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negatecit(y) counterfeit Dr. Rae Gene ________ Our Hollow Earth Groundbreaking. distributed by TCBL Press negatecit(y) A Rational Defense of the series [] 666 ISBN-808-0-12345-666-5 Hollow Earth Theory

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  • negatecit(y)counterfeit

    Dr. Rae Gene________

    Our Hollow Earth


    distributed by TCBL Press negatecit(y)

    A Rational Defense of the

    series [] 666 ISBN-808-0-12345-666-5

    Hollow Earth Theory


    O_o 2011 by Agent Dogget, Fifth Circle, Hell.

    Lol rights reserved. Any part of this lil nugget may be reproduced, stored in a box

    of Bojangles, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, vegetable,

    mineral, venereal, telekinetic, dipped in butttermilk ranch, or otherwise, without

    prior permission of the publisher.

    Published by Negatecit(y)

    1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, District of Columbia 42012


    Thanks to Dr. Lipchitsz.

    Inside Cover: Principle Buttsavage

    Design: Chalky Studebaker.

    ISBN: 808-0-12345-666-5

    Distributed by Some Sort of Club or Something,

    Printed in My United States ofWhatevuh

    On the Earth's Surface

    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

  • negatecit(y) counterfeit series___________________________

    [] 069: Christian Marazzi: The Violence of Financial Capital

    [] 123: Lenin, Debord, Newton, Aufheben, Broadus & Young:

    Introduction to Insurrection in America, '65 '92

    [] 360: Daniel McNugget: Stains on Silence

    [] 420: Emily St: Corrupt Minds, Animate(d) Bodies

    [] 666: Dr. Rae Gene: Our Hollow Earth

    [] 808: Aufheben: Explaining the Crisis

    Dr. Rae Gene____________

    Our Hollow EarthA Rational Defense of the

    Hollow Earth Theory


    series [] 666

  • Imperative / 33

  • worldwide authority has been covering-up a secret massive discovery

    (keep in mind that this potential discovery is far larger and more

    important than the discovery of the “new world”) , then we, the people,

    have the right to know the truth of it and the right to do with that

    knowledge what we want. These discoveries could be absolutely

    invaluable to the salvation of the human race and, like all other public

    space, they belong to the people, not to the government. It is our

    imperative, therefore, to learn the secrets that have been kept from us

    and claim them for the people of the world.

    32 / Our Hollow Earth



    1. The Most Important Expiditionin the History of the World

    2. The Burden of Discovery

    3. Eyewitness Accounts/Theoretical Basis

    4. The Danger and the CoverUp

    5. Scientific Backing

    6. Imperative








  • 6


    Caroline Merchant says that “the true goal of science is the

    management of the earth and it’s beings by any means.” Keeping in

    mind that many of the “facts” that we have been taught since we were

    young are themselves subjective and malleable, we see that the

    Baconian way that science has been set up in our modern society has

    been implemented to maintain the illusion that we need capitalism,

    that we need governing and that we need protection. As long as science

    is able to maintain the illusion that a top-down system is necessary for

    humanity’s survival, we will never be free from oppression.

    While there is little tangible evidence for the hollow earth theory, I

    contend that this is because it is being hidden from the general public.

    In addition, there is actually little tangible evidence to the contrary: our

    deepest bored hole into the earth’s crust is the SG-3 borehole in Siberia,

    which goes only 7.6 miles into the earth’s crust.

    The rest of our hesitations and our misgivings about the idea that

    the earth is hollow comes from those facts that we were taught were

    “fact” since we were young. Seeing these ideas for the propaganda that

    they really are, however, we see that the world is far more complex and

    mysterious than we can imagine.

    We do not know the truth about the inside of the earth. This much is

    clear. It may very well be solid or it may be hollow. If, however, our


  • Swiss Architect Christian Waldvogel’s Globus Cassus is a

    proposed conceptual transformation of the earth into an artificial

    ecosphere with an energy source on the inside. With an internal sun,

    Waldvogel says, the living components inhabiting the inner-circle will

    get far more energy than those on the outside, as we have now. His

    ideas were internationall recognized by the Venice Architecture

    Bicentenialle (with a Gold Medal award) and at the Leipzeig Book Fair,

    it is now an open-source project, able to be reviewed, criticized and

    altered by people worldwide.

    Astronomer Marshall Gardener (himself a Hollow Earth

    Theorist) cites many astrological findings as proof that an internal sun

    is possible. Photographs of many distant stars, planets and nebulas

    seem to show glowing holes and flattened tops, suggesting internal

    energy sources inside of their structures. He also points to the Lyra

    Nebula as an example of how a celestial structure can be created by

    attracting space-matter around a large, gravitational mass (like a central

    sun) and encasing it entirely. He points to many galaxies as proof of the

    central sun, saying that it is a celestial normality to have a central

    nucleus with matter projecting and rotating around it.

    30 / Our Hollow Earth

    The only solution is to question everything.

  • 5

    Scientific Backing

    Our scientific understanding of this hollow earth on a legitimate and

    credible level is slim. This comes from a general lack of public

    knowledge about the studies being done in this realm. There have been

    numerous books and studies published on this matter from a variety of

    sources, and though some contain useful knowledge and legitimizing

    scientific explanations for how this system might work, many others

    can be easily debunked.

    What we do know is that there are a number of scientific

    inconsistencies in our understanding of how the world works. At the

    same time, several scientific and architectural theories suggest that the

    idea of a hollow earth is indeed possible:

    Architect and mathematician Freeman Dyson’s “Dyson Sphere” is

    a megastructure that he proposed is the long-term consequence of a

    society in need of escalating energy needs for long-term survival. The

    structure itself resembles a hollow earth with an energy source (like the

    internal sun) inside of it, with all of the living components on the

    inside crust of the circle. Dyson suggests that this system is the best

    way to optimize the energy output from the primary energy source (the

    internal sun), and that the inhabitants of the inside-circle can get far

    more energy from that than from our conventional way of thinking

    about how we get solar energy (surface living) .


  • 28 / Our Hollow Earth



    It is a great injustice to accept any information at face value: the

    unquestioning acceptance of authority and its propaganda is what turns

    many well-meaning people into pawns of larger, more insidious

    entities. Indeed, with Julian Assange and Wikileaks continuing to make

    headlines, it is no longer a fringe or far-fetched idea that worldwide

    authorities are keeping secrets from the people.

    To those of us with radical/leftist-leaning political ideologies, it is

    an absolute crime to accept so-called “facts” as undeniable and

    unchallengeable truths. Never has the disconnect between fact and

    truth been quite so pronounced as this very point in history—the

    global authority of the ruling class has firmly pressed it’s boot against

    the world’s throat and continues to force-feed manufactured statistics

    and pie-charts about why everything is going to be alright.

    Unfortunately, there are many who still buy it: the government

    has only to stamp the hot-button-post-9/11 “Matter of National

    Security” stamp onto anything to make it taboo and untouchable to

    thousands. Indeed, the imprisonment and malignment of Private

    Bradley Manning (the US solider who faces 52 years in solitary

    confinement for leaking “classified” information to Wikileaks) made it

    clear to us that many Americans are okay with being lied to as long as

    the government tells us that it is for our own good. Unfortunately, this


  • line of thought is a slippery slope, and strict adherence to the idea that

    our government “only has our best interests in mind” and is really “only

    trying to protect us” will end us in an Orwellian-type society sooner

    than we know.

    Surely, the prevalence of Wikileaks and other organizations such

    as the Sunshine Project (a massive project aimed at declassifying secret

    military projects from the 1940s-1950s, which brought to light plans for

    several weapons of “uncommon ordinance” worth over $7.5 billion)

    have put several not-so-great stigmas surrounding conspiracy theories

    to rest. Clearly, we’re not the crazy ones—clearly, you’re being lied to.

    Whether one subscribes to the idea that there exists an X-Files-esque

    shadow government secretly ruling the planet (high-placed sources say

    that this isn’t really so far from the truth) or your beliefs are less

    intense, it is plain now that the government is hiding things from the


    One last great bastion of rigorous mania that has yet to be

    adequately breached and subjected to rational, credible criticism is the

    phenomenon of "sciences." Even our own allies, the atheists, the

    materialists, the nihilists, tend to take a staunch, stubborn view on what

    can and cannot be accepted as “Scientifically Valid.” In this realm, the

    stamp of Scientifically Valid is equitable to Truth, but this “Science-as-

    God” approach ignores the fact that the authority that decides this

    validity is the same common enemy that conspires to perpetuate the

    status-quo ofdominance and oppression.

    In her critique of Sir Francis Bacon’s Utopia (in which all of the

    society in his fictional Utopia “Bensalem” is ruled by an elite group of

    technocratic scientists called “Salomon’s House”) , Val Plumwood points

    out a distinct authoritarian top-down power structure maintained by

    the scientist-rulers. The rulers in Salomon’s House keep their

    discoveries secret or release them to the public based on their

    usefulness in maintaining their power and control over the rest of


    Few scientific discoveries in the past several hundred years have

    gone against the agenda of maintaining the ruling class—science,

    therefore, and those who examine it, utilize it and teach it, are doing so

    10 / Our Hollow Earth

    bases on the southern continent) . Any valuable discovery must have

    been kept from the enemy, so that any knowledge or resources

    extracted from the project could be used during wartime.

    Bernard and others contend that Byrd and other explorers were

    silenced in the public arena, but that their discoveries have been

    expanded upon and used for decades by authorities worldwide. They

    contend that the US government, among others, has been conducting

    secret scientific and military operations about the earth’s interior, and

    have been maintaining that high level of secrecy about their discoveries

    since World War II.

    The Danger and the CoverUp / 27

  • were attempting to monitor humanity to ensure that we did not destroy

    the planet.

    Others contend that the hollow earth contains dinosaurs or other

    large animals and plants long-extinct from the earth’s surface, and that

    every now and then one makes the transition through one of the

    entrances in the crust to the surface. This is why we find astonishingly

    preserved (and new) Megalodon skeletons and exotic tropical pollens

    encased in ice in the Antarctic, or why there are so many sightings of

    fantastic beings high in the Himalayan Mountains.

    Whatever the case, there is a significant body of evidence that

    supports the idea of openings to deep within the earth, and this theory

    would validate a great deal of scientific inconsistencies about our view

    of how the world works. Regardless of whether or not you believe that

    there is indeed a race of superhumans living inside, there is certainly

    enough consistent eyewitness data and theory to merit continued study.

    And yet, instead we are still spoon-fed the idea that the earth is hollow

    and taught that it is infallible.

    If the earth is indeed hollow, it is, as Bernard says, “the greatest

    geographical discovery in history.” Certainly making a discovery of this

    magnitude would be worth the cost of further investigation. And yet

    there have been no major investigations into this subject in modern

    science…that we know of.

    We must consider the context that these discoveries were made

    in: even the earliest expansive explorations of the North and South

    Poles were made in times of great conflict. Nations spied on one

    another extensively and went to great lengths to protect their secrets.

    Therefore, if anything were discovered of this magnitude, it would

    never have become public knowledge because the first nation to

    discover and unlock the secrets of the hollow earth would want to fully

    use it to their advantage.

    In order to do that, the discovering nation must have kept it a

    secret from everyone. This would involve top secret investigation and

    study, and any large-scale operations needed to continue study would

    have to be done with a more legitimizing backstory (such as Operation

    Highjump or Operation Deepfreeze, whose purposes were to establish

    26 / Our Hollow Earth

    at the behest of a Baconian-esque government where scientific facts are

    either kept secret or revealed to the public based on their usage to the

    rulers. We can therefore see that the so-called “practical sciences” are

    indeed very much biased towards the agenda of those that fund them:

    the mouth cannot bite the hand that feeds. "Modern Science," therefore,

    has effectively become a tool of those in power—a means to win the

    support of and pacify the academics, the nihilists and the materialists.

    This method is twofold: the release and education of scientific

    material has been effectively institutionalized and beauracraticized in

    the creation of strict and rigid counsels, organizations and institutions

    given credibility and authority to stamp things as “Scientifically Valid.”

    Every one of these organizations has been created and continues to be

    propped up by the backing authority for as long as the discoveries

    being made, released and taught are of use to them. Indeed, without the

    stamp of approval from the mainstream amorphous monster of the

    “Scientific Community,” no discovery is given credibility and is open to

    ridicule and dismissal. Without the approval of the highly-regulated

    Public School Systems, nothing terribly “fringe,” “out of the norm,” or

    even “dangerous” passes as academic or even plausible.

    Just as important as maintaining control of the means of

    discovery-and-release, however, is the unflinching and ever-vigilant

    silencing of more radical or out-of-the-norm discoveries that might

    challenge the strict manufactured scientific reality that the authority

    tells us we live in. This is done first by covering up and buying-out all

    available tangible proof of these discoveries, or by closing the

    possibility for further study. Once this is done, the government begins a

    vicious smear campaign and begins ridiculing and maligning the

    discovery and all associated parties. In doing so, they are able to

    discredit and silence all dissenting opinions and discoveries, leaving the

    dissenters humiliated and academically undesirable.

    The only solution is to question everything. We must assume that

    our government-backed system of education has lied to us in the same

    way that they lied to us about so many other things. Science is not an

    untouchable truth: there are dissenting opinions to almost all generally

    accepted “scientific facts” that have been put down, humiliated and shut

    Breaking Ground / 11

  • out of mainstream means of distributing their discoveries. Many of

    these discoveries are those that the worldwide authority found too

    radical, too dangerous and too threatening to the status-quo that

    science is supposed to aid in maintaining. For this reason, it is these

    very discoveries that merit exhumation and re-examination: it is these

    that could provide the scientific backing to a more egalitarian and

    ecological “Utopia” as we, the oppressed, might imagine it.

    In the following pages, therefore, I urge the reader to abandon

    their preconceived notions about the truths they think they might

    know. The reader must accept that all that we know comes from a top-

    down educational system designed to keep the status quo, and that this

    agenda skews and biases all discoveries and lesson plans made on

    modern scientific theory. Theories not conforming to the set guidelines

    for maintaining the status quo present a direct threat to one of the

    authority’s most vital and important means of controlling the masses.

    Like all threats to their legitimacy, this threat must be destroyed

    quickly, before it begins to unravel the intricate thread of lies keeping

    them in power. With this in mind, we see that there is, in fact, no

    theory too radical so as to make it beyond examination, beyond

    critique, beyond reason.

    12 / Our Hollow Earth


    The Danger and the CoverUp

    In “The Hollow Earth,” Raymond Bernard says that the global authority

    had its first legitimate scientific proof of the hollow earth theory during

    the cold war, at a time when the world was split between two warring

    parties. Though legend and lore had told stories of it for centuries, Byrd

    and other explorers beginning to penetrate the permanent ice of the

    North and South Poles finally began finding legitimate proof of this

    revolutionary idea.

    There are many theories about what these explorers found inside

    the earth: the dominant idea is that the earth’s core is about 800 miles

    thick, but with holes in it that lead to a massive, hollow interior with a

    600 mile-long interior sun inside. Most theories surrounding this say

    that the earth is filled with green vegetation and animals of some sort.

    Some contend that there is a race of human-like creatures or

    superhumans inhabiting the hollow core of the planet, and that these

    are the entities that have been piloting Unidentified Flying Objects

    around the planet.

    Bernard and radio commentator Frank Edwards maintain that

    this race of superhumans within the earth were perfectly content until

    humanity began toying with nuclear weapons and, for the first time,

    presented a serious threat to the physical planet as a whole. It is then

    that we begin seeing UFOs en masse because the inner-earth beings


  • 24 / Our Hollow Earth


    “The Most Important Expeditionin the History of the World”

    The theories presented here are so groundbreaking and so radically

    altering that they present a direct threat to the authority’s legitimacy

    and, indeed, their right to rule. In the face of such terrifying, life-

    altering change, often a simple narrative can be comforting. With that

    in mind: Bakunin tells us that the soldiers are “serfs bribed by pay and

    decorations to keep down their fellow serfs.” Clearly, Bakunin never

    met Richard E. Byrd, born in 1888 to the descendents of one of the

    First Families of Virginia; an illustrious and extraordinarily rich family

    in Richmond, Virginia. Byrd could boast ancestors in William Byrd II,

    the founder of Richmond, Robert Carter, a former Mayor of Richmond,

    Harry F. Byrd, a Democratic Senator from Virginia, and even famous

    plantation owner John Rolfe and his wife, Pocahontas. Born and raised

    in affluence, Richard Byrd was groomed for military command, much

    like his own father, General Robert Byrd II.

    His graduation from the US Naval Academy came just in time for

    him to cut his teeth as a fighter pilot in World War I. His education and

    field expertise landed him a position in navigating the first

    transatlantic single-manned flight, then was assigned command of the

    Josephine Ford in the first air flight over the North Pole. He received

    worldwide acclaim and a Congressional Medal of Honor for his


  • journey, and a year later was promoted to Rear Admiral; among the

    highest positions in the Navy.

    Up to this point, Byrd resembled just about any other war-movie-

    hero a-la George Patton/Dwight D. Eisenhower/etc. Two years after his

    historic flight, however, things begin to get strange. Nordic explorer

    Bernt Balchen, cartographer Dennis Rawlins and later Colonel William

    Mollett all recalled Navy data about the flight that seemed to prove that

    Byrd had not in fact reached the North Pole. Based on data on oil usage

    and mileage, many credible explorers began to cast a shadow of doubt

    over Byrd’s famous flight.

    When called on to defend his journey, Byrd gave oddly cryptic

    answers to the questions presented, saying that he had reached some

    “Great Unknown” and saying that his journey took him into “The Land

    of Everlasting Mystery.” He recalled vast expanses of green vegetation

    below him, and said that the climate seemed warmer, not cooler, as he

    approached the pole. To this day, the data continues to suggest that the

    Josephine Ford travelled only 1 ,700 miles, not the 2,400 miles that it is

    projected his journey (had his journey actually taken him across the

    North Pole) should have taken.

    The story gets even stranger. With World War II quickly

    approaching, most other high-ups in the military were mobilizing and

    preparing weapons and supplies for coming conflict. Byrd took a

    different route. He made two successful cartographic trips of unknown

    intent to Antarctica (in 1933-1935 and 1939-1940) before being invited

    by the Nazi Administration to their Antarctic Study Project in

    Neuschwabenland—a Nazi-administrated territory near Queen Maud

    Land (still owned by Norway). Political pressure and an uncertainty of

    purpose led to Byrd declining, but it inspired him to embark on his

    most ambitious and most famous journey yet. However, a recall to duty

    at the outbreak of war forced him to postpone this journey until after

    the war.

    After World War II ended, Byrd wasted no time in embarking on

    Operation Highjump: a massive “exploratory” campaign into

    Antarctica. This remains, to date, the largest mobilization of troops

    onto the continent ever. Over 4,000 military personnel were

    14 / Our Hollow Earth

    on his travels in the poles.

    Archaeologist George Papashivily wrote in his book “Anything

    Can Happen” about an excavation he oversaw that unearthed giant

    human skeletons “with heads as big as bushel baskets” deep in a cave in

    the Caucasus Mountains. He noted that there were multiple unexplored

    cavern entrances nearby that were of an unknown depth and size.

    Zoologist Lobsang Rampa wrote in his book “The Cave of the

    Ancients” of cave entrances in the Himalayas that were filled with

    ancient machinery, records and remains. Others have linked Bigfoot,

    the Yeti and other strange phenomena to these caves.

    Author Peter Kolosovo wrote that a robot was seen entering a

    large cave mouth beneath a Monastery in Mongolia and never seen

    coming out. This seems to correspond to when hundreds saw lights

    emerging from underground in nearby Azerbaijan.

    In 2011 , Horatio Valens and Paul Veneti, two arctic

    cartographers, presented a theory called the “Lazarian Map Collection”

    which indicates a 100-mile wide cavern beneath the permafrost of the

    Antarctic in which rivers of melted ice run into the hollow center of the


    All of these are from reputable and credible sources, but this only

    scratches the surface. Consider that many have never come forth with

    their experiences or theories on the matter because they either a)

    understood the risks involved and were scared away from publishing,

    or b) did not come from a privileged enough background to be able to

    sufficiently write out and publish their findings. This indicates that the

    idea of a hollow earth is not a fringe or isolated idea, but a oft-sighted

    and theorized scientific possibility – but one that presents a distinct

    danger to the authority.

    Eyewitness Accounts/Theoretical Basis / 23

  • nothing but the truth about the subject (even if they know the truth) .

    This is especially true of the “Educated” scientists and men high and

    mighty. Governments would topple-money and credit would vanish.

    There would be utter chaos and high-ranking individuals would be

    ruined socially and economically.” Clearly, this is a theory of great

    importance and a great threat to the authority.

    Dr. John Cleves Symes Jr. said that the earth had a hollow crust

    with openings all over the world. He had high ranking friends in the

    US government, including then-Speaker of the House James McBride

    who authorized an official investigation at the North Pole. President

    John Quincy Adams approved of this, however left office before it

    could occur. Andrew Jackson came into the Presidency as the

    expedition was about to occur, and inexplicably cancelled the trip and

    effectively halted the project.

    Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz of the Nazi Navy (who was named

    Hitler’s heir and headed Nazi Germany for 20 days before surrendering

    to the Allies) was given command of all of Germany’s submarine corps

    and used it to perform extensive studies in the North and South Poles.

    Given what we know about the paranormal and occult leanings of the

    high-ups in the Nazi Party, and given that we know Dönitz was a

    member of the Thule Society (a governmental agency looking into the

    ancestral roots and home of the Aryan Race) , it is not a far stretch to

    say that he was looking for these openings. You may also recall the

    invitation to Rear Admiral Byrd to gain his expert insight on the Poles

    (which was extended by Dönitz) . Many say that Hitler and Dönitz

    organized many trips south to attempt to find openings to find Thule

    (the legendary ancestral home of the Aryan Race, which is now the

    name of one of the Southernmost and smallest of the Elephant Islands) ,

    and in a speech before the entire Submarine Corps, Dönitz said “The

    German Submarine Fleet is proud of having built an invisible

    fortification for the Führer, anywhere in the world.” When questioned

    at the Nuremburg Trials about Hitler’s demise, Dönitz said that he was

    “in an invisible fortification, in the midst of the eternal ice.”

    Arctic explorer Ferdynand Ossendowsky wrote his book “Beasts,

    Men and Gods” about his journey into an underground kingdom found

    22 / Our Hollow Earth

    transported on a flagship battleship, an aircraft carrier, thirteen heavily

    armored destroyers, six helicopters, six flying boats, and two seaplanes

    to the southern continent, on a mission that Byrd called “The most

    important expedition in the history of the world.”

    Though the mission cited cookie-cutter reasons for heading south

    (basic exploratory and cartographic information), the fact that it

    required a full “armada” (in Byrd’s own words) and the fact that it one

    stated purpose was, oddly, “to establish, maintain and utilize

    sustainable military bases” in one of the most barren, inhospitable and

    least-populated places on earth raise some questions. The mission was

    supposed to take 6 to 9 months, but after 4 months the expeditionary

    force was loaded back onto the ships and shipped home. What they did

    there remains largely a mystery.

    All we know for sure is that Operation Highjump continues to be

    billed by the US government as some normal military operation,

    despite the fairly clear indications that it was anything but. In February

    of 1956, the US Associated Press confirmed Byrd as having said that

    one of his flights “penetrated a land 2,300 miles beyond the South

    Pole.” Even stranger, he constantly refers to a “vast new territory” that is

    “beyond the Pole.” Byrd’s final journey south, Operation Deepfreeze,

    established expansive US bases at the Bay of Whales and at the South

    Pole, along with the largest developed area in the continent; McMurdo

    Sound Station. He continued to enigmatically refer to “vast new

    territories,” discovered in his journey, and his last memorable act was

    urging the US government to mobilize the military to protect the North

    and South Poles from invasion.

    Before dying, Byrd is recorded as having said “I’d like to see that

    Land Beyond the Pole. That Enchanted Continent in the Sky. That

    Land of Everlasting Mystery.” He lived out his final days in relative

    obscurity, and many believe that his true discoveries were covered up

    and silenced by his superiors, claiming that his age was deteriorating

    his mind.

    The Most Important Expidition in the History of the World / 15

  • 16 / Our Hollow Earth


    Eyewitness Accounts/Theoretical Basis

    Individual discoverers put themselves at great risk to expose dissenting

    data, information or opinions about widely-accepted scientific theories.

    As such, many authors of this nature write, publish and distribute this

    information anonymously, so that the information they espouse cannot

    be traced back to them. This is to spare them from the emotional and

    physical attacks that they would surely face had they attached their

    names to their work.

    Yet we as a society continue to attach a stigma to these people:

    anyone who has a different idea about what we consider a fundamental

    fact of science is immediately written-off as a looney and can thus be

    invalidated and ignored. We say that these people are “just looking for

    attention” or tell ourselves that it is all a big hoax. In doing so, we

    ignore the risk they run in publishing and close ourselves off to

    potentially important information.

    The least we can do, therefore, is to give these theories a chance.

    Remember that eyewitness accounts are not always from delusional or

    crazy people, and that often these folks are going public despite the

    obvious disincentives to do just the opposite. We will now examine

    some of the theories and eyewitness accounts surrounding the theory

    that the earth is hollow. Keep in mind that, as author Dr. Raymond

    Bernard mentions, “Few in the US dare to state the whole truth and


  • to the authority, they may face violent attacks on their person.

    Knowing this, we see that any person who comes forth with

    scientific data that does not conform to the rigid scientific norm (as

    dictated, we have learned, by the “Salomon’s House” of the global

    authority) faces severe mental, emotional and physical stress from the

    weight of the authority-backed information to the contrary. Essentially,

    anyone who comes forward with this sort of information puts their

    reputation, career and even their livelihood at risk for the cause. They

    have much to lose from going public with their discoveries.

    On the other hand, the government has much to gain from

    silencing these dissenting opinions. Though the scientific community

    has a virtual monopoly on “fact,” the power that they give to the

    authority lies on the fragile basis that they, and their theories are

    infallible and unchallengeable. Imagine what the repercussions would

    be if it were proven that there was indeed a cure for AIDS, or that

    UFOs truly did exist, or even just that we could have cars that get 100

    miles to the gallon? All of the pieces fit intricately into a puzzle that

    keeps the capitalist authority on top of the power structure, and any

    evidence that threatens one piece of the puzzle also threatens to unravel

    and unmask the entire conspiracy. The authority, therefore, has great

    reason to suppress dissenting information, for if their web of scientific

    support begins to unravel, they run the risk of being exposed.

    20 / Our Hollow Earth


    The Burden of Discovery

    The reason that I delve into such detail with this narrative is because

    Byrd’s story is among the most oft-cited and well-known proponents of

    the Hollow Earth Theory. However, it is far from the only or even the

    most descriptive eyewitness account. I give so much detail here because

    Byrd is among the most “credible” sources that can be sited here. It is

    obvious that Byrd was a member of the ruling class—that his work in

    the military and in the realm of science was aimed at maintaining the

    status quo and, therefore, in maintaining his own privileged status.

    Byrd’s testimony is so groundbreaking (no pun intended),

    therefore, because he comes from such an authoritative place. We put

    so much stock into his findings because he comes from near the top of

    the pyramid in terms of the global authority. Because he made so much

    progress in establishing his credibility before his radical discoveries, he

    is harder to silence and harder to write-off as some wacko. As such, his

    testimony is some of the most prominent, believable and important that

    we can find: his testimony is almost authoritative proof of a scientific

    study against the grain of the dominant Solid Earth Theory. The fact

    that there is so little testimony and literature, however, is indicative of

    an unfortunate but unsurprising cover-up of his discoveries.

    As stated earlier, Byrd is not the only, or even the first to make

    discoveries challenging the dominant Solid Earth Theory. In fact, many


  • ancient stories tell of something to this effect: Shamballa, of ancient

    Vedic Texts, which is a subterranean city that superhumans live in

    Tianaron, in Ancient Greek lore, which was a cave entrance into a

    massive underworld Cruachan, of Ancient Celtic lore, a cave on Station

    Island that apparently leads to a city of superhumans under the earth

    Obukula, of the Trobriard Islands of Mexico, an origin story based on

    the idea that humans emerged from a cave in a huge mountain, leaving

    behind a superhuman society Agharti, a sacred legendary city deep

    within the earth’s crust in Buddhist mythology, home to an advanced

    race of superhumans who have built hundreds of other cities within the

    earth Hyperborea, or “The Land Beyond the Northern Winds” is a

    famous myth of Nordic Origin saying that there is a place where a race

    of superhumans live beyond our realm of conventional Geography.

    Many other early societies boast origin stories of their ancestors

    coming up from out of caves or holes in the Earth. Places like Cuzco in

    Peru, Angami in India and Ojinaga in Mexico and Gotha in Germany

    have ancient, unexplored caves that ancient lore tells us might be the

    origin of surface-humanity. In most cases, there is no scientific

    invalidity for these origin stories, and the story of Hyperborea is even

    eerily similar to that of Byrd’s discovery.

    What, then, leads the spiritual folk of this planet to write-off

    these stories? How are any of these origin stories any more ridiculous

    than the idea that some old man with a long white beard in the sky

    created all of us and watches over us? Christianity, a monotheistic

    religion that has forcibly caused the extinction of many other

    indigenous beliefs, traditions, stories and even peoples entirely, has no

    under-earth origin story. Regardless of whether or not you believe the

    ridiculous idea that there is some sort of Lord of the Rings-esque battle

    between Good and Evil raging between God and the Devil and that we

    are all pawns in their celestial battle, one must see the connection

    between Christianity’s rigid moral rules and those of the Authority.

    Regardless of validity, Christianity is a powerful tool of the authority. It

    is acceptable, even preferable for an individual to believe that the

    undead-zombie Christ is our Lord and Savior, but someone who

    believes that humanity arose from an ancient society beneath the

    18 / Our Hollow Earth

    ground is written off as heretical. I argue that these origin stories are

    just as, if not more valid in credibility to the origin story of

    Christianity, and that religion has long been used as a tool to keep

    down the actual historic events that may have influenced these myths.

    It is interesting to note a common theme among many of these origin

    stories – and how far apart they all are (from the Samoyeds in Siberia

    to the Mandan Peoples of present-day Mississippi, and many, many

    more) . Perhaps this is too much of a coincidence for it to actually be

    chance; perhaps they deserve more attention and investigation.

    For the less spiritual among us, we can instead examine

    eyewitness accounts. Before we do so, however, understanding the idea

    of “credibility” is of utmost importance: as with any scientific discovery,

    the burden of proof lies with the discoverer. In almost all cases, there is

    not enough evidence to prove that something is, without even a shred

    of doubt, absolutely 100% scientifically valid. As such, whenever a new

    discovery is made, that discovery is considered false until proven

    otherwise, and it is the job of the discoverer to defend their findings

    against the preponderance of evidence to the contrary (i.e. all other

    theories ever suggested to the contrary or the current dominant view

    on the matter) .

    We live at a point in time where people assume that we have

    made most, if not all, major scientific discoveries about the way our

    world works. The dominant scientific community has instead changed

    horizons to space and the deep sea, as well as more nonphysical realms.

    That said, any new discoveries have to face up to the wealth of “factual”

    information to the contrary, and as such the burden of discovery, even

    on a purely scientific level, is absolutely crushing.

    On a personal level, this burden becomes even more pronounced.

    Consider the fate of any person who comes forth with a radically

    different theory on the way our world works (such as the hollow earth

    theory) : not only do they have to deal with defending their theory

    against the burden of evidence to the contrary, but they also have to

    deal with attacks on their person. Often, these discoverers face ridicule

    and harassment, and often excommunication from the scientific

    community. If the idea is truly revolutionary and presents a real threat

    The Burden of Discovery / 19


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