ougd503: project report

Santa Sangre Culture Fest Nas_Radio City Hall Robocop x Total Recall The Shining TRON_Little White Lies HAIM_Secret 7” Jessie Ware_Secret 7” Jessie Ware_Secret 7” The Dieline Awards_ Heinz 69 The Rowes Group D&AD_Ted Baker D&AD_BBC Online Abbas Mushtaq OUGD503 Project Report

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Project Report of all live briefs carried out as part of the Responsive module of Level 05 studies_Leeds College of Art


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Santa Sangre

Culture Fest

Nas_Radio City Hall

Robocop x Total Recall

The Shining

TRON_Little White Lies

HAIM_Secret 7”

Jessie Ware_Secret 7”

The Dieline Awards_Heinz 69

The Rowes Group

D&AD_Ted Baker

D&AD_BBC Online

Santa Sangre

Culture Fest

Nas_Radio City Hall

Robocop x Total Recall

The Shining

TRON_Little White Lies

HAIM_Secret 7”

Jessie Ware_Secret 7”

The Dieline Awards_Heinz 69

The Rowes Group

D&AD_Ted Baker

D&AD_BBC Online

Abbas Mushtaq




Project R


Responsive M


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Editorial & Layout

Poster & Illustration

Branding & Identity

Packaging & Promotion

Project Key

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Santa Sangre


Culture Fest


Nas_Radio City Hall


Robocop x Total Recall


The Shining


Tron_Little White Lies


HAIM_Secret 7”

Responsive: Project ReportTable of Contents


Jessie Ware_Secret 7”


Dieline Awards_Heinz Ketchup


Rowes Group


D&AD_Ted Baker


D&AD_BBC Online


Brief Outlines

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Santa Sangre

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Santa Sangre

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Santa Sangre

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Creatures of The Night was the first live brief carried out in Level 05. The brief was sent out by Hyde Park Picture House to all students in Leeds. Creatures of the Night is a big event. The brief was to design a one-off poster for one of the big titles being shown this year - Alejandro Jodorowsky’s classic horror film - Santa Sangre (1989). The brief was open to all Leeds Art students.

A great opportunity for me. Over my studies I’ve realised one of my favourite formats and specialisms within graphic design is the poster format, purely because the visuals take the centre of attention and not the feel and physical craft of it in terms of packaging. In the movie a religious and fanatical mother has her arms cut off by her husband and ends up using her son as “her arms” to carry out evil deeds. I referenced this and used a two-colour palette of red and green to create an

Creatures of The Night:Santa Sangre

unnerving atmosphere. To add to the trippiness the poster works just as well upside down, with an equal amount of information each way up.

In the end I won which really boosted my confidence, especially as it told me I have something to offer in a medium of design I enjoy so much. A run of 15 posters was printed for the event, which sold out and was the first time I had produced a run of posters for a client in a limited time frame of a couple days, this taught me to be reliable and manage my time well, I can’t let a client down - especially for a huge event like this.

I also learnt simply having a go at everything can lead to success, you have nothing to lose. If anything you’ll make contacts which is invaluable and has lead me to future work and opportunities.

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Culture Fest

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Culture Fest

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Culture Fest

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Culture Fest is an annual event organised by the Leeds University Students’ Union and is in celebration of Black History Month. This years event was called ‘Culture Fest’ and marks my first substantial freelance project I’ve done in my career so far. The turnaround for the brief was pretty quick, literally a weekend as the original designer had pulled out and I was a last-minute replacement.

My job was to design a poster to be used to promote the event and be heavily circulated and on walls throughout the university and the surrounding area. I decided to creathe poster along with taking it further through invitations and branding.

Black History Month xCulture Fest

I learnt a variety of important lessons from this brief, firstly having a clear brief before setting out to do design is essential and secondly to listen and work with the client. This brief had several different iterations, the first efforts are nothing like the finished poster and are pretty bad. This is due to an unclear brief and no real direction and me not listening to the client fully and going against them.

Through listening to the client and the clients ideas we both worked together and created a poster we’re both happy with and the clients ideas have improved the poster substantially and made the brief have much more direction and efficiency.

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Nas_Radio City Hall

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This brief set by Talenthouse was another quick turnaround brief I allowed myself no more than a week on to design and submit, most of the week was spent drawing and finetuning a succesful idea I could take to the computer and produce. The brief was to design a poster for New York based rapper Nas’ New Years Eve performance at the world-famous Radio City Hall on New Years Eve. The winning poster would be hand-picked by Nas, displayed at the venue and circulated heavily with a huge audience. This was a great opportunity.

This was a very enjoyable brief partly because the the theme of Hip-Hop and the artist Nas are huge favourites of mine and also

Radio City Hall:NAS NYE NYC

because this is the first time I experimented with screen-printing, long overdue.

The poster would be heavily circulated and produced so I decided to work with no more than 3 process colours plus stock, to reduce costs. One major visual theme of Nas’ artwork is a shoulder level face portrait with the iconic Queensbridge area of New York behind him, I decided to reference this in a progressive and eye-catching way and with my own personal style.

In the end I didn’t win but I learnt how to screenprint, I failed sometimes but it gave me confidence moving forward. I also learnt that there’s certain design that only designers appreciate - study the target audience.

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Robocop x Total Recall

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I was chuffed when I received this brief as it was sent to me specifically by Hyde Park Picture House from them being impressed by my competition win for the Santa Sangre poster. A great confidence boost for me as I’m always excited by making a poster and here was a huge local client hand-picking me to design a poster for them for all of Leeds to see. The aim of the brief again was simple, HPPH kept the brief quite open but as I learnt in past experiences closing down a brief and giving yourself restrictions allows you to be more creative and focused. So I decided to again make work suitable for screen-print to add exclusivity and appeal and to work in a restricted colour palette.

Creatures of The Night:Robocop x Total Recall

The screening I was designing for was a double-bill of Robocop and Total Recall, 80’s sci-fi classics. Rather than design a poster which housed almost two separate posters within for each film I decided to merge the two movies together as if it’s one movie. I merged the characters and tried to create a scene and merged the tag-lines.

I was reasonable happy with the poster, although I played it a bit too safe for my liking. I intended to print off 20 posters and sell them at the event but due to my own poor time management I was unable to do so and let down the client, which taught me to always plan ahead and never let this happen again.

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The Shining

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The Shining

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The Shining

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After working with Hyde Park on a couple of briefs now Hyde Park had become a stronger contact with me and seemed to trust me to create posters both they and their customers enjoy so they approached me to design a one off poster for a special remastered screening of Stanley Kubrick’s classic The Shining in February.

The subject and plot of the movie made this poster have many opportunities and visual concepts to display. At first I was drawing and mocking up thumbnails and I realised I was just doing the same kind of work as I always do - I took a step back and decided to create work which doesn’t look digitally put together but by hand. I wanted to really show Jack

Creatures of The Night:The Shining

Nicholsons’ characters split personality - I achieved this by creating two separate posters and ripping through and photocopying - and then blowing up to the correct scale, the effect is unlike any of my other work and Hyde Park enjoyed it a lot.

I messed up with the previous brief as I hadn’t managed to produce the posters in time to sell, I made sure I had copies this time and I signed them too. They all sold out and demand exceeded the supply which was huge for me. This project showed me you can be creative by doing the simplest of things such as ripping and photocopying, as long as your concept is strong. Design doesn’t have to be vectors and grids.

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For promotion of Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph, an American computer animated film released in February in the UK. As a means of promotion and awareness, Little White Lies set up a competition to the public, asking you to design a video-game start screen for any Disney movie ever.

The brief was surprisingly focused and tied down - Little White Lies wanted the design to be in 640 x 480 web format, web-safe file size and to be entirely original with no Photoshop filters made to look ‘retro’. I was excited at the prospect of designing entirely digitally without the considerations of print and was open to all the possibilities of designing digitally. I had never designed in a pixellated and

Little White Lies_TRON

condensed style before and realised how difficult it is. I chose the 1982 classic, TRON and ended up creating a grid made up of tiny squares I filled with a colour. It took a lot of time but was a learning experience, I even ended up animating it and sending that off too.

Unfortunately Little White Lies didn’t end up entering it, although I was positive I sent it off. In the end I sent it again when told they hadn’t received anything, only now it was too late to win as they’d picked a winner from the entries. I got an even stronger response than the winner online and think I could have won if I had made 100% sure it got there in time. A lesson learnt the hard way.

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Secret 7’’ combines music and art for a good cause. They take tracks from seven of the best-known bands and artists around. They press each of those tracks 100 times to vinyl then get creatives from around the world to interpret artwork in their own style for of one of the 7 tracks; resulting in a one-of-a-kind sleeve for every single one. They exhibit these for a week, then on Record Store Day (April 20) you can get your hands on one, for £40 apiece. Talenthouse has opened up this competition through their website for the second year in a row now, designing for HAIM was one of my entries to the event. Buyers don’t know who the song is for or who it’s by, with all money going to charity. This is a great

HAIM_Secret 7”

opportunity and for a good cause, this is one of the first briefs, although a quick turnaround where I was inspired by conceptual art with room for interpretation in your own mind.

I was inspired by designers such as Peter Saville and artwork for bands such as Pink Floyd and New Order. I chose to communicate heart-break and the end of a relationship through falling petals, a symbol of love you could say.

It has been chosen as one of the winning exhibitioning pieces and was an enjoyable brief to work on, moving forward I want to design in a more concept heavy manner. Design doesn’t have to be literal or simplified to successfully communicate.

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Jessie Ware

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Secret 7’’ combines music and art for a good cause. They take tracks from seven of the best-known bands and artists around. They press each of those tracks 100 times to vinyl then get creatives from around the world to interpret artwork in their own style for of one of the 7 tracks; resulting in a one-of-a-kind sleeve for every single one. They exhibit these for a week, then on Record Store Day (April 20) you can get your hands on one, for £40 apiece. Talenthouse has opened up this competition through their website for the second year in a row now, designing for Jessie Ware was my second entry to the event with the song “Still Love Me”.

Jessie Ware_Secret 7”

For this brief I wanted to again practice at communicating a concept or message of the song but through a subjective and subtle manner. The concept of the song is heartbreak, playing games with someones heart. I decided to take this message literally with the artwork/

I built on the grid I had created for my TRON brief and drew up a game of pong with a heart literally breaking. The colour palette and stripped down aesthetic style is inspired by existing Jessie Ware artwork such as her debut album cover.

This was a winning pieces which was great news and taught me that simple solutions are key.

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The Dieline Awards

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The Dieline Awards

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The Dieline Awards

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The Dieline awards are a huge worldwide packaging design contest, predominantly entered by existed and established brands. The brief was originally picked by Seb, while working on it he was discussing it with me and through the discussion and sharing of ideas it turned into a collaboration, a quick one and an enjoyable one.

Packaging is so broad so we decided to repackage an existing product. After looking at products from the microwave to the fork, we decided to focus on the Ketchup bottle. We noted down what we liked, what we didn’t like and what we would do to improve it, if those ideas would be viable and the simple question of if our redesign would simply be better than it is now.

The Dieline Awards_Heinz 69

When we believed it would be, we went away and made it.

It’s this clear design and logical thought process which is the key thing I’ve taken away from this brief. We didn’t get lost in the brief and always had a clear reasoning and thought process. It made the brief much easier. Collaboration is also a learning curve and we worked well together, knowing we could rely on each other was very important.

Our concept is literally to have two lids, this way no matter which way you put the bottle down, you won’t have to pallm the bottom, as there is no bottom.

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Rowes Group

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Rowes Group

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Rowes Group

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Rowes Group

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Rowes Group

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The Rowes Group was a brief found on Logoarena.com, the original brief was only asking for a logo. The Rowes Group in their words is a “Multi-billion dollar financial company. We are a well-established and long-standing company. Rowes is the founder’s family name.”

I decided to take this brief on as branding is a kind of project I had yet to take on and wanted more variation in the briefs I carried out as part of this module and also in my portfolio. I decided to go further than designing a logo and go on to brand material such as letterheads, folders and business cards to create a much more realistically viable proposal and solution, so this was a lot of fun in the way of trying something new

Rowes GroupFinance & Insurance

and learning along the way. To keep costs low at a large scale, only one process colour plus special finish is uses - gold foil blocking. I managed to find some marble stock which brought out the project and added flair to it.

One of the main learning points from this brief came out of a bit of a mishap, I gave myself one day to print and finish all the work, this didn’t materialise and the prints came out badly. In the end I had to mock-up digitally and make sure the digitals were just as good as the photos would have been. I’ve learnt preparing for problems is key, give yourself time and a few extra days buffer for mistakes. Also mocking up is a cost-effective proposing tool.

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Ted Baker

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Ted Baker

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Ted Baker

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Take Ted Baker travelling. The Ted Baker London brief is the longest brief I’ve worked on as part of this module, starting on as far back as October. The aim of the brief is to introduce Ted Baker to new markets through an integrated and social campaign, with a focus on advertising. Some of the countries to choose from were the USA, Japan and China. I chose Japan, simply because of the culture shock between Britain and Japan along with the distinct visual and fashion styles of Japan.

My main concept of this brief was to reinforce the British heritage of Ted Baker and to entice the Japanese audience to almost step into Britain just by coming into Ted Baker’s Tokyo store.

D&AD Awards:Ted Baker London

Like a holiday. I was careful to add to the logo instead of redesign it by adding ‘Tokyo’ in Japanese kanji. Customers are enticed to buy products as it allows them to “Be A Brit for A Bit” in the forms of guides and lighthearted information.

My main struggle during this brief along the way was getting lost in the brief and losing my clear concepts, what was I trying to communicate? I created a lot of material from lookbooks to shopping bags but probably wasn’t adventurous enough and didn’t nail down my concepts and just focus on them. I feel the main thing I learned is to keep a project simple and focused, especially for a competition. Clarity is essential.

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BBC Online

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BBC Online

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BBC Onlline

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BBC Online is the second major live-brief carried out by me and the first collaborative live brief I’ve done, me and Eve decided to work together as we feel have the same design sensibility although we have different strengths.

I learnt from my Ted Baker brief that an issue I needed to address was to keep focused and not go on tangents. Eve has strong logical concepts behind her work and presents well and professionaly so we complemented each other well. We worked well together and did a substantial amount of work in a short space of time. We worked to our strengths and took advantage of two rather than one.

D&AD Awards:BBC Online

The brief set by BBC was to make BBC Online “come alive”. Right away we brainstormed what worked for them and what didn’t and how we could make it better with ideas through our own experience using multimedia and the internet.

We came up with clear yet innovative solutions such as news tailored and filtered for you with BBC You, a personalised landing page. A LiveFeed with dynamic and constantly updating stream of headlines, articles and videos such as goal alerts.

Having clear concepts simply shared through imagery leads to a simple and effective proposal. Working logically for a large amount of content is a key learning point for me.

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Brief Title

Creatures of The Night x Santa Sangre

The Brief

Design a one-off, exclusive and eyecatching poster for Hyde Park Picture House’s special screening of Santa Sangre, a

classic Spanish horror movie in time for a Creatures of The Night

Halloween special.


Consider existing posters out there and how to set your poster

apart from them.

Consider print costs and work with a restricted colour palette

suitable for screen-printing


Poster must include: A Creatures of the Night Halloween Special - Santa Sangre - Saturday 27th October 2012 - 11PM - At The

Hyde ParkPicture House - Tickets from

£4.50 to £6.50 - 0113 275 2045 - www.hydeparkpicturehouse.


Brief Outlines


Digital low-resolution and high-resolution print ready Jpegs sent

via email

Printed A2 copies signed and numbered for event.


17:00 15th October 2012

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Brief Title

Black History Month xCulture Fest 2013

The Brief

Produce a visually engaging poster which will be stuck and promoted around Leeds for an event by Leeds Spoken Word


This is the first time we’ve ever had a Culture Fest event and this needs to really sell the event as a fun, appealing and exciting event

to attend.


Consider scale and format and user interactivity. Maybe consider creating branding material to create a more

wholesome and impressive proposition.

Consider our previous Black History Month poster and how

you can set your apart


Send a variety of variations for the client to analyse and give

feedback to you for a final design

Brief Outlines

In-depth visual investigation

Must be easy to produce in a large run and able to print

effectively through inkjet CMYK.


High-resolution jpeg sent via email

Finished poster sizeable at A4/A3/A2 scale.


15th October 2012

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Brief Title

Talenthouse_Radio City Hall:Nas NYE Performance

The Brief

Produce an eye-catching and memorable poster for Nas’

landmark performance at the world famous Radio City Hall in

New York, on New Years Eve.


Consider scale and format, poster will be distributed from

small scales such as flyers to large scales such as billboards

and the side of the venue

Consider legibility at different scales, must be original artwork

Existing artwork for Nas such as album covers and performance



Post progress and research to blog, with in-depth visual


Muat be CMYK format and have high-resolution artwork safe in

the case of winning competition.

Brief Outlines


A2 size posters printed and photographed for submission

and blog

Small web-resolution artwork posted to client for approval and

judging panel.


7th December 2012

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Brief Title

Hyde Park Picture House_Creatures of The Night:Robocop x Total Recall

The Brief

Produce a visually engaging and interesting movie poster for the

Robocop and Total Recall double bill taking place on Saturday 26th

January for Hyde Park Picture house. Needs to stand out from the crowd and be enticing and

add curiosity to the screenings.


Gather reference imagery of 80’s and early 90’s science fiction

posters, the general composition and vibe put across.

Look into circus attraction/horror/posters relevant to the Creatures Of The Night tagline.


Produce work which merges sci-fi, with horror and your own

visual style and sensibilitiesProduce a final design which

lends itself to being cost-effective to print, and also a

maximum of two colours perfect for screen-printing in limited

runs for sale at the event

Brief Outlines

Appeal to the target market of university students - 18-24

along with film-buffs, who visit independent picture houses and

familiar with 80’s sci fi.


Poster must include info:Creatures of the Night Presents a

Paul Verhoeven Double BillROBOCOP / TOTAL RECALL

Saturday 26th January 2013 - 11PM

At The Hyde Park Picture HouseTickets from £6.50 to £8.50

www.hydeparkpicturehouse.co.uk BOX OFFICE: 0113 275



Low and high-res jpegs emailed for client to promote through social media, printing and web

A2 size posters printed in a limited run of 15-20 signed,

dated, numbered and sold at the screening.


14th January 2013

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Brief Title

Hyde Park Picture House_Creatures of The Night:

The Shining

The Brief

Produce an interesting and exciting poster which catches your attention straight away

for Hyde Park Picture House’s screening of The Shining in



Research into existing examples of horror movie posters and

their conventions, paying special attention to existing examples of

posters for The Shining

Look into the picture house itself and produce something fresh and new which has never been seen before there but also captures the look and feel of the movie.


Produce a final design which lends itself to being cost-

effective to print. and appeals to the target market of students aged 18-24 along with film-buffs,

who visit independent picture houses familiar with horror.

Brief Outlines


Must include following information:

Creatures of the Night Presents Stanley Kubrick’s

THE SHININGSaturday 23rd February 2013 -

11PMAt The Hyde Park Picture House

Tickets from £4.50 to £6.50www.hydeparkpicturehouse.

co.ukBOX OFFICE: 0113 275 2045

Must work at A2 / A1 scale and be easily produced in large numbers

if/when needed.


Low and high resolutions jpeg’s emailed for client to print and

promote prior to screening

Limited run of signed and dated posters for sale at event.


31st January 2013

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Brief Title

Little White LIes x Wreck It Ralph_16 Bit

The Brief

Inspired by Wreck-It Ralph’s 8-bit theme, we want you to

design a start screen for a fictional 8-bit Disney video

game using that beloved relic of computer art software, MS Paint. You can choose any animated or live action film from the Disney

archives, but your design must be original

All Windows users should have MS Paint right there in your

programs folder. Mac users can download a faithful emulation at



Look into existing video-game start screen for 80’s video games

and existing imagery for your chosen movies. Be original and



Consider the format of your work and how you can take into

advantage working digitally

Brief Outlines

The colour palette of a 16-bit game often can only product 16



640x480 resolution. File format must be PNG or GIF files.


Send PNG or GIF file to competitions@churchoflondon.



18th February 2013

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Brief Title

Secret 7” - HAIM

The Brief

Secret 7’’ are inviting creatives from around the globe to take inspiration from HAIM’s track,

Better Off and design an original 7 inch vinyl sleeve

Between 30-50 winners will be selected. One copy of each

design will be produced and exhibited in East London for over

a week in April

The project culminates on Record Store Day when the

700 one-of-a-kind vinyl will be available to purchase, with all of the profits going to the charity

Art Against Knives

None of the buyers will know who created the sleeve, or even which song it’s for, until they are

holding it in their hands - the secret lies within.


Research into existing artwork for the song/artist and how your

artwork can be unique

Brief Outlines

Look into inspiration and existing examples of high-

concept artwork and translating a message through simple 7”



Dimensions should be 184mm x 184mm with a 3mm bleed, so in

total 190mm x 190mm. The bleed will not show on the front of the

sleeve so please don’t design anything in this area that you

want to be visible

Original submission files must be produced in CMYK, 300dpi

and either Tiff, JPEG or EPS file formats.


18th February 2013

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Brief Title

Secret 7” - Jessie Ware

The Brief

Secret 7’’ are inviting creatives from around the globe to take inspiration from Jessie Ware’s track ‘Still Love Me’ and design

an original 7 inch vinyl sleeve

Between 30-50 winners will be selected. One copy of each

design will be produced and exhibited in East London for over

a week in April

The project culminates on Record Store Day when the

700 one-of-a-kind vinyl will be available to purchase, with all of the profits going to the charity

Art Against Knives

None of the buyers will know who created the sleeve, or even which song it’s for, until they are

holding it in their hands - the secret lies within.


Research into existing artwork for the song/artist and how your

artwork can be unique

Brief Outlines

Look into inspiration and existing examples of high-

concept artwork and translating a message through simple 7”



Dimensions should be 184mm x 184mm with a 3mm bleed, so in

total 190mm x 190mm. The bleed will not show on the front of the

sleeve so please don’t design anything in this area that you

want to be visible

Original submission files must be produced in CMYK, 300dpi

and either Tiff, JPEG or EPS file formats.


18th February 2013

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Brief Title

The Dieline Awards_Heinz 69

The Brief

Rebrand and redesign the Heinz Ketchup bottle. Building on previous developments to

create a unique and innovative new solution, being careful not to alienate existing customers,

but at the same time having an element of surprise and



Existing Heinz adverts, be careful not to create too extreme and

outlandish an advert unless you can justify it

Research into colour palettes and general themes and

specifications in terms of point size of existing adverts and

packaging by Heinz


Research into existing opinions and perceptions of Heinz

and their Ketchup packaging. Blogging and design development

showing design decisions and process from early framework to

the finalised artwork.

Brief Outlines


Boards/images sent and uploaded to The Dieline awards

competition by the deadline

Interactive PDF of presentation boards uploaded and posted to

design practice blog

Boards for project compiled with other live briefs as part of your

Responsive Project Report.


1st April 2013

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Brief Title

Rowes Group - Finance & Insurance

The Brief

Produce a logo and branding material for Rowes, the well

established and long-standing financial company based in the

US. Create a unique and luxurious look taking into account the

client, and in turn the kinds of clients Rowes gets and the kind of aesthetic appeal we want to

give off.


Rowes want to communicate:

#1 - We’re a leader in the financial industry

#2 - Strength#3 - Longevity & Luxury

Existing logos for rival brands and insurance group companies

out there and how you can differentiate Rowes from them.

A consistent colour scheme and visual style throughout all

branding material and logo.Rowes is the family name of the


Brief Outlines



Mixture between modern and classic

Target Market

Middle-class individuals, working professionals who want a reliable and well-established company to give them security and peace of mind in handling their financial



Logo design & Branding material including letterhead, notepads,

folders and other material to really show application of the

logo and the brand design across different materials and products.


18th April 2013

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Brief Title

D&AD Student Awards:Ted Baker London

The Brief

Introduce Ted Baker to a new country, in this case Japan.

Activate the Japanese market and shoppers to look into Ted

Baker and visit stores, shop and share in person and through social activity with a strong emphasis on shopping and



The culture in Japan is very different to Britain, being fully

British may not be effective, with shoppers so used to a different


Tone of Voice

Quirky, subversive and interesting with strong emphasis

on personality and not taking itself too seriously. Being

British but at the same time also being Japanese, embracing the

Japanese culture but being proud to be British too.

Brief Outlines


Thorough research into Japanese culture and fashion, the local

area and location of store.

Research into existing and unique campaigns with similar awareness

and promotion aims as Ted Baker.

A unique, exciting, visually interesting campaign across

at least 3 different media. E.g. Print, web, clothing, shopping

experience e.g. bags, billboards etc.


Integrated and consistent campaign/concept working

across at least 3 different forms of media/interaction.

8 images/design boards showing campaign and proposition.

Explaining clearly and effectively in an interesting manner.


20th March 2013

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Brief Title

D&AD Student Awards:BBC Online

Collaboration with Eve Warren

The Brief

Make BBC Online come alive across all platforms turning

otherwise static websites into updated, dynamic and relevant



The BBC is a worldwide leading public service broadcaster. It’s

mission is to enrich peoples lives with programmes that

inform, educate and entertain. The BBC delivers content across ten products and four screens

ranging from BBC News to Cbeebies and desktop to mobile. The effect of digital technology

on live output.


Good designInteractive webpages

Design valueRelevant and uncomplicated

conceptsExisting BBC LoyaltyConstantly engaging.

Brief Outlines


Design boards_Proposal or Film_Animation

Images posted to design blog

Target Audience

Tech, web and mobile savvy individuals

18-35 age rangeNewspaper buyers

BBC loyaltyAware of current affairs.


Relevant conceptAchievable conept

Research and analysis of Web/UI design.

Tone of Voice




20th March 2013

Page 60: OUGD503: Project Report

Abbas Mushtaq




Project R


Responsive M



Abbas Mushtaq




Project R


Responsive M
