overseas investment_ - pfrda bill likely in next session

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  • 8/7/2019 OVERSEAS INVESTMENT_ - PFRDA Bill likely in next session


    OVERSEAS INVESTMENT? - PFRDA Bill likely in next sessionB Y S ANJIV S HANKARAN [email protected] NEW DELHI

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    Legislation to create a statutory pension regulator and allow up to 49% foreign investment in pension fund

    management companies is likely to be introduced in the forthcoming budget session of Parliament.

    The government plans to in- troduce a pension Bill in the coming Parliament session, a senior finance ministry

    official said on condition of anonymi- ty. The pension Bill will largely follow the suggestions of a par- liamentary

    standing commit- tee given in 2005, the official added.

    The United Progressive Alli- ance government, in its first term (2004-09), had intro- duced a Pension Fund

    Regula- to ry and Development Author- ity (PFRDA) Bill in July 2005.

    The Bill did not specify a cap on foreign investment in pen- sion fund managers.

    The PFRDA Bill was later ex- amined by a parliamentary standing committee, which said foreign direct investment

    in the sector and investment of pension funds abroad should in no way be at variance with that applicable to the

    insur- ance sector.

    At present, the standing committee o f Parliament is ex- amining an insurance Bill, which seeks to enhance for-eign investment in companies to 49% from the current cap of 26%. In an ideal world, this (PFRDA Bill) should be

    a legis- lation that creates an enabling environment, said Gautam Bhardwaj, director of Invest India Economic

    Foundation, a consultancy specializing in pension reforms.

    According to Bhardwaj, an umbrella legislation such as the proposed PFRDA Bill should not specify caps on op-

    erational aspects such as for- eign investment in companies.

    These caps could be specified in subordinate legislation to give governments more flexi- bility to tailor them to

    the pre- vailing environment, he said.

    The government plans to sound the oppos ition on the possibility of putting the PFR- DA Bill to vote w ithout

    sending it to a parliamentary standing committee on finance for an- other round of scrutiny, the fi- nance ministry

    official cited above said.

    The outcome of the govern- ment's plan to avoid sending the PFRDA Bill to the standing committee w ill be knownearly next month as representatives o f government and the opposi- tion are to meet to find a way to ensure the

    smooth function- ing of Parliament.

    Currently, the pension sec- tor has its own regulator, PFR- DA, which started a market for pension products in


    Unlike the other financial services regulators such as the Reserve Bank of India, PFRDA does not have statutory


    Consequently, PFRDA does not have the quasi-judicial powers of other regulators.

    The drawback of not having statutory powers is that if one of the entities PFRDA regulates violates norms, it

    cannot im- pose punishment. PFRDA would have to use the judicial system to punish a violation by an entity it


    The standing committee, which examined the 2005 PFR- DA Bill, had made a few other recommendations that

    may be incorporated in the new legis- lation.

    The committee had recom- mended the PFRDA Bill em- power the watchdog body to appoint an administrator to

    run a regulated entity when events left it with no other choice.

    The regulator should also be entrusted w ith responsibility for protecting the funds of in- vestors and have a say

    in fund managers' operating costs to get the best deal for subscrib- ers, the committee recom- mended.


    [email protected]

    29-Jan-11 OVERSEAS INVESTMENT? - PFRDA Bill li

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  • 8/7/2019 OVERSEAS INVESTMENT_ - PFRDA Bill likely in next session


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