out-of-tow- n thomas 2 yob rleivcomb. · ideally located near asheville. military. ' hfchly...

1 THE HENDERSON GOLD LEAF- - THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1904. CHALMERS-TUCKE- R. Death of Mrs. James T.- - Wiggins. The Ocean House, Virginia Beach. VI1EH YOU VAUT THE OLD RELIABLE I lue Seaboard Air Line Railway will operate a special train from Ral-- . eigh to Oxford, via Henderson, on account of St. John's Day celebra- tion Saturday, June 25th. Leave i Henderson 8:45 a. m.. retnrniner. Chlldrcrfo That. FN, VJaah and wear well at 50c and 75c. All Styles. Thomas 2 Rleivcomb. THE BINGHAM GCHOOL 222 Ideally located near Asheville. MILITARY. ' Hfchly commended by Army 0!FHT Bd Army Inspectors. Refusing Pupils instead of increasing accommodations. 130 per half term. COL. R. BINGHAU, SupL, k. F. D. No. 4, Asheville, N. C THERE IS NOPE alwajB, but a proper system of hank- ing makes hope a certainty. By using the facilities offered by Citizens bank, Henderson, N. C, wrecks and disasters in the commercial world will be great- ly lessened in unmbers, and financial failures mitigated. Protection to Depositors, $500, 000 Citizens Bank, Hendersou, II. C. SOMETHING COOL -- TRY- Parker's Milk Shakes, and Otter Popular Drinks. ANYTHING Yob Like at Parker's Two Drug Stores A shower bath and a brisk rub down means health and renewed energy. No bathroom is completely equipped if a shower bath is absent. 15he . Standard PORTABLE .:. SHOWER Is an ideal fixture for every bathroom and costs only $15.00 complete. If you will call we will take pleasure in showing you the fixture, but if you can-- 1 not, write or phone us and we will mail you the beautiful booklet, "For Beauty's Sake' which illustrates and describes the Shower. MOTHER'S BREAD BAKED FRESH EVERY DAY. No better bread made anywhere. The best is none too good for our cus- tomers and this we are giving them in our Mother's Bread. Phone us at 104 and get it fresh every day, or buy at the Davis & Watkins Grocery Store. J. R. CARTER & CO. Ohio Railway, SCENIC ROUTE TO - ROUTE. Vestibuled, Electric-Lighte- d Trains with direct connections. SPECIAL RATES FOR HENDERSON. N. C. - - $23.30 engaged upon application. days at rate of f 17.00. Correspondingly low your tickets accordingly. For coach excursion address C. & O. RV. Richmond. Va. Browne & Pearson, Henderson, N. C. One of the grandest resorts on the Atlantic coast is Virginia Beach, and one of the best places to stop at is the Ocean House, conducted by Mrs. N. L. Campbell. Situated within a few steps of the main station of the Norfolk & Southern Railroad, the Chesapeake Transit Company, and tliePrinces8AnneHotel.it rnmmenHa itself for convenience and desirable location, while for comfort and the elegance of the table fare leaves noth- ing to be desired. Cool and pleasant rooms newly furnished throughout, with postoffice, telephone exchange and barber shop in the hotel. Table supplied at all times with the best the market affords. All kinds of sea food a specialty. In connection with the hotel is a restaurant where every product of the sea and land to be Eurchased in Tidewater Virginia will to order. Regular meals 50 cents. The Ocean House is under the man-- , agement of Mrs. N. L. Cambell, say- ing which guarantees high class ser- vice, comfort and pleasure to guests. See advertisement elsewhere in this paper. Driven to Desperation. Lirinir at an "nnt of the nv nbuv. rrmnU from civilisation, a family is often driven to desperation in case of accident, resulting in Burns. Cnts. Wounds. ITWin t Ijir in a supply of Bncklen's Arnica Salve. It's the Dem on earth. 25c at Melville Dorsey's drug store. Mr. Ellsworth's Alumni Address. From the News And Observer Ac count of the meetinc of the alumni association of Trinity College, and me aaaress oi Mr. u. V. Ellsworth, of Washington City, at Trinity com-menseme- nt last week o tn-- a tho following: lhe alumni meeting was like the reunion of a irrear, familv Mr CinnA. win Davis Ellsworth, who graduated witn the class of '80,-wa- s the speaker of the day. He spoke in a reminis- cent strain and referred tn -- th four teen manly, big hearted fellows who grauiatea irom Trinity now almost a quarter of a century aero when he left her walls. He spoke of how the class appeared and of the hopes, am otions ana pnae tnat filled each breast. "Old Trinitv." he aeirl "hnrt trained the intellect and fired the ambition. He SDoke some fortv minutes. It was just such an address as is appre ciated oy tnose who gather at their alma mater for reunion on an oc- casion like this. AN ALARM CLOCK FOR 35C. If you want to fret up early and feel good all day take a Little Early Riser or two at bed time. These famous little pills relax the nerves, irive quiet rest and refreshing sleeo. with a gentle movement of the bowels about breakfast time. W. H. Howell, Houston, Tex., says "Early Risers are the best pill made lor constipation, sieh headache, For sale at Parker's Two Drug Stores. Good Work of the Insurance Depart- ment. The Raleigh Post last week, in re- ferring to the good work of the In- surance Department under the able and discreet management of Hon. James R. Young, said: Hon. James K. Young, insurance commissioner, paid into the State Treasury yesterday $9,300.17, that amount being the collections for the department during May. This is a gain of $2,741.17 over the collections for May, 1903. As an indication of the steady increase in the receipts of the department it is of interest to note that the receipts for the new year since April 1st are over $5,000 more than for the same period last year. Commissioner Young says there is every indication now that the grand total of receipts for the year will be $200,000 as compared with $174,000 for last year. SELLING AT COST! To close my business I will sell my entire stock of Millinery, Novelty Goods, Kats, Silks, Flowers, Ac, AT COST! All are seasonable goods many of them bought this season. Mrs. N. M. Lehman. Jlf POffT OF THE CONDITION CITIZENS DANK, At Henderson, in the State of North Caro lina, at the close of business June 9th, 1904. Loans and Discounts 284,937.33 Overdrafts secured, none; unse- cured 1 ,605.21 Stocks, securities, etc 18,961.25 Banking-hous- e, Furniture and Fixtures 10,732.73 Doe from Banks and Bankers... 104,219.54 CheVrks and other cash items 2.339.22 Gold Coin .,... 3,717.50 Silver Coin 4,900.81 National Bank Notes and other United States Notes.... 18,645.00 27,263.31 ' Total 450,058.59 UUULITItm. Capital Stock paid in - $ 100,000.00 Surplus Fond 15,000.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid..- - 9,035.41 Individual deposits subject to cheek... 21tt,741.46 Demand certificates of dexsit.. H.672.99 Savings Deposits ..' . 96,933.51 Cashier's checks outstanding 43O.70 Liabilities other than those above stated ' , 244.52 Total 450,058.59 State of North Cabolwa,! . - County of Vance. $m ; r. I, W. A. Hunt, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. A. HUNT, Cashier: Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 15th day of June, 1904. P. T. JONES, Notary Public. Correct Attest: W. S. PARKER, SAMUEL WATKINS, A. C. Z0LLICOFFER, Directors. List Your Taxes I will be at the court house every day until Monday, June 20th, for the purpose of taking the tax lists. Per- sons who have not already listed their taxes are requested to call and do so at once, as those who fail to list are guilty of a misdemeanor and liable to indictment. . J. Lr. Currin. Tax Lister for Henderson Township. Mrs. James T. Wiggins died at her home a few miles North of Hender son Thursday afternoon, aged 63 years. The end was sudden and un- expected. She had been sitting on the porch and telling her daughter that she felt tired she said she was going in and lie down awhile. Some time thereafter she was found dead. Mrs. Wiggins was a good woman, a kind and thoughtful neighbor and will be greatly missed in the neigh- borhood where she lived. She was loved by all whoknew her and in her death the family sorrow not alone. Beside her husband she is survived by four sons and four daughters to gether with numerous other relatives. The burial occurred at 3o clock Saturday afternoon interment being made in the old Joe Basket place. Rev. Mr. Atkins pastor of the Mt. Auburn Christian church, conducted the service. Every bottle warranted, but not one re turned, is the report regarding Da. Seth Ab-nold- 'h Balsam (the best Summer Remedy) from a large number of druggists in the South. This Balsam is warranted yon by M. Dorsey and W. W. Parker (Two Drug Stores.) 0OMPERS0MAL Messrs. Frank Edwards and Tom Winston, of Oxford, were Henderson visitors Sunday.' Miss Annie Page is home to spend vacation from Rock Hill, S. C, where she has been teaching. Misses Bessie Morgan and Annie Shaw, of Shawboro, are the guests of Mrs. Richard J. Corbitt. Miss Mabel Young, of Raleigh, has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. A. Hunt,. for several days. Miss Onie Watson is home from Wilson, where she has" been teaching, to spend the vacation. Misses Essie Cobb, of New York, and Lucy Andrews, of Raleigh, are visiting Miss Bessie nines. Misses Perdie and Sue Briscoe re turned Tuesday from- - their Northern trip, their father n oon . mnn J n vm o them. Messrs. J. B. Owen and D. Y. Cooper left Monday for Asheville to attend the bankers' convention in session there this week. Misses Laurine Home, of Green ville, and Jennie Dixon, of Rocky Mount, are guests of Mrs. J. T. B. Hoover this week. Messrs. Alex Gary, of Danville, Va., and Eugene Gary, of New York City, are visiting their parents. Col. and Mrs. W. Jfi. Gary. Mr. C. A. Lewis went to Winston Tuesday to attend the meetina- - of the Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias in session there this week. Mr. Hamilton Young, of Washing ton City, came for a short visit to his sister, Mrs. J. D. Rose, last weeK, returning home Sunday. Miss Ethel Tarry, of Mecklenburg county, Va., who visited her sister, Mrs. Will T. Watkins, last wees, re turned home Saturday. Mr. P. H. Brown went to Raleigh Tuesday evening to attend the an- nual convocation of the Grand Chap- ter of Royal Arch Masons. Mrs. Maria Harris goes to Greens boro this week to stay awhile with her sister, Mrs. Sue Doub, and will be away about two months. Misses Louise Venable, of Chapel Hill, and Jessamond Gant, of Bur lington, N. CM were the guests of Miss Leah Perry tne past weeK. Misses Page Nichols, of Petersburg, Va.. and Margaret Stedman, of Ral eigh, spent a few days with Miss Olivia Darab the past week. Mrs. Browne and Mrs. Barrett, of Portsmouth. Va.. mother and sister of Mr. 6. R. Browne, came yesterday to attend the Browne-Hoov- er mar riage. Misses Marv Andrews, of Raleieh. Fannie Brodie, of Wilson, and Carrie Hellen Moore, of Littleton, were the guests of Mrs. Jennie Brodie last week. Cant. W. B. Shaw has trone this week to attend a reunion of the old army corps cadets of the Virginia Military Institute, ot wincu ne was a member. Mr. N. V. Pearson, of the firm of Browne & Pearson, is here to attend the Browne Hoover marriage, and will return to his home in Ports- mouth today. Misses Claudia Ellsworth, of Wash ington City, Leila Wrright, of Dur- ham, and Gertrude Barnes, of Wil-o- n. are visitincr Miss Rebecca Wat kins in Henderson. - Misses Edna Taylor, J ulia Winston, Jennie Gregory and Gertrude Lan- - dis. of Oxford. sDent a tew days in Henderson last week as the guests of Miss Julia Cooper. Mr. James Jones, of the Western Union Telegraph Company's oper ating force in Atlanta, is home on a short vacation to visit nts parents, Col. and Mrs. T. L. Jones. Miss Ellen Clack came last week from Virginia to stay awhile with her hmther. Mr. J. R. Clack. She has been away three years and says she notes many changes in Henderson during that time. Mr. G. D. Ellsworth returned home to Washington City Sunday, having stopped over a few days witn mends here on his return from Durham. where he delivered the alumni ad dress at Trinity College Tuesday. Messrs. George B. Harris and L. R. Gooch have gone on an extended the continent. Thev will visit several places in California, go- - TV - J T l-- A ing Via lseuver turn otui aj.c uuu will probably take in the Yellowstone XT x i 1 T1. Vst Mfnm in Mm. Edwin Stenhens has returned from her Western trip, where she has been some months with her daughter, Mrs. J. S. E. Youne. Lieut. Young beincr stationed in Arizona. On her Mfnm Mrs Stenhens visited the St Louis Exposition and stopped in New r i 1 OI K UWllUC. Dr. C. J. Moffett is a graduate of medicine and has as much right to prescribe for the sick as any physician, and gives to mother his "TEETHLNA" as the best remedy they can use for teething children. "TEETHINA Aids Digestion, Begolates the Bowels, Over-mme- a and Counteracts the Effects of the Summer's Heat and makes teething easy. Pretty Noonday flarriace st Um EpU- - coptl Church Wednesday Tils LQa Tucker Becomes the Bride of Mr. W. At. Chalmers, of WUconstif. A pretty noonday marriage was solemnized at the Church of the Holy Innocents yesterday, uniting one of Henderson s loveliest young daugh ters and a prominent young business man of Wisconsin, formerly of V ir- - finia. Tne contracting parties were Murray Chalmers and miss faiza Cummings Tucker. The prominence and popularity of these two young people attracted a large and fashionable audience to witness the ceremony. There weie several out-of-tow- n visitors. The altar was beautifully decorated for the occasion with' palms, ferns and lovely white flowers, and with the burning candles presented a pretty and entrancing scene. Rev. Julian E. Ingle performed the ceremony, Miss Alice Cheek presiding at the organ. To the soft strains of Men- delssohn's wedding march the ushers, Mr. Eugene Gary, of New York City, Dr. Edward B. Tucker, Mr. Augustus Moore and Mr. E. G. Landis marched up the centre aisle and took positions on each side of the chancel. Then followed the maid of honor, Miss Julia Tucker, sister of the bride. The bride entered leaning on the arm of her brother, Dr. John Hill Tucker, by whom she' was given away. . lhe groom, accompanied by his best man, Dr. Howson Cole, of the United States navy, entered from the vestry room and joined them at the altar. The words that made the twain one were then spoken, they be ing married with a ring. The bride wore a magnificent Parisian gown of accord ian pleated chiffon and point ace over white silk with bridal veil caught with a beautiful diamond pin. She carried a lovely bouquet of lilies of the valley, with fern sprays tted with tulle. Immediately after the marriage Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers left on the North bound train for an extended bridal tour, at the conclusion of which they will make their home in Sparta, Wis consin. Miss Tucker was one of Henderson's loveliest and -- most popular young ladies. She is the eldest daughter of the late Dr. John H. and Mrs. Willie Hill Tucker, and is greatly beloved or her beautiful character and wo manly worth. . Mr. Chalmers is a native of Dan ville, Va., and is said to be a young man of fine business qualifications, who holds a responsible position with the American Tobacco Company in Wisconsin. Comedy Company of Genuine Negroes The IRabbit's Foot Comedy Com pany is billed to appear here Mon- day night. This is an aggregation of colored talent and they will be re called as having given a performance in Henderson last September. At that time the Gold Leaf referred in complimentary terms to thCcredit- - ble character of the entertainment and the amusement afforded, to gether with the polite bearing of the managers and the good behavior of the entire troupe. The advance agent who was here Monday tells us the company is better this season than it ever was. . Quite a number of white persons attended the perfor mance when they were here before a special section being reserved for them. Startling Evidence. Fresh testimony in great quantity is constantly coming in, declaring Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds to be unequaled. A recent expression from T. J. McFarland Bentorville, Va., serves as example. He writes: "I had Bronchitis for three years and doctored all the time without being benefited. Then I began tak- ing Dr. King's New Discovery, and a few bottles wholly cured me." Equally effective in curing all Lung and Throat troubles, Con- sumption, Pneumonia and Grip. Guaranteed by M. Dorsey, Druggist. Trial bottles free, regluar sizes 50c, and $1.00. Jones-Hom- er. The approaching: marriage of Miss Maud Jones and Mr. William F. Hor- ner has been publicly announced by handsomely engraved cards which read as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Jones Invite you to be present at the marriage of their daughter Maud, to" Mr. William Ferebee Horner, Wednesday evening, June the twenty- - ninth, nineteen hundred and four, at eight o'clock, Presbyterian Church, New Store, Virginia. At Home after July the fifteenth, Rosemajy, North Carolina. . . THE IiADlES favor painting their churches, and therefore we urge every Minister to remember we give a liberal quantity of the Longman 4 Martinez Paint toward the paint ing. Wears and covers like gold. Don't pay $1.50 a gallon for Linseed Oil (worth 60 cents) which you do when you buy other paints in a can with a paint label on it. 8 & 6 makes 14, therefore when yon want fourteen gallons of paint, buy only eight of L. k M., and mix six gallons pure Linseed Oil with it, and thus get paint at less than $1.20 per gallon. Many houses are well painted with four gallons of L & M. and three gallons of Lin seed Oil mixed therewith. These Celebrated Paints ere sold by Mel- ville Dorsey, druggist. ' HOT SPRINGS, ARK. One Fare Plus $3.00 for Round Trip. Tickets on sale every Wednesday and Sat- urday during June, July, August and Sep- tember. Return limit 60 days. Ths Frisco System in connection with the Rock Island 8ystem from Memphis offers the best route. Write for literature and full par- ticulars. - - S. L. PARROTT, D. P. A., Atlanta, Qa. COACH KCURSIC3Ft6ST. LCJIS, I.D. etht mmon mum m nu. TIA C. t O. ROUTE, AT SPECIAL C8ACH EXCURSION RATES. On each Tuesday and Thursday during the month of June, special 10-da- y coach excur- sion rates will be in effect to St. Louis and return via C. A O. Railway. See display ad. lor rates. Fast vestibuled trains with through coaches to St. Louis Tia Cincinnati and Bis; Four Boutes. For further information, address - : W. O. WABTHEN, District Passenger Agent C. 4 O. Railway, Richmond. Va. leave Oxford 5:30 p. m. Fare from Henderson 50 cents for the round trip. The rumor that Willie Townes, who is alleged to have shot and killed William Badger in the crap game affair as reported last week, had been arrested in Baltimore together with John Taylor, one of his associates in the game, is incorrect. Neither of them has been apprehended. Hood Jones, who also made his escape at the time of the killing, has been caught at Weldon. Note change in advertisement of the Watkins Hardware Company this week. Special attention is called to the making and repairing of to- bacco flues. Full line of sash, doors, blinds, lime and cement, buggies, wagons and harness. The Cyclone feed cutter aud shredder is something every farmer should have. The best made. General hardware, paints, farming tools, stoves and ranges, kitchen utensils, etc. Nice line of ladies' belts at H. Tbom-ason'- g. . - -- . . Browne-Hoove- r. The marriage of Mr. Ollie It. Browne and Miss Annie Hoover will be solemnized at 12 o'clock today. It will be a quiet home wedding and only a few immediate friends and relatives will be present. After the marriage Mr. and Mrs. Browne will leave on an extended bridal trip go- ing via Old Dominion Line to New York, then to Boston. and his old home in upper Massachusetts. Preparing for Winter. The Gold Leaf received a letter last week from Capt. J. S. Poythress datedJCoalburg, W est Virginia, June 10th, in which he stated that he was right at the coal mins and had bought a big lot at low prices. Be- ing on the ground gave nim an ad-vauta- . , of buvinc o at lone ranM r- - and he proposes to give his customers the benefit of his foresic-h- t and eood fortune in making the deal he has. He advises his friemla t.herefnra nnt to place any orders until they se mm. Fans of various kinds and m-ice- s at II. Thomason's. - - - A. & M. College. Young men desiring preparation for industrial careers in life should write to President Winston, at West Raleigh, N. C, for a catalogue of the Agricultural and Mechanical College. Entrance examinations will be held in each court house in North Caro--lin- n on Tuesday, July 14, 1904. The Summer School for Teachers will be- gin July 4 and close July 29. The State Farmers' Convention will begin August 1 and close August 3. See advertisement in another column. wanted!" Laborers, pipe layers, and lead calkerg at Kinston, N. C, about June 20th, on sewer and water-work- s construction. Apply to West Construction Co., Kinston, N. C. Compliment to Two Henderson Young Ladies. Misses Olive and Ethel Harris, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. S.R.Harris, have been invited to sing in thecboir at Ocean Grove, N. J., this summer. The invitation comes from Prof. Tali Esen Morgan, the noted choir leader and musician, and when it is known that only the best talent is engaged the high compliment paid these young ladies can be more fully appreciated. The choir is composed altogether of soloists, and some of the finest singers in the country are heard there every season. The audi- torium at Ocean Grove is a magnifi- cent structure the acaustic properties of which are said to be equalled in this country only by the great Mor- mon Temple in St. Lake. - -- . You are liable to an attack of some form o Bowel Complaint and should provide your- self with the best known Remedy, Db. Seth Arnold's Balsam. Warranted by Melville Dorsey and W.W.Parker (Two Drug Stores.) Death of a Well Known Colored Man. Nick Williams, the well known col- ored porter at Mossenburg's Hotel, died in Franklinton lost Thursday night. He was taken sick about three weeks ago and went home. Mr. and Mrs. Ma8senburg went to see him several times while he was sick and attended the funeral. His chief desire to get well was that he might come back to his work and be with "his folks" again. During his delirious moments he would ask for the call list, was going to meet the train or had to go and see what "Miss Carrie" wanted. Nick had been with Mr. Massenburg twenty years and he was one of the best known and best liked hotel porters in the State. Memorial Service. The Odd Fellows held their me- morial service Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock in the Methodist Episcopal Church. There was a good attend- ance of members of the lodge with flowers. Rev. J. D. Larkius deliver- ed an excellent address which was listened to with raDt attention. He spoke of the aims andjobjects of Odd Fellowship and recited instances of what the Order has done in the cause of humanity showing that the f rater- - vickl oniinf or ifrl. Vrfonsialiin. Trwp nnil IIU.I CU41IV V" A " ' " Truth as its motto stands for some-rhin- rr Those who heard Mr. Lar- - kins went away we are sure with; a hia-he- r conceDtion of the Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows than they had before. His remarks were touch- ing at times and brought tears to the eves of manv in the audience. At the conclusion of the services at tho phnwh the Odd Fellows went in n hnilv tr Kim wood Cemeterv and strewed flowers on the graves of de ceased members buried there. WANTED. Belgian Block makers on Washington Block also quarry Diacjcsmiui. A. B. COOK, Wakefield Granite Quarries, Petersburg, Va. To the Voters of Vance County. if tha ailiMfnfinn of several friends I herewith announce myself a candidate for tne omce oi ixiunry ireaeura suujcvb to the Democratic Primary. If WtMl T nrnraiM a faithiol compli ance to the law in the discharge of the Just Hfceived a Hatnlsome Line of CMMran Sample Swtta, ' Consist inn of the latest .Vorefttss. BUSTER BROWS SUITS, RUSSIAN BLOUSES, JAPANESE BLOUSES, SAILOR SUITS. Ac. SiiMt run from 3 toS. Oufy S2J&0 whik they last. B. S. Aronson NOTICE. BY AUTHORITY OF A CONSENT of Superior Court f Vance Count v. rendered st the May term. 1W04. thereof' 1 shall sell by pultli? miction to the highest Milder at tbe (onrt House door in Header- - son, N. C, on m4my. Jwfr 41, 1904, the house and lot at Kittrell. known as the Martha Blacknall place. Terms: cash, bal- ance in 6 months. PoNfUtMaion fi nm umn as sale is conformed. Kittrell, h7. C, June 2, 1004. T1I0S. II. Bl ltWKLL, AdminiHtrator and Commissioner. TRUSTEE'S SALE. AUTHORITY OF A DEED OF UNDER executed to me by J S. Bunvell and wife, dated Jan. 1Mb, 1898, and duly recorded in the office of tbe Register of Peed of Vance County in Book 20,1'aire 457. 1 will st'U by public auction for cash at the Conrt House door in Henderson, on Smtm4mi, Jmlf f fit, 1904. At noon, that lot of land fronting 48 feet on the West side of (iarnett street iu the town of Henderson and running back along tli North side of Young street one hundred and forty-thre- e feet, adjoining the lots of Mrs. Kmma Hurdee on the North and IHv F- - It. Harris on the Went, being lots No. 7.H and 9, in the partition of the lands desi-ende- to the heirs of Mrs J. S. E. Young, deceased This sale is made by consent and arrangement of the parties interested. Tins June 13th, l'.HH THOMAS M. PITTMAX, Trustee. Industrial Education. A. & M. College, Raleigh, N. C. Agriculturo, Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Meelinnical nnJ Alin- ing), Industrial Chemistry, Tex- tile Industry. 530 Students, 35 Instructors, Tuition $20 a year, Board $8 a mouth, 120 SrholarshipH. Address President Winston, Raleigh, N. C. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I NOTICE ali fled as Eiecutor ot Mrs. Sallie J. E. Burwell, deceased. All persons having claims against said decedent are hereby noti fied to exnibit same to me on or before tne 17th day of Jnoe, A. I)., 11)05, nt Henderson, N. C, This June 17, 1004. J. S. llfRWELL. Eiecutor. Thomas M I'ittma.v, Attorney EXECUTOR'S NOTICE IS HEREBY tHVEN THAT I NOTICE as Executor of W. A. Cun ningham, deceased, and that all persons hav- ing claims against 1 he decedent are reqnlred to exhibitsame lieforo me at or lx-fo- tbe 3rd day of June, A. 1)., 104. Henderson.. . ... June V. I5IU4. It. l'.CI NMN0IIAM, Executor. Thomas M. Pittman, Attorney. OUR NEW Soda Fountain Is now in operation. All the most popular, and DELICIOUS DRINKG Are dispensed by an ex- pert in charge. Dissolution of Copartnership. VT OTICE IS HEREBY OI VEX THAT THE partnership heretofore eiisting between John U. Hughes and C. F. Tankersley, doing busiuees as the Popular Installment Com- pany, dealers in furniture, etc., linn been dis- solved, John M. Hugh no longer con nected with or responsible for any dents Uiat msy be contrai-tH- l in fnture. Ths business will be continued by C. F. Tankersley, who alone is liable for all debts of the roncern. June 13. 1U04. JOHN M. Ht'OHES. C. F. TANKERSLEY. Macon Hotel, (Formerly PERXELL HOTEL.) W. H . Macon. Proprietor, Louwburg, 5. C. ItfrFree Bus Meets All Train. Newlj Furnished. I'olite and Attentive KorvAnts Kicelfent Cuisine. TheTat- - I ronage of the Traveling Public is Earnestly Solicited. Good Livery and Sample Hoom In Connection. rnn nrvr. Two cottage near my residence. Four and fire rooms. Price, 6.00 a month. J. 8. POYTHRESS. Old fashion Snirar House Molasses at H. THOMASON'S. Absolutely Pure. THERE !5 NO SUBSTITUTE TALK OF THE TOWN VERY LOW PRICES. Lumber, Lime, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Frames, Oak Mantels, Tiles, Grates, &c. JOHN B. W ATKINS. Florida grown watermelons made their appearance in this market last week. Head J. It. Carter & Go's advertise- ment and then try their bread if you want a good article of the kind. June is half gone and maybe you haven't listed your taxes yet. IJetter go and do so or you make yourself liable to indictment. See notice of dissolut ion of the firm of John M. Hughes and (J. F. Tankers-ky- , trading as The Popular Install- ment Company, furniture, etc. St. John's Day will be celebrated at Oxford by the Masons on Saturday, June-25th- instead of on the 24th, theState convention conflicting with the latter date. A bunch of keys found on the street has leeii left at this office for identi- fication. There are several of various kinds and sizes and they look as if they had been lost some time. Henderson has been full of visiting young ladies the past week. Their presence gave pleasure to many and the town will be quieter and numer- ous hearts sadder when they leave. The West Construction Co. want a number of laborers, pipe layers and lead calkers at Kinston, N. C, on and waterworks construction. See advertisement elsewhere in this pajM-r- . The Episcopal Sunday-scho- ol en- joyed a picnic at Hester's grove Tuesday. It was a great treat for the little folks and the grown people found pleasure in giving pleasure to the children. The "Jong season in May" seems to have struck us about the tenth of June. There was a decided change in the temperature and thicker cloth- ing and extra blankets were neces- sary to comfort. A. . Cook, of the Wakefield Granite Quarries, Petersburg, Va wants llelgian block makers on Washing- ton block. Alsojquarry blacksmith. (Jood wages paid. Address as above for further part iculars. Remember it is a misdemeanor not to list your taxes. June is the month in which it must be done, and the list takers of the several townships are at their accustomed places ready to serve inter sted parties. Itev. C. N. Wharton, pastor of the Presbyterian church in Warrenton for several years, has accepted a call to MorganfieM, Ky. The many friends of this . 'ellont gentleman will regret his . - i . . ig the State. The weather h.. been very cool for June but the rn- - :!- - how that the temperature i- - , .i the same as it was last -- year this time, although many "old inhabitants" declare this is the coldest June they ever saw. As will be seen by advertisement, Mrs. X. M. Lehman will sell her entire st oi k of millinery, novelty goods, hats, silks, flowers, etc.,. at cost to close out. A rare opportunity to buy such goods at bargain prices is now offered. At the meeting of the North Caro- lina Funeral Directors and Embalm-er- s Association in Wrightsville last week Mr. 1). W. Hardee, of Hender- son, was elected one of the three dele- gates to the National convention, which meet at St. Louis in October. Mr. Thomas Taylor, of Townes-vill- e, was a Henderson visitor Mon- day. Vance county has no truer cit- izen, and as County Commissioner, memlier of the Hoard of Education, Justice of the Peace, and otherwise, Mr. Taylor has served his people well and faithfully. v Mr. Goodwin I). Ellsworth, Jr., of the graduating class, sends us au in- vitation to attend the commence- ment exercises of the McKinley Mau-u- al Training School, Washington, I. C, to be held in the New National Theatre, on Thursday evening, June Kith, at 8 o'clock. TheGoLD Leaf learns with pleasure of the rising success of Mr. Will Shaw, who is with the American Tobacco I oninnnv nt f firlwnn . WisrnnRin. He has been promoted to a more re- sponsible position with increased sal- ary, a fact which speaks well for the aptness and capability of the young inan. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pow ell will sympathize with them in the leatU of their little child. Only a . few weeks ago Mrs. Powell went to visit her old home at Bladenboro The baby was taken sick soon after ward and continued to grow worse ""til relieved of its sufferings Tues- day. Meningetis was the cause of ueath. The ditch digging machine is a wonderful invention and the more (,"e sees it in operation the more "onderiul it appears. What a revo- lution such a machine is capable of working in the low lands of Eastern on h Carolina, which only need tq he drained to make them second only t( the Valley of the Nile in product- iveness. H. Thomason has a big lot of fans to t0 enable you to keep cool when warm Anther enmee. CtPVRlfcKT. Chesapeake & WORLD'S FAIR - ST. LOUIS. MO. SHORTEST, QUICKEST AND BEST with Pullman Sleepers and Dining Cars. Through tickets from North Carolina SEASON, SIXTY OR FIFTEEN DAY TICKETS. FIFTEEN DAY TICKETS FROM Sleeping car accommodations SPECIAL COACH EXCURSIONS On authorized dates, tickets good for ten rates from other stations. Special accommodations arranged for parties. Stop-over- s per mitted within limit at'C. & O. celebrated mountaiu resorts. USE THE C. & O. ROUTE and purchase dates, reservations aud other information, W. O. WARTHEN. D. P. A.. VdDlEsfiKSfSdD FldJEQ r.JAEDE ARID E$ E P A d C2 E BD. - Sash, Blinds, Doors, Lime and Cement. Buggies, Wagons and Harness. Cyclone Feed Cutter and Shredder. Best Made. General Hardware, Paints, Farming Tools, Etc. u

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Page 1: out-of-tow- n Thomas 2 Yob Rleivcomb. · Ideally located near Asheville. MILITARY. ' Hfchly commended by Army 0!FHT Bd Army Inspectors. Refusing Pupils instead of increasing accommodations



CHALMERS-TUCKE- R.Death of Mrs. James T.-- Wiggins. The Ocean House, Virginia Beach.VI1EH YOU VAUTTHE OLD RELIABLE

I lue Seaboard Air Line Railwaywill operate a special train from Ral--

. eigh to Oxford, via Henderson, onaccount of St. John's Day celebra-tion Saturday, June 25th. Leave

i Henderson 8:45 a. m.. retnrniner.


That. FN, VJaah andwear well at 50c

and 75c.

All Styles.

Thomas 2Rleivcomb.

THE BINGHAM GCHOOL 222Ideally located near Asheville. MILITARY. ' Hfchly commended by Army0!FHT Bd Army Inspectors. Refusing Pupils instead of increasing accommodations.

130 per half term. COL. R. BINGHAU, SupL, k. F. D. No. 4, Asheville, N. C


alwajB, but a proper system of hank-

ing makes hope a certainty. By usingthe facilities offered by Citizens bank,Henderson, N. C, wrecks and disastersin the commercial world will be great-ly lessened in unmbers, and financialfailures mitigated.Protection to Depositors, $500,


Citizens Bank, Hendersou, II. C.



Parker's Milk Shakes,

and Otter

Popular Drinks.


Yob Like


Parker's Two Drug Stores

A shower bath and a brisk rub downmeans health and renewed energy.

No bathroom is completely equippedif a shower bath is absent.

15he . StandardPORTABLE .:. SHOWER

Is an ideal fixture for every bathroom andcosts only $15.00 complete.

If you will call we will take pleasurein showing you the fixture, but if you can-- 1

not, write or phone us and we will mailyou the beautiful booklet, "For Beauty'sSake' which illustrates and describes theShower.


better bread made anywhere. Thebest is none too good for our cus-

tomers and this we are giving themin our Mother's Bread. Phone us at104 and get it fresh every day, orbuy at the Davis & Watkins GroceryStore.



TO -

ROUTE. Vestibuled, Electric-Lighte- d Trains

with direct connections. SPECIAL RATES FOR

HENDERSON. N. C. - - $23.30engaged upon application.

days at rate of f17.00. Correspondingly low

your tickets accordingly. For coach excursionaddress

C. & O. RV. Richmond. Va.

Browne & Pearson,Henderson, N. C.

One of the grandest resorts on theAtlantic coast is Virginia Beach, andone of the best places to stop at isthe Ocean House, conducted by Mrs.N. L. Campbell. Situated within afew steps of the main station of theNorfolk & Southern Railroad, theChesapeake Transit Company, andtliePrinces8AnneHotel.it rnmmenHaitself for convenience and desirablelocation, while for comfort and theelegance of the table fare leaves noth-ing to be desired. Cool and pleasantrooms newly furnished throughout,with postoffice, telephone exchangeand barber shop in the hotel. Tablesupplied at all times with the bestthe market affords. All kinds of seafood a specialty. In connection withthe hotel is a restaurant where everyproduct of the sea and land to beEurchased in Tidewater Virginia will

to order. Regular meals50 cents.

The Ocean House is under the man-- ,agement of Mrs. N. L. Cambell, say-ing which guarantees high class ser-vice, comfort and pleasure to guests.

See advertisement elsewhere in thispaper.

Driven to Desperation.Lirinir at an "nnt of the nv nbuv. rrmnU

from civilisation, a family is often driven todesperation in case of accident, resulting inBurns. Cnts. Wounds. ITWin t Ijir in asupply of Bncklen's Arnica Salve. It's theDem on earth. 25c at Melville Dorsey's drugstore.

Mr. Ellsworth's Alumni Address.From the News And Observer Ac

count of the meetinc of the alumniassociation of Trinity College, andme aaaress oi Mr. u. V. Ellsworth,of Washington City, at Trinity com-menseme- nt

last week o tn-- a thofollowing:

lhe alumni meeting was like thereunion of a irrear, familv Mr CinnA.win Davis Ellsworth, who graduatedwitn the class of '80,-wa- s the speakerof the day. He spoke in a reminis-cent strain and referred tn --th fourteen manly, big hearted fellows whograuiatea irom Trinity now almosta quarter of a century aero when heleft her walls. He spoke of how theclass appeared and of the hopes, amotions ana pnae tnat filled eachbreast. "Old Trinitv." he aeirl "hnrttrained the intellect and fired theambition.

He SDoke some fortv minutes. Itwas just such an address as is appreciated oy tnose who gather at theiralma mater for reunion on an oc-casion like this.

AN ALARM CLOCK FOR 35C.If you want to fret up early and feel good

all day take a Little Early Riser or two atbed time. These famous little pills relax thenerves, irive quiet rest and refreshing sleeo.with a gentle movement of the bowels aboutbreakfast time. W. H. Howell, Houston,Tex., says "Early Risers are the best pillmade lor constipation, sieh headache,

For sale at Parker's Two DrugStores.

Good Work of the Insurance Depart-ment.

The Raleigh Post last week, in re-ferring to the good work of the In-surance Department under the ableand discreet management of Hon.James R. Young, said:

Hon. James K. Young, insurancecommissioner, paid into the StateTreasury yesterday $9,300.17, thatamount being the collections for thedepartment during May. This is again of $2,741.17 over the collectionsfor May, 1903. As an indication ofthe steady increase in the receipts ofthe department it is of interest tonote that the receipts for the newyear since April 1st are over $5,000more than for the same period lastyear. Commissioner Young saysthere is every indication now thatthe grand total of receipts for theyear will be $200,000 as comparedwith $174,000 for last year.


To close my business I will sell myentire stock of

Millinery, Novelty Goods,

Kats, Silks, Flowers, Ac,

AT COST!All are seasonable goods many of

them bought this season.


CITIZENS DANK,At Henderson, in the State of North Caro

lina, at the close of businessJune 9th, 1904.

Loans and Discounts 284,937.33Overdrafts secured, none; unse-

cured 1 ,605.21Stocks, securities, etc 18,961.25Banking-hous- e, Furniture and

Fixtures 10,732.73Doe from Banks and Bankers... 104,219.54CheVrks and other cash items 2.339.22Gold Coin .,... 3,717.50Silver Coin 4,900.81National Bank Notes

and other UnitedStates Notes.... 18,645.00 27,263.31

' Total 450,058.59UUULITItm.

Capital Stock paid in - $ 100,000.00Surplus Fond 15,000.00Undivided profits, less expenses

and taxes paid..-- 9,035.41Individual deposits subject to

cheek... 21tt,741.46Demand certificates of dexsit.. H.672.99Savings Deposits ..' . 96,933.51Cashier's checks outstanding 43O.70Liabilities other than those

above stated ' , 244.52

Total 450,058.59State of North Cabolwa,! . -

County of Vance. $m ; r.

I, W. A. Hunt, Cashier of the above namedbank, do solemnly swear that the abovestatement is true to the best of my knowledgeand belief.

W. A. HUNT, Cashier:Subscribed and sworn to before me, this

15th day of June, 1904.P. T. JONES, Notary Public.



List Your TaxesI will be at the court house every

day until Monday, June 20th, for thepurpose of taking the tax lists. Per-

sons who have not already listedtheir taxes are requested to call anddo so at once, as those who fail tolist are guilty of a misdemeanor andliable to indictment. .

J. Lr. Currin.Tax Lister for Henderson Township.

Mrs. James T. Wiggins died at herhome a few miles North of Henderson Thursday afternoon, aged 63years. The end was sudden and un-expected. She had been sitting onthe porch and telling her daughterthat she felt tired she said she wasgoing in and lie down awhile. Sometime thereafter she was found dead.

Mrs. Wiggins was a good woman,a kind and thoughtful neighbor andwill be greatly missed in the neigh-borhood where she lived. She wasloved by all whoknew her and in herdeath the family sorrow not alone.Beside her husband she is survivedby four sons and four daughters together with numerous other relatives.

The burial occurred at 3 o clockSaturday afternoon interment beingmade in the old Joe Basket place.Rev. Mr. Atkins pastor of the Mt.Auburn Christian church, conductedthe service.

Every bottle warranted, but not one returned, is the report regarding Da. Seth Ab-nold- 'h

Balsam (the best Summer Remedy)from a large number of druggists in theSouth. This Balsam is warranted yon byM. Dorsey and W. W. Parker (Two DrugStores.)


Messrs. Frank Edwards and TomWinston, of Oxford, were Hendersonvisitors Sunday.'

Miss Annie Page is home to spendvacation from Rock Hill, S. C, whereshe has been teaching.

Misses Bessie Morgan and AnnieShaw, of Shawboro, are the guests ofMrs. Richard J. Corbitt.

Miss Mabel Young, of Raleigh, hasbeen the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. A.Hunt,. for several days.

Miss Onie Watson is home fromWilson, where she has" been teaching,to spend the vacation.

Misses Essie Cobb, of New York,and Lucy Andrews, of Raleigh, arevisiting Miss Bessie nines.

Misses Perdie and Sue Briscoe returned Tuesday from- - their Northerntrip, their father n oon. mnnJ n vmothem.

Messrs. J. B. Owen and D. Y. Cooperleft Monday for Asheville to attendthe bankers' convention in sessionthere this week.

Misses Laurine Home, of Greenville, and Jennie Dixon, of RockyMount, are guests of Mrs. J. T. B.Hoover this week.

Messrs. Alex Gary, of Danville, Va.,and Eugene Gary, of New York City,are visiting their parents. Col. andMrs. W. Jfi. Gary.

Mr. C. A. Lewis went to WinstonTuesday to attend the meetina-- of theGrand Lodge Knights of Pythias insession there this week.

Mr. Hamilton Young, of Washington City, came for a short visit tohis sister, Mrs. J. D. Rose, last weeK,returning home Sunday.

Miss Ethel Tarry, of Mecklenburgcounty, Va., who visited her sister,Mrs. Will T. Watkins, last wees, returned home Saturday.

Mr. P. H. Brown went to RaleighTuesday evening to attend the an-

nual convocation of the Grand Chap-ter of Royal Arch Masons.

Mrs. Maria Harris goes to Greensboro this week to stay awhile withher sister, Mrs. Sue Doub, and willbe away about two months.

Misses Louise Venable, of ChapelHill, and Jessamond Gant, of Burlington, N. CM were the guests of MissLeah Perry tne past weeK.

Misses Page Nichols, of Petersburg,Va.. and Margaret Stedman, of Raleigh, spent a few days with MissOlivia Darab the past week.

Mrs. Browne and Mrs. Barrett, ofPortsmouth. Va.. mother and sisterof Mr. 6. R. Browne, came yesterdayto attend the Browne-Hoov- er marriage.

Misses Marv Andrews, of Raleieh.Fannie Brodie, of Wilson, and CarrieHellen Moore, of Littleton, were theguests of Mrs. Jennie Brodie lastweek.

Cant. W. B. Shaw has trone thisweek to attend a reunion of the oldarmy corps cadets of the VirginiaMilitary Institute, ot wincu ne was amember.

Mr. N. V. Pearson, of the firm ofBrowne & Pearson, is here to attendthe Browne Hoover marriage, andwill return to his home in Ports-mouth today.

Misses Claudia Ellsworth, of Washington City, Leila Wrright, of Dur-ham, and Gertrude Barnes, of Wil-o- n.

are visitincr Miss Rebecca Watkins in Henderson. -

Misses Edna Taylor, Julia Winston,Jennie Gregory and Gertrude Lan- -dis. of Oxford. sDent a tew days inHenderson last week as the guests ofMiss Julia Cooper.

Mr. James Jones, of the WesternUnion Telegraph Company's operating force in Atlanta, is home on ashort vacation to visit nts parents,Col. and Mrs. T. L. Jones.

Miss Ellen Clack came last weekfrom Virginia to stay awhile with herhmther. Mr. J. R. Clack. She hasbeen away three years and says shenotes many changes in Hendersonduring that time.

Mr. G. D. Ellsworth returned hometo Washington City Sunday, havingstopped over a few days witn mendshere on his return from Durham.where he delivered the alumni address at Trinity College Tuesday.

Messrs. George B. Harris and L.R. Gooch have gone on an extended

the continent. Thev willvisit several places in California, go--

TV - J T l-- Aing Via lseuver turn otui aj.c uuuwill probably take in the YellowstoneXT x i 1 T1. Vst Mfnm in

Mm. Edwin Stenhens has returnedfrom her Western trip, where she hasbeen some months with her daughter,Mrs. J. S. E. Youne. Lieut. Youngbeincr stationed in Arizona. On herMfnm Mrs Stenhens visited the StLouis Exposition and stopped in New

r i1 OI K UWllUC.

Dr. C. J. Moffett is a graduate of medicine

and has as much right to prescribe for thesick as any physician, and gives to motherhis "TEETHLNA" as the best remedy theycan use for teething children. "TEETHINAAids Digestion, Begolates the Bowels, Over-mme- a

and Counteracts the Effects of theSummer's Heat and makes teething easy.

Pretty Noonday flarriace st Um EpU- -coptl Church Wednesday Tils LQaTucker Becomes the Bride of Mr. W.At. Chalmers, of WUconstif.A pretty noonday marriage was

solemnized at the Church of the HolyInnocents yesterday, uniting one ofHenderson s loveliest young daughters and a prominent young businessman of Wisconsin, formerly of V ir--

finia. Tne contracting parties wereMurray Chalmers and

miss faiza Cummings Tucker. Theprominence and popularity of thesetwo young people attracted a largeand fashionable audience to witnessthe ceremony. There weie severalout-of-tow- n visitors.

The altar was beautifully decoratedfor the occasion with' palms, fernsand lovely white flowers, and with theburning candles presented a prettyand entrancing scene. Rev. JulianE. Ingle performed the ceremony,Miss Alice Cheek presiding at theorgan. To the soft strains of Men-delssohn's wedding march the ushers,Mr. Eugene Gary, of New York City,Dr. Edward B. Tucker, Mr. AugustusMoore and Mr. E. G. Landis marchedup thecentre aisle and took positionson each side of the chancel. Thenfollowed the maid of honor, MissJulia Tucker, sister of the bride.

The bride entered leaning on thearm of her brother, Dr. John HillTucker, by whom she' was givenaway. .

lhe groom, accompanied by hisbest man, Dr. Howson Cole, of theUnited States navy, entered from thevestry room and joined them at thealtar. The words that made thetwain one were then spoken, they being married with a ring. The bridewore a magnificent Parisian gown ofaccord ian pleated chiffon and pointace over white silk with bridal veil

caught with a beautiful diamond pin.She carried a lovely bouquet of liliesof the valley, with fern sprays ttedwith tulle.

Immediately after the marriage Mr.and Mrs. Chalmers left on the Northbound train for an extended bridaltour, at the conclusion of which theywill make their home in Sparta, Wisconsin.

Miss Tucker was one of Henderson'sloveliest and -- most popular youngladies. She is the eldest daughter ofthe late Dr. John H. and Mrs. WillieHill Tucker, and is greatly belovedor her beautiful character and wo

manly worth. .Mr. Chalmers is a native of Dan

ville, Va., and is said to be a youngman of fine business qualifications,who holds a responsible position withthe American Tobacco Company inWisconsin.

Comedy Company of Genuine Negroes

The IRabbit's Foot Comedy Company is billed to appear here Mon-day night. This is an aggregationof colored talent and they will be recalled as having given a performancein Henderson last September. Atthat time the Gold Leaf referred incomplimentary terms to thCcredit--ble character of the entertainmentand the amusement afforded, together with the polite bearing of themanagers and the good behavior ofthe entire troupe. The advanceagent who was here Monday tells usthe company is better this seasonthan it ever was. . Quite a number ofwhite persons attended the performance when they were here beforea special section being reserved forthem.

Startling Evidence.Fresh testimony in great quantity is

constantly coming in, declaring Dr. King'sNew Discovery for Consumption Coughs andColds to be unequaled. A recent expressionfrom T. J. McFarland Bentorville, Va., servesas example. He writes: "I had Bronchitisfor three years and doctored all the timewithout being benefited. Then I began tak-ing Dr. King's New Discovery, and a few

bottles wholly cured me." Equally effectivein curing all Lung and Throat troubles, Con-

sumption, Pneumonia and Grip. Guaranteedby M. Dorsey, Druggist. Trial bottles free,regluar sizes 50c, and $1.00.

Jones-Hom- er.

The approaching: marriage of MissMaud Jones and Mr. William F. Hor-ner has been publicly announced byhandsomely engraved cards whichread as follows:

Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. JonesInvite you to be present

at the marriage of their daughterMaud,

to"Mr. William Ferebee Horner,

Wednesday evening, June the twenty- -

ninth,nineteen hundred and four,

at eight o'clock,Presbyterian Church,New Store, Virginia.

At Home after July the fifteenth,Rosemajy, North Carolina.

. .THE IiADlES favor painting their

churches, and therefore we urge every Ministerto remember we give a liberal quantity of theLongman 4 Martinez Paint toward the painting.

Wears and covers like gold.Don't pay $1.50 a gallon for Linseed Oil

(worth 60 cents) which you do when you buyother paints in a can with a paint label on it.

8 & 6 makes 14, therefore when yon wantfourteen gallons of paint, buy only eight ofL. k M., and mix six gallons pure LinseedOil with it, and thus get paint at less than$1.20 per gallon.

Many houses are well painted with fourgallons of L & M. and three gallons of Linseed Oil mixed therewith.

These Celebrated Paints ere sold by Mel-

ville Dorsey, druggist.


One Fare Plus $3.00 for Round Trip.Tickets on sale every Wednesday and Sat-

urday during June, July, August and Sep-tember. Return limit 60 days.

Ths Frisco System in connection with theRock Island 8ystem from Memphis offers thebest route. Write for literature and full par-ticulars. - -

S. L. PARROTT, D. P. A.,Atlanta, Qa.


etht mmon mum m nu.TIA C. t O. ROUTE,


On each Tuesday and Thursday during themonth of June, special 10-da- y coach excur-sion rates will be in effect to St. Louis andreturn via C. A O. Railway. See display ad.lor rates.

Fast vestibuled trains with through coachesto St. Louis Tia Cincinnati and Bis; FourBoutes. For further information, address

- : W. O. WABTHEN,District Passenger Agent C. 4 O. Railway,

Richmond. Va.

leave Oxford 5:30 p. m. Fare fromHenderson 50 cents for the roundtrip.

The rumor that Willie Townes, whois alleged to have shot and killedWilliam Badger in the crap gameaffair as reported last week, had beenarrested in Baltimore together withJohn Taylor, one of his associates inthe game, is incorrect. Neither ofthem has been apprehended. HoodJones, who also made his escape atthe time of the killing, has beencaught at Weldon.

Note change in advertisement ofthe Watkins Hardware Companythis week. Special attention is calledto the making and repairing of to-bacco flues. Full line of sash, doors,blinds, lime and cement, buggies,wagons and harness. The Cyclonefeed cutter aud shredder is somethingevery farmer should have. The bestmade. General hardware, paints,farming tools, stoves and ranges,kitchen utensils, etc.

Nice line of ladies' belts at H. Tbom-ason'- g.

.- -- . .Browne-Hoove- r.

The marriage of Mr. Ollie It.Browne and Miss Annie Hoover willbe solemnized at 12 o'clock today.It will be a quiet home wedding andonly a few immediate friends andrelatives will be present. After themarriage Mr. and Mrs. Browne willleave on an extended bridal trip go-ing via Old Dominion Line to NewYork, then to Boston. and his oldhome in upper Massachusetts.

Preparing for Winter.The Gold Leaf received a letter

last week from Capt. J. S. PoythressdatedJCoalburg, W est Virginia, June10th, in which he stated that he wasright at the coal mins and hadbought a big lot at low prices. Be-ing on the ground gave nim an ad-vauta-

. , of buvinco at lone ranMr-- andhe proposes to give his customers thebenefit of his foresic-h- t and eoodfortune in making the deal he has.He advises his friemla t.herefnra nntto place any orders until they semm.

Fans of various kinds and m-ice-s at

II. Thomason's.- - -

A. & M. College.

Young men desiring preparationfor industrial careers in life shouldwrite to President Winston, at WestRaleigh, N. C, for a catalogue of theAgricultural and Mechanical College.Entrance examinations will be heldin each court house in North Caro--lin- n

on Tuesday, July 14, 1904. TheSummer School for Teachers will be-

gin July 4 and close July 29. TheState Farmers' Convention will beginAugust 1 and close August 3. Seeadvertisement in another column.

wanted!"Laborers, pipe layers, and lead calkerg

at Kinston, N. C, about June 20th, onsewer and water-work- s construction.

Apply toWest Construction Co.,

Kinston, N. C.

Compliment to Two Henderson Young

Ladies.Misses Olive and Ethel Harris,

daughters of Mr. and Mrs. S.R.Harris,have been invited to sing in thecboirat Ocean Grove, N. J., this summer.The invitation comes from Prof.Tali Esen Morgan, the noted choirleader and musician, and when it isknown that only the best talent isengaged the high compliment paidthese young ladies can be more fullyappreciated. The choir is composedaltogether of soloists, and some ofthe finest singers in the country areheard there every season. The audi-torium at Ocean Grove is a magnifi-cent structure the acaustic propertiesof which are said to be equalled inthis country only by the great Mor-mon Temple in St. Lake.

- -- .You are liable to an attack of some form o

Bowel Complaint and should provide your-self with the best known Remedy, Db. SethArnold's Balsam. Warranted by MelvilleDorsey and W.W.Parker (Two Drug Stores.)

Death of a Well Known Colored Man.

Nick Williams, the well known col-ored porter at Mossenburg's Hotel,died in Franklinton lost Thursdaynight. He was taken sick about threeweeks ago and went home. Mr. andMrs. Ma8senburg went to see himseveral times while he was sick andattended the funeral. His chief desireto get well was that he might comeback to his work and be with "hisfolks" again. During his deliriousmoments he would ask for the calllist, was going to meet the train orhad to go and see what "Miss Carrie"wanted. Nick had been with Mr.Massenburg twentyyears and he wasone of the best known and best likedhotel porters in the State.

Memorial Service.

The Odd Fellows held their me-morial service Sunday afternoon at5 o'clock in the Methodist EpiscopalChurch. There was a good attend-ance of members of the lodge withflowers. Rev. J. D. Larkius deliver-ed an excellent address which waslistened to with raDt attention. Hespoke of the aims andjobjects of OddFellowship and recited instances ofwhat the Order has done in the causeof humanity showing that the frater- -vickl oniinf or ifrl. Vrfonsialiin. Trwp nnilIIU.I CU41IV V" A " ' "Truth as its motto stands for some-rhin- rr

Those who heard Mr. Lar--

kins went away we are sure with; ahia-he- r conceDtion of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows than theyhad before. His remarks were touch-ing at times and brought tears tothe eves of manv in the audience.

At the conclusion of the services attho phnwh the Odd Fellows went inn hnilv tr Kimwood Cemeterv andstrewed flowers on the graves of deceased members buried there.

WANTED.Belgian Block makers on Washington

Block also quarry Diacjcsmiui.A. B. COOK,

Wakefield Granite Quarries,Petersburg, Va.

To the Voters of Vance County.

if tha ailiMfnfinn of several friends Iherewith announce myself a candidatefor tne omce oi ixiunry ireaeura suujcvbto the Democratic Primary.

If WtMl T nrnraiM a faithiol compliance to the law in the discharge of the

Just Hfceived a Hatnlsome Line ofCMMran Sample Swtta, '

Consist inn of the latest .Vorefttss.


SiiMt run from 3 toS. Oufy S2J&0whik they last.

B. S. Aronson


BY AUTHORITY OF A CONSENTof Superior Court f Vance Count v.

rendered st the May term. 1W04. thereof' 1shall sell by pultli? miction to the highestMilder at tbe (onrt House door in Header--son, N. C, on

m4my. Jwfr 41, 1904,the house and lot at Kittrell. known as theMartha Blacknall place. Terms: cash, bal-ance in 6 months. PoNfUtMaion fi nm umnas sale is conformed.

Kittrell, h7. C, June 2, 1004.T1I0S. II. Bl ltWKLL,

AdminiHtrator and Commissioner.


and wife, dated Jan. 1Mb, 1898, and dulyrecorded in the office of tbe Register of Peedof Vance County in Book 20,1'aire 457. 1 willst'U by public auction for cash at the ConrtHouse door in Henderson, on

Smtm4mi, Jmlf ffit, 1904.At noon, that lot of land fronting 48 feet onthe West side of (iarnett street iu the townof Henderson and running back along tliNorth side of Young street one hundred andforty-thre- e feet, adjoining the lots of Mrs.Kmma Hurdee on the North and IHv F- - It.Harris on the Went, being lots No. 7.H and 9,in the partition of the lands desi-ende- to theheirs of Mrs J. S. E. Young, deceased Thissale is made by consent and arrangement ofthe parties interested.

Tins June 13th, l'.HHTHOMAS M. PITTMAX,


Industrial Education.

A. & M. College,Raleigh, N. C.

Agriculturo, Engineering (Civil,Electrical, Meelinnical nnJ Alin-

ing), Industrial Chemistry, Tex-

tile Industry. 530 Students,35 Instructors, Tuition $20 ayear, Board $8 a mouth, 120SrholarshipH. Address

President Winston,Raleigh, N. C.


J. E. Burwell, deceased. All persons havingclaims against said decedent are hereby notified to exnibit same to me on or before tne17th day of Jnoe, A. I)., 11)05, nt Henderson,N. C,

This June 17, 1004.J. S. llfRWELL.

Eiecutor.Thomas M I'ittma.v,



IS HEREBY tHVEN THAT INOTICE as Executor of W. A. Cunningham, deceased, and that all persons hav-ing claims against 1 he decedent are reqnlredto exhibitsame lieforo me at or lx-fo- tbe3rd day of June, A. 1)., 104.

Henderson.. . ... June V. I5IU4.It. l'.CI NMN0IIAM,

Executor.Thomas M. Pittman,



Soda FountainIs now in operation. All

the most popular, and


Are dispensed by an ex-

pert in charge.

Dissolution of Copartnership.

VT OTICE IS HEREBY OI VEX THAT THEpartnership heretofore eiisting between

John U. Hughes and C. F. Tankersley, doingbusiuees as the Popular Installment Com-

pany, dealers in furniture, etc., linn been dis-

solved, John M. Hugh no longer connected with or responsible for any dents Uiatmsy be contrai-tH- l in fnture. Ths businesswill be continued by C. F. Tankersley, whoalone is liable for all debts of the roncern.


Macon Hotel,(Formerly PERXELL HOTEL.)

W. H . Macon. Proprietor,Louwburg, 5. C.

ItfrFree Bus Meets All Train.Newlj Furnished. I'olite and Attentive

KorvAnts Kicelfent Cuisine. TheTat- -I ronage of the Traveling Public is

Earnestly Solicited.

Good Livery and Sample HoomIn Connection.

rnn nrvr.Two cottage near my residence. Four

and fire rooms. Price, 6.00 a month.J. 8. POYTHRESS.

Old fashion Snirar House Molasses atH. THOMASON'S.

Absolutely Pure.THERE !5 NO SUBSTITUTE


VERY LOW PRICES.Lumber, Lime, Shingles,

Doors, Windows, Frames,Oak Mantels, Tiles, Grates, &c.

JOHN B. WATKINS.Florida grown watermelons made

their appearance in this market lastweek.

Head J. It. Carter & Go's advertise-ment and then try their bread if youwant a good article of the kind.

June is half gone and maybe youhaven't listed your taxes yet. IJettergo and do so or you make yourselfliable to indictment.

See notice of dissolut ion of the firmof John M. Hughes and (J. F. Tankers-ky- ,

trading as The Popular Install-ment Company, furniture, etc.

St. John's Day will be celebrated atOxford by the Masons on Saturday,June-25th- instead of on the 24th,theState convention conflicting withthe latter date.

A bunch of keys found on the streethas leeii left at this office for identi-fication. There are several of variouskinds and sizes and they look as ifthey had been lost some time.

Henderson has been full of visitingyoung ladies the past week. Theirpresence gave pleasure to many andthe town will be quieter and numer-ous hearts sadder when they leave.

The West Construction Co. want anumber of laborers, pipe layers andlead calkers at Kinston, N. C, on

and waterworks construction.See advertisement elsewhere in thispajM-r- .

The Episcopal Sunday-scho- ol en-joyed a picnic at Hester's groveTuesday. It was a great treat forthe little folks and the grown peoplefound pleasure in giving pleasure tothe children.

The "Jong season in May" seemsto have struck us about the tenth ofJune. There was a decided changein the temperature and thicker cloth-ing and extra blankets were neces-sary to comfort.

A. . Cook, of the Wakefield GraniteQuarries, Petersburg, Va wantsllelgian block makers on Washing-ton block. Alsojquarry blacksmith.(Jood wages paid. Address as abovefor further part iculars.

Remember it is a misdemeanor notto list your taxes. June is the monthin which it must be done, and the listtakers of the several townships areat their accustomed places ready toserve inter sted parties.

Itev. C. N. Wharton, pastor of thePresbyterian church in Warrentonfor several years, has accepted a callto MorganfieM, Ky. The manyfriends of this . 'ellont gentlemanwill regret his . - i . . ig the State.

The weather h.. been very cool forJune but the rn- - :!- - how that thetemperature i- - , .i the same as itwas last -- year this time, althoughmany "old inhabitants" declare thisis the coldest June they ever saw.

As will be seen by advertisement,Mrs. X. M. Lehman will sell her entirest oi k of millinery, novelty goods,hats, silks, flowers, etc.,. at cost toclose out. A rare opportunity to buysuch goods at bargain prices is nowoffered.

At the meeting of the North Caro-lina Funeral Directors and Embalm-er- s

Association in Wrightsville lastweek Mr. 1). W. Hardee, of Hender-son, was elected one of the three dele-gates to the National convention,which meet at St. Louis in October.

Mr. Thomas Taylor, of Townes-vill- e,

was a Henderson visitor Mon-day. Vance county has no truer cit-izen, and as County Commissioner,memlier of the Hoard of Education,Justice of the Peace, and otherwise,Mr. Taylor has served his people welland faithfully. v

Mr. Goodwin I). Ellsworth, Jr., ofthe graduating class, sends us au in-

vitation to attend the commence-ment exercises of the McKinley Mau-u- al

Training School, Washington,I. C, to be held in the New NationalTheatre, on Thursday evening, JuneKith, at 8 o'clock.

TheGoLD Leaf learns with pleasureof the rising success of Mr. Will Shaw,who is with the American TobaccoI oninnnv nt f firlwnn . WisrnnRin. Hehas been promoted to a more re-

sponsible position with increased sal-ary, a fact which speaks well for theaptness and capability of the younginan.

Friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Powell will sympathize with them in theleatU of their little child. Only a

. few weeks ago Mrs. Powell went tovisit her old home at BladenboroThe baby was taken sick soon afterward and continued to grow worse""til relieved of its sufferings Tues-day. Meningetis was the cause ofueath.

The ditch digging machine is awonderful invention and the more(,"e sees it in operation the more"onderiul it appears. What a revo-

lution such a machine is capable ofworking in the low lands of Eastern

on h Carolina, which only need tqhe drained to make them second onlyt( the Valley of the Nile in product-iveness.

H. Thomason has a big lot of fans tot0 enable you to keep cool when warmAnther enmee.


Chesapeake &WORLD'S FAIR



with Pullman Sleepers and Dining Cars.Through tickets from North Carolina


FIFTEEN DAY TICKETS FROMSleeping car accommodations


On authorized dates, tickets good for tenrates from other stations. Special accommodations arranged for parties. Stop-over- s permitted within limit at'C. & O. celebrated mountaiu resorts.

USE THE C. & O. ROUTE and purchasedates, reservations aud other information,

W. O. WARTHEN. D. P. A..


- Sash, Blinds, Doors, Lime and

Cement. Buggies, Wagonsand Harness. Cyclone FeedCutter and Shredder. BestMade. General Hardware,Paints, Farming Tools, Etc.
