our town may 22, 1936

An- P RI CE , F I VE C EN TS , i Narberth S c h o ol D i r e c t or s Re-Elect Secretary, Treasurer Other Officers Elected at nuaI Meeting o f Asso ciation Merion Civic Assn. Re-Elects C. E. Hall GARDEN l\Jleriol1 Branch to Mect at Lafore E s ta t e W e d n e sd a y Clar('nce E. HaIl wa" rechosen presi dent of the Merion Ci"i c Association at its annual meeting last week at the l\lerion War Tribute House. Other offic ers re-eJected a rc F ra nk C. P('quignot,vice-president;William H. FolweIl, t r e a su r e r, a n d :\Irs. P. E. l\Iatthes, secretary. New \'ice-presid(' nts chosen are B a lf o ur B r eh m an a nd D r. R ic ha rd Kern. F ou l' n ew d ir ec to rs w er e ('I e ct ed t o t he a s so e ia t io n ' board: ::\1IS. Edward W. Bok, Edg'ar \Y. Freeman, Fred- ericl; Stanger and J. Alden Tifft. X arberth's School Board at its :'II<'mbers of the board re.elected are ?lIay meeting re-elected its secretary, T. W ood Andrews, T. Dun Belfield, D r. W al te r Steckbeck, a nd i ts treas D. Webster BeIl, Charles H. Beyer, urer, J. L('on :\IcCrery, f or t he year A. Balfour Brehman, William B. beginning July 1. Brendlinger, Newton W. Corson, Ed- Repairs to th(' sidewalks around the ward C. D e ar d en , \ \ 'i I li a m H. 1"01- school building, as r e qu e st e d by bor \."<'11, Clarence E. Hall, Gerald J. Han- ollg-h council, w er e o r de r ed made. sell, J. S. W . H ol to n, D r . R i ch a rd A.! Parents' Nights at the school were Kern, John B. L a ws o n, K e nn e th S.: laS' t e v en i n g. when a f as hi on s ho w Lueders, Leo :\lacFarland, John F .! w as gin'n and this e v( 'n in g. A play :\1acklin, John D. :'Ilyers, Frank C. ~ d a y p r og r am wiIl be g i " en t h is after P eq ui gn ot , G eo rg e F. P et ti no s, \ Vi l- ' noon. l iam A. PoweIl , Harold W. Scott, i According to Edwin P. D ol d, tax T h o m as ShaI lcross, Jr., Dr. Edward, collec tor. lien :, .wainst properties for A. Shumway, Edward G. Wyclwtf, Jr.,: delinquent schoo] ta xe s a rc much a nd E . T ow ns en d Zook. i s m aI le r t h is y e ar than last year. Announcement b\' Presidl'nt II all , Summer sell ll o1 will start June 29, that N arberth b o r ~ u g h had go ne on Principal W. J. D r e nn e n r e po r te d , record at ib l\Ia~' council nll'~ting' to i with eo ll rS l' S i n a I: regular subjects co-operate with Lower :'tlerion Town: and also an from the fourth to eighth s hi p to r el ie "e the hazardous eondi-: grades, a nd with <.'laSH'S in ninth tion of he Rockland a v e n ue bridg'e' g'radl' Fl'l'nch a nd L a ti n. o " er t he Pennsyl"ania Railroad tracks: The schools, which close Tuesday, Competing again!:'t sixty - eight b(,t wee n M e l' i on a nd : '\ ar be rt h, w as .June Hi, w il l l 'e open T u es d ay , Sep banllE, the majority from the I\liddll' r ec ei "e d w i th p le a su r e b ~ ' the mem-: tember 8. \Vest, Lower :'11 erion's eig'hty-piece be l'S. The bridge improven1l'nt was; The next m (' et in g of the School high schoo] ba nd w as rated in the one of the m a j or p r oj e ct s of the ci"ic' Board wiIl be JUI1l- 12, a week earlier third d iv is io n in its first n a t i o na l assol'iation during t he l as t y ea r. : than the lI~lIa] third Friday. competition at CleYl'la nd. Ohio, last i week-end. 'N b th CI bE' moke Bu t No Fire I ar er u nJoys The P e n ns y lv a ni a c h am p io n s, with i A. IS' h Dense s11101;e from the h('ater in the nnua pring unc eon Senior H i gh P r in c ip a l G e or ge H . Gi l- b er t, B an d D i re c to r B ru ce C. B ea ch c el la r o f \V. H. Haws' h a rd w a re s t o re ' TI W . C . on Ha\'erford avenue, Narberth, I. lC omen" ommumty Club of and Vocal Director Allan V. Nern re- Narberth clo"ed t he s ea so n w it h t he turned home S u n da y m o rn i ng , bring- caused Narberth's fir('men Saturdav i - . ,. night at 11 o'clock to d ri vc a ro un ;l : a n n ua l sJll'lng l u nc h eo n and m e et i ng i ng with them a b ro nz e p la qu e t o be I I J . I at E rs ki ne H al l in Haverford on hung in t he s en io r h ig h school as the t 1C llock. T l cr e w as no fin' and ht- I ., , " tIe da ma" .re , exceJlt to :\11'. Haws' J lr i- !. 1 u es l ia y a l te r no on . . : :\ Ir s. Ralph C. trip's award. '" II tl I f th J b . ate collection of valuable chamois. l'a 1, presH ent 0 ecu, mstalled B a nd s w er e divided into fi"e classes I the newl~'-elected l )f fi ce rs . M r s. \ V il . accordingto "arious standards of pro- ! liam L('vis, treasurel'; :\Irs. Verna Poppy Da y T ol11orrow ' ficiency. Only five bands, headed b ~ ' . . \\-oodcock, recording secretary and the Mason City, Iowa, muS'ical organ i- T om ol To w wJlI be Poppy .Da y n ' : \I I ·s . II. F. Stevens, first viee: p r es i . zation, made the first division. I Narberth. The obser\'ance wJlI be 111 dent. She also thanked all the relir- I c ha rg e of th e H aro ld D. Speakman lnO'. l1fT' el·.' f tl ' fi k I . ' . , ... IC"S or lelr Inc wor . l urlJ1g : Post, Amel'lcan L('g'lOn AuxJ!wry,:the pa!"t season. with 1\lrs. R. K. H ew it t as g'l'neral, :\11" R b t . , I- I t' d I . . I - s. 0 er ",e son, (rama IC rca - c lall'man. 'h I er , gave tree mono ogues . They . At the auxiliary n1l'eting' t h is w ec k : Wl'!'e Hop 0' :\ly Thumb, a pioneer It was d ec Hl ed to p re se nt m ed al s to I wedding of a G (' l' ma n girl in Oh io uutst andinggirls in the ) / a r b l ' rt h Jluh-! which \\-as written bv C . ,J. Durban' ~ i c and p~roch.ial schools at their clos- i of :'IIerion, husband 01' one of the club Il1g exercIses 111 June. : members, and Ruth Draper's Southern I Girl at a D an ce . Scout Benefit Coming :\Irs. Heath appointed the following :'\arl)('rth no~' Scout T r oo p :1 will! as' auditors of the treasurer'R report hold a b en ef it at the i\ arberth Thea- :'I II' s. A. C. Schwabl'nland, Mrs. Frank tre Friday, :\Iay 29 a nd J un e 1 and 2. D l' Lo ss and :'III'S. :'II. C. Hinebaugh. The Friday show wi!! be " Th e T ra i l of the Lonesome Pine," particularly Book Club to Meet appropriate and pleaS'ing p ic tu re in i The Book Cl h of the Women's Technicolor. Purpose of the benefit' Junior Communih' Club of Narberth I is to provide money to hl'.!!l boys go to w il l m ee t I\Ionda~: evening at 8.30 at C a mp D e lm o nt l'rbuy uIllformo. the home o f l \l rs . S p en ce r S m it h, 220 Hampden avenue, Narberth. Speakers wi ll be M rs . J os ep h A. Hongler, w ho w il l talk on "The Life and Times of C a t he r i ne de Mend i e i, " by Francis Watson, and Mrs. John H. Jeffries, Jr., w ho w il l r ev ie w "The Hurricane," by Charles Nordoff. Lower M e ri on B an d Wins Third Division Rating G a rd en C lu b M on da y Th(' Pl'nn V a l l c ~ ' Garden C lu b w il l meet :\lunday at 10.;')0 at :\Irs. \Valter D. F u l le r 's , P e nn Valley, to h ea l' a talk by : \I rs . Arthur H o yt S co tt on Japan. Lower :'Iler ion' s Rod a nd G un Club at its meeting \ \ ' e d n e s d a ~ ' in ~ a r b e r t h made plans for i ts a nn ua l s pr in g outing, to be h el d at Bethayres. Sat urday, June 6, and for the annual outing of the :'IIontgoml'ry Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs, this S a t u r d a ~ ' from 10 to dark at t h ~ penitentiary gTounds at G r a te r f or d . \ \'il li am S ch us te r, P hi la delp hi a s p or ti ng d ea le r, g av e a talk on salt wat('r fi"hing, and Ted Hanis, of :'IIedford, New Jersey, showed motion pictul' l's of tarpon and !:'ailfish fishing off t he F l or id a Coast. The by-laws were a m en d ed to per m it t he club to incorporate. R od a nd Gun C l ub O u t in g s A re T om or ro w a nd Ju ne 6 ::\1rs. John C. N as h, w as elected h o n o r a ry regent at the luncheon meet ing of the D r. B e nj am i n R us h C ha p te r of N. S. D. A. R., at Erskine Hall, Haverford, Monday a ft er no on . S he was a ls o p re se nt ed w it h t he regent's pin and a corsage of orchids. The new off icers u n an i mo u ! :'ly elected f or t he c omin g t wo years arc l\I rs. Franklin R. Lindsay, regent; I\lrs. H. C. Fenno, first vice-regent; Mrs. T. B. d u M a ra i s, second vice-re gent; Mrs.Joseph H. Baker, recording secretary; ;\Irs. Robert J. Dothard, corresponding secretar\'; !III's. John L. :'IIil1er, treasurer; Mrs. John C. Nash, registrar; Mrs. Charles :II. ir win, historian; Mrs. C. Arley Farmer, librarian; Mrs. H. G. : \ 1a r t in , chap lain, and two d ir ec to rs f or t he com ing two years, Mrs. John C. ~a!:'h and I :'Ill'S. A. W. Ward. 'A I I Ba f ou r B re hm a n an d :'IIrs. Verna R. \V oodcock was ap-,' . pointed c h ai rm a n of the W av s a nd I Richard A. K ern New :'IIeam C om mi tt ee a nd will· be in I Vice-Presidents charge Gf the G ar de n a nd Bridge party to be held on June 16 f or t he BRIDGE NEWS PLEASES "cholarship fund for the Tamasee and the Kate Duncan Smith Schools. Foul' delegates and ten alternate dele ~atl'S were a ls o a p po i nt e d for the State Conference to be held in Read ing in the fall. N A RB E RT H , P E N N SY L VA N IA , MAY 22, 1936 Card Party June 2 A card party wi ll be g iv en by thl' H ous e C om mi ttee of t he \Vomen'S' Community Club of : \ ar b er t h a t the h om e of : 'I Ir s. George B. Suplee, 315 WoodS'ide an'nue, on T u e s d a ~ - , June 2. at 2 o'cloc k. Phone ~ a r b e r t h 2-17fl-J for I·eservations. Talks on C on st it ut io n A talk 011 the United States Con st i tu ti on w as g i\ 'e n T ue sd ay bl'fore the B a l a - C ~ - n w y d - ; \ " a r b e r t h Rotary Club at the O \' l' rh roo]; G ol f Cluh by J{ussell Green. :'\ arbcrth attol'lll'Y· :\11'. Green, who is solicitor for :'IIontgomery C ou nt y. d ef en de d t he dOeU11ll'nt as safegua r di n g' indivi dua f r ee d om and ( ) p p o r t u n i t ~ · and p r ai sl ' d the Supr('me C ou rt f or its action in presenin!! t he C on st it ut io n t h ro u gh l'l'ce nt decisions. Walter Scott, Narberth, was elected a member of the cl ub. WaHl'!' G. Cas e was chairman. FINAL BANQUET MAY 28 PLAN M rs . R ob ert Bailey Delights With I n te rp r et at io n of ' V i c t o ri a R e g i na ' I J u n io r C l ub Holds I Mrs. J. C. Nash Chosen : w. c. T . U. Plans Publicity I M rs . W hi ti ng C ho se n \ I H I Campaign, Adds 61 Members P Mother's Da y Party as onorary Regent I - . arent-Teacher Head ___ liThe Narberth B ra nc h o f t he W. C. R h Ch f D A R EI T. U. met M on da y a ft e rn o on a t the us apter 0 ects, N b th M th d' tE . I Ch h I ar er e 0 IS plscopa urc, Officers f or T w o- Y ea r w it h M rs . R. C. K e n n ed y presiding. Term Sixty-one m em b er s h a ve been added to t he l is t a nd e xt en si ve p la ns h av e PARTY been made for p u b li c i ty concerning PRINCIPAL SNOW SPEAKS the organization and its object through t he M ed i a newspapers, pamphlets and Mrs. Edmund Allen Whiting wa s other literature to be d i st r ib u te d in elected president at the m e et in g of the schools and churches. Also poster t he N a rb er th Parents and Teachers' contests and essays in public schools. Association held at t he N ar be rt h The officers of the organization are: S ch oo l on M on d ay e v en i ng . Other Mrs. R. C. K e n ne d y , p r e si d e nt , and officers chose n were Mrs. Charles L. four vice-presidents, :'Ill'S. J. H. Pat- Viguers, Jr., first vice-president; Miss ton, of the M. E . C h ur ch ; Miss Mazie Faith l\1cAuliffe, second vice-pres i Simpson, of the Baptist Church, Mrs. I dent; the R e ve r en d C l et u s A. Senft, Cletus A. Senft, of the Lutheran' treasurer; M rs . H. M. Berry, secre Church; Mrs. A. E. G i l fi l l an , o f the tar:.'. Presbyterian Church; Secretary, Mrs. T he m ee ti ng w as opened with the C. H. and Treasurer, a Prayer led Mrs. J. C. Keenan. Miss Frieke, teacher of the music Tea was served by the ladies of the department; this was f o l lo w ed b y the 1\I. E. Church. Salute to the Flag by Sonia Anderson. Two duet!:' were then sung by Mrs. CJetus S en ft a nd M rs . C. S. Wilmot. S pe ak er of the e ve ni ng w as E. H. Snow, princi pal of the L o we r M er i on Junior High School, whose topic was D "Liberal Education in the High r. School CUlTic ulum," ;\11'. Snow began his ta lk w ith t he statement that he w as g la d that the p u bl ic recogn iz ed there was jib('ral education in the school and that in the Junior High it was the aim of those in charge to reach each student and to develop his individual charactH. He also said that problen:s h ad c ha ng ed for the child and the ' 1 u e ~ t i o n at present was h ow t he y can :'e b('st fitted f or t he i r place in thl' soc ia! and economic world. With more children in school due to conditions, said, Amel'i- A. can youth w a s m o ra l ly Hl'Ong in spite A. of the l ack of jobs for its members. N a rb e rt h P la y Day Starts at 1.30 This Ajtemoon Do g Bites Girl, 5 A 5 - ye ar - ol d g ir l w as b it te n by a d og o wn ed b y Barry S. MeJlo r, of 11(; ClwS'tnut an'nue, Narberth, it was re ported at the :\Iay meeting of t he N ar berth B o ar d of Health. Planning Commission Issues Booklet on Developmcnts A booldet t i tl e d "The Development o f R ea l E S' ta te in Lower illerion Town ship" was issued this w eek by the ,Lowl'r :\Ierion Township Planning Commission. C op ie R are being mailed to all tIll' principal real estate b r o l; e r s a nd b u il d in g eontractors in this area. SuggeS'tions for subdivisions recom mend that p r el i m in a ry s c ru t in y of pl:ins be made by the Planning' Com mission bef ore they are submitted 10 t he Board of Cummissi oners. It also tal;('s up the matter of de!"ig'n and layout, particularly wit h r e fe r en c es to new thoroughfares. DELIGHTFUL L AY A ll the fol1o wi ng o ff ic er s were un aminiousiy re-eleeted at the :\arbl'rth Pl ayer ,. ;' m e( ,t in g in t he :\arberth School auditorium on Tuesday e"e ning: President, B. G. Simpsun; \'ice p r (' si d en t, W il l ia m H. ::\luller; treas urer, Roland Fleer; secretary, Grace Werner and :\lrs. G('rmaine Heath, on the Board of G o \' er n or s fo r a three year term. Mr. Fleer gav(' an interesting and humorous tr('asur('r's report showing' that tIl(' Players Wl're solvent. Mr. SimpS' on, in hb s jl ee ch of ac ceptance, in\'ited tl](' Pla~'ers to be his The child, Rita Testa, of lOS Chest guests at a supper and swimming,nut avenue, was t re a te d a t B ry n Mawr party to be held at : \ la r ti n 's Dam n I Hospital f or t he bite, which oceulTed The :'IIerion Branch of t he L ea gu e I" 1 ft C l ot h in g D i s tributed 27th of Women Vuters, will meet at the June n. Th iS' is a n a nn u al e ve nt . I o:-unl ay a ernoon. T he p la y, " Tr ou bl e a t S at te rl ee 's ," H ea lt h Offi cer George n. Suplel' re- The Narberth Volunteer Emergency home of :'Ill'S. John A. L af or e, P en n t I f f G I R J f \ 'Il I' t 'b t I tl . t EI Valle'.' Farms, Penn V al 1( ". ', on which was c oa ched by :' IIa rth a Si III jl- 101 el our cases 0 crman nW'ls es l'Ie "1 liS 1'I U c e o ling a 111 " II ' I t l I I l' \" I I f 'I Wednesda,.', :3 P. itI. The son, proved to be very entertaining. l Ul'lng t 1e pas 1110n 1. ne laS )eell HI on "e l neSl ay rom . -"1" H Her d a ug h te r, N an cy S im ps on , h ad I released. until 12. There wi II be no diS'tribu- will be :\Irs. Herbert A. :'I l i ll e r, !\Iont- the lead w hi ch w as p la ye d by I\lrS'. ~ S e ve n Jler mits were iss~ed t.o food tion of clothing or a rt ic le s for the g o me r y C o un ty L e ag u e Chairman of Simpson in 1906. ~ handlers and three plumbll1g I11spec- needy d:lring J u ne , J u l \' and .AugUS'LI tl~e Inte~'nati.~n;~~ Rel~,ti on;~. Con~mit: A feature of the e ve ni ng was the' tions made. Those 111 need telephone ~arberth I tHo Hel t O pI C" III be R u. !" Ia As We piano duet played by l\largaret Squier Mellor's dog was taken to t he U ni - :lHS3 for appointments. Saw It." Assisting hostesses w il l be . f PI' \7 t' I : l\lrs. J. Clifford Jones and 1\1rs. and Murray R ob er ts on . This was the \'erslt~· 0 ennsy vani a e erll1ary second and fourth m ov em en ts of t he Hospital. for examin.ation. It w il l be I Democratic W om en M ee t :'.licheal Ritl'r, Jr . Visitors ar c wel- I II b co me t o rU'lm i n ?Ill'S. Lafure's beau- Fuurth Symphony by T:ichaikowsl;y. l(' l umler 0 servatlOn. B ef or e t he D em oc ra ti c \Vomen's ' The Barrie Barn will be reopened Luncheon Club o f L ow er M er io n a nd t if ul garden. this ReaSUn with a new organization Tennis Club Robbed Narberth, at M e ri o n I\l ansions Tues- -------- headed by Miss Kay O':-Jeill, of the Thieves broke into Frank F e is e 's d ay , Dr. C h ar le s F en wi ck , of Bryn Shinn Appeal Granted National School of E lo cu tio n a nd Narberth Tennis Club on Montg- ol11er y Mawr C ol le ge , s po ke on " C on s ti tu - F ol lo wi ng a public hearing, the Nar- Guild Directors Guests Drama. She will be assisted by J. avenue Saturday night and skillfully i t io n al R ig ht s. " A se con d speaker berth Board of A dj us tm en t h as Mrs. John B. B ro ol ;s , of Drexel Massey, of the ROUl'ike Players of p ic ke d the lock on the cash drawer- was Mrs. Joseph McGarrity, of N a r- g ra n te d the appeal of Russell S. S h in n r oa d, Overbrook, e n te r t ai n ed the di Philadelphia. but it w as e mp ty , e xce pt for small berth, who told of some of th e bills' to e xp an d h is p ot te ry and l an d sc ap e r ec to r s o f t he Narberth Branch of the A ll t ho se w ho ar e interested call c ha ng e. They took that a nd n ot hi ng n ow b ef or e C on gr es s. M rs . Erma G·I business at 808 M o n tg o m e ry avenue, Nee dIe w0 l' k Guild at luncheon Gypsy H e at h f or information. else. I R u s se l l, presi d e d. I Narberth, I Wednesday. Narberth Players R e - Elect Officers 1906 Treasurer Fleer Finds That ganization is Solvent: P i an o s P l ea se At 1.30 o ' cl o ck this afternoon Narberth public schools' annual P la y D ay will begin with d a nc e s by t he p ri ma ry grades at the Comm u ni t y P l ay g r ou n d , W i nd s or avenue near Wynnewood avenue. Following will be a wand drill, Indian dance, dumbbell drills, ~ p r i n g b o a r d jumping, archery and The Narberth juniors entertained gymnastic e x h i bi t s by the older their mothers at a very interesting children. evening of music and d r am a t ic s on Feature of the afternoon will Thursday, )1ay 14, w he n t he a nn ua l he t he v ar io us c on te st s f or t he i :'Ilothers' Day party was held at the field d ay s il ve r c up between t he ' cl ub ro om at the Community building. "Reds" a nd t he "Grays." Events : The committee, headed by Mrs. Ells will include relays, three-legged t worth B. Clark as c h a ir m a n, l e ft no race, high and b r oa d j u mp s . i s t on e u n tu r n ed to m ak e t he e ve ni ng The Parent-Teacher Associa- : as pleasant as the occasion demanded. tion refreshments the Beautiful spring specially grounds and will also have ponies : constructed platform set up for the available for the c h il dren to ride. i p e rf o rm e r s a g a in s t a background of Away Again I f the weather is too unfavor- ~ palms, a splendid program, and de- Tomorrow ::-larberth baseball c1uh, abl e the rain date is l\londay ! l i ci o m r e fr e s hm e n ts contri but ed in I11eets its second league test in an- :lfternoon, the 25th. I e"ery det ail tomake the affair a grand o t he r b a tt l e scheduled for e ~ e m ? soil. : success. Ernestine Bacon Kern, 50 - Davis a nd h is c ha rg es Will ll1vade, C D d·· : prano and D o ro t hy P o we r harpist Central Park Coatesville, to meet annon e lcatlon t'h t' t h 'd I d were e ar IS s w 0 sang an p aye Perk R i ch a rd s ' a g g re g a ti o n, which D e la y ed for Present'man y .well-known numbers with great also is s ti ng in g f ro m the licking ad- i effectIveness. ministered by Eddie Hare's Brookline I leaders. On Sunday the borough nille Probably WI'II be Held July 4! ::\lrs. R ob ert B ai ly , of ::-larberth, ,gave -a costume recital of the play meets Berwvn on the community field. 'f B h C . II b I oroug ouncd " V ic to ri a R eg in a" t he c u rr e nt New Al Herrmann and Jim :'IlcKee wi e O. K.'s Plans York production, in which Helen pitcher!:' f or t he r es pe ct iv e g am e s. Hayes is starring. :'Ill'S. Baily, so at- Da"is a nd C om pa ny p la ye d an in- P AR AD E M EM OR IA L D AY traetive and charming a young Vic- d e pe n de n t g a me h e re Im't Sunday alld toria in h er s at in gown of pink, felt th(' satisfaction of w i nn i ng f r om trl'nlm n d ,· ·] · th tull n and blu" l'I'bbons in a Narberth's cannon dedication has -' - - East Phillies by a 12-7 count in the p ~ r i o d of th" tinle~, pIa","d th n b(,l'n postponed from ;\Iemorial Day, - - -, - - ~Iugfe~t. t f II I h . h' robably until July 4. pa r ~ 0 a tI e c aracters In t IS O ne b ig i nni nf .! ' t h( ' f ou rt h. g av e Failure of t h ~ Harold D. S p ea km a n, a bs or b in g h is to ri ca l r om an ce w it h Downingtow enough ru m to walk off Post, A m e ri c an Legion, to have its ~ great sincerit y and unfaltering dicton, with the gan1P. The neWcomers I I' I th '11 dh I' d ,]ans and specifi c a ti o n s for placing' ant sImp y 1"1 e er aut lCnce ur- matchl'd Narberth w i th s in g le marl;- th(' cannon in the memorial grouping' ing a performance which lasted an ers in the first and second and \ \' l' nt on t he C om mu ni ty Playground!:' at ' h ou r a nd a quarter. Mrs. K er n a nd ahead with another in the third. Then \\'inlbor and N. Wynnewood avenues,j Jlis!:' P o we r s u pp l ie d d e li g ht f ul "off Ed S h e ri d an ' s gang went to work 011 ready for borough council's comddera-: stage" accompaniments with voice and Pitcher B il l R ey no ld s in t he f ou rt h tion at the :\Iay meeting precludes any I harp at inter~'als w he n th e script to eollect thre~ markl'rs. Cl'remoni~s until after couneil meeb: called for mUSIC, a n d a lt og et he r, t he M al an o c ra sh ed a t h re e- l mg ; g er. again June 8. i illusion that one was w i tn e ss i ng a Stine singll'd, Park whiffed an d th en A nnouncement to this t'ffect was' full~' c~~t, completely finished stage Ash added another b in gl e. T, ,- o m ad (' J ll on da y night at the post's May; productIOn, w as m os t real. more hit~ b\' S im m on s and St:;nley meoing. :'I1rs. nail~', w ithout the use of proved that 'it wasn't R e y no l ds' day, H I H ' I l' hc' c an no n c om mi tt ee of the p o st ' e en ayes e e ve r a pp l an ce s of but he lasted th(' rest of the inning. " II ., k - 1 fi I' b k" includes A. Perry Redifer, Jr .. chair-, 0 (-age ma 'e-up IJ1 tI e na '00- Big Jim :\lcKel' went in f(l1' the start man; Arthur L. C oo ke and Robert c.; of the play, n('\'erthel~ss, created by of the fourth and f in is he d in fairly Collins. ! well~~ont~'oll('d ges:ur.es and \'oice g oo d s t y le . P la n s f or t he annual :'Ilemorial Day, mOlbncatlOn, an artistiC sense of the T w( ; i nn in g' :, of tim<:1y hitting. t h ~ . . p a ~ " i n g of time a ~ Victoria "tand" first and fourth. wer(' ('nough to send p ar ad e "'ere also d i sc us se d by the .• ,-,.- om11 1itt (' e in charge of the ~Yent,: b,e fore a falli~g curta.in .on the ocea- East Phillie" a wa y t he lo"ers. In the 11 l'a de d b\' William H. Durbin. O'lon of her dIamond Jubilee. 0l'elw r t h l' D a\ ' i" m l 'n c ol l ec t ed four . I The parade will start f ro m t he fln'- On :\Ia~' 28 the f in al Club Banqut't nlll" and ",'\'en l~~(1re c ro ;' se d in t}(' house at H A. 1\1. and after tran.'rsing' will be held at O\'erbrook Golf Club, 1-('\'ent1:. ~ i c k Lyons startl'd on tl1< sl'\'l'ra] "treets of the borough will, :'III'S. H ar ol d G ri es t, p as t p re si de nt hill, hut g-an way to Al HelTmann ' in(; Ull at the pla\,'ground, where a of tl1(' juniors is in charge of the a ft (' r E as t Phillies had sohed him brid' n1l'murial service w il l be h el d. , c om mitt('e arranging the evening-. for "ix r un :' in the fifth. I All organizations in the boroug'h' Committee chairmen will g iv e t h ei r HalT" Ralst('n. Tann" Ra stem, '''1 w il l bl' in\'ited to particiJlate in the, report s, retiring of fi ce r,.; will be f<>ted Budd'- \\'alker. :\lickey Gavin. BIl J larade. ! and incoming- offieers installed. :\Irs. Bo\'er and Joe\' :\IeCahon all had t\\'o ' ' A baseball game will be held on S pe ne er S mi th is s uc ce ed in g- : \I is s s.tf<>ti('s. The Ralston hrotllt'rs poked 1 the J,la'. -"Tou nd followin" the exer cises:, Alice Francis as president of juniors. a d ou tl le e ac h. Gadn 101<d a trip ( t- ... tJ1l're. :'Ill's. Josl'ph : \ Ii l le r w il l continue w' alld Walkl'r blasted a hom e run. senior al!\'isor to the club. J. G. ::\1. VOLUME 22, No . 33 "Oh, w ~ l 1 - w e always lose the first one." The above indicates how o ne N ar - berth rooter felt after Manager Gene D a vi s ' d e fe n di n g champions of the 1\1 a in L in e L ea gu e opened the 1 H36 I race by yielding to Downingtown, 8-3, last S ; t ~ r d a y ~ n the new ('ntry's dia-; mond. H is words didn't necessarily, s pe ak t he truth, because Narb('rth: isn 't in the habit of d r op p in g t he f ir s t game. 1 AT COATESVILLE ON SAT.: Narberth Loses First i Tilt to D ow n in gt o wn ! Davismen Then Cop I n d ep e n d ., en t Tussle With East : Phillies

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, i

Narber th School Di r ec t or s

Re-Elect Secretary, Treasurer

Othe r Officers Elected at

nuaI Meet i ng o f Asso

ciat ion

Merion C i v i c Assn.

R e -E l e c t s C. E. Hall


l\Jleriol1 Branch to Mect

at Lafore Es ta t e Wedn e sd ay

Clar('nce E. HaIl wa" rechosen presi

d en t o f t he Merion Ci"ic Association

at its annual meeting last week

at the l\lerion War Tribute House.

Other officers re-eJected a rc F ra nk

C. P('quignot, vice-president; William

H. FolweIl, t reasurer, and :\Irs. P. E.

l\Iatthes, secretary.

New \'ice-presid('nts chosen are

Ba lf our Br ehman and Dr. R icha rd


Fou l' n ew d ir ec to rs wer e ('Iected to

t he assoe ia t ion 's board: ::\1IS. Edward

W. Bok, Edg'ar \Y. Freeman, Fred-ericl; Stanger and J. Alden Tifft. X arberth's School Board at its

:'II<'mbers of the board re.e lec ted are ?lIay meeting re-elected i t s secre t ary ,

T. Wood Andrews, T. Dun Belfield, Dr. Wal te r Steckbeck, a nd i ts treas

D. Webster BeIl, Charles H. Beyer, urer, J. L('on :\IcCrery, f or t he year

A. Balfour Brehman, William B. beginning July 1.Brendlinger, Newton W. Corson , Ed- Repairs to th( ' sidewalks around theward C. Dearden, \ \ 'i I li am H. 1"01- school building, as requested by bor

\."<'11, Clarence E. Hal l, Ger al d J . Han- ollg-h council, were ordered made.

sell, J. S. W . Hol to n, Dr. Richard A.! Parents' Nights at the school were

Kern, John B. Lawson, Kenneth S.: laS't evening. when a f as hi on s how

Lueders, Leo :\lacFarland, John F .! was gin'n and this e v( 'n in g. A play

:\1acklin, John D. :'Ilyers, Frank C. day program wiIl be gi"en th is after

Pequi gnot , Geo rge F . Pet ti no s, \Vi l- ' noon.l iam A. PoweIl , Harold W. Scott, i According to Edwin P . Dold, tax

Thomas ShaIlcross, Jr. , Dr. Edward, collector. lien:, .wainst properties for

A. Shumway, Edward G. Wyclwtf, Jr. ,: delinquent schoo] ta xe s a rc much

and E . Towns end Zook. i smaI le r th is year than last year.Announcement b\' Presidl'nt II a ll , Summer sellllo1 will s tart June 29,

that Narberth b o r ~ u g h had go ne on Principal W. J. Drennen repor ted ,

record at ib l \ I a ~ ' council n l l ' ~ t i n g ' to i with eo llrS l'S in a I: regular subjects

co-operate with Lower :'tlerion Town: and also an from the fourth to eighth

s hi p t o r el ie "e the hazardous eondi-: grades, a nd with <.'laSH'S in ninth

tion of th e Rockland avenue bridg'e ' g'radl' Fl'l'nch and La ti n.

o "er t he Pennsyl"ania Railroad tracks: The schools, which close Tuesday,

Competing again!:'t sixty - eight b(,tween Mel' ion a nd : '\ ar be rt h, w as .June Hi, will l 'eopen Tuesday, Sep

banllE, the majority from the I\liddll' r ec ei "e d wi th p le a su r e the mem-: tember 8.\Vest, Lower :'11 erion's eig'hty-piece bel'S. The bridge improven1l'nt was; The next m(' et ing o f the School

high schoo] ba nd w as rated in the one of the major project s of t he c i "i c ' Board wiIl be JUI1l- 12, a w ee k earlier

third d iv is io n in its first national assol ' iat ion during t he l as t y ea r. : than the l I ~ l I a ] th ird Friday .competition at CleYl'land. Ohio, last iweek-end. 'N b th CI bE 'moke Bu t No Fire I ar er u nJoys

The Pennsylvania champions, wi th i A. IS ' L hDense s11101;e f rom the h( 'a t er in the ' ' • nnua p ring unc eonSenior High Pr inc ipa l George H. Gi l-ber t, Band Di re c to r Bruce C. Beach c el la r o f \V. H . Haws' hardware sto re ' TI W . C .

on Ha\'erford avenue, Narberth, I. lC omen" ommumty C lu b o fand Vocal Director Allan V. Nern re- Narberth clo"ed t he s ea so n w it h t heturned home Sunday morning , br ing- caused Narberth's fir('men Saturdav i - . ,.

night at 11 o'clock t o d ri vc a roun ;l : a nnua l sJll'lng l uncheon and meet ingi ng w it h t hem a b ronz e p la que t o be I I J . Iat Ers ki ne Hal l in Haverford onhung in t he s en io r h igh school a s t he t 1C llock. T l cr e w as n o f in ' a nd ht- I ., , "

tIe dama".re, exceJlt to :\11'. Haws' J lr i-!. 1ues l iay a lte rnoon . . : :\ Irs. Ralph C.trip's award. '" II tl I f th J b .ate collection of va luable chamois. i· l'a 1, presH ent 0 e c u , mstalledBands were divided into fi"e classes Ithe n e w l ~ ' - e l e c t e d l )ffice rs . Mrs. \Vil .

according to "arious standards of pro- ! liam L('vis, treasurel'; :\Irs. VernaPoppy Da y T ol11orrow '

ficiency. Only five bands , headed . . \\-oodcock, recording secretary and

the Mason City, Iowa, muS'ical organ i- TomolTow wJlI b e Poppy .Day :\II·s. II. F. Stevens, first viee:presi .

zation, made the first division. INarberth. The obser\ 'ance wJlI be 111 dent. She also thanked all the relir-

Ic ha rg e o f th e H aro ld D. Speakman lnO'. l1fT' el·.' f tl ' fi k I .' . , ... IC"S or lelr Inc wor . l u rlJ1g

:Post, Amel'lcan L('g'lOn AuxJ!wry,: the pa!"t season.with 1\lrs. R. K. Hew it t a s g'l'neral, :\11" R b t . , I - I t' d

I. . I - s. 0 er ",e son, (rama IC rca -

c lall'man. 'h Ier , gave t r ee mono ogues. They

. A t th e auxiliary n1l'eting' t h is weck:Wl'!'e Hop 0' :\ly Thumb, a pioneer

It was decHled to p re sent medal s t o Iwedding of a G (' l' ma n girl i n Oh io

uutstandinggirls in the )/arbl 'rth Jluh-! which \\-as written bv C . ,J. Durban'

and p ~ r o c h . i a l schools at their clos- iof :'IIerion, husband 01' one of the clubIl1g exercIses 111 June. :members , and Ruth Draper's Southern

IGirl at a Dance .

Scout Benefit Coming :\Irs. Heath appointed the following

:'\arl)('rth n o ~ ' Scout Troop :1 will! as' auditors of the treasurer'R report

hold a b en ef it at the i\ arberth Thea- :'III's. A. C. Schwabl'nland, Mrs. Frank

tre Friday, :\Iay 29 and Jun e 1 and 2. Dl'Loss and :'III'S. :'II. C. Hinebaugh.

The Friday s how wi! ! b e "The Tra i lof the Lonesome Pine," particularly Book C lu b t o Mee t

appropriate and pleaS'ing p ic tu re i n i The Book Cluh of the Women's

Technicolor. Purpose of the benefit' Junior Communih' Club of Narberth

Iis t o provide money to hl'.!!l boys go to will mee t I \ I o n d a ~ : evening at 8.30 at

Camp Delmont l ' rbuy uIllformo. the home o f l \l rs . Spence r Smit h, 220

Hampden avenue, Narberth.

Speakers wi ll be Mrs . J os eph A.

Hongler, who wil l talk on "The Life

and Times of Cather ine de Mendiei,"

by Francis Watson, and Mrs. John H.

Jeffries, Jr. , who w il l r ev iew "The

Hurricane," by Charles Nordoff.

Lower Me ri on B an d Wins

Thi rd Division Rat ing

Ga rd en C lu b Mon day

Th(' Pl'nn V a l l c ~ ' Garden Club willmeet :\lunday at 10.;')0 at :\Irs. \Valter

D. Ful le r 's , Penn Valley, t o h ea l' a

talk by : \I rs . Arthur Hoyt Sco tt on


Lower :'Ilerion's Rod a nd Gun Club

at its meeting \ \ ' e d n e s d a ~ ' in ~ a r b e r t hmade plans for i ts a nn ua l s pr in g

outing, to be h eld at Bethayres. Sat

urday, June 6, and for the annual

outing of the :'IIontgoml'ry Federation

of Sportsmen's Clubs, this S a t u r d a ~ 'from 10 to dark at penitentiary

gTounds at Graterford .

\ \' il li am S ch us te r, P hi la de lp hi as por ti ng dea le r, g ave a talk on salt

wat('r fi"hing, and Ted Hanis , of

:'IIedford, New Jersey, showed motion

pictul'l 's of tarpon and !:'ailfish fishing

off t he F l or id a Coast.

The by-l aws were amended to per

m it t he club to incorporate.

R od a nd Gun C l ub Ou t in g s

A re T om or ro w a nd Ju ne 6

::\1rs. John C. N as h, w as elected

honorary regent at the luncheon meet

ing of the Dr. Benj ami n Rush Chap

te r of N. S. D. A. R., at Erskine Hall,

Haverford, Monday a ft er no on . S he

was a ls o p re sent ed wit h t he regent's

pin and a corsage of orchids .

The new officers unanimou!:' ly

elected f or t he c om in g t wo yea r s a r cl\I rs. Franklin R. Lindsay, regent;

I\lrs. H. C. Fenno, first vice-regent;

Mr s. T. B. du Mara i s, second vice-re

gent; Mrs.Joseph H. Baker, recording

secretary; ;\Irs. Robert J. Dothard,

corresponding secretar\'; !III's. John

L. :'IIil1er, treasurer; Mrs. John C.

Nash, registrar; Mrs. Charles :II. ir

win, historian; Mrs. C. Arley Farmer,

librarian; Mrs. H. G. : \1art in, chap

lain, and two d ir ec to rs f or t he com

i ng two years, Mrs. John C. ~ a ! : ' h and I

:'Ill'S. A. W. Ward. 'A II Ba f ou r B re hm a n an d

:'IIrs. Verna R. \Voodcock was ap-,' .pointed chai rman o f the W av s a nd I Richard A . K ern Ne w

:'IIeam Commi tt ee and will · be in I Vice-Presidents

charge Gf the Gar de n a nd Bridge

party to be held on June 16 f or t he BRIDGE NEWS PLEASES

"cholar sh ip fund for the Tamasee and

the Kate Duncan Smith Schools.

Foul' delegates and ten alternate dele

~ a t l ' S were a lso appointed for the

State Conference to be held in Read

ing in the fall.

NA RB E RT H , P EN N SY LVAN IA , MAY 22, 1936

Card Party June 2

A card party wi ll be g iv en by thl'

H ous e C ommi ttee o f t he \Vomen'S'

Community Club o f : \ ar b er t h a t the

home of : 'IIrs. George B. Suplee, 315

WoodS'ide an'nue, on T u e s d a ~ - , June2. at 2 o'clock. Phone ~ a r b e r t h 2-17fl-Jfor I·eservations.

Talk s on Con st it ut io n

A talk 011 the United States Con

st i tu ti on was g i\ 'e n T ue sd ay bl'fore

the B a l a - C ~ - n w y d - ; \ " a r b e r t h Rotary

Club at the O\' l' rh roo]; Golf Cluh by

J{ussell Green. :'\arbcrth attol'lll'Y·:\11'. Green, who is solicitor for

:'IIontgomery Cou nt y. d ef en de d t he

dOeU11ll'nt as safeguarding' indiv idual

f reedom and ( ) p p o r t u n i t ~ · and prai sl 'dthe Supr('me Cou rt f or its action in

presenin!! t he Con st it ut ion t h rough

l'l'cent decisions.Walter Scott, Narberth, was elected

a member of the cl ub. WaHl'!' G.

Case was chairman.


M rs. R ob ert Bailey Del ights

Wi t h I n te rp r et at io n o f'V i c t o ri a Reg ina '

IJunior Club Holds IMrs. J. C.Nash Chosen :w. c. T . U. Pl ans Pub l ic i t y IMrs. Whi ting Chosen

\ I H I Campai g n, Add s 61 Member s PMother's Day Party as onorary Regent I - . arent-Teacher Head

___ l iThe Narberth B ra nc h o f t he W. C.

R h Ch f D A R EIT. U. me t Monday a ft e rnoon a t the

us apter 0 • • • ects , N b th M th d' t E . I Ch h


ar er e 0 IS plscopa u r c ,

Officers f or Tw o-Y ea r wit h Mrs . R. C. Kennedy presiding.

Term Sixty-one member s h ave been added

to t he l is t and ext en si ve p la ns have

PARTY been made for publici ty concerning PR INC IPAL SNOW SPEAKS

the organization and its object through

t he Media newspapers, pamphlets and Mrs. Edmund Allen Whiting was

other literature to be di st r ibuted in elected president at the meet ing o f

the schools and churches. Also poster t he Narb er th Parents and Teachers'

contests and essays in public schools. Association held at t he N ar be rt h

The officers of the organization are: School on Monday evening . Other

Mrs. R. C. Kennedy, president, and officers chosen were Mrs. Charles L.

four vice-presidents, :'Ill'S. J. H. Pat- Viguers, Jr. , first vice-president; Miss

t on , o f the M. E . Chur ch ; Miss Mazie Faith l\1cAuliffe, second vice-pres i

Simpson, of the Baptist Church, Mrs. I dent; the Reverend Cletus A. Senft,

Cletus A. Senft, of the Lutheran' treasurer; Mrs . H. M. Berry, secre

Church; Mrs. A. E. Gilfillan, of the tar:.'.

Presbyterian Church; Secretary, Mrs. The mee ti ng was opened with the

C. H. W o o l ~ i n g t o n , and Treasurer, s ing ing o f a Choral Prayer led by

Mrs. J. C. Keenan. Miss Frieke, teacher of the music

Tea was served by the ladies of the department; this was followed by the

1\I. E. Church. Salute to the Flag by Sonia Anderson.Two duet!:' were then sung by Mrs.

CJetus S en ft a nd M rs . C. S. Wilmot.

S pe ak er o f t he e ve ni ng was E . H.Snow, pr inc ipa l of the Lower Mer ion

Junior High School, whose topic was

D "Liberal Education in the Highr. School CUlTiculum," ;\11'. Snow began

his ta lk w ith t he statement that he

was g la d that t he publ ic recognized

there was jib('ral education in the

school and that in the Jun ior High itwas the aim of those in charge to

reach each student and to develop his

individual charactH. He also said

that problen:s had changed for the

chi ld and the ' 1 u e ~ t i o n at present washow t hey can : 'e b ( 's t f i tted f or t he i r

place in thl' socia! and economic world.

With more children in school due t o

l'conomic conditions, he said, Amel'i-

A. can youth was mora l ly Hl'Ong in spite

A. o f t he l ack o f jobs for i t s members .

Narberth Play Day Starts

at 1.30 This Ajtemoon

Dog Bi tes Gi rl , 5

A 5-year-old g ir l w as b it te n by a

dog owned by Barry S. MeJlor, of 11(;

ClwS'tnut an'nue, Narberth, it was re

ported a t t he :\Iay meeting of t he Nar

berth Board of Health.

Planning Commis sion Is sue s

Booklet on Developmcnts

A booldet t i tl ed "The Development

of Rea l ES' ta te i n Lower illerion Town

ship" was issued this week by the

,Lowl'r :\Ierion Township Planning

Commission. CopieR are being mailedto a l l t Il l' principal real estate brol;ers

and build ing eont rac tor s in th is area.

SuggeS'tions for subdivisions recom

mend that prel iminary scru t iny of

pl:ins be made by the Planning' Com

mission before they are submitted 10

t he Board of Cummissioners. It also

tal;('s up the matter of de!"ig'n and

layout, particularly wi th refe rences

to new thoroughfares.


All the fol1owing officers were un

aminiousiy re-eleeted at the :\arbl'rthPl ayer ,. ;' m e( ,t in g i n t he :\arberth

School auditorium on Tuesday e"e

ning: President, B. G. Simpsun; \'ice

pr (' sident, Wil l iam H. ::\luller; treas

urer, Roland Fleer; secretary, Grace

Werner and : \l rs . G('rmaine Heath, on

the Board of Go\' ernors fo r a three

year term.Mr. Fleer gav(' an interesting and

humorous tr( 'asur( 'r's report showing'

that tIl(' Players Wl're solvent.Mr. SimpS'on, in hb s jl ee ch o f a c

ceptance, in\'ited tl](' P l a ~ ' e r s to be his The child, Rita Testa, of lOS Chest

guests at a supper and swimming,nut avenue, was t rea ted a t Bryn Mawrparty t o be h el d at : \ lar tin 's Dam on I Hospital f or t he bite, which oceulTed The :'IIerion Branch of t he League

I" 1 ft Cloth ing Distr ibuted 27th of Women Vuters, will meet at the

June n. ThiS' is an annual e vent . Io:-unl ay a ernoon.T he p la y, "Tr ou bl e a t S at te rl ee 's ," H ea lt h Officer George n. Suplel' re- The Narberth Volunteer Emergency home o f :'Ill'S. John A. Laf or e, Penn

t I f f G I R J• f \ 'Il I' t 'b t I tl . t EI Valle'.' Farms, Penn Val1(". ', on

which was coached by : 'IIartha SiIII jl- 101 el our cases 0 crman nW'ls es l ' I e "1 liS 1'I U ce o ling a 111 "

II' I t tl 0 I I l' II \" I I f 1030 ' 'I Wednesda,.', at :3 P. itI. The speaker

son, proved to be very entertaining. l Ul' lng t 1e pas 1110n 1. ne laS )eell HI on "e l neSl ay rom . -"1" H •

Her daugh te r, Nancy S impson , h ad Ireleased. until 12. There wiII b e no d iS 't ri bu - w il l be : \I rs . Herbert A. :'Ililler, !\Iont-

the lead whi ch was p la yed by I\lrS'. Seven Jlermits were i s s ~ e d t.o food tion of clothing or a rt ic le s f o r the gomery County League Chairman ofSimpson in 1906. handlers and three plumbll1g I11spec- needy d:lring June, Ju l \' and .AugUS'LI t l ~ e I n t e ~ ' n a t i . ~ n ; ~ ~ R e l ~ , t i o n ; ~ . C o n ~ m i t :

A feature o f t he e ve ni ng was the' tions made. Those 111 need telephone ~ a r b e r t h ItHo Hel tOpIC" III be Ru. !" Ia As We

piano duet played by l\largaret Squier Mellor's dog was taken to t he Uni - :lHS3 for appointments. Saw It." Assisting hostesses w il l be. f PI' \7 t' I : l\lrs. J. Clifford Jones and 1\1rs.

and Murray Rober ts on . Th is wa s t he \ ' e r s l t ~ · 0 ennsy vania e erll1arysecond and fourth movemen ts o f t he Hospital. for examin.ation. It wil l be I Democratic W om en M ee t :'.licheal Ritl'r, Jr . Visitors ar c wel-

I I I bcome t o rU'lm i n ?Ill'S. Lafure's beau-

Fuurth Symphony by T:ichaikowsl;y. l(' l umler 0 servatlOn. Bef or e t he Democ ra ti c \Vomen's 'The Barr i e Barn will be reopened Luncheon Club o f Lower Mer ion and t if ul garden.

this ReaSUn with a new organization Tennis Club Robbed Narberth, at Merion I\lansions Tues- - - - - - - - -

headed by Miss Kay O':-Jeill, of the Thieves broke into Frank Fe is e 's d ay , Dr. Char le s Fenwi ck , o f Bryn Sh inn Appea l GrantedNational School o f E lo cu tio n a nd Narberth Tennis Club on Montg-ol11ery Mawr Col le ge , s poke on "Con s ti tu - Fol lowi ng a public hearing, the Nar- Guild Directors Guests

Drama. She w il l b e assisted by J. avenue Saturday nigh t and skillfully i t io n al R ight s. " A se con d speaker berth Board of Adj us tmen t h as Mrs. John B. Brool ;s , of Drexel

Massey, of the ROUl'ike Players of p icked the lock on the cash drawer- was Mrs. Joseph McGarri ty, of Nar- g ran ted the appeal of Russell S. Sh inn r oad, Overbrook, en ter tained the diPhiladelphia. but i t w as e mp ty , e xce pt for small berth, who told of some of th e bills' to e xpand h is pot te ry and l and sc ape r ec to r s o f t he Narberth Br anch o f t he

A ll t ho se w ho ar e interested call c ha ng e. T he y t oo k that a nd n ot hi ng n ow b ef or e Con gr es s. M rs . Erma G·I business at 808 Montgomery avenue, Ne e d I e w 0 l' k Guild at luncheon

Gypsy Heath for information. else. IRussell, presided. INarberth, IWednesday.

Narberth Players

R e -Elect Of f i c e r s


Tr ea su r e r F le e r Finds Tha t

ganization is Solvent :

P i an o s P l ea se

At 1.30 o'clock this afternoon

Narberth public schools' annual

P lay Day will begin wi th dances

by t he p rima ry grades at the

Communi ty Playground, Windsor

avenue near Wynnewood avenue.

Following will be a wand dr il l ,

Indian dance, dumbbell drills,~ p r i n g b o a r d jumping, archery and The Narberth juniors entertained

gymnastic exhibits by the older their mothers at a very interesting

children. evening of music and dramat ics on

Feature of the afternoon will Thursday, )1ay 14, whe n t he a nn ua l

he t he v ar io us c on te st s f or t he i :'Ilothers' Day party was held at the

field d ay s il ve r c up between t he ' cl ub ro om at t he Communi ty build ing .

"Reds" a nd t he "Grays." Events : The committee, headed by Mrs. El ls

will include relays, three-legged tworth B. Clark as cha irman, l e ft no

race , h igh and broad jumps . i s tone unturned to make t he eveni ngThe Parent-Teacher Associa- : as pleasant as the occasion demanded.

tion will sel l refreshments on the i Beautiful spring f lowers, a specially

grounds and will a l so have ponies : constructed platform set up for the

available for the children to r ide . i performers against a background ofAway Again I f the weather is too unfavor- palms, a splendid program, and de-

Tomorrow ::-larberth baseball c1uh, abl e the rain date is l\londay ! l i ciom refreshments cont r ibuted in

I11eets its second league test in an- :lfternoon, the 25th. I e"ery deta il tomake the affair a grandother ba tt l e scheduled for e ~ e m ? soil. : success. Ernestine Bacon Kern, 50 -

Davis a nd h is c ha rg es Will ll1vade, C D d·· : prano and Dorothy Power harpist

Central Park Coatesville, to meet annon e l c a t l on t'h t' t h 'd I dwere e ar IS s w 0 sang an p aye

Perk Richards ' aggrega tion, which Delayed for P r e s e n t 'm an y.well-known numbers wi th greata ls o i s s ti ng ing f rom the licking ad- i effectIveness.

ministered by Eddie Hare's Brookline Ileaders. On Sunday the borough nille Probably WI'II be Held July 4! ::\lrs. R ob ert B ai ly , o f ::-larberth,

,gave -a costume recital of the play

meet s Berwvn on the community field. 'f B h C .II b I oroug ouncd "Vic to ri a Reg in a" t he cu rr ent NewAl Herrmann and Jim :'IlcKee wi e O. K.'s Plans York production, in which Helenpitcher!:' f or t he r es pe ct iv e game s. Hayes is starring. :'Ill'S. Baily, so at-

Da"is and Company p la yed an in- P AR AD E M EM OR IA L D AY traetive and charming a young Vic-dependent game here Im't Sunday alld toria in h er s at in gown of pink,

felt th(' satisfaction of winning f rom trl'nlmn d ,··]·th tulln and blu" l'I'bbonsin a Narberth's cannon dedication has -' - -

East Phillies by a 12-7 count in the p ~ r i o d o f t h" t i n l e ~ , pIa","d thn

b(,l'n postponed from ;\Iemorial Day, - - -, - -~ I u g f e ~ t . t f II I h . h'robably unti l July 4. pa r 0 a tI e c aracters In t IS

One b ig inninf .! ' t h( ' f ou rt h. g ave Failure of Harold D. Speakman, a bs or b ing h is to ri ca l r omance wit h

Downingtown enough rum t o wal k off Post , American Legion, to have its great sinceri ty and unfaltering dicton,with the gan1P. The neWcomers I I ' I th '11 d h I' d,]ans and specifications for placing' ant s Imp y 1"1 e er aut lCnce ur-

matchl'd Narberth wi th s ingle marl ; - th(' cannon in the memorial grouping' ing a performance which lasted an

ers in the first and second and \ \' l' nt on t he Communi ty Playground!:' at ' h ou r a nd a quarter. Mrs. Ker n a nd

ahead wi th another in the third. Then \\'inlbor and N. Wynnewood avenues,j Jlis!:' Power suppl ied de light ful "off

Ed Sheridan ' s gang wen t t o wor k 011 ready for borough council's comddera-: stage" accompaniments with voice and

Pitcher Bil l Reyno ld s in t he fou rt h tion at the :\Iay meeting precludes any I harp at i n t e r ~ ' a l s whe n th e scriptto eollect t h r e ~ markl'rs. C l ' r e m o n i ~ s until after couneil meeb: called for mUSIC, and a lt oget he r, t he

Mal ano c ra sh ed a three-lmg;ger. again June 8. i illusion that one was wi tness ing a

Stine singll'd, Park whiffed an d th en A nnouncement to this t'ffect was' f u l l ~ ' c ~ ~ t , completely finished stage

Ash added another b ingle. T, ,-o mad (' J ll onday night at the post's May; productIOn, was mos t real.more h i t ~ b\' Simmons and St:;nley meoing. :'I1rs. n a i l ~ ' , w ithout the use of

proved that 'it wasn't Reynolds' day, H I H 'I l'hc' c annon commi tt ee o f t he po st ' e en ayes e e ve r a pp l an ce s ofbut he lasted th(' rest of the inning. " I I ., k - 1 fi I' b k"includes A. Perry Redifer, Jr .. chair-, 0 (-age ma 'e-up IJ1 tI e na ' 00-

Big Jim :\lcKel' went in f(l1' the start man; Arthur L. Cooke and Robert c.; of the play, n ( ' \ ' e r t h e l ~ s s , created byof the fourth and f in ished in fairly Collins. ! w e l l ~ ~ o n t ~ ' o l l ( ' d ges:ur.es and \'oice

good style. P lan s f or t he annual :'Ilemorial Day, mOlbncatlOn, an artistiC sense of theTw(; inn ing' :, o f tim<:1y hitting. . . p a ~ " i n g of time Victoria "tand"

first and fourth . wer(' ('nough t o s en d p ar ad e "'ere also discussed by the .• , - , . -om111itt('e in charge of the ~ Y e n t , : b,efore a f a l l i ~ g curta.in .on the ocea-

East Phillie" away t he lo"ers. In the 11l'aded b\' William H. Durbin. O'lon of her dIamond Jubilee.

0l'elwr th l' Da\ ' i"ml'n collec ted four .I

The parade will start f rom t he fln'- On : \ I a ~ ' 28 the f inal Club Banqut'tnl l l " and ",'\'en l ~ ~ ( 1 r e c ro ;' se d in t}( ' house at H A. 1\1. and after tran. 'rsing' w il l b e he ld at O\'erbrook Golf Club,1-('\'ent1:. ~ i c k Lyons startl'd on tl1< sl'\'l'ra] "treets of the borough will, :'III'S. Har ol d G ri es t, p as t p re si de nthill, hut g-an way to Al HelTmann 'in(; Ull at the pla\,'ground, where a of tl1(' juniors is in charge of thea ft (' r E as t Phillies had sohed him brid' n1l'murial service will be held. , committ( ' e arranging the evening-.for "ix run :' i n the fifth.

IAll organizations in the boroug'h' Committee chairmen will g iv e t h ei r

HalT" Ralst('n. Tann" R a stem,' ' '1 wil l bl' in\'ited to particiJlate in the, reports, retiring officer,.; will be f<>tedBudd'- \\'alker. :\lickey Gavin. BIl

Jlarade. !and incoming- offieers installed. :\Irs.

Bo\'er and Joe\ ' :\IeCahon all had t\\'o '' A baseball game will be held on Spene er Smi th is succeed ing- : \I is ss.tf<>ti('s. The Rals ton hrotllt'rs poked

1the J,la'.-"Tound followin" the exercises:, Alice Franc i s as pres ident of juniors.

a dou tl le e ac h. Gadn 101<d a trip ( t- ...tJ1l're. :'Ill's. Josl'ph : \ Ii l le r wil l continue w'

alld Walkl'r blasted a home run. senior al!\'isor to the club.J. G. ::\1.

VOLUME 22, No . 33

"Oh, w ~ l 1 - w e always lose the first

one."The above indicates how o ne Nar -

berth rooter felt af ter Manager Gene

Davis ' defending champions of the

1\1 a in L in e L ea gu e opened the 1H36 I

race by yielding to Downingtown, 8-3,

last S ; t ~ r d a y the new ('ntry's dia-;

mond. His wo rd s didn't necessari ly,

s pe ak t he truth, because Narb('rth:

isn 't in the habit of d r opp ing t he

f ir s t game.



Narberth L o s e s First i

Tilt to Downingtown

!Dav i smen Then Cop I n d ep en d .,

en t Tussle With Eas t :


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May 22, 1936







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,Lower :Merion Alumni

Ejec ts Wilbur PresidentIn the Mailbag

------------------ - --------

gan, Haverford, t1·easurer. 1 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iOther events included ratification 1 :.

of the organ iza tion' , ; cons t i tu t ion , the

At it,; allnual business meeting last banquet, a piano recital b y V er no n

Spectator" Dissents I I S a t u r d a ~ ' n ig ht , t he Lowel" l.\Ierion'Hammond, a play "The T r a v e l e 1 ' ~ , " WM. G. FRANKENFIELD

Judge Holland's Opinion ' High School Alumni elected as offic('rs, and dancing,Nc Book at Lib ar \\' H Simpson Road at Athens Avenue- - - w s r. y , Ross i lb ur , a ve rf ol 'd , president; Mr, and Mrs, E, E. Burlingame,

(The folloll'il/!I lettfl', too " t I , ~ I The t \arberth C o m m u n i t ~ ' Library Robert Elmore, Cynwyd, \ ' ice-pres i - B r ~ ' n Mawr, wel'e gue,;ts at the din- i Telephone Ardmore 9

for plllJlicatioj' Ins! 1/'ec!;, rc(cl's Ihas rec ently ad de d the following , le nt ; Mar y S co tt ?>IcShane, Wynne - ncr . l\It'. Burlingame is pl'esident of l " "2646 ARDMORE, PA.to the Narherth Plo!!crs' Jit/!1 1-2 book,; to its collection: woo,1, sec reta ry , and Florence Kerri-I th,: Lower :'IIel'ion School Board. ~ ~ i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ~ ~ i ~ i i : ~ i ~ ~ ~11lnJJ, "Good-II!!" Af/oil/," which ]\ 0 n - fi c t i o n : Pa ti (' nc e Abhe ,'

'was rcvicH'( ' {l hi! . Il 1dyc . I. [JIII '- "Around the \','orld in Eleven Years";

nett Hol/awl ill tf,i," !JUjler . l ! r l ! !8,) :\Iaxwell Anderson, "Winterset"; Rob-

To the Editor: cr t Bcnchley, " :. \I y 10 Years in a

More years ag-o than \\'ish to Quandary"; Dorothea Brande, "\Vake

proclaim, in t he d ay s of James O. G. Up and Live" ; Boake Carte r, "Johnny

D u t ~ y , known notal,l.IY "The Loung--I Q. Public ~ p e a k ~ " ; ,R. E. Des\'erni,ne,

e1' III the Lohby or t he d ef un ct "DemocratIc Despotism"; T . E . E lI ot ,

Phi/rulelphia [>1'1',",", it \\'a, pur reg-ubI ' " l \lu l' ( le r in the Cathedral"; G, L. EI

matinee assig'nment tn ,,:t \\"l'ck after Iiott, "\\"oman After Forty"; Emil

week in frce ,iwlp;nH'nt r;n the hearty Leng-yel, "Millions o f D ic ta to rs ";

histrionics of thr: F,'r"l'aug'h Stock : 'IIaul 'ice : 'I lal 'tcrl inck, "Pig-eons and

Compa ny , a nd t ll "r ,' are doubtl('ss Spider,"; I I. Moore, "Old Pewter,

mallY of t hl ' f ol k; 11I'!'eahouts who Bra ,; s, Copper and Sheffield Plate";

ventured do wn in to t he old Tpn(!c 'r- ,J. :II. l\lul'l'Y. "Shakcspcarc"; Gusta

loin as a rout i nc th ing ' to lH'ho ld tlw vu,; l \ l y e r ~ , "Ame r ic a S t rik es Ba ck ";a lways amhi ti ous " f } ' r ~ l ' i n g ' , of this ~ c w t ( j l l & l\Iyer", "Hoover Adminis

very eapahle troupe, Ewry w('ek tration"; E, ,J. O'Bri('Il, "Bl'st Short

there \\'as a 111'\\' otrering' and thl', :-'\ol'ies, ]!I:W" ; Baron de Prorok, "In, I I

For('!HlUg'h fan,; c ')J1.'t itutpd a hIgh y Que:. ;t of I.o"t \\'orlds"; H, L, Shapiro,

numcrous and ( 'nthu,;iastic host. "I!,' ritage of the B o u n t ~ " ' ; R, E,

Gcorg-e Learoek, admittpdly on(' of SIl<'l'wood, "Idiot's Delig-ht" (Pultizer

his g- l' ncrat ion ' s IH'"t Shake"pr '1 '( 'an prize play); D, y, Talcott, "Re)1nrt

exponents , was the sta,g'(' din 'e to r and of t he Company" ; Ebwy,th Than",

he took hi s p ar t in t he p la ys oftP!1 " Y o u n ~ :\11'. Visral'1i"; G, B, Shaw,

cnoug'h. while hi" \'pry j>l'f'lt,\' wifl', "Threc Plays": El'I1,;t TollPI', "Sc\,cn

Jenni (' El l isnn , \\'as 11l'\'l'l' k no wn to Pby"."

miss a role in a n ~ : (If th" w(' f' kly F ict i" l1 : :\lal'tin Boyd, "The I.l'mOI1

sho\\'s, IFaI 'm"; Ckml'ncc Danl', "Broome

Georg-e Barhi f 'r was anot lH'r s t l' 1la r Stag ' cs" ; \rill Ermine. "Plundl'l'ed

lig-ht, tl](' \'ery : , a n ~ , · a, ~ ' " u SfC 1111\\'-! Rang-c"; Susan El'tz, "\roman Ali\'c";

aday's in the pictlll'(';, hut it has nnly 1 Tryg'\'(' Gulhnlns"l:n. "Beyond Sing

been within tlw la,;t mon t h that he' the \r oor!>'''; Frand" 11 ackett, "Greenh as wr it t l' n to s ay that Ill' i s 1i rl 'd L ion "; Sophi e KCI'r, "Thcre'" Only

wocfully of til<' sllamhll's of H ol ly - O ne "; R os am on d L ehma nn . "Thc

wood and yearns for t!](' good fo]'tunl' \rl'athl'r in the Su'ed""; Son](,I'''l't

which \ \ 'i l l hl'ing- him hnl'k to tl](' :'Ilaug-ham, "Cosmopol itan, , "; Meade

Phibd"lphia hI' l ' r. . f" l 's ;-'1) much I"! :'Ilinnl'g-prodl'. " : \l a ri c Antoin ct t e' s

hi,- p1'('s('nt SCf'nl' "f s ham a nd sl':\n-: lIenl'bI1Ullj"; I lonul' e : \ Ior row, "Let

dai. ! thl' KiIH,; Bl' \\ 'al' ' ' '' ; Kathlel:n Pa\\ 'lc.

In 1he C O I 1 l 1 l : 1 n ~ ' :l1sl) wa,; till' l'l'Jiahll'1 "\ r c in C a p t i \ ' i t ~ , , , ; Proko"ch. "The

Alhr.'rt Sackl'tt, \ I'ho wa; : no ](oss than' A"iatic,": : : : ; ~ ' I \ , j a T h o l 1 l p ~ o n , "Thirdthe fat hI']' of ,Julia ~ : l I l d " I ' , o n , \\'ho:,," . \c t in \ " 'n ic ,, " : Edi th Whar ton , "The

p;ay song'" eontinur to h , 's t ir lh ,' r : ll l i" , \ " (, r ld () \'f 'l' ' ' ; , ' \ l'nold ZWl'ig, "Eduea

laIH'S. and of e(HII',f'. it i, 1\' , ,1l I,n()\\,n: lioo B"forl: \'l'l'llun,"

that .Tulia \\ 'as th" i n ~ " n l l f ' at Fol'l'-, : \ l ~ ' s l , ' r y an,i Vl 't f 'c t i\ ' c: :'Ilal',t!,'ery

paughs f" r a numh'l' of ,,':ISOI1';, :b ' AlJillldl:lm. "Flo\\" ' I 's for tIll' J u d , t ! , r ~ " ;l o\ 'e ly a littl<- l a d ~ ' a- "nl' e 'll l ld GL'lctt BU1'l :l", "Too (;00,] Lookinp,":

imagine, ( '\ '( 'n i f h "l ' f(,(,t \ \ " , ' 1 ' 1 ' "xtl a :\l ilL's Burtun, "The C i u ( ~ o f t he :-jil\'cl'

inches long' and h"I' k ~ ' , . . ; o f t il l' I 'l 'a l, Bru:,h"; :II. G, Ehcl'hart, "Fair \\'al'n

shank \ ,aridy, Th" y','al',- soon, i ng ' '' ; E , ,J. t;oolbw'ed, "Cur,e in the

chang-I'd that, !JOWl""'I', :,- th(, "t"el,- Colophon"; Ro!>cl't l li ch en s, " Th e

ing 's fi llcd up at :1 ,L:""d : lnd S:, ll l- P ~ ' r a 1 l 1 i d " ; E, P, OppL'nhl'im, "Adviee

nH' tr ie al pal'" nl ld tIll' ],;' .: 1"(1 Ill' Lilllit"d": Ill'l,'n R " j l l ~ ' , ";\11', ~ 1 I 1 i t l J ' sadolpscl'nt" g T a d u a l l ~ : e:l!1ll' tn th:lt Hat"; h:, c. :-:tnl!l;lll, "Dl's('rt Lal-l'

petitt' typc whieh mad" h,,!' :leebillwd : \ l y ' " t ( ' r ~ ' ' ' ; Dar'. \ 'in T, 'i lhe 'l. "l'\'at);('I'

a g ' rpat ,bnc('r a, "Ill' : - \\ 'i! 'kd in ~ l i l ' h Clnak :\lul'rll'r:',"

captivating' lI1;llln,'r \\,IUI DlI ln ld I nt l' l' IJ at iona l :'IIind AlPo\'l': Lincoln

Brian and nth l' l" (I; thl' Ji:a-cllJilll' Ells\\' ' 'rth, "Exploring T n d a ~ ' ' ' ; Hnnsfast-st('pj>eI'" JIl·lfl'itz, "L:ind \\'ith'HlL Shad,,"; .1.

In tb,: ('Wiling' \\" 1 J ! ' " h : 1 J , 1 ~ ' Itad t,,' F, I!orrab:n, "Atlas of ( 'ul'J '('nt At '

hie to thl ' Gil':tl'd '\""11\11' Tlll'atl'l', fail'S"; L. :01. ~ , ' s h i l t . "J)l'S(l!u:e

wlwl'l' anothr'r "sto,-,k" hdd 1 11 h. 01' :'Ilarchl"": G, ;\1. Su'alton, "l!lt'.'l'na

i f Cn' stnn Clar k and Ad"l,:'t!" Pr il le, ' t i llnal Delll:,inns,"

were in town (a t til" I'al'k '1'1]('a;I'I') F o i ' \ l l i g ' \ ' , t l ~ ' Cluj), Annual Gift:

OUI illstruetion" t\:iually rlir,'c'\l'd u' Hil'hal'li.-oll \\'!'ight, "StO!'y (,I' Gar

tJWl ' l ' , ~ ( ' \ ' " r \'.'l'l'l' \1'" I ' r ' ! ~ ' a r d " d as d , 'n i llg ,"su!Ticipnily 1l1aturl' tn qu:t1i t'y 1")1' n ; \] l .l n "r ia l C ll ]' t ,l 't ion: E, L. D, S ( ' ~ ' -printed opinion ,,1' :\Ian,..;jj.. ld, ,],'11',,1'- moul', "Gardl'n Ency'clo]1l'dia.'· (Gift

son, \\ ' illard. "Iill,'r (11 an:; ,,1 till' n'- or t!1\' I'l'nn \'alk" l;:ll'd,'n Club in

nO\\'lwd top-lilll'r:" hut \ I' l' s a \\ ' t h "i l l IE 'illlll':: nf :'o!r-, : ' I l a r ~ ' A. Larnl'y,)

on OUI own just the' ~ a ! 1 l l ' :lI1d p i t ~ , ' ti"that t l ll 'y nol ' tlll'ir i lk a l' l' n ll t 1t"1" alld (I\'('rlollkin,g' thl' "nll1hL'l' fact that

to 1)( SCl'n 01' beard IIO\\ ', ffll' th,' elltin' thl"'" act, wc h ad Iloth-

This hit of rl'\','ri" \\ ':1 " int!uc('d ] , ~ ' in,t!, l'xeept till' i",dl'lInlll tn ;;l'l', witlt tl!l'

OUI v isi t to t he l: bt j11'l'fnrlllancl' eharact,'rs in 111Ol'" Ol' Ipss dishabille

gi\'en hy nu l' ~ a r h " r t h Play!'rs nnd and indlllg;ing', l,,'rforl'" of t1ll'ir lint's.

we are still wondering' \\'hr t ll (' l in ll ' in the g"I'O,spst k in d o f h ad t a" t( ' a nd

a nd t al en t of our impl'l 'ssi \ 'e young' an ahsurd "]ll'ci,', of "mart-akek con

men and \\'Omen wcre wa"tl'd on a COII- vPI',ation.

coct ion of tawdry :llId as full of dreg's 0, the llh,iectioll that our ynung

as the wretched thing- calleu "Good-hye players arl' capable of muc h f in er

Again." It was agreed, ho\\,('v('r, that thing'S and it is a s n ! T ~ ' shame thatwe would keep our \ \ 'ondl ' rnwnt t l ' this silly clap-trap a nd b umpt io us

ourselves, and not make it a matter of hroadness must be t he ir p or ti on .'

publ ic notice, but in \'icw of the totally Neither should \\'e r at e a s provincialdissimilar Viewpoint presente ll hy the if we p oi nt o ut that the bloom lea"'('s

excellent Judg-e Holland in last \\'pek's the peach soon enough and we are

OUR TOWN (contrary to the a ssump - not t oo o ld when we say it would be

tion that nothing onewav 01' the o ther nicer, and infin ite ly more refreshing- ,'

would be publ i shed) it \ ~ ' o l l l d seem to' i f o ur gi rl s a nd boys were not ca lledcontribute somewhat to neig-hborhood, upon to handle situations which call

virility if we sugges ted tbat a rather ' for so much pseudo-sophistication and

important feature o f t h e c as e had h i' en s o much slick knowledge of that dis-quite overlooked. ;orderly par t of life which, in \'il'\\' of ,

The i de a o f a l oc al drama club is their breeding as we know it, con

t eo s ou nd a nd too s ubs ta n ti :l l n o t t o t inues , fortunately, to be an a ltoge the r

encourage i n e ve ry r ea so na bl e and alien thing- to them,

forthr ig-ht way, as a r ea l b en t f or t he The Narherth P l a ~ ' e r s has provedthcatre is one o f the rarest and g'rand- itself to be a splendid communi ty

est of arts, and there should be no organization. Its membe rs ha \' c done

tl"ifling with the numerous opportuni-: things fa r beyond the k en o f t he usual

ties It p res en ts for intellectu:lI :lnd amateur society. T he d ram ati c

cultural advancement. What is the archi\'"s ar e stuti"ed with pieces which

justification and reason, th(' n , for put - 'i t would be a j oy t o be ho ld as nul'

ting o n o ne of t h os e s t up i d " hed room borough actors cou ld p roduce t hem,

plays" which have so sated Broadway "Good-bye Again" is fa r henea th the ir

f or t he last few years, th l' re fus( ' of stature, their dig-nity and their int!'l

an intcrminalJle hoppel', and whith can lig'ence, and nothing like it should

be tossed together in the course of al l: e \ ' er be essayed by them ag'ain.

hour or two b y t ho se onl'ly bright,' THE SPF.CTATOR,

wise-cracking' young ' mel l \ \'ho , with:the shoddiest of intellt, han tlwir, \Vilson Drops \X i cthcrill

wwthcl'-eye 011 the greasy trade of; l\layor \Vilsrlll l as t w ee k faikd tl

the cloak-and-suiter;; and of the, I"eappoint Colonel Samuel Pr ice \Vdh

shock-searching- yokrols \\'ho stream' erill. Haverford. to Philadelphia's

into the metropol is f rom t he h in ll ' r- City Plannilll!.' COl11missioll. COI'llll'l

land'? \ \ ie ther i ll ha ll been viec-presidcllt for

It is not primari ly a ma tt e r o f com- m an y y ea rs , M ai n Liners who \1'( '1'"

mon decency at all (althoug-h t ha t d e - reappointcd to the board includl' Dr,

menta ry fea ture nced not be avoided) Hel' ber t J. T i l ~ ' , B a l a - C Y l ! w ~ ' d ; Walt('rno r a case of inhib ited concupisccnce , H. Thomas , ! \ Ie r ion; EI'I!('st T, Trig'g',

even if we did behold the lady secre- S ug ar town , a nd R al ph T . S en te l' ,

tary going t o b ed w it h her employer, O\'erbrook.

Page Two



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Page Three


Glove Silk Dept.-First Floor

At Top,-A snlooth

jersey polo shirt in

navy, French blue,

£latne, white, $1.I

:At Bottotn,-Kurly-

;cloth with tulip neck

line. Chanl0is, white,

blue, £lanle, $1.


~ ~ T O P S " . . . $1

Wear thenl with skirts,

culottes, shorts or slacks

. . . they are casuals that

jknow cOlllfort and chic

in action.

- - ~ - _ ..


The Cellor



M r ~ Oscar

IVe take plcaml"c il l amlOullcillg

If you are leeking a worker for any lortof a job, a maid, a but ler o r householdhelp, remember tha t any newspaper CUIf.!ve you quick, satisfactory results froOlHelp Wanted" advertising.

Despite the hearty upswing of business,and t he rise in general of employment.there are sti l l thousands out of work,So it isn' t any f ea t f or a p ap er t o b ri ng

you a host of rep li es to your ad.You get t hi s s ame e ff ic ie nt s ervi ce f romRecord Help Wanted ads at less cost. Infact , y our ad in ~ n d a y ' s Record will 8av.you o ne- hal f t he c os t of a ny o th er Phi la ·delphia Sunday paper.

When you need domesti c help, SAVEMONEY I Phone WALnut 2S00. Say,"1w is h t o plac. a "Help Wanted" ad.

~ - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Phone ARDMORE 4400 for our


St.Mary's Laundry,Inc.Aubrey Avenue ARDMORE"Know Where Your Laundry and Dry Cleaning Goes"


7.95 7.25

Jeddo-HighlandA t r ue A r is t oc r a t o f An th r ac i te with

a national reputat ion fo r 76 years




Have Your Things


A SERV I £E • • •


Ord e r J edd o -H i gh l an d Coal today - Save many

dollars o n y ou r y e ar "s f u el b i ll an d enjoy th e Hard

cst, Clcallcst CoaT ,Hillcd.

fo rmer ly o f Strawbridg(' & Clothieris now associat('d with US

•",' IV e " ' p e c i a l i ~ e i , , - ':'

ZOTOS - t h c machine less Wave,

and Frederics. Eug en e a n d o t he r methods of p ~ r m d n e n t sLadies' alld Childre"', Haircutti"g expcr tl y dOl le b)' Mr. Oscar

Luise Hairdressing Solon230 BaJa Avenu(', Cynwyd Phollc C),,,,,,)'d 1920

Ope" TIlIlrsday a"d Friday U"ti[ 8 P. M.

Phone Narberth 2430

Narberth Coal CompanyRalph S. Dl/lllle

Headquarters for J eddo-H igh l and and Monit o r Lehigh C o ~ l s


IVi"ter's Pa",t- T i m ~ t o p ut .1way clea". your

Overcoats. Topcoats. Sui:s, Biankels. Com

forters. etc.

SWlIlJle;"", Comillg-Tim(' to prepare for usc.

your Flannels . Cr( ' tonnes . P ri n ts a n d Out

sid(' Furnitur(' Cov('rs.

Poppy Sa le Tomor row

The ::\Iain Line Post, Vetel"anS of

:!\Iendelssohn's "Hymn of Praise" Foreign ' Va l' s, w il l h ol d i ts a nn ua l

will be offered by Chester County p op py s al e this Saturday in Bryn

Chor a l Soc ie ty i n Long-wood Conse r- Mawr .

vatory , d uPon t e st a te . n e ar Kenne tt

SfJuare, Saturday, as their third an- PLAN TO ATTEND!

nual spring presentation. 7 t ~ : ~ I r ; ; ~ t t PAGEANTOn(' hundred voices comprise th e ~ R A M O N A '

choru s, d ir ec te d by Bt'l'J1Urd :II andel-

kern. The soloists. Jane Shoaf, Char- LONGWOODlotte Ridley and Robert Topping, are JUNE 18-19 20from Curt;s Ins t itu te, Ph ilade lph ia . -P, M.• OST. Rain Date. 22ndFollowing the evening- cantata il l Now! Tickets. $1, Reserved, $1.50

I b'f I L C Addres&-Legion Pageant

t 1e eautl u ong-wood onservatory, Box 491, Kennett Square, Pa,

t l :e f i rs t H13G pUbl,ic d i sp l ay i s to, be F0 UNTAINSg iv en o f t h e e le ctn c wa te r f nun t ams . ! _ JOHN T. HALL, Dl r e c t o r _

. , '-" -,.. :• , 1 l ~ , , " · ; _ , , ' . . : " • :.. .'.,


C he s te r C o un ty C h or al Iin Cantata at Longwood









- ' . _ ' ~ : ; " : " ' . ; ' .

Ralph S. DUI l1 le




STOVE $9.50NUT 9.25

PEA 7.75



BETTER FABRICS!There's a st rut of pride in

every stitch of the new Springsuits and topcoats tailor('d atAdclizzi's. Ther("s a p (' r f( ' ctfit for e ve r yo ne i n t he newest


Ti,e "Oll"'e of Jt),le and fit

Phollc Narbcrth 2430

Moni t o r is a fine Le

high Coal at th e low

est prices available

anywhere .

We sold a l ar ge t on

nage last year to th e

c omp le te s at is fa ct io n

of e v er y c u st omer .




228 Bala Ave. Cynw)'d 928

\ •••••••••a••••

Sunday's Games

Berwyn at NARBERTH.

Malvern at Coatesville.

Downingtown at Brookline.

Tomorrow's Games

NARBERTH at Coatesville.

Malvern at Berwyn.Downingtown at We;;t Philadelphia.

I L . : ; W ; ; ; ; . ; ; ; ; ; . ~ . ~ . ; ; ; ; ; . ~ . ~ . ; ; ; . ; ; ; . ; ; ; ; ; . ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; . ; ; ; . ; ; J I


i N- - -







The : : \ l u l i e r e ~ of t h e Na rb e rth Fire

Company held their tinal meeting- of

the season : \ Ionday, with a lunchl:on

followed by a party i n E lm H al l. A

feature was a spl'lling bee, with ::\lrs.

Clifford Batl's and 1\1rs. George :'IIar

ti n the prize w in ne rs . I n a prize

h un t t he w i n m · r ~ ",pre :\Irs. Charles

Yiguers, Jr" :\lrs. NelHIl1 Rowley,

.\II's. William 1. Ezil'ks(lll and :'III'S,

John Burre l l .::\leCctings of the organ iza t ion will

be resumed the second : \ londay in Oc


Standing of t he T eams

W. L.

Brookline , 2 0

Downingtown .. , '. ' 1 0West Philadelphia , . ] 0

Gladwyne., . , ' ] 1


Berwyn .. , , .. , 0 1

Coatesville .' ". ' 0 1

:II a Ivern . .. """.. 0 1


ANTICIPATION playsa bigpar t in enjoy

men t, T ha t' , why The Ronde.. with its

beochfront location, its open and encloled

IU" deck., it. 3 .ea waler pools, its recrea

tion lacilili.. and eacellent meall wiU

pravide a perfett lubjeet for plea,urabl.

vacation thaughts,and theIr r.aUzationl

'936 SEASON June20,htaSepf.30,h

the minute you decide




Bai rd Ap t. , Narberth

PI,one: Narberth 2258·1

Continued on Pag-e Fi\ 'e

Rock Run Canlpfor Bovs a nd G i rl s

6-' : I 2 y ea r s

ReJenatiolls I ' e i l l ~ made 1I0W

Swimming. Nature Hikes,

Arts and Crafts. Tennis.A rc he ry. D ra ma ti cs . C am pFires. S up p( 'r H ik es . B ad ,minton. D('ck T ('nnis. GroupGam('s.Beautiful H il ls o f N or th (' rn

Chester Count\' .Councilors of ' good charact ( 'rand prov('n abili ty.

S('/eeud die' lldeAsk for booklet

Lois E. Wunderlich

LA 01 ES ' M EN'SV A ~ A , " A SMad(' C 1 ( ' a n ~ d Rt'block('d

L. T. MUENCH. [lie.

26 S o. 1 7t h Street

Cuslom .Hade H at s for 41 Years i


Mrs. H. C. Gibson, of Woodbineave-i". "n ue r et ur ne d recent Iv from a 1<'n P et ti co at F ev er N ow

d a y ~ ' stay in P i t t s b u r ~ h . a t N a r be r th ; " Amat e ur

Mr . and Mrs. Laurence P. Heath Gen t l eman" is Nex t

and 1\liss J oa n T il bu ry . o f t he B ar r ieHouse, (:ntertained at a buffet sUJlpcr Clever dialogue and good direction

on Sundav e\'(:ninp: when th e gU('sts ma rk " Pe tt ie oa t F ev er , " story of a

were Miss' Kav O ' ~ ~ i 1 I , :'Iliss 1\Iar,iorie Labrador wireless operator and an

Topliss, 1\1 iss' Dorothy Speck, :II iss 1 En1!lish Lord and his f ia nc ee , now

Be tt v T il bu rv . Pierce Has se y, J , Ip l a yin g at Nar be rt h. T he e as t i s e x

M a s ~ e y , John ·E. Flynn. A rf>organi- cl'!ll'nt: Robert : ' IIontgomery, 1\Iyrna

zatinn ml'eting followed f or t he n ew 'Loy and Rt'ginald Owen. Pe te Smith' s

group which will r('op(:n t he B ar ri e I remarkable third-dimension short sub

Barn Players under new manafrement.' ,iect, "Audim;copiks," is ab o on the

Fril'nds of :'111'. 01'10 E. Cook. of program.Narlwrth Hall, wi ll he glad to h"al ' ll : , "The Ama te u r Gent l eman" i s c om-

that he h:ls ret ul 'nl 'd fl'Om the hos- IIlg :'Ilonday and Tuesday, with Doug

pit'll and IS l'l.co\"('ring; nicely from, las F a i l ' b a n ~ s . Jr .. and Elis:a Landi

his l'(:Cl'nt illness. i III many l'XCltll1g and romant1c adven-, tures.

l\'ll'. an d :III'S, G e f : l ' ~ : e D. Connor" '1 I D't' 1 I G C I' ,\ ar ene Ie \ 'Ie1 an( al'V ooper, Aof l \ I ( ' n t g o m ( ' ! ' ~ ' avenue, arl' , n 'cel\'lng i togethe r for tht, t i rs t t ime s i l ~ c e "Mor- nnouncc Marriage PlanscO!1g'ratulatlOns UP(l I1 thl.' blrth of a: , , ' h t h' t' The marriage n! :\liss Louise Tomp-dauo'hter Au dr ev A nn e C on no r 011' occo. give a ~ m o o t . , sma l' , IS 1- kl"ns .:'II,'1tl1a',', (I,111"',],t"I' of ~ I I ' ' ' , . Ja",oll,.,., ' t 'ated performance III "DesIre ' com- -' .... .. •

Allril 28, :\lrs. ClHlIll'r the fOl'll\('r I" \\, I I .... b tl " ,1:\1. :\Iatha.\'. of 1131 S, 51st street,, ,Illg e( neSl a\', . ,ar er 1s cas 1i \ l i , , ~ ',o\nne E h z ~ b e t h T:gan. daugh-; award nig'ht. . Philadelph ia , and the la te ;\11'. :\lathay,

tel' et :'III'S, ::\Ilchal.'l S. Tegan, of ' "I) , L 1" I ' I t I to : 'I ll '. 01 '10 R . Cook, son of :'Ill'. and" ,_, ' : anclIlg at w llC' S arre(Cm"Cnut HIll. . : Clark Gable, Joan Crawford, Fred 1\lrs, 01'10 E. Cool,. of Narberth Hall ,

~ \ l r . and : : \ I l ' ~ . , l a l l l e ~ B, Snllth, of· A ~ t a i l ' ( ' and Nelson Eddy-the lattcr will take p la et ' o n Saturday after

A,;on road. ~ p l n t the \\,(,t·k-end in );l'W Itwo f or t he f ir st t im e in' pic tures -is noon, June G, at 4.80, i n t he Narberth

) '01'1;, w!wre tlH'Y atttmded th e Guldt'n beinl! revived with great success, and ? ll et hodi st Ep is copal Chur ch. The

Wuld ing llnn ivenary of :'IlI's. Smith's wi!! play at ) ;arbl ' rth next Thursdav . Rev. Vernon Middleton, pastor of th e

uncle aud aullt. ::\11. and :'III'S. C. B,: To end the week nice ly, don't m i ~ " church, will officiate.

Christntl'en, of SI. .John's PInCl": "The Trail of the Lones(;me Pine," in :'Iliss :'Ilarjorie Anne Bowen w il l b e

Brooklyn, on Saturday, at Promml' rs , beautifu l technicolor. "the maid o f hono r and the bridesmaids

in Brooldyn. Therc \\'cre f i fty gue"ts , wiII include Miss Enid Beyden and

:'lIn. Franklin R. Lindsay, of i"Unouarded Hou r " an d ?l'lis, : ' Ila rgaret St ichler.

Wvnnedale road, en terta ined her club: b D ' S h ?Ill'. Carl Hackert , of \Vhite Plains,

at ' Iuncheon and bridge Friday. Thc Isney ym p on y a t . New York, brother-in-law of the

guests we,re, :\Irs. J o s ~ p h S, Hildreth, E,gypt lan; DlOnnes ComlOg "bridegroom, wiII act as best man

Mrs . H . C. Cook, :'III'S. Clara Bart let t , I t he u s he r s WIll be :'I1r. Brooks LeSsIg',Mrs. John Williams, of BrownsvilIe, , "T le , Unguarded Hour," a r,efreSh,\ o f P ot tst ow n, a nd Mr. Putnam C,

Tt .xas , who is visiting' her : i s ter , :'I1rs, I ~ ~ g I Y d l ~ e r c n t S ~ 0 1 ' Y ~ l e v : ~ : I Y r d l re : te d , : \ lo rg an . o f . W a l l i ~ g ' f ~ r d , Conn..J o"l .'ph S . HIldreth, of \\ ynnewood; II: at t,hl Egyptlall, • ta l l mg, LOletta A r ecept IOn wII I fo llow the cere-

Mrs, Charles B. Shank :" : :\ Ir s. J. Le(" ' \ ~ l u n g . Franchot Tone, LeWIS Stone, I mony." " 'Roland Younp; and Dudley D i ~ p ' e s I 'I C k " '

dom ::\loore and : \I rs . C. E. LudoYICl, - ,b 'I ,\ 1'. 00 ' and hlS bnde upon then',Accompanying' it arc \Valt Disney's, ,t ' f ' ". II ' , " , .'

:\lr..;. Llovd B. Ed'YlI'ton of Clll'"t-. ' . . . . I r c U ln 10111 a \\ (( ( I l lg tl1P In". 1-' ,"Cock (If the \\ alk and Our Gang IE I 1 "11 I" , , ,n ~ l t annue had as h er g ue st last! " '. ng am , \\1 J\e at 111,1 Dn'lllity, . . _ comcdy. "DIvot DIggers. ' I'l' "

wt'el; at t he Ec: ge rt on s place 11l'ari, . . , , . I ace.Bd l Havl'n. on the Eastern Shore of I ~ a t u r d a y s matInee subJect

Virginia, : ' I I i ~ s Ann V. Foll ' y, of Elm_i"I - !l ' ir t(l Trouble," 5tal ' l' ing Ken :'Ilay- Mu li er es E n jo y Varied

1 '1 E I t I tl " ; nard. P F' 1M 'WOC(, aYCnuc, .' I'. (gel ' on am 1('11" rogranl at In a eetlngson, Donald , jo ined t hem t he re f(lr l ::\Ionday a nd Tues d ay n ex t, \Varn er

the ",et'k-end. :Baxter, l\larg'o. A nn Lo rin g an d

Among t h o ~ e who attended thc B ru ce C ab ot ar c coming- in "The

Lo\\ ,( 'r : :\ lerion ); arberth Council (If Rob in Hood of EI Dorado," a 1'0101'

Republican \Yomen',; eard party at : fu l histo rica l p ic ture l if ted above thc

t1w Dl'Hlll'l'\" in Brvn :II a\\' I' on Tue s- ordinary by sheer f(lrce of its dra

da\' w<,]'('. ~ l r ~ . E, ' C. G r i ~ \ \ ' o l d , : : \ I r ~ , ! matic q u a l i t ~ " keenly intNesting story,

Eberhardt ::\luel!er, : ' I l r ~ ..Josl ' ph Ber- 10\'(,.ly music a nd bea u ti ful outdoor

ta and ::\Irs, L l o ~ ' d B. Edgerton. ' st'ttll1gs,

Mrs. H. 1. :\IcConnell, of :\lel'ion .Jean H{'J'sh(l1t and the Dionne

avenue, and ::\lrs. W. J. Sawyer and Quintuplets ar e comillg 'Vednesday

he r dauo'hter Betl\' of I L ~ v { ' J ' f o ] ' ( 1 amI (Ban I ; Nigh t ) Thur s da y in "Thl''" , ,. ' CD"

av(' nue , spcnt last wCl'k-end at Pl'nn "oulltry o c t ~ r , as s\':l'etly appeal-~ t a t e (o ll l 'ge , when :\1rs, :'IlcConnl'll's: Ing a nd amus ing a ]>](:tur(' as you'll

s on , Donal d, was initiat!.d into tIll': want til ~ l ' e in m a l J ~ ' a moon. TheIkl ta Chi Fratcl'nil\', , c a "t i n cl ude s D(lr(lthy Pl'tcrson, Slim

'1 I I I" J ,: SUllllllt'n"ille and June Lang, Lut tlw.' I'. anc :I J·S. .t·WI"" J ~ a , l l \ ' , of ' I)' I f I ", , , " ' " ,, ' , lonnes :!) '( . t )C t],l'at 0 t 1C ]>1e!UI'l',

Na Ib look Pal k, and ::\11. ,md ::\Ire,llarl'\' CIa\' Bank', of : \ lor l' no road. A" .'1'l("ial aftel'-"cho(ll m:ltinc(: wil!

Penn'Vallc:y, attended t he B ac h F es - ]'(. gi\'('lJ \\'l'cl!ll'sda:, at :;,:)(1,

tival :It Bl,thlel1l'lll, on T i l l l r ~ d a y CYC'- "Klondikc' Annil· ... latest ::\lae W('st

l!inl!. It \\''''' directl'd by Bruce A, opu : '. \ ': il l c llnc ll il i' , the Egyptian'sC;ln'Y, wl'( ,k, \ \"ith Vidor :\lcLag'kn a " ~ i , , t -

':\lrs, E . I I, Eh1e. who has lll'en quitc ing, !ill. j" n(l\\' convale"cing at the Bryn' Anll"UI:C('Ilil'llt j, mad . that Oil :JUllt'!

1\1<1\\1 He,spital. ' 1 tl:e Etcyp,ian Tlll"atl'(· \':ill g in a

:'Ill'. , ~ n d :\11," \\'aiter 0'Su1l1\"an, (If l'::tl'CIll an !'leetric .. ir conditiollcr

'Yindsol' a\"t:l1Ul', l 'n t er t ain ed a t a thn,ul 'h Ctl-n]>I'l'atioll of the Anil'ric:tll

f ; : m ; l ~ ' dinlll'l' ] l a r t ~ ' Saturday to eek- l ~ a d i : t t t : r C"Ill!,:lIly,

I l l 'al t ' the :!;;th \ \ · ( ) d d i l l ~ , t n n i \ " ( > r ~ ; ' l I ' Y ------of :Ill'. and .\lrs. E, .J. O·Sull ivan. of B ~ t f i d d Estate 05250.000

~ p r j n g t i e l d , .-\11 tdate \"al!l<'d at mol'l' thall $250,-

:\11''', ltayl1111nd 1\t'('1":1I1, ( ,f Bc('el l- ' was hl'tllwat!l('d j,y tIh' late Lenoard

\\'t,,,tl bnl', l'ntcrtail1l'd he r c1uh at Bi"htoll Bntfield, nf ::\I(:rioll. accordillg

Illl,l'l:C'tlll <11"l bridge' (In \Y('(l!wsdav, to will at );orl'istown. .\11''',

:111'>', Edward , J o n ( ' ~ and hl'r ' sn n ' Blanclw P, Bot ti el d. h is widow, l" '

Andn'\\". ll'ft (111 Tl1esda\' ft'r L l ' w i s ~ ' cc·in·" insurance 1 1 ( , l i c i ( ' ~ and ]>t'l'son:ll

town, wlwret h e ~ '

wilj vi"it ::\lrs, lwl


ngings, plus the i ncol ll e o f the.J(lI1l's' \1<Il'ent" for two months, :halance of tl1(' ('statl' for life, Grand-

"! \ \ "1 P D' , childn,n a r ( ~ tIl(' final h e ir " , t h e chil-., ]'-, es l 'y '. unlllngton, of: ' ," 'IV I I I I ' , ,dl'en j'('CC'IVlllg thl' lnCtlme at theirynnl'( a t· I 'o .a (. t 1l' l'l'tIl'lng pl'esi- I n",tlwr'" d C ' a t l ~ .

(kilt 01 thc );al'b('rth P. T. A .. wiII it 'ntertain tilt' l11l'mbel'>' of t1w Ext'cl l-! ================tive Board at luncheon Oil Saturday,:

Mi"s Xell ie :\1. W(,therill, o f D ud -:

I e ~ ' awnu e, h as Il'ft for S t ra thmen' , !

N .. J" for the summer.

OUR TOWNlvIay 22, 1936

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http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-may-22-1936 4/8

. ',,,"",,,' "' l"';··1.,.'tt!\.i:"', '. ' .


May 22, 1936



~ ~ D A N C I N GLADY"

1"c"t Monday d: T u e s d a ~ ' :DOIf):las Fairbanks, fr.

and Eli s;a Landi in


This F r i d a ~ ' and Saturday:

Robert " ' l o n t ~ ' l m e r v and

Alvrua Lo,· II I


Cla rk Gab le , J oan Cra ..!ord,

Fred Astaire and Nelson Eddy II I

W'cdnesday (Cash Awa rd 9 P. M .)

Marlene Dietrich and

Gary Cooper '"



Roscmont Residence Sold

Frank W. Cortright has sold a npw

stone Colonial residence, being- hui,t

Frank H. \\'ilson. o n o ne and OIl"

half acres, on Ail'eda!e road. Rose

mont. The property contains fifteen

rooms, four bath.,. an d a thl" l' e-car

[i;al·agl'. and was offered for sale at

13:15.000. It i" adjacent to tlw prop

erty recently purchased hy Prentice

J l cXeely . and is the second house tobe built in the one-hundred-acre tract

now unde r d e\ 'p lopmen t f o r F lo re nc e

\\'. Colton. The purchaser's name

was not di"closeti.

F. C. Al,lridg-l'. Dr. .John L. Spang·I"r.

Dr. Jo.'eph S. S an ds a nd Darwi n ::;.





____ '*..,dt

And \lIralt Disney's

Silly Symphony

"COCK o f t he \1\ ALK"


, 252 Ha\,crfOl·d Avenue, Narbe r th .L I

i Narberth's Oide.'! & IUr>S1 lHodern S " o p - S e n i n ~ thL' Comm,,,,il:V 25 )'car.'

:1 We have 'pec;ali"d ;n C O R R E C T l V ~ WORK 100' 10 rea" , I



! i

:Goodwear Shoe Repair

flap;s o f many aqua ti c o rg an iz at ion s

and nations edge the clubhou. 'l ' . Thl'many f loodlights surroundilH!; the

pools' ed.l!,·p:=; make nig-ht swimminl-!::lI:d bath ing ' a lmost equa l to tll:lt of

t he dayt ime.

Clean and sanitary Cape l\lay sand

sU1Tounds p ac h pool . affording' tomembers that " s ho r e" a tmospher e

with ideal con\'eniences for acquirin.gsummer ta n in short o rd er . T o thospland " ~ w i m m e r s " who prefer to rl'tain

that winter white skin numerou:=; unl

hrellus shadinp; rustic furniture await

the " fou r th " a t bridg-e,:'>Iemorial Day i s a g-ala oc ca sio n

for Colonial V il la ge C lu b memhe r,

and g·uests. But in order not to al

low t he o t he rs t o m is s the g-ood fun,

the cluh i n \ ' i t l ' ~ you and e \' er y swim

ming" enthusiast of t he i ll ai n Line,

Phi ladelphia and surrounding ' count ry

to in. ']Ject i ts facil i t ies.

Th rep and one -h al f million g'allonsof pure water, wi th an es timated daily

flow of eig-ht hundred and se \' enty-f iw

IColonial Village th(lUsand p;allons, t es te d d ai ly h y D r.


Richar d P . Leinhardt , san i tary officel'

Pools to OpenMay 30 o f Radno r Township, await t hose persons \\'ho wish to become member s o f

, a trulv remal 'kable swimming organi

'C lub Has Been Completely Ren-I zation: T.here ar e a p p r ~ x i m a t e l yovized: Leo Curtin t hr e e and one- h al f a cr e s under watel'

Resident Manager Ito form both pooL;.The membership is limited, so make

Th e smartest an d most u p to datc; Iyour application immediately. Family

swimminp; club in the East opens i ts \memberships and individual affiliaI gates when the Colonial Vi ll age Swim, t ions ar e priced reasonably.

i ming Club, Wayne, o f f i c i a l l ~ ' recog.! Fo r t he children there is a pool ex

, nizes the 1n:J6 water sport season f,ll elusively for their u se , whi ch ha s been

i th" ~ l a i n Line on Memorial Day. built with a planked floor. The dept h

! Arlington W. Cai1izares , pre. , idpnt of the water in this poo l i s f rom two

:of the corporation, announces that the I feet s ix i nches to three feet, with a: resident manap;er wi ll b e that well· high picke t fence erec ted 50 that they

: known foothall coach at Radnor Higl; may not wandel' into deep water.

: School. Leo Curtin. A thoroup;h ath· This pool wil l ha\'e a special-duty life

, lete, looked up to and a d ~ l 1 i r e d l.lY the. Iguard .on duty at all t i m e ~ for the

youngel ' s et , 1\11. Curt1l1 ab o has protpctlOn and c ar l' of t he l I tt l e ones.

found cons iderable favor among thc; ISwimminp; instructions may be had

oiliel' r es id ent s o f t he l\Iain L in e a nd b y t ho se who wish it.

\'icinitr, The weekly ;;::atul'day nig'ht dancps

l\Irs. i\lal'ie B. Ward, proprieto r of wi ll commence v er y s ho rt ly w it h a

t he An thony \rayne Shop, wil l mun · smoot h dance o :' eh es tr a t o p la y un ti l

a ge t he club l'estaUl·ant. :\II:=;. \\ 'ani the wee hours of tIle morninp;. l\lany

has made an enviable reputation ',\"ith n,r;elties ar e being p la nned f or t he se

her excellent food i n \ \- ayne and it \ 'p ry popu l ar d ance s. whi ch have been

is wit h much p le as ur e that the cluh called muny the coolest dancing'

is able to say t h at such p;ood catering spot of the : \ Ia in L ine .

will be available for club member:=; and The facilities o f t he club, includinp;guests. the manager, c lubhou se , k it ch en ,

Located in a most picturesque set· piano, card t ab le s a nd other necessi

ting' w it hi n t he s ha dow of historic ties may be u se d i n t he e \' en in gs f or

Valley F org e, th e club may be a nominal c h ar g e hy tho.,e holding

r l 'ach"d wi th in fhe minutes' t ime by S t ~ a s o n tickl'b for pri\'ate parties,

automobile from \\'ayne hy lea\"ing til(; dances, b a n q u ' ~ t s an d 3upper5. except

Lincoln hig-hway at Wayne and dri\'- ing', however. Saturday, Sunday and

in.C! north on "orth "'ayne a\·enue. h ol id av s. T he same appl i cs to th o.:eTh e club has heen completely rl'no- who \ \ : i ~ h to u;e it for af te rnoon teas .

vizl"d. Two new outs ide showers haw For fur ther par t icu lars write to till'been instal led and drastic pruning' Club Pri vi ieg· c Committee, Colonial

heen done t o t ho se larg·e shade trees Villag-e S W i ! l 1 l ~ l ! n . g - Cluh , Bo x 2 ~ : J .wl105e b ra nc he s h av e c as t too much \ \' a yne , Pa .

s h ~ l l l e upon the c h i l d r ~ n ' s pools. Gay, Alben L. Brooke is secretary allrlhrig-ht colors s tr ipp t he woo, jwork of treasurer. \\'ith \ \ ' infield \\ ' . Cra\'."forrlthe floats, beach furniture and land a:=; .-olicitor. TI1l' Board of G o v e r n o r ~equ ipmen t, a nd \'i\'id pennant.' and con si st s o f DL Cn'us \\'. Turxal, Dr.

(This adHrliSl·m.'nt Spo71sored by t il e W. C. T. U. (If Narberth)





0; A 11111101 . f l inl /el ' J[ ( / i l / Li l / I '

diri., io l/ n/OJU!!/C;·. wl/OJ hilS hel'/!

Ii/l/ll . , l i l l l /W!l, 'r of thl' .\'fl)'t1,-

eost Phi!(/(i"I[JII io did.,io ll ot' the

Bl'li TdeJihollP Co III [JfI)l!I. .1//'.

BCIII i., 0 d i l" l' c to r o f the Com,

1I1/IIIitil Hl'al th olld Ci" ' i, ' A . ,. ,or i

"t iiiII , AI ' t ! I I IO/ 'c [ totur l l CIIlIi (l i l t!

. 1rt!/lI/Jl'e Clf l ll I /her o f C'JllUlI I' rce.

A t ot al o f ;1500 contrihutions froll!the Main L ine d i\ 'i si on wit h froll!

Ralu-CynwYd have been made t o th ('

United Campaip;n to date.

Altop;ethel' Hi5,857 gifts haw hepn

made in t he Phil ade lphia an'a for a

t ot al o f $:3,!l6n,3H5.:33, leaving' a hal-:uncl' of S718,aOO needed to complete

th e q uo ta o f $4,688,000.

Main Liners Make 3800

Gifts to United Campaign

mOl"e. That is what the nan1l' of ~ e w ton stands fOI' in coal-always at the

f ront w it h betll-r quality, better ser

vice, bet te l ' \ ' :due for the coal-buying

dolla 1', f or mor e t il : ln se\' en decadl' s .

For example-X ('\\·ton pioneerpd in


Nen' Bel l Manager



Friday, May 22, 19}6

You Can't Laugh Off the Accident Caused by Drink


Philip . A t l l ~ f I Livill1.;ritl lll . P u h l i ~ l J e l "Edwin I l 'axHol1, EditorAnne ~ l o l " / ; a l 1 l ~ o h e f ' t ~ . Sqdal Editor

Frank :II. Adams, Merion, member

o f t he "l\IcElwee for Chairman" com

mitt ee th is week s en t t he newspapers

: a letter telling- how Thomas H. Linea-I

Friday, M.ay weaver Ha\' e rford , alwa\"s promises,Academ\" of ; \ I u s l c - ~ a v o r Opera' . ' . .

'. 't ' . L' 't I" "1 c; deservlnp; Democrats Jobs but seldomCompan v 111 ' topla, 11111 el . 0 ••) ' •

(also S ~ t u r d a y ) . II ] J r o ( ~ u c e s th?m, , s t a t t l l 1 ~ tltlat Aldt

D O ~ A L D ?II. HUBERams commI tt ee IS. 'cer am. 0 e

1of DI"I'.rl 'i Hill, II"/>o is the /U'/I"

S d· 1\1 ' "'3 ' l\lcElwpe to the chaIrmanshIp Jccause,

at ur a}, . a> - I d I' I' I I i 1I/1I1I1I!Ier of thl ' . lJoil/ [, i l le elil· i. '-LOIJO'wood Conservah)I'y, duPont Es- of the poor lea ers l ip w lIC 1 las:" . .. i.JI/ of t i l l ' B,,11 Teleph() l Ie COli /-

tate near Kennett Square-Chester permi tt ed the Republican majorIties ', I • I E I [)(II/II. Forll/erl!I W".,t Phil," II ' I-

County Choral Socie ty presents : '. Ien- to i ncrease f rom !l,OOO 111 t le ar e i. . I t· plli l l dist r id I I /a/Hlt]('i", ,lh·. HIII.erdelssohn's "H\"ll1n of Pra ise ." election t o o \, er :l:l,OOO In t 1e pas:

. KO\'ember election." The Democratic, !t"., [,eell witl/ the COIIIIJIOI!J .,ill'·"

C C't t '11 I t ffi : I!!.!·1. He is " Pt'11I1 Stllfe oradl/-

M d 'I .,- ,aunt\' omml ee WI I' ee 0 cers,on ay. l' ar - ~ . , ate.De\'on Field-De\'un Hor se S how , June 15. i

and Count ry Fair (all week). i-----------------

First Church o f Ch ri st , S ci en ti st ,' .Joseph 1\'. Pew, Ardmore, Sun Oil COi\-IlVIUNICATED Fo r Se\'enty-fi\"e Years Ha s Been

Ardmore-Free lecture, "Christ ian: Company and Sun Ship Building Com- Standard Combustible

Science Brings Enli;:dnenment." 8.15.; pany executive and delegate-at-Iarge Tilt' Litt]e Ga rden Sal e sponsored It t a k e ~ a lot to be a leader, tlay

I to the Republican "'ational Con\"(')1- 1)\' tIll' '1'11'11 LI'll" Fn.()"I",ltl·on of, - 1 l' t tl - 1• ." , I •


lat ter (ay , 01~ e \ " e n

y- 1ree year""' anIW e d n ~ s d a y , May 2: : t lOn . t ol d the Republican \\ omen 5 Churche.; \\"a.; nwst succes s fu l this

Boyer Gal.lel"1es, ~ r t ~ a d Stn:et Sub-: Luncheon Clu b i n Philadelphia that ~ · ( ' a r . \\'e w is h t o thank you for the

u ~ · b . a n Sta.tlOn B.uIluillP;-Lelca ex-! the cominp; presidential campaign will p u b l i c i t ~ · you SO g ( ' n e r o l l s l ~ ' g 'a \' e i t

lublt covel'lng entIre field of Ilhotog- I . "I I' . "de" · . l 'l l, t t I le "1" '\\... _ . . I Jl' d 10 CIll,.a .lgd l 'l, III your Ill'WSpapl'r and till' hearty co-raphy, daIly unul:June 11 ( d a I l ~ ' , 10 Dl 'a l wh ic h h e t e rmed "noth ing ' but a op('ration ~ " l U extended to us in help

A. :\1. to 9 P. :\1.; ~ l I n d a ~ · s . 1 P. :\1. to, procl's.; of disillusionment." ing- u- pUI our p la ns b'.'fon' t he puh ,

6P.i\I.). "'Iic.

: Forme-r Pres ident l Ioo\ 'e r sa \ 's he "incerely,rrida}", Mar 29 sees "thin\ ' issues" t o be foug' ht over Y. pnJ\"idinp: its custonler: , wi th thor-

Goodhart Hall, Br:,'n :\1£1\\"1 College til'" . I . I . I' l' II . :\IAR)" PETERS. oug'hly inspected, tested. clealH',I, hard. in • Pre,.i( entia campaIgn t lIS a ,.

-Main Line Orchestra concert dl-1

but decline,. to n a m ~ them. coal. So rigid is the inspection a t t herccted b\.· Atloll)h \'og-e!. P. :\1. " Distr ict Attorney Asks :\('\\·ton yards that ,;ometimes se\'enty

"OW, they couldn't be t he "i ssuesAcadenn.' of illusic-Empire Grand Countv Police Radio Sets pounds or so of ~ l a g , dust, etc., p a s ~ -

,of .J ames A l o ~ ' s i u s Farley's conllllem-' ,Opera Conlpany, "A.ida,'· : ol'utivc ~ t a n l p : - , ; they nUlnber 1l1any .. -- - illg fuel e l s e \ \ " h e l ' ( ~ a l ' t ~ l'Cnlf)Vl\d by

- - - :more t han tha t. But :>11'. Hoover might: Dlstl"1ct Attorney FI'ederick B. Xewton inspectors before the load

Saturday, May 30 , ' be referring to the "i ssuances" of the' Smillil' has written to the :\lontg-om- [ Paws t he y ar d.Academy of :\lusie-Enlpire Grand C t C . - -kino- for - '" ., f 1 J I .: g'overnl11l'nt's numerous alphabetical cry oun y .Ol11mIS.,lOner" a,, ' . The mentl'JIllng' 0 coa, yaros Jl'lng-s

Ol)era Company. "Rigolettn.'· l' j' t l' tl c nt · I ' Iagencies. a po ICl rat 10 s ys em or le ou up a ls o t he fact t lat X ew to n l as

i . J u ~ t how m a n ~ ' AAA's . CCC' s , etc., The project , long' advocat ed by the pioneered in i nst a l ling the mOst mod-Ardmore Legion Protests : etc. han there been u nd er t he New ' c ou nt y Police Chil'f,: Association but Pl"Il automati c yard e q u i p 1 1 1 ~ n t . New-

Discrimination in Lotteries Deal regime'? This column would like' ()ppo'l' tl by fOl' lner Dist r ic t At torney lon' s specialized fleet of clean, speedy

___ i to know and is hereby otferinrr a pr ize St l'wart A. ~ a s e . would cost about: coal t r u c k ~ ar e known in every Phil a -

Twelve member, of the Bullock-' to f ind :Jl lt . "', S8000 , i t i " e:,timated. 'delphia npighborh,)od; approxinlatcly

Sanderson Post, American Legion, For the l onge s t l is t o f alphabetical Lower :'>Ierion Township had i ts 150,000 homes in the metropolitan area

Ardmore, headed by Robert ,J. Camp- ag'encies recei\'ed, The Political Pot own nlliio system i n e ff ec t for some are : \ ewton custompr -.

bell, commandl'r; Harold L. Re es e, wi ll give a ~ ' e a r ' s free subscrip tion, or t ime now with satisfactory results. X e w t o n ' ~ late.,t sen'ice is automatic

' V ~ ' l m e w o o d , n in th d is tr ic t c omman- i l ' x t ~ n s i o n of a subscription, to t h i ~ The COlllmissi1lners. "'illiam D'i heating'-\\'ith coal, of course, 1'01'

del', and Cecil Harvey, Gladwyne, p o ~ t : newspaper. 'Ridgeway, Fred C. Peters and ,James :\('I\·tnn ha .: i nves tigated every heat

senior vice-commander, on Monday The nilt,s are simple: 1. List all \\". P o t t ~ r , with Count y Con tr ol le r i ng fuel, e\"ery heatin.l!,· de\'ice-alld

night protested against n ~ s t r i c t i o n s Deal ag-('ncies you cun think of, \Villiam C. I n· in . a re expected soon at no t im e h as a ny th in g been found

placed upon u permit tn be issued by Ispelling' out, "Works Progress Admin- to reach a decision in t he matt e l' . that c an e qu al t he combined safety,

the township f or t he L ~ g i o n C:lrni\"al. i st ra ti on , " "Ci \' il ia n Consel"\'uti'ln ,lependability, economy and ~ a t i s f a e -to open .June 1. The r e ~ t r i c t i o n s ' Corps," etc. , as man y a s you can .. ) Honor t\li.,s Donnelly tion of g'ood hard coal heatin.l!;. That

amounted to a ban on ull games of S ig n v u u ~ ' name and address and also, :\ewton coal agai n "answer s t h e bur n-

I 1" I' I 1'1',,1' Luc:,: :\Iartin Donne ll y, o f

chance, roulette w l ee s, e tc . 'give a name if you l on t want· . ing' question" by pro\ 'iding e\ 'erythingBrnl :'.Iawr C,)Il,'ge. was honorl'd la"t

Legionnaire " p o k e " m ~ n sa id it w as y ou r own name used. :3. Mail ~ · O l H , · . . . that autol11atic heat can .g·in', plus thI'. 'P I" I I' B \I'l'ek at a thnller and reception g·l\·en ' . I I '1' l'

necessary to l U I \ ' ~ the,;e pet t\" g-am- entries to-l l l l ' oltlca ot, ox"" satpLy, (epelH abll ty and economy 0. . . . , . ' , _. -., A' I . . I hv her lrll'nl! and tellow-alumnae at . " ,.\ . I· - 1" J .. '

bllllg deVIce" If the carnIval was t o ( 2/ .) , llmOIP,Pe t .' I coal. ~ l O \ \ n the unso IClte" t l · ~ t l '. \ . I '11 d 'f . the De:Hler\". alumnae house of tI e .] I' . j iG Bbe a financial s u c c ~ " s and !lolllted oul • postal cu n WI 0, I you can :. . mDll la .': )l 'ln g' reCe l\'el .eD. .

. " II . 1 . B I F d ] c ollege. T!'e occasIOn marked :'>lIss., F' f I' Ithat forms of l ot te n ' wer e common get a ot t l em on It. ot 1 'e era . . . . I' ~ e w t o l i Coa l Co ., 'I ty , t l in streel

. , . ' Donnl'll': , retirement from t lP fac-. . I'among some churches a nd o th er o r- a nd S ta tl ' ( Pe nn sy lv an Ia ) ugencles; . . . and Baltl:l10re avenue, Plllla,k p!lla,

. ' . ' . . . . . "b . . , . . ,ult\" of Brvn :'>Iawr. atter 40 yea rs a sgal1lzatlOns on the Main Lllle 1I1clud- ,Ill ' eltgl Ie fOI iIstlllg. : . . . . ,. . . .; " * " : In"tructor, p r l J t e ~ s o l ' and h ea d o f tneIllg the raffilllg off ot Devon Cottage. I I' I' I . t. . . , O' tl ') ' (lOO R II' , .' __ ng' IS I llepart11len .

The townshIp commISSIOners agreed" t Ie some epu ) I c u n ~ In .after t he hear ing , to reconsider the Montgomery Coun ty who ~ a s t s bal-:

]lost's request. lots at the recent p rimar y , not all Chosen Frat Officer

voted for a P re si de nt ia l c an di da te . E dwar d :'.ladara, son of i\lr. and

Lower Merion First Team Sena to r Bo rah t he only candidate to Mrs. H. W. : 'I lada ra , o f P en n Yalley,

W' P r P' I H i have his name placed on the ballot, who is a member o f t he s en io r c la ss

Ins 0 Ice lStO onor i recei\'ed l:l.101. Governor Landon lcd, at thl' Universit:; of Pennsylvania,

. I ' I ," _ l' ! in t he "wri te -i n" vote with 1141.: was recently elected \"ice-president ofAga1l1st e e\ en ot WI tpanb 0 po-. II . I 14- K 65 \T h v h' f . l\I

I. d . . b' k ' . j - ' d "fl ' ,! 'oover recelve(, I; nox, .; un-. t e Et a Sigma P I ra ter l11 ty . I r.ICC, etectl\·es, an guall" .In II L d b 44 . d l' I L. t' l' tl PI"I d I I' I en urg', . i Madara IS a gTa uate 0 t le ower

aSSOCIa IOns 0 1(' 11 a e p lW arpa" D ' . . .L .. l\'I " , .-t It . l\" 1 .. I The c ou nt y emo cr at s g av e Roose-; :\le1'1on H I/!;h School..0\\ el ellOn s P b 0 cam o. C,Il- i velt 11,788 to 482 for Breckinridge. I

rled off first honors last Saturday at ' * * " i CI h B ' p' dthe L la ne rc h r an ge . L ower Merion I .. . llIrc emg amte Little Garden Sale Nets 'No. 1 scored 1437, ap;ainst 14:35 for i ~ r o m the Pennsylval1la . P r o t e ~ t I ~ e i Harry illosteller, Narherth contrac- Church Federation Over o 1300 I

I PI'I I I I' b k I ", 2 UnIOn comes a booklet entitled BIl- i tor is com'lleting painting work at l-'

t 1(' 11 a( e p l Ia an ' g-uarts ",0.. I' l' B d r b Nth ' l' . , . . I • ---

H' '1 'd T . I' N ,) .. . -, . IOns or oon og mg, ut 1 0 l IIg or St. Marg'aret's Church.

a\el 01 o\\ns II p O. - \\as se\, - F lood Control" with this note: : Proceeds fro m the Littlp Garden'

e.n th and No.1 eleventh. Lower Mer- "The f loods in Pennsvlvania l ast : Day S al e l as t week-end wi ll exceedN 2 t tl L II tI . Class Luncheon Tuesdar

IOn o. was e.n 1. a n ~ e ' a 1- March took a toll o f m or e thun 200: ". $1:300, accordinp; t o Mr s. H. Wil sonawa" Lower Merion, h ad h ig h score II' d d I 'bl I· The \\ omen 5 BIble C l a s ~ of the 1 \ ' I O O I · 1 1 0 u ~ . - e ' , o-enel' al clla, ·I ·l llal l. T ile" . , I\'es an cause osses, tangl e a l l ( , • . . .,,...

with 2!l4, whIle Scrg 'eant Herman I· t 'bl t tl t t l' I I f : :'\arberth Presbyte1'1an Church Will call ' held tIle Communl·t\.· Cellter,..,' , 1Il ' a n ~ 1 1', a le e x en 0 a la a· I h' I I I I -, . . .

Thomas, of Phil ade lphIa s f Ines t, got: b'l l ' 1 II .. ' wid u l un c e on In t le c lurc I par I Brvn Mawr will further the activi· ' i ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ - ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ' i ! - ~ - ~ ~ - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ · _ ~ " ~ ~ ~ ' ! ! ' ! i i ~ ~ " " ! ~ " ! " ! ' ! ~ ~ " ! " ! ' ! " ! " ! ' ! ~ ~ l f la "possible" 100 out of as Illanv. I " ~ l ~ n h (Ot al s

bI' d tl t t d ' Ion Tuesday at one o'clock. II tl'P'- of- tile 'i\.Ial·n II• e s o r ~ ' e lin lU rage y IS a I s Line Federation of I

~ t o r v o f a lmos t c rimi na l negligence.: \!'II " tV" F II h' IChurches, HALF SOLES SPECIAL FULL SOLESOne-War Fares Slashed "F'ol" wh il e b il li on s have beel1' I allo\"an wins e ows Ip I

When t he two-cents-a-mile rate he- squandered upon p ro je ct s o f inde- :\l:ss Elizab:'th Read, ~ ' i l ~ a n l ) \ " a , ! I a s ====:::::::W:::A=R=N::::=:E:;R;:::B::;R;:O::::::S=. AN D HEELS AN D HEELS

comes effective June 2, rates on the fensible f o o l i ~ h n e s s and futi l it v , com_· hecn awardl'd a fellowship In the \ a l ~ 1 ARDMORE IPennsylvania R ai ll 'o ad wi ll b e cut pleted plans by t he A rmy E n ~ i n e e r s ' Gradua:e Scho.J!. I '

considerably. The rate to Broad for eti'ecti\'e Flood Control throughout' T H E A T R El' A I b L

· C I d I Matlne. Dally at I.SI M.Street Station rom I'dmore wil e Pennsylvania have been steadfastly 1st Ol11mencel11ent Sc le u e Evening C"ntlnu"us. 7 t" 11 P. M.

lowered from 32 cents to 20 cents; ig-Poored. ! for Lower Merion Schools FIRST MAIN LINE SHOWINGS

fr om B ry n Mawr , cents to 25 "From late I n:l2 t o April, 19;Hi.: - - - Fri. &. Sat., May 22 &. 23

cents; f rom Overbrook, 21 cents to 15 i there has been expended in Pennsyl- i Superintendl'lIt S. E. Downs an- WARNER BAXTER

cents. Commutation I'ates p robabl y van ia f or Rel ie f, CWA, CCC , PW A n ou nc ed t he f l l l l o w i n ~ sehedule for "Robin Hood of £1 Dorado"

will be affected verylittle.

a nd WPA , a t o ta l of $742,794,490. Commencel ll en t \reek at t he :\ lay Mon.&.

Tues .. M-a'Y'25-&'-26---"The compar at iv el y pa lt ry s um o f meeting- o f th e Lower Merion School " T H ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N K I D "

Chosen Young Pcople 's Hcad 70 million dollars would have covered Board: Sybil Jason Claire Dodd

W. Burton Lord, of Ardmon ' , was the total cost of Flood Control in Baccalaureate s e r v i e ~ s , Sunda\' eve- E d w ' ; . ~ ~ h t E ~ ~ ~ ~ t t B U ; r t o nele:ted . p r e S i d ~ . n t the Y.oung P e ~ - · : easte rn , centra l and wes te rn pennsYl-1 nin!!:, l \ l a ~ ' :)1; g"ramlllar school ~ n t e r - Wed., Thurs. , F ri .. May 27. 2B. 2 9

p ie s F el lows ll lp of the EpIscopal DI-, \·ania. tainm ent. Ju ne 2; commencement, "THESE THREE "

occse of Pennsylvania at the organ i- "!\othing was done-with the ap- Friday, .Jum' :>; Junior High night,l MIRIAM HOPKINS

zation's annual convention. , palling consequences noted." IJune !l. i s : i : M ~ e ~ ' r : E I { : : ' = O § : § b ~ c : : r o ~ n ~ = = : E J : § o ~ e l ~ 1 \ v ~ I ~ c : i i C ~ r e ~ a i = : !~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ~ ~ _ ~ , ~ .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' - ~ ~ ~ .. ~ - ~ - , ".1

: I, i. I

i I! I

"" '

The Political Pot -IIG. o. p, ha1'l11011\' was s l ightly ruf -I

tied this week \\"I;en Ra lph Beaver iStrassburg'er, :\orristown publisher Iand Republ ican convent ion delegate,l

had pub] i sh ed i n his Norristown ITimes-Hera ld an attack on Senator I

T he od or e L an p B ea n, head of the II

Office _ 258 Haverford Ave., Narberth. "Harmony Committee." He accus ed

--- • I Sl'natol' Bea n o f wor ki ng to restore ITelephone-Narberth 2545; If no answer , . I" I

Ardmore 3100 ' "GrundYlsm" to the county. Po I t I ( ~ a ISubscription rate. $2 per year in advance, l eaders were not g-relltly per turbed by,

--- ') I t he blas t which they held was caus('d Il ':nlf '! 'Cll : l l ' i S ( · t · o t I l J - l ' i ; t ~ ~ Ina I tt ' ! ' ( ( ' to- : • .'

bel' 1:1. 1 ~ I 1 L at tl,,· l'IISl l)'!i.:,' al ;-';a,:- i by Strassburgers failure to place 'I·

rS'{J.h, 1':1 .• UlldL'" lh., ,\d III ~ I a r ..h .1. I e i ther as a member o f the State Reso-,

================= ' lutions Committee o r a s n a ti on al com-:mitteeman, both of which [losts he is I>'aid t o h av e coveted.

A Co-o[J,'l"lltiv,' COI/I.lI/lIlIitY.\""II'S/l(/)JCI'

fOl/llrfer[ ill Ul1·1 II!! the . V ( / I " i ~ , , / · t hCil'ic A.,sucilltiulI, 11/1'/ IJlI!JI/I;hcrfel'('l '!/ Fri ' / l I ! f (/t .\ 'III"!}(,/·th, p(/.


Page Four

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Page Five


IFWrJuj SUltF•



.. .. ....po



'" iI> ./ '

Pl:mlbillg alld Heating109 Forest Avenue

fi lmIC: Narbcrth 2.J.85

Call Narberth 2632-W



Narberth 2485


::!03 Haverford Ave.-Narb. 2555

Housewares-Ga rden Tools-Seeds


highly concentratsd chem'cal


deodorize• • Flush toile l. Sprinkle

it on. Wait 10 minutes . F lu,h again.

Bowl's spotless.DeOdorized. No rubbing. Try

It. Fully app roved by Good Housekeepinq.

Order a can loday . ,J

-B y Blumey



Shull Lumber CompanyTh e Link Between Forest and Home

29 BaJa Ave., BaJa-Cynwyd

Do your floors need re-finishing? These are all pt'oblemsin which we can b e helpful. May we have that pleasure?

Th e few attractive Garden pieces we have l ef t a re spe

cially priced.

Is the paint on your

woodwork in good con ·

dition? This is a good

tim e t o tou ch u p o r reo


On Shelves or suitable

Storage Cabinet s would

b e t he ideal place.

It is no t a joke, therefore doesn ' t "bring d own" t he

house-only parts of it. ~ ' h e r e a re you going to keep

these parts?

Established 42 Years~ P e a t 1 1 I H 6 ~50 Sales. $1.50 bale; 25 Bales, $1.65 bale

10 Bales, $1.75 b al e; 1 B al e, $2.50Bone Meal, Cow or Sheep Manure:10 Bags. $2.00 bag; 1 B ag , $2.50

Poultry Moss, $1.55 bale-10 Bal e L ot sSeed Oats, 65c Bu" at our warehouse \E. L. SHUTE &: CO.

Line Lexington, Pa, Lexington 210 IPhila. Phone: Chestnut Hi l l 5454


, "


Th e success of y o ur g ar

d en d ep en ds o n p ro mp t,

con tinuous spray ing with

th e proper spray l iquid.

Albrecht ' s Spray ing mate

rials a re t he result of long

experience an d experiment

in ou r nurseries.

There ar e tw o types.

which w e u sc ourselves:

Type No. I - F o r large

tree spraying . ,$2.00 qt .

Type No .2 - F o r garden

p la nt s, s uc h as - rosebushes, annuals, peren

nials, an d house p lants :

$1.50 pt. $2.75 q t .

John Albrecht'sNurseries

Montgomery Ave1lueat Meet ing House Lane

, Narberth 4020 ,


Giant Dahlias Will

Grow From


"t' ,', :',;' ~ ; { ".( &:J,'tJ', ':'7>

. .>: '\:, >-, . "-""

, ,

t· , '

Episcopal Graduation June 2

Commendation and g r adua ti on ex

e rc is es w il l b e held at th c Episcopal

Academy gymnasium, Ci ty Line and

Berwick road, Overbrook, at 8 P. 1\1.,

.Tune 2.

Bat·tow New Superintendent

of Strayer's Evening School \

Ba:'!'.': E. Bar tow, widely-known'

"ducat.H' an d authol', ha s joined the

t ' acul t: : o f S t l ' a , \ ' e r ' ~ B u s i n e ~ s School

,I" :-u perintendent of t he e vc ni ng

."'ehllo!. :\11'. Bartow is well k nown i n

, ~ d u c a t i o n a l circles i n Ph il a de l ph i a

anti vicinity, and was f or m an y y e a r ~s pc re ta ry o f a prominent business

,chool here, later having charge of

it,; "mploylllellt bureau, l\!t., Bartow

is at present broadcasting' for the

Phi ladelphia Board of Tradc , a nd iswell known to r ad io l i st e ne r s f o r his

""'eekly Bu"iness Repor t . " He is a

contributor to many publ ica t ions de

voted to educational activities.




Return From Honeymoon Cruise


of 1'ill(/lIo['((, who [/iliried Fire,,::e

Red Tapl ' , Oll'lled by Mrs. Rohat11/. GII,q,l/e1llleim, to 11'i l l tile Deli

l I i , ~ $1000 Hl/ l Ite r Stu/,-e crent lu,<t

week-end (It tile At/a l l t ic Cit!!

Hm'sc Sholl',


For Sale


Your Car 's Care IsNo Laughing Matter

- O u r experienced mechan ic s t a k e

very ser ious ly t he ma tt er o f improv

i ng rOl lr ca r ' s appearance , comfort

a nd s a fe t )' fo r summer driving.



Get nl l / r Cd r i"spected NOW at this


Narberth Bridge GarageNARBERTH 2603 C. :>. coo:,



20c a line

for All Three Newllpaper.

Count fIVe words t o l in e

-w i l l b e a cc ep te d u p to Wednesday. 6 o'clock, for FrIday's Issuee.

- w i l l b e c ha rg ed o nl y t o residentswho"e names appear In the telep '1one d irecto ry o r to SUbscribe rsto THE MAIN LINER, OURTOWN , o r t he NEWS OF GALACYNWYD.

D llAPF:RIES , S li p C ov er s, \"enelianbHnds, Awning-s, FUl'nlture, "pholster

i ng , B ed dI ng s, R ug s c le an ed , repairedand stored. Challenger, 281 ~ [ o n l g o l 1 1 e r ya\'enue, Cynwyrl-.-PllOne. ~ · n w ) ; ; i - 8 ~ .Formerly with John " 'anamaker. (to

The Orlg-Inal TOM HARRISON Used Patent After Si x YearsFurniture Exchange now locatprl at 313

W. Lancaster ave" A rd mo re . Ar'd, 381. Henry H. Pcrry, o f B ryn 1\1awI', anti

U P H O L S T I ~ 1 U N G and rep. S l > r i n ~ s ot . Jame s Lou is Lohrke, of Westtown,3-plece suites repalrell, $10: ChaIr re-

CO\'''''ed, $5. Go anywher ·e. Cal l Lewis , havc been granted a patent fo r a new227 F.. Lrlll"aster ave. Wayne 14:16. t y pc o f ya rn , d if f er cn t in four csscn-

R 1 E f Rtials from any s im il a r article, by th e

ea state or ent Unitcd States Patent Office at Wash-

I 1 ? u s ~ &, AI,,t. r;"ntals a. 11 alnng- the Ingto n. T he app lic atio n was filedI\falll lol1ne. l\.oser Bros., Realtors.

"At Ardmore Station"-Anhnore 630. February 1, 1930. = = : = : ~ = = = = = = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I

NAIUH;W1'I1 A \ ,1 ' : . -<)"". (11'" 1)1 ' th'·,·ef u r nin sher l o r unfurll. l'OI)1l1S & pl ' i \ 'a te

ll:tth. wi t h adu lt relined fanlil\", Possihleof pOI"ell, kitchen, etc, . P h, N at 'h .

2211 from ;, to 7 P. M. (21)

At Your Service

H I ~ ~ I S T I T C H I N G , 6c :t YARD-While Youwait. Ordel's taken for pleatir,,; and bu t

ton cover ing' , " "an Herrs"haft. 318 Dudh , ~ · ave.. fOl'merlY 212 Ha \'erford ave ..N;u·herth. (t o

R ~ J L I A B L E C A R P I , N T l ~ R , alterations,window screening'. Gottll"b Esslinger,

122 Conway avenue, Call Narber' th 3748-R.

T Y P I ' ~ \ \ " R I T r ' : R S Sold, r en ted and re:l l: ti re d. R ih ho ns l in d Ca r' bo n P al le r.

R U B U 1 ~ B A N TYPEWRITER CO.. 33 E.Lancaster' ave., Ardmore. Ph. Al'll. 1378.

Rooms for RentFI'I::-;I" ' ;IIEjI I:tltnr:-:. I 'ri\·"t.- !lo,,",.

:1 nlillult·s to :-;tali()l\. B u ~ . pt·opl . ,. 1:,,1.\\ 'I"it t · "G", ('arlO of t ) I l l" Tl )WI ; . S<trhel'th,


1),,\Y'S \\'()({ K- l '!t-allitl!.!,-*-I..,t lIndl'y, ..\nl-

fllOI'I' 1:ISI. (:!:!)

GOOD experIenced stenographer, wht ·

under"tand" bookkeeping, desire" posl,t lon tul I Or PB rt time. Phone Narberth2S12-R. tf

Narberth B r id g e No te s

Following a rc t he r e su l ts o f dupli

cate bridge games held at the Nar-:

berth Bridge Club during th e past

w,'ek.iednesday , May 1:3-1st, Mrs. J.:

H. Bakel' an d Waldo Kurtz; :lnd, ,J.;

H. Bakel' and Wil liam Thompson.

Friday, May 1i5-1st, T ie. M rs , H.:

1. McConnell and :\Irs. Alan Shube rt ,

an d :\Irs, T ho ma s B la ke a nd : \I rs .'

Frank Purcell, ~ n d , :\Irs, C. Alf :' eL l

Prepare. the soil to a d ep th o f at ' Peeney and :\11;.:. ,J. H. Bakel'. ilea;.:t ten 1l1ches. Apply a complete Hence fo rt h t h e women's divisionplant food at the rate of four p o u n ~ s w il l p la y on Tuesday a f te r noon at I

per hundr ed squa r e feet and work It · 1.15 p,:\1. T h i ~ a rrang'ement will be

into the soil. It is best if part o f t he in etl 't 'ct fOl' the duration o f t he SUIll

plant food is worked into the s oi l mel '.

that is placed around th c tu ber . Se t S a t l l r d a ~ ' , : \ I a ~ ' 1G-1s t , :\11'" H. I

. the t u b c r ~ about 6 inches deep. :\lcColllll'1l and J, H. Bakel'; ~ n d , Tie.

I Cu lt i va t e o f te n un ti l the b u d ~ ap- Mrs. AnhuI' R. Cooney an d Clitford

! pc,ar to maintain a good mulch, After (ioodwin an d :\11'5..J. H. Bak el ' and

: t h e bud s appe.ar , give on ly ve ry sha l- :\lrs. Thomas Taylol',

i lnw and l ight cul tiva tion , 01' the new :\londay, ~ l a y l ~ - J s t , A la n S hu ,

'.lIbers will be injured. i J I ~ r t a nd W al te r S aw ye r; ~ n d , Roy

._ _ _ . _ ~ ~ : : _ . . ; : . : _ " " r . __J' ! To secure best blooms, it i s a dv is - G re enwood an d J. H, Baker.

__ j' " ~ - - - . I able to permit only the most hardy

1 ' ( ' ~ L \ T O ,oIallts ill lIow"r, ~ . " . d"z,: ""1'- - - - - ; ; . ~ ~ : : : - - - - . ; : : . ; . . . . - - ' - - ' - = - - - - - = : : : . . . - - - - " ~ - - - - - = ' - - - - - - ' " : sh oo t t o remain, an d when this is ar e the comparatively small Coltnesst lniUlll; - ; t fo r I I U I ' : - - : I ' I ' ~ ' :-.tl.ll"l\ r .. a ~ . ; " • . b h d

rolt, 'r! manure, "1\,, hush,,!. ,',,011', :\IOllU- ill/' . ((lid . l l i 'S . I r i l l i( (1 I I (;I ' l ' f /OI ' !I Pi.'I 'I '<', (lj Pll i lu"dl)l I i f l , jlicfll/'I'd Oil Ih l ' i l ' ' three to four JOll1ts a ove t e groun , an d L:nwin d ah li as . T he y arc beLl-1Il , 'Il1 I'll" 1 hlo"k llllni: or I 'hil:.. 1 ' 1 H 1 I 1 l 1 ' ~ ' an'i,'al ill .\ '1 ' /1 ' }'Ol'l.- Oil IIII' l i l l l ' l ' QU""II 0; [J'TIII;I,j" i i ' IJl /1 their hOIl,'!!. p in ch o ut t he t op , whi ch c au se s t he d in g flowers of bright colors and asCluh, I'ity IAnI' , Hal". \ ' ~ ; I l , ;'1"-.1, ( ~ 1 ) I !ll:lllt to b l' an ch o ut . L ea ve t he end " ' IS" to gl'O\\' as z l ' l l n l ' a , ~ fl'olll . ~ " e ( l .

11/0011 il l D"I'IIIIII fI, .1/l's. Pie,.cl' is tho' j , ) I ' I I I 'T .1/is.< .11(/I',//tli·d ./ . .lIeu 1/01', - J ." . , . :

I t. I '. A. \'il'lor 1:"""...1 1'0"",1' .\'"plili,'I'. 'hud on cach b r anch, bu t remove thc I,

COl11lo}"t". "'rite ":-;" H"x 7 ~ 7 : 1 . ,\nl- drl/l,ght'T or' f)r. I/lld .11/'." C/'oig .1/"/I)I')/', 0; S,·o·j,.,. I,'!!, p(l., I I / Id (I fl/"I/Iol.

mol','. ( ~ I l I dOI/f/llt,/, of f:. I.. / ) ( / / I ' ( ' S . 1'/", III ' ;' /":li" 'I)!)1 is (I SJ/I of .1/1'. olld .1/"8. : side buds t h a t a ppe a r at e ac h s et o fl It cost s on ly ., cents a weck to kecp

T ( ) ~ I A T ( ) plants. I I) " ' \ oIllz" ;; oI11Z.'1. FI''''/I'/,i,./. rl. l'i,I'('(', Sillf/illfJ 11'O'l,i, . 1 i · ' / I I I0I " ' . Th,- 1"'/1'1.'//1',,(1,,' I",;{I 1I1,(k" ".eaves. postcd on your conl l ll uni ty' s news .Ab o . . : \ ~ t c r H . ~ ( ' a r l p t ~ ; l _ ~ t ' . S I l : l p d r a ~ ' - f ) I l : - - I fit '

and ,>th,1' plants. :::::. 1'"011,,;' """11111', thci/' hOII/" (II ,'/I/li ll'illsloll I'tjo,I, Ci,,',!I '(/' /iiI!. i Six t o e ig '1 t wce ks a tel' pa n 1l1Jl;

N,"·h,,! 'th. Phon .. ;-':"rh. : ; ~ 1 8 : I - l \ . , ~ 7 ) I iapply plant food a bo ut t he p la nt s at- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -the rate of four p o u n d ~ pCI' hundred

IVa1lted I Rides Stake Willner Beaut ic ian Coming 1 squa l 'c f e ct .

1'1,.\ \ '-('I ': , '\ ; an,l h a h \ " ~ ,.,.ilo want,'d 1,,' ; \ l i s ~ : '1 ar y E , R ic e, beauty expert' Dig dahl i a t ubc r s before the soilf a n l i l i t ' ~ K no wn t o )1. !"t-de]'atioll /;.. d

Cbll!' l 'h, 's. ]lonol' ' 'laY .. :Ii: Hl'yn :\Ia \ \ '1 ' f ro m t he Daggett & Runlsdell salOll frcezes. Cle an t hem well an storc

2IS11. l ~ : ; ) in ROl'kefe1!er Plaza, Xc\\" \"o1'k, \vill. in ~ h u l l o \ v boxes of sand in a cool\VI!.I, Itl'\, I'O\\",!, I. :lWI: :\Ill\\·,·r. ~ l l I s t . • placc wher c t hev will not freeze.hI' ill g'ood ,'olltill i,,/, ,,/'d "il":l P. Tritl- c o n ~ u l t o n b ea ll t\ · p ro bl ems In ar-, E ' 1 d' : t ' t d 'i t r S ~ I . l . ( ~ I l . I 'n tlrey Istll1C 111 ype an size

11 ;:-;1\: Itlll):\l "'an(pd ill .\,·dnllll'... :-;pa,'(' be rt h next \ \ ' e d n e ~ d a y and Thu rsday ,

f,,,' tWO d,sl<s. \\'ril., " I ' . " Hili< 7 ~ 7 : : . m ak in g S he a's P ha rm ac y h er head- i •••••••••••••An l I lH l l ' l ' . '1 # >

q ua rte r" . S he will give skin and 'i ' START NOW ll·eauty ath'ice and a complete Dagog'ett

& Ramsdell make-up, entirely frl'e. in tothe home. both d a ~ · s . To ha\'e herc al l, l 'e ad er s s ho ul d p ho ne or call at f. BATTLE'I ' P' • ':- lea f 1 a r l l l a e ~ ' , l or a n appolt1tll1ent. :

BUGS l'/

Situations WantedAV . \ l L . \BLE - ( ; r ; ld . : ' ' ' ' ' U I · ~ t ' . 1):1:' or

hour i) ' ( ' a l ' l ~ , Chi ldr( ·n Of ' il;\-' tlid:-:. : \ I I " ~ .];1.11\..1'. 1:!7 B ry n : 'l a WI' ;1 \·plltlt' . Ba 1:1-\CYl lwyd. (:!1)

Y()[':'\:(; C;IIU . d t . · ~ i r { \ : - ; l i ~ . d l t !lou:-:l' \\·qrk.

\\'i1lillg: to go away . ,"r i t t , " , \ " ( ' an '

Ou r TowlI . ~ a r h t ~ I · I I J .

Th e report of the Devon HorRe

Show Committee to hoard o f d i re c

tors diRcloses t he p romi se o f a no th er

hanner wee k, c ommen ci ng : \I ay 25.

Exhibitors ar e hrinp;ing- hOl'5es from

Cal i fornia and Canada, again proving

the national and international im

pOI·tance of the Dm'on Horse Shows,

Bel at ed e nt ri es d ur in g t he p a ~ t few

d av s b ri ng s the total number of

hO;'ses to be exhib it ed ahead of any

other similar exhibition in the world,

the directors s a ~ · . They come fromO\'er :30 pCI' c en t o f the States in the

Union,On Memor ial Da y all the b lue r ib

bon winners will parade, a s l as t year,

to the mus ic o f the National Anthem,

Th e demand f or b ox es a nl l parking

places is heavier than in m a n ~ .. years,


Devon Horse Show AllNext Week: Many Entries

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http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-may-22-1936 6/8

May 22, 1936




wi Ih harrel t YIC wheel

hearingsun I )·"-tuu models

wilhin(·rea.. ·dhorsepower,

iUl'rt'a8t'd torque, greater

economy in gas and oil

Ardmore , Pa .

Open Evenings



Free Parking tt l Rear

E G Y P T I A N --------- - --

Be 'riseo EconomizeoBuy Cherrolet!~ POWER - to pull y ou r l oa ds ItV&IliiiiW F j r ~ t ( 'hoicc- C h e v r ~ l c t ! I t hasFORrCON'MICAL Ihe !!reatest pulling power of any

T R A N ~ P O R T A T I O ~ tru('kin the entire lo'\·.pricc range!

ECO:\O\lY- to S,IYe YOU money! First choice-CIII'\"rolt'l! It's the lilOst cconomieal t ruek inthe world for all·round duty!

LOW PRICE-to ('onseryc your capital! First

ehoi('('- C111'\Tolt'l! It sells at the lowest priecat which you ('an buy any high-powered truck!

All the <Jualiti('s which makc a truck a money

mak('r- al i I he (\ualities which makc truck

operation prolitah e -a re )'ours in the highestdegree in th{'se big, powerful Chevrolets.

SI'e your lH'an·"t Chevrolet dealer today forfull ~ J l f O r l ! l a l i o l l . AI1<1 then ••. Be \,:isc( ' c ( l l l o l l l i : ; ( ' - I t u ~ ' Cheyrolet trucks!



15 W. Lancaster Avenue

Phone: Ardmore 3212



always equalizt·d

{or 'luick, unswerving,

"straight!ipe" stops

You want POWER

You want ECONOMY

You also want LOW PRICE


Nowhere are they combined so perfectly as in Chevrolet trucks


1filh clear-visiun instru

mcnt pancl fur safecuntrol




Church Notes:"OTICE. In t h e C our t of COlJ1mon Plensof l\Iontg'omery Coun t y. P ennn .. u lu ru

Y. Horwitz . .Tuliu, Horwitz. A l l n ~ Sub·poena Sur Di\'oree :-\0. 3i4, :- \on'mberTerm. 1!I3:'. :". E. J.

You t he s ai d .IuliuF Horwi t z . n r e hpre·no ti f ied t o h(, , , "d " PPe a r in t JlP ealc l

C ou rt o n 1 I 1 0 " d a ~ · . . Tu nc 1. l! l: l6. at !I :flOA. :IT.. E. S. T .. to a""WeI" the " ( ' li t lo , , o rJIbe] of Laura Y. Horwitz. for a divorcefl'On1 the honcll-' of niHtr in10ny and to

Hhow caUEiC'. if an y YOU ha\"(', wh y th e

:o:aid Laura. Y. Horwitz. your wif('. :--hou)t.lno t be di\,orcpc] a f o l ' ( ' ~ n j d .

E1)\nX H. BELLIS. Sheriff.SherifC"s Office. :'\'OlTIHoWn, PlI .•)Iay :.. ln36.

N a ~ e r t h M c t h ~ ~ t E ~ W ~ L : : ~ a ' J ~ ' z ~ e i ] e i r e i a i n i d i ~ i ' i r i i g i h i t ' i A i t i t O i r ~ n ~ Q i S ~ ' ; ~ = ~ i i i i i i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i i i i i ~ ~ ~ ~ = -Rcv. \ \" . \ ' e n l ~ h ~ I ~ ~ ~ l e t o n , Minister

1-- "",S u n d a ~ ' , M a ~ ' 24: ifJ.45 A. l\I.-Church School. I11.00 A. :\1. - :\Iorning Worship.

Sermon: "The Tragedy of Goodness."

6.45 P. : \ l .-J tI11Jor Epworth League.

GA5 P. : \1.-Senior Epworth League.

'A.5 P. : \ l . -Organ Recita l and Ves' lper Servic{'. Special music. II

T u e s d a ~ ' , :\Iay 26:

g.OO P. : \1.-Sunshine Bible Cla"s IBu"ine"s Meeting. I

\\"ednesday, :\lay 27: I!>.OO P. ilL-Bible Study Hour. I

Thursday, : \ l a ~ ' 28: I6.00-S.00 P. 2\-1.-Cafeteria dinner to I

which everyone is invited. I

8.00 P. : \ I . -! \ ' 1ee ting of the Board Iof Trustees. I

Friday, :\lay 2fJ: I

'.:W P. ':\I.-Boy Scouts. I



III ! - - - - - - - - - =1 Holy Trini ty L " t T I ~ r a n Church

! Cletus A. Senft, Pastor

l\largaret Squier, Organist

Sunday, May 24, l[J36:

H.45 A. :\I.-Bible School.

11.00 A. : \I .-The Annual Memorial

ISel'\·ice.6.45 P. l \L-The Luther League.

Tuesday, 7.15 P. l\I.-Boy Scouts.

California's Robin Hood

IF(I)'i/er B(/.r/er ill "Tl lc Robin

Hood or El Dorado,"' ( l i r i l l i l l ! /

;,(Ol"!! I I I {« (I ' li I ( 'o l i fonl io, a ( (lie

E[/i//llil:1/ ,If .r! .Hol/ria!! ( l i id T l l c . ~ d,,!!.

Girl Scout News

D o y ou ne ed household help? Tr y

a classified advertisement in the col

umns of t h is pape r .

iii '. # . ? , ~ : " ; . , , - . : i ' . ; , _ ., , •• {,; •• : .",·;l-",V'.'\·'" '''-. , . ~ , ~ ' , . <J i ;... .,,_ · , ' ' , . • ~ ' ' ; , ,•• i .... . ; . . , ~ . ~ , . ; . ; ' ... __ . 1; . . . . . , ~ . ~ .;....._, .

I Preparaticn" for th e Do\"C ::Ilill Day

ICalllp an ' g-oing' forward with enthusi·aSIll. i l ln. Henry D. Booth. Jr., who Baptist Chl/rch of the Evangd

the l ' l ' l - " i ~ t l " a r , reports that l11any Robert E. Keighton-::I1inister

!!l'ade)"" and badge examiners ha\"C al- Stanley T. Reiff-Organist

In.ally \"()lul1te(')"cd their v al uab le s cr - S un da y, :\lay 24:I \ ' i c e ~ to hdl' \\'ith til<' p ro gr am . T he 9 ,45 A . ~ I . - T h e Church School.

calllp da\('" are ,July 13, 14, 15. 16 an d 11. 00 A . ;\1. - :\lorning- Worship.

.J Ill\" :;(1. 21, 22 and 2 : ~ . It is wis e Se rmon: "Sustaining One's Rclig'ion."

1'01. the ~ i r J " who plan to a tt end t he 5.00 P. :It.-Vesper Service. Ser

Ila \. Camp to tr y and reg'ister fo r the mon: " P r o b l e m - S a ~ ' i n g s of J csus Take,

fuji p(' ri"e! oi eig'ht d a y ~ . so that a' Thought Fo r Tomorrow."

" ' I l ~ t a . I I ( · ' : lo! ".cram l 1 1 a ~ ' be followed. i 7.00 P. : l1.-Vesper Service at Cro-___ ,zer Seminary. Ou r ~ ' o u n g people join

flC'wers fo r th e Flowerless : the 8 tudents of t he s em in ar y a nd t!leI' \"ain Ill;, . \"('ar the Girl Scouts 1 young pcople of the Up la nd Bapt I st

• h t: . "tll tl 0 Flo\\'('I's fOI'j' Church in a special service. The pns-:: l ' t ' C'()-(:J1Cl'a J11g \\ 1 10.._ •. •

. " . I G"I ' tor WIll be th e speaker.til(; F1m'."l·\ 1(','" assoclatJOn, ,111 ( 11. I ' Tue"(hv :'tla\" '>6': -; couu who col le ct flowers 111 t lelr , -, , , - , - . .

. I I "1 . ta1' t]ll'lll to till' 8.00 P. :\I.-Annual meet l l1g of theIll' lg- 1 J(]1'J j()(J ( 111ay "e J." . . .i I o o t h ~ at the Sixty-ninth street 1\1en s A ~ ! ' o C J a t l O n . ElectIOn of offi-

('rlilinal. nroad "tl'eet ~ t a t i o n or on cers:till ' Par],:w:I·C. Be fo re th e hooths ar e i " e d n e s d a ~ ' . :lIay 27:I '. I . t t ·'1 te i 8 .00 P . : \1 .-The Study Class in the"1"'11 an\' "Ill' WIS llng- 0 con II lU . •

':1"\'."1" ' m : I ~ ' :'end them to Judge iChurch.

I, . ( · t ' l ! . l l I F l " 1 d a ~ ' , : \ l a y 2 f ! :dT\\"11 In 1 \ tl..

. 8.00 P. :II. - Commencement pro'

f A dgram of the Bapti;;t Institute. Fir;;t~ , ' a ! " h ' r : h S Court 0 wa r sEapti"t Church in Philadelphia.

\.·;1,,:·:i: Tri'l:p 8 Ill·ld a Court of,

n T ~ l f ' > L i : ~ y :It tl1(' Girl ScoutThe Presbytniall Church

C ' L 1 1 ! 1 U l 1 i l ~ 'Building' inT,:(' two ol!J('r Karhl'rth Rey. Archer E. Anderson, Pastor

: "(:1\)1 Cnllll1litt('e of T ro op j S un da y. ::IIay 24:

\ ' : , !, I':h BI'(I\\"llie:, and th(· par- i ~ 1 . 4 5 A. :IT.-Bible School.

nt . ,.: ,!I, I,jr],. \\'('1'e R·tH·st:,. ::Iliss: 11 .00 A. : : I1.- : lIn rn ing Worsh ip .

, II ':Ii' i. i ;1. f iel d d i r ~ ' ( ' ( n r for the: Sermon. "ReYerence." "Thou shalt

'oJ ,:'1 ;':11;. " : i i ~ tIl(' P : U ( ' ~ t (,f honor and. not ~ a k e ~ h ~ , name of the Lord th y

. ,j" i:ild,,·,'." and tl1(' s( 'rvic(: God III vaIll. I'i :1 ,. I,. 1"> :L '' In .- ,' vchn ea r!H ·d tl1('lll. 1 1. 00 A. :\I.-Th(·Junio1' Churc 1,

, ' ., c:.I":I." (1 TIOlllI 8. : l l l " ~ Chri"till(': conduc(('d : \ l r ~ . A. S. Digby.

. ]" 11 ,. 1 -I;, 1(ll(!"rfnot fir"t' (i.13 P. :11.- '1'11(' Tlnl'l' C. E. So-I. '. J'I' 'j 1, (l l. l • .." . n -, (".·Ild ela',. rankill!!·:'. cletH'' '... .1, ' "1 ' '11<I(,1l 8 l!I1l'ro\·i!'(·d 'an' 7.·13 P. :\l.-:\'arl)('rth':, Happy Bible

i:tn:i< ":1.1'" ,,1'1' ing in Ihl' form: 1I0llH" :Ill'. .JallH·"; Heyburn, Jr., of I:. \"",>. 11m nf \\'bch enwrg('d char-' Al' izllna. wIll preach. I

'::1" ,,, :JIll": r il :" t Il l' lahleaux " ( ~ ; r l ! Tu",.;day (,\·pning-. fU5-The COI11-

. : , ' .• ', ,.11 F·,r"·"l'd ,. \ \ " h : ~ h ill1unity nihIl' C I a I : ~ . I. . . . . . . :\. . ' l ~ " t · · . \ . · ..\··l·l"ltz I \\'edll""da\' (·vening. 8 O'clock-I

'11 !" .. . >:- .It': ".' ., H . •

". " '1'" :1: :)1(' Ir"ol;, who \ \' a" the Pray,·r :ll(·(·tin.I:·. i

, , ', I:, ,. ; r i l " - t " " l : I ~ ~ r at in g. T he! I!·\· · .. I i · : , : . : i : h the BrOl\"llie,.; (ag-ed: \'? odd ' s lVligbtiest Circus I

: '0' 1(1 ,·,·a.l' I and sho\\"ed graphically: Comi ng t o Town IVlonday

'I ' \';11-;,,\1· ,t:I."'(·" 1Il tIl<' dl'\"l']'lpl1ll'nt ---

,f :1 ( ; l r l :-;c(.UI ulltil Ill'C(lllW:' first. \\"ith 11)( mo"t impressive and uril-I

.. I i l ~ : - . p( i,(,r::IJ ~ I l l < ' d l c y kader: liant ~ ( · \ " l · n - r i n g ' . a n d - " t a g - e program in i<If tiH' ,,'c<lnd-cla;;:- g ro up . w hi ch ' its hi,,(ory. tIl(' H in gl in g B ro s. a nd

"ig'nakd "W(·kOlll(' Parent" and; Barnum & B a i l e ~ ' Comuined Circus ,F ri (' nd ': '" ' . Ja ne :-;ll1(·dlr.-y. who al"o, which \ \"i ll ( ·xhibi t in Philadelphia a

'Tc('i\"('<l lin't-class rating', wOJ"(: tl](': wcek, lwginning :lIonday afternoon,

l ' ilie mod,·] which ,,]l<' mad ,· t o p as ;; ! olr(']":- Ihi,.; ~ e a s o n . a" a sensational

IH'I' [(',.;1,.. :III'''. Carl Axel Thaysen! Hlp('I'-feature, a h er d o f African pig

~ p o k ( ' hl':('I1:, about Do\"(' :\1 ill Day' my c '! ephant ". t I ll' j i r ~ t ever to 8ct

( ' :11\11'. ",ilid: is a subj"Cl o f a et i \' c I foot on this c on ti ne nt . T hes e t iny

intt'I'l':'! 1101\' that warl11 . \\:eather is; [ u ~ ] ; c ' l ' ~ are not babies, but fU!l_g.rI'OWII'1

l ' ( ' a l l ~ ' h(·n·. FI\ 'e -yca r s trIpes were middle·aged midg-et elephant:" the

p]'(·s('!ltc·d tn Katheryn Baiky, Phyllis. ran'st animals on t he f ac e of the

Folwell, Shirley Vincellt, Oli\"(' B a t ( · ~ , ! c'al'th. A c c o m p a n ~ ' i n g - thcm is a herd

1\11' . Clifford Bates and ::\1r;;. Carl i uf miniature African pongur s , t h e

AxPl Thav"en. ! w o r l d ' ~ smallest b{'asts of burden.

'1\11':-. \\'illimll A1Pxandel' Clen1l'nt-: Among the s('ores of new features,

s on , 2 d, Ardmore, chairman of till' to :,ay nothing o f the new importa

American ism Committee of the Jeptha tions from Europe and Asia, including

Ahbot t Chapte r. Daug -h t er s o f th c thl' incn 'dib le . : \ai t to troupe . the Royal

American Revolution, pres('nted a pl' iz" Bolml 'a t roupc' , the Imperial Viennese

of a boo], . "Friendly State':,," by : \ lar- eques trian troupe , the great Frederico

till. to Girl Scout Troop 3:: or and a f re e r un ni ng ' h or se , p on y a nd

Oakmont. who won thl' fir:'t prize for, dephant liberty act of s ixty members ,

finding 1400 tent caterpillar nest:'. t i s Col . Tim :\IcCoy, the sc reen ' s most

Ia:'t Friday e\"ening- at St. Gcorg'c.'s: outstanding we"tern s ta r, a t the head

I\I('morial Chapl'l, Oakmont. uf his c o n g r e ~ s v f rough riders of th e

world-Co:,saek", cowboys , cowgir l s,

Oberl i n Honor s Narberth Girl vaquero:" Sioux and Blackfeet war·

Elizabeth Townsend Smith, 422 Olel, rio,.,: and Australian bu;;hrangers.

Gulph roa d. Penn V a l l e ~ ' , a student ICol. McCoy, plainsman, cavalry officer

in the Oherlin (Ohio) COIls l 'na to ry in the U . S . Army Resene, and friend

o f Musi c. was nanwd among' the eig-ht of the Ind ian , is the idol of Americnn

students con:,titutinp: t he " hi gl ws t b v ~ ' ~ a nd g i rl ". a nd he will be s een in

[enth," scholastieally, o f t he conservu- both t he mai n p cr fo rm an ce s a nd t he

tory sophomore class of senmty-th r( 'e wild west. Il I ] ( ' m b e r ~ . Social chairman of hel' . The ?reate:t Show on Earth h e a ~ l sclass, l\li8s Smith. a gTaduate or II1to thiS territory on four l ong ra Il · ILower l \! (' ri ol l H ig -h Schoo l, i s the rmlll t ra in s o f 100 cars, with 1600

daug-ht{'r of ::Ill'. a nd Mrs. Frank Cor- people. 7 herds of full-sized elephant

son Smith. actors, 1009 menager i e a n ima ls a nd

700 horses. Its tented city covers 14

acres of ground. There ar e 31 large

tents, inclUding th e world's largest

b ig top , s e at i ng 16,000 persons.



~ ~ ~ e : ~ ~ ~ ~ : i ~ ~ness in your home with

summer rugs from our

unsu rpa s s ed s t ock .

Striking, new creations

for use b ot h i nd oo sand out. Unusual plaids.

florals. bock s , h e lnng

bones, chenil le effects.

new Sisal a nd h o ok ed

rugs - s ty l e s to sui tee ry teste. Sizes up '0

12 ft. wide, any :cng th .

Prices a s l ow as $10.75for 9 x 12 It. rugs.

Ha 'dwood floors laid

an d refinished. Alsolinoleum. I ubber tile,

elc Expert suggestions

gladly of:eled.

Newest,lyles in


and FiguTt dCarpets.

DAVIS '224 Haverford Ave.

English ToffeeIt 's o ne o f th e 12 f la

vors of Doll y Madi

son Ice LI'Cam sold

exclusively a t D av is '.

An d Try Also:Darlcrzf: - 29c fo r

m or e t ha n a pint of

r ich French icc cream,

i n t hr ee pleasing fla


Rugs Cleaned,

Siored, RepairedYour Oriental s an do t he r v al u ab l e w in te r

r ug s n ee d p ro te ct io n

NOW. Our me thods kill

moth larvae. remove de ·struclive grit, thorough'

l y c le an - adding new

l ife to th e rug.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . P r ic e s q u ot e d

wi thout ob li ·

gation. Tel.


1lIII1II6II......... 53·72.

th e delicious new ice

cream sensation-

Y O UCan Stop Here,

Have You Tried

Cas e sT ~ ' d o l - V ('cd.-,I

S e r ~ i c e Station

~ , . I n y ] 'l. l6. 1-. l't ( '\ 't£. 'r.l . no

~ ) ; l t t ( ' r " , hl ' r( ' y ou' rr hC'ading.

.-\nd "o:]'!! P:t ; - ~ ' . 1 ! ~ . : " ~ ' i c ( ' ,p l u ~ 1"ripll' ..\cr:O:1 T·,·c(\! 1 ~ J hric.-H:ng ~ ~ < l S •• ind<.:,:!""uct

ih!" V,,"Jo! 0:1.




l \ ' I o : l t g o J l ~ ( " r y P;:,e ;It \ ' : '0 'd ';1"'<.

A\"<,.-N,:rb .•")./:-

J----- .. ---_ fi '01':0' (;. (a,\('

Fritz&LaRue, Inc.1615 Chestnut St., Phila.\_._- - " - . - ' - -- --_._--"


Stopped Here,Sept: 'mner J4. 1- - - . !-i:-,~ r n l \ ' W.15 h " t l d : n ~ ~ f·)!" \ · . ~ H ·

F o r 1 ~ ( " . \! i it ' l ~ . ' t w.-;'·

night"!" t " ( ' ~ t .


''9i1L fJlJinrJ. MmLfh.i.IJ.., lIJmz/t.,-JUUl

!!..Ik. !!?fNJ.JwmL /" .•

l' NEW


on most out-of-town calls af ter

seven every night





* *

Page 7: Our Town May 22, 1936

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4 . ~ 3


HOSE m21

C !I.UP .It



4. 40-21 .

4.50- 21 .

4. 75-19 .


I\IIol1tgomery opposite

Narberth A,'cl1ue

Narberth 2229


4 5 ~ ~

-- --- ,I SIZE PRIC':

I II 4.50-21. , . " .. . , . , $8.60 Ii4.75·19 ...... , . . .• ' .10


i10.8$5.25.18 . . . . . , , ., .•

5.50·17 . . . . . • , . . . . 11.90 I6.00-16 ........... 1 ~ . % 5 I6.00.17 H,D........ 15.90

6.00"19 H.D........ 16.90

6.50-17 H,D........ 18.40

7.00.17 H,D........ Z 1 . ~ O7.50.17 H,D...... ,' ~ 1 . 7 S


I6.00·20, .......... 518.85

7.50·20, .......... I 9 . 1 0 i30x5 Truck Typo

,18.75 I•• ' j

32x6 H,D" .. , . . . • • 140.%5 i

OdiC,· si::cs ' )ricCd prOI)0I1ionately ltltl' ,

_. - --". -

Th e ( I n g l e . ~ in the scientificallydesi.<:ned Firestone High Speedt1'e"J "re so placed "1S to s top"car q •• icker a n d w i th o ut sideswerve. Its super- t rac t ion andnon-skid ef f iciency have also been['roved in the famous Pikc 's PeakRace where for eight consecutiveyears it ha s been used on thewinning cars. 1

AD J£Nt<INS-F.. " " , u ' driver ,,'ho hold. more

: > : > . , e c o r t i J ~ h ~ n any m a n , . i ~ automoitv. history_'_ ~ ~ ' W r i e '.


4.50-21. .. $7.75 4.50-21 .. , $6.054.75-19.. . 8.Z0 4.75-19 .. . 6.405.25-18. , . 9.75 5.00-19 .. . 6.855.50-17 .. . 10.70 5.25-18. ' . 7.606.00-16.. . 11.95 5,50-19. ' . 8.75Other Szes PropoflionalelyLa. Other Siln Proportionately low




Deposits Insured under th e Government Plan

Member of Federai ReserYe System

Open a t 8 A. M. daily for your convenience

Th e

Page Seven


R . Ro y Kessinger



National Bank of Narberth

This heavy . broad. t rac t ion and

non-skid tread is held to the cord

body of the tire with Tw o Extra

Layers of Gum-Dipped Cor ds , a

patented constructio". making the

cordbodyand treadan inseparable



COACHES $1 69and SEDANS • up




:-\1,. , $330'... UP


LlHr EllIS


3 9 ~ p

Aula Polish,1 Pt. c,,"..__ ..50c

Chamois....._- 29c v,

Sponges .•.__ 10c u

Wax, 70% . _ _••.• 50c

Polishing Clolh.. 1SC v,

Sun Glas. . . . ._ 10c v,

Flash Lighh,2 cell__ . i9cu,

ScrewDriv...., 16"bWc__ 5c

PUett, 6"__ 14c

III l J, ~ · _ ,. . . - '

-. ,," "

End OJ cord i" End 01 cordfromGum-Dipped Tire ard i n dry l i r emagnified 11 times, magnifiedII limes,shoU/i71g et 'ery showi1lg u " P r o ~

l i b e r i " , u l a l e d l e c u d _colla"wilh liallidrubbtr 'jibers ",Slde cord

A MILLION miles on FirestoneTires without an accident. That is th erecord of Ab Jenkins , famous driver,wh o has dr iven on all kinds of roadsand in allkinds of traffic in every state i n theun ion .Wha ta tribute to safe, dependable , t i re equipment! Make thisproof of pe rformance your guide in choosing new tiresto protect yourself an d your family.

There are three important facts you should knotll aboutthe tires you buy--


Listen to the Voicc of Firestonc fcaturing Hichard Crooks or Nelson Edd,-wit l lMariarc t Sl>caks, Monda)' cvenings ovcr N", ionwidc N. D. C. -WEAF Netwolk




2. THE FACTS on BLOWOUT PROTECTIONAb Jenkins used F i restone Gum-Dipped Tires when he

drove h i s 5,000-pound ca r ove r t he ho t salt bed s a t Bonneville,Utah, in the record-breaking time of 127 miles per hour, covering3 ,000 mi les in 23% hours without a blotllout or tire trouble

of any kind.

3. THE FACTS on ECONOMY and NON·SKID MILEAGETh e largest transportation companies in t he count ry , such

as Greyhound, to whom safety and tire economy nlean businessefficiency, use Firestone Tires f rom Coa st t o Coa st an d fromCanada to the Gulf. And ourown test fleet records prove that thenew Firestone High. Speed Tire for 1936 gives you up t o 25%longer non-skid mileage.

Th e Firestone H ig h Sp eed T ir e for 1936 p roves byperformance its superiority in all of these three qualifications.Make this proof of per formance your yardstick of safety andvalue. Decide today to equip your ca r with new Firestone HighSpeedTires for 1936-the safestdriving equipmentmoney ca n bu:y.

1. THE FACTS on TRACTION and NON-SKID SAFETYA leading university in 2,350 tests has found t hat t he new,

scientifically designed tread on th e Firestone High Speed Tirestops a c ar up to 25 1

;; ; quicker.

Gum-Dipping not only strengthens

the cords biet preventsheat inside

che cords, wher e i t insulates the

tiny fibers against friction an d

[,rotects FirestOlle High St>eed

Tires from blowouts.

lona A venue near


Narberth 2235


--, . l l ; ~ '


OF PARTNERSHIP DISSOLUTIONNoli"!,, i, hel 'ehy !'.;,'en t ha t the I''', · t

nel'ship ht>retot 'ol 'e e X I . ~ t t l l g - h e t \ \ " ( ~ t : : ' 1 1 :\T.ar'yS. n, X , , ~ h a n d X " om i p, Lacey, tra,iillJ.\'

u n de r t h e t l ; l n l t ~ "Ye Oddity Shoppe," at ,!':o. : ! O ~ . Ha\"prfonl .A\OellUe, = ' a r I H ~ r t h ,

! \ l o l l t ~ o n l t - - ' l o y C"I JUnty . Pa" WiiS d i ~ ~ o l v e dall :\Iay 11. l ~ I : : t j _

.All ( } t ' ) h t ~ (Itll! tn tilt.' ~ ; l i . 1 pn r t l l t ~ r . s h i paloe to he paid to a nd all dehts r l U t ~ hy

t h . ~ . aid p a l ' t n ~ r ~ h i p : l l°p to naifl hy

:\TaI"Y Xa :- h . wh o. nil hilT' OWIl at'count and tlntIer t h t ~ sarn.,- t ! ' ~ t f l l ~ Ila!lll"'

of " Y e O t lf li ty Shoppf'o," will l':n 'ry Oil

the h l l ~ i l l t · . s : - : of thp. ( O l ' l n l ~ l ' l)artnershipat ="0. ~ n : l I - I a \ ' t ~ T ' f o n l AVe-IIUI', ='ill'ht:.'l'th.

"rAllY S, H, :-;,\SI[

:>:.\0:1[[ p, LACI';Y


Feeds Five


-' "U II Ii ' ' I ' ~ : / ( i 1 f '.{ t I'II!I IIf ; <lor! i . :;<11 t i l l ' Dio,,",' C}II ill tll)il,',<, ill

"'The CUIIII,I}'.'1 I ) o ( ' t o ~ ' . " cooJitl:' to

t l,, ' E!I'IIJI;uII ill C!/lII' ' ,l ir! lIc.d

11','rll/,:",lo" ul,,1 TII/II'SI),'!I,





S l'elt'phol1l': MANalunkU


T MJ. E0


Eeelmont Ave nu e a nd TL."erlng Mil l Road



;r\a1"ocrth Library Cards

I\let'e1y Number Borrowers

i \\',1:\: th"1l ;- till' l,Ut'P"s,- of th,'

: c: l l 'd ' ; I'l i,,: . : t l ~ l p t : : CIlJ1Vt'J1ll ' llt dc'\·iev

fni ' nUi111H·rill;.l' t i l ( ' net ivc> hOl' l ' (lWt'I' . ' : .

Eal'h ~ " ' ; l ; ' tho, lihl'arian i.' l'l',!uil','d tl'

, ~ _ ' , ' I \ . ' { ~ :-:t:,'.l-..:tl('aI n'!Hlt't::: til" BI):l l ' tl

"I Tn:-:.',," alld ,0 t I ll ' h orol lg' h .

: h ! " L l ~ h tIll. !l1('diu!\1 nf tIll' j oc al p a

1>11-, 1., t\ ; . . : -: : :\10: L i h r ; l l ' ~ - at HatTis-

' : ' L l r ~ 'lI;,i t" 1.:1 .. !l('acl ' lu:l1'\l ' I' ' ' of til<'

; . \ ; 1 l / ' 1 ' i l ' ~ t i i Lihrary . - \ : - : : ' ( ) l ' ! a ~ i l l l1 in Chi

C;It!, 'l .

TIl;' X ~ l l ' h " l ' t h C [ ) l 1 1 t n u l l i t ~ · Lihrary

i \\·i:·dl(' .i to cn rt ' /' c t a l n i s u n d c l ' s t a n d i n , ~ '\\'hich :--:t'('i.::.": to eU1Tent 1'C',12;anlillg'

: t iH ' l<lall;1,'p in it:' r l ' ~ ' L : . ; t l ' a t i ( ) n sy.;;.;tt·lll.

i TIl(' id,'I:litic:ltif11l card to Il l ' adnpt

! (,.I i" not ill a l i \ ' ~ e l l : , , } of th e \\'ord till'

: nld-fa-hioll(',j ' : I ) ( l l T " \ " t ' l " ~ card" \\'hich! lI"a" "t:llllp',',j ~ ' < l c h ti,ne a readt'l, \\ ' ith

I I d1'(,\\ ' a l ) ~ ) r l k f,:on:. t h t ~ library, Nor

i is it t" h l' I ,! -, 'd t i) the extellt that

:i,!l-Iltitie:ttinn C:ll'd,- ;tre u ~ , - d ill I l l ""t

I or tIH' I : t n ~ ' i ' l ' lihrarl"s, It will ! lo t h l'

i !\{'Ct ' :. .:a ! ' \ ' t(l ~ i 1 ( ) \ \ ' t h t ' cani in (ll'di.'l', ,


Tl:l' Youn,:.!' R [ ' p u h l i c a n ~ of 1.' )\\ ' ('1 '

Jl"I':ot: "'ill .!l':''-'' :1 ,Ianc(' at ( ; I '" "n l I il l

: Fa!'!11" t!li.' : - : ; a t . u r ' b ~ · , T!ll' c o n l l n i t t l ~ ( ')11 , .11<11 ':' :, ' ;11'" ·],oIll1 7Ilc(;:Il'\-,,)'. "I'

Br)'Jl J!:l-,o:r; ;,11"_ WilLlll1 .-\ , Clt' l ll

t ' I 1 ~ ' : In. ~ ' i . ll t .\I'dnl\ll't'. ~ l 1 1 d RDbel't

~ t ' \ l t · . (f ~ I ! ' l ' i ; } l l . R": ' l ' l ' \ ' at iol l : ' fuj '

l h ~ ' d:lnCt' u:a:: ~ i j ' lilad...:· \\'i:h an y 111('lll

h,',' (,1 th ,- a l. , ' ,, ' ( :o l1L1it;" '" ,

Gl 'r t ru de F in ch , : 2 ~ ! , daughter of

Mr. an d :\Irs. Art!ll1r F in ch . o f B ry n

:\lawr. died May 1;; at l\Iiami, Fla.

Edw. A. Carroll Co.Incorporated

Bi'lg'adil'1' <;·'llL'l'al : ~ r a l ' Y C. DiL 'k

~ ( , n , 1;(. dil·ri Jla): 17. \\'hl'n stricken

I,:. a i , , 'an attac1,; ,,-hill' taking a \\'all. ;

llc'a:' hi" h"lHl ' in ilaYerford. A

Iil'J,d I " l ' ~ u l a l ' a,'my " tHcer, Gl 'I l l' r al

IJicks"n \ \ ' :1 ' a technical aU\"l:ior Oil

l i ; : \ L ' ~ l i n l ' .1.;lin ul'dinanl'l' durin!..?: tl1e

\\-"r1d \\"al". : .\1"1\1: 'er of the :.\leriOIl

CI'ici ,d an '! ..\.rlllY ~ \ I ! o , i :\aYy Clubs, he

~ l I i ' \ ' i , ' ~ d by two , 'on - , A. B, Dickslln,

\\'ill1 whom he :1:ld l ~ l U d e h i " h ome for

the !;ht Y,';ll' at Ha\',}rfol'll Gable",

und Tracy C" Jr., Cleblll'llP, Texa_-,

GeIll'ral Dickson \Va" buried at We,;t

Point T U l ! ~ J a ~ ' _

Ed\\'in F . Be rt ol e tt , 80, died l \ I a ~ '18, f rom i n ju ri e " s uf fe l' ed wh en he

Iwas struck by the automobile of Har

vey S. N olt , N ew H ol la nd , o n L an -

Ieaster pike at Buek lane , Hayerford,

Mr. Bertolett',; home wa s at 569 Lan

Iell:iter :\\'enUe, Ha\·erforJ. His widow


II ,John J l c A n e n ~ ' , :;:2, d ied suddenly

May 1\.l, at hio home, Cricket a\'l!

ntle, Ardln"rp. He i, sun'h'e,1 bv h i ~ 'mother who l i \ , ( ~ : i in Ireland; a ~ i s t e l ' , 1

J I l ' ~ , Ro<e Stanton, an d a brother

Pa t ri ck , ha th of Ardmore. 'IMAUSOLEUMS I







Specials for $1.25


• 1\4.Tt-lLIJ__ ~I 3 ~ A U T ~ J t i ( ) V V ~


Make Spr ing Driving Safer with Ready Kilowatt !

Why Death in the Spring?Comes s p ri ng and the first breath of s umme r, T he

open country calls-and there are upon ev er y high

way motorists b y t he t ho us an ds . ' , The question

arises: Shouldspring, of all seasons, become a special

time of Death?

Carefu l dri \ 'i ng, s t ri c ! compl i ance w ith traffic regula·

tions, ::erlai;lty t ha t every part of the car is function·

in g properly - these will do much to reduce the

possibilIty of accident.

But there is another ingredient i;l this Formula of Safety

. , , L i g h t ! Public authorities, while enhreing regula·

tions I,)t t he good 01 all, should be a be to t he duty to

keeF highways properlylighted at night. For statistics

show it IS t hen that most accidents oc::ur, and t h a t w it h

proper iliumina:ion thenumber automatically decreases,

Electricity [s Cheap in t h e Ph i la d e lph ia A r e a

On New Year's Day, 1805, an excited throng was

present t o witness the opening of the f irs t eovcredbridge in America... an d it spanned ou r own Schuylkill Hiver at Market Street!

Previous to lhi s, c ro s sin« ha d been made by fordsor ferries. Pawlin:5's ForJ'crossed Ihe Schuylkill onemile aboveVallev l ~ o r g e . Righter 's Ferry ha d been es.tablislwd at Flat Rockby Act oftheAssemblyinl7 4,1.

In 1810 came the erection of the first brid«c with.in the limits of Montgomery County _ t'etweenlUerion and l\Iana)·unk.

The same ) 'car another br idge was ( 'r ec te d i nChcstcr Coun ty for the Ridge Road, an d in 1828th e Norr is town Bridge was built . • . whcn t he set.tlement wa,; 100 )'ears old.

For mao) ' v'ears, howe'\'er, bridgcs were so few tl tn tth c Schuvlkillwa" a realobstacle to crosswise travel.People lind to lI'avel far t o make a crossing.

The S c h u ) ' I ~ i l 1 , c o u r s i n ~ throup;h ou r thiekl) 'popu.l at ed a rea , IS un obstacle t o the t ransport at i on ofwater which must he overcome b )' muD s ingenuity.The Philadelphia Suburhan Watt 'r Compan)" carrieswater across thi , ; r ive l ' in musshe iron pip('s, onelaid i n the d cep wate r above the Con,;hohockeudam and one through the rocks below it.

Morlday, Tuesday,Wednesday

2 Specials for 85c

3 Specialsfor


Thursday, Friday, Saturday-3

-Spiral and Croquignole .Experienced Operators,

• n

P e r m a n e n !

W a ' Y e s

~ ~ E R T I F I £ D \VATERf r om PEDIG l lEED S T n E A ~ I S ~ '


••• Acr08S th-e S c . / . " y l k i "

S P E e I A L '[ Z, [ N G


43 North Narbcl·th Avenue-Narber th 4077

300 L c v ~ 1 " b g Mill Road-Phone: Cynwyd 927

Open El'clIings by Appointment-ESTABLISHED 1924

l.L! ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ - - - - , - = ~ : = . : . = - - - : - - = - ~ : = . ~ ~

Page 8: Our Town May 22, 1936

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P age E i gh t OUR TOWN May 22, 1936




14 c



.3 No.2 ( 'an' 25c


Something NEW

at BrookmeadAl l the CIll!rIlcd Buttermilk

)' 011 Can Drink fo r Tel l Cents




Stop at Brookmead

Miss R ic e wi ll c al l at YOllr home, if

}'Oll call IlS first t o mak e all appointment

Opeu Daily a"d Slluday U"til 10 P. M.

237 Havcrford Ave. - Narbcrth 3669.2446

Miss Mary E. R i c e ~ Beauty Expert

from Daggett & Ramsdell beauty salon, Rock

e f e lle r P laza, N e w Y o r k C it y, will be here next

Wednesday a n d T hu r sd a y, M ay 27 an d 28 .

Sh e will give a dvi ce on your b eaut y problems

an d give yo u a complete Daggett & Ramsdel l

beauty make-up free of cha rge . To be sure ofan a ppoi n tmen t f o r a make - up j u st phone o r

call us.

As we a r e e qui ppe d to h a nd l e you r n e ed s , l e t

u s s e rv e yo u i n a l l d e ta i ls of service work.


Th e L ec t ur e wil l be ampl if ie d i n t h e S un da y School Rooms

214-216 Bala Ave. Bala-Cynwyd

Phone: Cynwyd 81

t!t!Believe it or not,"

W e invite yo u to inspect ou r remodeled Serv

ic e a nd P a rt s D ep a rt m en ts , which have been

installed to s er ve y ou more qu ic k ly an d effi





J. ].

-a s R i p l e ~ ' would say-when you shop at this Quaker Store. youa re dea li ng with a food mer chan t who ha s back o f h im the buy ingpower of the largest group of food distributors in the wor ld . Whichexplains why our prices are consistently low. H,'re ar(' just a few:

Ann Newton's sweet or bitter sweet

MARMALADE. .2 twelve-oz. glasses, 35c

Fancy young fresh-killed

3-lb. FRYING CHICKENS 1.1., 38cBurk's Liverwurst ~ t i l . 18c

Moland's Dried Beef. 1/1.t t i l . 15c

Fresh tender PEAS. 1i4-pk. 19c

ASPARAGUS. bunch, 19c, 29c


Large fresh PINEAPPLES. each, 15c

Penn Treaty F LOUR •..• '" " '" •. . I2-lb. bag,

Scot Tissuc .•....•..••...•.••.•.••...3 rolls,

Palmolive Toilet Soap •..•••..••.••.••. 3 cakes,

Force, whole wheat flakes •..••.••••••••.2 pkgs.,

Penn Treaty fancy York Sta te


Brookmead Dairy Bungalow

Kirsch Chevrolet Co.


First Church of Christ, Scientist, Ardmore, Pa.announces a

FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCEEntitled-Christian Science Brings Enlightenment for Mankind

by MISS MARGARET MORRISON, C. S.o f Chi ca go , I l l inois--Member of t he B oa rd of Lecturesh ip of The MotherCh ur c h, T h e First Church o f C hr is t, S c ie n ti s t, i n Boston, Massachusetts

in t h e Church Edifice-Athens an d Linwood Avenues

at 8 .15 o 'c lock (D . S. T.)-Monday EveningMay 25, 1936

Se e t he N ew $1000 Churn-S ta in le ss Stecl, White Enamel

FINAL NOTICE . . .I J un e 1 st is th e da y tha t current State Inspec-

I t ion is enforced.







214-216 Bal a Ave.


Photle: Cynwyd 81

Mid-SeasonH A T S

$1.95 to $4.95



54 E. Lancaster Ave.


Flush Radiator

Grease Chassis

Cha ng e Mo to r O il

Adjust Brakes

Tune Mot or

Tigh t en Ca r

Adjust Knee Action

Refill Shock Absorbers

Road Te st a nd R ep or tCondition o f C ar


Elizabeth McGrath


(Reg. $15.10)

KIRSCHChevrolet Co.

Vi l lanova Summer School

Wil l Open JuneA Spring Treat . . . a Heaterless Permanent

- I t ' s safe and ohl how comfonable!Ask anyone who's had one.... Do i t now.

Theeighteenth annual session of thc SUZANNE JORET GILLVillanova Summer Schoo l w ill open

216Dudle Avenue-Narberth 2321--"Monday, June 29, at Villanova College I i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~and in the Catholic Girls' High School, ItNineteenth and Wood s t reets, Phi la

delphia, according to the Rev. Joseph

C. Bartley, O. S . A., dean of the Sum

mer Extension School.

The c ou rs es will continue until

commencement exercises on August 7.

Dr. Bartley estimated that the total

registration wiII be a t housand s tu

dents. Registration w ill be held atCatholic Girls ' High School on June

25 and at Villanova College on JUlie26 and 27.

Rufus M. Jones to Give

Address at Perkiomen School

J PAUL SHEA Narberth 2838-2839Dr. Rufus 1\1. Jones, well-known • -At Narberth Station I

pro fe ssor emer it us o f philosophy at I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,averford College and a leading fig'-

ure in the Society of F ri ends, willgi ....e the graduat ion address at Perld

omen School at i t s for ty- four th com

mencement exercises, which take place

on Friday, June 5, at Pennsburg.

Free Lecture Monday

A f re e l ecture of Chr is t ian Scienc" Iw il l be g iv en i n the First ChuTch of

Christ, Scientist, Athens an d Linwoodavenues, Ardmore, on Monda y e vi' n in g a t 8.15 o'clock. Subj ec t o f the

speaker, Miss Margaret Morrison.

C. S., of Chicago, i s "Christian S c i - l l i ; e § S i § S i E § 5 § S i § 5 § § § § S i § § § § S i § § § S i § § § 5 § S i § § 5 § S i § § § § S i ~ence Bri ngs En li ght enmen t f or Man-kind."


V L ~ Z ~ 2 5 0UP

Croquignole or Spiral including

Permancnts Shampooa nd a

Guaranteed Smart Setting


TONIC WAVES ( fo r Poo r Hair) .OLIVE OIL WAVE ( for Dry Hair) .LUSTRE WAVE ( fo r O il y Hair) .

Spccial Permanents for Bleached and W /tite Hair


Shampoo and 50c 4 Haircutting byFinger

Beauty Aids Male an d Female ExpertsThree Days Before

$1.00 35colidays 70c



TILL 8.15 P. M.

------------1Troop 8 Ha s 40 Awards:

-SPORTLETS- G iv e C lo ck to Captain

Ki\\'anians W in a t Golf

A. L. Nicholson, s ec re ta ry o f t he

Main Line Kiwanis Club, was t he victor at the combined Main Line servicec lubs' golf tournament last Thursday

at the Bal a G ol f C lu b. N ic ho ls onturned in the low card of 82. The

Kiwanians also won t he t eam prize.


Th e g am e , :cheduled with Up]wr

Darby and L ow er :\lerion a s l'om

batants in baseball for T u e ~ d a y aftl'rnoon was postponed. The game mllYbe played this w{'(·k OJ' ] ;I te r on t !l l'

tail-end of the , .;ea"on. The diamondperformers for John Fetter hllve notlived up to ex!)( 'ctatiom this yl'ar.Sporting the best mOlllH!-,ta:i ill : l.'

leagu" wit h D ick \ \' h: tn ,· ;. a nd 1>.

B a , . ; ~ e t t a, th" dllo of ac, ', . Ihe iil 'ld, ·

FI iclll!l, ;lIIIII 22 -Ur s inu s a t VilIa- Narberth T ro op 8 reached the cli-nova, Upper D ar by at Haverford I max of i ts y ea r' s w or k when, at the

High, Norr i stown at Lower MerionIannual Court of Awards Tuesday eve(baseball). ning, more than forty awards w.ere

SlIllIl 'dlll!. Mall 23-P . I. A. A . track made to its ~ e m b e r s . and. the gl,:"ls'----------------1 meet at Pennsylvania State COllege,' p.resented t h ~ J l ' captam, MISS ChrIS-While 2000 schoolboys and school- Haverford vs. Army at Wes t Poi nt t Jr .e Mah l, WIth a compact clock as a

girls s tood in t he s ta nd s t o c he er t he (golf). t ok en o f t he h' a pp re ci at io n the

landing of an auto-gyro on Penny- MouelllN. Mall 25-Long Island at work she has ?on.e for them thIS year.

packer Field Wednesday morning, the Vil lanova (basebal l ). At t he begmnmg of the ceremony

driver-one of Byrd' s L it tl e Ameri ca T/u,sr/ay, May 26-Haverford High Be tt y Orr was invested as a tender

"windmill" operators-quietly dropped at Lansdowne Prospect Park at Rad- f oo t scout. Then second-class badges

his machine on t he uppe r field beh ind nor (basebalh. Lower Merion at were awarded Mar ion Whi ti ng , Dor is

the building, fa r a wa y and out of U pp er Darby, Berw)'n at Radnor MacKel lar and Deborah Smed!ey. At

s igh t o f the waiting multitude. ( boys ' t enn is ) . Uppe r Darby at Low- t hi s p oi nt Miss Helen Melvm, field• • er illerion, Radnor at Berwyn (gi rl s ' captain of Dist r ic t 8, presented mOl'e

Lower Mer ion' s vic tor: -' i n the tennis). than twenty di fferent kinds of pro-

District I track meet at West Chester W Cdl l ( selail, May 27-Haverford Ificiency b adge s t o th e second- and

Saturday was expected, t he expec ta - H igh at Lower Mer ion, Ardmore first-class scouts. Under t he domestions based on results of former (track). t i c science class needlewoman, dress

meets held this s ea son in whi ch the Friday, May 29-Lower Merion at maker, hostess, laundr.ess and cookMaroon team ha s more or less walkcd Chel tenham, Abington at Haver fo rd w er e p re se nt ed t o E hz ab et h F ol tz ,

away wit h a maj or it y o f t he p oi nt s. H ig h ( ba se ba ll ). L ow er l\lerion at Jane Smedle)', Phyllis Folwell and

This victor)' w as t he n in th consccu- Chel tenham, Upper Darby at Radnor Shir ley Vincent. Kathryn Baily,

t iv e f or H en ry D rumm 's c ha rg es , ( bo ys ' t en ni s) . C he lt en ham at Lower E li zabet h Fol tz , Debor ah Smedley,leaving two dual meets, Radnor and Merion, Radnor at U pp er D arb y I Marion Whit ing, Doris MacKellar and

Haverford, and t wo P . I. A. A. meets, (gir],;' tennis). Jane Smedley received hobby badges,

the State championships at State Col- ' Ep is copal Academy 's n ine took a s uc h a s m in st re l, g ar de ne r, g ar de n

lege t omor row and t he Suburbans at week-end t rimming f rom Penn Cha r- flower finder and artist. Phyllis FolNorristown a w ee k l at er . Thi s w inds tel' , 5-3, while Haverford School nosed iwell, Shi rl ey V incent and E li zabe th

up the season f o r t he t rack team, a nd out F ri en ds ' C en tr al in t he I n te r ac IFoltz received badges concerning out-what t hey do in the remaining meets ci rcuit , 6-5. Idoor activities, swimming, pioneer and

will det ermine whet he r t hey ar e a • * * heal th w inne r. O t he r badges awarded

really great t eam. T he ir biggest test K('n Rose, Norristown's negro It o Deborah Smedley, Phyllis Folwell,

comes tomorrow, when they meet the southpaw, p it ch ed a n o- hi t, no-run Jane Smedley a nd S hi rl ey V in ce nt

cr ea m o f th e Pe nn sy h' an ia track gam£' against Chel tenham last week- were home and child nurse, scout aide,

stars. e nd , w hile h is t eammates gathered junior citizen and handywoman.

* * * but t]11'('e hits for a l on e tally. Nor- Attendance stars were presented to

ristnwn , :t il l is undefeated this sea-l E ~ i z a b e t h F?ltz, Janet Hicks, Shirley

,:on. In th(' other Suburban One game/Vmcent, PhIl Folwell and Jane SmedLower l\lerion Lost to Lansdowne, ley.5-2. . . . I n Suburban Two Rad -

IThe c lima x o f the eveni ng was

nor scor£'d ten runs on foul' hits reached when f irs t-class badges were

six ('rrors against Swar thmore, wm-, awarded to Lieutenant Bett)' Sea-

nin!,; ](,-2. sholtz and Jane Smedley, and for five

* " Iyears' association with the GirlHc:n'r1ord College had to be con-, Scouts. Kay Baily, Olive Bates, Phil

tent w it h s ix th p la ce i n the :\liddle Foh,'ell and Shirley Vincent receivedA:lantie States C. A. A. meet at silw,r sen-ice stripes.

have fai l( 'd to !wriorm oehind tb"1 'S .....anhn1Ore. Point getters were

with disastJ'{IU' l ' l · , l I l t , . ,Cnuck Holzer, third in t he , :h ot pu tIVil lanova Gives AwardsIt Is <jmt(' pO'Sll;ll' Ihat t Il l' t ea.. I and f01Ulh in the century sprint; Bill M' L' Y h

wll i f in ish the ",·a.·"11 ,.;ith a winni l' ' ': ' : \ lever . s ,, ('ond in t he j av el in t hr ow to 17 aln In e ou t S

st)'( 'ak. ano n', ti l.Hi-: could. he ]1101'" an, ; t if :h in the discu,: ; Sam Evans The Rev. Dr : Edward ;. Stal,ldford,wdc"ll le tll tIl<' IOCHl ian" i',r UPP(" -'cond in t he 2 20 -y ar d low hurdles, O. S. A .• preSIdent of \ lllano\a ColDal Ly. : : \ ( l l ' r . ~ t l l v ..n a nd R adno r J'(': :dld Sturg(' Poorman, t ie foJ' third in l ege. last week c o n ~ e r r e ~ awards onIlllUn lin Illl' ,:I1,'d\l:l'. ",(' high jump. Ru tg erE won th e these seventee,n 1\lal11 ~ I ~ ~ students

.\O!TI>,tOWIi .s "d e on Pl'nnypuek,. ' : :" ''- ' \\' , ,11 : ]1 point,:. . . Haver-I for extra-curncular act 1\'1 tJes :FJ{ hi til;" I , : ' \ {, noon. and if Ihen' 1-· , , . . . : l'<'unl'{.d Swarthmore at b a ~ e - Th om as F. Kennedy,.Jr., . b a ~ l d ,a tcall1 ,n;.' the B u l l d o g ~ would Iii·.·. ' .Il:.. ~ 1 - : 2 . Ham WeIbourne al lowing basebal l , Belle Air, boxmg , . lumorto jie;;. ,I " the n ;ne from ::\orristo\\'!•. , !:,:: :'(lur h i t ~ .... Tuesdav Hav- class . Villanovan; James Lyons, Ard

' f I l l ' Blw Canaries, or Eag-le>" b,l\ . ' " , : ( : 1: _ t ra ck a nd field "tars' closed more, boxing. day students' club, 15?

k 'n quit" luck:", ) ' e ~ l u e k ~ ' , for ,\ . 'c," ;,.:ason without defeat in a dual IJ lound football intra-mural a t h l ~ t l cI l l " ,i, pll'nty of luck to win hi/!, , ,"' :. ~ n a l victim being La1'ayelte committee, intra-mural a t h l e t l . ~ s ,,.ell<:o] b a ~ e b a j ] g ames . a ny ~ e a ' , , ; . :",: !",t ,he nll'l.t. 77-2H. Itrack, V i l l a n o v ~ n ; Claude LaDow: vll-j ll ;IJlv of th('ir games have be('n w( J );ll1ova band. VJllanovan; John RItter,

IJy ; hc mar gi n ,,!' one I'l lll on tl.. in thi s wc( 'k '" opening games in I \ V a ~ · n e . band.

home g r o u l ] ( I ~ . ~ , l ( l r e glon' 10 thl'!.' ' ill : ll ain Line Twil ight League, theI Tho ma s J. Flaherty, Jr.. Bryn

foJ' t lwy have bl 'u ; making thei r lu, I : ,el'''', W"j ' { ' : Cynwyd, 5; Ardmol'('. l.llIlawr. Belle ~ i r ; J 0 ~ 1 l 1 Henry , Ard

and have r idd"n along nicel ,' on I. " ' :<;: 1"" '1 : h, :]: St. Luke'". 1. Wes t mor e. B"l le A ll ', s emor c la ss ; F lo r

{')'ed of a winn.ng: " trea l \. I bl'l il ' . : , !: :nw;un];. !I; South Brvn :\lawr, 2.1 indo Troncelli t i , Bryn l \I awr , Bel lethe ; lJaroon wil l ,ak" t hem t il ;, ;. . '( " " . IAir , s en io r c la ss ; V ic to r Ashe, Br,:n

l('rnoon if th(' illl,'S want to phi ,' hi, :-:Jetz,'1'. of Epi,. ;copal Academy, won l Il aw r D ay S tu de nt s' Club; :llano

Either \\'hitn('y ",' B a ~ s e t t can ill tho r unni ng broad j ump wit h a ] "ap Menocal , Bryn l\lawr, 150-pound footwell ('nough 10 lInng l1On1( a ,'ieto,. d:?1 fl 'd i n c h e ~ at the 40th an- ball, Villanova Engineer; Frank Rog-

nual !nten'cholastic at Princ"ton, :\"1 t'rs, Merion, . 1 5 0 - p o U 1 ~ d football, inna-

The suburban . iunior high "'be.; .J.. and his t('ammate F"rnwalC] placedIIJlUral a t h . l . e t l c ~ •..tenms .. , '. ' . .nwl't at R o o ~ e y d t Field, N o r r i ~ t o \ \ , J ] I f,:u! ,n in the 2:. !O-yard low hurdles . A n t h o n ~ Cllllto, BI n l\1a\\I, glee

tomorrow f or I he champion,hip tr;.,·; ;u t il" . iump "Y"llt Coleman and l\lac-/ club; Eugene B a r r ~ Bryn lI lawr, golf,m(',,!. W ('st C h e ~ t e r . Ujlper Dar". \ i r: udd"n. Haw'l'ford School, placed illtra-mura.1 athletIcs; J o s e ~ ) h S ~ l e a ,Haverford and Loy..er :llerion 100111 a : tl li rd and fifth n · ~ p e e t i \ ' ( ' ] ~ ' . : l l ( ' r e U ' ~ - Narbcrt!l, I,ntra-mural ~ t h l e t l c s , V I I . I ~ -t.he strong,,:,t cont('nder, f or t op h,,1. I b t n ~ \\"11 the m£'l't. Iloya Engll1eer; l I lano T ronccl ht l.

or,.;. Th" L<'opards under Rogel' 1.:1': I < * Bryn l I lawr, junior class.

coln hav" don" much bett"r this " ; ' ~ : , Low{r :l1"rion',.; pow"rful track t,'am Edward TroncelIiti, Bryn lIlawr,son than anticipated. They hay :hud no t rouble winning the P. 1. A. A./ Lambda Kappa De lt a; Manri co T ron

won all dual and t ri pl e mee ts t h 'Dis: ric, Ol l ( ' mel't at West Chester icl·lIiti, Lambda, Kappa Delta; Thomas

far and topped the field at TOIu with (iO I,,'ints. but the real thrill/'I. Carbine, Villanova, swimming', ViI~ l ' b o o l , Port D(·posit. :\lal'yland, la, came whl'n .John Smith, Ridley Park, lano\"an.

w"d;. Upp"r Darby, Nor th Ca thoL . , ( I ;, n"w Stat" rccord in the shotput'l

I l a \ ' ( ' r ~ o , r d , N O ~ T i s t o w n and Chest, : .. .j f"d. (i I,., i n c h e ~ . with Robertson, Sen'n, \ \ i i ~ l Penn Honors

])av(' !::iJ( n before the speed of tl .,\·",,·t,.; and Bel 't "m all of Low"r : l l er - l .S"vcn :\lalll Lllle students haye been

Orange and Black in dual meetc,: i ' ' ] l ~ trailing him o rd cr . S mi th al- ( 'l (' ct ed to the Univcrsi ty of PennsylThe boy,: ha \' " a fail' chance of wiI., I :'(1 s, : a new State record in the dis-I vania's s('nior and honor societies.n ing t he Suburbans tomorrow, if tJ (U,.. 1::;] fe(·t, 10 1 J i n c h e ~ . Johnny I They are Andrew J. K e l l ~ ' , Merion,

~ o n t e ; , t a n t s live up to former shov., : \ l c l n t ~ , ] ' ( " ~ J . , s ,: t a district record an(,1 John , P. C,, Ludlow, A r d m ~ ~ ' e ,mg". JIl the half mile, t llne 2 : 0 l . ~ . Leech FrHlrc senIOr soclCty; John D. Gill,

! won th" broad jump, Witte tool, the/.Jr., Bala-Cynwyd, Hexagon senior so-Cynwyd l\1an Disposes of 11,H1, Rober t, . was f ir st in the 2:?0-yard cidy; TIo/!er A. Hang-er and JameE'.H.

l\1edals. Trophies In Wid low hurdle',.;. Quinll. hoth of Bala-Cynwyd, Sphlllx" senior society; Hanger was also e1ect-

Nathan Sp(' r ing, of C y n w ~ ' d , who Villanova lost i ts t hi rd ba,:eball ('d to Beta Gamma Sig-ma, honorary

died April 30, in hi s wil l f il l'd a t Nor -, game thi;, ~ ' e a r to Providence , 12-10. \Vharton School society; Britton

j'istown, disposing of an estate valu('d i The Wildcat s haye won eleven. Chance, Haverford, S igma Xi, hon -

at $1,::lOO, bequeaths medals, c u p ~ and mary scientific society; Joseph 1\1. De-some other t r o p h i e ~ t o t he Phi Jad" l- Jeering Students Doused lone, Jr., Overbrook, K it e a nd Key,

phia Rifle Association; military un i- Th(' Merion Fire Company of Ard. h o n o r a r ~ ' society.forms t o t he Old Guard, S tate Fenci -, mor e c la imo t o have won the debat.e I a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ! " . ! " ~ ~ ! ! ! . ~ _ ~ 1b le s; a ~ w o r d to a daughter. Isabel S.' ~ v i t h Haverford College students overlDaley, which was c ar ri ed by her It s abJ!Jty to put o ut a b la ze .grandfather, George H. Smi th . o f the When the tire departnll'nt wasOld Guard, First R('giment, N. G. O. called to the Haverford Athll'1ic fil,ldD e c ~ d e J ? t p re s( 'n ts a r evol ve r, g iv en l a , : ~ T h u r s d a ~ ' evening to extill,gUishIto hIm III 1812when he was foul' years a hIt' IJ1 the grandstand at \\ alton I

old Lientenant Harry E"erl:-', of iF ie ld , t he s tudent s, dissatisfied with

the Second and Christian stl'eet" po-! the tir"men's met hods , " to ad by and

lice s tat ion, Philadelphia, to S'II jeered. The firemen resented. TheyHarold Crof!. The balance of the es- extinguished th e blaze and then

tat" goe s t o t he two chi ld ren. Nathan i turned the hos e on the undergradu-

S. Spering an,d Isabel S. D a l l ' ~ " . The; ates. . •son, Nathan, IS named executor III the Los,.; to the graJl(!";tand was $<>00;

will, written ::Ilarch 12, 18 days p re - dry c lc 'a ne rs d id a n ic e suit pressing-v i o u ~ to the dea th o f decedent. trade.

Mrs. JClurdet Given Divorce

A divor ce on undisclosed grounds

has been granted in Philadelphia Common Pleas Cour t No.3 to Mrs. Mil dred M. Jourdet f rom Lon W. Jourdet,

Penn basketball coach, whos" residenceis on Hampden avenue, Na rbe rt h .

They were married in 1916.