our town january 24, 1936

.- ........ "'.,'\ ~ ' . ~ ' .. ..... - . , ' •• ' 'T,'.; · CHARGE FORGERIES ABOUND I N T H E ) ,- VOLUME 22 , No . 16 N A R BE R TH , P E NN S Y LV A N IA , JANUARY 24 , 1936 MERGER P RI CE , F IV E C E N' l ~ PETIr-rION Borough Offi ci al s Subpoenaed forCourtHearingThisFriday at 2P.M. M e r g e r i t es F a i l ed t o M e et Legal Requirements, Excep tions State : JUDGES T O SIT EN BANC Merger Opponent PoliticalCampaign IFinal Session o f Cooking School W ' c. T. u. ?pposed of for '36 Opens Wed. · Th· F" d t 2 " Ef H if'State Store In Borough I tS tS rt ay a tn m a - IS· · D Is First D ay to O bta in Signa-\, ' Resolution P ro te s ti ng L iq uo r Ignatures In ocutnent, hires on N o m i na t in g 'I oday, . Friday-the, las~ day of Yestcrday, f o ll ow in g t wo banner Establishment Adopted I Petitions t1~e Coolong School-It wtll be ad- da~'s in Ardmore, saw a steady line T h is W e ek I H R 1 ' M · t · I vlsable to comc early to Elm Hall, otne u ers aln alo f h ou se wi v es f r om t he e nt ir e E as t- I Forest avenue, N a rb er th , as quit(' M O RE O FF IC ER S CHOSEN' PRIMARY IS A PR IL 2 8T H, 1'I'ankly thel'e may be m or e than a (111 M a in L i ne s e ct i on filing i nt o E lm I capacity attendan~c at the f in al s es -: Hall t o h ea l' M is s Martha R os s T em - , ---, tl . 'I 'I 1"36 I '\'ilI A r eR ol ut lO n O pp os ll Ig Ie opening': T h Ie " po I Ica campaign \ sion. pIe, home economist, expound on the of a State Iic!uor storc in the boroug,,'h! ree open officially next \V edneRday, .T anu- I f d('lig'hts of cookery. was adopted at a meeting' of t h e N a r- , ar y 29, w hi ch is the first (a y 01' Candidate to Preach at I obtaining s i g na t u re s on candidates' Exhibitors, both local and national, b(~rth branch of thc \ V. C. T. U. Mon-: nominating' petitions. P r es b yt e ri a n C h u r c h S u n da y ' t hi s y ('a r h av e c o- op er at ed to m ak e day afternoon. i II I I I 1 : this fourth Community WeeklY;,' The resolution w a s w r it t en by. Mrs.ll' Th e primary election wi Ie Ie ( , he Hev. Archer E. A n d er s o n , p a s- N e \ \' s pap e r s' C o ok i ng School the most, A. J. Sig'c\ and sigrned b\.' various r e ll-. on T u e sd a y , A p r il 2R, while the gen tor First Presbyterian Church, CIe- d i ve r si f ie d and the l a r ge s t a t tc n d ed , lC,SC,11t1tl\eS, of N,ll' berth c h u r ch e s at-I eral election date is Tlwsclay, Novell1- - I u rn e , T ex a s, will preach at both: of all. ! tending the meeting. ' he r :1. 1l1Orning' and evening services, at the: Pl'izes galore have bel,n awarded to! R t' f I L' C I O ' I 'I 't ' f L' " : \,e1 11 'esenta'l\'!'s 0 t Ie Iquor on- Ihces w llC 1 CI IZfI1S 0' OW('I' ! '\ a rb e rt h P r es b vt e l' la n C h ur c h tillS fortunate homemakers and 1110re arci IB II 1 I"" 1\1 ' I N 1 tl \\ 'II "CIt' fCIl" , . , , tro oan l av e ) ee n 111<1,l11g II1qUlres I . e l 'l on a ne ,ar WI' 1 'I ,C Sunday. I r each' t or t he l uc kv wmners tillS, I I I I' 'bl . 1 I tl f II ' r ' " " In t lC 10roug1 regar( mg POSSI e "I . tIl.l ' . 111C lH e lC 0 O\\'lng: I na sm uc h as he comes as a can-! FI'ldav afternoon at two 0 c1ocl,. " f 1 1 I' tI ,1:lrp'lng lat 1C merger petitIOn , . , I' . sItes or a R ore ane soun( lIIg ou' I '\ ' I I It' 1 I I 1\[ontgomery County CongT('SSnH1I1, c hd at e a nd thiS IS the o nl y o p po r- : Newspapel'R sponsorIng the four-. f' I t I IS rau( u c'nt ant con allIs IUn(rec s f tl F ' t I ' It ' I 'II b I I. ' I I I rf'/' J' sentnnent 0 reslc en's. I f t " b f tl N Assemblyman rom ' Ie 'II'S' ,C'gIS a- U1I1t~· t lCr e WI e to l eal ' Inll, It. (a y sc 100 are: !C i, (/'/n ,l1wr". . I ,0 org'erlPs, mem ers () Ie 1 ar- tive District of M on t go m er y C ou nt y, is h op ed e v er y l11!'mber of the con-: D//r Towl/. the NclI's of Bala-C!!l/lVydl No definite s t ep s t o w ar d s establish- I berth H om e R ul e C om mi tt ee struck c om m it t ee m en a nd c om mi tt ee wo me n gl'l,gation will be present. : and Till' Ardlllol'c eh l'oJ/ie/c. : in g a S t at e s to re h av e been madc as! at the legal sufficiency of the docu- from each district, two d(,leg'ates and . i yet, it wa s l c ar n e d t h is week. I Iment in exceptions tiled with the two alternate delcgates to the national J oi nt O bs er va nc e of •Club's ((Spo ts Night" i, Vice-]l1'eRidentR elected, at the, meet-I Court yesterday. conventionR, S ta te a ud it or g-elwral. i i mg, held at the Methochst Episcopal I HeaJ'ing on the case has b ee n m ov - and Statc treasurer. PreSident 's Ball Set] Progranl is Tonight! CI~urch, werc ~Irs. Cletus A. Scnft, I cd up to 2 P. 1\1. this Friday at Nor- \Vith the e x ce p ti o n of county CO!11 I ! MISS Mary J. SlII1pSOn and 1\1rs. John, ristown. mittee memberR f ro m ea ch elccticlli -. -- . i - - - i H. Patton. i i T he H om e R ul e C om mi tt ee is pre- district no local o ff ic es in the town- Dance ~ t Merion ~rlcket Club, I Ed Pollock and C. Wllha~l1 Dun-I Other o~cers ar e 1\1rs. Henry A·I ! p al 'e d t o b ac k up t he c la im s o f fraud ship or horough are filled this year. Bndge Party Il1 Boro can to Speak at LeglOl1 I Frye, prcsldcnt; Mrs. R. C. Kennedy, I I and forged signatures with a f fi d avits A ll l oc al p er so ns n ow e nr ol le d by Scheduled : Room v i cc - p re s id e n t, who p r e si d e d at Mon-I . and witnesses. party affil iation will be eligible to par- I i day's meeting; 1\1rs. W. Vernon Mid-II' I S po ns or s o f t he merger movemcnt, ticipate in the primary election if TICKETS ADMIT T O BOTH:HUSBANDS ARE INVITEOldleton, secretary, and Mrs. James C. :the Narberth Taxpaycrs' Association, the\' then reside in t hc s am e voting i Keenan, treasurer. i sprang a Rurprisc movc thiR week \ ' t' , h tl II d . TI . F 'd . 83 0 I M r s. Clarcncc H. W oo l mi ng t on and, (I,. h ( IS I'Ict as w en wy enro e . I A joint o b s e rv a n ce of the Birthday lIS' 1'1 av evcnlng at . a . dI FRANK A. SCHREPFER ! by subpoenall1g t hr ee B o ro ug offi- .' , 1\[ rs. Senft spoke at the meetll1g an I Only (lne day is p r ov id ed in all B a ll for t h e P r e si d e nt wi ll b e he ld in "sports l1lght" pro gran: Will be p~'c- the Rev. W, Vernon Middleton, pastor choil'lIWII of th .. Nal'bel'th Home 'cials. townships and boroug'hs before tIll' I L ow er M er io n and Narberth ncxt sented by t he W om en s Commumty l' th 1\1 tl d' t CI I I Rille Com//littcc, which in excc]l- Exceptions filed by Holand Fleer, .' I' . , . 0 e' e 10 IS lurc 1, gavc a ' primary electIOnto change party af- 'Ihursday, January 30. C lu b o f Narberth m thc LegIOn Room . tions filed Idth th e COIl/·t, ot - : a tt or ne y f or t he H om e R u le r s, fur- filiation t o e nr ol l in to Dancing f lo or show will be Communitv B u i ld i n g. pr T y e1. d 't h 1\K M'ddl i tacks the I'olidity oj thc I/ICl'yer ! that mel'/,er peti- ," . h " . . ' , I ea was serve ,Wld·S. I e- I tion does not contain the signatures tlclpate In t e]11 Imal y. ,... ,\ t h e a t tr a ct I O ns at th,e Mel'l?n Cnckct' Speakcrs will be Edward. J. P ol - t on at the tea t a b l e, a s s i st e d by Mrs. I ]letition. T h at d at e is WedneRday, Fcl11uaI~ I Club, Haverford, while a bl'ldge party lock, sports editor of the Evemng Pub- V. O. Krauskop. ; ---------------- of two-thirds of the taxable inhabi- 26, w hc n a ll registry assessors arc i will be held in t he N ar be rt h Com- ~ i c Le,dfl er , and C. W ill ia m D un ca n, The next meeting of thc W. C. T. u. 1 TEXT OF E X CE PT IO N S Itaa,n"t.s of the Borough aR r e qu i re d by c O 11pelled by law to sit at t he ir re-I' l11unit~.· BuildinO". t f tl M I ' .. lIIcrvlewcr. 0 Ie s a m ~ , paper, 1', w il l b c h el d at Holy Trini ty Lutheran 1 T O MERGER PETITION spe~tive polling places t ~ enrol! 01 Tickets will a d mi t p u rc ha s er s to Duncan wl11 talk on Close-ups of C hu rc h, February 17 at 2 P, M. AlI It is a ls o p oi nt ed o ut in the ex- reO'lster v o te r s for' the 1 1 1'1I11ar'- de c b h " h' l M P 11 k I eeptions that " ev en i n cl u di n g the .'''' ' J - ot a ff ai rs . Many are planning to Famous People, W 1 e 1', 0 oc mem berR of church organizations ar e I- tlOn.. spend the fore part of th evcning at , will d is cu ss f am ou s p er so na li ti es in i nv it ed to attend. Followil1!/ is the text of the c xc cp -, hundreds of forgeries already known V ot er s n ot h st ed tl1<'n ma " have It ' f " fil 1 if ' b~.' them (the eXce]ltants) to e xi st , , , , .' thc bridge party a nd t hc n go to t he t he field of sports and answer ques- , Wll,~ to t 1(' mel'!/er ]letltlOJ/ I ec ns ('olllillU"d 011 Pa~.' Fin' M er io n C ri ck et C lu b to dance and tions on sporting evcnts, Sk'l' k . S I . t W·tl ! Tfl llT Sd1 l'1 1 bll Rolalld Plecl', ntfonlel/ t he re are among the 2,12(1 purported e n jo y the floor show. Membcrs of the club, their husbands I JIl1S Y IS 0 O1S I T 1 I i f01' tlie' N((: l'bc l'tli H01lle Rille Con;- sig-natures on the petition, the names Legion Auxiliary Hears of alld frl'ellds, as well as ally others in- M. L. Orchestra om g 1t //Iittee: ,o f only 1,477 p er s on s w ho a re t ax - M a ny p ri z es have been contributed Veterans' Rehabilitation Work 1 1 tercsted, are invited to attend. , -, -,-- ", " IN THE COURT OF Q S : able inhabitants of said b or ou gh a c- lY Narbcrt 1 an d Lower Merion mer- A'd' t d d tl Alexander Slnbl11skv, vlOli1 1ls t, wIll UARTER ESSIONS cording to its official records." chants. They will be used as door and ' capacity au lenec at en e Ie "." OF THE P~:ACE IN AND FOR THE A report on rehabilitation work table prizes a nd th c more valuable' m ce ti ng of thc club T u es d a y a f t cr - be the S~I01~t With the MaIn L1I1c 01'-, COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY, PENN-! Th e three borough officials sub- among veterans was given at a meet- 'II bId ff I I 1100n chcstra,111 ItS s ec on d c on ce rt of tlh~ I : p oe na ed to appear at t hc h ea ri ng ones WI e c lance 0 to swel tI e . ' " . SYLVANIA. " , d ' ing of the Auxil iary of the Harold D, b II ' d A brilliant 11iano recital wa s g'.ven season,to be given thIS Fnday evemng: ', With their r eC or s a rc E d wm P. Dolel, I a l110cee s. . ' G 11,·t H' 11 B' 1\1'" C I i In re Petition for the A n n ul m e nt of 1 II t CI I V N I S p ea k ma n P o st , o f Narberth, Tuesday by Myra Reed through L ie c o ur t es v 111 ooc 1a1 <1 , 1 yn a\\ I 0 -, ax o ec or; Iar es . oe , secre- , It 1\1 F' 1 S If' Seventy per cent of the funds fl'<llll " legc ' the Charter o f t he Borough o f N a r -: t a n, ' of Council', and Jose]lh P. Whitc, nlgI:. rs, 'rIe(a Cll'ep er, pre~n- .I " ,, :01' the F. A. N o rt h P i an o Company. . , , dent of thc Auxiliary, presided at the tiC wt ,sal~s wII~ be retal~ed ~oc,ally I Miss Reed played three groups, which Skibinsky will play the D Minor I berth. No. :390. : b o r ou g h a s s es s o r. meeting to assIst mfantIle paralySIS vlctnlls, . 1d 1 '1 b S '1 t' H' d 1 W ie n ia w sk i c o nc cr to . Adolph Vogcl, i EXCEPTIONS TO PETITIO!" i Space in thecourt room at thehear- . T he o th er 30 IeI' cent will b' e \ ! mc u e( WOI ,s y ca l ot I, an e , , i It wa s stated that therc ar e about , ] ,e us c , B 'cthoven Chopin D cb us sy L iz st a nd of Narberth, WI ll conduct: I To thc Honorable, the Judges of the: ing- is e x pe c te d to be at a premium 100,000 \'eterans in hospitals through- for research work on the chsease. aJ~' origin~l comp;sition. ' , Other numbers on t h e p ro g ra m a r e: ' Said Court: : as s co re s of N a r be r t h r c si d en t s ar e ou t t he U ni te d States and that they All ticke~R purchased will be eligible A g ue st s pe ak er w as Mrs. Logan " P oe t a n d P e as a nt O v er tu r e, " S u pp c ;: The undcrsigned taxable inhabi-: preparing to descend on the county arc dying at the rate of 2,400 a I ~ r t h ~ ]11'IZeS, evcn ~hough the ~lOld- Marshall, v i c e- c h ai r m a n o f the South "G Minor sympho~lY,"" Mozart; ':F,er-, t an ts of the B or ou gh of Narberth, i s~,~t. M a n y i n t er e s te d ~ower Merion month, elS , m ay n ot be plcsent at either: Carolina D. A. R. and a member of the vent Is My Lon g .1I1 g , Bach-CaIlhet" Montgomcry County, Pennsylvania,: Citizens arc also plannmg to attend M rs . S ch re pf er , Mrs. E l i za b e th affaIr. " . , I b oa rd of the Tamassce School, which and "Henry the Eighth Dances," Ger-! hereby except to an alleged petition of; the heari~g. \Vipf and M r s, R e g in a Hewitt attend- Mrs, Wilham McAn~lrew IS chall'-I is s up po rt ed and m a na ge d by N, S. man. two-thirds of the taxable inhabit ants! ,ExceptlOns werc also filed yest e,rc la y ed the bi-county council m ee ti ng in ma~1 o f t he L ow e Menon . ob se rv ,a nc .e , D. A. R. ,o f s ai d b or ou gh w hi eh wa s filcd in; With t hc c ou rt by C le me nt Bld~lle Ardmore last Thursday w hc n t he re - w hi le W, H o wa rd H a ws IS .a~a1l1, 111 A cove r ed - di s h luncheon p r ec e de d Young Republicans to be Guests: your Honorable Court on November i Wood, att.orn~y f or t he ~ower Menon habilitation chairman of the council charge?f the .b?rough's partiCIpatIOn. th c p ro gr am a nd w as ;n charge of at Council Luncheon TOl11otl'ow '25, 1935, praying that the annulment I School DIstrict, contc~chng that the gave a rep~r,t.. " J o h ~ , ~ . DUi mn , of ~el~n WYl1l~e, M r s. J o s e ph A. Hongler, chairman of i of thc charter o f s ai d b or ou gh be de-: merger of the to:vnslll p a ~ d borough The AUXiliary IS co-operat1l1g With chan man o f t h e ? e m oc l at lc COn1l111~- the Hospitalitv Committee. Dr . H u gh C a rt e r, a s si st a nt profes- c r ce d , an d request your Honorable: would be f i na nC ia ll y detrnllental to tIle 1 'r'lffic Saf ty C I] . 11 to 1 tee of Lower Menon and Narberth IS \' " , C t I' ' th t t't' f· th : residents of the township < c e. an lalg ec u- . ," Thc Home Department, Mrs. W. Sol' of SOCIOlogy at the U n iv e r SI t y of ourt 0 c IsmlSS a 11c I lOn, 01 ' , cate children to the hazards of t he h on or ar y c ha ir ma n of t he ,l o in t ob- Clark Sund e rl a n c h a ir m a n will hold Pcnnsylvania will speak at a lU;ICh- following rcasons: ! Franklin L. Wrig h t, Norr i st o w n roa, '1 ancl to "e"I' ",t1'I'Ct ob"eI'vance of s e rv an c c. " h ' . ' d I 'I I '. . . l'lttornC'v representinO" the mergerites " , ~ , " " . an all-day meetl11g' on T ursday, Janu- eon tllIS Satur ay at W lIteha, 1. The petition IS fraudulent In that, <. .... ' traffic rules by people in general. ASRlstmg 111 NarbeI:th are ~rs. ar v 30, at the home of M r s. Charles J. averford. it purports to be the p e ti t io n of and I hus been requested by the J~o me Ru~ e The I C'"I'on AIIXI'I'I' 11' \' a11 d otlle1' Horace 1. McConnell WIth the bridge . , , I C om mi tt ee to h 'w e s ev er al of Ins ... Brunce! Beechwood l an e N a rb e rt h. T he a ff aI r s po ns or ed by the L ow er to be Signed by h un d rc ds of persons I < . , P atI'iotic orO"alll'zoltion" ~ r e contl'I'but party, D r, G co r ge A. Sloan as head ', " , I' 'I' ' : clients in court .. < " ," _ ,.,' Th e 111e etmg' begl11s at 11 A. M. M em - M e n on - N ul ' ) ( ' r th CounCil of Repub 1-, whoRc p u r po r t ed s l gl l at u re s thereto ' . ing towal'(ls tIl e f ll nc l 'fOl tIle I1I'ese1' of thc plwslclans committee and . " \ ' . '. , , The hearinO' this Friday afternoon _ 'bel's o f t he con1l11ltt ec Will sew fo t 1(> can \Vo111en IS 111 honor of the Young I are f or ge ri es havl11g been placed:'" ' va t ion of WhC"ltl'Ind th e home of \Valton M, Wcntz as treaRurer " , " : it is understood will be confincd to , < , , " , ' . Hed Cross. All c lu b m em be rs are Repubhcans of th e t o wn s hi p and bor- there hv persons other than themselves' ". ' President Buchanan, Pennsylvania's Tl,lOse a, Idmg 111 p la n s f o r t h c affaIr 1t tt d 1 ' I :tl t tl ' I 1 I . questions of jurisdictIOn only. It 1S ' " ur"'ec 0a en . oug 1. 'anc \\'1' IOU ' ICII' ,now ec ge 01' con-' . . only p r e si d e nt . I at the 1\1e1'lon Cncket Club incl~de 1'he ncxt meeting' of the Litcrature Mrs. Howard 1\1. Stuckert, .11'., of; sent. ' i this ]e l! ;a l sufficicncy of the p e ti t io n Mrs. P e rc y L u ke n s, Mrs. E. \ Va rm g I l' I . i " , ,: which has been so vigorouslv attackcd W'] 1\1 AI' 1\1 AdM Dcpartment of tI e c1u I W il l be hC'd Narberth, c1uurman of Young Repnb- 2. The petition IS fmudulent 111 that C- ,. , h Woman I nj ur e d 111 Collision C/ s~n, S r ~ Ice Ic J n r~wR' rls. on T u e s d ay afternoon at 1 . 30 o'clock Iicans for th c council, will bc the: it purports to bc, a nd the affidavit by the. Honfile Rule omnIlttee In t e With Bruce Carey's Machine J laI eS G . 10wJ n se nc l , 1\ o sep 1. oaDc 1, at the home of Mrs. J. W. Darvill , hostess. thcreto asserts that it w as , s ig ne d excTelPtlOn s e: lyestercfla~t'I' C ames rune y, osepl aga1"1ty a- C . Ie t ll' ee J u( ges 0 lC ommon ___ 'd C J I 1\K EI ' d Narberth Hall. Mrs. aryl E. St',llT Pl'ofessor Carter, who madc a s tu dy bv nunll'rOUR persons \\'ho did not 111 C '1 " I h " I VI onover, osepl .c ... wee an,.' ,.,,' Pleas ourt WI I Sit en nmc at t e A P I1 Il ad e 1 plIla woman, 1\1rs, Re- D ' J S II' \\'111 revlC\\, E ll en G la sg ow s latest of th e T VA l as t y ca r, Will speak on fact slg'n theIr purport ed sIgnatures, I ' TI p' I J 1 . . enl11s .• u Ivan. ,,,' '" warIng- leV are resIC en t uc ge becea B ol to n. was s ev l' l' el y l11]ured I Il't' t tl I . hook, "Ve1l1 o f I ro n. "Trends 111 Go\'ernment." : 3. Th c pet I t IO n c on ta 11 1s a t ot al of l' \'G l( : I -I 1 \\"11' F , . " n U( (I IOn 0 Ie regu ar COnIl1I1t- ' . -Iarolc . I11g It, , UC ge I lam . TIH"dav n lg -h t w lH ' n the automolllle 1 ' tl f II' 'I I' bl' . 2126 IHlrported s l gn a t ur c s, whereas D I I T 1 G C d . ees, Ie 0 OW1l1g mc ec In ]111 IClty i " - anne lower anc uc gc ,eorgc . r iv en by her husband, R o b e rt , c ol - \ \' 0 I- t tl . tt I t tl ' LOb " ' A 1 RId" 'the afh(!u\'lt thereto aRserts that 1!10 I C lide(,1 with a nIachine driyen by Bruce I afl.,r l ,'l"'o ur leI' a en( ance a Ie t rartan s nnua . eport n tCates l of t hc t ax ab le i n ha b it an ts of thc bor- \ °Irs~n. I I I . II" t <1 s. ' . , , ' t IR u nc e rs to () ( t wt 111 a( (Itlon 0 A. Carcy, of 6 Cleyeland avenue, Nar- lVI 1\1 E C CI :oug'h "have slgncd the \ \ 'I t ln n p e t l- 1 . fil I d I I . ISS ary '. .onverse arence P d A " · ° D " ~ ! , ' , ,1. Ie exceptIOns e( vestel' av tI e be d I, at Conshohocken r oa d a nd City E IT'll R '1'1 I H ' R rogress an ctt"1tttes urtng ear'lIOn." 'Ihe ]letltlOn eloc's no t disclose II RI C . t' 'II t:I' ' ~ . CI<1, CV. lOmas.. anney, ('v." , ome u e omnllt ee WI I e re - L1l1e, Bala. Nelthel' 1\11. C ar ey n or I I J II . CI]'T ,whieh of th e 2126 purported SIg'na- ,. " I M Bit" I ,osepl , a, ,nnlgan, la r cs own- i I 1 O ~ fIt monstrunce peti tIOns c o nt a I nll 1g' tIC r. 0 on wa s lI1Jurec. send Ludi n g to n , Re\'. Louis \V, Pitt, " ~ures com'pl'ls~ t lC !l I re C'1"1'ec . 0 naml'S pf s ev er al h u nd r ed N a ;' b er t h 1\,IIS. Bolton. who wa,s thrown out th R ' J I J RIP 1 Contil/llcd p/'(}I!ress is il/dicated non-fictIOn hooks-the clnldrcn as weil, In the aflIda\'lt, or conversd\' whICh " \ tId 1 . I fIb e e\, 0111 egnen', anc ar ,e r " ('Itlzens oppose( 0 tiC m erge r an onto ti e IIlg'Iway, sui ere( roken S \\"]]', , ' in the jollowil/!I amI/wi 1'ejJU'rt of as adults tend to read more informa-, of the 2126 w er e n ot i nc lu de d in the " . ' , ] I ' '. I 1,lms. I '\]":0 a l ' l' t r act l On p et It IO n contamIng 1"1 IS. severe aceratl,ons of the scalp t li e l i ll /' a r ia n of t he N a rb er th tional books and to use thc l ib ra r y I1!l07. - I 1 I I I 'bl f I 1 ., ." nanws of several lunc 1'('( persons w 10 alll a POSSI e m c tu r (' ( sku I. At n Comllll/nitil Libr(L1'II, Miss Clara. more frcqucntly for refcrencc. ' ,I. Thc pl'lltlon IS not, as alleg'ed, I ., b . h I ,, ' , f' 1\1 ". . C I . B an qu et to F ir e Co .. . " ' SIgned 1. Ie mer g ' e l' peti tIOn, ut WIS lC',lllllg be Ole af!;lstJ,ltc . I- oWaId E. P o ll e tt e, p r es e nt e d at the 01/- Shelf List Completed i thereIl1 and assl'rted 111 the atlIdavlt, ' I ' 1\1 ' l' 1 ' I ' 1\1' I' D· · T . ,, . . theIr names wlthc r aw n f ro m It. , el (c It 1 In ,owc'r erIOn, po Ice " lrectors IS , onlorrow n l la l m e e t in g of the LUI/'ar!! As- The inventory and shelf-list ]lro,i eet,t hc'rdo, the pelItlOn of two-tJIlr dR of C~)]lrt, ,1\11. Care~: wa s to! annual b~nquet g Iv en by ~ h e ,~ocil/tion ll/st week. was practically completed year the taxable inhab i ta n t s of the Bor- Slf!;n hiS own haIl bond fOl' appear .. A~·tl\e 1\1el~lh~rs Club of the U11Ion B ut t he w or ke rs , Mr s. D re w, Mrs .! oug-h of Narherth, aR required by 1 111 the affidaVit thereto, SIgned hy 1907 ance at a further hearing'. FIre AssPclalIon of B a la - Cy n wy d to A y ('a r a go t he librarian reported \Voml '111(\ the lihran' staff felt that: S('ction :lOI of the General Boroug:h; t a xa b le i n ha b i ta n ts of til(' Borough MI'. Can'y, who is director of the the Roard of Direetors will be held that while the annual c i r cu l a ti o n was a careful rechcckin": wa s npcess'lI"v' Act. of N ar be rt h. E xc ep ta nt s a ve r that B:1<'h C,hori at, Bpthlel1l 'm, is d i re c to r t hI s Saturday evening' in the Fire still s h o wi n g a decrease, t h e t re nd of b e fo r e f ig ur es s h ou l ct b e giYcn. TI;es~i ii, '1'h('r(' al'l~ not, as asserlr'd ill t he it is,lIow and w il l, co nt in ue to be im- 01 mUSIc at GlI'nrd C o ll e g c. Hall. the fig-ures seemed to indicate n re- two m e mb e rs of the AdminiRtl'ation I alli(!a\'it to the l)(,tition, 2nlj~ taxable pOSSible to (!r'terll1ll1l' t he e xa c t lIum- . . . I tu m to n o rm al . The stat e m en t was C om mi tt ee therefore c o n ti n u ed t o give' inhabitants within the limitR of tlw 1)(1 of SUC!1 ta.xablc inhab~t~t11ts wh.o D l s tr l h u te Articles \VednC'sday Coasti g Enjoyed apparently just ilied. This year one day a week to this tedious work, telTitory cOlllpl'ising the Boroug'h of a et ua ll y dill sign 01< ]letJtlO~1 until Articles w il l he distributed by the' Essex avenue hill in Narbcrth w as s ho we d a c i r cu l n ti o n increasc of 2:l4fl It is now complete and thcncxt inven- Narberth. Exceptants a ye l' , to tl\(' t hp f ul l ('xt:nt of tilt' forgel'les hall Narbl'rth Vohmte('I' Emergency Re- c lo sP d o lf for c oa st in g on M on da y, books a nd t he l ar ge st y ca rl y circula- tory, which \\'i11 not bc necessary for c o n tr a ry , that according to the o f li c ia l b l 'p n estab.hshed: ExceptantR aver li d cvery W l'dnesday until further Youngstel's and g ro w n- up s enjoyed tion since 1932. a few years, will be a v e ry c a sy t as k, r cc or ds of s ai d boroug'h, therc arc t hat e~'en II1cludlllg the h u n dr e ds of noticc from 10.00 A. 1\1. to 12 n0011 t be s po rt w hi ch was en ded by th e It is s i gn if ic an t a l so that there is b cc au se of the work accomplished dur- 2!H31 such taxable inhabitants. forgent's already I mo wn by the11l to at Elm Hall. thaw \Vednesday. another increase in the circulation of Conllnueu on Page Six 6. The pctition was 110t, a s a s se r te d Continued on Page Eight ~ _ ~ --.......l...-------..;",.-..........-- ~ .... " " a , .. ,

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8/7/2019 Our Town January 24, 1936

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8/7/2019 Our Town January 24, 1936

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8/7/2019 Our Town January 24, 1936

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8/7/2019 Our Town January 24, 1936

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8/7/2019 Our Town January 24, 1936

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8/7/2019 Our Town January 24, 1936

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8/7/2019 Our Town January 24, 1936

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8/7/2019 Our Town January 24, 1936

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