p10 cells. voter protection p10 will be network that will ensure everyone gets out and not only vote...

Download P10 CELLS. VOTER PROTECTION P10 will be network that will ensure everyone gets out and not only vote but protect the people's votes from electoral malpractices

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P10 CELLS VOTER PROTECTION P10 will be network that will ensure everyone gets out and not only vote but protect the people's votes from electoral malpractices P10 COORDINATORS TRAINING P10 CELLS: WELCOME TO P10 TRAINING P10 values are to: Support Kizza Besigyes call for restoration of peoples power through free and fair elections. Recruit and facilitate vote protection volunteers. Mobilize grass roots to participate in the peaceful and constitutional advocacy for democracy, human rights and good governance. Prevent and defy rigging and other electoral malpractices. OVERVIEW P10, Is a cell or a group of 10 like minded people that know, confide and trust each other very well. Joined together for a common cause. They are very effective in multilateral mobilization of human resources (supporters & voters) resist infiltration and manipulation by opponents. P10s can be formed in of people in same geographical locations or via communications technologies if their assignments do not require physical contact. It is the responsibility of every voter or supporter to start a cell from wherever they are. It all starts by you identifying at least one confidant with whom you can share this task. INTRODUCTION I P10 : Is a cell structured method for organizing a group of people in such a way that it can more ; swiftly, and effectively mobilize masses for a cause at he same time resist infiltration by adversaries opposing the cause. Leadership starts here with cell leadership. Each voter or supporter has at least 1 confidant with whom you can start a P10 cell, you may have many confidants but at the initial stages of recruitment dont go beyond 10 (mind the quality than the quantity). People that have known each other for long and trust each other. Once you have 10 members you are required to form the P10 government, a cell leader, vice, secretary,treasurer and secretaries for; youths, women, defense and mobilization. All transactions of the P10 cell shall be transparent and democratic. INTRODUCTION II P10 will bring citizens together in small cell networks,that will not only fight for power but will retain power,P10 will be network that will ensure everyone gets out and not only vote but protect the people's votes from electoral malpractices. Their values are to advocate, recruit, vote and protect by all constitutional means, the peoples power and governance at all times. In the event of the implementation of the defiance strategy, P10 will take the lead for the massive sensitization, leadership, engagement (actual execution), and rewards/reinforcement. The chain of command should be clearly understood and responsibilities and decision levels should be well articulated. INTRODUCTION III The structure leadership must be on the front-line and effectively communicate among themselves and the general public to the extent that defiance actions are nearly uniform and predictable. Grass roots mobilization will be the key in building the critical mass we need to drive the We win by defiance concept FORMATION OF STRUCTURES A P 10 consists of ten electorates. Its advisable that all voters group themselves in their own P10 cells. District P10 coordinators will move in swiftly, identify them, register them guide and coordinate their activities. Each member of the P10 is supposed to recruit and form another P10 cell under him/her. P10 MOTIVATION. The P 10 cells are formed by patriotic VOLUNTEERS guided by their CONVICTION that power belongs to the people and therefore the people are the bosses and the force driving the struggle in which the presidential candidate and all candidates standing for elective political offices are the peoples servants. Leadership of the struggle starts with a cell leaders who finds 10 members to lead and the and spikes the multiplier effects which forms a following of cells and volunteers under him. Recruitment of the first 10 is at every parish. The next ten at every village in that very parish, last ten in every village. I.e. 10 x 10x 10= In every parish. FORMATION OF P10 STRUCTURES: A P10 leader mobilizes and trains,10 confidants under him/her. A confidant is a person: You have known in and out for a long time You are concretely sure is committed and dedicated for the CAUSE for democratic change With whom you have mutual respect, trust and faith, is there for you as a person, the same CAUSE and who you believe CAN NEVER BETRAY YOU or the CAUSE. REGISTRATION AND RETENTION OF RECORDS: Formation of P10 cells: A coordinator signs his / her name on top. Then registers his ten people inside. Same names are copied to the other aside of the card. Then you separate (tear) the card, keep copy and send another back to us. With returned cards, we will develop data of our votes. We will know the number of votes we have at every polling station. And we will be able to know who they are. We will know and keep in touch with our agents and every agent will have a record and evidence to show how he participated in the struggle. REGISTRATION AND RETENTION OF RECORDS: P10 BOOKP10 CARD Formation of P10 cells: Step 1:A coordinator signs his / her name on top. Step 2: Then registers his ten people inside. Step 3:Same names are copied to the other aside of the card. Step 4: Then you separate (tear) the card, keep copy and send another back to us. COORDINATION OF STRUCTURES The P10 Task Force has a national coordinator who is directly responsible to Rtd Kiiza Besigye and each district has a district coordinator, a constituency coordinator, sub-county coordinators and parish coordinators. Grass roots mobilization will be the key in realizing the critical logistical and numerical strength required to win the February 2016. COORDINATION OF STRUCTURES With returned cards: We will develop data of our votes. We will know the number of votes we have at every polling station. We will be able to know who they are. We will know and keep in touch with our agents and every agent will have a record and evidence to show how he participated in the struggle. STRATEGY DONT BE BOTHERED BY THE FACT THAT THE ENEMY ALSO READS THIS. IT IS ALRIGHT. JUST GUARD YOUR INFORMATION, PROTECT YOUR STRUCURES AND CONCEAL YOUR PLANS. THEN WHAT HE KNOWS BECOMES USELESS. SO comrades, from now on, form groups to take what you talk about on social media to the foot soldier who is the villager, use local radio stations, messages, bus and taxis passengers, reach the people, reach the people. DEFYING RIGGING AND VOTER BRIBERY P10 cells volunteers on the ground in polling areas shall work together with all candidates at all levels to deter or prevent intimidation, manipulation, voter bribery by taking part in cleaning of the voters register to stamp out ghost voters, observing and monitoring the voting and counting the votes. SABOTAGING VOTER BRIBERY The P10 is the intelligence system constructed that will give real time accurate information. SABOTAGING VOTER BRIBERY: All candidates at all levels should craft ways of sabotaging voter bribery and structures up to village level needs to be involved in frustrating all efforts aimed at bribing voters. The P10 is the intelligence system constructed that will give real time accurate information. These members will be covertly operating in the enemy camps and forces. The FDC camp must first desist from using voter bribery. Information should be well documented in audio, video, and photography for further reference in case of need. LINKING SOCIAL MEDIA WITH THE PEASANT & THE MASSES. GENERATING IDEAS THAT FORM THE CORE MESSAGE; this is the ideological war which leaders of the struggle must concentrate on and win. It shapes the terrain and pushes the narrative for freedom to higher levels. LINKING MEDIA WITH THE MASSES. CAMPAIGN HAS GONE BEYOND POLITIKING ON THE PODIUM (AKADALA) Social media is handy in giving updates from the campaign and sharing the manifesto. Needless to say, it has CATEGORICALLY SHRANK THE MONOPOLY but is limited to internet users, a minority. The P10 radio that will broadcast to all villages in Uganda will be launched soon. LINKING SOCIAL MEDIA WITH THE PEASANT & THE MASSES. 1-GENERATING IDEAS THAT FORM THE CORE MESSAGE; this is the ideological war which leaders of the struggle must concentrate on and win. It shapes the terrain and pushes the narrative for freedom to higher levels. 2- ORGANISING THE POPULATION IN MANAGEABLE STRUCTURES; this is vital for purposes of instilling and achieving organizational discipline. This is extremely important. 3- DISSEMINATE OF INFORMATION; Freedom fighters must know that exchanging information on Facebook etc. and generating ideas on other social media platform, Radios, TVs and Newspaper articles is not enough. VOTING DAY ACTION: All the P10 structures and all party candidates will mobilize for stopping vote rigging. There are various levels at which rigging can take place and that should be well documented by the party. Defiance actions at each level should be formulated by the sensitization committee and implemented. The most important defiance actions will be handled at village level by P10. A certain group of people should be present at the polling station before start of polling. And all the rigging that may occur on the polling day should inform the conception of defiance activities intended to stop it. After voting and tallying, results should be public information which everybody knows such that any attempts to alter it are seriously defied. Actions for every stage including refusal of pronouncement of wrong results should be well known such that any attempt at it will result into a mass uprising. VOTING DAY ACTION: Everybody should sacrifice work on that day. Go and vote as a family, sit there quietly and observe the activities of polling agents, international observers; as you protect your votes. Carry with you a smart phone and make sure the batteries are fully charged NB: Prior to the voting day, make sure you confirm your names is there and it's correctly spelled Please don't leave the place until the votes are counted and note it down. Carry with you some packed food and all your prescribed medications. To your respective voting stations. VOTING DAY ACTION: P10 LEADERCRITICAL MASS