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Primary 2 Library Research Book

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Primary 2



May 2013


A middle age castle would be protected by stone walls & moats.Also they would have a wooden gate blocking the prison cell.Usually a lot of castles were made of stone from 1100-1380.


Sea Creatures

By Aidyn

About 1,500 species of starfish exist.Starfish typically reach less than six inches long.

SummerBy Alexis

Summer is the warmest season of the year.

In summer the days are longer than at any other time of the year.

When the North Pole is slanted toward the sun, it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

FootballBy Cameron

1869 was when the first football game was played.

The NFL has 32 teams.

SeedsBy Deklan

Germination is how seeds grow.Seeds are important because they make trees and flowers.

Some seeds grow slowly, like oak tree seeds.Plants have male and female parts.

PresidentsBy Duke

I found there are five political partiesI found that the most presidents are from Ohio!

I found that two presidents have been impeached.

RabbitsBy Edi

Bunny rabbits live in a home called a warren. Did you know Belgian hares are not really

hares? They are rabbits!Wild rabbits grow up to about 21 inches long.

Titanic. By Eli

Titanic was a British passenger ship that struck an ice berg and sank in the North Atlantic Ocean in 1912.

Snakes By Garrett

Green anaconda, reticulated python, and African rock python are the largest snakes.

A molting snake rubs its nose on a rough surface until its skin breaks away.

Never handle a baby diamondback.

HorsesBy Hannah

There are a lot of kinds of horses and ponies.

Lipizzaners are born with short legs that help them do

tricks.Horses eat grain and grass.

CastlesBy Jack

Castles are found in Europe, India, Japan, Korea, and the Middle East.

Some castles in Spain are called alcazars and were built in the Middle Ages.

To defend a castle you can stand on the gatehouse and shoot a crossbow.

DogsBy Jackie

Dogs have been pets are more than 10,000 years.37 species of wolves, jackals, foxes, and wild and domestic dogs are in the canidae family. A female dog may give birth to 1 to 10 puppies at once.

HelicoptersBy Jake

Most helicopters cannot exceed 200 miles per hour.In military helicopters the copilot has target sensors.

The armed forces use helicopters to carry soldiers and equipment.

PenguinsBy Katherine

Penguins are seabirds.When baby penguins are born they can’t sit on the ice.

It’s too cold!Penguins have smaller legs. That’s why they waddle.

Emperor penguins are born when they are farther away from the sea.

King penguins and Emperor penguins have no nests.

Titanic By Kolten

Titanic was a British passenger ship that struck an ice berg and sank in the North Atlantic Ocean in 1912.

A total of 1,517 people died.On November 21, 1912 the Britannic sunk.

RabbitsBy Lesley

Newborn rabbits have no fur and are blind and helpless.Rabbits are members of the leporid family.

The White Flemish Gait is the largest kind of rabbit.

ElephantsBy Maddie

Elephants live in families of related

moms and their baby.Elephants can live anywhere if they

have to.Elephants eat 300

plants a day.

FalconsBy Maddy

Many times falconers keep a kind of hawk called a falcon. Falcons have long, pointed wings and narrow tails. They fly very, very fast. The peregrine falcon is one of nature’s flying marvels. It can swoop for prey at a speed of over 200 miles per hour. Falcons live in grasslands, forest, deserts, and along seacoasts.


A castle in the Middle Ages had double the protection: high walls and a moat.Sometimes they

even put crocodiles in the moat!During Feudal times, European people wanted

protection for their land, family, and themselves, and the castle protected them.

Entertainers are musicians and singers that entertain the king and queen (some times the

princess and prince).

PenguinsBy Maya

Young penguins get food and warmth from the adult penguins.

There are 17 different kinds of penguins. Penguins can live in the southern hemisphere.

Penguins catch their food in the sea. Penguins have unusual legs. That’s how they


Grand CanyonBy Maya

The Grand Canyon is 277 miles long and located in Arizona.

Native Americans continue to inhabit the Grand Canyon today.

TurtlesBy Meena

There are 13 or 14 families of turtles.Once a turtle lived to be 170 years old.

The bog turtle is the smallest turtle.

KoalasBy Nate

Koala is an aboriginal word. A koala is a mammal that lives in Australia.

Australians like koalas.Koalas can move fast.

CatsBy Ronan

Some experts think cats were tamed about 5,000 years ago.

At six weeks old cats like to be hugged.A cat arches its back and fluffs up its fur when


Rocks and Minerals

By Shirish

There are many rocks in northwest, north, and northeast of North America.Iran and Tibet have large amounts of turquoise.Metamorphic rocks get their name from the Greek words meta and morphic meaning change of form and are igneous or sediment rocks that have been altered by heat and/or pressure.Metamorphic rocks change form by heat and/or pressure.In an open-pit mine miners expose mineral bearing rocks called ore by removing overlying waste material called overburden.Minerals such as ore can be found in Tennessee in the side of farms and a in a tall hill playing a treasure hunt on ore.

SnakesBy Terry

ElectricityBy Thegn

Electricity powers things. Several thousand years ago the Greeks observed a

substance called amber that attracted bits of lightweight materials after it was rubbed with a


HorsesBy Zoe

Appaloosas are horses with dots on their back sides.

Horseback riders need a lot of gear like rider’s clothing and spurs. They also need gear for

the horses like a saddle and bridle, bit, girth, and reins.

The End