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Oxford basic lesson – Lesson 10 page 36-38

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Oxford basic lesson – Lesson 10page 36-38

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Would you like another potato?Would you like some more meat? {NOT ... another meat?) Would you like some more peas?'(NOT . . . another peas?).

another + singular nounanother + few/number + plural nounAnother is one word.

Normally, we only use another with singular countable nouns.

I'm staying for another few weeks. We need another three chairs.

'Nice day.' 'Yes. Bit cold, though.'

But we can use another before a plural noun in expressions with few or a number.

He's bought another car. {NOT . . . an other car.)

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Some more

Another few

Another two

Another three




Sarah Jenny

Would you like to …………

Please have ….

Why don’t you ……….

Use the words on the right to create the sentences.

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Any can mean 'it doesn't matter which'; 'whichever you like'.

any ( = 'it doesn't matter which')

We can use anybody, anyone, anything and anywhere in the same way

'When shall I come?' Any time.''Could you pass me a knife?' 'Which one?' 'It doesn't matter. Any one.'.

She goes out with anybody who asks her.'What would you like to eat?' 'It doesn't matter. Anything will do.''Where can we sit?' Anywhere you like.'

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Can I come to your place to watch that movie? Oh sure ! You can …………..

Who can help me with this report ?

Does ……………………( notebook)

When did you finish the work , I though you had left ?

Did you find the t-shirt you were looking for in the market ?

I guess …………………

You can ask john .

No, thanks . I am ok

Oh no !! ………………………..






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any/no + comparative any/no different any/no good/use

any and no: adverbs

We also use any and no with different.

You don't look any older than your daughter. ( = You don't look at all older . . .) I can't go any furtherI'm afraid the weather's no better than yesterday.

This school isn't any different from the last one. 'Is John any better?' No different Still very ill.'

Note the expressions any good/use and no good/use.Was the film any good? This

watch is no use It keeps stopping.

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Any better

Any older

Any good

Any bigger

Any faster

Any happier

Any different

No different

Any use

No good

No use

His car

You look

Your dress

Your son

Your bike

Your friend

Your shirt

The washing machine

The boyfriend

Sarah Jenny

Sarah has some comments about jenny’s matters . She is commenting on them, you have to form the comments in the same way as the example .


You don't look any older than your daughter.

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subject (+ adverb) + appear (+ adverb/adverb phrase) A face suddenly appeared at the window.

Appear can mean 'seem'. In this case, it is a 'copula verb' (see 91), and is followed by an adjective or a noun.

We often use the structure appear to be, especially before a noun.

subject + appear (to be) + adjective") He appeared very angry. (NOT . . . very angrily.)subject + appear to be + noun She appears to be a very religious person.

Appear can also mean 'come into sight' or 'arrive'. In this case, it is not followed by an adjective or noun, but it can be used with adverbs.

Mary appeared unexpectedly this morning and asked me for some money.

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How did Jenny feel when she found the house dirty ?

How did john feel after coming back fromthe business trip ?

How did you meet with the car accident, even though You drive carefully ?

Why was everyone surprised to see Jenny at the Party ?

John’s co-workers were astonished to see him at the Meeting at 9 o clock , what happened ?

Try to imagine the situations and give answers by using the pictures on the right

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Possible answers She appeared to be angry when she found that the house was dirty .

He appeared to be relaxed after he came back from his business trip .

My car hit the tree as a dog suddenly appeared on the road .

We had not seen her for long , we were all surprised when she appeared at the party ,

We were not expecting john to come to office , however he appeared suddenly at 9 oclock and we were all astonished .

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(a) round and about

We walked round the old part of the town.Can I look round?Could you pass the cups round, please?

We usually use round to movement or position in a circle, or in a curve.

We all sat round the table. I walked round the car and looked at the wheels. 'Where do you live?' 'Just round the corner.'

We also use round when we talk about going to all (or most) parts of a place, or giving things to everybody in a group.

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(a) round and about

Stop fooling around/about We're late.

We use around or aboutio express movements or positions that are not very clear or definite: 'here and there', 'in lots of places', 'in different parts of'/somewhere near' and similar ideas.

The children were running around/about everywhere.Stop standing around/about and do some work.'Where's John?' 'Somewhere around/about'

We also use round when we talk about going to all (or most) parts of a place, or giving things to everybody in a group.

And around/about can mean 'approximately', 'not exactly'.

There were around/about fifty people there.'What time shall I come?' Around/about eight.'

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The family sat round the table to eat their dinner .

She kept standing around and wasted her time .

He walked round the room to look for his lost keys .

Read the following sentences

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There was mess all around the place .

He walked round the children, distributing them sweets .

He fooled around the house and broke many precious things .

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In this lesson we discussed about some grammar forms .

We tried to use the same forms for the speaking tasks .