our aryan heritage: learn about your real spiritual...

Our Aryan Heritage: Learn about your real spiritual heritage << 1 2 3 >> Topic started on 26-4-2009 @ 08:02 AM by Indigo_Child +2 more This is one conspiracy that is seldom discussed, that is because it is the mother of all conspiracies, so successful is this conspiracy that barely anybody knows that this conspiracy exists. I want this thread to be an informative and positive one which will re-introduce your Aryan heritage to you, and you will be able to learn about the deepest spiritual secrets that have been deliberately hidden from you and kept suppressed by your elite masters that run the world. I will present this thread in the form of a Q&A and give you the unadulerated truth. Aren’t the Aryans Hitlers master race? No, the Aryans were not a master race that were blue eyed, blonde and white. This was a racist interpretation that developed out of Western occutlism and Theosophy in the early 19th century, though Theosophy itself did not condone this interpretation. When the West came into contact with India, they came into contact with Vedas that were composed by the Aryans. They were shocked to learn that Vedic culture was similar to Western culture and that European languages shared common ancestry with Sanskrit. There were clear links between the ancestors of the West and the Aryans. This lead to many Western philosophers and intellectuals concluding that the Vedic Aryans were the forefathers of all there cultures and there was a sudden love for everything Indian. However, Christian missionaries were not at all happy with the sudden love and affection for Vedic culture and saw it as a threat to their civilisation. So they fabricated theories the Aryans were actually nomadic European warlords that originated from the Steepes in Russia and spread by conquest, conquering much of Europe and India. This idea was attractive to Social Darwinists and white-supremacists and they popularized the notion of a master-race that owing to its genetic superiority conquered much of the world and civilised everybody. More here: YouTube Link

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Our Aryan Heritage: Learn about your real spiritual heritage

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Topic started on 26-4-2009 @ 08:02 AM by Indigo_Child+2 more

This is one conspiracy that is seldom discussed, that is because it is the mother of all conspiracies, so successful is this conspiracy that barely anybody knows that this conspiracy exists.

I want this thread to be an informative and positive one which will re-introduce your Aryan heritage to you, and you will be able to learn about the deepest spiritual secrets that have been deliberately hidden from you and kept suppressed by your elite masters that run the world. I will present this thread in the form of a Q&A and give you the unadulerated truth.

Aren’t the Aryans Hitlers master race?

No, the Aryans were not a master race that were blue eyed, blonde and white. This was a racist interpretation that developed out of Western occutlism and Theosophy in the early 19th century, though Theosophy itself did not condone this interpretation. When the West came into contact with India, they came into contact with Vedas that were composed by the Aryans. They were shocked to learn that Vedic culture was similar to Western culture and that European languages shared common ancestry with Sanskrit. There were clear links between the ancestors of the West and the Aryans. This lead to many Western philosophers and intellectuals concluding that the Vedic Aryans were the forefathers of all there cultures and there was a sudden love for everything Indian.

However, Christian missionaries were not at all happy with the sudden love and affection for Vedic culture and saw it as a threat to their civilisation. So they fabricated theories the Aryans were actually nomadic European warlords that originated from the Steepes in Russia and spread by conquest, conquering much of Europe and India. This idea was attractive to Social Darwinists and white-supremacists and they popularized the notion of a master-race that owing to its genetic superiority conquered much of the world and civilised everybody.

More here:

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So who are the Aryans really?

The word Aryan is a Sanskrit word meaning “Noble” and refers to a particular noble culture which was once practiced all around the world before the destruction of the last civilisation during the cataclysm 5000 years ago. This lead to a massive rupture in the world and everybody was separated, with only remnants of their Aryan heritage. Their heritage consisted of religion, language, myths, symbols and sciences. The common symbol of the Aryans is the Swastika which can be found in virtually all cultures. It represents good fortune and prosperity, and it is still widely used by Indians.

Aryan culture was a beautiful, prosperous and spiritual culture. They were nature-worshippers, but they did not necessarily worship idols, but the spirit of the universe that animated everything. The Aryans saw the entire universe as conscious and saw man as existing in harmony with the universe. Does this sound familiar? Yes, it is the so-called Pantheists/Pagan/idolaters detested by the Abrahmic religions.

You’ve have heard all kinds of lies spread about the Pagans. You’ve been told they sacrificed humans and animals, they were savage barbarians . Were the Celts, the Greeks and the Persians barbarians? No, they were advanced spiritual cultures that wrote great literature, created very colourful and vibrant art, and excelled in science and philosophy. They were demonized by the Abrahmic religion because their Aryan-values were anathema to the Abrahmic values of control, power and domination. The Aryan culture was a liberal, democratic and enlightened culture that promoted individual freedom and divinity, taught us to respect nature and live in harmony with it and that everything in this universe was divine and this divinity is within us all.

The Aryan homeland was the Indian subcontinent and their official language was Sanskrit, which itself mean the perfect language, it was a language especially constructed for spiritual and intellectual discourse. After the cataclysms 5000 years ago, the Aryans were separated into many parts dispersed throughout the world from India to Europe. This lead to the birth of what is known as the Indo-European languages: Avestan, Lithuanian, Greek, Latin and Germanic etc

What was the Aryan religion?

The word religion as it is commonly understood is understood be something negative, stifling, irrational. In that sense the Aryans had no religion, but instead practiced pure spirituality. The Aryan religion was a spiritual religion and is known as the Vedic religion, whose scriptures were the Vedas. The Vedas literally mean the books of knowledge. They were composed by sages of superhuman intelligence. The entire Aryan society was based on the knowledge of the Vedas.

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Vedic religion is also known as Hinduism, but this term is actually a complete fabrication by Christian missionaries who ignorantly put every single religion and sect of India under one umbrella term - “Hindu” and tried to make it look primitive and savage by mistranslating the Vedas and perverting them. There really is no such thing as Hinduism. The true religion of the Hindus is the Vedic religion, and few Hindus today can claim they are Vedic and know what the Vedas really teach.

What do the Vedas teach?

Pure and pristine spirituality. They reveal the secrets of creation, of spirit and being, the principles of nature, the universal laws and values. The kind of nobility they express, the sheer divinity contained with them is unparalleled. They are not a man-made religion. They are cosmic in every sense of the world. There is absolutely no compartmentalization in the Vedas. They teach science, metaphysics, cosmology, spirituality, art, philosophy and ethics, virtually every subject.

Even hearing the Vedas invokes cosmic feelings. This is no accident, the Vedas consist of mostly Mantras, and Mantras are constructed by a special dialect of Sanskrit known as Vedic Sanskrit. The Mantras is meticulously constructed and encoded with a meaning which can only be revealed in higher states of consciousness.

Listen to the most glorious Mantras of the Aryans - the Gayatri mantra - and you will understand yourself what I mean by cosmic:

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The words:

om bhur bhuva suvaha tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo na prachodayat


"I invoke the Earth Plane, The Astral Plane, The Celestial Plane, The Plane of Spiritual Balance, The Plane of Human Spiritual Knowledge, The Plane of Spiritual Austerites, and The Plane of Ultimate Truth. Oh, great Spiritual Light which is the brilliance of all Divinity, we meditate upon You. Please illumine our minds."

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The Vedas being cosmic have no affiliation with any one human group. Although it is generally thought the Vedas belong to the Indians, this is not true. The Vedas are truly cosmic and belong to everybody. They are our heritage and the Indians have been caretakers of this heritage. Many people are reawakening to them irrespective of their caste, creed, sect, race:

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The scene above was once playing out all over the world. This world was ruled by Aryan culture and spirituality was widely being practiced. It is great to see people rediscovering their Aryan past, and hopefully you too will rediscover it.

Perhaps there are a few questions about what the Aryans teach. The main purpose of this post is to inform about the main Aryan teachings.

Do Aryans teach about god?

Yes and No. Yes, because they do teach of a supreme being known as BRAHMAN, an infinite and absolute divinity that is pure consciousness, but this is unlike the personal creator god of Abrahmic religion. It is more like an absolute reality that underlies all of existence, a profound mystery but which is the source of all wisdom, love and knowledge. The Aryans called this Sat-chit-ananda - existence, truth/pure consciousness and pure bliss. This is the only true reality, everything else is a virtual reality.

See more here:

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What rituals do the Aryans practice?

The Aryans practiced many rituals to celebrate the divine, but the most prevalent of these rituals was nature-worship. As the divine and supreme being is beyond ones imagination, the Aryans made use of symbols to represent the divine. These symbols were known as Devas, literally meaning the shining ones. From Devas come our words for diva, day,

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divine. The Devas represented the highest and various manifestations of how the divine appears to us, each divinity had their own qualities and were either masculine, neuter or feminine. These became known as the nature gods or nature spirits. The Aryans had a very deep reverence for these divine ones and much of the Vedas is dedicated in praise of them expressed in the form of poetry beautiful beyond words.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 08:34 AM by Cthulwho

I thought the Kurgan hypothesis, which suggests Indo Europeans originated in modern day Ukraine, was more widely accepted than the "out of India" theory.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 08:43 AM by Indigo_Child

Some of the principal Devas and hymns dedicated to them:

Surya: The sun god. His qualities are consciousness, illumination and light.

The sun divine, the leader of all in the solar system. Spreads his immortal, all benefiting light. Being the eye of all natures bounties, he becomes the source of all creativity and makes all regions visible.

O sun on thy coming, all livings beings are awakened and the wing birds flock around from the boundaries of skies to greet thee.

Usha. The goddess of Dawn. Her qualities are wisdom, enlightenment

Right in her movement, sublime by eternal law, true to eternal law, red-tinted, refulgent. The divine dawn has come, bringing the light; to her the sages sing the welcome of hymns.

Saraswati. The river goddess. Her qualities are inspiration, poetry, music, life-force, speech.

May Sarasvati, the purifier rich in wealth - the intellect

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Her treasure - desire our sacrifice. Inspirer of the truthful, rouser of the noble minded, may Sarasvati accept our worship. Sarasvati, mighty ocean, she rouses up with her light And brightens all intellects

The Vedas hold in reverence virtually everything in nature, sun, moon, stars, sky, Earth, rains, nature, time. They are full of praises for nature. The Aryans were especially sun-worshippers, because the sun represented the supreme being or centre of the cosmos itself and consciousness.

The Aryan rituals mainly consists of prayers to the various nature spirits. They also conducted fire-rituals to cleanse the atmosphere of all impurities and pollutants. In the fire ritual they would recite Vedic Mantras and invoke the various spirits. The reason they used fire was because fire/light is believed to be the messenger between this phenomenal world and the celestial world and fire invokes other celestial energies.

What are the Aryan answers for the questions of life?

How and why was the universe created?

It wasn’t. The universe has existed eternally, is unchanging and infinite. What you perceive to be a physical and separate world out there is nothing more than an appearance, an illusion, a holographic projection of the self-similar absolute reality. You are really existing within the cosmic-mind and the cosmic mind has many levels of consciousness, of which this material plane is one level. Everything in this universe are the thought-forms of this cosmic mind and you are participating in its mental constructions. The universe is unimaginably vast and infinite, universes within universes, universes on top of universes, you are just inhabiting one part of this infinite reality.

A Vedic Mantra that is dedicated to this point:

YouTube Link

That is infinite This is infinite The infinite arises out of infinite If the infinite is taken away from the infinite The infinite still remains

Infinite is interchangable with perfect and absolute.

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Who are we?

You are living entities, spiritual beings, sparks emanating from the divine absolute that have descended from the celestial realm into the material realm and become entangled in the material world. You have forgotten who you really are because you have misidentified yourself with your body. You are not your body, you verily are spirit itself experiencing reality through the vehicles of mind and body. It is desire that brought you here, and it is desire that will bring you back here.

Reality does not just mean this earth plane or phenomenal world, reality means the entire spectrum of experience and its various levels. You are experiencing reality at various levels - physically, mentally, emotionally.

What is our purpose?

Your purpose is to return to the supreme spirit, but you cannot return until you are free of all desires. As long as a desire remains in you to experience, you will continue to incarnate in the world. You can end this vicious cycle of rebirth by controlling your desires. The Aryans created scientific methods to enable you to do this called Yoga. By practicing a form of Yoga you can gain control over your senses, over your mind, and thereby control over your desires. This is not a short and easy process, it takes innumerable life times and austerity and perseverance living a Yogic or spiritual life, but the more you practice, the more you will evolve spiritually.

All desires lead to thoughts. If there are no desires there would be no thoughts. Note the connection between desire and thought, it means that all thoughts that you have, whatever they maybe, are fashioned out of your desires. You can never perceive reality as it really is, because you are perceiving reality as you want it. You are caught up in your mental constructions and fantasies. In your world, you are the one that decides what is right and wrong, you are the one that decides what your purpose is, what history is, what is true and what is false, and because of this your reality is a false reality. You’re like a child playing with his action figures enacting out self-created dramas, but you’re the child that gets so caught up in playing, that you forget reality.

Whatever you think is not neutral, it is construction. If you want to know real reality, you need to stop thinking and simply become a silent observer of reality. This does not mean you cease to act in the world, you still act, but you do not become entangled in your actions. To help you develop this power of observation the Aryans developed meditation. Every time you are meditating you are sharpening your observational powers. Your powers become so acute you can instantly discriminate between truth and false.

This is why your masters have kept you away from your Aryan teachings. For if you practiced them you would instantly catch all the clever lies your masters tell you. You would not for a minute accept the world as it is today.

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Do not remain under the illusion that you can think yourself to the truth using logic. Your biggest mistake is you think it is possible to use logic to arrive at the truth. Your logic will never reach the truth, because your logic occurs within your constructed world. You can know about your constructed world, but not the real world. Even knowing your constructed world by this method is pain streaking and slow. The scientific method of learning bit by bit has taken thousands of years to learn even basic laws of our phenomenal world. The truth is your mind is severely limited by biology and sociology. You can only reach a certain limit using logic and after that you are stumped.

We see ourselves as carrying the burden of working out all the mysteries of life by ourselves using our puny mind. Why do we beat ourselves up so much? There are no mysteries. All exists in plain sight if you have eyes to see. All you need to do is just open your eyes and everything will be revealed to you.

So if there is something that you can really take from this thread is: MEDITATE. As soon as you start meditating sincerely and regularly, the world will begin to change in front of your eyes. You will begin to see it with new eyes and gain new insights and understanding. Again your masters do not want you to meditate, because if you do, the reality they have constructed for you will begin to disintegrate.

The Abrahmic religion preaches against meditation. This is no accident, they know about meditation and in elite Abrahmic circles meditation is practiced, but they don’t want their masses to start meditating. They tell their masses that meditation is a satanic practice and meditators open themselves up to Satan and demonic attacks. They instead prescribe to the masses prayer to be done in a methodical manner and for self-interest. They tell their masses all they need to do their rituals to get salvation. They keep their masses ignorant of true spirituality.

The Abrahmic religion is the source of all evil in this world, they are behind the wars, the economic exploitation of the poor, behind the misery that pervades much of the world. They are the reason why your Aryan heritage has been concealed from you. There has been a concerted effort by the Abrahmic religion to suppress, distort and pervert Aryan heritage from as far back as Sumerian times.

The truth is: You are the descendents of the great Aryans and your heritage is Aryan -NOT Abrahmic/Sumerian/Elohim/Illojim. You can once again reclaim your Aryan heritage and your Aryan title. Do the ultimate act of denying ignorance and embrace your Aryan heritage.

This thread is not designed to be controversial(though it will most likely generate controversy) but only to make known a master conspiracy against humanity for the last few thousand years to suppress its spiritual heritage.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 08:53 AM by Indigo_Child

Originally posted by CthulwhoI thought the Kurgan hypothesis, which suggests Indo Europeans originated in modern day Ukraine, was more widely accepted than the "out of India" theory.

It's propoganda which was fabricated by Christian missionaries to discredit India's Aryan past and to pervert Aryan heritage. The truth is around 5000 years ago due to several cataclysms the Aryans migrated out of India and went into Europe. The second video, entitled "Vedic history" discusses this in some detail.

The vast archaeological evidence uncovered in India in recent times has exposed the Aryan invasion theory lies. In fact there are records of early Europeans which clearly indicate their India-origins. There are, however no Indian records which speak of a foreign Aryan homeland. The "Out of India" theory was widely accepted by Western intellectuals in the 19th century, until Christian missionaries started spreading lies. Max Mueller was the key proponent of the propoganda, but later admitted he was wrong.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 09:34 AM by audas

Aryian is from Iranian - true. Mesopotamia is the birth place of civilisation modern iraq, it is believed these people came down from the plain.

Peace out.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 09:39 AM by huckfinn

The Shah of Iran also possesses the title Aryamehr, which means Light of the Aryans.

His son Reza Pahlavi claimed his father's Titles publicly in 1981, does this mean that you

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are a supporter of Reza Pahlavi?

If so, why has your clique declared war upon the Western world, which has done you no wrong?

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 09:44 AM by babloyi

reply to post by huckfinn

Errrr....I'm not sure what one has to do with the other. Iran overthrew the monarchy in 1979, and Reza Pahlavi is in no position to be declaring war on anybody (nor has he). What 'clique'?

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 09:54 AM by huckfinn

But you are claiming the existence of an Aryan Heritage...the Shah of Iran is the Light of the Aryans...he is your King of Kings. I am testing his claim.

Either he is not the Light of the Aryans as he has repeatedly claimed for most of the 20th Century or you are not Aryans and possess no such Heritage.

The OP claims a long Heritage, filled with great accomplishments in the very same place you allege your origins is a Royal family claiming to be your leaders...something isn't matching up.

Is he your King, your Light, or is he a despicable imposter? Are you Aryan, or are you lying?

I am not aware that the Iranian Mullahs have any such authority to dissolve Royalty...sure he may not be able to return to Iran, but he is active in Exile; he has his own web site.

But the question is...who is the Liar? You or Him?

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 10:11 AM by Indigo_Child

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reply to post by huckfinn

Are you talking to me?

The word Aryan comes from Sanskrit, the root of the Indo-European languages. The closest descendent of that family is Avestan(Iranian) which is very similar to Sanskrit. The original word "Arya" becomes Arian in Avestan and Arianes in Latin, Ariya in Greek, and Eire in Celtic.

The Indo-European languages all have a common ancestor which is called Proto-Indo-European. In actual fact it is Sanskrit. The Christian Missionaries fabricated a hypothetical language called Proto-Indo-European because they refused to admit Sanskrit was the source of IE, though many Western intellectuals accepted it because of evidence. There are also records of IE cultures tracing their origins to the Indian subcontinent.

IE language(English, Greek, Latin, Celtic, Italic, Iranian etc) are of Sanskrit origin. Most of the words in these languages are directly of Sanskrit etymology:

AKSHA, "axle, axis" Ger. ACHSE AKSHI, "eye"=Russ. OKO=L. OCULUS=M.E. EYGHE, "eye". It is common for older English words spelled with a G to drop this letter and exchange it with a Y. (EYE; OCULAR; OCCULT, associated with the Evil Eye.)

LUBH, "desire greatly, allure, excite lust" > L. LUBET, "there is desire"; LIBIDO, "a desire" (LOVE, LIBIDINOUS)

MASTA, "weight" (MAST, a weight) MATRI, "mother" (MATRICIDE) MI/MITA, "mete out, meter" MIIV, "move" MIKSH > L. MISCERE/MIXTUS (MIX, MISCIBLE, PROMISCUOUS) MRI, "die", akin to MRITA, "dead" > L. MORI, MORTUUS (MORTALITY, MORTICIAN; MORTGAGE, "death=pledge"). See MUR.


PAN~CHA, "five"=Gr. PENTA (PENTAGON, "five-sided figure")

PAD, "foot"=L. PES/PEDIS (FOOT, BIPEDAL, "two-footed";

PATHA, "path" PHAL > Ger. SPALTEN, "split" PITRI, "father"=L. PATER (PAPA, PAPAL, POPE)

RAAJ, "rule", akin to RAAJA, "king"=L. REX/REGIS; L. REGERE/RECTUM, "rule,

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SAMA (#1), "same" (SIMILAR, SIMULATE) See SAM. SAMA (#2), "any, every" (SOME)

SARPA, "serpent"



TAT, "that" TRI-, prefix "three" (TRIPLE)

VAACH, "speech" (VOICE, VOCAL)

YUJ, "yoke,join, bind", akin to YUKTA, "joined";

YUKTI, "junction"; YUGA, "a yoke, couple" > L. IUGARE, "join, fasten"; IUGUM, "yoke"; IUNGERE/IUNCTUM, "join" (JOINT, JUNCTION; YOGA, "union"; YOGI)


This is no coincidence. The mother language of all IE languages is Sanskrit. The Europeans are the descedents of the Aryans, whose homeland was the Indian subcontinent. They were practicing Aryan culture, but then through cultural imperialism of the Sumerian culture their culture was wiped out.

The Abrahmic tradition is not European; it is Middle Eastern. Most European people have completely forgotten about their own culture and their ancestor culture is derided as "Pagan"

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 10:16 AM by babloyi

reply to post by huckfinn

I'm not sure what you are saying, and your vague use of "you" makes it even more confusing. Who are you addressing with your "you"? Me? The poster before me? Seeing as you differentiate between the OP and "you", it seems you are not addressing the thread starter with your "you".

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Notwithstanding that, few people still accept Reza Pahlavi as royalty, and even if they did, the title "Aryamehr" originates from....1965? The Pahlavi house came into power only in the last century. There is no 'royal lineage', and even if there was, I don't think this is what the OP was talking about when he said 'heritage'. A spiritual heritage doesn't need a bloodline, and besides, while the Iranis also used the term 'aryan' as a self-identifier, the OP is talking about Vedic culture, not Zoroastrianism.

I could style myself as the "Superfine Blue of Destiny", and even if the name caught on, that wouldn't make me the culmination of all things blue in the history of the world.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 10:23 AM by huckfinn

I see what you are saying concerning the Sumerians, they certainly did do what you assert. Abraham, however, was not a Sumerian, and Sumerian was not Semitic or IE. I think the story is a bit more complicated that you are making it and I also detect a trap door which could lead someone who reads your post into a dark place. Be more careful.

As far as the Shah claiming to be the Light of the Aryans, I'll just accept that he is a liar and you are who you say you are; just a bit confused as to why my alarm went off when I saw your thread.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by huckfinn]

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 10:44 AM by Indigo_Child

reply to post by huckfinn

Abraham comes from A+Brahma, which means NOT brahman. It points to a particular ideology which is the antithesis of Aryan culture. This can be seen if you read the Abrahmic scriptures vs the Aryan scriptures - one is about power and control, while the other one is about freedom and spirtual growth. One talks about gods that interbred with the daughters of men and gods that ordain masscres, the other talks of peace, tolerance and divinity everywhere.

You can even look at the archeology of Sumerian/Mesopotamian vs Vedic/Aryan civilisation. The Sumerian cities were overcrowded, sprawling and homes were built

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close together with no planning and they were ruled by god-men like priests that kept everybody ignorant and in fear of gods wrarth. While, the Vedic cities were equalitarian, cities were planned and society was urban and middle class.

The Aryans called the Sumerian/Mesopotamians "Asuras" meaning demons. Not just the Aryans, but even Jesus disapproved of the corruption and tyranny of the Abrahmic religion, and tried to instruct his people of Aryan teachings, and he was persecuted and crucified for it. Later his teachings were distorted and assimilated into the Abrahmic fold.

They have deliberately kept Aryans teachings suppressed throughout history because the Aryan teachings connect us back to our spiritual heritage before the Abrahmic-line seized power and control and started to lull people into stupour. They actively demonized the Pagans(The Aryans) persecuted them and killed them. They are responsible for the dark ages and for the exploitation and wars you see in the world.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 10:50 AM by Smack

Interesting post. I hope that one day Humanity will tire of these religious fantasies and grow up. The Universe and our place in it are indeed mysterious and awe inspiring, but I don't think we should add needless complexities into our model in order to progress in our understanding of it.

As to the afterlife -- I am firmly of the opinion that oblivion is preferable to perpetual rebirth and suffering, or eternity in some primitives conception of paradise.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 11:07 AM by huckfinn

the Semitic language, Hebrew and Arabic amoung them, is the language of the Beast, no doubt. It makes sense that a person who is well read will come to the conclusion that emulating the people from books written in Semitic is not exactly wise. It is definately a book of despair.

However, I also think that the men listed in the Bible were fully aware of their own fallen state...this is not hidden. Cain murdered his brother. Adam fell, so on and so forth. It's a book we are to learn about ourselves by reading...not copy the behavior.

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As far as the IE languages...it is a language of the woman, who is also fallen. She loses her home and wanders the Earth. She is continually victimized throughout history. Continually, she falls for the tricks and traps. In the darkness, she makes war not upon her enemy, but upon herself.

I detect you may be at this state of your development. You clearly see that a crime has been committed upon humanity, your world, but you aren't, in my informed opinion, at the place where you are aware of the nature of your enemy.

The Semites are not your oppressor, they are the fallen man Adam, the Beast, which you cannot for some reason see is your father, brother and son; your male aspect. They are the other half of your world. If you cannot reconcile this basic reality you will forever be trapped in a world where what you know is irrelevant. Claiming to be Aryan is not incorrect in basic terms, but it is the same mistake the woman keeps making.

Someone has shown you something that was intentionally hidden from view, but they obviously allowed you to come to your own conclusions with regard to what it means. You've lashed out at the people living right next door to you, the Christians is who I think you mentioned. Which means you will eventually return to the people who committed the crime against you...

Test the logic...you said Sumerians destroyed and oppressed you. Are Christians Sumerians? Are Jews Sumerians. Are Muslims Sumerians. Are Hindu's Sumerians? Are Buddhists Sumerians? How about Taoists? I think not.

The one who did you wrong hides behind these people when its able to. Revealing itself to you, through them. You attack and destroy your only salvation.

When the Beast, throws of his yoke and lives free the enemy has no hiding place. When the woman opens her eyes she will see that only way home is through cooperation with someone she might consider an enemy.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 11:14 AM by mystiq

Oblivion is neither a truth or a science. Many from all walks of life, and every culture have profound spiritual moments (not religious) and existence is the experiential knowledge of many, if not most, humans. Its also metaphysics, and if they truly don't already know this, and about the plane that surpisingly remote viewers trained by the military spoke of, but aren't hiding it from us, then they don't have the advanced science everyone claims the cartel are hording for themselves.

Thank you for this thread. Its the caste system in India, not early verdic teaching, but later

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imposed by the ruling class, that makes so many people overlook this very important part of human history.

I'm currently watching the videos you've linked. Thank you.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 11:32 AM by SLAYER69

reply to post by Indigo_Child

Well first off lets understand the definition of the word "Aryan" and it's origin. Then discuss how this has been twisted.


As an adaptation of the Latin Arianus, referring to Iran, 'Aryan' has "long been in English language use".[2] Its history as a loan word began in the late 1700s, when the word was borrowed from Sanskrit ā́rya- to mean the same thing it originally did in that Old Indic language, namely as a (self-)identifier of speakers of North Indian languages.[2] When it was determined that Iranian languages – both living and ancient – used a similar term in much the same way (but in the Iranian context as a self-identifier of Iranian peoples), it became apparent that the shared meaning had to derive from the ancestor language of the shared past, and so, by the early 1800s, the word 'Aryan' came to refer the group of languages deriving from that ancestor language, and by extension, the speakers of those languages.[3]

Then, in the 1830s, the term "Aryan" was adopted for speakers of Indo-European languages in general, in the erroneous belief that this was an ethnic self-identifier used by prehistoric speakers of European languages. This development was in turn instrumental to the development of the concept of an "Aryan race", which by the early 20th century became closely linked to Nordicism, which posited Northern European racial superiority over all other peoples (including Indians and Iranians). In Nazi Germany the classification of peoples as Aryan or not was most emphatically directed towards the exclusion of Jews.[4][n 1] This racialist interpretation engendered both the "Aryanization" programs of Nazi Germany, and – in a late 19th century British-mediated form – to a racialist reinterpretation of Indian society, texts and history. Following the end of World War II and the discovery of the genocide that the self-styled "Aryans" had caused, the word 'Aryan' ceased to have a positive meaning in general Western understanding. In colloquial modern English it is typically used to signify the Nordic racial ideal promoted by the Nazis.

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the myth of the aryan invasion

It is indeed ironic that the origin of this theory does not lie in Indian records, but in 19th Century politics and German nationalism. No where in the Vedas, Puranas or Itihasas is there any mention of a Migration or Invasion of any kind. In 1841 M.S. Elphinstone, the first governor of the Bombay Presidency, wrote in his book History of India:

The Great Aryan Myth

The actual origin of the myth is obscure. Hankins (The Racial Basis of Civilization, 1926) traces it back to the early period of the nineteenth century, and if its roots extend further into the past, they are not clearly uncovered. The German warmongers, in the latter part of the century, avidly adopted the myth as dressing for the doctrine sometimes called "Pan-Germanism": the doctrine of a race of supermen, destined to dominate the world with the ruthlessness of ancient savagery.

This doctrine of a great German race, however, is older than the Aryan myth. It was well established before Nietzsche fulminated against morality and humanitarianism. Perhaps the German paranoia can be traced back to Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel, as Hankins implies, and as Kolnai (The War Against the West, 1938) seems to think it can be. This possibility is not important for our present purposes. The doctrine of a German race of supermen is certainly older than the Aryan myth.

The Myth of the Aryan Invasion of India

One of the main ideas used to interpret and generally devalue the ancient history of India is the theory of the Aryan invasion. According to this account, India was invaded and conquered by nomadic light-skinned Indo-European tribes from Central Asia around 1500-100 BC, who overthrew an earlier and more advanced dark-skinned Dravidian civilization from which they took most of what later became Hindu culture. This so-called pre-Aryan civilization is said to be evidenced by the large urban ruins of what has been called the "Indus valley culture" (as most of its initial sites were on the Indus river). The war between the powers of light and darkness, a prevalent idea in ancient Aryan Vedic scriptures, was thus interpreted to refer to this war between light and dark skinned peoples. The Aryan invasion theory thus turned the "Vedas", the original scriptures of ancient India and the Indo-Aryans, into little more than primitive poems of uncivilized

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This idea totally foreign to the history of India, whether north or south has become almost an unquestioned truth in the interpretation of ancient history Today, after nearly all the reasons for its supposed validity have been refuted, even major Western scholars are at last beginning to call it in question.

The Aryan Myth

These theories continue to be maintained by modern historians, where not only are "Indo-Europeans" still believed to be the ancestors of modern Europeans, but of Indian civilization as well. However, as David Frawley has pointed out in Myth of the Aryan Invasion of India, not a single item of evidence is available. The only shred of proof provided is an ambiguous reference in the Hindu Vedas, to a battle between the forces of "light" and the forces of "darkness." Nevertheless, according to the Columbia History of the World: "it is probable that as the Aryan invaders battled their way down from the northwest through the Ganges Valley, they conquered and enslaved local peoples most of whom were darker and smaller than their Aryan foes. The most archaic word for slave is dasa (dark), and the classical word for caste if varna (color). The principle became the basis for a further development."

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 11:47 AM by beebs

I think you are on the right track, however I think it might be more complicated still...

Theosophy: www.theosophy.org...

Where do Atlanteans come in to play? Are they the same as Aryans? Where do Giants come in to play?

Are Aryans from the same line, just a different generation? Are you sure ALL of us descend from Aryans?

Good thread. SnF.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 11:55 AM by Indigo_Child

reply to post by huckfinn

The Sumerian/Semitic/Abrahmic simply is an ideology, an ideology which stems from the cult of ego. If we feed our ego the ego greeds for power and control, because that is the only thing that keeps this hungry beast at bay, but its appetite is ravenous and can never be satiated. Today we are living out this ideology in the world - greed and power rules. We made to believe we are nothing more than bodies and are taught to want things to make us happy and taught to compete with each other like animals. This is the real Satan that Jesus warned us against and this Satan lurks within all of us. The abrahmic linage feed that beast within us, while the Aryan lineage starves this beast to death, so our true divinity remains.

The battle between the gods and demons is an old battle that is playing out throughout this universe. Some of us choose the company of the gods and some of are tempted by the demons. The problem is most of us are not aware we have a choice, because the demons never play fair. They deceive us into thinking theirs is the only choice and that they are not demons but noble. This is why they say the greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he does not exist.

The Abrahmic religions keep looking for the devil outside, oblivious that the devil has been living inside for a very very long time. Those of us who have woken up have realised where the devil lives and where divinity lives.


Elisha (with help from God) sent two bears to kill 42 children for making fun of his bald head. 2 Kings 2:22-23

Abimelech killed 69 of his brothers on a stone. Judges 9:5, BT

Doeg the Edomite killed 85 priests and all the men, women, children, infants, oxen, donkeys, and sheep with a sword. 1 Samuel 22:18-19, BT

Elijah (and God) burned to death 102 men. 2 Kings 1:10-12

David killed 200 Philistines to purchase his first wife with their foreskins. 1 Samuel 18:25-27, BT

Abishai killed 300 men with a spear. 2 Samuel 23:18, 1 Chronicles 11:20, BT

The chief of David's captains killed either 300 (1 Chronicles 11:11) or 800 (2 Samuel 23:8) men with a spear. (Sometimes it's hard to correctly count the number of dead

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bodies in a massacre.)

Elijah killed 450 religious leaders in a prayer contest. 1 Kings 18:22-40 (The total in this massacre may have been 850 if it included the priests of the groves.)

Shamgar killed 600 Philistines with an ox goad. Judges 3:31, BT

Samson killed 1000 men with the jawbone of an ass. Judges 15: 14-15, BT


O mankind! I bind you together towards one objective - the welfare of man. Toil together with mutual love and goodwill. May you share the comforts of life equally. May you accomplish your work with mututal accord and finally may you, in the pursuit of your ambition at all times, engage in working together with goodwill - AV 3.30.7

One is barbaric and demonic and the other is noble and divine.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 12:30 PM by Indigo_Child

reply to post by SLAYER69

Brilliant collection of information there Slayer

It's great to see someone fully aware of the truth about the Aryans. The Aryans indeed is not a race, it is a spiritual heritage and culture that was once prevalent around the world. And I really hope we return to the Aryan ways - the noble way of living.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 12:41 PM by arbiture

reply to post by huckfinn

To equate any genetic or racial group on Earth with "evil" is bigotry mascurading as religion, or worse science. For the record, the NAZI's diden't invent the fiction of so

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called racial purity. Thats been a human delusion for thousands of years. To imply a group is "evil" must then preclude genetic mixing of different groups. Our fixation on this has always amazed me. This may have something to do with the fact when born, we are preprogramed to be attracted to others who look like us.

As far as species viability is concerned the more diverse any group is geneticly, the healthier it is. Both in protecting that group from birth defects and disease. Regretably I've found no amount of debate can sway some people from their prejudice that genetic variability is a threat to some vauge identity they wish to bestow on them selfs.

The Verdic History, part 2, which you didn't link, though very nicely explained, still looks very strongly like nwo, with a one world government, that still has local rulers and traditions. Those in the higher positions are not elected, but are there by their esoteric knowledge. The vedic emporeror was the most powerful vedic warrior. I really sense danger danger here as well. The history of this world also shows an annanuki or renegade, controlling et one. While I see strongly the historical relevance to this, even the et or cosmic relevance, the highest form of government is proportional democracy and the greatest civlization would be a moneyless, clean high tech resource society with no slaves, and no requirement for religious credo. Spiritual authorities should not be judging crimes. Religion is control. Though personal growth is desired, rule should be non-partisan, with the highest goals of human rights, science and equal universal education.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 01:01 PM by huckfinn

Development as some stage requires self inventory. By me refering to the Semitic experience as the Beast experience...it is a self inventory.

Look above at the things Indigo cited...this happened it is a view of yourself. These men did these things...i accept this as part of my development. it is not what is inevitable, but what can be.

I see that the OP is absolutely convinced of his own goodness and the goodness of his way, many people have been deluded in this manner.

I'll tell you something about people who are conquered...they played in major part in the conquest.

No people has ever been conquered without first being infiltrated. Infiltration is possible because they don't know themselves.

One last question for the OP...

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Those passages you posted...do you believe them to be true? If so, then why would a Satan tell you the truth about himself? Is this a common behavior of Satans, to tell the truth?

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 01:08 PM by lawlb0t

Awesome thread. Ras Kass - Nature of the Threat talks about these truths. The track is amazing, but what I didn't like is that he said basically is that you can't trust all whites. Which is obviously a flawed statement, but just because that is there you can't disregard the rest.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 01:09 PM by JBA2848

I allways felt it was more a druid viking connection. Not much known about druids becuase of no written langaugge but it is said they were the first world travelers who returned to stone henge to share the tells and knowledge they gained during there yearly explorations.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 01:12 PM by hezekiah

reply to post by arbiture


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YouTube Link

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 01:37 PM by DangerDeath

Ego is a projection = ideas, emotions, will - that is the aggregate that sucks all energy from human beings, and that is the disease which is now known as schizophrenia - the divided mind.

Its battle cry is Divide and Rule, and what more proof does one need to see what evil comes from this projected self (ego, and its central vampire force generator "id")?

The projected self is fully ignorant and in denial of the true self, murderer of all those who resist domination of ideas and emotions (all social behavior is conditioned behavior and all emotional and intellectual reactions are conditioned and learned, imposed from our birth in this civilization created to support ego).

All those who resist selfish self are either pushed away (marginalized), denounced or simply exterminated throughout history (last 6.000 years at least) up to the present day, and that is a fact.

The spiritual civilization is slandered at all times within this frame of egoistic projection and only the individuals who somehow managed to escape institutionalization and boundaries of established ideological or religious systems (like Buddha or Jesus, and many others) left some trace of the "other" race or species of human beings who were and are still not subjected to this disease (schizophrenia).

In tradition of Vedas it is obvious that the process of mixing and battling between these two approaches was still ongoing in those ancient times, and despite some claims, I believe that Krishna from Bhagavad gita is actually representative of the egoistic cult trying to persuade Arjuna to comply and accept the necessity of crystallization of egoistic approach to human existence.

The egoistic, social approach is the basic principle of creating division (divide et impera) among human (sentient) beings - caste system or any other system where human being is demoted to a simple function of a greater projection.

Reduction of human being (sentient being) to a function is in most cases sufficient to prevent any spiritual or creative behavior, which is the opposite of the order of social hierarchy) usually expressed by the image of pyramid.

In modern times, such creative and independent (individualistic) behavior is usually denounced as "anarchic" and with false comparison to "terrorist" or "destructive"

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behavior, heavily persecuted with or without any excuse.

There are many sophisticated, spiritual civilizations preceding Aryan civilization, there was one in Vinca (where alphabet was invented 6.000 BC, and older than this one, from Anadolia in Asia Minor, like in Gobekli Tepe, and many others dating even to 10.000 years BC).

This field of exploration, about division which happened amongst human beings, the decrease of spirituality in favor of protocol-conditioned, non-creative and violent behavior, is just opening anew and is already engaged against the so called supporters of theory of survival as dominating force of life, which favors those least spiritual and knowledgeable, united as organized and well armed gangs (states).

The true battle between light and darkness. Good luck and don't listen to the false promise of survival, because there is no such thing. One can only live in freedom if there is no oppression of any kind.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by DangerDeath]

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 02:09 PM by visible_villain

reply to post by DangerDeath

... schizophrenia - the divided mind.

'schizophrenia' means 'to be split-off from reality.'

Someone who may be 'ambivalent' about some issue, that is to say, someone who is 'of two minds' about some issue, is not schizophrenic in a clinical sense ...

Just thought I'd mention that - it's an important distinction ...

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 02:11 PM by vcwxvwligen

This description of the Aryans makes them appear to be elitist and New-Agey, which is not all that different from how the Nazis described the über-mensch. The Vedas and vedic teachings are being utilized by the Illuminati, this is certain

I'm wondering how "Iran" comes from "aryan" since the order of the vowels is reversed. Besides, their ethnicity is "Persian," not Iranian or even Arab. "Iranian" only refers to a nationality.

The word "caucasian" comes from the Caucasus (Kavkas) Mountains which partially mark the border between Europe and Asia, at around modern-day Armenia. "Kavkas" comes from the Persian word اف وه ق (Koh-Qaf, which reversed would be Qaf-Koh) کwhich is the name of a mythical mountain that marked the northern border of the Persian empire. This was also supposedly the area where Noah landed the ark.

Caucasians are said to be the descendents of Noah's son Japheth.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by vcwxvwligen]

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 02:12 PM by DangerDeath

reply to post by visible_villain

Well, yes effectively, it is the divided mind. Like, the opposition between the analytical mind and the projective mind (ideology, emotions). In historical sense, it is the Divide and Rule principle. And if virus of schizophrenia found its way to embed itself in human genome, then "split personality" is normal, not considered a disease... That is my point.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 02:47 PM by light_sound

reply to post by Indigo_Child

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As you can see from my name 'light&sound', i am familiar with the concepts of Meditation, inner regions and the 'Game / Illusion' we currently reside in. My question is 'what mantra or words' express the true language the infinite one hears?

As you are aware there are many Gurus, Masters, Teachers & so called Enlightened souls, especially in India who teach Meditation and 'initiate' their followers in a particular Mantra, which is to be used whenever meditating. This particular mantra being the 'Right One' to enlighten! Many also preach many regions within and to experience these one must practice 'their' Mantras only to allow entrance. Many of these Gurus have huge number of followers and you can imagine benefit in affection and personal wealth i assume.

Therefore i would appreciate your thoughts on this and specifically your idea on which Mantra should be used when Meditating.

Additionally and following on from your other Thread - Depopulation - Have you had a Vision OR have you Spiritually advanced to such a level that you have seen the near destruction of Humanity commencing at the end of the year. Or is it just intuition or a feeling you have?

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 02:50 PM by Indigo_Child

reply to post by mystiq

Hi Mystiq,

I think your suspicision is valid. It is true that Aryan society had a dominant class, and this may sound similar to capitalist or theocratic society because it too has a dominant and ruling class. I want to assure you though the truth is Aryan society is nothing like capitalist society. Rather Aryan society is what in Sociology is called a functional and meriotcratic society. In a functional society, society is divided into several divisions and each division has a function in making society work. If there are no such divisions you would simply have anarchy.

There were 4 main divisions in Aryan society: Teachers/Merchants and Manufacturers/Admin and civil services/labour and workers. Not all classes are equal, an ordinary worker is not equal in position to teacher for example. In different socieities, different classes are dominant.

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Capitalism: Merchants Government: Dictatorship People: Communism

The problem with these forms of government is that capitalism is based on only profit generation, dictatorship is based only on power, communism is based on pleasure. This is why society is so messed up the world over, we elect the wrong class and the wrong values. In Aryan society, however, they elect the teachers and wise sages to be the dominant class. So the Buddha's of society would be the ones that would guide society. Your position in society was based on your merits and skills. You would only be assigned a position if you had the merits and skills for that post.

The Aryans were aware of the fallbility of humans, from which even wise sages were not exempt, so they had checks and balances and they decentralized all power. Aryan society would consist of several self-contained social units or locales that would generate their own goods and produce and were not under any central authority. They self-governed themselves using democracy. This practice still continues today in Indian villages where village representatives would convene village meeting to discuss issues. In Vedic times, these meeting were far more sophisticated and democratic, and no measures would be passed if there was not near unanimous agreement.

Now here is the most interesting fact. The Brahmins, though were considered the highest position of society, were also the poorest. The Aryan social system stipulated that Brahmins could not produce wealth, because they were the thinkers of society and wealth would only corrupt them.

So basically this is as anti NWO as you can get and this is why the Aryan social systems were demonized. The truth is this system produced great prosperity and little is known that the so-called untouchables in India were prior to the British wealthy, prosperous and very skilled. After the British illegalized the Vedic social system and traditional education of India, turning an erstwhile industrial economy into an agricultural economy, these skilled and prosperous people were forced out of their jobs and impoverished. They became so destittude they had to take on menial and unhygenic jobs like cleaning toilets and sewers, and hence became "untouchable" - because nobody wanted them near them.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 02:54 PM by DangerDeath

reply to post by Indigo_Child

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After the British illegalized the Vedic social system and traditional education of India, turning an erstwhile industrial economy into an agricultural economy, these skilled and prosperous people were forced out of their jobs and impoverished. They became so destittude they had to take on menial and unhygenic jobs like cleaning toilets and sewers, and hence became "untouchable" - because nobody wanted them near them.

This is very interesting. Could you give us some references, books or links which elaborate on this aspect?

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 03:24 PM by Indigo_Child

reply to post by DangerDeath

I suggest you read Dharmpal, Ghandi's official historian on how the traditional educational system was torn down by the British, leaving Indians illiterate.

Also read this shocking article on how the British deliberately engineered famines to kill off tens of millions India and turned a once rich country into a poor country.


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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 03:27 PM by LucidDreamer85

Originally posted by audasAryian is from Iranian - true. Mesopotamia is the birth place of civilisation modern iraq, it is believed these people came down from the plain.

Peace out.

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He brings pages of info with links and videos to help us understand what he is trying to say and enlighten us with and you respond with 2 lines of opinion with nothing to back it up.

I never believe proof is always needed but in this case I would like you to provide where you got your info from if you can.

I understand we are taught in schools what you have stated. But who taught those people,? And how far back do those teachings go? Do you know where that info originated from and who started spreading that info?

If you don't know , then how can you be so certain that what you type is the truth?

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 03:33 PM by visible_villain

reply to post by DangerDeath

Schizophrenia (pronounced skit-suh-FREH-nee-uh) is a psychotic disorder or group of psychotic disorders that cause a patient to lose touch with reality. It is marked by severely impaired reasoning and emotional instability and can cause violent behavior.

Source : Free Health Encyclopedia

You said :Well, yes effectively, it is the divided mind. Like, the opposition between the analytical mind and the projective mind (ideology, emotions). In historical sense, it is the Divide and Rule principle. And if virus of schizophrenia found its way to embed itself in human genome, then "split personality" is normal, not considered a disease... That is my point.

Disorganized Schizophrenia

Patients with disorganized schizophrenia have confused, disorganized patterns of speech,

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thought, and behavior. They may act silly or withdraw from the world around them. At one time, disorganized schizophrenia was called hebephrenia (pronounced HEE-buh-FREN-ee-uh).

Source : Free Health Encyclopedia

YouTube Link

Ok, thanks for clearing that up - I think I have 'the picture' now.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 03:48 PM by DangerDeath

reply to post by visible_villain

Good post.

I do use this as metaphorical hypothesis, but it is very operational and helps understand the basic difference between personality and ego. So many people practice self-delusion... It is a trademark of many civilizations based on slavery and oppression.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 03:51 PM by Indigo_Child

reply to post by DangerDeath

Krishna does not actually support the egoistical approach, rather his teachings are anti-ego. Arjuna was despondent that he would have to go to war with his own kin and was arguing with Krishna that such a war would be futile, but in actual fact it was Arjuna's

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ego that did not want to go to war with his own family, because he had personal relations with them. But this was not a valid reason and Krishna using the power of reasoning demonstrated to Arjuna that Arjuna was not being rational. He explains to Arjuna that whom he thinks are his friends and family and whom he thinks he is "killing" is nothing more than holographic projection. Nobody can be killed in reality, the spirit is eternal and indestructible. He describes to Arjuna that his reality is only temporal and his relations with the people whom he thinks are his kin are temporal and will cease to be true in his next life. He explain that the material reality is a transient reality, where everything is changing ceaslessly and if the soul becomes identified with this changing reality it becomes entangled within it and suffers. He then instructs Arjuna that the wise do not grieve for the living or the dead, because what is born will necessarily die, it is an inevitable outcome. So one cannot ground their lifes decisions on temporal things, and this was exactly what Arjuna was going to do by refusing to fight. Instead, Krishna says that one must ground their life in the unchanging transcendent being and in eternal laws of the universe. That is we must be in harmony with truth only.

The truth was that though Arjuna's opponents were also his kin they had decided to fight for an unrighetous cause. If Arjuna had surrendered, then unrighteousness would have won over righteousness, and this would have brought only misery to people. The moral here is that we should always fight against righteousness. The Vedas say this as well.

If you are familiar with the history of the Mahabharata war, you will see yourself that Pandavas went through many ordeals to stop the war. They tolerated several assassination attempts, political conspiracy that robbed them of their kingdom and assets, humilation in front of public, exile, and after all of this using Krishna as their messenger to Hastinapur, they still wanted peace and only asked to be given 5 villages(they were actually entitled to the entire empire) and they were refused with Duryodhana exclaiming, "I will not give them a single inch of land" and this is why the war happened in the end. It was both inevitable and necessary.

War is not an unnoble thing. Sometimes war is the most noble thing you can do.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 04:01 PM by DangerDeath

reply to post by Indigo_Child

I understand your point. But I think they have mixed certain things in this text that don't really fit well together

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and this is not a very good example for the philosophy applied. This attempt is very much in conflict in itself. Arjuna doesn't want to be involved in real politics, that is an ethical standpoint. If one can prove that the political (and all) reality is "illusional or irrational" than where is the motivation for Arjuna's engagement? It all comes down to persuasion, and it is not very convincing.

To me this looks very much like a reaction to a teaching of the kind Buddha articulated, and Buddha was very much for both social and gender equality, therefore against the caste system.

Buddha proposed "going against the stream", which is also supported by Arjuna, and Krishna is actually pushing him to go "down the stream". I don't see how it is possible to make a compromise between these two attitudes. They are directly opposed.

That's my opinion.

And, yes, I just want to add this: Gandhi was actually very much opposed to Krishna's method. He accomplished a political goal by using non-violence (ahimsa). And as soon as the job was done, well, we know what happened...

[edit on 26-4-2009 by DangerDeath]

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 04:16 PM by Indigo_Child

reply to post by light_sound

There is no such thing as a "Right Mantra" if a spiritual group or Guru says such a thing, stay away. They are not true Aryans. The Aryans had thousands of Mantras, and new Mantras can be invented as well. However, there is no language other than Sanskrit in which Mantras can be created. Sanskrit was especially constructed to create Mantras. It is advanced spiritual and scientific language which works with sound directly. No other language has the powers Sanskrit does and this is why in most esoteric schools Sanskrit is still the language of choice for Mantras.

Sanskrit is also a language which computer scientists have called a computer language. This is because Sanskrit language has very precise grammar and representational powers that it virtually functions like a computer which generates sentences.

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The Aryans were by no means primitive folk. They were a highly advanced scientific and spiritual people.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 04:17 PM by downtown436

reply to post by Indigo_Child

WOW!! Thanks for a very informative thread!! You have answered so many questions that I have wondered about but never researched!

reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 04:19 PM by DangerDeath

He he, it seems that Gandhi (Dharmapal) agrees with me:

He shows the determination of British civil servants in colonizing India as per set patterns, often referred by Gandhi as divide and rule rationale.


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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 04:21 PM by GateCrasher

reply to post by Indigo_Child

Thank you, a wonderful read, and a great thread!

Next I will read the link in your signature titled: "

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The Aryan Ancient Advanced civilization: Read"

Although I still don't know what to make of all this, but I like to think that I'm open minded, and I definitely will be researching this subject a bit more.

Mantra music was great, cosmic, thanks again.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 04:27 PM by News And History

reply to post by Indigo_Child

Apparently, you hate Christians along with other Abrahamic-religious groups, and you promote the worship of false-idols (ie: baal-god; "sun-god" & "brahman"). That's all you've proven, here. Hitler hated true Christians & lied about them, just like you & people of your ilk have been doing for a while.

The one world religion is going to be despised by people all over the world. Your Aryan cult/religion is promoted by all of the occultists in government, and hated by true followers of common laws & true prophets.

Hitler's Racial Ideology: Content and Occult Sources

Hitler believed that the Aryan race, to which all "true" Germans belonged, was the race whose blood (soul) was of the highest degree. God Himself had, in fact, created the Aryans as the most perfect men, both physically and spiritually

Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence...

People, who are involved in man-made religious groups (including the so-called "spiritual organizations", who can't hide the fact that they're religious, as well) have never quit lying about life in general. Baal-god is a false-idol, and your so-called, "spiritual religion" is man-made. There's absolutely no proof to support your claims that it isn't a man-made religion.

Pagans have a long history of sacrificing humans. True Christians, and other real Abrahamic-religious groups do not sacrifice humans. "Jesus" is a false-idol invented by heathens, who have a long history of making false-idols. So have a "happy Sun-day", pagans/heathens (liars, who may or may not pose as non-denominational "conservative

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Christians" or "spiritual").

Dark Secrets inside Bohemian Grove: Special Feature

Google Video Link

In this special bonus video feature, Alex discusses the reaction to his July 2000 infiltration of Bohemian Grove and how the media tried to discredit Alex's presentation of the evidence. Also, the delusion of liberal hippy socialists who 'protested' the grove by having their own pagan ritual is exposed.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by News And History]

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 04:33 PM by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

reply to post by Indigo_Child

The Aryans had thousands of Mantras, and new Mantras can be invented as well. However, there is no language other than Sanskrit in which Mantras can be created. Sanskrit was especially constructed to create Mantras. It is advanced spiritual and scientific language which works with sound directly. No other language has the powers Sanskrit does and this is why in most esoteric schools Sanskrit is still the language of choice for Mantras.

I remember reading months back about Sanskrit writing being 'drawn' as the sounds (phonetically) appear on an osscilator. There was a video floating around youtube back then, I'll go and have a root for it, but it always fascinated me, it shows a clear knowledge of cymatics, a branch of science that we should pay more attention too. Have you come across this at any point during your research? This should be a good argument for the 'advanced' civilization theory, although the argument of how 'advanced' will still go on.


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Edit to add:

People, who are involved in man-made religious groups (including the so-called "spiritual organizations", who can't hide the fact that they're religious, as well) have never quit lying about life in general. Baal-god is a false-idol, and your so-called, "spiritual religion" is man-made. There's absolutely no proof to support your claims that it isn't a man-made religion.

Please tell me you're an atheist otherwise this is monumental hypocracy. I'm getting the impression your Christian, correct me if I'm wrong.

I'd like to add, I follow what I call a 'Personal belief system', it is thrown together frombits and pieces I have found all over, ranging from physics, cosmology, psychology, even bits and pieces of current religions, namely Buddhism and Taoism.

One of the most interesting parts of all this (To me at least ) is how many correlations I find, all over the place, sometimes from just random places (I discovered I share a strange belief of Mormons! I know, weird!).

The same way (IMO) that the nature of most religions, including Christanity and Catholicism has been hijacked for someone's own reasons, so has the Aryan 'belief system' (if that is an accurate approximation). The point is, it doesn't invalidate the previous teachings, it just tries to pretend they never existed.

Do you really think an omnipotent, benevolent, all-loving God, who considers us his children would really penalize people for their beliefs? Or their sexual preferences? That, IMO, is flawed logic, because he then wouldn't be benevolent, OR all-loving.

The 'Ideal' is perfect, the translation and practice is flawed beyond belief.

Edit to add information on Cymatics.

In 1967, the late Hans Jenny, a Swiss doctor, artist, and researcher, published the bilingual book Kymatik -Wellen und Schwingungen mit ihrer Struktur und Dynamik/ Cymatics - The Structure and Dynamics of internal linkWaves and Vibrations. In this book Jenny, like internal linkChladni two hundred years earlier, showed what happens when one takes various materials like sand, spores, iron filings, internal linkwater, and viscous substances, and places them on vibrating metal plates and membranes. What then appears are shapes and motion- patterns which vary from the nearly perfectly ordered and stationary to those that are turbulently developing, organic, and constantly in motion.

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Jenny made use of crystal internal linkoscillators and an invention of his own by the name of the tonoscope to set these plates and membranes vibrating. This was a major step forward. The advantage with crystal oscillators is that one can determine exactly which internal linkfrequency and amplitude/volume one wants. It was now possible to research and follow a continuous train of events in which one had the possibility of changing the frequency or the amplitude or both. The tonoscope was constructed to make the human voice visible without any electronic apparatus as an intermediate link. This yielded the amazing possibility of being able to see the physical image of the vowel, tone or song a human being produced directly. Not only could you hear a melody - you could see it, too.

Jenny called this new area of research cymatics, which comes from the Greek kyma, wave. Cymatics could be translated as: the study of how vibrations, in the broad sense, generate and influence patterns, shapes and moving processes.

Not too sure if this is true about the Sanskrit, I'm still checking.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by ElectroMagnetic Multivers]

[edit on 26-4-2009 by ElectroMagnetic Multivers]

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 04:35 PM by mybigunit

reply to post by News And History

You took the words right from my mouth. ALL of these religions are ALL man made. Its all hearsay. They are all put together by man who claim to have had some sort of communications with some god or idol. I tend to take a more Deistic view on things. That is Im not going to say there isnt a creator or am I gonna disregard spiritualism but I think it is to be found through science and nature and not from some man made stories.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by mybigunit]

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 04:37 PM by DangerDeath

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reply to post by mybigunit

The connection of man with "god" is exclusively through personality, not through any kind of institution, society, religion, cult, state, science, etc...


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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 04:43 PM by sinister_scarecrow

?? Noble?

[edit on 26-4-2009 by sinister_scarecrow]

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 04:44 PM by mybigunit

Originally posted by DangerDeathreply to post by mybigunit

The connection of man with "god" is exclusively through personality, not through any kind of institution, society, religion, cult, state, science, etc...


But many people buy into these institutions and sadly they run our policies and have for several thousand years. This is why I cant elect someone who wears religion on their sleeve.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 04:45 PM by News And History

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reply to post by mybigunit

I know what you mean. These pagans think they're gods, and that's why they want us to worship "gods" with them. God(s) (incl. Baal-god & other imaginary lords) don't serve anyone. Heathens, need to throw away their false-idols, and stop playing with the dead or "familiar spirits".

PirateNews.org - Skull & Bones (Order of Death) and Bohemian Grove

Alex Jones, Alexandra Robbins: Skull and Bones at Bohemian Grove

Google Video Link

[...] Undercover video by Alex Jones at Infowars Radio and Mike Hansen, author of Bohemian Grove: Cult Of Conspiracy.

Undercover video from Yale's Skull & Bones ritual human sacrifice. Luciferian quotes from General Albert Pike [...] pope of Freemasonry.

Radio interviews of Alexandra Robbins, John Kerry, George Bush and Tricky dick Nixon, by Democracy Now, BBC. [...]

Part of September911Surprise.com, the shockumentary miniseries awarded twice by Hollywood.

As broadcast on cable access TV by PirateNews.org. [...]

Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove www.archive...org/details/DSIBG

Moloch[:] an ancient Phoenician and Ammonite god, to whom children were sacrificed by burning. -Webster's New World Dictionary "And the LORD spake unto Moses, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death. And I will set my face against that man, and will cut him off from among his people; because he hath given of his seed unto Molech." -Leviticus 20:1-5

"And Solomon did evil in the sight of the LORD, as did David his father. Then did Solomon build an high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon." -1 Kings 11:6-7

"Because of all the evil of the children of Israel, they, their kings, their princes, their

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priests, and their prophets, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. They built the high places of Baal, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech." -Jeremiah 32:32-35 [...]

The upper class in San Francisco is that way. The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time - it is the most faggy goddamn thing that you would ever imagine with that San Francisco crowd. I can't shake hands with anybody from San Francisco." -President Tricky Dick Nixon, White House audiotape, Nixon Presidential Library, 1971 prisonplanet...com/032604nixontape.htm

Nixon Tape Discusses Homosexuals at Bohemian Grove

YouTube Link

Nixon mentions witnessing homosexual activity while attending bohemian grove.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by News And History]

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 04:47 PM by Indigo_Child

reply to post by DangerDeath

I assume you are Buddhist

Let me present you a scenorio more down to earth.

You are a married police officer, with family and kids, a very good police officer and famous amongst the people for your great skill, valour and virtue. It is because of you society can sleep safe at night knowing that you keep the criminals at bay.

One day you face the biggest dilemma in your career. You catch your own kid commiting a grave crime against a citizen you are sworn to protect. What do you do? Do you do your duty just as you did it before, or do you make an exception for your kid exercising your moral right as a parent to protect your kid? How does a Buddhist answer this dilemma.

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Arjuna had to face exactly the same dilemma. His duty, a duty he accepted himself when he was young, was to protect the people and uphold social justice and righteousness. He has killed before as well to uphold that duty. Should he suddenly make an exception now just because his opponents are his kin?

In my opinion if he did make that exception it would have been dishonest, inconsistent and cowardice. So Krishna was right to tell him to do his duty and fight. In the end, Arjuna made his own decision on the weight of Krishna's arguments. He was not forced by Krishna, instead Krishna simply awakend him to see the bigger picture.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 04:54 PM by DangerDeath

Originally posted by mybigunit

Originally posted by DangerDeathreply to post by mybigunit

The connection of man with "god" is exclusively through personality, not through any kind of institution, society, religion, cult, state, science, etc...


But many people buy into these institutions and sadly they run our policies and have for several thousand years. This is why I cant elect someone who wears religion on their sleeve.

Civilizations that existed before the bronze age were organized in a more spiritual kind of society and lacked the authority of state. There weren't so many people at those times and, perhaps because of that, they were all better educated since they didn't have to live through this horrible idea of "working for living", which became a dominant idea as the first authorities instilled monopoly on all food and other necessary things. Since then, it was preferable to have uneducated labor,

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unable to effectively oppose tyranny of institutions (organized and well armed group of gangsters). I believe that the authorities also instilled monopoly on religious thought and customs and adapted them to the need to create this "ladder" of institutional responsibility and authority, identifying the ruler with the deity. It is easy to do that when dealing with the ignorant.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 04:58 PM by News And History

reply to post by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

Atheists are religious too. They have their own system of beliefs. A lot of them even believe in "magic" (ie: "evolution"; monkeys, who become human, & other theories). Of course, miracles are real, and magic is trickery. Your definitions of "atheism" & "hypocrite" are probably amusing to read to others, but I wouldn't bother adopting your beliefs or man-made religions. Stick with the truth & light of the universe. Even Christians "try" to do that, as well as other seekers of truth.

Atheism Religion

Google Video Link

[edit on 26-4-2009 by News And History]

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 05:05 PM by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

Originally posted by News And Historyreply to post by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

Atheists are religious too. They have their own system of beliefs. Of course, a hypocrite in denial wouldn't know this. You may go back to sleep. Dream big, mate.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by News And History]

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Lol, I agree with you totally about that, althought that is a tad of a generalisation, this would assume that all Atheists are partial to a bit of scientific method and reasoning, which I assure you is not the case. Some of them just don't know.

I would agree with you that science itself is nothing more than a religion.

What where you saying about a hypocrit in denial? You haven't aswered my question, what is your religion? I was merely pointing out your hypocracy, I myself have been hypocrtical many a time, I try to learn from my mistakes though.


Edit to add: I may have a quote that could serve you well.

Religion needs a God, God does not need a religion.

Edit to add more info on cymatics.


[edit on 26-4-2009 by ElectroMagnetic Multivers]

[edit on 26-4-2009 by ElectroMagnetic Multivers]

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 05:11 PM by DangerDeath

Originally posted by Indigo_Childreply to post by DangerDeath

I assume you are Buddhist

Let me present you a scenorio more down to earth.

You are a married police officer, with family and kids, a very good police officer and famous amongst the people for your great skill, valour and virtue. It is because of you society can sleep safe at night knowing that you keep the criminals at bay.

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One day you face the biggest dilemma in your career. You catch your own kid commiting a grave crime against a citizen you are sworn to protect. What do you do? Do you do your duty just as you did it before, or do you make an exception for your kid exercising your moral right as a parent to protect your kid? How does a Buddhist answer this dilemma.

Arjuna had to face exactly the same dilemma. His duty, a duty he accepted himself when he was young, was to protect the people and uphold social justice and righteousness. He has killed before as well yo uphold that duty. Should he suddenly make an exception now just because his opponent are his kin?

In my opinion if he did make that exception it would have been dishonest, inconsistent and cowardice. So Krishna was right to tell him to do his duty and fight. In the end, Arjuna made his own decision on the weight of Krishna's arguments. He was not forced by Krishna, instead Krishna simply awakend him to see the bigger picture.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

I will answer quickly and precisely

This is a false dilemma for a Buddha (not "ordinary" Buddhist). Buddhists (actual Buddhists) do not participate in society. That is a principle. People who call themselves Buddhists, or their confession is Buddhist, do belong to society, but their "destiny" is rather defined by a set of beliefs in karmic process closely related to the idea of reincarnation. They will follow certain advises and precepts, but they cannot compare with devoted followers of Buddha's philosophy (not religion). Still, they are all called Buddhists... This may be a source of confusion.

Buddha's attitude was strictly ethical and it by definition excludes positioning him/her in place of a function in society. Society is based on the principle of division and it is not a holistic entity (like singularity or unity) - a metaphysical existence beyond perception/division.

Nirvana is a metaphysical source (or "place") of all knowledge which is directly opposed to all life, as life is understood as "direct effect of ignorance" ("depending origination": first ignorance ,then from it life, then from it birth, suffering, death, reincarnation.... until karma accomplishes cessation). So Buddhist approach to social problems is simple: out of knowledge of the origins of all suffering, a Buddhist leaves society and resides in the realm of mindfulness and insight - which is a de facto metaphysical realm.

Mindfulness and insight is the only Buddhist action. For instance, Buddhist priests are not to do any actual work, they are "beggars" and fully depend on other people's good will. In practice, it has been regulated differently, through the monastery-donators

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custom, but that is not really Buddha's invention. It is a static compromise. It has nothing to do with active Buddhists.

Of course, as long as we live, it is not possible to attain an ideal situation, so we have to make certain compromises, for good or sometimes for bad. Ideally, a true Buddhist would sacrifice him or herself, rather than hurt someone.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 05:24 PM by secretagent woooman

reply to post by Cthulwho

That's an interesting reference. The out of India theory may be supported by DNA research though, notably the National Geographic project which is tracing very early dna to the area of Northern India and the Caucasus, specifically around Georgia. It will be interesting indeed to see what results further research produces, I think life started in Asia and not Africa but that is my opinion.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 05:27 PM by Indigo_Child

reply to post by News And History

Thank for your comments. I think one thing you have illustrated with eloquence that the ideology you espouse is exactly as I described it. It is anti-Aryan(unnoble) it promotes persecution of Aryan cultures, whom you call Pagans/heathens. If you are speaking like this in the 21st century in an age of supposed secularism and political correctness, you can only imagine how the Abrahmic religious elite were thinking back 2000 years ago.

The fact is the Abrahmic religion deliberately and actively suppressed our Aryan heritage through spreading propoganda, through division, through perversion of Aryan teachings and through persecution of the Heathen/Pagans/Gnostics.

One thing I never quite understood if the Pagan gods's are false, why is it that it is the Abrahmic religion that is the tyrant that condemns anybody that so much as says a good word about them or challenges Abrahic doctrines, to death?

I said it earlier and I'll say it again. You are looking for the devil outside without realising

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that the devil has been living inside for a very very long time.

You gain nothing by supporting such a tyrannical religion. You are none the better for being a member of it. You are angry, contemptful and hateful of others. But you have everything to lose: your real spiritual heritage that can help you become a noble person, a content person, a more compassionate and wiser person in THIS life. No false promises of eternal salvation after you die.

The Abrahmic religion was created purely for the purpose of control to keep the god-men of the religion in power. To keep the masses - you - suppressed, so that they never discover their self-worth and self-power. They are the ones behind all the wars, crusades, inquisitions, exploitation of the poor in the world. Do you really think this is what the genuine god ordains? In that case you worship not god, but the devil.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 05:27 PM by MischeviousElf

Originally posted by DangerDeath

Originally posted by Indigo_ChildIdeally, a true Buddhist would sacrifice him or herself, rather than hurt someone.

And being a true master, and knower of all the VEDAS and studying under many of its masters, this is where The Buddha, through the very thing that the OP states Meditation, and not EXTERNALISED worship of entities, gods etc as in the Hindu Pantheon he was taught, and learnt and mastered, evolved the truths of the Op's thrust to its final and true understanding of any of the truths in the Hindu scripts.

He integrated Bodhicitta to the practises of Hinduistic meditation and life, internalised all locus of control, therefore also not feeding any external deities and became harmonised, or perceived totally the said such universal mind of God discussed in the Hindu tradition and the Veda's. Realising therefore that this mind of god was also accessable within himself, and to take no notice of the rising and falling of the energies within it outside of his own perception and focus within it.

Buddha put the cherry on the cake, so it was complete and total.

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Kind Regards,


[edit on 26-4-2009 by MischeviousElf]

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 05:37 PM by visible_villain

reply to post by Indigo_Child

You said :I want this thread to be an informative and positive one which will re-introduce your Aryan heritage to you ...

I have followed this thread with interest, and with all due respect, would like to take issuewith you regarding, IMHO, your 'unfortunate' use of the term 'Aryan.'

Honestly, again IMHO, you would have been much better advised to have substituted the term 'Vedic' for all instances when the term 'Aryan' has occurred in your posts in this thread.

But, I am getting somewhat 'ahead of myself' here.

Here's where I'm coming from - let's look at a few definitions -


1. The act or process of connoting. 2. An idea or meaning suggested by or associated with a word or thing:

a. Hollywood holds connotations of romance and glittering success. b. The set of associations implied by a word in addition to its literal meaning.

3.Logic. The set of attributes constituting the meaning of a term; intension.

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Source : Answers.com


1. Indo-Iranian. No longer in technical use. 2. A member of the people who spoke the parent language of the Indo-European

languages. No longer in technical use. 3. A member of any people speaking an Indo-European language. No longer in

technical use. 4. In Nazism and neo-Nazism, a non-Jewish Caucasian, especially one of Nordic

type, supposed to be part of a master race.

Source : Answers.com


1. The implicit meaning or theme of a literary text. 2. The underlying personality of a dramatic character as implied or indicated by a

script or text and interpreted by an actor in performance.

Source : Answers.com

Hence, I am thereby asserting here that your use of the term 'Aryan' is unfortunate as well as unskillful.

As we can see from the above definintion of 'Aryan' provided by a common on-line source, all definitions but the 4th are 'no longer in technical use.'

Only the 4th is still 'alive' in people's minds.

'Unfair' though it may be, the term 'Aryan' is now so 'loaded' with 'subtext' that for all practical intents and purposes it is 'poisoned.'

From the title of this thread, and indeed running throughout your posts here is an 'unspoken subtext' of some kind of 'master race,' or 'group superiority' or 'whatever' ...

I am not claiming with certainty this was at all your intention, but because of the 'poisonous' nature of the term 'Aryan' as detailed above, you have done yourself a 'disservice' by this unfortunate and indeed, once again, 'unskillfull' use of language.

Now, on the other hand, if you were already aware of this demonstrated 'subtext' issue, and used the term 'Aryan' anyway, just to make 'some kind of a point,' then you do more

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harm than good.

I am calling you out on this, because clearly, you are quite intelligent, and the 'subtext issue' is not one I would have expected you to miss ...

Is it that you just have a 'big chip' on your shoulder ?

What say you ?

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 05:39 PM by DangerDeath

Basically, but I say this with full awareness that Buddha confirmed his acquired knowledge from others through his own practice and experience - Buddha was very well into the one of the oldest spiritual and ascetic practices of Jainism (the true Giants), which were and still are one of the most formidable practitioners of ahimsa - non-violence. And Buddha was well acquainted with the Yoga philosophical tradition (yoga means yoke, that is "restraint" - meditation and non-action in sense of yielding to affections...).

In my opinion, these spiritual disciplines, which were fully developed in Buddha's time (the time of Heraclitus and other pre-Socratic philosophers, to mention just few) are far older than any civilization in history we are aware of.

In historical times, we can only witness a huge and deadly degradation of this spiritual culture.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 05:51 PM by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

Originally posted by visible_villainreply to post by Indigo_Child

You said :I want this thread to be an informative and positive one which will re-introduce your Aryan heritage to you ...

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I have followed this thread with interest, and with all due respect, would like to take issuewith you regarding, IMHO, your 'unfortunate' use of the term 'Aryan.'

Honestly, again IMHO, you would have been much better advised to have substituted the term 'Vedic' for all instances when the term 'Aryan' has occurred in your posts in this thread.

Oh hell no! That is as good as defeat.

Why allow people to keep associating ONE persons perspective of anything (in this case 'ARYAN') when you can inform them of the true meaning (or at least, it's original meaning), this would help people avoid these things in the future. This has happened the world over, many times and it is the 'way' you are stating that allows it to keep cropping back up, people don't learn!

As we can see from the above definintion of 'Aryan' provided by a common on-line source, all definitions but the 4th are 'no longer in technical use.'

Only the 4th is still 'alive' in people's minds.

Not strictly true, but even if it where, why would you not challenge it!? It is a falsified version of what was originally intended.


Unfair' though it may be, the term 'Aryan' is now so 'loaded' with 'subtext' that for all practical intents and purposes it is 'poisoned.'

To throw out a metaphor, you don't ignore poison, you cure it.

From the title of this thread, and indeed running throughout your posts here is an 'unspoken subtext' of some kind of 'master race,' or 'group superiority' or 'whatever' ...

I agree with you here, there is a subtext, but that is my (our) problem, not the OP's. He is doing his best to get people out of this 'rut of subtext' and where as I don't agree with a

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few of the things he says, aswell as how he says them (IMO, he gives the impression that his is the right way) he shouldn't change the original form to suit the current audience.

What say you ?


reply to post by Indigo_Child

So what you are saying, the billions of souls which are not familiar with the language of the soul - Sanskrit - will never attain enlightenment or experience the higher regions. If one regularly attends to meditation and has a deep desire but uses the Mantra, for example 'I seek the truth my infinite creator' they will never find that truth. That would be totally unfair

and makes the creator, {which i believe we are an expression of and experiencing as one}, an elitist based on discriminatory factors. Or are you going to say 'this all depends on Karma', which in itself is an illusion due to the 'Veil of Forgetfulness'. How can language be a barrier to the Infinite Creator whose creation this is supposed to be.........all seeing all being creator?!? Does not one express love in many different languages and many different ways. All of which are reciprocated as the expression has the same meanings. Would not the creator indeed be of an inferior nature if the souls desires cannot be understood in any language.

Indigo_child you have not answered my previous question on Depopulation.....Is it indeed a Spiritual understanding / awareness, which has resulted in your predictions?

Many so called spiritualist and insightful souls such as Hidden Hand, who attended here in October '08, with very plausible views and expressions beyond that of this realm. They appear, at one point to be genuine but alas it transpires their knowledge is that of books and research and not of Experience.....i hope your knowledge is of that of the latter.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 06:02 PM by visible_villain

reply to post by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

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You said :Oh hell no! That is as good as defeat.

It is what it is, my friend.

The term 'Aryan' is 'completely toxic.'

It's use in any 'positive endeavor' is totally counterproductive.

Any reasoning you can present to the contrary will be faulty.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 06:07 PM by thenothingorchid

Originally posted by visible_villainreply to post by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

You said :Oh hell no! That is as good as defeat.

It is what it is, my friend.

The term 'Aryan' is 'completely toxic.'

It's use in any 'positive endeavor' is totally counterproductive.

Any reasoning you can present to the contrary will be faulty.

Well I don't know about you, but i'm not going to let a bunch of dictators and fascists

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mold my vocabulary.

If Aryans are ever going to be able to reclaim our culture, then we can't change our name just to make a bunch of people who can't pick up a history book happy.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 06:09 PM by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

Originally posted by visible_villainreply to post by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

You said :Oh hell no! That is as good as defeat.

It is what it is, my friend.

The term 'Aryan' is 'completely toxic.'

It's use in any 'positive endeavor' is totally counterproductive.

Any reasoning you can present to the contrary will be faulty.

I'm sure it is. Seems like a cosey little corner you've got yourself there, best for me not to disturb you.


Edit to add, I have no idea whether or not I'm 'Aryan', I was more pointing out the 'counterproductive method' visible villain was 'advising', to allow people to 'ignore' past discretions. You don't ignore a problem, you deal with it and move on.

And also!

So what you are saying, the billions of souls which are not familiar with the language of

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the soul - Sanskrit - will never attain enlightenment or experience the higher regions. If one regularly attends to meditation and has a deep desire but uses the Mantra, for example 'I seek the truth my infinite creator' they will never find that truth. That would be totally unfair and makes the creator, {which i believe we are an expression of and experiencing as one}, an elitist based on discriminatory factors. Or are you going to say 'this all depends on Karma', which in itself is an illusion due to the 'Veil of Forgetfulness'. How can language be a barrier to the Infinite Creator whose creation this is supposed to be.........all seeing all being creator?!?

I was thinking along the same lines, it is partly the reason I asked the question about cymatics, since it wouldn't be the language that mattered, but the sounds spoken, 'incantations' if that helps you visualise my meaning.


[edit on 26-4-2009 by ElectroMagnetic Multivers]

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 06:10 PM by DangerDeath

reply to post by visible_villain

The usage of the expression "Aryan" is quite consensual. I agree that Vedanta may be a better choice.

Something else. It is interesting, Serbian (Slavic) language is one of the most closely related to Sanskrit.

In Serbian, "vedeti" (not in use anymore) means "knowing", and the verb "videti" (to see) is directly derived from it. In Sanskrit "vidya" is knowledge.


There is a phrase in Serbian folklore "Indian books", referring to certain very old, prehistoric knowledge (but maybe also to the Codex of Mani, which is from historic times). Still, the usage of "Indian" rather than Persian, indicates much older tradition.

"Budan" in Serbian means "awake" = Buddho in Sanskrit. Practically the same word.

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These are only very few examples as a proof that connections between prehistoric peoples were very close at certain point, but were pushed deep into the darkness of historic times. The research on these connection is gaining momentum and soon there will be a serious revision of the "official" historical theories.

In historic times many nations disappeared, especially when they were conquered by someone, their language and name cease to "exist". But really? There are ways to revive it all, hopefully.

And the science of genetics will certainly give some answers on what really happened.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 06:11 PM by thenothingorchid

Originally posted by light_soundreply to post by Indigo_Child

So what you are saying, the billions of souls which are not familiar with the language of the soul - Sanskrit - will never attain enlightenment or experience the higher regions. If one regularly attends to meditation and has a deep desire but uses the Mantra, for example 'I seek the truth my infinite creator' they will never find that truth. That would be totally unfair

and makes the creator, {which i believe we are an expression of and experiencing as one}, an elitist based on discriminatory factors. Or are you going to say 'this all depends on Karma', which in itself is an illusion due to the 'Veil of Forgetfulness'. How can language be a barrier to the Infinite Creator whose creation this is supposed to be.........all seeing all being creator?!? Does not one express love in many different languages and many different ways. All of which are reciprocated as the expression has the same meanings. Would not the creator indeed be of an inferior nature if the souls desires cannot be understood in any language.

Indigo_child you have not answered my previous question on Depopulation.....Is it indeed a Spiritual understanding / awareness, which has resulted in your predictions?

Many so called spiritualist and insightful souls such as Hidden Hand, who attended here in October '08, with very plausible views and expressions beyond that of this realm. They appear, at one point to be genuine but alas it transpires their knowledge is that of books and research and not of Experience.....i hope your knowledge is of that of the latter.

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I think you may have missed the OP's post about the gravity behind the Sanskrit language. The words are just as important as the sounds the words make. It is a mystery, wrapped in a science, just as much as it is the original language of the Aryans. I think someone may be playing Devil's advocate a little to quickly here.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 06:12 PM by huckfinn

I am confused. None of the Aryan want to tell me their feelings concerning the Illustrious Leader, Reza Pahlavi.

I figure it like this...if Aryans and Reza Pahlavi are on a mission to reclaim their culture, I want to know where to point these nukes...that sounds like trouble a brewing.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 06:23 PM by DangerDeath

reply to post by huckfinn

Reza Pahlavi is dead.

May he rest in pieces.

So we now have only to deal with the HungAryan, BulgAryan, and of course with MalArya.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 06:24 PM by visible_villain

reply to post by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

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You said :I'm sure it is. Seems like a cosey little corner you've got yourself there, best for me not to disturb you.

Suit yourself.

My 'judgement', or 'advice' as you put it, is sound.

Why people get hung up on 'semantics' is still quite mysterious to me ...

Good luck.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 06:26 PM by Indigo_Child

reply to post by DangerDeath

Ascestic philosophy, you got to love it

Suppose everybody became Buddhist and there is no society. How are newborn children going to learn? Who is going to feed them? Who is going to manufacture the clothes, build the homes, irrigate and farm the fields, treat the ill and injured, protect against enemies and animals?

You say Buddhism is not a religion, but in my opinion the philosophy you describe is very religious and very destructive, selfish and lazy. If followed sincerely would lead to the extinction of the human race. It is sophistry, it sounds nice on paper of everybody retiring to a mountain or cave and meditating all their life, but it is impractical in the real world. In the real world we need society and its many divisions to keep it going. We need our schools to become educated, we need leaders to govern us, we need our artisans and workers to build homes, roads for us. We need our doctors and scientists to ease our ills. We need our armies to protect us. Simply put we need society and society needs us.

Krishna successfuly refutes this sophistic doctrine in the Gita. I will cite his argument which is completely agreeable to the intellect:

Arjuna: If it be thought by Thee that knowledge is superior to action, O Krishna, why then, O Kesava, dost Thou ask me to engage in this terrible action?

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With these apparently perplexing words Thou confusest, as it were, my understanding; therefore, tell me that one way for certain by which I may attain bliss.

Krishna: In this world there is a twofold path, as I said before, O sinless one,—the path of knowledge of the Sankhyas and the path of action of the Yogis!

Not by the non-performance of actions does man reach actionlessness, nor by mere renunciation does he attain to perfection.

COMMENTARY: Even if a man abandons action, his mind may be active. One cannot reach perfection or freedom from action or knowledge of the Self, merely by renouncing action. He must possess knowledge of the Self.

Verily none can ever remain for even a moment without performing action; for, everyone is made to act helplessly indeed by the qualities born of Nature.

COMMENTARY: The ignorant man is driven to action helplessly by the actions of the Gunas—Rajas, Tamas and Sattwa.

He who, restraining the organs of action, sits thinking of the sense-objects in mind, he, of deluded understanding, is called a hypocrite.

But whosoever, controlling the senses by the mind, O Arjuna, engages himself in Karma Yoga with the organs of action, without attachment, he excels!

Do thou perform thy bounden duty, for action is superior to inaction and even the maintenance of the body would not be possible for thee by inaction.

The world is bound by actions other than those performed for the sake of sacrifice; do thou, therefore, O son of Kunti, perform action for that sake (for sacrifice) alone, free from attachment!

(The commentaries are by Swami Sivananda)


Arjuna asks Krishna that if knowledge is the highest virtue(I agree, look at my sig) then why does Krishna urge him to fight, why cannot Arjuna just retire into a forest or mountain and meditate and gain knowledge. In other words your ascetic doctine.

Krishna explains that if one does not act, they are not commiting to non-action. In fact their decision to not act is an action itself. The real deteminents of their actions and non-actions are the unconscious forces which are always acting. They do not cease acting as long as you are in time. If I say I am a non-actor and and decide to do nothing, not even move, this will not stop time from acting on me, it will not stop the electrical currents and organs from running in my body, it will not stop the Earth from revolving, it will not stop

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the solar system from from travelling in the galaxy, it will not stop others from acting on me. So the truth is I cannot cease to act, I am acting every moment.

So even our non-actions actually create actions for us. If you being a buddhist see an innocent person being hurt and it is within your power to help that person, but you do not, then your inaction is generating an action. The laws of karma state that every action will generate a reaction and hence your non-action will generate a reaction. Therefore if you continuely choose to non-act you will continously generate reactions and be stuck in a vicious loop. Hence why Krishna tells Arjuna that one must act, because one cannot help it, but if one acts for sacrifice i.e., selfless action one is not subject to the laws of karma.

How does one act selflessly? A Vedic maxim says, "All for society, nothing for me" when you cease being the doer and actor and rather dedicate your life to the betterment of others you are acting selflessly and your work is not binding, but liberating(karma yoga)

[edit on 26-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 06:28 PM by huckfinn

Originally posted by DangerDeathreply to post by huckfinn

Reza Pahlavi is dead.

May he rest in pieces.

So we now have only to deal with the HungAryan, BulgAryan, and of course with MalArya.

If Reza Pahlavi is dead who then is managing his website and giving speeches on Iranian Democracy.

Wait, how long have I been asleep.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 06:28 PM by thenothingorchid

Originally posted by huckfinnI am confused. None of the Aryan want to tell me their feelings concerning the Illustrious Leader, Reza Pahlavi.

I figure it like this...if Aryans and Reza Pahlavi are on a mission to reclaim their culture, I want to know where to point these nukes...that sounds like trouble a brewing.

I believe your question was already answered in a previous post. We are talking about a culture that spans thousands of years. You are talking about a dynasty that gained power in 1925. Maybe you should reformulate your argument, whatever that may be, and pay attention more. Maybe pick up a history book.

I promise you that when we reclaim our culture for good, the sky won't fall down, and the earth won't stop turning.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 06:37 PM by DangerDeath

reply to post by Indigo_Child

Oh, that's easy. There will be no more children to worry about

He who, restraining the organs of action, sits thinking of the sense-objects in mind, he, of deluded understanding, is called a hypocrite.

Thinking and meditating is by no means the same. Meditation, analytical observation is very different from "reflection", to which is here obviously referred as "thinking".

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The real action is the understanding (knowledge) because it resolves all conflicts on the ethical levels and the man of knowledge does not get involved in such deluding dilemmas in the first place, by means of anticipation. Therefore this is the only true action (of mindfulness and insight) and action in sense of reacting to the input of gunas is in reality - reaction.

And that is a perfect karma generator.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by DangerDeath]

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 06:37 PM by thenothingorchid

Originally posted by visible_villainreply to post by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

You said :I'm sure it is. Seems like a cosey little corner you've got yourself there, best for me not to disturb you.

Suit yourself.

My 'judgement', or 'advice' as you put it, is sound.

Why people get hung up on 'semantics' is still quite mysterious to me ...

Good luck.

Are we sure we know what "semantics" means? And i'm going to go ahead and disagree with you about your "judgment" being "sound." Saying that th word "Aryan" shouldn't be used to refer to a culture is like saying we shouldn't refer to anyone in the US as "Americans." We committed Genocide, have invaded multiple countries, and are the only civilization on earth who have ever used nuclear weapons on civilian populations. So shouldn't we call ourselves something else, according to your "sound judgment?"

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Or maybe you mean that because the way we are using the word "Aryan" isn't relevant anymore, that we should stop using it?

Well, in that case, call off the excavations. We don't need to know what's under the sand. Stop learning a foreign language, because your friends and colleagues won't know what you're saying when you're talking to someone from Korea!!! Don't bother getting educated at all!

Have I understood you correctly?

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 06:42 PM by Indigo_Child

reply to post by DangerDeath

Hehe, exactly, which is why I said if one follows this philosophy sincerely it would lead to the extinction of the human race.

By the way have you heard of the theory that the reason for the decline of India and its fall to many invaders was because it had adopted Buddhist philosophy?

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 06:46 PM by DangerDeath

Originally posted by huckfinn

Originally posted by DangerDeathreply to post by huckfinn

Reza Pahlavi is dead.

May he rest in pieces.

So we now have only to deal with the HungAryan, BulgAryan, and of course with MalArya.

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If Reza Pahlavi is dead who then is managing his website and giving speeches on Iranian Democracy.

Wait, how long have I been asleep.

Maybe his wife?

Aha! There's another one!

Sorry, I meant the late Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the father of Reza Pahlavi, who died in 1980. How confusing...

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 06:50 PM by DangerDeath

Originally posted by Indigo_Childreply to post by DangerDeath

Hehe, exactly, which is why I said if one follows this philosophy sincerely it would lead to the extinction of the human race.

By the way have you heard of the theory that the reason for the decline of India and its fall to many invaders was because it had adopted Buddhist philosophy?

After Ashoka united most of India, he proclaimed Buddhism the state religion. Well, so what? When Genghis Khan started his conquests he beat almost everyone... And his successors, and other great empires fell. Rome fell, Byzantine fell... they were certainly not Buddhist people.

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In India, Buddhism was relatively quickly immersed into Hindu tradition. I've heard that there are no more than 2 million Buddhists in India today.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 06:56 PM by audas

Originally posted by News And Historyreply to post by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

Atheists are religious too. They have their own system of beliefs. A lot of them even believe in "magic" (ie: "evolution"; monkeys, who become human, & other theories). Of course, miracles are real, and magic is trickery. Your definitions of "atheism" & "hypocrite" are probably amusing to read to others, but I wouldn't bother adopting your beliefs or man-made religions. Stick with the truth & light of the universe. Even Christians "try" to do that, as well as other seekers of truth.

Atheism Religion

Google Video Link

[edit on 26-4-2009 by News And History]

No - No we don't - we base our thoughts on the best of our knowledge on the facts before us, religious people have a belief system, it is not based on knowledge it is based on belief, all the facts point to their being no god, that religions are man made to enslave society in a control structure and that life as we know it has evolved over billions of years. Religious beliefs are simply told to children and they believe it. You can not believe facts, for they are facts, you can of course deny facts and believe lies. Religion is a lie - pure and simple.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 07:00 PM by Indigo_Child

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reply to post by light_sound

No, I am not at all saying that those do not know Sanskrit are spiritually doomed. I said that Sanskrit is the language of Mantras and it is the only language that Mantras can be constructed in. This language is the closest to our universal language of thoughts, which is a language every living entity can speak. This is why Naom Chomsky, who was an admirer of Sanskrit, dreamed of a universal language just like it.

What Sanskrit Mantra do is help arrange vibrations in such a manner that they create a certain thought-forms within your mind which are so powerful that have profound effects on your mind and in higher states of consciousness they reveal encoded meanings which the composer of the Mantra encoded them with. Many mantras for example are encoded with geometrical patterns(mandalas/yantras) which are able to form your consciousness into patterns that perfectly channel certain powers of the universe. Hence why each Mantra has a purpose.

But Mantras are only aids and I personally do not use mantras for my meditations. Nobody needs anything external to meditate, and in fact external aids are considered by the Aryans to be necessariy onlyfor the lesser developed minds, the more developed minds can meditate on pure emptiness itself and reach the highest states of being.

Regarding the depopulation question. Why not pose the same question to me in the other thread so as not to derail this one with an off-topic discussion

[edit on 26-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

[edit on 26-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 07:00 PM by DangerDeath

reply to post by audas

Very much agree. Knowledge will lead you to God, as knowledge itself is the force, and no mystification there or manipulation. While belief is certainly not a "leap of faith", it is rather an "act" (reaction) of ignoranceand an emotional state like "fear" or "self pity".

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Religion is always an attempt to subjugate people by offering them a surrogate of knowledge, and is always supported by raw power of the ruling caste.

I understand where your hope lies, but language itself is a second grade mediator only, the first mediator is the ability called speech. And being a mediator (medium) it is actually separating oneself from "god" rather than "uniting" with it.

Knowledge, or understanding, on the other hand, when it reaches its object - truth, does it in direct manner (intuition - insight) and does not need a medium.

Medium as language is only used in an attempt to systematically articulate and relate this knowledge in order to overcome the confusion of reflective mind, and so it "pacifies" it.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 07:10 PM by Indigo_Child

reply to post by DangerDeath

Hindus and Buddhists co-existed with each other all along. Are you familiar with the famous Buddhist university of Nalanda? It taught both both Hindu subjects and Buddhist subjects. The distinction between the Buddhists and Hindus is considered by many Hindus and Buddhists alike, especially in India, to be artificial. I have read on both and Ihave not really seen any major differences.

The reason Buddhists are such a minoirty in India today is because they were hated with a passion by the Muslims invaders, even more than the Hindus. They destroyed all Buddhist universities and monestaries and caused many Buddhists to flee or convert. This is because they considered Buddhists to be atheists and could not tolerate them. They were very brutal to the Buddhists.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 07:12 PM by huckfinn

reply to post by thenothingorchid

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Reclaiming ones culture is fantastic. I just hope this doesn't end like the last time some people calling themselves Aryans tried to reclaim something they said was taken from them.

I'm sure things will turn out differently for you though. With Reza Pahlavi at your side how can you go wrong?

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 07:15 PM by DangerDeath

Originally posted by Indigo_Childreply to post by DangerDeath

Hindus and Buddhists co-existed with each other all along. Are you familiar with the famous Buddhist university of Nalanda? It taught both both Hindu subjects and Buddhist subjects. The distinction between the Buddhists and Hindus is considered by many Hindus and Buddhists like, especially in India, to be artificial. I have read on both and I have not really seen any major differences.

The reason Buddhists are such a minoirty in India today is because they were hated with a passion by the Muslims invaders, even more than the Hindus. They destroyed all Buddhist universities and monestaries and caused many Buddhists to flee or convert. This is because they considered Buddhists to be atheists and could not tolerate them. They were very brutal to the Buddhists.

Oh yes, the Taliban destroyed Buddha's statues in Afghanistan recently. Such a great feat of faith!

Well, Buddha is hated by many Christians too, that is a fact. Some of them consider him next to Satan.

The reason for Buddhism being pushed aside is because it is not really applicable to any form of society. It is a strictly ethical philosophy and it doesn't like to make compromises. For that matter, it is appreciated in some sciences, same as Descartes' analytical method, or as an existentialist philosophy, and is applicable in arts (as a method) and by all those who seek self realization, but concrete appliance in society is just wishful thinking. It is opposed to any kind of violence and that's it.

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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 07:19 PM by MischeviousElf

Originally posted by Indigo_Childreply to post by DangerDeath

Ascestic philosophy, you got to love it

Suppose everybody became Buddhist and there is no society.

Really what are you going on about?

All the Hindu ascetics charging for snake dancers etc, and retiring to mangrooves to meditate, what about them?

Why do Buddhist communities in your opinion stop society?

Really what are you talking about....sources.

How are newborn children going to learn?

MMM in schools like they do in Buddhist, christain, muslim, hindu, and western societies?

Who is going to feed them?

Their parents?

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Are they all to born from lotus's or something?

Who is going to manufacture the clothes, build the homes, irrigate and farm the fields,

The factory workers? Builders? farmers?

treat the ill and injured,

Oh god if your christian be careful the mother of modern hospitals and nursing Florence Nightingale was a Nun , quick beware the children will starve and fields go bad.... Or the current Mentally ill and orphanage kids being helped by Buddhist Monks in all of Asia... beware..

protect against enemies and animals?

The army? well cant do much about a funnel web in the shoe...

You say Buddhism is not a religion, but in my opinion the philosophy you describe is very religious

Maybe but very difficult to really say so, as there is no GODS to WORSHIP and SUPPLICATE to.

and very destructive,

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How so? to societies or the individuals?

selfish and lazy.

What like asking a God to help you with a self imposed and created problem?

If followed sincerely would lead to the extinction of the human race.

Like the Yoga's?

It is sophistry, it sounds nice on paper of everybody retiring to a mountain or cave and meditating all their life, but it is impractical in the real world.

I know th main emphasise of the veda's was such a devotion and following of God's desires, so what happened in the pre Buddhist Asia where the Aryans not followers of God's desires enough?

Are you therefore a bit threatened that maybe the Buddhist faith followers would actually follow the teachings of their scriptures more closely than the Hindu's did?

In the real world

Well well that is very telling for a dream of god no?

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we need society and its many divisions to keep it going.

I believe so to, who ever in the Buddhist tradition ever said anything diffarant for the householders?

We need our schools to become educated, we need leaders to govern us, we need our artisans and workers to build homes, roads for us. We need our doctors and scientists to ease our ills.

Why are you stating well known universal facts about human society in an apparent argument against another faith that never said anything different?

We need our armies to protect us.

Well that is a matter of interpretation, however I am sure you knew about Shakamuni Buddha being a Clan leader? And also in some previous lives leading his men in defense of the innocent WHEN attacked first?

Simply put we need society and society needs us.

Lol the biggest non a priori I have ever seen stated.

Krishna successfuly refutes this sophistic doctrine in the Gita. I will cite his argument which is completely agreeable to the intellect:

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Do you actually know he said it? as oppossed to the actual historical and separate country, and faiths records of the Buddha's existence and acts and preachings?

If you have proof of such a thing, of which the Buddha's is accepted in Historical Research circumstances as being more substantive than any prrof of Jesus outside the Bible... well if you have such proof of Krishna... you are on for about 20 Nobel Prizes, and WILL be on the front of Time magazine, and top of all News for months to come.

How does one act selflessly? A Vedic maxim says, "All for society, nothing for me" when you cease being the doer and actor and rather dedicate your life to the betterment of others you are acting selflessly and your work is not binding, but liberating(karma yoga)

This is true, however as stated the origin of such actual words is unprovable now as the age. I fell like in the very Abrahamic religions you dislike, the original wisdom was adulterated, to allow a form of control over the populus, by powerful political, or early egotistical Brahmans. So the twist of all for society (because a leader or religious figure says so) is made.

Society surely is the society of humanity? All man.

Kind Regards,


[edit on 26-4-2009 by MischeviousElf]