overview of the frames project & concept of multi-layer safety approach

- Context of Multilayer Safety - Development of the Frames project - Expected output - Cooperation within North Sea Region Interreg programme Flood Resilient Areas by Multilayer Safety approach

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- Context of Multilayer Safety

- Development of the Frames project

- Expected output- Cooperation within North Sea Region Interreg programme

Flood Resilient Areas by Multilayer Safety approach

Cooperating on tackling the impacts of climate change

Sea level rise

Extreme river levels

Pluvial floods effecting dense urban areas

Soil subsidence

National Deltaprogramme: in 2050 The Netherlands

have to be climate proof (flood protection, availablility of

fresh water and adaptive spatial planning)

Integrated Flood Risk management / MLS:

Combined planning and actions on

- prevention

- adaptive spatial planning

- emergency response

- recovery

Concept is acknowledged, but implementation is another




North Sea Region

North West Europe

NSR is currently the only programme where climate adaptation is a priority

Specific priorities:- Demonstrate new and/or improved methods for improving the climate resilience of target sites

- Develop new methods for the long-term sustainable management of North Sea ecosystems

EU Interreg Subsidy programmes

2014: project application started by finding partners in the NSR

2014: mangement and politics involved

2015: rejected by steering committe but with the invitation to submit

2016: approved 01 October 2016 , 31 January 2017 contract signed

Frames project application

Total budget € 6.924.911,

ERDF contribution € 3.462.455

October 2016 – 31 January 2020

General objective: reduce the impact of floods from sea, river and extreme rainfall to keep the North Sea regions economically and environmentally sustainable.

Integrated Flood Risk management / Multilayer Safety Approach

- combined actions for prevention, spatial adaptation, emergency response and recovery

No one region or authority can do these actions alone

Mobilise local and social stakeholders

Outcome – change (Work Packages)

• Flood resilient areas: improved infrastructure and spatial planning measures

• Food resilient communities: better prepared communities and social stakeholders

• Flood resilient authorities: reduced recovery times and increased response capacity

Increased awareness and response capacity of authorities and


Laymen reports on flood risk resilience

Communication tools

Decision Support System

Policy recommendations for authorities

Toolkit for improved spatial targeting of catchment based flood risk


Output - deliverables (selection)

Authorities / administrators from cities and regions


Emergency/rescue organisations

Knowlegde Institutes

Social stakeholders (senior citizens associations, Red Cross)



Frames stakeholders