our school

My school

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Post on 20-May-2015




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Page 1: Our school

My school

Page 2: Our school

The school is called second home. And it's true. After all, it is here children spend most of their life. Here they come kids, step by step, moving stairs that lead into the world of magic, beauty - the country of Knowledge. Here they spend childhood, adolescence. Here they learn friendship and mutual understanding, self-esteem openness, here they open their hearts and souls ...

It is no wonder that the school years leave brightest, exciting memories, inspiring creativity .

Page 3: Our school

History of our school originated in 1953. A modern school building opened its doors in 1977.

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I am proud of my school and I'd like to show and tell you something about it.So I want to start our trip of the foyer .The main feature is that there is a large TV where you can always see interesting news about the school

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This is our main corridor On the walls you can always see some news about our school, many interesting papers, announcements ...

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This is our assembly hall. Here we conduct all the holidays, competitions, meetings, and of course our honored guests of the school. In addition, there is a regular game "What, Where? When?"which is held here

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This is our gym. It is very modern and large, all the students just love physical training lessons. The school has sports clubs in football, volleyball, basketball.Our players were the winners of the championship city and regional prizewinners competition in football. All this would have been impossible without the adequate conditions fortraining and education of students.

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Our school cafeteria is located on the first

floor. under

breaks junior students receive free lunches.

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This is our cabinet of physics. Due to new equipment and talented teachers we get pleasure from each lesson

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This is our cabinet of biology. We love to perform here our laboratory and practical work because we have all the possibilities for this: our teacher always can come to the rescue and innovative technologies helps us in the study of this interesting subject

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This is English lesson.Each year, the school participating in the program«FLEX».We are proud to have 8 winners that were enrolled in U.S.A. schools.Since 2011 the school has a Peace Corps volunteer Monica Zucker,communication which enables students and teachers to improve spokenEnglish. Summer Institute Benjamin Franklin (North Carolina)included in a six-week training Hrymut Vladimir, a student of 11 gradeof our school

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This is our music room.Cabinet of music - this is the room that has DVD-player, home theater, tape recorder, musical instruments, multimedia system, a large amount of literature.

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This is a room of 4 grade students. Kids have all the opportunities for successful learning: quality books, innovative technology and talented teachers

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One of the important tools and methods to solve problems in school isstudents' self-government , which ensures the participation of all students in managing the team of his class and the school. One of theseschool boards in Khust specialized school of I-III № 3 isPupils' parliament - namely the country " Sontsehray ." State " Sontsehray "brings together students who are not observers of school life , and its contributors.The main goal is to develop the student's self- spiritualitysocial activities of students. State " Sontsehray " as every kind oforganization has a name, mascot , emblem and anthem creed . mascotcharacterizes all members of student government . In the center lies the sun , from which rays diverge traitsof the first letters that make up the name of the state " Sontsehray " ( bold, gifted,reliable, motivated , energetic , harmonious , strong, gambling , intellectual .)

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Actively carry class work, where students can develop theirabilities and interests, to improve their knowledge on various subjects. At school there arephoto club, drama club, environmental club, mugs manual labor,tourism and local history clubs, the vocal ensemble "Tysyanka “ and others.