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PARENT BULLETIN Friday 5th January 2018 NEXT WEEK: Week 1 Timetable AIR 37,112 EARTH 38,510 FIRE 36,327 WATER 35,224 HEADS OF SCHOOL Dear Parents/Carers Happy New Year! On Thursday we welcomed all students back for the new term. Pleasingly, they have settled back into working well and making good progress. As it has only been a two-day week, there is not a great deal else to report. After the weekend, Year 10 will be starting their exams. Timetables and revision guidance has been published and students should be using the next few days to prepare themselves appropriately. After all, next year they will be sitting their GCSEs! Also next week, on Thursday we will be welcoming parents of Year 8 students to the Cherbourg Campus for parents’ evening. Students have been issued with signing up sheets and should be making appointments for you with their teachers. We look forward to seeing many of you next week. We hope you have a restful and enjoyable weekend. Best wishes Tim Nash Steve Gibbs Head of School - Cherbourg Campus Head of School - Shakespeare Campus [email protected] [email protected]

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Friday 5th January 2018 NEXT WEEK: Week 1 Timetable


37,112 EARTH

38,510 FIRE

36,327 WATER



Dear Parents/Carers Happy New Year! On Thursday we welcomed all students back for the new term. Pleasingly, they have settled back into working well and making good progress. As it has only been a two-day week, there is not a great deal else to report. After the weekend, Year 10 will be starting their exams. Timetables and revision guidance has been published and students should be using the next few days to prepare themselves appropriately. After all, next year they will be sitting their GCSEs! Also next week, on Thursday we will be welcoming parents of Year 8 students to the Cherbourg Campus for parents’ evening. Students have been issued with signing up sheets and should be making appointments for you with their teachers. We look forward to seeing many of you next week. We hope you have a restful and enjoyable weekend. Best wishes

Tim Nash Steve Gibbs Head of School - Cherbourg Campus Head of School - Shakespeare Campus [email protected] [email protected]

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Welcome Back Assembly  


#TheIngredientsOfAGoodSchool #ValueYourEducation #CrestwoodFamily


Tom proudly presenting his amazing 3D Castle

“It took two days to complete. My dad supplied the wood and at the same time taught me how to use a glue gun. I have learnt lots of

new skills and a greater understanding about the purpose of castles in Mrs Goodridge’s History lessons.” Tom Alexander

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English - Year 9 

Students were challenged to create inventive models of a WW1 trench to conclude our study of War Horse. They were totally amazing!


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Top Tutor Groups Top Students

1. 7cDHT 2. 7cRBE 3. 7sDTY 4. 7cCAA 5. 7cAWY 6. 8cKTL 7. 7sJFR 8. 7sSBX 9. 9cCHK

10. 7sHPS

1. Callum McDonald 2. Joshua Honour 3. Erin McQuillan 4. Hannah Walters 5. Luke Vincent 6. Piper Buckett 7. Ethan James-Staples 8. Jennifer Haydney 9. Jasmine Hodder

10. Oliver Kimber


Place to Learn 

Year 11 is a crucial final stage in your son/daughters education and can be a very busy year. Finding time and space to study and revise can be difficult. At Crestwood, we host a 'Place to Learn' to provide Year 11 with a place to study and access ICT with refreshments provided. This is held in the library resource centres on each campus and staffed by teachers to support Y11.

Monday Cherbourg Library 4pm-7pm Staffed by Mr Hollman (Maths)

Tuesday Cherbourg Library 4pm-7pm Staffed by Miss Harding (English)

Wednesday Shakespeare Library 5pm-9pm Staffed by Miss Baird (Maths)

Thursday Shakespeare Library 5pm-9pm Staffed by Miss Brennan (English)

Mr Topazio also supports across both sites. All Year 11 are welcome so please take advantage of this great opportunity to support you this year.

Crestwood Community in Action (CCIA) 

Next CCIA Meeting - Tuesday 9th January 2018, 7.00pm, Cherbourg Campus Library Please come along and join us in the New Year! It would be lovely to see some Cherbourg parents there! Upcoming Events We propose holding a Table Top Sale at the end of January - date to be confirmed. So clear out all those cupboards in the New Year and come along and make yourself a bit of cash. We will charge for tables to raise money for CCIA. Valentines’ Discos - we will be holding Valentines’ Discos for lower school and upper school and further details of these will follow shortly.

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Prom Fair - Saturday 3rd March 2018 On Saturday 3rd March 2018 we will be holding a Prom Fair in the Cherbourg Campus main hall. We will be inviting boutiques along to the event and will be holding a Prom fashion show to showcase outfits for our Prom next year. There will also be lots of prom related stalls - beauticians, hairdressers, prom accessories, limos and other prom transport hire and all things prom. If you would like a table at the event, please email [email protected]. Tables will be £20 for the afternoon. Tickets will be on sale nearer the event and will be £5.00 for adults, to include a glass of Prosecco or soft drink and £2.00 for students. Refreshments will be available. It should be a great event so save the date in your diaries!! If you can offer help with anything, please contact Justine Sayers on 02380 684970 or by email on [email protected]. Thanks for your support! If you would like a copy of the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 15th November 2017, please email [email protected].

Health Update 

A reminder and useful message from our wonderful Matron

"Our best line of defense against Norovirus, Influenza. Common Cold etc., is careful and thorough hand washing.

Remember: Antibacterial gels are not effective against Viruses!"

Post 16 College Open Events 2017/2018 

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Please Note: This information is correct at the time of going to print (September 2017). Before attending any open event, individuals are advised to confirm dates(s) and times with the college.

Provider Website Dates Times

CEMAST www.fareham.ac.uk/cemast/

Thursday 1st February 2018 Thursday 26th April 2018

5:00 – 7.00 pm 5:00 – 7.00 pm

Eastleigh College www.eastleigh.ac.uk

Tuesday 20th March 2018 Wednesday 13th June 2018

4:30 - 7:30 pm 5:30 – 7:30 pm

Fareham College www.fareham.ac.uk Wednesday 31st January 2018 Wednesday 25th April 2018

5:00 – 7.00 pm 5:00 – 7.00 pm

Itchen College www.itchen.ac.uk Tuesday 2nd May 2018 5:00 - 8:00 pm

Peter Symonds College www.psc.ac.uk No future dates confirmed

Richard Taunton College www.tauntons.ac.uk

Thursday 1st February 2018 6:00 – 9:00 pm 6:00 – 8.30 pm

Southampton City College www.southampton-city.ac.uk

No future dates confirmed

Sparsholt College www.sparsholt.ac.uk

Saturday 3rd February 2018 Saturday 10th March 2018 Wednesday 25th April 2018 Thursday 21 June 2018

10:00- 3:00 pm 10.00 – 2.00 pm 10.00 – 2.00 pm 4.00 – 7.00 pm

Parenting Courses & Coffee Mornings 

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When What Where

Wednesday 10th January 2018 6.00pm - 8.00pm

Triple P Group - 6 weeks Shakespeare Campus

Thursday 22nd January 2018 1.00pm - 3.00pm

Triple P Group - 6 weeks Cherbourg Campus

Friday 26th January 2018 9.30 - 11.00pm

Coffee Morning Shakespeare Campus

Monday 26th February 2018 9.30am - 11.00am

Coffee Morning Cherbourg Campus

Tuesday 27th March 2018 9.30am - 11.00am

Coffee Morning Shakespeare Campus

Wednesday 25th April 2018 9.30am - 11.00am

Coffee Morning Cherbourg Campus

Thursday 7th June 2018 9.30am - 11.15am

Triple P - Teen - 6 weeks Cherbourg Campus

Friday 22nd June 2018 9.30am 11.00am

Coffee Morning Cherbourg Campus

Monday 2nd July 2018 9.30 - 11.00am

Coffee Morning - Transition Cherbourg Campus

Monday 16th July 2018 9.30am - 11.00am

Coffee Morning Shakespeare Campus

Catering - Week One 


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