overtime sheet

 OVERTIME SHEET Name  : Muhammad Kurnia Hasibuan  100001/EL-CV-ZTE136/VII/2013 Employee ID : 6468000092 Project Nam : Smartfren Period  : July/14 No Day Date Time Place cti!itie" Total #our" 1 Tuesday 1/Jul/14 19:0022:00 !T" #ffi$e Ma%e desi&n '()*+ tem,late f#r -e. nfill Sit h#urs 2 Thursday /Jul/14 19:0022:00 !T" #ffi$e eise *#$ TSS 3 *esi&n )a$% )( 5T" h#urs 3 Saturday /Jul/14 09:0017:00 !T" #ffi$e )re,are desi&n ne. nfill site f#r submit by ema8 h#urs 4 M#nday 7/Jul/14 19:0022:00 !T" #ffi$e Send *esi&n ne. nfill site f#r submit by email h#urs ednesday 9/Jul/14 19:0022:00 !T" #ffi$e #ll#. u, issue ,#.er $#ne$ti#n .ith )( )#. h#urs  ',,lied +y (#nfirmed +y ',,r#ed +y "m,l#yee 5eader )r#e$t Mana&er PO Num$er ; The ertime )ayment is #nly $an be a,,lied in nati#nal h#liday< ; The ertime in .ee%ends and .ee%days $an be re,la$ed as day #ff<

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Post on 08-Oct-2015




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over time


Overtime SheetOVERTIME SHEETName:Muhammad Kurnia HasibuanPO Number 100001/EL-CV-ZTE136/VII/2013Employee ID:6468000092Project Name:SmartfrenPeriod:July/14NoDayDateTimePlaceActivitiesTotal hours1Tuesday1/Jul/1419:00-22:00ZTE officeMake design ACPDB template for New Infill Site3 hours2Thursday3/Jul/1419:00-22:00ZTE officeRevise Doc TSSR & Design Pack POC LTE3 hours3Saturday5/Jul/1409:00-17:00ZTE officePrepare design new Infill site for submit by email to SF8 hours4Monday7/Jul/1419:00-22:00ZTE officeSend Design new Infill site for submit by email to SF3 hours5Wednesday9/Jul/1419:00-22:00ZTE officeFollow up issue power conection with PIC Power & Engineer3 hours* The Overtime Payment is only can be applied in national holiday.* The Overtime in weekends and weekdays can be replaced as day off.Applied ByConfirmed ByApproved ByEmployeeLeaderProject Manager