out of v try f · 1 fulton county tribune, wauseon, ohio, friday, nov. 29, 1918 1870 tvank'...

1 FULTON COUNTY TRIBUNE, WAUSEON, OHIO, FRIDAY, NOV. 29, 1918 WAR RISK INSURANCE 1870 TVank' David TdirtpWns 1871 Artie Ray Johnson 1872 Stephen Geoge. Grodi ORDER NUMBERS DON'T DROP IT! Some soldiers and sailors are droo ... vAv...vnn(h V 1873 Otto. D. Leininger 1874- Roy Bernheisel 1875 Edward ,'W. Phillips '- - 1876 Ralph H. Russell - ping their War TJisk Insurance " be- cause the relatives they named as Stomach Out Of Order? Try NR Nothing Better to Straighten You Out After Eating Too Much. Tones Uver, Regulates Bowels. Acts Pleasantly. Guaranteed. teneficiaries have fa'led to receive 1877 Elmer Edwin Short - . 878 Benjamin Ray Skeels insurance certificates from Washing SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Louis Seidner. Plaintiff, vs , Mary Shaxtm, et al, Defendant. Court of Comfaon Pleas, Fulton County,. Ohio Case No. 7919. In pursuance of an order of Sale from said Court to me directed in the above en- titled action, I will offer to sale, at public auction, at thej East door of the Court House in Wauseon, Fulton County, Ohio, on Mon-- day the 9th day of December, 1918, at one o'clock p. m., the foilo'ns described real estate, situated in the County of Fulton and State of Ohio, and in the Township of Clin ton Parcel No. 1 beginning at a point which is the south east corner of a plat of land 1879 Elmer Ellsworth Grimm f ton. 1880 Daniel M. Leininger Fifth Installment of Order Numbers Applying to Fulton County Regis- trants Registration of September I Men From 18 to 45 Inclusive. Such action is entirely unwarrant 1881 Aaron Roth 1882 Loren Antwine Upell 1883 John Christ Bernath 1884 Arthur Lee Twiss ed and detr.mentai to the best inter- ests of the fighting men and their loved ones. 1886 John Holly Berry 1886 Burton Lutz isecause of delay in receivimr in- - ive they are nayng for Si" .1 1'. deeded to Otto Guyman, by H. D. Meister A CHAR COMPLEXION Ruddy Cheeks-Spafklir- ig Eyes ' Most Woniea.Can Have Says Dr. Edwards, a Well-Know- n Ohio Physician Dr. F. M. Edwards for 17 years treated scores of women for liver and bowel ailments. During these years he gave to his patients a prescription made of a few well-know- n vegetable ingredients mixed with olive oil, naming them Dr, Edwards' Olive Tablets. You will know them by their olive color. ; . These tablets are wonder-worker- s on the liver and bowels,'- which cause, a normal action, carrying off the:was.te and poison- ous matter in one's system. If you have-- pale face, sallow look, dull eyes, pimples, coated tongue, headaches, a listless, d feeling, all out of sorts, inactive bowels, you take one of Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets nightly for a time and note the pleasing results. - Thousands of women as well as men take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the suc surance certificates, many solders! 1887 Elmer Clark Raker 1888 Roland Samuel Baumgartner 1889 Leonard Meridew 1890 , James Arthur Batdorf, 1891 Milford Estell Stnbbins :" tnence running uue tasi moug mt uurui wue of the public highway (which is Dame 1892 Homer Leroy Holloway " (Continued from last week) 1686 Charley Melvin Gillespie 1587 Rosendo J. Deseno 1588 Earl S. Stine 168 Edward Can key 1690 William Batdorf 1691 John Alexander Garrow 1592 George Miley Boyers bel.eve that they are payng for in- surance protecton wh'ch they are not receiv.ng. This is incorrect, Gov- ernment Insurance "s effective regard- less of the rece.pt of the insurance Street in the Village of FettisvUle extended) to a point which is the southwest corner, of a cemetery known as the Lutheran Cemetery deeded to Ferdinand Smith and William 1893 Everett Clarence Jay - - . Daupky, thence due north to the south line of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern 1894 CKve C. Porter : - 1895 Clair George Heber.. ... 1896 George Edward O'Neill 1897 Richard Leroy Harding 1898 Elmer Edward Puehler 1899 Oliver Franklin Bear certifioate provjdied proper appr.ca- - THE DIG ONE WAS FED Avalon Farms HOG-TON- E ' Th Litmid Hot CanditioiT, Fmltmntr form Rmoatr THE RUNT WASN'T both started life rt the 'same time and weight They were THEY the tame feed tinder the same conditions with one except- ion. The hl one gnt Ms nu)u- - dm of AVALON FARMS HOG-TON- tha Liquid Hog Tuuic, Cunditioimr and FaUener and the runt didn't. Railway right of way, thence southwesterly along the south line of said Railway right of way to a point due north of the place of tion has been made and prem urns are being paid. The certificate is 1900 Henry Nafziger 1901 Harve Henry Rychner 102 David Frank no part of the contract of insurance, it is merely evident that the con tract exists. Tne Bureau of War beginning, thence due south along the east line of a plat of land owned by said Otto Guyman to the place of beginning, all in section thirty, town seven north of range six. East C.inton township, Fulton County, O. and being the land conveyed by H. D. Meut-e.t- o said Amos Seidner by deed recorded in 1903 Edward Hicker- - ' 1904 Peter J. Short R sk Insurance of the Treasury De- - 1093 Howard Carl Morr 1694 Charley Haggard Whitmer 1595 Charles Lyman fiigbee 1696 Martin Dvorsky 1597 Robert Maitland Boyes 1698 Henry BrockhorT 1699 GeorgeAlbert Leu 1800 Frank H. Winzler 1601 Gordon Sylvester Stout " 1602 Fred LaSalle Fleming 160 Frank H. Kesler 16V4 Simon Perdy Cole 1606 Samuel Paul Boehm 1606 Wilbert Pennington 1607 Andrew Lewis Deck 1608 Herry T. Wright The ha on b th kind that tops mat ket and Winn bia protiti to the pockets 1905 David S. Njaim 1906 Ezra Rychner 1907 Glen Ellsworth Page Many people eat too much every day and most eat much too much some days. That Is why Americans suffer more than any people in the world from Indigestion, biliousness and constipation. With a little thoughtfulness and care, however, a great amount of this distress could be avoided and. you'll never realize how true this 13 until you become one of the several million people of this country who keep a box of Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) constantly on hand and use it whenever Indigestion, biliousness or constipation threatens. Unlike laxative purges, cathartics, such as oil, calomel, etc., which mere- ly force bowel action,. Nature's Remedy exerts a boneficial influence upon the entire digestive and eliminative sys- tem the stomach, liver, bowels and even tho kidneys. Its purpose is to promote vigorous and harmonious ac- tion of all the organs that handle the food and body waste. ' That la why the results which fol- low the use of Nature's Remedy are always a delightful surprise to those who first try it. The action while prompt and thorough, 13 as mild and gentle and pleasant as Nature her- self, and the thorough cleansing the body receives brings a. feeling; of real relief and benefit such as no laxative pill or cathartic ever pro- duced for anyone. Get a 25c box of Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) and try iL There is no risk in doing so, for it must give you greater relief and benefit than any liver or bowel medicine you ever used or money back instantly. It is sold, guaranteed and recommended by your druggist. ; Wauseon Ohio FINK & HAUMESSER runt cost more to of tha hoc rawer. The ""cut, is man ug insurance certi- ficates as rapidly as possibly. To date more than two and a ha:f mill- - Volume 74 at page 199 of the record of deeds of Fulton County, Ohio. 1908 Earl Elvin Mohler 1909 Samuel Rychner cessful substitute for calomel now and then just to keep in the pink of condition. 10c and 25c per box.' All druggists. Parcel No. 2 Situated in Clinton Town mlnate the worms that are the bog rais- er' greatest foe to profits. Splendid for pregnant tows helps to produce health- ier, sturdier pigs. Come In the store-t- ell us the number of your herd and we will give you enough HOG-TON- E to treat aU your hogs 60 days. You don't ns a penny now. If tue results of S've HOG-TON- E treatment foil to sutia- -' it will cost you nothing. on certificates have been sent for rM than he will ever bring in the mar lot. And the difference waa brought ahnnt hy 20 cenfa worth ot AVALON FARMS HOC-TON- HOG-TON- S puts new life into hotur makes them eat ward and the daly output is con ship, Fulton County, Ohio, and being a fraction of the southwest quarter of section thirty, town seven north of range six east 1910 Roy Miller 1911 Frank Julius Fenton 1912 Berton Wesley Cole , 1913 Eugene Lake stantly increasing- - The Bureau of rnnre anq grow mi ac an amavina rare. and described as commencing at the north help them to cwatttt disease and U- - war iiisk Insurance now has on its K New Tax Amendment ' (Continued from page one) 1914 Paul Leonard Bonar 1915 Marion Ray Hatfield looks more than th Tty-fiv- e b 11 on FOR SALE BY dollars of insurance and is receiving approximately one million dollars of west corner post of what is known as the Lutheran Cemetery, thence due north four hundred fifty eight feet, thence east forty five feet, thence south four hundred fifty eight feet to the north line of said Lutheran Cemetery, thence along said north line of said Cemetery forty five feet to the place of et al. Application f6r letters of 1609 Loney Harger IfilO Isaac Curtis Stites 1611 Arthur Yambert Boucher 1612 Charlie Carl Neis 1613 Jacob Bert Hoy 1614 Willie Cyrenous Huyck 1616 Har Beaverson 1616 George Harvey Rogers 1617 Fred F. Slagle 1618 Joseph Rashley 1619 Grover Cleveland Labarr new insurance every week. It is un ness. To prevent this dishonest necessary to write to Washington buraen from becoming unbearable isKmg for your certificate. It w 11 beginning. me amitn lax Lamit Law was Fink & Haumesser The Corner Druggists Parcel No. 3 Situate in Clinton Town some in due course. You do not 1916 Arkie Christy 1917 Lora A. Watkins 1918 C ifford E. Dixson 1919 Ross J. Shaffer li20 Earl Austin Bourquin 1921 Frank Buck 1922 Harry Brooks Mack 1923 Chri't Marton Myers 1924 Jacob Mika i 1925 Claude Arch Pfaff 1926 Fred S. Hollis 1927 Frank Miller Planson ; 1928 John Wesley Brown 1929 David Charles Gilson S0 ftvron Richard Davidson adopted. ship, Fulton County, Ohio, and being a fraction of the southwest quarter of section unless we adopt entirely new need a cert.hcate to prove that you have taken out insurance or to Drove .,,. iU. 1 a- - thirty town seven north of range six east automat e methods of levy and col- lection, the. tax lim.t law wi 1 be set and described as commencing at a point on juu ie luc ueiienc ary namea iy a so d er or sailor. Every officer as:de to get more revenue. With tne north line of and forty feet east of the northwest corner of what is known as the Lutheran Cemetery, thence north four hundred fifty eight feet thence east one hun- dred five feet, thence south four hundred Automatic Taxation, Ohio ' can raise id mip n tiie military and naval service of the nation has the Drivileo-- e 1620 Marion AumendLilley 1621 Walter Wave Blair 1622 John Franklin Andrews 1623 Herbert B. Schultz 1624 Homer Trum power 1626 Charlie Ferdino Disbrow 1626 Vern Ray Miller 1627 William Clayton Upp 1628 Charles Howard Short 1629 Clarence Emerson Gresinger 1630 Fred Stephen George 1631 Alvin Earl Harger 1632 Edgar Blaine Longnecker twenty-fiv- e mllion dollars- add.tienal revenue from wealth which has here nd the opportunity of buying up to "10.000 of Uncle Sam's Insurance. Th s insurance is protect' on for h m tofore escaped and th s increase will fifty six and one half feet to the northeast corner of said Lutheran Cemetery, thence west along the north line of said. Cemetery A provide sufficient for the schools and W? - TABLETS -- N? and for those that are dear to him, OLp.er mumc pal purposes. . . II IWIIMIIWHIIPIll We have studied the tax systems twin io tne present and for the fu ture. , of the entire world to discover what 1931 Michael Bert Smith 1932 Ross Mahlin Furney 1933 Bert Leroy KloU 10-- 4 Elias Rufenacht 1935 Joseph John Malburg io6 Arthur Leroy Weber 137 Asa Cnlvin Naua 1938 Peter C. Short iyaJ Guy Randal - 1940 Frank Clyde Baldwin 1941 Edward James Stewart 1942 Wesley Babinger 1)13 William Bentley Mapes 1944 Clarence Emmett Roosa 1945 Perry , Arnsbarger 1946 Claude Thomas Hoffman 1947 Joseph Andrew Cogan 16133 Samuel Schmucker 1634 Lewis C. Winzeler 1636 Daniel J. Stutzman 1636 Emil Tanner methods really accompLsh eCDient If you are the relative f a man with the co'-or- it is your duty, to see to the place of beginning. The above described property to be sold as a whole, subject to the Dower interest of Mary Shaum. Said Premises Appraised at $1800.00 Texmd . of Sale One third cash, one third in one year, and one third in two years. ed payments secured by mortgage on said premises. WILLIAM S." BOONE. Sheriff of Fulton County, .Ohio, F. S, & J. M. Ham, Attorneys. gl-- 6 638 Gustave A. Truekenbrod results and we find the following are automatic in their operation and will Real Thanksgiving 1637 George William Heiserman ne avai s himself of this Gov ernment orotection and that when he 1639 John Sam Echelbarger ' . 1640 John Cecil Shaffer do' way with the dishonor of perjury and evas on, and will' also correct has obtaned it, he holds on to it. 1641 Edward Alexander Ottgen 1642 Dell Ferna Hicker JJON'T DROP UNCLE SAM'S IN 1948 Cassus A. Dresher SURANCE. 1643 Howard Moore 1644 William Minet .Hippert 1949 Welcome A. Patterson 1950 Francis Freeman Guyman 1646 Clyde Harold Keller 1646 Richard Cook 1951 William Clyde Doriot CHRISTMAS CHEER FOR 1647 David Martin Zolman LEGAL NOTICE Lettie Roddy and Harmon Roddy, whose last known p.ace of residence was Buckley ' . liu. county ot Wexford State of Mirhio-ju- i z WAR CHILDREN 1952 Edwin Philipp Plettner 1953 Arthur Clayton Mohler 1648 Marion Wells The War Ch'lclren's Relief Fund of number two Rector street New 1954 Benjamin Rupp 1955 Monroe Jonas Rupp1 1649 Roes Smiley Mort 1660 John Franklin Newell" 1651 James Benjamin Kahle 1652 Ernest Edward Sypult Elizabeth Kline and Albert Kline, whose last known place of residence was Traverse City is Grand Traverse County' State of Mtahiran ; 1956 John Godfrey Andrew Stiriz 1723 James Orville Gunn 1724 Earl Albert Roddy 1725 Thomas Wellington Merillat 1726 Altory Venice Green , 1727 Clyde L. Onweller 1728- - James Franklin Shetler 1729 Asberry Ruthford Loar , 1730 Delbert Geesey 1731 Edd S. Blair 1732 Henry Holmes Williams Jr. 1733 Peter Brill 1734 John William Bell 1735 Herbert Demaline 1736 William H. Nafziger 1737 William Wooster Claff 1738 Nelson Luther Stoltl 1739 Earl Clement Grime 1740 Geore Edric Mock 1741 Joseph August Lafountain 1742 George Arthur Stratton 1743 Charles Festus Andrews 1744 William Elliot McKeever 1745 Alfred Burton Gunn York is making what it believes will the present scandalous cost of con- ducting our tax machinery, and will enormously increase the revenues for schools and local government, al- lowing the tax limit law to be. re- tailed and even to be tightened up so that no tax may be higher than One Percent. - Mortgage Recording. Tax. Pay one half of one, percent to the Re- corder and the mortgage to be tax free thereafter, thus reducpg the borrowing rate. . Deposits. Bank pay one quarter of one per cent on its deposits and charge it to the depositors. Securities. All taxable secur'ties 1957 Thomaa Irving Buchanan 1958 Pearley Eugene Smith 1959 Harry Sohn and William Kune, Eva Hill, James Hill. Mary McGovers, Ed. McGovern, Frank Kline, " iiarmon Kline and Kline. whose - name is to the undersigned unknown.' and the places of residence of each and all t wnom is unknown and cannot bv reason 1960 Willie Ralfred Ford 1961 Enoch Rupp 1962 James A. H. Greason 1963 Fredrick Harman Kahes 1966 Jocelyn Upp 1965 Frank Andy Kuhn 1966 Shirley Joseph Falor ' able dilligence be ascertained,. Each and - bb.u Bww.c iujucu jicrauiu, win taae no tice that on the 1,7th day of October A. D. 1918 the undersigned filed his petition In the court of Common pleas of . Fulton county be its last appeal for Christmas cheer and help for the children of the war ravaged countries of Europe. "None of the War Children's Re- lief Fund wll be sent to German chi'dren," says Mrs. Eva. MacDonald Valesh. "The food problem of Ger- many will doubtless be dealt with in the proper manner by the Council of the Allies" "Many contributors have urge that we distribute the Fund for a Happy Chr stmas only to the children of our Allies and those "Little All- ies-" as Mr. Hoover calls them,, who are finding freedom under the pro America has real cause to be, thankful. We have been able to take an active and helpful part in the greatest of causes. We can all say, with Daniel Webster "Thank God I am an' American." 1967 Charles Jerome Ives 1968 Sydney Amos Fleming 1969 Walter Clement Batdorf 1970 Chester Arthur Miley 1971 James Monroe Elton 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 must bear receipt that a tax of at least three-tent- hs of one per cent has been paid for the year to the County Leo Edward Mossing William W. Robinson Menno Traut Edward James O'Neill Thomas Eugene Hallnan flail- - Pfunrf .treasurer, the legality of these sec 1751. 1972 George Sherman Frederick 1973 Harold Corwin Mills . 1974 Oliver Estel Smillie 1975 Henry Kinerim 1752' Daniel Ellinwood urities to depend upon the security 1753 James Richard Lammon 16'63 Louis Oliver Seidner 1654 Raymond H. Short 1656 Jacob King 1656 Nicholas Patrick Delany 1667 Joseph Mack 1658 Lawrence Lester Dole 1659 Elmer Joseph Rebeau 1660 Oscar S. Geer 1661 Edwin Furney 1662 Charles Elsworth Garrison 1663 Alvah Clyde Ford 1664 Homer Allison Williams 1665 Clarence VanDyke Worley 166S Ralph Walter Brigham 1667 Fred Elmer Gallagher 1668 Everett Ira Terry 1669 George Jacob Moog 1670 Chauney M. Augatine 1671 Edward Rupp 1672 William C. Rupp 1678 Lorn William Boyers 1674 Nelson Clarence Burkholder 1675 Thomas Cornwell Murray 1676 Allen Miles Barber 1677 Ernest Glenwood Bayes 1678 George William Baus 1679 Amon Berryhill 1680 Frank Kuney 1681 Robert Edward Miller 1682 Garfield Ray Salsberry 1683 Albert Dellno Currier 1684 John Henry Dixson 1686 Ariel Eugene Gunn 1686 Ellsworth 'R. Steadman 1687 Frank David Gorsuch 1688 Almound Edward Munson Ohio against them and others (the same be- ing cause No. 7949 on the docket of said court) In which, petition plaintiff aleges in substance that .on the 23rd day of August 15)18 one Sarah VanNess died, intestate, and the owner is le of the following des- cribed-real estate, situated in the township of Dover, County of Fulton and State of Ohio and more particularly described ' as follows:' Commencing twenty-fo- ur (24) ' rods East of the South West corner of section nine (9), township ten (10) South range " two (2) East : thence North,' eighty (80). rods, thence East fifty-si- x (56) rods ; thence Q,,t V, Qnl - . . ; bearing this stamp. 1976 Bert Alvin Fisher 1754 Personal v Chattel Tax. The 1755 1766 amount of chattel property owned by 1977 Bradley Chester Gunn 1978 Daniel Bradford Koder 1.179 Thomas Victor Coveney 1980 Jacob George Walter tection of the great AU'es. This is 1767 just what we will do. 1768 William Jackson Grice Clarence John Green Charlie Abraham Snyder Meek Garman Willard Clyde Borton James Dewey Coon Harry Theodore Krauss Frank Albert Graf Rufus Daniel Fenner Ned Nelson Bechtol 1981 Jay Delbert Chamberlain . Our Fund Tias every Christmas 1769 1982 Clarence Arthur Newell sent food and clothing and a little 1760 1761 lncl viduals is about the same pro- portion of the value of the buildings they own. or occupy. Every man pay a chattel tax of one do'lar per annum for each thousand dollars of tax valuation of the house or other Christmas stocking to the children 1983 Eddie Delno Oberea 1984 Clyde Garfield Gormley . 1986 Nicholas Omelas 1762 1763 of our A'lies, especially those who are homeless and orphaned. We (56) rods to the place of beginning, contain- ing twenty-eig- (28) acres more or less. It IE the prayer of said petition that par-titi- on of the said 'real estate be made and that plaintilf have his interest in said land 1764 Earl William Buck , 1765 Martin Ezra Sayers (Continued next week.) buildl rigs ne occupies. Apartment wll give many thousands of them a 1766 happy Peace Christmas. It will be Daniel Q. Medina Dawson Elery Baker Walter H. Meyer Charles Abraham Stierle houses and office buildings to be paid by the landlord and charged to the tenants. The First National Bank of Wauseon a golden memory to them and to all 1767 1768 1769 be done without injury to the premises and ' that if the same cannot be ' done without such manifest injury then that the same be sold of us who have given. , 1770 Wilmer Carl Leist 1771 Robert Thomas Elton Already we know that we can do D. TAXIN Dealer in free of the interest of all parties to this action and the proceeds of said sale divided among the parties entitled thereto and for 1689 -- Harold Lloyd Gunn much, for our people are so1 gener 1690 Earl Wayne Sharn ous, even w:th the many demands such further relief as is just and equitable. 1691 Lawrence Wanner AU said above named parties will also take upon them, but there are hundreds, of 1772 1773 1774 1776 1776 1777 1778 1779 thousands of little children . who are ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE The undersigned will offer for sale at public auction, at the late residence of El'zabeth Boyers, deceased, in Ful- ton, County, North Fulton St. Wau- seon O., On - Saturday, December 7th, 1918 the personal nroDertv of the said Orlo Charles Harmon Lewis Ellen Lauber Homer Lisle Robinson Forest Roscoe Rees Daniel J. Sauder William Henry Pike John Henry Fagley Lewis Hewitt Ham Cyril Samyn Edwin NotViger 1692 Roy Lester Greiner 1693 George Henry Probeck 1694 Charles Rollin Elarton 1695 Clarence Dewey Bowser 1696 George Lloyd Nobbs notice that they are required to anawer this iSetition on or before. the 30th day of Decem- ber A. D. 1918, or judgment and decree may be taken against them. in real need. Every dollar that we All Kinds of Junk share with them this ' Christmas GEORGE VANNESS. Plaintiff. 1697 Samuel Oscar Row means lttle lives saved to future Public Sal e ! G. B. HEISE. Attorney for Plaintiff. 29--6 1780 1781 1698 Frank Louis Roth f 1699 Irving George Wotring Out Christmas gifts bring thsm 1782 Theodore Henry Snyder 1783 Glen Jerome Loveland 1700 Sidney Kennedy Ask For My Prices Telephone 640 1701 Harold Willard Lauber THIS DEBT WILL NOT, HURT Ord narily folks don't like to get in Elizabeth Boyers, deceased, consisting in part of: one center stand, one cor- ner stand. 6 dining chairs, 7 rockers, 1 center table, 50 yds. Ingrain carpet, 1 imitation leather couch, 1 combina 1702 John Pelton 1703 William Grover RusBell 1704 Charles Henry Mikesell 1705 Charlea Anthony Stoll debt. DpniJike,be,:'jketAfeFeel the real Christmas cheer contained in a little stock'ng. somethTng like Santa, (Bans jftighjiAring and in ad- dition, thief' warm clongjd.ig5od food tides them Over the worst weeks of the cold' winter. ' 262 West Chestnut St., Wauseon, Ohio 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 tion bookcase, 1 library table, 4 kit 1706 George Solomon Leininger 1707 G. L Berner Lloyd Jennings Holman John Adam Rehklau :. Emanuel Short Lyman James Rice Charles Henry Koos Ervin Eugene Druhot William Henry Constable Charley Birton Hollstein Leroy J. Borton Lewis Buhrer Howard Bernard Schloaser to Keep tne iact hidden. But there-ar- e debts and debts. 1708 Guy Kenneth Acker chen chairs, 1. bureau-- 2 commodes, 1 wooden bedstead, 2 small rugs, 1 lap We can forward your gifts r ght 1709 Loren Willis Harriman Some reprehensible, some inexcus- -, 1710 Willie Henry Ruihly able, some O. K. ' . robe, 2 feather beds. 2 mattresses, 1 bed spring, 4 bed comforts, 3 bed up to Christmas Eve. Please send checks or, money order or cash. It 1711 Howard Brigham Sohn 1793 1794 . I will offer for sale at public auction 1-- 2 mile west and 2 miles south, of Wauseon, on Thursday, December 5th, 1918 commencing at one o'clock, p. m. Live Stock One horse 13 years old. 5 head cows: one eood red cow 8 vrs. 1712 John Binger One, the money you owe on your Liberty Bond, is one of the kind that Elmer E. Rupp 1795 wi l be promptly acknowledged and 1713 Chester E. Thompson spreads, 1 woolen , blanket, 1 cotton blanket. 3 pairs feather pillows, 1 an audited report of the distribution does- - not come under the ban. 1714 Clair Alotueo Harrington 1716 Henry Charles Funk 1716 Dewey Lewis Carver sent to each contributor. It is one of the kind that increases 1796 Wendell Simon 1797 Irvin Wales Haskell 1798 Palnh RecUner 1799 Michael Schuller 1800 Frank Eugene Brown 1801 Samuel P. Short 1802 Clinton Jay Smith 1717 McClelland Pontious dresser, 1 small stand, 2 camp chairs, 20 yards Ingrain carpet. 1 wardrobe, 1 walnut stand, 1 heating stove, 1 range stove, 1 hot plate, 1 clock, 16 one's respect for you. One that gives one a little higher standing in his own' 1718 Henry Fred Morts Greatly Benefited by Chamberlain's 1719 Henry David Bear Tablets. UNDERTAKING H. B. SOHN Call N. C. Wright Funeral Director Phones 76 or 450 Mot or or Horse Drawn Service 1720 Clark Dudleigh Hvbbard estimat on. And lacking it, your neighbor sheets- - 9 pillow cases, 2 stand spreads, "I am thankful for the good I have 1721 George Henry Atkinson 1722 Samuel Flory fild, fresh; 3 high-grad- e Holsteins, 13 years old will be fresh about December 2oth, 1 4 years old and 1 3 years old both will be 2 bed comforters, 2 :bed spreads, 1 received by using Chamberlain's Tab-- comes . for considerable ot . your righteous contempt. You don't meet woolen blanket, 1 wash bowl and pit leth. About two years ago when 1 cher, 1 small safe, 1 dinmg table, began takine them I was suffering a fresh in April, and 1 red cow 8 years old due to freshen Feb. 20th. Feed' k'tchen table, dishes, table linen, screw Helpful Words great deal from distress after eating, and from heahache and a tired, lan driver, hammer, chisel and. other ar- ticles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence gX 1 o'clock p. m guid feeling due to indigestion and 600 bundles corn fodder, 12 tons of mixed hay, 5 tons of alfalfa a torpid liver. (Jhamberlam s iao- - From a Wauseon Citizen lets correct these disorders in a short Terms: Purchases amounting to three dollars or less to be paid in cash, hay, 10 bushels of potatoes. .Farm Implements One horse wagon and harness, top buggy and harness, grind time, and since taking two bottle3 of them my health has been g 'od," writes Mrs. M. P. Harwood, Auburn, above that sum, notes on six months' astabllshed January, 1SZ Oldest In City h m with the old time warmth, the old cordiality. You feel that he has neglected a duty in not obligating himself. ' And you are right. This Liberty Bond debt will come nearer" being an indorsement for you at the' bank than any other liability you. ever incurred. It commends. And when you have paid it off, when you have squared yourself with the government and your conscience, you'll have a better opinion of yor-- , self. , , v . It will represent 'one period of your "wViati nrt msit.tjar whflt. t.riA "rmrrl Is your back lame and painful? Does it ache especially after exer time, with two or more approved tion? i sureties, will be taken. DEALTON A. BOYERS stone, tank heater, sausage grinder, lawn mower, vise, milk can, Is there' a soreness in the kidney N. Y, COUNT f BUSINESS (Continued from page one) Nov. 19, 1918 Administrator region? 1803 Mahlon A. Towne 1011 p,ir,i. Bates 1805 Charlie Edward Andrews r06 Edward Griffin Cole 1807 Alfred Viers 108 Teorge Kinir McCoy 1809 Edward Alfred Stafllier 1810 Linley B. Hann 1811 John Mearl Waer 1812 George Arthur Johnson 1813 John Wilbur Brown 1814 Fred H. Hoffman 1815 William Roop 1816 Lawrence Arthur Caskey 817 HarryHarold Hoefer 1818 Roy Clyde Stevens 1819 Sylvester William White 1820 Charles David Rutrer 1821 Oliver Thomas Willeman 1822 John Patric Ford 1823 Clinton Eligah Degroff 1824 Charles Knapp 1825 Theodore Christ E'.'ing 1826 Conrad Reichhardt 1R27 Paul Mitey Watkins 1828 Albert Earl Raker 1829 James Fredrick Giff jrd 130 Charles Cpnklin 1831 Irvin Edgar Sloan 1'3 Edward Peter Tanner 1833 Daniel Peter Christmsn 1834 Arthur Otis Stolts 1835 Warren Samuel KimberKn 1R36 Frederick Henry Schultz 1837 George Burdett JS38 Simon D. Miller 1839 Robert A. Gnnter 1S40 Jerome Louis Socie 1841 Ervin Menno Roth 1842 Richard James Trimble Banty Huber, Auctioneer 33-- 2 'Business College OHIO PATENTS Adams and 15th Sts TOLEDO, OHIO half barren of salt, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms Made Known on Day of Sale Geoge W. Funk, Proprietor Lewis Ryan, Auctioneer These symptoms suggest weak kid- neys. If so there is danger in. delay. Weak kidneys get fast weaker. Give your trouble prompt attention Prepare for a eood position at this old reliable guard' anship filedl Bond tilted anJ approved and letters issued to Clyde Patents granted to citizens cf Ohio, compiled bv W. A, Redmond, Dunbar. kKooL located in a city where the position, are. You may enter any time. Students may earn board and loom. Write (or catalogue. Patent Attorney, Washirrgton, D. C, Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak Guardianship of Harold Barhite W. P. Bovard, Mansfield, coupling kidneys. Inventory filed. device, (2 patents) THURBEB P. DAVIS, Principal Your neighbors use and recommend B. T. Bownal, Cleveland, last tool Estate of G-- .W. Markley, 1st and final account confirmed. Executor holder- - them. Read this Wauseon testimony: AU CTIO W S ALE ship it mav have entailed, you felt your self at your best. So take care of the payment of tbat debt. Don't neglect it. Don't treat it is an obligation of little ' conse- quence. It may be only FIFTY DOLLARS, but it's THE BIGGEST OBLIGA- TION you ever assumed for all that It represents your honor before your country: Many a man has gone into bank- - discharged. F. B. Converse. Akron, collapsible MOTOR TRUCKING Estate of Mary Miller, 1st partial acoourtt confirmed. Order to begin Mrs. A. Sams, E. Chestnut St., says: "Doan's Kidney Pills have been used in my family for many years. It was ten years ago I was first troubled with backache and disordered case. James Davis, Salem, washing ma chine. Frank Fix, C'ncinnati, tape burn intr machine. I will sell at auction your property if you will give me the oppor new account. Estate of Roy . Fleming. Invert tory and appraisement filed. Appli C. H. ISERMAN tunity and call me early for dates. I have had experience in al kinds of sales, and guarantee you will be pleased with your sale Joseph S Gold. Columbus, nut lock. South Franklin Street, Wauseon, Ohio cation to sell pr Vate property at pri- vate sale, filed and granted and order of sale 'issued. Report of private rupcy for a little. But the fellow who lefuses to pay for his Liberty i , i i i i j i i - : l 1 1 C W. Harrold, Warren, delivery If you have heard me and like my Btyle call me, 135 M Lyons kidneys. My back felt stiff and lame and when I stooped over, I couldn't straighten without pain. It was hard for mS to do my housework and I for printing press. Phone Your . Orders to Phone 62 3 sale of personal property filed and Bona naa oeuer oy iar jump uao uio lake J. A., Kidwelly Cleveland, cabinet, John A. Kirk, Bucyrus, drawing One way he will be a long time Mutual JPhone. ALC ID S EI GNEUR Sales in my locality for benefit of Red Cross auctioned free. 28 ow tf-- e dead. - The other way he will be dishonor ed forever. instrument. J- - C. Lincoln, Cleveland, uniting railway rails. E. L M.arshall, Fremont, electr c battery. George C. Noteman, Lakewoods, furnace attachment- - F. 3 .Yingling, Hamilton, measur 1843 William Henry Toms 1844 Clyde Melvin Smith 1845 Ervin Edward Hartman 1846 Squire Earl Baker 1R47 Gerald Lee Fuller 1848 Howard Kope Elton. 1849 Oscar C. Stevens 1850 Arthur Nelson Lutton 1851 K. C. Turner 1852 Laurel Andrew Grime 1853 Frank Kenneth Miley 1854 Rolin Jermiah Gaudern 1855 Henry Myer 1856 Deward Whitehead 1857 Henry F Smith 1868 Ssmuel Miller 1859 Joseph Allen Shannon 1860 Frank Ulysus Bayes 1861 Alva Perry Simmions 1862 Amos Roth 1863 Oliver Benjamin Ernest 1864 - Alva Dennis Johnson 18C5 Clarence Leroy Cash 18S6 C'arence Welcome Belknap 1867 William Carl Buhrer C'oid Dale Kirkman 1869 Frank Johnson suffered with this trouble for some time. Finally I decided to try the old family remedy r Doan's Kidney Pills. Short use relieved the trouble. I have only had to take Doan's a few times since and they have never failed to do the work." Price 60c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Sams had. 1 oster-Milbur- n Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. WAUSEON MAN SPENT FOR- TUNE 'IN SEARCH "I spent $1,800 in 7 years treating USE THE 'RELIABLE ALWAYS Do not accept a remedy that your druggist says is just as good for rheu- matism. In any stage or form use Trusler's Rheumatic Tablets They are in a class by themselves. Pure vegetable, chocolate coated, easy to take. Put up in two sizes, 50c and $1 per box; 30 days' treatment in a 50c box; 90 days treatment in the $1 box. Your druggist can supply you. The Trusler Remedy. Huntington, Ind. costing me $10 a v'teit, only to at last EDGAR & VAN RENSSELAER ing machine. say that nothing could be done for me, that I had cancer "or ulcers of It is a unique way Read & Wager the stomach. I suffered awful pains confirmed. - Estate of Elizabeth Boyers. In- ventory and appraisement filed. Estate of F. A. Fincham, deceas- ed. Sttement in lieu of final j ac- count filed. Hear'ng set for Dec. 16th, 1918. Estate of Frederick Wetzel- - 2nd part:al aecount filed. Hearing set for Dec. 23. 1918. Estate of Timothy Plummer. In-d- iv dual claim of Admx. hearing 1:00 p. m. Hearing held, claim al- lowed- Testimony of witnesses tak- en; Court rendered judgment ' to Plaintiff of Admx. in sum of $2884. Estate of Wm. W. Whaley. In- ventory filed. Mirrfage Licenses Donald Garber, farmer- - 20 Ches- terfield Township, Fulton County ind Lucile Royce, 18, Gorham Twp. Fulton County. have of selling Hyomei, a guaranteed treatment for catarrah. Money back if it fails. ATTENTION! Telephone 500 Ambulance Service Funeral Directors Motor Equipment NOTICE We w 11 be at Kolbs Ten Cent Barn A good clean place to eat. 32-tf- -r WILLIAM'S CAFETERIA in my stomach, but after taking a few doses of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy these all. disappeared and for 3 years am feeling fine." It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from, the intestinal tract and allays the which causes practically all stomach." liver and intestinal ail- ments including appendicitis. One dose will convince of money refund- ed. Fink & Haumesser in Wauseon. Ohio, every Saturday t.ll L May 1 1919 to buy. your . hides, pelts furs and tallow. We pay good prices. QUALITY AND SERVICE Windisch Brothers v Influenza? La Grippe? 33-10- -p Tedrow, O. Try Musterole. See How Quickly It Relieves You just rub Musterole in briskly, an usually the pain is 'gone a delicious, soothing comfort comes to take its place. Musterole is a clean, white ointment, made with oil of mustard. Use it instecc of mustard plaster. Will not blister. WABASH RAILROAD Time Table West Bound C. J. I V Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Do not imagine that because other cough medicines failed to give you relief that it will be the same with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Bear :n mind that from a small beginning this imedy has gained a world wide reputation and immense sale. 'A No. 23 No. 147 5:48 p. m. 2:02 p. m. y. Many doctors and nurses use Muster We carry a complete line of the following: Farm Drain Tile Pressed Brick Chimney Brick Sewer Pipe Fence and Fence Posts Lime Plaster Cement Keene Cement Plaster Paris Grave) and Sand Barrel Salt Block Salt Slop Bowls Chimney Tops LET US QUOTE YOU PRICES P. M, SGHNUR About Croup If your children are subject to croup, or if you have reason to fear their be- ing attacked by that disease, you should procure a bottle of Chamber-lain'sCou- gh Remedy and study the directions for use, so (hat in case of attack you will know exactly what course to pursue. This is a favorite FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Personal Service Given Every Call Day and Night Phones Wauseon, Ohio . East Bound , ' No. 563 .'. . . . .2:32 a. m. No. 140 ,...3:22 p. ru medicine must have exceptional merit ole and recommend it to their patients. They will gladly tell you what relief if gives from sore throat, bronchitis, crcup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscl .3, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, cold" of the chest (it often prevents pn' nonia). Always dependable, and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50. to win esteem wherever it becomes known. and it is important that you observe Foley's Honey and Tar is just what every sufferer of ' influenza or la grippe needs now. It covers the rough inflamed throat with a soothing healing coating, clears away the mucus, stops the tickling and coughing, eases the tightness and bronchial wheezing. Day and night keep Foley's HoneyTXr handy. It gives ease and com- fort from the very first dose. Buy it Now. FINK & HAUMESSER Wauseon Ohio and very successful remedy for croup, ADVERTISED LETTERS tne airecuons careiuuy. Mr. Ellwin Barnes, Helen I. Bradle, Mrs. R J. Croninger. Mrs. W. Disher, There is at 11 .ime to plant that F. S. and J. M. HAM ATTORNEYS AT LAW Arcade . . - ' Wauseon, Ohio Practice in All Courts Attention to Probate Matters, Ab- stracts and Opinions of Title. References Any Bank in the County ulip bed- - Hurry up before the Miss Ebba Fahler, Mr. Harry Foutty, Miss Minnie Frey, Mr. Ki Haller, Mr, ground freezes. 33-2- -c ' Wauseon Floral Co. Solomon JohnsonL Nbah Kauffman, Sleep and Rest. One of the most common causes of insomnia and restlessness is indiges- tion. Take 'one cf Chamberlain's Tablets immediately after supper and sea of you do not rest better and aleep better. They only cost a quarter. , Wauseon, Ohio INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE against Fire and Theft, Call Carl F. Orth, Agent. tf A good clean place to eat ' 32-tf- -c WILLIAM'S CAFETERIA i f Office 41 T Mr. and Mis. Charles Kellar, Liew Smith, Mrs. Jessie Steffens, Mr. Will Stoner. Emil Weber, Postmaster Pbonssl A good clean place to eat. 32-tf- -c WILLIAM'S CAFETERIA Bra llfi A good clean place to eat. 32-tf- -c WILLIAM'S CAFETERIA

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Page 1: Out Of V Try f · 1 FULTON COUNTY TRIBUNE, WAUSEON, OHIO, FRIDAY, NOV. 29, 1918 1870 TVank' David TdirtpWns WAR RISK INSURANCE 1871 Artie Ray Johnson ORDER NUMBERS 1872 Stephen Geoge



WAR RISK INSURANCE1870 TVank' David TdirtpWns1871 Artie Ray Johnson1872 Stephen Geoge. GrodiORDER NUMBERS DON'T DROP IT!

Some soldiers and sailors are droo... vAv...vnn(h V

1873 Otto. D. Leininger1874- Roy Bernheisel1875 Edward ,'W. Phillips

'--1876 Ralph H. Russell -

ping their War TJisk Insurance " be-cause the relatives they named as

Stomach Out Of

Order? Try NR

Nothing Better to Straighten You OutAfter Eating Too Much. Tones

Uver, Regulates Bowels. ActsPleasantly. Guaranteed.

teneficiaries have fa'led to receive1877 Elmer Edwin Short - .

878 Benjamin Ray Skeels insurance certificates from Washing

SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATELouis Seidner. Plaintiff,

vs ,Mary Shaxtm, et al, Defendant.Court of Comfaon Pleas, Fulton County,. Ohio

Case No. 7919.In pursuance of an order of Sale from

said Court to me directed in the above en-

titled action, I will offer to sale, at publicauction, at thej East door of the Court Housein Wauseon, Fulton County, Ohio, on Mon--day the 9th day of December, 1918, at oneo'clock p. m., the foilo'ns described realestate, situated in the County of Fulton andState of Ohio, and in the Township of Clinton

Parcel No. 1 beginning at a point whichis the south east corner of a plat of land

1879 Elmer Ellsworth Grimmf ton.1880 Daniel M. Leininger

Fifth Installment of Order Numbers

Applying to Fulton County Regis-

trants Registration of SeptemberI Men From 18 to 45 Inclusive.

Such action is entirely unwarrant1881 Aaron Roth1882 Loren Antwine Upell1883 John Christ Bernath1884 Arthur Lee Twiss

ed and detr.mentai to the best inter-ests of the fighting men and theirloved ones.1886 John Holly Berry

1886 Burton Lutz isecause of delay in receivimr in- -ive they are nayng forSi" .11'. deeded to Otto Guyman, by H. D. Meister


Ruddy Cheeks-Spafklir- ig Eyes 'Most Woniea.Can Have

Says Dr. Edwards, a Well-Know- n

Ohio PhysicianDr. F. M. Edwards for 17 years treated

scores of women for liver and bowelailments. During these years he gave tohis patients a prescription made of a fewwell-know- n vegetable ingredients mixedwith olive oil, naming them Dr, Edwards'Olive Tablets. You will know them bytheir olive color. ; .

These tablets are wonder-worker- s on theliver and bowels,'- which cause, a normalaction, carrying off the:was.te and poison-ous matter in one's system.

If you have-- pale face, sallow look, dulleyes, pimples, coated tongue, headaches, alistless, d feeling, all out of sorts,inactive bowels, you take one of Dr.Edwards Olive Tablets nightly for a timeand note the pleasing results.- Thousands of women as well as mentake Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the suc

surance certificates, many solders!1887 Elmer Clark Raker1888 Roland Samuel Baumgartner1889 Leonard Meridew1890 , James Arthur Batdorf,1891 Milford Estell Stnbbins :"

tnence running uue tasi moug mt uurui wueof the public highway (which is Dame

1892 Homer Leroy Holloway "

(Continued from last week)

1686 Charley Melvin Gillespie1587 Rosendo J. Deseno1588 Earl S. Stine168 Edward Can key1690 William Batdorf1691 John Alexander Garrow1592 George Miley Boyers

bel.eve that they are payng for in-surance protecton wh'ch they are notreceiv.ng. This is incorrect, Gov-ernment Insurance "s effective regard-less of the rece.pt of the insurance

Street in the Village of FettisvUle extended)to a point which is the southwest corner, ofa cemetery known as the Lutheran Cemeterydeeded to Ferdinand Smith and William

1893 Everett Clarence Jay - - .

Daupky, thence due north to the south lineof the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern

1894 CKve C. Porter :-

1895 Clair George Heber.. ...1896 George Edward O'Neill1897 Richard Leroy Harding1898 Elmer Edward Puehler1899 Oliver Franklin Bear

certifioate provjdied proper appr.ca- -


Avalon Farms HOG-TON- E' Th Litmid Hot CanditioiT, Fmltmntr form Rmoatr

THE RUNT WASN'Tboth started life rt the 'same time and weight They wereTHEY the tame feed tinder the same conditions with one except-

ion. The hl one gnt Ms nu)u- - dm of AVALON FARMS HOG-TON-

tha Liquid Hog Tuuic, Cunditioimr and FaUener and the runt didn't.

Railway right of way, thence southwesterlyalong the south line of said Railway rightof way to a point due north of the place of

tion has been made and prem urnsare being paid. The certificate is1900 Henry Nafziger

1901 Harve Henry Rychner102 David Frank

no part of the contract of insurance,it is merely evident that the contract exists. Tne Bureau of War

beginning, thence due south along the eastline of a plat of land owned by said OttoGuyman to the place of beginning, all insection thirty, town seven north of rangesix. East C.inton township, Fulton County, O.and being the land conveyed by H. D. Meut-e.t- o

said Amos Seidner by deed recorded in

1903 Edward Hicker- - '1904 Peter J. Short R sk Insurance of the Treasury De- -

1093 Howard Carl Morr1694 Charley Haggard Whitmer1595 Charles Lyman fiigbee1696 Martin Dvorsky1597 Robert Maitland Boyes1698 Henry BrockhorT1699 GeorgeAlbert Leu1800 Frank H. Winzler1601 Gordon Sylvester Stout "

1602 Fred LaSalle Fleming160 Frank H. Kesler16V4 Simon Perdy Cole1606 Samuel Paul Boehm1606 Wilbert Pennington1607 Andrew Lewis Deck1608 Herry T. Wright

The ha on b th kind that tops matket and Winn bia protiti to the pockets

1905 David S. Njaim1906 Ezra Rychner1907 Glen Ellsworth Page

Many people eat too much everyday and most eat much too muchsome days. That Is why Americanssuffer more than any people in theworld from Indigestion, biliousnessand constipation.

With a little thoughtfulness andcare, however, a great amount ofthis distress could be avoided and.you'll never realize how true this 13until you become one of the severalmillion people of this country whokeep a box of Nature's Remedy (NRTablets) constantly on hand and useit whenever Indigestion, biliousness orconstipation threatens.

Unlike laxative purges, cathartics,such as oil, calomel, etc., which mere-ly force bowel action,. Nature's Remedyexerts a boneficial influence upon theentire digestive and eliminative sys-tem the stomach, liver, bowels andeven tho kidneys. Its purpose is topromote vigorous and harmonious ac-tion of all the organs that handle thefood and body waste. '

That la why the results which fol-low the use of Nature's Remedy arealways a delightful surprise to thosewho first try it. The action whileprompt and thorough, 13 as mild andgentle and pleasant as Nature her-self, and the thorough cleansing thebody receives brings a. feeling; ofreal relief and benefit such as nolaxative pill or cathartic ever pro-duced for anyone.

Get a 25c box of Nature's Remedy(NR Tablets) and try iL There is norisk in doing so, for it must give yougreater relief and benefit than anyliver or bowel medicine you ever usedor money back instantly. It is sold,guaranteed and recommended by yourdruggist. ;


runt cost more toof tha hoc rawer. The""cut, is man ug insurance certi-

ficates as rapidly as possibly. Todate more than two and a ha:f mill- -

Volume 74 at page 199 of the record ofdeeds of Fulton County, Ohio.1908 Earl Elvin Mohler

1909 Samuel Rychnercessful substitute for calomel now andthen just to keep in the pink of condition.10c and 25c per box.' All druggists. Parcel No. 2 Situated in Clinton Town

mlnate the worms that are the bog rais-er' greatest foe to profits. Splendid forpregnant tows helps to produce health-ier, sturdier pigs. Come In the store-t- ell

us the number of your herd and wewill give you enough HOG-TON- E totreat aU your hogs 60 days. You don't

ns a penny now. If tue results ofS'veHOG-TON- E treatment foil to sutia- -'

it will cost you nothing.

on certificates have been sent forrM than he will ever bring in the marlot. And the difference waa broughtahnnt hy 20 cenfa worth ot AVALONFARMS HOC-TON- HOG-TON- S

puts new life into hotur makes them eatward and the daly output is con

ship, Fulton County, Ohio, and being afraction of the southwest quarter of sectionthirty, town seven north of range six east

1910 Roy Miller1911 Frank Julius Fenton1912 Berton Wesley Cole ,

1913 Eugene Lake stantly increasing-- The Bureau ofrnnre anq grow mi ac an amavina rare. and described as commencing at the northhelp them to cwatttt disease and U-- war iiisk Insurance now has on itsK New Tax Amendment' (Continued from page one)

1914 Paul Leonard Bonar1915 Marion Ray Hatfield looks more than th Tty-fiv- e b 11 onFOR SALE BY dollars of insurance and is receiving

approximately one million dollars of

west corner post of what is known as theLutheran Cemetery, thence due north fourhundred fifty eight feet, thence east fortyfive feet, thence south four hundred fiftyeight feet to the north line of said LutheranCemetery, thence along said north line ofsaid Cemetery forty five feet to the place of

et al. Application f6r letters of

1609 Loney HargerIfilO Isaac Curtis Stites1611 Arthur Yambert Boucher1612 Charlie Carl Neis1613 Jacob Bert Hoy1614 Willie Cyrenous Huyck1616 Har Beaverson1616 George Harvey Rogers1617 Fred F. Slagle1618 Joseph Rashley1619 Grover Cleveland Labarr

new insurance every week. It is unness. To prevent this dishonestnecessary to write to Washingtonburaen from becoming unbearableisKmg for your certificate. It w 11 beginning.me amitn lax Lamit Law was

Fink & Haumesser

The Corner DruggistsParcel No. 3 Situate in Clinton Townsome in due course. You do not

1916 Arkie Christy1917 Lora A. Watkins1918 C ifford E. Dixson1919 Ross J. Shafferli20 Earl Austin Bourquin1921 Frank Buck1922 Harry Brooks Mack1923 Chri't Marton Myers1924 Jacob Mika i

1925 Claude Arch Pfaff1926 Fred S. Hollis1927 Frank Miller Planson ;1928 John Wesley Brown1929 David Charles Gilson

S0 ftvron Richard Davidson

adopted. ship, Fulton County, Ohio, and being afraction of the southwest quarter of sectionunless we adopt entirely new need a cert.hcate to prove that you

have taken out insurance or to Drove.,,. iU. 1 a- -thirty town seven north of range six eastautomat e methods of levy and col-

lection, the. tax lim.t law wi 1 be set and described as commencing at a point onjuu ie luc ueiienc ary nameaiy a so d er or sailor. Every officeras:de to get more revenue. With

tne north line of and forty feet east ofthe northwest corner of what is known asthe Lutheran Cemetery, thence north fourhundred fifty eight feet thence east one hun-dred five feet, thence south four hundred

Automatic Taxation, Ohio ' can raise id mip n tiie military and navalservice of the nation has the Drivileo-- e

1620 Marion AumendLilley1621 Walter Wave Blair1622 John Franklin Andrews1623 Herbert B. Schultz1624 Homer Trum power1626 Charlie Ferdino Disbrow1626 Vern Ray Miller1627 William Clayton Upp1628 Charles Howard Short1629 Clarence Emerson Gresinger1630 Fred Stephen George1631 Alvin Earl Harger1632 Edgar Blaine Longnecker

twenty-fiv- e mllion dollars- add.tienalrevenue from wealth which has here nd the opportunity of buying up to

"10.000 of Uncle Sam's Insurance.Th s insurance is protect'on for h m

tofore escaped and th s increase willfifty six and one half feet to the northeastcorner of said Lutheran Cemetery, thencewest along the north line of said. CemeteryA provide sufficient for the schools andW? - TABLETS -- N? and for those that are dear to him,OLp.er mumc pal purposes. . .II IWIIMIIWHIIPIll

We have studied the tax systems twin io tne present and for the future. ,of the entire world to discover what

1931 Michael Bert Smith1932 Ross Mahlin Furney1933 Bert Leroy KloU10-- 4 Elias Rufenacht1935 Joseph John Malburgio6 Arthur Leroy Weber137 Asa Cnlvin Naua1938 Peter C. ShortiyaJ Guy Randal -

1940 Frank Clyde Baldwin1941 Edward James Stewart1942 Wesley Babinger1)13 William Bentley Mapes1944 Clarence Emmett Roosa1945 Perry , Arnsbarger1946 Claude Thomas Hoffman1947 Joseph Andrew Cogan

16133 Samuel Schmucker1634 Lewis C. Winzeler1636 Daniel J. Stutzman1636 Emil Tanner methods really accompLsh eCDient If you are the relative f a man

with the co'-or- it is your duty, to see

to the place of beginning.The above described property to be sold

as a whole, subject to the Dower interest ofMary Shaum.

Said Premises Appraised at $1800.00Texmd . of Sale One third cash, one third

in one year, and one third in two years. ed

payments secured by mortgage on saidpremises.

WILLIAM S." BOONE.Sheriff of Fulton County, .Ohio,

F. S, & J. M. Ham, Attorneys. gl-- 6

638 Gustave A. Truekenbrod results and we find the following areautomatic in their operation and willReal Thanksgiving 1637 George William Heiserman ne avai s himself of this Gov

ernment orotection and that when he1639 John Sam Echelbarger ' .1640 John Cecil Shaffer

do' way with the dishonor of perjuryand evas on, and will' also correct has obtaned it, he holds on to it.1641 Edward Alexander Ottgen

1642 Dell Ferna Hicker JJON'T DROP UNCLE SAM'S IN1948 Cassus A. Dresher SURANCE.1643 Howard Moore

1644 William Minet .Hippert 1949 Welcome A. Patterson1950 Francis Freeman Guyman1646 Clyde Harold Keller

1646 Richard Cook 1951 William Clyde Doriot CHRISTMAS CHEER FOR1647 David Martin ZolmanLEGAL NOTICE

Lettie Roddy and Harmon Roddy, whoselast known p.ace of residence was Buckley '

. liu. county ot Wexford State of Mirhio-ju- i z

WAR CHILDREN1952 Edwin Philipp Plettner1953 Arthur Clayton Mohler1648 Marion Wells

The War Ch'lclren's Relief Fundof number two Rector street New

1954 Benjamin Rupp1955 Monroe Jonas Rupp1

1649 Roes Smiley Mort1660 John Franklin Newell"1651 James Benjamin Kahle1652 Ernest Edward Sypult

Elizabeth Kline and Albert Kline, whose lastknown place of residence was Traverse Cityis Grand Traverse County' State of Mtahiran ;

1956 John Godfrey Andrew Stiriz

1723 James Orville Gunn1724 Earl Albert Roddy1725 Thomas Wellington Merillat1726 Altory Venice Green ,1727 Clyde L. Onweller1728- - James Franklin Shetler1729 Asberry Ruthford Loar ,1730 Delbert Geesey1731 Edd S. Blair1732 Henry Holmes Williams Jr.1733 Peter Brill1734 John William Bell1735 Herbert Demaline1736 William H. Nafziger1737 William Wooster Claff1738 Nelson Luther Stoltl1739 Earl Clement Grime1740 Geore Edric Mock1741 Joseph August Lafountain1742 George Arthur Stratton1743 Charles Festus Andrews1744 William Elliot McKeever1745 Alfred Burton Gunn

York is making what it believes will

the present scandalous cost of con-ducting our tax machinery, and willenormously increase the revenuesfor schools and local government, al-lowing the tax limit law to be. re-tailed and even to be tightened up sothat no tax may be higher than OnePercent. -

Mortgage Recording. Tax. Payone half of one, percent to the Re-corder and the mortgage to be taxfree thereafter, thus reducpg theborrowing rate. .

Deposits. Bank pay one quarterof one per cent on its deposits andcharge it to the depositors.

Securities. All taxable secur'ties

1957 Thomaa Irving Buchanan1958 Pearley Eugene Smith1959 Harry Sohn

and William Kune, Eva Hill, James Hill.Mary McGovers, Ed. McGovern, Frank Kline, "

iiarmon Kline and Kline. whose -name is to the undersigned unknown.'

and the places of residence of each and allt wnom is unknown and cannot bv reason

1960 Willie Ralfred Ford1961 Enoch Rupp1962 James A. H. Greason1963 Fredrick Harman Kahes1966 Jocelyn Upp1965 Frank Andy Kuhn1966 Shirley Joseph Falor '

able dilligence be ascertained,. Each and- bb.u Bww.c iujucu jicrauiu, win taae no

tice that on the 1,7th day of October A. D.1918 the undersigned filed his petition In thecourt of Common pleas of . Fulton county

be its last appeal for Christmas cheerand help for the children of the warravaged countries of Europe.

"None of the War Children's Re-lief Fund wll be sent to Germanchi'dren," says Mrs. Eva. MacDonaldValesh. "The food problem of Ger-many will doubtless be dealt with inthe proper manner by the Council ofthe Allies"

"Many contributors have urgethat we distribute the Fund for aHappy Chr stmas only to the childrenof our Allies and those "Little All-

ies-" as Mr. Hoover calls them,, whoare finding freedom under the pro

America has real cause to be, thankful.

We have been able to take an active

and helpful part in the greatest of causes.

We can all say, with Daniel Webster

"Thank God I am an' American."

1967 Charles Jerome Ives1968 Sydney Amos Fleming1969 Walter Clement Batdorf1970 Chester Arthur Miley1971 James Monroe Elton


must bear receipt that a tax of atleast three-tent- hs of one per cent hasbeen paid for the year to the County

Leo Edward MossingWilliam W. RobinsonMenno TrautEdward James O'NeillThomas Eugene Hallnanflail- - Pfunrf .treasurer, the legality of these sec1751.

1972 George Sherman Frederick1973 Harold Corwin Mills .

1974 Oliver Estel Smillie1975 Henry Kinerim

1752' Daniel Ellinwood urities to depend upon the security1753 James Richard Lammon

16'63 Louis Oliver Seidner1654 Raymond H. Short1656 Jacob King1656 Nicholas Patrick Delany1667 Joseph Mack1658 Lawrence Lester Dole1659 Elmer Joseph Rebeau1660 Oscar S. Geer1661 Edwin Furney1662 Charles Elsworth Garrison1663 Alvah Clyde Ford1664 Homer Allison Williams1665 Clarence VanDyke Worley166S Ralph Walter Brigham1667 Fred Elmer Gallagher1668 Everett Ira Terry1669 George Jacob Moog1670 Chauney M. Augatine1671 Edward Rupp1672 William C. Rupp1678 Lorn William Boyers1674 Nelson Clarence Burkholder1675 Thomas Cornwell Murray1676 Allen Miles Barber1677 Ernest Glenwood Bayes1678 George William Baus1679 Amon Berryhill1680 Frank Kuney1681 Robert Edward Miller1682 Garfield Ray Salsberry1683 Albert Dellno Currier1684 John Henry Dixson1686 Ariel Eugene Gunn1686 Ellsworth 'R. Steadman1687 Frank David Gorsuch1688 Almound Edward Munson

Ohio against them and others (the same be-ing cause No. 7949 on the docket of saidcourt) In which, petition plaintiff aleges insubstance that .on the 23rd day of August15)18 one Sarah VanNess died, intestate, andthe owner is le of the following des-cribed-real estate, situated in thetownship of Dover, County of Fulton andState of Ohio and more particularly described '

as follows:' Commencing twenty-fo-ur (24) '

rods East of the South West corner of sectionnine (9), township ten (10) South range "

two (2) East : thence North,' eighty (80).rods, thence East fifty-si- x (56) rods ; thenceQ,,t V, Qnl - . . ;

bearing this stamp.1976 Bert Alvin Fisher1754 Personal v Chattel Tax. The17551766 amount of chattel property owned by

1977 Bradley Chester Gunn1978 Daniel Bradford Koder1.179 Thomas Victor Coveney1980 Jacob George Walter

tection of the great AU'es. This is1767 just what we will do.1768

William Jackson GriceClarence John GreenCharlie Abraham SnyderMeek GarmanWillard Clyde BortonJames Dewey CoonHarry Theodore KraussFrank Albert GrafRufus Daniel FennerNed Nelson Bechtol

1981 Jay Delbert Chamberlain . Our Fund Tias every Christmas17691982 Clarence Arthur Newell sent food and clothing and a little1760


lncl viduals is about the same pro-portion of the value of the buildingsthey own. or occupy. Every manpay a chattel tax of one do'lar perannum for each thousand dollars oftax valuation of the house or other

Christmas stocking to the children1983 Eddie Delno Oberea1984 Clyde Garfield Gormley .1986 Nicholas Omelas

17621763 of our A'lies, especially those who

are homeless and orphaned. We

(56) rods to the place of beginning, contain-ing twenty-eig- (28) acres more or less.

It IE the prayer of said petition that par-titi- on

of the said 'real estate be made andthat plaintilf have his interest in said land

1764 Earl William Buck,1765 Martin Ezra Sayers (Continued next week.) buildl rigs ne occupies. Apartment wll give many thousands of them a1766 happy Peace Christmas. It will beDaniel Q. Medina

Dawson Elery BakerWalter H. MeyerCharles Abraham Stierle

houses and office buildings to be paidby the landlord and charged to thetenants.

The First National Bankof Wauseon

a golden memory to them and to all176717681769

be done without injury to the premises and 'that if the same cannot be ' done without suchmanifest injury then that the same be soldof us who have given. ,

1770 Wilmer Carl Leist1771 Robert Thomas Elton Already we know that we can doD. TAXIN

Dealer in

free of the interest of all parties to thisaction and the proceeds of said sale dividedamong the parties entitled thereto and for

1689 --Harold Lloyd Gunn much, for our people are so1 gener1690 Earl Wayne Sharn ous, even w:th the many demands such further relief as is just and equitable.1691 Lawrence Wanner

AU said above named parties will also takeupon them, but there are hundreds, of


thousands of little children . who are

ADMINISTRATOR'S SALEThe undersigned will offer for sale

at public auction, at the late residenceof El'zabeth Boyers, deceased, in Ful-ton, County, North Fulton St. Wau-seon O., On

- Saturday, December 7th, 1918the personal nroDertv of the said

Orlo Charles HarmonLewis Ellen LauberHomer Lisle RobinsonForest Roscoe ReesDaniel J. SauderWilliam Henry PikeJohn Henry FagleyLewis Hewitt HamCyril SamynEdwin NotViger

1692 Roy Lester Greiner1693 George Henry Probeck1694 Charles Rollin Elarton1695 Clarence Dewey Bowser1696 George Lloyd Nobbs

notice that they are required to anawer thisiSetition on or before. the 30th day of Decem-ber A. D. 1918, or judgment and decree maybe taken against them.

in real need. Every dollar that weAll Kinds of Junkshare with them this ' Christmas

GEORGE VANNESS. Plaintiff.1697 Samuel Oscar Row means lttle lives saved to futurePublic Sal e ! G. B. HEISE. Attorney for Plaintiff. 29--617801781

1698 Frank Louis Roth f1699 Irving George Wotring

Out Christmas gifts bring thsm1782 Theodore Henry Snyder1783 Glen Jerome Loveland1700 Sidney Kennedy

Ask For My Prices

Telephone 6401701 Harold Willard Lauber THIS DEBT WILL NOT, HURT

Ord narily folks don't like to get in

Elizabeth Boyers, deceased, consistingin part of: one center stand, one cor-ner stand. 6 dining chairs, 7 rockers,1 center table, 50 yds. Ingrain carpet,1 imitation leather couch, 1 combina

1702 John Pelton1703 William Grover RusBell1704 Charles Henry Mikesell1705 Charlea Anthony Stoll

debt. DpniJike,be,:'jketAfeFeel

the real Christmas cheer containedin a little stock'ng. somethTng likeSanta, (Bans jftighjiAring and in ad-dition, thief' warm clongjd.ig5odfood tides them Over the worst weeksof the cold' winter. '

262 West Chestnut St., Wauseon, Ohio


tion bookcase, 1 library table, 4 kit1706 George Solomon Leininger1707 G. L Berner

Lloyd Jennings HolmanJohn Adam Rehklau :.

Emanuel ShortLyman James RiceCharles Henry KoosErvin Eugene DruhotWilliam Henry ConstableCharley Birton HollsteinLeroy J. BortonLewis BuhrerHoward Bernard Schloaser

to Keep tne iact hidden.But there-ar- e debts and debts.1708 Guy Kenneth Acker chen chairs, 1. bureau-- 2 commodes, 1

wooden bedstead, 2 small rugs, 1 lap We can forward your gifts r ght1709 Loren Willis Harriman Some reprehensible, some inexcus- -,1710 Willie Henry Ruihly able, some O. K. ' .robe, 2 feather beds. 2 mattresses, 1

bed spring, 4 bed comforts, 3 bedup to Christmas Eve. Please sendchecks or, money order or cash. It1711 Howard Brigham Sohn 1793


. I will offer for sale at public auction 1-- 2 mile west and 2miles south, of Wauseon, on

Thursday, December 5th, 1918commencing at one o'clock, p. m.

Live StockOne horse 13 years old. 5 head cows: one eood red cow 8 vrs.

1712 John Binger One, the money you owe on yourLiberty Bond, is one of the kind thatElmer E. Rupp1795 wi l be promptly acknowledged and1713 Chester E. Thompson spreads, 1 woolen , blanket, 1 cotton

blanket. 3 pairs feather pillows, 1 an audited report of the distribution does- - not come under the ban.1714 Clair Alotueo Harrington1716 Henry Charles Funk1716 Dewey Lewis Carver sent to each contributor. It is one of the kind that increases

1796 Wendell Simon1797 Irvin Wales Haskell1798 Palnh RecUner1799 Michael Schuller1800 Frank Eugene Brown1801 Samuel P. Short1802 Clinton Jay Smith

1717 McClelland Pontious

dresser, 1 small stand, 2 camp chairs,20 yards Ingrain carpet. 1 wardrobe,1 walnut stand, 1 heating stove, 1range stove, 1 hot plate, 1 clock, 16

one's respect for you. One that givesone a little higher standing in his own'1718 Henry Fred Morts Greatly Benefited by Chamberlain's

1719 Henry David Bear Tablets.


H. B. SOHNCall N. C. Wright

Funeral DirectorPhones 76 or 450

Mot or or Horse Drawn Service

1720 Clark Dudleigh Hvbbard estimat on.And lacking it, your neighborsheets- - 9 pillow cases, 2 stand spreads, "I am thankful for the good I have1721 George Henry Atkinson

1722 Samuel Floryfild, fresh; 3 high-grad- e Holsteins, 13 years old will be freshabout December 2oth, 1 4 years old and 1 3 years old both will be 2 bed comforters, 2 :bed spreads, 1 received by using Chamberlain's Tab-- comes . for considerable ot . your

righteous contempt. You don't meetwoolen blanket, 1 wash bowl and pit leth. About two years ago when 1cher, 1 small safe, 1 dinmg table, began takine them I was suffering afresh in April, and 1 red cow 8 years old due to freshen Feb. 20th.

Feed' k'tchen table, dishes, table linen, screwHelpful Words great deal from distress after eating,and from heahache and a tired, landriver, hammer, chisel and. other ar-

ticles too numerous to mention.Sale to commence gX 1 o'clock p. m

guid feeling due to indigestion and600 bundles corn fodder, 12 tons of mixed hay, 5 tons of alfalfa a torpid liver. (Jhamberlam s iao- -From a Wauseon Citizenlets correct these disorders in a shortTerms: Purchases amounting to

three dollars or less to be paid in cash,

hay, 10 bushels of potatoes.

.Farm ImplementsOne horse wagon and harness, top buggy and harness, grind

time, and since taking two bottle3 ofthem my health has been g 'od,"writes Mrs. M. P. Harwood, Auburn,

above that sum, notes on six months'astabllshed January, 1SZ Oldest In City

h m with the old time warmth, theold cordiality.

You feel that he has neglected aduty in not obligating himself.

' And you are right.This Liberty Bond debt will come

nearer" being an indorsement for youat the' bank than any other liabilityyou. ever incurred. It commends.

And when you have paid it off, whenyou have squared yourself with thegovernment and your conscience,you'll have a better opinion of yor--,self. ,

,v .

It will represent 'one period of your"wViati nrt msit.tjar whflt. t.riA "rmrrl

Is your back lame and painful?Does it ache especially after exer time, with two or more approved

tion? i sureties, will be taken.DEALTON A. BOYERSstone, tank heater, sausage grinder, lawn mower, vise, milk can,

Is there' a soreness in the kidneyN. Y,

COUNT f BUSINESS(Continued from page one)

Nov. 19, 1918 Administratorregion?

1803 Mahlon A. Towne1011 p,ir,i. Bates1805 Charlie Edward Andrewsr06 Edward Griffin Cole1807 Alfred Viers108 Teorge Kinir McCoy1809 Edward Alfred Stafllier1810 Linley B. Hann1811 John Mearl Waer1812 George Arthur Johnson1813 John Wilbur Brown1814 Fred H. Hoffman1815 William Roop1816 Lawrence Arthur Caskey

817 HarryHarold Hoefer1818 Roy Clyde Stevens1819 Sylvester William White1820 Charles David Rutrer1821 Oliver Thomas Willeman1822 John Patric Ford1823 Clinton Eligah Degroff1824 Charles Knapp1825 Theodore Christ E'.'ing1826 Conrad Reichhardt1R27 Paul Mitey Watkins1828 Albert Earl Raker1829 James Fredrick Giff jrd130 Charles Cpnklin1831 Irvin Edgar Sloan1'3 Edward Peter Tanner1833 Daniel Peter Christmsn1834 Arthur Otis Stolts1835 Warren Samuel KimberKn1R36 Frederick Henry Schultz1837 George BurdettJS38 Simon D. Miller1839 Robert A. Gnnter1S40 Jerome Louis Socie1841 Ervin Menno Roth1842 Richard James Trimble

Banty Huber, Auctioneer 33-- 2'Business CollegeOHIO PATENTSAdams and 15th Sts TOLEDO, OHIO

half barren of salt, and other articles too numerous to mention.

Terms Made Known on Day of Sale

Geoge W. Funk, ProprietorLewis Ryan, Auctioneer

These symptoms suggest weak kid-

neys.If so there is danger in. delay.Weak kidneys get fast weaker.Give your trouble prompt attention

Prepare for a eood position at this old reliable guard' anship filedl Bond tilted anJapproved and letters issued to Clyde

Patents granted to citizens cfOhio, compiled bv W. A, Redmond,

Dunbar.kKooL located in a city where the position, are.You may enter any time. Students may earn boardand loom. Write (or catalogue.

Patent Attorney, Washirrgton, D. C,Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak Guardianship of Harold BarhiteW. P. Bovard, Mansfield, couplingkidneys. Inventory filed.device, (2 patents)THURBEB P. DAVIS, PrincipalYour neighbors use and recommend

B. T. Bownal, Cleveland, last tool Estate of G-- .W. Markley, 1st andfinal account confirmed. Executorholder- -them.

Read this Wauseon testimony:AU CTIO W S ALE

ship it mav have entailed, you feltyour self at your best.

So take care of the payment of tbatdebt. Don't neglect it. Don't treatit is an obligation of little ' conse-quence.

It may be only FIFTY DOLLARS,but it's THE BIGGEST OBLIGA-TION you ever assumed for all thatIt represents your honor before yourcountry:

Many a man has gone into bank- -

discharged.F. B. Converse. Akron, collapsibleMOTOR TRUCKING Estate of Mary Miller, 1st partialacoourtt confirmed. Order to begin

Mrs. A. Sams, E. Chestnut St.,says: "Doan's Kidney Pills have beenused in my family for many years.It was ten years ago I was firsttroubled with backache and disordered

case.James Davis, Salem, washing ma

chine.Frank Fix, C'ncinnati, tape burn

intr machine.I will sell at auction your property if you will give me the oppor new account.

Estate of Roy . Fleming. Inverttory and appraisement filed. AppliC. H. ISERMANtunity and call me early for dates. I have had experience in al

kinds of sales, and guarantee you will be pleased with your sale Joseph S Gold. Columbus, nut lock.South Franklin Street, Wauseon, Ohio

cation to sell pr Vate property at pri-

vate sale, filed and granted and orderof sale 'issued. Report of private

rupcy for a little. But the fellowwho lefuses to pay for his Libertyi , i i i i j i i - : l 1 1

C W. Harrold, Warren, deliveryIf you have heard me and like my Btyle call me, 135 M Lyonskidneys. My back felt stiff and lameand when I stooped over, I couldn'tstraighten without pain. It was hardfor mS to do my housework and I for printing press.Phone Your . Orders to Phone 6 2 3

sale of personal property filed and Bona naa oeuer oy iar jump uao uiolakeJ. A., Kidwelly Cleveland, cabinet,

John A. Kirk, Bucyrus, drawing One way he will be a long time

Mutual JPhone.

ALC ID S EI GNEURSales in my locality for benefit of Red Cross auctioned free.

28 ow tf-- e

dead. -

The other way he will be dishonored forever.

instrument.J- - C. Lincoln, Cleveland, uniting

railway rails.E. L M.arshall, Fremont, electr c

battery.George C. Noteman, Lakewoods,

furnace attachment- -

F. 3 .Yingling, Hamilton, measur

1843 William Henry Toms1844 Clyde Melvin Smith1845 Ervin Edward Hartman1846 Squire Earl Baker1R47 Gerald Lee Fuller1848 Howard Kope Elton.1849 Oscar C. Stevens1850 Arthur Nelson Lutton1851 K. C. Turner1852 Laurel Andrew Grime1853 Frank Kenneth Miley1854 Rolin Jermiah Gaudern1855 Henry Myer1856 Deward Whitehead1857 Henry F Smith1868 Ssmuel Miller1859 Joseph Allen Shannon1860 Frank Ulysus Bayes1861 Alva Perry Simmions1862 Amos Roth1863 Oliver Benjamin Ernest1864 - Alva Dennis Johnson18C5 Clarence Leroy Cash18S6 C'arence Welcome Belknap1867 William Carl Buhrer

C'oid Dale Kirkman1869 Frank Johnson

suffered with this trouble for sometime. Finally I decided to try theold family remedy r Doan's KidneyPills. Short use relieved the trouble.I have only had to take Doan's a fewtimes since and they have never failedto do the work."

Price 60c at all dealers. Don'tsimply ask for a kidney remedy getDoan's Kidney Pills the same thatMrs. Sams had. 1 oster-Milbur- n Co.,Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.


"I spent $1,800 in 7 years treating

USE THE 'RELIABLE ALWAYSDo not accept a remedy that your

druggist says is just as good for rheu-matism. In any stage or form use

Trusler's Rheumatic TabletsThey are in a class by themselves.

Pure vegetable, chocolate coated, easyto take. Put up in two sizes, 50c and$1 per box; 30 days' treatment in a50c box; 90 days treatment in the $1box. Your druggist can supply you.

The Trusler Remedy. Huntington, Ind.

costing me $10 a v'teit, only to at lastEDGAR & VAN RENSSELAER ing machine. say that nothing could be done forme, that I had cancer "or ulcers of

It is a unique way Read & Wager the stomach. I suffered awful pains

confirmed. -

Estate of Elizabeth Boyers. In-

ventory and appraisement filed.Estate of F. A. Fincham, deceas-

ed. Sttement in lieu of final j ac-

count filed. Hear'ng set for Dec.16th, 1918.

Estate of Frederick Wetzel- - 2ndpart:al aecount filed. Hearing setfor Dec. 23. 1918.

Estate of Timothy Plummer. In-d- iv

dual claim of Admx. hearing1:00 p. m. Hearing held, claim al-

lowed- Testimony of witnesses tak-en; Court rendered judgment ' toPlaintiff of Admx. in sum of $2884.

Estate of Wm. W. Whaley. In-ventory filed.

Mirrfage LicensesDonald Garber, farmer- - 20 Ches-

terfield Township, Fulton Countyind Lucile Royce, 18, Gorham Twp.Fulton County.

have of selling Hyomei, a guaranteedtreatment for catarrah. Moneyback if it fails.




Motor EquipmentNOTICE

We w 11 be at Kolbs Ten Cent BarnA good clean place to eat.


in my stomach, but after taking afew doses of Mayr's WonderfulRemedy these all. disappeared andfor 3 years am feeling fine." It is asimple, harmless preparation thatremoves the catarrhal mucus from,the intestinal tract and allays the

which causes practicallyall stomach." liver and intestinal ail-ments including appendicitis. Onedose will convince of money refund-ed.

Fink & Haumesser

in Wauseon. Ohio, every Saturday t.llLMay 1 1919 to buy. your . hides, peltsfurs and tallow. We pay good prices.QUALITY AND SERVICE Windisch Brothers v Influenza?

La Grippe?33-10- -p Tedrow, O.

Try Musterole. See HowQuickly It Relieves

You just rub Musterole in briskly, anusually the pain is 'gone a delicious,soothing comfort comes to take its place.

Musterole is a clean, white ointment,made with oil of mustard. Use it insteccof mustard plaster. Will not blister.

WABASH RAILROADTime TableWest BoundC. J. I V

Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.Do not imagine that because other

cough medicines failed to give yourelief that it will be the same withChamberlain's Cough Remedy. Bear:n mind that from a small beginningthis imedy has gained a world widereputation and immense sale. 'A

No. 23No. 147

5:48 p. m.2:02 p. m.

y. Many doctors and nurses use Muster

We carry a complete lineof the following:Farm Drain TilePressed Brick

Chimney BrickSewer Pipe

Fence and Fence PostsLime Plaster

CementKeene CementPlaster Paris

Grave) and SandBarrel SaltBlock SaltSlop Bowls



About CroupIf your children are subject to croup,

or if you have reason to fear their be-

ing attacked by that disease, youshould procure a bottle of Chamber-lain'sCou- gh

Remedy and study thedirections for use, so (hat in case ofattack you will know exactly whatcourse to pursue. This is a favorite

FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMERPersonal Service Given Every Call

Day and Night Phones Wauseon, Ohio. East Bound ,


No. 563 .'. . . . .2:32 a. m.No. 140 ,...3:22 p. ru

medicine must have exceptional merit

ole and recommend it to their patients.They will gladly tell you what relief if

gives from sore throat, bronchitis, crcup,stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion,pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains andaches of the back or joints, sprains, soremuscl .3, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet,cold" of the chest (it often preventspn' nonia). Always dependable,

and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50.

to win esteem wherever it becomesknown. and it is important that you observe

Foley's Honey and Taris just what every sufferer of

' influenza or la grippe needsnow. It covers the roughinflamed throat with asoothing healing coating,clears away the mucus, stopsthe tickling and coughing,eases the tightness andbronchial wheezing. Dayand night keep

Foley's HoneyTXrhandy. It gives ease and com-fort from the very first dose.Buy it Now.


and very successful remedy for croup,ADVERTISED LETTERS tne airecuons careiuuy.Mr. Ellwin Barnes, Helen I. Bradle,

Mrs. R J. Croninger. Mrs. W. Disher,There is at 11 .ime to plant that


Arcade . . - ' Wauseon, OhioPractice in All Courts

Attention to Probate Matters, Ab-stracts and Opinions of Title.

References Any Bank in the County

ulip bed- - Hurry up before the Miss Ebba Fahler, Mr. Harry Foutty,Miss Minnie Frey, Mr. Ki Haller, Mr,ground freezes.

33-2- -c ' Wauseon Floral Co. Solomon JohnsonL Nbah Kauffman,

Sleep and Rest.

One of the most common causes of

insomnia and restlessness is indiges-tion. Take 'one cf Chamberlain'sTablets immediately after supper andsea of you do not rest better andaleep better. They only cost aquarter. ,

Wauseon, Ohio

INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILEagainst Fire and Theft, Call Carl F.Orth, Agent. tf

A good clean place to eat '


i f

Office 41 TMr. and Mis. Charles Kellar, LiewSmith, Mrs. Jessie Steffens, Mr. WillStoner.

Emil Weber, PostmasterPbonsslA good clean place to eat.

32-tf- -c WILLIAM'S CAFETERIA Bra llfi A good clean place to eat.32-tf- -c WILLIAM'S CAFETERIA