P. Ioea- rick. S. Meyer was calledt o t a Meire- lTy, p?-o f... Tbe mt uea f liAn nmetiun werbe .ead and appr oved. The report ot Ihe Committee on Fi- iance, to whor Ws reard trel t•e 'Anath repor•l or tlls erelary An reeirar. 0., . S0lm.nis., Jto Iplro- ap wa r d. -a burnd tler wtrrans manrih o c U . Mobior I.fl, A. i g, On.88 olhl/,IJono1-raeSyulniFd 4,G Own- r, of Mr.-, ripo., n ". Jtonro rl• qe.l oha they heave exa~ia•ne ilO e beooe teoutilots etrc, of 0. 1. Stillma.im at. ctty a!rr amtrea.trer nndl round tne famre tilct and have canceled arn Irned the emostna and the blan e ^f ihe several fulfls have beenreceived .I. receipted for by MIr. loCn . Sa- oait~ body. The aid aoeu•nntis n hedeto annexed ahowlag ld hnes Mr. Suedera ala IH. charge or the booka and otuaepritrt y th.BSeca- lary and Tresaretas oB. rotia inlttee urthber Cnainend U-t, In view of ttheaaortie befor Iho u ner, Mr. Jou• . sa.a en e llyh n. 1.t0 lHr· I·0 n (1 ~i. bOetn ero- Fpowred tho clt I~ a•id clnp• lta. 1uLASRL 0 .rr Adopted: P. ENDODM, Mayor. B. M-EVE, Aellng Stcretary, The following oroloMintls, Noar. 44 and 4U4, wore introduced and .munnni- nonslr adoptd. ORDINANCE No. 15. le H ordf tin f t Jfqoaiw anT faf Colrnll f afre nr, lhat John G. nsar to act Ia TrnBSurer of thle <ity o Mon- e until aler the elecon of Seta and Treasurer by the Counml to te elecled on the lt Monday in May, 182. That, in lie said capacity, he la relly authoried to recelV snd diabaBrse the moneys of Ie tle Cityd *Monoe That the ity Collector, Jo. . Oar- relson, is authorized to nake his set. tementsa with said Jbo.C. Sanders and to take his receipts, wnich shall be bindle on the city of MoDEoor. Adioptedt z F. ENDO.r 8. M lyanActing 8ecretary. ORDINANCE No. 440. Bfiefy onfifebi9 &j fhe JArkyor url tiy toInw r UoiIro, Tat the na olI one thoumian and twenty-e ht anna l-1. dollars be and I, bereby appro- prialed out of mnoney ia ihe iooeDr!I Fnd of Ihe Cily Treasury to pay tN Elarms audited and approved by time Mayor anil City CounEcil id or Ocilulwr, IBB1. Adouplted . ENDOM, . Murir.vir, Acting 8eretlary. TheCouoncilaijourned lo msei n i 1thl dlayor April. IA. D.1SSa F. R.E1OMJMA 1H. S. MtiEYn, ActingSecretary. NEW AOVERTISMENTS. .- lk STrLLSRAN IN ACCOUNT. WITH CITa OF fONrel. TuAreLuna's O-iser., CITY I1r Mostosl, April a, 18S. 1881. 'ut. Dee. lS.-To amount brouI t fmuward reon old I•oOunt, vi: Itllauca.a Trealry da.................. Dec. D.-Toamou- recelved per hai of F. Eloni, mayor; benlog or rent of City propery, known as .Bofoiarheu houe and lot," fonm 1th foe.mbr to IlthfTle mbrI.............................. SResportsor. 1I. Trouidle, econer for ollections of f it t bhBe.e hb .ar cot, .. i.:- Jan. 3.-For moth ol Deember, 181, general •id, pkg . t..................... ...........-.... School uMd, ee. . pIM.--..-.............n Fpt. 1.-For luath on Jaunry, 813, gevtti iliad, School PaFund, ee . . p 220................... ....... Mach 1.-For month o Fbrary, Meat, aveneal uuind, pc 4l......................-----........ chlinol Fund, Bee V. B. p S0 ............................... April I-For month of March, 1l, geierl lnd, pkg &S............... ...................... .... ....... ...... School nd, see C. p O............................. fIn. 4.-To Repon of J. It. rreton, or month oWf Dr- cember, 189. vln:- Oni T Roll of 1a,4Oeni'l fund,C 4 , coal.,a7. lS8 corhouo! Fiinilt t, m 4 l. MiT9, Up '160, 5a A ft. 1380, o 32 40 s ' MI ft. ipar, I,30s a, ' Dr. -aee o. B. pi S. 1881, Corhose Fnod, 1, Ien tnmms on 43 4a5, ee C. B u 40............. - i , * - ' * II St 2,t ia-- ],t.i as 117 80 m 67 p5a Paid in currency GOneral Fus.... 51,0 4 9 ' (Package No.10-) ,458 ia Frl. I 1.-TP Regpn ofl. R . Omri.sron, collector, for mntllh of Jaluary. 1881, evi:- Oimltaxrolif tSBIOen't Funda3 O5,ielscom.,3It TO.. d2 o8 S School Fund, 0o 4, 1 02. 41 -Se C. 3. p S20. SCaourthoue Fund, a03 At, F lescomn- m llon 5l OSlee a. B. p .............. ...... 240 0a Pall in Curr o.'y, .eer. Fun..... 02 . S Schlol F ... nd - aSI 41 (liournthunfFnId. 2408 (Package No. I.) 1, s4t 70 1982. -CREDIa- Aprki If-By thi samount l Ah paid lorn Tresanry as pier la o(1w Trranu loiI dt....a.............. ......... ... ,70 Ut Cas.h Iblle i .u Treau.......................I........... ta B vi.o'a *I ilonroe, Ia., April U, 1882. O. . ISTILLMAN, Otit Tesier. l•hallilnt and lpproved, llh or April, 1882, al thMrn hundred anil venty- hmr inuil .- lduluro- paid John 0.. Sler, for Clt o Monroe. S FrnAna.ni OastBurr, Joia 0. Aniulan, Coinmulle. 'i*CnOUvNT WITH CITY SoHooL FUND. urn. De. t.-to amount lL bul In Treatsy broght for- ward rmn last a .couml, pes 20, vi................... Ii. i,.- To Rleport of . B. Tromlat reorer, for rn• llons of fnea lkposed by hbl court, vl. ; phr mntlh ot Deeiber. 1881, 0. B. p 12, pk 2...... Snr Jaalry, 5 , a. pkI - ... i Febr ay, 1, . B•. p 1, plik 4......... rch, pkg r.......... n. 6.-.To It.porta of J. B. Oar on, .ollector of ritll. lI,= 1t eo-lectloUN ror Sahnol Foud as eollow, to-witt or nunl, ol Deceinbrr, last, C. I.·lm, pkgo I.f COty rc~HaDlcoinl~»tt. thisn. Zo=ied by him. Int~a J. tla lre, tate td ParishIroX collector - OriGirum PlM1, kg... -.................... - -- CRBEDTS---- April sr.,Ry cah 14 w te nd onlen dwn on 1rQH1S lmIinl.................. 21 is fir-l ? hetuac. h .lT~resury.................l... r, ks> NO SMonre, April , 1882 .- . BTr L.MA, t TreH -tnar. Examninel and approved th April, IIB, and three hOndlrd anil nInelyone an( lo6-1'Mi dollrn paid John b0. Sandemr or th lty of Mionroe FRANK.IN GABBrrETT, JlolN . BAINDEI, COnimtte., IN ACCOUNTI WITH OOURTHOUITR FUND. De. 7.-To thin amount reeived from J. B. Oarremteo, collectr f ty taxes, a pr his report ofhi ddte r thin accout, a C.s .. p It, pkgq.......!.... il) Is Jan. 3.-T• this amount reolitd from J 1. . Oarretn, collecor, s pl his rarot of this date foe this ncttsO.B. l2 pk ............................ .. s .7 Febl. Il-To thisiasoltit received from J. i. 0 newO•kij, cleIto, per his report of thisdaiestarthi anoornt, see C. It. p 14, pkg 11................... 20 4 a. - --- oEDl- 1,157 April 3.-fly amount-paid to F. Ealain, mayor, under Uisolulon of City Couneil of date March 18, 182, _ n ----- - - -. Tmtay-Av Two -n rorao.. IRON-AX L6t WA ON S,. made by b etlbrtla Studebaker Man.- t utirii|et a .. Jmnfl ilv« aul stDoat a. h•bi 3 rrt. .e r Hem by . c _ PAlENDrnL VTa L. IEACO. litafN. lw Orl a n. . ond o Aon.ani, hja theelt onattlu. sa w arrat Stillpr own ... -a TMa- in. M O ld and *Ilver bto•ega, or token t .... r..I. .s A.D LOCK CO .. CA Cse. otOhs draLly all OR he N. . MILTON. A, ic.r. SMOHtuOW, LA. Stes anId ar |e n .on, than b- ny S itnrlrn tIlnes orr es hrn I Gun wisols hCloe k l - ewlne M«- Acl.tf re fCad on abroe mte le r•, N.B. .MI.TO.. it ~alli' Kw w epo D. E IuKtUW ws , LtH mL ., Predatce Dealr .a e.reta wcrhaat, Andtraleieing and Forwardsi AIent. Hty, POark, Imn. r, t ood s, (bMry . n Bon, camn•es, •merte . Ots, Flour. -iiaig, Hardarm. Bb Ijact can Ih tord t *o eUa~terandiodntueharg.B4. Fire- Proor Warihou jnnl nd il FAMILY UROCERY STORCE, MONrO l, IJUISIANA. F-ily Oromry or ud.r No. a. ware -a rpose . *el all instis ol LOWSS PRsIoE8 k ap .IB. A Irmt-ClaL liar att ched. Momnroa, La. Feb. 3,1I82. No. 22 DElIARD STREET, .LAm a a ts., arme.n n. ilatnanOenr.. all law .ml ones. irend lio d illr teelvad by ai1. D ler In all kinds orr HOUSEROLD FURNITUIII COFFINS. (XFFIN TRIMMINSa, -t. vhitr r opi. r nwa o oT, ai 1 have sou on banrd a nilt Stocik i Oblidren's Cartldair, whilch I d~er for worktad farntura Ia rnsectfitilly htmiresi. JAinu I M I. 15S e. If r ORJitMr) STttlSB, MOPROE, LA. The Pr|iHrlNAr anrI hi. many Irlemu annd cltown tatie will cintMsilj kel on maui the flnft jinl heat bnds CRORIEBM B-ARMIAES VACTOEV. Roedy madl work kept on tlaMd; spefd oar levse purpos.s.. ............. .............. »II meu rrwhlhh ms h sen bynIihi alO ti April a. l nath blalnT rto 240 I Fatory wil rry on Ea nuttom' wilt be i` tla e anera Afti tIn art ofllem euarroi ilyp~ , b almi ceper. October itt. iSTa, mm. rie city of Mpr.. M. S. Lawas , Muanro, l.. April 14et,1 . NOTICE. S4 publsic e. heraly w .rnsd RIiat. and stren I.y o ariao rorl d. II o o erea e th, "ao n e ord ihe an il IWheld < ini said risl. i n o oil otne anti a}rm id mm wone Oruirt, hl ia t ot noay. 1A.2. ItW.rICB . AIO. Aront.,py: AerroaL 7 ClerI RECIATIO* j rTICEI Revain tbeenappointed oaltrarrt, lotnea Off iro oat Ivo a ifta r .u t e e or leartonn rend a41 asi tr e rla isa dof aie lldI X 4 nlm l I l I'Thnl Ai, L01tb. In.i omeva ti it o llrt, rs rono , rolr a. mt to 1 .. ad .ou 2 O t. p. M. .J* . a fAU DlMA iw SA TRCT, ( amct o ra f Hl r to . eL old.) P'rjr ietir.li Farmilie a.r. % wll, wbupo Ie odftla. cops mlln, tlk Tan d oD. i at mle lrel W. n. f a r F. NsMfhillB LaWE-T * e oalenurler o tetsia- lo alai-tA r ta raa rand his pi essiloun ne r. towI i. Wanr eo rolulntm sltorwne and tr sd nil ries o o wa t o t S atero tirClta id"jisa t.T In al U. f nI. I-V., IMAt, ln".1, :V.uln At n,]V aote 111 «boakin Wll ltauk the tr.ite soe OllfEolsLan tIre ui n -1-qr?1 g to Ius ... f.ale o Cm...tesror\ T""" E. PE"""· OIIM-Ka IN· METALTAC BURIAL (.ASnE. sierviw of Undertaker alm nrsuarv imu .nded . PT'irr oa.a. La..Marmbo a15 s, nmr-, t LE-AL AADVERTISEMNTS. Ljrro'o -^" ' jaANwaa I Matcr h 1, i, Noutcn l hereby Ive thi lam nual t uecaions two, Ibreem and flu, o Act In. ii fthe Acts aneel lw ftiae ieoral A\eli. s«esLtn of thie thIrd IrBl-latrLr liobsan nuit heldloi N w Orlens. .ua,, rm in, Ln :1. 1111 amn" . . -Bi ih op.arrijrdtadoAlklndo tt umiwili e tomld Ilutbo Cicy er Ddrn rIse # ml57 40 blacIkmLtin T. rta eonable. on hird ant M.ond. "at lay of Mmai . ntr , L.a. April :,1882. 0. II. STIr.I.AS, City Treanrer. Jannary . i. F . E OM.- ad l',mm (Tolm melnn E.amlne and approved ,th April, 1882, and two hundred and forty anid - _ --. TENnlt, fnys.r. 94-10 dollars |aid in heek ois bank of Monroe In favorn of J. f. MHander for - - ---- _i.or. .tif.. City ol Monroe, a<cont Coiirthoteo r Ad. ND-M E EM ER'f SUmccE rSlO nNTC. PRlAhK, OAR12IReT, aoil Si. SANDFI, Citte, 0 ni MONr AOVMETInMnNTr . JUJLIOU1 ENNEMOSEIt.Poir's. ai- a.i....liii orTm'lm t li -" r el t s An e s . M O n i l. weer r k- I n t , I 1 f r o t, *, l o w i l, sc' " - D - n . .L N -D. . 1 .5 , 0 o rLe , ,.^ w miil Ui lu C l ,c m lDt b rla cll" 51 4 ' SNK. ALL r. - - -- MONROE. I"- r im- .... jtuit a A*l 1* Am. SI - - m. OUACHITA HOUSE or. . ,. .un>.mli Bexhane for uale ashO dr) .imt. Ini, Mew York New Orlir. end DEBIARD rHanrrt . Ay rile' ,. e ( R EEN.<lr. "1 timieB dett-it. n.dltlUosB Bro nti attadesi to ll fnrue, l r Tranlan.&are.Mmt, Farmiteryllle. Vienna. aColumnh.t Sliia'C ,. eit . e onnnImn tnoraliadl dept and stealu- n, ric. TO TI1KS laVtIC. _ , - " I-- a d i , ar d proNie ill. *TIAIVriot. I - *s DR. F. M. McCORMICK, mgsno Marr.Ch . =. CORNMR (RAND A.n DrSIARD SB., McFEi STAND, .. Mo Nv Yeru-ren. Ofausa HIs- newk a, 1 I pliaif1 y le,l otl ,ytiemewerer i- I kl.,. Ii.cs PA.N. i ,ASWARml M.ATONERY , o Sr. .: n -ACIO . r .. Mr I... I, uti s on"'ho th v ,elmmi ov tnn of 11 1 in 1 .it Firut Wml, *27 vote 1 "7 ausirs; SR ! tsl T A m . PA VNTS. I.lA9SWAlI ;, S ATIOSERY , SCH OOl. o oi BACt-O,; . .I...lapar., l t I;; 1-*,et r i i tliem econMl, .d; in tli Third 48, , MR nitht insrnl ortieie rm T.m' C Iral . e t. "I n Jt-.ei r.sr t aconmnicoltolImId roe wIllmni nnrallaiB ioiaU.iIrI t1in and in ahw osurrml m vtoem, usakin L a snm t ble deltverel ini thie itmicof v Ema, imts. Aeh end fnwl.. s*b Oytuen City or Monrrac nrlumi, t r" on all I r- total of 02, of which number 1r I re ar niLract ]tweentiberen d lr radia. Ar. ' Ur..Mr-rlnttaktolerst lhillProiBeakmaliunrtir l uao ha pnbll a niratt ihe drew ator0 t. every * TIe; M ,eryel mim e * l ain.e li es r wiLlitno Il rirmirerl li s.1ll1 i in *y SOElileE W. CRAM. Contraoor. whle. miomera, during bisabsrean,. m ron at.tnalcirs, wll rlllsl Iwant1ealrl ndl * ltananoao., ofMontoe. whites and- 4 colored. Monroa), .,AprillAll 1 2. if id to y comr petanti. ti ntLve , antid obligag cleri.I. Mora , Feb.10, laM. MoltiaP i 0pt. 2v a1Bl. M.an o, . Y.ENDOM, Macr. SMONROC ADV'MtrEMEk1t . MISOKLLANlUIOU. . CA RSON, FOR A1/15 p C HEAP AB ---- .,a.tit.r .r ASN BL ILDEt. . Twetity-ciiht et lon.g te.tm sit el1ed, ind Mooo t. Lotdeelp not areB well nmado and PIs.falleottetlon and (Juntttiea tmr- .Amily to t. H. Bmlon or aledatinwenabl terni.a on plcenei afl. F EnoM. cihl li petoln or by tri, ealxlrt-.ed Monro, Mlanh It. il fl.UOUS hlijob Ill annu N l - aqueless wAIYosius w$eows I~or 1Q•m I I- ' 1 i L U II n . . . . . . 1. an-fZll. l1n A a I · _

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Cnachita Iseacaph.MtnllOUe. LAa. 1.

Thrlee appelur to be a lai respertingthl election of city omeinla-.

Mr,. ;rrett'a uaue should have bemniong thoe present In tlle City Conlc l

proretdinis published last week.

Tlto wolther aiue Monday, wihenI her ws a slig1t aill o hall here, all

Ibrn domlty, rainy atl chilly enoughlar rtto.

Tlh poastl onie will be removed to-day or o-mo rrowI tohe offirefor•irlyirruplti by Col. John Ray an a lawoileo, ear this In mimd; It nmy aveyVa ~nttee *y .tp..

,Mij.O J. (< 1 RILhard•n ha t een arp-pointed by (ior. MeElnry Reglster ofthe Slate Land Onalce, a posiiont forws.lrlm t.e Major is wel quallied fromloi ig xperience in land matters in thisSlate.

EI.sler h.uf p dwnhhout a frost, nnfrult and all kinds or vegeltatlo nre

veasiably .sie. O frult theme will hean abundance of all kinds-or peoahea,especally, Ini tct, tIle trees are aver-lomled .nl should he relieved.

Most ofthe river lasd in en.tlvatioMIn Ihii pariah, except the bthr Ihnd,I, rec or water, and plantir are busy

plowing early corornnd plaatingeottonReports from the hills art favorable,and indclce a s large roItg. planted Iacorn and small grate.

The total fll in the river at thipoint ince tho 141h lilt., date of thlhighest uater, Islfvefeet eleven Inhes.At Logtown, soumo 1: mil sbelow, Ithftil wi- learn, s cant three feet.

The overflow neit Il falllng, biatralthel lowly.

Ti 0 break -bone fever Is arouni.,aIn; or somea alment, at Jest, sonearly nkin to it that tile lstlinctlon i1one without a differene. We heur ofoveral erg, oih men and women,il have a painfial experieuce f neo

lasting reverl days and aye_ l not tar-minmlted. Achilng bones and joinia,mre ,nIscls, Lsoa or appetite,bad tate,rleploeumesand an feeling .s If onewmsod like to be partially crushed andthen well learned or baked, ia- syip-toIn. rmormon Illlke to the .denue andthe prent Li.humnn torture.

Illtrirl Court cntinue In taloan,amil will pirolbaly notnlJoirn beforeIlu itlor parl of nest month. The

.1or Hamlton vs. Imle \, 8. & P.nirintl mItlpany was takei up Th Trs-lay, atd n Jnry lawarn. ThiL in n suit

,,,Ir flmnages, plhces at l12,lS,, broughtby 1 laihtil', owner or tie team-botEra No 10, anti flo•l ujin the fnllurWorIdefndanta In o mpleto ie repairsnil miufriver bridge I.B IlO in timefir Oi"viPlion o tIlamt strenl. iudigelaisdlimii pcIprconts thr plaintiff, in•

thin. iftl c rse mny lie onluied Tolb1rl

Mra. ritiurtne, the aEcominplsilhoI1n.i who presided over thle moIsic ela.at lle ihmealit. Hiigh Ihool, left the.lty on Weul"Ieday last for Vienna in

mnarll o, hithin and strength. HermanIy friendls r .get exceedinig i givhter up,,lm fortunately PraofSmith hasirrnliged to have the vacancy caused

\rs. 1i. ). 0n7di. naisateId byt MimnI (rtler. , will, we nrilefltadn, takelarge od f lie music clss, and as both

narc adle of recognized acquirementaonmmeits nni smearcely necessaary. Mrs.

(airdla Is conmplratively a stranger inMnrne, yet sho lieas an enviable repi-idionii as Atrsclaelss educator in soamef llie est slchouls in the State. The

friends io both ladiea wisth them sae.IIs iln tlre now field of labor.,

Calling It tile office or the V. S. & P.ttiroin(Id we found auperintendent rab-Iney out west Inspeting tie construe-

(InL of the, road. Mr. cluIre, ecre-

Flry, w!IB iound in the office, bultro1 ily e ere 1 fm uevernl diays'illnss. Mr. Mcruir0 thought irainsnimdl o. run through to Delta so soont

aIs mie water leaves timo track-moat of

ilin wtier woiould suibside li could formno Ida. The water is fIdlTin slowlyr,amid there I, yet a qinlantlty of wOeoverI tle road equal to Ian nrdionanrrflnw. Wrrk on this end of tIIeitensinoi wiT, oer ar gid to lean, ii

,remi mn aorst ulisrac ortly ; butlItSirmnpoiblelt I eiv alny dekllite Id

ot lit I ,,lrir* Ia'ITIigodao, or lo ...

ltls wvhe any ri veon -etaion or seeSliLons ivlll conmpln..l.

dli»v itKriflstry'.

eloator Ed E. Kidd,oufJatkson, walsin lown the parL werk, lcoklom In me.allet. health. oms fiour weeLa agC'ptain Kil was in Texas on a viit,and in C•olersca met our old fCor .GeO. Henr ly, and ld Lhe pl* -Ure or hearing the Generl make nlehal alrument which was chaieter-ized by all the ire, cerness and elo-quence ifo which the distllguishedadvcstoe and stalesman some yeats*o was so highly esteemed atla hon.ored ia this atate. These ae thou.adof people in louisIanu who will nljolcIt tlie restoration of lth gallan

t old

warrior'a health and mentall ieor.

A Shreveport speelCaloflthe Ohlb tothe Timesa•-Iecrat, tfrniea the s(l-lowin diallirel nioielIIenc r=at-lng a iig man*, who, a the disp•tcItates, .swell known la this anl Jack-.n partibsea, nstd is well connected,:Thuarlay last, at the county seat of

t murde. In the hibtory ofthe conalty wa committed It t ems that Jadge. J. Lyo. UWas Ierestod In a prt*.

l~ oace, and h Il hia emplymenI yOut· msian ormery from O.UatiI.parish by the name of Arthur W. Atlbley, whom he dIlcharTed iccount orsome disagrenent. Ahlyb*y .etsLo kill T~ionu, ilad Tbfa f eu

him dead In his trackl. bAshle i wellknown ID Ouechlla aIn Jack an par,

bshes. nd le well conected. He passedthrogh bhere Thursday night, ad waamt by your repodeat Slurdaymrnings, twodsysaalid oftbeottce


ir'o-'s Osc. Cr,'Irr onr Mousnae,State oft iLrpliio.,a. rlt|I . ISI1 L

Tho Councll met pirmiiant to al of0he mayor.lreset-F, Endom, mayor; F. Oar,

ett, S. ~IM er, Jno. i. handfer, C. C.LCwi, F. W. BaningtonwAbsent-. .M. folar, W. P. Ioea-

rick.S. Meyer was calledt o t a Meire-

lTy, p?-o f...Tbe mt uea f liAn nmetiun werbe.ead and appr oved.The report ot Ihe Committee on Fi-

iance, to whor Ws reard trel t•e

'Anath repor•l or tlls erelary Anreeirar. 0., . S0lm.nis., Jto Iplro-

ap wa r d. -aburnd tler wtrrans manrih o c U.Mobior I.fl, A. i g, On.88

olhl/,IJono1-raeSyulniFd 4,G Own-r, of Mr.-,ripo., n ". Jtonro rl• qe.l

oha they heave exa~ia•ne ilO e beooeteoutilots etrc, of 0. 1. Stillma.im at.

ctty a!rr amtrea.trer nndl round tne

famre tilct and have canceled arnIrned the emostna and the blan e^f ihe several fulfls have beenreceived.I. receipted for by MIr. loCn . Sa-

oait~ body. The aid aoeu•nntis nhedeto annexed ahowlag ld hnesMr. Suedera ala IH. charge or thebooka and otuaepritrt y th.BSeca-lary and Tresaretas oB. rotia

inlttee urthber Cnainend U-t, Inview of ttheaaortie befor Iho u

ner, Mr. Jou• . sa.a en e llyh n.

1.t0 lHr· I·0 n (1 ~i. bOetn ero-Fpowred tho clt I~ a•id clnp• lta.

1uLASRL 0 .rrAdopted: P. ENDODM,

Mayor.B. M-EVE, Aellng Stcretary,The following oroloMintls, Noar. 44

and 4U4, wore introduced and .munnni-nonslr adoptd.ORDINANCE No. 15.

le H ordf tin f t Jfqoaiw anT fafColrnll f afre nr, lhat John G. nsar

to act Ia TrnBSurer of thle <ity o Mon-e until aler the elecon of Seta

and Treasurer by the Counml to teelecled on the lt Monday in May, 182.

That, in lie said capacity, he la rellyauthoried to recelV snd diabaBrse themoneys of Ie tle Cityd *Monoe

That the ity Collector, Jo. . Oar-relson, is authorized to nake his set.tementsa with said Jbo.C. Sanders andto take his receipts, wnich shall bebindle on the city of MoDEoor.

Adioptedt z F. ENDO.r

8. M lyanActing 8ecretary.

ORDINANCE No. 440.Bfiefy onfifebi9 &j fhe JArkyor url tiy

toInw r UoiIro, Tat the na olIone thoumian and twenty-e ht annal-1. dollars be and I, bereby appro-prialed out of mnoney ia ihe iooeDr!IFnd of Ihe Cily Treasury to pay tNElarms audited and approved by timeMayor anil City CounEcil id or Ocilulwr,IBB1.

Adouplted . ENDOM,

. Murir.vir, Acting 8eretlary.TheCouoncilaijourned lo msei n i

1thl dlayor April. IA. D.1SSaF. R.E1OMJMA 1H.

S. MtiEYn, ActingSecretary.



TuAreLuna's O-iser., CITY I1r Mostosl, April a, 18S.1881.'ut.

Dee. lS.-To amount brouI t fmuward reon old I•oOunt,vi: Itllauca.a Trealry da..................

Dec. D.-Toamou- recelved per hai of F. Eloni,mayor; benlog or rent of City propery, known as.Bofoiarheu houe and lot," fonm 1th foe.mbr toIlthfTle mbrI..............................

SResportsor. 1I. Trouidle, econer for ollections off it t bhBe.e hb .ar cot, ..i.:-

Jan. 3.-For moth ol Deember, 181, general •id,

pkg .t..................... ...........-....School uMd, ee. . pIM.--..-.............n

Fpt. 1.-For luath on Jaunry, 813, gevtti iliad,

School PaFund, ee . . p 220................... .......Mach 1.-For month o Fbrary, Meat, aveneal uuind,

pc 4l......................-----........chlinol Fund, Bee V. B. p S0 ...............................

April I-For month of March, 1l, geierl lnd,pkg &S............... ...................... .... ....... ......

School nd, see C. p O.............................fIn. 4.-To Repon of J. It. rreton, or month oWf Dr-

cember, 189. vln:-Oni T Roll of 1a,4Oeni'l fund,C 4 , coal.,a7.

lS8 corhouo! Fiinilt t, m 4 l.MiT9, Up '160, 5a A ft.1380, o 32 40 s ' MI ft.ipar, I,30s a, ' Dr.

-aee o. B. pi S.1881, Corhose Fnod, 1, Ien

tnmms on 43 4a5, ee C. B u 40.............-i , * - ' *

II St2,t ia-- ],t.i as

117 80

m 67

p5aPaid in currency GOneral Fus.... 51,0 4 9 '

(Package No.10-) ,458 iaFrl. I 1.-TP Regpn ofl. R . Omri.sron, collector, for

mntllh of Jaluary. 1881, evi:-Oimltaxrolif tSBIOen't Funda3 O5,ielscom.,3It TO.. d2 o8

S School Fund, 0o 4, 1 02. 41-Se C. 3. p S20.

SCaourthoue Fund, a03 At, F lescomn-m llon 5l OSlee a. B. p .............. ...... 240 0a

Pall in Curr o.'y, .eer. Fun..... 02 .S Schlol F ...nd - aSI 41(liournthunfFnId. 2408

(Package No. I.) 1, s4t 70

1982. -CREDIa-Aprki If-By thi samount l Ah paid lorn Tresanry as

pier la o(1 w Trranu loiI dt....a.............. ......... ... ,70Ut Cas.h Iblle i .u Treau.......................I........... ta B

vi.o'a *I

ilonroe, Ia., April U, 1882. O. .ISTILLMAN, Otit Tesier.l•hallilnt and lpproved, llh or April, 1882, al thMrn hundred anil venty-

hmr inuil .-lduluro- paid John 0.. Sler, for Clt o Monroe.S FrnAna.ni OastBurr, Joia 0. Aniulan, Coinmulle.


De. t.-to amount lL bul In Treatsy broght for-ward rmn last a .couml, pes 20, vi...................

Ii. i,.- To Rleport of . B. Tromlat reorer, for rn•llons of fnea lkposed by hbl court, vl. ;

phr mntlh ot Deeiber. 1881, 0. B. p 12, pk 2......Snr Jaalry, 5 , a. pkI -...

i Febr ay, 1, . B• . p 1, plik 4.........rch, pkg r..........

n. 6.-.To It.porta of J. B. Oar on, .ollector of ritll.lI,= 1t eo-lectloUN ror Sahnol Foud as eollow,to-witt

or nunl, ol Deceinbrr, last, C. I.·lm, pkgo I.f

COty rc~HaDlcoinl~»tt. thisn. Zo=ied by him.Int~a J. tla lre, tate td ParishIroX collector- OriGirum PlM1, kg... -....................

- -- CRBEDTS----April sr.,Ry cah 14 w te nd onlen dwn on

1rQH1S lmIinl.................. 21 isfir-l ? hetuac. h .lT~resury.................l... r,

ks> NOSMonre, April , 1882 . - . BTr L.MA, t TreH -tnar.

Examninel and approved th April, IIB, and three hOndlrd anil nInelyonean( lo6-1'Mi dollrn paid John b0. Sandemr or th lty of Mionroe



De. 7.-To thin amount reeived from J. B. Oarremteo,collectr f ty taxes, a pr his report ofhi ddter thin accout, a C.s . . p It, pkgq.......!.... il) Is

Jan. 3.-T• this amount reolitd from J 1. . Oarretn,collecor, s pl his rarot of this date foe thisncttsO.B. l2 pk ............................ .. s .7

Febl. Il-To thisiasoltit received from J. i. 0 newO•kij,cleIto, per his report of thisdaiestarthianoornt, see C. It. p 14, pkg 11................... 20 4

a. - --- oEDl- 1,157April 3.-fly amount-paid to F. Ealain, mayor, under

Uisolulon of City Couneil of date March 18, 182,


n - - - - - - - -.Tmtay-Av Two -n rorao..

IRON-AX L6t WA ON S,.made by b etlbrtla Studebaker Man.-t utirii|et a .. Jmnfl ilv« aul stDoat a.

h•bi 3 rrt. .e r Hem by. c _ PAlENDrnL

VTa L. IEACO. litafN. lw Orl a n. .

ond o Aon.ani,hja theelt onattlu. sa w arrat Stillpr

own ... -a

TMa- in. MO ld and *Ilver bto•ega, or token t.... r..I. .s A.D LOCK CO ..

CA Cse. otOhs

draLly all OR heN. . MILTON. A, ic.r.

SMOHtuOW, LA.Stes anId ar |e n .on, than b- ny

S itnrlrn tIlnes orr es hrn IGun wisols hCloe k l - ewlne M«-Acl.tf re fCad on abroe mte le r•,

N.B. .MI.TO..

it ~alli' Kw w epoD. E IuKtUW

ws , LtH mL .,Predatce Dealr .a e.reta wcrhaat,

Andtraleieing and Forwardsi AIent.

Hty, POark, Imn. r, t ood s,(bMry . n Bon, camn•es, •merte .Ots, Flour. -iiaig, Hardarm.

Bb Ijact can Ih tord t*o eUa~terandiodntueharg.B4. Fire-Proor Warihou jnnl nd il



F-ily Oromry or ud.r No.a. ware -a rpose .*el all instis ol

LOWSS PRsIoE8 k ap .IB.A Irmt-ClaL liar att ched.

Momnroa, La. Feb. 3,1I82.


.LAm a a ts., arme.n n.ilatnanOenr.. all law .ml ones. irendlio d illr teelvad by ai1.

D ler In all kinds orr


vhitr r opi. r nwa o oT, ai1 have sou on banrd a nilt Stocik i

Oblidren's Cartldair, whilch I d~er for

worktad farntura Ia rnsectfitilly htmiresi.

JAinu I M I. 15S e. If r


The Pr|iHrlNAr anrI hi. many Irlemuannd cltown tatie will cintMsilj kel

on maui the flnft jinl heat bnds


Roedy madl work kept on tlaMd; spefdoar levse purpos.s.. ............. .............. »II meu rrwhlhh ms h sen bynIihi alO ti

April a. l nath blalnT rto 240 I Fatory wil rry on Ea

nuttom' wilt be i` tla e anera Afti

tIn art ofllem euarroi ilyp~ , b almiceper. October itt. iSTa, mm. rie city of

Mpr.. M. S. Lawas ,Muanro, l.. April 14et, 1 .

NOTICE.S4 publsic e. heraly w .rnsd RIiat.

and stren I.y o

ariao rorl d.II o o erea e th, "ao n e ord ihe an il

IWheld < ini said risl. i n o oil

otne anti a}rm id mm wone Oruirt, hl ia tot noay. 1A.2.

ItW.rICB .AIO.Aront.,py: AerroaL 7 ClerIRECIATIO* j rTICEI

Revain tbeenappointed oaltrarrt,lotnea Off iro oat Ivoa ifta r .u t e e orleartonn rend a41 asi tr

e rla isa dof aie lldIX 4 nlm l I l I'Thnl Ai, L01tb. In.iomeva ti it o llrt, rs rono ,

rolr a. mt to 1 .. ad .ou 2 O t.p. M. .J* .a fAU


( amct o ra f Hl r to . eL old.) P'rjr ietir.liFarmilie a.r. % wll, wbupo Ie odftla.

cops mlln, tlk Tan d oD. i at mle lrel

W. n. f a r F.

NsMfhillB LaWE-T* e oalenurler o tetsia- lo alai-tA rta raa rand his pi essiloun ne r.towI i. Wanr eo rolulntm

sltorwne and tr sd nil ries

o o wa t o t S aterotirClta id"jisa t.T In al U.

f nI. I-V., IMAt, ln".1, :V.uln At n,]Vaote 111 «boakin Wll ltauk the tr.itesoe OllfEolsLan tIre ui n -1-qr?1 g

to Ius ... f.ale o Cm...tesror\

T""" E. PE"""·



sierviw of Undertaker alm nrsuarv imu

.nded . PT'irroa.a. La..Marmbo a15 s, nmr-, t


Ljrro'o -^" ' jaANwaa

I Matcr h 1, i,Noutcn l hereby Ive thi lam nual t

uecaions two, Ibreem and flu, o Act In. iifthe Acts aneel lw ftiae ieoral A\eli.

s«esLtn of thie thIrd IrBl-latrLr liobsan nuitheldloi N w Orlens. .ua,, rm in, Ln :1. 1111amn" . .-Bi ih op.arrijrdtadoAlklndo tt umiwili e tomld Ilutbo Cicy er Ddrn rIse# ml57 40 blacIkmLtin T. rta eonable. on hird ant M.ond. "at lay of Mmai .

ntr , L.a. April :,1882. 0. II. STIr.I.AS, City Treanrer. Jannary . i. F . E OM.- ad l',mm (Tolm melnnE.amlne and approved ,th April, 1882, and two hundred and forty anid - _ --. TENnlt, fnys.r.

94-10 dollars |aid in heek ois bank of Monroe In favorn of J. f. MHander for - - ---- _i.or. .tif..City ol Monroe, a<cont Coiirthoteo r Ad. ND-M E EM ER'f SUmccE rSlO nNTC.

PRlAhK, OAR12IReT, aoil Si. SANDFI, Citte, 0 ni

MONr AOVMETInMnNTr . JUJLIOU1 ENNEMOSEIt.Poir's. ai- a.i....liii orTm'lm t li -"

r el t s An e s . M O n i l. weer r k- I n t , I 1 f r o t, *, l o w i l, sc' "- D - n . .L N -D. . 1 . 5 , 0 o rLe , ,.^ w miil Ui lu C l ,c m lDt b rla cll" 51 4 '

SNK. ALL r. - - -- MONROE. I"- r im- .... jtuit aA*l 1* Am. SI - - m. OUACHITA HOUSE or. . ,.

.un>.mli Bexhane for uale ashO dr) .imt. Ini, Mew York New Orlir. end DEBIARD rHanrrt . Ay rile' ,. e ( R EEN.<lr.

"1 timieB dett-it. n.dltlUosB Bro nti attadesi to ll fnrue, l r Tranlan.&are.Mmt,Farmiteryllle. Vienna. aColumnh.t Sliia'C ,. eit .e onnnImn tnoraliadl dept and stealu- n, ric. TO TI1KS laVtIC._ , - " I-- a d i , ar d proNie ill. *TIAIVriot. I - *s

DR. F. M. McCORMICK, mgsno Marr.Ch .=.


Yeru-ren. Ofausa HIs- newk a, 1

I pliaif1 y le,l otl ,ytiemewerer i- I kl.,. Ii.cs PA.N. i ,ASWARml M.ATONERY , o Sr. .: n -ACIO . r .. Mr I... I, uti s on"'ho th v ,elmmi ov tnn of11 1 in 1 .it Firut Wml, *27 vote 1 "7 ausirs; SR ! tsl T A m . PA VNTS. I.lA9SWAlI ;, S ATIOSERY , SCH OOl. o oi BACt-O,; . .I...lapar., l t I;; 1-*,et r i

i tliem econMl, .d; in tli Third 48, , MR nitht insrnl ortieie rm T.m' C Iral . e t. "I n Jt-.ei r.sr t aconmnicoltolImId roe wIllmni nnrallaiB ioiaU.iIrI t1in

and in ahw osurrml m vtoem, usakin L a snm t ble deltverel ini thie itmicof v Ema, imts. Aeh end fnwl.. s*b Oytuen City or Monrrac nrlumi, t r" on all I r-total of 02, of which number 1r I re ar niLract ]tweentiberen d lr radia. Ar. ' Ur..Mr-rlnttaktolerst lhillProiBeakmaliunrtir l uao ha pnbll a niratt ihe drew ator0 t. every * TIe; M ,eryel mim e * l ain.e li es r wiLlitno Il rirmirerl li s.1ll1 i in *ySOElileE W. CRAM. Contraoor. whle. miomera, during bisabsrean,. m ron at.tnalcirs, wll rlllsl Iwant1ealrl ndl * ltananoao., ofMontoe.whites and- 4 colored. Monroa), .,AprillAll 1 2. if id to y comr petanti. ti ntLve , antid obligag cleri.I. Mora , Feb.10, laM. MoltiaP i 0pt. 2v a1Bl. M.an o, . Y.ENDOM, Macr.


.CA RSON, FOR A1/15 p C HEAP AB ----

.,a.tit.r .r ASN BL ILDEt. .Twetity-ciiht et lon.g te.tm sit el1ed, ind

Mooo t. Lotdeelp not areB well nmado andPIs.falleottetlon and (Juntttiea tmr- .Amily to t. H. Bmlon oraledatinwenabl terni.a on plcenei afl. F EnoM.cihl li petoln or by tri, ealxlrt-.ed Monro, Mlanh It. ilfl.UOUS hlijob Ill annu N l -aqueless wAIYosius w$eows I~or


I I- ' 1 i

L U II n . . . . . .1. an-fZll. l1n A a I · _