our place in the cosmos

Our Place in the Cosmos Lecture 13 Supernovae, neutron stars and black holes

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Our Place in the Cosmos. Lecture 13 Supernovae, neutron stars and black holes. Evolution of Massive Stars. In the last lecture we followed the evolution of low mass stars (below about 3 M  ) from the main sequence to planetary nebulae and white dwarfs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Our Place in the Cosmos

Lecture 13Supernovae, neutron stars

and black holes

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Evolution of Massive Stars

• In the last lecture we followed the evolution of low mass stars (below about 3M) from the main sequence to planetary nebulae and white dwarfs• More massive stars spend a much

shorter time on the main sequence and end their lives in spectacular and dramatic fashion

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CNO cycle

• In the hotter cores of massive main sequence stars hydrogen fusion can occur by an efficient mechanism known as the carbon-nitrogen-oxygen (CNO) cycle (as well as the less efficient proton-proton chain that occurs in low-mass stars)

• This explains the dramatically higher luminosity of high mass stars

• Note that carbon is not consumed in the CNO cycle - it acts instead as a catalyst

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CNO Cycle

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Energy Production by PP and CNO Chains

Proton-Proton CNOdominates in low-mass stars …. dominates in high mass stars

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Post-Main Sequence Evolution

• The helium core of a massive star reaches a temperature of 108 K, at which point helium fusion can begin, before it becomes electron degenerate

• There is therefore no explosion of the core - the star makes a smooth transition from core hydrogen-burning to core helium-burning

• A massive star does not become a red giant but moves horizontally on the H-R diagram as it grows modestly in size while surface temperature falls

• It now has the structure of a horizontal branch star

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After leaving the main sequence, massive stars move horizontally back and forth on the H-R diagram

The dotted region is the instability strip where stars pulsate in size

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• When a high-mass star exhausts the helium in its core, the core shrinks until it reaches a temperature of 8 x 108 K

• At this point carbon can fuse into more massive nuclei [low-mass stars never get hot enough to do this]

• When the carbon is exhausted, core-burning of neon, oxygen and silicon successively occurs

• This synthesis of heavier nuclei from lighter ones is known as nucleosynthesis

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Pulsating Variable Stars

• At this stage in their evolution, some massive stars pass through the instability strip on the H-R diagram

• Changes in the ionization state (what fraction of electrons are removed from atoms) alter the transparency of the star to escaping radiation

• When energy is trapped inside the star it expands• A change in ionization state then allows the trapped

radiation to escape and the star shrinks• This cycle continues - the star is a Pulsating Variable

Star• Examples include Cepheid and RR Lyrae variables

with periods of order days increasing in proportion to luminosity

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Mass Loss

• Even main sequence massive stars are losing mass at up to 10-5 M per year due to radiation pressure

• The most massive stars (20 M or more) may lose 20% of their mass while on the main sequence and 50% over their entire lifetime

• An extreme example is Eta Carinae with a mass around 100 M but losing about 1 M every 1000 years

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End of Fusion

• Once all fusable material in the core of a low-mass star is exhausted the star expires relatively gently as outer layers are ejected to form a planetary nebula leaving behind the degenerate core as a white dwarf

• Massive stars end their lives in a spectacular explosion known as a supernova

• Nucleosynthesis proceeds as far as iron, the most tightly bound atomic nucleus

• Whatever other nucleus one tries to fuse with iron, the product will have less binding energy then iron

• Therefore no element heavier than iron is fused within stars

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1. Fusing elements lighter than iron releases energy

2. Fusing elements more massive than iron requires energy - iron and more massive elements do not burn

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Neutrino Cooling

• Once carbon starts to burn, fusion proceeds extremely rapidly as neutrinos efficiently carry energy away from core - neutrino cooling

• Nuclear reaction rate must increase to balance energy lost by neutrinos

• Hydrogen burning lasts for millions of years• Helium burning lasts for ~ 100,000 years• Carbon burning lasts or ~ 1000 years• Oxygen burning lasts for ~ 1 year• Silicon burning lasts for a few days• By now the star is radiating nearly all its energy

in the form of neutrinos

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• Once silicon is all fused to iron in the star’s core no more fusion can occur

• The iron core then collapses beyond the electron-degenerate stage to densities of 10 tonnes per cubic cm and temperatures of 10 billion K

• A process called photodisintegration then kicks in, which breaks up the iron nuclei and squeezes electrons into nuclei to produce neutron-rich isotopes

• Within about 1 second the core is collapsing at a rate of of about one quarter of the speed of light

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• At very high densities, the strong nuclear force becomes repulsive, causing the collapsing core to “bounce”, sending a shockwave through the rest of the star

• Over the next couple of seconds, about one-fifth of the mass of the core is converted into neutrinos, some of which are trapped by the huge densities of material within the core, adding to the shockwave

• Within about one minute the shockwave has pushed pass the helium shell and within a few hours reaches the surface, heating it to 500,000 K

• The star has exploded in a supernova explosion

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• This type of supernova is known as a Type II supernova

• Type I supernovae occur due to mass accretion in binary stars

• Either type shine with the luminosity of 100 billion Suns

• One hundred times more energy, however, is released in the form of the kinetic energy of the ejected gas

• One hundred times more energy again is released in the form of neutrinos

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Supernova 1987A

• Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud - a companion dwarf galaxy - was visible to the naked eye in the Southern Hemisphere

• Neutrinos from this supernova had already - but unknowingly - been detected by neutrino telescopes, confirming theories of supernova explosions

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Spreading it Around

• Supernovae are responsible for enriching interstellar space with the heavy elements synthesized within stars

• They are also responsible for synthesizing elements heavier than iron by the process of neutron capture

• Supernovae are thus essential for life

• We are literally made up of the material from exploding stars! Remnant of

SN 1987A

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Neutron Stars

• The remaining core of a supernova has collapsed to the density of atomic nuclei

• If the remnant is no more massive than about 3 M further collapse is halted by neutron degeneracy

• The resulting star is known as a neutron star• Typical radii are only 10 km, but with a mass

more than 1.4 M

• Neutron stars are a billion times denser than white dwarfs and 1015 times denser than water

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X-Ray Binaries

• If the neutron star is part of a binary system material may be transferred from the giant companion

• Tiny size but large mass of neutron star leads to large gravitational acceleration of infalling material onto an accretion disk

• Disk is heated to high temperatures so that it emits in X-rays - the most energetic form of electromagnetic radiation

• A relativistic jet may also form

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X-Ray Binary

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• Conservation of angular momentum means that many neutron stars are rotating at 10-100 times per second

• Any magnetic field is concentrated by the collapsing star to values trillions of times greater than Earth’s magnetic field

• Charged particles are accelerated along the field lines towards the magnetic poles

• Electromagnetic radiation is beamed out away from the poles like light beams from a lighthouse

• We can detect this radiation with radio telescopes - the star appears to “pulse” twice each revolution, hence the name pulsar

• The first pulsar was discovered in 1967

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Black Holes

• Neutron stars are supported by neutron degeneracy

• Above about 3M the force of gravity can no longer be resisted

• As the neutron star collapses its surface gravity increases until the escape velocity vesc = [2G M/r] exceeds the speed of light

• Not even light can escape and we have a black hole

• A black hole will form if the stellar core left after a supernova explosion exceeds 3M or if the neutron star accretes sufficient mass from a companion to put it over the limit

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Evidence for Black Holes

• If no radiation can escape from a black hole, how can we tell that they are there?

• Black holes are located via the effect of their gravity

• The size of a black hole is given by its Schwarzschild radius rS = 2GM/c2

• If the Sun were a black hole it would have a radius of only 3km

• Closely-orbiting objects or particles will be rapidly accelerated giving rise to X-ray radiation, as in Cygnus X-1 - a ~30M supergiant and ~10M black hole binary

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• Massive stars “live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse” (supernova remnants)

• They are responsible for synthesising all elements heavier than carbon, many of which are essential for human life

• Supernovae spread these heavy elements throughout space - they will be incorporated into future generations of stars and humans!

• The remnant cores are either neutron stars (below about 3M) or black holes (> 3M)