ovid_ technique of inter...achial plexus injuries

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  • 8/11/2019 Ovid_ Technique of Inter...Achial Plexus Injuries


  • 8/11/2019 Ovid_ Technique of Inter...Achial Plexus Injuries



    Neurotization is indicated in cases of brachial plexus traction injuries with complete avulsion of the spinal

    nerve roots or irreparable proximal lesions of spinal nerves. A proper evaluation of brachial plexus lesions is a

    prerequisite to any reconstructive procedure. Intercostal nerves most frequently have been used to neurotize

    the musculocutaneous nerve 2,8,9,12,15,22-24,27,34for rec onstruction of elbow flexion. It can also be used to

    neurotize the branch o f the radial nerve to the tric eps for reco nstruction of elbow extension 14,28,35or to

    neurotize a free-functioning muscle transfer.6,35-41Hand sensibility can be restored by suturing the sensory rami

    of the intercostal nerves to the medial head of the median nerve or the ulnar nerve component of the medial

    cord.40,42Other reported uses of intercostal nerve neurotization have been to reanimate the diaphragm in

    patients confined to long-term positive-pressure ventilation because of high cervical spine injury,33for

    reconstruc tion in a case of Poland's syndrome,31and for dynamic reconstruction of the abdominal wall using a

    reinnervated free rectus femoris muscle transfer.32Although advanced age is not a contraindication, better

    results have been obtained in younger patients,27,43those with a shorter time interval between injury and

    surgery,8,43and the use of direct transfer without the use of interposition nerve grafts.8,15,26There has been

    some conce rn about reduced pulmonary function after intercostal nerve transfer, but c linical studies have

    proved otherwise.17,44,45

    Cases with ipsilateral phrenic nerve palsy and rib fractures are con traindications to the procedure . Poor

    local skin conditions and thoracic vertebral fractures are relative contraindications.

    Intercostal nerve transfer is a technically demanding procedure and should be unde rtaken by surgeons

    experienced in this technique. A cooperative patient who understands and c an follow the protracted c ourse of

    physiotherapy is another prerequisite for this operation.46,47


    The second to sixth thoracic ventral rami proceed in their intercostal spaces below the interco stal vessels

    (Fig. 1). Posteriorly, they are between the pleura and posterior intercostal membranes but, in most of their

    course, run be tween the internal intercostals and the subcostalis and interc ostalis intimi. Near the sternum, they

    cross anterior to the internal thoracic vessels and the transversus thoracis and pierce the internal intercostals,

    external intercostal membrane, and pectoralis major, ending as the anterior cutaneous nerves of the thorax,

    which supply the skin on the front of the thorax (Fig. 2). The second anterior cutaneous nerve may be

    connected to the medial supraclavicular nerves, and twigs from the sixth supply the abdominal skin in the upper

    part of the infrasternal angle.48

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    FIGURE 1. Schematic of neurovascular relations in a typical intercostal space. Intercostal vein (gray arrow),

    intercostal artery (black arrow), and intercostal nerve (black arrowhead).

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    FIGURE 2. Schematic of the course and distribution of the intercostal nerve.


    Numerous muscular rami supply the intercostals, serratus posterior superior, and transversus thoracis.

    Anteriorly, some cross the costal cartilages from one intercostal space to another. From each intercostal nerve, a

    collateral and a lateral cutaneous branch leave before the main nerve reaches the costal angle. The collateral

    branch follows the inferior border of its space in the same intermuscular plane as the main nerve, which it may

    rejoin before distribution as an additional anterior cutaneous nerve. The lateral cutaneous branch accompanies

    the main nerve a little way and then pierces the intercostal muscles obliquely; except for the first and second,

    each divides into anterior and posterior rami which pierce the serratus anterior. Anterior branches run forward

    over the border of the pectoralis major to supply the overlying skin, the fifth and sixth also supplying twigs to a

    variable number of upper digitations of the obliquus abdominis externus. Posterior branches run back to supply

    the skin over the scapula and latissimus dorsi. The second lateral cutaneous branch is the intercostobrachial

    nerve. It crosses the axilla to the medial side of the arm, joins with a branch of the medial cutaneous nerve of

    the arm, pierces the deep fascia, and supplies the skin of the upper half of the posterior and medial aspects of

    the arm, connecting with the posterior c utaneous branch of the radial nerve. A second intercostobrachial nerve

    often branches off from the anterior part of the third lateral cutaneous nerve supplying the axilla and the medial

    side of the arm.


    Each intercostal artery crosses its intercostal space obliquely toward the angle of the rib above and

    continues forward in its costal groove. At first between the pleura and internal (posterior) intercostal membrane

    as far as the costal angle, it passes between the intercostalis internus and intercostalis intimus muscles,

    anastomosing with an anterior intercostal branch from an internal thoracic or musculophrenic artery. It has a vein

    above and a nerve below (Fig. 1), except in the upper spaces where the nerve is at first above the artery. Each

    posterior intercostal artery has dorsal, collateral, muscular, and cutaneous branches.49

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    Anesthesia, Patient Positioning, and Planning

    With the patient under general anesthesia in the supine position, the arm is placed on a hand table with the

    shoulder in approximately 50 to 60 degrees of abduction (Fig. 3). The body is tilted 20 degrees to the unaffected

    side, by interposing a pillow under the chest wall of the affected side. The shoulder is not abducted as much in

    case a free muscle transfer has been done earlier to prevent tension on the transferred muscle. Alternatively,

    the upper extremity can be supported with rolled towels on the operating table with a small arm rest. This allows

    more room for the operating team by eliminating the need for a side table.

    FIGURE 3. Patient positioning after anesthesia.

    Technique of Intercostal Nerve Harvest

    The incision extends along the lower edge of the pectoralis major muscle from the anterior axillary fold

    toward sternum. It is slightly gently curved medially toward the xiphoid process (Fig. 4). In women, the incision is

    carried along the inframammary fold for better cosmesis. The exposure of the third to the sixth intercostal

    spaces is done in the same way as described he re. The skin and the subc utaneous tissue are incised using a

    scalpel and electrocautery, respectively, and flaps are developed on either side of the incision. The

    intercostobrachial nerves are identified and tagged for later transfer to the medial head of the median nerve. The

    fascia over the lower border of the pectoralis major muscle is then incised, and the muscle is carefully dissected

    and retracted. This brings into view the pectoralis minor muscle which lies immediately below the major. The

    origin of the pectoralis minor muscle serves as an important and useful landmark for the identification of the

    third, fourth, and fifth ribs (Figs. 5 A, B). The ribs are identified, and the soft tissue and periosteum are incised

    with a Bovie over the anterior surface of the rib in the midline from the midaxillary line to the costochondral

    junction (Fig. 6). Each rib is then carefully freed of the periosteum with a periosteum elevator. The periosteum is

    lifted off over the anterior surface first in the direction of the fibers and then over the posterior aspect with a

    curved periosteum elevator and a rib raspatory (Figs. 7 A-D). Each rib is thus completely dissected and denuded of

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    its periosteal cover. Except in cases where the re are antecedent rib fractures, the dissection with a curved

    sharp periosteum elevator is relatively easy and straightforward, and injury to the pleura is exceptional. In the

    rare case of the pleura being cut or damaged during dissection, there is usually sufficient soft tissue on the

    posterior aspect of the rib for an immediate tensionless closure of the pleural breach with a fine monofilament

    suture. Usually, no drainage is necessary if the patient is maintained on positive-pressure ventilation. The

    approach and exposure of the intercostal nerve require prec ision and c areful dissection. The denuded rib is

    elevated with a Farabeuf retractor or 2 hooks by the assistant. Another assistant then grips and retracts the free

    edge of the periosteum with a pair of Kocher forceps toward him. A longitudinal incision is then made over the

    deep surface of the periosteum, medial to the midclavicular line, with a no. 15 scalpel (Figs. 8A, B). At this level,

    the intercostal muscles are thin, and the nerve is easier to identify. As soon as the nerve is visualized, coursing

    underneath the transparent endothoracic fascia, it is carefully dissected using fine Stevens scissors and isolated

    with a silicone loop. At no point during the dissection the nerve is directly gripped with the forceps. It is simply

    raised gently by the silicone loop. Upon isolation, the intercostal nerve is stimulated with a nerve stimulator toconfirm its motor branch (Fig. 9). Each small collateral branch of the nerve is carefully dissected with the scissors.

    Most importantly, electrocoagulation is not used for hemostasis until the entire length of the nerve is dissected

    and the distal end is sectioned; the nerve is reversed toward the axillary area. In the event of any bleeding or

    hemorrhage during the dissection, the corner of the gauze pad is simply packed on the hemorrhagic zone, and

    the dissection is continued. This simple precaution helps avoid any inadvertent injury to the delicate intercostal

    nerve. Depending on the length of the intercostal nerve required to reach the recipient nerve, the dissection

    may be extended medially up to the costochondral junction. Laterally, the dissection is carried to the deep

    surface of the insertion of the serratus anterior digitations. We prefer and advocate pre serving the serratus

    insertion when it is not completely paralytic or has been reinnervated during surgery (Fig. 10). Intercostal nerve

    transfer reach toward the recipient nerve is facilitated by passing the nerves through a tunnel created in the

    muscle. The intercostal nerves are then assembled together on a plastic background material and carefully

    resized and recut under an operating microscope. Interfascicular suture is carried out using 10-0 or 11-0

    monofilament nylon sutures (Fig. 11). We usually put in 4 to 5 sutures, and we do not use fibrin glue. In our

    experience, 2 intercostal nerves put together match the diameter of the branch of the radial nerve to the long

    head of the triceps, and 3 intercostal nerves form a good match with the branch of the musculocutaneous nerveto the biceps. The suture is made with slight abduction of the shoulder, so that during the postoperative

    immobilization, the risk of tension on the nerves is reduced considerably. A meticulous hemostasis is done. The

    muscles and fascia over the ribs are sutured together with nonabsorbable sutures to prevent any dead space and

    later seroma formation. The incision is closed in layers over a Penrose drain away from the neurorrhaphy site in

    the dependent region to prevent any postoperative hematoma formation (Fig. 12). It is very important to prevent

    any rubbing of the skin during cleaning of the blood stains postoperatively because the neurorrhaphy is very

    susceptible to shear forces. Therefore, the skin is gently mopped and dabbed with saline-soaked sponges. Strict

    immobilization is done for 3 weeks using a soft pillow support splint (Fig. 13). Passive abduction of the shoulder is

    prohibited for another 2 months.

    FIGURE 4. Preparation of the surgical field and the planned skin incision. Note the arm supported with rolled



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    FIGURE 5. A, Schematic of the origin of the pectoralis minor muscle from the third, fourth, and fifth ribs. B, The

    pectoralis major (small arrow) has been retracted for the identification of the pectoralis minor (small arrow). Note

    the tagged intercostobrachial nerve (arrowhead).

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    FIGURE 6. Inscision of the fascia and periosteum over the anterior surface of the third through fifth ribs (arrows).

    FIGURE 7. Stripping off the rib periosteum from (A) the anterior surface and (B and C) the posterior surface using

    a curved periosteum elevator and a rib raspatory, respectively. D, Schematic of the periosteal dissection.

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    FIGURE 8. A, Intraoperative view showing the simultaneous retraction and elevation of the rib (small arrow) toimprove visualization of the undersurface and the stripped periosteum in its entirety (arrowhead). The second

    assistant retracts the periosteum held firmly with a pair of Kocher forceps (large arrows). The surgeon then

    makes an incision on the periosteum to identify and isolate the intercostal nerve. B, Schematic of this step in the


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    FIGURE 9. The intercostal nerve is identified, tagged, and dissected free (arrow). It is stimulated with a nerve

    stimulator to confirm the motor branch (black arrowhead).

    FIGURE 10. Schematic of the intercostal nerves tunneled through the serratus anterior muscle slips while stillpreserving its insertion.

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    FIGURE 11. The motor branches of the intercostal nerve have been sutured to the musculocutaneous ne rve

    (arrowhead), whereas the sensory rami and the intercostobrachial nerves have been transferred to the medial

    head of the median nerve for sensory reconstruction (small arrow).

    FIGURE 12. Skin closure and placement of Penrose drains (arrowheads).

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    FIGURE 13. Immediate postoperative immobilization with "controlled" abduction of the ipsilateral shoulder with a

    cushion pillow splint.

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    With proper surgical technique and meticulous dissection, complications are a rare o ccu rrence. In our

    experience, the most common complication has been the formation of a seroma or the collection of an effusion.

    This can be prevented by c areful closure of the incision in layers and the strategic placement of Penrose drains

    in the dependent part of the incision. It is especially important to carefully suture the intercostal muscles which

    have been elevated off the ribs to prevent the formation of any dead space. Another complication that might

    occur is iatrogenic pneumothorax while dissecting out the intercostal nerve. We have had 2 cases of

    pneumothorax formation, which were immediately managed by chest tubes and positive end-expiratory pressure

    ventilation with no postoperative sequelae. When detected, the rent in the pleura should be immediately closed

    with fine monofilament nylon or Prolene using an atraumatic round-bodied needle.


    The arm on the operated side is immobilized in controlled slight abduction so as not to place excessive

    tension on the neurorrhaphy site with a commercially available soft pillow splint. A chest radiograph is taken

    before the patient is transferred to the recovery unit to rule out any pneumothorax. The arm is maintained in

    this position of immobilization for a period of 3 weeks. Supervised gentle, passive, range-of-motion exercises are

    commenced thereafter, but any abduction of the shoulder is prevented for a further 2 months. Postoperative

    rehabilitation program varies according to the purpose for which the intercostal nerve transfer was performed.

    But, essentially, the patient is trained to achieve contraction of the reinnervated muscle by deep breathing

    exercises and is then progressively trained to achieve independent c ontraction of the reinnervated muscle.50,51

    The recovery after intercostal nerve transfer is monitored clinically by eliciting the Tinel sign and by

    electromyography. We have observed that audiovisual biofeedback exercise using electromyography is very

    effective for a patient to know which effort is best to achieve efficient muscle contraction and to learn how tocontinue the contraction.46,47,52The details of the rehabilitation program are beyond the scope of this article

    and shall be described elsewhere in the near future.


    Chuang et al 8have reported a success rate of up to 81% in 66 patients with brachial plexus injuries treated

    by means of intercostal nerve transfer to the musculocutaneous nerve, with or without nerve grafts to obtain

    elbow flexion. Krakauer and Wood 11reported that useful elbow function was obtained in of 9 of 13 patients with

    traumatic brachial plexopathy who underwent intercostal nerve transfer to the biceps motor branch (9 patients)

    or combined gracilis muscle and intercostal nerve transfer (4 patients). They concluded that intercostal nerve

    transfer and combined gracilis muscle and intercostal nerve transfer are viable, although technically demanding,

    alternatives for restoring active elbow motion in patients with irreparable brachial plexus lesions when

    conventional tendon transfers are not feasible. Malessy and Thomeer 15performed direct coaptation of the

    intercostal nerve to the musculocutaneous nerve in 25 patients and obtained useful elbow flexion in 64% of the

    patients. Other studies in the literature have reported successful results varying from 50% to 87%.12,16,53,54

    Merrell et al 26performed a meta-analysis of the English literature, designed to quantitatively assess the efficacy

    of individual nerve transfers for restoration of elbow and shoulder function. One thousand eighty-eight nerve

    transfers from 27 studies met their inclusion criteria of the analysis. Seventy-two percent of direct intercostal to

    musculocutaneous transfers (without interposition nerve grafts) achieved biceps strength equal to M 3 or more

    versus 47% using interposition grafts. They concluded that interposition nerve grafts should be avoided when

    possible when performing nerve transfers. Better results for restoration of elbow flexion were obtained with

    intercostal to musculocutaneous transfers than with spinal accessory nerve transfers. This finding is also

    supported by an experimental study by Hattori et al.55The results of intercostal nerve transfer in our institution

    parallel those reported in the literature. However, in a more recent study, Matejcik 56reported very poor

    results of intercostal nerve transfer for elbow flexion in 7 patients with not a single patient recovering any useful

    function of the elbow. He c oncluded that the time gap between the injury and the operation, the level and the

    extent of the nerve injury, and the type of the reconstruc tive procedure are the main prognostic factors for the

    functional recovery of the paralyzed muscles, resulting from brachial plexus traction injury.


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    Keywords: brachial plexus injury; intercostal nerve transfer; technique


    Figure 1

    Figure 2

    Figure 3

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    Figure 4

    Figure 5

    Figure 6

    Figure 7 Figure 8

    Figure 9

    Figure 10Figure 11

    Figure 12

    Figure 13

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