our action plan

Our Action Plan For K. West Hotel Chikaleva Alena Steven Poinot Agnès Lerévérend

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Post on 11-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Our action plan

Our Action PlanFor K. West Hotel

Chikaleva AlenaSteven PoinotAgnès Lerévérend

Page 2: Our action plan

On the hotel website: The existing Influencers

There are a link for twitter account and for facebook account.On Twitter there are 1600 fans, and on facebook there are 851 persons.

Page 3: Our action plan

Our Action Plan:

Our first action:

To contact the existing influencers (clients who already visited our hotel) and to give the information about the creation of a system of « sponsorship ». In this sense, when a person does a new reservation, he / she can give the information about the person who recommended this hotel or influenced the choice for his / her stay.

The person who will be the best influencer will win a stay at us hotel. The others influencers will receive offers, promotions (reductions for the spa, free breakfast…).

Page 4: Our action plan

Our second Action:

As a system MLM (Multi Level Marketing), we will recruit some representants who will be in charge of our influence, both on the products and on the opportunity of affiliation.

For these, they will work on the social networks accounts and directly on our website.The affiliates would be paid in function of the clicks on their pages, advertises, twitters….

We can organized many things for these affiliates, such as special offers, …

Page 5: Our action plan

Our third Action:

To identify the influencers who communicate on topics bound to the activity of Spa and wellness.

Taking actions to influence them, in order they include the name of the hotel on their websites, on their advertisings…

In this sense, we need to make partnership with this type of influencers, in order to have access to their fans, followers…