our letter box iroosevat sunday - nys...

r~C THE DAILY BETIEW. SATDKDAY, JUWX 25. 1581 mmmmrnmmmmmmmmmfmrmmmmmmm The Daily Review A»D Nassau Comity Review Amel»am»1e4 with »• SOUTH SIDE OBSKRVHB , end HEMPSTHAU IHQmRE* Seme* *. Stll**. Pablleher Welter H Funnell. Kdltor ASSOCIATE EDITORS At Mtrreole —fherlee R Devey. At Rockville Centre—Wllilem H. Thnmpeon. At Freeport—Cecil At Hem petes d —Vei Job neon. rnon A. Win lame. omcESi Review Building. <4 So. Mein Street. Freeport Obeerver Building, observer Street, Rockville Isqulrer Building, 41 Mule St., Hempeteud for Incorporated fer Incorporeted erriCIAL NEWSPAPER for Neeeeu Count) , for publloatlon of not lose of Benkroptev In Dletrlct Court of United Stutee for tbr OmCIAL NEWSPAPER • • Village of Freeport. WTICIAL NEWSPAPER Village of CednrbureL Eeetern Dlerlct of New Tork. NEWSPAPER for Incorporeted of Greet Neck Eat a lee. I'KIt for Incouroretod Village of Long Beach. OFFICIAL VUI r TCI VII Published Dally Except Sunday Entered et the Poet Office at Freeport. N. T., ae second claee Act of March • mall matter, unde ' ■ iy.9. Sdttecrfpdon. 16 per yAi r Single coplee. two advance. WHEN THE AD MAN CALLS Wc are rather aorry for buHlBess people who do not have the pleasure of receiving calls from auch tine fellows as the advertising men who come along the line, placing con tracts. Just now one of these lias just jeft the office of The Dally Review. "I placed advertising with George WaD lace In The Observer thirty years ago." said he, "and I've met news paper men In nearly every office from Main to the tlulf." Whereat, he proceeded to give per sonal Impression# of almost every newspaper man on Long Island, as a startp^, and of many others, as well, not falling to quote editorials by tils personal friends in Indiana anti Philadelphia, with some anecdotes of the surprises his New Orleans friends experienced on their first visit to New York. It's a joyful hour that such a man gives in a newspaper shop after tin’ sheet has gone to press. Troubles are dispelled, the horizon Is broad ened, the world seems immensely better. Somehow we have I he impression that adverlising that comes through his orders will have the same line effect upon Ihe readers of this paper and we arc dpubly glad to have the contract lie signed. GET YOUR AD ANSWERS . Many people who are wise chough to advertise their wants in news papers do not gej Ihe full value of their Investments. They fall to follow up the advertising. Some of I hem. a surprisingly large number. In fact, do not even get all the replies to their ads. In many cases advertisers do not wish to announce their identify and ssk to have replies sent to a .box number at the office of The Dally Review. Replies are reeevled not only the day of the publication of the advertisement, but often many days afterward. ■It often happens that a consider able number of replies to a single advertisement are received and no one calls for them. The effect of this Is to give to Ihe advertiser less than the full value of the Investment, but as well to ills appoint those who take the time and trouble lo reply. A number of. such advertisements are In the business office of The Daily Review at Rockville Centre at this time. END OF A FOOLISH THEORY Those credulous and unintelligent citizens of America who have been shrieking the praises of Sovietism in Russia and even calling for Sovietism in the United Slates of America, are certainly up against it now that events have plainly proved that com- munlani te a total failure. For years;, the advocates of an Im possible. foolish theory have Insisted that the success of communism in Russia was held back by the block ade. Now publication of customs office and other official trade figures In Great Britain shows that jn 1920. British exports to Russia, direct or ; t { thnsx^ the Scandinavian of Ruaala, were alone upwards of live mllllone of dollars and almost as much in 1919. Great blockade, wasnt It? Then they said that but for the Insurrections fathered by the western countries', communism would have gone ahead successfully. There has been no civil war for nearly a year and no blockades, yet the state of affairs In Rusaja is far worse than under those conditions. So had. Indeed, that Lenin himself Is inviting capitalism hack, promising property rights and properly protection and Is willing to do anything that will revive Russia from the utter collapse Into which the communistic Insanity has thrown It. Incidentally, if civil war ami block ade were his handicap#, why should Lenin throw up his hands now when he has neither of them? It was a good thing for the world that we have had this experiment of nearly four years in Russia. Utopia has been claimed for communism for three-quarters of a century and there was no experience to completely re fute the claims. Nobody of average intelligence need ever be in doubt again that communism in practice is a total, gruesome failure. Puss IN pEViewf "Colyum^M-lte* OO oo A PRETTY PLACE VVf spent a week in the Mlneyla Court House yesterday morning. We had an invitatlpn t<> go with an It. S. V. P. at the bottom—‘'Refusing summons von’t pardon." It must have been a parly lieeauSe «ve nutieed vase after ease go into the Dist. A tty. Oilier. We know why they call it the court house now. courting time is the liiggest trial and marriage is the sentence. For the day’s work the court gave us D.lll!. The two vents was an amuse- m nt tax. They hud all the amusement, 1hough. The *1.22 went In the cafeteria for me chop and a tray. It takes a pickpocket to lind his way around there. You have to go through 1 id? to get anywhere. _ Down in the restaurant every thing is legal. They have assault and pepper shakers, and Lite butler comes in "briefs.” Bui the jury was grand. We saw iPmiv pretty stenog., but they ill treated us wjlli criminal negligence. And we did not ask for any return ticket at all. When DenMy met Hie Admiral, He got no satisfaction, Because the doughty warrior. Stood by his “no retraction.” They call these counterfeit tickets for lie big light “paste boards" because ■eu get beautifully stuck on them. Maxim has invented a noiseless trolley ur. A stag affair then. We hate to think of el* ‘he coin. That's being thrown away,. I pon this liu*e now, Stillman case, That features Fred Beauvais. President receives disarmament idea >f 20.sun m inisters. They have decided to give up their ALMS then. SI MMER SAVING The berries in Connecticut Should be ripe in their hod. P.ut golden rod and autumn leaves, An euming out instead. They say that we will have 15 minute service on trolley lines soon. We move the minutes stand approved, Russia wants to give us a couple of bases in the Pacific. That's what you might cull a diamond in the "rough." The Elks are gettin* ready. For popcorn and bolognas. When they enjoy an outing Down at old Karatsonyl's. There will be a hull game between the married and single men. tmt it. isn't fair, btcKUse the married men are never in my hqny to get home. And there will be prizes for the best decorated automobiles, but thuf only applies to the outside, brothers. The Interior decorating will not be a-loud? You may have the live reasons to go, but there will iw uno other reason that may keep you home. e V. H. J. OUR LETTER BOX iROOSEVaT SUNDAY fc.i ;J FO rb M dobted to you if you will extend to us * wEe •EMWWai permission to Use your paper as a n ____r-L - L .. T_ 11*14* F -J n„ medium to make clear the existing con 1 LIMrceeslO “J troversy between the Monitor A. C. Eorek* Bind *nd Ihe Boy and the Roosevelt Baseball Club. ScOUtt— PlttCS Offered The sitqption He* thus: The Monitor| ' A. C. as usual made a report of its Roosevelt, June 25.—While Freeport baseball game of June 19. Indeed, the Sunday schools are parading in Free- report was not like previous dues port this afternoon, the Sunday schools where the game# came to a. decision; [of Roosevelt will also be holding their hut the report, absurd us it may have first annual Sunday school parade, appeared to the Roosevelt fans, was j The M. E. Church, the Presbyterian, one of actual happenings, although not; and the Episcopal Churches will par- complete in every detail. " 1th ipate. and they will assemble at their Then Manager Beck wrote the Edl-, own churches at 3 p. m. The line of tor of The Dally Review in which the ^ Monitor re.port had appeared, declaring 1 an absolute refutation of the entire re M^ friends, there is something false! about this declaration. Don't you think that the author of the Monitor report. march wilt be down avenue to Park avenue, to Clinton. Main to Wood avenue, to Charlee street, to Whitehouae aVenue to the M. E. Church, where the grand march will take place. The judges will award a money prize to the best looking class, The parade will he led ’by the Boy Scouts and the I Eureka Band of Rockville Centre. if he had such wonderful Imaginative powers as to formulate such a crooked report, as was declared, of a baseball game without actually witnessing ,such events, had better undertake writing dime novels? J do. And then secure Roosevelt as a solo market for the sale of the publication. I will admit that the Monitors of the original organization refused to play ac cording to a* decision by a Wcstbury umpire in a game at Westbury before Ihe World W ar, when the score was) tied at four in the fourteenth inning; but it was the Westbury team that left the diamond lirst. The refusal to play il Roosevelt was the first-of its kind for the present Monitor A. C., which was reorganized last August. True enough, the Roosevelt team led olf with'live runs in the first in ning, not because of its superiority, hut simply on account of Hansen's ,poor f pitch. Then the poor, inferior, fast-1Y slipping Monitors deprived the great. superior, onrushlng locals 01" the lead. \ Rhodes No. 1 was sent to the show ers in the fifth by th£ terrific onslaught of the fast-.slipping Monitors. Enter Rhodes No. 2 in the sixth. Still the heavy bombardment of the fast-slipping Monitors continued, push ing over the plate 11 total of three runs. By virtue of a precipitijted rally, Roose velt tied the score. Then came the sudden catastrophe. 1 am rather inclined to believe that Mr. Deck mistook tho meaning of fast- slipping. As for reporting our gross breach of baseball etiquette to the proper baseball authorities, I feel happy to know that something is being done with it; also 1 should appreciate an in troduction to the ‘proper baseball au thorities,' as t, myself, am seriously thinking of making a report. The custom In the old days, if two persons or parties had a disagreement. was to fight it out. Now let us change * 1 * Hie custom and play it out. Therefore, the Monitor A. t". issues j % 1 challenge to Hie Roosevelt Baseball y t 'luh to engage in a game of baseball 1 in either local or a foreign diamond to settle all existing grievances. The playing of this game must conform strictly to these conditions: First, the rules of the game will he those of the Spalding Guide, except for ground rules, which will tie decided upon before the game; Second, two impartial umpires must officiate; Third, dean playing and good sports- manship must prevail among the play- OUT NOW, New Victor Records June, 1921 AND SUMMER DANCE HITS (SPECIAL RELEASE). TOO NUMEROUS TO LIST. LOME IN. WE WILL PLAY THEM FOR YOU. GELLER <V K E L D IN ‘The House of Quality" MERRICK ROAD iRockville Centre, N. Y. Annoancwg the OpeningZof Milady'i Sbppe Women of Freeport and vicinity will be glad to learn of the opening of an exclusive store for wofnen, under the name of "Milady's Shoppe." Novelty Sport Wear. Silk Sweaters will be featured, along with a high grade stock of ex clusive designs in ladies' wear also. EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FOR EASTERN DISTRICT DYEING AND CLEANING COMPANY This department, under direct supervision of -an expert, will guarantee the best dyeing and cleaning service for women on Long Island. Milady's Shoppe will be managed by Mrs. M. Skinner, and- she will be glad to serve you with an assortment 'of ladies’ wear not to be found elsewhere. Milady's Shoppe 11 MERRICK ROAD Freeport, N. Y. Tel. Freeport 50 Discount Checks The discount check system now in opera tion in Rockville Centre is a mast practical method of stimulating business. It is likewise a practical way of sav ing money — Get the children busy and see how fast they accu mulate. * Read what the checks say — that tells the whole story. — Bank of — Rockville Centre If THE NEW LAUNDRY WEEK’S WASH $1.25 A BAG | A. W. JONES ;!: $ 193 Merrick M., Rockville Centre •}• We Make l AWNINGS and WINDOW SHADES for office, store or home at reasonable prices II “ i COLLECTIONS T uesdays DELIVERIES Thursdays Y i 1*4 We also recover PORCH SWINGS Estimates cheerfully furnished May Fair Service Corporation, Inc. TELEPHONE: FARMINGDALE 141 TIN AND SHEET METAL WORKS ROOFS, GUTTERS and LEADERS Furnacef), Itangoa and Heaters Installed and Itepalreo. D. HARRISON 1*5 Franklin Street. Hempetea/,, L,. I. > ;..>:-.:..X‘« x ~:~x *<~:->x -:~> x - x - xx ~x - xk -:":-<“X~>«X“:~xx ~:- x - x - x - x ~> I - I Y I X Phone 376-R. i- y SOMETHING THAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR ! :1; X / J Order. Automotive Service That Satisfies $' SIG1LL0 BROTHERS CEMENT SmBWALKH. BIXtCKH. CON CRETE FOUNDATIONS, 81! N FAR LOR. CEMENT PORCHES. CESSPOOLS. AND ALL KINDS OK CONCRETE WORK. end Work Promptly Attended To. DO YOU GET IT ? 52 Baldwin Ave., Baldwin, L. 1. Sincerely your#. KONGVALD HANSEN, Secretary, M. A. C. Hempstead, June 21. STRANGE ACTIONS CAUSE ARREST OF WOMAN Rockville Centre, June 25.—A wom an, who gave her name as Mrs. Ther esa Rood, was brought to the police station Wednesday, accused of being/i vugrujit. She was discovered by Mo torcycle I'atrolman Gurley, going from house house In the vicinity of Ocean Side road and Southard ave nue, asking tor food and work. Her demeanor aroused tho suspicions of the persons whose homes she visited and une of them communicated with the police. Adam Fehr, who happened in the vicinity, assisted Patrolman Cur ley to place the woman in a conven ient automobile which brought her to the police station. Justice Thorp entertained a charge of vagrancy against the woman and vemunded her to Mineola to await the result of communications with the Yonkers 1‘olive respecting a Patrick Kane, of that city, who, the woman said, was tier brother. WE SELL IT AND CAN PROVE IT SATISFIES ! REGISTERED DEALER DELCO - REMEY Starting, Lighting and Ignition Service NEW BUS LINE BROWN & HORNOW 299-301 Franklin St., Hempstead, N. Y. Member of Automotive Service Association of New York Two Men Escape Injury Rockville Centre. June 25.—LeRoy Husser. who is operating an automobile truck for J. Helfeuberg, H8 North Vil lage avenue, lost control of the machine while on Merrick road near Ocean a\e- nue Wednesday. The front wheel came In contact wifb a telegraph pole u^id both men were badly shaken up. The windshield wa# smashed but the men eedkped serious injury. i $ Rockville Centre to Long Beach Operate# from •j* Observer St. and Village Avenue X to “ West End of Long Beach, Direct Connects with trolley at Stop 102, Ocean Side, seven minutes after the hour Fare 25c Each Way Buses leave every hour on the hour starting at 7 a. m. daily from Rock ville Centre, and 8 a.-m. from Long Beach For advertising space address J. SPIRO General Delivery, Post Office, Rock ville Centre To Play Off Baseball Tie Freeport, June 25.—Henry Murrieon Post, 'American Legion baseball team, who played a 12-inning tie with Bald win A. V. recently, will meet them again Sunday. Branch! and Rigby will be the buttery for the home team and Joy and Seaman fur the visiters. A good fust game is expected. "■ . ■ | "• -■ •EVER have there been so m any good investment oppor tunities as at pres ent; but likewise never have there been so many temptations to invest money unwisely. It is a time to consult your banker both as to oppor tunities to grasp and as to pitfalls to avoid... Our advice and suggestions in such matters are impartial and given without cost The Citizens National Bank of Freeport, New York interest Paid •« special depesit $25 REWARD WILL BE PAID KOR INFOR MATION LEADING TO THE ARREST OF ANYONE DUMP ING RUBBINH OR GARBAGE ALONG THE PUBLIC HIGH WAYS IN THE TOWN OK HEMPSTEAD. ADDRESS CLEAN HIGHWAYS Review Office, Rockville Outre Hempstead 291R—Phones:—Hempstead 388 PARKER & BOND Electrical Contractors WIRING i- FIXTURES - APPLIANCES 55 Marvin Ave., Hempstead, N. Y. B. F R E Y PARQUET FLOORS OM Floor# Beerraped and ReBntehed BENNETT AVE. A DARTMOUTH 8T. Hempstead L. 1. Phone 479-R R. W. HUGHES GENERAL TRUCKING NO JOB TOO SMALL Odd Jobbing in Carpenter Work and Painting 866 FRONT STREET. HEMPSTEAD Telephone 1773-J WM. G. MILLER, Inc RAYMOND J. MILLER, Mgr. AUTO. PLATE GLASS. BURGLARY LIFE AND FIRE Insurance 24 S. Grove St., Freeport, L I. M E A L S WE REACH out and take In, and diagnose each Individual appetite. Peculiar likes, appropriate to your own palate, ia what this every tiny restaurant ca ters to. GALVIN’S RESTAURANT 301 Front 8t., Hempstead CENTRAL HOTEL Brfwhfssl. 7 t« 8.M—Lenrh, Me. It t* • Dinner. 8Dr, « to S SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER Sunder. 12 to *, #1.00 A le Cert. At) It*, rURNIHUKD ROOMS TO BICNT REAL HOME COOKING Phone 16*4 HEMPSTEAD DR. E. DAHLMAN SURGEON DENTIST Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Closed Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons , MADAME ANNETTE BIULDING TROLLEY JUNCTION HEMPSTEAD LEGAL ADVERTISING I'L l .MIIKK < IINTK XCTilKS' NOTH K S'Ntiftl bills itrv invUi'd h> thv Hoaiil of Ktlucalitfli. llvnipwlViiU, N Y . fur installing MHiiitiuy jtluiiihiiiK in I*. S. No. L* 1 ‘liti in may lx* vbtHiiicd h! lln* nftlw of tho SuperlntfiiUeni of Srhooia In I*. S. No. 1. I*1 OHfMM 't Ntll'ff. IJIiJh will b«‘ oiH‘iivtl a t x tu o in., July I. 1921, ,iaI thv tifllvv of l Id* lloonl of I'Muvh t l«»n In r. H. No 1. Tho nil bi«lH In ronorveil UOAKJJ OF KDUfATION, J IvmjfMttiud. N. i ighl vet any or THK rK O ri.K OF Till*; STATIC OF NEW YOU lx: To ALttXANUlill H. II IGAIII C1IAIILK8 11 IGAR I >, IGSTI1IGR I ,A Mti< . ESTHER STTTt’H, hi •ml Whv.rvMH, CUIACTG li ST. UKORtJIG, who ri-sitloy hi !*’rev port, N mhhhu Vounty. New York. latHy Hgj|>lte<l fu tho Surr«inHtv'a t*1 ol our County of Nhmhuu. lo have in wrlthiK boarl Inalrutnent ilatv tho JUNE. JU*1 ng Imhi I iu; • sixth orno hay «»i* g i vtlniiriK to both real nml sivrHoiial proiiert dulti proved hh tho LiiMt. Will and TcHtuinont lilt:iiAlin s. iiiGAim. doet'anod. who whh at the time nf hla dvaHi m resident ut Freeport, in Haiti Cuuuly of khh u. Thorefor<\ you. and • aeh of you. Hie cited to allow cauae Imfori• the Sui iTigHti-'M Court of our founty «tf Nhkhhu. al l ho Surrogate h oftle.o at MinooiH, In the County ttf NHttaa11, on ih" l.'Uh diiy ul July. at nin<' o’clock In the foi .'tiuon of that tiny, why the Maid W ill and T< Htatnent ishould not t*- admitted to probate property. In Will of real ami peiHunat "n. h a v e t MUHod o' h Court of a.Mhau to bo Teattinony Whereof, ho anal of thv Sun ur hhM County of ereunto affixed. WttneHH. HUN liKONK P Ho WKM a S urrogate of our saiil County ot 'N'hh- Hit U. at the Surrogate’H Ctfhee, at I Mim-ola. In the Haiti County, the Vtb day Of June, one thouHarjd nine hun dred and twenty-one. EDWIN W. WIGKKH. Clerk of the Suirogate'H Court. NOTICE TO CRKDITORH Purrminf i <• an order of lion. Tysone Howell. Surrogate nf the County of N hW notice Ih hereby given to nil p«sr#ons h a ' Claim* against William C. I.oft, late of Rn< villa Centre, In Ute Raid county, deoeawd. prewnt the Haim* with the vouehem thereof, to the MUbacrlber the admlnlfitrator of the good*. <hatt'da and crodita which were of Ha Id deceased, at her plare of t ra nFKettntf bUHlnea* a t the oftlce of Wright <•. Wright, Rockville Centre. .New York, on or before the 25th day of October next. Dated Mineola, N. Y.. April ft, 1921. LIZZIE A. 7 /ITT. Administrator. W R iailT A WRIGHT, •yn f#ir AdintolFiraNire Rockville Centre, N. Y. , NOTICE TO CRKJHTOKM I'limuant to an order of Hon. T^cnne It- Surrogate of tire County of NaBHen. re,by given to all pelaone bavins elaiiuH agulnat W illiam Hciiuli, late of Free port, In the auld country, deceaiied. to prewent the Haina with the voucher* thereof, to the subscriber the admlnlHt i ator of the goods, chattels and credits xfhlch were of said de ceased, at. hl« place of traiiHaettng hualness at the offlee of II. Stewart M« Knight. Or Neck Btathm. New York, on 15th day of October next. Dated Mineola. N. Y., April B. 1921. WILLIAM K. LUYHTER Ah bounty TrtStfSra Nassau County, Admlnls- H flTKWART AleKNlOIlT. Attorney for Administrator, Great Neck Station, New York. ht. Great • o f THE ASSESS*>1 stead, hereby givo notice pieted the ASHChlimeilt I year (1921 •. and that AShESHOHN’ NOTICE ' 'US of the Hint they have cmn- SHesamcut Rolls for the current i>y thereof bae their e number at tbs office of the Aa*uumr», Rfatm 206. Town HaM. the VHIaga i»f Hempstead* where It may be n and examined by any person until the THIRD TUESDAY OK JUN1J. 1*21 next folio win#;'and that on that day, to wit. 2 end to heer and laliuu to «u«-h aai Umtwl Ihla 1st 4 o'clock t’ M . .aid A.eceSore will me. Ihelr aald office in the Town H kI*. Villa, Heiniwlead. t<) review Ihi-lr aaaeeanMnt, a corovUalrla In te. June. 18*1. HOMaS M imuWPtR. •LARKNO: R. ANKKR8. MITH <xur. Aweaote ot the Town ut Uemyetaad.

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Page 1: OUR LETTER BOX iROOSEVaT SUNDAY - NYS …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn95071431/1921-06-25/ed...GET YOUR AD ANSWERS. Many people who are wise chough to advertise their wants in

r ~ C THE DAILY BETIEW. SATDKDAY, JUWX 25. 1581mmmmrnmmmmmmmmmfmrmmmmmmm

The Daily ReviewA » D

Nassau Comity ReviewAmel»am»1e4 with » •



Seme* * . Stll**. Pablleher W elte r H Funnell. Kdltor

ASSOCIATE EDITO RS At Mtrreole —fh e r le e R Devey.At Rockville Centre— W llilem H. Thnmpeon.At F reeport—Cecil A t Hem petes d —Vei

Job neon.rnon A. Win lame.

o m c E S iReview Building. <4 So. M ein S tree t. Freeport Obeerver Building, observer S tree t, Rockville

Isqulrer Building, 41 M ule St., Hempeteud

for Incorporated

fer Incorporeted

e r r iC IA L NEWSPAPER for Neeeeu Count) , for publloatlon of not lose of Benkroptev

In Dletrlct Court of U nited S tutee for tbr

O m C I A L NEWSPAPER • • Village of Freeport. W T IC IA L NEWSPAPER

Village of CednrbureL

Eeetern Dlerlct of New Tork.NEW SPAPER fo r Incorporeted

of G reet Neck Eat a lee.I'KIt fo r Incouroretod

V illage of Long Beach.



Published D ally E xcep t Sunday

Entered e t the Poet Office a t F reeport. N. T., ae second claee

Act of M arch• mall m atte r , unde

' ■ iy.9.Sdttecrfpdon. 16 per yAi r

Single coplee. twoadvance.


W c a re r a th e r ao rry fo r buHlBess people w ho do not have th e p leasu re of rece iv in g calls from auch tine fe llow s as th e a d v e r tis in g m en who com e a lo n g th e line , p la c in g con­tra c ts .

J u s t now one of th e se lias ju s t je ft th e office of T he D ally R eview . "I p laced a d v e r tis in g w ith G eorge W aD lace In T he O bserver th i r ty years a g o ." sa id he, " a n d I 'v e m e t n ew s­p a p e r m en In n early every office from M ain to th e tlu lf ."

W hereat, he p roceeded to give p e r­so n a l Im pression# of a lm o s t every n ew sp ap e r m an on L ong Is lan d , as a s ta r tp ^ , and of m any o th e rs , as well, n o t fa llin g to quo te e d ito r ia ls by tils p e rso n a l fr ien d s in In d ia n a anti P h ila d e lp h ia , w ith som e an ecd o te s of th e s u rp rise s h is New O rlean s friends ex p erien ced on th e ir f irs t v is it to New Y o rk .

I t 's a joy fu l hou r th a t such a m an g iv e s in a new sp ap er sh o p a f te r tin ’ s h e e t h as gone to p ress. T roub les a re d ispelled , th e h o rizo n Is b ro ad ­en ed , th e w orld seem s im m ensely

b e tte r .Som ehow we have I he im pression

th a t ad v e r lis in g th a t com es th ro u g h h is o rd e rs w ill have th e sam e line e ffec t upon Ihe re a d e rs of th is paper a n d we a rc dpubly g lad to have the c o n tra c t lie signed .


. M any people who a re w ise chough to a d v e r tis e th e ir w a n ts in new s­p a p ers do n o t gej Ih e fu ll value of th e i r Investm en ts . T h ey fa ll to fo llow up th e ad v e r tis in g .

Som e of I hem . a s u rp r is in g ly large n u m b er. In fa c t, do n o t even get all th e rep lie s to th e ir ads.

In m any cases a d v e r tis e r s do not w ish to an n o u n ce th e ir id e n tify and ssk to have rep lie s sen t to a .box n u m b e r a t th e office of T he Dally R ev iew . R ep lies a re reeev led not o n ly th e day of th e p u b lic a tio n of th e a d v e r tis e m e n t, b u t o f te n m any days a f te rw a rd .

■It o ften h ap p en s th a t a co n sid e r­a b le n u m b er of re p lie s to a sing le a d v e rtisem en t a re received an d no one ca lls fo r them .

T h e effect of th is Is to g ive to Ihe a d v e r tis e r less th a n th e fu ll va lue of th e In v es tm en t, b u t a s w ell to ills ap p o in t those w ho ta k e th e tim e and t ro u b le lo rep ly .

A n u m b er of. such a d v e r tis em e n ts a re In th e business office of T he Daily R ev iew a t R ockville C en tre a t th is

tim e .


T hose c red u lo u s an d u n in te llig e n t c itiz en s of A m erica w h o hav e been sh r ie k in g th e p ra ises o f S ov ietism in R u ss ia and even c a llin g fo r Sovietism in th e U nited S la te s o f A m erica , a re c e r ta in ly up a g a in s t i t now th a t e v en ts have p la in ly p roved th a t com- m un lan i te a to ta l fa ilu re .

F o r y ears;, th e ad v o ca te s of a n Im ­possib le . foolish th e o ry h av e Insisted t h a t th e success o f com m unism in R u ss ia w as held back by th e b lock ­ade. N ow p u b lic a tio n o f custom s office an d o th e r official t r a d e figures In G rea t B rita in show s t h a t j n 1920. B r it is h ex p o rts to R u ss ia , d ire c t o r ;

t {

t h n s x ^ th e S can d in av ian of R uaala, w ere a lo n e u p w ard s o f livem llllone o f d o lla rs and a lm o s t as m uch in 1919. G rea t b lockade, w asn t I t?

T hen th e y sa id th a t b u t for th e In su rre c tio n s fa th e re d by th e w este rn countries ', com m unism w ould have gone a h ea d su ccessfu lly . T h e re h as been no c iv il w ar fo r n ea rly a y e a r and no b lockades, y e t th e s ta te of a ffa irs In R usa ja is fa r w orseth a n u n d e r th o se co n d itio n s . So had. Indeed, t h a t L en in h im se lf Is in v it in g c ap ita lism hack , p ro m isin g p ro p e rty r ig h ts an d p ro p e rly p ro tec tio n a n d Is w illin g to do a n y th in g th a t w ill rev ive R u ss ia from th e u t te r co llap se Into w h ich th e co m m u n is tic In s a n ity has th ro w n It.

In c id e n ta lly , if c iv il w a r am i b lo ck ­ade w ere h is h and icap# , w hy sh o u ld Lenin th ro w u p h is h a n d s now w hen he has n e ith e r of th em ?

It w as a good th in g fo r th e w orld th a t w e h a v e had th is ex p erim en t of n e a rly fo u r y e a rs in R ussia. U to p ia has been c la im ed fo r com m unism for th re e -q u a r te rs of a c en tu ry an d th e re was no e x p er ien ce to com ple te ly r e ­fu te th e c la im s. N obody of av e rag e in te llig e n c e need ever be in d o u b t ag a in th a t com m unism in p ra c tic e is a to ta l, g ru eso m e fa ilu re .

Puss IN p E V i e w f"C o ly u m ^ M -lte *

OO o o

A PRETTY PLACEVVf s p e n t a w eek in th e M lneyla C o u rt

H ouse y e s te rd a y m o rn in g .

We had a n in v ita tlp n t<> go w ith a n It. S. V. P . a t th e b o tto m —‘'R e fu s in g su m m o n s v o n ’t p a rd o n ."

It m u s t h av e been a p a r ly lieeauSe «ve n u tieed v ase a f te r ea se go in to th e Dist. A tty . O ilie r.

We k now w h y th e y ca ll it th e c o u r t house now . c o u r t in g tim e is th e liiggest tria l an d m a rr ia g e is th e sen te n ce .

F or th e d a y ’s w ork th e c o u r t g av e us D.lll!. T h e tw o v en ts w as an am u se - m nt ta x . T h e y hud a ll th e a m u se m e n t , 1 hough.

T he *1.22 w e n t In th e c a fe te r ia fo r m e chop a n d a tra y .

It ta k e s a p ick p o ck e t to lind h is w ay a ro u n d th e re . You h av e to go th ro u g h 1 id? to g e t a n y w h e re . • „ _

Down in th e re s ta u ra n t e v e ry th in g is legal. T h e y h av e a s s a u lt a n d p ep p e r sh ak ers , a n d Lite b u t le r com es in "b rie fs .”

Bui th e ju ry w as g ra n d .

We saw iPmiv p re t ty s ten o g ., b u t th e y ill tre a te d u s w jlli c rim in a l neg ligence .

And we did not a sk fo r a n y r e tu rn ticket a t a ll.

W h en DenMy m e t Hie A dm ira l,H e g o t n o s a t i s f a c t i o n , •B ec a u se th e d o u g h ty w a rr io r .S tood by h is “ no re tra c tio n .”

T hey ca ll th e se c o u n te rfe it tic k e ts fo r lie big ligh t “ p a s te b o a rd s" b ecau se ■eu get b e a u tifu l ly s tu c k on th e m .

M axim h a s in v e n ted a noiseless tro lley u r. A s ta g a ffa ir th e n .

W e h a te to th in k of el* ‘ he co in . T h a t 's be ing th ro w n a w a y ,.I pon th is liu*e now , S tillm a n ca se , T h a t f e a tu r e s F re d B eauvais.

P re s id e n t rece iv es d isa rm a m e n t idea >f 20.sun m in is te rs . T h ey have dec ided to g ive u p th e ir A LM S th en .

SI M MER SAVINGT he b e r r ie s in C o n n ec tic u t S hould be rip e in th e ir hod.P.ut g o ld en rod a n d a u tu m n leav es , A n eu m in g o u t in s te ad .

They say th a t we will have 15 m inu te service on trolley lines soon. W e move the m inu tes s tand approved,

R ussia w a n ts to g ive u s a cou p le of bases in th e P acific . T h a t 's w h a t you m ight cu ll a d ia m o n d in th e " ro u g h ."

T h e E lk s a re gettin* read y .F o r p o pco rn a n d bo lognas.W hen th e y en joy a n o u tin g

D o w n a t old K a ra tso n y l 's .

T h e r e w ill b e a h u ll g a m e betw een th e m a r r ie d a n d s in g le m e n . tm t it. i s n 't fair, b tcK U se t h e m a r r ie d m en a r e n e v e r in my h q n y to g e t home.

And th e re will be prizes for the best decorated autom obiles, but th u f only applies to the outside, brothers.

The In terior decorating will n o t be a-loud?

You m ay have the live reasons to go, but th e re will iw uno o ther reason tha t m ay keep you home. e

V. H . J .


dobted to you if you will extend to us * w E e • E M W W a ipermission to Use you r paper a s a n ____r-L - L . . T _ 11*14* F - J n „medium to m ake c lear the existing con 1 L I M r c e e s lO “ Jtroversy between th e M onitor A. C. E o r e k * B in d * n d Ih e B oy and the Roosevelt Baseball Club. ScO U tt— P lttC S O f fe re d

The sitqption He* thus: The M onitor| ' ■A. C. a s usual m ade a report of its Roosevelt, June 25.—W hile F reeport baseball game of J u n e 19. Indeed, the Sunday schools a re parad ing in Free- report was not like previous dues port this afternoon, the Sunday schools where the game# cam e to a. decision; [of Roosevelt will also be holding the ir h u t the report, ab su rd us it m ay have first an n u al Sunday school parade, appeared to the Roosevelt fans, was j The M. E. Church, the P resby terian , one of actual happenings, a lthough not; and th e Episcopal C hurches will par- complete in every detail. " 1 th ipate. and they will assem ble a t their

Then M anager Beck w rote the E d l-, own churches a t 3 p. m. T he line of to r of The Dally Review in which the ^M onitor re.port had appeared , declaring 1 an absolute re fu ta tion of the entire re

M ^ friends, th e re is som ething false! about th is declaration . D on't you think th a t the au th o r of th e M onitor report.

m arch wilt be downavenue to P a rk avenue, to C linton. Main to W ood avenue, to Charlee s treet, to W hitehouae aVenue to the M. E. Church, w here the grand m arch willtake place.

The judges will aw ard a money prize to the best looking class, The parade will he led ’by the Boy Scouts and the I E ureka Band of Rockville Centre.

if h e had such w o n d e rfu l Im ag in a tiv e p ow ers as to fo rm u la te su c h a crooked rep o rt, a s w as d ec la red , of a baseball g am e w ith o u t a c tu a l ly w itn e ss in g ,such ev e n ts , had b e t te r u n d e r ta k e w ritin g d im e novels? J do. A nd th e n secu re R oosevelt a s a solo m a rk e t fo r th e sa le of th e p u b lica tio n .

I w ill adm it th a t th e M o n ito rs of the o rig inal o rg a n iz a tio n re fu se d to p lay a c ­co rd ing to a* dec ision by a W c stb u ry u m p ire in a g am e a t W e s tb u ry before Ihe W orld W a r, w h en th e sco re w as) tied a t fo u r in th e fo u r te e n th inn ing ; b u t it w as th e W e s tb u ry te am th a t left th e d iam ond lirs t . T h e re fu sa l to p lay il R oosevelt w as th e f i r s t - o f i t s kind fo r th e p re se n t M o n ito r A. C., w hich w as reo rgan ized la s t A u g u s t.

T ru e enough , th e R oo sev e lt team led olf w i th 'l i v e r u n s in th e f irs t in ­n ing , n o t b ecause o f i ts su p e rio r ity , hut s im p ly on ac co u n t o f H a n s e n 's ,poor f p itch . T h e n th e poor, in fe rio r, fa s t-1 Y s lip p in g M on ito rs d ep riv e d th e g rea t. su p e rio r, o n ru s h ln g lo c a ls 01" th e lead .\ R hodes No. 1 w as s e n t to th e show ­e rs in th e fifth by th £ te r r if ic o n s la u g h t of th e fast-.slipping M on ito rs .

E n te r R h o d es N o. 2 in th e s ix th . S till th e h eav y b o m b a rd m e n t of th e fas t-s lip p in g M on ito rs co n tin u ed , p u sh ­ing o v e r th e p la te 11 to ta l o f th re e ru n s .By v ir tu e of a p rec ip it ijted ra lly , Roose­velt tied th e sco re . T h e n cam e th e sudden c a ta s tro p h e .

1 am ra th e r in c lin e d to believe th a t Mr. D eck m istook th o m e a n in g of fast- slipp ing .

As fo r re p o rt in g o u r g ro ss b reach of b aseball e t iq u e t te to th e p ro p er baseball a u th o r itie s , I feel h a p p y to know th a t s o m e th in g is b e ing done w ith it; a lso 1 sh o u ld a p p re c ia te an in ­tro d u c tio n to th e ‘p ro p e r baseball a u ­th o ritie s , ' a s t, m y se lf , a m seriously th in k in g of m a k in g a rep o rt .

T h e custom In th e old days , if tw o p ersons o r p a r t ie s h a d a d isag reem en t. w as to figh t it o u t. N ow le t u s ch a n g e *1* Hie cu s to m an d p la y it o u t.

T h e re fo re , th e M o n ito r A. t". issues j % 1 ch a llen g e to Hie R oosevelt B aseball y t 'luh to en g ag e in a g a m e of baseball 1 in e i th e r local o r a fo re ig n d iam ond to

se tt le all e x is tin g g rie v a n c e s . T he p lay in g of th is g a m e m u s t conform s tr ic tly to th e se co n d itio n s :

F irs t, th e ru le s of th e g am e w ill he those o f th e S p a ld in g G uide, ex c ep t fo r g ro u n d ru les, w h ich w ill tie decided upon b efo re th e g am e ;

Second, tw o im p a r tia l u m p ire s m ust officiate;

T h ird , d e a n p la y in g a n d good sports- m a n sh ip m u s t p rev a il am o n g th e play-

O U T N O W ,New Victor Records

June, 1921AND



G E L L E R <V K E L D I N‘T he H ouse o f Q u a lity "

MERRICK ROADiR ockville Centre, N. Y.

Annoancwg the OpeningZof Milady'i Sbppe

W om en o f F reep o rt an d v ic in ity w ill be g la d to le a rn of th e o p e n in g o f an exclu sive s to re fo r w ofnen, u n d e r th e nam e o f "M ila d y 's Shoppe ." N ovelty S p o rt W ear. S ilk S w ea ters w ill be fe a tu re d , a lo n g w ith a h ig h g ra d e s tock of e x ­clusive d e s ig n s in la d ie s ' w ear also.EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FOR EASTERN DISTRICT DYEING AND CLEANING COMPANY

T his d e p a r tm e n t, u n d e r d ire c t su p erv isio n o f -an e x p er t, w ill g u a ra n te e th e b e s t d y e in g and c le an in g serv ice fo r w om en on Long Is la n d . M ilad y 's Shoppe will be m a n ag ed by Mrs. M. S k in n e r, and- she w ill be g lad to serve you w ith an a sso rtm e n t

'o f lad ie s ’ w e a r n o t to be found e lsew here .

Milady's Shoppe 11 MERRICK ROAD

Freeport, N. Y. Tel. Freeport 50

Discount ChecksThe discount check

system now in opera­tion in Rockville Centre is a mast practical method of stimulating business. It is likewise a practical way of sav­ing money — Get the children busy and see how fast they accu­mulate. *Read what the checks say — that tells the whole story.

— B ank o f —Rockville Centre

I fT H E N E W L A U N D R Y


| A . W . J O N E S ;!:$ 193 Merrick M., Rockville Centre •}•

W e M a k e


fo r o ff ic e , s to r e o r h o m e a t r e a s o n a b le p r ic e s

I I“ i



Y i 1 * 4

W e also recoverP O R C H S W IN G S

E stim ates cheerfu lly furnished

M a y F a ir S erv ice C o rp o ra tio n , Inc.T E L E P H O N E : F A R M IN G D A L E 141


Furnacef), Itangoa and H eate rs Installed and Itepalreo .


1*5 F ran k lin S treet.

Hem petea/,, L,. I.

> ; ..> :-.:..X ‘«x ~:~x *<~:->x - :~ > x - x - x x ~x - x k -:":-<“ X ~>«X “ :~x x ~:-x - x - x -x ~>

I -IY IX Phone 376-R.

i -



Automotive Service That Satisfies $'


e n d W o rk P ro m p tly A tten d e d To.


52 Baldwin Ave., Baldwin, L. 1.

S in ce re ly your#.K O N G V A LD H A N S E N ,

S e c re ta ry , M. A. C. H em pstead , J u n e 21.


R ockville C en tre , J u n e 25.— A w om ­an , w ho gav e h e r n a m e a s M rs. T h e r­esa Rood, w as b ro u g h t to th e police s ta t io n W ednesday , a c cu se d of b e in g / i v u g ru jit. S he w as d isco v e red by Mo­to rc y c le I 'a tro lm a n G urley , go in g from house t» h o u se In th e v ic in ity of O cean Side road a n d S o u th a rd a v e ­nue, a s k in g to r food a n d w ork . H er d em ean o r a ro u sed th o su sp ic io n s of the perso n s w hose h o m e s s h e v isited and une of them c o m m u n ic a te d w ith th e police. A dam F e h r , w ho h ap p e n ed in th e v ic in ity , a s s is te d P a tro lm a n C u r­ley to p lace th e w o m an in a conven ­ien t au tom ob ile w h ich b ro u g h t h e r to th e police s ta tio n .

J u s t ic e T h o rp e n te r ta in e d a c h a rg e of v a g ra n c y a g a in s t th e w om an and vem unded h e r to M ineo la to a w a it th e re su lt of c o m m u n ic a tio n s w ith th e Y onkers 1‘olive r e s p e c t in g a P a tr ic k K ane, of th a t c ity , w ho , th e w om an sa id , w as tie r b ro th e r .



DELCO - REMEY Starting, Lighting and Ignition Service


B R O W N & H O R N O W299-301 Franklin St., Hempstead, N. Y.

Member of Automotive Service Association of New York

Two Men E scape In ju ryRockville C entre. Ju n e 25.—LeRoy

Husser. who is opera ting an automobile truck for J . H elfeuberg, H8 N orth Vil­lage avenue, lost contro l of the machine while on M errick road n ear Ocean a\e- nue W ednesday. T he front wheel came In contact wifb a te leg raph pole u^id both men were badly shaken up. The windshield wa# sm ashed but the men eedkped serious in ju ry .

i $

Rockville Centre to Long BeachOperate# from

•j* Observer St. and Village AvenueX to“ West End of Long Beach, Direct

C o n n ec ts w ith t ro l le y a t S top 102, O cean Side, sev en m in u te s a f te r

th e h o u r

Fare 25c Each WayBuses leave every h o u r on th e ho u r

s ta r tin g a t 7 a. m. daily from Rock­ville Centre, and 8 a .-m . from

Long Beach

F o r a d v e r tis in g space address J . SPIR O

G eneral D elivery , P o s t Office, R ock­v ille C en tre

To Play Off Baseball TieF reeport, June 25.—H enry Murrieon

Post, 'American Legion baseball team, who played a 12-inning tie w ith Bald­win A. V. recen tly , will m eet them again Sunday. B ranch! and Rigby w ill be the buttery for th e home team and Joy and Seaman fu r the v isiters. A good fust game is expected."■. ■ | "• -■ ■

•E V E R have there

been so m any good

investm ent oppor­

tunities as a t pres­

en t; b u t likewise

never have there

b e e n so m a n y

tem ptations to invest m oney unwisely. I t is a

tim e to consult your banker b o th as to oppor­

tunities to g rasp and as to pitfalls to a v o id ...

Our advice and suggestions in such matters are impartial and given without cost

The Citizens National Banko f F re e p o r t , N e w Y o rk

interest Paid •« special depesit


CLEAN HIGHWAYSReview Office, Rockville O u tre

H em pstead 2 9 1R— P h o n e s :— H em pstead 388

PARKER & BONDElectrical Contractors


55 Marvin Ave., Hempstead, N. Y.

B. F R E Y P A R Q U E T F L O O R SOM Floor# B eerraped and ReBntehed

BEN N ETT AVE. A DARTMOUTH 8T. H em pstead L . 1.

Phone 479-R



Odd Jobbing in Carpenter Work and Painting

866 FRONT STREET. HEMPSTEAD Telephone 1773-J



Insurance24 S. Grove St., Freeport, L I.


WE REACHo u t a n d ta k e In, and d iag n o se each In d iv id u a l a p p e tite . P e c u lia r likes, a p p ro p r ia te to y o u r ow n p a la te , ia w h a t th is every tiny r e s ta u r a n t c a ­te r s to .

GALVIN’S RESTAURANT301 F ron t 8 t., H em pstead

CENTRAL H O TELB rfw hfssl. 7 t« 8.M — Lenrh , M e. I t t* •

D inner. 8Dr, « to S

SPEC IA L CHICKEN D IN N E RS under. 12 to *, #1.00 A le C e r t . At) I t* ,



Phone 16*4 H EM PSTEAD


Office H o u rs : 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.

Closed W ednesday and S a tu rd a y A fternoons ,




I 'L l .MIIKK < IINTK XCTilKS' N O TH KS'Ntiftl b ills itrv invUi'd h> thv H oaiil of

K tlucalitfli. llvnipwlViiU, N Y . fu r in s ta l lin g MHiiitiuy jtluiiihiiiK in I*. S. No. L*

1 ‘litiin m ay lx* vbtHiiicd h ! lln* nftlw o f tho S u p erln tfiiU en i o f S rhoo ia In I*. S. No. 1.I *1 OHfMM't Ntll'ff.

IJIiJh w ill b«‘ oiH‘iivtl a t x tu o in ., Ju ly I. 1921, ,ia I thv tifllvv of l Id* llo o n l o f I'Muvh t l«»n In r . H. No 1. Tho nil bi«lH In ronorveil

UOAKJJ O F K D U fA T IO N ,J IvmjfMttiud. N.

i ighl vet an y o r

T H K r K O r i .K O F Till*; STATIC O F N E W YOU lx:

To A L ttX A N U lil l H. II IGA III C 1IA IIL K 8 11 IGA R I >, IGSTI1IGR I ,A Mti< . E S T H E RS T T T t’H , hi •ml

Whv.rvMH, CUIACTG li ST. UKORtJIG, w ho ri-sitloy hi !*’rev p o rt, N mhhhu V oun ty . N ew Y ork. la tH y Hgj|>lte<l fu tho S urr«inH tv 'a t*1 ol o u r C oun ty o f Nhmhuu. lo h a v e

in w rlth iK boarlIn a lru tn e n t ila tv thoJU N E . JU*1

ng Im h iIiu; •s i x t h o r n o h a y «»i* g i

v tlniiriK to bo th re a l nml sivrHoiial p ro iier t du lti p roved hh tho LiiMt. W ill a n d TcH tuinont

l i l t :i i A l in s . iiiG A im .doet'anod. w ho whh a t th e tim e n f h la dvaH i m re s id e n t u t F re e p o rt , in Haiti C u u u ly of N» khh u.

T hore fo r< \ you. an d • aeh of you. H ie cited to allow cau ae Im• fo ri• th e Sui iTigHti-'M C ourt of o u r fo u n ty «tf Nhkhhu. a l l ho S u r ro g a te ’h oftle.o a t MinooiH, In the C oun ty ttf NHttaa11, on ih " l.'Uh diiy ul Ju ly . a t nin<' o ’clockIn th e foi .'tiuon of th a t tiny, w hy th e Maid W ill a n d T< H tatnent ishould n o t t*- a d m itte dto p ro b a tep ro p e rty .

InWill of re a l am i peiHunat

"n .h av e t MUHod

o' h C ourt o f a.Mhau to bo

T ea ttinony W hereof, ho anal of thv S u n ur hhM C oun ty of e re u n to affixed.

WttneHH. HUN liK O N K P Ho W K M a S u rro g a te of o u r saiil C oun ty o t 'N'hh- Hit U. a t th e S u r ro g a te ’H Ctfhee, a t

I M im-ola. In th e Haiti C ou n ty , the Vtb d a y Of Ju n e , one th o u H a rjd n in e h u n ­dred an d tw en ty -one .

E D W IN W . WIGKKH.C le rk of the S u iro g a te 'H C o u rt.

NOTICE TO CRKDITORHP u rrm in f i <• a n o rd e r of l io n . Tysone

H ow ell. S u rro g a te n f the C o u n ty o f N hW n o tice Ih h ereby given to nil p«sr#ons h a ' C laim * a g a in s t W illiam C. I .o ft, la te o f Rn< v illa C e n tre , In Ute Raid coun ty , d eo e aw d . p re w n t th e Haim* w ith th e vo u eh e m th e re o f , to th e MUbacrlber th e a d m ln lf i tra to r of th e good*. < h a t t 'd a an d c ro d ita w h ich w e re of Ha Id d eceased , a t h e r p la re o f t ra nFKettntf bUHlnea* a t th e oftlce of W rig h t <•. W rig h t, R o ck v ille C en tre . .New Y ork, on o r b e fo re the 25th d a y o f O ctober next.

D a te d Mineola , N. Y.. April ft, 1921.L IZ Z IE A. 7 / ITT.

A d m in is tr a to r .W R i a i l T A W R IG H T ,

•yn f#ir A din to lF iraN ire R o ck v ille C en tre , N. Y.

, NOTICE TO CRKJHTOKMI 'l im u a n t to a n o rd e r o f H on. T^cnne It-

S u rro g a te o f tire C oun ty of NaBHen. re,by given to a ll p e la o n e b a v in s

elaiiuH ag u ln a t W illiam Hciiuli, la te o f F r e e ­p o rt, In th e au ld c o u n try , deceaiied. to prewent th e Haina w ith th e voucher* th e re o f , to th e su b sc r ib e r th e adm lnlHt i a to r o f th e goods, c h a t te ls an d c re d its xfhlch w e re o f sa id d e ­ce ased , at. hl« p lace of tra iiH a e ttn g hualness a t th e offlee o f II. S te w a r t M« K n ig h t. O r N eck B ta th m . N ew Y ork, on 15th d a y o f O c tober next.

D a te d M ineola. N. Y., A pril B. 1921.W IL L IA M K. LU Y H TER

Ah bounty TrtStfSra N a ssa u C o u n ty , A dm lnls-

H flTKWART A leK N lO IlT .A tto rn e y fo r A d m in is tra to r ,

G r e a t N eck S ta tio n ,N ew Y ork.

ht. G reat

• o f

TH E ASSESS*>1 stead , hereby givo notice p ie te d th e ASHChlimeilt I year (1921 •. and that


Hint they have cmn- SHesamcut R olls fo r th e current

i>y thereof bae th e ir e n u m b er a t tb s

office of the Aa*uumr», Rfatm 206. Town HaM. th e VHIaga i»f Hempstead* w h e re It m a y be n and examined by any person until th e

T H IR D T U E S D A Y OK JU N 1J. 1*21 n ex t fo lio w in # ;'an d th a t on that d a y , to w it.


to h e e r an d la l iu u to «u«-h aai

Umtwl Ih la 1st

4 o 'c lo c k t’ M . .a id A .eceSore w ill m e . Ih e lr aa ld office in th e T ow n H k I*. V i l la , H e in iw lead . t<) rev iew Ihi-lr aa ae ean M n t,

a corovUalrla In te.

June. 18*1. HOMaS M imuWPtR. •LARKNO: R. ANKKR8.MITH <xur.

A w e a o te ot the Town ut Uemyetaad.