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No. 538 January 2014 WHA Board of Directors Mike Lipke President Lee Jimerson Vice President Kurt Landwehr Treasurer Darrin Hastings Immediate Past President Adam Brennan Nils Dickmann Jeff Marthaller John Smith Lindy Stallard David Sweitzer Secretary/Manager P.O. Box 1095 Camas, WA 98607 Ph: (360) 835-1600 Fax: (360) 835-1910 Web: www.westernhardwood.org Email: [email protected] This event will bring together primary producers, secondary manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, and importers and exporters for the opportunity to establish relationships and develop future business. Anyone who works with or supplies goods and services to attending companies will also benefit form the opportunity to make contact with key people. Online registration is available for sponsors, partners, exhibitors, and attendees. www.westernhardwood.org Our Sponsors & Partners

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No. 538 January 2014 WHA Board of Directors

Mike Lipke President

Lee Jimerson Vice President

Kurt Landwehr Treasurer

Darrin Hastings Immediate Past President

Adam Brennan

Nils Dickmann

Jeff Marthaller

John Smith

Lindy Stallard David Sweitzer Secretary/Manager P.O. Box 1095 Camas, WA 98607 Ph: (360) 835-1600 Fax: (360) 835-1910 Web: www.westernhardwood.org Email: [email protected]

This event will bring together primary producers, secondary manufacturers,

wholesalers, distributors, and importers and exporters for the opportunity to establish

relationships and develop future business. Anyone who works with or supplies

goods and services to attending companies will also benefit form the opportunity to

make contact with key people.

Online registration is available for sponsors, partners, exhibitors, and attendees.


Our Sponsors & Partners

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Western Hardwood Association – 2014 and


Oh! For the good old days, just half a decade or so

ago. When Western hardwood supply was good and

demand was great! The economy was doing better and

people had money to spend for housing, remodeling,

vacations, and recreation. Little or no thought was

given to lowering the nation’s credit rating, increasing

the nation’s debt, subjugating countless millions to

government handouts, and severely curtailing the

harvest of trees, a renewable resource, based on

insufficient, or at best, inconclusive science.

Now we are obliged to think about the economy and

the forest products industry if we are to survive. A

modest increase in demand in 2013 has continued and

consequential sales that began with the ever-so-slight

rebound in 2010-11. Each year the growth was a bit

better. 2014 should be a year that perpetuates the

modest gain. But if we don’t get our country’s debt and

spending habits under control, we might well see 2008

or even worse.

The Pacific Northwest is truly the wood basket of

the world. We have more growing stock today than we

had a century ago. But the problem is that while we

were harvesting, replanting, and managing our

timberlands for a sustainable yield, the preservationists

were equally aggressive passing rules and regulations

that restricted cutting trees for the sake of the

environment. We know this outcome was based on

flimsy science. We are suffering from restrictions on

public lands that would have us leave burned, downed,

and diseased trees to accumulate fodder creating some

of the worst fire seasons we have seen in the last 5

years. Just think, if the forest floor was clear of debris

* Welcome New Members

* Editorial

* Outlook

* Legislative Update

* Upcoming Events

* Get Motivated


In This Issue:

Jo in WHA First time membership is $150 the first year and for a limited time, $150 for the second year also.

The WHA is the only organization dedicated exclusively to the availability and promotion of Western Hardwoods. Membership benefits include:

online membership directory listing one free newsletter ad company profile in newsletter our monthly email newsletter important industry updates by email a free banner ad on WHA’s website cost effective newsletter advertising networking at the Annual Meeting discounts on Association meeting registration

Joining is quick and easy. Use the online membership application and simply pay by credit card, www.westernhardwood.org.

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we could supply the growing biomass industry and open

the forests to more recreation. All this, while keeping

the fish and wildlife propagating abundantly.

Also damaged by the onerous rules and regulations

are the industrial and private landowners, both large and

small. Between endangered species and outlandish

stream buffers in riparian zones, much of the timber is

not allowed to be harvested, and thus allowed to be

susceptible to rot, disease, and fire. We need to employ

good management regimes, something the landowners

know very well. So, if we allow the land to be managed

by those who know and care, we can supply the timber

demand and be good stewards of the land.

The WHA, along with the rest of the forest products

industry, will do its part to be efficient stewards of the

land into 2014 and beyond. We need a public climate

that is conducive to and amenable to a reasonable

amelioration of industry, economy and society. With

this we see a brighter outlook for the future.

We also see the necessity to work more closely with

the constituents of the forest products industry. We

need to provide more outlets for the sales of lumber and

value added products on a global basis. For this

purpose, the WHA and its numerous partners will

present the 2nd Annual Western Hardwood International

Convention & Exposition May 19-22, 2014 in Portland,

Oregon. This event will bring together primary

producers, secondary manufacturers, wholesalers,

distributors, and importers and exporters for the

opportunity to establish relationships and develop future


Dave Sweitzer, Secretary/Manager

Western Hardwood Association

P.O. Box 1095, Camas, WA 98607

Hardwood suppliers

on the West Coast report upward trends. A

California source repor ted that the

general uptick in the economy is helping.

As a progressive company, they continue to

go after business which is another plus

factor for them.

A Washington contact said regarding availability

issues, “Whether you’re buying

domestically or internationally, we

have to buy out further now.” Lead

times have lengthened and you

can’t just call and expect product to

be shipped the following day.

Another supplier on the West Coast

commented, “The lumber market was

better overall in 2013 than in 2012. New

construction has been the primary factor.”

Market activity in Quebec was reported as robust

through late fall for most species.

Domestic grade lumber markets provided

for improved business results, noted

hardwood manufacturer contacts. In most

regions, the onset of winter has impacted

the log inventory. Some sawmills have

found it difficult to find supplies with the increased

export of logs overseas. Along with winter and the

holidays, and with year-end activities, it was expected

that log supplies to sawmills would be restricted.

In Ontario, business activity

continued to be stronger for hardwood

producers. According to contacts there,

mostly all major market sectors

experienced growth in 2013. Sales of

Canadian interior hardwood products such as kitchen

cabinets, mouldings, and furniture have increased with

the U.S. housing construction market improving.

China’s growing demand for hardwood logs, lumber

and products is fueling sales of hardwoods for many

producers and hardwood finished products

manufacturers. The hardwood sector is also getting

business from the industrial sector increasing demand

for pallet lumber and cants. Moving forward on

projects, the oil industry has increased its demand for

board road materials and other related products. It is


Page 4: Our Sponsors & Partners · How to Use Skyline XL & LogCost/Haul Spreadsheets. Grand Mound, WA Email: richard@westernforestry.org. February 11-12, 2014. How to Use Skyline XL & LogCost/Haul


expected, however, that these activities will slow

slightly through the holiday and winter season.

Strong industrial and low-grade markets have

been in the news since long before the grade lumber

market began to pull out of its recession. While much

of the hardwood lumber industry’s focus has turned to

grade lumber shortages and run-away prices,

competition for raw materials in the low-grade sector

has only intensified. And, just as rising grade lumber

prices are forcing manufacturers and end-users to

consider substitute species, some pallet manufacturers

may be reaching similar “tipping points.” –excerpted from

Hardwood Review Express

Manufacturing remains quite strong in the

United States, with output continuing to expand and

recovering from the falloff during the recession.

Chinese manufacturing activity contracted slightly for

the first time since July. Two indicators released in mid

-January support a more upbeat assessment of the U.S.

economy’s health. The Conference Board’s Leading

Economic Index (LEI) continued to expand in

December, rising 3.4 percent in the second half of 2013.

One of the stronger elements in this index was the new

orders component, particularly as measured by the

Institute for Supply Management’s (ISM) PMI reports.

Similarly, manufacturing was a significant positive

contributor to the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank’s

National Activity Index (NAI). This measure has

shown strong improvement in the past few months, with

overall growth now above its historical trend.—excerpted

from NAM Monday Economic Report.

Many forecasters predict U.S. GDP growth of at

least 3.0%this year. Housing market analysts don’t

expect existing home sales to show much improvement

in 2014, but most do expect new home starts to increase

by at least 25%. The Harvard Joint Center for Housing

Studies is forecasting double-digit year-on-year growth

in home improvement spending through mid-year.

Finally, the American Institute of Architects predicts a

15% increase in hotel construction this year, as well as

solid gains in office and retail construction.

Selected species outlook:

Alder - The stage is set for robust alder sales for the

foreseeable future.

Ash - Ash producers can expect brisk business in

the months ahead, especially to overseas markets.

Beech - Some manufacturers of wood components

and furniture may take a fresh look at beech as a

low-cost substitute.

Upcoming Meetings

February 4 -5, 2014 How to Use Skyline XL & LogCost/Haul Spreadsheets Grand Mound, WA Email: [email protected]

February 11 -12, 2014 How to Use Skyline XL & LogCost/Haul Spreadsheets Redding, CA Email: [email protected]

February 26, 2014 State of the States -Regional Assessment of Forest Health in Oregon & Washington Vancouver, WA Email: [email protected]

March 5, 2014 WHA Board Meeting Beaverton,OR Email: [email protected]

March 12, 2014 Washington Hardwoods Commission Meeting TBD Email: [email protected]

April 16, 2014 Access, Easements, Rights -of-Way and Timbre Trespass Springfield, OR Email: [email protected]

April 17 -18, 2014 Pacific Northwest Timberlands Management Portland, OR Email: [email protected]

May 19-22, 2014 2nd Annual Western Hardwood International Convention & Exposition Portland, OR Email: [email protected]

June 9 -13, 2014 The Basics of Forest Land and Timber Appraisal Corvallis, OR Email: [email protected]

September 25, 2014 Access, Easements, Rights -of-Way and Timbre Trespass Grand Mound, WA Email: [email protected]

Have upcoming event or company news? Let us know and we’ll help you get the word out, both here and on our website. Drop us a line and let us know!

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Cottonwood - The expanding economy won’t

provide cottonwood with as much of a demand

bump as other species because so much of it goes

into casket production.

Poplar - Domestic demand for poplar steadily

expanded in 2013, and exports were up 10% year-to

-date through November to set an annual record for

the fourth straight year. -excerpted from Hardwood Review


The labor market was disappointing in

December, with just 74,000 nonfarm payroll workers

added in the month. This was well below the consensus

estimates of around 200,000 that was expected, and it

somewhat undercuts the storyline that the U.S.

economy was beginning to gain some momentum.

However, it is important to not make too much of one

month’s data, which might have been influenced by

weather and other factors. Nonfarm payrolls growth

averaged 214,000 in the prior four months (August to

November), and there is some thinking that December’s

hiring figures were a bit of an outlier. Indeed, the

participation rate fell once again to 62.8 percent,

matching what was seen in October, which was the

lowest level since February 1978. As a result, the

unemployment rate fell to a five-year low of 6.7


Meanwhile, manufacturers added 9,000 net new

workers in December, its fifth month of positive gains.

From August to December, the sector has averaged

16,000 additional hires each month. In contrast, the

average from March to July was a net decline of 8,000

per month. This is generally consistent with the pickup

in manufacturing activity that we have seen in other

economic indicators, even if the net job growth in

December was down from October and November.

The other big news of last week was the narrowing

of the U.S. trade deficit from $39.33 billion in October

to $34.25 billion in November. On the surface, this is a

positive development, with the decline in the deficit

coming largely from reduced petroleum imports. This

decrease corresponded to lower petroleum costs, as the

cost of West Texas Intermediate crude fell sharply

during that time frame. In addition, goods exports rose

to an all-time high, up from $135.61 billion to $137.01


More than 200 legislators, legislative aides,

and forest industry representatives gathered in Olympia

on January 28th to foster relationships. Several

Washington members of the forest products industry

sponsored the event, including the Washington

Hardwoods Commission. WHC’s purpose was to focus

on the recently completed Western Washington

Hardwood Inventory Assessment. The full report is

available on the WHC website,


On January 29th, the House passed a long

awaited 5-year extension of the Farm Bill on a strongly

bipartisan vote of 251-166. The Bill will move on to

the Senate where it is expected to be passed as well and

on to the President’s desk for final approval.

Five Issues to Watch in 2014

1. Extending Expired Tax Provisions: Many

business tax provisions, such as the research and

experimentation tax credit, the active financing

exceptions under Subpart F, and expensing and

bonus depreciation expired on Dec. 31. The

business community will continue to press for

enactment of tax extenders early in 2014, but a bill

covering most of the extenders may not occur until

later in the year-possibly after the midterm


2. Leadership Change: Sen. Ron Wyden, (D-OR)

is expected to replace Baucus at Finance, while


Find us on Facebook!

2nd Annual

OWIC Wood Innovation Days

March 6-7, 2014 In previous Oregon Wood Innovation Center at Oregon

State University newsletters, you have learned about our

change to offering a BS degree in Renewable Materials.

We are excited that at 70 + students, our undergraduate

enrollment is now higher than any time in the last two

decades. This means that we have a much higher need

for internships for our students AND that there will be

many more highly qualified people to fill your entry-

level positions in the coming years. Last year, we devel-

oped a new event called OWIC Innovation Days in an

effort to help connect our students with industry profes-

sionals and to share the state-of-the art in innovation in

our industry. WHA is a partner in the program.

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Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) would replace Dave Camp

at Ways and Means when Camp’s chairmanship

ends this year, if the Republicans maintain control

of the House after the midterms. The political

landscape for tax-code revision will change to

reflect the goals of the new leaders.

3. Piecemeal Tax Legislation: Wyden's history of

proposing grand tax-overhaul plans suggests that

once the dust settles over the leadership change,

comprehensive revision will be back on the table

after the midterm elections.

4. Focus on Energy: Master Limited Par tnerships

(MLPs): The Joint Committee on Taxation

estimated that extending MLPs to renewable energy

investments would cost $1.3 billion over 10 years,

and $307 million over five years. Republicans say

that this MLP change would have to be paid for

with a reduction in other tax credits, namely the

renewable energy production tax credit -- a deal that

would likely be unacceptable to the renewable

energy industry.

5. Inflection Point at the Internal Revenue

Service: Newly appointed IRS Commissioner John

Koskinen has the opportunity to help repair the

IRS's damaged reputation over its management of

tax-exempt entities. Koskinen could usher the IRS

into an era of bolder business-tax oversight, which

could pose risks for companies in the form of

harsher enforcement, but could also benefit them

through improved legal certainty and a more

efficient regulatory process.

Mark, pipefitter superintendent for a Northwest

mechanical contracting company, told Session 9 of

Turbo's Leadership Development Lab (LDL):

"When we were given the 5X assignment at Session

3 of the LDL and asked to apply five times more

enthusiasm to a difficult or stalled, languishing project,

I decided to apply 5X more enthusiasm to the Lloyd

700 building design. I am working on this redesign

project with Glumac Engineering. In the past it has

seemed to me that some engineering firms have had a

difficult time hitting expected design delivery

dates. When these delivery dates are missed, it throws

the whole project off. We get the project contract late,

and the work is delayed. This affects our cash flow and

can affect the building's occupancy; no one is happy. In

the past when these delays have occurred, we have been

implicated as the party who caused the delay.

"This Lloyd 700 building project requires

demolition and then replacing most of the mechanical

equipment on the 17th floor of this

downtown Portland building. I went

to work with '5X more' enthusiasm

with the engineers to create as-built

drawings for the existing building's

layout, as well as all of the existing

equipment housekeeping pads. In

the ideal world, these drawings would have already

existed and been available to us. It isn't easy to go back

and recreate drawings of what is already in

place. These drawings of the existing equipment are

quite important. They will help us coordinate the

design and install of new equipment, and make the

install easier and faster. The building will have heat and

air conditioning restored for tenant comfort much

faster,and we will use these drawings to help in the

creation of 'as-builts' of the new system when we

complete the install. This will make future use and

maintenance of the new equipment much easier. In

addition to creating the drawings, I took it upon myself

to put these new drawing plans into an Auto CAD

design format and sent them to the Glumac design team

in an effort to speed up the process so we can get the

final engineering package back in a timely

manner. This will speed up the negotiation of our final


"The lesson I have learned from using 5X more

enthusiasm on this project is that I need to go above

what is expected of me to achieve the results I expect

from others. The action I call you to take is don't settle

for just doing enough; instead strive to do more. Don't

be afraid to go above what is required of you to achieve

the results you are looking for. The benefit you will

gain is being in the driver's seat. You will get your

desired results and more. You will bring more business

to your firm, and earn the respect and cooperation of the

professional firms whose help you need to be

successful. You will strengthen your team's reputation

and your own." Larry Dennis is the founder of Turbo Leadership

Systems, an executive team building and leadership skills development

organization. For more information about his programs, please visit



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This event will bring together primary producers, secondary manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, and importers and exporters for the opportunity to establish relationships and develop future business. Anyone who works with or supplies goods and services to attending companies will also benefit from the opportunity to make contact with key people.