owndomain1.com: premium domains

Premium Domains With an increasing number of online businesses competing all over the web, premium domain names have never been of great importance. There are many benefits one can derive from having a premium domain name when you're planning to launch your website: Search Engine Visibility A high quality domain name is a good investment decision because it cuts down your future marketing expenses by providing an immediate SEO advantage. Keyword-rich domains essentially facilitates the site's search engine ranking for any particular keyword or search terms you choose to rank for. It also bolds your domain name in the search engine results, having more exposure of what your website is all about. Brand Awareness Having a premium domain name makes your website easy to remember and helps your potential customers associate your business with your name. You probably want your business name to be popular throughout your niche if it is considered highly marketable. Try to imagine having the name of your business come up on search results whenever someone searches it in Google. Isn’t that wonderful? Ease of Remembrance Considering that getting customers to your site is a difficult and, no doubt, an expensive process, domains that are easy to remember are worth more. Simple as that. It can definitely make a huge difference in the amount of traffic that comes to your site via direct navigation. Professionalism Premium domain name and a personalized email address helps establish credibility and professionalism. For instance, an email

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Owndomain1 is a total solutions provider dedicated to implementing professional web based solutions to small and medium sized businesses. Visit http://www.owndomain1.com for your web development, seo, social media and paid search marketing needs.


Page 1: Owndomain1.com: Premium Domains

Premium Domains

With an increasing number of online businesses competing all over the web, premium domain names have never been of great importance. There are many benefits one can derive from having a premium domain name when you're planning to launch your website:

Search Engine Visibility

A high quality domain name is a good investment decision because it cuts down your future marketing expenses by providing an immediate SEO advantage. Keyword-rich domains essentially facilitates the site's search engine ranking for any particular keyword or search terms you choose to rank for. It also bolds your domain name in the search engine results, having more exposure of what your website is all about.

Brand Awareness

Having a premium domain name makes your website easy to remember and helps your potential customers associate your business with your name. You probably want your business name to be popular throughout your niche if it is considered highly marketable. Try to imagine having the name of your business come up on search results whenever someone searches it in Google. Isn’t that wonderful?

Ease of Remembrance

Considering that getting customers to your site is a difficult and, no doubt, an expensive process, domains that are easy to remember are worth more. Simple as that. It can definitely make a huge difference in the amount of traffic that comes to your site via direct navigation.


Premium domain name and a personalized email address helps establish credibility and professionalism. For instance, an email address such as [email protected] is more professional than [email protected].


Many people have seen domain flipping as a potential source for big dollars with the least amount of investment. Domain values increase daily. You yourself can make your domain name more valuable by building and marketing your website.

Page 2: Owndomain1.com: Premium Domains

The most typical and straightforward domain flipping strategy is actually purchasing an expired domain name, or otherwise getting a new one and setting it up for sale and/or auction on several discussion boards, weblogs and domain auction sites. One other approach that works well for most people is buying a keyword rich domain name, building a website and auctioning both the website contents and the domain. The last method for buy/sell domain business is the “Register, Develop, traffic and Flip” method. Among the 3 methods, this provides the highest probability of success in the business of domain flipping.

With the right amount of patience, input and time, you can make a considerable amount of money with these premium domains.

Owndomain1 is a total solutions provider dedicated to implementing professional web based solutions to small and medium sized businesses. Visit http://www.owndomain1.com for your web development, seo, social media and paid search marketing needs.