ountain news.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/.../ed-1/seq-1.pdf · howard lawvonco 1,7, working for john...

r v. •r OUNTAIN NEWS. > * Vol. XXVI-No. 45 MARGARETVILLE, NEW YORK, FRIDAY, DEC. 9, 1921 Whole Number 1397 \ BY ICE STORM AT! Scarcely a Tree Left in its Nor- m al Condition Wires Buried and Connections Cut Off STREETS BLOCKADED BY TREES AND DEBRIS ARENA TO CELEBRATE WITtf XMAS PROGRAM Both Churches and the Village School Busy With Plans— Arena News of a Week Letters recently received rrnin the Arena folks wintering In Florida state that the weather Is very warm there. Embreo Johnson of 'Margaretvillo was In town Monday. Walter Merrltt was kept In the house a few days last week, nursing a sprained ankle. Until churches and the school are making preparations ,for Christmas exei'cises. V. Several of the young people attend- ed a surprise party and dance at Leon Beardsley's Cross Mountain last Fri- day evening. Mrs.. Rosella Tompkins will enter !fl I FORffiWEEK NEW KINGSTON TREES DAMAGED BY STORM Branches Broken From Large Ones on Mountains and Small Ones Destroy- ed —News of the Vnlley. Our high mountains present n HIrange sight as the rain last week froze on the high ground to the trees and the heavy weight broke mo,s,t of 11 hi' branches off the larger and dos- A Glimpse of Life in a Busy i troyed most of the s nor ones en- Country Village Indidenfcs elrely ' Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Scott of Walton nre spending the w.bok among friends and relatives here. A reception for the newly weds, Mr. that Make The Week's His tory. SOME BRIEF ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST Local Newspaper Without Electric Power and Delayed I tain the Ladies' Aid.next Wednesday in Isunff its Edition Last I ^noonr. All members are request Week Local residents who are readers of the Stamford Mirror-Recorder were wondering the last of the week why I hey had not received their papers. Here is the reason as told by the Mir- ror-Recorder, which reached its read- ers Monday, five days late: The worst ice storm in Stamford's history lias held the village iii it,s, grip since Monday. Damage almost un- believable has been done to our beau- tiful shade trees, telegraph and tele- phone wires are down from one end of the village to hang in Ice-coated festoons from poles and trees like the fantastic handi- work of some giant spider. Tele- phone polo,?, with their mass of wires lean In places at dangerous angles over our streets, supporting broken trees and heavy limbs and all frozen together in an Inextricable mass that only a warm day or a sharp axe might disentangle. Since Sunday night, when the electric power went off, travel about our streets has been a perilous undertaking, owing to the almost incessant crashing of limbs of trees upon the sidewalks and today, (Wednesday), electric power is prom- ised in two days' time and lighting ed to be present. The Misses Anna and Pauline Meyer returned to Brooklyn Monday, having spent the past three weeks with Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Lammond. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cooper, Mrs. .1. Richard and Miss Gladys Brown spent Saturday and Sunday in Kings- ton. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Dickson spent last week in Now York City. I Mr. and Mrs. Roswell Myers of ! Oneonta were week-end guests of Mr. j and Mrs. ,1 film Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Marry Cantwell of the other or else' Margaretvllie were visiting friends at Many Personal Items of Spe- Forfer Local Residents. Arena and Grant's Mills last week. Orson Slack returned to Arena Fri- day, having sent several days friends in Pennsylvania; with INTERESTING ITEMS FROM PRING STREET What Your Friends are Doing Business and Social Way in Section. In a That (Special to the News) Howard Lawvonco 1,7, working for John Shultls, the well known truck- man of Roily Corners. Mr. Lawrence j employe of the Rosoff Construction Co. drives one of Mr. Shultls's trucks and j on the state road work in this vicinity. service not sooner than a week if fay-1 draws milk from the Vega valley to Clarke A. Sanford litis been in Now orablo conditions prevail. If a heavy j Halcottvillo. fall of snow should visit this section! Word has been received that the ! the Sanford & Jenkins garage ami there is no tolling when the village j Cedrlc, the ship on which Elder Rus- j Opera House and transacting othei ton sailed for England on December | business'' matters, some of which it is whispered might have been witli Santa Clans. Mr. and Mrs. Philip O. Mess return- ed t<> their home in Ibis village on Sunday from Carbort.dale, Pa., where they wore called last Thursday mi account of the death of an uncle of Mr. Hess. They made the trip in their motor car. The post ofiice department is issu- ing the usual request thai Christmas would got back to normal condition*, .At this time an estimate of the act- ual property loss as a result of the storm Is difficult, for it will take some time to determine how many trees can be saved, and the telephone and elec- tric light companies have not as yet formed an estimate of their probable loss. Sugar orchard,? throughout this sec- tion have boon badly demolished by the terrific weight of ico on the trees. In some orchards not a tree was spared more or lens damage, and the largest Individual loss is believed to have occurred. in tlio Tylor farm groves, where the loss will reach sev- eral thousand dollars.. The attractive rows of trees about the streets and boarding houses have been decimated so that heroic efforts will be necessary to savo them. In Churchill Park and about the Rex- mere the ice-coated trees present an unusual sight, many of them being broken off near tho ground. Division street-and Prospect street wore im- passible for many hours, tangled wires being entwined with broken branches so It was dimcult for a.pedestrian to force a way through tho icy masses. Throe telephone polos near the swim- ming pool wero broken off a n d fell beside the state road while low wires in many other .sections of the .village made motoring or driving anything hut pleasant tasks. With the con- tinual dropping of branches and Ice It Is indeed remarkable that no fatal accidonts occurrod during tho storm. The first trees to show the effects «i tthe Ice wore the poplars and elms, the maplos holding their loads several IIOUWL longer on the avorage. Where Hie limbs have split for several feet It will bo necessary to saw them off close to the main trunk to savo tho trees. This will bo worth tho effort, for Stamford has secured a imputation tor finely shaded streets, and, while It Is not to bo denied that tho .s.torm lias undone years of labor in a fow be and Mrs. Harold Scott \va,s held Mon- day evening at the home of Mr. and Mis. Frank Ingles. Despite the rough roads a large number of their friends assembled to do them honor and C i a l I n t e r e s t t o P r e s e n t a n d j brought a generoiw quantity of useful 'gifts for the young couple. -Mr. and Mrs. George Hewitt of Dry [Brook are spending a few days in the valley. Gilfred A. Scott returned Monday from spending a few days in Dover. X. .1. with Mrs. Scott and daughter. I'avid Adee is confined to the house this week under the doctors care. -Mr. and Mrs. Frank l.indsloy and little daughter of Grand Gorge attend- ed church here Sunday and spent the day with her sister, Mrs. M. J. Faulk- ner. Mrs. Francos Van Benschoton hn.w .gene to the homo of her son Jay on the Turnpike. Fbcnezor LaidlaVV a n d sun of Wal- ton were visitors ill town Hie first of the week. Arthur Whltcoriiti of the Dunrayen end of the valley was in [Mica hist weelc to gel his Chevrolet car that was o en last summer. Mr. Wliitcomb lias had a groat deal of car insurance llrV: summer, having made severn' trips to IMIca, and finally the police stored the car for him, holding same for evidence. Now when he goes after same all tools ami accessories are missing. ig about Dunraven, wo note that the middle pier el' the bridge across the Plattokill stream has, set- tled some eight inches, some say due to atmospheric conditions and others give different reasons. Harold A. Faulkner is now unlng a [Ford truck which he recently purchas- ed to use on the farm. Attorney A. C. Kenton was in Kings- ton lixfsf. Saturday and Sunday on busi- ness and visiting. Rev. C. G. Bills of Kingston was calling on friends in the village the early part of tho week. The regular monthly business meet- ing of the Margarotville Red Cross will meet at tho homo of Airs. G. C. Grant, Monday evening. December 12 at 7:30. Mr. and Mrs. William Iv.islon of Arkvilie are rejoicing ovor the arrival of a little daughter born at the homo of Mrs. II. 10. CI.ill; In .Margarotville on December 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Place plan j to leave home Saturday of this week for Ormond, Flu., where (hoy wero employed last winter to resume -their former positions tor the season. Now that Christmas is coining the tiling to do is get ready fur it. Re- member that, a post card or greeting |of some sort means as much in flpmo j instances as an elaborate present. The L. Bussy house on Orchard j Street in the West. End of the village jhas been sold by Mr. liussy it. is stated, to James Catolll' who is an Bloomville-Hobart and De- posit-Rock Rift Sections will Have Attention in Spring 1 . APPROPRIATION FOR DESTRICT ATTORNEY REPORT DENIED THAT LEAGUE SOLD PLANTS. Officials Say Newspapers Got Informa- tion Wrong — Instead of Selling Plants Were Bought. Provides for the Payment in Advance of Funds Needed for Current Expenses. York this week in'tho interests of d the 26, reached Liverpool Monday. Elder Ruston who reside:: near Kelly Cor- ners, is pn,s,tpr of four Old Scl.oo'. Bap- tist churches, and has gone to Eng- land for a six weeku stay to visit his aged mother who is in very poor health. Almiron F. Sweet is busy these days operating his ,s,aw mill. Ho lias one of the finest water-power mills in Delaware County. Resolutions providing a $000 fund for the district attorney to meet ex- penses .in connection ' with' criminal actions, and changes in the personnel of the board of managers and Im- provements to the equipment of the Delaware -County tuberculosis sana- torium, were adopted at Friday's ses- sion of the cou,nty board of super- visors. The board put in a busy day, the session extending from 3 o'clock in the .afternoon until late at night. Tlio resolution relating to the ex- penses of the district attorney was iffered by Mr. Hume and unanimously adopted. It provided for "the pay- ment in advance of audits of properly itemized and verified bills for the ex- penses of the district attorney law- .lilly and necessarily incurred in the prosecution of criminal actions or pro- -codings arising in the county," and Work of Saving Several newspapers have recently published a dispatch coming original- ly from tMIca, stating that the Dairy- men's League Co-operative Associa- tion had sold twelve of its plants In central and southern New York to the Nestle's Food Company in order to pay a debt of $223,S0O. A;; tho Co-operative Association has just purchased these plants from the Nestle's Food Company, tho above statement in absurd on the face of it and absolutely without foundation. It is the belief of the Co-operative As soeiation that It was inspired propa ganda .sent out by enemies who are taking every opportunity to injure and impede the work of the Associa- tion. As a matter of fact, the Associa- tion has purchased several plants from the Nestle's Food Company, mak- ing a fifty percent cash payment and giving a mortgage for the balance of the purchase price. Xlie mortgage has just been filed. Many of the newspapers, including the Knickerbocker Press of Albany, which published the dispatch have already corrected it, but as this orl-. ginal misinformation ha:: caused con- uldcrublo mlDUhCerstandlng, tho Co- operative Association is requesting all newspapers to assist in giving the correct facts in the tn''"er. AIDEDINIHEFTS Youth Who Stole Several Au- tomobiles in Vicinity Claims He Was Not Acting Alone. Both Waived Examination Be- fore Justice Marks a n d Held for Grand Jury— Cars Re- covered authorised tho county treasurer to wet tside $600 for his Immediate use. j Mr. Marvin presented a resolution, which was duly adopted, designating S. Forman Adee, of Delhi, as a mem- FINE PROGRESS MADE WITH SEAL CAMPAIGN Lives in Delaware County Wins Interest of Most of the People, Chrlstmcs Seel Your Christmas Mail. One fcurth of the job is done, her of tho board of managers of tho Tubereulo.:is work in New York State Delaware county sanatorium, to suc- ceed S. F. Penfleld, resigned. Mrs. Flora Uassett, of Walton wa,s, re-elect- •d a member of the board for a five- year term. Tho managers were au- .horided to sell the discarded electric, work will cut .lant at the hospital for the best price death rate at 1 ONE IN DELHI JAIL OTHER OUT ON BAIL today is saving h quarter of the lives that would be lost each, year if former conditions of ignorance IUK'. helpless- ness prevailed. The continuation of the health I iwn the tuberculosis | <t another quarter. I After Orson Hendricks arrived in town la.st Thursday afternoon follow- ing his confession that he stole sev- eral automobiles in this section, ho made a further statement and im- plicated two other men. These men were at once apprehended and taken before Justice of the Peace Edgar Marks where they waived examination and were held for the Grand Jury. One of them was released on bail and the other is in Delhi jail. Whether these are the guilty helpers or whether Hendricks implicated them to shield somebody else has been the chief topic of diffcussion about the village during the week. All the car,«, taken from this section have beon recovered and It is believed that the custody of Hendricks will completely solve tho problem. Head- ricks, it will be recalled, entered the Conine home on Hubbell Hill a year ago and rilled the house. For this crime ho was on parole at the time lie stole the automobiles. Only 19 years old, he seems to have the prospects of a dyed in the wool criminal for his future. Josopli Colliding has been confln-1 packages be mailed n.s. early as pos- ed to tho house for a fow days as the result of a heavy "wagon running over a part of his foot. Roland Sanford Is engaged in car- penter work at Roxhury. Mr. San- ford recently removed from Fleisch- manns to this place where he formerly resided. ' Dr. Telford of Margarotville made this place a professional visit Satur- day. John Shultis made a business trip to Arena- Wednesday. Leon Woolheater captured a duck thtof Sunday evening when he set a trap near his homo and caught a very large owl, which he has on exhibition at his residence. >Mr. Woolheater I week \for missed a drake on Saturday night, and j where they wero employed last winter suspected that his los.s was duo to the j and expect to be busy there mil il next thieving propensities of an owl which j April. he determined to capture alive, and Among the latest real estate trnn- keep for a time for the convenience of sactions recorded at tho county scat i splendid from this township are the following: slble in order to avoid ('.(ingestion of the mails at the holiday lime. Pack-! ages may bo marked. "Do not open ,, until Christmas. Mrs. Harriet Hoffman left this week i for Armour Villa Park to visit hoiv daughter, Mrs. it. J. Colony and fam- j ily for a time before going on to the homo of her son ! .l. VV. Hoffman at' Washington, D. C. She also expects j to go later to some point in Florida to I pass a portion of the winter. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Henderson w" have been sojourning at their homi this village since? completing o in their summer engagement with a large Maine resort hotel left early this Nassau, Bahama Islands., DELHI PLAYERS QUIT COLD IN GAME HERE Mnnnger Called Time and Referee Ob- jected— So Former Called the Gnnic Off. The excitement that was promised in tho- basketball game last Friday night between the local town team ami the Delhi lOmoralda was there alliight but if was of a somewhat dif- ferent variety than the folks wise ex- pecting, if reports that came In the ! News olilce are correct. The story goes that tlio game progressing nicely with a very game up to the end of the Ill's I ! when the {Margaretvillo boys \ rolled mi a score of 10 against competitors who had scored S then the (rouble began. It was all over the calling of time Which has often been the case in basketball games, the manager of I he Delhi aggregation persisting in thJj 'practice to which tho referee objected and as a result the Delhi Manager or- aied his men to quit. was ever. halt had theii and iblainable and to install a new kit- hen range. Tho power of appointing , caretaker for the hospital grounds in! fixing his salary, was transferred rem tho board of supervisors to the hoard of managers of the hospital. After reports from several com- nitbos had been read, the beard ad- join ned to meet again at 8 1'. M. At he evening session Mr. (Leonard) Hillith presented a resolution to the 'I'i'ect t h a t "Whereas, the public wel- i'are demands that plans for the 1m- iiovernent of (lie'Bloomville-Hobart entity highway be submitted to tilts hoard for consideration, therefore be it resolved that the state commission if highways be requested to submit *o tliis b aid of supervisors of Dela- ware county for proper action such ilani' I r ;he road, being about 7% niles in tlio town of Kortriglit." Al' tiienibor,s voted in favor of the or.oluli •> and also approved a similar no, Introduced by Mr. Chamberlain, iroviding for Improvement of the Do- o'sit-lli!' k Itil't county and federal- id I Irkwsj 7.55 miles in tho towns if Deiiodt and Tompkins. Copies of hese •i-soJutlons were ordered trans- nltteil ti Pie state commission of 'lighua-; at Albany. oals that Delaware .or share in thi.s and protecting both md children from the Buy Christina's County may do work; saving grown people whlto plague. During the past year the Associa- tion has carried on in 26$ schools of FORMER FLEISCHMANN MAN TAKES BROOKLYN GIRL BRiDE Emmons Nathan .leni.ei • >< " \ .- Dorothy Irene v'Vcson f»ia,,,,.J .here Last Week The Chapel of Packer Collegiate In- stitute wn,s, the scene on Thursday evening of last week of an unusually our County a campaign of health odu-1 attractive wedding when Miss Dorothy cation which has proven a great bene- fit to huiu're.ls of children, and to many homes. This campaign keeps before the children (not only by learn- ing but doing! simples rales to build up the health thus affording protection r.galnot cold.-,, tuberculosis, and other disease'.;. In rendering assistance to those afflicted our work is supplemental to tho county Hospital work and the needs along P.at line are many and varied. There is ,c;nrely no cause for which money can be contributed that is of greater benefit to all classes of people than the work we are now doing. The Seals are our only way of obtaining the money to carry on this work. Wo hop]) to increase our energies to pro- tect and furnish relief the coming year. .May we not count on your co-opera- tion and support? any one who may desire mounted specimen of this bird. Mrs. Mary Slauson has boen spend- ing n few days with Mrs. Coorge Rus- ton. To Increase the Game The Clark estates are posting a largo tract of woodland ion the east side of Otsego Lake against hunting yo" do delay ping. short hours, every offort should made to savo tho damaged troes. Trees are not the only sufferers, as It Is certain many birds and squirrels "iii.st have perished In tlio storm. Lo- cal sportsmen predict many years of Partridge shortago, pointing out that the purtrldgos sooking refuge from tho s'onn would ho covered ovor with 1 crust of snow and Ice soJJiIck they would bo litorally burlod alive. A storm so severe is very unusual '" thlB .section, and probably thoro will bo no similar disaster for many years, in some sections of the Cuts- ''Ills thoro was iio ice, the storm tak- hig tho form of rain. The one cou- pling feature senilis to bo that overy- hody who owned troes nood not worry about a .supply of firewood for some time to come. Rev iio H. Molyneaux, executor of, to Augustus Joollll and wife, $330; Sarah Haynes Conklin to Marie 10. Constable, $300; Lincoln R. Long and wife to Frank Long, $2,000; Henry W. Weeks and wife to Abraham Mendel, $7,800, j Now start your Christmas shop- Don't delay. You will lo.se If j And there will bo so MM, a much of pleasure and of real satis- ,„. „„. I1( ,xf three or tour years. I he rrjUClK ^ P _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ eluded before the real hard pro- in- you opar- rhis, too, will pay you. It appears that competition has de- veloped of late in the matter of the postmastership of Margaret villa Coo. 10. Gladstone who has been employed by tho D. & N. Railroad Company for some years was around thq village with a petition the other day and judg- MURRAY AND POWELL IN MOVIES SATURDAY Feature of Program to be "Idols of Clay" — Bryant Washburn i^ere Tuesday in a Good One. region will be stockod with pheasants u „d other game that will bo a » ^ d | " < ^ <"> iimllell iately to breed. At the end of o j « J ^ L , holiday, sets plan is to Knuit permits to o a ^ era and allow them to take » ^ g « ^ Umt t|u , y are pro amount of game. Tho idea is to In-1 th»o«j.l crease tho amount of game not onl|..|0d ; ?fti_yo^ on the Clark property but throughout tho vicinity,. —Delhi Express. ' Mao Murray and David Powell Sat- urday night' in "Idols of Clay," a George Fitpmaiirice production, a towering climax to "On With the Dance and "The Right to Love." The pit lure is a beauty-ronianco of south- era seas and the gay night life of a big city. Also a Paramount magazine. Tuesday night Bryant Washburn in "A Full House.' Tin; play is full oi fun. Tho comedy largely (enters around a game of cards, .;hn addition the fifth episode of Hurricane Hutch- inson, the llvoliost serial ovor present- ed hero. Found Arena Postoffice Papers (Prom our Arena Correspondent) The lo'Its and papers stolen from the Aieua Post Office last April wero found in the D. & N. Ice house near tho Lily Pond, Sunday afternoon by a party of boys. They were in a bag partly covered by sawdust. Aside from being (lamp, they wero In good condition. In (heir haste to escape the \«nr- overlooked two War Sav- l ^ eA ' " ' " " " ing stamps. DRY BROOK W. C. T. U. IS AN ACTIVE BODY Members Now Planing for Church Fair—jo Supply Chrochet Cotton— Dry Brook News. Hiram Graham lost a fine Holstein calf one day last week or rather found same with a broken leg and was ob- Cut Glass for Christmas. People are asking how we can Clifford Stewart is vi.siting his brother and sister in Ridgefleld, Conn. Miss Anita Todd who lias been visiting friends In Rockville Center, Irene Wnson, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William James Wason, Jr.. of I3(! Stratford Road, became the bride of Mr. Emmons .Nathan Jenkins. Mr. Jenkins i,s the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jenkins of Kingston, N. Y., and a former well known Flelsch- maims boy. l\o was graduated from Union College in 1917 and is now as- sociated with the New York Central Railroad Company as an electrical en- gineer. The bride's father is vico- pre.sident of tho Kings Couiity Trust Company. Miss Wason, wdio is a graduate of Packer, class 1920, wore a wedding gown of white satin trim- med with pearls and she carried a bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. Mi,s,s Mildred lOdenia Wason, also a Packer '20 girl, who was her sister's maid of honor, was gowned in rose color taffeta and her flowers wore Pilgrim roses and sweet peas. Tho bridesmaids, Miss Eleanor M. Lango, Miss Marion Caldor, a sister of Senator Caldor, Mis.s Alys Horton and Miss Vivian Snook, all of Brooklyn, wore kowns of turquoise, blue taffeta and carried Pilgrim roses. Mr. Win, James Wason 3d was best man for Mr. Jenkins and the ushers wero Mr. John B. Sullivan, Mr. Goorgo Guerdon, Mr. Paul C. Holier and Mr. Harold Griffin. Tho Chapel was decorated with white chrysanthemums, autumn leaves and palms and the same decorations wero used at the home of the bride, where a reception was hold following the ceremony, which '.was performed by I ho Rev. Dr. Robert Moore of St. so " L. 1., for several weeks returned home j Mark's LETTER OF THANKS Wo, the undersigned, as members of tho Cabinet of tho Epworth League extend our thank*, to tlio Olllclal, . ^ ba|1 ot - a , gnor8 Hoard for the uso of tho church duii.if, ^ gb mul ,,,„,, ._.»i,..,.. (/» tlm fllC.ultV tor 111011 ,, ..„,„.. TI.,,.,.„ for ho would Ulte tho Instltuto; to the faculty for services; to tho . Townspeople Eckert, also an It led the olllco. Harry J, niployo of the D. ft nun."--, v— \.a,f\ ] ISClieri, »""" *»" v..>(.---,, — - — their able support; to tho Indies W, "! N at , t8 g 0m , ni i olllcos in this village, born and brought up in sorvod the suppers and wo espoclalD • . ^ ^ ^ (1 . null(ml0 . Both are lng tho daughter of Mr. thank Mr. Dugan for his donation of . 1()( ,, lly nll( | indications uttor. She loaves Wn Money for Street-Car Far«. uuy people upend ,„„,.„ f 0r street- h™ ruro *'"m 'HI the pin money uiiy- GHn. y ^ 1 "" 1 ?, ° W B 8B0.-SL UUil coal. Gladys Dohunotor, .; Mrs. Ruy Marks,,. Florence Kelly, Mri E. C- Tdinblyn, M|.B, c, Oiiswell, ffiohn Austin, j)avid- Ulrdsali: popui are that public opinion as availability for the onto evenly divided. Death of Mrs. Frank Llddle (From our Dry rook Correspondent) Mrs. Cyrus George was called to Shaverlown Tuesday by the illness of her sister, Mm Frank Llddle, who had a shock on< Sunday and passed away Tuesday afternoon. She will ho remembered as Miss Emma Uttor, this place, bo- und Mrs. Win behind ,«.ovoral their j children, a husband and qllto a num- ber of brothers and sistors. very those leanlliul articles of cut glass. la ,, ( wee j{ mul was warmly welcomed o'clock, we are displaying at the ridiculously , )y ,,,,,, m . ulv fronds, low pi ices we ask. The answer is, wo ,p|, e yy ( > ,]V ir. dinner and business bought them to sell, not to keep In m0 oting at the home of Mrs, N. H. 'stock, and we didn't pay two or three (il . a ] mul was well attended and pro- jobbers commissions. You'll be sur- coous f roul Biime amounted to $4.15. prised at the values. Nothing bettor A]l . H ij. llK> . Untorinoyer and two for tlio home. Sperling, Margaretvllie. 0 „U(jren arrived In (his place last week and will make their home with Merwin Todd for tho winter. Miss Mary Fairbalrn is staying with Mrs. Codric Kittle. Rev. L. Terwilleger will speak on "He went the last mile" next Sunday at the regular hour of sbrvice, every- body welcome. Mrs. Myron Todd left Wednesday morning-for Kingston. Mr. ami Mrs. Nelson Graham spent Sunday with Mr. and Ml'B, Arnold Graham of Fleischnianns. There was no school in .District No. 2 Wednesday. ToaclierX' ir. John Church Upon at half-past, their return their wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. ins will reside at 249 Garfield I'l eight from Jenk- Whlle Shopping for Christmas Remember thar 1 you mustn't neglect your appetite. We serve delicious hot drinks and sandwiches and eoffoo with real cream, amid clean, pleasant surroundings. Sperling's, Mnin St., Margaretvillo. all- ot' ' if you)want to buy or exchange any Ladles! Come Friday .afternoon. December 10 to tho M. 10. church and got your Christ mas aprons of the Woman's Homo Missionary Society and take home u cake for supper.-Ad- vertlsemont. jv.' p Your photograph will solve the prob- lem. "What shall I glvo this Christ mas?" oday^ is not too early for Stockholders Meeting Notice Is hereby given that (hi iiual mooting of tho Stockholders tho First National Bank of Grillln Cor- norn, FloischinaniiB, N. Y„ for the election of Directors for tho ensuing year and the transaction of any other business proper to conic before the (mooting will be hold on Tuesday, Jan. J10' 1982, ai the banking room of said nlsh crochot cotton hank between the hours of 1:30 p. in. Usel Car Bargains Seven Passenger Studebaker, good condition, $300.00. Seven Passenger Hupmobllo, live good tlre.s, oxcollont condition, $000.00. Iluick roadster, A-l condition, newly varnished, good tiros, $97. r ,.00. 1920 Essex, overhauled, A-l condi- tion, 0 good tiros and bumper, $7. r >0.00. 1920 Ford louring, live good tires, starter and doniountables, $300.00. Maxwell late Model, 0 passenger touring, good condition, $350,00, 1921 Ford truck, usod six weeks, $550.00. Dillok bargain, $80.00. Sanford & Jonkiiis, Margarotville, N. Y. Blrdsall wont to Oneonta to attend a £unoml. Christmas Gift Shop. The W. C. T. B. have voted to fur- 1 will have on sale at my homo he to anyone wlsh-| ginning Decenibor 18, a number o in,; to crochot yc/kos*or fancy articles |hund-mado articles sultablo for Christ Even sitting. Oct. 28t£ a and 2:30 p. m. ' Dated, December 5, 1921. ; for tho church jfair, same may be se- i cured by applying to Mrs. George Carmivu, Margaretvilhi. Dec. 9. 'ilohu F, Kelfr. Cashier. Armstrong, sscjotttry of thu lon - inns, gifts. Also hand-painted Christ urns post cards, calendars and folders Mrs. E. A. Seeloy, Arena.

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Page 1: OUNTAIN NEWS.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/.../ed-1/seq-1.pdf · Howard Lawvonco 1,7, working for John Shultls, the well known truck man of Roily Corners. Mr. Lawrence j employe of the




Vol. XXVI-No. 45 MARGARETVILLE, NEW YORK, FRIDAY, DEC. 9, 1921 Whole Number 1397



Scarcely a Tree Left in its Nor-mal Condition — Wires Buried and Connections Cut Off



Both Churches and the Village School Busy With Plans— Arena News of a Week

Let te r s recently received rrnin the Arena folks win ter ing In Flor ida s ta te tha t the wea ther Is very warm there .

Embreo Johnson of 'Margaretvil lo was In town Monday.

Wal te r Mer r l t t was kep t In the house a few days las t week, nurs ing a spra ined ankle .

Until churches and the school a re mak ing p repa ra t ions ,for Chr i s tmas

exei 'cises. V.

Several of t he young people at tend­ed a su rp r i se par ty and dance a t Leon Beardsley 's Cross Mountain las t Fri­day evening.

Mrs.. Rosella Tompkins will enter




Branches Broken From Large Ones on Mountains and Small Ones Destroy­ed —News of the Vnlley.

Our high mountains p resen t n HIrange s ight a s the rain l a s t week froze on the high ground to the t r ees and the heavy weight broke mo,s,t of

11 hi' branches off the larger and dos-

A Glimpse of Life in a Busy i troyed most of the s nor ones en-Country Village — Indidenfcs elrely'

Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Scott of Wal ton nre spending the w.bok among friends and relatives he re .

A reception for the newly weds , Mr.

that Make The Week's His tory.


Local Newspaper Without E l e c t r i c P o w e r a n d D e l a y e d I tain the Ladies ' A i d . n e x t Wednesday

i n I s u n f f i t s E d i t i o n L a s t I ̂ n o o n r . All m e m b e r s a r e reques t

Week Local r e s iden t s who a r e r e a d e r s of

the Stamford Mirror-Recorder were wondering the las t of t he week why I hey had not received the i r papers . Here is the reason as told by the Mir­ror-Recorder, which reached i t s read­e rs Monday, five days l a t e :

The wors t ice s to rm in S tamford ' s history lias held the village iii it,s, grip since Monday. Damage a lmost un­believable has been done to our beau­tiful shade t rees , te legraph and tele­phone wires a r e down from one end of the village to hang in Ice-coated festoons from poles and t rees like the fantast ic handi­work of some g ian t spider . Tele­phone polo,?, with the i r mass of wires lean In places a t dangerous angles over our s t r ee t s , suppor t ing broken t r e e s and heavy l imbs and all frozen toge the r in an Inextr icable mass t h a t on ly a warm day or a sharp axe might d i sen tang le . Since Sunday night, when t h e e lec t r ic power went off, t ravel about our s t r e e t s has been a peri lous unde r t ak ing , owing to the a lmost incessan t c rash ing of l imbs of t r ee s upon the s idewalks and today, (Wednesday) , e lectr ic power is prom­ised in two days ' t ime and l ighting

ed to be present . The Misses Anna and Paul ine

Meyer re turned to Brooklyn Monday, having spent the pas t th ree weeks with Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Lammond.

Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Cooper, Mrs. .1. Richard and Miss Gladys Brown spent Sa turday and Sunday in Kings­ton.

Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Dickson spent last week in Now York City.

I Mr. and Mrs . Roswell Myers of ! Oneonta were week-end gues ts of Mr. j and Mrs. ,1 film Myers.

Mr. and Mrs. Marry Cantwell of

the o the r or e l s e ' Margaretvl l ie were visit ing friends at

Many Personal Items of Spe-

Forfer Local Residents.

Arena and Grant ' s Mills last week. Orson Slack returned to Arena Fri­

day, having sen t several days friends in Pennsylvania;



What Your Friends are Doing Business and Social Way in Section.

In a That

(Special to the News) Howard Lawvonco 1,7, working for

John Shult ls , t he well known truck­man of Roily Corners . Mr. Lawrence j employe of the Rosoff Construct ion Co. dr ives one of Mr. Shult ls ' s t rucks and j on the s ta te road work in this vicinity.

service no t sooner than a week if fay-1 d raws milk from the Vega valley to Clarke A. Sanford litis been in Now

orablo condi t ions prevail . If a heavy j Halcottvillo. fall of snow should visit th i s sec t ion! Word has been received t h a t the ! the Sanford & J e n k i n s garage ami there is no tolling when the village j Cedrlc, the ship on which Elder Rus- j Opera House and t r ansac t ing othei

ton sailed for England on December | business' ' ma t te r s , some of which it is whispered might have been witli Santa Clans.

Mr. and Mrs. Phil ip O. Mess return­ed t<> their home in Ibis village on Sunday from Carbort.dale, Pa., where they wore called last Thursday mi account of the death of an uncle of Mr. Hess . They made the trip in the i r motor car.

The post ofiice depar tment is issu­

ing the usual request thai Chr is tmas

would got back to normal condition*, .At this t ime an e s t ima te of the act­

ual proper ty loss a s a resul t of the storm Is • difficult, for it will t ake some t ime to de te rmine how many t rees can be saved, and the te lephone and elec­tric light companies have not as yet formed an e s t ima te of the i r probable loss.

Sugar orchard,? throughout th is sec­tion have boon badly demolished by the terrific weight of ico on the t rees . In some o r c h a r d s not a t r e e was spared more or lens damage , and the largest Individual loss is believed to have o c c u r r e d . in tlio Tylor farm groves, where t he loss will reach sev­eral thousand dollars. .

T h e a t t r ac t i ve rows of t rees about the s t r e e t s and board ing houses have been decimated so tha t heroic efforts will be necessa ry to savo them. In Churchill P a r k and about the Rex-mere the ice-coated t r ees p resen t an unusual s ight , m a n y of them being broken off nea r tho ground. Division s t ree t -and P rospec t s t ree t wore im­passible for m a n y hours , tangled wires being entwined with broken branches so It was dimcul t for a .pedes t r i an to force a way through tho icy masses . Throe te lephone polos nea r t he swim­ming pool wero broken off and fell beside the s t a t e road while low wires in many o ther .sections of the . v i l l age made motor ing or dr iving any th ing hut p leasant t a sks . Wi th t he con­tinual dropping of b ranches and Ice It Is indeed r e m a r k a b l e t h a t no fatal accidonts occurrod dur ing tho storm.

The first t r ee s to show the effects «i t the Ice wore the poplars and elms, the maplos holding the i r loads several IIOUWL longer on t he avorage . W h e r e Hie l imbs have spli t for severa l feet It will bo necessa ry to saw them off close to the main t runk to savo tho trees. Th i s will bo wor th tho effort, for Stamford h a s secured a imputation tor finely shaded s t ree t s , and, while It Is no t to bo denied t h a t tho .s.torm lias undone yea r s of labor in a fow


and Mrs. Harold Scott \va,s held Mon­day evening a t the home of Mr. and Mis. Frank Ingles. Despite the rough roads a large n u m b e r of their friends assembled to do them honor and

C i a l I n t e r e s t t o P r e s e n t a n d j brought a generoiw quantity of useful

'gifts for the young couple. -Mr. and Mrs. George Hewit t of Dry

[Brook are spending a few days in the valley.

Gilfred A. Scot t returned Monday from spending a few days in Dover. X. .1. with Mrs. Scott and daughter .

I'avid Adee is confined to the house this week under the doctors care .

-Mr. and Mrs . F r a n k l.indsloy and little daughter of Grand Gorge a t tend­ed church he re Sunday and spent the day with her s i s ter , Mrs. M. J. Faulk­ner.

Mrs. Francos Van Benschoton hn.w .gene to the homo of her son J a y on the Turnpike.

Fbcnezor LaidlaVV and sun of Wal­ton were visitors ill town Hie first of the week.

Arthur Whltcoriiti of the Dunrayen end of the valley w a s in [Mica hist weelc to gel his Chevrolet car tha t was

o en last summer . Mr. Wliitcomb lias had a groat deal of car insurance llrV: summer, hav ing made severn ' tr ips to IMIca, and finally the police stored the car for him, holding same for evidence. Now when he goes after same all tools ami accessor ies are missing.

ig about Dunraven, wo note that the middle pier el' the bridge across the Plattokil l s t ream has, set­tled some eight inches, some say due to a tmospher ic condit ions and others give different r easons .

Harold A. Fau lkner is now unlng a [Ford truck which he recently purchas­ed to use on the farm.

At to rney A. C. Kenton was in Kings­ton lixfsf. Sa turday and Sunday on busi­ness and visiting.

Rev. C. G. Bills of Kingston was calling on friends in the village the early part of tho week.

T h e regular month ly business meet­ing of the Margarotvil le Red Cross will meet a t tho homo of Airs. G. C. Grant , Monday evening. December 12 a t 7:30.

Mr. and Mrs. William Iv.islon of Arkvilie a r e rejoicing ovor the ar r iva l of a little daughter born at the homo of Mrs. II. 10. CI.ill; In .Margarotville on December 3rd.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Place plan j to leave home Sa turday of th is week

for Ormond, Flu., where (hoy wero employed last winter to resume -their former positions tor the season.

Now that Chr is tmas is coining the tiling to do is ge t ready fur it. Re­member that, a post card or gree t ing

|of some sort means as much in flpmo j ins tances as an e labora te present .

The L. Bussy house on Orchard j S t ree t in the West. End of the village j ha s been sold by Mr. liussy it. is s ta ted , to J a m e s Catolll ' who is an

Bloomville-Hobart and De­posit-Rock Rift Sections will Have Attention in Spring1.



Officials Say Newspapers Got Informa­tion Wrong — Instead of Selling Plants Were Bought.

Provides for the Payment in Advance of Funds Needed for Current Expenses.

York this week i n ' t h o in teres ts of d the

26, reached Liverpool Monday. Elder Ruston who reside:: nea r Kelly Cor­ners , is pn,s,tpr of four Old Scl.oo'. Bap­t i s t churches , and has gone to Eng­land for a six weeku s t ay to visi t his aged mother who is in very poor heal th .

Almiron F. Sweet is busy these days opera t ing his ,s,aw mill. Ho lias one of the finest water-power mills in Delaware County.

Resolutions providing a $000 fund for the d is t r ic t a t t o r n e y to mee t ex­penses .in connect ion ' with' cr iminal act ions, and changes in the personnel of the board of m a n a g e r s and Im­provements to the equ ipment of the Delaware -County tubercu los i s sana­torium, were adopted a t Fr iday ' s ses­sion of the cou,nty board of super­visors. The board put in a busy day, the session extending from 3 o'clock in the .afternoon until late at night.

Tlio resolution re la t ing to the ex­penses of the district a t to rney w a s iffered by Mr. Hume and unanimously

adopted. It provided for " the pay­ment in advance of audi t s of properly itemized and verified bills for the ex­penses of the distr ict a t torney law-.lilly and necessar i ly incurred in t h e prosecution of cr iminal ac t ions or pro-

-codings a r i s ing in the county," and Work of Saving

Several newspape r s have recen t ly published a dispatch coming original­ly from tMIca, s ta t ing that the Dairy­men 's League Co-operative Associa­tion had sold twelve of i ts p lan t s In central and southern New York to the Nestle 's Food Company in order to pay a debt of $223,S0O.

A;; tho Co-operative Associat ion has jus t purchased these p lants from the Nest le ' s Food Company, tho above s t a t e m e n t in absurd on the face of it and absolutely without foundation. It is t he belief of the Co-operative As soeiation t h a t It was inspired propa ganda .sent out by enemies who a re tak ing every oppor tuni ty to injure and impede the work of the Associa­tion.

As a ma t t e r of fact, the Associa­tion has purchased several p lants from the Nest le ' s Food Company, mak­ing a fifty percent cash payment and giving a mortgage for the balance of the purchase price. Xlie mor tgage h a s just been filed.

Many of the newspapers , including the Knickerbocker Press of Albany, which published the dispatch have a l ready corrected it, but as this orl-. ginal misinformation ha:: caused con-uldcrublo mlDUhCerstandlng, tho Co­operat ive Association is reques t ing all newspapers to ass i s t in giving the correct facts in the t n ' ' " e r .

AIDEDINIHEFTS Youth Who Stole Several Au­

tomobiles in Vicinity Claims He Was Not Acting Alone.

Both Waived Examination Be­fore Justice Marks and Held for Grand Jury— Cars Re­covered

authorised tho county t r easure r to wet tside $600 for his Immediate use. j

Mr. Marvin presented a resolution, which was duly adopted, des igna t ing S. Forman Adee, of Delhi, as a mem-


Lives in Delaware County Wins Interest of Most of the People,

Chrls tmcs Seel Your Chr is tmas Mail. One fcurth of the job is done,

her of tho board of manage r s of tho Tubereulo.:is work in New York State Delaware county sana tor ium, to suc­ceed S. F . Penfleld, resigned. Mrs . Flora Uassett , of Walton wa,s, re-elect-•d a member of the board for a five-

year te rm. Tho manage r s were au-.horided to sell the discarded electric, work will cut .lant at the hospital for the bes t pr ice dea th r a t e a t 1


today is saving h qua r t e r of the lives that would be lost each, yea r if former conditions of ignorance IUK'. helpless­n e s s prevailed.

The continuation of the heal th I iwn the tuberculosis | <t ano the r qua r t e r . I

After Orson Hendr icks arr ived in town la.st Thu r sday afternoon follow­ing his confession that he stole sev­eral automobi les in th is section, ho made a further s t a t ement and im­plicated two o the r men. These men were a t once apprehended and taken before Jus t i ce of the Peace Edgar Marks where they waived examinat ion and were held for the Grand J u r y . One of them was released on bail and the o ther is in Delhi jail .

Whether these a r e the guilty helpers or whe ther Hendr icks implicated them to shield somebody else h a s been the chief topic of diffcussion about the village dur ing the week.

All the car,«, t a k e n from this sect ion have beon recovered and It is believed that the custody of Hendr icks will completely solve tho problem. Head-ricks, it will be recalled, entered the Conine h o m e on Hubbell Hill a yea r ago and rilled the house. For th is c r ime ho was on parole a t the t ime lie stole the au tomobi les . Only 19 y e a r s old, he s e e m s to have the prospects of a dyed in the wool cr iminal for his future.

Josopli Colliding h a s been confln-1 packages be mailed n.s. ear ly as pos­

ed to tho house for a fow days a s the result of a heavy "wagon runn ing over a par t of his foot.

Roland Sanford Is engaged in car­penter work a t Roxhury. Mr. San­ford recent ly removed from Fleisch-manns to th i s place where he formerly resided. ' Dr. Telford of Margarotvi l le made this place a professional visit Satur­day.

J o h n Shul t i s made a bus iness t r ip to Arena- Wednesday.

Leon Woolhea te r cap tured a duck thtof Sunday evening when he se t a t r ap nea r his homo and caught a very large owl, which he h a s on exhibit ion a t his res idence. >Mr. Woolhea te r I week \for missed a d rake on Sa tu rday night , and j where they wero employed last winter suspected tha t h is los.s was duo to the j and expect to be busy there mil il next th ieving propensi t ies of an owl which j April. he de te rmined to cap ture alive, and Among the la tes t real e s ta te trnn-keep for a t ime for the convenience of sact ions recorded at tho county sca t

i splendid from this township are the following:

slble in order to avoid ('.(ingestion of

t he mails a t the holiday l ime. Pack-! ages may bo marked . "Do not open

• , ,

until Chris tmas. Mrs. Ha r r i e t Hoffman left this week i

for Armour Villa Park to visit hoiv daughter , Mrs. it. J . Colony and fam- j ily for a t ime before going on to the homo of her son !.l. VV. Hoffman a t ' Washington , D. C. She also expects j to go la ter to some point in Florida to I pass a portion of the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Henderson w" have been sojourning at the i r homi this village since? complet ing

o in

the i r

summer engagement with a la rge Maine resor t hotel left early this

Nassau, Bahama Islands.,


Mnnnger Called Time and Referee Ob­jected— So Former Called the Gnnic Off.

The exci tement that was promised in tho- basketbal l game last Friday night between the local town team ami the Delhi lOmoralda was there all i ight but if was of a somewhat dif­ferent variety than the folks wise ex­pecting, if r epor t s tha t came In the

! News olilce a r e correct .

The story goes tha t tlio game progressing nicely with a very game up to the end of the Ill's I

! when the {Margaretvillo boys \ rolled mi a score of 10 against

compet i tors who had scored S then the (rouble began.

It was all over the calling of t ime Which has often been the case in basketball games , the manager of I he Delhi aggregat ion persis t ing in thJj 'practice to which tho referee objected and as a resul t the Delhi Manager or-

aied his men to quit.

was ever. halt had

theii and

iblainable and to install a new kit-hen range . Tho power of appoint ing

, ca re taker for the hospi ta l grounds in! fixing his salary, was t rans fe r red rem tho board of superv isors to the

hoard of managers of the hospital . After repor t s from several com-

n i t b o s had been read , the beard ad­join ned to meet again a t 8 1'. M. At he evening session Mr. (Leonard)

Hillith presented a resolut ion to t he 'I'i'ect that "Whereas , the public wel-i'are demands tha t p lans for the 1m-iiovernent of ( l ie 'Bloomvil le-Hobart entity highway be submit ted to tilts

hoard for considerat ion, therefore be it resolved that t he s t a t e commission if h ighways be requested to submit *o tliis b a id of supervisors of Dela­ware county for proper action such ilani' I r ;he road, be ing about 7% niles in tlio town of Kortriglit ."

Al ' tiienibor,s voted in favor of the or.oluli •> and also approved a s imi lar no, Introduced by Mr. Chamber la in ,

iroviding for Improvement of the Do-o'sit-lli!' k Itil't county and federal-id I I rkws j 7.55 miles in tho towns

if Deiiodt and Tompkins . Copies of hese •i-soJutlons were ordered trans-nltteil t i Pie s ta te commission of

' l i g h u a - ; at Albany.

oals that Delaware .or share in thi.s

and protect ing both md children from the

Buy Christina's County may do work ; saving grown people whlto plague.

During the past year the Associa­tion has carr ied on in 26$ schools of



Emmons Nathan .leni.ei • >< " \ .-Dorothy Irene v'Vcson f»ia,,,,.J .here Last Week

The Chapel of Packe r Collegiate In­s t i tute wn,s, the scene on Thursday evening of last week of an unusual ly

our County a campaign of heal th odu-1 a t t rac t ive wedding when Miss Dorothy

cation which has proven a great bene­fit to huiu're.ls of children, and to many homes. This campaign keeps before the children (not only by learn­ing but doing! s imples rales to build up the health thus affording protection r.galnot cold.-,, tuberculosis , and other disease'.;.

In rendering ass is tance to those afflicted our work is supplementa l to tho county Hospital work and the needs along P.at line a re many and varied.

There is ,c;nrely no cause for which money can be contributed tha t is of grea ter benefit to all c lasses of people than the work we are now doing. The Seals a re our only way of obtaining the money to carry on th i s work. Wo hop]) to increase our energies to pro­tect and furnish relief the coming year.

.May we not count on your co-opera­tion and support?

any one who may desire mounted specimen of this bird.

Mrs. Mary Slauson h a s boen spend­

ing n few days with Mrs. Coorge Rus­


To Increase the Game The Clark es ta tes a r e post ing a

largo t r ac t of woodland ion the east side of Otsego Lake aga ins t hun t ing y o " do delay


short hours, every offort should made to savo tho damaged t roes .

Trees a re not the only sufferers, as It Is cer ta in m a n y b i rds and squi r re ls "iii.st have per ished In tlio s to rm. Lo­cal spor tsmen predict many y e a r s of Partridge shor tago, point ing out t ha t the purtr ldgos sooking refuge from tho s ' onn would ho covered ovor with 1 crust of snow and Ice soJJ i Ick they would bo l i torally burlod al ive.

A storm so severe is very unusual ' " thlB .section, and probably thoro will bo no s imilar d i sa s t e r for many years, in some sec t ions of the Cuts-''Ills thoro was iio ice, t he s t o r m tak-hig tho form of ra in . T h e one cou­p l i n g feature senilis to bo t h a t overy-hody who owned t roes nood not worry about a .supply of firewood for some time to come.

Rev iio H. Molyneaux, executor of, to Augus tus Joollll and wife, $330; Sarah Haynes Conklin to Marie 10. Constable,

$300; Lincoln R. Long and wife to F r a n k Long, $2,000; Henry W. Weeks and wife to Abraham Mendel, $7,800, j

Now s ta r t your Chr is tmas shop-Don't delay. You will lo.se If j

And there will bo so

M M , a much of pleasure and of real sat is-, „ . „ „ . I1(,xf three or tour years . I he rrjUClK ^ P _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

eluded before the real hard pro-


opar-rh i s , too, will pay you.

It appears t h a t competi t ion has de­veloped of late in the mat te r of the pos tmas tersh ip of Margaret vi l la Coo. 10. Gladstone who has been employed by tho D. & N. Railroad Company for some years was around thq village with a petition the other day and judg-


Feature of Program to be "Idols of Clay" — Bryant Washburn i^ere Tuesday in a Good One.

region will be stockod with pheasan t s

u „ d other g a m e tha t will bo a » ^ d | " < ^ <"> i i m l l e l l i a t e l y

to breed. At the end of o j « J ^ L , hol iday , sets plan is to Knuit permi ts to o a ^ era and allow them t o take » ^ g « ^ U m t t | u , y a r e p r o

amount of game. Tho idea is to In-1 th»o«j.l

crease tho amount of game not onl | . . |0d ; ?f t i_yo^

on the Clark property but throughout

tho vicinity,. —Delhi Express .

' Mao Murray and David Powell Sat­urday night ' in "Idols of Clay," a George Fitpmaiirice production, a towering cl imax to "On With the Dance and "The Right to Love." The pit lure is a beauty-ronianco of south-era seas and the gay night life of a big city. Also a Paramount magazine.

Tuesday night Bryant Washburn in "A Full House. ' Tin; play is full oi fun. Tho comedy largely ( en t e r s around a game of cards, . ; h n addition the fifth episode of Hurr icane Hutch­inson, the llvoliost serial ovor present­ed hero.

Found Arena Postoffice Papers (Prom our Arena Correspondent) The lo ' I t s and pape r s stolen from

the Aieua Post Office last April wero found in the D. & N. Ice house n e a r tho Lily Pond, Sunday af ternoon by a par ty of boys. They were in a bag par t ly covered by sawdust. Aside from being (lamp, they wero In good condition. In (heir has te to escape the \«nr- overlooked two W a r Sav- l^eA ' " ' " " " ing s tamps.


Members Now Planing for Church Fa i r—jo Supply Chrochet Cotton— Dry Brook News.

Hiram Graham lost a fine Holstein calf one day las t week or r a the r found same with a broken leg and was ob-

Cut Glass for Chr i s tmas . People a re asking how we can

Clifford Stewar t is vi.siting his brother and sis ter in Ridgefleld, Conn.

Miss Anita Todd who lias been visi t ing friends In Rockville Center ,

Irene Wnson, the daugh te r of Mr. and Mrs. William J a m e s Wason, Jr. . of I3(! Stratford Road, became the br ide of Mr. Emmons .Nathan Jenk ins . Mr. Jenk ins i,s the son of Mr. and Mrs. Na than J e n k i n s of Kingston, N. Y., and a former well known Flelsch-maims boy. l\o was graduated from Union College in 1917 and is now as­sociated with the New York Centra l Railroad Company as an electrical en­gineer. The br ide 's father is vico-pre.sident of tho Kings Couiity T r u s t Company. Miss Wason, wdio is a g radua te of Packer , c lass 1920, wore a wedding gown of white satin trim­med with pearls and she carried a bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. Mi,s,s Mildred lOdenia Wason, a lso a P a c k e r '20 girl , who was her s is ter ' s maid of honor, was gowned in rose color taffeta and her flowers wore Pi lgr im roses and sweet peas . Tho br idesmaids , Miss Eleanor M. Lango, Miss Marion Caldor, a s is ter of Sena tor Caldor, Mis.s Alys Horton and Miss Vivian Snook, all of Brooklyn, wore kowns of turquoise, blue taffeta and carr ied Pilgrim roses. Mr. Win, J a m e s Wason 3d was best man for Mr. Jenk ins and the u s h e r s wero Mr. John B. Sullivan, Mr. Goorgo Guerdon, Mr. Paul C. Holier and Mr. Harold Griffin. Tho Chapel was decorated with whi te chrysan themums, au tumn leaves and palms and the s a m e decorat ions wero used at the home of the bride, where a reception was hold following the ceremony, which '.was performed by I ho Rev. Dr. Robert Moore of St.

s o " L. 1., for several weeks re turned home j Mark 's

L E T T E R OF T H A N K S Wo, the undersigned, as members

of tho Cabinet of tho Epworth League extend our thank*, to tlio Olllclal, . ^ b a | 1 ot- a , g n o r 8

Hoard for the uso of tho church duii.if, ^ g b m u l ,,,„,, . _ . » i , . . , . . (/» t lm fllC.ultV tor 111011 , , . .„ ,„. . TI . , , . , .„

for ho would Ulte tho Ins t l tu to ; to the faculty for services ; to tho . Townspeople Eckert , also an

It led

the olllco. H a r r y J, niployo of the D. ft

n u n . " - - , v— \.a,f\] ISClieri, » " " " *»" v..>(.---,, — - — their able suppor t ; to tho Indies W , " ! N a t , t 8 g 0 m , n i i olllcos in this village, born and brought up in sorvod the suppers and wo espoclalD • . ^ ^ ^ ( 1 . n u l l ( m l 0 . Both a re lng tho daughter of Mr. thank Mr. Dugan for his donation of . 1 ( ) ( , , l l y n l l ( | indicat ions u t t o r . She loaves

Wn Money for Street-Car F a r « . uuy people upend , „ „ , . „ f 0 r street-

h™ r u r o * '"m 'HI the pin money uiiy-GHn.y ^ 1 " " 1 ?,° W B 8B0.-SL U U i l

coal. Gladys Dohunotor, .;

Mrs. Ruy Marks, , . Florence Kelly, M r i E. C- Tdinblyn,

M|.B, c, Oiiswell, ffiohn Austin,

• j)avid- Ulrdsali:

popui a re that public opinion a s

availabil i ty for the o n t o

evenly divided.

Death of Mrs. Frank Llddle (From our Dry rook Correspondent)

Mrs. Cyrus George was called to Shaverlown Tuesday by the illness of her sister, M m Frank Llddle, who had a shock on< Sunday and passed away Tuesday afternoon. She will ho remembered as Miss Emma Uttor,

th i s place, bo­und Mrs. Win

behind ,«.ovoral their j children, a husband and qllto a num­

ber of brothers and s is tors . very

those lean l l iu l a r t ic les of cut glass. l a , , ( w e e j { mul was warmly welcomed o'clock, we are displaying a t t he r idiculously , ) y ,,,,,, m . u l v f r o n d s , low pi ices we ask. The answer is, wo ,p | , e yy (> ,]V ir. dinner and business bought them to sell, not to keep In m 0 o t i n g at the home of Mrs, N. H. 'stock, and we didn't pay two or t h r ee ( i l . a ] m u l w a s well a t tended and pro-jobbers commissions. You'll be sur- c o o u s froul B i i m e amounted to $4.15. prised at the values. No th ing bet tor A]l.H i j . l l K > . Untorinoyer and two for tlio home. Sperl ing, Margare tvl l ie . 0„U(jren arr ived In (his place last

week and will make the i r home with Merwin Todd for tho winter.

Miss Mary Fairbalrn is s taying with Mrs. Codric Kittle.

Rev. L. Terwil leger will speak on "He went the last mile" next Sunday a t the regular hour of sbrvice, every­body welcome.

Mrs . Myron Todd left Wednesday morning-for Kingston.

Mr. ami Mrs. Nelson Graham spent Sunday with Mr. and Ml'B, Arnold Graham of Fle ischnianns .

There was no school in .District No. 2 Wednesday. T o a c l i e r X ' ir. John

Church Upon

a t half-past, the i r r e tu rn

their wedding t r ip Mr. and Mrs. ins will reside at 249 Garfield I'l

e ight from


Whlle Shopping for Chr i s tmas Remember thar1 you mus tn ' t neglect

your appet i te . We serve delicious hot dr inks and sandwiches and eoffoo with real cream, amid clean, p leasan t surroundings . Sper l ing 's , Mnin St., Margaretvi l lo.


' if you)want to buy or exchange any

Ladles! Come Friday .af ternoon.

December 10 to tho M. 10. church and

got your Christ mas aprons of the

W o m a n ' s Homo Missionary Society

and take home u cake for s u p p e r . - A d -

vert lsemont . j v . ' p

Your photograph will solve the prob­

lem. "Wha t shall I glvo this Chris t


oday^ is not too ear ly for

Stockholders Meeting Notice Is hereby given tha t (hi

iiual mooting of tho Stockholders tho F i r s t National Bank of Grillln Cor-norn, FloischinaniiB, N. Y„ for the election of Directors for tho ensu ing year and the t ransac t ion of any o the r bus iness proper to conic before the

(moot ing will be hold on Tuesday , J a n . J10' 1982, ai the banking room of said nlsh crochot cotton

h a n k between the hours of 1:30 p. in.

Usel Car Bargains

Seven P a s s e n g e r Studebaker , good

condition, $300.00. Seven Passenger Hupmobllo, live

good tlre.s, oxcollont condition, $000.00. Iluick roadster , A-l condition, newly

varnished, good tiros, $97.r,.00. 1920 Essex, overhauled, A-l condi­

tion, 0 good tiros and bumper, $7.r>0.00. 1920 Ford louring, live good tires,

s t a r t e r and doniountables, $300.00. Maxwell late Model, 0 passenger

touring, good condition, $350,00,

1921 Ford truck, usod six weeks,

$550.00. Dillok bargain, $80.00.

Sanford & Jonkiiis, Margarotville, N. Y.

Blrdsall wont to Oneonta to a t tend a £unoml. Christmas Gift Shop.

The W. C. T. B. h a v e voted to fur- 1 will have on sale at my homo he to anyone wlsh- | ginning Decenibor 18, a number o

in,; to crochot yc/kos*or fancy ar t ic les |hund-mado ar t ic les sultablo for Christ

Even si t t ing. Oct. 28t£

a and 2:30 p. m. ' Dated, December 5, 1921.

; for tho church jfair, same may be se-i cured by apply ing to Mrs. George

Carmivu, Margaretvi lhi . Dec. 9. ' i lohu F, Kelfr. Cashier . Armstrong, ssc jot t t ry of thu V » l o n -

inns, gifts. Also hand-painted Christ urns post ca rds , ca lendars and folders

Mrs . E. A. Seeloy, Arena.