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Page 1: Owned by Jesus Ministries and Published by Mrs.M. Sharon ...edge.sin1.swiftserve.com/angeltv/angeltvlfd/cc... · Chennai–600 049. Printed by Mr. Simon Peter at Vasanth Prints &
Page 2: Owned by Jesus Ministries and Published by Mrs.M. Sharon ...edge.sin1.swiftserve.com/angeltv/angeltvlfd/cc... · Chennai–600 049. Printed by Mr. Simon Peter at Vasanth Prints &

Owned by Jesus Ministries and Published by Mrs.M. Sharon Sweety, 105/229, MTH Salai, Villivakkam, Chennai–600 049. Printed by Mr. Simon Peter at Vasanth Prints & Packs, 44, Parthasarathi Pettai Street, Vellala Teynampet, Chennai–600086. Editor: Mrs. M. Sharon Sweety.

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W e are pleased to gift you our first bi-monthly magazine. For some time now the Lord has

been moving on my heart to publish a magazine that would help Christians and Angel TV viewers concerning what God is saying to the body of Christ, activities at Jesus Ministries and news about Angel TV programs.

I trust that you will be blessed by the prophetic articles which are written by ministers who are prophets who will speak to us concerning what God is speaking to the body of Christ in these last days.

The name, Angel News, refers to the Three Angels bearing the end-times news for the whole world (Rev 14:6-11). This magazine also feature news about happenings in Angel TV and the ministries of Jesus Ministries. It will also carry information concerning how you can pray for your ministry.

Since you are carrying this ministry through your prayers and through your generous donations this rightfully is also your ministry.

We lay this first issue at the feet of our dear Lord Jesus and dedicate it to His glory. Please write and tell me how this magazine is a blessing to you.

With love & blessings,

Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj

Dearly Beloved,

Editorial Board

105/229 MTH SALAI, VillivakkamChennai - 600049 | Tel: +9144 - 4050 0000

Vol.1 | No.1 | Oct 2017

The Angel News Magazine’s stand price is `20 per magazine and its annual printing price `100

Write: Jesus Ministries, 105/229, M.T.H Salai, Villivakkam, Chennai-600049.

Call: +9144-4050 0000 | Email: [email protected]

PERMISSION The Angel News is owned by Jesus Ministries, © 2017 Jesus Ministries, All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission by any means is prohibited.

Editor: M. Sharon Sweety

Design Layout: Subbu Joshua

Photography: David Shawn Michael | Peter Raja

For comments and feedback write to [email protected]

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THE YEAR OF THE 70Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj

On 10 December 2016, as I was waiting on God I saw in a vision the number 70. The Lord Jesus then told me, “Look out for this number

70. The coming, New Year 2017, will be The Year of the 70.”

I pondered much about this vision and was bemused about the significant of the number 70. The Holy Spirit then graciously spoke saying: “It signifies-A Year of Turning Around.”

I further pondered: What does turning around meant? Again the blessed Holy Spirit kindly explained in this manner: When an airplane is about to depart, it will move out the gate where it is parked at the terminal. The plane then moves slowly towards the runway. When it reaches the runway, it will turn around on the runway and position itself on the runway to take off.

That’s what this year of “turning around” is. Things and events will turn around and wait to take off.




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What is the spiritual significance of the number 70? It signifies the following:

1. A cut-off period

PSALMS 90:1010 The days of our lives are seventy years; And if by reason of strength they are eighty years, Yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; For it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

This Scripture tells us the lifespan of a person is limited to 70 to 80 years. In ancient Biblical history we read man lived for more than 900 years. However, during the time of Noah man’s life-span has been reduced to 120 (Gen 6:3).

Then a few thousand years later, life-span has been further significantly reduced-cut-off, we read from Psalms 90:10, to 70-80 years. So, this means that something that has been happening in the past, God is now cutting it off. That period of time that has taken place in the past will be no more.

2. 70 Palm Trees

EXODUS 15:2727 Then they came to Elim, where there were twelve wells of water and seventy palm trees; so they camped there by the waters.

In Biblical typology, a palm tree signifies righteousness. It also signifies uprightness (Jer10:5). Okay, hold that thought. Furthermore, the Bible tells us that God selected 70 elders of Israel to come and see Him on Mount Sinai (Ex 24:1,9). These 70 elders were also filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied (Num 11:16-25).

Putting these two together, this signifies that there is going to arise a new breed of ministers—church leaders who will be righteous and upright. These leaders will be filled with the last days anointing and will prophesy (Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17).


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A new breed of ministers will rise up who will not lean to the right or to the left. They will be like the palm tree-upright in their ways before God. Their hearts, thoughts and deeds will be full of righteousness. There will not be any kind of deception seen in them. Their eyes will always be looking very straight at the Lord God. Their eyes will not look at evil. They will not gossip. Their lips will not speak about unnecessary things. Not only that, these 70 elders of Israel also met with the Lord God on Mount Sinai (Ex 24:11).

All of us will surely envy the privilege these 70 elders got-to eat with God. The original Hebrew Bible tells us, they drank wine with God. The word wine in Hebrew is yayin. In Hebrew gematria every word has a number. Surprisingly, yayin has a gematria value of 70. What does all these means? This is the year to ascend up-spiritually to meet with God. When you do, you will be invited to dine with the Lord (cf. Rev 3:20).

All young evangelists and young ministers of God, please take note: your time has now come to mount up on the horse and gallop. Your time has come to go up to the next level. You should not just sit where you are in your spiritual life. You should begin to climb one step higher in your relationship with God. The works that you do for God, your walk before God should go up one level higher. When

you do that, then the hand of the Lord will be stretched out towards you to feed you with bread and wine.

The Lord would say to you: “Come on, take hold of My Hand, and let’s ascend up from where you are now to another level. Don’t stay at this level anymore.”

3. Completion of fullness

I was very puzzled by the number 70. So I prayed one night, “Lord, what does the number 70 signifies?” Then in the middle of the night the Word of the Lord came to me, “a completion of fullness.” It means-a perfect spiritual order carried out with full power. It also signifies: a period of judgement.

“The time has now come,” the Lord very strongly commanded me, “for the Gospel of the Kingdom to be preached.” It is to announce the coming of God’s Kingdom with power to judge (Jude 14-16). The Lord Jesus significantly said that when the gospel of the kingdom is preached, then the end will come (Matt 24:14). That is the last sign-completion of fullness, that will take place before the coming of the King Jesus Christ.

The Word of the Lord came unto me early this year, “The days of grace will transit to the last days.” Just like how the days of law came to


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an end when the Lord Jesus came and transited to the days of grace (Matt 11:13; Lk 16:16; Jn 1:17). Likewise, the days of grace is reaching its end and will transit to the last days (Heb 1:2).

When the Lord Jesus said that the time has now come to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, honestly, I shuddered and trembled with fear. Because that is the last sign before the end of all things come. Interestingly, the Lord Jesus Christ also sent out 70 disciples to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom with power (Lk 10:1).

Now, what is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God? Gospel means good news. It is the preaching of the good news that the Kingdom of God is coming. The Lord Jesus Himself said, “Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory” (Matt 24:30).

The gospel of the kingdom of God is the preaching that the Lord Jesus came, He lived, He died, He rose again and He’s coming again with His kingdom in power and glory to judge. The Lord Jesus Himself preached that gospel (Matt 4:17; Mk 1:14-15).

Ministers and of God, the time has now come to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the preaching of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to redeem us. But the Gospel of the Kingdom is to preach the coming of the God’s Kingdom with power and glory to judge.

4. The Israel Connection

JEREMIAH 25:1111 And this whole land shall be a desolation and an astonishment, and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

The prophet Jeremiah prophesied 70 years of captivity for Israel in Babylon. And accordingly the Babylonian King came and captured Israel and took the people to be slaves into captivity in Babylon for 70 long years.

You may be wondering now, how can an ancient prophecy that happened 1000s of years ago has any connection with modern Israel in these last days?

When the prophet Daniel read this prophecy (Dan 9:2), he too, at that time, was a captive in Babylon. He was troubled by the prophecy, and fasted and prayed about it. At the end of the fast, the angel Gabriel came to him to explain the mystery of the 70 years prophecy to him (Dan 9:20-23).

When the angel Gabriel explained to him the significance of the prophet Jeremiah’s prophecy of the 70 years captivity, he connected it to another prophecy that was a 70 weeks of years prophecy.

It is not a 70 week prophecy, but one that lasted for 490 years. It included prophecy about the first coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the end-times of our days (Dan 9:24-27).


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DANIEL 9:24-2724 “Seventy weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy. 25 “Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince, there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; The street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublesome times. 26 “And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself; And the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end of it shall be with a flood, and till the end of the war desolations are determined. 27 Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, even until the consummation, which is determined, is poured out on the desolate.”

Keep these Scriptures in mind. Let me now reveal some modern day happenings concerning how the 70 years relates to Israel in these last days.

On April 20, 2014, as I was fasting and praying, as the angel Gabriel appeared to the prophet Daniel, the angel Michael visited me. He had a scroll in his hand. When he unfurled the scroll, I saw the number 1948 and 1967 written on it. The Archangel Michael explained that significant events took place in God’s land and among God’s people in those two years. When he said that I understood what happened. In 1948, Israel got her independence. And as soon as she became an independent state she faced a war-The War of Independence in 1948.

In 1967, Israel fought another war called, The Six Days’ War. During the Six Days War she

regained the many lands-Golan Heights and West Bank, all parts of original Samaria. Most importantly they regained East Jerusalem. For the first time in 2000 years, Jerusalem that was divided into East and West was finally reunited as one. The Israeli government then announced that Jerusalem will be the indivisible eternal capital of the state of Israel.

Below the two years-1948 and 1967, I saw the year 2017 written. Seeing the bemused look on my face, Michael, the great prince of Israel said, “Another major war is planned. A major change and shift in government and land is coming.” He did not specifically say it will happen in 2017, but said that it is coming.

On March 11, 2015, while I was waiting on God I had a heavenly experience. I saw myself in heaven standing before the Lord Jesus Christ. I also saw two saints standing together with the Lord Jesus. One I recognized them as the prophets Moses and Jeremiah. After speaking to me about some matters, the Lord Jesus turned to the prophet Jeremiah and said, “Teach him about the 70 years.”

The prophet Jeremiah then came near me and said, “The 70 years in the history of Israel is very significant. There is going to come a turning point in the history of Israel in the year 2017.” He further said, ‘2017 will be the 70th year since the formation of the state of Israel.”


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I was quite dumbfounded when this was said. Infinite mind I knew that Israel gained independence in 1948. Adding 70 years to it will bring it to the year 2018 rather than 2017. So, very respectfully I asked the saint Jeremiah about this. He answered kindly, “No, you are wrong. The count should be from the time when the covenant was first signed-for the formation of the state of Israel.” A little research made me realized that the State of Israel was first planned and signed by the members of the United Nations on November 29, 1947. So, adding 70 to 1947 equals 2017. Oops!

So what does all this mean to Israel? A 70 years cycle is ending. So what will befall Israel and the nations of the world when this covenant of 70 years ends? Like the earlier prophecy of Jeremiah (Jer 25:11), Israel will go through another period of captivity. Let us read what the prophet Jeremiah prophesied about it: “Ask now, and see, whether a man is ever in labor with child? So why do I see every man with his hands on his loins like a woman in labor, and all faces turned pale? Alas! For that day is great, so that none is like it; And it is the time of Jacob’s trouble, but he shall be saved out of it” (Jer 30:6-7).

“Jacob” in this Scripture signifies the nation of Israel. She will go through some kind of trouble where she will be in a predicament-in a state of loss, like no one to help her. She

will be forsaken by all, even her trusted allies will forsake her. Those who are closest to her-her closest friends-politically, even they will forsake her. She will be all alone, forsaken by all. She will even think, that God has forsaken her.

On December 23, 2016, the United Nations passed a resolution to divide Israel into two states-the State of Israel and the Palestinian State. Interestingly, such a two-state division was originally planned on November 29, 1947 itself by the United Nations. Somehow for the last 70 years this was not really carried out in practise.

Now after 70 years, on December 23, 2016, the United Nations Security Council meeting passed a resolution that in 2017 Israel should be divided into two: Palestinian State and the State of Israel. According to the United Nations resolution, even the city of Jerusalem will be divided into East Jerusalem, the new capital of the Palestinian State and West Jerusalem, being the capital of the State of Israel.

Such a thing was prophesied thousands of years ago by the prophet Zechariah.

ZECHARIAH 1:12-1612 Then the Angel of the Lord answered and said, “O Lord of hosts, how long will You not have mercy on Jerusalem and on the cities of Judah, against which You were angry these seventy years?” 13 And the Lord answered the angel who talked to me, with good and comforting words. 14 So the angel who spoke with me said to me, “Proclaim, saying, ‘Thus says the Lord of hosts: “I am zealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with great zeal. 15 I am exceedingly angry with the nations at ease; For I was a little angry, and they helped - but with evil intent.” 16 ‘Therefore thus says the Lord: “I am returning to Jerusalem with mercy; My house shall be built in it,” says the Lord of hosts, “And a surveyor’s line shall be stretched out over Jerusalem.”’


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Verse 16 says that the land will be divided and a line will be drawn in Jerusalem. How amazing and how sad! As the Lord Jesus Christ was whipped 39 times, when this partition is carried out, it will be like Israel is beaten with stripes. As the robe of the Lord Jesus was parted by the Roman soldiers so will the land be divided (Matt 27:35; Jn 19:24).

On December 25, 2016, as I was waiting before the Lord at 3 PM, the Word of the Lord came unto me, “New skin eating disease will break out upon Western countries.” In a vision, I saw that disease. A kind-of flesh-eating disease comes upon the surface layer of the human skin. “It will break out upon Western countries as a punishment for touching the apple of God’s eye,” the Lord continued. I wondered why the Western nations would come against Israel.

Sometime in December 2016, a 70-nation conference was planned to be held in 2017 to debate on the Palestinian issue. On January 15, 2017, the United Nations organised a conference where representatives from 70 nations met to sign an anti-Israel agreement in Paris, France. This conference was masterminded by the United States. John Kerry, the US Secretary of State, attended the

Paris conference. The former US President, Mr Hussein Obama, played a central role in unifying the 70 nations against Israel.

Aha, again the number 70!

70 nations gathered together to pass a resolution to create a Palestinian State. That resolution is to force Israel to be divided. The 70 countries have decided to stress that they won’t recognise any changes that Israel has made to her borders after the June 1967 war. They have also decided and passed a resolution that they are not going to recognize the city of Jerusalem.

The meeting in Paris comes after the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 2334, declaring it illegal for Jews to live in Judea, Samaria, the Golan, and Hebron. The resolution also grants a religious monopoly on the Temple Mount and the Western Wall to Islam.

This again is another fulfilment of the prophecy in Book of Zechariah: “Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces,


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though all nations of the earth are gathered against it” (Zech 12:2-3).

Now please look at verse 3 where it says: “And in that day.” Which day? January 15, 2017, where 70 nations are gathered in Paris, France.

On January 5, 2017, at 1:30 PM, I was fasting and praying together with some of our staffs for 7 days. We were all united with one heart and one mind to worship the Lord when suddenly my spiritual eyes were opened and I saw two saints from heaven enter into the prayer hall. I recognized them as the saints Haggai and Zechariah. Interestingly, the Bible says that even the prophets Haggai and Zechariah were captives during the 70 years captivity of Israel in Babylon (Ezra 5:2).

They came near to me and said, “The anger of the Lord will manifest. When the Lord Jesus was crucified, there was an earthquake. Likewise earthquakes and the sword of the Lord will manifest in those 70 nations. Their children will be killed, their youths’ dead bodies will lie in the streets. Their women’s wombs will be closed.” Then with sadness they said, “Rachel is standing in the streets and weeping” (Jer 31:15; Matt 2:18).

A certain Jewish spiritual tradition says that when the little children—two years old and below toddlers were killed for the Lord Jesus, some saintly rabbis saw the spirit of Rachel standing in the streets and weep. One more time she will weep.

And the saints also said, “Flood will over flow in these nations, and plagues will spread. The sword of the Lord will be lifted in those nations. A shaking will come upon each of the 70 nations. Destructions and disasters will come upon them.” And then with sadness they said, “This is a dark season in the history of Israel.”

In this year of the 70, let your life turn around for the greater glory of God in your life


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T he way of the Lord must be prepared before He comes again. We work zealously keeping this in mind with

regard to children in these last days. Having the Joel 2:28 as the foundation stone, we have been conducting a campmeeting for children every year during the May school holidays.

Similarly, we organized a children’s prophetic Campmeeting from April 30 to May 4, 2017 at the Bethel Matriculation School at Ayanavaram, Chennai. About 500 children from various parts of India participated in this campmeeting. The theme for this year’s campmeeting was: The Armour of God.

The Lord anointed each and every child with the End-time Warrior’s Anointing during the worship and prayer sessions. All the children testified of seeing marvellous visions and experiencing astonishing God-encounters. At the end of the testimonies’ session the parents of the children marvelled at the wonderful blessings their children had received.

Many children testified of seeing angels of the Lord descending upon the campmeeting with anointing oil

to anoint the children with the Warrior’s anointing. It will not be an exaggeration to say that

the children’s army adorned with God’s armour had risen.

We next went to Kanyakumari, the southern-most tip of South India to conduct another two

days campmeeting during



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May 12-13, 2017. The children in this city were totally unaware of the last days’ End-time Joel 2:28 prophetic anointing. But our gracious Lord Yeshua filled everyone with this anointing. Children repented, with tears, from their sins. Filled with divine zeal, they boldly confessed that they will live only for the Lord Yeshua for the rest of their lives.

From there we journeyed next to Tirunelveli, the cradle of Christian civilization in South India. A one-day meeting for children was conducted at the Jesus Comes Garden on May 14, 2017. About 600 children came eargerly to this meeting. The Lord graciously poured out His End-time anointing upon the children mightily. The spiritual eyes of the children were opened and they saw amazing visions. They saw and witnessed the saints in glory and the angels of the Lord standing on the stage when the leaders were ministering.

Then meetings for children were also conducted in the following cities: Erode, May 27 and Coimbatore, May 28. At these meetings too the Lord performed mighty works among the children.

From Coimbatore, we crossed the Tamil Nadu border over to the state of Karnataka. A meeting was organized on June 26 in Bengaluru. More than 1,400 children gathered

for the meeting.

The camp was divided into three groups: Ma’lak Todziees

(age: 2-4), Ma’lak Kutties (age: 5-12) and Ma’lak Teens (age: 13-17).

All the children participated very eagerly and received the word of the Lord with great passion.

Every child was filled with the Joel 2:28 anointing. Many of them were seen communing with the Lord in tongues for a long time. Even after the meeting was over, many children still remained in the state of communing with the Lord.

At the end of the meeting, more than 150 children shared their amazing testimonies. Many testified of receiving from the Lord weapons of war and experienced being trained for war.

From India, we flew to Sri Lanka. Meetings were conducted in Jaffna, Kandy and Colombo during November 2016. Children participated with great eagerness and received the last days’ Joel 2:28 anointing. Their spiritual eyes were opened and they testified of seeing heavenly visions. We rejoiced to witness the rising of the end-time children;s army here, even in Sri Lanka.

The Lord Yeshua fulfilled His plans and purposes and blessed these meetings. The children’s prophetic army, preparing the way for the Great King has risen


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I regularly watch your programs without fail. My sister was pregnant and there was a complication in her pregnancy. We as a family were worried for her. When your program began I prayed that the Lord will inspire you to pray for this problem.

You then began to prophetically pray against all diseases and complications that might arise during the time of pregnancy. By the grace of God my sister gave birth to a baby girl without any complication.

Praise God.

Samuel Robin, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

I was suffering from boils on my right wrist for a long time. When you offered prayer for afflictions I laid my left hand on my right wrist and prayed with you.

Hearing your prayer the good God healed me. The boils instantly disappeared.

Praise the Lord.

P. Kavitha, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

My husband had a kind of tumour on his back. As you prayed on one of your programs for problems on the back, the tumour disappeared instantly. We all give a million thanks to God.

Prabhu Rani, Kerala, India

I was afflicted with boils on my lips. As a result I was not able to speak. I was not able to concentrate on my studies due to the pains. I could not even eat foods.

I went to the doctors to seek medical treatment. Though I was given injections and medicines, I was not cured.

While I was watching your program you asked all those who had sickness to lay their hands on the afflicted parts. On that telecast you specifically prayed against boils and tumors.

Praise the Lord. God heard those prayers and healed me. Not even a scar remains on my lips. I give all glory to God.

A. Jansi Rani, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


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I was separated from my husband for the last three years. This caused me much pain and brokenness. I prayed that we will be reconciled.

One day as I was watching your program I thought in my heart: “Won’t he pray for reunification of families. Then suddenly you prophesied, ‘Broken marriages will be restored; lost husbands will be reunited.’”

I was overjoyed and could not believe my ears. I am now reunited with my husband. The lost husband came back home.

Thank you Lord Jesus.

D. Ruby, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

I conceived soon after I got married. But alas, I suffered a miscarriage at the eighth month. I was praying for God to bless me again.

Once I was watching your program. While you were praying you prophesied, “Lord look upon the person who suffered a loss at the first pregnancy and is now praying for a second one. Bless them Lord to conceive and bless them with children.”

I conceived again a few months later. As it was with my first pregnancy, I suffered with bleeding complications during the first six months of my pregnancy.

Nevertheless, as you had prayed, God protected the baby. I gave birth to a healthy baby boy through C-section.

I give thanks to God for this miraculous blessing.

L. Helen Kumar, Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, India


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In these last days God is raising an Army of Youths for His End-time battle. God needs a company of youths filled with heavenly zeal and passion with absolute consecration and commitment. Hence, we are ordained by the Lord Yeshua to equip and train such an Army of youths in these last days. To fulfil this divine plan, we conduct Ma’lak Youth meetings on a weekly basis in various places in Tamil Nadu, South India.

Youths have many queries pertaining to spiritual things. Here are some of the questions and answers.

1. How to overcome sin?For everyone who wishes to live a holy life for Christ on earth, overcoming sin becomes a difficult task in their lives. But the Lord Jesus said “I have overcome the world” (Jn 16:33). For all those who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal saviour and those who believe that He has authority to overcome sin, it is something that is possible. Therefore, it is possible for every believer to overcome sin. One thing that everyone needs to believe is that, the God who is in you is greater than the sin which stands as a barrier between you and God. When you start to proclaim and declare that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13) with faith, then the mountain of sin will fade away (Mk 11:23).

2. What is the Trinity? Let us consider a man for an example. For his mother, he is a son. For his wife, he is a husband. For his son, he is a father. It is the same person but for different people, place and time, the relationship and characteristics of the person differs. Likewise, God is one; he is the Father in heaven, He gave salvation to the world as the

Son-the Lord Jesus Christ and now, He is with us, as the Holy Spirit leading and guiding us.As God created man in his form (Gen 1:27) we also possess the same trinity characteristics: spirit, soul and body.

3. Does God and heaven really exist?Boy: How can I believe God really exists, because I have never seen visions nor had any kind of spiritual experiences?Preacher: Have you ever visited America in your life time?Boy: No.Preacher: But you believe that America exists, right?Boy: Yes.Preacher: When you are able to believe that America exists without seeing it or visiting that nation just by looking at it in an atlas or hearing what people say, why then can’t you believe what the Bible says about the reality of God and heaven? It doesn’t mean that heaven and God does not exist if you have not seen it or haven’t had any supernatural experiences.


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4. What do you mean by the Last Days War?The Bible tells about many events that are going to take place in the last days. It also records about the ultimate battle that every Christian has to face, i.e. either denying the mark of the beast or accepting the mark by worshipping the antichrist. But before facing the ultimate test, we have to face some small battles to get trained and be prepared. When we look at the Old Testament and the New Testament, we read about many saints dealing with Satan to prove that Lord Yeshua is the true God.

Likwise, in these last days we have to fight against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this age and the spiritual hosts of wickedness to prove that Jesus is the Lord (Eph 6:12).

For example, let’s look at the three youths who stood against the ruler, King Nebuchadnezzar, who forced all to bow down and worship a golden statue. Because of their zeal for the Lord, the Lord was able to do a big miracle for them and prove that He is the true God.

5. How to escape from the devil’s attack in the last days?Everyone must have the knowledge of the Bible and must try to apply it in their lives. Applying biblical principles in your daily lives will definitely protect you from the devil’s influence. The Bible also tells us about the armour of God which saves us from all kinds of evil attacks (Eph 6:13-17).

We must learn to depend on the Holy Spirit rather than depend on ourselves. It is the Holy Spirit who gives the Christian the ability to discern Satan’s temptations. So, pray constantly and be dependent only on the Holy Spirit. Believe only in the grace of God which alone can save and protect you in the last days

God is blessing me and my family abundantly after becoming a partner of Angel TV. Words can’t express the blessings which I received after becoming partner. Once I gave `500, and within an hour God blessed me by `5000. I experienced many times miracles like this. Within 10 days I receive more money regularly than what I sent-sow into Angel TV.

As I uphold Angel TV the prophet every month, God blessed my family by giving the grace to purchase a 10-ground land. God has promoted me twice in my job. God protected my family from witchcrafts and other evil devises in a wonderful and supernatural ways. Jesus is blessing us spiritually as well as with worldly blessings. Initially I was the only partner in my family. Afterwards my mother, husband, son, daughter and my granddaughter all joined as partners. Glory to God.

Hepziba, Chennai, India

Earlier, I was working as an ordinary Sales Executive for a monthly Salary of `5400/-. But after becoming a Partner in Angel TV, God lifted me with a good posting as Deputy Manager in a bank with a monthly salary of `55000. The Lord also blessed me by enabling me buy a new house.

Sebastin Prem Kumar, Kanyakumari, India

Initially my life was very miserable due to our financial situation. I couldn’t even provide properly the necessary things for my children. In this situation, we as a family enrolled as partners of Angel TV. After we became partners, our lives changed. God enabled my wife to start a business. He blessed it abundantly. I was promoted in my job. Before joining as an Angel TV partner, I couldn’t buy even a bicycle, but now, God had enabled me to buy a car. My life is blessed. Praise be to God.

Emmanuel, Tuticorin, India

I accepted Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior in 2001 from a Hindu Brahmin family after watching your program, Gunamakkum Anbu, on Raj TV. I got married in 2012. In June 2013 I enrolled my husband and baby as partners of Angel TV. After he became a partner, there was a tremendous change in his life. In December 2013 God lifted him to a greater position in a big company. We are a middle-class family but God enabled us to buy a brand new car. Again, in October 2014 God promoted him as an Area Manager in another big company. Due to recent political changes, half of the employees were sacked from his previous company. Had he worked in his previous company, he would have lost his job. God has also blessed my daughter spiritually. Since we are upholding this ministry, God has been upholding our family supernaturally.

Mahalakshmi, Chennai, India


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YOUTH MEETINGS – INDIA AND OVERSEASOur annual youth meeting called Arnion Tsaba Mahanaim was conducted in Meenambakkam (Chennai) and Kalimpong (West Bengal). About 520

youths participated in these camps. Arise o Joshua meetings were conducted at Chennai, Erode, Trichy, Ooty, Rajapalayam, Vellore, Palayamkottai, Karaikudi, KGF, Bengaluru, Sri lanka-Colombo and Jaffna.

WORLDWIDE PROPHETIC CONFERENCESProphetic conferences were conducted in China, Nairobi (Kenya), London, Lancaster, Singapore, Australia and Jaffna (Srilanka). Prophetic word of the Lord was given in all these meetings. Youth Prophetic Camp was conducted in Lagos (Nigeria), more than 450 youths gathered for the meet.

INTERCESSORS FOR PHILIPPINESA Special meeting was organized by the Intercessors for Philippines on account of Feast of Tabernacles. Bro. Sadhu shared prophetic message regarding Final harvest.

PARTNERS’ MEETING – INDIA AND WORLDWIDEMonthly Fasting Prayer meetings were conducted in Chennai every 3rd Saturday. In places like Tirunelveli, Coimbatore, Erode, Trichy and Bengaluru also Fasting prayer meetings were conducted. Partners gather regularly to fast and pray for Jesus Ministries and Angel Tv. During the month of June, Partner meeting was conducted in London and during the month of November in Jaffna and Colombo.

ISRAEL MEETINGS8th Open Heaven Prophetic Conference was conducted by our ministry in Israel. 800 believers from 27 nations gathered for the conference. This conference held in Mt. Carmel too. Chinese Conference was also conducted in Israel. We offered 3 Ambulances to Magen David Adom foundation.

ARNION MARTYRS / BETEN YATSAR MEETINGIn 2016 Arnion Martyrs meetings were conducted. God anointed and strengthened every dedicated Martyr.

During the month of November, special Beten Yatsar Meeting was conducted for pregnant women.

TRAINING CAMPSSchool of Prophets camp was conducted during the month of July and School of Translation was conducted during the month of August.

LETTER AND PRAYER MINISTRYIn 2016, reply letters for 34, 968 prayer request letters, were sent. Healing Love magazine, 93648 in Tamil and 9298 in English languages, for Middle East 650 were sent. Prayers were offered for people who contact us through phone, letter, e-mails and for those who come to office in person.


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PUBLICATIONS AND RESOURCESIn 2016 we published five books: On dove’s wings – chinese, English and tamil, The last days Moses and Elijah company – English and tamil, Last days 7 horns anointing – English, Women are special to God – English and tamil, Gazing into Glory – tamil.

22,77,488 Gospel of the Kingdom tracts were printed and 22,66, 399 tracts were distributed. 6504 DVD’s were ordered and 3441 were sold.

NEW BRANCH OFFICEIn 2016 a new branch office was opened in Tirunelveli, south India.

MEDICAL / BLOOD CAMPS AND COMPASSION MINISTRIESA special medical camp was conducted for Pregnant mothers. Blood camps were conducted in Chennai, Bengaluru, Erode, Madurai, Trichy, Tirunelveli and Coimbatore. Compassion ministries were also done in 2016. Clothes and groceries were given to Leprosy old age homes and colonies. Charity money was collected from our staffs and offered to orphanages. Clothes were given to children orphanages.


WEEKLY PROGRAMSMartus, Rise of Joshua generation, Depths of satan, In the secret, Isaiyum Isaiyum, Eagle’s eye.

CHILDRENPaws and tales a new program for children. A new Prayer program for the students who are appearing for exams– Jebamae Jeyam (live prayer).

WOMENWomen for His Glory.

SPECIAL LIVE PROGRAMS New Year prophetic service, 40 days fasting prayer, Prophetic evangelical conference, Healing service, prophetic conference were telecasted as a live program to reach many people around the globe.

SEASONED PROGRAMSOn Pongal holidays, a special Sweet Memories program was telecasted.On Republic Day - a program named Young Nation was broadcasted and On valentines day -“2 to tangle” movie was dubbed in tamil.

A cluster of special programmes named God is good, Pieces of Easter, Father forgive them, Decoding, We are Resurrected , Prophetic gospel live and special Truly yours were produced and broadcasted on Good Friday and Resurrection day.

To my Beloved Mother, Mother is Love and a special song dedicated to Mothers on Mothers day.

Children on the gap, Sweet Memories, Journey of Ma’lak Kutties, My Independence and Shakening of Europe were telecasted on independence day.

Programmes such as, Our Gathering, Son of God, Confession of the prodigal son, Midean women and The List were telecasted on Gandhi Jayanthi.On Latter rain and Bible and the game were the remarkable programmes telecasted on Children’s day.

A pack of Christmas program – Joy of Christmas, Special let’s worship, In the secret, Virgin birth of Jesus Christ, Hello Jafna, Will not be forgotten, Climax Christmas, Celebration of Angel TV - 11th anniversary was broadcasted live and Coming of the Lord were telecasted which inculcated the true spirit of Christmas for the viewers of Angel TV around the globe.


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T hough, the names of women are not mentioned much in the Bible, the women

whose names were mentioned, have always fulfilled the will and purposes of God. Women like Ruth, Esther and Deborah of the Old Testament and Mary, Anna and Elizabeth of the New Testament fulfilled God’s plan during their days.

Since the days of the Apostles, many women have fulfilled God’s will in this world. Even in these last days prior to the coming of the Lord Yeshua, it is of utmost importance, that an Army of Women has to be risen. It is for this reason the Lord Jesus mandated us to organize a conference for women.

In April 2016, we conducted a 40-day fasting pray for ministry staffs. On the 19th day of the fast, one of our long-time staff, Mamta Thapa, was graced to receive a divine vision concerning Women. In addition to this vision, on the 35th day of the fast, our beloved prophet, Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj, received a revelation regarding women’s role in the last days. Having this revelation as the foundational stone, we planned two conferences for women; one in Chennai and the other in Kalimpong.

The name of the conference “MIDEAN” is an acronym for the prophetesses: Miriam-MI, Deborah-DE and Anna-AN. We prayed and prepared for several months for the fulfilment of God’s plan for these conferences.

FIRST CONFERENCE: CHENNAIThe first conference was held at The Lord’s Assembly Church in Meenambakkam, Chennai during August 25-27, 2016. About 2500 women came from 26 states of India and even from foreign countries like: Sri Lanka, UK, Singapore and Malaysia.

Messages were delivered by Dr. Stella Dhinakaran, Dr. Nalini Selvaraj, Reshma Allen and Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj. The main focus of the Midean Women Prophetic Conference is based on the Word of Psalms 68:11 (AMP): “The Lord gives the word [of power]; the women who bear and publish [the news] are a great host.” The Lord also revealed to His servant, Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj, that He will pour out the anointing-mantles of Miriam-prophetic worshipper, Deborah-prophetic warrior and Anna-prophetic intercessor.


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Every delegate received encouraging and Spirit-filled, mind-blowing messages every day. On the second day, the Lord God manifested His powerful healing anointing in the meeting. Bodily ailments, specifically uterus related were instantly healed. About 250 women testified of being instantly healed of uterus related issues.

On the final night, the glory of God manifested very powerfully. Thousands of women experienced tangible encounters with the living God. The glory of God was thick in the meeting. Wonder of wonders, a wheelchair ridden women, who came from Malaysia, was supernaturally healed by the Lord without any human hand laid on her. She got up from the wheelchair and before an astonished crowd of 2500 women demonstrated her healing by walking around the stage. The greater miracle was her Hindu son seeing his mother walking around and her broken bones all healed accepted the Lord Jesus as His Saviour.

SECOND CONFERENCE: KALIMPONGThis conference was held at a tiny, beautiful Himalayan town Kalimpong from September 15-17, 2016. More than 900 women came from all over Sikkim, Kalimpong, Darjeeling, Siliguri, Doars and also from the nations of Nepal and Bhutan.

Together with Prophet Sadhu, Pastor Saroj Rongon, Reshma Allen, Amutha Arnasalam and Mamta Thapa were the speakers. On the

second day of the meeting, the Lord sent His glorious Angels with the healing anointing to

heal His beloved daughters. After sharing a powerful message about the anointing of Deborah, Anna and Miriam, Prophet Sadhu prayed personally laying his hands on everyone for the impartation of these anointing. Most of them were slain by the power of God and women with diseases and sicknesses were healed.

We give praise and glory to God with thanksgiving for the marvellous works which He has done in the midst of His daughters


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PHILIPPIANS 4:15 (AMP) And you Philippians yourselves well know that in the early days of the gospel ministry, when I left Macedonia, no Church (assembly) entered into partnership with me and opened up (a debit and credit) account in giving and receiving except you only.

Partnering with God’s purposes on this earth brings mutual blessings both to the giver and the receiver. A Shunammite woman and her husband partnered with the prophet Elisha by supporting him in mundane everyday needs. That enabled Elisha to fulfil his call. When the Shunammite had a need, the Lord God blessed her and caused her to receive miracles in her life (2 Kgs. 4:8-37). Partnerships are vital keys to securing the corporate blessing God desires to give.

“Before you came to minister in NJ, I prayed to the Lord for the offering I am to make. The Lord said, “$3,000”, but I said,

“Lord, You know that I don’t even have any amount close to that, if I have, I will gladly give.” On that day, I made an offering in portion of $3,000. 4 days after your service, on Thursday night, my sister came to my house to return the money I gave (helped) her few years ago! It will enable me to make the OFFERING unto God! You see, this is the money I didn’t expect my sister to repay but since I truly wished to bless the ministry, God made it happened! I wanted to share this joyful experience with you. This shows how God intervenes to bless His Kingdom works and me”.

Mabel Chung, USA

“When you came to speak at our Conference in Lancaster, CA, my wife and I wanted to give to Jesus Ministries and Angel TV. We did not have much money, but we did have a credit card with a zero balance. I spoke with my wife and told her “When the doctor


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said our son needed braces on his teeth, we didn’t have the money, but we got a loan for $2,300 to fix his teeth. People are perishing without the Gospel. If we love the lost, shouldn’t we do the same? Some people will get 2nd mortgages on their homes to buy Recreational Vehicles or take vacations. Why don’t we put the maximum amount on our credit card of $3,300 and give it to Jesus Ministries to reach the lost masses with the Gospel. Let’s trust God to help us pay off the debt.” She immediately agreed and so we were excited to plant a seed in Jesus Ministries.

Amazingly, within about 10 weeks a man gave us $1,200. About 12 weeks later, another person from another part of the state mailed us a check for $3,000! We were already ahead, but then about

4 weeks after that, we were surprised to received an additional $3,000 more than we expected on our income tax return. Needless to say, the credit card is paid off and the Lord has provided more seed to sow. The blessings have not stopped. We have been in our home for 5 years but we still needed furniture for our living room. The Lord has recently miraculously provided for that also. The Lord said He would “multiply your seed sown” (2Cor. 9:10) and He truly has”.

Ps Joe sweet, Lancaster, CA, US


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There is a doctrine or teaching out among the body of Christ that teaches that the Old Testament does not apply to us today. This deception is gathering some momentum and needs to be addressed.

Most of this false teaching arose out of another deception, that of the Hyper Grace movement. This teaching is so false and destructive that it could easily be classified as heresy. We need to look at this before we get into what God is saying to us today about the Feast of Tabernacles.

The Apostle Paul wrote this to Timothy who only had the Old Testament to read, as the New Testament would not be written and circulated for around another 50 years.

2 Timothy 3:15-17 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, (The Old Testament) which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,

for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Paul is saying that all scripture - not just the New Testament - but also the Old Testament scripture is profitable to us to us for sound doctrine and instruction in righteousness

Paul went on to say that the Old Testament is important to us in order for us to be complete, properly and thoroughly equipped for the service of the Lord. It is important to understand when Paul wrote this there was no New Testament.

The early Church did not have the New Testament The early church was the most powerful example of what true Christianity should look like. It was said that this church turned the world upside down.

Acts 17:5-6 But the Jews who were not persuaded, becoming envious, took some of the evil men from the marketplace, and gathering a mob, set all the city in an uproar and attacked the house of Jason, and sought to bring them out to the people. But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some brethren to the rulers of the city, crying out, “These who have turned the world upside down have come here too.

There is a doctrine or teaching out among the body of Christ that teaches that the Old Testament does not apply to us today


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They did this without having a New Testament. For one to say that the Old Testament has no relevance to us today is absurd, and this kind of incompetent foolishness could only come from a planned deception of the devil.

Let’s look at the facts The Gospel of Matthew has over fifty quotes from the Old Testament and was written sometime after 60 AD give or take a few years

The Gospel of Mark was written after 60 AD The Gospel of Luke was written around 58 AD The Gospel of John was written sometime after 60 AD The Apostle Paul was martyred around 64 AD and his epistles were written around 58 -63 AD. The Book of Revelation was written around 96 AD after the fall of Jerusalem.

Pauls Epistles along with the Gospels were not circulated and generally made available until 90 AD.

The whole of the cannon of scripture was not brought together and compiled until 170 AD The first “canon” was the Moratorium Canon, compiled in A.D. 170, which included all of the New Testament books except Hebrews, James, and 3 John. The Council of Laodicea (A.D. 363) concluded that only the Old Testament (along with the Apocrypha) and the 27 books of the New Testament were to be read in the churches. The Councils of Hippo (A.D. 393) and Carthage (A.D. 397) reaffirmed the same 27 books as authoritative.

The first generation of the early church did not have a New Testament This may came as a surprise to some but history validates this. As a vibrant Christian church they only had access to the Old Testament. They had never heard of or had access to the Book of Revelation. Their understanding of the end times came from the Old Testament. To say that the Old Testament has no relevance and instruction for us today would be not only contrary to the scriptures but comes from a plot hatched in hell.

We cannot adequately understand the New Testament until we understand the Old Testament. The second is built upon the first. We cannot fully understand our born again experience without understanding the Old Testament teaching on the Feast of Passover

Psalms 119:160 The entirety of Your word is truth, And every one of Your righteous judgements endures forever.

This brings us to the Feast of Tabernacles This Old Testament feast explains what we can expect the end-time church to be like. With this in mind we need to understand the prophetic implications of the Old Testament Feast of Tabernacles.

We are moving from Pentecost to the Feast of Tabernacles. While the Pentecost experience is wonderful and absolutely necessary in our continuing ongoing relationship with the Lord and the service that He has called us into, there is much more that God has for us in these End- Times. In order to be fruitful and affective in these final days we need to move on further in God.

Moving on from Pentecost to Tabernacles is what God is calling us to in this new season One of the ways that we can understand more about the Feast of Tabernacles is to observe what happened in the Old Testament during this feast, and also to see what Jesus said while observing the Feast of Tabernacles. We understand Passover by observing what took place during the first Passover which Israel kept in Egypt. Now we need to understand the Feast of Tabernacles from both the old and New Testament perspective.

Leviticus chapter twenty three speaks about the Feast of Tabernacles this way

Leviticus 23:40-42 And ye shall take you on the first day the boughs of goodly trees, branches of palm trees, and the boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook; and ye shall rejoice before the LORD your God seven days. And ye shall keep it a feast unto the LORD seven days in the year. It shall be a statute for ever in your generations: ye shall celebrate it in the seventh month. Ye shall dwell in booths seven days; all that are Israelites born shall dwell in booths:

Here we have a picture of the unity of Gods people Every Israelite had to leave his home and live in humble little booths which they built with the branches of willows trees. This coming together has far reaching ramifications. The Church has long history of bitter division and disunity.

Jesus clearly said that the world will not come to know Him until the church, the body of Christ comes into unity. This is necessary for the final harvest to be reaped.


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John 17:11 And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me that they may be one, as we are.

John 17:20-21 Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

The world will not know who Jesus is until at least a portion of the body of Christ comes into Unity. Right here we have a problem, the church is so divided in doctrine and in many other ways it would seem impossible that real true unity could happen. However the scriptures tell us this.

Genesis 18:14 “Is anything too hard for the LORD?

Matthew 19:26b But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

There will be a company in these last days who will be of one mind and heart. This can only be accomplished by experiencing the unity which the Feast of Tabernacles talks about. This unity or union has firstly to become a reality of you walking in union with Jesus. The body of Christ can only come into unity as we come into unity first with Jesus. This union with the Lord is foundational and essential for a group of people to come into unity. This compatibility or unity between you and Jesus is grounded in love, God is love and Jesus is love. Love expresses itself when at all times we seek the highest possible Good for everyone without exception. When we deny ourselves and put others first, denying our own comforts and our own ambition to bless others, there must be no jealousy, anger, resentment or bitterness towards others. In other words we are like Jesus. There will come a union between these people the world or the church has never seen before.

James 3:16 For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. James 4:1 From whence come wars and fighting’s among you, come they not hence even of your lusts that war in your members? Unity cannot be organized, Christians will find likeminded people, this finding of each other who are like minded with pure hearts is happening now. This is not just so with people but also with churches.

Isaiah 52:8 Your watchmen shall lift up their voices, With their voices they shall sing together;

For they shall see eye to eye when the LORD brings back Zion.

In Hebrews chapter twelve The Apostle Paul speaks of stages of maturity the church will or can move through. He describes the final stage of reaching this maturity as coming to a place called Zion. This place is equivalent to entering into the Feast of Tabernacles. Isaiah 52:8 makes reference to a people who will see eye to eye. This is a unity in heart between groups of Christians who are walking in understanding and wisdom and have a heart like Gods own heart. This unity is the first part of the Feast of Tabernacles that we are to enter into. There are many Christians who are finding those of like mind and understanding that have a heart to fulfil Gods plan and purposes in the few years we have left. Many of these are hidden but will soon find others with the same heart. They are becoming an army as well as a bride or help-mate for the Lord. The final battle between good and evil is beginning and God will have a people with one mind and heart who will present Jesus to a world that is sinking into a quagmire of confusion and evil. As the Prophet Isaiah prophesied that these people will arise and shine with truth and light bringing hope to a dying world.

We are not coming to the end of the world, we are coming to a new beginning for this planet and its people, which will finally usher in a thousand years of peace as this world once again will become a paradise. This world is now in a spiral of death throes as evil increases and wickedness abounds. We are now living at the end of the 6th day.

2 Peter 3:7-9 But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

The Apostle Peter spoke about Gods prophetic time clock by emphasising that one day is as one thousand years. He emphasised the importance of this by saying do not forget this one thing. In other words he is saying this is very important don’t forget it, as we approach the end of the 6th day, or one thousand years from Adam. The 7th day will usher in the millennium reign of Jesus in this earth.

The rampant confusion in the world and in much of the church today comes from the spirit of Babylon, Babylon meaning confusion. God is


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calling out a company of people, an army and a bride that will finish the plans and purposes of God and bring heaven to earth. This will be a unified people which the prophet Joel spoke about. However those who have a heart after the Lord and a desire to be like Him, will begin to walk in more and more light and truth and become

equipped with weapons and power that will be much greater than the early church had.

These are those who Joel spoke of Joel 2:7-11 They run like mighty men, They climb the wall like men of war; Every one marches in formation, And they do not break ranks. They do not push one another; Every one marches in his own column. Though they lunge between the weapons, They are not cut down. They run to and fro in the city, They run on the wall; They climb into the houses, They enter at the windows like a thief. The earth quakes before them, The heavens tremble; The sun and moon grow dark, And the stars diminish their brightness. The LORD gives voice before His army, For His camp is very great; For strong is the One who executes His word. For the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; Who can endure it?

We have been privileged to be in this earth at a time when the true church will experience its finest hour. You are alive and living in this time and have the opportunity to be part of the greatest demonstration of the Lords power and nature this earth has ever seen. This is not a time to be hanging on till Jesus returns, it is not a time to hold the fort. It is a time to gear up for the greatest battle this planet has ever experienced, ushering in a new world of unimaginable glory and peace.

Focussed Determination As we enter a new year we must get our priorities in order. We must, as the scriptures say “press on to the high calling” We must long for a heart like the heart of God. David was a man after Gods own heart. What is Gods heart like?

Isaiah 58:6-14 “Is this not the fast that I have chosen: To loose the bonds of wickedness, To undo the heavy burdens, To let the oppressed go free, And that you break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, And that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; When you see the naked, that you cover him, And not hide yourself from your own flesh? Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer; You shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’ “If you take away the yoke from your midst, The pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness,

If you extend your soul to the hungry And satisfy the afflicted soul, Then your light shall dawn in the darkness, And your darkness shall be as the noonday. The LORD will guide you continually, And satisfy your soul in drought, And strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. Those from among you Shall build the old waste places; You shall raise up the foundations of many generations; And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In. “If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, From doing your pleasure on My holy day, And call the Sabbath a delight, The holy day of the LORD honourable, And shall honor Him, not doing your own ways, Nor finding your own pleasure, Nor speaking your own words, Then you shall delight yourself in the LORD; And I will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth, And feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father. The mouth of the LORD has spoken.” Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, That it cannot save; Nor His ear heavy, That it cannot hear.

The cross must become a reality in our lives. It will be a people who have died and laid down their lives who will have the power to win this final battle.

Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. It is not about us, it is about the Lord and His inheritance in this earth. It is about Jesus becoming Lord and King over this earth. The cross must become a focal point in our lives, it speaks of death to self. We will overcome the enemy in this battle by the blood of the Lamb (The sacrifice of the Lamb) speaking of laying down our lives. By the word of our testimony (we must have a testimony by proving that we can trust the Lord with our lives) and did not love their lives even to death. These are the ones whom the cross truly is part of their testimony Revelation 12:11.

The first and initial part of Feast of Tabernacles is found in a people who have the same mind and heart, a people whom the cross is part of their nature, a people who want to see the Lord possess His inheritance of souls in this final hour and see Him become King of this earth. Whether we live or die, we are the lord’s. We will find these people and churches finding each other and being prepared as an army that will bring new life and peace to this troubled planet.


Rev. Neville Johnson 24

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NIGHT 12.00am 12.30am1.00am1.30am2.00am2.30am3.00am3.30am4.00am4.30am5.00am




SUNDAYBeloved’s VoiceHealing LoveFor His GloryDisciples Of ChristBeloved’s VoiceBeloved’s VoiceMovie Movie MovieMovieSongs

Let’s WorshipPrepare To Meet The End TimeHealing LoveLet’s Worship (H)Your Miraculous TimeMartus Flower BudsWarriorsCome Let’s WorshipCome Let’s WorshipCome Let’s WorshipCome Let’s WorshipDisciples Of Christ

For His GloryJoy Forever Come Let’s WorshipCome Let’s WorshipCome Let’s WorshipCome Let’s WorshipMovie MovieMovieMovieSweet Than HoneyBeten Yatsar

Beten YatsarGod Is GoodGod Is GoodProphetic FulfilmentTouched By An AngelTouched By An AngelHealing LoveBirth Of A SongSongsBreaking Of BreadBreaking Of BreadYour Miraculous Time

MONDAYSigns LabUltimate Spirit Warrior S2Ultimate Spirit Warrior SongsSongsProphetic Fulfilment SongsGospel Of KingdomDay Of DiscoveryGrannie Stellie Beloved’s Voice

Let’s WorshipIn the SecretThe Hour of Deliverance (H)Disciples of Christ(H)Divine ExperiencesWomen for His Glory (H)Let’s WorshipTruly YoursTruly YoursPeace for youShepherd’s MannaHello Angel Signs Lab

Birth Of A SongTime Of ComfortAasiychaah Weh’mehAasiychaah Weh’mehPrepare To Meet The End Time (H)7 Churches (H)Let’s WorshipHealing LoveAngel FamilyAngel FamilySongsAyin Raeh (H)

Grannie StellieSongsTruly YoursTruly YoursHello Angel Signs LabBeauty For Ashes7 Churches (H)Martus Truly YoursTruly YoursDivine Experiences

TUESDAYSigns LabSamayam Aduthuaye (Malayalam)Bride Get Ready Women Of FireSongsYouthful BreezeSongsDepths Of SatanDepths Of Satan Paws & TalesSongs

Let’s WorshipBride Get ReadyRise Of The Joshua Generation Gateway To HeavenPrayer TimeNephilim Agenda (H)Let’s WorshipTruly YoursTruly YoursBeloved’s VoiceBeloved’s VoiceHello Angel Signs Lab

Beauty For Ashes Samayam Aduthuaye (Malayalam) Aasiychaah Weh’meh Aasiychaah Weh’mehBride Get Ready 7 Churches (H)Ultimate Spirit WarriorUltimate Spirit WarriorDepths Of SatanDepths Of Satan Beloved’s VoiceWarriors

Paws & Tales What’s In The Bible?Truly YoursTruly YoursHello Angel Signs LabBeloved’s Voice7 Churches (H)Youthful BreezeTruly YoursTruly YoursPrayer Time

WEDNESDAYSigns LabMaranathaBeauty For AshesDisciples Of ChristPeace For YouDay Of DiscoverySongsMarvelous LightProphetic FulfilmentJump Over The Hurdles Songs

MaranathaAwesome GodBeauty For Ashes Shephed’s Manna (H)Your Miraculous TimeBeloved’s Voice (H)Let’s WorshipTruly YoursTruly Yours Peace For YouAwesome GodHello Angel Signs Lab

Marvelous LightMaranathaAasiychaah Weh’meh Aasiychaah Weh’mehPeaceful Time (H) 7 Churches (H)Beten YatsarBeten YatsarPlayhouse BanePlayhouse Bane Let’s Worship Flower Buds (H)

Jump Over The HurdlesMaranathaTruly YoursTruly YoursHello AngelSigns Lab Shepherd’s Manna7 Churches (H)Bride Get ReadyTruly YoursTruly YoursYour Miraculous Time


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NIGHT 12.00am 12.30am1.00am1.30am2.00am2.30am3.00am3.30am4.00am4.30am5.00am




THURSDAYSigns lab In the secret Eagle’s eyes For his gloryMa’lak kuttiesQowl milchamahTouched by an angel Touched by an angelAwesome god Scattered pearlsSongs

Let’s WorshipDisciples Of ChristHealing Love-nepaliNew Path (H)Family BlessingsSongs let’s WorshipTruly YoursTruly YoursRise Of The Joshua Generation Let’s Worship (Nepali)Hello Angel Signs Lab

Peace For YouRevival Fire Words Aasiychaah Weh’mehAasiychaah Weh’mehWomen On Fire7 Churches (H)Prepare To Meet The End TimeDay Of Discovery Highway To HeavenHighway To HeavenJoy ForeverMalak Kutties (H)

Scatterd PearlsMa’lak KuttiesTruly YoursTruly YoursHello AngelSigns LabBlessed Living7 Churches (H)Qowl MilchamahTruly YoursTruly YoursFamily Blessings

FRIDAYSigns lab Marvelous lightPeaceful time Bed time stories Gospel of kingdom SongsRevival fire wordsIn the secret Birth of a song Bed time stories Songs

Let’s WorshipFor His GloryPeaceful Time Feasts Of The Lord (H)Time Of DeliveranceBeloved’s VoiceSamayam Aduthuaye (Malayalam)Come, Let’s Worship Come, Let’s WorshipCome, Let’s WorshipCome, Let’s WorshipNew PathSigns Lab

Ma’lak KuttiesFor His Glory (hindi)Aasiychaah Weh’mehAasiychaah Weh’mehRise Of The Joshua Generation Grannie StellieTouched By An AngelTouched By An AngelMovieMovieMovieMovie

Bed Time StoriesDay Of DiscoveryTruly YoursTruly YoursGospel Of KingdomSigns LabPeaceful Time Nephilim AgendaIn The SecretTruly YoursTruly YoursTime Of Deliverance

TUESDAYSigns LabSamayam Aduthuaye (Malayalam)Bride Get Ready Women Of FireSongsYouthful BreezeSongsDepths Of SatanDepths Of Satan Paws & TalesSongs

Let’s WorshipBride Get ReadyRise Of The Joshua Generation Gateway To HeavenPrayer TimeNephilim Agenda (H)Let’s WorshipTruly YoursTruly YoursBeloved’s VoiceBeloved’s VoiceHello Angel Signs Lab

Beauty For Ashes Samayam Aduthuaye (Malayalam) Aasiychaah Weh’meh Aasiychaah Weh’mehBride Get Ready 7 Churches (H)Ultimate Spirit WarriorUltimate Spirit WarriorDepths Of SatanDepths Of Satan Beloved’s VoiceWarriors

Paws & Tales What’s In The Bible?Truly YoursTruly YoursHello Angel Signs LabBeloved’s Voice7 Churches (H)Youthful BreezeTruly YoursTruly YoursPrayer Time

SATURDAYSongsAwesome god Prepare to meet the end timeNa’ar logos s2 Na’ar logos s2 Shepherd’s manna Movie Movie MovieMovieSongs

Let’s WorshipEagle’s EyesHealing Love (H)Time Of ComfortYouth World Miracle TimeRevival Fire WordsHealing Love-nepaliPraise The LordShepherd’s MannaTime Of GraceJust Play

Just Play

Hello KuttiesPaws & TalesTiny Tots For JesusScattered PearlsSongsJump Over The HurdlesMa’lak KuttiesDavey & GoliathGrannie StellieWarriorsFlower BudsMovie

MovieMovieMovieAngel FamilyAngel FamilyProphetic FulfilmentEagle’s EyesDepths Of Satan Depths Of SatanUltimate Spirit Warrior S2 Ultimate Spirit Warrior Youth World

WEDNESDAYSigns LabMaranathaBeauty For AshesDisciples Of ChristPeace For YouDay Of DiscoverySongsMarvelous LightProphetic FulfilmentJump Over The Hurdles Songs

MaranathaAwesome GodBeauty For Ashes Shephed’s Manna (H)Your Miraculous TimeBeloved’s Voice (H)Let’s WorshipTruly YoursTruly Yours Peace For YouAwesome GodHello Angel Signs Lab

Marvelous LightMaranathaAasiychaah Weh’meh Aasiychaah Weh’mehPeaceful Time (H) 7 Churches (H)Beten YatsarBeten YatsarPlayhouse BanePlayhouse Bane Let’s Worship Flower Buds (H)

Jump Over The HurdlesMaranathaTruly YoursTruly YoursHello AngelSigns Lab Shepherd’s Manna7 Churches (H)Bride Get ReadyTruly YoursTruly YoursYour Miraculous Time


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I have been privileged to watch Angel TV over two years and have come to appreciate all your programs. They have really blessed me spiritually. Especially I love every Sabbath the Angel family program, all the women’s program in English and also Aunty Stella’s and kids time program.

Rosemarie, Gambia, West Africa

I recently watched your program “Eagle’s Eyes” on Angel TV about understanding as we speak in tongues. Now I have learned about the unknown tongues because in the beginning I could not understand what I was speaking. But now God shows me wonderful teaching about the tongues through this program. Now it does help me every time when I speak in tongues for which the interpretation has been given without any confusion.

Samantha, England

I want to thank God and appreciate the Jesus Ministries. A big thanks to Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj. The message, prophecies and word you gave on this year was a blessing. It is an eye-opener that helps me to stand firm in Christ in these last days. Thank you so much dear prophet.

Alex Jatta, Gambia, West Africa

When I was watching the Healing Service, I was very much crying and praying to the Lord for my unemployed husband because he has no job for five and half years and the man of God spoke prophecy about my husband who has no job will get job soon and it’ll become the testimony. Next month my husband got a permanent job. Our Lord Jesus has done such a marvellous thing to us and I’m very much blessed by Angel TV.

Bonpapa Indra, France

I was having tonsils infection with white spots and fear over sickness. I was affected by this problem for more than one month. While I was watching the program Prophetic Evangelic Conference, with faith I was praying for my healing. Suddenly the power of Jesus Christ healed me. I’m blessed by the message and God’s touch.

Alamelu, Tamil Nadu, India

Unexpectedly, I watched the Women’s Conference live telecast. It was a greater blessing for me. I cannot describe it in words. Sadhuji’s messages have opened my eyes of how to submit myself for these end times. During the last prayer when Sadhuji was praying for the filling of the anointing, when he said ‘Fill, Fill’, though I did not feel something going inside me. But I felt a mighty power come before when he said the words ‘Fill’. I was moving and leaning backwards because I was not able to stand. God was talking to me through this live web cast. It is a great joy and I feel privileged.

Shirley Vigin, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, India

I have prayed by calling at Angel TV exam prayer program, Hindi. The Lord has strengthened me a lot through this calling and their prayer. Accordingly the Lord has blessed me with high marks above my capacity, I never scored before. The Lord gave me 93.25% in my 12th board exam by His grace. It’s all purely God’s grace and I’m a witness to it.

Gnana Sheeba Pillai, Kol Kata, West Bengal, India

After streaming your Prophetic Conference live preaching and prayer, the next day I started practicing myself for the prayer, and at that moment by the grace of God my spiritual eyes were opened and at the very same moment I saw many evil and corrupt things came out of my heart literally. It looked like black bleeding came out of my heart and its running over my chest I realised these were the corruptions residing inside of my heart. Then the Lord gave me a new heart of flesh as per His Word. It was a purifying stage in my life.

Aman Sinha, Pune, Maharashtra, India

For the past three years I tried for my pregnancy but failed. Still, with faith I used to watch the Beten Yatsar program in Angel Tv regularly. By God’s great power I conceived and delivered a boy baby.

Prabha Jainsingh, Saudi Arabia



I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.


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During the Prophetic Conference telecast, I heard you saying these words, “The Tomb is empty, He has risen and He is with His children. Immediately I felt so much of love, joy, happiness and peace flooding my heart and those words kept sounding in my ears, the more I hear the words the more it overflowed in my heart. Again at the end of the conference session, you had asked to kneel down and look up, I did what you have said, and I had felt a presence of refreshing and peaceful wind around and in my head.

Joska, Canada

During the prayer time of the program Maranatha on Angel TV, I used to pray together with confession prayer in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I got deliverance from the captivity of evil works.

Rajan, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India

Prophetic evangelic conference was very helpful for me. The whole meeting was a life changing one for me. Whatever the Holy Spirit spoke through uncle was very useful and helped me to renew my relationship with God. After the meeting ended, as said by uncle I went to pray and I could feel as if someone came and stood close to me. Now I really believe that a huge transformation has taken place in my character. I thank God for this meeting very much which edified me a lot and made me feel so much renewed in strength. Thank you so much for organizing such live conferences.

Jennifer James, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India

My name is Vidya and I am from Hyderabad. In Feb 2017 I had written a mail to Angel TV intercessors with a heavy heart requesting prayer for a financial breakthrough. I had not only received a reply from Sadhu sir which was very encouraging and lifted up my spirit, I had also received the breakthrough from God. The Lord helped me get a new placement in my job (as a doctor) which is meeting my financial need.

Vidya, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Dear Brother Sadhu, It is with deepest and sincere thanksgiving in my heart that I want to say thank you for your prayer. On the day I received your email - I instantly felt as if you had come in person to visit and pray for us - it seemed as if we had a miraculous visitation of the love of God which came and removed all the hurt and the pain that we as a family have experienced. My husband also received healing, together with both my children. From that day onwards our peace and joy was totally restored. We thank God for all that has happened to us - indeed we have died to our name and our reputation and to self. We made a conscious decision not to be offended - but to walk in love.

Monika Zurich, Switzerland

I want to share this amazing testimony that how the Almighty God has heard your fervent prayer. I wrote a letter about my mother who was longing for good health in her heart. She was bedridden in hospital, but now we felt the touch of God. Doctors said that nothing wrong with her heart and everything is fine and her heart is functioning very well than ever before.

Rebecca Jayakumaran, Colombo Sri Lanka

I had sent a prayer request for my niece who is suffering of Acute Kidney Disease and Hematuria. We were in need of miracles for her healing in the mighty name of Jesus, so we had asked you to pray for her. By the precious blood of Jesus Christ the healing for my niece was granted. She is now healed, cleared of Acute Kidney Disease and Hematuria. Hallelujah!

Marissa Gregorio, Manila, Philippines

My nephew who is only three weeks old, got admitted in the hospital with high heartbeat. So I sent a mail to pray for him that his heart should come back to normal beat. Our lord heard our prayer and has turned his heart beat to normal. The doctor said that, it’s a miracle and unbelievable for our eyes because Jesus healed him in a supernatural way.

Aroonassalon Pooshpavadee, Port Louis, Mauritius

I’m blessed and very much strengthened after reading the book written by you “Women Are Special to God “ Uncle. I praise and thank God for giving you such an Anointed revelation. Amen!

Retheka Raj, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

What can I say....I have just about to finish reading “The Maharishi of Mt Kailash” book that you wrote and it has been an enormous blessing. I have no doubt that if the Lord allowed others to live for 900 years before the flood, it is never a problem to keep his hidden saints for a special purpose for this last days before His glorious and precious coming.

Pastor John Green, Sydney, Australia



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NEW DELHI: The government has told vehicle makers to provide e-payment enabled digital identifiers in all new vehicles to facilitate quick payment of toll taxes as part of its drive towards a cashless economy.

The road ministry is advising vehicle manufacturers that they must provide radio-frequency identification (RFID)

facility in all new vehicles, allowing vehicles to cross toll booths without stopping,

economic affairs secretary Shaktikanta Das said on Wednesday. improve the functioning of toll plaza, digital payments,” he said. (http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/economy/policy/newvehicles-to-have-digital-tag-for-tollpayments/articleshow/55578142.cms)

.Vatican spokesman Greg Burke said it was the first time the Vatican could recall turning off all of its fountains and reflected Pope Francis’ views on the environment.

Rome’s water reserves have dwindled greatly with the capital experiencing an average of 73 percent less rainfall across June and July. Italy also experienced its third driest spring in 60 years this year. (https://www.sott.net/article/357396-Pope-shuts-off-Vatican-fountains-for-first-time-in-living-memory-as-Rome-suffers-with-drought)

According to a report from the Observatory of Religious Heritage , presented at the French Senate, France could

lose “5,000 to 10,000 religious buildings by 2030”. Every year, 20 churchesare sold and converted in France. The art historian Didier Rykner, who runs La Tribune de l’Art, said that “not since the Second World War have we seen churches reduced to rubble”.(https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/10777 france-churches-mosques)

Internet addiction activates the same areas of the

brain as drugs such as cocaine, but is much easier

to quit, a study suggests

Endless Facebook feed scrolling affects our brain

in a similar way to taking cocaine, new research

suggests. Facebook addiction may show up in

brain scans of those who can’t stay off the site,

affecting our grey matter in a similar way that

cocaine does, academics have found.

Undergraduates were asked to fill out a

questionnaire assessing how addicted they were

to the Mark Zuckerberg social network, according

to the study published in Psychological Reports:

Disability and Trauma. They were then shown a

series of images, some related to Facebook, and

asked to press a button when they appeared.

Those who hit the button quickly when they saw

Facebook images also scored highly in the earlier

addiction test.

Researchers found the Facebook triggers

activated the amygdala, which helps establish

the significance of events and emotions, and the

striatum, which is involved in the processing and

anticipation of rewards. Some of the participants

responded to Facebook stimuli faster than they

did to road signs.





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Page 36: Owned by Jesus Ministries and Published by Mrs.M. Sharon ...edge.sin1.swiftserve.com/angeltv/angeltvlfd/cc... · Chennai–600 049. Printed by Mr. Simon Peter at Vasanth Prints &