owe rance

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Post on 02-Jun-2018




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  • 8/11/2019 Owe Rance



    c/o 4175 Clintonville Road Waterford, Michigan [48329]hone 248!"74!2418 #a$ 877!897!4111 %!Mail [email protected]

    Office Hours:Monda& thr' #rida& 8 (M to 12 )oon and 1 M to 5 MMonda& and *h'r+da& )ight+ 73- M to 9 M .(ll *ie+ %a+tern0

    OWERANCE i+ a cotti+h ord eaning a+ter&, control aing it an a66ro6riate nae for a ne

    organiation ho+e 6'r6o+e i+ to teach the Who, o, Wh&, What, Where and When a+ed on hi+toricaland legal fo'ndation 6rinci6le+ of 6ro6ert& oner+hi6:

    OWERANCEsain o;ective i+ to ee6 the 6ro6ert& oner o't of the co'rtroo: *he onl& logical a& ofacco6li+hing thi+ i+ to ae the 6ro6ert& oner noledgeale in 6ro6ert& oner+hi6 and right+ and totho+e la+ the local, co'nt&, +tate or federal 6'lic +ervant+ +hall rel& '6on:

    *hi+ teaching 6roce++ i+ to +ided, eaning &o' ill e ren )at'ral Re+o'rce Aa a legal treati+e for &o' to 'nder+tandfro hence the 6'lic +ervant+ coe fro: .197-0 48 6age+

    E: ( co6& of the Congre++ional (ct.+0 6roviding for the creation of the territorial governent andthence the +tate &o'r 6ro6ert& i+ located in: >f re

  • 8/11/2019 Owe Rance


    G: Co6ie+ of vario'+ +tate and federal co'rt deci+ion+ +hoing the force and effect of the originalland title+ and tho+e la+ hich e$i+ted at the tie of it+ i++'ance: 12 to 24 H co'rt deci+ion+,n'er de6endent on ho i++'ed the original title and hen i++'ed:

    I: Co6ie+ of h'ndred+ of ?:: '6ree Co'rt ca+e deci+ion cite+ covering the folloing +';ect+'lic Aand+= tate, *erritorie+ D o++e++ion+= Clo'd of *itle= Beed+= #iction of Aa and Joning:.1789 to c'rrent0 391 6age+ )%W (BB>*>)

    >>: Ko', the 6ro6ert& oner, ill 6rovide W%R()C% ith the folloing aterial=

    (: ( co6& of the co6lete a+tract of title for &o'r 6ro6ert& for it+ revie to deterine hetherthere are an& rea+ in the chain of title ac to the original land title regardle++ of it+ originand +o'rce: With that a+tract W%R()C% can advi+e &o' ho to contact in order tootain a certified co6& of that original title, the official land +'rve& and the +'rve&or+ fieldnote+: When &o' receive tho+e certified record+ &o' ill co6& +ae and +hi6 it toW%R()C% for it+ archive file+:

    @: tain a co6& of &o'r local governental .e it ton+hi6, village, cit& or co'nt&0 cor6oration+ordinance+ 6ertaining to >, : aove and +hi6 it to W%R()C% for it+ revie and archivefile+: )ote that W%R()C% can not otain +'ch inforation fro an& legal +o'rce located

    in Michigan:>>>: W%R()C% 6lan+ in the near f't're, a+ed on ho an& +ociet& eer+ 'tilie o'r +ervice, tootain the folloing *> ( @%%) ?* ) AB B?% * A(CI # #?)B>)E ()BC?*M%R

    (: *he nae+, location, 6hone, fa$ and/or e!ail addre++e+ of tho+e 6er+on+ or '+ine++e+ in allthe +tate+ that 6erfor a+tract+ of title:

    @: *he nae+, location, 6hone, fa$ and/or e!ail addre++e+ of legal 6rofe++ional+ in all the +tate+that elieve in 6ro6ert& right+ for

    1: tain co6ie+ of old la+ that e$i+ted hen the original title a+ i++'ed

    2: (++i+t in re6re+enting &o' in +tate and/or federal co'rt

    C: *he nae+, location, 6hone, fa$ and/or e!ail addre++e+ of tho+e 6'lic +ervant+ aintainingthe 6'lic archival record+ of the ro&al land grant+ i++'ed & either %ngland, #rance, 6ain,olland, eden, R'++ia, Me$ico or a+ a& e reF: *er+, condition+ and i+cellaneo'+(: *he charge for the aove i+ L 875:-- 6a&ale & ca+hier+ chec or coercial one& order@: *here ill e no red'ction in the charge if the 6ro6ert& oner doe+ not f'lfill the re:, ( thro'gh A i+ 4 to " '+ine++ da&+= +aid

    aterial ill e +hi66ed ?::: gro'nd:B: *he+e +ervice+ are onl& availale to eer+ of *he >+aac+on ociet& >nternationale or it+

    +'cce++or: Ferification of eer+hi6 ill e re

  • 8/11/2019 Owe Rance


    %: *he ter+ and condition+ of non!di+clo+'re a+ +6ecified ithin the *he >+aac+on ociet&>nternationale eer+hi6 a66lication or that of it+ +'cce++or +hall, at all tie+, a66l& to theaterial+ and +ervice+ 6rovided & W%R()C%:

    #or tho+e of &o' ho do not &et have a co6leted (+tract of *itle on their land to +end in forrevie 't ant all of the other iediatel& ded'ct L 125: When &o' +end in &o'r (+tract of titlefor revie incl'de the re