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Our MissionThe National Association of Broadcasters is the voice

for the nation’s radio and television broadcasters. We deliver value to our members through

advocacy, education and innovation.

As the premier trade association for broadcasters, NAB advances the interests of our members in federal

government, industry and public affairs; improves the quality and profitability of broadcasting; encourages content

and technology innovation; and spotlights the important and unique ways stations serve their communities.

National Association of Broadcasters2015 Annual Report

4 Dedication to Broadcasters 5 Message from NAB Joint Board Chair

and President and CEO 6 Always Ensuring Broadcasters’ Ability

to Serve Local Communities 10 Always Navigating Broadcasting’s Future 14 Always Telling Our Story 16 Always Delivering Value and Results 20 Always Providing Opportunities for Growth 36 Always Supporting Broadcast Careers 46 Always Leading with Inspiration

What does it mean to have the soul of a broadcaster?

Many people already know about the amazing service that broadcasters provide to their communities – the way they deliver the local news, emergency updates, sports and entertainment.

But what TV viewers and radio listeners may not fully grasp is broadcasters’ dedication and determination to serve their communities every single day.

Deep in the souls of broadcasters is an unrelenting commitment to always be there for their communities – to inform, educate and help their fellow man.

It’s a fundamental part of who broadcasters are. And this deep-rooted commitment manifests itself in many ways.

Broadcasters respond to emergencies to keep communities safe and help them stay calm.

They get involved and raise awareness of the issues that impact their neighbors.

They investigate stories to uncover government corruption and scams that hurt consumers.

And, as we tragically witnessed this year, broadcasters place their own lives in peril in carrying out their duties.

In August, we mourned the deaths of WDBJ-TV journalists Alison Parker and Adam Ward, who were killed while on the air.

In October, we were saddened by the news of the passing of engineer Ernie Jones, an industry icon who died while working on a broadcast tower in Oklahoma City.

And there are countless other brave men and women across the country – and around the globe – who risk their lives every day as broadcasters, covering wars, disasters and other emergencies…or simply just trying to do their jobs.

It’s important to remember the many invaluable ways broadcasters are there for listeners and viewers every day. We can’t take for granted their incredible service.

We dedicate this year’s annual report to the men and women who inspire us with their passion and courage as broadcasters. It’s an honor and privilege to represent them in our nation’s capital.

Dave Lougee Gordon H. Smith NAB Joint Board Chair NAB President and CEO



Always Ensuring Broadcasters’ Ability to Serve Local CommunitiesLocal radio and television stations are an integral part of American lives. They keep communities safe, informed and entertained, and support the foundation of our country’s democratic ideals – the freedom of speech and of the press. NAB fights for legislative and regulatory policies that support broadcasters’ commitment to serving their local communities.

FEDERAL COPYRIGHT REVIEW: The House Judiciary Committee

continued its comprehensive review of U.S. copyright laws in 2015.

One focus is the music licensing laws, including those governing

radio broadcasts. Multiple bills have been introduced that would

significantly alter the royalty structure when music is played on any

number of platforms. NAB has continuously emphasized the benefit

that local radio stations provide artists and listeners and the

importance of the current legal structure that enables our uniquely

free and local service. NAB also continues to emphasize the

impediments that are stifling broadcast innovation through streaming.

As record labels continue to advocate for a tax on local radio,

NAB will continue to promote the important role of radio stations

in discovering and launching new artists and making the American

system of music creation one of the most prolific in the world.

PERFORMANCE TAX: While the big record labels continued to

aggressively lobby for a performance tax on local radio stations

simply for airing and promoting artists’ music, broadcasters worked

with congressional leaders to grow the number of bipartisan

cosponsors of the Local Radio Freedom Act, a resolution that

opposes a performance tax and recognizes the critical role

local radio plays in every community. At the end of the year,

225 members of the House supported the resolution – a

majority large enough to block performance tax legislation.

In addition, 23 senators supported the resolution. Particularly in the

House, this helped to ensure performance tax legislation would

not gain traction. NAB will continue to educate lawmakers on the

beneficial partnership between local stations and artists that has

thrived for decades.


Royalty Board (CRB) resets the rate for streaming music every

five years. NAB actively participated in this proceeding, supplying

extensive economic and legal analyses and witness testimony to

encourage the CRB to set reasonable new rates that reflect a

competitive market. NAB encouraged the CRB to set the rate at a

level that encourages broadcasters to stream, which would be a win

for everyone who loves, makes or plays music. In its December 16

decision, the CRB recognized that the royalty rates applicable to

the streaming services of radio broadcasters were too high and

reduced them by 32 percent. NAB is pleased that streaming rates

are moving in the right direction and will remain committed to

ensuring simulcasting is viable for local stations across the country.


“We are fighting for local TV and radio stations’ ability to deliver lifesaving information, news and entertainment free to all audiences.

We will never lose sight of our mission to uphold the foundations of our democracy – the freedom of speech and of the press.”

— Gordon H. Smith, President and CEO, NAB


SPECTRUM INCENTIVE AUCTION: NAB continued to work with Congress and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to promote a successful broadcast spectrum incentive auction. While ensuring the auction is attractive for those stations that wish to participate, NAB also wants to ensure that broadcasters choosing not to participate are held harmless and not required to absorb repacking costs or forced off the air. Television stations forced to move to new channels following the auction should be reimbursed for the full costs of transitioning as Congress intended. No station should be forced off the air if it is unable to move to its new channel for reasons outside the station’s control. NAB’s advocacy will continue to focus on ensuring that the auction is conducted as Congress intended and that, following the auction, stations will be able to innovate and thrive well into the future.

PROGRAM EXCLUSIVITY AND RETRANSMISSION CONSENT: In 2015, NAB worked at the FCC and on Capitol Hill to ensure local stations are able to serve their viewers with critical local news, community information and the most-watched programming. Unfortunately, the FCC proposed in 2014 to eliminate rules allowing for efficient enforcement of broadcasters’ contractual network non-duplication and syndicated exclusivity rights, which threatened broadcasters’ ability to provide the news, weather and emergency information viewers rely upon. NAB vigorously opposed the FCC’s proposal and received support on the issue from Senate Commerce and Judiciary leadership. As a result, the FCC has not yet adopted it.

The Commission is also currently reexamining its rules obligating broadcasters and pay-TV providers to negotiate retransmission consent agreements in good faith. The retransmission consent process allows broadcasters to negotiate for compensation for cable and satellite operators’ retransmission of stations’ signals. Fair compensation is critical to local TV stations’ ability to provide local news, community and emergency information, as well as

top-quality entertainment and sports. The pay-TV industry continues

to urge the FCC to increase cable and satellite operators’ negotiating

leverage at the expense of broadcasters. NAB is strongly fighting

this continuing assault on private, market-based retransmission

consent negotiations, as the current process benefits TV viewers,

enabling stations to provide them with more programming choices

and services.

ADVERTISING DEDUCTIBILITY: NAB remained vigilant in opposing

harmful changes to the tax treatment of advertising that would

make it more costly for businesses to reach their customers

through local radio and television ads. Local stations derive the

vast majority of their revenues directly from advertising and use

that revenue to support local jobs and programming. Denying

businesses the ability to deduct advertising costs as an ordinary

and necessary business expenses would make advertising more

costly and could have a detrimental impact on broadcasters. It

appears increasingly unlikely that the 114th Congress will address

this issue.

REFORMING OWNERSHIP RULES: The media marketplace has

changed dramatically since the FCC and Congress last addressed

the restrictions that apply only to over-the-air broadcast station

ownership. NAB is working to remove outdated restrictions and

allow stations to compete more effectively in today’s marketplace.

On Capitol Hill, NAB successfully advocated for legislation to

reverse a 2014 FCC decision that made most television joint

sales agreements (JSAs) count toward the FCC’s current strict

ownership limits and therefore violate media ownership rules.

As a result, legislation passed in December grandfathers joint

sales agreements in existence at the time of the FCC’s rule

change through September 30, 2025. NAB also challenged in

federal court the FCC’s failure to conclude its statutorily required

2010 “quadrennial” review of all broadcast ownership rules, as

well as its decision to attribute joint sales agreements.


AM RADIO REVITALIZATION: Last fall, the FCC approved a

number of technical and other measures to help revitalize

AM radio service. Working with stations, NAB mounted an

industry-wide effort and engaged congressional support to ensure

that the FCC provided multiple opportunities for AM stations

to obtain FM translators, which helps them broadcast their

programming to a larger audience. This was great news for

millions of AM radio listeners across the country who value the

diverse programming, news, emergency updates and sports that

AM radio provides to local communities. Going forward, NAB

will advocate for additional flexibility in the placement of FM

translators and relaxation of other FCC rules that may constrain

AM radio service.

NAB POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEEThe NAB Political Action Committee (NABPAC) assists in the

broadcast industry’s advocacy efforts. NABPAC aggregates

broadcaster resources to support pro-broadcast candidates and

policymakers who recognize the importance of local radio and

TV stations in every community. In 2015, NABPAC’s Power of 10

campaign resulted in an increase of 10 percent and a new record-high

annual fundraising total of $1.15 million as of December 16, 2015.

Through NABPAC, broadcasters are engaging in the political

process to help shape the future of the industry.

NAB is educating legislators that retransmission consent revenue enables local stations to reinvest in the valuable services they provide to their communities, such as their newsrooms and delivering emergency information.



Always Navigating Broadcasting’s FutureBroadcasters are rising to the challenge of meeting the needs of today’s consumers, providing the content they seek anytime, anywhere. Capitalizing on new technologies, broadcasters are enhancing the delivery of the content and services communities value across emerging platforms.

NAB LABSNAB Labs is the association’s innovation engine that provides

a venue for broadcasters to engage with, develop and test

new technologies. It also increases awareness about emerging

technology developments and broadcast innovations. In the

past year, NAB Labs has joined forces with 1776 and the

Dingman Center Angels – two startup incubators dedicated

to fostering new technologies. In 2016, NAB Labs will unveil a

new membership program that enables digital partners to work

more closely with broadcasters to accelerate innovation and

capitalize on opportunities.

NAB Labs also engaged in numerous activities and initiatives

supporting progress in broadcast radio and TV technology:

• HYBRID FM RADIO: NAB Labs has been at the forefront of

developing technology that utilizes over-the-air radio receivers

and Internet access in mobile devices to provide smartphone users

with a spectrally-smart option for entertainment and emergency

information. During 2015, the number of FM-enabled smartphones

grew dramatically – welcome news for listeners and the radio

and wireless industries!


to foster the evolution of broadcast television through evaluation,

standards development, prototyping and testing of ATSC 3.0

with next-generation TV. An NAB Show attendee checks out the latest camera technology on the exhibit floor.


“It’s an exciting time to be a broadcaster. We’re working together to ensure all of our great content – the local news, emergency updates and

entertainment – is available to our viewers anytime and anywhere.”

— Jimmy Goodmon, Vice President and General Manager Capitol Broadcasting Company New Media Group


• INVESTMENTS IN STARTUPS: NAB Labs will continue to look

for opportunities that can improve the broadcast business.

Recent investments include projects involving online streaming

and over-the-top technology, social media engagement and

real-time big data analytics.

• BIG DATA: NAB Labs launched a pilot project with North Carolina

State University researchers to scientifically measure local

broadcasters’ significant contribution to communities. IBM’s

Watson, a leading big data computing system, was used

for analytics.

• NAB FUTURES PARK: NAB Labs presents a special section of

the NAB Show exhibit floor devoted exclusively to demonstrations

of the latest media-related research and development projects,

giving attendees a peek at the industry’s future before these

emerging products and services become available in

the marketplace.

• DIGITAL OFFICERS COMMITTEE: NAB Labs formed a new group,

augmenting its radio and television technology committees, to discuss

digital measurement and revenue strategies, programmatic

advertising technologies and other timely digital media topics.

The committee also presented its first Digital Leadership Award to

James F. “Jimmy” Goodmon Jr., vice president and general manager

of Capitol Broadcasting Company (CBC) New Media Group.

• BROADCAST BLOG: NAB Labs launched a broadcast technology

blog, which features posts by NAB’s technology experts on a

wide-ranging series of timely topics regarding broadcast innovation.

From cybersecurity to virtual reality to new video coding techniques,

the Broadcast Blog has the latest news on emerging issues.

For more information on the work of NAB Labs, visit nablabs.org or follow on Twitter @NAB_Labs. NAB Futures provides attendees with the chance to experience cutting-

edge technology.

NAB Show attendees get hands-on experience.


NAB Futures Park gives broadcasters the opportunity to explore the latest media-related research and development projects before they become available in the marketplace.

Always Telling Our Story

“Our station is part of our community – we’re

there 24/7, no matter the circumstance,

keeping people safe. Our listeners know

they can count on us and we’ll support them

in every way. We’re broadcasters.

That’s what we do.”

— Julie Koehn, PresidentLenawee Broadcasting Company

In 2015, local radio and TV broadcasters across the nation continued to serve their communities in unique ways by…

NAB works with our members to fight for policies that protect broadcasters’ ability to support their communities. To view more photos of local stations’ public service efforts, visit WeAreBroadcasters.com/AlwaysLocal.


• 17,254 total broadcast stations in the U.S.: • 1,784 full-power television stations • 15,470 full-power radio stations

• 245 million people listen to radio each week.

• 66+ million Americans rely on broadcast television through an antenna.

• 37% of homes that rely on TV using an antenna are minority households.

• 2.49 million jobs created by the broadcast industry.

• $1.19 trillion generated annually by the local radio and television industry in economic activity.

• $10+ billion generated by local radio and TV stations in community service in a single year.

• Broadcast news remains the #1 source for news and information, outpacing other platforms.… INNOVATING TO PROVIDE







Always Delivering Value and ResultsNAB watches out for its members, fighting for important issues that impact all local radio and television stations. By joining NAB, members are changing the game in our nation’s capital, ensuring a vibrant future free from burdensome legislative and regulatory measures.

NAB MEMBERSHIPNAB provides numerous resources to keep its radio and television

members apprised of legislative and regulatory issues, including

talking points, issue briefs and additional tools to help broadcasters

engage with legislators on important policy issues. Whether

commercial or noncommercial, or in small, medium or large markets,

NAB advocates on behalf of all its members in Congress, at the

FCC and before the courts, ensuring stations’ ability to serve their

local communities.

NAB associate membership is a tremendous value for companies

that provide products and services to broadcasters and related

media industries. Members receive unparalleled opportunities to

showcase products, learn about emerging technology and make

critical networking connections.

COST-SAVINGS BENEFITSNAB members save thousands of hard-earned dollars with unlimited

access to our legal and technology experts at no additional cost,

access to free year-round educational webcasts for your staff,

discounts to conferences and much more.

Resources include:

• Legal hotline

• Online advocacy tools and resources

• Direct access to engineering and technology experts

• Professional development resources

• Media liability insurance

• Property and casualty insurance

• Publication discounts

• Market research and forecasts

Learn more about the many benefits available to members at


NAB members work hard to ensure stations’ ongoing ability to deliver the local news, emergency information and entertainment their communities rely on every day.


“I know that my membership in NAB ensures my station’s voice is heard by our legislators and demonstrates the unity in our industry. It’s important to have a seat at the

table and there’s no greater insurance policy than our national organization.”

— Bob Proffitt, President and CEO, Alpha Media LLC


NAB PUBLIC SERVICENAB creates awareness of the unique impact that broadcasters

have in their local communities by communicating with policy-

makers and the press via digital media and events. NAB hosts

nabspotcenter.org, an online platform where broadcasters download

free radio and television public service announcements (PSAs) on

issues of national concern from a variety of nonprofit organizations.

NAB’s 2015 Congressional PSA campaign celebrated its 30th year

and featured a record 307 legislators and their family members in

PSAs addressing issues such as cancer prevention, mental health

and support for our troops.

DIGITAL NEWS AND UPDATESNAB produces several digital newsletters and blogs to keep

members informed on the latest news affecting television and

radio broadcasters, as well as to highlight stations’ community

service and innovation efforts.

NAB Pulse highlights important and timely issues pending at the

FCC, in Congress, in the courts and other government agencies,

and provides updates on NAB’s events, professional development

offerings, awards programs and broadcasters’ public service efforts.

NAB@Work is a members-only monthly e-newsletter that gives

an in-depth look at NAB’s advocacy work and legislation and

regulations affecting broadcasters, as well as updates on how

broadcasters are innovating.

SmartBrief, a daily e-newsletter, provides the latest need-to-know

industry news from hundreds of sources.

Broadcast Blog is produced by NAB’s technology team and updates

members on technology issues facing the radio, television and new

media worlds, navigating digital trends, innovations and technological

challenges that impact the industry. Visit blog.nablabs.org to

learn more.

Policy Blog shares insights from NAB’s policy experts on the

issues at play in Congress or at the FCC that are impacting local

radio and television stations. Learn more at blog.nab.org.

Licensed to Serve is a monthly e-newsletter that highlights radio

and television broadcasters’ commitment to their local communities.

Beyond NAB members, it is sent to policymakers and the press.

All featured stories, plus many more, are included in the interactive

U.S. map found at broadcastpublicservice.org and are tweeted

from @BroadlyServing.

NAB also amplifies stories about stations’ local impact through its

social media platforms. Follow NAB at facebook.com/broadcasters, @nabtweets and instagram.com/WeAreBroadcasters.

To sign up for NAB’s digital newsletters, contact the Membership

department at [email protected].

Radio and TV stations are part of their local communities, providing vital public service throughout the year.


America’s local broadcasters support their communities in many ways, including coverage of local sporting events.



Always Providing Opportunities for Growth

NAB’s events and educational offerings provide broadcasters the opportunity to learn from industry thought leaders, gain insights into building successful careers, explore new technologies, discuss innovative business strategies and address important broadcasting issues.

NAB Show – Where Content Comes to Life®

In April, attendees representing every sector of the broadcast,

media and entertainment industries, including film, telecom,

post-production, academia, advertising, military, retail, security,

sports, online video, IT and virtual and augmented reality, converged

in Las Vegas to embrace the immersive experiences reshaping

the new realities of the marketplace. Through an expansive show

floor featuring areas showcasing market-ready startups, drone

solutions, a live studio, hundreds of sessions and special events,

the 2015 NAB Show provided the ultimate destination to explore

opportunities in media and entertainment.

In 2015, headliners included:

• Bryan Barber, vice president, Digital Initiatives, Warner Bros.

• Charlie Collier, president, AMC

• Marc DeBevoise, executive vice president and general manager, News and Sports, CBS Interactive

• Gaëtan Delcroix, vice president, Product Management, Technicolor

• JoDee Freck, senior vice president, Mastering and Technical Services, LionsGate

• Rebecca Glashow, senior vice president, Digital Distribution and Partnerships, Discovery Communications

• Robert Kirkman, comic book creator and series executive producer, “The Walking Dead”

• Jim Mainard, head of Digital Strategy and New Business Development, DreamWorks Animation

• John McAfee, security expert and founder, McAfee Associates

• Perkins Miller, chief digital officer, National Football League

• Allison Moore, general manager and executive vice president, TV Everywhere, NBCUniversal

• Dan Myrick, director, “The Blair Witch Project”; filmmaker, Gearhead Pictures

• Bob Pittman, CEO, iHeartMedia

103,119 Media and entertainment professionals

26,319 International visitors from 160+ countries

1,635 Members of the press

1,789 Exhibiting companies covering 1 million+ net square feet

2015 NAB Show Fast Facts


“For me, the NAB Show is a must-attend event every year. Nowhere else can I soak in all the latest innovations and network

with the best minds in media and entertainment.”

— Neal Oberg, Vice President, DigitalMorgan Murphy Media


NAB Distinguished Service AwardRecognizes broadcasters who have made significant and lasting contributions to the broadcasting industry.

Jerry Lewis, entertainer and humanitarian

NAB Broadcasting Hall of Fame – TelevisionRecognizes television personalities or programs that have earned a place in broadcasting history.

Shonda Rhimes, creator and executive producer “Grey’s Anatomy,” “Private Practice,” “Scandal,” “How to Get Away With Murder”

Television Chairman’s AwardEstablished to recognize individuals for significant breakthroughs in television.

Tracee Ellis Ross, actor, producer and motivational speaker

Spirit of Broadcasting AwardA special honor given periodically to individuals or organizations that have made a unique and enduring difference in improving the broadcasting industry.

Lowell “Bud” Paxson

NAB Broadcasting Hall of Fame – RadioRecognizes radio personalities or programs that have earned a place in broadcasting history.

Kevin and Bean, hosts of “The Kevin & Bean Morning Show,” KROQ-FM

NAB Crystal Radio AwardsGiven to individual stations for their exceptional year-round commitment to community service.

KRMG-AM Tulsa Okla.

KTTS-FM Springfield, Mo.

WAFL- FM Milford, Del.

WDRV-FM Chicago, Ill.

WINS-AM New York, N.Y.

WSB-AM Atlanta, Ga.

WSOY-AM Decatur, Ill.

WTMX-FM Chicago, Ill.

WTOP-FM Washington, D.C.

WUSL-FM Philadelphia, Pa.

NAB Crystal Heritage Radio AwardHonors stations that have won a total of five Crystal Radio Awards.

WLEN-FM Adrian, Mich.

(L to R) Marla Paxson is joined by singer and entertainer Wayne Newton and actress Sharon Stone, who honored her husband, media executive Lowell “Bud” Paxson (posthumously), with the Spirit of Broadcasting Award at the TV Luncheon.

Legendary actor Jerry Lewis accepts the NAB Distinguished Service Award.


NAB Engineering Achievement Award – TelevisionGiven for outstanding achievement in television engineering.

Richard Friedel, executive vice president and general manager, Fox Networks Engineering and Operations

NAB Engineering Achievement Award – RadioGiven for outstanding achievement in radio engineering.

Thomas F. King, president, Kintronic Labs

NAB Service to Broadcast Engineering Achievement AwardRecognizes individuals who have provided extraordinary service to the broadcast industry in ways that may not have been broadly recognized.

Ray Conover, senior engineering consultant, Hubbard Broadcasting

NAB Digital Leadership AwardEstablished in 2015 to honor an individual at a broadcast station,

group or network who has had a significant role in transforming a

traditional broadcast business to succeed on digital media platforms.

James F. “Jimmy” Goodmon Jr., vice president and general manager, Capitol Broadcasting Company (CBC) New Media Group

Technology Innovation AwardRecognizes organizations that bring exhibits and demonstrations of significant merit to NAB Show and present advanced research and development projects in communications technologies.

Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute

NAB Best Paper AwardHonors the author(s) of a paper of exceptional merit published in the proceedings of the NAB Broadcast Engineering Conference.

Lukasz Litwic, Olie Baumann, Matthew S. Goldman

and Philip White, Ericsson

ACE AwardPeer-driven awards recognizing NAB Show exhibitors for their innovations in booth design and execution.

Best Linear Booth: Dropbox

Best Small Island Booth: Devlin Design Group

Best Medium Island Booth: Atomos

Best Large Island Booth: Canon

NAB Show Radio Luncheon speaker Marilu Henner with NAB Broadcasting Hall of Fame – Radio winners Kevin Ryder (L) and Gene “Bean” Baxter (R).

TEGNA Media President and NAB Joint Board Chair Dave Lougee (L) and NAB President and CEO Gordon Smith (R) present Shonda Rhimes with the NAB Broadcasting Hall of Fame – Television award.


An exhibitor creatively displays new equipment to NAB Show attendees.The new Aerial Robotics and Drone Pavilion was one of the most popular exhibitions at the 2015 NAB Show.

Thousands of NAB Show attendees get the chance to try out the newest technologies in their fields.


The 2015 NAB Show drew over 103,000 attendees and featured 1,789 exhibitors.


NAB Show New York – The Essence of NAB. The Power of NYC.In 2015, NAB’s Content and Communications World (CCW),

the largest and most powerful media, entertainment, video and

satellite-based communications technology conference and

exposition on the East Coast, became NAB Show New York.

With its show floor, presentations and sessions highly relevant

to the media industry and content professionals, the event is

widely recognized as more than a regional event, drawing

attendees from across the U.S. and around the world. NAB

purchased CCW+SATCON in December 2013 and produced

the event for the first time in November 2014. In 2015, the event

hit a record-high attendance of over 7,200. InfoComm Connections

co-located with NAB Show New York in 2015 and will be back in

2016, broadening the community, providing value and opportunity

unsurpassed by any event in the region.

(L to R) Sony Pictures Television Chairman Steve Mosko is interviewed by bestselling author and journalist Bill Carter during the opening keynote session at NAB Show New York.

NAB Show New York attracts around 7,000 attendees from around the world.


2015 headliners included:

• Brandon Berger, chief digital officer, Worldwide Ogilvy & Mather

• Winston Caldwell, vice president, Spectrum Engineering, Advanced Engineering, Fox Networks Group

• Bill Carter, former New York Times television columnist, current contributor to CNN and The Hollywood Reporter, host on SiriusXM Radio

• Natasha Cholerton-Brown, global director for Visual Media Content, Bloomberg LP

• Greg Coppa, director of Advanced Technology, CBS

• Subrata De, vice president, Newsgathering, ABC News

• Mitch Dubin, camera operator, “Bridge of Spies,” “Lincoln,” “Terminator,” “War Horse,” Society of Camera Operators

• Matt Fleeman, lead consulting engineer, Satellite Solutions Group, Verizon

• Adam Gerber, vice president, Sales Development and Marketing, ABC Television Networks

• David E. Green, vice president, Public Policy and Creative Content Protection, NBCUniversal

• Melissa Harper, senior vice president, Production, Starz Originals, Starz Entertainment

• Renard Jenkins, senior director, Production, Media and Distribution Operations, PBS

• Roger Keating, senior vice president, Hearst Television Inc

• Courtney Kemp Agboh, executive producer and creator, “Power”

• Benjamin Lehmann, senior producer, “Sesame Street”

• Cynthia Littleton, managing editor of Television, Variety

• Steve Mosko, chairman, Sony Pictures Television

• Peter Naylor, senior vice president, Advertising Sales, Hulu

• Frank Prinzi, ASC, “Law & Order: Criminal Intent,” “Northern Exposure,” “Night of the Living Dead”

• Lt. Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond, deputy chief of staff, Operations (Headquarters, United States Air Force)

• Joe Simon, chief technology officer, Univision

• Sarah Thomas, field marketing lead, Global Sales and Marketing, The Boeing Company

• David J. Thompson, camera operator, “Silver Linings Playbook,” “The Hunger Games,” “I am Legend,” Society of Camera Operators

• Diane Tryneski, executive vice president, Media and Production Operations, HBO

Hundreds of exhibitors showcase a wide range of technology each year at NAB Show New York.


Intelsat was one of more than 300 exhibitors at NAB Show New York.

(L to R) Cynthia Littleton, managing editor of Television, Variety, moderates a discussion with Courtney Kemp Agboh, executive producer and creator, “Power,” and Melissa Harper, senior vice president of Production, Starz Originals and Starz Entertainment.

NAB Show New York attendees got a first look at brand new technology on the exhibit floor.


In 2015, CCW+SATCON rebranded as NAB Show New York. This expansion of the NAB Show brand takes the show to a new level by offering more innovative programming, attracting new markets and driving deeper engagement among attendees and exhibitors.


Radio ShowIn September, radio professionals from across the country came

together in Atlanta for the 2015 Radio Show to explore fresh ideas,

tangible takeaways and cutting-edge technology, while networking

with radio’s power players and up-and-comers. Produced by NAB

and the Radio Advertising Bureau, the Radio Show featured a

broad range of customized training covering all facets of radio

such as financial forecasting, programmatic buying, audience

measurement and sales and programming strategies. Also

offered were special events spotlighting the people, music and

trends shaping the future of the business. The Radio Show also

welcomed young professionals who engaged in sessions tailored

specifically to them.

The annual NAB Marconi Radio Awards Dinner & Show celebrated

excellence in broadcasting, featuring Atlanta-based host Rickey

Smiley and a special performance by GRAMMY® Award nominee

Gavin DeGraw. In The Marketplace Exhibit Hall, attendees got a

first look at exciting new products and technology.

Throughout the Radio Show, BMI artists participated in Artist

Spotlights, which brought the songwriters and artists right to

attendees with one-of-a-kind performances at various general

sessions and networking opportunities. The event closed with

an exciting look at new artists’ music and upcoming hits by

representatives of the major record labels, as well as an interview

of legendary singer-songwriter Steven Tyler by radio personalities

Lorianne Crook and Charlie Chase.

The following awards were presented at the 2015 Radio Show:

NAB National Radio AwardRecognizes an individual for his/her significant or ongoing contribution to the radio industry in a leading capacity.

George G. Beasley, chairman, chief executive officer and founder, Beasley Media Group, Inc.

The Band Perry performs at the “Music and Mimosas” session, the closing event of the Radio Show.


NAB Marconi Radio Awards

Legendary Station KYW-AM Philadelphia, Pa.

Network/Syndicated Personality of the Year Steve Harvey Premiere Networks

Major Market Personality of the Year Eric & Kathy WTMX-FM, Chicago, Ill.

Large Market Personality of the Year Gene & Julie Gates WRAL-FM Raleigh, N.C.

Medium Market Personality of the Year Dan Potter KRMG-AM, Tulsa, Okla.

Small Market Personality of the Year Brian Byers WSOY-AM, Decatur, Ill.

Major Market Station of the Year WTOP-FM Washington, D.C.

Large Market Station of the Year KSTP-FM Minneapolis - St. Paul, Minn.

Medium Market Station of the Year KRMG-AM Tulsa, Okla.

Small Market Station of the Year WLEN-FM Adrian, Mich.

AC Station of the Year WDUV-FM Tampa, Fla.

CHR Station of the Year KQMV-FM Seattle, Wash.

Classic Hits Station of the Year KONO-FM San Antonio, Texas

Country Station of the Year WUBE-FM Cincinnati, Ohio

News/Talk Station of the Year WSB-AM Atlanta, Ga.

Religious Station of the Year WPRS-FM Washington, D.C.

Rock Station of the Year WDRV-FM Chicago, Ill.

Sports Station of the Year WFAN-AM New York, N.Y.

Urban Station of the Year WBLS-FM New York, N.Y.

Noncommercial Station of the Year WKAR-FM East Lansing, Mich.

Univision Communications’ President of Political and Advocacy Sales and NAB Radio Board Chair José Valle (L) and NAB’s Gordon Smith (R) present George G. Beasley with the NAB National Radio Award.

CBS News chief foreign policy correspondent Lara Logan mesmerizes Radio Show attendees with her insights and experiences as an international reporter on the scene of major global events.


Legendary musician Steven Tyler talks to radio hosts Lorianne Crook and Charlie Chase about his career and his new direction in country music at the “Music and Mimosas” session.

Nationally-syndicated radio personality Rickey Smiley hosts the annual NAB Marconi Radio Awards Dinner & Show.

Hundreds of exhibitors brought new technology directly to attendees at The Marketplace Exhibit Hall.

Chart-topping singer Gavin DeGraw performs at the NAB Marconi Radio Awards Dinner & Show.


The 2015 Marconi Radio Award winners represent the breadth of excellence among local stations and on-air personalities.


State Leadership ConferenceThe NAB State Leadership Conference is the premier advocacy

event for broadcasters, allowing them to meet with federal

policymakers to discuss issues that affect television and radio.

The conference includes a thorough update on policy issues before

Congress and the FCC, as well as an opportunity to network with

fellow broadcasters from across the country. In 2015, attendees heard

from prominent policymakers, including Sen. Charles Schumer (NY)

and FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly. During his remarks,

Sen. Schumer noted that as cable news and other media are

becoming more polarized and partisan, local news has become

even more valuable for communities to find the truth and get

the facts.

Small Market Television Exchange, Group Roundtable and Digital Think TankThe Small Market Television Exchange is the only national gathering

for small market group executives and station television managers

in DMAs 76 and above. The event focuses on innovative ways

to attract emerging and non-traditional advertisers, suggestions

to enhance a station’s position in the local marketplace and tips

for turning good ideas into revenue-generating plans. An integral

part of the event is the Small Market Money Makers competition.

Twenty-five finalists are asked to showcase their best sales promotions.

In 2015, the grand prize was awarded to WWTV/WFQX, from

Traverse City, Mich., for “BrewVine Passport.” The Group Executive

Roundtable, a key facet of the event, is an invitation-only meeting

for broadcast owners and executives who are responsible for

overseeing operations and the financial success of their groups.

Activities concluded with a meeting for corporate and station digital

managers who are pioneering new paths for their organizations’

digital sales and content efforts.

NAB FuturesNAB Futures is an exclusive three-day conference for NAB-member

senior-level radio and television broadcast executives responsible

for positioning their companies and stations for success. The event

brings together top thought-leaders, entrepreneurs and financial

experts to discuss new ideas and opportunities that are shaping

the future of broadcasting. In 2015, attendees heard from Jonathan

Perelman, head of Digital Initiatives, ICM Partners, on how to create

shareable social content and insights into maximizing reach and

impact. Topics explored included cybersecurity, virtual reality, IP

distribution, cross platform analytics, cool startup companies and

the financial outlook for the broadcasting industry.

Sen. Charles Schumer (NY) praises local news’ importance in today’s media landscape at the 2015 State Leadership Conference.


Strategic Sales Solutions (S3)The Strategic Sales Solution (S3) webcasts provide impactful ideas

and tools to senior TV sales executives with at least three to five

years of selling experience. Produced in partnership with TVB,

the webcasts deliver best practices and success stories from sales

and marketing experts and television advertisers that stations can

immediately implement at their stations. Topics covered in 2015

included automotive, legal, furniture and programmatic ad

buying. The 2016 schedule will include an additional automotive

session and other relevant topics, including home improvement,

healthcare and financing.

Fly-In for Radio Group ExecutivesThe Fly-In for Radio Group Executives is an invitation-only event

for top-level NAB member radio executives whose companies

own or operate at least one station in at least three markets

in the United States. In 2015, highlights included NAB Radio

Board Chair José Valle’s candid one-on-one interview with

FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai and appearances by Pam Coulter

and Steven Portnoy of CBS Radio News.

NAB Webcasts and PodcastsNAB Webcasts are exclusive, members-only educational webcasts

that debut on the third Wednesday of every month and provide

broadcasters with professional development and valuable knowledge

from prominent broadcast experts and leaders at no cost. Debuting

in 2016 are NAB Podcasts, which will also feature insights from industry

thought leaders.

Susan Ershler, president and founder of Ershler International, gives the opening keynote address at the Small Market Television Exchange.

Jonathan Perelman, head of Digital Initiatives, ICM Partners, explains how to create shareable content to attendees at NAB Futures.



Always Supporting Broadcast Careers

The National Association of Broadcasters Education Foundation (NABEF) is a nonprofit organization that supports those seeking to grow their careers in broadcast radio and television. Whether in sales, technology or executive management, NABEF provides valuable professional development resources and training to develop the next-generation of broadcast leaders.

For more than 20 years, the foundation has offered programs and developed initiatives that reinforce the future of broadcasting through a commitment to education and to advancing excellence in the diversity and community service efforts of the broadcasting

industry. Its offerings include:

BROADCAST LEADERSHIP TRAINING PROGRAM The Broadcast Leadership Training program was created to enable talented senior-level broadcast executives who aspire to advance as group executives or station owners and to improve the diversity profile of broadcast media ownership. The 10-month executive MBA-style program prepares participants to purchase radio and television properties, or move into more senior-level executive positions in broadcasting. In 2015, 17 executives graduated, bringing the total number of broadcast professionals who have completed the program to 255. Graduates include general managers, general

sales managers, owners and other department heads.

EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR This four-day seminar is geared toward broadcast managers looking to increase managerial effectiveness. The program helps attendees obtain the skills needed to strategically assess the broadcast business environment, negotiate and communicate effectively

and manage human capital.

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Targeting non-managers who are the rising stars of the broadcast industry, the Leadership Development Program provides participants with the leadership tools needed to take on new levels of responsibility, focus on career advancement and demonstrate effective leadership.

MEDIA SALES INSTITUTES The Media Sales Institute is a 10-day intensive sales training boot camp targeting recent graduates. Students learn the basics of media sales, including the sales cycle, prospecting, media research and networking, creating effective presentations and closing sales. Many graduates are hired into media sales positions after completing the program. The four partner schools are Arizona State University, Florida A&M University, Howard University and Ohio University. Graduates from any university are welcome to attend.

TECHNOLOGY APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM This six-month program is designed to expose high-tech graduates and professionals to the broadcast industry. Participants attend NAB Show, complete two-month internships at broadcast stations, visit an industry manufacturer, and present a webcast to the industry at the end of the program. Participants typically begin broadcast industry careers after completing the program. In 2015, the webcast focused on The Future of Cloud-Based Broadcasting.


“The Broadcast Leadership Training program is a game changer. As a second generation broadcaster, I walked out of the program knowing more than I ever thought was possible about how this industry works,

how to personally excel, nurturing my teammates around me and making the most of opportunities in this ever-changing landscape.”

— Ryanne Duffie Saucier, Corporate Counsel Cumulus Media Inc., Westwood One, Inc. and DM Luxury, LLC


CAREER RESOURCESTwice a year, the foundation hosts a career event for job seekers

looking to start or advance a career in broadcasting. In partnership

with the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), the broadcast

career fair also offers attendees onsite career coaching and

information sessions, along with the opportunity to interact

with industry recruiters in an intimate setting.

The foundation also offers an online employment resource,

BroadcastCareerLink.com, which includes résumés from

professional and entry-level job seekers, allows employers to

post job openings and offers webinars on career-related topics

and resources.


communications students to create radio and TV public service

announcements highlighting the importance of free speech.

The winning PSAs are provided to stations to air, and first place

winners in each category receive scholarship money.

The 2015 winners are:

Audio PSA: Taylor Mefford, Texas A&M University – Commerce

“Voice Your Freedom”

Video PSA: Alex Fenderson, Husson University

“Freedom of Expression”

In 2015, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Free Speech Week, the

foundation partnered with the National Cable & Telecommunications

Association to host a breakfast panel focused on Free Speech in

the Digital Age.

2015 NABEF CONGRESSIONAL GOLF CLASSICNABEF held its fourth Congressional Golf Classic at the TPC Potomac

golf course in Potomac, Md. Rep. Ron Kind (WI-03) and Sen. Johnny

Isakson (GA) served as honorary event co-chairs. The event benefits

the foundation’s educational programs, supporting scholarships

and fellowships that prepare women and people of color for

leadership in the broadcasting industry.

Executive Development Seminar participant Carlin Tools creates a visual description of his professional goals during a “Leading Change” session.


Participants in NABEF’s Executive Development Seminar get instructions for an interactive session on leading change.


Celebration of Service to America AwardsOn June 16, broadcast industry leaders were joined by policy-

makers, members of the press and other Washington influencers

to honor exceptional public and community service. Presented by

the NAB Education Foundation with major support from Hubbard

Broadcasting, Bonneville International and NAB, the 17th annual

Celebration of Service to America Awards recognized radio and

television broadcasters for the extraordinary ways they serve their

local communities.

Following are highlights of the 2015 Celebration of Service to America Awards:

• NABEF’s highest honor, the Service to America Leadership Award, was presented to renowned actor and Academy Award nominee Gary Sinise. Sinise was recognized for his

ongoing commitment to raising awareness and support for

military veterans and their families.

• Unilever received the Corporate Leadership Award, which recognizes a non-broadcast business that exemplifies

extraordinary focus on community service. Unilever is striving

to help more than one billion people improve their health

by 2020 through the provision of hygiene, sanitation, access

to safe drinking water and basic nutrition, and by enhancing


• iHeartMedia received the NABEF President’s Special Award, recognizing historic and extraordinary achievement by a

broadcaster. iHeartMedia’s “Show Your Stripes” campaign

is a long-term effort to help guide veterans back into civilian

life by highlighting their valuable training and experience.

NAB President and CEO Gordon Smith; YMF Media Senior Advisor and then-NAB Joint Board Chairman Charles Warfield Jr.; GRAMMY Award-winning singer and songwriter Michael Bolton; Gary Sinise; Hubbard Radio Special Advisor to the CEO and then-NABEF Board Chairman Bruce Reese; and NABEF President Marcellus Alexander Jr.




Hubbard Broadcasting Inc.

Bonneville International Corp.

National Association of Broadcasters


Broadcasting & Cable

Hearst Television Inc

LG Electronics




Cox Media Group

Patrick Communications

Sinclair Broadcast Group


21st Century Fox


CBS Corporation

Crowell & Moring LLP


Monster and Military.com

National Cable & Telecommunications Association



Raycom Media

The Walt Disney Company

Univision Communications Inc.




Arent Fox LLP


Compass Lexecon

Covington & Burling LLP


Gary R. Chapman Consulting, LLC

Google, Inc.

Graham Media Group

Gray Television

Media General

Mercury Public Affairs

Meredith Local Media

Motion Picture Association of America


Schurz Communications, Inc.


Wiley Rein LLP

Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP

WVIZ/PBS ideastream

John Sykes, president of Entertainment Enterprises for iHeartMedia, accepting the NABEF President’s Special Award.

Unilever Vice President, Skin and Marketing Services, Kathy O’Brien accepting the Service to America Corporate Leadership Award on Unilever’s behalf.



Service to America Television AwardThis award recognizes a television station for the totality of its efforts and its commitment to excellence in serving its community.

KING-TV Seattle, Wash.TEGNA Media

Service to Children Awards for Radio and TelevisionThese awards spotlight television and radio stations for outstanding programs, campaigns and public service announcements produced

for the benefit of children.

Radio KEX-AM Tigard, Ore.


Television WVIZ-TV Cleveland, Ohio ideastream

Service to America Community Awards for Radio and TelevisionThis category honors radio and television broadcasters for individual campaigns, projects or programs that serve the public good or otherwise provide exemplary service to their local communities.

Radio WCCO-AM Minneapolis, Minn., CBS Radio

Television Capitol Broadcasting Co., Inc. Raleigh, N.C.

U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott (WA-07), KING-TV Director of Communications and Community Relations Betsy Robertson and KING-TV Vice President and Station Manager Jim Rose.


Paul Linnman, morning host, KEX-AM; U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden (OR); and Vicki Linnman, executive director, KEX Kids Fund.

Peg Neeson, station manager, WVIZ; Jerry Wareham, CEO, WVIZ and PBS ideastream; Linda Williams, senior director education, WVIZ; and U.S. Sen. Rob Portman (OH).

U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (MN); Mick Anselmo, senior vice president and market manager, WCCO-AM; Bob Shomper, program director, WCCO-AM; and U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison (MN-05).

U.S. Sen. Richard Burr (NC); Steven D. Hammel, vice president and general manager, WRAL-TV and WRAZ-TV; Elizabeth Kline, account executive, WRAZ-TV; and U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis (NC).



Board ChairW. Lawrence PatrickManaging PartnerPatrick CommunicationsElkridge, Md.

Immediate Past Board ChairBruce T. ReeseSpecial AdvisorHubbard Radio, LLCCottonwood Heights, Utah

NABEF PresidentMarcellus AlexanderExecutive Vice President, TelevisionNational Association of Broadcasters Washington, D.C.

David BarrettDirectorHearst CorporationNew York, N.Y.

Andrea BerrySenior Vice President, Media ServicesFox Networks Engineering and OperationsLos Angeles, Calif.

Darrell BrownPresidentBonneville International CorporationSalt Lake City, Utah

Paul KarpowiczPresidentMeredith Corporation - Local Media GroupAtlanta, Ga.

Julie KoehnPresidentLenawee Broadcasting CompanyAdrian, Mich.

Kevin P. LatekSenior Vice President Business Affairs, Gray TelevisionWashington, D.C.

DuJuan McCoyOwner, President and CEOBayou City BroadcastingThe Woodlands, Texas

Virginia MorrisChairHubbard Radio, LLCSt. Paul, Minn.

Beth NeuhoffPresident and CEONeuhoff MediaJupiter, Fla.

Steven W. NewberryPresident and CEOCommonwealth Broadcasting CorporationGlasgow, Ky.

Michael O’NeillPresident and CEOBroadcast Music, Inc.New York, N.Y.

Bob OkunChairman and CEOThe O TeamWashington, D.C.

Gordon H. SmithPresident and CEONational Association of BroadcastersWashington, D.C.

Deb TurnerVice President Television OperationsScripps BroadcastCincinnati, Ohio

Charles M. Warfield Jr.Senior AdvisorYMF Media, LLCNew York, N.Y.


Chris OrnelasCounsel; Chief Operating and Strategy OfficerNational Association of Broadcasters Washington, D.C.

Joy WhitlowTreasurer; Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President of Finance National Association of BroadcastersWashington, D.C.

List current as of December 16, 2015


Celebration of Service to America Awards recognize the best of broadcasters’ public service to their communities at the National Building Museum.


2015 Executive Committee

Joint Board ChairDave LougeePresidentTEGNA MediaMcLean, Va.

Immediate Past Joint Board ChairCharles M. Warfield Jr.Senior Advisor YMF Media LLC New York, N.Y.

President and CEOGordon H. SmithNational Association of BroadcastersWashington, D.C.

Radio Board Chair José Valle President, Political and Advocacy Sales Univision Communications, Inc.Los Angeles, Calif.

Radio Board First Vice ChairMary QuassPresident and CEONRG MediaCedar Rapids, Iowa

Radio Board Second Vice Chair Beth NeuhoffPresident and CEONeuhoff CommunicationsJupiter, Fla.

Major Radio Group Representative Patrick WalshPresident and COOEmmis Communications Corporation Indianapolis, Ind.

Television Board ChairBrian LawlorSenior Vice President, BroadcastThe E. W. Scripps CompanyCincinnati, Ohio

Television Board First Vice ChairJordan WertliebPresidentHearst Television IncNew York, N.Y.

Television Board Second Vice ChairMarci Burdick Senior Vice President, Electronic DivisionSchurz Communications, Inc.Mishawaka, Ind.

Television Network RepresentativeMitch RoseSenior Vice President, Government RelationsNBCUniversal, Inc.Washington, D.C.

Executive Committee MemberRobert W. HubbardPresident and CEOHubbard Television GroupSt. Paul, Minn.

Radio Board

Hartley AdkinsExecutive Vice President, Major MarketsiHeartMediaRockville, Md. Caroline BeasleyExecutive Vice President and CFOBeasley Media GroupNaples, Fla. Mike BoenManaging PartnerHubbard RadioBrainerd, Minn. Trila BumsteadOwnerOhana Media GroupSeattle, Wash.

Bill ColemanOwnerTeam RadioPonca City, Okla. Steven CutlerConsultant to iHeartMedia andMember of Pilot GroupNew York, N.Y. Gary ExlineGeneral ManagerEagle CommunicationsSt. Joseph, Mo.

Steve FisherCFO and Executive Vice President of OperationsEntercom CommunicationsBala Cynwyd, Pa.

Bruce GoldsenPresidentJackson Radio Works, Inc.Jackson, Mich. Randy D. GravleyPresident and CEOTri State Communications Inc.Jasper, Ga. Kim GuthrieExecutive Vice President of National Platformsand President, CoxRepsCox Media GroupAtlanta, Ga. Erik HellumExecutive Vice President, RadioTownsquare MediaGreenwich, Conn. Bill HendrichExecutive Vice President of Radio and CMG ResearchCox Media GroupJacksonville, Fla.

Ed HensonOwner, PresidentHenson Media Inc.Louisville, Ky. Scott HermanChief Operating OfficerCBS RadioNew York, N.Y.

Deon LevingstonSenior Vice President and Market ManagerEmmis Communications New YorkNew York, N.Y.


Always Leading with Inspiration


Radio Board (continued)

Alfred C. Liggins IIICEO and President Radio One, Inc.Silver Spring, Md. Dan MasonConsultantCBS RadioHerndon, Va. Virginia MorrisChair and CEOHubbard Radio GroupSt. Paul, Minn. Margaret PerkinsPresident and CEOFirst Natchez Radio GroupNatchez, Miss.

Russell PerryChairmanPerry Publishing and BroadcastingOklahoma City, Okla. Robert ProffittPresident and CEOAlpha MediaPortland, Ore.

Tony RichardsVice PresidentFederated MediaMishawaka, Ind. David SantrellaPresident, Broadcast MediaSalem Media GroupCamarillo, Calif.

Joe SchwartzPresident and CEOCherry Creek Radio LLCDenver, Colo. Paul F. TinklePresidentThunderbolt BroadcastingMartin, Tenn. Tom WalkerPresidentMid-West Family BroadcastingMadison, Wisc. Jeff WarshawChief Executive OfficerConnoisseur Media LLCWestport, Conn.

Jim WatkinsGeneral ManagerWHUR-FMWashington, D.C.

John Wharff IIIPresidentJawco Inc.Marietta, Ohio

Television Board

Jack AbernethyChief Executive OfficerFox Television Stations Inc. New York, N.Y.

Emily L. BarrPresident and CEOGraham Media GroupChicago, Ill.

Darrell K. BrownPresidentBonneville International Corp.Salt Lake City, Utah

Brandon Burgess Chairman and CEO ION Media Networks West Palm Beach, Fla.

Christopher H. CorneliusDirector of Business Development Morgan Murphy Media Ludington, Mich.

Kevin CuddihyPresident, Univision Local Media Univision Communications Inc. Mooresville, N.C.

Michael J. FiorileVice Chairman and CEOThe Dispatch Broadcast GroupColumbus, Ohio

Susan Fox Vice President, Disney Government RelationsThe Walt Disney CompanyWashington, D.C.

Steve HammelVice President and General ManagerWRAL-TV and Fox 50Raleigh, N.C.

Rebecca HansonSenior Vice President, Strategy and PolicySinclair Broadcast GroupArlington, Va.

Jessica Herrera-FlaniganEVP, Government Relations and Public Policy Univision Communications Inc.Washington, D.C.

Bill HoffmanPresidentCox Media GroupAtlanta, Ga.

Paul Karpowicz PresidentMeredith Corporation – Local Media GroupAtlanta, Ga.

John C. KuenekeSenior AdvisorNews-Press & Gazette BroadcastingSt Louis, Mo.

Pat LaPlatneySenior Vice President of Digital MediaRaycom Media, Inc.Montgomery, Ala.

DuJuan McCoy Owner, President and CEOBayou City Broadcasting, LLCThe Woodlands, Texas

Ralph M. OakleyPresident and CEOQuincy, Inc.Quincy, Ill.

John OrlandoExecutive Vice President, Government AffairsCBS CorporationWashington, D.C.

Vince SaduskyPresident and CEOMedia General, IncAustin, Texas

Perry SookChairman, President and CEONexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.Irving, Texas

Larry WertPresident of Local BroadcastingTribune Broadcasting CompanyChicago, Ill.

List current as of December 16, 2015

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