overview of nuclear education and training facilities and hrd programme for rooppur npp in...

Overview of Nuclear Education &Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh Technical Meeting on Effective Utilization of Nuclear Power Plant Simulators as Introductory Educational Tools May 19-22, 2014, IAEA Md. Kabir Hossain Construction of Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant Project Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission Email: [email protected]

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Page 1: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

Overview of Nuclear Education &Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur

NPP in Bangladesh

Technical Meeting on Effective Utilization of Nuclear Power Plant Simulators as

Introductory Educational ToolsMay 19-22, 2014, IAEA

Md. Kabir HossainConstruction of Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant Project

Bangladesh Atomic Energy CommissionEmail: [email protected]

Page 2: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

Background Information;

Workforce for Rooppur NPP;

Status of Nuclear Education & Training Facilities for Rooppur NPP Programme;



Page 3: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

Background Information

Page 4: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

Full name: People's Republic of Bangladesh

Population: 160 million (8th in world)

Area: 143,998 sq km (55,598 sq miles)

Population Density: 1034 per sq km (4th in world)

Major language: Bengali

Educaction Rate: 60%

Major Profession: Agriculture, 50% GDP

Major religions: Islam

Main exports: Garments, fish, jute goods, leather products

Background Information

Page 5: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has begun its preparations for nuclear power in the 1960s and Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant (Rooppur NPP) Project site was selected in 1963;

The progress never passed the activities related to preparatory stage of construction;

A resolution for immediate establishment of NPP to combat existing power crisis was passed by the National Parliament in 2010 ;

Power System Master Plan 2010 of Bangladesh Government indicates that Bangladesh Government wants to introduce 2000 MWe of nuclear power by 2020;

Background Information

Page 6: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

November 02, 2011 the Government of Bangladesh and the Government of Russian Federation signed an IGA on Cooperation Concerning the Construction of a Nuclear Power Plant on the Territory of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh – Cooperation Agreement

January 15, 2013 the Government of Bangladesh and the Government of Russian Federation signed an agreement on the extension of a state export credit for financing of the preparatory stage of construction of a Nuclear Power Plant – Credit Agreement

At the same time an MOU for the financing of the main stage of construction was also signed

Background Information

Page 7: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

BAEC is a Government entity, which is responsible for promoting peaceful uses of atomic energy in the country.

Total manpower of BAEC stands at more than 2000, which includes about 500 professionals having wide experience in various fields of nuclear science and technology.

About 100 of these personnel have good exposure on various aspects of NP program.

Background Information

Page 8: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

Workforce for the “Rooppur NPP”

Page 9: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

Present manpower of “Rooppur NPP” Project is about 55 with 35 professionals-- Project Planning & Contract Negations: 7- Siting and Development: 9- Nuclear Technology: 7 - International Coordination & HRD: 5- Administration & Accounts: 7

Workforce for the “Rooppur NPP”

Page 10: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

BAEC has proposed a tentative Organization Structure (OS) for the “Rooppur NPP” consisting of 1660 personnel;

The OS will be finalized in consultation with NPP technology supplier in due course of time;

Proposed OS has been submitted to the MOST for creation of posts and 97 has been sanctioned for preparatory stage of construction with 48 technical personnel;

Workforce for the “Rooppur NPP”

Page 11: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

It is expected that 380 posts will be created in the second phase (2016), and the rest (i.e., 1146) will be sequentially;

The OS proposes a total of 1048 technical personnel including 699 for O&M activities of the Rooppur NPP as follows:Operation Group (510) Maintenance Group (189)− Professionals : 226 – Professionals : 86− Technicians : 158 – Technicians : 72− Craftsmen : 126 – Craftsmen : 31

Workforce for the “Rooppur NPP”

Page 12: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

In the OS, category-wise distribution of 1048 Technical Workforce has been proposed as follows: Qualified Professionals : 513 (49%) Technicians/ Technologist : 325 (31%) Craftsman : 210 (20%)

TOTAL : 1048 (100%)





Engineers Technicians

Workforce for the “Rooppur NPP”

Page 13: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

Disciplines Divisions/SectionsNumber of Posts

Operations Maintena-nce

General Service



Admin DG/DDG

Nuclear Engineering 41 40 0 0 0 0 0 1Mechanical Engineering 104 44 29 16 1 5 5 0 3 1Chemical Engineering 37 16 7 0 0 9 3 0 2Electrical Engineering 96 40 33 15 1 2 2 4 2Civil Engineering 16 0 0 13 1 1 0 1Computer Sc. & Engg. 31 2 6 7 1 0 0 10 2Reactor Physics 20 20 0 0 0 0 0 0Health Physic 11 6 0 0 0 5 0 0Nuclear Chemistry 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0Chemistry 26 18 0 0 0 5 1 0 2Physics 52 18 2 3 3 16 3 0 2 5Applied Physics 17 6 4 2 1 0 3 1Engineering (CE/CSE/EE/ME/ChE) 19

0 0 0 5 14 00

0 0

Head/Director/DDG/DG 39 12 5 5 1 7 1 1 1 2 4

TOTAL: 513 226 86 61 14 64 15 18 17 7 1 4

Proposed Distribution of 513 Qualified Professionals

Workforce for the “Rooppur NPP”

Page 14: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

202120192017 20182016201420132009 2012

35 100 380 1145 People will recruited sequentially

Preparatory Construction Phase Main Construction phase


Zero point for starting of NPP (O&M Personnel)

Erection All testing

90%(O&M, QA)

100% (O&M)

Proposed Workforce Distribution of Rooppur NPP


Page 15: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

A general approach of recruiting manpower for Rooppur NPP year by year during different milestones has been proposed on the basis of the following issues:

different work functions;

qualification of manpower and;

Experience and training requirements for different work function categories;

Recruitment and Staff Training Strategy for Rooppur NPP

Page 16: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

Connection to the Grid


Start of FSS training of plant engineers, reactor engineering, computer engineering, modification engineering

20192017 20182016

•On site training•Maintenance personnel trained and allocated•Design and organization of the control training centre and simulator

•FCD for Rooppur NPP•Zero point for starting of NPP Personnel (O&M, QA, nuclear fuel, Safety , emergency Personnel)


•Hiring consultant for RNPP;


•Preparing Rooppur NPP personnel•Required knowledge

2009 2012

•Definition of the Project management & Project management structure•Completion of skilled surroundings

Supporting Project

Preparatory construction Phase

Main Construction phase

HRD pr





ct RN


Participation of Rooppur NPP personnel on site (trained O&M, QA, personnel, Safety personnel

Workforce Planning for Rooppur NPP

Page 17: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

Status of Nuclear Education & Training Facilities for Rooppur NPP Programme

Page 18: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

BAEC has a good number of professionals in various branches of nuclear technology;

The Core Manpower for preparatory activities of the Rooppur Nuclear Power project is available in BAEC;

A dedicated group of professionals is working for the regulatory body; Fresh professionals for Rooppur NPP and the nuclear regulatory body

will be available from the General Universities, Universities of Engineering and Technology and Technical Institutions from their annual out put;

A training Institute under BAEC has been established to train the professionals in the field of nuclear technology. Presently this institute offers fundamental courses on nuclear technology to the junior professionals of BAEC;

The appointment of fresh professionals for preparatory stage construction of “Rooppur NPP” and “Regulatory Body” are in progress;

Status of Nuclear Education & Training Facilities for Rooppur NPP Programme

Page 19: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

The Government has taken initiatives to strengthen infrastructure for education and research in nuclear science and technology and major universities have been instructed in this regard;

A couple of universities in the country are taken initiatives to open nuclear engineering courses, mostly in the post-graduate level.

Dhaka University has started Nuclear Engineering department for graduate and post graduate level.

Status of Nuclear Education & Training Facilities for Rooppur NPP Programme

Page 20: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

A leading technical university (a public univ.) of the country BUET (Bangladesh University of Engg. & Technology) is also working to start NE courses at different levels;

BRAC university (a private univ.) has signed MoU with BAEC for joint collaboration in the area of nuclear science & technology education;

Technical Institutions (Polytechnic and Vocational) located in Dhaka is being requested to introduce appropriate courses on nuclear energy;

Status of Nuclear Education & Training Facilities for Rooppur NPP Programme

Page 21: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

Total Number of Public Universities = 34o General = 21o Engineering = 5o Science & Technology = 7o Medical = 1

Total Number of Private Universities = 52o General = 44o Engineering = 3o Science & Technology = 5o Medical = 0

Total number of Students in Private Universities is about 280,822 (Year: 2011)

Academic institutions available in the country






































1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011


ber o

f Stu



Number of Students in Public University


3 50



Genarel University Engineering University

Science & Technology University

Medical University



Page 22: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

Annual Intake of Undergraduate Students in Different NP Related Subjects













0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200













No. of Undergrad Students

Total: 6,550Engg: 2,920

RNPP Needs: 513

Page 23: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

Diploma Engineering Program (4 yrs course after SSC) in Polytechnic Institutes

Number of Institutes : 230Public : 50Private : 180

Total Capacity : 44,200Public Institutes : 16,580Private Institutes : 27,620

Page 24: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

Relevant Diploma Courses Offered in Public Polytechnic Institutes

Name of the Technology No. of Students

Telecommunication Technology 120

Mechatronic Technology 40

Instrumentation and process Technology 160

Environmental Technology 400

Construction Technology 200

Architecture and Interior Design Technology 520

Chemical Technology 40

Civil Technology 1500

Computer Technology 1920

Electrical Technology 1020

Electronic Technology 1480

Mechanical Technology 700

Power Technology 600

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology 680

Surveying Technology 40

TOTAL: .. 9,421

RNPP Needs: 324

Page 25: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

Vocational Training Centers

1. SSC Vocational Course (2-yr duration)

Total Institutes : 1958Public : 154Private : 1804

Total Intake (annual) : 959,000

2. HSC Vocational Course(2-yr duration)Total Institutes : 64Public : 64

Total Intake (annual) : 8,430

RNPP Needs: 210

Page 26: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

Possible Resources for “Rooppur NPP” Program

Institutions NPP related annual intake

Rooppur NPP Needs

Universities Public-34 ~7000 513Private-52

Polytechnic /Diploma Public-50 ~10000 325Private-180

Secondary vocational Public-155 ~1000000 210Private-1800

Higher Secondary vocational

Public-64 ~10000

Page 27: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

IAEA Assistance to Use Simulator BAEC has training Institute;

BAEC has proposed to establish an “Advanced Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Technology (AINET)”with full facilities of NP programme;

Public/Private Universities;

Bangladesh seek assistance to provide PC based simulator as educational tools to the above mentioned Institutions;

IAEA may dispatch an expert mission to train a team from the above mentioned Institutions;

Page 28: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh

Bangladesh faces a huge challenge in implementing the Rooppur NPP and its total nuclear power;

A preliminary assessment has been chalked out a plan to find out methods that can be applied to find out our gaps and then fill them up;

Bangladesh seeks cooperation from the Russian Federation in the form assistance package like National training courses, Seminar/Workshop, Expert Mission/Review and other form of bilateral arrangements in establishing infrastructure for “Rooppur NPP” building;


Page 29: Overview of Nuclear Education and Training Facilities and HRD Programme for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh


Thank you for your kind attention !

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